In stories of this nature we typically read about a mother in her mid to late fifties, or early sixties, who still has the body of a forty- five year old, is at the fitness center three times a week and does yoga another two. Their butt is firm, the legs are "toned", (whatever that's supposed to mean) , her breasts have little or no sag with nipples an inch long and she is the coveted MILF of the neighborhood. That's not the mom in my story, she's fifty-four, she looks and dresses according to her age, she wouldn't know what a fitness center looked like and there are no yoga classes out in the country where we live.

Her hair is beginning to show streaks of silver, she's probably five pounds over-weight without a muffin top, her boobs are heavy but not sagging, her tummy is flat but certainly not "toned". She has that little bit of skin that's left over from babies stretching her tummy, along with stretch marks and a scar from two cesarian deliveries. Her body is stout but shows the wear and tear of over forty years on a dairy farm, dad died when I was a junior in high school, mother and I milked our sixty head until I chose to go in the military three years later, mainly for the GI benefits and training.

When I left there was no one to help any longer, my older sister lived seven states away, with me gone mom sold the milking herd and bought twenty head of beef, nineteen cows and a bull. By the time I returned four and a half years later she had over sixty cows, two bulls and another twenty-three head of young stock that would be ready for breeding in a year. She sold enough each year to cover taxes and insurance, the rent she received for crop land brought in enough that she didn't need to tap into the life insurance left after dad died.

I had been relatively intelligent and made the most of my high school years being on the honor roll all four years, which helped greatly when I went into the Air Force. Having scored high on the aptitude test and had experience operating heavy machinery I was placed in a combat ready civil engineering squadron following basics and tech school. I joined the 554th Red Horse unit at Anderson AFB in Guam, because we at times would have to work in combat areas we did combat training with other branches of the service, mainly the Army.

Most of my time was spent in Southeast Asia doing work on other bases or radar sites, electrical, construction, earth moving, plumbing, remote airfield evaluation and repair, if it had to do with construction and engineering we were deployed. Had my last deployment never happened I could say my four years had been fulfilling and at times enjoyable. Unfortunately, we ended up at a small abandoned airfield in Afghanistan in an area that had once been controlled by the Taliban. We had no more than entered the area with our security detail and the place turned into a nightmare.

Being combat ready we were trained in weaponry and had been issued M-4 rifles upon entry. Between the Marines assigned to our detail and the eleven of us it took us half a day and two called in air strikes to secure the area enough for a runway evaluation and assessment of damages. Within three weeks we had done enough repairs to the runway for the Army to get small craft in and out safely, mainly helicopters.

During the eight months we were deployed there we revamped the entire runway including lighting. We built buildings, converted what the Taliban had destroyed back into habitable dwellings, set up eating facilities, a command post and put up several small cement block facilities for the locals as a good will gesture. By the time we left I had seen enough carnage and mayhem to last a lifetime, they tell you in time it all goes away, it doesn't, there are things you can't possibly reverse in your mind. You simply learn to put it somewhere deep within your memory bank and hope it never resurfaces.

Upon discharge and returning home I moved in with mom and helped with chores, we lived just over twelve miles from the city. Ours was a bustling metropolis of almost six thousand which is nothing compared to *big cities* but in the middle of what is still dairy country it was considered a huge place. When mom sold the dairy herd she wanted half the proceeds to go to me for staying on and helping to keep the farm going after high school. I told her to stick it in a savings account and I'd do something with it when I got out of the Air Force.

I had actually forgotten about it until mom brought it up at supper one night wondering what I might do with it. I had no idea what kind of money she was talking about and asked. With what little bit of interest it had accrued I had sixty-three thousand and change at my disposal, what she said next was unexpected.

"John, I know you planned to use the GI bill and go to college, but with all your heavy equipment knowledge have you considered doing excavation work? Arnold Timmer's is retiring and wants to sell his equipment, you could probably inherit a bunch of his customers as well, the only other guy with a backhoe is Troy Merten, he's a druggie and alkie, not many people like him because he never shows up on time, if at all."

I got ahold of old Mr. Timmer's and talked with him, the price was too high with what equipment he had but he was willing to sell me individual pieces if I was interested. He knew where a smaller John Deere 550 dozer was for sale cheap and an older Case 580 as well. I decided to buy his three year old F-750 with a five yard dump, Cat 7 diesel and a snowplow along with the trailer he used to haul his D-5. After buying his equipment he helped me pick up the 550 and the older 580 backhoe, which left me with just over fifteen grand in the bank. Arnie sent out a letter to all his customers telling them I was taking over his business and to please consider hiring me for any future work.

Within a month he was able to sell the D-5 and his excavator, I wanted that excavator in the worst way but it just wasn't in the budget. By the sixth month of being in business I had all the work I wanted with no indication that it would slow down soon. When I had first moved in with mom I upgraded the heating/cooling, brought in a guy I'd gone to school with who was now a plumber to upgrade the plumbing, his brother was an electrician so I had that taken care of as well. Mother and I covered the costs together, I talked her into spending a bit more of her hard earned money to replace the sixty year old single pane windows and the aluminum storms with low-E high efficiency double pane units, with that done we were ready for winter with a renewed confidence.

When I went into the Air Force I never imagined I would end up in a hostile combat zone, and yet I did. Long story short, I, like so many others, saw shit I will never be able to un-see, shit that plagues me even though I'm home in the safety of the farm-house, shit that keeps me up at night and nightmares that wake my mother. It wasn't the carnage of military operations that got to me, it was the way the bad guys used women, children, and old men as though all were expendable.

It was watching young teen girls be auctioned off to older men as their next wife, it was looking at people and wondering if there was a bomb strapped to their body and be blown up for Jihad. It was watching a wife be beat in public because she dared speak back to her husband, and the list goes on. It was during one of those nightmare tormenting nights that things changed between mother and me. Thrashing around the bed in a cold sweat I was wakened by a hand on my chest and a soft voice saying my name.

"John, John, wake up John, it's not real, it's a nightmare."

It was one of those nights where the moon is like a neon light shining through the windows, as I opened my eyes I could make out mom's body as she sat sideways, her nightie was thin enough that I could clearly see the silhouette of her chest as light filtered through it. My arm was across her right thigh and she was holding my hand with her left as she spoke. I'd never noticed her bust, or for that matter her figure until that night, she was mom, I had no reason to look at her in that manner, yet here I was looking at her full heavy breasts silhouetted against the window.

