Yep," I said, standing to tower over her, perhaps feeling a little possessive of my aunt. "I met you yesterday in dad's office."

"Yeah, you do look alike," she used nodding. "Your dad's hot. So you two know each other?"

Alexa and I paused for a moment, bewildered by her question. This girl really was dumber than a box of rocks.

"I- yes, sweetie," Alexa said. "My sister is Alex's mother. I'm Alex's aunt."

Jeanie's eyes widened in confusion for a moment as she tried to process what Alexa was saying. She screwed up her face for a second and then exhaled.

"Oh, I get it," she said finally before looking at me. "You're adopted?"

"No," I said slowly, trying not to sound exasperated while Alexa's eyes clouded over with tears of laughter. "Alexa is my aunt. She is just much younger than my mother, your professor. We're the same age."

"Oh." Jeanie said, trying to figure that out. "Oh, wow."

She looked at the two of us. "That's kinda hot, actually."

I pinched my eyes.

Jeanie clapped her hands together once. "Well, I gotta go, but I couldn't get on with my day without seeing you once Mr de Bourne mentioned what happened. So, you're sure you're gonna be alright for our playdate next week?"

Alexa nodded. "They'll let me out of here tomorrow night with a clean bill of health, I promise I'll be fine, sweetie."

"Good!" Jeanie said brightly. "Okay, gotta bounce! Lates!"

She started to exit the room before pausing and then scurrying over to Alexa and giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. She then made her way to the door and paused once more. She turned around, went up to my aunt and put her arms around her, kissing her on the mouth, rather deeply. She moaned through the langorous kiss and I'm pretty sure slipped Alexa the tongue.

"Much better..." she said as she stood up and then swished out of the room, leaving my aunt and I staring after her. We said nothing for several seconds before Alexa sat back and sighed loudly, looking at the ceiling.

"Guess we know what kind of playdate I'm in for."

"Could be worse," I chuckled. "She's about as smart as a bag of hammers, so she's gotta be great in the sack."

Alexa gave me a look. "I thought you said I was great in the sack."

"Don't you try and turn this around on me," I said, holding up a finger. "I just meant she's an idiot so being good at fucking is all she's got. You're the most incredible person I've ever met, you're intelligent, you're kind, you're beautiful, you're a sex goddess..."

"Oh, don't stop, go on please," Alexa said, turning on her side and smiling. "I could use some good news today."

I sighed grumpily. "Well, I've got good news and bad news for you. Good news, I am very, very in love with you. Bad news, you're my aunt and I can't be with you the way I want to be."

"I know," she said quietly, her eyes said. "It sucks. It's so beyond unfair. Alex, this may sound dumb, but... would it, would it not hurt as much if I just dated girls?"

I thought about what she was saying. If she dated girls, I didn't really have anything to be jealous of. It was a service I couldn't provide. I don't know if it actually solved anything for me, but if it helped Alexa feel like she was sparing my feelings, why would I deny her that?

"Okay," I said finally, shrugging. "As long as I don't have to date guys to make you feel better."

She giggled. "I somehow doubt the thought of you having super happy bum-fun with boys will make me feel better, although I'm willing to bet that picturing me scissoring with a hot girl will be good for you..."

We were silent for a while again.

"Alex, can you please close the door again?" she asked quietly. "Because I... I really want to kiss you..."

I got up and closed the door quietly, putting a sign on the front indicating she was sleeping. I then came back to the bed and she sat up, tucking her feet under her. I sat on the bed next to her and she stared deep into my eyes, caressing my cheeks. Her own beautiful sapphire eyes were crystalline with tears.

"I can't believe how quickly I fell for you," she whispered. "I had no control over it and I didn't even try to fight it, I was so confused. And now I know I love you and you're perfect for me and I'm forced to give you up... and I don't know how..."

She leaned in and kissed me lovingly, trying not to cry as she did so. I could feel the tears on her cheeks, her skin against mine. I held her and kissed her back, letting her feel everything I had in me, showing her exactly what she meant to me.

"I love you, Alex," she choked through the kiss. "I'm so in love with you. Damn you for being my nephew..."

"I love you too, Alexa," I murmured back. "I love you so much and I don't want to give you up."

The kiss ended, for the moment, and she pressed her forehead to mine, still caressing my face as she tried to compose herself. "It's so stupid," she whispered. "All this confusion I'm feeling, and fear about everything, and the one thing I'm absolutely certain of is my love for you, which is the problem everyone else would have. It's the only part of all this that feels right, like it's supposed to be or meant to be. It's everything else that's fucked up. At least, that's how it feels."

I said nothing, just holding her and thinking about how cheated we both felt. Finally, I posed a question I was inexplicably terrified to ask.

"What if... what if we just faked dating?"

She looked at me for several moments, wiping her eyes. "Fake date?"

I nodded. "Go out on dates with other people, y'know, people we're pretty sure we have no interest in, except for maybe fucking them for the sake of something physical. But then we'll still be seeing one another behind the scenes. If we're careful, mom and dad won't suspect, because they'll see us dating other people."

She thought about what I was saying for a few moments. "We could... we could still be together, at least for a while."

I nodded. "I don't think it solves our ultimate problem at all, but at least we'd have more time together."

"Yes," she said, looking at my face and touching my lips with her fingers. "And it might make parting even harder than it is right now. I don't know if I could be that strong. But... well, I don't know if I'm strong enough to give you up even now. I sure as hell don't want to."

She sighed and sat back in her bed, her eyes distant. "I don't know. Inevitably we'll be forced apart, no matter how in love we are. I couldn't do that to Karen. But the thought of being without you, Alex, I..."

She finally closed her eyes. "This is all so much right now. I guess... let me sleep, Alex. I don't mean to sound selfish, but I think I need to sleep and be alone for a few hours. Maybe I'll have clarity when I wake up. I can't be objective around you, I'm sorry."

"No, trust me, I understand," I said readily, rising from the bed. "I'm not the least bit objective around you either, Alexa. You think, I'll think. We may not come up with an answer we like, but if we both think it through, at least we know we'll come up with the right answer."

She nodded. "I'll message you later, think of something I need from the house so you can bring it over."

I nodded, not wanting to leave or even take my eyes off her, as if I was afraid something would happen the moment I did.

Her eyes were glassy as she looked up at me. "Kiss me, Alex?"

I went to her and gently pulled her into my arms, kissing her deeply and lovingly again. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, even if those crystal tears from her lovely blue eyes ran between our cheeks. She was beautiful when she cried, even if it tore my heart out.

"I love you, Alex," she murmured again through the kiss. "I'm in love with you."

"I love you too," I replied, memorizing what she felt like against me. "Sleep now, Alexa, get better for me. You'll see me soon."

As I closed the door behind me, I could hear her beginning to sob and it took every bit of my willpower to not rush back in and comfort her. She needed her time. My face was warm and flush as I walked out of the hospital, my mind spinning. To lose the woman I loved...


I'd taken a nap myself upon returning home, since my nerves were pretty shot. I'd done some thinking about the predicament but there were no satisfactory answer to be found, nothing she and I would like. I'd crashed on the long couch and was awakened when I heard my dad's vehicle pull up and the doors close. I blinked and checked my watch. It was almost 6:30.

Dad and mom came in, noticing me rising from my nap on the couch.

"Did you sleep well, Alex?" mom asked as she came in. "We stopped by the hospital on our way back and Allie said she'd sent you home so she could sleep and not feel obligated to stay awake and entertain someone. She's had a long day."

I nodded. "I think we all have. You okay, mom?"

"Oh, I'm fine now, thank you," she said almost cheerfully. "Now that I know my baby sister is going to be okay, I'm relieved and able to think again. We just brought home take-out, darling, you hungry?"

"When is he not?" dad chuckled. "It's just burgers and stuff, but it was quick and easy. I somehow doubt he'll object."

I stood up and joined them at the table, where mom filled me in on more of the details of the incident. It seemed a little surreal to hear about it since I already knew the outcome. But mom told me about it at length and in great detail. It occured to me that she was doing this as much for her own benefit as mine. Her analytical, scientific mind was describing and formulating it so she could deal with it. I let her talk as much as she needed.

She showed me pictures of what was left of her vehicle and I was amazed- the passenger's side was royally fucked up. It was hard to imagine Alexa not having been killed in that impact, forget escaping with just minor cuts and bruises. A cold chill ran down my spine.

Mom sighed and nodded her head. "I'm just glad there's nothing wrong with her."

"I wouldn't say that," I muttered. "Anyone who would pull a prank like that the moment they woke up from a car accident isn't right in the head."

Dad laughed. "Turns out your family has a sense of humour after all, Karen. It must have just skipped you."

My mother shot him a look. "That's right, Mike, keep feeding the bear. I hope neither of you mind, I might go through an entire bottle of wine by myself this evening. Help with the nerves and all."

"Doesn't bother me," dad said cheerfully. "I promise to not even try and take advantage of drunk you this time around."

"How chivalrous of you, Conan," mom said dryly, rolling her eyes. "But stay nearby, in case I need a shoulder to cry on."

Dad nodded and began clearing the remains of supper away. Mom looked at me. "I've had enough of cars for one day, Alex. If Allie calls and needs anything, you're getting stuck driving since I'll be in no shape to make it out there, got it?"

