
However, I thought I could come to Momma's assistance as she continued eating my sister's pussy. I slid my hand down from Sissy's tits, fingered her navel for a minute or two, and on to her cunt. I insinuated my index finger between Momma's face and Sissy's clitoris.

My hopes were almost crushed when Momma stopped my cruising finger from achieving its goal. But, she took my questing finger in her hand, held it to her mouth, and wet it before releasing it. Wow! Momma was making sure I would do the job well.

My damp finger went immediately to Sissy's clit and Momma's tongue went back to licking her pussy. There could be no doubting that Sissy was being overwhelmed by the sexual ecstasy we were inducing in her. She was shrieking at a high volume, her body erupting in goosebumps as she arched into Momma's tongue and my hand while she squeezed her own tits. I was sure that Sissy would be enjoying her first orgasm shortly.

It was obvious Momma was no novice at pussy licking. Whenever she pulled away from Sissy's snatch for a moment, I would see that her face was covered in Sissy's fluids. I really had to ask her where she gained her experience. Obviously Poppa was not her only lover, if you could label what they did together as making love.

With Momma really not needing my help, I pulled away from Sissy and moved behind my mother on my knees. There was no difference in the volume of Sissy's shrieks. She was screaming almost. Her orgasm could not be far behind.

Finally, I was in a position where I could admire Momma's ass. My hands travelled all across her firm and tight cheeks. I think Poppa must have been feeble minded, not wanting to keep his hands on these cheeks all day and night long.

I returned my attention to licking and kissing my Momma's fine ass. I squeezed her cheeks as hard as I could doing my best to grab handfuls of her bum. She was much too firm for that though. I could pinch but not get much more flesh than that in my hands.

Sissy reached her first orgasm with our mother's tongue bringing her to a level of excitement never felt by her before. She was howling her climax to us all. I looked up from Momma's bum to see that Sissy was in a full body spasm, covered in goosebumps, and not letting my mother back away from her pussy.

Our mother offered no resistance to her daughter's unspoken demands for more. Momma waited for Sissy's body to relax, for the spasm to subside. While waiting she kissed her daughter's thighs and pubic mound over and over again. Momma's hands continued to fondle my sister's boobs and nipples.

Once Sissy had relaxed and caught her breath, Momma's tongue was back in her cunt licking Sissy's fluids from her inner walls. Excitement ruled the night for all of us. My rigid cock was still leaking precum and throbbing almost painfully.

I went back to Momma's outstanding ass. But, this time, kissing and nibbling her cheeks was simply not enough for me. Instead, I pulled her cheeks apart in order to lick the cleft from between. My tongue went from bottom to top of the intriguing trench between her cheeks.

I found her little dark hole with my tongue. I marveled at her taste, somewhat tangy and bitter at the same time but not distasteful. I licked around and around her butt hole. I speared my tongue into it. I kissed my mother's ass hole.

It was just too much for me. Momma and Sissy were in action again, Sissy's yips and yikes conveying that information to me. My cock was aching. My balls were churning. I needed release too.

Sitting up, I moved on my knees as close to Momma as I could physically be. I took my dick in hand and rubbed the tip of it along her pussy. Momma moaned her appreciation of my actions. Unable to wait any longer, I placed the tip of my staff at her coppery gateway. I lunged forward, driving my dick into Momma's cunt as hard as I could.

Momma yelped in response as she arched her hindquarters back at me. It was at this moment that I felt that I was in control of things. Momma was mewling as I pulled back before slamming forward once again. I pulled right back until only my cock head was in my mother's cunt. Then I rammed into her depths another time. Again, Momma yelped at my invasion changing to mewling as I pulled back. Internet porn was serving as my tutor.

"Momma, don't leave Sissy hanging," I ordered.

Still mewling Momma returned her attention to my twin's wet pussy. I continued what I was doing to Momma, ramming and withdrawing, with her still alternating between yelps and mewling. Sissy was still going hard with yips and yikes as she shoved her pussy at our mother's invading tongue.

But, all in all, it was too much for me. Mentally, I felt I was in control of the situation, feeling that both women would do my bidding whenever ordered, but physically, I was on the verge of losing control. There had been simply too much going on for me to hold out much longer.

"Momma, I'm going to cum soon. I'm going to cum in your pussy, Momma!" I exclaimed.

Momma's response was a grunt as she pushed back against me in rhythm with my spearing and withdrawing from her cunt. I could feel the semen moving from my balls to my dick. I could feel my rod thickening with the rush of cum moving closer and closer to the gateway.

I wanted to hold back as the warm, gripping feeling of me stabbing into Momma was so good. Momma's grip intensified as she hunched back at me. I could not hold back. I sprayed cum in one large, long dose into my mother's pussy.

I tried to keep fucking in and out of her but the one gusher seemed to drain me of all energy. Strength gone, I flopped onto Momma's back. I seemed to hear Sissy announcing another orgasm due to Momma's tongue.

As soon as I was able to breathe, I rolled off Momma and lay on my back beside her, still gasping. I could not fathom anything being this wonderful, this intense, ever in my life again.

Momma was not in any better shape than I was. She pulled away from Sissy to lie beside me on the floor.

"Momma, that was great," I said. "I have never felt anything like that before."

Momma tried to laugh as she responded, "Me too, son, me too. I never knew what I was missing all these years."

"Sissy?" I asked, "are you alright?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" she responded.

"Come down here and do Momma like she just did you," I ordered, still trying out this controlling thing. I did not know how successful I was since this was not a part of my normal nature. But, Sissy moving off the couch and to between Momma's legs told me I was on a roll.

Sissy was very hesitant. She looked very closely at Momma's leaking pussy. My cum was dribbling out of her pussy. My sister reached a tentative finger forward and swiped some of my cum onto it. Sissy held her now wet finger up to her nose in order to smell my spend. Obviously finding it to not be rank, she licked my cum off her finger.

Satisfied with the aroma and taste, she used fingers on both hands to keep Momma's labia spread. Again she was hesitant as she moved her face closer to our mother's cunt. Taking a deep breath and seemingly gathering her courage, Sissy leaned down, stuck out her tongue, and gave Momma's pussy one long stroke of her tongue. Momma gasped in reaction.

Gawd, I love hearing the various sounds these two make! Just those sounds and noises were enough to turn me on.

Yup, I had a hard on again, it having grown while watching Sissy gathering up the fortitude to go down on our mother's cum filled pussy. Once Sissy started, there was no stopping her. Not that Momma even tried.

Momma had her hands locked around Sissy's head, pulling Sissy tightly to herself. I watched very closely while ensuring I did not put my hand anywhere near my staff.

For her first time eating pussy, Momma seemed to feel Sissy was doing a good job. Momma just could not lay still. With the soles of her feet flat on the floor, Momma was forcing herself up at Sissy's mouth almost as if she were fucking her daughter's tongue. Sissy had glommed on to Momma's spectacular tits and was holding on for dear life, squeezing them over and over.

Once again, referring to my porn video instruction tapes, I gathered my knees underneath me and moved even closer to Momma. Now, I took my extremely hard staff in hand and began to tap the head against Momma's lips.

At least that was my intention. But her reactions to Sissy's pussy licking had her whipping her head back and forth, up and down so that sometimes I hit her mouth and other times I was just rubbing against Momma's cheeks and eyes.

Once it seemed to sink in to Momma's pre-orgasmic mind just what I was doing, she turned her face towards me and sucked my cock right into her mouth. Even though this was not my first cum of the day, just marveling at Momma sucking my cock while her daughter ate out her pussy, had my balls swiftly churning out a new load of semen.

All this activity was too much for Momma to withstand. Her mouth opened and she virtually spit my prick out of her mouth in order to announce her own orgasm with a scream of passion. Once again, she held Sissy's head tight against her pussy as she bucked up and down. Her screams may have lost some of their power, but Momma continued to shriek for minutes, never freeing Sissy from her grasp.

Finally, once she was quiet again, I tried to put my dick back in Momma's mouth. I was not having any success when Sissy realized what was happening. She knee walked up Momma's body until she could reach my staff. Sissy pulled me to her, put the shaft in her mouth with no hesitation and that was all it took.

Feeling my sister's lips tighten around my cock was simply too much for my overactive prostate. I blew a load directly into Sissy's mouth. Caught unawares by the suddenness of my onslaught, Sissy began choking on the semen flooding her mouth. She spit my cock free and I continued to spray all over her face, boobs, and even on Momma as well. It was not as gratifying to me as other climaxes but it still felt good.

Soon enough, all three of us lay listlessly on the carpeted floor. Sissy climbed to her feet and staggered her way to the washroom, returning a few minutes later with washcloths and hand towels. She took it upon herself to clean both Momma and me of the cum and other fluids on our bodies. Once done, she collapsed on the couch, staring at our naked bodies.