Mom always wore a bra ... always ... except for bed, so it wasn't as though I'd seen them swaying or jiggling under a shirt at other times. I found it interesting that what I imagined her breasts would look like was nowhere near correct. I had assumed age would have flattened them in a manner that they lay against her body with little or no shape, on the contrary. They appeared heavy on the bottoms as breasts that age will, but they still had body, with nipples that poked at her nightie in a slight ski slope fashion. The last I remember before falling back to sleep was pulling my hand free from her grasp, lifting it and cupping her breast, giving it a slight squeeze and whispering thank you".

When I woke to pee about five thirty I pondered as to whether that had actually happened or if it was in my imagination, not knowing anything for certain I chose to say nothing and act as normal as possible. At breakfast mom gave no indication that I had done anything wrong so I chalked it up to my imagination, even with the apron she wore over her cotton house dress it was apparent she had a bra on. The entire episode had to have been in my head. The next few weeks went as usual, me up for chores with mom and then breakfast, a quick shower for me, head out the door by seven thirty, work until four or thereabouts and head home to a hot meal with mother.

I always helped her with dishes, she had a new fancy dishwasher I'd bought and had installed but having done dishes by hand all her life she seldom used it. The only time it was in operation was if there was a big crowd and a ton of dishes, otherwise she washed and I dried. Evenings we would watch something on one of the livestreaming channels, we didn't bother with regular TV or the news, both were too depressing. On more than one occasion we thought we'd found a good TV show to watch only to be turned off by the political correctness, or the homosexual, lesbian, and sex scenes so graphic they left nothing to the imagination. I would often read or skim through my periodicals with the TV on, mom would crochet or embroider, most nights we would head for bed just after ten.

It had been over a month since the incident where I'd touched her breast when I was once again woken from a nightmare by my name being spoken softly. Like before my arm was across mom's thigh and my right hand in her left as she gently rubbed my chest with her right. Her body wasn't silhouetted, but somehow my hand knew where to go as it cupped her breast, squeezing and gently molding, this time was different though. She put her hand over mine and held it tight to her breast, leaning over she kissed me on the forehead and whispered.

"Sleep well honey, mama is right across the hall."

As she stood my hand grazed across her thigh, I was pleased that it felt more firm than flabby, daily chores I'm sure were a contributing factor. As she stepped forward the flat of my hand was on her butt, as quickly as she'd gotten up she was gone. I wasn't sure what had just happened and it didn't seem to matter, I was out like a light the rest of the night. Putting on my chore boots in the mud room the next morning I could hear mom in the kitchen humming, I hadn't heard her hum since I'd come home from the service. It had been her stock and trade before dad died, always singing or humming a tune, I smiled as the thought crossed my mind, "hopefully she's coming out of the sadness that's surrounded her for years", and maybe, just maybe, me being around all the time was helping her.

When I came in for breakfast she was still humming as she set a plate in front of me, smiling she patted my cheek. Nothing was said about the night before other than did I remember what the bad dream was about. The circumstances of the dream I couldn't recall, my hand on her breast and touching her thigh were however crystal clear, with one of the more poignant moments being when she held my hand against her breast with hers.

The household atmosphere following the latest incident was a bit edgy at times, not in a controversial

manner, more like we both knew something needed to be said but neither knew how to broach the subject. It was mom who finally broke the impasse on a Saturday morning following a particularly rough evening before we went to bed, I kept dozing off and each time the same recurring image of a woman being shot would play in my mind like a repeating movie.

Doing dishes she stopped and looked at me as only moms can look at their children, "John, are your dreams getting worse? You seemed to be doing so well for a long time. What can I do to help you?"

With my head down I answered, "I don't think they're any worse, just more frequent for some reason. Maybe they had become infrequent because I was so busy getting the business started, I'm not sure mom, I know it wakes you and I'm sorry."

Drying her hands and turning to me she took the plate from me, set it down and looked directly into my eyes.

"Never mind the apology, it isn't necessary, I only want to help and if me sitting with you helps then I want to do that."

I loved mom with all my heart and had no desire to hurt her in any way, but it was time for me to open the door and see what was on the other side. Her reaction to my comment would tell me the direction I needed to go, stay at the farm with her, or move into town.

"Yes mom, you sitting with me helps. I'm also aware that I've touched you like a woman and not my mom a few times, I'm not sure why I did that. Forgive me?"

"John there's nothing to forgive, if you touching me helps then so be it, but it's not entirely one sided. I've not felt desired for many years, it was nice to have your hand touch me like a lover would. If it helped you sleep it was well worth it. I'll say this again John, I want to help in any way I can."

With the dishes done we changed into town clothes for our weekly grocery shopping. I had noticed more and more that mom would ask if I thought she should get this or that instead of simply getting what she'd always gotten. They were simple questions, did I prefer a pork roast instead of pork chops or vice versa, did I want Honey Crisp or Pink Lady apples, should she get cherry or blueberry pie filling, questions like that. When I would shrug my shoulder's it seemed to disappoint her, when I would indicate one or the other it seemed to make her happy. I assumed the role of making the decisions whenever she sought my input.

When we were home I normally sat in a recliner and mom on the couch since it provided more room for her thread, etcetera. One evening as I walked into the family room after changing into sweats she patted the cushion next to her and turned sideways so she would be looking at me. The very first thing I noticed was that she had no bra on, they weren't swinging and swaying all over the place, but having always seen her in a bra it was obvious to me that she was bare chested beneath her blouse.

"John we've walked on eggshells long enough, it's time to talk. I've told you repeatedly that I want to help in any way possible, if you touching my body helps then I want you to do that, knowing you love me makes it easier to accept. Part of the reason I want to talk is that I need you in my life as more than my son and helper. Your father knew that I needed someone to tell me which direction to go, he was never mean or abusive, but on the other hand I never wondered what it was he expected from me."

Reaching for my hands she continued looking at our hands instead of my face, "John, if you're going to live here long term I need the same thing from you, I need a husband, I need you to tell me how you want things done." She paused then looked into my eyes. "In every way."

My eyes were wide as I answered, "In every way mom? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. From my point of view the only difference between me and any other woman is that I birthed you, and since that love for each other has always existed why would I not want to please you in every way? Why would I not want to do whatever it is you need as long as you aren't mean about it?"

I smiled at her, "With that in mind mother, I want you to put the embroidery aside and snuggle with me while I think about all you've told me. Come, let me hold you."

She sat in my arms as we watched another episode of the latest series we had been viewing, she seemed content and at peace with herself. When I went to get up I kissed her on the forehead, she grabbed my arm.

"That was a lame kiss. Can't you do any better than that?"

I bent and kissed her softly on the lips as I held her chin up with my forefinger. Pulling back she smiled.

