Rob was laying on the couch, sipping from a bottle of beer sideways as he watched the TV. He heard the front door rattle and then a soft whoosh of air as his mother came in. "Robbie" she called out, "I'm home"

"OK Mom" he answered from the couch in the living room. He glanced up at the wall clock over the TV. Only 10:35PM.

He heard her push the door closed with a reverse whooshing noise of air, the soft clack of the deadbolt being slid into place, and then the rustle of her movements a moment before she appeared in the opening from the foyer to the living room where he lay.

"You're early" he said without moving from his reclining posture or looking up from the TV.

"Oh, Ed has an early day tomorrow so he dropped me" she said. Rob could hear the sibilant, slightly drunk tone of her voice.

"Do you want me to fix you a snack?" she asked.

"No, I'm OK" he answered.

"Good, 'cause I'm dead tired. I'm going to change and go to bed"

"OK, Mom" he said as he heard her slow footsteps on the carpeted but creaky stairs.

Rob took another sip of the beer during a commercial break and gave his hair a rub and hand combed it back to place.

"Robbie" his mother called down, "Can you help me with something?"

He started to lift himself from the couch and called up to her "OK, Mom." It was always something when she was drinking, almost like a different person he only barely knew. Yet knew too well.

He got to the top of the stairs and walked to his mother's room. She was standing in front of the full length mirror on the back of her closet door. He was surprised to see her standing there in a bright yellow dress, looking at him through the mirror reflection. This was a new dress, he was certain.

Rob's mother was 59 years old but she had held herself together well through her middle age years, his parents' divorce, and the slight drinking problem since then. Rob had always been proud of his mother's looks once he became old enough to discern the difference between an attractive Mom and some of his friend's less-than-attractive mothers. During the years between his pubescence and his current thirty-six years old divorced state, his mother had filled out from the slim frosted-blonde woman of his formative years to a more fulsome lady. But she was far from a wreck of marital or post-marital middle age. As he had gotten older he had learned to respect and admire his mother's looks as an attractive middle-aged woman who had had a number of suitors over the years since her divorce, the latest being Ed, the succesful sixty-ish current man in her life.

The yellow dress hugged her wide hips and this particular dress had a lower cut to the front that displayed her zaftig bosom even moreso than some of her "date" dresses she had started wearing when she began going out with men after the split from his father.

"I can't reach this zipper" she said and smiled apologetically at him through the mirror.

He walked to her. "How did you get it zipped up then?" he asked in a slightly impatient way.

"I didn't have five vodka and tonics when I put this on, Robbie" she said and laughed at her small confessional joke. "Do you think I look nice, dear?" she asked, still looking at him through the mirror.

Robbie was going to pretend an answer for her but as he looked at his mother in the mirror, he was surprised to find that a half-truth would not be necessary. Mom looked very nice tonight, he thought. The dress flattered her in fit and color. Her mature cleavage was displayed without being too trashy and her waistline was just samll enough to give her the pleasing hourglass shape over her wide hips. "You look very nice, Mom"

"You're a good boy, Robbie" she said and reached a hand back to stroke his face as he began to reach for the zipper.

"Oh, wait, there's a little hook at the top. Undo that first" she said.

He ran his fingers under the back of the dress material along her skin between her shoulder blades and found the small metal hook and eye and gently separated it. Then he pulled the zipper of the dress down her back. His curled fingers traced a line down her spine as the zipper separated. He slid the dress off her shoulders and before he could depart from her, the dress fell softly to the floor without another movement.

"Uh-oh" his mother laughed with her five vodka and tonic voice.

Rob was caught through the mirror looking at his mother's laughing face and a quick, instinctual look at her bosom, covered only in a half-cup brassiere.

"It's not polite to stare at a woman's breasts, Robbie" she laughed again and he found himself laughing with her.

"I've been divorced five years, what'd'ya expect" he tried to make a joke of it. But when his mother leaned back against his body, he felt her warmth and saw her looking into his eyes through the silvered glass, and he wrapped his arms around her soft waist then moved upward to cup her heavy breasts with each hand. His mother relaxed into his grasp and he suddenly smelled her perfume for the first time and leaned down to kiss his mother's neck.

