"God damn it!" Mom cursed aloud.

"Whoa, Mom. Language." I teased. I couldn't care less if she cursed, but she would never let me get away with it. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing really. I just drove past the last rest stop before the hotel and I need to use the ladies room."

Mom and I were on our annual trip to see my aunt. Mom has always been close to her sister, so we'd visit each year for at least a few days. We lived a good ways apart, but flying every time would be too expensive so we would usually drive, taking major highways all the way there. Because the trip was long, we did it in two sections, staying the night in a hotel to rest up, and finishing in the morning.

This year, we went on an extended weekend during school. A few holidays and a professional day lined up to give me Friday, Monday and Tuesday off. Unfortunately, that meant Dad couldn't join us since he had to work. He had a demanding job, and he couldn't get the time off. On the bright side, his big paychecks meant Mom didn't have to work, so she was free to go.

I was happy to be out on the road and away from home for awhile. I'd just gone through a rather unpleasant breakup and this trip was the perfect way to take my mind off it. To me nothing was quite as relaxing as watching the world zip by at 75. The trip also gave me plenty of private time with Mom. No one could help me through a problem like she could. She always knew the right thing to say, the perfect advice to give or when I just needed a hug and a reassuring word.

"You gonna make it?" I asked. "We could get off at the next exit."

"No, I'll be fine. Besides, the next exit is ours anyway. It's less than an hour now so...oh shit," Mom trailed off as the traffic slowed to a crawl.

"Shit!" I loudly agreed. Nothing was worse than being stuck in traffic.

"Andrew Michael Connery, watch your mouth," Mom quickly scolded.

"But you just...," I went to argue but Mom cut me off with a wink and a laugh.

"I'm just bustin' your balls. Relax."

I pulled out my phone and checked the traffic report. There had been an accident just past our exit. Thankfully no one was hurt, but a semi-truck trailer had tipped, blocking two lanes. It had happened a while ago and was being cleaned up, but it looked like we'd be in traffic until our exit.

We tried to keep the conversation flowing; trying to amuse ourselves as the cars plodded along. We were moving at a painful 20 mph, less than a third of the speed limit that we'd been breaking. After an hour of the dismal crawl, conversation between us began to die. I could have spilling my guts about my girl troubles, but it just didn't feel like the right time. Mom seemed distracted and began to squirm in her seat.

"You okay over there?" I inquired.

"My back teeth are floating," Mom answered in a flustered voice.

"You're what with the what now?" I replied, confused, unfamiliar with her expression.

"I have to pee," She groaned. "Real bad."

"Maybe we should just pull of to the side," I suggested

"No way we're getting over." She was right. We were in the middle lane, flanked by a pair of semi-trucks on either side. "And even if we did, people are driving in the breakdown lane and there's nowhere else to go." She was right again. This section of highway had tall walls lining it. "I'm a big girl. I'll just have to hold it."

I considered suggesting we stop the car, but traffic was moving just fast enough to make that incredibly dangerous.

Another half hour, and Mom was squirming bad. She fidgeted continuously and kept grabbing her crotch. With each movement she let out a little moan of discomfort or sigh of desperation. Mom was about ready to burst, and she had nowhere to go.

This was a scene I'd witnessed countless times. Of course, all those other times hadn't been live and in person. All the other times the desperate woman with a full bladder hadn't been my Mom, either.

When I had turned 18 and started watching porn (which I totally never did before I turned 18), I stumbled onto a site that was dedicated to the wonderful act of watersports. I was hooked immediately. Nothing got me so hard as watching a beautiful woman display the most private and vulnerable act of peeing. Unfortunately, I had never met a woman willing to show me that beautiful display in person.

I'm embarrassed to admit it, but Mom's predicament was having a profound effect on me. My body and subconscious mind did not seem to care that the woman I was sitting next to was same woman who gave birth to me. All they saw was a gorgeous, mature female, about to wet her pants.

Despite my conscious mind protesting over and over "She is your mother!" I couldn't help myself. My palms were sweating, my throat was dry, and my cock was hard. I couldn't take my eyes off of Mom's writhing body, soft and round in all the right places. On top she was wearing nothing but a loose t-shirt, no bra underneath, and her constant movement made her soft breasts jiggle invitingly. Covering her bottom was an old pair of faded blue jeans, the perfect fabric to display a wet spot should her bladder control fail.

I hoped, between driving and holding back the impending flood, that Mom wouldn't notice my staring or my aroused state. I'd gone commando under a loose pair of shorts, trying to maximize comfort on the long trip. This was biting me now, as the loose fabric did next to nothing to hide my steel hard erection. I pulled my knees up to hide my hard on as best I could, but a keen observer could still see it.

Ten minutes later and Mom was reaching critical mass. The constant squirming had stopped, but she dedicated her left hand to grabbing her crotch full time. Her moans had gotten louder, and moved on from discomfort to outright pain. My own heart was beating excitedly against my ribs. There was no way she was going to make it. I was about to see a real woman piss.

"I can't! I can't!" Mom moaned. "Andy, I'm sorry, I can't, oh god no!"

Finally, she broke and the flood gates burst open. Thankfully, she pulled her hand away to grip the steering wheel with all her might, leaving her crotch in full view. Mom's urine began to flood her pants, an unmistakable dark patch appearing between her legs. She was gushing, and the wet spot spread rapidly, darkening more and more of the soft blue fabric. Mom couldn't help but let out a groan of ecstatic relief as her painfully full bladder emptied itself.

Without thinking, my hand went to my cock, and I started rubbing myself through the fabric of my shorts. I didn't care if Mom saw. I needed to touch myself. The unwilling display she was giving me was too much to handle.

Mom just kept pissing and pissing. Her flow seemed to be endless. Soon her pants were completely saturated with the warm liquid, but it just kept coming. Tiny beads of clear liquid forced their way through the fabric, running down and soaking the seat below. The car's small cabin was filled with the acrid aroma of piss, and I lovingly inhaled the sent.

After what felt like a record long piss, Mom's flow began to taper off. The overflowing liquid forcing its way through her pants stopped as the pressure from Mom petered out. The dark spot's rapid expansion slowed and finally stopped. Mom let out one final grunt of satisfaction, her body thrilled to be rid of backed up urine.

When I realized Mom was finishing up and her senses retuning to her, I quickly looked away and pulled my hand off my dick. I felt a pang of guilt for watching her, and a nagging fear that she'd seen me fondling myself.

There was a long silence between us until I worked up the courage to look back at Mom. She was looking straight ahead, intently watching the road. Her face was beet red.

"You okay, Mom?" I asked gently.

"I just peed myself," Mom's voice was dreamlike, not talking to me, simply musing at what had happened. She gave her head a brief shake and broke the trance she was in. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little wet and super embarrassed. I'm so sorry you had to see that. I can't believe I wet my pants."

"It's okay Mom," I tried to sound reassuring and not excited. "These things happen. It wasn't your fault."

"It was completely my fault. I drank to much coffee, missed the rest stop, and couldn't hold it, but thanks. I hope you don't think I'm gross."

"No way. Pee is mostly just water and salt, anyway. Plus, it's pretty sterile. Nothing gross about it, really."

"Thanks. You're a sweetheart, you know that? I can trust you to never tell anyone about this, right?"

"You have my word, Mom. What happens between us stays between us."

Mom looked over and flashed me a big smile. Her face was still blushed, but she looked genuinely alright. I breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed she hadn't noticed me ogling her or masturbating. This was turning out to be a great day.

