My junior year in high school was coming to an end. For a lot of people, that would mean getting to stay home instead of going to school. For me, it meant being able to actually go home, not to say that I wanted to. I went to boarding school. I went to an all boys boarding school that was so far from the nearest town, the only women we ever got to see were the few women teachers and the even fewer women RA's. Yeah, it sucked. We had an RA who was college age and she was pretty but she was an emo who was mean to most of us. We had a couple of teachers who were in their twenties but one of them was really fat. That left most of the boys fantasizing about Ms. Turner.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I had fun at school. No, not sexual fun because I don't like guys. There were some boys like that at school but this story isn't about them. It's about me. I had other, non sexual, very clean and boring fun that could momentarily distract from the fact that all I really wanted to do with my life was put my dick into a pussy. Like Ms. Turner's if she were at all available and didn't act like a bitch.

It was a week before school was actually going to let out. The seniors had already graduated and us juniors were the oldest on campus and I was the oldest student in the school at that point because I'd already turned 18. And before you go assuming I was held back or something, there are lots of reasons why a guy could legitimately graduate at 19. My family moved from state to state for a while and changing schools can be messy. Not every state has the same requirements for classes that need to be taken in order to graduate. So what if I have two year books of me in the third grade. That proves nothing.

As soon as classes were finished on Friday my family was already waiting for me. Yay, I hate those people. I had to hurry up and change out of my school uniform and into a shirt and black tie. There was hardly any time for even speaking with my parents or my sisters before we were on the road and going really fast down the interstate. My mother and younger sister sat in the back and I had to sit in the front seat. It was there little subtle way of telling me to watch the road.

Now I don't know what the entire process is for dealing with a dead body but on Friday night there was a church service. We stayed that night in a hotel with me and my dad in one room and my mom and younger sister in another room. Why pay extra for the extra room? Good question. The next day there was the actual funeral. My very distant and reclusive uncle had died. My parents were sort of well off, at least enough to afford to send me away rather than raise me, but they had nothing on uncle John.

I guess to be clear, he wasn't actually my direct uncle. He was more like my grandfather's uncle. I don't know all the family tree terms to know what exactly that made him to me. I just know that during the very few times I'd met him, I was told to just call him uncle.

So the funeral happened and then there was this big meeting where the last will would be read. Now, if you're imagining a board room in a lawyer's office, you'd be wrong. Instead we were sitting in fold up chairs on part of a basketball court in a gym. Who was in charge of planning that? Am I right?

There were something like fifty people there I guess. I didn't count or anything but there were like six or seven people in each row and there were at least ten rows. But not every chair was filled. Anyway, I sat there feeling jealous of my older sister Terri who was able to pull out her phone and do whatever people do with their phones. I didn't have a smartphone or any phone because my school had a rule against it. I had to make sure not to look over at my sister too much. I didn't want my parents to get the wrong idea. Hell, I even had to avoid looking at my mother or she might start thinking ... Nevermind.

Although, I will say this. It always amazes me that I was the one who got in trouble and got shipped off to boarding school. I hadn't even done anything. It wasn't my idea. I was just there.

Anyway, I was twisting and shifting in my seat to try and find a comfortable way to sit. It was while I was doing so that the lady announcing who was getting what and passing out letters to people called my name. I looked up.

"And lastly, Mr. Argento has requested that you receive something as well but I need to discuss it with you in private."

There was a bit of an uproar over this from some of the other people there. I halfway thought that there might be some mistake but the lady pointed at me and asked me to follow her. As I got up I felt everyone's eyes on me. I knew what they were thinking. No one really knew how much uncle John had. The amount of money and other property given out was already significant but everyone was imagining that there were millions more. I tried not to notice it as my relatives looked on me with suspicion, anger, and maybe even avariciousness.

In a private room I was handed a letter. "Your uncle, Mr. Argento has asked that I read to you this specific sentence. Besides what I will read to you, I have no other information about this and I can't answer any questions. Do you understand?"


"John Ferris, you have inherited the family curse."


"I'm sorry. That's all there is."

"What?" was all I could say. The lady left me standing there thinking this was a joke. It seemed the kind of thing uncle John would pull. One last laugh. I could already imagine what the letter said. It was probably something like 'pull my finger. Ha ha.'

When I came out of the room several people were waiting for me to tell them about what I'd gotten, perhaps thinking that I was now a millionaire and if I could please share some of it with them.

"He gave me his old stamp collection." I said. "I told them I didn't want it."

Upon hearing this, the people who were all smiles and acting like they were just so ready to be really nice to me and be my best friend completely lost interest in me. I heard later that my dad's cousin Roger tried to get the lawyer lady to give him the fictitious stamps if I wasn't going to take them.

A big part of Sunday involved driving me back to school. I was back inside the gates, back in my dorm room, and once I was officially signed back into school, I had to get back into uniform.

Anyway, I finished out the last week of junior year without much thought of the funeral or anything. I couldn't wait to be able to watch tv again, wear normal clothes again, or just walk outside. Not that my school didn't have outside. We had plenty of outside with lots of trees and birds and whatnot. What we lacked were stores, restaurants, or other people.

Friday there weren't going to be any classes. We had a little ceremony in the auditorium and then we were free to go home just as soon as someone in our family could come for us. They told me it didn't matter that I was 18, the school had rules and until my family could come and sign me out, I had to obey those rules.

Well, wouldn't you know it, before lunch, just about everyone else was gone. But not me. My parents were too busy. I know I shouldn't complain since they do have their own lives and everything but when you're in a place that you just want to get out of, every second on the clock that you have to wait with your bags packed feels like forever. But at least I had it better than the kid who was going to have to wait until the next day for someone to come get him.

I was getting hungry so I hopped over to the cafeteria. For dinner they were cooking fajitas. Those never got old. It almost made up for the fact that I was still stuck there. The previous summer I'd gone all over town looking for a restaurant where I could get them. Even when I found one, they still weren't as good as the cooks at school made them.

Anyway, after eating I decided to get seconds. Why not? Those would be my last fajitas in a while and I was the only one in the place. When I stood up, I happened to see out the window and I saw Ms. Turner talking with another teacher outside. Yeah, there was at least one other thing at this school I'd like to eat.

I was slowly enjoying my second plate of the worlds best fajitas. In my mind I was replacing Ms. Turner's ugly blue dress that looked like a cross between a sailor outfit and some funky thing a puritan would wear with a sexier and more revealing blue dress. No, scratch that. Red dress. Yeah, that was better.

Did I have time to go back to my dorm and masturbate before my folks arrived?

My goal was to go and do just that but on my way back to the dormitory I happened to be stopped by none other than Ms. Turner herself. My sexual fantasies and Ms. Turner had a very strange relationship. Things worked out best when I viewed her from a distance and didn't have to actually interact with her. She sort of had a way of ruining it if I talked to her for too long. Yes, she was sexy and I imagined very fuckable. But she was also snobbish, boring, and stuck up. Maybe stuck up and snobbish are the same thing but you know what I mean. She didn't exactly have a glowing personality. She'd never read the book on how to win friends or influence people.

Other teachers would soften the blow by pointing out something positive when they had to let a student know they needed to improve something. Mr. Anderson had this way of getting students emotionally invested into doing well in math class of all things. It was like magic. I don't give a shit about trigonometry. The triangle of the sun, the earth, and some distant star can lick my balls for all I care. But when Mr. Anderson was my teacher I felt like I'd die before I let him down. Everyday I was there busting my ass to get those answers because somehow it was important. I couldn't disappoint Mr. Anderson.

Not so with Ms. Turner. She'd be asking us if we understood something in class and most of us would be actively tuning her out so we could carry on sexualizing her in our minds. The ones who were listening would just say over and over again that they did not understand even if they did just to spite her. This one kid in class refused to even take tests that she gave. Instead of writing his name at the top he'd write obscenities in other languages.

