Some would point to Bill Haley and Elvis, but for me, the early sixties was when it really kicked in. The pop explosion. Black and white exploding pop; James Bond and the Avengers. It was a great time to be a teenager. Got lucky there.

Dad worked most evenings, so it was usually just me and Mum. A nice big sofa in a little room, cosy with a real fire. Lights off and the telly in the corner. I remember thinking Mum looked tiny on the big sofa.

We always watched Top Of The Pops. Mum liked it too. She liked Cliff. Cliff and the Shads.

Around November 1964 TOTP started having professional dancers. I remember two girls dancing: the Go-Jo's. They had long straight hair, just two girls gogo dancing.

I heard later that they'd use the dancers to fill-in when a group couldn't be there for the filming. When it happened last minute, they just did gogo dancing. The Go-Jo's were on more and more, and they usually wore miniskirts. They had a low-angled camera that filmed up the girls' skirts. Sometimes they did close-ups of the girls' knickers while they were dancing.

They must have known they were showing their knickers. They probably saw themselves on telly.

Our telly was in the corner near Mum's end of the sofa. My end was in front of the fire, and we had the lights off.

I saw my mum looking over at me while I was watching the dancers.

Sometimes they wore bell-bottom trousers, but that week they had short skirts on.

And Mum knew something. She knew I liked it when the dancers wore miniskirts, and she was looking at me.

I didn't know what to do, so I looked straight ahead at the telly. The gogo girls were showing their knickers and Mum knew I was looking.

* * *

In the sixties and early seventies, Top Of The Pops was sexy. They'd always film up the girls' skirts when they were gogo dancing. Even the girls in the audience showed their knickers. If you don't believe me, look it up on YouTube. Regrettably, precious little sixties footage survived the great wipe.

I wish we'd had a video recorder.

Artists tend to create their best work when finding themselves riding the crest of a new wave; the sixties was one of those times. The music got better and better as the decade went on. And Top Of The Pops got Pans People. 'Six sexy girls' (Flick).

I won't name them all, but I could.

* * *


Mum and me always had our own ends of the sofa. She balanced her ashtray on the big arm. I can still picture her little elfish face illuminated by the light from the telly. She was a young mum, and she looked cool with her dark brown hair cut in a Mary Quant 'bob' style. Sometimes she wore heavy eye make-up, and she looked really sixties. The mouldy floral wallpaper was peeling next to the window, but this is way before B&Q. More like three flying ducks and a larva lamp.

The small terraced house was damp and cold in the winter, and the lino in my bedroom was freezing on my bare feet, but Mum always had the living room toasty hot; we had a big three-bar electric fire that smelled of burning dust. She lit her fags on it, leaving little black burn marks on the elements. We always watched the telly with the lights off, and the swirling fire-glow effect made the room shadowy orange.

I usually had a bath before Top Of The Pops. It was an excuse, really. An excuse to wear my pyjamas on the sofa with my mum.

Pans People wore miniskirts a lot. Great for viewing ratings. The TOTP producer later admitted that sometimes he got them to wear short pleated 'gymslips'. (True.)

For ages they'd wear miniskirts on alternate weeks. I nearly always knew when they'd have skirts on.

I started sort-of daring myself. That's when I did my first naughty thing.

The telly's at Mums end, so she faces away from me. I watched Mum, and when she wasn't looking, I moved my cock in my pyjamas. If she'd been looking, she would have seen my cock moving.

I did it quite a few times, and she knew.

Mums know, don't they. They know what you're doing, even if they're not looking. Sometimes I showed my cock through the slit in my pyjama trousers. Watching the telly and relaxing, I let my cock show in front of my mum. Not for too long though.

One time was dirty.

The first British girlband 'The Paper Dolls' were on - three dollybirds in short white crocheted dresses, dancing and showing their knickers. The room was hot and orangey-dark, and the slit in my pyjama trousers was wide open. I had a full erection and it was showing, and it felt scary rude.

Mum looked over at me and I froze.

I focused-in on the Paper Dolls' legs, and Mum looked at my cock. I knew she was looking at it, and it seemed like for ages.

I was really horny, and my cock moved up and down -- I couldn't help it.

Mum turned her face back to the telly, but she leaned back in her seat, and I saw her peeping.

Near the end of the song, my erect cock was fully out of my pyjamas, and she was looking at it.

