I live with my grandparents in a gated community in LA. It's a terrible place to live for a 21 year old guy. I'm constantly surrounded by the elderly and the complaining of various pains and aches. My question is why do old people have to complain about everything and anything. I mean last week my Grandpa gave the bag boy at the supermarket a half hour lector on the importance of saving the juice in the pickle jar after all the pickles were gone.

Anyway my life is terribly boring, all I do is go to work and music college. I'm not very attractive and that is probably why I never get invited out by my friends or ever have the courage to ask a girl out. I'm not fat but I'm one of those gangly guys that everybody look at like, what is that guys problem. You've probably seen me or guys like me walking down the street.

The only upside is I'm also the guy that always has a gorgeous woman on his arm. The guy that people look at and go how the hell did he nab that hot chick?

Anyway my life changed when me cousin came to live with us. Although let me be clearer, she actually is my grandfather's brother's daughter's daughter. I don't really know what exactly that makes her to me. My grandfather is actually my step-grandfather as well so I guess I'd call her my step-2nd-cousin?

Well on with it. I came home from work one day and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water, when I saw her picture. Man she was unbelievable, she had a wonderful face, like a perfect ten. She had long brown hair that framed her face wonderfully and a body that was amazing. She wore a tight pink top in the picture that showed off her tight toned stomach and firm breasts. She wore a short jean skirt that allowed a great view of her wonderful legs.

I froze and stood there like a dummy staring at her picture. I didn't even see my Grandma walk in.

"Hi honey, how was work?" She asked in a pleasant tone.

"Who is this?" I asked, pointing to the picture.

Grandma glanced at the picture. "Oh that's your cousin Jillian. Isn't she a doll? She just graduated high school and is coming out here to go to college. She's going to live with us for a few months while she sets up herself in a dorm."

I brightened. "Really?" I put my glass back in the sink and went upstairs to change out of my uniform. I thought about the beautiful Jillian while I took a shower, doing what guys do in the shower with a fresh mind full of Jillian.

With such a beauty fresh in my mind I don't have to tell you that my shower was a very pleasant one. However when I got out of the shower I glanced at myself in the mirror and sighed. My gawky appearance stared back at me and my hopes of ever getting into a girl's pants, Jillian's or anyone else's, flew out the window.

Yet I didn't know it then but there were a few surprises in store for me.

The weeks of summer pasted slowly and I had long forgotten about Jillian's arrival. With musician study and work, all thoughts of her were push to the back of my mind. Until my Grandma came to me on my day off in front of my computer working on the latest story for Literotica.

"I'll be back shortly, Josh." She said.

I spun to face her in my seat. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I have to go pick up Jillian from the airport." She said. "She coming to stay here, remember?"

I nodded. "Oh that's right, I forgot all about it." Inside of course I was cheering. Every loser wants a hot chick under his roof.

"I'll be back in a little while I don't know how bad the traffic is going to be." She said.

"Alright." I said.

So I waited eagerly for the angel to arrive.

I continued to work on my stories for a while but I found my mind wondering and it became too hard to focus on my writing. I shrugged the aches out of my fingers and picked up my guitar. I lost myself to my playing for I don't know how long.

I was finishing up a Dream Theater song when I heard a voice say. "Wow. Is that Dream Theater?"

I jumped startled and glanced to my doorway. My jaw dropped as I saw the goddess for the first time in person. The picture that had been on the fridge did not do this girl justice at all. She practically glowed just standing there. She had the hair pulled back into a long ponytail showing off her smooth face and neck. She wore a black top similar to the one I had seen in the picture and I could clearly see that she did not wear a bra and her grapefruit breasts stood all by themselves. She had on a pair of jeans so I didn't get to see her legs but it was summer after all, hell I'd probably get to see her in a bikini.

Anyway, realizing that I still hadn't said anything I shook my head and strummed a power chord to pretend I was distracted. I nodded, "Yeah it was Home, you know Dream Theater?" I asked amazed that she would be into metal, much less a mildly popular progressive rock band.

She nodded. "Yeah my ex-boyfriend turned me onto them. Now I can barely stop listening to them." She came into the room and held out her hand. "You must be Josh, I'm Jillian."