The general feeling among the students was fuck Ms. Turner.

"Still waiting for your ride?"

Yeah, bitch, I'm still waiting. Rub it in why don't you. Or maybe I should just steal your car and leave you stranded here.

"Just a little longer." I said.

"I had actually wanted to talk to you about the essay you wrote."

Now! For fuck's sake, bitch. Why didn't you do your job and do it earlier? Nevermind. I know why. You were up all night thinking up rude ways to insult me, my family, my writing, and the fact that I even exist. You'll probably rope my dead uncle into it somehow.

"What was wrong with it?"

"Nothing. I didn't say there was anything wrong with it."

"Which essay?"

"The one on ... um ... karate. You don't have a copy of it with you by any chance?"

Yeah, I go around with essays I write for your stupid fucking class in my back pocket.

"Not on me."

"In the dorm, maybe?"


"Can we go check?"

Ok, so the school has a lot of rules. They have rules for us kids as well as rules for the teachers and staff. I thought I was hearing in this that maybe Ms. Turner had lost the essay out of just being a dumb, clumsy bitch and she was covering her ass by getting another copy from me. Now, you might be thinking that I should just let her get in trouble owing from her being a bitch but in that moment I didn't see the need for that. Besides, I was pretty sure I didn't have a copy in my bag. But if I did, sure, I could give it to her.

Now the usual rules of the school dictate that women were not allowed on the second floor of the dormitory. But this was not a usual day. This was the day that moms as well as dads were coming and going back and forth, up and down the stairs. I expected Ms. Turner to wait in the downstairs lobby for me to go search for the essay but she didn't. It did feel just a bit weird when she followed me up the stairs but the emo college girl RA didn't say anything.

I unlocked the door to my room and again, I expected her to at least wait outside but she followed me into my room. That destroyed my plan of just laying in bed for a while to make her wait. She was going to make me feel like a little kid and supervise me while I searched for it. Did I mention she's a bitch?

So we were in my room, my roommate had already gone home, and I was just about to go to my bag and get my school issued USB so I could put it into the school issued word processor and scroll through my documents to see if I had a copy of the file she wanted. Oh, did you think that we used computers? How quaint. No, they did not trust us with computers or the internet or even a CD player because apparently there was a way to put porn on a CD of all things. I didn't know how anyone planned on watching porn through a CD player but they were banned just in case.

I was unzipping my bag and the zip sound was accompanied by they sound of clothing falling to the floor behind me. I turned back to Ms. Turner and she was standing in just her underwear. It wasn't sexy underwear either. I guess it was the type of thing a woman wore if she never thought a man would ever see her in it.

But the unsexiness of her underwear aside, her body was ten times the bombshell that I'd thought it would be. And she wasn't stopping either. She was busy trying to get out of her bra as I stood there stunned.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you want to do this?" She looked at me. "Well? Don't you?"

So, I had no idea how to answer that. Sure I wanted to do it. But ... oh, and then her tits were exposed for me to see. My dick took notice and I nearly came on myself right then.

"You're over 18, right?"

"Uh ... Uh."

"Yes, or no?" she demanded as she unhooked some contraption that was connected to her stockings so she could get her old lady brand panties off.

"Yes." I answered.

"Good." she said and then she forced herself onto me and started to kiss me. Without knowing what I was supposed to do I put my hands in the air like a cop had a gun on me.

This was only the second time for me to ever kiss a girl. The first time was actually a part of the reason I'd been sent to boarding school. Lucky for me, no one at school knew the real reason I was there. The official story was that with my parents moving so much it would be better for me to have a stable school life at a school with a good reputation.

She forced me to walk backwards and then the bottom of my legs hit my bed. She pushed me down to the mattress and she started getting me out of my uniform. What was I supposed to do? What was going on? My life up to this point had not prepared me for this. Was I going to lose my virginity? Yeah, don't looked shocked. I went to an all boys boarding school. What did you expect?

I wasn't sure what had brought this on but I was in a situation where I could actually act out one of my key sexual desires. However, something about this just felt really wrong. I felt like I should say something. I felt like there was more communication required before two people could just jump to light speed like this. I tried to get her hands to slow down. I tried to ask a question. Her response was short and to the point.

"Fuck me."

So I was on my back with a naked woman on top of me. She still had her stockings on but the parts that mattered were naked. If I'd wanted to I could reach up and grab her tits or I could reach around and put my hand on her ass. I wasn't doing that but I could have been.

This had to be some kind of trick. The second I touched her she would scream rape and then the cops would be called out. Ms. Turner was just that kind of bitch. In a way, I was not surprised at all when the door to my room swung open and the emo RA chick was standing there.

I didn't exactly know how to feel. On the one hand, doesn't anybody knock? Besides that, she wasn't even supposed to be on the second floor. And she picked that moment to catch us. Not a couple of minutes later after the sex might be finished and I'd officially not be a virgin anymore.

And yet, on the other hand, I had to be thankful because she was saving my ass. There was no way I could trust Ms. Turner of all people. I didn't know what this game was but with me on bottom and her naked on top of me, there was no way she could say I was forcing her into it.

I waited and wondered what would happen. Ms. Turner took her attention from me and looked over at the intruder. I expected her to read us the riot act, then yell at us, and finally call the police. I was hoping she wouldn't call the police on me but rather the teacher who had decided it was a good idea to fuck a student.

None of those things happened. Instead, the RA closed the door behind her and locked it. She walked over to us and then right in front of me the RA and Ms. Turner started kissing each other on the lips. It wasn't cute kissing either. They were going all in with tongue and eventually slobber. Their hands were not idle either. The RA (sorry to keep calling her that but I don't know her name) started putting her hands all over Ms. Turner (whose first name I used to know but forgot). Ms. Turner was getting the RA out of her clothes and before I even had time to react mentally to this, they then turned their attention to me. Ms. Turner was holding my hands while the RA pulled my pants off of me.

"I'm sorry. Whatever this is about, I'm sorry."

"You don't want to fuck us?" the RA asked.

I cringed. "No." I said.

"Yes you do." Ms. Turner said. "You think about fucking us all the time."

"I'm sorry. I'll never do it again."

"Why not? Don't you think I'm pretty." asked the RA.

"Yes. Of course."

"Then prove it." said Ms. Turner. "Fuck her."

"Um ... um ..." I was still struggling to find words to say when Ms. Turner got my dick out and without hesitation she started to suck my cock. The RA wasn't going to be left out. She got down there and started licking my balls.

So I guess that officially meant that they weren't just trying to scare me. At least some of this was real. But why? Wait. I was having a thought. A very brilliant thought. The pleasure the two ladies were giving me was sort of leading me to the conclusion that I didn't care why. No. In fact I had much more pressing matters to attend to, like if I was going to cum in this woman's mouth or be able to hold out until actual sex happened.

The next thing that happened was I was on my bed and the RA got up on top of me. My bed was not really big enough for this. Ms. Turner was holding the RA to help keep her balance. She lowered her pussy down onto my erection that was standing directly up in the air. I'm a bit embarrassed to write this but at that very first moment when I lost my virginity I exploded. Her pussy wasn't even all the way down onto me and I was shooting cum into her.

"He came in me." the RA said. Ms. Turner's response was to kiss the RA and encourage her to keep fucking me anyway. After all, I hadn't lost my erection. If anything, it was getting bigger.