"Robbie, Robbie, it's been so long for both of us" she whispered.

He was buried in her neck and her breasts were magnificently soft in his hands. "Yeah, Mom, I know" he breathed as he kissed her neck and gently massaged her bosom. She turned to face him, placing her arms around his hips, looking up to his face, standing on tiptoe to kiss his chin. "We have each other, Robbie" she said as she found his mouth with a vodka and lime-scented kiss.

Against all normal reasoning, he kissed his mother like a new girlfriend. She opened her mouth to his and they kissed like new lovers. He let one hand glide along the curve of her bottom covered in a full-cut soft cotton panty. Mother had run her arms up his back to grasp his shoulders. They both pulled each other closer as they held the deep french kiss. Rob felt his mother lean into him, her soft, brassiere-held bosom pressing into the lower portion of his chest. He reached both hands beneath her soft ass and she seemed to float upwards into his hands, her feet leaving the floor. Still sensuously kissing, he awkwardly walked them to the bed. When his knees touched the side of the mattress, he gently laid her down on it.

Rob's mother slid herself onto the center of the bed and held out a bare arm to her son. "Robbie, come here, sweetheart" she whispered.

When he made a first move to get onto the bed, his mother said "Wait, darling, undress for your Mother"

Rob began quickly shedding his sweatshirt, undershirt, then undoing and pulling down his jeans. He tried to kick off his running shoes but it was a fumble and he heard Mom giggle gently and say "Take your time, Robbie, we have all night"

Rob backed up a step and with a deep breath slipped off the running shoes and discarded his jeans near the bedside, leaving only his boxer shorts. He was watching his Mom on the bed - so sexy in the half bra and soft panty - and climbed knees first onto the bed where he hovered over her for a moment.

Mother reached her arms out to him. He fell into her arms and they re-started kissing. At first, lips and soft tonguing, then using their hands to feel each other. Rob felt his Mom's tongue in his mouth and felt her hands running over his torso. He took her face in his hands and kissed her very deeply, letting the sensation of her hands on his body rule his head. He realized at some point that his hard penis was rubbing her panty top as they lay wildly making out on the bed.

"Robbie" his mother sighed when he momentarily removed his mouth from hers.

"Mom" he breathed in a voice that even he recognized as being too overheated for this type of accidental, drinking-infused erotica.

His mother, instictively reading his sudden feeling of inappropriateness-gone-wild, calmly said "It's okay, Robbie dear, don't be bashful, love of my life"

He took hold of his mother and guided her to climb atop his chest. Mom assumed an arched-back seated posture atop him and reached back to unclasp the half-brassiere and slid the tiny garment from herself and tossed it to the floor. He was instantly amazed and aroused at the sight of his mother bare-breasted atop him. His mother's breasts - gigantic breasts, compared to what he was accustomed to from his marriage and occasional post-divorce scores - were awesome mounds of white flesh with soft brown circles enclosing thick nipples at their center. When she dipped down closer to him, he eagerly suckled at the closest nipple. Mom let a soft breath of air carry her voice. "Ohhhh, Robbie"

When she slowly planted her panty-covered crotch onto the rigid shape of his penis under the boxers, he suckled on the opposite nipple, cupping the one he left behind. Mom began slowly pressing and sliding her crotch along the length of his penis in the boxers. He quickly pushed her upwards to get her away from his cock, which had begun sending the urgent message to his head. "Jesus, Mom, fuck, hold up" and he felt his cock twitching and had to concentrate to keep from spilling his pent-up seed worthlessly into his shorts.

Mother quickly got on all fours hovering over him without touching his body. She giggled in a girlish way he had never heard from her before. "My big boy" she whispered as she waited for his senses to re-set.