She never said anything.

* * *


One winter evening, Mum brought out some blankets. I had my pyjamas on, so it was easy to play with my cock under the covers. I did it gently so that Mum wouldn't know. I'd done it before, under the blanket.

I touched myself from the start of Top Of The Pops. Most of the girls in the audience wore miniskirts and so did girl singers. Being careful not to shake the sofa, I jiggled my foreskin when they showed girls dancing in short skirts. Some were real show-offs.

"...The Beatles, Get B-A-CK!"

A warm thrill pervaded my groin, its tingling fingers creeping deliciously up into my stomach. Dressed in white blouses with dark pleated miniskirts, Pans People danced gogo style along the edge of a theatre stage. With a camera in the orchestra pit.

I noticed my mum glance at me when she saw Pans People. They were doing a throwback gogo routine, standing in a line, shaking their hips. Their short pleated skirts and white knickers made them look like schoolgirls.

I always felt naughty masturbating under my blanket, with my mum in the room.

Every week I hoped Pans would be sexy, and that night they were dressed like schoolgirls, in pleated minis. I started really wanking - like I do when I'm on my own. I knew I was shaking the sofa.

I did what I'd always done -- stared at the telly. At Pans People on the telly, gogo dancing in short pleated school skirts.

I like it when they gogo dance with their legs apart like they're fucking.

When Mum looked over, I doubled my concentration on the telly. I always did that.

I knew Mum was watching, and I let my blanket shake.

Mum turned back to watch Pans People.

I started getting the feeling, and I did it fast under my blanket. The sofa was shaking and my mum knew I was having a wank.

She looked over, and I stared straight ahead at Pans, and it felt rude 'cause they were dressed like schoolgirls, and my mum knew I was wanking to them. The song was ending and I made myself cum under the blanket while my mum was watching.

Mum didn't say anything about it. About me.

* * *

When Dad had to go away in 1969, Mum and me got closer. We watched telly most nights and Thursday night was TOTP. We always watched it together, and Mum knew that I masturbated to Pans People under my blanket, but she pretended not to notice. I was discreet most of the time.

Mum had never said a word about what I did under my blanket. She's naturally quiet, anyway. And when you open Pandora's Box, it can't be closed again; Mum would know that. Little Mum under her blanket at the end of the sofa.

I'd deluded myself for ages, pretending that it wasn't inevitable, but I won't say I didn't see something coming. Sometimes you just know.

Picture it: Thursday evening, Mum and me all cosy with blankets, all the lights out.

Top Of The Pops had just started. Much better on a colour telly. Sandie Shaw was wearing a short blue skirt, and I wanked to her legs under my blanket.

Mum looked at Sandie in her miniskirt, and then turned to me, 'She's not as sexy as Pans People.'

Her timing threw me. When Mum and me watched telly together and they showed miniskirts, Mum usually went quiet.

I knew she was being different.

I looked straight ahead at Sandie, away from my mum's eyes. Beneath my blanket I stroked the head of my cock with my thumb. I didn't know what to say, so I stayed quiet.

Mum persisted, 'I know they're your favourites aren't they, Pans People.' A statement not a question.

She was trying to start something. I felt a bit nervous.

Sliding along the sofa, Mum cuddled up next to me. She seemed to be thinking for ages, finding her words. Mum put her arm around my shoulders and whispered, 'I know you masturbate to Pans People.'

Mum got closer. She was wearing a white knee-length nightdress and it rode up a bit exposing her slim white thighs. I think she saw me looking.

I felt her soft warmth and heard her swallow; she whispered my name, '...I know you masturbate to the dancing girls's alright, I don't mind you masturbating ...but you can't tell anyone I let you.'

"...the Jackson Five ...I-I-I WANT YOU BACK!"

Pans People danced to the J5 record wearing shiny pink miniskirts with matching tops and powder pink knickers.

I felt a space open between us. Mum had moved away from me a bit.

We watched Pans People together, side by side on the sofa. Sexy Pans People in their naughty pink miniskirts, showing their knickers on purpose.

I had my cock out, but my blanket covered it. I made a little tent with my left hand, and started wanking to Pans People. Mum was sitting right next to me.

I let the edge of my blanket go up, and my mum could see under it. She was looking at my cock, and I masturbated in front of her.

Pans jiggled their hips as the camera filmed up their skirts. Naughty Pans People, nice girls who knew that men masturbated to their legs.