Just as I was getting control over myself so I could properly say I was fucking her and not just being fucked, Ms. Turner asked if she could lick the cum out of the RA. The RA got off of me and the thought I had in my mind was 'no, don't take it away.' They pushed me off my bed and I was standing there watching the RA put her back to my bed and Ms. Turner go between her legs and start kissing her pussy lips. I didn't know what to do and I was mesmerized by the sight of this actually happening.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to fuck her?"The RA's question took a second to register. I moved behind Ms. Turner. In porn movies they make it look like it's so easy but I was actually having a bit of trouble getting the position and the angle right so I could fuck her. Before you scoff, remember, I'd never done this before. Eventually what I had to do was put my weight on one knee and have the foot of my other leg flat on the floor. That's what I had to do until Ms. Turner got the idea to spread her legs farther apart and arch her back a bit. Then I could fuck her more easily, you know, for about fifteen seconds.

"Ah!" I cried out.

Ms. Turner took her lips off of the RA's pussy. "He's cumming in me."

"Great, now I can lick you." the RA responded.

Instead of moving to the bed, Ms. Turner stayed where she was and the RA got off the bed. She got under Ms. Turner and put her head right by my ball sack. The moment I took my dick out of Ms. Turner some of my cum fell out and the RA was right there to get it. Then I was again standing there in amazement as I saw two women doing sixty nine on my floor.

I took a second just to appreciate this. I couldn't even begin to understand or imagine what this could mean for the future. I had no idea if Ms. Turner and the RA had some previous relationship. I didn't know if I was going to have any kind of relationship with them. If one of them gets pregnant would I have to get married? Was this a one time thing or were we going to be able to do this all the time? However, all of that aside, I was at that moment not a virgin anymore. Not only that, but I'd had sex with two different women. Not one but two. A lot of guys struggle for one and those that can get one yearn for a threesome. And here I was, bypassing all of that and completely inexplicably starting my sexual life with a threesome.

I got back down there and got my dick ready to get back in some pussy. Ms. Turner got her head out of the way for me and I started fucking the RA while she was on her back. Ms. Turner held onto me as the RA continued to lick her pussy while I fucked her. I even got a chance to briefly suck on Ms. Turner's tits. They were nice. I looked down at the RA and then I went down to suck on her tits as well.

In and out, sex is good, sex is good, sex is good. In and out, sex is good ...

I pulled out of the RA and moved behind Ms. Turner. However, she didn't let me take her from behind again. She got up and then got onto my bed. The RA followed and lowered her pussy to Ms. Turner's face. I got between her lets and started to fuck the teacher.

My dick was all the way in her. I take back every complaint about her I ever had.

Knock, knock, knock.

All three of us froze when we heard someone at the door.

"Yo, John, you in there?" That was my father's voice.


"Come on. I got the car waiting."

"Ok. Give me a second. I'm changing out of my uniform."

"Hurry up. We have to go."

We all scrambled to pick up the various pieces of clothes and get to the minimum level of dressed. I silently apologized to the ladies and then opened my closet door so they could hide. Then I tucked my shirt into my pants and opened the door.

"I thought you were changing out of that."

Oh, right. I had just put back on my uniform like an idiot. "Well, ... you said hurry up."

My dad came into my room and grabbed one of my bags. He carried it out and right before I was going to follow him I cracked the door to my closet to apologize again and say goodbye. Once my bags and me were in my father's car I realized that not only did I not know either woman's first name, I had no phone number and no other way to stay in touch.

I was very quiet on the ride home. I was replaying the sex over and over again in my mind. It was all I could think about.

It was after dark when we finally got to the new house. My father insisted that this one they were planning to keep for a while and it wasn't part of their usual business. It was an improvement over the previous house which I'd only seen at Christmas break. I wondered what secluded part of the house I'd be banished to for this summer. Attic or basement?

Honestly, it didn't really matter where I was supposed to sleep. I wasn't going to be spending much time at home anyway. My parents never cared if I left the house early in the morning and just never came home until late at night. The less they saw of me, the happier for them. I was actually sort of amazed that they even wanted me to come home at all now that I was 18. I had half wondered if they would just put me in an apartment somewhere.

But maybe they had changed. Maybe, the fact that I had been very good over the years had finally gotten them to change their minds. I was legally an adult now. Perhaps they felt rightly that this would be their last chance with me. Cause I'll tell you, I had already been sick of this. I had been insulted by the injustice my parents put on me when it first happened. I had told the truth and I was called a liar. I had celebrated three birthdays at that damn school with not even a phone call from anyone I was related to. I can't tell you how many times I debated in my mind on if I should even go home to these selfish fucking monsters. They didn't want me for a son, so fine, I didn't want them as parents. And that goes the same for my sisters. Fuck them.

Ok, no. That was too harsh. Calm down. They were still my parents. I needed to still hold out hope that one day we'd all be a real family again. They were sort of meeting me half way as they say and I was doing my best to show them I was a good son who was trustworthy. I mean, they had to still love me a bit, right?

I started to walk up to the front door of the house but my father waved at me to follow him with the suitcase around to the back. I didn't think anything of it right away but then we passed the house completely and my father walked up to this smaller structure that was in the back yard by the pool. Cool, we have a pool. Wait. What the hell is this bullshit?

"I wanted to turn this into my man cave, you know, but then I thought that it would be a great place for you."

Translation: It was my mother's idea and she was forcing my father to do this.

He unlocked the door and let me in. "You've got everything you need. Shower, bed, microwave, toaster oven, and a tv connected to the satellite dish. If you need anything else just let me know and I'll get it for you, pronto."

Translation: I didn't need to go into the house for anything so I needed to keep out.

"And of course you'll have lots of privacy so you can let your hair down and have guests over. Whatever you want. Just, you know, if you throw a big party or something try not to let it get out of hand."

Translation: I was to stay out of sight or my mother would flip out and have me arrested.

My father handed me the key to the pool house and then he gave me a sort of half hug. "Welcome home, son. Did you have any questions about anything?"

Yeah, if I'm really your son why do I have to live out here? Why can't I stay in the house?

"No. No questions?"

"Is everything alright?"

No, it wasn't fucking alright. I'm your kid not a tenant.

"Everything's great. This is nice."

"You're going to have a really good summer out here."

My father smiled and then I was left alone in the back yard. I looked down at the key. I could already tell it wouldn't unlock any of the doors to the house. I looked up at the house and I saw my mother looking down at me. I waved but she didn't move. I guess I was lucky to get that.

Something that started to sound like a good plan to me was taking the GED test over the summer. Then I wouldn't have to go back to that school. I could just go get a job and I could finally cut ties with these people who were allegedly my family. But then I'd be saving them from having to pay for my tuition. And besides that, if Ms. Turner and that cute RA were at school then sign me up. I was sure going to miss them over the summer. Man it would be nice if one of them would come and visit me. Even if not, I had a feeling that senior year would be great, provided of course that we weren't caught. If we were caught then that would be bad and it would sort of confirm all the negative things my parents thought of me.

The first night in a new place was always strange. No matter how many times you move, it is always strange. I turned on the tv and flipped through the channels. Reality tv, reality tv, reality tv. Boring, boring, boring. I bet they had internet in the house.

And so the next little bit of my life began. It wouldn't be forever. Nothing ever was.

The morning was colder than I would have thought it would be. I mentally mapped out what I wanted to get done that day and then I tried out the shower. I quickly discovered that it was a bad idea to try and use the washing machine and the shower at the same time. My laundry was done washing and ready for drying by the time I finished breakfast.

Ok, so the first thing on my mind was that I did not want to spend my whole summer just camping out all day. The second thing on my mind was that I did not know this city. So the obvious solution was to go out and see what I could see. I started walking and eventually I was out of the neighborhood. Down a little highway from there I found a strip mall (why are they called strip malls if they don't have strip clubs?) and attached to that strip mall was a bus stop. So now I knew where I could go shopping for myself and I had easier access to the rest of wherever this place was.

