wonderful son was home for the summer, Tony is 19 now. He always comes home during summer. Tony had a part time job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home.

I got to the hospital and my poor baby's hands were both wrapped up to his forearms. On the drive home he explained what had happened but the more troubling question was, how was he going to use the bathroom with both his hands wrapped up. I told him not to worry, we would figure something out.

It was good to have him home, my husband traveled a lot on his job and I was getting quite lonely in the big house by myself. We arrived home and it didn't take long for my son to start fidgeting. The boy needed to use the bathroom but he was too embarrassed to ask his mom for help. Finally he couldn't hold it any longer.

"MOM I need to use the bathroom, what are we going to do?"

"Well I don't know, okay…okay… how about I pull your pants down and your boxers and I will leave the bathroom so you can pee, will that work"

"Yeah I think I can live with that"

So we head into the bathroom and I stand behind my son, I reach around and unbuckle his pants and pull them down, then I hook my fingers in his boxers and pull them down also. I could not help but notice his tight buns. I know a mother is not supposed to think these thoughts, but I couldn't stop staring at his ass.

I guess I stood so long that Tony said "okay mom you can leave now"

"Oh yeah…. uh …huh…If you need anything call out"

"Thanks mom I am not sure what I would do if you were not here"

"Come on baby you're my son, that's what mothers are for"

I didn't entirely close the door so I could hear him if he called out, as I was walking away I couldn't stop myself from taking a quick peak. And oh my God, my son was peeing into the toilet, it looked so funny, him trying to hit the bowl without using his hands by aiming with his hips, but what struck me was the size of his cock, even when soft it was longer than my husbands.

I quickly walked away and tried to wipe the image from my head, but I couldn't. The image kept creeping back in. Am I crazy, I can't be thinking about this?

We got into a normal routine for the next few days, it helped that my husband was away on business. It might have been to embarrassing to help Tony if my husband was home.

One day I finally told Tony "Son you have to bathe, you stink"

"Now how am I going to bathe with these arms wrapped like this, I can't get them wet"

"I don't know but you have to do something"

"Mom get real, I can't bathe unless you help me"

"Okay then I will help you; I won't have you stinking up the house"

"How are we going to do it?"

"Well I will put my bathing suit on and I will bathe you from behind, much like when I help you go to the bathroom"

"Okay that will work"

So Tony follows me into my bathroom and I turn on the shower, I take his pants and shirt off and then I slide his boxers off and he walks into the shower, I tell him that I will be right back I am going to put on my bathing suit. I take off all my clothes and I reach for bathing suit, but it had been a while since I had worn it and it was way too small. Now what am I going to do. I decided to just wear my bra and panties.

I opened the shower door and walked in, and my son whistled "Wow mom you look great"

"Sorry my bathing suit was too small; this is all I could think of to wear"

I was feeling naked, my son was ogling me. I can't say I blame him I think I still look pretty good for my age. I am 40 now but I still in pretty good shape. My butt is bigger than when I was 19 but my husband has no complaints and he adores my big breasts. He loves to suck on my large areolas.

My husband doesn't like me to trim my pussy and right now I was cursing his name because my pussy hairs were not completely covered by my panties, that were quickly becoming see through. I told my son to stop looking over his shoulders and to turn around.

"Oh come on mom your seeing me naked, it is not fair that I can't at least see you in your underwear"

"This is not about being fair but about washing you, now turn your head young man"

"Okayyyyyyyy MOM"

I looked down at myself and it became quite apparent what had captured Tony's gaze. My bra was soaked and had become completely transparent.

I started to wash his hair, it was funny watching Tony trying not to let his hands get wet while we showered, it looked like he was being searched by the police with his arms high in the air. I started to wash his back and the lower I got the more aroused I got. Stop that he is your son for goodness sakes. But I couldn't stop the thoughts from creeping in, the closer I got to his butt the more wicked my thoughts were.

I skipped over his butt and got on my knees and washed his legs, I worked my way up his legs until I was washing the back of his thighs, and I took a deep breath and started to wash his ass. Tony was frozen still as I quickly washed his ass. I then stood up and wrapped my hands around him from behind and started to wash his chest. I could feel my breasts being crushed against him and I could only wonder what was going through his mind.

