
I pulled to me and held her head against my chest. I told her that I was so sorry that she had to endure such abuse. I promised that Janet and I would make her life so enjoyable from now on, that she would eventually get over this trauma. Then I explained that I was a chemist and that I recently sold my pharmaceutical company. The fact that she had chosen chemical engineering for her major got me pretty excited. I knew that we might have lots in common and much to discuss this winter.

After being lost in thought for a few minutes, I said, "Unless you have an objection, Sally, I see no reason why we shouldn't contact the sheriff's office to report the kidnapping and shooting. After all, you were raped and assaulted, and I killed that guy Ryan in self-defense after he shot me first. We haven't done anything wrong, so we have plenty of reasons to report this and none that I can think of not to call the sheriff."

Sally said, "Yes, Mack, I agree. Let's call the sheriff tomorrow."

Janet added, "So Mack, are you ready for me to inject the rest of your pain medicine and give a pain pill to Sally, so you can both get a good night's sleep?"

I told her I was tired and so she injected the IV port with the rest of the morphine. I fell asleep almost immediately, so I don't know exactly what the ladies did while I slept, but I had my suspicions. I believe that I must have had a smile on my face as I fell asleep.

Chapter 4

I awoke early the next morning with a beautiful blond-haired woman on my right and a gorgeous black haired woman on my left. Both women had me enveloped in their arms in what I perceived as a protective form of endearment. I knew how much I loved Janet. I loved this woman who was much older than myself so much that I would die for her.

They continued to sleep. Both ladies looked so cute when they were sleeping. I continued to explore my feelings for these two beauties. Thinking back to yesterday, it occurred to me that I nearly gave my life for a woman I hadn't met until fifteen minutes before I got shot while killing the man she was running away from. Was rescuing damsels in distress something engrained in my inner character? Could the reason for my feelings be that this young woman, even filthy dirty, in a ripped dress, and wearing hiking boots was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met?

After spending the better part of an hour watching the ladies sleep. I finally realized how we would proceed. There was no doubt that Janet would be with me for the rest of our lives. We each knew that we couldn't be happy without each other. Janet understood what I needed to be satisfied, and she looked so much like her daughter, that it was frightening. Yes, there were subtle differences, but hell, I was so pleased with the older version of the first love of my life, that I could never let her go. Losing my wife was so hard on me that I should have died from depression after her death.

With my firm unchangeable feelings established, I shifted my thoughts over to examining my feelings and plans for Sally. Initially, my plans for Janet, whom I believed to be my nemesis rather than my future lover. I was prepared to imprison her, torture her, and force her to become my property. However, with just a little bit of kindness, she became a grateful, dedicated lover. In just a month together, Janet made herself irreplaceable to me. I would never have dreamed it possible, but it did happen.

I had drifted away from thinking about Sally. In truth, I already knew that the only way Sally would stay with Janet and I was if SHE decided to stay with us of her own accord. Purely out of gratitude for saving her life, she climbed onto my cock and screwed me to a duel climax. She did this knowing that Janet would likely catch us in the act. I admit that I didn't see it as anything more than a young lady still in a bit of shock, who was very thankful for her freedom and her life. She remarked that she was convinced that her life was over if she didn't get away from that pig.

My final conclusion was based on my review of the last day's events, and what Sally revealed about herself. It was pretty evident that Sally is a brilliant yet somewhat broken young woman. Based on what I heard the night before, Sally had had a difficult life when she was young, losing her loving father in her mid-teens. Then despite being alone in foster care, Sally made outstanding grades in high school and received a full-ride scholarship to the University of Washington. She finished high in her class in college, got an interview with a great company in Denver, and then that piece of shit criminal grabbed her to have his way with her and ruin her life.

I decided that this would go one of two ways. Sally would speak to the sheriff and maybe even be picked by helicopter and taken to the hospital. Hospital? Oh, shit, that would mean a rape kit, and she had his sperm swimming around inside her. We need to do something about it before they took her to the hospital. I knew the sheriff well. We are friends, but still, if I were the sheriff, I would take me to jail to be questioned.

I took out my phone to see what the weather people were saying about our weather. The snow stopped around 2 AM, and they stated that only two inches fell in our area. Best of all, they reported that the sky was clearing, and no more snow was expected for three to four days. I thought that we could likely make it to town, handle this matter, and return to the cabin before the next snow.

At eight o'clock Sally woke up, and ten minutes later Janet opened her eyes. They looked at each other, and their eyes twinkled. Both women showed their million-dollar smiles. Laughing, I said, "Should I ask what caused those big smiles?"

Janet was first to answer, "We talked about girl stuff, and it wasn't something that we need to discuss with you. However, I have wonderful news for you. Sally is going to spend the winter with us. She has some unpaid bills. I told her we would pay her bills."

I spoke next and said, "Sally, we will pay off any debts you have as an advance on the salary from your new job. You now work for me, and we're going back into the chemical/pharmaceutical research business. So I want you girls to get up, shower, dress in warm clothing, Janet find some of your clothes for Sally to wear today. Make sure that Sally uses a commercial douche to make sure that none of my DNA remains in there. We are going to town to take Sally to the hospital to be treated and to have someone inspect my leg. I will call the sheriff to see if he can meet us at the hospital." They both attacked me with kisses and hugs. They were delighted.

I called Sheriff Billy Harrison, with whom I had become a good friend. I said, "Hello, may I speak to Sheriff Harrison?" I was placed on hold until he came on the line, saying, "This is Sheriff Harrison, can I help you?"

"Hi, Billy, this is Mack Beaufort, I hope you an Jill are doing well."

"Mack, it's good to hear from you. You calling for business or pleasure?"

"Billy, I'm calling about some bad business. I'm going to give you the quick version and then ask you to meet us at the hospital. Yesterday, Janet and I went up on the mountain on a planned four-hour hike to get some exercise before the snow flies, and we get housebound. About a half-hour from here by way of the four-wheelers, we happened on to a twenty-two-year-old young lady. Billy, she looked like hell, barely dressed, bruised, bleeding, crying, and literally running for her life down the mountain. We stopped the lady so we could help her, and she said, "He's going to kill me." I put the lady and Janet behind some boulders and moved over to try to stop the guy chasing her to hold him for you. Fortunately, I was carrying my 40 caliber auto. When I saw him, he yelled, 'You better stop bitch, or I'm going to kill you when I finally catch up with you.' Billy, he was holding a revolver and had a hunting rifle strapped across his back. I yelled for him to stop and drop his gun, but instead of following my instructions, he swung around and fired a shot. As he swung around on me, I raised my pistol and fired a double-tap that hit him center chest. I was shot in my upper thigh by a 38 caliber full jacket and had a through and through. Billy, the shooter is dead. I have his weapons, and he is still on the mountain."

"Okay, Mack, first of all, are you alright?"

"I think so, Billy, but we are going to leave here for the hospital in a few minutes. The lady's name is Sally Jameson, and her assailant's name is Tony Ryan, we think. Can you meet us at the hospital in about an hour? Billy, she was horribly beaten, raped, sodomized, and starved for three weeks. She is in pretty bad shape."

"Mack, first of all, I will meet you at the hospital and take your statements there, and meanwhile, we will send a forensic team to find the body and the cabin. If you have time, print out a satellite map of the area so you can mark the spot you believe we will find the body. I hope you also took a GPS reading."

"Yes, Billy, I remembered to get the GPS along with pictures of the area and mug shot type picture of the perp and all of his exposed tats."

"Mack, if I need an extra investigator, I know who to look for. Great job."

I just laughed and said, "See you at the hospital."

Chapter 5

Forty-five minutes later, Janet pulled the big four-wheel-drive SUV under the hospital emergency department's covered entrance. I moved into a nearby wheelchair, and Sally moved me into the ED, and in a few minutes, Sally found a wheelchair and sat it. Once Janet joined us, she went to the desk to report that she had a rape assault victim and a shooting victim needing treatment.