Another ten minutes and we were off the highway. Mom had resumed squirming in her seat, now trying to get comfortable in her rapidly cooling, piss soaked pants. I offered to drive or stop to let her change, but Mom insisted we get to the hotel as soon as possible. She reminded me that she had soaked the seat and if I took over I'd be sitting in her pee. She said it like that was a bad thing.

In no time at all, we arrived at out hotel. It was a small motel style place with doors opening to the outside. It wasn't anything fancy, but we had stayed there before, and it was always clean and comfortable. It also had a nice sized swimming pool and hot tub outside, which was great for stretching out and relaxing after the long car ride.

When we pulled into the parking lot Mom asked, "Would you mind getting us checked in? I don't want anyone to see me given my...condition."

"No problem," I replied, already getting out of the car and heading into the office. At the desk was an older woman who gave me a friendly smile. Hopefully she didn't notice the lingering bulge in my pants as I approached the desk.

"Hi, I have a reservation under Samantha Connery."

"Okay," The receptionist replied. "I've got you right here. One night, one room, two queen beds. Sound correct?"

"Yep, that's us. However, could we get a room with one bed? There are less people in our party than we thought there would be." I could barley believe what I had just asked. The thought had crossed my mind after seeing mom pee. In my horny state, I had imagined how nice it would be to sleep next to my mom's soft, warm body, but I never really thought I'd do anything about it. The words had burst from my mouth like someone else had put them there, but I didn't regret saying them.

The receptionist clicked away at her keyboard for a brief moment. "You're in luck. I can transfer you to a room with one king bed and I can take 30 dollars off of your bill. How's that sound?"

"Perfect! Thank you." I finished checking in and headed back to the car.

"I've got a bit of bad news Mom," I said after she opened the car door. "There was a mix-up with our reservation. They gave us a room with one bed. On the bright side, they took 30 off the bill, so that's cool."

She groaned. "What else could go wrong today?" She paused and shook her head, thinking for a moment. "Alright, let me get changed and I'll talk to them, get this sorted out."

"Don't worry about it, Mom. Its been a long day, and it's just for one night. I don't mind sharing a bed."

"Oh," Mom perked up a bit at hearing that. "Okay then, no harm. I don't mind sharing either. I thought you wouldn't want to sleep with your old Mom. You mind bringing the bags in? I'm going to scurry into the room and grab a shower, if that's fine with you."

"Sure thing, leave it to me. The coast looks clear. You should get moving."

Mom gave me a loving smile before darting off. She sprinted to the room, hoping no one but me would she her sopping wet pants. For a long while, I paused at the car letting my thoughts rattle around. Mom was the first woman I had ever seen pee. Even though she had been unwilling, I had still seen it, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. There was something burning deep within me. Vague, strange, forbidden thoughts all swirling around my own mom.

Why had I changed the rooms? What was I hoping would happen? How far was I willing to take things? Those and a million more questions were boiling inside me. I smiled when I realized that all the answers were something utterly depraved, and I was going to do it.

Changing the room had just been one small step. It only took a moment to formulate the rest of my plan. It was simple and dangerous, but the payout would be worth the risk.

I rummaged through the trunk getting a few things ready, then grabbed our bags, just two small suitcases for the night, locked up the car and headed for the room. All the way, I followed a trail of tiny drop marks left where Mom's piss had fallen from her pants.

Mom was already in the shower when I got to the room. There was no reason why she would have, but I looked around hoping she had left her soiled pants outside the bathroom, but no such luck. I flopped down on the bed me and Mom would be sharing. My hand reached under the elastic of my shorts, and I idly fondled myself. I was too hard and horny not to touch myself, but I didn't want to cum just yet, so my strokes were slow and lazy.

The slow self massage lasted until the sound of the shower cut out. Not long after, Mom emerged from the bathroom looking refreshed and wearing nothing but a towel. My cock was as hidden as it was going to be. I had tucked it down as best I could, but the bulge was still rather visible. At this point, I didn't mind much if Mom caught a glimpse of my package.

Mom headed to her suitcase and started looking for her PJs, but they were nowhere to be found. When Mom headed for the room, I had taken a minute to move them to a larger suitcase that held the rest of Mom's clothing for the weekend at my aunt's house.

"Hmm, I could have sworn I packed my pajamas in here" Mom said with a frustrated sigh.

"Just put on your underwear. That's what I'm going to do."

"I could, but wouldn't that be a little awkward for you, seeing your Mom in her unmentionables?"

"Mom, I saw you piss yourself today. I don't think seeing your underwear is much worse." Even though her back was turned to me, I could practically feel her blush when I mentioned the incident.

"Anyway," I continued. "You done with the bathroom? I'm going to grab a shower myself."

"All yours."

I stepped into the bathroom, locked the door, stripped naked, and turned on the shower. My stomach was full of nervous butterflies. There was a small chance I was about to experience something wonderful, but I doubted my luck was that good. Mom's wet pants were hanging on the towel rack to dry. While I hoped she hadn't, in all likelihood she had rinsed them before hanging them, wasting the precious pee still in the fabric. When I reached out to grab the damp garment my hand was trembling.

I told myself there was no way Mom's piss was still there. It must just be water at this point, but I couldn't help but hope. Shakily, I pulled them off the rack and inched the pants closer to my face.

"It's just water, don't get your hopes up," I insisted to myself. The fabric touched my nose and I inhaled deeply. Immediately, I gasped in surprise. The heavenly, unmistakable odor of piss filled my nostrils and the smell sent a shiver a pleasure through my whole body. She hadn't rinsed them! I was holding my mom's pants, soaked in my mom's piss! This was officially the greatest day ever.

Over and over again, I huffed at the pants, each time feeling a fine mist fill my nose, bringing my mother's intoxicating sent with it. I could barely get enough of the smell. Each inhalation made me quiver all over, and my cock was painfully hard. When the lovely sent had completely saturated my nostrils I managed to stop smelling the sodden cloth, there was something better waiting for me.

I pushed the fabric down just a little, pressing it firmly against my lips. I sucked in, pulling a fine spray out of the pants and onto my tongue. The taste was even more amazing than the smell. I thought I might pass out from joy as it flooded my mouth, but I made it to the toilet and sat myself down.

I needed more! I pulled the pants away and held them above my face before wringing them as hard as I could. My efforts were rewarded with three big drops of piss. Two landed right in my mouth and were quickly swallowed down. The third struck my cheek, slowly running down my face, and dripping onto my chest.

As I let my stranglehold on the pants go something fell out of the leg, landing on the tile floor with a plop. It was a small pink bundle of wet cloth that didn't mean anything to me at first. However, after a moment of staring at the mysterious thing, it clicked. Mom's panties!

I couldn't scoop the underwear up fast enough, and soon they were also pressed against my face. The soft cotton gave up the trapped fluid more readily than the denim had. It filled my mouth and nose with even greater potency, and sent my eyes rolling to the back of my head. For an eternity I worked at those panties, hungrily, desperately trying to get every drop out of them. I fancied that I could even taste Mom's pussy juices mixed in with her piss, but that taste was so faint, and the taste of pee so strong that I couldn't be sure.

Sadly all great things must end, including this wonderful once in a life chance. After a while, all I was tasting was cotton and my own saliva. I pulled the panties away from my face, quickly replacing them with the still soaked jeans. I pressed my cock into the crotch of the underwear, touching my genitals to the exact same spot my mother's had been less than an hour ago.

