
"But at least back then people knew objectively that what they were doing was wrong."

"So they hid it and lied instead of being honest about the mistakes they'd made."

"I don't want Laura with that guy. I can't have it. NO."

Lori came over to her son and stood right in front of him. She looked at the raw emotion on his face. "You love her."

"No. Of course not. Not like that." He reeled back from her.

Lori took on a posture of acceptance but then tilted her head. "Why not like that?"

"Are you kidding. She's my cousin?"


"Look who I'm talking to." he muttered. "Mom, I'm not like you." He shook his head and backed away from her. "I'm not like that."

"Like what, exactly?"

"Laura is my cousin and that's wrong. I'm not going to go there. I'm already messed up enough. Can you imagine what it would be like if ..."

"Well, you are actually less related to her than I was to our father."

"Look, ok, yeah, I know that, but still. No. I don't want her to be with that guy but that's not me trying to say that I want her for myself. There have to be normal, decent guys out there for her to date."

"You're normal. You're decent."

"No, I'm not."

"Why not? What's wrong with you?"

"My mom is also my sister. That's fucked up. That is so fucked up that I can't even get the name of any other child who was like that and lived off the internet."

"But you did live. So were you able to find your own name?"

"No. Of course not."

"Exactly. People aren't going to advertise that kind of parentage."

"Not even in medical journals?"

"Are you in a medical journal? Reg, you've got to realize that, ok, yes, I admit there are risks. I mean, I'm not stupid. But you have to admit that what I did wasn't as bad as all that. And there are a lot darker things out there than the love I shared with your father. The world is still here. And in this country, if you work hard enough and you help enough people, you'll make it. It doesn't matter who you are or where you came from."

"I don't care about making it. I care about keeping Laura safe."

"Well, you will care about making it if you ever get to the point where you can't pay all of your bills at the end of the month. There's nothing stopping you from failing. The whole world will gladly get out of the way and watch as you do so."

"What does that have to do with Laura?"

Lori took a moment to think and then she got it. "Right now the world is testing you."


"Listen. It tests all of us. You're being given a challenge. So what do you do? Do you let the world win? Because, son; the world is the enemy. They will gladly come and take everything we have if we ever let our guard down."

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you just going to let the world take the woman you love away from you or are you going to defend her?"

"I wish I could."

"Then do it. Talk to her. Convince her. And if she won't listen, you'll know that you at least tried. Cause I'll tell you something else too. If you feel for her the way I think you feel for her, you're never going to be her friend. That's over. You're never going to be happy seeing her with someone else while you're close to her. You'll have to push her away. I know it and I think you know it."

"What you're talking about is impossible."

"Why? Come on, Reg. You defy the impossible. The fact that you're alive and talking to me defies the impossible. Stop being a wimp. Be a man. Stand up for what's yours if you want it. That's the only way you'll ever be able to keep anything."

"So I tell Laura and she breaks up with the guy. Then what? I'm not going to date her."

"Why not?"

"Hello. She's my cousin. I know that doesn't mean anything to you but for me it does."

"So tell her and then walk away. Leave her free to find someone else."

"Then everyone will just say I'm a cockblocker."

"So what? Be a ... whatever. If you dated her, you'd have to do so in secret anyway."

"For the last time, I'm not going to date her."

"But you want to."

"Mom, enough. Get out."

Another conversation ended and things seemed no better than they were before. That translated into dinner being a very quiet affair. Sue was worried about her friend's text, Reggy was pissed off, and Lori was so worried about the stability of her family she didn't even have the heart to tell them about the huge increase in revenue she'd been informed of that day. If only money could buy happiness.

After dinner Lori took a walk outside and toured her grounds. Sue came out and found her and they finally got the chance to talk about the text.

"She probably just thinks you're a lesbian." Lori said.

"Well, I get that, you know, but how did she know?"

"I don't know. But for now, it would probably be best to just say you broke up with them."

"Ok. But we're not really going to break up, though?"

"No, baby. I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks. I know it hasn't been that much time yet but I really do feel special when I'm with you."

"I wish your brother could understand that."

"Well, mom, maybe he's destined to just be with a normal girl. He's handsome even if he is annoying."

Lori stopped and looked back towards the house. "When was the last time Reggy had a girlfriend?"

"Um ... Samantha, I think. Unless he dated someone in college. They broke up right after prom."

"And he wasn't with anyone senior year?"

"No. Not that I know of."

"Ok. I think I got it. Hold that thought and come with me."

"You're not going to go argue with him again, are you? We're having a nice moment here."

"He's my son and I love him."

"I get that. But he's ..."

"He's your brother and we're going to help him. No arguing. Come on."

Back in the house they snuck up to Reggy's door and looked in. He was sitting with an elbow on his desk and his left hand in his hair. His right hand had a pen in it and rested on several sheets of paper where he'd begun to draft a letter.

"I see you." he said without moving.

Lori stood up straight and then entered. "We were just talking and Sue here tells me that she's got a friend of hers and she might be interested in you. Isn't that right, honey."

Reggy looked up with a disgusted look on his face.

"That's right." Sue added, playing along. "Gabrielle. You'll love her."

"Gabrielle." Reggy said. "The one dating that fat girl, Mandy? Yeah, don't look shocked. Everybody fucking knows."

"Language, son."

"Why are you two bothering me? I don't go bother you."

"Ok." Lori capitulated. "What we meant to say was that Sue would be very happy to set you up with one of her friends."

"Nah, that sounds like a really fucking bad idea."

"Why?" Sue asked.

"Where the hell do I start? First of all, you're friends are all part of the fucking loser squad."

"What? You're crazy. My friends are way more popular than ..."

"And besides that, even if they were people I'd want to date, none of them would want to be with an inbred piece of shit like me."

"Yeah, cause you are a piece of shit who ..."

"Stop it." Lori yelled. "Stop. Quiet." She looked at one and then the other. "Sue, apologize."

"What? He started it."

"You called him a piece of shit. Apologize."

"He called himself that first."


Sue pouted. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you. Now. Reggy. Without insulting anyone, could you please explain to me why it is you feel it would be a bad idea for you to date one of Sue's friends?"

"What? What the fuck is this?"

"Explain it to me because I'm not really understanding you."

"Come on. You know why."

"No, I don't."

"Then you're an idiot."

"Because you're in love with Laura?"


"He's in love with Laura!" Sue repeated energetically.

"I said, NO."

"Son, have you considered that maybe it doesn't matter if on some level it might be a bit of incest between you and Laura."

"I'm not as sick as you."

"But really, Reg, you already come from incest so what's wrong with it if you indulge a little more?"

"I may be but Laura isn't. It's not fair to her."

"Ok. So date someone else. Be happy with someone else who isn't related to you."

"I can't."

"Because you love Laura."

"No. I mean ... ok, look; I can't ask someone to love me knowing that I'm like this. It's not right."

"So, you can't be with Laura because it would be incest but you can't be with anyone else because it wouldn't be incest? Is that what you're saying? Cause that doesn't make sense."

"Mom, I'm messed up already. I can't impose that on someone else. So even if Laura and I weren't related I still couldn't be with her."

"Because you come from incest?"

"Right. Ok."

"So, your choice is to just be alone for the rest of your life?"

"It's no choice. It's what I have to do. It's the right thing."

"Does that apply to your sister?"

"Well ... no. She can do what she wants."

Lori started to smile. She had him. He didn't know it yet but she had him. He'd asked her to fix it and now she saw how she could do it.

"Sue, I want you to go over and give your brother a nice big kiss."

Reggy was speechless and Sue just said "Mom!"

"No, listen. Reg thinks he can't be with anyone who's not inbred. So Sue, it's up to you."

"What the hell, mom." Reggy said. "That's sick. That would be like super next level incest shit."

Lori was watching him as he said it. His face and his voice was saying one thing but she did notice a reaction in his pants. He wasn't going to be so tough to crack after all. Lori brought her daughter closer to her and put her arms around her. "Let's give him a nice little show." she whispered.

"Are you sure?"

Lori nodded and started to pull Sue's shirt up.

"Hey, wait." Reggy said as he got to his feet. "Why do you have to do that in here?"

