I dropped in one morning for coffee and muffins and Mom was looking rather sullen, as if she would be spending the rest of her life alone and depressed.

I saw her the day before the big bankers convention and she was looking quite hot, a floral skirt, ruffled v neck blouse, a nice string of pearls, her patent black dress heels were sparkling and yet she was given more complements by other men, her husband did not trouble himself to pay his wife a complement, Thusly she felt sad, forlorn and quite angry and I could well understand her hurt.

It was the same old story, like a ten year soap box opera, she busting her ass running a home, cook and clean keeping herself looking great and for what?" for absolutely nothing.

In the beginning, there seemed to be a lot of of love in our home but as time went by, well so did the love. Dad would be nice just long enough to get what he wanted from Mom and then he would go back to being cool and uncaring about anything but work.

I began to notice that if I said nothing about how good supper was he said nothing either, but I always made a point of telling her after, say she was loading the dishwasher, "Mom, that was a great supper," and give her a nice kiss. I would ask her later if Dad ever thanked her for such a great job with supper," Nope, never said a word."

I could see her attitude towards him change, She doesn't have that loving feeling anymore but I can tell she misses the time she did have it.

"So Mom, if I am right, Dad said all the right things before you married and now it's like he pays you a compliment as if it's coming out of his eyes?

I suddenly remembered one day a few years ago, Dad talking to our neighbor, Lester over the fence saying, "Women they wanna be thanked at times for doing their job, can you believe it?" So I knew then just what his attitude was and it sure as hell wasn't nice.

She looked at me over the tops of her gold half-rounds, her mouth agape and her chin resting on her right hand. I knew she was a bit surprised I hit the nail on the head.

"Exactly, Tom. But he had no problem telling the other wives how good they looked, Oh yes I heard him talking at the buffet table, really giving them the eye."

"Ya know Mom, it is just the way things worked out but I know I could be a much better husband than Dad could, any day of the week, the way you keep the house and cook, the way you keep your looks. You ever get the idea that he expects you to always look good, therefore does not have to tell you you look good. . . and you feel taken for granted? Oh yeah Mom, you'd be showered with love I know I could sincerely appreciate the way you keep house and your good looks."

"Tom, he acts like a big shot because he is a board member for the bank and he did tell me I always had to look good just in case there was some big thing going on and wives would need to be present for that even

"So he wants you as a trophy wife? to show you off yet never say how good you look?"

"You really pick up on things, you know that Tom."

"Does he ever say something nice if you cook his favorite dinner?"

"Get this Tom, I did his favorite stuffed pork chops and string beans with ham hocks and all I got was," That wasn't half bad."

"I never thought I'd be calling my father a but thole."

"Tom, you really feel that way about him?

"Yeah I do, maybe it is because I don't have a great woman like he does and he does not have the brains to appreciate you, Hell if you were my wife, you would never feel the way you do now."

"Thanks Tom, at least I know that you really appreciate my cooking."

"Those are nice reading glasses Mom, you look so nice and rather hot, how long have you been wearing them?"

"About a year now."

"Same as you have now?"

"Sometimes these or my gold ovals or silver half-squares.'

"Did Dad ever say how nice you look in them?"I was hoping he did but I doubted it.

"He said, 'Your getting old when you need reading glasses."

"One thing to be said for Dad, He has all the charm of a bowel movement."Mom nodded her head.

"Tom, I'm starting to think that life with no husband could be rather nice, what do you think?"

"I can understand your thoughts Mom, I mean who wants to go through life never being loved as you should, waking up in the morning, he's not there because he is out playing golf with other board members or being so late to get home you wonder if he had the secretary over her desk."

"I had wondered about that too Tom, I mean when you consider the bank opens at nine and closes at four, what are they doing that keeps them there till eight at night?"

"Those women he was giving his eye to, I know he would not make a remark like that to them."

"Sometimes Tom, I just feel like letting myself go, get fat and not care, heck he won't care but will say something unkind."

"Did you ask 'Why was he dishing out compliments about other women at the buffet table?"

"I thought about it but he would come up with some cock and bull story that he had to and frankly I did not think it was worth the bother, you know him, he'd start to rant and rave about things having nothing to do with any of this."

"That's how he planned it, say what he wants and get away with it, putting up a smoke screen, so you feel it's not worth the bother.

"You know a lot Tom, about how I feel and I do appreciate that. Nice to know someone likes the time I put into looking good."

Mom Does look good, she'd be at the stove and I'd have my eyes glued to her sexy hips and nice rounded ass and her breasts, GAWD I could make a career out of exploring them.

I know I should not ask, but does he do a good job with other things?"