"What did you think, Sissy?" I asked. "Did you enjoy what just happened?"

"I never knew a person could feel that good," she informed us. "It was heavenly."

"It only gets better from here," I said.

Waiting a few moments, I asked Momma the question that had been on my mind since she first attacked Sissy's body.

"Momma, this was not your first time making love with a woman was it?"

Momma blushed and smiled a quirky looking smile before admitting I was right, that she had been with a woman before.

"Who was she, Momma?" I asked.

"My sister, your Auntie Diana."

Hmmm, I thought to myself. Has our incestuous family just grown?Waiting a few moments, I asked Momma the question that had been on my mind since she first attacked Sissy's body.

"Momma, this was not your first time making love with a woman was it?"

Momma blushed and smiled a quirky looking smile before admitting I was right, that she had been with a woman before.

"Who was she, Momma?" I asked.

"My sister, your Auntie Diana."

Hmmm, I thought to myself. Has our incestuous family just grown?

It had been a long night as we three pretended to sleep. We spent the night in Momma and Poppa's bed with me in the middle. We spent a lot of time kissing, fondling, and groping with nothing more extreme. Eventually, we fell asleep.

Once morning came, we tidied the house and ourselves. Sissy went back to her friend's house to finish up whatever project they were working on. Momma decided she needed a shower and invited me to join her.

It was as I was washing Momma's ass and pussy that I brought up the subject of her hairy cunt.

"Momma, have you ever thought of shaving yourself?"


"Yeah, down there."

"I shave my legs, Baby."

"Umm, Momma, I was thinking of you shaving this," I said as I covered her hairy muff with my hand.

Momma seemed to be taken aback by this concept.

"Why, Ricky, don't you like it?" she asked.

"Well, Momma, to be truthful, no. I don't like it. The hair covers your pussy and it can get in my mouth."

"Hmmm," she said while giving the concept some thought.

"I have seen bare pussies online, Momma, and I really like looking at them."

"I'll give it some thought then, Honey."

With that being said, I dropped to my knees in the shower in order to eat Momma's hairy pussy one more time. I may have preferred her to be shaven but I was not going to give up what was right in my face either.

Later that day, with Sissy in tow, we returned to the hospital to visit Poppa. He told us he was feeling much better and that his memory was improving. By now, he remembered all of the details of the robbery clearly up until we were herded into the master bedroom.

As we were talking, the doctor came into the room. He reviewed Poppa's chart and gave him a basic checkup, flashing a light into his eyes and having him follow his moving finger. Although the doctor seemed happy with the results so far, he still had some concerns. He told us he was unwilling to discharge Poppa today. The doctor felt Poppa still needed to be kept sedated in order to allow the swelling in his brain to go down some more. He told us he would check in again tomorrow.

Momma, Sissy, and I gave each other surreptitious glances, not altogether unhappy that Poppa would be staying in the hospital another night giving us more time to play and explore. Soon the nurse arrived to give Poppa the sedative the doctor ordered.

As Poppa's eyes began to close, I moved to stand behind Momma. I wanted her to know how much I desired her so I began to fondle and caress her firm ass cheeks. I expected Momma to slap my hands away since we were standing so close to Poppa but she did not. Instead, Momma cocked her ass up, pushing back against my exploring hands.

Sissy immediately noticed what I was doing and smiled at me. I motioned with my head for her to move closer to us. She walked to stand beside Momma who was almost having a conversation with Poppa while I continued to grope her ass. Poppa was almost asleep, completely oblivious to what we were doing, and only speaking sporadically.

Even Sissy's little squeal of delight when I took one hand from Momma's ass to use on my sister's butt was not enough to alert him. Unfortunately though Sissy's squeal was heard by a passing nurse who stuck her head in the room to see if the patient needed something.

Fortunately she was unable to see what I was doing behind Momma and Sissy. Momma told her we were just leaving and so we did.

Once in the taxi on our way home, Momma admonished me.

"Ricky, you can't do things like that in public. Someone could see."

"Like that nurse," said Sissy.

"I couldn't help it," I said, "your bums are just so inviting."

"Well, you can show us how much you like our bums when we get home," said Momma.

Unfortunately, there was not going to be an immediate return to our previous activities. There was a car I did not recognize parked in the driveway. Momma knew who it belonged to though.

"Darn it!" exclaimed Momma. "Your grandparents are here."

Poppa had given them a key to the house many years ago which they must have used since the front door was open with only the screen door keeping flying critters and such out. We entered to see Gran sitting on the couch waiting for us.

I hid my disappointment while we all did the family hug thing. Sissy looked delighted to see her grandmother while Momma seemed to be hesitant. Of course, they never had a great relationship due to Gran's condescending treatment of my mother. In fact, I think I overheard Momma whispering the words "demonic tyrant" under her breath one time.

I asked where Gramps was and was told he could not be away from his job right then, especially if Poppa was coming home soon. Gramps had his own construction business and this was his busy season.

Knowing Gran was here by herself, I knew tonight and even tomorrow would not be going according to plans. This was confirmed by Gran's next comments.

"This house is a mess, ladies we are going to make this place sparkle."

Momma and Sissy grudgingly nodded and went for cleaning supplies. Gran told me to go to my room and do some homework. She did not even bother to ask if I had any. By the way, Gran was old school and felt that housekeeping was not man's work.

Locked in my room, I began to surf the net looking specifically for mother and sister porn videos. I was interrupted by Momma rushing into my room, slamming the door behind her.

"That darn woman!" she exclaimed.

"What's wrong, Momma? The usual with Gran?"

"Yes, exactly! She does her best to put me down every chance she gets. You would think that after twenty years of marriage and two kids, she would ease up on me. But, no, not your grandmother."

"It's okay, Momma, you can hide in here. Sit down and relax."

Momma plopped herself down sort of on the bed. Her feet were still on the floor with the rest of her body on the bed itself. Her legs were spread slightly giving me a view of her strong thighs. Momma's boobs were being supported by a strong bra, I presumed, since they were still standing up proudly and not sagging to the sides as I had seen on various videos.

Watching the videos and Momma lying across my bed gave me a hard on. Even with Gran in the house I could not resist Momma's unwitting invitations. Risking her displeasure, I lay down on the bed beside her.

Momma did not react until my lips touched hers. Her mouth opened immediately welcoming my tongue within her oral domain. Leaning over her as I was, it was no effort to press my lips hard against hers. My hand drifted up her thighs, past her waist, and further up until I was groping her big tits.

We spent a solid five minutes like this before Momma shook me off in order to sit up.

"We can't, Honey," said Momma, "not with your grandmother in the house."

"Moooommmaaa..." I groaned.

"Maybe she will go out later or something and we'll have some time together."

I sighed as expressively as I could, conveying my displeasure with what she had to say.

"What were you doing before I came in?" asked Momma.

"Looking at porn videos," I said.

"Let me see," said Momma.

This was another new threshold for us, of course. My mother and I had never even discussed porn let alone viewed them together. I was somewhat embarrassed as I grabbed my laptop and returned to my bed sitting beside Momma.

We watched one video for only a couple of minutes before Momma became fascinated. We were watching a video about mothers and sons seducing one another. The second scene, with the mother being the seductress, contained footage that caused her to gasp.

"So that's what a shaved pubic area looks like," she commented.

"It does look kind of sexy," she said. "Younger somehow."

"I think you would look so very hot, Momma, if you shaved yourself bare like that."

"Yes, I can see how you would like it," Momma responded. "How does it feel?"

"I don't know, Momma, you are the first woman I ever saw naked."

"Oh, yes, right." A long pause. "I don't know if I could do it myself. I don't think I could reach everywhere."

"I could help you, Momma," I offered.

"That would not be a good idea, Ricky, because of your grandmother. What if she caught us?"

Neither of us said anything more and minutes passed.

"Maybe I could get Sissy to help? I could do her in trade," said my mother in a pondering tone of voice. And, with that she climbed back to her feet, blew me a kiss, and left my room.

Dinner that evening was a quiet affair. Gran did most of the talking and we responded when necessary in monosyllables. Once we were done with dinner, Gran announced her plans for the rest of the evening.

Gran told me I was taking her to the hospital so she could see Poppa. She told Momma and Sissy that since they had already visited today, they could stay home and get the kitchen cleaned up. "A good scrubbing" was the way she put it. For the record, except for the remains of the making dinner exercise, Momma kept our kitchen immaculate.

Gran and I left for the hospital almost immediately with me thinking this was just the opportunity Momma was searching for.

The following is from Momma's point of view as related to me.