They didn't answer him. Instead they just kept going and once Sue was naked from the waist up, Lori lifted up her skirt and moved her panties to the side. Sue instinctively knew what to do and got down on her knees in front of her mother.

Reggy stood there and watched with his jaw hung open. He didn't feel like running. To the contrary, his legs were firmly planted in place and would not move. He didn't feel like gagging or puking. If anything, his hips felt like they wanted to thrust forward as his dick grew in his pants.

His sister's tits were very nice. He'd never considered it before. They were a little smaller than the padding in her bra would suggest but they were still nice. At least a handful. But more than that, Reggy couldn't take his eyes off the sight of his sister eating his mother out. Sue was licking and Lori was leaning her back against the wall, trying to find the right stance to be comfortable. Reggy felt a kind of weird tingling and although he wasn't paying attention to it in that exact moment, he would later remember that he was breathing more deeply and more cleanly than he ever remembered doing off medication.

Everyone was in position like that but then the women got the idea that it was silly to fuck against the wall when Reggy's bed was right there. Reggy was still standing there, looking at the place on the wall where they had been even after they weren't there anymore. Sue and Lori went to his bed, shedding clothes on the way and then Reggy couldn't see them, only hear them.

Reggy looked over at the door. He had to get out of there. He had to flee. But he couldn't bring himself to move. He was frozen in place. Then someone put their hands on him. Somehow, the light in the room seemed to get brighter, if that made any sense. The tiniest sound was echoing in his ears. He could feel every square inch of his skin.

Then someone kissed him on the neck. Run, he told himself. This is wrong. But ... he liked it. He started to smile despite his resistance. A hand went to his cock and started to feel him through his jeans. No. Wait. Stop. He thought those words but couldn't say them. The truth was, it was great. It was not just relief to get attention to his dick, it more than that. It was good.

Lori and Sue pulled Reggy back to the bed and eased him down. One of them pulled his shirt up and started kissing his chest while the other pushed his shoulders all the way back to the covers.

Now that both his sister and his mother were in view he could see that they were both naked. His mother was just as sexy as a lot of guys imagined she was. Her breasts hadn't started to sag yet at all. She had no flab to be found. She was in the prime of health. Reggy reached out and put his hand on her side to feel her hourglass figure. She took her attention away from helping Sue get his jeans off and smiled at him.

"Oh, wow." Sue said. Lori turned to her daughter and Sue whispered loud enough that Reggy still heard her. "That's bigger than Jerry's."

"Go on, give it a taste."

"You sure it'll be ok." Sue was apprehensive since she halfway had this idea that she and her mother were going to be exclusive with each other. She'd participated initially because Lori had said it was a show. Now it wasn't a show. Now it was a threesome.

"Of course. Go ahead."

"Shouldn't we ..."

"Here, I'll show you how it's done."

Lori put her lips down to Reggy's cock and took it into her mouth. Both Reggy and Sue were just staring as mother sucked on son's dick.

"See. Just like that."

"I know how to do it, mom. I was actually ..."

"Sue, look at him. He's ok. We're all here and we're all naked. Let's all have some fun and help each other." Then Lori kissed Sue on the lips and guided her face down to Reggy's cock. Sue opened her mouth and Reggy's dick went in.

"Yes. Good." Lori said as she put her hand around the shaft of his cock and started to pump him while Sue sucked. "Does that feel good, Reggy?"

"Huh?" he responded.

"Does your sister give good head?"

"Um. Sure, I guess."

"You guess!" Sue angrily shouted back at him.

"No. You two aren't going to start fighting again. Sue, give your brother a kiss."

"Are you sure, mom? Really?"

"You've had his dick in your mouth. What's the harm in kissing him? Go help your brother feel special."

Sue moved up to Reggy's face and then closed her eyes as she gave him a light peck on the lips. When the kiss ended, she opened her eyes to see him looking at her. They looked at each other that way for a bit and then Sue smiled. He seemed to get infected and he smiled back at her.

Then suddenly his smile blew off of his face and he was struck with surprise. Sue mouthed the word 'what?' and then she looked behind her.

"I have missed the cock, let me tell you." Lori said as she was bringing herself all the way down onto Reggy's dick.

"You're fucking him. You're really fucking him." Sue said.

"He said I had to spread my legs for everyone in the family. Keep kissing him so he can't think up any of his little comments he likes to say because he thinks he's so clever."

Sue sat on her knees watching as Lori's ass went up and down with her son's dick, who was also her half brother, going in and out of her. Lori lowered her body down onto Reggy's and she was very forceful when she got him to kiss her.

"Come on. Give it to mommy. Do it. You know you want to." Lori wrapped her hands around Reggy's neck and then repeated what she said, adding "Fuck me like a man."

"Mom, I'm going to cum."

"Then do it. Go all the way. Do it and don't be a wimp about it."

"I can't hold it. You have to get up." Reggy said but then at the end his words were becoming harder to understand as his body jerked and he closed his eyes as tight as he could.

"That's it. That's how a man fucks. Good boy."

"He came inside you?" Sue asked.

"Indeed he did. And you get to lick your brother's cum out of me."


"Come on. You'll like it."

"What if you get pregnant?"

"What if I do? I'll have my son's baby and I couldn't think of a better ending."

Then, in a quick movement, Lori jumped off of her son and spread her legs inviting Sue to come and taste. Sue had to tell herself that it was just like before but really she was more nervous this time. She went down on her mom and she could taste her brother in there. The mixture of mother and brother together was a bit strange at first but then she got used to it and found that her mother had been right. She did like it.

"Reggy" Lori addressed her son. "Don't just lay there. Go lick your sister."

Reggy felt his strength coming back and he got off the bed. He moved from the side to the foot and looked at his sister. Her head was low but her ass was high. Her knees were spread apart on the edge of the bed and all he really would have had to do was crouch behind her to start licking her. But he didn't do that. Instead he was just looking at her pussy and trying to understand what it was he'd just done.

"Go on." his mother encouraged. "It'll make her feel good. Don't you want to make her feel good."

Reggy still didn't take action so Lori told Sue to lay on her back. Then mother went down on daughter for a bit and took great pleasure in seeing her son watching her. Sue thought that her mother was going to lick her until she got off but that was not Lori's plan. Instead she stopped and presented Sue to Reggy.

"Come here." she commanded.

Reggy looked down at his sill erect cock and noticed that there was still the mixture of his mother and his semen on him. "I'll go wash myself."

"No. No need for that. Come here. She's waiting."

He should have objected. He should have said something. But instead he was just letting his mom lead him. She got him to get on top of his sister and then she held his dick and guided it into her pussy.

"Hey, Reg. What you doing there?" Sue asked him.

"I guess I'm fucking you."

"Well, you better be better than the last guy."

Reggy made a face. "Jerry? You're comparing me to Jerry?"

"I will if you can't ... Oh."

Reggy was off to the races. He went into his sister as deep as he could go. Unbeknownst to his mother or his sister, he hadn't' been completely unlucky in love while at college. None of those one night stands had lasted past the morning after the party but Reggy did know how to fuck.

"Oh, Reg. Oh, angel. Oh, my ..."

Lori sat on the edge of the bed feeling very happy with herself. They were all going to be one big and most importantly happy family. It was so sexy watching her children fuck. She loved it. She should have thought of getting them to do this a long time ago. She had the feeling that it would have saved them a lot of arguing and yelling.

It didn't seem to take very long. It certainly wasn't long enough for Lori to get comfortable in her spectator position. Sue was crying out from an intense orgasm and before she was even finished, Reggy pulled out of her and blasted cum all over her from her perky tits that still had some growing to do all the way down to her bush.

"Put it back in her." Lori said. "I didn't say you could take it out."

Reggy didn't object. He pushed back into his sister but didn't really fuck her. He let her rest as he watched his mother start slurping up his cum with glee. Lori brought her tongue all the way down to where Reggy's dick was entering Sue's pussy and licked back and forth from one to the other. Then she pulled Reggy's cock out of his sister and started to suck him., spilling the cum she'd licked up all over Sue's pussy in the process.

As far as that session of fucking was concerned, they were finished. However, they all stayed there in Reggy's room, resting on his bed. About a half an hour passed before anyone really said anything. Lori had her head on her son's shoulder with her body nestled up to his and Sue on his other side.