Mom knew what I meant.

"Things could always be better, he is not romantic about it, that's for sure. Just get it done or business as usual and he rolls over and goes to sleep."

"So he does not make you long for him at all?"

"I am doing my wifely service, with no thanks or anything.

"Well Mom, were I lucky to have a woman like you, sleep would be the last thing on my mind."

Mom looked up at me and smiled.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying . . .Tom?"

I felt she took me words as I meant, that were Mom and I able to 'get it on' sleep would surely be the last thing on my mind.

"What do you think I'm saying MOM?"

"That you want me?"

There comes a time when one has to take that big risk and say exactly what they feel even though they know the possible outcome and I was going to do just that.

"Mom. . .I have noticed you a lot lately and I know you have been very sad as well and since I feel Dad really does not in any way appreciate you the way I do, well I wish you were my woman."

Mom looked at me in a very different way, as if her sub concious knew exactly what my words to her really meant yet somehow she did not fully understand what I was saying or was wondering if her son really did fancy her.

"Mom, what if you found someone who really cared for you? would your love for Dad start to wain as your love for a man who really loves you start to wax?"

"To Wain and wax, one does not hear that much anymore. . .Tom."

A few months had gone by and I was dropping in to see Mom more often since Dad was hardly ever there, either a bankers meeting or maybe golfing with other bankers.

Mom was feeling more depressed and that hurt me a few different ways, I yearned for Mom, I wanted her and frankly had fantasies of her, Yup her thirty year old son wanted her and loves her as any man man would love a good woman. So I decided to get romantic about it and since she had cooked me many a good meal, how about me cooking a good meal for mom? So I planned on it, chicken picada; gingered carrots; and mashed.

The night I cooked for Mom, she was looking good, a floral skirt a cream colored blouse with a ruffled v neck, her patent black dress shoes with a five inch heel that make great looking legs look even better. The way those heels sparkled seemed to keep me nicely aroused.

I had a classic music station on the stereo stereo and mom was enjoying the evening.

I did not know it but Mom was starting to have some real feelings for me and I think it began when I started to visit her more often and I think she began to think of me as more than just her son, just as I was loving her more as a woman than my mother.

I told her to relax and listen to the music as I loaded the dishwasher. She came into the kitchen and we found ourselves hugging.

"Mom, those breasts are so beautiful, when's the last time Dad told you that?"

Mom seemed just a bit misty, I think it was due to the truth of her husband not really paying attention to her anymore and she was confused about her thoughts about wanting me.

"Mom, don't worry. . .you have needs too and it is SO not right the way he is ignoring you."

"Tom, I just don't know, about this or anything." She said it in a sad way yet a way that also meant she wanted me.

"Mom, you feel more alone than ever, don't you?"

"I do Tom. He seems to think I have no interest in sex or anything, It was bad enough he never really told me how much he loved me, he hardly ever talks to me now ."

She had her arms round me and my hands went up to her breasts and I began to slip my hand into her silky blouse and felt her brassiere.

"Undo my blouse Tom." said Mom in almost a whisper yet there was a bit of lust in her voice.

I did so, and began to take more pleasure in her lovely mounds

"Well you might as well take off my blouse and bra too."

We were on the sofa and I had my hands on Mom's large breasts and I could not believe how great they felt, soft yet firm, large nipples. I began to run my tongue over her nipples, going fast then slow, and squeezing her breast till the nipple looked like it would explode.

"Oh Tom," two words laden with lust.

I grabbed her other breast and gave her nipple some real tongue action and Mom was really liking this

"I can't believe how some other guy would not want to spend more time with these." I began lightly biting them and sucking her breast as I rolled my tongue over her nipple.

I knew Mom was loving this.

"Tom, from now on, just call me Gloria, when he's not around."

Mom had a great evening, I knew she wanted to do more but wanted to take it slowly and I had no trouble with that, her bra came off for me that night and I was able to enjoy some great tit and I knew if I was romantic and not being pushy, we could be getting more intimate.

The next month or so I was still dropping in to visit Mom and we were doing alot more hugging and I was really loving those forty D bosoms of hers.

"Oh Gloria, I want you so bad, every hour I am awake, half that time is thinking about these." I said as I held her lovely melons, honeydews in my hands and her eyes were full of happiness as I ran my tongue all over them.

My life changed the night I enjoyed Gloria's lovely boobs, I loved how sweet they taste and the feel of them, running my tongue over those strawberry like nipples and I began to wonder how good Mom would taste down in her sugar hole.