I rubbed my dick furiously, pulling the soft, wet, pink cloth up and down my hard shaft. All the while, my mouth and nostrils where filled by the taste and smell of my mother. It was complete sensory overload. My body began to convulse in rapturous pleasure as my pent up orgasm crashed through me. Huge globs of cum burst from my piss hole, splashing into Mom's panties and joining the mix of bodily fluids they contained. All this stimulation was too much for my mind to handle. Everything went black. My brain shut down for a moment as overriding pleasure surged through it.

When the world came back it felt like a lifetime had flashed by, but it could only have been a few moments. My body felt weak and was still gently vibrating in post orgasmic bliss. All I wanted was to lay down and enjoy this feeling for hours, but I'd been in the bathroom a long time already, and I didn't want Mom getting too suspicious. I forced myself to stand and hop into the shower. I rinsed myself and Mom's underpants off, washing sticky cum from us both.

After quickly washing, I killed the water, dried off, and wrapped a towel around my waist. I intentionally grabbed one of the smaller towels. It barely reached around me and only hung down to mid thigh. When I bent over it rode up, and anyone looking, hopefully Mom, would get a nice view of my ass and dangling cock.

I stepped out of the bathroom with a satisfied sigh. "Ahhh, nothing better than a hot shower to relax crammed muscles. Except maybe a massage."

Mom was already tucked into our bed, sitting up with a book in hand. She looked over the top of her novel, looking like a sexy librarian with a pair of reading glasses perched on her nose, and gave me a skeptical look.

"You know they have bigger towels. Ones that cover better than a napkin."

"Yeah, I know, but I used it to dry off. I didn't want it dripping all over the place."

As I spoke, I moved quickly towards my suitcase laying on the floor across the room. I made sure to keep eye contact with Mom, hoping to keep her eyes on me so she'd get the whole show as I bent over to search my bag. Her eyes hadn't left me as I turned my back to her and stooped down. I felt the towel move up and the cool air reach my wet butt. As I bent, I was sure to spread my legs as wide as I could without it seeming unnatural.

"Hun, would you be more careful? You're not leaving much to my imagination." Mom said in an embarrassed but playful voice. It caused my heart to flutter with excitement knowing she had seen me.

"Sorry Mom," I said trying to keep my voice even and natural. "Just look away for a sec. I'm gonna drop this towel so I can search with both hands."

I did exactly that, letting the towel slip off of my waist. Even though it hadn't been covering much, it still felt strange to be truly naked in front of my mom. I felt a nervous quiver in my gut, but I ignored it. I wanted this. I wanted her to see me nude, to admire my slender, firm, young body. It didn't matter how I felt anyway. Mom had probably looked away the second my ass started to show.

I found the boxers I'd be wearing to bed in a second, but I pretended to have trouble finding them, giving as much time as I could to the remote chance Mom would peek at me.

I pulled on my underwear and joined Mom in bed. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, something I normally don't do, and said goodnight. Mom gave me a kiss back. Her lips were so soft, and felt like heaven on my cheek. I wanted to turn and press my lips to hers, but that was too much too fast.

I wanted my own mom in every way possible. Seducing her was dangerous and probably illegal in most states. I'd have to be cautious and take things slow. This night was just the first step, it may take years before anything would come of it.

We both settled down, each taking our own half of the bed, and turned off the light. In just a few minutes Mom's breathing leveled out, and she stopped shifting her position. I gently worked my way over to her side of the bed and quietly whispered "Mom". When she didn't react I let my voice get louder, "Mom...Mom...Mom!" My volume increased each time until I was no longer whispering, but speaking softly. Finally, to make absolutely sure she was asleep, I gave her shoulder a gentle shove. Mom didn't react at all, so I knew she was out for the night.

Once I was confident she wouldn't be waking up, I crept out of bed. I located my cell phone in the dark room and set the alarm clock to 5:30 AM. Mom usually got up at around six, a chronic early bird, and I wanted to be up before her. I also grabbed a pair of headphones and plugged them into the phone. That way I'd be the only one getting an early wake up call. After I finished, I settled back into bed and popped one of the headphone buds into my ear. It would be a bit uncomfortable sleeping, but well worth it to see Mom's reaction to what I was about to do.

I slowly crept towards her and snuggled up against her body. Once again my impeccable luck held out, and Mom was in the perfect position. She was on her side facing away from me, so I was able to press my whole body against hers. I pressed my rapidly stiffening cock right up against her soft, panty coved ass. Mom didn't react to my advance, and my confidence began to grow. Feeling bold, I let my arm drape over her, and let my hand gently rest on her perfect breast. My face was close to the back of Mom's head. Her hair, still damp from the shower, tickled my nose and smelled sweetly of the fruity shampoo she had been using for years.

I tried to get some sleep, but it was difficult. The ear piece was uncomfortable, but not that bad. What was really keeping me up was Mom's voluptuous body. This rare chance to feel her was too good to miss a second of. However, I had to keep myself under control. Even though I wanted to maul her tits and thrust my stiff dick into her ass, I had to restrain myself to gentle rubs and soft presses. I didn't want to wake her. If she did wake up, I wanted her to think our position was something that had happened naturally as we slept and any groping I was doing was caused by unconscious dreaming or pure instinct.

As I couldn't satisfy the lust burning within me, I forced myself to sleep. It took time and a great force of will, but eventually I nodded off. Of course, I wasn't sleeping for long when a shrill buzz began to fill my ear. My early alarm went off and I barley restrained myself from jerking upright in surprise. I carefully killed the alarm, pulled the headphones off, and placed the phone on the night stand.

Mom was, thankfully, still sleeping soundly in the same position I had left her. I fished my hard cock out through the fly of my boxers and settled down into the same position as before. I was unable to keep myself completely in check. The soft, thin, silky cloth covering Mom's ass felt too good against my bare cockhead. The pace and strength of my thrusts increased until I was firmly grinding against Mom's butt.

She finally took notice of my molestation and began to stir. She let out a happy sigh, seemingly enjoying the stimulation on her rump and tit.

"Oh, Andrew" she cooed, taking my breath away. She knew it was my dick, and she was loving it. Unfortunately, it quickly dawned on me that my father and I shared a name, and Mom most likely thought it was her husband humping against her.

"Oh my," Mom gasped in surprise, realizing whose dick was forcing its way into her ass crack. She gave a little chuckle, shook her head, and said "Men" in a playfully mocking tone. She may not have been sent into fits of lust by my cock, but at least she wasn't furious.

Mom gently pulled my hand away from her breast, and I could only give a little resistance and still feign sleep. When she was untangled from my arm she slipped out of bed, leaving me alone. Instantly, I missed the warmth of her body.

I heard the bathroom door shut, and I stealthily looked around the room to make sure Mom had gone in. When I was sure she was safely in the bathroom, I leapt out of bed and rushed over to the door, pressing my ear against it. Inside, I could hear Mom quietly humming to herself.

Had I missed it? Had Mom been quick and finished already? No, I just barely heard the faint rustle of fabric as Mom stripped off her underpants. Then there was the clink of porcelain as she opened the toilet and sat herself down. The next thing I heard was pure music. The strong unmistakable sound of urine filling the toilet bowl. I couldn't help but grab my cock at that heavenly sound.

I pressed my ear harder against the door and listened as carefully as I could. Mom's bladder must have been real full because she was putting on a wonderful concert. At first all I heard was the quiet, gentle tinkle of liquid striking porcelain, telling me that Mom was pushing hard, her piss flowing out fast, her stream strong enough to clear the water below.