I wanted to show-off in front of my mum, so I slowed down and pulled back my foreskin. Mum shifted in her seat. She didn't say anything, but she was looking.

Naughty Pans People, I'd like to fuck them up their skirts.

When I felt it cumming, I put my hand on Mum's bare leg, and she let me. My blanket fell to the carpet, and I had a wank in front of her.

When I started to cum, I slid my hand up my mum's nightdress, and felt up the inside of her leg.

Mum breathed in sharply as a jet of hot white spunk spurted out of my tingling cock. I rocked my hips, wanking rudely in front of her, my thick semen spurting onto my chest, slithering down my stomach with a smell like wet leaves.

* * *

Nothing was said about it, but over the following weeks I noticed we were being extra nice with each other. One time, we were out shopping together, and we got the bus. We sat opposite three girls in short skirts. When we got off, my mum smiled at me and said, 'I bet you enjoyed that.'

Then one Saturday night, noticeably liberated by a succession of vodka and limes, Mum started talking about sex.

Nestled snugly into the corner of our big sofa, she had her blanket pulled tightly up to her neck, with her little face looking at me.

We were in the dark with the telly off, only the orange fire-glow lighting the hot living room. She started talking about masturbation she did that night ...the night I wanked in front of her.

Mum told me things about her past. She remembered a time when she was wearing a short skirt, alone on a train. 'It was late. I'd been to a fancy dress party, and had on a little pleated miniskirt.' Mum said a man sat opposite her. She said he was looking at her legs, and he masturbated. She said she didn't know what to do, so she just sat still and watched him.

Mum told the story really sexy. She likes saying the word 'masturbate,' and it felt rude when she said it. She said, 'He masturbated to my legs,' and, 'I watched him masturbate...'

I wondered if Mum really wore miniskirts or if she'd made-up the story for me. 'Mum ...does it feel sexy when you wear a short skirt?'

Mum tilted her head back and smiled at the ceiling. Then she turned her smile on me, 'You're very naughty - what you do when Pans People are on.'

I smiled back.

Mum continued, 'I notice you only do it when they're wearing miniskirts.'

As we talked in the dim orange light, I touched myself under my blanket.

Mum returned to her sexy train story, and she started saying 'masturbate' again,

'...then he told me to open my legs, and he masturbated to my knickers...'

My blanket was shaking, and Mum saw it.

She looked at me coyly speaking softly, 'I know you're masturbating.'

I was looking at her and I didn't know what to say, but I kept on wanking -- and shaking the blanket on purpose.

Smiling a bit naughty, Mum looked at me, and drew her blanket aside.

'This is what I was wearing on the train school uniform.'

We locked eyes, saying nothing. Mum had put on a miniskirt for me.

As I moved my legs onto the sofa, my blanket fell, and I saw her eyes go straight to my stiff cock. Me and Mum sat at opposite ends facing each other, and she let me wank in front of her. I pulled down my pyjama bottoms and I masturbated, and she watched.

Vacantly, Mum stared at my cock, then into my face.

Slowly, she let her knees drift apart, showing her white school knickers. The room was dark, but by the electric firelight I could see the shape of her slit through the thin cotton as she gently opened and closed her legs, flashing her knickers. Mum spoke my name softly, ' know it's naughty to masturbate in front of girls?'

I didn't know what to say, but it felt rude.

Mum was saying her naughty M word again. 'And no one must know,' she insisted, '...that I let you masturbate in front of me. 'Even when she was being serious, she still slipped in the M word.

Naughty Mum. She liked asking me stuff like, 'Is this the first time you've masturbated in front of a girl?'

'Yes,' I lied.

And she said, 'This is the same school uniform I was wearing on the train ...when the naughty man masturbated in front of me.' She drew-out the word, 'mas-turbated,' relishing its lasciviousness.

She looked unbelievably sexy dressed in her school uniform. Her navy-blue pleated miniskirt awakened my rudest sexual desires. I could see Mum's small bare tits through her white blouse, her erect nipples making little points in the cotton material.

Mum was petite and she looked much younger in her school clothes. She had nice slim legs, and I was staring at them while I wanked.

She kept saying it, her rude word, 'If you were alone on a train with one of Pans People ...and she was wearing a miniskirt ...would you masturbate? Would you expose yourself to her, and masturbate to her legs?'