Things really started happening in a hurry then. They took us to separate exam rooms. I told Janet to stay with Sally, who I thought would need her more than me. A nurse removed my bandages and examined my wound. She cleaned away some blood that had oozed out and said that a doctor would be in soon to have a further look at it. Janet came in to see how I was doing and to tell me that she was asked to leave while they did a rape kit, and took photos of Sally's body. Sally had already been to the X-ray department, and they would have a doctor look at the results shortly.

A nurse came in to tell Janet that she could return to Sally's exam room. They reported to her that she had three cracked ribs on her right side, but otherwise no other broken bones. They took blood samples that would be analyzed to see if she had contracted any STD's as a result of her captivity and rape. I informed the hospital staff that I would take care of all hospital expenses for both of us.

Finally, a doctor came in to see me. He introduced himself to me and started inspecting the sutures in my wounds. He asked me, "Where did you go for treatment before you came here?"

I replied, "Doc, what you see before you were done by my girlfriend and me. She gave me something for pain, deadened the area around the front of the wound. We cleaned it inside and out, and then sutured the front of the wound myself to teach my girlfriend how to do the back wound. I even had her put a drain in since it was a through and through wound."

The doctor stated, "Mr. Beaufort, I have seen doctors who couldn't suture that well. The exit wound was pretty ragged, and your girlfriend did a darn good job. What are you doing for the possibility of infection?"

I told him about my preparations for any possible occurrence while living for months on the mountain during the winter. That includes a full medical kit with everything that might require emergency medical care. He was so impressed with our preparations that he actually replaced our used supplies. Finally, he told me to leave the stitches in for at least a week and when to remove the drainage tube.

After the doctor finished with me, I went to the lobby to meet with the sheriff. I sent Janet to the SUV to retrieve the weapons. I gave him my pistol. It was in a zipper bag, uncleaned just as it was when I returned from the mountain after the incident. Then I gave him the rifle and pistol recovered from the perp. The handgun was in a zip bag, and the rifle was wrapped in plastic wrap. I had lots of guns at the cabin, so I knew that I wouldn't miss my weapon, even if it took them months to get back to me.

I repeated my earlier story with more details. Billy recorded the entire interview and tagged the weapons, handing them over to one of his officers to take back to his office for testing. Then he told me that he ran the name that I gave him for the man I killed.

The sheriff said, "Mack, if this turns out to be the same man, he is an evil guy. He's been in jail for most of the last twenty years. He and his brother, Al, have rap sheets as long as your arm and mostly for crimes against women and violent crimes. Mack, I didn't say this if asked, but you likely saved that young lady's life, and you did away a really worthless human being. By the way, the team found the body and the perp's cabin already, and I will call you tomorrow to let you know what we found. I have to warn you that his older brother Al may come looking for you it the weather breaks this winter. We will keep an eye on him and try to let you know if we see him heading in your direction."

I asked, "Billy, do you know if they are going to put Sally in the hospital?"

"No, Mack, she is a mess of bruises and cuts, but only has three cracked ribs. She will experience pain for about six weeks, but she wants to be released into the care of you and Janet. Mack, can I trust you to take good care of that young lady?"

I replied, "Sheriff, I can't believe you could even ask me a question like that. You know that Janet will kill me if I don't treat her like a princess."

He said while laughing, "That's the right answer. If Sally wishes, she can go home with you. By the way, their stories match yours so, I really do believe that you acted in self-defense. Once I have all of the evidence examined, I will present everything to the DA's office, and they will decide whether or not a crime was committed."

Chapter 6

We went back to the cabin. After we were settled in at home. I said, "Ladies, I want to set some rules for the next few weeks. First of all, Sally, before you arrived, Janet and I were nude most of the time while we were in the house and to be honest, we fucked like rabbits. We sort of became the only nudist colony on this part of the mountain."

Sally stated with a serious expression, "Mack, I have been naked and screwed for the last three weeks. So nudity no longer bothers me in the least as long as I am warm. As for sex, I normally love it. That maniac that you killed knew nothing about sex or love. He was a masochistic hateful son-of-a-bitch. Mack, you are a wonderful man who's life experiences are not that, unlike my own. I know that you won't hurt me, and that sex with you will be so good that I may never leave. Oh, and by the way, after my long talk with Janet last night, I am pretty damn sure that I love you as much as she does. I also think I love her, so you are going to have two wives from now on. So you better get used to the idea."

I was dumbfounded and had some trouble forming words, then I said, "Le, Le, let me see if you have everything straight? In the last year, my parents were killed in an auto accident with an eighteen-wheeler, my wife died a few months later in an auto accident, I basically kidnapped my mother-in-law so that I could torture her. I wanted her to feel sorry for how she treated me for all of the years I was married to my wife. Then she informs me that my kindness to her, despite her horrible feelings for each other, convinced her that she didn't hate me. Janet told me that she had an epiphany during the same six months after Cassie's death. She also went into depression over her the loss of her daughter. I felt only hate during this period, Janet's realization was that she loved her daughter beyond measure and that she also loved me just as much. She loved me even more than she did her lost daughter, and she needed me to return that love. Although she never thought that would ever happen. The fact was that she actually loved me a whole lot. She couldn't be with me because her daughter was married to me, so she treated me with contempt for stealing the love of her daughter. So you see, without so much as a spanking, which by the way, she enjoys; she totally gave herself to me. Soon after, I figured out that I loved her as much as she loved me and that we would be happy together. Then you come along and pronounce your love for both of us. Do I have all of that correct? I assume that Janet shared all of that with you?"

Sally was smiling from ear to ear before saying, "I know all of that, and despite your maniacal plan to kidnap and abuse your rotten mother-in-law, I do feel love for you. I know that you had everything arranged here, to follow through with your plan to abuse Janet. However, despite the hatred you carried around in you for years, you couldn't follow through when it came right down to it. You were just too good a man, and you recognized her effort to win you over, and make amends for her mistreatment of you in the past. Mack, you forgave Janet and fell deeply in love with her."

The whole time that Sally was talking, both she and Janet were shedding their clothes. When they were both naked, then they started disrobing me as I stood next to my bed. By the time she finished speaking, we were all totally naked. As I began to discuss the rules that I mentioned earlier, Sally pushed me onto the bed and climbed into my lap with her knees on each side of my hips. In other words, she was sitting on top of my already hardening cock.

It was my turn to smile. I responded, "You know, you two women are going to kill me. I am wounded, and if I am not mistaken, Sally is about to mount my hard dick, fully expecting me to screw her. Maybe it's the other way around. I was just about to set some rules that will allow Sally to rest, so her broken ribs have time to heal. I also need rest for my leg for it to heal. Sally, am I going to have to spank your cute little ass to make you behave?"

Giggling, Sally said, "I think I would like that a lot."

Sally just laughed and stabbed herself with my sword right down to the hilt. When her pubic mound pressed against mine, I pulled her into my chest as I laid back onto the bed, kissing her passionately. Then I said, "Why would a lovely young woman like you want to be with us. Granted, Janet is a gorgeous woman, but I am nothing special. Once again, why would a beautiful young lady like you want to spend the winter with us?"

Sally laughed before saying, "You are full of bull shit, you know, Mack. You have to be aware that your girlfriend and I became special girlfriends last night. Let me tell you she licked my pussy better than any man I have ever been with. You might want to think of us as 'friends with benefits.' Also, you have a cock that makes that dick I was tortured with for three weeks, look more like a tiny cocktail weenie. You fill me up and make me feel great while also making me feel loved and protected. Please, Mack, let me become a member of your family, at least until the spring. I know that we will be happy together, and I can be a big help in restarting your business."

I smiled, and she smiled back. Then to her surprise, I said, "So are you going to just sit there, or do you want to show me that you know how to use that tight little coochie?"