I nodded. "I'll play offline for a change, just so I don't get tooo caught up."

"Good," she declared, taking a wine glass and an entire unopened bottle of Old-Vine Zinfandel. "I'll be up on my bed getting blitzed. Your dad's in charge of directing you now. G'night."

I went down to my room and began playing a game, to keep myself occupied and keep from fretting when there was nothing I could do. I'd been playing for maybe two hours when my dad called down the stairs.

"Alex?" he said loudly. "Your aunt was hoping you could take her some of her books and her laptop? I guess she's a tad bored."

"Yeah, I can do that," I said, trying to sound resigned to the prospect. "I'll be up in a minute to get her stuff and then go."

Dad seemed satisfied with that answer and left me to finish up. I went upstairs and packed her laptop, along with some of the novels I found under her nightstand. I also packed her webcam, in case her friend Freja wanted to see her. I called out that I was leaving and drove back to the hospital. It was now dark and the place was practically empty. The nurse at the desk nodded me through, reminding me that visiting hours ended in just under forty-five minutes.

The door was open so I knocked and went in. Alexa's face lit up when she saw me, smiling radiantly. She never ceased to get more beautiful in my eyes.

"Alex," she said almost dreamily. "Close the door. Come here and let me kiss you..."

I did so and then put the laptop and books down as she held out her arms. They'd removed the IV's and sensors from her, meaning she could move freely. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her deeply, enthralled to be feeling her against me again. I couldn't get over how right it felt. It was Heaven. She moaned through the kiss, apparently every bit as relieved as I was.

She pulled back from the kiss and smiled at me. "I love you, Alex. And it may not be the smart thing to do, but I want to be with you as long as I can. I need this and I need you. I won't give up my present happiness because of a possible future sadness."

She pulled me down to sit on the bed, her hands clasped in mine. "I guess I did need that time. So if you have no objections, let's go with the fake dating plan."

I looked deep into her eyes and drew a deep breath. "Well, actually..." I said reluctantly.

Alexa froze. I could almost feel her heart stopping, her blood turning to ice. Her eyes were wide with an instant horror at what I was obviously going to say next.

I grinned. "Gotcha. Now we're even for that amnesia prank. Yes, we should fake date other people."

Alexa's eyes almost spiralled in her head as she collapsed back against her pillow, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling and her hand over her heart, to make sure it was beating.

"You... txortalari..." she sighed finally, still staring at the ceiling. "You nearly fucking killed me. Haven't I nearly died enough today, you bastard?"

I chuckled. "At least your head landed on a pillow when you fell backward."

"Oh, just give me a minute and shut up, motherfucker..." she breathed. "Holy cow, you really got me. Shit..."

Finally she made a beckoning motion with her hand. "Your dick, please. No arguments."

I laughed and stood, unzipping my pants and going to stand beside her head. She turned on her side and took hold of my cock, stroking it for several seconds before sliding it inside her mouth with practiced ease. Her moan was one of both pleasure and relief, clearly delighted to have me in her mouth again. I sighed and caressed her beautiful hair as she bobbed up and down my length slowly.

Her hand followed her mouth as she sucked on me, her tongue swirling around the skin with devlish skill. I could not believe how wonderful everything she did felt and my erection was massive and rock hard in no time at all. Her sapphire eyes looked up at me, lust kindling in them. One of her legs bent up, the hospital gown dropping away to reveal her smooth pussy, which was already wet with her desire.

"Mmmm, she's been waiting for you, you know," Alexa purred, smiling up at me and winking. "Almost a whole day without her best friend. You plan to apologize and make it up to her, right?"

"Sure do," I said, nodding. "But what if someone comes-"

"I don't care, Alex," she said bluntly. "Not at this very moment."

And that was good enough for me. I loved her and I wanted, no, needed to make love to her. Consequences be damned.

She pulled her wet mouth off my cock and indicated a chair with no arms. "Go sit, please..." she said huskily. I nodded and went to sit down, pulling off my pants and my t-shirt while I did so. Alex got off the bed, shedding her hospital gown and standing gloriously naked in front of me. My cock throbbed at the sight of her body, aching in need. Smiling, she straddled my lap, putting her arms around my neck. Looking into my eyes, she pressed her pliant, slippery pussy against my cockhead and slowly sank down, taking me deep inside her. We both moaned in pleasure, happy to be one again.

We kissed soulfully, lost in one another as she began to move slowly up and down on my lap. I held her tightly against me as I dared and she made no demur. Alexa squeezed and rippled herself around my cock, transporting me to a world of bliss, consisting only of us. And that was all I needed.

"Alex, I'm so in love with you..." she murmured as she moved up and down on top of me slowly and gently. "I can't be without you."

I bit her neck and she shuddered and moaned, clasping me to her. I leaned my head down and bit her breast again, over the previous mark I'd left on her and she gasped in delight.

"Yes, my love," she whispered, fingers flexing on my neck and bck. "Mark me again, Alex, make me all yours..."

I took her nipple in my mouth, sucking it greedily. Alexa shivered and thrust herself down on me even harder, fucking me eagerly. It never ceased to amaze me how rapt I was by her, every aspect of her. She was my goddess and I loved her madly. There was nothing I wouldn't do for Alexa.

We kissed again feverishly as she began to squirm up and down faster and faster on me. We were swallowing one another's tongues as I ground my hips up into her and she pushed down harder, desperate to feel me as deep insider her as possible. Our bodies were warm and wet together, pink with our exertions, shining with our sweat. Her heart pounded against me and I could feel my own, as if it was going to burst right out of me. She looked into my eyes, hers flashing with a great eagerness.

"Cum in me, Alex," she growled softly. "Please, cum in me, let me feel you again. Oh God, Alex..."

We kissed again, almost to silence our screams as we crushed ourselves against one another, shaking uncontrollably. She moaned into my mouth and I groaned in ecstasy as I came, pumping my thick, pearly essence deep inside her clenching, tight pussy. She bathed my thighs with her wetness and her nails almost dug into my back.

She collapsed against me, panting, her chest heaving. The wonderful feeling of her soft breasts pressed to me was heavenly. I just held her, wondering what could ever be more blissful than this. And I knew I never wanted to give her up.

"So in love with you," she whispered against my shoulder, kissing it gently. "That's all that matters right now..."

I held her for a while longer before slowly rising and removing my cock from her pussy. She giggled as my cum seeped out of her, dribbling on the floor. I deposited her gently on the bed and went about cleaning up after us while she replaced her gown and wiped her pussy clean. Neither of us felt like answering questions about why she smelled like sex when the only visitor had been her nephew.

"God, I needed that," she sighed, stretching her arms over her head like a contented cat. "I'm pretty sure I'm a total addict now. Think you'll be able to sneak back tomorrow?"

"I would think," I reasoned. "Mom and dad are easier to keep track of now, since they share his vehicle temporarily. So we've got that working for us."

"Good," she said, smiling. "I guess I'll start fake-dating Jeanie, which has the added bonus of really throwing Karen and Mike off the trail about us since they'll now think I'm into girls. Who will you date?"

"I have no idea," I confessed. "Haven't given the matter any thought. But I will now, once I head home."

She nodded. "I'll probably be Skyping with Freja tonight, since she's really worried and wants me to prove I'm okay."

"I don't blame her," I replied. "Her best friend was in a car accident and there's nothing she can do about it. Did you at least send her some pics from your phone to ease her mind?"

"Yes, it seemed like the thing to do, you know?" she agreed.

"I actually have a question about that," I said, sitting down on the bed next to her. "We've taken a zillion pictures. Who do you send them to?"She giggled. "Nobody, dopey. Not the naughty ones, anyway. I sort them into folders and I have sent Freja and some of my other friends back in Europe some of the G-rated ones, to let them see my life. I wouldn't show them any of the personal ones without your say-so, and even then only Freja, because she'd think it was kinky and like it."

I shrugged. "I don't mind if you do or if she knows about us. If she'll be happy for you, Alexa, go for it, okay?"

She smiled warmly. "Thank you, Alex. But you'd better get home before Karen makes Mike call. You were just supposed to drop off my stuff, right?"

"Yeah," I sighed, unhappy at the prospect of parting from her. "You can text or message me whenever you want. It doesn't matter if I'm asleep, hearing from you is what matters to me, okay?"

Alexa nodded and pulled me in for another loving kiss. We confessed our love for one another and then I left, sad to be going but knowing I had to. The drive home was a quiet one for me, lost in contemplation about what would happen next.

How would I fake date? Who? How much did I need to like or just not mind a person to make it convincing dating? My parents weren't likely to fall for a ruse for long if I didn't find the right person. And what if the other person became interested in me? What would I tell them? Did I just never date a person more than once? Maybe I could just get some friends with benefits who didn't really want anything more.

I was lying in bed when a text message from Alexa asked me if I wanted to Skype. I opened my screen and activated the program, smiling when I saw her beautiful face. She told me quietly that she'd already talked with Freja, assuring her friend that she was fine. She was smirking as she looked at me, her hospital robe not visible on her shoulders or the swell of her bosom.

"So," she purred, smiling slyly. "Am I naked or just teasing?"

I chuckled. "Normally I'd hope for teasing, because then you could strip for me, but it's a hospital gown. Only you could make stripping out of a tent sexy."