I took a bus to the main bus station and from there I started working out how to best use the bus system. I figured I needed a job so I thought of what the best place for that would be. My first thought was to try near the university. But then I realized that the college area would be a bad choice. There would be a low demand for goods or services since most of the students were gone for the summer but there would be a high demand for jobs as college students who were staying in the area had free time and a need for cash.

Instead of the university area I took a bus downtown. The buildings that passed for skyscrapers here were only 30 or 40 floors high but that still looked plenty high from street level. I was going place to place asking for job applications and once I had a nice stack of about ten or so I got a table at a little coffee shop and I started filling them out.

Well, as life would have it, the old lady who was serving coffee noticed what I was doing and asked if I was looking for a job. One thing led to another and she was showing me how to make a cappuccino with the equipment they had. She had a talk with her husband on the phone and before I knew what was really going on, I was hired. I found out later that they really needed someone because the two people they used to have working for them had both graduated and left. I let them know that I'd only be around for the summer but they said that was long enough.

The old couple that owned that coffee shop were the Carvers. They'd owned it for several decades and had so far been able to keep the big chain brands from stealing their market. The shop was next to a bank and across the street from a courthouse. Lawyers in this town didn't care for frills and extra chit chat when they wanted coffee. They just wanted to get in and get out with what they ordered. Bankers were a bit similar. They bought more expensive coffee but were even more impatient to have it in their hands and be out the door. A line four people deep, I was told, was a bad sign.

The shop was supposed to be closed on Sunday since there wasn't much going on downtown that day but Mrs. Carver asked me to come in so she could finish up my training. Then she insisted on driving me home. I told her I could catch the bus but she wouldn't hear of it.

"You have a very nice house." she said when she saw the place I asked her to stop at.

"Actually, I just rent the place in the back."

"Oh. Well, it's still nice, and such a nice neighborhood."

"Thanks. My parents want me to be safe."

"I don't live very far, I could come get you for work tomorrow."

"That's ok. I can ride the bus. Really."

"It's no trouble. Those buses aren't always the most reliable. I would just feel a lot better if I knew you had your own transportation."

I let her know that the bus would be fine and she again told me that if I ever changed my mind the offer was still on the table.

I got out and started walking up to the house.

"Who was that?" I heard a voice ask. My mind had been actively pretending that my sister Denise was not there.

"Just my Uber driver." I said as I looked that the hedge between my parents' house and the next.

"Where do you get money for that?"

"Well, thanks to the 13th amendment when I put in hours at my job the company is obligated to pay me."

"You have a job?"

"Yes. I have a job. Now are you going to stand in my way all day or are you going to let me get to my house."

"Your house? Oh, you mean the shack. Sure, go right ahead."

Yeah, Denise was a little bitch. She was a bit more than a year younger than me. She was as yet only 16 but her 17th birthday would happen during the summer and that was going to be a huge party. I probably wouldn't get invited.

Once I was past my rude younger sister I discovered my rude older sister in the pool house. Not only was she in the place that I had thought was my personal space but she was digging in my bag and pulling out my stuff. I had half a mind to rush in there and make her stop but I knew better than to be in any way alone in the same room as either of my sisters. I waited helplessly by the door.

"What are you doing?"


"No, you're messing up all my stuff. Stop it."

"John, you can't live out of a suitcase for the whole summer."

This was a nightmare. So, they all had keys to the place I was calling home but not only did I not have a key to the main house, my mother would likely yell at me if I even knocked on the door. No, scratch yell. She'd call the police and accuse me of rape.

"I can unpack my own stuff."

She stopped what she was doing and then walked up to me. "Fine. Where's your laundry?"

"I already washed it."

"Did you eat dinner?"

"Not yet."

"Ok. I'll cook for you."

"Terri, what are you up to?"

"Nothing. Why would you ask me that?"

"I told you already, I didn't get anything from Uncle John."

She laughed and shook her head. "This isn't about that."

"Then what are you doing out here?"

"I heard you were back from school and I wanted to come see you."

"Well, you can see me from the window. Just show me which one is yours and I'll wave hi to you."

"John, I don't live here."


"I live at my place."

"Your place? When did this happen?"

"I have an apartment just off campus. You should come by. We can hang out together."

"Are you sure that's wise?"

"Well, you're over 18 and I'm over 18. We're both adults who can decide for ourselves what we want to do with our lives."

"Don't you think that I'm already in enough trouble?"

After I said that she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the pool house. She slammed the door and held it shut as I tried to get it back open so I could retreat.

"Don't treat me this way. I stood up for you."

"Of course you did, which is why I got punished and you got to stay home."

"Bastard. You don't even know what I had to put up with. While you were off having fun at school ..."

"Fun? You think boarding school was fun?"

"While you were gone I had to put up with mother scowling at me every day. She never let up. Not once."


"You think you had a hard time? You have no idea. You only had to put up with her for holidays. I had to take her shit day in and day out."

"You're not going to make me feel happy about getting kicked out of the ..."

"If I could have traded places with you, I gladly would have."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"With psycho parents breathing down my neck all the time?"

"So what are you doing here now?"

"Like I said. I'm an adult. You're an adult. We can fucking well decide for ourselves if we want to have a conversation."

"And what if they throw me out of here?"

"Then fuck them. You can come live with me."

She came close to me and after an awkward moment we hugged. It wasn't a quick hug either. Once she had her arms around me, she held me for a while and didn't want to let me go.

"You know, mom would be really upset if she saw us this way." I said.

"I don't care. Let her see."

This was nice. Just getting a hug was nice.

"So, what do you want for dinner?" she asked again while still hugging me.

I took a second to think. "Fajitas."

She pulled away and gave me a devious but confident look. "I knew you were going to say that."

She let go of me and went to my little fridge and started pulling out food. I didn't know how to cook fajitas for myself but I was guessing she did.

"I don't have a stove."

"It's ok. I know what I'm doing."

So I sat and waited. Then I looked over how she was organizing my clothes in the dresser. Then I looked at the floor for a bit and wondered if I'd be able to call the school on Monday.

'So ... um ... Ms. Turner, would you happen to know that RA's name?'

No. I couldn't say that.

'Ms. Turner, would you like to go on a date?'

For a second I thought that might be good to say but then I realized it was a no go.

'Ms. Turner, I should probably apologize. I can't say I've really applied myself as much as ...'

I was thinking of that when a knock came to the pool house door. I was going to answer it but my sister rushed past me and got to it first. It was my father.

"Hello Terri. Denise said you'd come by."

"Hello daddy."

"So, what's going on in here?"

"I'm cooking for John to welcome him home. That is ok, isn't it, daddy? Or is there a reason I can't spend time with my brother?"

"Well, I'd just be worried about ... uh ... fumes from ... ah ... so you know, let's try and keep the place well ventilated."

"Like with the door open?"

"Sure. That would be a good way."

"Daddy, if you want to chaperon us you can come in and I'll make some for you, too."

"No, it's not like that. I just ... ah ... want to keep everyone safe."

"Daddy, we're fine. There are windows we can open. If we have to eat with the door open we might as well eat outside."

"I wasn't trying to imply ..."

"Daddy, if mother has something to say she can come down here and say it herself."

"She's just worried is all."

"Well, go tell her not to panic."

"Ok. I get it. Just don't get too crazy in here."

"Ok. Bye daddy."

Our father left and my sister was very annoyed when she went back to cooking.

"I swear, that woman is going to end up in a straitjacket. She's losing her mind."

"Mom?" I asked.

"She's only gotten worse and daddy knows that I've already got all the paperwork ready to go."

"What paperwork?"

"To have mother committed. Yeah, John, she's off her fucking rocker."

"Wow. That's pretty serious."

"Exactly. So if she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life in a mental hospital she needs to leave me the fuck alone."

"You know, you curse a lot more than I remember."

"We're adults now, John. Saying shit and fuck and dick and pussy is all part of it."