It did not take Sissy and I very long to clean up the kitchen after my mother in law and Ricky left for the hospital. Imagine the gall of that woman implying my kitchen was a neglected mess.

Once we were done with the dishes, I took Sissy by the hand and led her into the livingroom. Sitting side by each on the couch, I pulled my daughter into a tight embrace.

It seemed only natural for us to start kissing. With no words spoken, our kisses transformed themselves into a passionate make out session. I enjoyed the feeling of our tongues twizzling around each other, lips pressed hard against one another.

Sissy took me by surprise when her hand clamped on to my buttocks. Surprise soon turned to me returning her advance by squeezing her breast. When we came up for air, I asked Sissy if she enjoyed our sexual play the previous evening, even though no answer was really needed.

"Momma, it was just awesome."

"Obviously, you don't mind if we keep on being sexually active with one another?" asked Momma.

"And, Ricky too?"

"Yes," replied Momma. "All three of us together."

"Ohhh, Momma, that would be awesome. But what about Poppa?"

"We'll figure that out when he comes home," she replied.

"I'd like you to help me with something, Sissy."

"Of course, Momma, what can I do?"

Taking Sissy by the hand, I led her to Rick's bedroom. Grabbing his laptop, we sat on the end of the bed while I searched for the video he had shown me earlier. Fortunately, he had not cleared his browser history. In a few moments more, we were looking at the video showing the woman with the shorn vagina.

I pointed it out to Sissy, telling her I would like to do that to myself. But, I was not sure I could do it by myself. I asked Sissy if she would help me. With her in agreement, we were in the bathroom very soon after stopping for nightclothes along the way.

We decided that the best thing for us to do would be to start by showering, thinking that it would be easier to shave if the hair was wet. Sissy and I enjoyed ourselves in the shower. We took turns washing each other's body.

I never knew how much pleasure I could derive from my daughter's body. Letting my hands caress Sissy's back and ass was an incredible turn on. I could not stop myself from fondling her bum while I lavished tongue kisses on her cheeks.

Her breasts were equally as intoxicating. So firm, so perky. Feeling her thick nipples hardening in my mouth was like no other feeling I had ever experienced.

And, of course, there was no way I was going to let Sissy's vagina go unappreciated. I spread her labia apart and swiped my tongue along her pussy as deeply as I could. Sissy was already sopping wet and she tasted magnificent! I didn't want to stop!

Remembering my past experiences with your auntie, I put one finger deep into her pussy and continued to lick her clitoris. Ricky, she would have crawled up the walls if she could. It didn't take long before Sissy was wailing her way into an orgasm.

I can't help but thank you for reminding me how much pleasure I could give and receive from sex. It also reminded me how unhappy, how unfulfilled I have been in this sexless marriage with your father.

As she said this, Momma was working the zipper of my jeans in order to fish out my burgeoning prick. She was doing everything she could to make sure I was feeling fulfilled.

I had to support Sissy in order to keep her from falling down. By the time, she came down from her sexual high, there was no hot water left. So we dried off. I sat naked on the toilet seat. We used your Poppa's shaving cream and razor to start doing me right away. Sissy was still a little trembly and I worried some that she might cut me.

But she soon settled down and very carefully she started removing my pubic hair. It tickled. I had to force myself to sit still so Sissy wouldn't nick me. I've seen your father after he nicked himself shaving his face. I didn't want that to happen to my tender parts.

The first part, the top, was not a difficult task except for the matter of me moving. When we got further between my legs, Sissy was being extremely delicate with the razor. Both of us had our hands down there. I was pulling my labia from side to side making it easier for Sissy to get at my hair.

Momma's hand was slowly sliding up and down my hardened staff. I was finding it difficult not to buck upwards forcing her hand tighter against my rod. Even though she was making me feel great, I did not want to distract her from the story she was relating to me. Momma was great at jerking me off, where did that talent come from?

Sissy and I were both so turned on by the intimate actions we had been performing on my body. My vagina was leaking very aromatic fluids. Sissy commented that the aroma was more welcoming than a cup of hot cocoa on a cold afternoon. And, having said that, she moved her face close to my now shorn vagina. Her tongue dipped between my labia.

I could feel her inhaling my muskiness through her nose as her tongue lingered on my clitoris. The sensations were overwhelming. It felt so different, so airy, without any hair covering my bits and pieces.

It was at that moment that the bathroom door slammed open and your grandmother was standing there frozen, mouth agape.

Gran and I had returned from our hospital visit with Poppa. He was feeling much better and pleased to see his mother there. We did not stay too long as Gran did not want to see Poppa tired out. Once we were in our driveway, I told Gran I was going to a friend's to play video games for a while. I could not have imagined what Gran was going to find inside the house.

"What is going on here? What are you two doing in here?" she demanded to know.

Momma told me she was stunned for a moment but quickly gathered her wits about her before responding.

"We are taking care of our personal hygiene. Don't you knock?" Momma retorted.

Your grandmother was taken aback by my attack in turn.

"Personal hygiene? What do you mean?" asked Gran.

"Don't you follow the health news, mother?" asked Momma.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Doctors, especially ob/gyn's are suggesting it is healthier for women to keep their private areas shaved clean. Don't you shave, Mother?"

"Well, no," she responded.

"You really should, Gran," piped in Sissy.

"Yes, Mother, you really should," said Momma. "We will be discussing this and recommending it at the next ladies auxiliary luncheon at the church. You don't want to be left out."

Momma knew what wires were live in Gran's mind. Pulling the church into it was definitely a trip wire. She also knew how her handjob was making me feel.

"Yes, Gran, we can help you," said Sissy as she charged to her feet.

"That's right, Mother, we can help."

With no further ado, we began to strip Gran of her clothing. The woman was so flummoxed she did not know which way was up. She seemed shocked when I undid her bra while Sissy was pulling down her panties.

Ricky, I was amazed by your Gran's naked body. She has good sized breasts with very little sag to them. But her bush was so hairy, she could have been part gorilla.

There was no way I could not laugh at Momma's description of Gran's hairy pussy. Momma was still jerking my dick very slowly using her thumb to smear the leaking pre-cum all over my little head. Momma leaned up to give me a passionate tongue kiss before continuing with her story. I hoped it was going where I thought it was.

I took a washcloth, soaped it up and handed it to Sissy. The little minx already had your Gran's legs spread as wide as they could go. With the cloth in hand, she moved closer between her legs.

"Gran, I am so happy you are letting us make sure your everything will be healthy once we are done. Then, to both my surprise as well as your Gran's, Sissy leaned in and gave her grandmother a kiss on the lips. It didn't look like there was any tongue involved but it was a hard kiss, not just a peck.

Sissy moved on to soaping and wetting down your grandmother's gorilla crotch. Once your grandmother was wet enough, I moved in beside Sissy and started using the razor. Even though she had so much of it, her pubic hair was soft and silky.

As I shaved her pelvis, Sissy was blowing gently on the now bare skin. I glanced up to see your Gran leaning back against the toilet with her head tilted up and eyes closed. Getting Sissy's attention, I glanced at your Gran's tits. She had extremely long and thick nipples. They were as hard as small rocks by then.

Sissy continued to blow on Gran's flesh but reached up with one hand to caress the side of her face. My mother in law groaned in appreciation. Bringing her hand back down, Sissy caressed her face down to her jaw, her neck, her chest and her breasts before lifting her hand away.

Your grandmother jerked when Sissy's hand slid across her nipple but didn't say anything. She tried to close her legs in reflex but couldn't with the two of us between them.

Sissy looked at me and grinned. The audacious little minx leaned in and gave her grandmother a kiss on the pelvis while I continued working my way down. Gran moaned again.By this point, we both had our hands all over her pussy, pushing and pulling the skin in order to get the hair. Your grandmother was getting sexually excited. She was soaking wet and flooding the room with her own aromas. I was wet again as well and I'm sure Sissy was too.

Sissy was certainly pushing your Gran's boundaries. Sissy leaned upwards in order to caress Mother's face again.

"Do you like what we are doing, Gran? Is it making you feel good?" asked Sissy.

The older woman nodded her head, eyes still closed. Sissy leaned in to give her another hard kiss on the lips. When she pulled back, she left her chin sitting on your grandmother's breast. Gran just sighed. Sissy then put her hand on the same breast , resting it beside her chin.

When Sissy pulled her chin off the breast to return to kissing and blowing the shaven areas. Since we had made much progress, Sissy was kissing lower and closer to your Gran's vagina.

I was simply amazed when I glanced up to see that Sissy was now squeezing your Grans tit, I mean breast. And Gran was still not objecting.

As I was trimming and wiping the shaving cream off, I decided to tease your Gran just like Sissy was doing. Using the washcloth, I wiped from the bottom of her pussy to the top and then back again. I let my little finger brush against your Gran's clitoris.