Alexa giggled and slowly panned the camera down her body in the dimly lit room, revealing her incredible breasts, trim stomach and finally her smooth pussy. She used two fingers to pull the sticky lips apart and show me her inner pink, which was glistening invitingly.

"I've got an idea," I said as she returned the camera to her face. "Each of our laptops has a built-in cam and we also have the webcams. Let's open two windows each, one fixed on our face and the other on our bodyparts as we choose so we can see one another cum."

Her eyes lit up in delight. "I love that idea, Alex. Tell me how to do it and we can cum together. I love your cock but then I can always see your face too..."

She followed my instructions and soon we each had two windows on our screens opened, one fixed directly on our faces, the detatchable webcams displaying my hardening cock and her wet slit. We watched one another silently as she began to finger herself and play with her breasts while I stroked my dick. I could hear her sigh in pleasure, thrilled to have me watch her.

"Do you like it, Alex?" she asked quietly, using her fingers to spread her lips and show me inside herself. "Do you like how wet I get for you? Ohhhhh, I wish I could be louder, make someone in the hall wonder what was happening in here..."

I was lying on my side, stroking my shaft and watching her intently, my eyes darting back and forth between the two windows on my screen. I was loving how she played with her pussy, but at least as mezmerizing for me was the look of pleasure on her face. Her eyes were sometimes closed, but other times those captivating sapphire eyes were looking straight at me, knowing she held my gaze. I moaned and pushed my hips closer to the webcam centered on my cock, letting her see up close exactly what she did to me. She gasped in response and slid two fingers deep inside herself, working them in and out feverishly.

Oh my God, she was so wet I could hear the slick, juicy noises she was making as she fingered herself. It drove me wild and I was pumping my hand furiously up and down my length, desperate for release. I was hoping she'd cum soon, because I was ready to blow.

She bit her lip as she stared at me, sweat shining on her brow. Her fingers were plunging into her pussy now, glistening with her arousal. She panted as our eyes locked, both straining to hold on for one another to peak.

I groaned as loudly as I dared while she craned her neck and moaned wantonly, all thoughts of who may be outside her door forgotten. Cum pumped from my cock, splattering the old white shirt I'd laid in front of me. I spared a look at her womanhood while she came, the entire region of her inner thighs shining with her essence.

I rested my head on my arm as I slowed down, casually stroking now, just watching her. Her fingers had finally pulled out of her steaming tunnel and she caressed her lips slowly, a look of bliss on her face. Her eyes were closed as she brought herself down from the orgasmic high she felt. When her eyes fluttered open, she smiled at me serenely and mouthed the words 'I love you'.

I told her I loved her back and we simply lay together for some time, watching one another relax. She pulled her hands up from her pussy and sucked on her fingers, enjoying the taste of herself and winking at me. She fondled her breasts for me and I tapped the aperture of my webcam with my cock, like I was tapping her face. She giggled and smiled naughtily.

"It feels so good to be able to say 'I love you' in English," she said finally, stretching her arms overhead and jutting her breasts forward proudly. "Doing it in other languages you didn't know was not quite as fulfilling, but I was afraid to tell you how I really felt."

"Fair enough," I replied, nodding. "I was fit to bursting not being able to tell you. So when you said 'I love you, daddy' the other night during our little roleplay, you meant it."

She nodded slowly. "It was my chance to say it to you in a context that could be excused, but I really needed to say it to you. I don't see myself getting tired of saying it, I'm warning you."

"And I don't object and never will." I promised. "Hearing you say it is the best thing about my day. I nearly burst when you confessed it to me earlier today."

"I had to, Alex," she said, her voice carrying a note of seriousness. "After what happened, I couldn't not tell you any longer. I wasn't sure what we'd do, but I couldn't go on without you knowing. The minute I saw you at the airport, I had a dread feeling you were someone I was going to fall in love with. And I don't fall in love easily."

I nodded slowly. "I was crazy about you really quickly too, although I was really confused by how I felt. I fought my feelings, telling myself I was insane, but there was no way I was winning that. And I'm glad I lost. Because loving you, being in love with you, Alexa, makes me happy."

"I'm glad," she said softly. "That means the world to me. I don't know what will happen ultimately between us, but I'm determined to love you for all I'm worth until that fateful moment. I'm in love with you and I've surrendered my heart and my body to you."

I sighed and nodded. "I feel the same way, but... what about other people? I don't know what to do and I'm conflicted. Sure, I can fuck another girl and it'll feel good, but I can't stop thinking about you."

She smiled lovingly. "I know. And I can fuck girls and still be stuck on you. Who knows, maybe we'll find one who can keep a secret worth a damn and share her. Wouldn't that be a thrill?"

I laughed softly. "I love how depraved we are together. That doesn't bother me a bit, that idea, because I'll be sharing her with you."

She giggled and then yawned. "Well, I should sleep. Oddly enough, it's been a long and emotional day with its fair share of scary happenings. I hope you sleep well and you'll come by and see me tomorrow and make love to me?"

"I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing," I said, grinning. "Get some sleep. I love you, Alexa. Don't forget that."

She nodded. "And I'm in love with you, Alex. Dream of me, okay?"

I nodded and smiled while she kissed her fingers and pressed them to the camera before turning them both off. I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. My body felt heavy but contented. It certainly had been a wrenching day, but we had confessed our feelings and were determined to be together as long as possible. We were in love and promised our hearts to one another. She was my angel and my goddess, to whom I was utterly devoted.

And who could have asked for more?"Hey Alex, can you possibly go check in on Allie? Your mom and I are stuck grading. Bring her some non-hospital food if possible, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Hopefully that was just the right amount of apathy to convince them that I would only grudgingly do as requested. I had recently been playing noticeably less video games due to the arrival of my aunt a week ago, and most of the interruption in my routine was indeed centered around accommodating her. Not that I minded, of course, but it was important that my parents not know that. After all, they could hardly find out exactly how Alexa's and my relationship had...blossomed.

I headed on out to the hospital and found Alexa in bed, reading a magazine. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and she hopped out of bed, rushed up and hugged me.

"I missed you all night," she whispered, nuzzling her face into my chest. "I love you so much..."

"I missed you too," I said, kissing the top of her head and caressing her hair. "But you probably shouldn't be jumping up and down like that, you were admitted to the hospital for a reason, you know."

"Oh, it's just a formality at this point," she replied, smiling up at me and booping my nose. "All the doctors agree there's nothing wrong me with me, I'm the very model of health."

"Okay, but either curb your enthusiasm in greeting me or show the same level of enthusiasm for greeting everyone else," I chided. "We've been damned lucky to not arouse suspicions so far."

"Don't start your man logic on me," she sighed, taking me by the hand and leading me back to her bed, which she climbed into. "I'm a woman in love, after all."

I held up a bag of fast food. "Thought you might be getting sick of hospital food, brought you some junk as a final meal before they kick you out. Any idea when that'll be?"

"Well, probably not until your dad and Karen come to get me," she replied as she dug into the paper bag and began annihilating the food I'd brought her. "Since she's listed as my relative, they might want her around."

"So later today," I concluded. "'sides, it'll give mom a chance to fuss over you, which I know she's been looking forward to."

"I suppose I can allow that," she mused. "As long as I get some tlc from you too, of course."

We were silent for a few moments while she caressed my hands, looking down at the blanket that covered her lower half. She finally sighed, smiling forlornly.

"Being in love with you is very inconvenient, you know." Alexa remarked. "All the questions and objections people would have, blah blah blah..."

"I've mulled it over a zillion times, trust me," I replied, knowing exactly what she meant. "That's why we're doing the whole date ruse thing."

She squeezed my hands and nodded. "I know. But I will admit, there might be a tiny spark of worry deep down in me."

I tilted my head. "Why?"

She drew in her breath. "I guess deep down I worry that you might find someone you really like," she confessed. "Someone you could love."

I chuckled. "Alexa, believe me, if we can't figure this out between us and I end up with someone else, it's only because I settled. I don't know if there's another person anywhere on this planet who could come close to making me love them the way I'm in love with you."

She didn't look at me but kept listening.

"I don't know what's going to happen, I really don't." I continued. "But nothing and no one will ever fulfill me the way you do. Maybe I just have to live with that, but don't you ever doubt my feelings for you. I stood no chance whatsoever against falling in love with you."

My aunt nodded. "I'm pretty sure that's how I felt the moment I met you," she confessed. "I knew instantly that I could fall in love with you and I had no defences against it. It would either happen or it wouldn't, no matter how I tried to rationalize or prevent it."

I raised her hands to my lips and kissed them. "Regardless of what happens, this whole accident thing has made me realize exactly how much more amazing my life is because of you. In one week, you've made me feel like a new and better person. That'll never change now. Your impact on my life and my heart was immediate and... eternal."

She smiled warmly at me. "And I can tell you're being honest, and also that you've never said anything remotely like that to anyone before. I've told people I've been intimate with that I love them, but I've never been in love with someone the way I am with you."

She kissed my hands and then smiled at me slyly. "Go close the door and put the sign on it. Who knows, this might be our last chance to make love for a while..."

I nodded and went to close the door, putting the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the outside. It occurred to me that the front desk knew I was here, but hopefully they wouldn't coordinate with the nurses on duty and become suspicious. I went and sat back down. Alexa smiled at me.