I could tell when Mom's bladder was getting empty. Her stream began to weaken and the sound changed, becoming a loud splash as the stream began to hit the water. The splashing grew quieter and quieter, until it was barley a trickle. Then when it was almost silent, there was one final loud splash as Mom forced the last bit of pee inside her out. After, there was a moment of silence.

My whole body tensed as I prepared to run back to the bed. Mom would likely take a shower now, but she may need something in the room first. I listened carefully, waiting to hear if Mom would head for the shower or come to the door, forcing me to abort my espionage. The silence continued, she hadn't moved from her seat.

Then I heard something I could barley believe. A single muffled moan. I listened all the more carefully, and I could just barely hear it. Mom kept moaning and gasping for air. This new chorus continued, picking up speed and growing in volume. Was it possible? Could anyone be this lucky? Was Mom masturbating?

"Oh yes," She murmured under her breath as if answering my questions.

My heart nearly beat its way through my ribs, and my cock almost burst with lust. There was no doubt in my mind, Mom was masturbating. She was in there right now rubbing her wet pussy, and I knew it was because she woke up with my hard cock humping against her.

Normally, I would never have had the courage to do what I was thinking, but lust and excitement were driving me mad. I moved quickly and found a pair of pants that would do a decent job of hiding my bulge. Then I rushed back to the bathroom door and placed my hand on the knob. It would be unlocked, she never locked doors. I took one final deep breath of air, and with one quick motion turned the knob, threw the door open, and burst into the small room, shouting "Mom?" in the most concerned voice I could muster.

There she was nude from the waist down, her skin flushed with arousal and the exertion of masturbation. Her head was rolled back, eyes shut. Her legs were spread wide, both her hands working quickly on her swollen, wet, pink pussy. Her left hand was on her clit, rubbing the sensitive button; her right was thrusting into herself with a pair of fingers. Seeing Mom lost in her masturbation session was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, but I couldn't help but be a little disappointed. I wished she was topless, showing me her sumptuous tits, and I couldn't see much of her pussy with her hands working on it.

Mom's head snapped forward when her sex clouded brain registered I was there. She pulled her hand out of her wet hole and used it to cover herself completely.

"What the fuck Andrew!" She shouted at me. "Out! Get out!"

"Sorry," I quickly said, backing out of the room and slamming the door behind me.

I sat down on the bed and waited for Mom. She had been way more angry than expected. She almost never dropped F bombs. Less than a minute later, Mom came out of the bathroom. Thankfully, she seemed to have calmed down. Her face looked mixed between being sheepish and irritated, but there was no anger. She had put on the jeans she had wet yesterday. They were the only pants available to her, and she obviously didn't want to be around me in just her underwear.

"Andrew, what were you thinking? Why would you burst in on me like that?" Mom started. Her voice sounded more worried than judgmental.

"Sorry Mom," I replied not looking at her. I was a terrible liar when it came down to it, but I could manage if I didn't look her in the eye. Hopefully, Mom would think I was too embarrassed and ashamed to meet her gaze. "I heard you making strange sounds and I thought maybe you fell and were hurt or something. I knocked and called your name but you didn't seem to hear me, so I got really worried. I never thought of you... doing that... so I came in to help."

"Oh. You knocked? I'm sorry I didn't hear," Mom replied.

"It's okay, but you must have been getting pretty into it not to hear me."

"I'm sorry you saw me like that. You must be freaking out. I bet you never expected your mother to do something like that. This weekend is just full of me getting caught doing embarrassing things."

"I'm alright. It's perfectly natural. Everyone does it. I just never thought of you doing it until now."

"Well, even moms are human too, we get our urges."

"Yeah," I agreed. "So, are we good Mom?"

"If you're good, then I'm good."

"I'm good."


There was a long silence between us. Neither of us knew what to say next. Finally, I grew bold and made my next move.

"Well, I'm gonna go for a nice early morning swim. If you want to join me, that's great. If not, that's okay too. Also, I know it takes women a long time to get dressed, so if you come out in, say, ten minutes I won't think anything weird about it."

"Andy, are you saying..."

"I'm saying I know it sucks to get interrupted. I don't know about girls, but for guys it's almost painful, so... if you need extra time getting dressed, I get that."

I gave Mom a wink, grabbed my swim trucks, changed in the bathroom and headed out to the pool. All the while Mom had a bemused but thoughtful look on her face, carefully considering my offer.

The pool was empty, and I jumped right in. I immediately started swimming laps, keeping my body warm from the cool spring morning and cold water. My muscles started to tire, so I pulled myself out of the water, not wanting to stay in the chilly liquid if I wasn't moving. When I checked my cell, a full 20 minutes had passed since I came out to the pool, and there was still no sign of Mom. She was a regular fish and loved to swim anytime, in any weather so she must have been "getting dressed."

It was another five minutes before Mom joined me.

"Hey, how's it going?" She said, walking up beside the pool chair I was resting in. Mom was obviously uncomfortable, her voice straining to sound casual, and her face red with embarrassment.

"Everything's good," I replied calmly. "How are things on your end?"

"Fine, great, fine," Mom stammered. She paused and gave me a look, expecting me to tease her about what she had been doing. When I didn't say anything, Mom gave a curt nod and headed to the water. I swung out of my chair to follow her, all the while watching her gorgeous body in its swimwear. It was a relatively modest one piece, but it was still tight and accentuated Mom's sexy curves beautifully.

The two of us swam for about an hour, sometimes racing each other as we swam laps, and sometimes playing and splashing like we were a pair of kids. It was all a ton of fun, but we both got tired and agreed it was time to hit the hot tub for a relaxing dip.

As I sunk into the steaming water, every muscle in my body relaxed, enjoying the heat and massaging jets. Mom dropped into the water next to me while letting out the type of moan reserved only for lovers and hot tubs. I wanted to make her moan like that for me.

I couldn't sleep in the hot tub, but I shut my eyes and let myself drift into a trance. Time slipped away and all thoughts left my head. At some point, I felt a weight pressing against me. Mom had let herself relax and her body leaned against me, her head gently resting against mine. She wrapped her arm around me, gripping my shoulder in a gentle hug.

We sat like that for a long time until Mom pulled away, snapping me out of my daze. She was starting to stand up as I opened my eyes.

"Where are you going?" I asked "Gonna leave me here to fall asleep and drown?"

"You're a big boy, I think you'll manage without me for a little while. I just have to run to the ladies' room," Mom replied.


"To pee, why else?"

"Yeah, I get why, I just mean why get out of the water?"

"What are you saying, just pee in the pool?" Mom asked raising her eyebrow.

"Sure, everyone does it. I've gone like seven times already."

"Seven times, really?"

"Okay, maybe once, but my point still stands. Besides piss is sterile, remember. And even if it wasn't, there's enough chlorine in here to drop a bull moose. A little pee won't hurt a thing. Plus, I've already seen you wet yourself, so you've got nothing to be embarrassed about."

Mom may have blushed as I mentioned the wetting incident again, but it was hard to tell with her face flushed from the warm water.

"I've got plenty to be embarrassed about," Mom retorted. "Just this weekend you've seen me in enough embarrassing situations to last a life time."

"Pissing and masturbating are nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone does both. Me, you, everyone. Please don't get out. I like having you here, and I really don't mind."

Mom replied with a sigh. At first I thought she was exasperated at my insistence, but I realized that wasn't the case. She was doing it. She was really peeing in front of me again. I managed to stifle a lustful groan, but I couldn't stop staring at her. Thankfully, Mom's eyes were shut, so I could look to my heart's content. She finished with a satisfied "Ahhh" and her eyes slowly opened.

"You know, that was actually kind of fun," Mom said with an embarrassed but playful chuckle.