We were taking it slow but loving it with a passion, She still took care of 'his needs' but there was no real heat in that so called event and he was so wrapped up in his own little world to even know Gloria no longer had it for him. "I faked it Tom, and he never knew."said Gloria

Gloria called me and wanted to take me out for a dinner of prime rib and all the fixings that went with it then wanted to go to a nice hotel.

The dinner was great but nothing could beat the lady I was with. she told me how much my love for her made her realize that she had a lot to live for.

"Honestly Tom, I can see how you could really fill me up. His it seems seems to have shrunk a few sizes. Are you ready to fan the flames of my desires?'

"Oh yes Gloria and I have been looking forward to this for some time."

I started out kissing Gloria on her ears neck and throat moving to her bosoms and I spent a while there, I would hold one of her breasts in both hands and squeeze, making her sexy nipple much more sensitive to the touch as I ran my tongue over it, slow or fast and I would kiss every part of her breast then moved to her belly where my tongue would swirl around it.

Gloria was loving this and breathing heavier as I neared the garden of earthly delights. I don't know how long I spent kissing her thighs, kissing and licking, God it was great, then I went for that smooth and silky muff with my mouth open and her legs spread even more as I licked her labia and way past those sex lips that seemed to have gotten much larger and her sexual aroma was so inviting.

"Oh Tom, It's been so long since I had this." Said Gloria and I had the idea that as much as she was loving this, part of her was a bit sad that she had been neglected for quite a while and Gloria did not deserve to be treated in such an unloved fashion.

I kept kissing and licking down there and I had to be a very lucky man to love this lady the way I am.

"Tom, Gloria wants you to come into the garden of Eden."

I positioned my self and entered her lovely warm and tight pussy and damn nothing could beat this.

"Oh Tom, you so fill me. . ." Her words were so dripping with sex.

I started out slow as something this great should not be hurried. I had my hands under her and my legs wrapped around hers. I loved the feel of her patent black heels and past memories of her heels sparkling as she walked got me even harder.

I wanted to stay there a bit longer but I knew Gloria was wanting this, like today. So I began to thrust my hardened cock way up inside Gloria going nice and even, relentlessly I pounded her, giving her just what she needed and yes so wanted. I knew that her being fucked would have a very positive change to her general feelings of life and she would have a spark in her eyes for the first time in a long time.

She stiffened up a few times and I knew she came and damn well enjoyed it, I mean as she said, the old man's seemed to have shrunk a few sizes and she could not always know if he was in yet.

We laid together for quite a while just holding each other and then it happened, we got hungry. I called a local pizza joint and ordered some food.

I could see the happiness in her eyes and that said so much.

I wanted to talk to Gloria about the way I felt when I saw her wearing her various style of half-glasses with her home made high quality glass beaded neck chains and why did they so get me so turned on.

"Really Tom?" seeing me in glasses gives you a boner?"

"Actually it does Gloria, when the light of a lamp is seen in them, it does something to me and with the beads swaying a bit, I find that so feminine or when they use your boobs as a shelf and I see the light reflected in them. . . they give me a very nice feeling that somehow finds its way to my groin."

"Well Tom, I think I know what is going on, you like serious women and somehow my glasses make you see me as that serious woman and I like that and since you get that nice feeling down there, I am sure we could do a lot of things with them as foreplay."

We were done with the pizza and coke and Gloria just happened to have two pair of her glasses in her purse. I knew what I wanted to do with them and I knew Gloria would like this.

Sitting up on the bed I took her gold half-moon style glasses and began rubbing them over her nipples and running the string of glass beads past her nipple, making it quiver and the beads went by it fast. Gloria was breathing heavier.

"TOM, where did you learn this?"

"I just gave it a lot of thought, Gloria so you like this huh?"I said as those glasses were rubbed over her nipples or any other part of her breasts. Well of course I was getting quite large too and Gloria asked me for a pair. I gave them to her and she wraps the purple beaded chain around my cock and begins to drag her granny glasses all over my cock. She wanted the other pair as well and had those half-rounds at the end of her nose with the dainty beads swaying as she began to jerk me off, her glasses between her palm and my cock and going faster and faster, when she saw I was almost ready, she had those glasses ready so I'd cum all over them and that is just what happened, with a wicked smile, she licked the cum off her glasses and said,

"Oh that was so good."

"Lay down Gloria I have another idea."

"What are you up to now. . .Tom?"Asked Gloria with a tone that said she loved what I did but is curious to know what else I am up to.

"You'll find out.

I began to run the beaded chain past the lips of her pussy, then rub her glasses over her love lips and the effect was extraordinary. Gloria began pinching her nipples as her sex lips had beads flying past them, she started to buck at the hips and I grabbed her sparkling black heel and began to fuck her with the toes end, working that heel up to the vamp, thrusting that heel in and out very fast and I could hear the swish swish of her love juices all over that sexy heel. Gloria had a few good orgasms for sure and she liked the idea I got her off with something that did not need any batteries.