"Son, you're a grown man now."

"I was a grown man before."

"But now that you've proven yourself, I'll have to start charging you rent.""Rent?"

"You aren't a kid anymore and adults have to pay their way."

"How much?"

"Once a week at least."


"You have to give it to me and your sister at least once a week."

"Does Sue have to pay too? She's a woman now."

"She's already been paying but you're in arrears."

"I was actually thinking of moving into a dorm when the next semester started."

"You can do that if you want but I think it would be a lot more expensive than just giving me dick."

"Yeah, Reg." Sue added. "Don't leave. We love you."

"I still can't believe we did this."

"You aren't upset anymore, are you?" Lori asked.

"No." he admitted.

"You're not still pining over Laura, are you?"

"I wasn't pining."

"You were so pining." Sue said. "I honestly didn't know what was going on with you but the second mom said you were in love with Laura it all made sense."

"I'm not ... in love. Ok."

"He's so in love, he doesn't know what to do with himself." Lori said.

"Oh yeah. Well I know how to do this." He got up and forced his mother up and then bent her over. He got behind her and Lori felt a great thrill as he started to bump the head of his instantly erect dick up to her pussy. She spit in her hand and put that lubrication down there and smiled with joy as he started to just take her from behind.

"Should I leave you two alone?" Sue asked.

"You're next." Reggy said.

"Promises, promises."

"You doubt me?" Reggy wasn't going to take that. He instructed his sister with his hands. He got her to bend over next to their mother and then he moved from the one to the other.

"I think we've created a monster." Lori commented.

Back and forth he went fucking each for about two minutes and then changing again. He fucked his sexy hourglass mother with the slightly jiggly ass and full breasts and then went to his thin sister who probably needed to eat a little more. Ah but her ass was cute.

"See, Sue. We're his two special ladies."

Sue didn't answer that. She kissed Lori as she felt Reggy fucking her.

"He loves us more than anyone else. This is a special moment that only we three can share. It's more special and more secret than anything anyone else has."

When Sue heard those words she started to climax.

"You're both my special miracle babies."

Reggy started to cum in his sister without even a thought of pulling out.


When Reggy woke up the next morning Sue was right there sleeping next to him but their mother was gone it seemed. Lori always was so busy it didn't surprise him. His phone was blinking that green light again so he took a look.

Laura - Do you want to talk or not? Why are you ignoring me?

He was going to text her but then for some reason he just decided to call her. He half figured she wouldn't answer. But then she did and Laura's voice was saying "Hello."

"Hey, it's me." Reggy said as he squeezed his naked sister to himself.

"Hey, Reg. So ... You had something you wanted to say to me?"

"Well, not really."

"What do you mean?'

"I guess I have to assume you know about his baby mama."

"Yes. I know."

"You sure you want to date a guy like that?"

"It's not his fault. It's her. She won't let him move on."

"Well, do what you want but I think you can do better."

"Reggy, you need to check your privilege. You have no room to judge me just because your mom happens to make more money than ..."

"My privilege?"

"Yeah. Money doesn't make you right about everything."

"Who the hell have you been talking to? Where's this coming from?"

"It doesn't have to come from anywhere. It's true. You're a rich kid trying to hold everyone else to some standard that we didn't agree to."

"Since when have I ever brought up my mom's money? And for that matter, she works really hard."

"And my dad doesn't?"

"Did I say that?"

"You implied it."

Reggy could not believe that she was being so petty about this. What happened to Laura? He looked at his sister and then just decided he knew who he really cared about.

"Whatever. If you're happy with him, fine. But don't come crying to me if you get hurt dating a guy like that."

"Well, I won't. And just so you know, you're mom isn't going to get away with cutting my dad out of the family business."


"We're going to get a lawyer and take back what's ours."

"Yours? What the hell have you been smoking? My mom made those businesses with her own hands."

"With my dad's help."

"He was never around until ..."

"That's your mother's lies."

"Goodbye Laura. Hey, lose my number, huh."

He hung up on her.

While Reggy was trying to dial his mom, Laura tried to call back but he rejected her call. Normally he never bothered his mom when she was working but Laura had dropped the word 'lawyer' and that had to do with the business so she needed to know.

"Hi, honey." Lori said. "I'll be home soon and we can talk about treats then. Don't you and your sister eat them all before I arrive. Save some for me. Ok?"

"I just talked to Laura."

"Ok, dear. I'll be home soon and we can talk about it. I have to go."

"She says Uncle Clark hired a lawyer.. He's going to try and take you to court."

"When was this?"

"I just got off the phone with her."

"Alright. Thanks for telling me. I'll handle it from here."

Reggy's sister started to stir and she looked up at him when he hung up the phone.

"Who you talking to?"

"Mom says we should save some for her."

Sue hugged him close and tried for a kiss. Reggy was a little worried about his breath but he gave his sister the kiss anyway. That kiss lasted and lasted and they were both just content to just make out for an extended period of time.

"I'm sorry I was being an ass yesterday." he said.

"I'm sorry I called you a piece of shit."

"You know, now that I think of it; it was never right Uncle Clark coming to see us."

"You told mom I don't know how many times."

"And Laura was trying to get to you and then she was trying to get to me, all so your dad could try and steal mom's money."

"He's not my dad. Maybe he was the one that mom had sex with but he's not my dad. He didn't raise me. He never helped us at all. And even when he came back, he knew I was his daughter but he never really tried to connect with me."

Down in the kitchen they were getting some brunch. Sue was thinking that it was so nice to have peace in the house. Reggy being mellow was much better than him agitated. The night before had been this big whirlwind. Everything happened without time to talk or even think. But now that Sue was sitting next to Reggy and eating the pancakes he'd cooked up for her because he knew she liked them, she realized that her mother had a kind of logic. Somehow it did make more sense for her to be with her brother than to be with people outside the family. Now that she looked at him, she didn't see the sibling she'd always had all those childish fights with. She saw a lover she hoped would never abandon her. Somehow she just knew he would never leave her. How could he? They were made for each other.

She thought about Jerry. He was a nice guy. He was strong in the physical sense. He was good looking. There were also times when he showed that he was rather intelligent as well. But she just couldn't feel comfortable with him. Never once. He was, in all reality, a carbon copy of everyone else. He was boring. Dating Jerry was like dating some generic man with no face. He had none of his own personality. Sue might as well have been dating any other random guy for a thousand miles.

And then there was the fact that Jerry had no passion for her. He dated her because in the beginning it was easy for him. He risked nothing. And when Sue would tell him that she had reservations about them as a couple, he'd never fight to keep her. He would avoid anything that was a hassle or a struggle.

However, being with Reggy was a kind of intense struggle and comfortable fit all wrapped into one. It was almost a difficult thing to believe. She'd fucked her brother. She'd barely gotten used to the idea of sex with her mom and now she was with her brother.

Hey. She was sort of repeating what her mother had done. She just realized that. Cool.

"What's that face for?" Reggy asked.

"You. Me and you."

"What do you think about all that?"

"You first."

"No. I asked. You first."

"You'll tell me after?"


"Ok. I feel like you're right that we shouldn't be with other people. I wasn't thinking about it before you said it but yeah. You're right. But mom's right too. That shouldn't mean that we can't have someone in our lives. You're like me and I'm like you. More than any other two people on the planet, we belong together. Even if I hated you that would still be true. I guess I'm really lucky because I love you. I mean, think about it. How many other people can say that they're literally destined to be together? Most people just go out with whoever is around. They marry whoever they happen to be with when they decide that they're ready to get married. People say all this stuff about 'he's the one, the only one, forever, Mr. Right, written in the starts' but we all know it's not true. It's not true for anyone except us."

He was thinking about what she said and slowly started to nod. "But you know, there's nothing wrong with people having a wide selection to date from."

"I know. I wasn't judging them. I was just saying that all the stuff people say to try and make their boyfriend seem super special and all, it's not true for them. But for me, you really are the only one."

"Just for the record, I didn't say that."

"But it's true, isn't it. And it's the best way for both of us. You know, if I were going to be with anyone other than you, I'd have to eventually tell them who my ... biological father was and we both know that would just be the worst thing ever."

"You don't have to tell. You could just keep it a secret."

"Not if I get married. People shouldn't keep secrets from ..."