She replied, "Coochie, what is a coochie?"

I said, "I think that the word tight would have given away the fact that coochie is your vagina. You know that sweet little thing you have tightly wrapped around my penis at this very moment. So, do you plan on completing what you started?"

She started moving in long strokes up and down my cock. Pretty soon, I started feeling a tingling in my balls and heard her breathing increase faster and faster as she worked up to a froth. Now I had white lubricant running down my cock onto my lap. She started to vibrate as she moved into a full orgasm, and then it took me to my first climax since she did this same thing the night before. When finished, I held her tightly until we both came down from our orgasms.

I whispered into Sally's ear, "Sweetheart, are you alright?"

Sally sighed, "Mack, now I know that I am in love with you, and there is no way I will allow you to run me off. Seriously, I am so happy. I know that you will be my hero and my love for the rest of my life. You know that in some cultures, when someone saves your life, you must be their slave for life. Mack, what can I do to serve you, darling."

Janet came back into the room and stated that she had started cooking super that would be ready to eat in about two hours.

I said, "Sally, I believe that you just made a great downpayment. You are welcome to stay with us, and over the next weeks, I believe you will become a permanent member of our tiny family. Now, for the rules, and Janet, I want you to listen to this as well. Sally, you have to heal for six to eight weeks. The doctor said that I should be walking normally in about a couple of weeks. So we will not be having sex like breeding rabbits. You two will not be having girl sex every five minutes until Sally is healed. Is that clear?" They both said yes in a whisper.

Janet said, "Now you've gone too far. You can't expect us to go six weeks without sex of any kind. We are not young virgins, you know. We love having sex with you and each other, and we can't go six weeks without some type of sex. Please, Mack."

"Janet, come over here and sit on my lap," I replied.

She came to me, and Sally moved over in the bed to make room. Janet climbed up on the bed and sat on my lap like Sally had only thirty minutes before. No sooner had she sat on my cock, and it began to harden.

I spoke again to Janet, "Baby, I know what your needs are, and you know what mine are. So all I ask is that everyone gets at least eight to ten hours of sleep. Also, no one will stay up past eleven o'clock in the evening. We can all sleep together. I want Sally to sleep so she can sleep on her left side or back, so she doesn't sleep on her broken ribs. Janet, don't make me spank you to make you behave. I believe that we will have so much sex in the weeks to come, that a little less sex in the next month, will not hurt us. I also believe that Sally and I should be able to keep that overworked libido of yours taken care of until we are well."

Janet kissed me with more passion than I remembered in recent weeks. She wrapped her hand over my cock, placed it at the entrance of her love tunnel, and stabbed it to the hilt. Then Janet slowly built up speed to a maximum speed. I soon felt her orgasm cause her to squeeze on my hard dick. She soon came down from her high resuming her movement up and down the length of my penis. She was now moving at a slower pace. About ten minutes later, I shot my second load of thick cum up into her pussy.

As we both caught our breath and relaxed for a few minutes. Janet asked Sally to check on the food cooking on the stove, then she whispered. "Mack, how would you like to become a daddy?"

I replied, "Janet, I thought you told me that you couldn't have children any longer."

Janet whispered, "I can't have a baby, but our new girlfriend can have children once her ribs heal, and she gets off the pill. She managed to stay protected while in captivity due to her captor being an idiot and her deception. Sally told him that if she became pregnant, she would likely die soon after due to complications with her blood, and idiot believed her. So she stayed on the pill. However, she wants to have your children and can stop taking the pill as soon as you agree."

When Sally returned to the room, I asked, "So is true that you want to have my children?"

She stated, "Oh, yes, Mack. I can become a baby factory if you wish. I would love nothing more in this world than to become your wife and have your children."

I thought about all that had happened in the last couple of hours and was slightly rattled. Then I said, "I do want to be a father, and no man could find two better women to raise his children. I feel that with your strength and courage, you would make a wonderful mother to our children. However, it should not be a quick decision, so can sleep on it?"

Sally said, "Sure, my love, we both love you so much that we can be patient. I am sure that Janet will agree and that we will both do anything you request of us.

We ate a great meal of soft chicken tacos, Spanish rice, and refried beans along with a bottle of chardonnay wine. Sally and I only had one glass, while Janet had the other two glasses of wine. We went to bed, and both Sally and I took a pain pill. I also took the antibiotics prescribed at the hospital. Only a few minutes later, we were all asleep. Sally was spooned into my front, and Janet was spooned on to my back.

Chapter 7

All three of us awoke in the same position the next morning, with me facing the back of my beautiful new lover, Sally. I squeezed her tightly to me, and then she looked up at me with that beautiful smile that both of my women had. Then I reached down and kissed her with a soft, sweet kiss on her full lips.

Sally lowered her hand between us after feeling my morning wood, putting pressure on her ass crack. She rubbed my manhood along its length while I reached around and did the same to her pussy. Sally was wet enough to accept my entrance into her lovely wet channel. She moved me back and forth to thoroughly lubricate my shaft, which she inserted into her velvet tunnel. It felt so wonderful that I thought that I might actually fire off prematurely. Using my fingertips to stimulate her nerve filled nub, she started breathing hard, and in moments Sally started to quiver in my arms. She was beginning to enjoy a full-blown orgasm as she did every time they had sex in the last two days. Like Janet, Sally was a fantastic lover. She responded in such a tender, affectionate fashion to my loving touch. While she was in the middle of her climax, I couldn't hold mine any longer. I had a massive orgasm as her coochie locked down on rod with her pelvic muscles.

I had to ask when we finished, "Are you happy?"

Sally smiled as she rolled over to face me and said, "I am so thrilled to be with you and Janet. All I ask is that you don't baby me. I am in some pain from my broken ribs, but I seem to be rather pain-tolerant because the doctor said that most people experience great pain from broken ribs. My pain seems to respond well to the pain meds. Anyway, please allow me to help you and Janet, and don't make me stay in bed until I am healed."

I agreed, saying, "I have a plan to use all that brand new education that you have. I want you mentally to go back to your time in the chemistry lab. Now make a list of equipment, tools, and supplies we will need to order to outfit a lab for the two of us to work. I will take your list and add any additional equipment or supplies that I think will round out your list. I have a direction for us to go with our experimentations, so I will order the necessary chemicals and compounds that we will need to begin our work. You must be aware that we need to act on this quickly, or we will be snowed in, and we might have difficulty getting everything delivered. I will give you an address to send everything. It is a warehouse and flight service that I have set up to provide storage and delivery services. So Sally, does this interest you?"

Sally said, "I can't believe my good fortune. To be able to work as a chemist, as a researcher alongside someone who has not only proven his success but is willing to share that knowledge with me. You are offering me such a wonderful opportunity. Thank you, Mack."

I replied, "Okay, darling, I want to spend this afternoon looking at the lab and doing a layout of lab tables, equipment, and you will start a list of everything we need. I want only the best of everything. Money is no object. The quality of work we will do in that lab is wholly dependent on our expertise and the quality of the materials and equipment that utilize in our lab. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mack, I understand completely."

"Once you complete the list and gather the prices, we will go over it, add to or remove items from the lists, and place the orders for what we need.

I asked Sally to rest while I went to the kitchen to help Janet with breakfast and that she would see her in about an hour.

Entering the kitchen, I found Janet standing at the counter, drinking a cup of coffee. She was wearing a beautiful, brightly colored kimono robe. It just barely covered the bottom curvature of her bottom. I walked up and slid my hand lightly down her lower back, passing it over her butt to the bottom of her robe. Then I gently moved my hand on her very warm, naked ass, and firmly squeezed one cheek. Simultaneously, I placed my other hand inside the front of her robe to squeeze Janet's left breast. She let out a very pleasing moan and then leaned her head back, laying it on my shoulder and against my cheek.

Janet moaned, "Oh Mack, you get me so turned on when you touch me like that. Please be prepared to finish whatever you start, buster."