"That was much better, thank you."

We didn't talk about it again for a few days, I was beginning to assert myself more though and she seemed to revel in it. Not that she didn't know what to do in most given situations, she was nobodies mindless robot, she simply wanted to do it the way I desired. It was mostly things like which dress did I like best, was I pleased with how she'd done her hair, did I prefer makeup or not, what color lipstick did I like. She began asking each morning what I might like for supper, I would tell her, if we had it she would make it, if not it was put on the grocery list.

A late season lightning/thunderstorm was playing havoc with my mind as it rolled through our valley just after one in the morning. The claps of lightning followed by the heavy rumbles of thunder sounded too much like what I thought I'd left in Afghanistan. I was thrashing around when I suddenly became aware of mom sliding under the covers telling me to scoot over. Laying in my arms with her hand slowing moving back and forth across my chest she would stop and gently tug on the hairs before resuming, as she was doing that she was humming the tune I'd heard in the kitchen frequently of late. The warmth and softness of her body pressed into mine along with her gentle movements seemed to have a calming effect on me, as I felt her move to get out of bed I put my arm around her shoulders.Stay mom, stay in bed with me."

"But honey I only have this thin nightie on."

I lifted her chin and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, "I know, I like the feel of your body against mine, stay here with me. You told me a few weeks ago that you needed me to be your husband, to tell you what I wanted, I'm not asking mom, I'm telling you, stay in bed with me."

She instantly pushed against me once more, this time lifting her leg and swinging it across my abdomen, her breasts smooshed into my side and the hand that had been rubbing my chest was now resting at the base of my neck. She sighed and breathed deep.

"Goodnight John, I love you."

When we awoke it wasn't the typical story line of me having a hardon pressed firmly between her ass cheeks, we woke in roughly the same position we'd gone to sleep. She whispered good morning and went to her room, I put on chore clothes and made my way outside, telling her to wear the pretty yellow floral print house dress. When I came in from chores the aroma that greeted my nostrils was heavenly, if there was one thing my mother excelled at it was cooking. Not a bunch of fancy 'food snob' meals, just simple down to earth comfort food, food that stayed with you throughout the morning.

While doing dishes I complimented her on not only the dress but the way she'd done her hair, putting my hand on her shoulder slowly spinning her around for a 360 view I smiled,

"You look great mom, you're so pretty. That dress looks good on you."

I was about to walk out for work when mom came into the mud room in work clothes, jeans, blouse, baseball hat with a ponytail out the back and a bandana about her neck. I smiled when I saw her, pulled her to me once her boots were on and said softly.

"I much prefer you in that dress, but those cows won't know the difference so it doesn't matter, mom, I want you to wear that dress for supper and do your hair like you had it this morning. Oh, mom, one more thing, wear some nylons with that dress, I like the looks of a woman's legs in hose."

Stepping forward she leaned in and kissed me on the lips, "I have some silk hose I haven't worn since your father died, I'll wear those, and don't you be late, I'm making enchiladas. John? Do you find me attractive at my age?"

I reached behind and patted her bottom through the jeans and whispered, "Extremely."

I was now at the stage where I was beginning to see my mother as more of a woman than a maternal figure, though her curves were older and certainly not as firm as they had been twenty years prior, I liked what I saw. I found myself thinking of her more and more in a sensual way and it was starting to freak me out. It was not uncommon for me to be semi-hard sitting on the caterpillar thinking of her soft kisses and womanly assets. I wondered to myself, if I did as she asked and told her that I desired her in a sensual manner would she become upset and ask me to leave? Or would she willingly acquiesce and let me be the lover she wanted and needed? After all, she said she wanted me to be a husband to her, I had a difficult decision to make.

Walking in for supper I was pleasantly surprised, mom was in the floral dress with what appeared to be awfully expensive hose and as a special treat, she'd dressed without a bra. The nipples were pronounced as they hardened against the fabric of the dress, her breasts swung slightly from side to side as she moved. I mentally determined she was not playing fair, my dick was beginning to harden. She'd left the top button open which revealed a small amount of cleavage, something she had never done before, it became apparent to me that no matter what mental dilemma I might be going through she had reached a decision. In time I was going to be her lover.

She had just begun washing dishes when I stood behind her, with my hands on her hips I leaned forward smelling her hair. I slid my hands straight up and cupped her breasts from behind, holding them as though they were fine china that might easily break. Turning to look at me her arms were bent at the elbow, hands turned upward and dishwater dripping off her elbows onto the floor.

"John, do you like my breasts? Do they feel good or are they disgusting to you?"

"I love them mom, I have from the first night you came into my room and your body was silhouetted against the moonlight, I could see them through your nightie. I would love to suck on your hard nipples and leave love marks all over your tits mom."

"John, all you have to do is say the word, I'm yours, just tell me what you want."

I chuckled, "Right now I want one of your soft kisses and then we need to do these dishes."

The evening was normal up until it was time for bed, as we walked down the hall I stopped her, "I want you in my bed tonight, in just panties, no nightie."

"I understand honey, panties and no nightie, you'll need to keep me warm then."

Fifteen minutes later she was standing next to my bed in a robe, dropping the robe there stood my aged mother, her tits were as I'd seen in the moonlight. Full and a bit droopy but still possessing firmness, they had a ski slope shape with hard nipples pointed almost upward. Her panties were the bright white full brief variety, they weren't tight, the mons pushed out more than normal and I could see a few dark hairs sticking out the leg holes. Her bush looked to be thick and wide, just as I liked them, I turned off the lamp as she settled in next to me.

I didn't do more than feel her breasts for a bit before we settled in for the night, this time her pelvis was pressed tight to my hip, the warmth radiated off her pussy onto my leg, it was making me hard but I had a plan. This was going to be gradual, by the time I instituted anything more sexual than foreplay she would be more than ready to give herself to me completely. She fell asleep right away, it was me who was left with the thought that I would literally be a motherfucker if I pursued things in the manner we had spoken about. When I woke it was to her hips rocking gently against my thigh, I could barely sense it as I realized her hand was on my semi-hard cock, it was just there, she wasn't stroking or squeezing, she had ahold of my cock through my underwear and that was it. With her face next to mine she whispered.

"You're so much bigger than your father. When will you let me see it?"

"Soon mother, very soon."

"How long is it Johnny?"

"I don't know mom, I never measured it, probably about seven inches."

"Oooo, I like the sound of that, don't wait too long hon, I need to feel like a wife again."