"Wait, we're getting married now?"

"Well ... maybe. Eventually."

"You know that's illegal. In fact, everything about this is illegal."

"In secret. Just us."

"Yeah I see what you mean but that word, marriage, just has such a bad connotation about it. Let's just avoid that word for now. Ok?"

"Ok. For now. Anyway, I told you so, you're turn."

"Ok. Well, I was really surprised. I guess, I'm happy. I appreciate that you and mom didn't just give up on me when I was pushing you away. It's weird but I guess now I can sort of see myself living the rest of my life when before I couldn't. This is who I am. I come from a guy who put a creampie in his own daughter and I'm ok with it now. I'm ok being this way."

"But what about me?"

"You? Well, you're right. No one else is going to understand us. If they knew, no one else would ever want to be with us or stay with us."

"Fuck, em. We don't need them. I have you."

"Yeah. That makes sense to me. That, I can do."

"You're the only one for me."

"I take it you want me to say that back."

"Yes, it would be nice."

"What about mom?"

"Well, ... she doesn't count. We can share her."

Reggy nodded. "Yeah. That's probably what we'll have to do."

He was going to leave it at that which annoyed Sue. "Ahem."


"Only one?"

"Oh. Of course. You're the only one for me."

Sue was sort of startled. "You don't mean it."

"What do you mean?"

"Say it like you mean it."

"Come on, Sue. What is this?"

"You're thinking about Laura, aren't you?"

"I'm not going to fight with you."

"I'm not trying to fight. I just want you to tell me the truth."

"Ok, sure. She's in the back of my head. What do you expect? This is all new to me. But that doesn't mean I want to be with her."

"Oh really." Sue said in her sassy voice. "You know, I don't want you to feel like you have to settle for me. I don't want you to feel like you're only with me because of a lack of options."

"That is the complete opposite of what you said earlier."

"Oh. Ok, what I really mean to say is ... Hm."

"Oh, Don't have a reply for that?"

"Wait. I'll get this."

"Take your time. More pancakes?"

"I'm full. I know. Ok. So like, we don't need to be together. We could be perfectly happy being alone. And it's not that there's something wrong with us that's the reason we don't date other people. It's that they're not good enough for us."


"And also ... Just listen. Ok. And also, ... what was I going to say?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, got it. And also, like, we could put in the work to find someone to be with who we could be honest with and then they'd accept us but that would be like so much more work and then what if we trusted the wrong guy."

"You do know that I don't date guys, right?"

"Stop interrupting or I'll loose my train of thought."


"Reggy, you are the only one for me because you are the one I choose. It's like how you could have an arranged marriage and everything could be all planned out and everything but all of that blows up in the parents' faces if the girl doesn't like the guy. It's like that. We were really meant to be together. But at the end of the day it's still our choice to go along with it or not. I know I want to because I think you'll be better for me than anyone else. What would it matter if I dated this guy or that guy? What difference would it ever make in the world. But when I'm with you, it is different. It is special. It is more than I could ever have with anyone else."

"You said it better than I ever could."

"So, what's it going to take to get our cousin out of your head?" she said as she leaned over to his shoulder and put her head on it.

"Just time, I think. Like with Samantha."

"Anything I can do to speed it up?" she asked as her hand came over to his thigh.

"You were the shy one yesterday."

"If we're going to do it, only makes sense to embrace it fully."

"Yeah, but, if you're like this, what's mom going to be like when she gets home?"

"With me and mom, I was always the one who wanted it more."

"Oh. I didn't know you liked girls."

"I don't. Hey, how did you know that Gabrielle was gay?"

"Everyone knows she's gay. It's not a secret."

"Shit. Then her taking up for me is going to look like I'm gay."

"It might be better to have them think that than think you're having sex with me."

"It's a shame when you think about it."

"What is?"

"Why should we have to hide it? What's wrong with it? If my father wasn't worried about what other people would say maybe we would have grown up with two parents. Maybe we would have known our grandparents."

"People think it's wrong so we do have to hide it."

"Let's not make the same mistakes they did. Let's stay together. Ok? We need each other."

"I'm not going anywhere."

After breakfast they were watching internet videos on the tv. They started a couple of different ones but then they got bored with that. They put in one of their mother's dvd's and it was a film that of course had some incest in it.

"You can totally tell they aren't really related to each other." Sue said.

"And it's not like the actors are really having sex. I don't see why they couldn't have cast real siblings for this."

"It's cause everyone's so stuck up. I'll tell you what they're worried about."


"If real siblings pretend to do this kind of thing, then they'll start to like it and want to do it for real. Then they'll end up in therapy because they'll be all confused."

"You are really pro incest now, aren't you."

"And you are too." she said as she came close and started to kiss him.

Slow and gentle they started to make out on the sofa. Reggy actually still had a bit of mental reservations about this but her logic was undeniable. They really were the only two people who could be with the other. He had to either go with that or be alone. Well, when you're kissing someone, alone really doesn't feel like a real option.

Reggy moved to put himself over her and she leaned back and stretched out on the sofa. They kissed while they slowly started to press their bodies against each other and grind their groins together. She started to get him out of his shirt and he took that as a chance to do the same to her. She would have been topless before him save for her bra. Instead of taking it off of her, he started to kiss her chest and tease around her breasts.

"Why do you even wear this?" he asked when he did start to take her bra off. She was thinking of how to answer when the question flew from her mind. His mouth went to her nipples and she bit down on her lower lip. She didn't think it was possible but he was even better at that than their mother had been. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. She wanted him so much. Why was he taking so long?

She started trying to get him out of his pants. As soon as she could feel his cock was free, she didn't even wait for him to get her out of her panties. She hiked her skirt up and moved her panties to the side and urged him to enter her.

There it was. Yes. She was never going to have sex with the wishy-washy likes of Jerry ever again. She just knew that Reggy wanted her. He didn't want anyone else but her. He was more than just a brother. They were going to always be together. He would never leave her. He would never abandon her or be disgusted by her.

Reggy looked down at his sister as he fucked her. He was ok with this. Better than ok, he told himself. He smiled. She didn't care that he had health problems. She wanted him despite all that. It made sense. It made more sense being with her than anyone else. Of course he'd be with her.

It wasn't fast sex. To the contrary, it was very deep and controlled sex. Before either one of them had even gotten into it that much they both felt like hitting their orgasms. Because of that, Reggy took it slow since he didn't want to be finished too quickly. A few times he'd even just paused and not move in and out of her at all. It was so intense.

It was while they were stopped and not moving at all that Reggy realized he wasn't going to be able to hold back anymore. He bore his teeth and then locked into position on top of her.

Sue felt it when he started. She felt his hot cum spilling into her. She'd been so close already and that was all the extra push she needed. She would later remember that she saw rainbow colored stars when she had her climax. Her brother was cumming in her for the second time. Then a little voice in the back of her head said "I hope I get pregnant."

Was it possible to have a second orgasm before the first one was even finished? She was already in the throws of ecstasy but then it was like she reached a higher level. Her brother's baby inside her. That was the sexiest thing she'd ever thought of.

When it was over, Reggy got off of her and went to the other edge of the sofa. Sue was almost delirious when she sat up. She looked over at her brother and his cock was still so hard. She got out of the rest of her clothes and went over to him. She got on top of him and started to just ride his dick some more while she put her tits in his face.

They were so happy together in that moment. It was their special, private moment that was just for them.

And then their mother came into the house.

The siblings initially started to stop and perhaps cover up when they knew that they were no longer alone but their mother encouraged them to not mind her.

"The only thing I'll say is, you might want to keep the actual sex to the bedroom. What if the gardener saw you two? Hm?"

"Ok. We'll remember." Sue said.

"Anyway, I have guests coming over for dinner so just remember that you have to act like normal brother and sister in front of them."

"Who?" Reggy asked as he and his sister started to get dressed.

"I was thinking it should be a surprise but I won't do that to you. Clark and his family are coming over. I need you two to keep Stacy and Laura entertained while I hash things out with him."

"Yelling again?" Sue asked.

"I hope not. I know I won't yell."

"Is that a good idea?" Reggy asked.

"You asked me to fix it. I'm fixing it. One way or another."