I laughed and whispered into her ear, "You should know by now that I never start anything I can't finish. I came in here to consume you right here in the kitchen."

She slid around in my arms, faced me, saying, "So what does my handsome lover have in mind to do with me in the kitchen?"

Laughing, I said, "I believe we can cook something up, pun intended."

I pulled her robe off her shoulders and allowed it to fall to the floor. I lifted her up and placed her bottom on the lowest level of the counter. She gasped when her warm skin sat on the cold granite top.

I said, 'With all of the attention that both of us directed toward Sally, I thought that you might be feeling a bit neglected. So I plan to play with you for the next couple of hours like we are a couple of college kids on spring break. I shall kiss my way from your lips to your gorgeous tits, down your incredibly flat belly, until I can feast on you bald little coochie. Then after you have numerous orgasms, I plan to use my tool to bring both of you to a couple of additional orgasms."

"Mack, wouldn't your plans for me be more fun in the guest bedroom than in the kitchen?" Asked Janet.

I led Janet to the guest bedroom and lifted her onto the bed. She was naked, clean, with a recently shaved pubic mound. Janet looked good enough to eat, literally.

She loved the way I caressed, kneaded, licked, kissed, and nibbled on her breasts. My last stop was her very sensitive nipples, which I pinched and squeezed until she was gasping and moaning with pleasure.

Janet looked as though she were tied to an X-frame, the way her arms and legs were extended wide, as she laid on the large bed. Janet was the most submissive woman I had ever met, and best of all, she was my woman.

After I finished bringing Janet to the brink of a massive orgasm, she was on the verge of a fit of joy. Mack continued working her breast from the full round orbs to the hard nubs of her nipples. Then just by his ministration of her tits, she was overcome with another orgasm.

The whole time I was teasing her breast, Janet was slowly moving her warm hand up and down my hardened cock. She said, Mack, may I suck on that beast until it fills my mouth with your delicious cum?"

I answer, "Sure, my love, I would really enjoy that."

Janet slipped her warm wet lips onto me and quickly started sucking and bobbing up and down on my cock. Immediately, I felt a tingling sensation in my nads and knew that our foreplay was going to lead to a quick conclusion to her enjoyment. In ten short minutes, I could hold back no longer, and then with no warning, I shot out into my lover's mouth, and she swallowed it all. Then I heard her say, "Oh, yum. You taste so good."

Chapter 8

I begin a new conversation by saying, "Janet darling, it is just us now, so let's talk about our situation and the addition of Sally to our home. We are not yet snowed in, and changes can be made, so I have to know exactly how you feel about everything. Janet, I love you so much. Since we came to terms with our true feelings for each other, you are my primary concern and will be for the rest of our lives. However, if Sally stays with us, she will want my attention, and we will be working together. When I find a viable chemical process or compound and begin to work on it in earnest, sometimes it becomes all-encompassing. I can get into a zone where I find it difficult to leave my work and call it a day. That will mean that at times, I will be spending a lot of time with Sally. How will you respond to it, if that happens?"

Janet thinks for a while before answering, telling me that I had hit a nerve, and perhaps she hadn't put enough thought into the situation.

Janet then said, "Boy, you really know how to lay everything out on the line, don't you? Well, this may surprise you, but I happen to know two things. One is that I love you as much as you love me. The second thing is that I have thought about how I would feel about sharing you with another woman. I have to tell you that I have some pangs of guilt regarding my feeling about you and Sally working together for most of the day.

On the other hand, I know that when you were with Cassie and heavily involved in your work, you were the happiest days of your lives. Mack, I want to see that happiness on your face again. If that means sharing your time, then I can't be selfish with your time."

I respond, "Sweetheart, you make me extremely happy. It has just been a very traumatic week. I want to work again, but working alone is not as successful or productive as it is with a team in a chemistry lab. Also, I believe that you and I can make a real difference in Sally's life."

I continued, "However, although she initiated our first sexual encounters, I feel like an old man taking unfair advantage of a young girl who sees me as her hero or savior. Janet, talk to me about your thoughts on all of these points."

"Mack, you are an honorable man. Remember that you are the guy that was determined to torture me and make me your slave. Instead, you showed me acts of kindness. I had already realized that I didn't harbor hate for you any longer. I hated you because I had a sordid belief that you took Cassie away from me. You were patient, kind, willing to listen, and once you saw how submissive I was to you, you accepted me with open arms. Mack, that young lady needs you, baby. She doesn't need a hero, she needs someone to be a good role model, a man that's filled with kindness and not the brutality she just lived through on that mountain. Mack, what would happen if she goes on to Denver to get that job, and finds another man that turns out to be an abuser?"

I am concentrating on every word that I hear before I speak. "Janet, you would have made an excellent psychologist if only you would have continued your education. By working with me, Sally will learn more in a year that she could get in three years in college. I want to encourage her to continue to study online for her master's degree this winter. I hope that we can work together to develop something that will be the basis of her thesis work. Janet, if Sally stays with us, she will fulfill her full potential. However, she will want to sleep with me, which will take away my time with you. Also, Sally may wish to sleep with us in our bed, if not every night, regularly. Will you be alright with that?"

Janet replied with a big smile, "Mack, you worry too much. I know that you want us to be happy, and I believe that is the reason for you are always concerned. Sally and I will be like sisters. You will love us equally, and we will love you the same. Mack, I want you to know one other thing that I know will happen, but it doesn't bother me in the least. You and Sally will have children, my grandchildren. Mack, those children deserve to have a father and mother. They also deserve your name. So we both know that you must marry her before your first child comes into the world. I know that you already have some feelings for her, and as the mother of your children, you will love her forever. Think about all that I have said and know that I accept it and feel like it is our destiny."

"On a different subject, how does your leg feel?"

"It is a bit sore, but I am sure it will heal nicely," I replied.

"I am going to the office to look at my emails. I want to see if the sheriff has received word from the DA's office about the shooting."

I checked the cell phone to see if I had missed any calls, texts, or emails. The sheriff had called and requested me to return his call. I called the sheriff's office, "Hello, may I speak to Sheriff, please?"

I was put on hold for a few minutes, but then Sheriff Billy Harrison answered. "Sheriff Harrison here."

I said, "Hi Billy, this is Mack. Do you have a few minutes to speak to me? I saw were you called earlier."

"Well, hell, yes, I can talk. I did call you, but I knew that you might be busy with those two beautiful women in your house. First, I have to tell you that I don't have any answers for you. I will say that you have learned to shoot that 40 Cal. pistol pretty damned well. According to the coroner, both bullets hit the heart. Mack, they were both kill shots. Considering the stressful situation, I'd say that you did pretty damned well. Mack, I am afraid that you may need those skills to protect you and those ladies between now and next spring's thaw. The word on the street is that Tony Ryan's brother, Al, is asking around about you, and it looks like he may be looking for your cabin. We both know that once the snow reaches over three feet, it will be challenging to make it up to you. I think we have about four or five months for you to get the hell out of town. Go someplace warm Mack. Do it for me, won't you?"

"Billy, if we leave town, Al will still be here waiting for me when I return. Keep an ear to the ground and let me know if he is bringing more than himself or if someone hears when he plans on showing up. We will be ready."

I asked Billy to hunt for a source for fully automatic M16 rifles. They aren't illegal without a federal permit, but I knew lots of people in Washington. I didn't see the license/permit as an impediment. I maintained a very high clearance because of my involvement in the pharmaceutical industry. I wrote to a senior senator from our state to see if he could push that through for me. Then I searched the internet for Kevlar bullet-resistant vest for myself and the two ladies. Finally, I ordered the latest technology for shooting ranges. By springtime, I wanted all three of us to be crack shots. I got into a habit of wearing a pistol in the small of my back, whenever I went outside. The vest was lightweight and would likely stop most pistol rounds, but not shots from a large caliber rifle, but I wore it when I went outside. I also placed weapons in locations of easy access throughout the cabin. I was mostly worried about a frontal assault on the cabin.