My hands moved down to wash his stomach, my god he had a tight stomach, Tony is 6 foot 2, tall and handsome with brown hair and eyes, he was always so well tanned, you could tell he worked out with all his muscles bulging. Tony was so proud that he weighed 225 pounds of solid muscle, and now here was his mom exploring every inch of his body. After finishing up his stomach I put more soap on my hands reached around and let my hands slide down his pubic hair and I grasped his cock.

Tony gasped" Mom what are you doing"

"Just washing you all over, I am sure that part of your body needs washing too, besides you're my son I use to wash you when you were little so shut up and let me do my job"

As we were talking I was washing his cock and balls, I couldn't help but notice his cock was growing, but I pretended not to notice and I said. "All done" and I got out. I dried myself while Tony stayed in to give me my privacy. When I had left the bathroom he got out and dried himself as best as he could.

That night I couldn't get his cock out of my mind, here I was feeling up my son and I loved it. How could this be? I was talking to my husband as we do every night, we still enjoy sex and when he is away we enjoy phone sex.

My husband was helping me get off as I masturbated but instead of thinking of my husband all I could think off was Tony as I played with my clit. I had a mind bending orgasm as I thought of my son. I hung up the phone with Dave, feeling very guilty I drifted off to sleep. For the next few days the routine didn't change.

Finally on the fifth day as I was bathing Tony he said "Mom I can' take it anymore my balls are aching"

"What do you mean?

"MOM when you go a long time and you have someone toying with you…. well men get blue balls"

I started to laugh "Oh my god.. I am so sorry baby I didn't know I was having that effect"

"MOM I hate to ask but could you help me out"

"WHAT are you crazy what are you suggesting"

"Mom just reach over when you're washing me and just stroke a little bit till I can release my tension"

"Do you know what your asking, its one thing for me to help you bathe but quite another to masturbate you."

"I know mom but it really hurts"

"Okay but you have to keep this between us. My god I would die if anyone found out"

"I don't think you have to worry about that mom, I can't imagine I would want anyone to know my mom jerked me off"

"Hey watch your language I am still your mom"

""I am sorry mom, I am just so frustrated"

"Okay forget it; let me do this before I change my mind"

I stood behind him and pressed my breasts on his back as I reached around and searched for his cock. My hand was sliding down his tummy, and I felt the tip of his cock, he was already hard. I slowly let my hand glide over his cock. It was so different now, I wasn't trying to hurry, I was now caressing his cock, and my other hand reached around and massaged his ball. I took my hand and started to massage his cock back and forth.

Tony was moaning as I masturbated him. I felt him breathing faster and I knew he was close. Then it happened I felt his cock start to throb and he started cumming, I continued stroking his cock as his cum hit the shower wall.

"OHhhh thanks mom I really needed that"

"My pleasure honey, I was glad that I could make you feel all better now"

I started to wash the cum off my hand but when he wasn't looking I reached up and tasted his cum, what in the world possessed me to do that.

I got out off the shower and Tony headed to his room. What had I just done, I had masturbated my baby, and it felt gooooood. That night I came so hard as my husband talked me through another orgasm. Now I was hooked on masturbating my son, every night I milked his cock. On the 4th night Tony asked me if he could turn around so he could watch me masturbate him.

I don't know"

"Mom please, you play with me every night, the least you could do is let me look at you while you play with me, besides I will come even faster"

"Okay go ahead"

Tony turned around and he was now standing next to me, I reached over and grasped his cock and started pulling on it.

"Mom you look really hot in your panties and bra"

"Thanks but you shouldn't be thinking about those things"

"Come on mom I can't help it, you do look hot"

"You really think so"

"I know so, dad is one lucky man"

"Ahh that is so sweet, thanks honey"

It was surreal; my son is complementing me on my looks as I jerked him off. He very quickly started to cum and it hit my stomach. We both looked down and laughed as the water washed off the cum.

The next night Tony had one more request, "Mom you could you please take your bra off…please pretty please"

"I don't think so young man"

"Oh come on mom I can practically see them anyway, come just this one time"

"Okay just this one time" But we both knew it wouldn't be just this one time, each day we crossed new boundaries that we had no business crossing. I took off my bra and my breasts flopped out. My nipples were so hard from the water hitting them and when my son looking at them I could see the lust in his eyes.

"You like what you see"

"Oh yes it is the way I always pictured them"

Didn't take him long to cum when he saw my breasts. The next day Tony had a new request. If I didn't know any better I would swear the boy was trying to seduce me, but I knew it was just curiosity.