She moaned at me. Sissy and I smiled at each other before Sissy went back for another kiss. This time I could see that she was using her tongue to part her Gran's lips. She caressed one tit and then the other.

I decided to go the full measure. Leaning in to your grandmother's pussy, I tickled her clit with my tongue. She moaned so loudly, you would think she was raising the dead.

I could hear smacking sounds from the two of them kissing. Then...Oh Ricky!... then your grandmother's hand was on the back of my head pushing me tighter against her pussy. So I continued what I was doing nibbling on her clit but started fingering her as well.

I doubt the woman had ever felt the kind of pleasure your sister and I were giving her. It was overwhelming any barriers she might have left. To her, it must have been ecstasy. I don't think she could have stopped us even if she wanted to.

I was interrupted by Sissy getting to her feet. She took Gran by the hand saying we should move into the bedroom. Much to my surprise, your gran offered no resistance. She simply waited for me to stand up so she could.

In my bedroom, Sissy directed Gran until she was lying in the middle of the bed. Sissy indicated I should resume my endeavours with Gran's now hairless pussy. While I made myself comfortable between your Gran's legs, Sissy lay beside her and started making out with her.

Gran was definitely back in the groove of things. She had one arm around Sissy and I could hear their lips smacking as they exchanged passionate soul kisses. Gran's other hand found its way to the back of my head, pulling me tighter against her sopping wet cunt.

I could just see enough to know that Sissy and Gran were still making out but Sissy was groping and fondling your Gran's lovely and luscious brea... tits. In between kisses, Sissy was telling her how amazing her boobs felt.

Gran was moaning passionately and constantly at this point. I could feel goosebumps erupting beneath my hands on her thighs. Gran began to buck her pelvis up against my mouth and fluids increased almost to flood levels.

Sissy adjusted her body so she was able to make love to your Gran's breas...tits. I could see her mouth on the tits, moving from one to another. When Sissy started nipping at Gran's nipples, her moans jumped in volume. Her pussy was almost drowning me as I continued to finger her and nibble at her clit.

It was no real surprise when your Gran started to shiver and shake her way into what might have been her first orgasm. What was a surprise was that she spurted so much fluid all of a sudden. I thought she was peeing on me, there was such a huge discharge. Some got in my mouth and I realized from the taste it was not urine.

"Momma, Gran is a squirter. You're right, it wasn't pee, it was a stream of her fluids. Probably because it was her first orgasm. She might not do it again."

"Oh, she did," replied my mother.

Just the thought of Gran being a squirter and Momma still massaging my cock and balls almost brought me to my own climax. I could feel the semen churning in my testicles and starting to climb.

Sissy still appeared to be in charge of our activity. In between kissing her grandmother, she asked how it felt to have an orgasm. Sissy also motioned me to move up so I was lying on the other side of my mother in law.

Your Gran had been rendered speechless by the intense feelings that overcame her during her orgasm. She was lying between us, looking blissful and relaxed. Sissy was kissing her, deep passionate kisses, while still fondling Gran's boobs.

Sissy reached over, took my hand, and placed it on the tit closest to me. Then she pushed your grandmother's face towards me indicating I should kiss the woman I had always thought of as a shrew.

But Gran returned my kiss. Her lips softened and she put up no resistance as my tongue slid between them. I swizzled my tongue around hers. Instead of resisting, your Gran's tongue started pushing back against mine. She put one arm around me, just like she had her other arm around your sister.

Sissy and I were fondling Gran's tits. Her nipples were amazingly hard.

"Gran, did you like what Momma did to you? Was that your first climax?"

It was difficult for her to answer since her tongue was in my mouth at this point. She moaned out her answer which Sissy and I presumed was an affirmative answer.

"Do you want to do this some more? Orgasm, I mean?" asked Sissy.

Your grandmother sighed out a long yessss as Sissy turned her head towards herself for more deep tongue kisses.

As Sissy turned her head back towards me, she said, "Gran, I think you should thank Momma by doing the same thing to her."

Our tongues were travelling back and forth from mouth to mouth as Gran began to squirm and attempt to shake her head in a negative manner.

"Try it, Gran, you'll love it. If you bring Momma to orgasm, I'll do you next."

Your Gran was still putting up a fight. She pulled her face away from mine saying, "I can't, I can't, I can't"

"Gran, don't you want to feel your granddaughter licking your pussy? You do Momma and I'll do you."

Gran sighed and said she did not know how to do it. Sissy told her she would show her how it was done. With extreme reluctance, your Gran agreed she would try.

We all shifted around until I was lying on my back in the middle of the bed. Sissy pushed my legs widely apart so both she and your grandmother could get close to my pussy.

Sissy began demonstrating to your grandmother by running her fingertips lightly across my pelvis and down to the sides of my thighs where they came together.

"Do what I'm doing, Gran," instructed Sissy.

To my amazement, there was no argument. Your grandmother was very hesitant, almost trembling, as she began to mimic your sister's hand movements. With minutes passing and both women tickling my pubic area, I could feel myself becoming wet.

"Did you like it when Momma finger fucked you?" she asked.

"Yessss," was the reply.

"Then you must return the favour," Sissy told her as she guided Gran's fingers to my pussy.

Sissy slid Gran's fingers up and down my slit, spreading my wetness around. I knew I was going to have an orgasm due to Sissy guiding this woman I almost hated at times over the years.

"Momma, I'm going to cum, I can't hold it back!" I cried out.

The events she was describing to me as well as her hand on my dick had brought me right to the edge. Imagining my stiff, formal grandmother about to fingerfuck her daughter in law was too much for me.

My mother was not hesitant. Her lips wrapped around the head of my cock and she sucked it as her hand motion on my staff increased in speed. Soon enough I was jetting my cum into Momma's mouth. She kept on sucking and jerking until I was fully drained and her mouth was full of her son's semen.

I flopped backwards on the bed while Momma swallowed my cum and licked me clean.

"Do you want me to tell you the rest of the story, Ricky?"

Your grandmother slipped her index finger between my labia, pushing it as deep inside my cunt as she could reach. Sissy instructed her to pull the finger out and push it back in. Then repeat.

With your grandmother fingering my hot, wet cunt, and Sissy's hand roaming from tit to tit and nipple to nipple, I wondered how long I could hold back my orgasm. Or should I just let go and have one? The two women in bed with me could bring me to another soon enough.

Sissy instructed your grandmother to pull her finger out of my pussy. It was wet with my fluids. Sissy told her to lick it, to taste my fluids on her finger. They were just in time as my impending orgasm lessened somewhat.

"Do you like Momma's taste, Gran?" asked Sissy.

Your grandmother didn't answer right away. Sissy asked the question again.

"I would never have imagined something tasting so sweet," she replied in a faltering voice.

"It's time to use your tongue now, Gran."

Sissy spread my labia and waited for Gran to move her mouth to my pussy. It took her a few seconds but I did feel her tongue on me.

"Lick Momma's pussy up and down like you did with your fingers."

I forgot all about hating her as her tongue swiped up and down my open slit. For this being her first time tasting pussy, she was doing a wonderful job.

"Now, Gran, you just go wild. Lick, suck, flick Momma's clit with your tongue. Even fingerfuck her some more."

Your grandmother shifted her position, pulling herself to her knees so she could get even closer to my snatch. She was like a whirling dervish, her mouth, her lips were everywhere. One second here, the next second there. She went wild on me and was driving me close to orgasm again.

Sissy left my side without saying anything. I was able to lift my head enough to see that she was on her knees behind your grandmother. When Sissy's tongue touched her pussy, your Gran squealed. Then she returned immediately to what she was doing with my cunt. I don't know how she figured out to do it, but Gran took my clit between her lips and started sucking it hard in between flicking it with her tongue.

That was too much for me. My orgasm blossomed over my body. I shrieked out an announcement of my explosion to Sissy and Gran. I locked my hands around Gran's head to keep her from pulling back as I flooded her mouth with my fluids. Gran moaned into my pussy as I continued to cum.

Too soon, I was done and exhausted. My tight muscles relaxed and I let your grandmother go. But she didn't pull back. She was squealing into my pussy while rocking back and forth.

Sissy had not stopped her attack on your grandmother's cunt. She kept it up until Gran squealed her way into her second orgasm. Finally, we were all exhausted. We shifted positions until we were all lying head to head, our arms wrapped around each other. Since your grandmother had squirted again, Sissy's face and even some of her hair was soaked.

Sissy asked Gran how she liked everything we had done. Your grandmother said it was the most fantastic experience of her life. She also said she couldn't wait to give Sissy's pussy a good licking too.

"Wait, Gran, you need to try Ricky," she said.


"Momma! I'm going to fuck Gran?"