I knew when she had enough and that heel came out with a plop, oh yes that heel was soaked in her sex juices and I took the toes end into my mouth and sucked her love juices off it.

"Oh Tom, you seem to like that shoe as much as I did."

Six months later we are still loving each other but then things began to get ugly. Since Mr. useless was hardly ever around due to so called bank business, yeah you don't believe it either, do you? I was mowing the lawn at Mom's place and he shows up drunker than a skunk, screaming at me for doing his wife and yes all the neighbors were listening. Then he storms into the house and began his tirade on Mom. luckily she locked herself into the spare room and I slipped out and called the police to tell them that a drunk would soon be on the road.

Naturally the police caught him, he did a week in the slammer and paid a big fine and since this made the papers he was released by the bank as a board member and he was very angry about that.

As luck would have it he came by a month later and I was there and again he was totally pissed off, I was just leaving, and in my truck, rain coming down in sheets and he is standing there screaming at me and getting soaked then he ran into the house but Mom had went out the back door and went to her neighbors.

she could deal with his hollering but not his physical abuse, yeah he was drunk, again. Not having anyone to trash, he split as did I, to a Dunking doughnuts joint for coffee and a doughnut to ease my frazzled nerves.

Gloria was home and very upset when I returned.

"Tom, what are we going to do? I love having you as my lover, you have done more in the last few months to help me feel like a woman than he has in years."

"I know Gloria and believe me, I have loved every minute of it. CRAP he is mad at me, blames me for losing his position at the bank, I told him he did that himself, no good to drive drunk and get caught and I would not be surprosed if he put a tail on us."

"A private eye, Tom?"

"Uh huh."

We talked about putting a tail on him to see if he was 'as I call it, double dipping' and we did so

We sat at the kitchen table over coffee and doughnuts I brought back. Gloria had a pair of her silver ovals on the table and I cleaned them with my t-shirt.

"Tom, did you ever hear of Columbo?"

"Hell yeah, I loved the way he played a detective."

"Tom, what happens when something electric falls in a sink or tub?"

"I guess you mean, something plugged in?

"Yes Tom."

"Well, if someone is in the tub, they'd be electrocuted. . . your not thinking of juicing Mr. Useless are ya?"

"No. . . of course not, just indulging in a pleasant fantasy, seeing the terror on his face as I stand by the tub, asking why he gave up loving me for no reason and slowly lowering the blow-drier"Oh yeah I saw an episode with Columbo, two money hungry nephews needing a cash infusion into their checking account, one was a t.v. chef and it was his electric egg beater he threw into the tub, his uncle did not fare too well though."

No Tom, it is just a nice fantasy, I am not going to murder him but if he, as they say, ' 'Bit the dust' well I don't see myself going through much grief either." either."

"You know Gloria, You really got turned on when I touched you with your half-glasses. How do you like the idea of this game? I touch you all over with your various pairs of glasses and you have guess which pair I used, If you win, I have to be your sex slave for a day, If you touch me and I guess the right style of glasses, well you'd be my sex slave for the day.

"Well Tom, Gloria could really like that game, want to start playing it now?"


"Yeah Gloria?"

I could do something wild with my heels, The way you licked my love juices off it, I knew you liked them

"Yeah maybe, but how about getting more half-glasses, get more like you have now and I'll pay for half of them."

"They really turn you on Huh Tom?"

We played with each other for a while and it was very nice but Mom had something on her mind.

"Tom, what kind of office accident could kill a man?"

"About the only thing is know is bad computer wiring, frayed wired and a good ground or a seven hundred and fifty pound filing cabinet falling on him and crushing his skull.

Gloria loved the way I touched her down there and I loved it as well, stroking her half-square glasses over her labia and doing that with her beads too, I ended up being her sex slave too.

I had no idea I would be wearing her dress and heels but I had to go along with this with no complaint.

A few weeks later we heard from the "Dick" or private eye and Mr. Useless was having it off with a woman three times a week

Mom was quite mad but she said she'd get over it and her lawyer told her she'd get the house and much more. Then Mr. Useless decided he'd fight the case too and that the case could go on for a few years

Then one day we were watching the news and the news spoke of a horrible car wreck, The news man said the driver was heavily plied with alcohol and doing at least eighty five, the car could not make the curve, smashed through the guard rail and went over the cliff and exploded at the bottom.

"So Tom, looks like Karma took care of everything, I'll call the insurance company and collect and would you like to play some games?"