"Mom can you get on your knees and let me come on your tits"

"WHAT are you crazy?"

"Come on mom, it will really make me cum fast…please"

"Okay just this one time"

Tony is so tall that when I was on my knees his cock was at my chin. I knelt back a little and started to stroke his cock, I now had a real nice view of it and I studied it as I stroked it. He must have been around 8 inches long and real thick and veiny with a big mushroom head. I was enjoying masturbating him and he was moaning as I stroked his cock.

"OH yeah mom stroke my cock, make me cum on your tits"

Normally I would have slapped him for talking to me this way, but when I heard the words escape his lips it just made me hornier. I couldn't wait for him to cum all over my breasts. His legs started to turn to mush and I knew he was close. I pulled myself a little higher and then he let loose with a stream of cum hitting my nipples, it was so erotic.

For the next two days I stroked his cock until he came on my tits. On the third day, as I was kneeling and stroking him, Tony moved his hips real fast and his cock hit my lips.

"What in the world are you doing?"

"I'm sorry…I'm sorry. I never had a blowjob. I don't know what came over me"

"You've never had a blow job?"


"Come on tell me the truth"

"No really mom I have never had one"

"Wow I can't believe it"

"Well it's true, mom please …please let me just slip my cock in your mouth just once. I want to know what it feels like"

"I don't know"

"Come one, mom just this once"

"Okay just this once"

With that my lips reached out and I let his cock enter my mouth, it was so hard and big and it felt so amazing. My tongue swirled around his head and he moaned as he pushed his hips and fucked my face. When he was getting close I pulled my mouth away and I jerked him off till he came on my chest.

"Wow......thanks mom that felt wonderful"

I couldn't wait to get back to my room, lock the door and masturbate.

The next day we went to the doctor and had his bandages removed. His hands looked so much better. We went home but I had an empty feeling in my gut. I was no longer needed. I had no excuse to suck his cock anymore.

When we arrived at home Tony said "Come on mom I need to take a shower"

"You don't need me anymore"

"Oh come on mom, one more time please"

I was ecstatic. "Okay one last time mister"

We walked in the bathroom and Tony said "as long as this is the last time do you think for once we could both be nude instead of just me"

"Sure why not, since this will be the last time"

I felt Tony's eyes on me as I lowered my panties "nice bush mom, you're so hairy"

"Yeah your dad won't let me trim it he likes it that way"

"So do I"

I got on my usual position, on my knees and I took his cock in my mouth. As I sucked his cock, I felt Tony's hands massaging my neck. When he didn't feel me pull away, his hands went lower until he was massaging my breasts, it felt sooooooo gooood. He was pinching my nipples as I sucked him deeper. I was about to pull away when I sensed he was getting close, but then I felt his hand on the back of my head, holding my head on his cock as he thrust deeper and faster.


Then I felt the first splash hit my tongue, I felt Tony cumming in my mouth.


He kept pumping more cum from his cock


Here I was on my knees as my son came in my mouth, I could feel the cum dripping from the corners of my mouth as my son continued to spew his cum in his mothers mouth.

He finally let go of my head, but it was too late I had already swallowed most of his cum.

"Thanks mom you're amazing"

I stood up and I felt his hands reach for my pussy.

"Just what do you think your doing?"

"Come on mom I know you must be horny, let me make you cum with my fingers"

Not another word was spoken as he played with my clit, I felt his hands enter my pussy, I was so wet. Tony then turned me around so he could play with my ass, I felt powerless to stop him as he rubbed me all over, his hands caressed my ass and as he reached for my pussy I could feel his hard cock resting on my ass.

He told me to reach out and put my hands on the shower wall, as I leaned over I felt Tony rubbing his cock all over my ass. Oh my god, what was he doing to me. His cock felt so hard as he rubbed it on my crack. I felt him teasing me; he was rubbing his cock on the outside of my lips, rubbing it all over.

Then it happened I felt his cock enter my pussy, he was so much bigger than his dad. His cock filled my pussy, we both groaned as he impaled himself on me. There were no more barriers to cross; my son was fucking his mother.

Tony grabbed my hips and started fucking me real fast I could feel his cock hitting my uterus, he was in so deep. With a final thrust I felt his cum splash the inside of my pussy. My beautiful son was cumming inside me and I loved it.