I put my pick between my lips and shook her hand, her skin was like silk and her grip was light. "Yeah nice to finally meet you. I heard you were going to stay here until you got yourself into a dorm. You're going to go to UCLA right?"

She nodded. "Yeah I'm going to be in the medical program."

"Beautiful and smart. You must be like one in a million." I said with a smile, even though I wished instantly that I hadn't brought notice to her that I thought she was attractive. Jillian probably knew that everybody thought she was attractive though.

She blushed though, actually blushed. "Well thanks. But you are also one in a million." She said.

She lost me there. I wasn't one in a million at anything, and most certainly not looks, especially to a perfect ten like her. I blinked and frowned puzzled. "What do you mean?" I asked.

She shrugged slightly. "Well I don't know. How many guitarists can play near perfect Dream Theater?" She asked. "Of the millions and millions of players not many can play what you just finished."

I laughed. "Well I guess not."

She leaned back against the wall and motioned behind her. "I'm gonna go unpack, so I'll see you around. I want to hear you play some more."

I nodded. "Alright. Anytime."

Days passed and Jillian spent most of her time at UCLA getting tours of the campus and talking with various administration and students to get all the right classes. I have to admit the girl is on the ball.

One day we were all gathered around the table eating dinner when Jillian asked me, "Hey Josh, after dinner do you mind if I use your computer to look up some things and check my e-mail?"

I shrugged, "Doesn't bother me."

I cleaned up the dishes while Jillian went up to my room. I stared straight out the kitchen window as I finished the dishes. Then it hit me like a brick against the wall. I had left my Literotica homepage on when I came down to dinner.

Dropping everything I dashed like lighting up to my room. "Jillian!" I cried hoping to get her attention away from the computer screen. I burst into my room to find her sitting in awe in front of the screen. "Jillian about that, I just like to write stuff and I,"

She turned slowly to look at me a look of shook on her face. "I don't believe you." She said slowly.

I raised my hands. "Hey come on now I just like to write about sex, seeing as how I never get any."

"You're Musicankane?" She asked in disbelief.

I stopped cold. "What?"

She climbed out of the chair and grabbed my shoulders. "You are my favorite author on this site!" She said energetically.

"You actually read stories from there?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes! I love erotic stories. I love your stories." She said.

"Uh, thank you?" I said.

She let me go and sat back in front of the computer. "I mean 'The Show' was a great twist on the typical celebrity story and 'Jake's Sisters' is one of the hottest stories on the entire site." She clicked to my member page. "I read about you after I read the first story and I just couldn't believe that a virgin could come up with this stuff. I remember laying in bed hoping you would lose your cherry and boggle everyone's mind with the hottest sex Literotica has ever seen." She turned back and smiled at me. "I never thought that I would be the one to show Musicankane what it was all about."

I blinked not quite realizing what she meant. "I don't think that's necessary. I'm glad you enjoy my work Jillian but maybe you should do whatever it is you wanted to one there and leave the rest out of it."

She stood and came up to me. I didn't realize that I had been backing away until my back hit my closet. She moved real close not quite touching, and leaned her lips even closer so I could feel her breath against my lips.

"What's wrong? I've seen you look at me. You telling me that you wouldn't like me to take hold of your hard cock in my little hands and jerk you off? Or maybe put you inside me." She pulled back just enough so that see could look into my eyes.

I swallowed hard. "It's not really that Jillian, it's just that we are family and I have never been with, well you know."

She reached back and pulled the hair tie out of her hair causing her ponytail to fall part and her long soft hair to fall around her face. A simple move that she somehow had made erotic and I balled my fists to prevent myself from giving it.

"You're going to have to be with a girl eventually Josh. Unless you turn gay, but I know very well that you are not, I've read your stories and I can see you giving it everything you got not to sprout a boner right here and now." She said. "And as for the family part I didn't think you'd mind based on 'Jake's' little adventures." She made air quotes with her hands as she mentioned my story persona.

I moved away from her again and sat in the chair at my desk. I motioned to the computer, "These are just made up stories. Fiction, not real, hell the only reason I wrote 'Jake's Sisters' was to get actual feedback on my writing. Since Incest was the most popular topic I thought I'd give it a try. Believe me when I say I'd rather write about getting it on with Britney Spears or whomever." I explained.