She let go of my dick, got onto all fours and lowered a nipple directly to my lips. Opening my mouth I sucked in hard making her body shiver. She lifted, put the other nipple in my mouth and let me suck, aminute later she lifted and giggled.

"You sucked just as hard as a baby, I guess some things never change. Come on, it's time we get started, daylight is slipping away."

As she was putting her robe back on I stopped her, "Mom, I want you to buy some different panties and I'll help you trim the edges of your pussy so the hair doesn't stick out the legs."

She smiled, I asked why she was smiling, "Pussy, I like that name, your father always called it a cunt and made me feel like a whore. You can call it my pussy all the time if you want. Saturday when we go into town to shop let's go to the mall and I'll get some sexier panties, I know a nice lingerie shop. Would you like me to get new bras as well?"

"Everything mom, panties, bras, stockings, I'll pay for all of it."

I'd no more than spoken when she said, "Garter belts and silk stockings. My mom wore those and I always wanted some, your dad said they were too expensive ." With her arms around my neck she kissed me and stood back. "I want to be the sexiest thing you've ever seen, I'll wear whatever you want me to John, anything as long as you don't make me look like a slut in public."

"That's not gonna happen mom, people know you as a wholesome woman and that's the way it will remain outside our home. Behind these doors I want you to be my sex kitten, not my slave, my kitten."

"I'll be anything you want sweetheart, but please don't wait, I've held these desires inside so long I feel like I'm ready to burst. I'm ready for you to be my husband whenever you are, and I don't care if I'm your mother, I wouldn't trust my body with anyone but you."

When I came in for breakfast she was dressed for the day in farm clothes, we ate breakfast and did the dishes. Standing at the back door she put her arms around my neck and kissed me hard, prior to that they'd always been relatively short very soft kisses, not this one, as her tongue touched my lips I let her explore my mouth. Pushing me away she grinned,

"I don't want you to forget why you should come home right away, have a good day dear, I love you."

As she walked past me out the door I slapped her ass making her squeal and giggle, she shook her ass at me. Looking over her shoulder she smiled as she talked.

"You know, a little spanking can be exciting, think about it. See you for supper."

Wanting to surprise her I stopped on the way home for a bouquet of her favorite flower, Gladiolas, which were typically only available at this time of year. Walking in with the flowers behind my back I was mesmerized by her beauty, turning she looked at me and smiled.

"I can't get over how handsome you are, all five foot eleven inches of you, if ever there was a dapper dan it's certainly you. What's behind your back?"

"Not so fast mother, you first need to pay the delivery charges."

She had a broad smile as she spoke, "And what pray tell might that be?"

"You, with your arms around my neck and your lips on mine."

She had on the dress I'd told her to wear, her hair was coiffed, makeup done in a manner that softly enhanced her features, I noticed sheer black hose and wondered what she had holding them up. She was no Grace Kelly, but she could still hold her own. As she sashayed to me she swished her hips a bit more than normal, standing in front of me she pressed her body tight to mine, looked up and pulled my head down for a kiss that could melt butter.

With her being a few inches shorter than my five eleven she was on tip toes, I felt her hips push forward as I embraced her. Running my free hand down over her butt I was intrigued that there was no garter belt, sliding my hand down further I felt the strap, she'd gotten a pair of garter panties without me knowing it. I cupped and squeezed her cheek and then pushed her back slightly.

"Are you wearing what I think you're wearing?"

She pushed back stepping away from me, turned sideways and lifted her dress so I could see her thigh and butt and not the front. She was wearing dark blue silk hip hugger garter panties, the straps running down to the clips holding her stockings. My dick twitched, I wanted to haul it out on the spot and tell her to suck me dry, and she would have, but that would be another day after I'd gotten her used to me being the one to tell her what I wanted sexually as she had told me she desired.

"Turn and lift the dress, I want to see the front."

It was as impressive as the back except for the pubic hairs escaping through the leg holes. moving her hands along the V of her panties she looked into my eyes longingly as she spoke.

"I was going to trim, but I want you to do it, you can shave me if you want but I don't like it, however I want my pussy to be the way you want it to look. Can we do that after supper, now, what's behind your back?"

When I presented her with the Glad's I thought she was going to cream her panties on the spot, sobbing and happy at the same time. Saying nothing she quickly turned to the sink, dug around underneath for a large vase and began arranging the flowers. She turned to me and smiled like I hadn't seen her smile in decades.

"You go wash up for supper, it'll be on the table in five minutes, come here, let me kiss you again." When our kiss was done she reached between us and held my semi hard dick though my jeans.

"I know this is sudden, but I want this tonight, I don't want to wait any longer, I need you John ... inside me, putting your seed inside me, make me your lover. I need you to claim mama's pussy as your own, it once belonged to your late daddy, but it's yours now if you want it."

Reaching down I grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it, I cupped her pussy sliding two fingers along the gusset, most women her age don't have a lot of vaginal lubricating secretions so her panties weren't as wet as they would be if she were younger, but the damp heat emitting from her pussy was undeniable.

I whispered to her, "Mom I can hardly wait to bury my face in that hairy beaver of yours. Do we have to eat first? Can't I just lay you on the table and eat you instead?"

What followed was music to my ears, "I'm yours John, tell me what you want and I'll do it."

"I'm going to take my dirty jeans off, you clear the table and when I return I want you seated on that chair fully dressed except the heels."

When I returned five minutes later she had just sat down, I stood in front of her in my sweats. I told her to remove my pants and when she did my cock sprang free, she pulled back and gasped, then moved her head toward me.

"Oh John, it's bigger than I'm used to. I don't know if I can get it all the way in but I'll try."

I lifted her chin, "Suck my cock, take it as far in as you can without gagging, open your dress, I want to see your tits."

She slurped and played at first, it seemed like she was trying to remember exactly what to do, finally pulling off and looking up into my eyes she asked.

"Can I have your cum in my mouth? I want to taste you, I want your cum in my belly, please John, fill my mouth with cum."

I nodded as I guided her mouth back to my dick, her mouth opened and her lips locked on my rod, it took no time at all for her to be in full cock sucking mode. She was doing things to my dick that I'd never felt before, things that made my entire abdomen quiver and tingle, as my dick began to swell I heard her hum mm,hmm over and over. I came so hard it was running out one nostril as she coughed and sputtered, swallowing as much as possible, I could hear her literally gulp a few times. With my cock now soft and cleaned up she sat back looking at me as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"That was what I needed John, it was so powerful and it tastes better than your dad's, sorry I couldn't get it all in, I'll keep trying."

It was now my turn, "Stand and face me, lift the dress to your waist, sit on the table, now lay back with your legs alongside your body."