I felt his cock slip out of my pussy and I felt empty. We shut off the shower and dried ourselves, and then Tony took me by the hand and led me to my marital bed. He laid me down on the bed on my stomach and asked me if we had any baby oil. I told him to go look in the medicine cabinet.

He came back and poured a little oil on my back; he bent over and kissed me on my neck as he massaged the oil in. He continued massaging me going lower and lower with every pass till he was rubbing the top of my ass. I felt him reach over and he poured more oil on my ass. He then massaged my globes all over.

"Mom you have a beautiful ass, I could rub it all day"

"And you have wonderful hands; you make me feel so good."

Tony then pulled my legs apart and I felt him massaging my inner thighs, I felt him getting closer and closer to my pussy, then I felt his pinky flick one of my lips and I melted. He was rubbing his fingers all around my crack and then I felt his index finger enter my ass. He had his knuckle buried in my ass and it felt wonderful. He pulled it out and moved down to my pussy; he was now rubbing my pussy when I felt his tongue licking the crack of my ass. Oh My God.

Tony then took both his hands and spread my cheeks as his tongue worked his magic, he was licking me all over, he lowered his mouth an licked my pussy, when his tongue hit my clit I had my first orgasm. He left my pussy and licked higher till he was licking all around my small little pink hole, then Oh my god I felt his tongue enter my ass. No one had ever done that before.

I couldn't believe all the things I was letting my son do to me. He then pulled his tongue out and got behind me, and placed his cock on my ass.

"Mom I am gonna fuck your ass"

"Please baby go slow, no one has ever fucked me there"

"Not even Dad"

"Not even your dad baby"

"Oh I love it mom, it's like you been saving you ass for me"

"Please be gentle baby"

"I will mom…I will"

I felt his cock push the head in slowly…god it felt like he was shoving a bat up my ass. But I couldn't deny him. He slowly pushed more of his cock in and I started to enjoy the feeling. My son had his cock up my ass, what else was left. Mother and son had done everything now. My son was fucking my ass and I loved it. My son pushed me on the bed; he leaned into me and was showering me with kisses as he fucked me.

"OH mom I'm cummmmmiggggggggg"

I felt his cock erupt inside my ass; my baby was cumming inside me. We fell asleep with his cock buried inside me, we took a short nap. I woke up and looked at the clock it was eleven pm. I got up and washed up in the bathroom.

My son came in and as he walked by he rubbed my ass and said "Damn I love your butt mom"

I smiled back and grabbed his cock "Not as much as I love this"

"Let's go back to bed mom I want to make love to you again"

We got in bed and my son got on top of me and slowly teased me with his cock, he finally entered my pussy and was slowly fucking me when the phone rang. Oh shit I forgot and my husband was calling to say goodnight.

"Shit stop Tony, it's your dad on the phone"

I reached over and picked up the phone.

"Hi honey"

"Hi babe how was everything today"

Tony didn't stop he was still inside me and slowly fucking my pussy as I talked with his dad. I kept giving him dirty looks but he just smiled and continued fucking me. It was hard holding down a conversation with your husband as your son is fucking you.

"So did Tony get his bandages off?"

"Yeap all went smooth"

How's he doing?"

"Oh he is doing great"

"Put him on the phone I want to talk to him"

"Okay… Tony come get the phone, your dad's on"

Tony smiled as he spoke "Hi dad how is work" Tony continued to fuck me as he talked to his dad.

I couldn't believe as I watched him on the phone. He was talking to his dad as he fucked his mother. He handed the phone back as I heard him say "okay bye dad I am going to go watch T.V."

He handed me the phone and started to fuck me a little faster. His cock felt so good in my pussy.

"Okay honey Tony is gone"

"Good because I am horny tonight"Dave proceeded to jerk off as he spoke to me "God honey I missed you, I love your pussy, pretend I am there and I am fucking you right now"

"Oh baby your cock feels so good in me"

Tony loved it he started to fuck me faster; he had his ear to the phone as Dave talked me through an orgasm.

"Wow honey your really into it tonight"

I responded "Uh huh oh baby your cock feels so good in me, fuck me baby"

Every time I said it Tony started to fuck me faster. I started to cum and I screamed "OH yesssssss I am cumming arggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh"

At that point I felt Tony cumming and we could here Dave cumming on the other side of the phone.