She put her hands on her hips and smirked at me. "You have a stronger will than I thought. You know a regular guy would have leapt at my offer. I admire that."

I nodded. "I'm glad you think so. Now maybe we can put this behind us, like it never happened and get on with our lives."

She smiled. "Think again, Joshy boy. I want you even more, and believe me, I always get what I want." She turned and headed to my door but paused in the doorway. "I can be very good at seduction when I want to be. And I'm going to make you the best writer on Earth by the time I have finished with you." Then she left shutting the door behind her.

I turned to my computer and stared at the members page. "What have I gotten myself into?" I asked myself aloud. Sure I had fantasized about Jillian but that doesn't mean I actually wanted to act upon my incestuous inner thoughts. God my family would kill me.

Then again she was a step cousin and not related by blood. Even if she was, she was a 2nd cousin and most states said that it was legal for second cousins to wed. I don't know about marriage, but sex, why not?

I shut down my computer and began to take my bed down for the evening. As I peeled back the covers I wondered what Jillian would do to seduce me. I shook the thought out of my head, things like that would get me in trouble. I resolved myself that there was nothing Jillian could do that would ever get me to give in.

Now that I think back on it, I've never had a strong will.

Jillian had done nothing for days, regarding her promise. She seemed so caught up in dealing with getting her classes and her textbooks that I had begun to think that she had forgotten all about me. And I was relieved.

One evening I was working on the next chapter of 'The Show', while everyone in the house was downstairs watching '24'. I was really working hard on the story because I wanted to get a really high rating with the next chapter and lots of feedback.

I had become so engrossed in my work that I didn't hear Jillian come into my room. She watched me work for a second before startling me by saying calmly.

"Is that the new episode of 'The Show'?"

I jumped in my chair and my hands banged a bunch of nonsense on the keyboard. "Jesus! Jillian you scared the hell out of me." I cried. I quickly minimized the window so she would not be able to the steamy sex I had begun.

Jillian chuckled as she saw me hide the window from her. "Oh come on now. I've read everything else, you don't need to hide it from me." She put on hand on the back of my chair and leaned over me, her long hair falling over my shoulder and the side of her firm breast grazing my arm. She clicked on the minimized bar and brought up the window.

She read quietly to herself and then smiled at me. "This is very hot already." She said and began reading it aloud to me in a sultry tone.

"Jessica ran her hands over my chest from behind. Her fingers tracing my muscles and her body pressed close to mine. It was added sensation as I watched Eliza move on the table, her body moving hypnotically to the soft music. Jessica was supposed to be there as a bodyguard but I felt her own arousal from Eliza's performance." Jillian read.

When she began again her hands were mimicking the motions of the story. I realized she was reading over my shoulder. "I couldn't forget what Eliza had done to Sarah but her motions were shoving away any thoughts other than obvious ones. This was a deal for the vampires, all part of the plan. I promised that I would kill them all and I keep my promises.

"Jessica's hands pulled my shirt open, some of the buttons just snapping away. Her hands felt electric on my skin and Eliza seemed to be finished dancing. She moved to her knees before me and ran her hands over my thighs. Jessica raised up behind me and began to neck my neck lightly." Jillian paused and I felt her breath on my neck.

I shook away. "Jillian stop." I climbed out of the chair and backed away from her. "I know what you're doing and you need to stop it right now."

Jillian purred lightly and motioned toward me. "Looks like you don't want me to stop."

I glanced down and realized that her little narration had gotten me hard and my little man was standing up in a tent in my sleeping pants. Jillian had a grin on her face and she licked her lips. For a moment my mind wandered over her beauty. She was unbelievable and she wanted me. I shook my head. Stop it you fool, it's wrong and you'll end up homeless or worse. I thought to myself.

I covered myself with my chair and glared at her. "It doesn't matter Jillian, we can't do this." I must be crazy. I felt like I was acting like I could just walk out my door and get any sex I wanted. I sighed and leaned against the chair. "Please just stop, ok?" I whispered.

Jillian shook her head. "Not going to happen, Josh. Why wont you do me?" She asked me. "Am I not hot enough? I'm sorry I cannot be Britney Spears or anything."