Mum was talking really dirty now, saying her M word stuff she was trying to get me off.

I'd never said the M word to Mum before. 'Mum you think masturbation is naughty? Mum ...I like it when I masturbate ...and you know I'm doing it ...and you let me masturbate to Pans People...'

It was like I hit the start button.

Mum tossed her cushion onto the carpet, pulled me into an upright kneeling position, and knelt on the sofa face to face with me. We cuddled, and I felt my cock touching her pleated skirt.

I wanted to get her horny, and I whispered, 'I masturbate over you, Mum ...I want to masturbate in front of you...'

Mum started kissing me. I wasn't expecting it, but I kissed her back. After a while, I liked it. While we were kissing, I put my cock up her skirt, and she let me.

Mum was grinding her hips like Pans People. She let me touch my cock on her legs and on her white cotton knickers, and I shivered.

I started masturbating up her skirt, and Mum just let me. She had her arms around me, and she let me wank up the front of her school skirt. I did it against her knickers. Pulling my foreskin all the way back, I rubbed the head of my cock up and down her slit, making her knickers wet with my pre-cum. Mum let out a little groan as I eased my erection against her, pushing the cotton crotch into her cunt.

Mum jerked back, hissing my name, 'Oh...! Be careful! ...It nearly went in!'

Leaning forward, Mum kissed me again, and licked my face. Then she started whispering... 'This is what he did on the train ...the naughty man ...he put his cock up my skirt and masturbated ...You do it to Mummy now ...masturbate your cock up Mummy's schoolgirl skirt, like the naughty man.'

Slipping off my pyjama top, I rubbed my naked body against my mum's school clothes. She unbuttoned her blouse and let me feel her little tits. Her erect nipples felt hard on the palm of my hand.

Mum wriggled her hips to my cock as I wanked up her pleated miniskirt. The crotch of her white cotton knickers had pushed up into her slit, and I masturbated on her exposed cunt lips. 'Is this how he did it, Mum? The naughty man? Did he masturbate into your little cunt, Mum...?'

My illusion of freewill temporarily obsolete, it was like one of those Zen moments when you watch yourself doing something.

Reaching up under her skirt with both hands, I pulled my mum's knickers down. She had shaved between her legs: completely bare.

Mum resisted, pushing me away, 'No! You mustn't have sex with me -- just masturbation!'

Her whole demeanour had changed in that instant. She stared at me with wide eyes as I forced her onto her back, pulling her twisted knickers right off. 'No! Stop!' she was almost shouting.

We struggled as I pinned her to the sofa, prising her legs apart, forcing myself down onto her small frame.

She managed to bring her knees together, but I pushed them apart and laid myself heavily on top of her. 'No!' Her voice was highly pitched with a tone of desperation.

With my left forearm across her small chest, I took my cock in my other hand and found her hole. Thrusting my hips forward, I pushed my hard cock deep into my mum's little cunt.

Mum breathed loudly and a tear ran from the corner of her eye as I raped her, fucking her hard and fast. Fucking my mum up her sexy little skirt.

She no longer struggled, and her tiny body felt limp as it shook to the violent fucking I was giving it. Her eyes glazed and I knew that she had completed her journey back ...back to the fateful train ride...

Unseeing, Mum looked into my eyes, 'Oh, you're a naughty man, putting your willy in me ...are you going to let your semen go inside me? mustn't cum in me'll make me pregnant! ...I'll let you masturbate into my mouth...'

* * *

1970 and beyond.

Mum mentioned my dad occasionally, referring to him always as 'the naughty man.'

We'd act-out her fantasy in our living room, sitting opposite, and pretending we were on a train.

Mum dressed as a schoolgirl. She sat opposite me reading a magazine, and she let me look up her miniskirt. Crossing and uncrossing her legs, she flashed her white cotton knickers, peeping at me occasionally.

Then I'd have a wank in front of her while she watched.

And I'd rape her.

After we'd been doing her fantasy for a while, my mum started masturbating in front of me. I loved to watch the hem of her pleated skirt shaking as she fingered herself.

Once, I caught her spying on my uncle while he was having a wank. She was watching through the crack in his bedroom door, and fingering herself up her nightdress.Mum admitted it to me, she said it straight, 'I like watching men masturbate.'

Mum was always there when I masturbated to Legs & Co.