Uncle Clark, his wife, and their daughter arrived well before dinner was set to be served. The greetings were cordial all around and tempers were being kept in check.

Sue noticed the way Reggy was looking at Laura. She could tell that he did not like the idea of her being there. She also did not like it when Laura went up to Reggy and put her arm around his and sat right next to him when they all went into the dining room and ate.

After eating they all retreated to the living room and at first, it was just generic topics being discussed but then Stacy was the one who asked if Reggy would be kind enough to take Laura to go do something while the rest of them talked over something sensitive. Stacy never let her eyes leave Reggy for a moment and Reggy noticed.

Reggy looked at his mother and sister to see if he should comply. He felt they'd given him enough of a hint that it would be ok so he asked Laura to come and listen to him play piano. Laura didn't look happy to be cut out of the conversation but she went with Reggy all the same.

Reggy sat at the piano and started to play the Bartered Bride.

"What are they talking about?" Laura asked him.

Reggy at first just looked up at her since he was incapable of speaking and playing at the same time. It always amazed him to see musicians who could sing and play an instrument at the same time since for him it was physically impossible to do both. His hands actually had to come to rest before he could answer.

"I don't know."

"Liar. No one wants to tell. And why does your sister get to hear?"

"Maybe it's a business thing. How should I know?"

"You know. I know you know. What's going on?"

"Can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because it doesn't have anything to do with you. And me neither so we were sent away."

"But it has to do with your sister? That doesn't make sense."

"How's your boyfriend?"

"What? You don't get to ask me that."

"Why not?"

"You don't get to tell me who to date."

"I wasn't telling you who to date."

"Yes, you were."

"Fine. Date whoever you want. I don't care."

"You don't care?" she accused.

"What's with you?"

"You. You're supposed to be my best friend and you don't care?"

"Make up your mind."


"I know." Stacy said as she sat trying to look as dignified as she could.

Lori nodded in acknowledgement of what it must be that Stacy knew.

"I told her everything." Clark added. "Did you tell Sue?"

"She told me." Sue answered for herself.

There was a particularly long and awkward silence that followed. It was Stacy who was the first to speak again. Addressing Lori she said "I hope you already know how disgusting I think this is." That got an angry look from Sue but she didn't say anything. "Honestly, it's a challenge to even be here or look at the two of you."

"Me?" Sue asked with rage.

"Not you, honey. You're not to blame here. Your father and his sister. I might have been able to accept it if I knew it was only one time but Clark tells me it was a lot more than that."

"It was." Lori admitted.

"He's lucky I came and saved him when I did. What kind of a sister are you? How would you like it if your own children started to behave that way?"

"I don't think that's the real issue here." Sue said.

"Isn't it?" Stacy countered.

"No. The issue here is ... he's my father but he's never acted like it."

"How could I?" Clark defended.

"How could you not?" Sue challenged. "I'm your daughter and you've never so much as given me a kind word."

"I ... I ..."

"Susan, you and I have every right and reason to be angry with these two. Your father found it difficult to ..."

"My mom at least acted like a mother to me."

"Your father couldn't bare to remember the sin he committed when he was with your mother. I hope you can understand that and find a way to forgive him."

"That's all he sees me as?"

"Sue," Clark began to say but then his words failed him.

"Well," Lori interrupted. "Is that all you came to say? I, for one, like to think that the past is the past. What's really important is the future. So in the future, Clark, do you want to be a father to Sue or not?"

Stacy looked over at her husband and then looked back at Lori. "We think it would be best to formally cut ties."

"You're leaving?" Sue asked in shock.

"What do you have in mind?" Lori asked.

"We want you to buy back the interest that Clark has in the two companies you own." Stacy produced a document from her bag and handed it over to Lori.

There was another silence as Lori read over what she'd been handed. "Tsk. Tsk. You can't expect me to sign this."

"We can take you to court if that's what you really want."

"Clark, are you just going to let her do this to you or are you too blind to see what's happening?"

"We talked about it." Clark responded. "We're going to move back to ..."

"No." Sue said. "How can you hate me so much?"

Clark was shaking his head. "It's not about hating anyone. Lori, what have you been telling her?"

"Don't look to me to defend you." Lori said. "I invited you over so you could have a chance to do right by your daughter. As for that, you can take it back. I'll have nothing to do with it."

"Sis, this revelation has caused a lot of strain on us. Susan, I know I'm your father and I'd love more than anything to be a good father to you. You have to believe me when I tell you that the ... the ... the only reason I was cool to you was because the stress from the secret was, at times, more than I could tolerate. I was so afraid that everyone would see me favoring you and then figure it out."

"So instead you acted like I didn't exist."

Stacy looked over at her husband. He saw and then bowed and continued. "My marriage is the most important thing to me. I have a family. I have a daughter and they have to take precedent. I'm sorry. Stacy doesn't want Laura exposed to this kind of sin anymore and I have to agree with her. It's wrong."

Lori looked at her brother incredulously. "The shares in my company were a gift to make sure your family had a steady income. If you don't want them anymore then give them back to me. Why should I pay for something that should have always been mine?"

"But they're not yours anymore." Stacy said. "They're ours."

"They're his." Lori countered.

"You made sure we couldn't sell them on the open market. We have to sell them to you so that's what we want to do."

"Is that what you want to do, Clark?"

He nodded. "It's the best thing for my family, my marriage."

"Fool. The moment I sign that your marriage is over."


"Well, I believe it." Laura said.

"You don't even know the guy." Reggy commented.

"I met him and Kate once and I think I definitely saw that there was some weird stuff going on between them."

"What made you think that?"

"Like, just by looking at them. You could tell."

"I don't see how."

"If you ever saw the guy with his sister around you'd see it."

"That doesn't mean they were sleeping together. It could have been anything. Siblings have a lot of secrets and stuff. It could have been a thousand other things. Why jump to conclusions?"

"I'm serious. Trust me. You can tell there's something wrong with that guy by just looking at his face. There was just something wrong with it, you know."

"Just by looking. Hell. I'd hate to find out what you think when you look at me."

"You always make everything about you."

"If this guy Tim and his sister are getting it on or not, it has nothing to do with me; which is why I don't want to talk about it. If you were sleeping with your sister, would you want people talking about it?"

She reeled back. "Why'd you put it like that? I'm not gay."


Lori and Stacy went to the kitchen together, both of them keeping an eye on Sue and her father from a distance.

"It's not going to work." Stacy whispered. "He's not going to fall for your manipulation."

"My manipulation?"

"I'm sure you've trained that little girl of yours to say just the right thing to ensnare my husband but it's not going to work. He's smarter than you."

"By which you mean to say that you think he's an idiot. Otherwise, why bring him here? Why ask him to sell?"

"For the good of our family. Get him away from you."

"More like so you can get away from him."

"You don't know anything about us."

"I know that if you divorce him now you'll get nothing since he has nothing he can legally give you. Ah, but if he were to acquire some assets that were more liquid, you could leave him and bully him into letting you take everything."

"The only thing I want is my family's happiness. You're just trying to tear us apart."

"If that's true then I suggest he make a gift of the shares to my niece. That would allow her to keep her income at least and you and Clark would be free of me."

"Curious choice of word but I'm not playing your games. Your daughter is also your niece."

"I never realized you were so petty."

"I don't know why you're dragging this out. Just take the shares back and leave us alone."

"I'll make this as clear as I can. If you plan on leaving my brother, you'll get nothing. I'll see to it. And if you go running your mouth the gloves come off."

"You don't scare me. I'll do as I will and you can't stop me." Stacy was standing her ground against the unscrupulous business woman and she felt very proud of herself.

"Scare you?" replied Lori. "You're going to hell when you die. What hope have I of scaring someone who's already damned."

"How dare you."

"How dare I? How dare you. Where exactly is your first husband? Hm? Dead? No. He's alive and well and still hopeful that his wife will return to him."

"What are you getting at?"

"You're an adulteress. The Lord Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, Son of the Father in heaven says so."

"Don't try to quote scripture to me. You don't even go to church."

"But apparently I know more about the bible you claim to believe in than you or anyone else down there. Divorce is a sin. You're still married to that other man," Lori paused for a moment on those words before continuing, "in the eyes of God but you go about pretending to be married to my brother."

"You're a pharisee."