"Yeah," was the only response I could muster, my throat dry. I'd just seen the most perfect woman in the world perform a most private act for the second time. And this time, she had shown me willingly while we were shoulder to shoulder. Now her piss was swirling around the tub. Diluted as it was, Mom had technically peed on me. My cock was hard as stone.

"You Okay?" Mom asked.

"I'm fine," I grunted in response.

Mom nodded and settled her body back against mine, the same position she had been in before pissing. I let my head rest against hers and dreamed she knew what she had just done to me. Naturally, Mom was oblivious to how horny she was making me. She couldn't know I loved piss, couldn't know I wanted to fuck my own mother. Maybe if she knew, she'd let me rip off that bathing suit, let me look into the place that had given me life, let me fuck her sopping, maternal pussy. Of course it was all just a dream, for now.

Not a minute later, I felt something cold and wet strike the end of my nose. I opened my eyes and lifted my hands out of the water spreading them flat. Sure enough, more drops hit me as it began to rain.

"Is it raining?" Mom asked somewhat rhetorically. The skies were really opening up, the rain coming down harder and harder. "You want to head back inside?"

"We're already wet, right? A little rain's not gonna hurt us," I replied.

"Alright," Mom started to say, but was cut off by the rumble of thunder. "Scratch that. We're going in. Rain won't hurt us, but a little lightning will," She quickly hopped out of the pool and grabbed her things.

"Come on, Andrew. Hurry up."

"Right behind you. Just give me a minute."

"No, you come right now. If you can hear it, it can hit you. Come on," Mom's tone was strict and authoritative.

"All right, but don't laugh at me."

"Why would I...Oh!"

As I stood up Mom got a full view of the tent I was pitching. My wet, clinging trucks did exactly nothing to conceal how hard my cock was.

"What caused that?" Mom asked playfully as we darted back to the hotel room.

"MOM! Uncomfortable question. What caused you to get all hot and bothered this morning?"

Mom blushed "Sorry I was just teasing"

"Well, if you really want to know, it was being in the hot tub. Hot tubs are naturally sexy places, and it had an effect on me. That's all," I said while sliding the keycard into our door.

As we stepped inside, Mom answered, "Well, if we're being honest, what got me going was sleeping in a hotel bed. It gets me every time, thinking about how many people have done it, right where I'm sleeping. Those sheets we're using are probably like 70% sex fluids at this point."

"TMI, Mom." It wasn't too much information at all. I'd like to know more in fact, but I wasn't ready for her to know that yet.

"You started it," Mom said

"No, you started it. But who's keeping track?"

We both had a good laugh at the strange conversation we had just had. Maybe my little plan was working, maybe I was making Mom horny, or at the very least more comfortable talking sex with me.

Mom clicked on the TV and set it to the weather channel. The mustachioed weather reporter was pointing to an enormous red blob lazily drifting across the map.

"This is the worst storm front we've seen in some time," the reported stated. "It grew far more rapidly than anyone could have predicted. It's a slow moving cell, and it seems to be growing as it goes. Expect extremely heavy rains and thick fog. We're advising all drivers to stay off the roads today. These conditions are extremely dangerous. The silver lining is that everything should be cleared up tomorrow."We checked a few other channels, and they all said more or less the same thing.

Mom let out a displeased groan, "Looks like we won't be making it to Aunt Annie's place today. I'm going to call her, then go check if we can get this room for another night."

Mom made her call and left to go to the hotel office. I flopped on the bed and channel surfed. Nothing was on. I couldn't help but smile at my good luck, another full night with Mom in a bed that turned her on. I might just get to see something even more amazing before this day was through.

When Mom returned, she had an odd look on her face.

"Did you get the room?" I asked.

"I did. I also leaned something rather strange. It seems my 'husband' requested that our room be changed, not that there was an issue with the reservation."

"What!" I yelped in surprise. I hadn't thought Mom would talk to the clerk about that. "What do you mean?"

"Did you ask for the rooms to be changed?" Mom asked. Her voice was dry and stern, not wanting any bullshit.

" would I?"

"Don't lie to me. I want to know why you changed the rooms."

"I just wanted to save you a little money. I thought..."

"I said don't lie. Why did you change the rooms?" Mom waited for my response but I didn't say anything. "Did you want to share a bed with me? Be honest, was this some kind of sex thing?"

I felt the color drain from my face. Mom knew. She had been putting up with me this whole time, suspecting something was up, and now she had the evidence she needed. I couldn't find a response. My stomach had an entire city of butterflies in it, and, I'm embarrassed to admit, I felt tears burning in my eyes. Surely Mom would hate me now. What had I been thinking? I had been a mad man, a fool, a sick pervert. She would hate me now.

Mom let out a long breath of air. "It is, isn't it? You've be trying to make something happen between us." He voice was soft, not angry, more concerned. She sat down next to me and wrapped her arm around me in a sideways hug.

"Sweetheart, what brought these feelings on? I know you're young and trying to figure everything out, but you can't think of your mother that way." She paused again waiting for me to speak. Again I couldn't find my voice. "Is it because of the break up? I know you were getting pretty serious with Jen when she left you."

"No," I managed to croak.

"Then please tell me what it is, we need to work through this."

"You'll think I'm sick, gross."

"I would never think that. I promise. I'll always love you no matter what."

"Fine," I took a deep breath and wiped away the tears bubbling at the corners of my eyes. "It stated when I watched you pee in the car."

"When I peed?" Mom gasped. Her voice was shocked and confused." Why would that matter?"

"Because I'm a pervert!" I shouted. New tears began to stream down my face. I'd never felt lower in my life. "I get off to women pissing because I'm messed up. I don't know why but it gets to me, drives me crazy, I love seeing it, but I hate myself for loving it. You were the first person I've ever really seen do it. Every other time was just online. It's why Jen left me. I thought she was special and that I could trust her, but as soon as I mentioned it, she freaked and left. Now you're gonna leave me too." My words spilled out of me in one breathless rant. Mom sat in silence for a moment collecting her thoughts.

"I love you," She started, pausing to kiss the side of my head. "I'm always going to love you, and I'm never going to leave you. You're my son and nothing can ever change that."

"Thank you," I barely managed to say before pulling Mom into a tight embrace and crying into her shoulder. My tears flowed for an embarrassingly long time, but with Mom I felt no shame, no reason to hold back. All the while she gently rocked back and forth, slowly stoking my hair.

When I finally stopped sniffling and pulled away from her, Mom was smiling a gentle smile.

"You're really not that gross you know," Mom gently said to me "Everyone has that secret thing that gets them going. Even I do."

"I want to fuck my mom and watch her piss. I think I'm still pretty out there."

"Maybe, but I wanted to do stuff with my dad when we were younger."

"Really! With Grandpa!"

"Yep, pervy stuff too. I really shouldn't tell you, but...if you promise never to repeat this to anyone, it seems like you could use the morale boost."

"I promise. Please tell me!"

"Alright. Well it was a different time back then. It wasn't uncommon for parents to spank their kids when they were bad. My dad, Grandpa, did it all the way up until I was eighteen. It had been awhile since he had done it, but one night he caught me sneaking out to a friend's house late at night, so he bent me over his lap, hiked up my skirt and started slapping my ass with his bare hand. Well, after less than a minute, it seemed that touching an eighteen year old's tight little butt was having an effect on him. I could feel Daddy starting to grow, and his thing poked me right in the stomach.

"He realized he was getting hard, so we stopped and he sent me to my room. I was soaking down there and did something very private, all the while thinking about what just happened.