She finished preparing the food and we sat at the little table.

"This is good." I said even as I was thinking that they weren't really as good as what they made at school. But for her first time, yeah, they were good.

"John, can you look up?"

I glanced up at her and she was practically beaming at me. "I said it was good. Good job." Then I looked back down at my food.

"John, look at me.""What?"

"I know mother has you brainwashed to avert your eyes from everything but you can look at me."

I looked up at her. "What?"

"You don't have to listen to her anymore. Look at me John. Don't look away. You don't have to listen to her ever again. She doesn't even own this place, daddy's company does."

"I'm not brainwashed."

"Fine. Conditioned. Whatever you want to call it, you don't have to do it anymore."

I really wanted to change the subject. "The fajitas are very good." I said. I was able to keep my eyes on her and that seemed to get her off my case. But I couldn't just stare at her. I had to look down to get some food on my fork.

For a few moments we were silent. It was Terri who started speaking again.

"She almost had me convinced. She just drilled it into me over and over again that I almost started to remember it happening the way she said."

"You know we're not supposed to talk about that."

"I don't care. I don't care anymore. I know the truth. I know what we did and didn't do. I remember it clearly. We didn't do anything wrong. It was all in her head."

"Well, we did do that one thing."

"Don't take up for her. All we did was kiss on the lips for like half a second."

"It was a little longer than half a second."

"Please, it was just a a kiss. It certainly wasn't good reason for mother to treat us like sex offenders."

"I agree there but ..."

"No buts. No more excuses. If mother does anything to you while you're here you call me and let me know. Anything. Anything at all."

"I think she'll probably just ignore me."

"Don't count on it. This is her last chance and she knows it."

"For what?"

"To get us to admit it. Think about it. Are you going to spend Christmas with them once you're free?"

"Probably not."

"Me neither. I'm done with them. So if she's ever going to get one of us to say she's not a liar it's this summer."

"I really don't think she'll try anything. I mean, she put me all the way out here. If there's a problem I'll just move out."

"You know, you should just move out now. Come live with me. Just imagine all the things she'd be picturing us doing."

"Well, I'm not trying to provoke her."

"She's already provoked. She wakes up in the morning provoked."

"I think if I just keep cool and stay out of sight then nothing's going to happen."

"We'll see. But that reminds me, just in case, I got you a phone."

She got up from the table and went to her purse. Wow. My own smartphone.

"It's encrypted so you don't have to worry about mother getting the police to break into it."

"Thank you. How can you afford this?"

"They're not that expensive. Anyway, my number is already in there so the second mother starts acting crazy, you call me and I'll have the guys in white coats hauling her off."

"You really want to bust her, don't you."

"Yes. I really, really do. And so should you. There's no reason for all the bullshit she put us through. Over a kiss. She would try to get me to admit to sucking your dick or letting you lick my nipples. She even started talking about it to my prom date."


"I'm serious. I told her if she didn't stop I'd just go and do all the things she kept accusing us of."

"Did she stop?"

"No. I had to move out."

"They kicked you out?"

"Maybe they think they did but I was already set up to get away from them."

"Wow. So much drama. Sure beats what I did at school." At that moment I was remembering Ms. Turner in my closet.

We finished up our food and then Terri insisted on washing the dishes for me. We finally got on another topic, which was the local music festival that was going to be happening nearby that summer. I didn't have any plans on going but she said I could go with her if I wanted. Then we found ourselves just talking for a bit until she decided she needed to get back to her place.

When she was getting ready to go she reminded me again to call her if our mother did anything crazy. I let her know I wouldn't forget and then right as she was reaching for the door knob she grabbed me. For just a moment I was scared because she looked like she had an expression of pain on her face and I didn't know what she'd do.

"Oh and I should probably tell you this now that we can actually talk about it. You were worth it." she said.

"What do you mean?"

She didn't answer. She just opened the door to leave the building. Right outside, in the dark near the pool she just happened to bump into our father.

"Oh, hi daddy. Planning on night swimming?" Terri said as she just passed him and went around the house.

Yeah, I had a lot on my mind that night.


So the next day I left the house to head for the bus stop and sure enough Mrs. Carver was there waiting for me. I would have been an asshole to insist on riding the bus when she was already there so I took the ride.

The coffee shop wasn't officially open on Sunday but she figured that as long as we were there we might as well let customers in if any happened to show up. As it turned out, we got a rush when services at a downtown church finished. I knew how to make most of what people were ordering and because most of these people were coming to this cafe for the first time they took longer to order than regulars.

After the rush almost everyone was gone and Mrs. Carver started to show me how to use the last machine I needed to learn. While I was busy with that a college age woman walked up to me and asked if I lived in town.

"For the summer." I answered.

"Visiting family?"

"You could say that."

"Cool. There's a party at a friend of mine's house on Friday. If you're free, why don't you stop by. You know that big house by the ..."

I did not know the place so she wrote down the address and gave me basic directions.

"Maybe I'll see you there." she said. "If anyone gives you any trouble tell them Andrea invited you."

"That's you?"

"Yeah. They all know me."

"Great. I'll do my best to show up."

"Looking forward to it."

She walked out and then my boss elbowed me. "Generally, we try not to flirt with the customers."

"Oh. Sorry, ma'am."

"It's alright. She very pretty."

With no customers in the place I did a round of making two of each type of drink and then my training was concluded for the day. There were a lot of little details to remember but it actually wasn't all that hard.

While I was waiting for Mrs. Carver to lock up, I took a look at my new phone and I noticed my sister had texted me several times asking where I was. I let her know I was at work downtown but since her last message was a couple of hours earlier I didn't expect her to text back right away.

In a matter of seconds she texted back asking where I worked and I let her know the place and the fact that I was heading home. She asked me to wait there and said she'd come pick me up. So I started the task of trying to convince Mrs. Carver that I didn't need her to drive me home because my sister was coming to get me. She thought I was just trying to ride the bus again until I showed her the message.

So I was downtown waiting for Terri to show up. Mrs. Carver drove home and I was alone in the afternoon sunshine occupying a deserted city block. It was sort of spooky. Terri eventually found me and I got into her car.

"So, where to?" I asked.

"My place."

"Ok. Is it far?"

"Not that far. Oh, and don't be nervous. We're just going to my place. I'll make you dinner and then I'll drive you home. Ok."

"Sounds good."

"By the way, you should call home. Daddy called me asking if I knew where you were because one of your teachers from school called for you."

"Oh really. Which one?"

"I wrote it down. Here."

I read the message. It was from Ms. Turner. I didn't really understand it at first. She was saying one of my papers had confidential school research in it so I wasn't supposed to share it with anyone without permission. What the hell was she talking about? Oh, wait. Yeah, she was trying to tell me not to talk about having sex with her. Well, duh. There was a phone number in the message. Cool. Things were looking up.

My sister lived on the third floor of a building with six apartments in it, two on each floor. She said she used to have a roommate but at the moment it was just her.

The dinner wasn't anything out of the ordinary. It would consist of pork chops with vegetables. I asked why she kept wanting to cook for me and she said she knew our mother wouldn't do it and she thought somebody had to.

"It's us versus them. You don't have to take scraps or eat junk food. You deserve to have a dinner at a table just like everyone else."

While my sister was cooking I called the number my teacher left and I heard Ms. Turner answer with a cautious hello.

"Ms. Turner?"

"Yes. Who's this?"

"It's John."

"John. I'm glad you called."

"I got your message."

"Are you alone?"

"No one can hear me."

"Ok. Look, you can't tell anybody about what we did."

"Don't worry. Lips sealed."

"I know you say that but you need to understand that you can't ..."

"I'll make a deal with you. You promise me you won't talk and I'll promise you I won't talk."