"I'm just being honest. Or was Jesus Christ wrong?"

"You committed incest and you have the nerve to even mention that name. You're foul. You're the lowest kind of scum."

"Well, at least when I was committing incest, I wasn't cheating on my husband. According to your bible, which is worse?"


Sue and Clark looked at each other but neither spoke. Clark reached for Sue's hand but then pulled the motion back before he could take it.

"Why don't you love me?" Sue asked."

"That's not fair. I love you. Did Lori say I didn't love you?"

"No. I've always known. Ever since you first came."

Clark lowered his head. "I was ashamed of what I'd done."

"Ashamed of me, you mean."

"I didn't even know you'd been born until you were almost a year old. Lori didn't tell me anything."

"And you still never showed up until almost a decade later."

"Eight years. Come on. Be fair."

"Every time we ever did anything, you acted like you didn't want to touch me with a ten foot pole."

"I was scared."

"Of what?"

"It was incest. If anyone figured out what had happened, I could have gone to prison."

"You could have told me in secret. Why would I tell the police about my own father?"

"I was happy I got to be around. I didn't want to mess it up by trying to get too close."

"I'm a grown woman. I should have been told years ago. Laura is my sister. I've had a sister all this time and never knew."

"You're right. I'm sorry. We could do like your mother said, if you want. I can't change the past but for the future, I'll be as much a father to you as you'll let me."

"Really? You'll let me move into your house?"

"Ah ... well, I'd have to talk it over with Stacy first."

Scoff. Sue rolled her eyes. "To think, I used to like her."

"Oh, and she loves you very much. She always has."

"When she didn't know I was your daughter."

"It's been difficult for her."

"Well, if you really want to be my father, can I live with you or not?"

"I say yes, of course, but you have to let me check first."

"Is it your house or not? Are you the man of the house or not?"

"Adult relationships are more complicated than that."

"No, father. They're not."


"I don't know. What is it?" Laura asked as she listened to Reggy play. Reggy gave her a face that told her to do as he'd asked to do and guess. She listened for a bit longer but then just shrugged and shook her head. "I don't know it." Reggy got to the next part of the piece and smiled as he looked up at his cousin. "Now you're just showing off." she said when she saw him putting his left hand across his right to hit the higher notes with it.

Just then, Stacy and Lori came upon them. Reggy was still playing but stopped when he heard Laura's mother tell her to follow her outside.

"Why? What happened this time?" Laura asked.

Stacy had the floor and everyone's attention so she loudly announced her words. "Fine. I'll say it here in front of everyone so you'll have to admit it and can't take it back later. I assume your other one knows already. He isn't also my husband's child, is he?"

Reggy stood up from the piano. He knew where this was going.

"Susan is your father's daughter." Stacy declared with a voice that would have been heard outside the house if anyone were listening.

"I don't understand." Laura said.

"Sue's your sister." Reggy whispered to her.

"Get away from my daughter." Stacy said with anger.

"Mom, calm down. What happened?" Laura again inquired.

"Your father had sex with his sister is what happened."

Laura stood there in shock unable to respond.

"We all should have been able to guess, really." said Reggy. "I took one look at Uncle Clark's face and I could tell right away there was something wrong with him."

"Shut your mouth." Stacy said. "It's your whore mother who put him up to it."

"Who's the whore here?" Lori asked. "I certainly didn't marry for money. In fact I haven't even been with a man since my brother."

"And what man would even want you?"

"Wait. Stop it." Laura screamed. "What is going on?"

"Your mother is trying to divorce your father." Lori said.

"That's a lie." Stacy shot back.

"You know, all of this is going way over my head. I'm out." Reggy said as he started to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" Laura asked him.

"This all has nothing to do with me."

"But you knew about all this?"

"Yeah. Don't tell me you've never suspected your father of this."

Laura was starting to hyperventilate. "I can't take this. I don't understand." Reggy looked over at Stacy, who was still arguing with Lori. Laura's mother was going to be no help so he went over to his cousin and hugged her.

"Come to my room. We can talk like real adults and I'll explain everything."

"I want to talk to my father."

Reggy nodded and Stacy was so wrapped up in arguing that she didn't even notice when her daughter had left the room.

Reggy and Laura found Sue and Clark behind the house by the swimming pool. Clark was speaking very softly but it was obvious that Sue was glad to hear whatever it was. Laura walked up to her father and asked the question.

"Is it true about you and Sue?"

Clark nodded. "Does everyone know now?"

"Mom and Aunt Lori are arguing in the house."

"That was the last thing I wanted."

"Then go in there and tell them to stop." Reggy said.

"I'm not suicidal."


"I guarantee you, I'll ruin you. I swear it. You sign that form or I'll go to the tv news with this."

"Go. Don't let me stop you. Tell Richard 'hi' for me if you go by channel 13."

"On top of being a whore and a harlot, why do you have to be so difficult? Why can't you see reason."

"That's the second time you've called me that so now I have to teach you a lesson."

"Empty threats are all you have."

"You're a selfish, greedy little woman. You care more about money than your family."

"You're the one who's getting rich on the backs of others. You've never done an honest day's work in your life."

"Says the woman who's never held a job."

"My family is my job."

"I tell you what I'll do. I will sign your form, after my lawyers have looked it over for legal accuracy, if ..."

"No need. My lawyer was the one who prepared ..."

"Let me finish or you'll get nothing. Your lawyer doesn't know the first thing about how I've organized my company. Neither would I trust anyone under your employ."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'll have my lawyer look at the document just in case you hired an incompetent. And then I will sign it."


"But, you have to do one thing for me first."

Stacy looked at Lori. "Why can't you just do the right thing without adding something on top of it?"

"You called me a whore. I don't think you really know what the meaning of that word is so I'll have to educate you. Hear me now. You will do this one favor for me or you will get nothing. Not a cent. Do as I ask and I might even throw in a little extra for your trouble."

"What do you want?"

Lori smiled in triumph. "You will lick my pussy until I have an orgasm."

Stacy started wearing a face of disgust. "You're depraved."

"You'll do it if you want any money from me."

"Homosexuality is a sin."

"Where does it say that in your bible?"


"Hardly. The word homosexuality didn't even exist when the bible was written. So do you want to try again?"

"Sodom and Gomorrah."

"Were destroyed for the sin of sodomy. I understand you and Clark are quite fond of sodomy and the sin of Onan to keep from having any more children. But as to the question at hand, where in the bible does it say lesbianism is a sin? You believe in the bible alone, right? So don't quote me some sermon or some other book. Use the bible alone. Show me where in the bible is spells out that a woman having sex with a woman is wrong. Go. Go look all you want. You won't find it."

"Well, it's in there. It has to be. But even if it isn't spelled out crystal clear enough for a sinner like you to see it, any real Christian will be able to tell you that women can't be with other women."

"Then how was Jesus conceived? I seem to recall that it was by the Holy Ghost. That's very interesting because in Hebrew, the Holy Ghost is female."

"That's completely different."

"So, not only does the bible not say a woman can't be with a woman, we have a woman becoming pregnant by a female and she gave birth to a living God."

"You are twisting that really far. You insult me by continuing to talk of my religion."

"Your religion wouldn't be so easy to insult if you all would at least live according to your own rules. Anyway, I'll give you a few moments to think about what I told you. If you want any of my money, you'll come and ask to go to my bedroom. If your family and integrity is more important to you than your greed, you can leave with nothing and never ask me for a thing in the future, because I will certainly cut you, and anyone connected to you, off completely."


Laura and Sue hugging.


Uncle Clark smiling with each of his daughters on an arm.


Each daughter kissing one of Uncle Clark's cheeks.


Golden hour had passed but Reggy was getting some pretty good pictures thanks to the Christmas lights they had covering the archway to the flower garden all year round. It was great lighting and some of the shots looked like they'd already been doctored or air brushed. They were that good.Sue and Clark were doing a hugging pose and Reggy was about to snap the next picture when he got a text to his phone.

"Sorry. One second." he said as he opened the text to check.

Mom - Wait ten minutes and then tell Clark to come to my room ALONE!

Reggy was still looking at it and hoping it wasn't what he thought it might be when Sue's phone buzzed as well.

"What's it say?" Reggy asked.