"Last nurse who visited me told me it'll be at least three hours before they come to check on me, and that was only an hour ago. That gives us a two hour window, right?"

I nodded. "Mom and dad are at work and up to their ears in papers still."

"Well," she mused, looking thoughtful. "If you haven't had a shower yet..."

Alexa stood, took my hand and led me to her bathroom, which did indeed have a shower stall. It was meant for one person, but with some creative engineering and maybe some moisturizer, it could accomodate two.

She smiled at me as she shed her hospital gown, leaving her gloriously naked. She then began undressing me, planting kisses all over my body almost reverently. She knelt in front of me, her face close to my swelling cock, caressing it and smiling.

"I missed you..." she whispered to my member. She then stood and went over to the shower stall, bending over to turn it on, her pussylips peeking out from beneath her pert behind. I smiled as I watched, totally rapt by her lovely body. She turned her head and saw me staring. She smirked and wiggled her bum at me, a promise of things to come.

Once the water was a temperature that satisfied her, she took me by the hand and led me inside the stall. As predicted, it was rather tight, with the only extra space being a recessed area where a person could sit for a shower in case they couldn't readily stand. Alexa giggled as the water cascaded over us.

"A bit of a snug fit," she said in a lilting, musical tone, smiling up at me. "God knows your mom and dad wouldn't fit in here, no matter how much moisturizer they used."

"Don't blow the moment by making me think of my parents," I sighed, causing her to giggle again. She began kissing my neck and shoulders, slowly working her way down my chest. She wanted to go lower, but there wasn't enough room for her to bend over in the stall, so she used her flexibility to her advantage, turning her legs out to the sides as she squatted, kissing and nipping my skin on the way down.

She moved down slowly, her thighs and calves taking her weight easily. No wonder Alexa had such an amazing ass. She finally arrived in front of my cock, kissing it lovingly before sliding it inside her mouth and reaching her hands around to caress my behind. I shut my eyes and trembled as she bobbed back and forth, humming as she sucked on my throbbing shaft. Nothing felt as good as having Alexa's mouth or pussy wrapped around my cock.

My hands clasped her head, flexing in her wet hair. The water trickling down my body plus the liquid heat of her mouth had every one of my senses alive and tingling. She pulled me out of her mouth long enough to wrap a hand around my shaft, pumping gently while she snaked her tongue around my cockhead, teasing me with kisses and flicks.

Finally she stood up slowly, dragging her wet, slippery breasts along my front. My hard-on was raging between us and she kept a gentle hand on it, stroking me slowly. She smiled wickedly up into my eyes.

"So..." she began, teasing the head against her pussylips. "I don't expect you to somehow crouch down in here and return the oral favour, so I'll let you go straight to fucking me and cumming deep inside my hungry pussy. Do you want me from the front... or from behind?"

I smiled back. "How about a little of both?"

She raised her eyebrow and her expression was one of amused approval. "Ambitious. I like how you think, good sir. So then, I'll start facing away from you and then turn inward, so we can look into one another's eyes while you cum in me?"

I nodded. "Best idea I've ever heard, Alexa."

She slowly turned herself around, her body necessarily sliding against mine. She was now facing into the back wall of the shower, her breasts pressed against the tile, her hands supporting her. She turned her head to the side and winked at me while squirming her butt against my manhood. My whole body was aching with need as I pulled her cheeks apart. I toyed the head of my cock against her pliant pussylips, making her moan and tremble.

Alexa and I both sighed in pleasure and a sense of relief as I slid deep inside her, up to the hilt. It felt so natural and right to be bonded like this, the most perfect thing in the world. She squeezed around me, her pussy holding me tight as if she never meant to let go.

"Mmmm, back where you belong," she purred, smiling at me. "I love you, Alex."

"I love you too, Alexa..." I said softly as I held onto her hips and began to slide back and forth inside her. She moaned and pressed her forehead to the wall while she squirmed her ass back against me. She was already sighing in pleasure.

"Oh, that's so good..." she moaned, squeezing me each time I pushed inside her. "You hit every spot I love, it's like you're made to fit inside me, Alex..."

I knew what she meant, being inside Alexa was unlike any other girl I'd known this way before. I didn't know if it was because of our powerful love and lust for one another, but it certainly did feel like our bodies were pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly and brought utter bliss in the fitting. Destiny or dopamine, I didn't care which, I loved her and wanted to make her feel wonderful.

She hissed as she writhed her ass back into me while I pushed forward, getting deep inside her pussy. My hands slid up her body and between the wall and her breasts, massaging and squeezing them, causing her to moan. The touch of her body was normally thrilling to me, but the slippery wetness of the shower made it more incredible than ever.

"Nnnn, Alex..." she panted, trembling beneath my touch. "Oh God, turn me around if you want me facing you, I won't last like this..."

I nodded and pulled out of her momentarily while we turned her around, her slippery body gliding over mine, making me shudder. She was finally facing into me, back pressed to the wall and her incredible breasts squashed to my chest. Her arms went around my shoulders and she looked up at me with hungry, expectant eyes. I could feel her chest heaving as she waited to feel me back inside her.

I put one hand on her hip and used the other hand to guide my tool to her molten sex. She hissed and I sighed loudly as I pressed up and deep inside, pinning her to me. My public bone met hers and we kissed hungrily, tongues lashing around one another. She moaned into my mouth as I began to move back and forth inside her.

"Uhhhh, fuck," she murmured through our kiss. "You're gonna make me cum so hard, Alex..."

She snaked one of her legs around my behind, slightly changing the angle of penetration and we both shuddered in pleasure. She pumped her hips against mine as I fucked her, spearing deep into her core. She moaned into my mouth as our tongues tangled and wrestled eagerly. Her fingers gripped my shoulderblades, nails almost digging in.

We broke the kiss as we looked into one another's eyes, baring our souls for one another to see. I loved her for being so open to me, nothing held back. I could see in her eyes how she felt, the pleasure of our lovemaking, the excitement of fucking in her hospital shower and the unbridled love she felt for me, something I could never doubt having witnessed those eyes.

Our bodies were trembling as we thrust against one another, driving me deeper and deeper inside her, but our gazes stayed locked. Neither of us wanted to miss that moment of looking into one another's souls when we came together. Her sapphire blue eyes flashed with lust but also deep desire to see that honesty no one could hide at the moment of climax.

And I wanted her to see it.

Panting and squirming, we ground together fiercely, bodies slapping wetly as my cock slid in and out of her tightening tunnel. Her fingers were starting to dig into the meat of my shoulderblades, but I couldn't feel it at all. There was only the unreal tingling wet heat building between us and the bottomless depths of her blue eyes, staring deep inside me.

Her mouth opened and she stifled a cry, exhaling hard, still looking up at me while she crushed her hips into me desperately. I returned her gaze as I pressed her against the wall with all my might, straining my hips as I pushed in as deep as I could and then began shuddering as her pussy clenched and fluttered around my cock, spilling my cum inside her. I growled as I squeezed her back with my hands.

My God, those eyes...

We both instinctively knew the moment and attacked one another's mouths in a frenzy, kissing like our lives depended on it. Seeing into her eyes, into her soul in that orgasm, it triggered an unreal lust in me and she clearly felt it too. My body jackhammered against her, slamming her ass back against the shower wall loudly. She screamed into my mouth as I continued to cum inside her, the demon strength her pussy gripped me with almost making me dizzy.

I felt berserk somehow.

I pulled on her hair, craning her neck while her hands grappled onto my back, nails raking across me. Her eyes were flashing, her mouth wide open and white teeth exposed. I slammed my hips against her still, battering her pussy, the head of my cock touching her womb. We were almost like animals, our sex taking on the qualities of frenzied mating. Gone was the lovemaking, this was primal and savage sexual response, something neither of us had expected but were powerless to stop.

And neither of us wanted to.

The madness of the orgasm ended and we collapsed against one another, panting heavily. My limbs were heavy as lead and I felt drained. My body twitched while she trembled and gasped, still pinned to the wall by my bulk. Neither of us could say anything, we were both beyond words. Besides, what was there to say that we didn't already know?

The water beat down on us while we stood still, tangled in one another's limbs, my cock still deep inside her slippery depths. I don't know how much time passed while I just felt her heart beating against my chest, her pussy still caressing my cock, a needy lover unwilling to let go. Finally, Alexa stirred and pressed her lips to mine, kissing me so lovingly I thought my heart would burst.

"Perfect..." she whispered against my mouth. "No other word for it, Alex. I couldn't have dreamed for more..."

"I agree," I said back softly, my lips touching her while I caressed her exquisite body. "That was unlike anything I've ever experienced, Alexa, even with you."

"I know," my aunt sighed, shaking her head slightly. "I just... that orgasm, Alex, it brought out something so primordial in us both. I hope we can find that again some time, when we don't need to be so guarded."

I nodded and pulled back from the wall as much as I could, my cock popping out of her wetly. She supported herself with her hands on my shoulders and stretched on her toes, rotating her neck and doing what she could to squirm the kinks out of her body. True, she was still pressed against me, her tits squashed to my chest, but at least I didn't have her pinned and immobilized.

