As the only child of a single mother I was living at home with her after I graduated from high school. It was the summer between high school and college and I was going to be living at home going to a local college in the fall.

It was a week past my 19th birthday and I was wearing some nylon running shorts and a tank top with a loose fitting jock strap on underneath. I was relaxing in my bedroom reading a book when my mother came home from work. As she greeted me she just as calmly said;

"So how long have you been getting into the lingerie drawer in my dresser?"

"What?!" I answered.

"How long have you been going into my lingerie drawer when I am not at home?" She replied.

"I don't know what you mean." I said slowly.

"Oh come on now. It's okay. I know how I fold my panties and slips when I do the wash and I am very aware when they are not folded the same when I go to put them on after I have put them away."

"I'm still not sure what you are talking about." Was my response.

"Tommy. Please don't lie to me. I know you are enjoying yourself in my panty drawer. It's time you let me know."

"And you will not be mad?" I answered.

"I'm not mad. I'd just like to know when I put on a fresh pair of panties in the morning that they are indeed "fresh." Said my mom.

"You're right. I have been going into your lingerie drawer."

"Do you wear it? Have you ejaculated in it? Just what are you doing?" She asked.

"No, no. I haven't cum in it. In fact, I am not aware that I have ever cum in my life. I have had wet dreams but that is all."

"So that's why I haven't seen any girls in your life." Said mom.

"Well that's not the reason. It's just that I haven't found one who interests me. Playing with your panties and slips is a way for me to relieve that tension."

My mother was dressed in her work clothes from the day. She had a dress that came just below her knees with a skirt that flared out a little bit indicating to me she had a lite petticoat on underneath it. I knew she always wore very pretty vintage style lingerie under her work clothes because I was so familiar with her lingerie drawer.

"Let's stop you from having all that tension. Come with me into my bedroom. I want you to watch something." Said mom.

I was hesitant at first but I got off my bed and followed her into her bedroom.

"Stand right here." Said mom as she pointed to a spot on the floor next to her bed. She was in front of me next to her dresser that had a mirror over it.

"I want you to watch as I undress from the day. You can learn how girls dress to get noticed."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm sure. Just do as I say and start by unzipping my dress down the back." She directed.

I unzipped her dress and was correct in my assumption she was wearing a lite petticoat as it came into view at the bottom of the zipper. She was wearing a nylon and lace camisole on top. All of her lingerie was bright white.

"Now take a step back and don't say a thing, just watch." She instructed.

I did as she asked as she let her dress fall to the floor. She stepped out of it and threw it on the bed. She put her hands in the waist band of her petticoat and slid it down her legs. As she stepped out of it she tossed it onto the bed also. She had on full cut nylon and lace panties with a garter belt on over them. She unhooked the clips on her garter belt from her stockings and then unhooked her belt from behind before tossing it on the bed. She took off her camisole next and then rolled her stockings down her legs and pulled them off. I could not hide the fact that I was quickly getting an erection watching her do this in front of me.

"That's a good sign. I see you're enjoying what I'm doing. Slide off those running shorts and let's see what's going on between your legs." She said as she pointed to me.

I did as she asked and my penis was stiff and sticking straight out in my jock strap.

"Oh this is silly. Take off your tank top and drop that jock strap. Let mommy see what you've grown into."

I did as directed. I was totally naked.

"That's a really big penis you've got there, and it looks thick too! A real man's cock should be thick for a lady." Said mom.

"You look very pretty in your bra and panties." I managed to squeak out.

My mom always wore full cut nylon and lace panties. I had worn them too when playing in her lingerie, but she filled them out much better than I did. She had a beautiful satin and lace bra on covering her 34B breasts.

"Well we can't just have one of us naked. Let me join you." Said mom.

With that she first unhooked her bra and let it fall forward revealing her nicely sized breasts. Her nipples were big and round. She tossed her bra on the bed and then went to the waist band of her panties and slowly pulled them down. She was completely nude in front of me, and as was the custom in those days, had a pubic area with a thick black bush of hair.

"There we are. Mommy is naked in front of you and you have a rock hard penis. Does that mean you are finding mommy sexy?" She asked slyly.

"I find you very sexy. Your breasts are beautiful. Your nipples are huge. Your crotch looks damp." I said as my penis throbbed in front of us.