As she lay back she seemed timid, "What's the matter Ellen?" I had never called her by her first name but it seemed appropriate at the time.

With a half-smile I could see her cheeks flush red, "I've never had this done, your dad refused even though he wanted me to blow him. I'm a little embarrassed knowing you're going to be licking between my legs."

"Relax, I won't be licking where the pee comes from, I'll be licking the labia and clit, just lay back and let me unsnap these garter straps, now lift so I can slide these panties off."

I left the stockings on as I leaned forward with my face directly above her mons, pushing forward until my nose was in her greying bush. Moving side to side I sniffed deeply taking in her musky yet floral aroma, whatever soap she was washing with I liked it. I sat and slid my arms under her thighs taking hold of her hips while pulling her to my mouth, as my warm breath met her vulva she shivered slightly and stated softly, "Oh my gosh John, oh my gosh."

As I moved down toward the bottom and planted my tongue over the opening to her vagina I felt her fingers curl through my hair, softly caressing as I slid my tongue from bottom to top stopping just beneath the clitoral hood. Staring straight ahead I could see her clit wanting to peek out for me to lick, instead I moved down and began ministering to her vulva. I softly sucked the outer lips and then poked my tongue into the inner labia. Her hips jumped and bucked as her hands held my face tightly to her pussy, I hadn't touched her clit yet and she'd already had an orgasm, this was going to be an exciting adventure, one my mom definitely deserved.

I opened my mouth in a large O and placed it directly over her clit hood where I slid it open with my pointed tongue and attacked her clit, circling it, flicking it, searching for her hot spot finding it on the left side. Her clit was hard as a marble and easily as big, I licked and sucked lightly as her hips rose and fell seemingly on their own. I had licked more than a pussy or five in the past but I had never enjoyed one as much as this. At the sexy age of 54 my mom was rocking my world as she came over and over, gushing onto my face, my cheeks and chin were shiny with her juices, her pussy nectar was running off my chin.

As she screamed my name she pushed my head away, "No more, no more, it's too sensitive, please stop John."

I was sitting on the chair looking at her quivering pulsating pussy as though it was beckoning to me when she raised up onto her elbows and smiled. She beckoned with her finger, standing and leaning forward she sat up holding my face in her hands as she kissed me deeply, sucking on my tongue and lips.

"I like the taste of me, but I think I've earned a little more than you eating me, don't you? Uh huh, time to slide that monster inside me Johnny, make me your wife, blast your cum so deep inside me that I'll drip for a day."


As I lay on the table I found myself wondering how we'd gone from me comforting him after a nightmare to me now telling him I needed his dick and spewing cum inside me. Him licking me to an orgasm I had never experienced before was wonderfully enlightening, him making love to me would seal the deal. Guilt wanted to overtake me to no avail, I was going to be John's wife, his love mate, his everything in the bedroom, simply put, I was going to be his.

As he hovered over me I couldn't stop myself from grabbing his fat dick and cramming it inside my unused pussy, I needed to feel him stretch me, to fill me. It had been over ten years since a cock had invaded my vagina, that was about to end. I sucked in a deep breath as his cock pushed in, the head opening the way for the rest of his cock to follow, he was touching places inside my pussy I didn't remember existing. The stimulation continued to grow as he fucked me. I was overflowing with excitement as I thought about feeling his glorious long, wide, cut cock eventually twitch, swell, and unload all the sperm his body could muster.

My old Kegel muscles hadn't been used in years but I was still going to milk his cock to the best of my ability, I wanted every drop of his seed in me, deep in me. Maybe he would take me from behind after supper, how I loved being rammed doggy style, to feel his hips slam against my ass cheeks, my tits would be swinging when he came and my body would go into orgasmic overload. He would make me his in a few minutes, something I was more than ready for, as well as desired.


I commenced to do just as she'd asked, pushing her backward I moved my cock into position, before I could grab hold of it she had, moving it up and down through her secretions and then grabbing it like you would a pole she jammed it into her pussy. As she let go her legs immediately lifted and her heels dug into my ass pulling me tighter, with me about halfway in the pressure on her heels stopped as she looked at me. I remained still, thinking about how true it was that a vagina is elastic in nature, she hadn't had so much as a finger inside her for ten years and though she'd given birth to two kids she was as tight as a virgin. With her pussy clamped around my dick so tight it almost hurt she smiled before she spoke.You're much bigger than your daddy was, you're at least an inch longer and half again as big around, my pussy is stretched more than a cock has ever done before. You fill me so completely, mama hasn't had a cock in her for a decade, I can take it all, it's so big you'll need to go slow at first. Once I'm loosened you can pound as hard as you like, I like it hard sometimes, after supper I want it doggy."

Pulling back I see sawed in and out of her the next few minutes going just a bit deeper with each stroke, when she reached down and grabbed my ass cheeks pulling me completely inside her she moaned and gave a loud UGH as our pubic hair mingled. I stayed fully embedded, my skin against her skin as I reveled in the sensational feeling, somehow I wasn't committing incest with my mother, I was making love to and claiming the woman I intended to be with. She moved her ass a little side to side as though she was adjusting when she opened her eyes.

With her hands still on my ass holding me tightly she whispered, "Fuck me Johnny, give me everything you have, fill me with your cream."

Loosening her grip on my ass she moved her hands to my hips as I stroked slowly in and out of her, at one point she lifted up to look at my cock going in and out, smiled and lay back down with a perpetual grin. She began to push her hips up to meet my strokes and was making little *uh* sounds every time my body pushed against her, as I increased in pace her upward thrusts did as well, we were in perfect synchronization when I felt her body stiffen. Her legs raised up and her body quivered, listening to her made me harder and determined to finish with stamina, I didn't want the first time to be over too quickly.

"MMM, Johnny I'm cumming, oh baby this is so good, you make mama's pussy feel so good. Give me your juice John, cum in me."

"That's only the first Ellen, only the first. I'll make sure you have at least two more before I cum inside you. Your pussy is so tight mom."

With those words I felt her begin to try tightening her vaginal walls even more along with pushing up into every thrust as though her life depended on it. I could feel the head open her and then the walls instantly grabbing the shaft providing me with so much stimulation I wondered if my promise of two more orgasm's may have been premature. I had my hands on either side of her chest, her hands were clutching my wrists when suddenly she gripped me so tightly I was sure she'd leave bruises.