"There's no way I'm ever going to tell anyone about what happened."

"Promise me. Say the words. Say it like the president being sworn in if you need to."

"I, Nancy Turner, swear I won't tell anyone."

"Ok. I, John Ferris, promise I won't tell anyone. Now what about the RA?"

"Norma is already taken care of."

"She needs to promise me."

"I already took care of it. Trust me."

"You didn't get her fired, did you?"

"No. Not like that. Just trust me. I took care of it. She won't talk."

"Ok, so what now?"

"Right now, nothing. Nothing is right now. You just keep quiet and we'll all pretend it never happened."

"But it did happen."

"I know and as a teacher I feel terrible that I took advantage of you. Can you forgive me?"

"Sure. But I'd like to see you."

"I don't think that's a good idea. And next year you shouldn't be in my class."

"Ok. I understand."

"Good. It's for the best. You know that."

That call didn't go as well as I secretly had hoped.

The dinner with my sister was more of her trying to get me to side with her against our parents. She pushed and pushed for it. All of that was really unnecessary. She just needed to be on my side cause I already knew my parents were against me.

She smiled when I agreed to whatever her plan was, not that there was much of a plan, just a picking of sides.

"Good. Me and you together." she said. "They'll never rip us apart again. Together forever."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." she said as she cleared the dishes from the table and brought them to the kitchen.

"What did you mean by saying I was worth it?"

"Oh, um ... nothing. I was going to try and make a point but the words didn't come together right in my head."

I wasn't going to press her. I was happy to have an ally. Though I guessed now that the dinner was over and I'd sided with her, she'd probably just drive me back to that place where our parents lived.

Terri came back into the little dining area that was just an extension of the living room.

"I should probably admit something to you."


"It was all my fault."

"What do you mean?"

"Everything that happened. It was my fault. I tricked you into it and then when mom was interrogating us I think she could see right through me."

"What are you talking about?"

"You remember. The kiss. When we got in trouble. It was my idea. I'm sorry."

I could see that talking about it was making her emotional so I tried to just calm the tension. "It's ok. Mom shouldn't have overreacted like she did."

"Yeah, but maybe she should have."

"What? But you just got finished ..."

"John, I had a crush on you. I did. I was like in love with you. I knew if I just said that I'd sound crazy so I told you all that stuff about how it was just playing. It was just a game. But it wasn't, not really. And then when we got caught I had that one chance to look mom in the eyes and tell her it meant nothing but I couldn't do it. It did mean something. It meant a lot to me. And you got punished for it. I'm sorry."

"Wow." I said softly. "I guess I sort of always suspected but I wasn't sure since it seemed like you were with them."

"I'm not. I'm with you. And I'm going to make it all up to you. I am. I promise."

As a way of saying I accepted what she said, I offered her a hug. Hugging felt very nice.

"And I don't think you're crazy." I said.

She didn't answer. She just put her face into my chest and held me tighter.

I couldn't really tell the exact number of minutes we were there like that but it appeared that neither of us was interested in ending the hug. It was so strange to be hugging her in a way. I had so few memories of her. There were more from the time before that one day of course but even then she seemed like a completely different person now. It almost felt like she was someone I had just met for the first time, only I had known them from afar for years.

After I'd been shipped off I literally never had another word of conversation with Terri until she was in the pool house. I never heard her voice. I never looked at her face. I never even touched her. Forget touching, I never even got close to her. And now she was in my arms after she tells me she used to be in love with me. She felt more like an ex I was reconnecting with than a sister.

"Can I tell you a secret" she asked.

"Another secret?"

"I never got over you." she said and then she looked up at me. "Never. There was never anyone else."

She moved her arm from around my torso to around my neck. She was inviting me in and I knew what she wanted. Her lips were ready but was I? I'd kissed them before. What was the harm in a kiss? I remembered my sister telling me that all those years ago. Only this wasn't playing. This wasn't a game. She wanted me to really kiss her.

We were alone. We were in the privacy of her apartment. But of course our mother would be worried half to death that we'd be doing this exact thing. In a way, because of that, I wanted to kiss her even more.

And it was a nice kiss. I was kissing my sister and we were finally getting around to finishing what we'd started way back when. But anyone who's ever been kissing someone they like will tell you that you can only kiss for so long. The body has a way of forcing things to escalate.

We made our way to her bedroom. She actually had a bunch of clothes and stuff on her bed and we were trying to keep the kiss going while she cleaned it off. She hadn't planned on this happening.

We were both fully clothed while we made out on her bed. I was on top of her and our jeans were grinding into each other. She was getting hotter and hotter down there and my cock was telling me that it really wanted to be released.

So, I sort of had this thing in the back of my head. My first ever sexual experience had been in a situation I did not understand, had no control over, and I was the one being told what to do. This time, if Terri was willing, I was going to try and be in charge. Terri seemed like she wanted more than just kissing just as much as I did but she wasn't trying to get me out of my clothes. How would she react to me taking the lead?

It turned out that she reacted quite well. I put my hand on her chest and she kissed me even harder than she already had been. I started to get her out of her shirt and she just went along with it.

Holy shit her body was nice. I started to kiss the area of her chest that was not covered by her bra and she was letting me do it.

You might be thinking that I'd be going over all the thoughts about incest and all that in my head. Nope. I'd had three years to think all that through. I had long ago come to the conclusion that if I was going to get punished for something I hadn't done, then if I ever got the chance to do it, I was going to do it. Well, here was my chance.

I got my sister out of her bra and her magnificent breasts were before me. Her tits were so soft and her nipples were so hard. I put one in my mouth and wondered what I should do with it to make her feel good.

"I love you, John." I heard her say.

And I loved her too. I just couldn't say so under the circumstances. While I was trying out a couple of different things with the nipple in my mouth, my hands were reaching for Terri's pants and I started to try and get her out of them. Once she was bottomless I could start to smell the sex coming off of her and it was intoxicating.

This was going to happen. This was going to be good. I started trying to get out of my own jeans. Without looking down I got my hips between her open thighs and my dick was in place. I looked up at her for any sign of confirmation. She looked like she was in bliss so I just took the initiative and started to enter her.

She was very wet but she was also very tight. It was sort of difficult to even get more than just the head of my dick into her.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

She nodded and I tried to go slow as I pushed more of my dick into her. It had to be slow going. Then I got the idea to just do short ins and outs with what I'd already established. While I was shallow fucking my sister I kissed her again on the lips.

Ding, dong.

We froze. Someone was at the door.

Ding, dong.

We both sort of panicked a bit and we jumped off the bed. We got back in our clothes as fast as we could. Terri told me to go to the kitchen and start washing plates while she answered the door.

I think we both knew who it had to be.

"Hey, Terri." I heard our father say.

"Daddy, what are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighborhood and I just thought that if John was done with dinner I could give him a ride home and save you some gas."

"It's fine, daddy. I'll take him home later."

"You guys are still eating?"

"No, but John offered to wash the dishes and I wasn't going to tell him no."

"Terri, a good host doesn't make the guest wash the dishes. Yo, John, let's go."

I came out of the kitchen and my dad waved for me to come with him. Damn. I just knew my mother had been the one to put him up to this. I just shrugged and obeyed. What else could I have done?

Terri and I shared a look between us as I passed her. It was me and her versus the world. We both knew that but for now we'd have to finish consummating our relationship later.Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were all pretty much the same. I got up, my boss drove me to work, I busted my ass making coffee (harder than it sounds) and then my boss drove me home. Once I got home I tried to get my older sister on the phone but she was too busy to talk. She asked me to be patient but I really just did not like being stuck at that fucking house with my parents.

On Thursday a very strange thing happened. After the morning rush, some lady asked for something special. She wanted this whole big thing filled up with coffee and she wanted me to carry it back to her office. My boss told me to do it for her and then I found myself waddling down the sidewalk behind this woman.