"Well, your erection has me a little excited, and my pussy lips are a little wet. But enough about me, Why don't you come over here and let me watch you pick out a pair of panties you want to wear."

"Really? You want to see me wearing your panties? I asked.

"Oh that's just a start honey. Mommy has some fun plans for you." She said as she smiled.

I did as she instructed and selected a pink pair of panties with lace around the leg openings and the waistband.

"Well go on. Let mommy see you put on her panties. You've wanted to show someone haven't you? It's just you and me in the bedroom. Let me see you in my panties."

I stepped into the panties and pulled them on over my throbbing erection. A tiny wet spot of pre-cum was visible on the panties at the tip of my penis.

"Look what you're doing....don't you cum in mommy's panties." She said sternly.

"I don't cum.......I mean I don't think I can cum. I've never cum in my life. I don't think I am physically capable of doing it." I stammered out.

"Really................Maybe you do belong in panties then. If you can't cum you're more like a girl than a boy." Said mom.

As she said this my penis immediately began to soften and shrink in the panties.

"Oh look...Your little girl is starting to show. You've lost your erection. That's mommy's good little girl, my panties will fit you better now. Why don't we pick out a nightgown for you to wear in bed tonight."

As my mother opened the closet door I spotted the pale pink long sleeve nylon and lace nightgown that was my favorite.

"Which one is your favorite?" She asked.

"I like the long sleeve pale pink one." I replied.

"Oh, that's a long one and very pretty. Here I'll get it for you."

My mother was still completely naked as she got the nightgown and slipped it over my head and let it fall down my shoulders.

"Wow, you look so pretty! And there isn't anything sticking out between your legs. You make an excellent girl."

"I love to look like a girl. It gives me a sexual charge." I said to my mother.

"Well I'll tell you what. Tonight, instead of you in your room and me in mine, I want you to sleep with me in my bed. We'll be two girls on a sleep over."

"You'll be in a nightgown won't you?" I asked.

"Of course. And a pair of panties also. Why should we sleep alone when we have each other?" Said mom.

My mother had been standing in front of me totally naked for so long it was becoming natural for me to see her this way. I almost wanted to tell her to stop when she went about selecting a full cut pair of white nylon and lace panties and pulled them on with a pale blue long nightgown loaded with lace and nylon over them.

"I'm going to call you Tammy when you are dressed as a pretty girl." Said my mother.

"Okay. I guess that's alright." I replied.

"So Tammy, pull back the covers and get into my bed. I'll be back in a second after I freshen myself in the bathroom."

I did as she asked and got in bed under the covers. The feeling of my nightgown on my panties was wonderful. The nylon sliding across my nipples also gave me a thrill. My mother returned to the bedroom and climbed into bed next to me. As she turned out the light we both just relaxed on our backs and I had no idea what she had in mind next.

"So Tammy....would you like to stroke my breasts?" Asked my mother.

"I would like that." I replied.

"Slide your hand over my nightgown and feel my breasts and nipples. My nipples are extra big right now." Said mom.

I did as she asked and felt her full breasts under the nylon and lace of her nightgown. Her nipples were big and plump and growing larger as I gently stroked her.

"That's a good girl! Only another girl could understand how a woman enjoys the slow stroking of her breasts. You are really making me feel sexy." Said my mother.

I kept stroking her breasts as we pulled closer together in bed. She began to slow her breathing and let out little sighs with each stroke of my hand.

"Tammy honey, I'd like to kiss you while you stroke me. Is that okay with you?" She asked.

"Yes. Tammy would like to kiss you too." I replied.

With that my mother's lips met mine and she pushed her tongue into my mouth as we began a deep and long tongue kiss. I felt my penis getting hard in my panties and I tried to stop it but it was no use. We tongue kissed in a most passionate way for several minutes as our bodies came together in a very intimate cuddle. As I continued stroking her breasts, I felt my mother's hand sliding down between my legs as she began to feel my erection. My penis had gotten very hard and thick.

"Ohhhhhhhh........Tammy honey, you have a really thick, hard penis between your legs!" Said mom.

"I'm really sorry about that mom. I can't control it. The feeling of nylon and lace against my body and kissing you and stroking you in your nightgown has given me a really hard cock."

With that my mother kissed me deeply again and then pulled back and said;

"It's okay honey. It's physically normal for you. Put your hand between my legs and you'll see what I mean."