Her head rolled back, her mouth was wide open with no sound, her hips convulsing under me. I slowed my rhythm as she went through the second climax, when her breathing became less erratic I picked up the pace driving into her with abandon. My pelvis was coated in her fluids, there was a white ring of lather around the base of my cock and she was beginning to moan loudly with every thrust, grabbing my wrists tightly a second time she cried out.

"Now Johnny, now, cum in me now. Cum with me John, cum with meeeeeeee..."

As her body shook she pulled me into her body with her legs and held me tight against her pussy lips as I shot what felt like a cup of sperm into her warm inviting vagina, the very place I had passed through some twenty eight years prior. A fact I cared nothing about at the moment, mom's body was still shaking and quivering as I laid forward over her body gently holding her. Between gasps I softly kissed her while whispering Ellen over and over. With a hand on either side of my face she pulled me down for a soft affectionate kiss, our lips felt like they had melted together, she kept whispering, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Standing up my cock dropped out letting a stream of our combined juices dribble onto the floor between my feet. She wanted to get up, I put my hand on her shoulder holding her in place, "Lay back mom, I'll get a warm cloth and clean our mess."

With a warm wet washcloth I gently wiped away the residue of our first love making, when she was cleaned I reached for her hands slowly lifting her into a sitting position where she put her arms around my neck holding me tightly. I gently unclasp her arms from around me and wiped up the puddle on the floor, standing I scooted her sideways, cradled her in my arms as I picked her up and walked to her bedroom. Knowing she liked bubble baths I set her on the bed telling her to stay there while I started to fill the tub, returning I took her hands lifting her to her feet.

"You look tired, let me undress you and I'll help you into the tub."

She quickly grabbed me about the neck and stood tight to my body, "John, we just made love and I wanted it to happen. Are you okay with it, are you sorry we did?"

"No mom, I have no regrets whatsoever, you told me you wanted to be a wife, I want you to be as a wife unto me, we'll need to be careful in public, but in our home I intend to ravish your body as much as you can withstand. I will make love to you, I will eat you, I will spoil you with attention and love, no one will take your place unless you tell me you no longer want to be my lover."

Kissing me she leaned back, "And I will suck your cock whenever you want, my pussy will always be available to you if I'm able, and if that doesn't work we can try other things. I'll cook and take care of your every need John, just please don't ever leave me, now take my clothes off and put me in the bubble bath. I love you."

Considering the top of her dress was open it took nothing to undo the last few buttons and slide the dress onto the floor leaving her in the French hose she'd bought online. Sitting her on the bed I slowly unrolled each leg, draped them over the chair and went to my knees wrapping my lips first around one nipple and then the other. She cooed and softly massaged my scalp as she ran her fingers through my hair. Standing I picked her up cradle style and carried her to the bathroom where I sat her on the vanity. Considering the marble was chilly she jumped a little.

"Why am I on the vanity John? It's chilly on my bottom."

Then she looked to her left and saw the hair trimming scissors lying with a small fine comb, with a smile on her face she opened her legs. I trimmed along the V of her thighs not touching the sparse bits of hair along the labia, when I was done I kissed her mons and then the labia, picking her up I slowly lowered her into the hot bubble bath. While she was in the tub I found her body lotion and laid out some towels on the bed, I made short work of stripping my remaining articles of clothes and went to retrieve mom. Picking her up the water ran down the front of me causing both of us to shiver.

I wrapped the dry towels around her as I lay her down and then softy rubbed her dry, with that accomplished I squirted lotion on my hands and began to softly rub it onto her body little by little from head to toe. I took extra time on her breasts and along the apex of her thighs, when my fingers brushed against the vulva her legs opened, I pushed them closed scolding her for being a naughty girl. Looking at me with longing she took my hands in hers.

"I'll be your naughty or dirty girl anytime you want me John, like right now, slide your cock down my throat and then take me from behind."

She scooted across the bed so her head was hanging over the edge, as I rounded the end of the bed her mouth was wide open, I slowly pushed my cock in and out of her mouth until she could take it all, to my surprise she took over by grabbing the back of my thighs. She was pulling me all the way into her mouth with almost every stroke, I had never been sucked like that and quite frankly, I loved it. With my cock hard as a steel pole she pulled back, quickly spun so her ass was pointed directly at me, her chest was on the bed, her face sideways on a pillow and her ass in the air like she didn't care.

I took hold of her hips and pushed through the labia into her vagina, damn she was tight, even after the reaming I gave her on the kitchen table she was still tight enough to provide more sensation than I thought possible. Her cunt was squeezing and hugging my dick like a well-made velvet glove, I wasn't going to last long like this, she lifted onto her arms and turned her head looking at me in the dresser mirror. I was burying my cock with every thrust, in a matter of four or five strokes her lovely 36D's were swinging in rhythm with me pushing forward and her pushing back to meet my thrust.

Who would have thought watching her tits swing could be such a fuckin turn on, my balls were boiling, I could feel the volcano wanting to burst as I called out.

"I'm gonna cum, I can't hold back any more mom, I need to cum."

"Cum in me Johnny, cum in Ellen's pussy, push deep and I'll cum with you."

I clamped tight to her hips and slammed one last time into her love channel holding my body tight to hers as spurt after spurt rocketed inside her. Through the sound of my wheezing and groans I could hear her squealing and saying "I can feel it, I love it Johnny", as she pushed her ass back into my pelvis wiggling her ass and pumping her hips up and down. When my cock stopped twitching and dribbling the last of my semen I let go of her hips allowing her to fall forward onto her tummy, her legs were open a few inches and I could see a small trail of sperm leaking, trickling downward across her clit.

Watching that made my cock instantly hard, moving forward I lifted her hips and slowly slid my cock back into the warmth of her well lubricated puss, she moaned slightly and arched her back as much as she could, allowing me to bottom out the first stroke. I grabbed a pillow, slid it under her abdomen and stroked with slowness and passion, she began to tremble within five minutes which brought me to a climax that was anything but big, yet satisfying. Pulling back I sat on my haunches watching the opening of her vagina move slightly in and out.

I was whipped, my balls were empty, I was out of breath and wondering if my 54-year-old mother had just out-fucked her 28-year-old son. I really didn't care, helping her stand she cupped her pussy trying to stem the flow of sperm running out of her, sitting on the toilet we could hear the plop, plop of thick creamy cum dropping into the water. I was standing in front of her, she looked up, smiled, put my cock in her mouth and twirled her tongue around it a few times before letting go.

"Boy, you had a lot of warm creamy stuff for me didn't you? I loved every shot you put inside me, I could feel it hit my cervix as it filled my pussy. Are you done honey, did I milk your balls dry? You can fuck me again if you want, I'm sore but I can take it if you need me some more."