"Are you crazy? You are the hottest thing I've ever seen." I said in disbelief.

"Then why?" Jillian demanded more than asked.

"Because grandpa and grandma would kill me, for one. Not too mention that it's very legal and I don't really want to be thrown in jail for the next 25 years." I said.

Jillian stood up and lean toward me over the chair. "Actually it's not illegal, I'm a step cousin and not even a first cousin to begin with. Legally we could get married." She paused. "I'm going to medical school, I'm far from stupid Josh. As far as anyone finding out, I think we could hide it from them easily enough."

I stared down at the floor so not to meet her pleading eyes. I don't know how much more pushing I could take, if she continued this effort I knew I was going to break and that would be it. For a moment I wondered if it would be so bad as I imagined or if everything would be fine.

"Please go Jillian." I said softly.

Jillian sighed and muttered to herself. "Better luck next time." Then she marched out of the room her hair flowing behind her as if an invisible fan were blowing on her.

My eyes found her tight body as she left and I plopped onto my seat. I must be crazy.

That night I lay awake thinking about all the possible thing I could do to Jillian. I don't know where or at what point I decided to go for it with her but I rolled over and fell asleep with the resolve that the next time Jillian tried anything I would go along with it and let the punches fall where they may, if they fell at all.

I don't know if Jillian knew whether or not I would change my mind if she gave me enough time to think on it. She was very distant from me for weeks this time, as if she was letting my mind drive itself into her arms. As I write this I wonder if she knew what was going on in my head.

The final weekend before school restarted was hot, like hell hot for LA. So to help us "kids" out my Grandma suggested going to the beach for the day. Jillian agreed and smiled at me. "Let's do it Josh, it'll be fun." I wasn't sure if she meant the beach or something else.

Unfortunately Grandma wouldn't let me say no so I found myself stuffing various beach items in my truck while Jillian took an hour to change into her swimsuit. It literally took her longer to put on less clothing than it took me to get a shower and dress for work.

Finally she did come out of the house wearing a white T-shirt and pink shorts, with a green towel slung over her shoulder. Through the tee I could see a light colored bikini top underneath.

"Finally." I said, climbing into the truck.

She stuck her tongue out at me. "I wanted to find the right swimsuit."

"The right swimsuit? God, how many do you have?" I asked.

"Seven." She said simply.

I put the car into drive and headed for the freeway. Traffic was light amazingly and we got to the beach in only twenty minutes. Even more miraculous than the traffic was the parking spot I nabbed right on the edge of the beachfront.

Jillian got out and helped me bring the chairs down toward the water. I had been silent the whole trip afraid she would bring up the sex issue again. Although I had resolved to actually do her the next time she brought it up, a bring part of me was terrified. Like if I actually started to go along with her advances she would scream that she had only been kidding and I would be in deep shit.

But she didn't do anything; she didn't even act like she was waiting for the right time to do anything. It was as if it was gone from her mind.

We set up our towels on the sand and the chairs on the edge of the towels so they faced the water. I glanced at all the people on the beach and marveled at the wondrous parking spot I got. The place was packed, people where everywhere doing everything from simply laying in the sun to bodysurfing in a swell that was decent size this time of the month.

I looked out toward the water and decided to go for a swim, but Jillian beat me to it.

"I'm going to go swimming." She said, pulling her shirt over her head. For a moment I was stunned by her body. Her midsection was toned and her breasts were firm in her bikini top. I couldn't get over how perfect they were, so firm looking and soft. She shook out her hair and smiled at me.

"What are you staring at?" She asked knowingly.

I shook my head realizing that I had been gaping like a five-year-old. "I'm sorry I was just trying to decide on something." I said, my mind fighting for a way out.

"Oh? And what would that be?" She asked mockingly.

I glanced toward the water. "On how I was going to beat you to the water." I cried taking off toward the water."Hey!" She cried after me running to catch up. I always prided myself on being fast, outrunning bullies and such would do that to you, but she caught up and past me in no time, her lovely hair billowing out behind her. "Come on slow poke." She teased as she past.