The month of November and the first two weeks of December were filled with planning, target practice, and getting ready to celebrate our first Christmas as a family. Sure enough, our senator was able to pull off a Christmas miracle and procured my license for two fully automatic weapons. They were due in just before Christmas. I already knew how to use them, and so did Janet and Sally because we had the exact same weapons in semi-automatic. We had to adjust to the recoil and the movement of the rifle during rapid recoil.fJanet had money in her bank account, but now in a numbered account on a Caribbean island. I spoke to the local bank president and had him set up two additional checking accounts, one for each of the ladies. Now, with the deposit of a fifty thousand dollars in each bank account, they had money to spend on Christmas and to use it if something happened to me.

I asked the ladies to meet me in the family room in front of the roaring fireplace for a family meeting. I began, "Now that you are both independently wealthy, have you finished your Christmas shopping? I believe that our receiving warehouse has a full shipment for us and that there will be a short window in the weather next week. We have room in case you have any last-minute items. Finally, now that we are all healed, I want to go out for a final hunting trip. We will use the all-terrain vehicle to go to the logging road, and then use the road to move up the mountain looking for elk signs."

Janet said, "I have two presents that have arrived at the warehouse for shipment, but I don't expect anything else. Did you order the food supplies for Christmas dinner, including the turkey?"

I replied, "Yes, dear, it is all at the warehouse, and the cold supplies are being kept in a refrigerated room and a freezer. How about you Sally, do you need anything else?"

Sally replied, "Yes, love, I would like to order a really warm hooded hunting coat."

Janet had a big smile on her face, and she said, "Be back in five minutes."

When she returned, she had a camouflaged coat with a hood which she handed to Sally, saying, "Try this early Christmas present on to see if I got the size correct."

Sally tried it on, and the fit was perfect. We decided to leave at first light. We got busy preparing for the hunting trip. It was the first time in weeks that the sun was scheduled to be shining for three straight days.

We left at first light and started up the mountain, carrying Ruger® 308 caliber rifles with ballistic tipped bullets and Leupold® rifle scopes. Each of us was proficient with these guns, and I knew that we could hit our target. These guns were very accurate, and we had become excellent shots.

I knew that our vehicle was too noisy for a hunt, but we planned to exit the vehicle and walk to a place that would give us the best view of our proposed hunting area. The snow was far too deep to go that far on foot, even with snowshoes. Not many people could make it up that mountainside without a four-wheeler.

We reached our starting point about an hour after leaving the cabin. The going was slow because of the deep snow. I felt sure that in the summer, it would have only ben a forty-five-minute trip.

We walked across the mountain looking for signs of our quarry in the form of scat on the ground, and as we continued our hike, it became fresher with each find. We crested a ridge as quietly as humanly possible, and then we spotted a small heard of elk. There were several smaller, younger bull elks. I picked out one of these and asked the girls which one wanted to take the shot. Sally nodded, and I reminded her to take a breath, let it out, and relax before taking the shot.

Seconds passed that seemed like an eternity. Finally, the bull turned to give us a broadside shot. We were all wearing ear protection from the loud report from the rifle. The elk didn't take another step before it hit the ground. We were all excited as was Sally as we walked up to the animal, knowing that we had a big job ahead of us. Gutting, skinning, and cutting up the elk into manageable sections would be the next job. Then it would be put into game bags for transport to the cabin.

Once that was done, I volunteered to hike back to get four-wheeler so that we could carry the weight of the elk back to the cabin. I was about halfway to the four-wheeler when a tree that I was standing next to exploded. I had my rifle and held onto it as I jumped to the ground behind a boulder for cover. I knew that only one person wanted me dead, enough to hike up this mountain in this much snow. It had to be Al, the infamous Al, who's brother I killed in self-defense.

I looked back at the damaged tree to try and see then angle or trajectory of the bullet. It seemed evident that it came from down the mountain to my left. That was the general direction of the four-wheeler. Moving the rifle from my back and started crawling on my belly about thirty yards to a rock outcropping that would afford me better cover. I also provided a better view of the area from which the shot came. Once I reached the boulders' protection, I pulled out my cell phone and saw that I had a signal at that elevation.

I quickly texted the girls the following message, "Gunshot. Came from a little way down the mountain. Call the sheriff's office and report. Find a safe hiding place and stay put. I have this under control."

Janet answered back that they understood and would find a safe cover and call 911.

I then pulled out my small binoculars to scan the mountain. I assumed that the shooter would be wearing camouflage clothing to blend in, so I looked for movement. Then I saw what I was looking for. This guy had on a green shirt and blue jeans. He topped it off with a royal blue cap. I just shook my head and thought that he really didn't give much thought to his wardrobe.

Picking up my rifle, I loaded a cartridge into the chamber, took off the safety, and after opening the flip covers on the scope, I scanned the area. It didn't take long to spot the royal blue cap. Rather than trying to get closer, I decided to be patient. Before crawling to safety, I hung my camouflaged cap on a limb so the wind would cause it to move occasionally.

As I scanned with the rifle scope, I saw my assailant stand up to aim at my cap, which was to my left. I heard his shot and pulled the trigger. He went down, but I couldn't be sure that I hit him. It was only about one in the afternoon, so I waited thirty minutes. I texted the girls right away to let them know that I was okay and that I thought I shot the assailant. I also asked them to stay put until I could confirm the guy was down. They agreed to bring the sheriff in on the current situation.

After thirty minutes and not seeing any movement, I started moving down the mountain. I was not in any rush, moving slowly from one point of cover to another. I reached the place where I had figured to find the shooter. I found a lot of blood on the ground and bushes, so I was positive that I had wounded the shooter.

Very slowly, I followed the blood trail. After about thirty yards, I found the guy's rifle, and then I moved on another twenty-five yards down the mountain. Then I discovered the man that I assumed was Al Ryan. He was barely breathing and lying in a pool of his own blood. My shot hit him in the left upper chest, and I really couldn't understand how he moved this far with that wound. I reached into his back pocket to find his wallet and ID. This confirmed that it was Al Ryan. Suddenly I was hoping he was alone. I tried to stem the bleeding, but it was too little too late to help Al, and I watched him take his final breath.

I called the sheriff to report his death and give them the coordinates to his GPS location. "Hello, Billy, this is Mack. I am calling to report another shooting and death. Al's body is lying on the ground next to me, and I am sorry to say that after he shot at me twice, I shot and killed him."

The sheriff said, "Mack, are you and the ladies okay?"

"Yes, Billy, I was on my way back to the four-wheeler to bring it further up the mountain to pick up the girls and to carry the meat from an elk back to the cabin. His shot was very close, hitting a tree just over my head. I tricked him by leaving my cap hanging from a tree branch and crawling off to better protection. Billy, he had a royal blue cap on that I spotted from one hundred fifty yards, and when he saw my cap move in the wind, he stood up and aimed his rifle to shoot my hat. I returned the shot and hit him in the upper left chest. He moved at least a sixty yards down the mountain before he collapsed due to blood loss. I am going to send you his picture, a picture of his driver's license, his rifle which I will carry back to the cabin, and wrap up for evidence. Billy, I will also take a picture of the tree he hit with his first shot and the GPS location. Should I cover his body with rocks? Is there anything else you wish for me to do at the scene?"

"Damn, Mack, you would make a great cop. Leave his gun next to him, and my team will pick it up. I'm just a small-town sheriff, but I can't think of anything else you can do before dark. Don't cover the body, it might make it harder to find him tomorrow. Go get your elk and the ladies so you can get back to the cabin. A CSI team will arrive tomorrow to get the body and collect evidence. I will come by the cabin to take your statement in detail. Be careful."

"Thanks, Billy, we'll see you tomorrow."