"Yes, dear. You're going to fuck your grandmother."Your grandmother said it was the most fantastic experience of her life. She also said she couldn't wait to give Sissy's pussy a good licking too.

"Wait, Gran, you need to try Ricky!" Sissy said.

"Ricky????" exclaimed Gran.

"Momma! I'm going to fuck Gran?"

"Yes, Ricky, dear. You're going to fuck your grandmother."


The past few days have been a whirlwind of new and different activities with our family. The home invasion, Poppa being hospitalized, me and Momma fucking, me and Sissy and Momma together. It was enough to overwhelm an eighteen year old high school student. I was a virgin until Momma made me a man. And, to top it off, Momma has informed me that my grandmother wants to fuck me too.

I could not stop thinking about all this going on. In two days, I have gone from being a virgin to relieving me of that condition by my two closest family members. And, now a third member awaiting her turn. It was blowing my mind.

Part of my consternation was that we were accomplishing all these activities while Poppa is in the hospital. What was going to happen when he came home? I, for one, did not want this to stop. I wanted to continue fucking Momma and Sissy. I'm sure I would not be satisfied with fucking Gran just once as well. That was certainly a mouthful—fucking Gran. Could it really happen?

But, how could all of it continue? How could we sneak around Poppa? If he caught us, it could destroy our family. He did not seem the type, from what Momma has told me about him, to join in with us.

And Gran? She's old. I had never thought of her in a sexual way. She did not look very attractive to me. Always dressed in Mormon like clothing that kept her covered from neck to ankles. I really had no idea what kind of figure she had hidden away. I could not conceive of her being a sexually free woman.

And her attitude! Momma has called her a shrew and a demonic tyrant. Although she is always nice to me, I cannot abide the way she treats Momma. With thoughts like this in my mind, how could I even get a hardon with her? I do not think so.

But maybe she does have a good figure hidden away. Momma and Sissy have told me she does. I don't know.


I am evil. My son is in the hospital with a severe head injury and I allow myself to be seduced by my daughter in law and her daughter, my granddaughter. I don't know which was worse, them conspiring to turn me into joining in their unholy games or me participating. Why did my god desert me this way? How did he allow these women to be taken by the devil?

I needed to pray. I needed to pray with my son. He would give guidance to us both. He would be able to confer absolution on my soul. He would be able to drive these evil thoughts from my mind. God would save me with my son's help.

How does my son make love to this harlot? Should he not have cast her into the desert years ago? I have always told him he was too good for this woman. And, does he know? Does he condone these dirty sexual practices in his home? Does he couple with both his wife and daughter?

What is my son like in bed? Does he make his wife and daughter squeal like they did me? My husband always wants sex but I only allow him to penetrate me once monthly. I even taught my son this was all a woman required from her husband to maintain a solid marriage.

Was I wrong? Does a man need more? Does a woman need more? Would my son make love to me? Would he insert his hard phallus into my vagina? Would I allow him to take me sexually?

I remember seeing him naked a few times when he was a teenager. Always by accident, of course. His penis rivaled his father's in size. But his father was satisfied with our once a month unions. Is that enough for my son? Does he want more? Does he do more?

His wife is such an attractive woman. Despite being a horrible wife and mother, she does look very attractive. I can see her using her evil sexual powers to lure my son into being more active. And, my granddaughter! She is so attractive as well, very sexy. Does her father screw, I mean, copulate with her too? Does he...?

Oh my god, I have never felt so much a woman, so much a sexual creature as when Sissy led me into my son's bed. How can a young girl be so masterfully seductive with a woman like me?

And, orgasm! I have never felt like that in my life. I have heard the term before but I have never had an orgasm. I have never discharged so much fluid when I do my monthly chore with my husband.

Now, that I have had, not one but two orgasms, can I live without having more. Can having such intense feelings be a gift from god? Or, is it another instance of the devil trying to sway us from the path of righteousness with his apple?

I don't think I am strong enough to withstand this temptation on my own. But, if I confess to my son I had sex with his wife and daughter, what will he think of me? Will he cast me out of the garden of his love?

Oh my god! What do I do?


Well, Poppa is staying in the hospital for another night. The doctor said he was healing well but he still felt Poppa needed more time to rest and recuperate. It's great that he is getting better but even greater that Momma and I are getting another night to play.

Oh shit, Gran is still here.

After dinner, Momma and Sissy went out to do some shopping. Gran said she would clean up the supper dishes. I had some homework to do, so I went to the couch with my books.

Some time passed before Gran was finished with the cleaning of the kitchen. When she was done, Gran joined me on the couch, sitting at the far end from me. Since she was not saying anything, I returned my attention to my school work.

After more time had passed, I began to feel uneasy. Sort of creepy. Like someone was staring at me. Looking up, I saw that it was Gran examining me. She quickly turned away as I returned her gaze.

Mentally shrugging, I returned my focus to my homework. In a few minutes more, I could feel Gran's staring eyes on me again. Exasperated, I closed my book and looked to Gran myself. Gran swiftly looked away from me in turn.

I looked hard at my grandmother's body trying to see what Momma and Sissy had described to me. She was pretty enough in the face for a woman her age. She looked to have smooth skin, not too many lines or furrows, at least not on her face or neck.

Her tits? Momma said they were good sized. I don't know. I can't make them out under the bulky top she is wearing. Her legs are also covered up.

Maybe it would be cool to strip those clothes off her. Imagining I was sucking on her tits was giving me a hard on.


Oh my, he's staring at me. My grandson is staring at me. Is he thinking of having his way with me? He has a bulge in his crotch. Does he have an erection? Is he getting excited sexually because of me? What do I do?

"Ricky, why are you staring at me?" I asked him.

"My eyes have been opened, Gran, to many new things lately. I have learned to pay more attention to the people around me," replied my grandson.

He is, what do they call it, checking? Yes, checking me out. Does he like what he is seeing?

"Have you noticed anything new or different about me, Ricky?"

His eyes roved up and down my body. His erection seems to be growing. How big can an erection get? How long can it last?

"Yeah, Gran. I am seeing you in a new light."

"What kind of new light?"

"I have always thought of you as a strict and forbidding woman. As devoted as a nun to your church," said Ricky.

"Strict and forbidding?"

"Yeah, but not so much today. You look more relaxed," he said.

"Do you like me better looking relaxed?" I asked.

"Ummm, I guess I do..." said Ricky giving me a part answer.

"Is there a but in there somewhere, Ricky."

Ricky's face turned red as he blushed.

"You can tell me, Honey, go ahead."

Still blushing, he responded, "I wonder how relaxed you can be around me?"

Oh my my. Is he hinting at something? Does he know about me and his mother and sister? Is he hinting at wanting me too?"

"How relaxed would you like me to be?" I asked.

He hesitated for at least a full minute before gulping and answering me.

"We watch a lot of those family dramas and chick flicks on TV..." he stopped talking.

"Keep going, tell your grandmother what you are thinking."

Yes, yes, yes, tell me that you are thinking of me. Desiring me.

Ricky said, "On those television shows, the families are always close. They are always hugging. They cuddle together on the couch. Our family doesn't act like that, especially you."

That's not what I was hoping, I mean thinking, he might say. He just wants a loving family life. I can do that.

"Would it make you feel better, Ricky if I hugged you more? Even cuddled with you?"

"Yes, Gran, I think that would be great."

Without saying anything more, I scooted down to his end of the couch. Facing him, with one foot on the floor and the other bent under my rump, I reached up to take my grandson into an embrace. Our hug started loosely but his arms gradually tightened around me.


Wow, this was mind blowing. I can't remember the last time Gran hugged me except for quick embraces at the door when either of us arrived at the other's home. I tightened my arms around her, pulling her closer, until I could feel her boobs right up tight against my chest. I liked it.

"Gran, this feels good. I like holding you in my arms like this."

"Me too, Ricky, I like how this feels too."

I wasn't really thinking, I was just feeling. I tightened my hold on my grandmother one more time. I lay my head on her shoulder. I guess this new softer version of my grandmother was enough to dispel any qualms I might have had concerning her attitude. My hard cock seemed to think so.


It felt so good with his arms wrapped around me so tightly. I could not even remember the last time I was hugged like this. Certainly not by my husband or my son. This young man was making me feel appreciated. Even wanted.

Wanted? Oh god! Does Ricky want me? As a woman? I tried to look down to see if he still had an erection but his body was too close to mine to see anything. I could feel though. I could feel my nipples getting hard under my top.

I was getting turned on by this young man. I should get off this couch right away. Right now. I should get up right now. I should definitely not be pulling him tighter to me.

Oh my god. I can feel him breathing on my neck, his face is so close to me. How can this be happening. I can feel goosebumps on my arms.