Not that I was looking, mind you, but just to give you an idea of who she was; she was a blond. She was probably in her early 30s and I won't say she was fat but she no longer qualified as thin. She was also shorter than me but most women were shorter than me. She worked at a law office but she wasn't a lawyer. She was some lawyer's secretary or something. I think she might have been a paralegal but don't quote me on that since I really don't know what the differences between a paralegal and a lawyer even are.

I set up the big coffee thing in this big room with a big table and there were cards by each chair saying who was going to sit there.

It looked like my job was done. On my way out, one of the lawyers came to thank me. I think she was just being courteous. She was probably about 40 but a good 40. She was healthy and she obviously took care of herself.

So, I'm a guy. I look at things I'm not supposed to look at. Sometimes my mind thinks about things it's not supposed to think about. That's just a normal part of being a guy. I would never do any of that stuff. I'm not an animal who can't control myself.

While the lawyer was talking to me I happened to be standing at just the right angle to get a really good look at her cleavage which was showing from her business blouse that wasn't buttoned up all the way.

Ok, eyes up. I didn't want her to think I was a pervert. Time to get back to the coffee shop and get back to work.

"Young man, you carried all that coffee here by yourself?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am." I answered.

"Would you mind coming into my office for a minute?"

She was being friendly and I wasn't thinking anything was off. I just wasn't thinking about anything and I was just obeying when they told me to do stuff. I still wasn't thinking anything was fishy when she closed the door behind us. Maybe it was a force of habit. Who was I to judge?

She looked at me with a big smile and then, to my surprise, she just knelt down in front of me and started to get at my dick.

"Woe." I said as I backed away from her. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to give you a blow job." Yeah, she just said it just like that; like it was nothing.

If my sister counted it meant that I'd had sex a grand total of twice in my entire life. It was safe to say that I didn't go around fucking random women. I didn't even know what her name was. She'd just told me her name but you know how it is when you meet people and they tell you their name in passing. No one remembers that stuff. I thought I'd be back at the coffee shop by now and I'd never see this woman ever again.

"Um ... I appreciate that, but ... (thinking, thinking, thinking) ... I have a girlfriend."

"I don't care."

"Well, I'm not going to let you give me a blow job."

"Yes you are."

Was she using some kind of crazy lawyer magic on me? She came closer to me, still on her knees and I just watched as she got my dick out and put the head into her mouth. Women were such hypocrites. I tell you. If a woman says no, they expect, demand even, that the guy stop dead in his tracks. If a guy says no, well, that's just his opinion and she's going to go ahead and suck my dick anyway. And to make it worse, I couldn't stop her. It had been drilled into me all my life, never put your hands on a woman.

Just as it was starting to feel really good, wouldn't you know, the fucking door opened and the secretary lady came in. This was like deja vu. The secretary comes in, closes the door, locks it, and then joins her boss on her knees.

"Mmm. That is a delicious cock. Here, try it." said the lawyer.

The other lady put my dick in her mouth and I was just standing there, almost feeling like invisible hands were forcing me to comply with this. Were they raping me? I had not consented to this. Did my inaction equate consent? Was my silence tantamount to acceptance?

The lawyer stood up and pressed her body next to mine. "Do you want to fuck me?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"No." she answered and then she started getting out of her clothes. If I felt in any way that this was a normal situation I should probably have been happy but as to the facts, I was very anxious and nervous. Why couldn't I stop this?

I looked over at the door and somehow, I just knew I'd never be able to make it if I ran. My only way out, and again I didn't know how I knew this but my only way out was the fuck them. So my choices were, be a bystander while these things just happened to me or take charge.

"Bend over." I told the lawyer. She smiled at me and then complied. "Go lick her pussy." I told the chubby one. Ok, maybe that wasn't fair. She wasn't chubby. Her waist wasn't that bad, she just had a few plump areas but over all she didn't actually fit the word chubby.

Like the director of a porno, I was instructing the two women on what to do to each other and they listened. Good. Suck that nipple. Take that off. Finger that pussy. Before long, I had two naked women on the floor of this office moaning as they licked each other.

"You're cheating." said the lawyer. "You can't just watch. Get over here and fuck one of us."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. Now do it."

Something was telling me that normal sex didn't happen this way. I looked over at the door again. The women weren't in position to physically stop me from leaving if I bolted. But I already knew I wasn't going to escape. I couldn't get away and somehow that information was just placed in my mind for me. Ok, let's get this over with. That probably sounds like I didn't enjoy it, which is not the case, but that was my initial thought. This was an obligation that had to be done before I'd be allowed to leave this room.

The lawyer was the one who wanted it the most so I got behind her and I started fucking her. While I was, the secretary put her pussy in front of the lawyer so it could be licked. The lawyer put her hand to her ass and I noticed her wedding ring. So she was married. I looked over at the secretary. She was married too. The bands didn't match so it was likely that they weren't lesbian married to each other either.

What was it going to take for this to be over so I could go back to work? Later, I'd deal with what was wrong with me for actually wishing for manual labor over fucking. I was technically on the clock and it felt wrong to be getting paid to fuck.

"Ah." I said as I started to cum into the lawyer. The lawyer started bucking her hips and then she pressed her head down to the secretary's crotch as she yelled out her orgasm.

"He did it." she said.

"Let me taste it." said the secretary.

The two ladies changed places with each other and the secretary was licking my cum out of the lawyer while I prepared myself to fuck that fat ass. Ok, I can say that because she did in fact have a fat ass. The lawyer had a nice petite ass that could probably be called cute. The secretary, she had a fat ass. Anyway, in I went.

I fucked her from behind for a bit but then we all changed again and the fat one was on top of me. She was riding my dick while she and the lawyer kissed each other and felt on each other's tits. I concentrated my effort and then I got to the place I needed to be and I started to cum into the secretary. The secretary giggled and her kiss with the lawyer got amped up for a few moments.

The secretary reached her climax. She threw her head back and if it wasn't for the lawyer she might have lost her balance and fell backwards. Her body spasmed and then she pissed all over me.

Yeah, piss. I mean, it probably wasn't a lot of piss but still, SHE FUCKING PISSED ON ME. WHAT THE HELL, LADY?

And then it all melted away. The secretary and the lawyer were making out and suddenly their kiss ended and they each jerked away from each other. They were wide eyed with surprise. Then they both looked down at me. The lawyer's jaw dropped and she looked like she was in a quiet shock. A hand went to her mouth while another went to her pussy. She looked around the room and I thought she was about to panic. Damn, why did that fat one have to still be on top of me. Move lady.

"What the hell did we just do?" the secretary asked.

The lawyer swallowed and then looked at me. "Please tell me you're over 18."

I nodded while the secretary started gathering her clothes and she was trying to cover herself from my view. The lawyer was a bit better. She tried to maintain her courage and dignity as she quickly got dressed in front of me. I looked back over at the secretary and she looked like she was about to have a melt down or cry her eyes out.

"Julie." the lawyer said to address the secretary. "Please get dressed and go back to your desk. I'll come talk to you in a bit."

I went to the private bathroom the lawyer had and tried to wash off the urine when I came out, I was dressed and I heard the secretary say "Oh my God." as she left.

I tried to just leave as well but the lawyer grabbed me by the upper part of my arm. I looked at her and she did not look happy. I couldn't believe this. All of this was her fucking idea. I had said no. It was her fault, not mine. Don't blame me.

"You said your name was John."

I nodded.

"John, I'd like to officially apologize to you."

"Can you let go of me?"

She did but then she added, "Don't move." She went to her desk and grabbed something. She brought it to me and presented me with her card. "If there's any ... financial compensation required, just have your attorney contact me."

"Can I go?"