She couldn't slow down in time and tripped as she reached the water. The water resistance suddenly slowing her feet down while her upper body kept moving forward and she fell face first into the water with a splash. I laughed and dived over her as she sat up. I dove head first over her into a four foot wave that crashed down on her head. I slide under the water for a few feet before coming up about twelve feet from the shore. Because of the high swells the water still only came up to my waist.

I was grinning as I spun to point at her. But paused when she wasn't there, for a moment my stomach sank. What if she had gotten hurt?

Then I felt something slam on top of me from behind and it wasn't water. Jillian leaped onto my back and I toppled both of us into the water. She rolled off of me in the water and I stood up spitting out the salty water.

"Blah Jillian, don't be mad at me because you can't run." I said.

She only pointed at me laughing.

"You made me swallow water." I moaned.

She only laughed harder. I splashed her and she stopped laughing to spit out water. I grinned and she darted for me, but I moved back and swam away with backstrokes. She swam after me spouting obscenities and promises that I was dead if she got me.

I swam out further and flipped onto my stomach and rode a wave back toward the beach. I glanced around for Jillian but couldn't find her. I wasn't worried this time; I figured she would pop up when she wanted to. I walked slowly further out until the water was up to my chest before I turned to wait for a wave.

As I leaped forward to catch a wave something latched onto my trunks. Unable to stop myself the wave took me toward the beach and whatever had my trucks forced them right off of me. The waistband of the shorts caught on my foot and saved me from being drug to shore nude.

I recovered in the water and spun to find Jillian grinning and holding my trucks in the air. The water was over my waist so no one could see anything but it didn't make me feel any better being nude in the ocean.

"Jillian." I spat. "Give them back. That's not funny, I'm naked here I wouldn't do that to you."

She smiled and with one hand reached back behind her. "Would you like me to loss this little top in a big wave? My poor breasts would be all exposed and in the open." she said in a teasing tone.

I remembered my decision to act on her next set of advances and I took a step toward her. "I dare you." I said slowly.

Jillian eyed me and drew her hand out from behind her holding onto an end of the bikini string and let the string fall. Her breasts seemed to expand at the release of pressure on them, but they did not sag in the slightest. Still held on by the string around her neck the bra did not fall away so I was only treated to a more voluminous view of cleavage. She seemed to expect my protest before she completely removed her top.

I gave her none and simply took a step toward her. "Well? I'm waiting." I said eyeing her chest.

She smiled. "Not going to try and stop me?"

I shook my head. "Naw, I give up. You are just too irresistibly sexy for me and I can't refuse."

She smiled took on a more desired look and she closed the distance between us holding my trunks in her hand. "If that's the case why don't we finish this in the truck?" She said softly into my ear as if the nearest people over fifty yards away could hear her had she spoken aloud.

I paused as her hand found my shaft under the water and gave me a light squeeze that near dropped me to my knees. I recollected myself and looked at her, her face mere inches from mine. I could see the hunger in her eyes, the sparkle in them that said "Fuck me in half."

I swallowed and took my trunks from her. I slipped them on over my hard on and smiled. "Race you there." I spun around and started swimming wildly back to shore.

Jillian matched my stroke for stroke toward the shoreline until the water was too shallow to swim in and we both staggered the rest of the way to the beach. We ran to our beach set-up and clumsily gathered our things, I lugged the two beach chairs over my shoulder and Jillian wrapped her outer wear in the towels and balled them up.

She took the cars keys from the pouch I had hidden in the pocket of one of the chairs and we tossed the stuff in the trunk. Then she opened the backdoor and shoved me inside, and followed right behind me.

Her arms wrapped around me and I fell back on the seat with her on top of me kissing me deeply. I could feel her firm breasts pressing into my chest and loved it. My cock quickly regained it's firmness until it was a raging pole pressing against her tight firm stomach. Her lips pressed hard against mine to the point of hurting but I didn't care, I let her kiss me as she would. My inexperience left me just kind of mimicking her; she seemed to like it all the same.

Finally she pushed herself into a push-up position over me, her long still wet brown hair falling on my chest. Even though we had just climbed out of the salt water I could still smell the shampoo she used this morning. We shared the same shower so I knew she had used the Herbal Essences shampoo that grandma buys in bulk from Costco.

