My son and I had always been close and we felt very comfortable with hugs, kisses and being in close proximity physically. Josh would even hold my hand when we walked together or put his arm around me when we were sitting on the sofa. Nothing about this was sexual, at least not for me. In retrospect, I don't know if Josh had any amorous feelings or not.

The first time Josh and I had more than a normal Mother and Son experience began when he was home on a visit from college. He was having girlfriend troubles. His girl broke up with him and he was lamenting about how hard it was to find a girl that was mature and didn't seem so shallow.

Anyway, he was feeling blue because he didn't have a date one weekend; so I thought I would try to cheer him up and asked if he would like to do to dinner and a movie with me. I said I would be happy to be his date for the night. He said that would be nice so we both got ready to go out. I put on a skirt and blouse. Although I always feel more comfortable wearing panties, I never wear a bra unless my top is transparent so it seemed very natural for me not to wear one that night.

Dinner was nice although I think I had too much wine, because I really felt mellow and warm. Josh was being a great date and very gentlemanly. He would open the car door and pull my chair out just like a nice boy would do for his dates. After dinner, Josh opened the car door and I swung my legs into the car. I saw him looking at my legs and realized that I must have flashed him accidentally as I got in the car. Oh well, nothing I could do about that, although I did feel a little excited about my son seeing his mother's panties. My dress had risen up on my thighs and Josh seemed to intently watch them as he drove. Maybe it was the way the streetlights played on my flesh, but, I have to say it did seem very sensual.

We got to the theater and settled in our seats. It wasn't crowded at all and we had a whole row on the side to ourselves. During the show, he leaned into me and asked if I wanted anything to eat or drink. As he did, he put his arm around my shoulder. I told him no I was fine and leaned into him as it felt nice to snuggle up to him in the show.

At some point, I felt Josh's fingers on my bare flesh just inside the top of my blouse. My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest. I was excited but a little confused at the same time. So I let his hand stay where it was, as I didn't want to spoil the mood. Besides, it was innocent and probably an accident, I told myself.

But then I felt his fingers move lightly back and forth across the exposed swell of my breast. The movement was delicate, almost imperceptible. After a few minutes, I noticed his fingers were moving more. It was a sensual touch, almost tickling. It could still have been accidental. When I felt goose bumps spring up on my chest , I knew that I should stop him. However, I didn't want to embarrass him. He probably didn't even know that he was doing it anyway. It was just an innocent touch. However, the tingling I felt between my legs wasn't so innocent.

Josh's fingers grew bolder. The tips of his fingers moved further down my blouse. A fraction of an inch at a time and he would wait several minutes before going lower. My breathing increased. I wanted to stop him but for some unknown reason I couldn't respond. My heart and emotions as a mother were in a battle with the heart of a woman; a woman that had missed intimate touches for so long. I squirmed in my seat a little and could tell my panties were getting wet. Now there was no denying that my son was turning me on. When I felt Josh's fingers begin to move even further down, I reached up and grabbed his hand, preventing any further movement. However, I didn't take his fingers out of my top, but instead held them where they were, almost pressing them to my flesh.

I placed my other hand on his thigh and patted it. I was thinking that this would keep everything status quo and all would be innocent. As I touched Josh's thigh, he jerked a little and when I looked down it was obvious that he had an erection.

I held Josh's hand tightly, knowing that if he moved any lower he would be able to feel my nipple. I knew that my nipples were already hard from the excitement.

Then again, for reasons I still don't understand, I lessened my grip on Josh's hand. In a couple of minutes, I felt his fingers begin to move downward again. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel his fingers moving across the bumpy surface of my areola. Then they touched the tip of my swollen nipple. I was in a dream, so excited, so turned on and I didn't want the dream to stop. The wine and dark theater seemed to add a surreal sense to it all. As if, it wasn't really happening.

Josh played with my nipple. Very lightly, very gently as if he was thinking that it would still be something that was happening accidentally. I moved my hand a little on his thigh and felt the hardness of his penis at the tips of my fingers. Instead of moving my hand away, I left it there. I was too afraid to touch him any more and too excited to take my hand away. We stayed like that for the rest of the movie. Josh's hand on my breast and my fingers just barely touching his dick.

When the lights came up, we both moved our hands away and left the theater. We had a normal conversation going home, neither of us mentioning anything about what had taken place. Then he surprised me by asking me for another date. I said do you mean just like this one and he replied yes. I told him I would think about it and let him know.