Ohhhhhh, my grandson is kissing my neck. It feels so wonderful. His mouth is open and his tongue is touching my neck. Ricky is sucking on my neck. Isn't that what a hickey is? My grandson is giving me a hickey. Marking me, branding me. I need to stop this right now.


Fuck! My grandmother's hugs grew even tighter. Her tits were jammed up close against my chest. My mouth was plastered against her throat. Still not planning anything, I did only what I thought was natural.

I kissed Gran on her neck. She moaned her approval as I kissed her again and again. I let my lips part a tiny amount so I could feel her skin against it. Gran moaned even louder. Holy fuck, I was turning my grandmother on.

I nibbled just a little bit on her neck before pushing my lips as close against her as I could before beginning to suck. I doubt my grandmother ever felt a hickey before. But she was feeling this one. Still moaning, she wrapped her hands around my head pulling my lips as tightly against her as she could.

I had to use all my strength to push away from the grip Gran had on my neck. She looked disappointed thinking I was trying to escape. But that was not my intention. I turned her face towards me, moving in for a full kiss on her lips.


He is pulling away. He is so strong. He doesn't like doing anything like this with his old shrew of a grandmother. This is so embarrassing. He doesn't find me attractive. I feel like crying.

What is he doing now? He is not getting up. He turned my head towards him. He is giving me a deep, heartfelt kiss. Right on my lips. His lips feel so good. Somehow masculine tough but soft as well.

I returned his kiss to the best of my ability. I felt his lips open and his tongue brushing against my lips. I opened my mouth, softened my lips, and allowed his tongue to slip into my mouth. This feels so good. Kissing my grandson like a woman and not a grandmother is so very exciting. I tightened my arms around him again.

With me holding on to Ricky so tightly, he removed one of his arms from around me. That hand slid down my shoulder and my side. It was such a great feeling combined with our continuing kisses. I don't know how I knew but I knew I was turned on more than I had ever been in my lifetime. Not that my sexually opened lifetime had lasted more than one day. So far.

Ricky's hand began to slide back up my side. But he stopped at my breast. My grandson had his hand on my boob. He was squeezing it and bouncing it up and down a little bit. I felt like my nipple was going to tunnel through my clothing to freedom.


Momma was right, this woman, my grandmother, was a sexual woman after all. And hot. Her tongue began wrestling with mine. I slipped it out of her mouth and her tongue followed mine into my mouth. I was making out with my Gran. Fucking fantastic!

She was holding me so tightly my arm felt uncomfortable in this position. Lifting it over her arm encircling my head, I slid it down her shoulder, down her side, almost touching some side boob.

Gran was not objecting. Her tongue and mine were dueling from one mouth to the other. My grandmother's moans were getting louder and louder by the moment.

Sliding my hand back up her side, I stopped at her tit, covering it with my palm. Squeezing Gran's boob, I realized Mom had not been exaggerating. It was a good sized tit for sure. It felt firm to the touch. I bounced it and found it had some sag as it was free to move up and down.

I kept my hand moving from Gran's tit to her ass as she knelt before me. My rigid staff liked what was going on. I am sure I was leaking pre-cum by this point.

I decided to risk everything. I didn't want to scare my grandmother but my cock and I wanted more. I was too impatient to wait any longer.

"Gran," I began after breaking off our kissing," come to my room with me. I want to make love to you."

"Don't you mean you want to fuck me?" asked my grandmother.


I can't believe I said that. My grandson wants to fuck me. And, I want him to fuck me too.

I unraveled my body from his and stood beside the couch waiting for Ricky to get up. When he did, my grandson stepped close to me, wrapped his arms around my back, and leaned in for another kiss.

His tongue speared between my lips again as we renewed making out. Ricky's hands caressed their way down my back to my rump. His fingers, tightened like claws, dug their way into my backside, pulling me tight up against his penis.

My grandson's cock was hard and poking almost straight out. I couldn't help myself. I pressed my vagina against his cock. I moaned my appreciation of the feeling into his mouth. How could I have passed on feeling like this all these years? God or the devil providing these sensations, I did not care any longer. I only wanted my grandson inside me.


God, this woman was hot. Momma had not misled me about that. Her boobs were bigger than a handful, her ass was tight and taut, her mouth extremely active and not in a bitchy way for a change.

Gran offered me no argument when we I acknowledged that I wanted to fuck her. Standing in front of the couch with my hands on her butt, she was actually rubbing her pussy against my hard staff.

I couldn't wait any longer. With my arm around her, I led my grandmother to my room. She was nervous, I could feel her trembling. In fact, I was trembling too, partly due to nerves and partly to anticipation.

In my room, taking charge of my scared grandmother, I pulled her back into an embrace. I kissed her gently and lovingly on the lips. I wanted to feel her tits so I glommed on to them. Feeling was not enough, I wanted, needed to see them.


His hands were on my breasts. My grandson squeezed them hard. My nipples were like little rocks poking through my clothing. Ricky leaned in to give me another passionate tongue kiss. I kissed him back and we continued French kissing.

Then, without stopping the kissing, Ricky's hands left my breas...tits as he began to undo the buttons on my top. I have never had a man undress me before this. My husband and I always changed clothes singly in the bathroom. I have never seen Ricky's grandfather fully naked except by accident nor he me.

One button after another was opened, I could feel the coolness of the room on my breas...boobs. Already I could feel myself breaking out in goosebumps. My nipples were so hard, they were almost aching for my grandson to touch them, to kiss them. I could not control my trembling. Not trembling due to fear or nervousness, trembling due to anticipation.

I was going to be... to be... fucked. My grandson was going to mount me soon and fuck me. Fuck me like I have never in my life been fucked.

Ricky slid my blouse off my shoulders letting it fall to the floor. His mouth was immediately on my tits, kissing and licking them, while his hands went to my back in order to unclasp my brassiere. It joined my blouse on the floor.

That's it. His lips were finally on my nipples. Ricky kissed my nipples. My grandson took my nipples between his teeth while his hands roved all across my tits. I almost shrieked when his teeth clamped onto my nipples and began nibbling on them.

"Ricky, no one has ever done this to me before," I said.

"Gran, you have great tits, I mean, breasts."

"No, Ricky, they are my tits. Tits that have never ever been sucked. Until your Momma."

My grandson continued to fondle my tits with one hand while the other slid back around to my bum. I held his head in a tight grip. I could feel Ricky fumbling around trying to find the zipper of my skirt.

Taking the initiative, I pushed him away and reached behind me to help him. I wanted to be naked in front of my grandson. I moaned as I realized how much I wanted to see my grandson naked. How much I wanted to see his penis, his cock.

"Ricky, let me do this. You take off your clothes."

"Gran, we are going to be naked in front of each other and I am going to fuck you."

I almost squealed in delight.

"Gran, take your panties off. I want to see your cunt."

This time I did squeal as his big dick was revealed. I rubbed my pussy, feeling its wetness. Before last night with my granddaughter and her mother, it had never been wet.


My grandmother's tits were awesome. They were large with quarter sized areolae and perky nipples. Her boobs hung down a bit but her nipples still pointed more or less outwards. They were soft, squeezably soft like the Charmin commercials say.

I forgot that Gran had been shaved by Sissy and Momma last night. Her smooth pussy was already glistening with wetness. And, I was about to fuck it!

I could wait no longer. I needed to sink my dick into my grandmother's hot and wet pussy right away. She wanted it too. I could tell by the way she was talking. I think using the new words for her body parts had been turning her on. I knew she wanted me to fuck her as much as I wanted to fuck her.

I spun Gran around and pushed her down on my bed. She scooted up on her bum until her head was on the pillow. The videos always demonstrated some amount of foreplay as being a needed part of the encounter but I couldn't wait. I slid up the bed myself until my rod was close to her cunt opening.


I watched my grandson sliding up the bed towards me. I only got glimpses of his dick, but with my legs spread wide and Ricky between them, I knew his cock was close to entering me.

"Help me, Gran. Put my cock in your pretty pussy," he said.

I shivered as I reached down between my legs and wrapped my fingers around his cock. Although I had touched my husband's prick from time to time, it never felt like my grandson's dick. I could feel Ricky's staff throbbing in my hands.

With one hand holding onto his dick, I used my other hand to hold open my labia. In seconds, I could feel my grandson's cock slipping between my lips. A few seconds more and I felt his testicles, his balls, slapping against my ass.

Oh my god! My grandson was fucking me with his big dick. The feelings were unbelievable. This was unlike I had ever felt before. His cock must have been bigger than his grandfather's penis. I swear he was touching parts of me that had never been touched before.