"You need to learn how to kiss, you're terrible." She said with a smile.

I shrugged. "You better teach me then."

She smiled wider and let one hand reach down the gently graze my cock. "Maybe later, I want to kiss something else right now." She sat on onto my thighs and gazed down at the tent in my shorts. She seemed to savor her first sight of it as she very slowly pulled my shorts down. My cock sprang out with a thud onto my lower abdomen and Jillian gasped and cupped my full balls, which sent a tingle through me and my cock jumped before her.

"Oh my, this is magnificent." She breathed scooting back further down my legs so she could lean her face right over my cock. She stared at it as if taking a metal picture of it before she did anything.

"I don't know about that." I said. I had written stories about guys with "perfect cocks" and whatnot but I never once believed I contained anything special in my own pants. I could be sure but my best guess was I was maybe 7 and a half inches long and fairly thick. Bigger than average, if average is only 6 inches, but not THAT much bigger right?

Yet Jillian shook her head. "You have one amazing weapon here. I've never seen one this big." She stated as if she had a lot of experience. I know for a fact that she had only had one boyfriend before and only had sex with him. I think she used the word never to emphasize how much bigger I was than Tyler or whatever her last boyfriend's name was.

She sat up and measured my cock with two hands over it. Once she had her hands far enough apart she pressed them against her and looked down. "I'd say that that's going to go pretty deep inside me. Maybe even into my womb! I've always wondered how that felt, some of the girls at school had spoken of it but I never had anybody who could get that deep inside me." She smiled at me. "It's like it's meant to be."

That thought of being fully inside her pounding into her womb made my cock jump.

Jillian clapped her hands. "Where are my manners, I'm sorry you wanted to see me right?" She reached up and pulled her bra over her head and tossed it somewhere up front.

Her breasts came to view for the first time and they were wonderfully firm and plump. Big enough to firmly grip in my hands but not big enough to sag in the slightest. Her nipples were small and centered and looked nice enough to nibble on.

She lean forward again this time grabbing my cock tightly in her hand. The feel of her warm skin around my shaft sent a spasm through me and my cock jumped oozing a bit of pre-cum. She smiled and gently slid her hand up and down my shaft.

"Oh you're already dripping for me." She glanced at me. "I guess you are too excited to last too long. So I'm just going to have to make you shoot your cum all over my tits. We can fuck later ok?" She said.

I could only nod, afraid to say anything and break my concentration. I wanted to at very least feel her mouth around my shaft.

She eyed me and pulled my cock till it stood straight up at her mouth. "You are that close huh?" She asked.

I nodded slightly.

"Ok, no worries." She glanced at my rod and opened wide.

I briefly felt her mouth breath blow over my cock before I felt her lips wrap around the first two inches of my fuck-stick. I groaned and lost it instantly, my cock buckled like a shotgun and a massive spray of hot white cum shot into Jillian's wonderful mouth. She gasped and pulled away quickly clearly surprised. My cock buckled again and yet another spray for seed shot right between and on her breasts like a cream explosion on her chest. My cock buckled one more time and only a little dribble of white fluid oozed out of me.

Jillian looked piss for a minute her lips closed tightly. Her face seemed to be in a grimace and my heart froze. I hoped she wasn't angry for not warning her, but it happened to fast I couldn't help myself. She opened her eyes and looked at me, then she smiled and opened her mouth slightly. She stuck out her tongue which she had in a bowl shape, inside the little cup was a large puddle of my cum.

Seeing the look on my face she chuckle which cause the puddle of semen to fall from her tongue onto her chin and tumble down further onto her navel.

"Oops." she said, using her hands to gather up my cum from her body until she hand most of it in the palm of her hand. She looked at me and smiled. "Normally I hate the taste of cum but after having yours in my mouth for a moment I realize how good this stuff is." She said as she lapped the pool of white cream from her palm, swallowing it completely.

Then using her palms she rubbed the remaining semen into the skin of her breasts. "You sure come a lot, and all at once too, almost." She said, caressing herself. "Well I was going to let you fuck me bareback but until you can control yourself we better use a rubber. I don't want to get knocked up before school starts."