The next week was strange. I had internal battles with myself over that happened with Josh. I'm his mother. I knew what I let him do was wrong; as it was for me to have found pleasure in it. But, one thing I can't hide is the fact that I enjoyed it and he did also.

That Thursday evening, Josh asked if I would like to go to the movies again. I started to tell him no, but, I couldn't get those words out of my mouth. Instead, I told him that would be nice and for him to pick the show for Friday night. I was very nervous and confused as the time drew near. I knew that what I was about to willingly do would take us to a place most mother and sons never go. But, I tried to rationalize that it could still be an innocent "game" with nothing overt happening. I assured myself that I could be strong and resist any temptations to let this go too far.

Even harder to explain is while I'm trying to rationalize my behavior, I put on a sundress that buttons all the way down the front. I left several buttons undone on the top and the buttons at the bottom undone to mid-thigh. Also, this time I left my panties off as well as my bra. I scolded myself for doing this but said it would just make the evening more exciting and naughty with me knowing that I wasn't wearing any underwear. I wasn't sure that anything would happen as it did last time, but, inside was aroused to think it might.

We arrived at the show and it was difficult to find a row that didn't have people already seated. So we had to sit next to another couple. The man was on one side of me, Josh on the other.

As the lights dimmed and the movie began, Josh placed his arm around my shoulder again and I snuggled close to him. It wasn't long until I felt his fingers begin their journey down my chest until they were on my nipple. I did not stop his movement at all. He played with my swollen nipple freely this time with no hesitation or attempt to make it seem accidental. I once again placed my hand on his thigh. This time he put his hand on mine and slowly moved it towards his dick. He placed it over his hardness and pressed my palm and fingers onto him. It was so hot. I could barely keep from moaning. But there were people around and I was afraid someone would see us.

I had brought a sweater with me in case the theater was too cold. Of course, being cold wasn't the problem. I was very hot. Josh took his arm from around me and took the sweater and placed it over our laps. He had his hand under the sweater and was fooling around with his crotch. I didn't know what he was doing until he took my hand again and moved it back over his cock. My fingers touched his naked dick. He had unzipped his pants and let his penis free. I now had my fingers wrapped around his naked cock. It felt so divine. While I'm dizzy with what I'm doing, I feel Josh's hand on my thigh. He begins to pull my dress away from my legs and puts his hand on the inside of my bare thigh. In response, almost involuntarily, I spread my legs as he moves higher. Oh my, I cant describe the sensation when I felt his fingers touch my pussy lips. I'm not sure if I climaxed or fainted, but I was in another world at that moment. His fingers began to move up and down my slit taking the wetness from my hole and lubricating his fingers and my clit. My hand began to massage his dick under the sweater. I glanced to see if the man next to us was aware of what we were doing.

I can't say for sure. I don't think it really mattered at that point. I tried to stroke Josh's cock as best I could without being too obvious. Josh had placed a finger at my pussy opening and began its slow drive into me. Very slowly, letting the wetness of my pussy flow around his finger, which allowed it an even deeper penetration. He withdrew and then inserted two fingers in me. When his digits were in my pussy as far as they would go, he left them there and wiggled his fingers against my G-spot. I put my head and face into his shoulder and shuttered with a climax. I wanted to scream and moan, but, couldn't in the theater. In some ways, this made it even more intense as I had to control my body's natural urges to convulse and thrust my hips in the air. I put my hand under the sweater and held his fingers in place. I could feel my pussy contracting around his fingers.

As my climax started to subside, my hand was able to focus on Josh's dick again. I squeezed it as I moved my hand up and down. I felt his shaft swell some more and knew he was about to cum. I felt his cock pulse in my hand and then the sweet warmness of his semen flowed onto my hand and I knew that my baby had finished what he had started. We stayed like that for the rest of the show, my hand gently caressing his cock and his fingers sweetly rubbing my pussy lips. When the lights came up, we both left as quickly as we could. I because I was embarrassed that someone seated around us figured out what we were doing and Josh because his pants were stained from his cum.

We finally talked about what happened between us and agreed that this is something we have to think about very carefully before going any further. Petting and touching are one thing, intercourse is the final taboo. I don't know if I'm prepared to cross that line. Once done, it can't be undone.