"No mom, my dick feels like it's gonna fall off, I can't believe how tight you are and I have never ever cum three times in a row, much less in a three-hour time span. I have a feeling you're going to be all the woman I could want."

She sighed as her she hugged around my waist, "Thank you, I needed to hear you say that. I noticed you called me Ellen, I like that, I want to be Ellen when we're alone, in town I'll need to be mom, but at home with your cock buried inside me I want to be Ellen, your Ellen."

I was washing my groin handing her the washcloth when I was finished, she indicated she expected me to be in her bed that night and hereafter, I watched her slip on pair of pretty red silk panties thin enough to see through and one of my tee shirts, I'd wondered where that went. I'd gone to my room for some underwear, when I walked back in she had the quilt turned open and was wiggling her finger in a come-hither fashion. Lying snuggled tight to my body she was once again running her fingers across my chest, twiddling with and tugging the hairs lightly.

"Johnny, if you need more pussy through the night just wake me and I'll spread my legs."

"Dear me no, like I said, my dick is well used and needs a rest, my balls are empty and it hurts to pee I'm so thoroughly fucked. No mom, there'll be no more loving tonight, and maybe not tomorrow night either."

Thus began a new season of our lives. She would meet me at the back door every evening when I came in, usually in a dress, or skirt and blouse, it wasn't unusual for her to be in hose with a belt. She would plant a mouthwatering kiss on my lips, grab one of my hands with hers and put it tight to her mons where she'd push against it, then move it to a breast while she ground into me. She'd pull back and tell me to wash up, supper would be on the table in five minutes. She was spoiling me as much as I was spoiling her with flowers, little pieces of nicer jewelry and pampering her every way I knew, beauty parlor, the occasional spa day and cards just out of the blue.

I dressed her in nice clothes, she was always on the hunt for sexy items to wear for me, her biggest surprise for me was the crotchless panties, never in a million years would I have thought I'd fuck my mom in crotchless panties. A handful of times she had met me sitting on a chair just inside the mudroom entry where she'd undo my pants, haul out my cock and suck me dry before supper. Always with a smile as she'd wipe her mouth with the back of her hand and tell me to wash for supper.

She'd completely stopped wearing the big baggy underwear of the past, it was now cute cotton bikini panties for everyday wear and chores, but she always changed into lingerie style panties and bras before I got home. I didn't see her as such but she had become my personal fuck toy, or as she put it one night after taking two heavy loads of sperm, my very own cum dump. With winter rapidly approaching it was time to put the snowplow on the 750 and teach mom how to run it, we had contracts with three large stores in town for snow removal.

The way we figured it mom could push snow from the lot to the far side where I would use the backhoe to pile it at one of the corners. The city would use their big payloaders to remove the large piles from the lots so there was always room for the next snowfall. When the first snowstorm happened things went as we had thought they would, we started at four in the morning and had all three lots cleared by ten AM. After loading the backhoe on the trailer, we decided to hit our favorite local diner before going home, what happened while we were there wasn't something we had thought of much less anticipated.

Walking to our table was a guy named Willy, he was a year behind mom in school and had always had a thing for her even after she'd married. I stood to shake his hand which he ignored.

"Hi Ellen, you about ready to go out with me now, been over five years since your old man kicked the bucket. I'd imagine a woman handsome as you are would be getting pretty horny right about now."

I saw the hurt and fury in mom's eyes and before she could respond I told him to apologize and move on, to which he turned and pushed against my chest. I'd had enough.

"You don't want to do that Willy, just walk away."

"Hey fuck you sonny boy, you think because you're home your mom don't need nobody else. She needs a man in her life, not some wimp like you."

As mom stood I grabbed his neck and squeezed, punched him in his flabby gut and let him fall to the floor onto his face. Mom stood, tossed a twenty on the table and yelled thanks to Betty the owner, then leaned over Willy speaking to the mass of hurt on the floor.

"This young man is ten times the man you'll ever be Willy, I'll thank you kindly to never address me again. And you're right, I do need a man in my life, I have one in John and he's all I need at this moment."

Several of the old timers applauded, Willy was one of the town bullies, those who stood up to him were few and far between, I just changed that. When my fist sunk into his soft beer belly I knew he was nothing more than hot air. I took mom's hand and led her through the door where she immediately took my arm, which soon became stock and trade with us, her holding onto my arm. In the truck mom cried a bit before cursing Willy.

I smiled, "Mother, do I need to wash your mouth out?"

With an even bigger smile she replied, "Only if it's the kind you so lovingly shoot down my throat, that I wouldn't mind at all. If that damned console wasn't in the way I'd lean over and drain your balls on the way home, then make you screw me when we got there."

At home we cleared our driveway and went inside to rest, lying on the bed half naked she whispered to me.

"If you need to cum I can make that happen, I don't want my boy to have blue balls."

"I don't think so, I'm alright."

She smiled, "I'm not, take my panties off and eat me, then ram your cock all the way to the hilt from behind. Come on, you're a young stud, breed me."

I did as she asked, finishing with her flat on her tummy with a foam wedge beneath her abdomen pushing her delectable pussy up at the perfect angle for me to pound the hell out of her, when she came she screamed and her body shook from head to toe. I looked back as she was in the throes of an orgasm and noticed her toes were curled so tight they appeared white at the joints. Knowing I hadn't cum she flipped over and lifted her legs so she they were on my shoulders, a position we both loved and I always came when I pile drove her hungry grey haired pussy.

We had gotten through Thanksgiving and were looking forward to Christmas when the next surprise occurred. My older sister called to say they wanted to bring their kids to grandmas for the holiday. That was okay except we wouldn't be able to sleep together or fuck the five days they were visiting. When my sister Irene got there it was obvious within the first hour that something was bothering her, mom finally cornered her in the kitchen.

"What's going on with you Irene? You're like a cat on a hot tin roof."

"Well mom, I think the question should be what's going on with you? John's sleeping across the hall from your bedroom instead of upstairs where his room used to be. Innocent or not it doesn't look good."

I was nursing a cup of coffee in the dining area as they talked, I could hear it all crystal clear, her hubby and the kids were outdoors riding sleds down the east pasture hill. I was impressed with mother's composure, she didn't suck air or make any discomforting sounds, she addressed Irene quite clearly.

"Your brother John takes care of me. He made sure all the mechanicals were brought up to date, the kitchen remodeled, new energy efficient windows were installed and he established a business I help with. The way I see it is this, if he wants to sleep on the first floor instead of trudging those steps every night who am I to object? We get along just fine."