As I left the secretary wouldn't even look at me. That was weird. That was some crazy shit that I didn't even understand. Were they just play acting? Was that something they did to other young guys that they just wanted to fuck? And then she offered me money. I felt so dirty. And I felt like I needed a shower. I still couldn't believe the fat one pissed on me. So gross.

I was in a daze for the rest of the work day. Mrs. Carver asked me a couple of times if I was alright. I mean, seriously, what the hell had happened? I was having difficulty understanding. Why couldn't I get away? Did I just not want to?

After work I just needed to talk to someone. Instead of letting Mrs. Carver drive me home that afternoon, I rode the bus to the university and I found my sister's apartment. Ah man, she was going to be so angry with me. But she was the only person I could talk to, like really talk to.

She wasn't home yet. I texted her and she said she was at work. So I waited. And I waited. It was almost ten at night when she finally got home and she found me reading the online encyclopedia.

She smiled. "You're still here?"

"Yep. I told you I needed to talk to you."

"Ok. Come in. Dad doesn't know you're here, does he?"

"Nope. Why do you work so late?"

"The shop doesn't close until nine."

We entered her apartment and she offered me a seat. I figured I probably shouldn't get too comfortable. She might get really angry and throw me out after she hears what I did. She went to her bedroom to get out of the little uniform she had to wear. I waited and wondered how I'd get home and how late the buses ran. Shit, I might have to walk. Well, I would deserve it.

"John, come here." she called out to me.

I went to her bedroom door and said "I really need to talk to you about something. It's sort of serious."

"Come in and talk."

I opened the door and she was in her bed, under the covers. I didn't need to be a genius to figure out she was probably naked.

"Come here. Hurry up."

"Terri, I had sex with these two women today."

She sat up and wrapped her sheet around herself. "What? What are you saying?"

"These women had me in their office and we all had sex. All three of us at the same time."

"You're breaking up with me?"

"What? No. I mean, of course not." I was unclear as to exactly what she meant by that.

"John, I love you."

"And I love you, too. That's why ... you know, that's why I'd never keep this a secret from you."

"What happened?" she asked. I told her the story from carrying the coffee to the women putting on an act of surprise and shock.

"And the worst part is," I continued, "I was smelling piss all day. No matter how much I tried to go to the bathroom and wash, I just kept smelling piss."

She sneered a bit. "Go take a shower."


"Yes. Right now. Go."

I was feeling apprehensive as I lathered myself up and then used my sister's shampoo. I was still rinsing my hair when my nude sister joined me in the shower. She was soaping herself up while I just stood there looking at her amazing body that was a thousand times better than the other women I'd fucked that day.

"I'm sorry." I said.

She turned away from me to rinse off the soap and then she turned back. "We're not really normal boyfriend and girlfriend so I guess there might be times when this sort of thing might have to happen."

"We're boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Unless you want to break up with me?"

"No. And I promise that sort of thing is never going to happen again."

"What about when you get married? What about when I get married?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're going to get married. You can't marry me so when that happens we're both going to have to swallow it."

"You mean you planned for this to happen?"

"I knew it was probably unavoidable. We can't have kids together and you might want to have kids and I might want to have kids. That means we'll both probably get married to other people. It's not fair but that's life."

I was thinking about what she said when she kissed me. Ah, it was so nice to kiss her. Now that I thought about it, the lawyer and the secretary had been too busy kissing each other and hadn't gotten around to kissing me.

We got out of the shower and with only a minimum of drying off we ran to her bedroom. We were naked, we were wet, and we were about to fuck.

Ding, Dong.

You had to be kidding me. You had to be absolutely fucking kidding me.

Terri gave me a signal to be quiet and then she wrapped herself in a towel. I stayed out of sight and just listened.

"Daddy, what are you doing here?"

"John never came home. Is he here?"


"Can I come in?"

"No, I just got out of the shower."

"I just want to ..."

"Daddy, I had a long day. I am not in the mood for mother's craziness. Maybe if you let John have a phone you could just call him."

"Do you have any idea where he might be?"

"I don't know. He's an adult. He's legally allowed to go wherever he wants. He's probably at a party or working a second job or on a date."

"Terri, he might be in trouble. He's your brother. Don't you care? He could have gotten arrested."

"Daddy, you're going to get arrested if you don't leave me be to get dried off and get dressed. It's after ten. I need to get ready for tomorrow and get some sleep."

"Terri, I'm just asking if you know ..."

"And I already told you I don't know. You're not seriously going to drive all the way down here every time John decides to go do something by himself without telling you."

"Did he tell you anything?"

"Daddy, I'm not surprised he wouldn't want to talk to any of us."

"Look, we've been over this. Your mother did all of ..."

"Because she's crazy."

"For your own good."

"No, she's just crazy. And I'm standing here in just a towel, so goodnight."

Terri closed the door on her father and then locked it. Her father knocked on the door again but Terri told him she'd call the police if he didn't leave her alone.

I crept out of the bedroom and I found my sister peeking out of her curtains.

"What's going on?"

"He's by his car but he hasn't left yet."

"What's he waiting for?"

"He's on the phone. He's probably talking to the psycho bitch."

We went back to the bedroom before our father had finished his call. Maybe it was because he was out there that it was decided to close and even lock the bedroom door.

So again me and my sister were naked in her bed. I guess we both sort of felt like we had only limited time so without much foreplay or anything I was right there in position and I was trying to enter her. Just like before, she was tight and it was slow going. The lawyer and the secretary were both easy to fuck. With my sister I needed to let her natural lubrication build up. I even spit in my hand and put some of that down there.

Finally I was able to start going in and out of her properly. Her breathing was becoming irregular. She was doing her best to stay quiet but a few times she squealed out an "Ah" or an "Oh".

We had to pause so she could get her breath. I looked over at the time and wondered how long we'd been at it. My sister got up and went to her kitchen to get something to drink. I followed her and admired her figure as she chugged down some water. She put down her glass and then she went to the window to see if our father was still there.

"He's gone." she said.

We looked at each other and then we both ran back to the bed. Even though we were in a hurry to get back in there, we actually took our time getting back to sex. I went about kissing her body and then I had fun sucking on her nipples. While one of those was in my mouth, I let my hand feel up and down her side. She seemed to like that so I did it more.

Eventually I moved down to her pussy and started to lick her. I was going down on my sister. Nice. This was my first time to lick pussy so it wasn't exactly like I knew what I was doing but it was nice to do that and I was happy to learn.

And then, it seemed like I was doing something right. "Ah, uh, ah, oh." my sister moaned out. Her hips were going up and down and she was pulling my hair in such a way as to force my head more into her crotch. This was a nice moment but I was actually really worried that she'd pee on me.

After my sister's second orgasm she had to rest for a bit again but I was just laying next to her with my erection still not satisfied. It was standing directly up into the air. Just as I was thinking that she'd be ready for me to come and fuck her from behind, she turned to look at me. She put her hand on my cock and started to stroke me. Then she sat up and in one motion, she leaned over me and put my dick into her mouth.

I can't say it was a great blow job. Not after the others that I'd gotten. I found out later that it was in fact her first blow job. I tried to give her direction on what I thought felt good and she was slowly getting better.

I looked at her and her eyes locked onto mine. My dick was in her mouth and her eyes were on me through her raven hair. She had one hand on my shaft and the other on my balls. Then it was just the right combination of stimulus and I started to cum.

My sister gagged and recoiled. My cum rocketed into the air and then landed in her hair.

"Couldn't you warm me?"

"I didn't exactly have control over all my bodily functions, don't you know."

She gave me a smirk and then she looked at my cum that had come out of her mouth and back down onto me. She brought her mouth down to it and started to slurp it up.

"You like that?" I asked.

"I don't mind and I like the idea of your stuff being in me."