Ricky slid his cock out of my pussy. I groaned in disbelief. He was done already! That couldn't be! Just before the tip of his cock left me, Ricky shoved it back in so quickly that I let out a shriek of pleasure. My grandson fucked in and out of my pussy rapidly. I wrapped my legs around him not knowing where that move had come from.

Ricky slowed his cock down and took it back to the opening of my pussy before slamming it in again. Hard. I shrieked again and dug my nails into my grandson's back. He kept ramming that beast into me. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter by the stroke. I even thought I was getting close to an orgasm.

What would an orgasm from my grandson's cock fucking me feel like? Would it be as intense as the ones his sister and mother had given me? Was it different from women than men?

I didn't have long to wait. I could feel my pussy muscles clamping down on Ricky's invading dick. My breathing was becoming more and more difficult. I could feel the wetness of my pussy around his cock. I could hear a squishing noise as the feelings grew within me.

"Ricky, I think I'm going to orgasm soon," I almost gasped at him.

"Cum, Gran. You're going to cum because your grandson is fucking you!"

With that he increased the speed of his slamming cock even more. It was too much for me. I squealed and shrieked as orgasm took control. I bucked my pelvis against him and a flood of my fluids spurted out all over us.

My whole body, every muscle, locked in place. My squeals changed to screams of ecstacy as more and more warm fluid pumped out of me.

"It's my turn, Gran, I'm going to cum in your cunt now."

Ricky rammed into me a few more times before I could feel his semen pumping into me.


I don't know if fucking Gran actually felt better than me fucking Momma or Sissy. It felt different though. And, she squirted on me! That was so fucking awesome.

Listening to my Gran screaming out my name and god's name while she came was also fucking awesome. It was a quick fuck, my cum being forced out of me when Gran squirted.

I was still hard when I rolled over on my back. Gran lay beside me attempting to catch her breath. Her tits slid to the side a bit and her nipples were also still hard. She was covered in her own cum. I wanted to fuck her again. Yup, fuck my Gran, again and again.

In a few moments, Gran rolled to face me. Even though she had caught her breath, her face was still a bright red. She moved in to kiss my lips. Her tongue moved into my mouth. I could feel Gran's hand fumbling between us, searching for my pole.

"Ricky, you still have an erection," she exclaimed. "Wasn't I good for you?"

"Gran, you were, are, wonderful, a great fuck. But, at my age, sometimes it takes more than one cum before I get soft?"

"Do you want to fuck me again, Ricky? Stick your hard cock into your grandmother's pussy?"

I do want to fuck you more, Gran. But, I also want to feel your mouth on my cock. I want my grandmother to suck my cock."


My grandson wanted me to suck his cock? I thought as a feeling of revulsion rippled through me. The mere thought of putting my mouth on Ricky's cock made me feel nauseous. Good women didn't do things like that.

But, was I a good woman anymore? I had had sex with my daughter in law and her daughter. Certainly good women didn't do that. And I had let my grandson fuck me! A good woman didn't do that either.

I would never have imagined how being a bad woman could make me feel so wonderful, so much more like a woman. I do know, however, I want to keep feeling like this. I want to continue to be a bad woman.

Oh God! And, if a bad woman sucks cocks, I am going to suck my grandson's cock like the bad woman I am becoming. I hope he will tell me how to do it.

"Ricky, I have never sucked a cock before. You will have to tell me how to do it."

"Gran, you are great! I'll tell you exactly what to do. Lie down between my legs."

I shifted my position as he instructed.

"Now take my prick in your hand." Again I did as instructed.

"But, Ricky, it's not as hard as it was. Your cock is getting softer."

"You'll have to give it some encouragement, Gran. Wrap your fingers around it. Then, hold it loosely, and slide your hand up and down."

So far, it was easy.

"That's it, Gran, you're jerking me off."

"Will this make you cum?"

"It will if you do it long enough. Now aim the head towards you and rub your lips across it."

Ricky almost lost me there. But I reminded myself how good it felt to be bad so I followed my instructions. Screwing up my face, I tentatively brushed his cockhead across my lips. It wasn't bad. I think I could taste a mixture of my fluids and his semen on it. I liked that taste.

I kept brushing my grandson's dick across my lips. With no further instructions, I pursed my lips and kissed Ricky's cock. I kept sliding my hand up and down his shaft as I breathed in his aroma and kept kissing his cock head. I kissed all over the head and down his shaft. I could feel my grandson's thick dick throbbing in my hand.

There was a lot to say for being a bad woman. I wondered if all pricks tasted and smelled the same. What would my husband's prick taste like? Oh my god, how could I tell him I wanted to taste his cock? What about my son's cock? What would it taste like?

"Now, Gran, stick out your tongue and lick it. You're doing great!" exclaimed my grandson.

With less hesitancy I swiped my tongue up and down his shaft making sure I missed no part of his cock. Liking the feeling of it throbbing under my tongue and hearing Ricky's moans, I began to slide my hand up and down even faster while licking anywhere my fingers weren't.

I must be doing a good job as Ricky is still groaning. He is bucking his hips upwards towards my face. On a down stroke, I kept my hand at the base of his hard cock and continued licking it. I opened my mouth and put my lips around the sides of his dick, sliding my whole head up and down.

I am doing a good job. He is loving it, my grandson is loving it. I went back to licking up and down. I swizzled my tongue around the head. I was really getting the hang of this, it was just like eating an ice cream cone. I saw that there was a drop of fluid at the end of Ricky's cock. I came to the conclusion that this indicated he would begin to cum soon.

Ricky was so wrapped up in what I was doing to him that he was no longer giving me instructions. I decided to improvise, putting my lips to the head and kissing it. Gradually, I opened my mouth further and further until the entire head was in my mouth.

Thinking this was where the sucking part of cocksucking came in, I did it. It must have been the right thing to do since Ricky put one hand on the back of my head while moaning my name over and over. My tightly wrapped fingers were sliding up and down his shaft rapidly.

"Gran, Gran, you're going to make me come."

I sucked harder.

"Gran, Gran, Gran..."

I sucked even harder, feeling my cheeks puckering.

"That's it, Gran! I'm cummming! I'mmmmm cumming!"

My grandson flooded my mouth with his semen. I choked on it. There was just too much for me to swallow.Thinking this was where the sucking part of cocksucking came in, I did it. It must have been the right thing to do since Ricky put one hand on the back of my head while moaning my name over and over. My tightly wrapped fingers were sliding up and down his shaft rapidly.

"Gran, Gran, you're going to make me come."

I sucked harder.

"Gran, Gran, Gran..."

I sucked even harder, feeling my cheeks puckering.

"That's it, Gran! I'm cummming! I'mmmmm cumming!"

My grandson flooded my mouth with his semen. I choked on it. There was just too much for me to swallow.


Poppa came home from the hospital this afternoon. Of course, he wanted to go directly to the church in order to check on things and catch up. The doctor had said he needed more time to recuperate. Only dire threats of more bodily injury by Momma and Gran kept him home.

It was a school day for Sissy and I so we rushed home as fast as our feet would carry us once the final bell had rung. At home, we gave Poppa big hugs and told him how much we had missed him.

The police had also stopped in to update us on the investigation into our home invasion. The family car had been found abandoned in the next town over from us. There was no sign of the robbers though. Their identities had been confirmed by fingerprints from our home on the night in question as well as from the car itself. They would remain high on local police forces' wanted lists.

Gran offered to drive me over to the police station, about an hour's drive away, so I could bring the car home. The police had said there was no apparent damage to it and it was as drivable as ever.

I was coming out of my bedroom after changing out of my school clothes -uniforms ugh!- when Momma beckoned to me from the partially opened bathroom door. I walked towards her, Momma grabbed me by the arm, pulling me into the bathroom with her.

With no words spoken, we were in a tight embrace in seconds. Momma lifted her face up to be kissed. We began French kissing, our tongues moving from mouth to mouth. Momma was a great kisser, better than any of my high school girlfriends.

My hands slid down Momma's back to her ass. I cupped a strong, firm cheek in each hand squeezing as hard as I could, pulling her even closer to me until her covered pussy was rubbing against my sweat pant covered crotch. We kept up with our passionate soul kisses while grinding away on each other's body.

"I'm sorry, honey, but that's enough for now. You need to go get the car before it's too late."

"Yes, Momma," I said giving her ass one last squeeze and sharing one more kiss.

Minutes later, Gran and I were off on our errand. Much to my surprise, Gran asked me to drive.


My husband is home. His head wound has healed nicely as has his concussion. His physical health is good. But nothing that I know of has changed his sexual health. I love my husband and want him to be healthy.

But what about my health? My sexual tide has turned. I don't see how I can go back to what Poppa and I had before. Too much has happened since the home invasion.

I don't want him to stick his dick in me for a few minutes every month. Even if I could teach him to make love to me, properly, I don't know if that would be enough.