Irene stuttered and stammered a minute and then blurted out, "I saw your undies on the rack in the laundry room, when did you begin wearing lingerie stuff? Don't you think you're a bit old for that?"

Mom started to laugh, "I guess I need to ask why you felt you needed to go into the laundry room? All your rooms are elsewhere in the house. As for my panties and bras, yes, I do have some lingerie, but I hope you also took note of the cotton panties and bras I wear for every day."

"But mom, they're bikini and boy shorts panties, the bras are almost see through, surely at your age that's a bit unusual."

"Young lady I'm 55, not 75, and no I don't think it's unusual in the slightest, have you considered I might have a lover?"

I could hear Irene gasp, "What? You have a lover? When did this come about and why am I just now hearing about it?"

Mother chuckled, "First off, I don't need your permission nor anyone else's if I decide to have a lover, who, since you're so damned nosy, loves me in sexy undies. As for why didn't I tell you? Because I knew you'd freak out just as you are now. Irene you guys are here to visit grandma and celebrate Christmas, why don't you leave it at that. I'll make sure my lover doesn't stop around while you're here."But what if I want to meet him mother? Have you ever thought of that?"

I could hear the anger beginning to arise in mom's voice, "Quite frankly Irene I don't give a care in this world what you may want to know regarding my lover. If I spoke his name you would know him instantly but I'm not going to, so leave this alone. Do you understand?"

Stomping out of the kitchen Irene stopped at my chair, "How can you let this go on? You're supposed to be looking out for her."

As much as I wanted to laugh in her face I maintained my composure, "She's a big girl sis, she doesn't need you or me to interfere in her life."

"Oh, and I suppose you're just fine with it then?"

I was smiling a mile wide inside but kept a stern look externally, "I think it's great, I'm happy for her."

The next few days went by without incident, the kids had a wonderful time sledding and playing in the snow, Christmas Eve we had soups and fresh bread for the evening meal, a long-time tradition for our family. The kids got to open one gift before being ushered off to sleep, mom, Irene, her hub and I played cards until just after eleven when we all turned in knowing the kids would be up by six at the latest. I wasn't asleep yet when I heard my bedroom door open softly, looking toward it I saw mom in a black baby doll nightie and what appeared to be nothing else. Crawling into bed she reached and took hold of my cock standing at full mast.

"I need this John, I'll be quiet I promise. Do me doggy and I'll bury my face in a pillow."

With her on hands and knees I lifted the nightie and slowly pushed into her. Though her vaginal walls had loosened some through time to readily accommodate my fat cock she was still tight enough to send fireworks through my loins as I pushed trying to reach bottom. Pulling back after half depth I pushed and this time my pelvis hit her sweet ass. I kept it slow and easy so as not to make noise when we came together, her moans and loud AH'S were muffled by the pillow as I clenched my teeth and hissed through them. Her pussy was still sucking and I wanted to nail it again but knew we might be pushing our luck. Lying in my arms she begged me to fuck her again, it had been two days.

"We need to hold off Ellen, we're pushing our luck doing it tonight, they leave in another two days, I'll ride you hard then."

"Do you promise Johnny, you'll ride me hard. Can I have it ankles over your shoulders? You cum so good like that and I want to be full of your spunk. Can we do it on my tummy also? I really like how you pound my pussy in that position."

"You can have it any way you want, I love breeding you, if you weren't past childbearing age I'd want to put a baby in your tummy. Come on, let's get you back to bed."

In her room she tried to suck my cock, I had to turn her over my knee and give her one slap. I generally gave her six if we were in a spanking mood, then sat her up and put my hand in her gooey cunny.

She was pushing into me with her pussy, "Only one, you could finish it and fuck me to sleep."

"Stop it Ellen, no more cock tonight. I love you, Merry Christmas, see you in the morning."

The next two days seemed to go by quickly with all the noise and business of three kids below the age of ten, when Irene's crew drove out the driveway mom watched until they turned south onto County Road M headed for home. The moment the car turned right she spun with a look of lust in her eyes as she unbuttoned her dress.

"Get those damned clothes off and get into the bedroom, you promised we'd fuck as soon as they left, well, they're gone and I need you inside me.

It was just before one in the afternoon when we started and two forty-five when we collapsed completely worn out and sated. I did her ankles on shoulders, followed twenty minutes later with her sucking me back to hardness then quickly sliding the wedge beneath her tummy causing those swollen pussy lips to push past her thighs waiting for me to split them wide open. Forty minutes later it was me waking her with my cock buried deep in her vagina as she woke. Wrapping her legs around my waist we moved back and forth with the precision of two people who'd been together for some time. With another quivering quaking climax we lay sprawled on the cum soaked sheets pulling the blanket over us as we dozed.

She and I made it through three more storms before winter ended, having new windows and high efficiency equipment made it a pleasure to snuggle in for the evening. No more drafty windows and doors, no more worn out heating equipment trying to keep up, we spent as much time in the bedroom as we did outside it, or so it seemed. Truth of the matter is we made love a minimum of three times a week that first winter, as the years have passed it has decreased to a minimum of two times a week. I still surprise her with flowers and cards and jewelry, she still surprises me with blow jobs in the mud room, sexy new lingerie and recently she surprised me with a shaved pussy and the words 'Ankles and Shoulders' tattooed where the pubic hair would cover when it grew back.

I pounded into her like a jack hammer that night, she acted like she couldn't get enough of the rough treatment so I nailed her again in the morning, after that she told me she was too swollen and sore to fuck anymore that day. Our lives carried on in this manner until she was 63 when life dealt us an unwanted blow, ovarian cancer which took her from me in less than a year. For nine years we'd been John and mom to all those around us in public, behind closed doors she was my Ellen and I was her Johnny. I had her cremated in an adjacent city just in case someone saw the tattoo on her mons.

It's been almost six months since she left, I'm presently doing what she made me promise before she died, to find a woman who wants to settle down and have kids. I have my eye on the new middle school librarian, her name is Sandra, she's 31, single, cute and a little chubby, but then I like big tits and a vulva that's as thick as my thumb on either side of her vagina. I've had coffee with her several times, she's hinted that she's ready to expand our relationship and I'm ready to start ploughing fresh territory. I've caught glimpses of lace on her bras and I clearly saw the whale tail through one of her pair of super tight yoga pants, I'm just hoping she's got a nice bush to go with those thongs.

The fact that she's black makes it even more thrilling, the only long-term relationship I had in the Air Force had been with a black girl, maybe this relationship would work out as well as that one did. My plans are to have her in bed before school starts.