"I wouldn't want to knock you up either." I said. "Jillian maybe we shouldn't do this." I said sitting up. My cock had gone soft after such a massive explosion, but Jillian put a hand on my chest and forced me down.

"No you don't. You are not going to back out of this." She reached down and slide my trunks back up over my waist. "Look we'll just go to a 7-Eleven and get a box of condoms."

She climbed off of me so I could get up, and she gave me a sexy look putting the tip of her index finger into her mouth. "Besides, don't you want me?" She asked, running her other hand along the crotch of her bikini bottoms. "Don't you want to slide that big hard cock deep into my womb?"

I nodded. "Fuck yeah I do." I cried climbing into the front seat and starting the truck.

Jillian giggled behind me and said. "Hurry."

I drove back up the road toward home to a little corner Walgreens. I glanced at Jillian in the back and said. "Stay here."

She gave me a dumb look. "I'm topless back here goofball."

"Oh right." I said shutting off the engine and climbing out of the truck. I went straight to the back of the store where they carried the medications like aspirin and allergy pills. Also where they kept a case full of several different kinds of condoms.

I have never in my life have to buy a condom before and had no idea what to get. There were different brands and sizes. SIZES! What a stupid idea, I mean they just said small, medium or large but they didn't tell you how big each size was. Was medium 6 to 7 inches or what? I decided to grab large condoms and the paused again when I saw ribbed and lubed or non ribbed non lubed. The ribbed package said "for her pleasure." So I grabbed I package of Trojan Warm Sensations large.

When I got back to the car I noticed Jillian's bikini bottoms on the steering wheel. I turned around and saw Jillian bending over the backseat her bare ass and cunt in direct view of me. I swallowed and felt my cock rise again. I could see her bare cunt and she smiled back at me giving her ass a shake.

"Hey there big boy." She said. "Ready to fuck me?"

I pulled out of the parking lot and floored it down the highway. It took me a few minutes to realize that I didn't know where we were going. We sure as hell couldn't go back home were the grandparents could catch us in the throws of passion. We couldn't just park the truck somewhere and fuck in the backseat either, the last thing we'd need would be a cop finding us and arresting us for indecent exposure.

"Hey where are we going Jillian?" I asked eying her in the backseat.

She was casually rubbing her cunt with her fingers and when she heard me talking she looked at me in the mirror and stuck her fingers into her mouth sucking her own juices off the end of her fingers.

"I don't care. Just hurry up and get your cock in my tight little pussy." She said.

"Fuck it." I cursed myself and headed up to the very top of a local park. Being Thursday there was no one at the park so we had the place to ourselves. Since I parked as far as I could away from the road, no one casually driving by would see the truck and come to investigate.

Turning off the engine I grabbed the box of condoms and dove into the backseat. Jillian giggled and wrapped her arms around me kissing me again. I tasted her tongue as she pushed it into my mouth. I sucked on it gingerly and she pulled my trunks down. My cock sprang free and I kicked the shorts away.

Jillian reached down and stroked me softly while we kissed. I pulled the box of condoms out of the bag and showed them to her.

"Are these okay?" I asked her.

She took the box and smiled. "Oh ribbed for me huh?" She giggled.

I took the box and opened it taking out an individually wrapped condom and opened it. I took it out and turned it over in my hand. Jillian took it from me and took hold of my cock. She fitted the condom to the head of my painfully hard cock and began to roll it down my shaft.

"Uh oh." Jillian said.

I glanced down. "What?"

"It won't fit." She said.

I glanced down and saw that the condom only rolled about halfway down my shaft until my cock became too wide and the condom could roll no more. Worse was when she took her hand off the condom it rolled itself back off my cock and popped onto the seat.

"I never bought condoms before I didn't know what kind of get." I explained. I started to reach for my shorts to go back to the store and get bigger condoms but Jillian put her hand on my cock and began to stroke me.

"Forget it." She said staring at my rod.

"What?" I asked.

She let my cock go and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me down onto the seat. "I said forget the condom. I need you now, inside me. I can't wait. I need to feel you filling me with this big hard cock."

She startled me and raised herself over my aching erection. She took my knob in her hand and slowly lowered herself until the head of my big cock was wedged between her soft labia. I could feel the warmth of her pussy on my cock.