Sue tilted her head to the side. "Ten minutes?" She looked up at Reggy and then showed him her phone.

Mom - Wait ten minutes after your aunt comes to my room and then send your father to us.

"What's going on?" Sue asked.

"I don't know." Reggy responded as Laura came to his side and looked at the two messages.

"Alone, huh?" Clark said. "Well, that could be really bad or really good."

"Daddy, you have to go up there and stop them from fighting." Laura said. "I don't want to move away."

"It's what your mother wants."

"Daddy, I'm going to go to college here with Reggy. I don't want to go."

"And I can stay here too." Sue said. "I don't have to go to New Jersey. I'm just now getting the chance to really even know you."

"Wait." Reggy said. "Who's moving?"


Lori was sitting on her bed naked while Stacy was standing at the foot of the bed wearing a frown.

"Four, one, two, nine, five, zero. I'm guessing that was the number you chose because you didn't want to see the number 13 printed. How superstitious of you."

"Just so we understand each other, I'm not doing this for money. I'm doing this to help my family and get my husband as far away from you as possible."

"Whatever you need to tell yourself, I certainly don't need to hear it. Be my greedy little whore or don't. Your choice."

"I know I could certainly win if we took this to court."

"Then do it and find out if you really believe your little tax form filer can beat my lawyers."

"If I do this, how do I know you'll keep your word?"

"You're not a whore unless I pay you. So I'll pay you."

Stacy started to get onto the bed but Lori waved her finger at her. "No, no, little whore. You have to get naked."

Stacy swallowed and then started to get out of her clothes without making anything of a show of it. She was going to try to at least leave her underwear on but Lori demanded that come off too.

"Does the light really have to be on?"

"Yes. I want to see what I'm paying for."

Lori opened her legs and beckoned Stacy to come to her. Stacy's face got closer to the other woman but then she pulled back.

"I don't think I can do it."

"Your choice. You'd certainly be a good wife to not tamper with your husband's income which is his alone."

Stacy looked down at Lori's privates and summoned her resolve. She put her lips down to Lori's pussy and kissed it.

"Ah, there you go. That's my greedy little whore. But don't start something you can't finish. I expect to get my money's worth."

"But you stay away from me and my daughter after this."

"That wasn't part of the deal. We agreed about money so money is all that's on the table. Not happy with that, then leave."

Stacy took a moment to get her mind to the place it needed to be again and then she went down on Lori again. This time she didn't pull away a second time. She stayed there and started licking, sucking, poking her tongue into Lori and any number of other things since she had no idea what she was doing.

Eventually, she started to find something that worked and Lori was starting to enjoy it. But then a knock came to the door.

Tap, tap, tap.

Stacy sat up with fear as Lori smiled and yelled "Come in."

"No." Stacy harshly whispered. There was no time for any kind of response. The door started to open and Stacy stashed herself under the covers as quickly as she could.

"You wanted to ... Hey, what the ..."

"Clark. Come in. Come in. We were just talking about you."

"Wh ... wh ...Why are you naked? Where's my wife?"

"She's right here."

"What have you done?" Clark asked as he closed the door behind him so his daughters in the hall wouldn't see Lori naked.

"I made a deal with Stacy that if she came and pleasured me I'd give her your money and if not then you'd get to keep your income."

"That's a lie." Stacy said as she threw the covers off of herself.

"Why are you naked." Clark demanded.

"It's ... It's not my fault. It's her. She did it."

Clark was disgusted. He turned to go back to the door but right as he was reaching for it Stacy reached it first and then forced herself in front of it.

"It's not what it looks like. I swear."

"You're having sex with my sister."

"No. ... Yes, but not by choice."

"For money. Again with the money. Money, money, money. That's all I've heard for almost a week. I'm sick of it."

"Baby, I told you. We can do better than twenty thousand a year. She's cheating us."

"I don't want to hear it. Look, it's done. I don't want to sell anymore and I don't want to move back."

"What about our family?"

"Our family is here. Our daughter is going to college here."

"But ..."

"No more buts. This was all a bad plan to begin with. Sue and I are going to be father and daughter now. Laura has a sister and those two couldn't be happier. You should see them."

"What about me? Have you forgotten about me? I left my parents in another state to come and live here with you. I gave up on my dream to come and be your wife. You have to give me this. You owe me. You cheated on me with her. You had a child behind my back while I was still pregnant. If I'd known that's what was going on between you two I would have never allowed us to come here. She's just trying to get her hooks into you. She wants you for herself. Can't you see that? Let's just take the money and be free of her."

Clark was very calm and collected when he spoke next. "I made a mistake twenty years ago. I admit that. But that does not explain why you're here in her bed tonight."

"I told you. It's her fault. She made me."

Clark looked over to his sister and then looked back at his wife. Lori stood and looked that them with all the confidence in the world. Stacy was standing there fearful that she was about to lose everything.

"Her fault?"

"Yes. I swear. I promise."

"It's true." Lori said.

"See. See!" Stacy said, jumping at the chance to be right.

"I was going to pay her but only if she got me off."

"I can live without hearing the fine print." Clark said.

"I was going to pay her with your shares but if she couldn't please me then you'd get to keep them and nothing would change."

"She's trying to make it sound bad. She's trying to split us up. Don't you see that? I came in here for you. I was going to do this to help you."

"Help me!"

"Yes. Of course. I would never do something like this just for myself. Of course not. Haven't I always looked out for you?"

"To help me?"

"Yes. One hundred percent. You have to believe me."

"Alright." he said. Then he pointed to the bed. "Show me what you were going to do to help me."


"It's weird." said Laura as she laid next to Sue on Sue's bed. "I've always sort of thought of you as more of a sister than a cousin. It's like, I've sort of always known, somehow."

"Me, too." Sue said.

"But if you're my sister, and Reggy's not my brother ..."

"We're just half brother and sister." Reggy said from the chair.

"Wow. Our family is so complicated."

Sue took that as an opening to address the really big elephant in the room. "So you do realize what this means, though. Your dad and my mom are ..."

"I know. I guess I haven't really processed that part of it yet."

"Still feel like spreading rumors about Tim and Kate?" Reggy asked.

"No." Laura answered, shaking her head. "It's all sort of gotten a bit too close to home."

"What about Tim and Kate?" Sue asked. "Do I know them?"


Clark watched as his wife was licking Lori's pussy. He stood there angry and yet aroused. He didn't know what to do with himself.

"Is that enough?" Stacy asked.

"You agreed to get her off. So you get her off."

Stacy went back to licking and Clark actually started to look away. There's only so much a man can look at two naked women being sexual with each other until he wants to fuck the closest one. However, as soon as he stopped watching he saw his sister waving him over to her from the corner of his eye. He walked up to her and she reached for his pants. He shook his head in the negative at first but then he looked down at his wife being a lesbian and then just gave in. His sister got his dick out and she started to suck on him.

"That wasn't part of the deal." Stacy said when she saw.

"You want me to stop? Then hurry up. I grow bored with you. Figure out what you're supposed to be doing down there or stop wasting my time. Actually, Clark, you know how to lick pussy really well. Go teach her how it's done."

"That won't be necessary." Stacy said.

"Fine. But I'm going to suck your husband's dick until you get it right."


"I guess, since I've never had a brother or a sister before, it's difficult to even imagine. I just don't know how I'd even feel." Laura said.

"Well, you have a sister now." Sue said. "You could kiss me and see if it helps you understand father any better."

Laura let out a laugh brought on by embarrassment. "That would be weird."

"Maybe, but it's as close as you could get."

"Well ... maybe."

"Don't be shy. Me and Reg already tried kissing once."

"Really? What was it like?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Reggy protested. "You have to ask me before you just go talking about that."

"Oh wait. I got it. A test." Sue said. "You can kiss me, knowing that I'm your sister and then you can kiss Reg and tell us if it's any different."

Laura started to smile really big. "But of course it's going to be different. He's a boy."

"I'm a man, thank you very much."

"That's what I meant."

"What about your boyfriend?"

Laura hid her face for a moment. "I lied about that."

"What?" Reg and Sue both said.

"I'm sorry. I was mad at you and somehow I just decided to say that to get back at you."

"And amazingly it worked." Sue said. "I wonder why?" she added as she looked over at Reggy.