With his hands still holding her several inches away from his body for respite from his physical urgency, they looked into each other's eyes, his mother's bright green, smiling at him, her lips slightly mussed with pink gloss from their kissing. Her frosted brown-blonde hair framing her mature, pretty face. Her free breasts dangled over his chest, her nipples stiff, where they hung inches from his chest hair. Rob began to feel the tension of the initial sensory onslaught was weakening. His mother must have tapped into her maternal instinct to know the same thing and dipped her face to kiss him again, careful this time to keep their bodies separated until her son was ready for her.

"Mom, damn" he started, looking into those green orbs twinkling at him, "you're too much woman for me"

She smiled sweetly, her intoxication seemed to have diminished but she was still a little high. "Robbie, this is all we need, baby" she whispered.

He circled an arm behind her head and brought her down to kiss her strongly. He ran his free hand under the elastic of her panty and began sliding it down her thigh, the trailing material taking awhile to pull over her ample hindquarters. With his eyes closed kissing his Mom, he felt her reach back and tug the panties down to her knees, then use her legs to scooch them over her knees, down her calves and finally kick them free with her bare feet.

"Let's get you out of those pants, honey" she breathed as she hooked her hands under the elastic waistband and Rob pulled them off the rest of the way. "Make love to me, Robbie" his mother said simply while looking into his eyes.

Without even willing it, his penis rose to brush against her exposed vaginal lips. His mother slid herself along his shaft and he could feel her natural juices on him. He circled his cock with one hand at the bottom of his length and aimed it to the exact place his mother was open to him. She straightened up a bit and let herself down on his penis, slowly letting it work into her pussy. When he looked up, his Mom's eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily through her nose as she slid herself onto his rock-hard cock. Just before he was fully inserted into his mother's pussy, she went rigid and started to shudder, holding his shoulders, and twitching her head so that her hair flew from side to side.

"Ooh, Robbie, baby, that's so nice" she quickly opened her eyes and looked straight into the center of his where they locked again. "Fuck me, honey boy, fuck me real good, baby"

He hardly needed to be told. With his cock in her soft and liquid pussy, he began a rhythm that Mom matched with her own vertical motion. Her breasts were gently bobbing and she began to moan in a voice that was unknown to him. It was the voice of a woman in sexual pleasure with the undeniable note of longing stitched into her sounds. Rob held his mother's hips, then ran his fingers over the curve of her ass, then reaching up to touch her magnificent breasts, then following the same tactile circuit again, all the while gently rocking his cock into and out of his mother's vagina.

For Rob, the visual sensation of his mother softly moving up and down on his cock was priceless. Damn, he thought, she was a hot-looking lady, with her pretty facial features and those glorious, massive tits in easy view above him. If he glanced a bit farther down, he could see the swell of her hips where they flared over his body as they fucked. Then, of course, there was the physical sensation of her pussy on his cock. It had been a long while since he last got laid and he quickly decided his Mom was a better piece of ass than the last half dozen women he had gotten to bed over several years.

He quickly kissed each of Mom's nipples, then raised her off him and gently switched top and bottom positions with her. They kissed deeply as she opened her legs for him and he found the center of her pussy almost automatically. When he buried his cock in his mother from the dominant position, she wrapped her legs around his hips. With his mother below him, he felt more control and he increased the tempo of his fucking until Mom dropped her arms to her side and began a long slow whimper as he thrust his cock into her cunt.

"Oh, baby, baby, baby" she moaned.

Rob laid into her with several piston-like strokes and then felt the magic start to happen. "Mommy, I'm gonna come" he said as he threw himself into her one last time.

His mother held his face in her hands and they kissed while his cock pulsed and exploded a gusher of his semen inside her. Rob let loose with a loud groan of animal release as he orgasmed inside his mother's pussy. She pulled him down to her to kiss him once again and he let the last pulsings of his cock run their course as they shared a hot tongue kiss.

When they released the kiss, his cock still buried, but soft, in his mother's pussy, she smiled up at him. "Robbie, my sweet boy" she said.

"Mom" he started as he slowly withdrew his wrinkled cock from her loins, "you are a hot piece of ass"

She laughed at that and they kissed more romantically, casually, after the intensity of their moment together.