I know I don't want to give up my son's cock. I want to be fucked hard the way he does it. Ohhh, the vigour of youthfulness comes through in his fucking me. He takes his time, pleasures me, and when I'm ready, he slams his rod into me hard enough to make me scream.

And, Sissy! Now that I have tasted and enjoyed a woman, I don't want of give up that either. I only want more. My mother in law was the same as Sissy but different. Sissy is a more commanding sexual partner while Mother needs to be led to sex.

I found Mother and my son in bed last night when Sissy and I came home from our shopping trip. They looked so calm and peaceful lying on the bed naked together. The rumpled mess of sheets and blankets showed that their time together had been anything but calm and peaceful.

I can't go back to the way things were before. Now that my son and daughter have taught me, forced me to be a sexually open woman, I can't lock that door closed again.


Gran was watching the scenery as we drove along the country road that was a main route to the next town. Not the fastest route, mind you, but the most pleasant drive. The road was almost overwhelmed by trees on both sides. Some of the trees met up high, creating a beautiful canopy over the road. In the late afternoon, the sun was often blocked out, meaning we were driving through shady forested tunnels.

I had thought Gran was admiring the scenery but her reflection in the window showed that she was actually looking at me. I wondered what she was thinking. About her and I fucking, no doubt. Was Gran sorry that we had done it?


These past few days had been incredible. I'm sorry about Poppa being hurt by those monsters but, at least, he is going to be well. Momma says he just needs to be quiet and rest for a few more days.

Before this all happened I had never thought of a woman in a sexual way. Of course, I had thought about boys. I'm eighteen years old. At one time or another I had wondered what most of the boys in my grade looked like without their clothing on. And, Ricky too, for that matter. I often tried to see him naked by accident. No luck with that though. I had even thought of asking him to show me his cock.

Fucking my brother, Ricky, was a simply incredible experience. I want more. But Poppa has seen me naked. Does he remember? Does he think I'm sexy? Momma says he doesn't fuck a lot. Can I change that?


"Ricky, find somewhere to pull over, please. We need to talk," said Gran.

Oh, oh, I thought. I may not be much of a man of the world but my girlfriends have taught me already that any conversation that started like that was not a good thing. Obviously I knew what the topic of the conversation would be and likely could guess what the final words would be. Gran did not want to have sex with me any more.

A few miles up the road was a spot well known to the high school crowd of both towns. Mostly, it was used for make out sessions and back seat encounters. I pulled in, drove as far from the road as possible and parked.

I turned in my seat to face Gran. I wanted to get this over with as quickly and as least humiliatingly as possible.

Leaning back against the passenger door, Gran looked at me with eyes so sad, tears could not be far behind.

"Ricky, you know I love you, right?"

I nodded without saying anything.

"Ricky I have been married to your grandfather since I turned eighteen. I was a virgin when he met me and I gave it up to him on our wedding night. My mother had told me that sex was something I had to endure for the marriage to be successful. She stated that it was as much a fact of life as my monthly periods. From that, I took it that my mother was telling me monthly sex with my husband was all the marriage needed. Your grandfather said nothing to try changing my mind."

Gran looked up at me expectantly but I did not know what to say. I decided a simple nod of my head was appropriate.

"So for almost forty five years, I have been locked into a marriage with the man I love. I love him with all my heart. But I have never loved him with my body."

A careful nod, this time.

I never knew how to love him with my body. I didn't know there should have been more between us than our monthly ritual."

Another nod.

"First Sissy and your Momma taught me how to lower the barriers and enjoy sex. I never dreamt of making love to a woman before that night. And, I never dreamt of making love to my grandson either."

Here it comes, I thought as I nodded again.

"Now, I have been unleashed as a woman. I love being with your mother and sister. But, I love being with you even more. I love you fucking me. I love sucking your cock. I don't think I can stop and go back to the way I was."

Momma and Poppa:

"Honey, I am so confused," I said to my wife.

"Confused how?" she replied.

"My memories of that night are what are confusing me. I remember right up to them pushing us into the bedroom. Then it gets fuzzy in my mind."

"I see parts of what happened in flashes. But they can't be real. It doesn't make sense."

"What do you see in these flashbacks?" asked my wife.

"I see those men making you get undressed. I see them ogling your naked body."

"What else?"

"I see them forcing Ricky to get undressed in front of you."

"Is that all?"

"Yes...no...maybe?" I was very hesitant about sharing the next piece of information with my wife.

"What do you think you see, Dear?"

"Well...um...sometimes I think they made Sissy get undressed in front of me."

"Anything else?"

"Not until I woke up in the hospital. The flashbacks give me a headache thinking about them. Trying to remember."

"Don't worry about it, Dear. Try not to think about what happened. Headaches can't be good for someone who has a concussion."

We snuggled together on the couch until I fell asleep.

Ricky and Gran:

Having said that, Gran pulled her knees under her and moved towards me. I could see that her mouth was opening as she made to kiss me. I know that she is so much older than me but making out with my grandmother was such an incredible feeling. Knowing that I had made this woman love me and want me in a sexual manner was so fucking erotic.

After a few minutes of French kissing, growing ever more passionate, I pulled back to ask Gran if she wanted to get into the backseat. I almost thought she was going to dive over the back seat.

She didn't but I did. Once in the back seat, I pulled my sweat pants down and off. Gran took off her panties outside the car before she climbed in the back.

"We don't have a lot of time, Ricky." Gran did not waste any of it. Not even bothering to close the car door, she had her hands on my dick right away. Since my staff was already stiff, Gran was able to swipe it across her face and lips.

To my mind, Gran was always old. Almost elderly. Haha. Seeing this old woman rubbing my cock against her face seemed pornographic in the extreme. Her actions were opening a new video porn category for my future viewing pleasure.

"So good, so good, so good," she kept repeating.

As she changed her grip in order to take my pole into her mouth, Gran said, "I love this cock."

My grandmother was determined to demonstrate just how much she loved my dick. She swallowed as much as she could. Gran still did not have enough experience to determine how deep she could push my prick before her gag reflex would kick in.

Once she reached that point, she pulled her head back keeping her teeth lightly clamped around my pole.

"Yeah, Gran, that's great! I love you sucking my cock."

She looked up at me as she pushed down on my staff once again. Then she pulled back up, sucking so hard her cheeks dimpled, using her teeth once more.

I have no clue as to how much time passed. I was too locked into the moment to pay any attention. But Gran must have thought we were taking too much time. My dick came out of her mouth with a popping sound. If she had continued sucking, she would have been swallowing cum before long.

But, Gran was not satisfied with being a good cocksucker. My grandmother wanted to be fucked.


So, my husband remembered me and Ricky being naked during the robbery. And he had partial memories of Sissy being naked as well. I wonder why he can remember Ricky and me clearly but not Sissy. There had to be a reason for it.

Ricky and Gran:

Gran hiked her dress up past her hips reminding me that she had removed her panties before joining me in the backseat of her car. Her shaved bare pussy was gleaming with her dripping fluids.

She moved up my body until she was straddling my thighs with my cock pointing straight up in front of her. Holding my dick still, my grandmother lifted herself up and impaled herself on my pole. There was no hesitation, in one move, I was buried in her cunt.

Gran shrieked as she felt my dick entering her hot, wet pussy. Immediately, I could feel the walls of her cunt trying to grab my dick. Despite her age, Gran had not been fucked a lot during her lifetime so she was still relatively tight.

The who, what, and where had my balls churning almost immediately. Fucking my grandmother in the backseat of her car was almost too much for me to deal with. Reaching up to Gran's tits and squeezing them through her clothing just added to the incredible eroticness of the situation.

Gran and I were shoving our joined parts together hard. Gran was moaning her way into an orgasm. I tried to hold back my cum but it was a losing battle. Gran was immersing herself in the feelings of sexual pleasure her body was enjoying. Her moans had turned into shrieks. Fortunately no one was around.

It was too much for me. I levered my body upwards as my dick began to launch its load into my grandmother's snatch. As soon as she felt my cum splashing her insides, Gran launched herself into her own orgasm.

Momma and Sissy:

We were sitting together, Sissy and I, on the livingroom couch, each cuddled up into a corner, discussing the past few days in voices not much above a whisper. My husband was in bed resting giving us the opportunity to talk.

Having rehashed all of our activities, the subject finally came to my husband.

"I don't understand what is going on with him. He clearly remembers me and your brother being naked but he only has flashbacks of you," I said.

"Maybe he didn't like what he saw, Momma. Maybe he didn't think I was attractive. Or sexy."

"I don't think that would be the issue, Sissy. He remembers Ricky being naked and I know for a fact he would not find him to be sexy."