Stacy was starting to get exhausted so she was really happy when it seemed like she'd finally done enough to give Lori an orgasm, small though it was. Stacy was too tired to even officially ask for Lori to confirm that the money would now be hers. She was happy to not have to lick and she was happy that her husband's dick was no longer in another woman's mouth.

Ah, but one does not just lick pussy and watch a blow job and not get horny. Even though Clark had incest spittle all over his cock, Stacy wanted that cock in her. She got to her back next to Lori and opened herself to her husband. As soon as he was on top of her she closed her eyes and started to reach out for her own climax as quickly as possible so she could get the hell out of there. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Clark and Lori kissing while he fucked her.

Stacy was going to say something but then Lori turned her attention to Stacy's breast. Stacy was just stunned that another woman was sucking on one of her nipples. She was trying to concentrate on her husband the way a good wife should but Lori's mouth was looming large in her mind.

Then there was an instant of release when Lori wasn't sucking anymore. Ok. That was good. Stacy was free to not be gay anymore. But it didn't last. Someone was kissing her and it was not Clark.


The kiss between Sue and Laura ended and Reggy gave them a slow clap.

"How was it?" Sue asked.

"I'm not sure I can say. I've never kissed a girl before. You were putting your tongue in my mouth."

"You told me you kissed the preacher's daughter that one time."

"Oh. I forgot about that. That doesn't count."

"Why not?"

"It was just a peck for luck before I had to sing."

"But it was still on the lips, right?"

"I guess."

"It was or it wasn't."

"Ok. Yes."

"Good. Now, Reggy's turn."

Reggy put his hands up. "That's ok, you guys. I already know I could never top what I just saw."

"Get over here and give your cousin a kiss." Sue said.

"Wait." said Laura. "How do I know you two really kissed?"

"You don't believe us?" Sue asked.

"I believe you but ... well, show me."

"Come on." Reggy said. "Aren't we all a little too old to be playing this kind of game?"

"Let's just show her. She wants to see."

"Ok, but not for that long. You girls don't know what kissing does to us men. I'm going to have to adjust myself already."

"You're not getting the hots for us, are you Reg?" Laura asked.

"Har, har." he said as he went to Sue and presented himself to be kissed.

Sue looked over at Laura and then she looked at her brother and she felt a very real urge to mark her territory. She attacked her brother with a ferocious kiss. And it wasn't just a kiss either. She had her hands going all over him. Anyone looking on would certainly get the impression that this was not just a kiss, just as Sue hoped.


Stacy was in the moment wondering how they'd gotten here. She hadn't agreed to this. She hadn't consented to this. Lori was between her legs, licking her pussy and her husband was fucking his sister from behind. How had this happened? Why wasn't she saying anything? Why was she allowing this? This wasn't right. You have to tell someone what's on the menu before you just serve them.

Ah! She let out a gasp and a moan. Clark was better at licking pussy than Lori but the big difference wasn't quality but quantity. Clark only licked long enough to get her in the mood and then he fucked her. Well, he wasn't fucking her now. He was fucking the other person in the room and this woman was going down on Stacy and she was in it for the long haul.

Why did it have to feel so good? Why did a woman have to feel so good? Why wasn't she disgusted like she ought to be?

Stacy's head threw itself back and she started to feel her climax hitting her. No. This was wrong. She shouldn't let that happen when a woman was touching her. That should only be for her husband.


"Holy shit, you guys." Laura said. "I thought you were going to start having sex or something. That was so hot."

Reggy was just sitting there dazed while Sue looked over at Laura with almost a challenge written on her face. "Your turn. He's waiting."

"Well, I don't know if I can do all that. Reg, just a kiss, ok?"

"Ok with me."

Laura moved close to him and looked at him in the eyes. She licked her lips and then looked back at Sue who was watching and encouraging. Laura looked back at Reggy and he was looking away from her. She put one had on each side of his face and then his eyes met hers. She felt her heart pounding.

It's just a kiss, she told herself.

She slowly moved in a little closer and she could feel his breath. Her chest heaved up and down. His lips were so perfect. His eyes were so mesmerizing that she just wanted to fall into them.

And then it happened. Her lips touched his and she couldn't keep her eyes open. She kissed him and in doing so she just wanted to collapse into his arms. She felt light as a feather.


This was another strange position for Stacy. Her face was resting on Lori's ass as her husband continued to fuck his sister. Every now and then, he'd pull out of his sister and put his cock into Stacy's mouth for her to suck. Then it was back into his sister. Stacy hadn't had any alcohol but she felt drunk.

She was just waiting there motionless as her husband committed not only adultery but incest. Her eyes fixated on the motion of his cock going in and out of his sister.

Then he pulled out and she instinctively opened her mouth to accept his cock but then instead of cock she got a blast of his cum shooting all over her face.

Yuck, yuck, yuck. Why did he do that? He knows he's not supposed to do that.

She was grabbing for the bed sheet to help wipe it off when Lori started licking it off of her face. Stacy wasn't paying attention to what exactly Lori was doing but then the other woman kissed her. That was surprising enough but what nearly made her choke was when Lori started to dump her brother's cum into Stacy's mouth.


Laura and Reggy were still kissing on Sue's bed and Laura was starting to get the feeling like her clothes were chafing her. She started to get the feeling like she wanted Reggy's hands on her. She started to get the feeling like she wouldn't really be satisfied with just kissing. But of course she had no plan to do anything more. She was still a virgin and a good church going girl.

So, she was completely surprised when she opened her eyes as the kiss ended. Sue was sitting on the bed looking at them in only her bra and panties. Sue reached for Reggy and started trying to get him out of his shirt. He resisted at first but then Sue yanked it and almost tore it as it came off over his head.

"So?" Sue was asking. "Which one of us was better?" Sue threw Reggy's shirt at Laura and waited for an answer.

"Well, I have to say ... Reggy. I can't help it. I like b... men."

"So incest didn't give me the edge?"

"It's incest with him, too."

"Oh, that doesn't even hardly count. He's only your cousin. Reggy, which one of us did you prefer?"

"What? Um ... I wasn't paying attention."


"What? I wasn't."

"Ok. I have a new game. Reg, you can't look but you have to see if you can tell us apart. Laura, want to play?"

"What do I get if I can?" Reggy asked.

"I'll think of something. Now come on. Don't look."

Reggy closed his eyes but his sister did one better and had him hold a pillow in front of his face. Then Laura watched as Sue started to undo Reggy's pants and pull them down.

"Hey. What's the big idea?"

"Your member is going to split your pants again and then I'll have to sew them." Sue answered and then pulled with all her might to get his pants off.

"Come on. Not cool." he said when his briefs came off as well and his erection was put on display were Laura could see.

"Like we've never seen a guy's dick before." Sue said but even as she said that Laura was remarking to herself that this was in fact the first dick she'd ever seen that wasn't an illustration in a book. "Just keep that pillow there and don't look." Sue commanded. Before complying with that, Reggy, at least got his cock back under cover of his underwear.

Then Sue looked over at Laura and tried to explain her plan with just facial expressions. Laura wasn't sure she really understood and she was still thinking about it when Sue moved close to her brother's face and kissed the place where his neck and chest met. Then Sue moved back to position and said, "That's one. Now the next."

Laura was about to go and do the same thing that Sue had just done but Sue silently stopped her. She gestured towards Reggy's cock and Laura's jaw dropped. Then Sue whispered to her. "He's only your cousin. It's ok."

Laura hesitated but then started to again uncover her cousin's dick.

"Sue, I told you to stop that."

"And I told you not to look." Then Sue whispered to Laura, "Hurry up and do it."

Laura looked down at Reggy's crotch but she hesitated. She'd never done anything like this before. Her clothes chafed. She felt funny in her lower regions. She felt pressure from her new sister and her best friend. Couldn't this be more private? But it was already super private. But what if her parents came into the room and saw them all doing this? Maybe daddy wouldn't really have room to be upset with them but her mom would completely flip her top.

She was thinking all that as she slowly got closer and closer to actually putting her cousin's dick in her mouth. It was so big and so hard. She was getting the feeling like she'd want to put that somewhere else. She held herself right there over the tip. She couldn't do it. She was doubting herself. She couldn't do it. She couldn't ... until she did.