"Mmmm, we'd better shower off before anyone arrives." Alexa mused, smiling at me. "ShallI lather you up first?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm just gonna rinse off and get out so you can shower up properly."

She looked confused. "You're turning down my invitation to lather you up using my body?"

"I don't want to refuse ," I replied, shrugging. "But I don't think it's a good idea for both of us to smell like your hospital's shower gel when my parents get here."

"Oh. Good point..." she conceded. "Well, I'll just have to make it up to you another time. Okay, you rinse off and then I'll do my thing once you're out."

I nodded and turned around, allowing the showerhead to cleanse me while doing my best to ignore Alexa giggling and fondling my body from behind. Her hand took my limp but swollen shaft and caressed it slowly, seeing if she could make me hard again. Half of me wanted to resist out of principal, but I also needed her to know what sort of effect she had on me and I was soon hard and throbbing again.

"Naughty boy," she cooed, lightly slapping the top of my shaft, making it bounce up and down comically. "Too bad you need to get out now, right?"

I shot her a look and she smiled innocently. I sighed and got out of the shower while she giggled at her torture of me. She couldn't stop me after I'd wrapped myself in a towel and left the bathroom, flushing the toilet on the way out.

There was an evil smirk on my face as I heard a shriek of discomfort from the shower stall. I didn't know that happened with the water in hospitals too...


After Alexa was done promising to kill me for the hot water prank, we made sure I was completely dry and sat around, listening to music on a radio station and reading magazines. Restraining ourselves from locking the door and making out was difficult, but necessary. My mother finally texted me and announced that she and dad were on their way over. I replied I'd been reading while Alexa had taken a nap before their arrival and her release.

My mother breezed into the room, followed by my father, who was his normal, giant and genial self. Mom hugged Alexa close, sniffing her and commenting on how glad she'd be to get her home so that the shower gel smelled not so antisceptic. I stood up and gave mom the chair while she interrogated her little sister, making sure she was ready to leave. Mom was more than willing to take the entire hospital faculty on in a no-holds-barred pitfight if Alexa felt she needed to stay longer. And with my dad as her tag-team partner, I didn't really fancy the hospital's chances.

My mother began going on about how they'd keep an eye on her for a few extra days, just to be sure, but I couldn't help noticing that Alexa didn't seem to be paying attention. She was staring at something. She caught my eyes and nodded her head subtly, directing my gaze. I followed her eyes over where she was looking...

Towels on the floor. Three of them. One of which would not smell like hospital shower gel.

Normally one wouldn't think that was a big deal, but if my mother decided to fuss and clean up after her younger sister, there was no chance she wouldn't notice how one of them smelled differently and then she'd be asking questions. Why give her the opening, right?

I excused myself to go to the bathroom, making a show of noticing the towels strewn on the floor and kicking them into the bathroom ahead of me, using my foot to wipe up any water on the floor with them. This virtually guaranteed my mother would be loathe to touch them now. I tossed them in the hamper as I closed the door, waiting an acceptable length of time to go to the bathroom before flushing the toilet and coming back out into the room, where my mother was still explaining her plans and Alexa listened intently.

I was also listening, but I made a point of looking around the room, inspecting other things, seeming like I wasn't paying attention. I allowed my mother to call for me twice before looking over, coming out of my 'fog' that I was apparently in."Ugh, just like you to not be paying attention," she sighed, rolling her eyes. "Listen, Oblio, while you were wandering around in the Pointless Forest, I was telling Calamity Jane here that we'll be keeping an eye on her for a few days and she's not allowed to exert herself- no heavy lifting, strenuous exercise or extreme excitement."

I shrugged and nodded. "I promise not to take her weight lifting and if I see her trying to run a marathon I'll trip her. Anything else?"

"Smart-arse," my mother muttered. "Your father's more useful than you."

"Oh, he can't be as useless as all that, can he?" Alexa inquired, smirking.

"Please," my mother groused. "When he was eight, he named his rabbit Biscuit Hammer. Who does that?"

"So he's a little bit random," my aunt reasoned. "And I hardly need a chaperone while I recover."

"Just as well that you're starting to work for the Linguistics department, then," my mom concluded. "I can keep an eye on you myself and when I'm busy, my peers in Linguistics can do it for me, tell me if you look tired or pale."

Alexa sighed and laid back on her bed, looking at the ceiling. "Yes, my lady..."


Dad and I strode alongside either side of my mother like imposing bodyguards while she pushed Alexa's wheelchair down the hall. My aunt had protested, saying she was perfectly fine to walk, but a single hard look from mom cowed her and she sat obediently in the chair, rapping her fingers on the padded arm as we steered through the hospital.

Dad drove mom and Alexa home while I followed. Once we were back in the house, mom was insisting that Alexa lie down on the couch and take it easy. Alexa insisted that all she wanted to do was eat real food and she'd be willing to pay if we could all go out to eat. Mom finally yielded to pressure and agreed we'd go for Mongolian if Alexa would take a short nap first. Alexa in turn turned on her side and took her nap on the couch. My mom sighed and put her hands on her hips, clearly disasatified with this outcome.

"How are we supposed to sit around and discuss you if you're right here?" she groused.

We sat around the kitchen island, discussing the watches, such as who would check on Alexa at what hour. While the hospital had said that they saw no signs of concussion, she was clearly taking no chances and I was secretly relieved about that, even if I tried to sound dismissive of the notion.

I was also obviously the designated driver for the evening since mom was on her second glass of wine and dad was having a third beer. True, dad could drink a keg and not feel it, but the law's the law. Hence, my niggardly half-bottle of root beer.

"I worry about her and the stairs at night," mom said quietly, her voice betraying an earnestness borne of genuine concern. "If she gets up in the middle of the night, tries to go downstairs and has a dizzy spell or something..."

"You proposing to let her stay on the couch?" dad asked. "If she needs to sleep and we're bustling around in the morning, it's hardly fair to her."

"Good point," mom said, nodding. "No worries, then, we'll just put her in Alex's room in the basement. It has a bathroom and a fridge, everything she needs. Gollum can sleep in her room."

"Correct me if I am wrong," I interjected, trying to sound exasperated. "But didn't you just kick me out of that room a week ago and put me in the basement, only to kick me back up to it again?"

Mom favoured me with a look. "There's no pleasing you, is there? You whine about losing the damn thing and then you don't want it back. We raised a son, not a teenage girl, or at least I thought. What's wrong, Gidget?"

Dad snickered but then cleared his throat and listened quietly.

"So we put her in the basement," I said. "Now we-"

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I paused in speaking for a moment and fished the device out, seeing who had messaged me.

It was a video message, one showing someone's very wet pussy being massaged on what looked suspiciously like our couch in the other room.

"Something going on?" mom asked, her eyebrow raised.

"No," I sighed, saving the video and putting my phone back in my pocket. "Just someone I know being a moron."

"Imagine that," mom muttered. "Anyway, you were saying?"

"What I was going to say was that now we put her in the basement and you've got one of us going to check on her every four hours," I continued. "Meaning one of us is now hauling ourselves from the top floor down to the basement at all hours. Doesn't exactly sound fun."

There was dead silence in the room while my mother merely stared at me. My father, meanwhile, who had been sitting between us, visibly winced and then nudged his seat closer to my mother and away from me.

"Where are you going?" I asked, scowling.

"Juuuust moving away from the impending lightning bolt..." he said, crossing himself. "That was just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say, junior, and frankly, you're on your own for this one."

I thought about what he was saying and then looked at mom. She just kept staring at me and I realized I'd screwed up, big time.

"So..." she said quietly. "How long of a headstart do you require?"

I didn't say anything, but then my phone began buzzing again. Several messages came in, one after the other. Unable to stare my mother down, I nervously checked the messages.

"Oh, you really fucked up!"

"Nice knowing you! I'll miss that beautiful cock of yours."

"Try not to call out my name as you die, I don't want to be implicated."

Then a random tit picture.

"Do you need me to message your friend back and tell them when the funeral is?" mom asked, her voice very even.

"No, pretty sure I wouldn't want them there," I replied, knowing that Alexa could hear me. "I'll just come back and haunt them. I'm sorry, mom, I wasn't thinking. Probably just stress after all this."

"Well, it's true, you weren't thinking, but yes, this has been stressful for all of us, except possibly the Friendly Giant here," she replied, cocking her head at dad. "Anyway, we'll overlook your little derp there and proceed with the plan. After Allie wakes up, we'll go for dinner."

Another video, this time Alexa sucking on her own nipple, with the words "Mmmm, yum yum yum" across the bottom of the screen. Thank God I have my media volume on silent.

"Well, I'm going to go and change out of these stale work clothes and put on something fresh for dinner," mom announced. "Mike, I might need some servicing prior to this. Care to join me?"

"My day's looking up suddenly," dad said, hopping up spritely and grinning. "What are you gonna do, son?"

I shrugged. "Go downstairs and game until Alexa wakes up, I guess."

Mom headed upstairs, followed closely by dad. I heard her squeak and giggle at the top of the stairs, telling him to wait until they were in the bedroom. I sighed and shook my head, turning and walking into the living room. Alexa was lying on the couch still, covered by a thin blanket. She saw me and smiled, pulling the blanket aside and revealing that she was completely naked. She smiled and squirmed slightly, caressing her breasts and dropping one of her legs to the floor, opening up to show me her glistening pussy.