"Wow Linda, that was amazing I swear if I didn't know any better I'd say you were getting fucked"

"Hmmmm Yes you loved that wouldn't you. That's always been your fantasy hasn't it. You always wanted to watch me get fucked by another man. Maybe tomorrow night we can roll play it"

"Oh yes baby lets do it"

I hung up the phone and I fell asleep in my son's arms.

The next night my son was back in my bed and we were just waiting for Dave to call. Sure enough the phone rang and Dave was on the phone.

"So how are you feeling tonight?"

"Horny enough love that I still want to act out your fantasy."

"Hmm yeah babe I only wish there was someone really in bed with you"

"Would you really want that Dave?"

"Oh Yes"

"You're not just saying that are you, I'm serious Dave would you really want me to fuck someone else"

"You know I do, you're the one that always didn't want to do it"

"What if I agree to now?"

"Don't you be teasing me now?"

"I am serious, what if I had someone in bed with me right now"

"I would love it"

Well guess what, someone is in bed with me right now"

"Yeah sure"

"Say something"


I heard my husband laughing on the other end. "Who are you trying to fool that's just Tony"

"Yes I know"

"What are you saying?"

"I am saying, do you still want me to get fucked by someone else"

"Linda what are you saying"

Your son is lying in bed with me naked and we want to know if you still want me to get fucked"

"Oh my god that is so intense….YES I want him to fuck you Linda"

"Don't tell me, tell your son"

"Tony I want you to fuck your mother and treat her like the slut she is"

"Okay Dad I will fuck her good and hard" Tony handed the phone back to me, your son is getting ready to put his cock in me"

"HMMM I want every little detail… How big is his cock?"

"His cock is so big honey it fills me up"

"I want you to ride him"

"Tony lay on the bed"

"Honey I am standing over our son admiring his hard cock. I am lowering my pussy. He is holding his cock out for me, Honey I can feel his big cock entering my lips OHHHHHHHH honey his cock feel so gooooood"

"Oh yeah baby do you love his cock"

"OH yeah I love his cock, I am riding his cock right now I am bouncing up an down on his cock…Oh yeah baby, fuck your mommy.. Fuck me hard..."

I could hear Dave masturbating as his son fucked me.

"OH Dave I wish you were here to watch him fuck me, he feels so god inside me"

"Oh Dave Oh Dave Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am cumming on your son's cock"

"Oh yeah baby cum on his cock"

Oh Dave I can feel your son cumming inside me oh he is cumming so deep inside me honey, I can feel his cum… he is cumming so much"

"Oh yeah you love it don't you, take his cock out and lick it clean NOW"

"I am taking his cock out honey, here talk to your dad"

Hi Dad, mom is cleaning my cock, she is licking it all over, she is sucking my cock dad"

"What's he saying?"

"He says for you to clean all the cum out of my cock mom"

"Tell him I am … Tell him I am going to fuck you all night. Now say goodnight.. I have some fucking to do"

"Good night Dad mom will tell you all about it when you get home tomorrow night."

As my son hung up the phone I knew my life would never be the same, I continued fucking him all night just as we promised his dad.

Dave called me from the airport saying he would be home in a few minutes. When he walked in the front door he yelled "I'M home"

"I am up here honey in the bedroom"

Dave walked in and was shocked, on the bed was his son behind me, fucking me doggie style. Dave dropped his bag "Wow you two look hot"

"Get out of your clothes and join the fun; we thought you might enjoy our surprise"

"Oh yeah I love surprises."

Dave took his clothes off, but he never took his eyes off his son's cock as it entered my pussy. He walked over to me and I grabbed his cock and pulled it to my mouth. How great was this, I was sucking my husbands cock while my son fucked me.

I felt Tony cumming and I said "Your son is cumming inside me honey"

Dave heard that and started to cum I pulled his cock back into my mouth so I could capture his cum. I had my son cumming in my pussy and my husband cumming in my mouth. What else could a girl ask for?

"Honey remember that fantasy of yours"

"What fantasy"

I got on my back "Dave come here and lick my pussy, clean my cunt out"


Dave got between my legs and started to suck the cum right out"

Tony came over to my face and pushed his cock in my mouth. I cleaned off his cock as he watched his dad eat his cum out of my pussy.

We fucked the rest of the night till my pussy was too sore to fuck, we fell asleep me sandwiched between my two lovers.

Please let me know what you think of my story, especially if you have any suggestions and please don't forget to grade it.