I did as she instructed and slid my hand up under her nightgown and between her legs. When I felt the nylon and lace of her panties they were soaking wet.

"Oh, excuse me mom. Did you wet your panties?" I asked.

"No baby. It's what happens naturally when girls become sexually excited. The lips between my legs plump up and get very wet in anticipation of a rock hard penis sliding between them. It's what makes a penis ejaculate. Would you like to put your hard penis inside mommy's wet pussy lips? I'd really like it if you did."

"I've never done that to any girl before. I don't think I am physically capable of ejaculating because I never have." I replied.

"Oh that's okay. And not being able to ejaculate is even better! I won't have to worry about getting pregnant. But I would love to feel your big thick penis inside me. Can you pull down mommy's panties slowly and I'll tell you what to do?"

My cock was harder than it had ever been and it was throbbing with every beat of my heart. I was too sexually excited at the moment to concern myself with the fact that my first ever sexual intercourse experience was about to take place with my own mother. And while I was dressed as a girl!

"I want to make you happy and I want to feel my penis inside your body. I'll gently slide your panties off and you tell me what to do next." I said breathlessly.

If it was possible, her panties had gotten wetter as I reached for the waist band under her nightgown and began to pull them down her legs. I helped pull them off her feet and as I did this she began to spread her legs wide open forcing her nightgown up to her waist.

"Gently slide your finger between my legs and tell me what you feel." Said mom.

I did what she asked.

"I feel you being very wet. And I feel a rock hard bump at the top of your lips."

"That's my clitoris. It gives me extra sexual stimulation. Rub your finger over it."

I did as she asked as she gasped for air.

"Oh baby........that feels so good! You are good to your mommy. Now lift up your night gown and take off your panties. I want to feel that big thick cock of yours."

Again I did as she instructed.

"Now get on your knees between my legs and I'll guide your penis inside my pussy."

"I've never done anything like this before." I said with a little hesitation.

"There's nothing to be afraid of honey. You and I are going to enjoy each other as we fuck." Said my mother.

As she was saying this she reached out and gently put her hand around my cock. She began pulling it toward her and I felt the helmet of my penis touching her wet pussy lips. She slid the head of my cock up and down her soaking wet lips and then in an instant she inserted my erection inside of her waiting vagina.

"Oh my God, you are huge!" She said as she gasped.

"I'm inside of you mom and you feel really good to me." I replied.

"Come deeper inside me baby. And remember not to ejaculate." She said.

"I told you mom, I can't ejaculate. I've never been able to do it in my life." I responded as I slid deeper inside of her until our bodies met each other. We were in full sexual copulation.

"You see. I'm not able to ejaculate even though my penis is all the way inside you." I whispered.

"You're not done yet honey. Without pulling out of my pussy, slowly pull back your cock and then push it all the way inside me again." Instructed my mother.

I did as she told me to. I pulled back once and pushed forward once.

"That's good baby. Now do it again and again and a little bit faster each time and see what happens." Said mom.

I kept doing as she asked and felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter. My cock was getting harder and straighter. Our pubic bones were touching as I plunged my swollen, hard cock in and out. My mother was gasping for breath as I felt her vaginal lips tighten around my penis.

"Oh God.....Oh God! I can't get enough of your cock! You are fucking your mommy and I love it!"

As she said this I had a feeling quickly come over me that I had to pee. I did not stop thrusting I just leaned into my mother and whispered in her ear;

"I'm going to pee and I can't stop it." I said quickly.

"That's not pee! Pull out!, Pull out!" Said my mother in a panicked voice.

I was in the middle of thrusting forward while all this was happening and I instantly felt my penis squirting a stream of liquid quickly as my muscles contracted around my groin.

"You're cumming! You're cumming! Honey, pull out now!" Said mom loudly.

I pulled out as quickly as I could and my penis was still shooting out thick white cream that landed on my mother's naked crotch. Since I had never ejaculated in my life I had a very heavy load of semen built up.

"I felt you cum inside me! Your sperm is in my vagina! You could get me pregnant! I don't want to have a baby. I've got to douche right now and hope our fucking doesn't make a baby." Said mom.

She got out of bed quickly and went into the bathroom. In a few minutes she returned to bed and slid in next to me and began tongue kissing me deeply. I returned her kissing as I stroked her breasts through her nightgown. As she and I cuddled she whispered;

"Well, at least we know now you can ejaculate."