I did everything that Billy requested and then after retrieving the four-wheeler and picked up my ladies and the elk. We made it home right at dusk. We were cold, tired, and hungry.

Chapter 10

We left the elk on the four-wheeler in the cold. Sally, Janet, and I went inside the cozy family room until we warmed some and had something hot to eat. I brought the elk heart in and sliced it thin before searing it in a hot skillet. It makes for some good eating if you don't overcook it. Then with the cart near the meat locker, the three of us hooked the quarters, carried them into the meat locker, and hung them up to age.

After finishing with the meat, we moved upstairs for a well-earned family shower. While there was undoubtedly a lot of touching and kissing, there was no sex. Somehow, after ending a man's life, it just didn't seem appropriate. My girls were so grateful that I was unharmed, and they wanted to show their feeling.

We went to bed together and slept the sleep of the innocent. Each of us was so happy to be together unharmed that slumber came quickly. I think that we all hoped that this would be the end of people trying to kill us or take away our happiness. The first death on our mountain was deemed to be justifiable homicide due to self-defense. We could only hope that this situation would end the same way. Hopefully, tomorrow's sunshine would bring us a sense of relief that we all needed. We were asleep by ten o'clock.

I was awoken at five o'clock with soft long hair tickling my stomach and legs. Then I felt the sensation of warm lips and tongues waking up my cock. It was too early for my morning wood, so it took the girls a few minutes to stir me to the point that was getting close to my climax.

"Alright, you brats, on your hands and knees. I want to see those wet nether lips shining up at me. I will insert my cock into each of you five times, and then I will move to my other lover's pussy for five strokes. One of you will receive my cum, and the other will fix breakfast."

I gave both of them a firm slap on the ass, saying, "That's for waking me up so early, and this is for the way you woke me up." Then I stooped down and gave their pussies copious licks and sucked their clit until they each had an orgasm. Then when there was white flowing cum running from their pussies, I penetrated Jannet and then Sally five times each.

And so I began to slowly slide my cock in and out of their coochies. I did five pushes in Sally, and then five in Janet. Unfortunately, that allowed them to cool off between their five insertions. Therefore, I inserted two fingers into the unutilized pussy of each girl, as I did the other girl. Since I hadn't had an orgasm in over thirty-six hours, it didn't take long for that familiar tingle to appear in my balls. I made no effort to hold back. I was getting very close in Janet, but then after switching to Sally, who clamped down on my cock with those intense pussy muscles, I blew like a water geyser on the second pump. She was so lithe and flexible that she stood straight up with my cock still fulling inserted and me pumping. What a wonderful feeling that caused.

Sally was all excited, then I kissed Janet and said, "Janet, my love, I love your cooking and Sally, and I will clean the kitchen."

Janet stuck out her tongue at Sally and smiled from ear to ear at me. Then I added, "We need to get back to sleep until seven-thirty when the alarm goes off. Janet, Sally has a bit of a mess, would you like to clean that up for her? I know how much you love my cum."

Janet took about two seconds to crawl between Sally's legs to suck down my cum. Sally cleaned my cock and balls to make sure the whole process was complete. When she completed her work, I pulled her in front of me so we could spoon, and we all went back to sleep.

Billy arrived at the electric gate at eight-thirty, and I opened the sliding electric barrier so he could enter the enclosed part of our property. I opened the garage door to allow him easy access to our home.

He greeted all of us and said, "Well, Mack, I have decided to change your name to Wayett Erp or Doc Holiday, the way you seem to handle all the bad guys that come to town."

Janet brought the sheriff a cup of black coffee and asked how his wife was doing. She was soon followed by Sally, coming into the room like she owned the place. "Hi, sheriff, how are you today? I'll bet you didn't have nearly as exciting a day yesterday as we did. Sherriff Billy, we have to stop meeting this way, don't you agree?"

Billy answered, "Well, look at you, Sally, you looked lovely when I last saw you at the hospital, but by gosh, you are so beautiful now that you are all healed. Is this old man treating you well? Oh, yes, to answer your question, I agree we have to stop meeting under these circumstances. Can't you keep your man under control?"

Sally was laughing out loud before saying, "Billy, you've known him longer than me, can anyone keep him out of trouble? Oh, by the way, he's our man." She said that last part while wrapping her arm around Janet.

Janet added her two cents worth, "Billy, I do my best, but even though he didn't go looking for trouble, some times, trouble comes looking for you."

Billy just laughed and shook his head, "Mack, doesn't stand a chance against you, two young women, does he? He just hasn't realized it yet."

Billy continued on a more serious note, "Ladies, I have to ask you some questions now. Could you see Mack and his assailant from where he left you with the elk?"

Both women said, "No, sheriff, we heard a shot and got behind a boulder to hide, as we were told to do."

Then Janet said, "We knew that Mack wouldn't have wanted us to move toward the gunshot. We heard one rifle shot and then nothing for the next ten or fifteen minutes, and then we heard a second shot followed closely by a third shot that came from closer to our position. We were scared, and both loaded a bullet in our rifles in case someone came after us. About thirty minutes later, Mack, arrived with the four-wheeler to pick the elk and us up. He filled us in on what had happened on the way back to the cabin."

Billy looked at Sally and asked, "Sally, do you have anything to add, and do you agree with Janet's version of what happened?"

Sally thought for a minute before saying, "We were both scared for Mack's safety, and I said, "Janet, I hope that Mack doesn't have anyone shooting at him ever again."

I chimed in with, "I'll second that. That guy's first shot came way too close for comfort. I'm pretty sure that I could hear the bullet whizzing past my head. Having never been in a wartime situation, I have never been shot at until the last few months. I am tired of it and would like to get back to the beautiful quiet life that we had become accustomed to. That is before these crazy city folk started shooting in our direction on this nice quiet mountain. I am actually thinking about buying the whole damned mountain, and putting 'posted keep out' signs every ten feet."

Billy said with a bit of a laugh in his voice, "Very amusing mountain man, these crazies are most definitely not city boys. They were psychopaths that created more problems for the local sheriff's office than any city boy ever has. As with the last incident on that mountain, we will present the evidence to the DA's office, and we let you know the results."

Billy took our statements separately and then stated that he was going to join his deputies on the mountain and stay in town to be safe. He bagged up my rifle and took it with him for inspection and analysis. The sheriff had already returned my pistol from the first shooting.

Chapter 11

I walked into the kitchen to speak to the ladies, "Girls, it is time to return to our bedroom and lose these clothes. All I want to do for the rest of the day is to make love to the most beautiful women in the world."

I led them to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothing from the living room to the bed. My idea was to ravage Janet and then Sally, once we were in the boudoir. However, the girls had diverging views entirely. Janet pushed me over onto my back, and Sally straddled my hips while holding my arms against the mattress.

I told them, "Ladies, this was my idea and plan, but the two of you have taken control. I wanted to ravage your bodies until you yelled for me to stop because you couldn't take any more. You are both my whole life, and I just wanted to thank you both for loving me so very much.

Janet took charge and spoke first, saying, " Mack, you ran toward the danger yesterday, because you didn't want to take a chance on us being in danger. So we want to thank you, well, just for being you. We know that you will always put us first and protect us at any cost. Do you have any idea how many women would give anything to have a man like you in their lives? Believe me, Mack, we are the lucky ones. We need to thank you every day for being a part of our lives. Thank you, my love."

Then Sally added, "Yes, thank you, Mack, for having enough love in your heart to include a girl in trouble from Washington, in your life. Thank you, Janet, for allowing our man to take me along for the ride of my life. Mack, I couldn't have said it any more eloquently than Janet. Thank you, darling, for putting yourself in harm's way to protect us. Now, lie back and enjoy it while your women spoil you rotten."