"So how much time do you think we have?" she asked quietly.

I shrugged. "They'd probably stay upstairs until you woke up, to make sure hey didn't disturb you, but if they're doing what I think they're doing, we've got a full hour at least."

She stood up slowly, reaching for my hand, still naked. "Then you need to take me downstairs and lick me until I cum, since you owe me from earlier in the shower."

We walked hand in hand to the stairs down to my room, Alexa seemingly unafraid of being caught in the altogether. I walked behind her as she descended the steps, watching her wiggle as she turned her head to smile up at me. When we reached the bottom, she headed straight for the bed and splayed herself out on it, writhing slowly and caressing herself.

"I know I have my own room," she purred as she looked at me with bedroom eyes. "But I love being in your bed, my love. I can smell your scent on the covers and I know you've been naked with these sheets and mmmmmm..."

I walked toward her and pulled off my shirt before crawling onto the bed. She smiled at me playfully, squeezing her breasts.

"You might want to strip to be comfortable," she whispered. "But if you plan to cum, don't wipe youself out, I was hoping to do something special tonight that we talked about earlier this week."

I considered and stripped off my pants and boxers, my cock already swelling at the sight of her. Alexa licked her lips as she watched my member hanging between my legs while I knelt over her.

"Well, maybe I won't cum yet," I mused, caressing her leg. "But I'm gonna make sure you can barely walk straight by the time we're supposed to go to dinner."

"Mmmm, bring it, big boy," she said in a husky voice, her eyes smouldering with desire. "Lick me like ice cream and make me melt..."

I positioned myself between her legs, which she spread wantonly, exposing herself without shame. One of her fingers slid up and down her slippery slit before she used it and another one to part her lips, showing me her inner pink. She was already wet and sticky, gleaming tendrils of her arousal pulling away with her fingers.

I began planting kisses around her inner thighs while I held them and she sighed, caressing her breasts while watching me. I brushed my lips across her nether regions, causing her to shiver and squirm. But her giggling made me pause.

"Something funny?" I asked, looking up from between her legs.

"Your poor back," she cooed, reaching down and stroking at my shoulders and traps. "You've got red marks and scratches all over your shoulderblades and even little marks where I dug my fingernails in when I was cumming. I'm sorry, you'll have to cover up for a while still."

"No worries," I said, waving it off. "You've got some lovely reddish welts on your back from where I gripped you a little too tight, to go along with my bite mark on your boob."

"That's not just a bite mark, it's a badge of honour. Looks like neither of us will be spending any time in a state of undress around Karen and Mike," she sighed, smiling down at me and caressing her fingers through my hair. "Not that I had any intention of being naked around either of then, mind, but we can't even use the jacuzzi with them now. We'll probably need to be a little more careful, even if we don't want to be."

I nodded and went back to her pussy, which begged for my attention. I began gently, holding her thighs as I slowly kissed and nibbled my way around her shining, swollen lips. Alexa cooed and trembled beneath me, her fingers in my hair, eyes closed while she let me pleasure her.

Soon I used my thumbs to carefully pull her lips apart, opening her to me. She shuddered as I kissed her clit and then slid my tongue down to her inner lips and pink walls. Massaging up and down her pussy with my tongue, I held her captive, a slave to my carnal whims. Alexa whimpered and clutched my hair, squirming her hips against my mouth.

"Fuck, you're so evil..." she gasped, squeezing her eyes shut and trying to remain quiet. "Oh my God, you're going to make me cum so hard, Alex..."

She must have been horny, because I'd barely touched her as yet, at least not as much as I'd planned to. There was a yearning and urgency to the way her body was responding to my tongue, not a casual acceptance of pleasure, like we often had, but a need she could not articulate with mere words, only her body's actions could express it.

My tongue snaked inside her and she hissed, pressing up with her hips. I could feel her pussy squeezing and throbbing around me. One of my hands kept massaging her lips and clit while the other trailed down, over her taint and then pressing against her puckered knot. She drew in a deep breath and went rigid as my finger penetrated her slowly, up to the second knuckle and then the third at the base.

"Fuck..." she rasped, her body squirming and writhing in several directions at once, seemingly. "Are you trying to make me scream?"

I didn't say anything, I just worked her pussy with my tongue while my finger wiggled and caressed her back passage, crooking up occasionally so I could feel it press through the membrane and against my tongue in her womanhood.

Alexa squirmed and ground, her hands leaving my head to molest her breasts, squeezing them hard or pulling at the nipples, causing her to squeak and whimper. She seemed to desperately need this, now that she was back in the comfort of our home. I was relentless in tongue-fucking her, reaching further inside her with each moment. Her body was shaking and covered in a sheen of perspiration now and I knew it wouldn't be long.

"Oh fuck," she grunted, starting to roll from side to side as she approached orgasm. "Gonna be so good, oh God, fuck yesssssss..."

I pushed my finger deep inside her ass and she bucked and went rigid while I pressed a thumb on her clit. She pressed her hips off the bed and strained for a moment, fighting to hold on.

But then the dam burst and she pulled a pillow tight over her face, screaming into it as the orgasm crashed over her like a tsunami. In spite of the pillow, I felt a tinge of worry that my parents might hear her, but then I remembered they were probably busy too and dismissed it. I lashed her pussy mercilessly with my tongue and wiggled my finger in her ass while she writhed and ground like a woman possessed. She screamed and moaned into the pillow, yelling incoherent things until she collapsed back into the bed, her body shaking.

I finally slid my tongue out of her and my finger, instead just planting gentle, loving kisses around her saturated pussy. I knew my face was glistening with her cum and I was looking forward to feeling her kiss and lick it off me, which she seemed to enjoy doing.

Alexa was still just shaking like a leaf when she finally removed the pillow from her face. She stared blankly at the ceiling, lost to this particular plane of existence as yet. My kisses tapered off and I let her just float for a while, to find her way back to me. After a few minutes, she slowly blinked and looked down at me, smiling serenely.

"Hey," she said softly. "How are you?"

"Just fine," I replied, giving her gooey pussy a gentle kiss for emphasis. "And you?"

"Oh, just floating around Nirvana some place," Alexa murmured, one of her hands gently caressing a breast. "Maybe being in love with you is a mistake, because the orgasms you give me are going to fucking kill me."

"Helluva way to go, though," I mentioned, massaging her lips and grinning. "I know I like the idea."

She giggled tiredly. "Well, I can't complain, can I? How often can people be this in love?"

I crawled up her body, nestling down gently on top of her. She smiled into my eyes and we kissed lovingly. Her legs parted, allowing me to rest my cock against her pussy. It felt like heaven, even if my erection was throbbing. She giggled again, wiggling her hips a tiny bit to feel him.

"Poor fellow," she cooed. "He missed out on the fun. Can you... can you possibly put him in me without fucking me and cumming?"

I thought about that. "So, like, park him inside you and then just leave him there while we relax and love one another?"

She nodded.

"Well, as long as we're not groping or making out or you don't troll me with those inner muscle flexes of yours, then yeah." I concluded. She smiled and allowed me to slide my cock deep inside her for safe keeping, both of us enjoying the quiet intimacy of our position. It felt good, really good, but I also found I could just relax and let him be. I wanted this with Alexa.

We caressed one another's faces gently, saying nothing but looking into one another's eyes. We didn't need to say anything, because we were open books to one another. Normally I'm sort of closed off, but not with Alexa, I wanted her to know me, all of me. I needed her to, I no longer felt complete if I thought there was something I hadn't shared with her. I knew deep down that nothing I said, thought or had ever done would make her judge me or think less of me, to cause her to pull away.

At least, not until we found a solution to our underlying dilemma, something we'd tacitly been avoiding today.

Alexa seemed to pick up on my thoughts and sighed, her breasts rising and falling under me quite delightfully. "So, any idea about who you're going to date?"

I shook my head. "Not really, I'm sure it'll be easy enough to find someone though."

She giggled. "That almost sounded like a boast. I guess I'll be dating Jeanie, since she's interested and it'll help throw Mike and Karen off the trail about us if I'm dating a girl."

She saw my expression and cupped my cheek, caressing it gently, her eyes tender with love. "I know it's not ideal, Alex, but we agreed it's our only chance to be together, for as long as possible. The day will come where we can't hide anymore and will in all likelihood be forced to part. If that's the case, I'll grieve then. But until then, I want to spend every possible moment I can with the man I am so in love with."

We kissed again, loving one another, souls slowly winding around one another in a slow dance of eternal passion. The kiss ended and we both sighed, Alexa pressing her lips to my shoulder.

"I can't believe you kept sending me those videos, you little troll," I said finally, trying to scowl down at her. She got a big grin on her face and then giggled, clearly not affected by my (feigned) irritation. "Mom wanted to know who it was."

"I know," she quipped, winking at me, even as I settled my weight further down onto her as a sign of my disapproval. She tried not to wheeze. "But I could hear you all and decided to have some fun. After all, I was the one being left out."

"Well, you heard what you missed," I sighed. "You'll be down here for the next few nights."

"Meaning you will be too." Alexa added.

"Where you're in no danger of falling down the stairs from your bedroom," I continued dryly. "Every so often, one of us will come down and check on you, make sure you are okay."