"I have never done that. I'm sorry I didn't know I could. And now the first time I have ever done it, I was inside my own mother." I said meekly.

"It was okay honey. I really enjoyed you cumming inside me. I had two orgasms when we fucked. I'm going to have to start taking birth control pills since I don't want a baby, but I do want us to have intercourse on a regular basis."

"It really felt good when I came inside you. I'm looking forward to the next time we make love." I said.

"I always want you wearing lingerie when you fuck me. I'll lay it out on the bed for you and help you put it on before we get into bed together." Said mom.

"I love wearing your panties and your nightgowns, but your bras are a little big for me."

"I'll go out tomorrow and buy you some training bras. They will fit you tightly and you'll love the feel." Said my mom as she again began to kiss me and thrust her tongue into my mouth.

Since I was in my late teens, my ability to have an erection quickly after having intercourse was in full swing. As my mother continued to tongue kiss me and our tongues danced together I felt my penis getting hard inside my panties.

"I'm getting an erection again mom." I said as I started to breathe heavily.

"Oh baby, let me feel your cock. Is it hard enough for you to fuck me again?" She asked.

As my mother stroked my penis through my panties she could tell I was hard enough to enter her again.

"You are really hard honey! I'm sure you can fuck me again. I want you to do me again baby. I'm so turned on by you! This time keep your panties on. I'm going to pull your cock out of the leg hole of your panties and I want you to lie on your back."

I did as she instructed and she pulled her nightgown up and put her knees on each side of my body as she straddled me. She let her nightgown fall down and it covered my hard cock and her wet pussy. She reached her hand under the nightgown, grabbed my cock and put the tip of it into her vaginal lips. Then she quickly lowered her body toward me and completely engulfed my erection in her body. With our pubic bones touching I felt her pussy muscles squeezing my cock and then loosing, then squeezing again. It was as if she was milking my penis with her vagina.

"Oh my God.....I'm going to cum again!" I said in a loud voice.

"Let it come baby. I'll douche again to get it out, but in the meantime fill your mommy with your semen."

As she said this my penis squirted a stream of cum even thicker than the first time. I gasped for breath with each squirt and I let go of three thick streams of cum. My mother did not pull off; she pushed down on me tighter as I unloaded my ejaculate deep inside her.

"Oh darling.....You can really cum! I feel you so deep inside me! I love you in your nightgown and panties cumming inside your mommy."

With that she lowered her face to mine and we kissed a really deep long tongue kiss as we were tightly mated together at our genitals. Again I felt her vaginal lips squeezing me. She relaxed and laid on top of me with my penis still deep inside her. We stayed joined this way for at least the next five minutes as I softened ever so slightly.

My mother whispered in my ear; "I'm going to pull off now and clean off. But I want you to know this was the best fuck I have ever experienced. I want to fuck you again and again. Please tell me you want to fuck me too."

"I want to fuck you more than ever!" I replied quickly and surprisingly so.

"That is so wonderful. You and I are perfect lovers. But I only want you dressed as a girl when we fuck. It really adds to the excitement." Said mom.

In the weeks and months ahead my mother and I had sexual intercourse with each other no less than five times a week. I always ejaculated a full load inside of her and she never became pregnant. Our sex life continued for the next three years. My lingerie wardrobe grew too as she bought me very pretty items to wear when we fucked.

I managed to meet a girl and ask her to marry me. My active sex life with my mother in a way caused a disappointment in me when having sex with my girlfriend. The sex was good, but it was not as good as when my mother and I fucked.

Still, my girlfriend said "yes" and we set a date for our wedding. We were living together for a year before the wedding and sexual intercourse with my mother fell to nothing. On the night before my wedding my girlfriend spent the night at her mother's to get ready for the big day. I spent the night in bed with my mother. We had full blown intercourse three times over a seven hour period. It was the most intense fucking I had ever had. The night before my wedding my mother and I fucked as if it would be the last time ever.It was only two months into my marriage that my wife had to go out of town for business. Even though I was a newlywed, I did not hesitate to spend the night with my mother and she did not hesitate to fuck me in ways I had never experience with my new wife.

My wife and I divorced after 7 years together. She was never aware that I was in a steady sexual relationship with my mother during our entire marriage. And it turned out it was better that way.