Little Sally was rubbing her extremely wet pussy lips along the length of my cock. Finally, she raised her lovely bubble shaped ass up high enough to allow my cock to spring up to meet her welcoming love tunnel. In one fell swoop, Sally pushed down on my weapon until our pubic mounds came together. After some adjustment to my size, she began to move up and down on my cock. I soon noticed that both of us began to breathe harder and faster. I love the way that the top of her breasts and her upper chest turns bright red as she begins to reach the apex of her orgasmic state. I was starting to sweat across my brow, and I was beginning to feel a tingling in my nuts. About that time, Janet rose from my chest. She turned around and slowly settled her coochie on my lips. I thought to my self that this was the way I most enjoyed being thanked by these two beautiful women.

I said, "Sally, I am going to come any minute now."

Sally was hardly able to reply, "Mack, any time you are ready, baby, I will be right behind you."

A minute later, I felt my cock thicken and begin to send one rope of cum after another into my lover. Sally immediately followed with her own quivering orgasm. I heard her voice increase in volume, saying, "Oh, oh, oooooh, Mack. Don't stop. Please keep it up, I'm cooooommmmmmiing!! Damn, Mack, that was so good."

Our mutual moans and squeaks must have had the right effect on Janet as she soon moaned, "Oh, Maaaacccckk, I coming, get ready. Ohhhhhh!!" Janet covered my face in her sweet nectar. I did my best to swallow and lick up every single drop.

Once I softened, and my whacker slid out of the warm sheath in which it had enjoyed, I felt a glob of our combined cum flowing out onto the bed. So I hurriedly scooped up Sally and carried my Amerasian cutie to the bathroom for a cleanup. We jumped into the shower and washed each other thoroughly... very, very carefully. We were joined by Janet soon after.

Sally, honey, could I convince you to go into the lab and continuing our set up of the equipment. I would like to have a couple of hours alone with Janet?"

Sally replied, "Sure, Mack, I would love to do that and, if I have any questions, I will save them until you come out. Buzz me on the intercom if you need me."

Returning to the bedroom, I was greeted by an awesome sight. Janet was lying on the bed, totally naked and sprawled out like she was tied to the bedpost. Although I am just in my thirties and have no difficulties getting my manhood up, I wouldn't typically have risen to the occasion, so soon after my time in bed with Sally. Seeing Janet's clean-shaven pussy wide open for the taking would have made an eighty-year-old man hard.

I stood in the doorway, acting as a voyeur. Janet was so beautiful with her blond hair spread across her pillow. She had her eyes closed, and her breathing was steady and slow. It appeared that she was peacefully asleep.

It seemed that Janet might be playing possum because her vulva lips were wet and glistening. Her girly fluids were slowly covering her inner thighs. Even her opening was visible in the spread eagle position. I crawled up between her legs and ran my full flat tongue from the bottom to just below her clit. Then I rolled my tongue like a cigar and push it into her love tunnel as far as possible. Alternating my tongue from one to the other shape, and then inserting two fingers to find her 'G' spot, I brought her to the edge of an orgasm. I brought her to the edge three times before she demanded that he let her climax.

"Mack, damn it, let me come, you bastard. You're killing me damn it."

This time as I started my ministrations in earnest, Janet raised her hips off the bed for about six inches, and she began to scream unintelligible sounds.

"Ooooh, shiiiiiiitttttt Maaaacccckkkk, I'm coooommmmminggg, yes, yes, yes."

As I felt Janet chanting and breathing faster, I picked up my pace and began to catch up with Janet before reaching the most forceful climax she had ever had before. After what seemed like an hour but was actually only minutes, we both came down from an unbelievable high.

I rolled us over onto our sides, and we rested until we fell asleep in each other's arms. We slept for only an hour, but we both woke up refreshed.

I spoke first, "Janet, I would like to discuss something with you while we are alone."

"Yes, Mack, of course. I think I have an idea about what you wish to discuss, so please speak your mind."

I continued, "I want to discuss our relationship. This is to say, the relationship between you, Sally, and me. As you know, I would like to have children, and since you cannot have children any longer, I would like to ask Sally to marry me and begin a family. However, I cannot lose you. I love you, Janet, and I know that I want you in our lives forever. Please share your feelings about this with me, and darling, don't tell me to go to hell."

Suddenly, Janet was laughing her ass off.

"Janet, what did I say that was so damn funny, woman?"

Janet stopped laughing and said, "Mack, sometimes, as smart as you are, you can be so naive. I know that you love both of us and that you will marry Sally before you knock her up. That is the type of man you are, and you are not going to change your character. You are the most honorable man that I know. You will not lose me, and my feelings for both you and Sally will not change. Your children can call me Nana. Do you still have Cassie's wedding rings? I always wanted to be a grandmother. Now, let's go tell Sally the good news."

"I do."

Chapter 12

We entered the lab and found Sally opening boxes like a little girl opening presents on Christmas Day. She jumped up when she saw us come into the lab and ran to meet Janet and me. Sally threw her arms around me and gave me a passionate kiss. She then greeted Janet in the same manner.

I smiled broadly, saying, "Sally, we saw you only two or three hours ago."

Sally replied, "I missed you both."

Janet led Sally to one of the lab stools and asked her to have a seat because I had a question for her. After Janet was seated, I said, "Sally, I knew within forty-eight-hours that I wanted to be with you for the rest of our lives. You are sweet. You are brave. You are one of the most loving women that I have ever met. Honey, will you do me the tremendous honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

At first, Sally looked over to Janet to look for a signal from her on this question. Janet immediately smiled and barely nodded her head. Following that signal from Janet, Sally started shouting, "Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Oh, Mack, you just made me the happiest woman in the world."

I then placed Cassie's engagement ring on her finger, but it was at least two sizes too large.

I said, "This was Cassie's ring, and I am sorry that it is too large. We can put something around the band so that it stays on until you can pick out your own wedding ring set."

Sally quickly said, "No. Mack, I don't want a different ring darling. I want the ring that the first love of your life wore. Let's just have it resized to my ring size? Baby, it's not the money because I know you well enough to know that you would spend any amount to keep us ladies happy. It's the sentimental value to Janet and you that is important to me."

I replied, "Okay, sweetheart, but maybe we can find a diamond band to match it, and I would like to also get a multi-stone wedding band to present to Janet to wear on her right-hand ring finger. That ring, Janet, will be a symbol of our enduring love and romantic connection to you."

Janet said, "Mack, thank you for being so sensitive to my feelings. I would marry you if I could, but I will be happy to wear your ring, share your bed when I can, and help to raise your children. They will be my grandchildren, and I will love them as much as I did Cassie. As much as I love both of you."

Sally said, "Mack, are you ready to have children? I hope so because I stopped taking my birth control pills three weeks ago when I ran out of them."

"You little stinker, of course, I am ready to have children: our children. In fact, I can't wait to see you with a belly bump. I have always thought that women were even more beautiful after they became pregnant. Sally, you will be even more gorgeous if that is possible."

The next day I had a moment of enlightenment, or in other words, I had a moment of genius. I used my computer and the internet to find a slightly used Snowcat® at a ski lodge that had just filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy and made arrangements to buy it for cash and have it delivered to the cabin. It would be stored in one of the outbuildings. When it arrived, I was amazed to find that it had that it came with a removable snow blade on the front to clear my roads all the way to the main highway.

Chapter 13

We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas season together. The winter was slow to get started, but now we had nearly one hundred inches of snowfall. We were not going to leave the cabin before sping, and even in early spring, we often received snow in this area.

By the end of February, we confirmed that Sally was pregnant. We believed she was about three or four weeks pregnant. We all knew that this day was coming before long, and I had ordered prenatal vitamins and pregnancy test kits. It wasn't a matter of if Sally would get pregnant, but when she would get pregnant. She already had that glow that women get once they become pregnant.

I reached out for Sally's hand and said, "Wife, let's go to the bedroom and celebrate the fact that our baby is in your oven. Janet, please start dinner, and we will be in the kitchen in about two hours. Oh, and before I forget, tomorrow morning at nine, we are going on a little expedition in the new snowcat up the mountain. Dress warmly."