"Poo," she said, pouting. "If your parents come to check, it means I can't sleep naked."

"Well, not on top of the covers, anyway. Stay under a simple coverlet. I'll see if I can get her to calm her shit and stick to one check-in a night. The nights we know it's me, stay as naked as you want."

She giggled. "Calm her shit. Yes, my sister really needs to hakuna her ta-ta's in some ways, doesn't she? I can't believe she called you Oblio, I nearly lost it and began laughing when she did."

"Yeah, that was an obscure reference even for this household," I muttered. Fuck Harry Nilsson. "Still, keeping things and people on task is how she copes. My dad and I balance out her control freak tendencies, because he can't be controlled like that and I'm too big a smart-ass to let her get away with it all the time. Pretty sure without her, dad and I would have turned this house into a commune by now."

Alexa rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I can see it, that's the problem. How's Slugger doing down there?"

I wiggled my hips for a moment and then shivered when Alexa smiled wickedly and squeezed her pussy around my still-hard cock.

"Nff, fine," I grunted, pressing down a little into her. "I think I'll pull him out now, I'm not feeling too in control, y'know?"

She nodded and allowed me to withdraw from her tight, slippery confines, but not without taking hold of my cock and pulling me up to her mouth, where she kissed and sucked on my shaft for several seconds while looking up at me. This woman drove me nuts. But before I got too carried away, she released me and sighed happily, drawing her knees up to her chest. This did nothing to preserve her modesty, of course, since she was naked and her wet pussy was still clearly visible.

I settled down onto the bed beside her and she caressed my chest contentedly. "Being in that accident just reminded me of how precious my time with the people I love is," she said quietly. "My family. You, Karen, even Mike."

I looked amused. "Even my dad? You're surprised you like him?"

"Oh, no, nothing like that," she corrected, smiling. "Your dad's just so much, well, bigger than anything else in my life, not just his body, but his personality, his sense of humour, his ambitions... he's almost fictional, you know?"

"Well, just don't get any ideas about trying to bed him," I teased, reaching over and caressing her breast. "I might get jealous."

"Noooooooooooo," Alexa said readily, shaking her head. "Nope nope nope. Karen can have him. I've no doubt he's a demon in the sack and he's sexy as hell, but no, thank you. I'm prefectly happy having him as my brother-in-law and that's it, Charlie. I can't see him any other way. I wasn't enchanted by him when I saw him, I was duly impressed. You, on the other hand..."

It was too succinct a response to not be true. She liked my dad a lot, she might even love him as a family member, but she'd never be in love with him or feel more than an ephemeral attraction to him. Under other circumstances, who knows? But that wasn't my concern and it was clear I had nothing to worry about.

It actually made me feel a lot better, because if she wasn't attracted to my dad, of all people, then no one else aside from me was ever going to get her attention. No other guy, anyway.

"So are you gonna tell me what this 'special' thing is you have planned for tonight?" I asked, brushing my fingers over her nipple. It hardened under my touch, i loved how easily her body became aroused. Alexa bit her lip and gave me a naughty smile.

"Nope," she said simply. "You'll just have to wait like a good boy and find out."

"What if I don't feel like being good?" I countered, sitting up and now giving her breast a squeeze. Alexa sighed and closed her eyes.

"You can't break me," she murmured as I massaged her silken, squishy skin. "I won't tell, no matter what you do to me."

"Is that a dare?" I asked, now grinning as I could see her wrestling with her growing arousal.

Before I was ready for it, Alexa had turned and pushed me onto my back, fast as a viper. Her eyes flashed as she pressed down on my shoulders, pinning me. I felt her pussy sink down onto my cock and I groaned in sudden ecstasy.

"You're going to be a good boy," she breathed as she slid up and down my shaft. "Or I'll make you cum so hard right now that you're too pooped to pop later and you'll miss out on the surprise. Is that what you want, Alex?"

"I don't know," I rasped, reaching up and cupping her breasts, massaging and squeezing them. Alexa moaned and her head fell backward. "Do I?"

"Oh God," she panted, riding my cock, her body still damp from her earlier sexual exertions. "You really want to, Alex. Oh, fuck, I want to feel your cum in me..."

I rolled her over, pinning her on her back and Alexa gasped, her eyes going wide as I exerted my physical strength over her. She gasped and panted while I thumped my hips against hers, driving my cock deep inside her pussy with an increasing need. She gripped by ass cheeks and pulled me deeper inside, fingers digging into my skin.

"Oh God..." Alexa whimpered.

I clenched my teeth and slowed my pumping, finally pulling myself out of her. We both shook and moaned as we fought to control ourselves. She clutched the sheets of my bed and sighed almost in frustration. I laid down on my front, face buried in the pillows as I took deep breaths and tried to think of something, anything, to calm myself and stop wanting to immediately cum.

"Roseanne Barr... wearing nothing but a thong... riding away on a unicycle..."


I slowly turned over on my back stared at the ceiling, sighing heavily. Alexa too was lying down, her eyes looking mystified.

"What sort of alien steel are you made of that you could do that?" she asked. "Holy shit, Alex. You must be looking forward to that surprise tonight."

She looked down her body, still amazed. "My poor little girl. She's so hungry now and..."

She turned on her side and looked at me, caressing my face. "Thank you. I don't know how you did it, but maybe that was the right thing to do, even if neither of us liked it. I'll make sure tonight is extra-special for us now."

Alexa stood up and smiled at me, cupping her breasts. "I'm going to rinse off in your shower so I don't smell like horny and sex. I'll be quick. God, I love you..."

She turned to walk toward my shower before pausing and turning around. She walked back to me quickly and collapsed on top of me, her lips locking onto mine and kissing me hungrily, her pussy grinding on my cock. I kissed her back readily, amazed that I hadn't exploded yet. She stood up suddenly and wiggled off quickly to the bathroom, before she completely lost control of herself.

I put my hands over my face and groaned when the door to the bathroom had closed. This girl was going to kill me. My cock, which I had worked so hard to calm, was throbbing and rigid again. My heart was thundering in my chest.

I hadn't been quite as sweaty as Alexa, since I hadn't cum the way she had, but I still needed to cleanse myself. I got off the bed and found a package of body-safe wipes. I rubbed several all over my body, but mostly my poor, abused cock. Alexa had been so aroused that my midsection was sticky with her essence, which almost had the consistency of tree resin at this point.

Alexa came out of the shower seconds later, drying herself with my towel. Her hair was up and she grinned at me.

"Much better," she said, massaging her butt cheeks. "Didn't do my hair, since I didn't want them to know I took a shower or why, but the cold water quenched my fires for now."

"Best not to have to answer questions," I agreed. "And as much as I'm enjoying watching you naked, I thinking you should probably head upstairs to the couch and get dressed."

She sighed and nodded. "I know. However, dinner will be fun and tonight will be quite wonderful, I promise."

She dropped the towel and walked up to me, leaning in and giving me a chaste peck on the cheek, her nipples barely brushing my chest.

"I love you," she whispered. "I'll see you upstairs..."

I watched her head upstairs, missing her already. I decided to put my clothes back on and began playing a game, wondering when my parents would finally be ready to come down.


"Is your aunt up yet?" read the text message.

"How would I know?" I replied, frowning. "I'm in the basement, you're as close as I am."

"Fine, let's try this again. Go upstairs, check on Allie, report back. Am I achieving clarity?"

I think what worried me is that I could readily identify the tone of my mother's voice, even though this had only been text. I shrugged and went upstairs, finding Alexa lying on the couch and texting on her phone. She saw me and smiled warmly.

"Time to get up?" she asked.

"I think mom's hungry," I replied. "She told me to come and check on you."

She giggled. "I guess getting fucked in half by your dad kick-starts her appetite."

"The less I think about that, the better," I muttered. "Go ahead and get ready, I'll go get them."

I went up the stairs and knocked on the door to their room. Dad opened it after a moment, wearing jeans and no shirt. He seemed to have hastily put them on. Mom was sitting on the edge of the bed, wrapped in a white blanket and presumeably naked beneath it. She looked away from the door politely.

"I take it Allie's awake?" dad asked, grinning. I nodded.

"About time," mom sighed. "Contrary to popular belief, I do get hungry on occasion."

"I told her to get up, so come down whenever you're ready." I said, taking the doorknob and closing the door. I headed downstairs and told Alexa they'd be ready in a bit, since they seemed to have just finished up.

"Cool," she said, standing and walking up to me, thankfully dressed. She put her arms around me and smiled, brushing her lips against mine as she looked up into my eyes. "You know I'm going to do everything I can to make you absolutely crazy during dinner and not get caught, right?"

"I had a feeling you might," I replied quietly, wanting to just kiss her and pin her to the couch. "I'm looking forward to seeing you try."

We shared a loving kiss before we heard my parents coming down the stairs and stood apart, waiting patiently.


Dinner was fun. I always enjoyed hot pot, but the four of us had developed a dynamic that worked well around a dinner table. True, the structure of the huge heater beneath the table meant Alexa couldn't play footsie with me readily the way she had perhaps planned, but we nonetheless had an excellent time. Not surprisingly, the table was loaded with food and even mom was hungry. Perhaps Alexa was right, maybe getting fucked in half by dad really did stimulate her appetite.