She looked at me at my cock gave a massive throb against her. "Are you ok? Don't cum in me the second you're inside." She warned.

I could feel my balls huge and full of hot cum, even after the load I unleashed not half an hour earlier. But I was still at least a little ways from coming now and I nodded. "I'm fine but I don't know how long I'll stay fine." I said.

"Don't worry I just want to feel you inside me for a minute that's all. Then I'll pull you out and you can cum in my mouth again." Jillian said.

I smiled at her and felt her press onto my cock. She was tight and it took a bit for her to get just the head of my prick inside her. My tip entered her with a pop and she gave a wide eyed moan.

"Oh!" She whimpered. "My god you feel so good." She cried and lowered herself more onto me.

I balled my fists and was digging my fingernails into my palm to keep from cumming as she velvet soft hole descended onto my shaft. She had to stop after my head plus another inch was inside her. I could feel her cunt walls rippling along my tip as if they were actually feeling the intruder between them.

It felt so warm and wet and soft that I couldn't hold out much longer. "Jillian, I can't..." I started.

"Not yet, please. Just a little longer, let me get you all inside." Jillian cried. "God I'm so full."

She pushed harder now her face contorting as the rest of my cock slide deeply inside her until my knob hit something firm deep within her. She felt it too and she cried out loudly in pleasure. She sat very still for a minute not even her pussy moved around me. Her neck arched back and she let out a long wail that must have rattled my windows. Suddenly her cunt tightened around my cock like one of the blood pressure machines at the supermarket. First it all tighten around me at once like a silk fist then rippled wildly up and down like fingers. Her juices drenched my shaft and my balls squeezed sending my cum on its journey up my shaft.

In a panic I grabbed Jillian's hips and lifted her completely off of my cock. Jillian fell onto the seat next to me still in the throws of her orgasm. My cock exploded like a volcano sending eruptions of cream into the air and onto my stomach and Jillian's legs which where across my lap.

After a rather large cum puddle formed against Jillian's shin I slumped back in the seat breathing hard myself.

We just sat there unmoving, for I don't know how long. It was long enough though that by the time Jillian began to sit up the cum had just dried into a white crust on my gut and her leg. It was like we ad tried to glue ourselves together.

Jillian shifted so she could lean against my and look into my eyes. She really had beautiful eyes and her hair looked great besides being a little tussled. She smiled, "You did it." she said. "Well almost."

"Did what?" I asked.

"My womb, you where almost there. One more push and that last inch of you would have pushed into my baby chamber. God how cool is that? It felt so good I almost didn't want you to pull out. Your meat filled me so much that I wanted to feel the warmth of your seed fill me even more. I wanted to know that your little seed people were inside me trying to find my egg." she said.

My cock jumped a little at her words, but was still no where close to being hard again. "Jillian we can't do that! I mean it, I can never cum in you." I said.

She began to stroke my chest with her fingertips. "That's what you said about having sex with me in the first place, and look what happened." She slide her hand down to the dried cum on my belly and peeled a cum flake from my skin. She looked into my eyes as she popped it in her mouth and sucked on it until it was once again a cream. She smiled and swallowed then moved her head down to lick the rest off of me.

As she licked and lapped at my stomach I found my hands rubbing her back and her ass, as she was now on all fours. My hands explored her wonderfully tight ass and I moved my finger to her slit to rub her there. She sighed contently as I slide my finger around her slit but never inside her. She was wet to the point of dripping, I could feel her juices dripping from my hand.

I watched as she moved down my body once again taking my flaccid penis into her mouth. She swabbed her tongue all over my rod getting our juices off of it.

"I like how our cum tastes when it's together." She said moving to my balls and suckling them into her mouth carefully.

Through all of this my cock did regain some of it rigidity and she remounted me. She sat on my lap almost on my knees so her body didn't touch my cock at all. Her weight on my legs sent a painful tingle through me and I realized my legs where asleep. We had been sitting too long.

"We should head back. I am getting too cramped." I said.

She smiled. "You just want me in a real bed huh?" She teased.

I smiled. "Maybe."

"Alright but when we get back I'll show you some of my favorite things to do." She said in a teasing grin.

"I can't wait."