"That was the last time he ever spanked me, despite letting myself get caught breaking rules in the hopes of him doing it again. Nothing more ever happened between us, but sometimes I still think of him when I...well, you know. Sometimes I also make your dad slap me till I'm glowing red before I let get the picture."

"Wow...I mean...just wow, Mom. That's one of the hottest things anyone's ever said to me. Thank you."

"I'm glad I could make you feel a bit better," Mom said, gently stroking my back. "The thing is though, those thoughts I had about my dad were just that. Thoughts. Things would have gotten messed up between me and Grandpa if anything ever really happened between us. The same goes for you and me. It's never wrong to have fantasies and secret desires, but acting on them can be wrong. Does that make sense? If you still need to think of me that way, it's alright, just please keep it private. I don't want either of us getting hurt."

"Okay, Mom. You're right. I'm sorry. I never should have done those things. I don't know what I was thinking."

"You're a man. You were thinking with your other head. It happens from time to time." Mom chuckled and playfully punched my shoulder.

"So what now?" I asked after a long uncertain pause.

"I don't know. Are you going to be okay being stuck in a room with me all night and sharing a bed? If not, I can ask to switch rooms, or even get separate rooms if that would make you more comfortable."

"Thanks, but as long as you won't be grossed out sleeping near your pervert son, I think I'll be alright. I don't want to make you spend extra money anyway." I replied.

"Good," mom said

"Good," I repeated in agreement.

There was a brief awkward pause between us, before we both went our separate ways as best we could in the small room. Mom dove into her book, and I played a game on my phone. The electronic stimulation was doing little to hold my interest, and the minutes ticked by like hours. When my phone couldn't hold even a shred of my concentration I tried listening to the rain and thunder's constant assault. Normally I loved the rain, and it could always relax me, but today all it did was remind me how trapped I was.

It was only a little past noon, and I was going mad. The rain just wouldn't let up. I was boxed inside that little room with nowhere to go. It was too wet to walk anywhere, too foggy to drive, too early to sleep. When I was this bored at home, I'd go jack off. But that wasn't an option. There was nowhere that was private enough; the bathroom was still too close to Mom. After the kindness she had shown me, I couldn't go rub one out with thoughts of her in my head while she was just a room away. I was so bored and so horny, but there was no release around. Without even noticing, I began to pace the small room like a caged animal.

"Something wrong, Andrew?" Mom inquired, peaking over the top of her book.


"Good, then please stop pacing. You're making me dizzy."

"Sorry, I'm just going stir crazy."

"We could play a game or something," Mom suggested

"No, Mom. I don't want to be around you right now," I blurted out. "I mean...I don't...It's not like...It's just...I. I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I just can't be around you for now."

"So you're not okay. You want me to see about getting another room?"

"No, I want to stay with you. I just...I'm not making any sense, am I? It's just that I'm burning inside. I still want you. I want to do everything we're not supposed to do together, but I don't want to want those things. I want those thoughts to go away, but they just keep getting stronger. I want things to be normal between us, but they're never going to be, because I screwed everything up. I don't know what I want anymore, and I'm too god damn horny to think straight!"

"You can go into the bathroom and masturbate if you need to," Mom said surprisingly calmly. "I'm not going to be bothered by that."

"It won't help. You'll know what I'm doing and who I'm thinking about. Knowing you know would just make it worse, more fuel on the fire."

"Than what can we do? What will get us past this?"

"Nothing, Mom! Nothing will get me over this!" I was shouting now, my emotion that had been briefly calmed before bubbling up and bursting forth. "Unless I fuck you, nothing will ever be okay between us!" I hadn't meant to sound so accusatory, but I wasn't thinking about the words I was saying, just letting raw emotion spill out of me.

"Do you really feel that way? Do you really think you'll only get over this crush if I let it go somewhere?"

I took a deep breath to calm down and carefully thought about it. When I really dug deep, I knew what I said was true. "Yes, I really think if we did it I could move past all this. But please don't feel like you have to. I'm just horny and stupid and confused. I can work through it on my own. I was letting my emotions get to me too much, but I can handle this thing."

"We can't have sex, Andrew. We both know that's going too far. But you have already seen me. Would if help if I let you have another look?"

"Are you serious!! You'd really let me look at you?"

"Just look."

"Yes, please. That would definitely help. Oh god, please Mom."

Mom stood up slowly. She was blushing deep red. Her hands trembled visibly as she slowly reached for the button of her fly. She really meant it. She was really going to let me look at her pussy. I was a nervous ball of excitement. This would be so much better than the brief glimpse I had stolen.

Slowly Mom dropped her pants down to her ankles before kicking them away.

"Can you take your shirt off first? I'd really like to see your breasts too." I asked with a dry throat.

Mom smiled and gave a nervous little nod. In one fluid motion, Mom turned her back to me and yanked off the loose top she was wearing, casting it aside with her pants. I'm not sure anything can look as sexy as a woman wearing nothing but panties. She was so exposed, almost completely nude, but that scrap of thin cotton still hid her most private and beautiful spots.

Mom turned back to face me, her eyes cast down, her whole body flushed pink with embarrassment. She had her hands cupping each of her breasts, hiding her nipples from me.

"Oh my god, Mom, you are so gorgeous," I mused.

"You really mean it?" Mom asked shyly.

"Yeah, most beautiful woman I've ever seen," I meant every word.

Mom looked up at me and smiled. Slowly, her hands began to drop, and slowly, her full breasts and pert little nipples came into view. Her titties were as amazing as the rest of her, two perfect globes of soft flesh marking her as all woman. I could barley believe I once had the privilege of sucking on those pink little nubs that crowned the smooth skin. I hated that I couldn't remember what they felt like in my mouth.

Mom was patient, letting me drink in every inch of her bare skin. After I'd memorized ever centimeter of her, she asked, "Are you ready?" I nodded vigorously in response, unable to form words.

Mom took a deep breath to calm her nerves, and without further hesitation, she stooped forward and yanked her panties down. They fell down to her feet, and she stepped out of them. I was wrong: seeing Mom fully nude, not coved by a thing, was far more sexy than her wearing underpants. My jaw physically dropped when she spread her legs, willingly showing her pussy to me, her only son.

I wanted to tell her how much I loved her, how beautiful she was, how thankful I was she was showing me this, but I could not find the words. All I could do was whimper in stupefied joy at the sight before me, but I hadn't seen it all yet. Mom was growing bold, and she reached her hands down, placing them on either side of her lips. Slowly, she pulled them apart, spreading the delicate folds of her flower, letting me look deep within her. I was staring into my mother's vagina, the very birth canal that had given me life. I had never been happier.

I was overjoyed to find that Mom's inner folds were glistening wet with arousal. She wasn't immune to the depraved pleasure of showing off to her son. Mom was getting almost as horny as I was. I managed to pry my eyes away from Mom's glistening slit for a second to look at her face. She was no longer blushing. She was smiling a wide smile, her embarrassment replaced with excitement. She was quickly learning to love this sinful show she was putting on.

Mom made a gesture that meant "follow me" and she turned away, walking towards the bathroom. I got an eyeful of her sexy bare ass for the first time, and I fell in love all over again. Her tight, soft cheeks were flawless, and wiggled invitingly with each step she took. As I rounded the corner, I saw that Mom had taken a seat on the open toilet.

There was no way this was happening. Life just isn't this good. Mom would never do this, even for me. She spread her legs wide, and wiggled her finger at me, coaxing me closer. She kept drawing me nearer until my chin was resting on the toilet seat. One cheek lightly pressed against her knee and inner thigh, my eyes fixed on her sopping wet slit.