"Have you met anyone at the university yet that you liked, Allie?" mom asked, popping some freshly fried beef into her mouth. "And I don't mean friends, I mean some guy you might want to date."

"Well, I..." Alexa began somewhat uncertainly. "I've only been to the campus a few times, Karen, I haven't really been concentrating on developing a social life, not to mention it's summer. The waters might be a little thin."

"Well, don't give up hope," mom said casually. "Y'never know when someone you don't expect will just show up, right?"

Alexa shrugged. "True enough, and I'm patient."

"I'm glad you made friends with Jeanie," mom added, putting some lamb strips into the boiler. "Think you'll find her amusing enough to hang out with? You two have a playdate coming up, don't you?"

I didn't make a sound, but there was clearly a smirk on my face and mom saw it. She looked at my stonily.

"Something to add, Wamba?" she asked, seemingly unaumsed.

"Er, no," I replied, going back to my food. "That just might be indicative about why Alexa's gonna have a hard time meeting boys..."

Alexa blushed and looked at her food. Mother's eyes went wide. Dad supressed a chuckle.

"Outed..." he said under his breath.

"I had no clue you liked girls, Ali," mom said in a kind of wonderment. "Not that it matters, of course, I guess it just took me off guard."

Alexa turned her head to look at me pointedly. "It wasn't supposed to be a big deal."

Her words expressed disapproval, but I felt her foot sneak over and caress my shin. She'd taken her shoe off. Clearly she wasn't too overwrought.

"It's not," mom said, shrugging. "It doesn't matter if you're hetero, gay, bi or demi, not to us, anyway."

"Well, I guess I'm bi," Alexa continued, pulling lamb out of the pot. "Sort of on a girl kick at the moment, maybe, but it's hardly the sort of thing that you plan, right?"

"Well, good to know there might be nieces or nephews in my future," mom mused. "Goodness only knows when we'll get grandkids out of Chuckles over here."

She looked at me for a moment. "Unless you're gay."

I rolled my eyes while dad tried not to burst out laughing and Alexa snickered. "I'm not gay, mom."

"Well, it wouldn't matter if you were," she answered in a non-chalant voice. "It would just explain a few things is all."

I sighed and concentrated on eating while Alexa reached across the table and fist-bumped mom. Even though I was driving, dad took some pity on me and allowed me to have a beer, ordering a Khan Brau for me. The mood lightened up again and we talked cheerfully about funny things that had happened to Alexa in Europe and what our course loads should be like this coming years.

"So when do you think they'll allow us to start doing the deparment work?" she asked. "More to the point, when do you suppose they'll allow me to start working?"

Mom and dad thought about that and looked at one another for a moment, seeming to communicate telepathically. Dad shrugged. "No reason you can't start along with Alex, as long as you agree to do nothing pants-on-head retarded and do any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for the next few days."

"I'm pretty sure I can do the department's lug work while Alexa sorts and re-files," I mentioned. "I'll keep an eye on her."

"Good, then start when you're ready," mom concluded, smiling as she put some Chinese cabbage in the boiler. "Y'know, Allie, concerning Alex's seeming inability to find a date with anything containing an X chromosome, maybe it wouldn't be so bad for you to be seen in his presence. Might generate some interest in him when other girls see a pretty young thing on his arm."

Alexa and I paused and looked at one another and then back at mom.

"It was just a thought," mom said, shrugging. "Nobody knows you're related except a few staff members and you don't share a surname. Just think about it when you're not doing anything better."

"Thanks, mom." I said dryly, taking a pull from my beer bottle. "My aunt is the secret to my getting a date, is that it?"

"Oh, don't be so uppity," mom replied dismissively. "It beats dating your 360 controller, doesn't it? Allie's ridiculously pretty, she's exactly the right age to be seen on your arm and other women will wonder what you have going on to keep her interest. Everyone wins."

"Now, Karen, there's no such thing as 'everyone wins'," dad chided, holding up his chopsticks. "Well, except in the Special Olympics... and even then you have to tell them..."

"Oh, you're awful!" mom said, swatting dad while Alexa went wide-eyed and began giggling at what dad had said. As progressive as he might have been in his world views, he wasn't above politically incorrect humour by any stretch of the imagination. I just ignored the statement and continued eating.

"Besides," mom pointed out. "You're going to be seen in one another's company on-campus anyway while you're working, so rumors are inevitable. Just trying to help you out, Sparky."

"Great," I muttered. "My mom's advice to getting women attracted to me is to date my aunt. Nothing weird about that."

"It's a tad unconventional," Alexa mused. "But I guess I don't mind pretending to date my nephew, as long as he doesn't get underfoot while I'm hitting on some cute girl."

I hung my head in despair as mom and dad roared with laughter.


I drove us all home, since I was the DD. We went into the house, mom giggling as dad picked her up and carried her through the door and into the loving room. He placed her on the chesterfield and sat down, putting her feet on top of his lap. He removed her shoes and began massaging her feet.

"Mmmm, heaven," mom sighed as dad worked her toes. "Allie, honey, you need to find a girl who'll do this for you."

Alexa shrugged as she sat down in one of the big chairs. "I don't doubt that, but the only girl I know thus far is Jeanie."

"Oh, she's hopless," mom snorted. "She's got big, cute eyes, but they don't leave a lot of room for anything else in her head, trust me. What were you thinking when you asked her out?"

"Actually, she asked me out," Alexa admitted, blushing a little while I sat in a big chair nearby. "I kind of said yes because I wanted to know someone and she is sort of cute. She came to see me in the hospital and your son got an eyefull when she said goodbye to me."

Mom began giggling uncontrollably, to the place where dad almost had to stop rubbing her feet. "Oh, honey," she teased, looking over at me with tears of mirth in her eyes. "Did your auntie traumatize you?"

"Har-har, mother," I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Jeanie just gave your sister a rather involved kiss before she left, it's not like I've never seen two girls lez out before."

Alexa flushed scarlet at my language and dad chuckled. My mom seemed to not know what to say for a moment, a dear blessing from my point of view since she'd been scoring off me all evening. I stood and went over to the entertainment center, putting on a CD of Lionel Hampton, one of mom's favourite jazz artists. She relaxed again and hummed contentedly.

"Alex, move Allie over to the other chesterfield and massage her feet," she said languidly. "She could use the tlc and you could use the practice for when you get a girl, you'll need to know how to spoil her."

My aunt and I shared a look and I shrugged. I stood and took her by the hand, leading her over to the other chesterfield. I gently laid her down and then lifted her feet, sitting beneath them. I removed her shoes and knee-length socks, trying to not look up her skirt. It was a ruffled, flowing thing that terminated maybe mid-thigh. I looked over at mom and dad while I began rubbing her toes. Alexa sighed and settled into the couch.

"This is nice," mom murmured, tracing a fingernail along the carpet at the foot of the chesterfield. "It's been a very busy week for everyone in this family and hopefully we're settling into a pleasant and relaxed rhythm for the rest of the summer, no more surprises."

"Amen to that." Alexa agreed. "Hey, Alex isn't too bad at this."

"Better not be," dad said, still working the balls of mom's feet. "I taught him every single technique I used in seducing your sister."

"Well, let's hope he's not that good..." Alexa said, causing mom to giggle again.

I felt her clasp my fingers with her toes, almost caressing me, a secret signal between us.

We sat in silence for some time, the men reverently servicing the women they worshipped and loved. Alexa's arm that was pressed into the back of the couch her hand subtly touching my forearm and caressing it. Neither dad or mom could see that from their angle, so it was alright.

"Well, at least Alex will get glowing references from me about his foot massages if girls ask," Alexa murmured. "But I'm not ready for sleep yet and he's sending me there."

"Well, I'd say let's open some wine, but Allie can't have any for the next few days," mom mused. "Oh, I know. Honey, go and get one of the hookahs, she can do that."

"I thought we had a kid so he could run and fetch things," dad answered, pretending to look confused. "Was I wrong?"

"No, not at all, but he's busy turning Allie into a puddle and that's more important, so be a dear and get one of the new ones, will you?"

He nodded and got out from beneath her, heading off to get the hookah and supplies. Mom got up slowly and sighed, rotating her neck.

"Mmm, what that man does to me," she breathed. "He's in for a great night."

I screwed up my face, retreating inside my head and trying to not hear what my mom was talking about. I'm glad and grateful she was relaxing, but this was a little much and not quite what I had in mind.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to take Alex's room for the next few days?" Alexa asked. I don't want to be a bother."

"Darling, you'd be a bother if you had a dizzy spell in the middle of the night and went crashing down the stairs," mom chided. "Gollum will be fine, he'll just be suffering separation anxienty from his gaming consoles."

I just rolled my eyes.

"I'll make sure that he stocks the fridge downstairs with things you might need, juices and snacks and so on," mom added. "Is there anything Alex can get from your room for you?"

"Er, no." Alexa replied.

"Oh, Allie, don't be vain," mom insisted. "I don't want you going back and forth up the stairs, a switch in head elevation too rapidly and you-"

"It's not that Karen," Alexa interrupted. "It's just that, well... anything I might need from my room, I really don't think Alex will want to be getting for me."

Mom thought about what her sister was saying for a moment and then began giggling, to the place where tears were running down her face.