When he awoke the next morning, groggy, naked, and realized he was in an unfamiliar bed - his mother's bed - it all came back to him. Mom was gone. Her space on the bed beside his was rumpled but empty. He slowly got out of bed, onto his feet, found his boxers on the floor. Did that really happen? he asked himself, knowing the answer, of course. He exited his mother's bedroom and went down the stairs, walking into the kitchen where he heard the soft clinking of dishes and utensils and running water.

When he got to the kitchen doorway, he saw his mother against the sink, turning to greet him in a sheer black negligee. "Robbie, you're up. Would you like pancakes or eggs, dear?" his mother asked.

He took one look at his mother in the sheer negligee, her big breasts with the soft nipples, wide hips, and a neatly trimmed landing strip pussy visible beneath the soft black gauze. He walked to her, took her in his arms, and kissed her. Without another word, he turned off the stovetop, took her free hand, and began to lead her back upstairs.

"Oh, Robbie" she sighed.

"Mommy" he answered simply.

What are we doing, he thought to himself as they walked to the stairs holding hands. But when his mother began ascending the steps before him and he saw her plump ass rolling beneath the sheer negligee gauze, he thought, fuck it, she's damn hot. At the upstairs landing he veered off to the the bathroom to take a thorough gargle with the bitter mouthwash. He looked at himself in the mirror and caught his own cheshire grin staring back at him. The small smile broke into a wide grin as he patted his hair in place.

His mother was standing at her dresser, combing her frosted blonde hair and shaking it into a soft mass around her face. She half turned sideways to him and gave a flirty look and small smile. "I thought you might like this" she ran her hand in front of the sheer negligee. She was 59 years old - and the woman who gave birth to him - but Jeezus he lusted for her.

"Mom, you're smokin' hot" he said softly as he approached her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her forehead, then the tip of her nose, then her softly glossed lips.

She returned the kiss as they had started last night, gently tonguing and then touching each other's bodies. His mother found the opening in the front of his boxers and slipped a hand inside to touch his manhood, then cup his balls. "Hmm, that's nice" she whispered. She slowly lowered herself to her knees, pulled down his boxers and kissed her son's rigid cock where it stood upright against his lower torso. In a surprisingly facile movement, she got her mouth over the head of his penis and sucked it in. Rob was surprised to see - and feel - her take about half of his cock into her mouth in one slow glide.

"Damn, that's nice, Mom" he sighed as she began a slow rhythm and gradually deepened her blowjob on him. She brought her arms up behind him to hold his asscheeks as she continued sucking his cock. When she opened her eyes and looked up at him through her lashes and fallen hair, he thought he was going to lose it right there. But as during last night's foreplay, his mother quickly retreated so he could cool off.

He helped her up off her knees and they took the few steps to the still unmade bed from last night's incestuous, romantic romp. His mother assumed a sexy lying down, propped on one elbow pose, and smiled at him. Rob marveled at how beautiful she looked in the sheer negligee. Her breasts looked huge, nipples stiffened under the gossamer material, her hips round and lovely, her legs pale but nicely toned for a woman her age. In the bright morning light that filled the bedroom, she was completely at ease with what they were doing. She had fucked her son the night before and she wanted more and was presenting herself to him without shame - in fact, proud of her effect on him.

He noticed once again her small landing strip of pubic hair beneath the sheer negligee. Her hips formed a nice rounded curve and her thighs were only slightly covered by the sheer black material. He got on the bed and put a hand on her pussy and gently tipped her back to lie out on the rumpled bedsheet. He angled his body so that his face was moving right for her crotch. He pushed her thighs apart and his mother opened them voluntarily. "I want to eat that pussy" he thought to himself as he got his face squared in front of his mother's vagina. She was hairless other than the landing strip and he realized that she must be shaving and plucking herself regularly to look that fresh and inviting. As he moved his face closer to her box, he could smell her slight musky aroma and noticed a glistening coat of moistness over har labia. He tentatively tongued his mother's pussy.

"Oh, Robbie, my love" his mother whispered throatily and opened her thighs a bit wider for him.