Wordlessly, Mom reached down and spread herself wide. Once again, I was staring into the most beautiful place in the entire world. I was so close now, I could see every little crinkle, crease, and fold in her hole, all perfectly designed to pleasure a man. I could even see the tiny slit that marked Mom's closed piss hole. I never wanted to lick anything so badly in all my life.

I could hardly believe what happened next. It was something out of a dream, too wonderful to be real. That tiny little pinhole suddenly spread wide, and a gush of golden liquid sprayed out of it. Mom was peeing. My mom was pissing in front of me, willingly showing me, her son, a private act that society says should only be done alone. I couldn't think; I could barely breathe. I had wanted to see this for so long, and now that I finally had my wish, it was even more wonderful than I had imagined.

The urine just kept flowing out of Mom in a thick, shimmering stream. I was so close to it. I could smell the wonderful fresh sent, and hear the hiss as it left her body, even over the loud drumming splashes caused by piss meeting water.

In a daze, I slowly reached my hand out, edging closer and closer to the stream. When my fingertips were just millimeters away, I felt a fine mist spray over them. Mom made no protest, so I pushed that little ways further and placed my hand fully under the flow.

Mom's piss was so hot I was sure it would burn my hand, but the heat was the most wonderful sensation I'd ever felt. As the strong push of liquid met my flesh, it broke apart, sending tiny drops in every direction, spraying onto my arm, Mom's thighs, and back onto her pussy.

I brought a second hand to join the first, bringing them together to form a small bowl. Quickly my cupped hands filled with the wonderfully warm fluid until they were overflowing, and piss began to run down the outside. I hungrily brought the cup to my lips and sloppily guzzled the precious nectar it held. My first real taste of a woman's pee, my mother's pee.

It was so much better than the small amount of stale urine I had desperately sucked from her clothing. This was almost as fresh as you could get, still burning hot, the taste impossibly strong and so amazing.

"You're drinking it!" Mom gasped in shock.

I chugged the remaining pee in my hands, drinking every drop before suddenly begging, "Stop peeing, Mom. Please stop."

With a small moan of discomfort Mom brought her steam to an abrupt halt. "What's wrong, hun? Took things too far?"

"Not far enough!" I enthusiastically replied. "Mom, I need it right from the source. Please give it to me." I was already pulling off my clothing and kneeling in the tub next to us.

"You really want me to pee on you?" Mom asked. I replied yes by eagerly nodding my head. "If that's what you really want...I guess it isn't any worse than drinking it from your hands."

I made incoherent noises of glee as Mom stepped into the tub with me. It was far more wonderful than any dream, as she straddled her leg above my head. She was careful not to touch me as she positioned herself. She was about to perform something utterly depraved, but physical contact was still out of the question.

When Mom was settled above me, she looked down. The semi-puzzled expression on her face asked, "Is this right? Is this how it's done? Are you sure you want this?" I smiled and nodded yes again in reply. Mom took a single deep breath and, without further pause, began to gush once again.

I was in a wet, hot heaven as Mom's piss began to cascade over me. Her stream caught me right in the forehead, sending some of the flow back into my hair and down my neck. The majority of the stuff flowed forward, coating my face in a sensual bath. I moaned loudly, opening my mouth to let the delicious fluid run in, savoring the taste once more.

More and more piss kept coming, spraying over me until my hair was saturated and my face dripping. There was so much, it waterfalled down past my face and onto my chest. It didn't stop there, continuing its journey all the way over my belly and onto my rock hard cock.

It seemed like an eternity, but finally Mom's piss began to tapper off. I felt the constant patter on my face begin to soften and watched as the stream thinned and weakened. Finally, the flow didn't have the strength to clear Mom's cunt, and the last of her piss ran down her lips before slowly dripping off into the tub below. I couldn't hold back anymore. I began frantically rubbing my starving shaft with my piss covered hand.

Mom began to step out of the tub saying, "I guess I'll leave you to it then."

"No, Mom!" I pleaded "Please let me look at you while I finish. Please!"

There was a long pause as Mom mulled it over. Her morals told her she should leave, but she had already gone so far and she wanted so badly to make me happy. "Alright," Mom finally agreed sitting back down on the toilet and spreading herself once again. I jumped out of the tub and took my place in front of her starring into the sweet pussy that had given me life.

I peeked at Mom's face. She was trying to look away from my hard cock as I masturbated, but she couldn't do it. Her eyes would always be drawn back to her son's hard member. I stood up, which put my cock head just an inch away from Mom's boobs. It was a challenge to keep my legs steady and to keep my eyes open but, somehow, I managed. My body began to vibrate all over, and I couldn't help but moan out loud in ecstasy. What was about to happen was clear, and Mom made no motion to leave and made no protest against it.

I came.

The most powerful, mind numbingly wonderful orgasm any man has ever experienced. Huge globs of pent up cum shot from my spasming cock, spraying all over Mom's bare breasts. Her soft skin was streaked with white, her pink nipples coated with the stuff. My own moans of joy were joined by Mom's. She loved having her son cum all over her tits.

As the high of my orgasm wore off, I felt my knees go weak. I let myself drop to the floor and rested my head against the soft flesh of Mom's leg. Both of us were panting like marathon runners, me from exhaustion, Mom from excitement. Her slit was glistening wet with a mix of pee and her feminine fluid. The smell from the mix was intoxicating. Mom kept clenching and unclenching her hands, not sure what to do with them. I could tell she desperately wanted to touch herself and experience the same relief I just had.

I felt a new sense of calm and confidence wash over me. My lust clouded mind had finally found some clarity, but now Mom was getting too horny to think straight. She was feeling the same lust that had been burning within me, and she was barely handling it. For the first time this weekend, I was in control.

"Mom," I started "It's okay if you want to masturbate. I'd really like to see that too."

"No," Mom quickly gasped "That would be taking things way to far."

"Oh," I replied "So showing me your pussy, peeing on me, and letting me cum on you were fine, but touching yourself crosses a line."

"None of those things were really sexual. They were just fluid exchange. Not really sex at all."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Mom's flimsy rationale. She was fighting within herself, her inner desire battling against her long ingrained morals.

"Okay then. If you don't want to masturbate, can I pee on you?"

"What!" Mom said in shock. "No that's..." she trailed off. She was trapped. Mom couldn't say it was disgusting. That would hurt my feelings, and she couldn't say that it was going too far. After all, peeing on each other was "just fluid exchange." Mom let out a moan of confusion and defeat. "Fine, I guess we can do that. Just keep it down low. I don't want it in my face."

"Great!" I said, a huge grin on my face. "Go out into the bedroom and get on the floor on your hands and knees."

"What? Why? We'll get the carpet dirty."

"That's just how it's done, Mom. Besides, that rug's probably seen worse anyway. Trust me."

Mom was too far gone to protest further. She stood and quickly strode out into the bedroom, taking the position I requested. She looked so cute with her soft, round butt sticking in the air, her whole body jiggling with nervous anticipation. I grabbed a pillow off of our bed and placed it below her head. I was in awe at how quickly the tide had turned. Mom was like putty in my hands. I wanted to see how far I could take things.

"Now rest your head on this," I said motioning to the pillow, "And use your hands to spread your ass. I want to see your other hole." It was amazing how quickly Mom complied, following my instructions without hesitation. I practically skipped around her, eager to see her final secret.