I called the sheriff and the forestry service, informing them that I would be burning some trash and debris up on the mountain that I believed would be a fire hazard later that summer. I received their permission due to the heavy snowfall, there was little hazard of fire.

At nine the next morning, I was in front of the cabin with the snowcat and had it warmed up and running nicely. Sally and Janet loaded into the vehicle, and we were on our way up the mountain. I went down the mountain until I found the logging road, which I knew would lead me up to the old hunting cabin that was once Sally's torture chamber. It took us nearly an hour in the deep snow to reach the cabin.

When Sally saw the run-down cabin, she started shaking, and I knew that she was on the verge of having a panic attack. I held her tightly in my arms. Then I explained that I was going to burn that eyesore to the ground so that it would never be there to remind her of that period of her life.

Sally looked up and said, "I love you."

Leaving the snowcat well away from the cabin, I entered the building and looked around for any personal items of Sally's that may have remained in the one-room cabin. Seeing nothing, I spread gasoline over the floor, the bed, and left a trail of gas out the only door. It was only about a three-hundred-square-foot building, so I didn't expect too big of a fire.

There were a couple of trees near the building that I was afraid might catch fire, so I used my chain saw to cut them down. Cutting them into manageable pieces, I moved the small trees away from what would soon be hot fire.

I ignited a rolled up piece of paper and dropped it on the gasoline. The fire trail quickly moved to the center of the wooden structure, and within ten minutes, it was engulfed in flames. I kept walking around, looking out for any random fires. I carried a shovel just in case.

Once the burning building collapsed on itself, I went back to our vehicle to have some hot coffee and wait for it to burn itself out. About three hours later, I took a snow shovel and walked around the smoking embers and threw snow on anything that was still smoking. Once I was assured that it was completely burned out, and then I led the girls over to the remains to show them that no one else would ever be taken prisoner or raped there again.

Later that night, Sally asked Janet to sleep in the guest room so that she could be alone with her fiancé.

Sally said, "Mack, thank you so much for destroying that torture chamber. I know that you did that for me and I really appreciate the thought. You are the kindest, most caring man in the world. Oh, and Mack, as a small way to show my appreciation for everything you do for Sally and I. Baby, I am going to undress you now, and then we are going to do some things that may surprise even you."

While she undressed me, I reached between her thighs to massage and finger her vulva lips. They were dark red swollen and were covered in creamy white froth. Her excitement was evident in her wetness.

After Sally finished undressing me, she went to her knees and took my hardened cock into her mouth. It was soon going deep into her throat. She was driving me crazy with lust for this beautiful woman. I was so happy that she would soon be my wife.

I stopped her as I reached the cusp of my orgasm. I was so close to popping that only perfect timing prevented me from covering her blouse in cum. I stood her in front of me and piece by piece, I removed her clothing.

Chapter 14

Life was kind to us from that day onward. I used the snowcat to clear the road down to the main highway in February. Sally and I were married at the courthouse with Sheriff Billy and his wife as our witnesses. Once married, the three of us headed to Denver to board a plane bound for San Juan, Puerto Rico. Once there, we boarded a ship for a two-week cruise. We swam, we danced, we all eat more than we should have, and of course, we all shared a bed meant for two people. I booked a two-bedroom suite, but most nights, we all slept in the same bed.

Before we left home, I contacted a realtor and a contractor in St. Thomas, USVI, and set up appointments for us to look at available homes or building sights. I spent a fair amount of time researching hurricane-proof building techniques. Then I contacted an architect that specialized in this type of residential construction. I kept my plans to myself. Both Sally and Janet had no idea that we were even going to St. Thomas after the cruise.

The cruise was outstanding. It went to numerous South and Central American ports and then to a stop in Cozumel, Mexico. Finally, we spent two days and nights in Cuba. When we docked back in San Juan, the girls expected us to board a plane for Denver. They were both lamentings the fact that we were going back to the cold weather in Colorado. When we checked in at the departure gate for St. Thomas, I was mauled by two wild and beautiful women.

I had rented a home in the mountains of St. Thomas. We met with the realtor that looked for a property on which we could build a vacation home. We found an area that was mostly used for food production. She had found us an acre of land that was available to us for the right price. It sat at a high enough elevation to give us a beautiful view of the turquoise waters of the Caribean Sea to the South, in the distance. We negotiated a price that was high but was expected since we were buying a piece of paradise.

I flew the architect and the contractor to the island to examine the property. Both agreed that the property would be perfect and would even allow for a basement. The architect promised to have amended finished drawings to us in two days after her return to her office in Florida. The contractor, who specialized in hurricane-resistant construction, spent the next two days searching out suppliers, a skilled workforce, and lodging for the people he would bring to the island from Florida. I arranged to rent another home near the site to house his supervisory staff.

It took nine months for our new vacation home to be completed. It was beautiful and at opposite ends of the design spectrum from our mountain cabin. Our new home was all reinforced concrete construction. The windows and doors were all made to Florida hurricane standards. This home was built to stand up to a category 5 hurricane with winds exceeding 157 MPH. I don't want to be in a hurricane that strong, but it is comforting to know that our home will be safe should a storm of that strength hit the island.

The final bit of construction was on a seven-foot-tall security fence and electric gate entrance that surrounded a half-acre of land and the house, pool, and garages. A privacy fence surrounded the back of the house, including the pool and hot tub. That allowed us the privacy to walk around nude.

Once the construction was well underway, we returned home after hiring a construction manager to watch over the quality of construction and to make payouts to the contractor for work and materials as needed.

In September, Sally gave birth to our daughter, Molly. Molly was born with a head full of dark hair and beautiful green eyes like her mother. One look at Molly, and I knew that we couldn't stop at one child.

Chapter 15 Epilog

We moved back to our new house in the paradise of St. Thomas for the winter. Our new home was a wonder, with all of the same amenities we had in the cabin and a lot more. I hired a housekeeper and cook. They were two middle-aged attractive local women who came to the house Monday through Saturday at seven in the morning and went home at night at five. On Sundays, we were on our own.

Janet was the best grandmother, imaginable. Over the next three years, we had a son Mark and another daughter, Debra. We spent summers in Colorado and winters in St. Thomas. We also made the occasional trip to other destinations around the world.

Janet was happy to have one evening with me per week, so we designated Thursday night as Janet's. I was hers to do with as she pleased.

I look back on our lives, and shutter to think how close we came to dying on a mountain in Colorado. Either one of the two men who actually died on that mountain could easily have killed my two girls and me.

However, here we are, ten years and three children later, we are gloriously happy. Nanna Janet is ecstatic about taking care of the children. Sally and I have developed two new chemical compounds that have potentially enormous commercial value, and we have become even wealthier after selling the patented formulas.

With enough money for several lifetimes, we decided to retire to a life of leisure. The three of us homeschooled our children. Our oldest daughter, Molly, went to an excellent university and then on to become a pediatric heart surgeon. Our son, Mark, followed in our path and became a chemical engineer. After gaining a doctorate, he went on to teach at a well known technical university.

Finally, our baby girl, Debra, fell in love with our home and the town we lived in, in Colorado. She went to medical school and became an internist and cardiologist. Debra lives in our cabin in the summer and in her own condo in winter, and she works at the local hospital.

Janet lived a long, happy life, but at the age of seventy-six, she died in her sleep. We had a family cemetery vault constructed of granite behind the cabin under a massive oak tree. Janet was the first family buried in the mausoleum, and someday the rest would follow her.

Sally and I just celebrated our thirtieth wedding anniversary, and all of the children and even all six of our grandchildren joined in the celebration. Life was great. Looking back over the last thirty years, Sally and I wouldn't have changed a thing. I only hope that we enjoy many more years together.

The End.