Rob got right into his Mom's cunt then, licking it and finding the tiny bullet of her clitoris. He tongued it and then went down to her open lips to soak up more of her sex. With his face buried in his mother's cunt, he heard her moan and felt her move to open up even more for him. She was sopping wet from her own juices and his liquid tonguing. He went back to her clit and managed to get his teeth on it which sent her squirming uncontrollably and letting go a small cry of ecstasy. He stayed on her clit for another moment while she thrashed on the bed, turning her torso from side to side and slamming her arms down on the bed as he goaded her to orgasm. But he didn't want her to come just yet, in case her heat would slip away, so he backed off and looked up the length of his mother's torso with his eyes just above her crotch. He could see her heavy boobs falling sideways as she breathed heavily with closed eyes.He put his palms under her at mid thigh and raised her legs up and back. Her pussy was now facing to the ceiling and her asshole was in the same position her vagina had been. He saw the tiny opening between the meat of her plump hindquarters and took a small, quick lick of that small circle. Mother moaned again and he went back to her asshole with more vigor, running his tongue around the small, puckered hole.

"Oh, baby, nobody ever did that before" she said in an exhalation of breath as she opened her legs even wider.

Rob licked his mother's asshole and noticed that it had a wonderfully musky scent, perhaps stronger than her pussy, but not at all displeasing. There was something about this - eating his Mom's ass - that made him realize there was no turning back for the two of them. They were a couple now, for better or for worse, like both of their prior failed marriages. But this bond was stronger than wedding vows. "We are mother and son" Rob thought to himself as he licked his Mom's tight asshole.

"Robbie, I love you" his mother said simply as he rimmed her.

"I love you too, Mom" he said when he pulled his head back from between her asscheeks.

He climbed upwards and held her thighs in each hand, letting her roll back to a more natural angle as he let his cock find its target - her wet pussy. Without even aiming it with his hand, it found the soft center of Mom, just as it did the night before, and he slid his cock into her with amazing ease, to the sound of her soft whistled breath between her pursed lips.

"Fuck me, Robbie-boy" she sighed, letting him hold her thighs open and softly bent back over her torso.

Rob was in maximum fuck position and he buried his stiff cock into his mother's cunt while she closed her eyes and let her legs dangle over his upper arms. Sensing his mother's deep need, and his own, to be truthful, he began fucking his mother like he hadn't fucked since he was a younger man. He rammed his cock into the woman beneath him - his mother - and took it out only to ram it back home again. And again. And again....

His mother was somewhere else, her eyes closed, her mouth full open, sometimes shouting, sometimes whispering obscenities and encouragement to him to fuck her harder. She moved her ankles onto his shoulders and began rocking her pussy in counterpoint to his fucking motions so that he went deeper with each assault on her pussy.

"Yeah, Robbie! Oh, do me like that!" she began screaming as he laid into her with every ounce of strength he had.

After several deep thrusts that seemed to hit his Mom's mark, he retreated and withdrew his rock hard cock from her pussy. For the hundredth time during their short erotic history together, they looked deep into each other's eyes. Rob's mother took her two hands and ripped the sheer black negligee in two from the neckline down to her waist, laying bare her breasts, which she began to massage vigorously. She pinched her nipples and gave him a quick nod to tell him to continue fucking her. He re-entered her and slid his cock as deep as it would go in her.

"Yes!" she screamed so loud that the shaky window pane reverberated from her sound.

The physical, visual and auditory cues from his mother began to take their toll on his excited sex and he began to feel the rumblings of orgasm in his head, blood, and penis. He began to quake and his seed shot out of his cock into his mother's pussy. He gripped his mother's shoulders as he buried himself into her soft organ as he orgasmed. He groaned as he spent himself in his mother's vagina.

"Oh, Robbie, my baby" she sighed and then met for a sloppy kiss as his cock went soft inside her.

Rob collapsed on top of her, his face near her neck and whispered "Mom, mommy, I love you"

The lay like that for a short while. Rob retreated from her pussy and they curled sideways on the bed together. His mother smiled sweetly at him, the same smile she always gave him as a boy. "Be my boyfriend, Robbie" she said softly.

Rob kissed her lips and said simply "I am, Mom"