As I rounded her body, there it was in all its glory. My own mother's asshole. It was as gorgeous and amazing as the rest of her: a perfect puckered little star, nestled in the valley of her heavenly cheeks.

A thought came to me as I gazed at the most secret, special and private place on a person's body. How few men had seen this before? Of all the people living in the world, how many had gotten a good look at their mother's butthole. Maybe only hundreds, dozens even, and I was one of the lucky few.

I could have drunk in that view forever. I couldn't imagine a better sight than Mom's soft cheeks spread wide, showing her cute little pucker flexing in anticipation. Below it, her other hole, dripping wet and begging for attention. However, there was something even better than looking that I was going to do, and I was rapidly getting too hard to do it.

I positioned myself behind Mom's rear. My cock was pointing right at her ass, just an inch from her two sweet holes. I was a bundle of nerves and could hardly believe what I was doing. As much as I wanted it, I found I was too nervous to get the stream going. My shy bladder had closed off, not letting out a single drop.

"Are you going to do it?" Mom asked, her voice low, mixed with her own fears and excitement.

"Just stay put, Mom. I'm having a little technical difficulty. Just be a second."

"Okay, I'm ready whenever."

I took several deep breaths, and spurred on by Mom's words, finally managed to start pissing. Once the flow started, it was like an unstoppable tsunami gushing from my cock. My aim was perfect. My thick stream of pee striking Mom right on her asshole. A torrent of the hot liquid ran down her crack, coating her pussy and legs.

Mom moaned out, "Oh God, it's good, it's good!" I could tell she was ashamed at how much she loved the golden shower she was getting, but the lust inside her had completely taken over. Mom let one hand drop from her ass, reaching between her spread legs to desperately rub her sex starved pussy.

I let my aim drop, spaying first onto Mom taint, and then, finally onto her already soaking lips.

"Yes! Yes!" She cried, loving the hot spay on her cunt. Mom grabbed her pussy lips and tugged them open, spreading her vag and letting my stream flow into her sopping hole. Mom's body tensed and began to vibrate. Her moans and cries of pleasure turned to screams of ecstasy. Mom was cumming, soaked in her son's piss.

I couldn't take it any more. At some point my stream had stopped, and my cock had grown back to full attention. I placed the head of my dick right on Mom's wet lips.

She gasped in surprise and shouted, "No, Stop!" I recoiled with a frustrated grunt. I wanted her so badly, but I wasn't about to rape her.

Mom wheeled around. I expected her to be furious and braced for a slap or, at least, the worst tongue lashing of my life. Instead, when Mom had spun around she was beaming with joy. She lunged at me and planted wet, sloppy, frantic kisses on my lips, her tongue pressing into my mouth and lapping at my lips.

Mom broke the kiss and breathlessly said, "I don't want out first time to be like that."

"Our first time?" I dumbly responded. My clouded mind unable to keep up with what was happening.

"You broke me, kiddo. I came while my son pissed on me. There's no denying it. I'm a sick, sinful pervert. I want you."

My jaw dropped, still not fully comprehending what was going on. Mom continued speaking. "I don't know what I was thinking before. I was all twisted up inside. I wanted to be with you, but I felt so guilty. I don't feel guilty anymore."

I couldn't formulate a response, I was just too dumbfounded. I may seem like an idiot, but it's not everyday your mother tells you she wants to fuck. Finally, I managed a few words. "Mom are you saying..."

She cut me off "I'm saying I want to get in that bed, spread my legs and have you stick your hard young cock in my pussy. I want you to fuck me till I can't see straight. I want you to cum in my pussy and squirt your hot seed right into the womb you were conceived in. I want to fuck my son!" She was breathlessly shouting by the time she finished speaking. If we had any hotel neighbors, they knew what sinful debauchery we were up to.

Again, Mom kissed me with a frenzied passion and this time I eagerly returned it, our tongues dancing together in an elegantly primal ballet. As we kissed, our hands were all over each other. I felt Mom's soft flesh on my fingertips and managed to find my way to her supple breasts and hard little nipples. As I tweaked and massaged the sensitive flesh, she moaned down my throat, sending a small vibration through my body.

Mom's hands were running through my hair, still damp with her sweet piss. Her rubbing dislodged the trapped liquid, sending small beads of pee running down the back of my neck and down my face. A few drops joined our writhing tongues, giving Mom her first taste of the golden elixir.

"That isn't half bad," Mom said, breaking our kiss. Her tongue ran up the side of my cheek, lapping at a streak of her urine. "I could get used to it. Maybe even drink right from your tap one day. But not today. We have something more important to do today."

She dipped a finger into her cunt, swirling it inside. When her finger emerged, it was glistening with her natural lube. Mom placed the finger at my lips, and I eagerly sucked it in. The heavenly unique taste of a woman filled my mouth, and I knew I could die happy.

Slowly, Mom stood, pulling her finger from my mouth. "Ready?" She asked, her voice showing both boundless excitement and fear filled nerves.

"Yes," I replied, never more sure of something in my life.

With amazing elegance, Mom laid herself on our bed, her body slowly stretching out, her legs slowly spreading. When she was relaxed and ready, her gorgeous glistening cunt on full display, she motioned for me, begging me to come to her. I happily obliged, taking my place above her, letting my hard manhood gently meet her soft lips.

Slowly, taking great care to enjoy every millimeter, I began to slide into her. Her hole was amazingly tight, but she was so wet that I slipped inside with little effort. The velvety folds of my mother's pussy were mine, and the hot wet walls were doing everything possible to pleasure me.

Nothing could ever compare to this moment. Making love to Mom for the first time was an experience nothing could hope to match. The deeper I pressed in, the louder Mom's purrs and whimpers of ecstasy grew, letting me know she was in the same heaven I was.

Finally, I bottomed out, our pelvises gently coming to rest against each other. I could feel my cock head pressing against the back of Mom's tunnel. I was touching my mother's cervix, gateway to the womb were I was conceived. Mom wrapped her arms and legs tightly around me, trying desperately to pull me deeper into her. We stayed locked together like that for a lifetime, enjoying this long overdue reunion. For the first nine months of my life, this beautiful woman and I were a single being, and finally after years of separation, we were one once again.

Soon, we couldn't take it any more. The pleasure inside of us was too great to handle, and we needed a release. Mom's limbs let their vice grip go and I began to truly fuck her. I slid out of her right to the tip before plunging back inside. Our voices cried out in a mutual bellow of joy.

I felt Mom frantically buck her hips up against me as I drove my hard cock deep into her. We were both so close, our orgasms building inside us like a wildfire. Over and over, I pounded into the wet furnace of Mom's pussy, until finally we felt it. Our bodies began to tingle in unison, my balls tightened, and Mom's legs kicked in the air. The sweet pleasure of orgasm tore through us both, our body spasming together. I could feel my hot cum pouring out deep into Mom. Her twitching cervix sucking the white, molten fluid into her womb, a tiny piece of me returning to were I began.

I collapsed onto Mom, letting my head come to rest on her soft chest. We both were panting hard, struggling to recover form the mind shattering joy we'd both experienced.

"My baby boy has finally come home," Mom managed to say, her voice dry and dreamlike.

I made a move to roll off of her, but Mom quickly gripped me in place.

"Stay like this. Please. I can't be apart from you right now." A request I couldn't have been more happy to comply with.

It felt like days that we lay together, each of us savoring the bonds of love, lust, and blood that we shared. No two people had ever been so perfectly formed for one another. We had no words to say to each other, we both knew what the other was thinking. I loved Mom more than any other woman, and she loved her son more than any other man. We would never be apart again.