
"Oh my God!!!" she screamed from down the hallway.

He laughed before her yelling gave way to the sound of high heels dashing back into his bedroom.

"Baby, I'm completely covered! I've never had anything like this!"

"It looks good on you," he joked, somewhat infatuated with the sight of his seed all over his mother's gorgeous face.

She looked around the room in a panic. "Where's your phone!?"

He pointed at his nightstand.

She scurried across the room and retrieved his phone. She moved back in front of him, handed him his smartphone, and dropped back down to her knees.

"Pictures," she said with a big smile.

He couldn't help but laugh to himself as he unlocked his phone. He officially lived with the hottest woman on the planet.

He took five pictures while Mom sported a variety of poses: seductive, sexy, innocent, devilish, and even surprised. She decided to pull out her entire acting repertoire for their private photo shoot, but she needed a co-star for her next set of photos.

"Come over here."

He stood up and approached her, letting out a deep exhale of jubilation when she wrapped her lips around his manhood and sucked him back to life. Sexual downtime? Not a chance. She could have her angel ready to go in seconds no matter what the situation. She was sure of it.

Once he was hard again, she sported a playful pose with his big cock directly next to her face as she waited for him to take the picture.

"Evidence of what did this to me," she told him, grinning the entire time.

He took the picture before moving his cock over her head and allowing it to rest along her face.

She checked off another box on her list of fantasies. "This is so fuckin' hot."

Several more pictures were snapped with her cum-covered face partially hidden by his thick manhood.

"All good," he announced.

She allowed his cock to slide off her face before giving the shiny head a loving kiss. "You're so perfect. Well, I definitely need a shower, so round two in a bit?"

Mom wouldn't be happy to hear his following news. He'd told her before, but chances were that she wouldn't remember. Especially considering how sexed-up she currently was.

"I have a lot of homework to do."

She took a deep breath, her body language reflecting her frustration. "Shit, I forgot about that. Okay, you do your homework, but if you need a break or just want to have a little fun, you come find me. Deal?"

"Deal," he agreed with a big smile.

Sarah gave her son's cock one last kiss before strutting out of the room and heading for the shower.

Two hours passed before he finally hit the halfway point on his schoolwork. What were the chances that he'd get slammed with assignments tonight? Here he was, living down the hall from the hottest woman to ever exist--who wanted nothing more than to mess around with him sexually--and he couldn't even do anything with her because he had so much math homework. Life was so unfair!

He journeyed downstairs to grab another slice of pizza after he took a bathroom break. Part of him felt like an asshole when he reflected on his current mindset. To be honest, he was in the mood for another blowjob, but he couldn't just go find Mom and tell her that, right? She wasn't a blowjob machine, but then again, what if she was? What if her sex drive was equally as high as his?

Mike walked back upstairs and took a moment to think after he arrived outside of his room. Did he have to stop? Would it really be so bad to continue down the hallway and pay Mom a visit instead of losing himself in more homework?

He decided to swing by his parents' bedroom first. A loud buzzing noise coming from inside the room caused him to freeze after he placed his hand on the doorknob. He moved his ear against the door in an attempt to identify whatever took place behind the door he'd almost opened.

He heard the sound of moaning.

The revelation that Mom masturbated with a vibrator wasn't exactly breaking news when she told him earlier. He was fully aware of her sex toys. Like most kids, he did a little snooping around his parents' dressers and nightstands once puberty hit. With the help of the internet, his younger-self was able to solve the mystery of the curious object he saw inside his mother's nightstand, and it was then when he realized that Mom enjoyed playing with herself.

But he'd never actually heard her having fun before, and his cock twitched after it registered in his brain that he was most likely the man on her mind. He loved that Mom thought about him! What were the chances of going inside her bedroom and only receiving a quick blowjob, though? Two percent? They would end up doing way more than simple oral, and he still had French homework, a writing assignment for his English literature class, and a chemistry quiz to study for.

He reluctantly removed his hand from the doorknob and headed back to his room.

He finally finished after the two longest hours of his life. His phone showed that it was ten o'clock on this Monday night, and the eighteen-year-old high school senior was more than ready for round two. He strolled down to his parents' bedroom where he was met by a dark room. Not a hint of light escaped from under the one door that had been on his mind for the past one hundred and twenty minutes.

He knocked on the door.

No response.

He turned the knob cautiously and let himself in, and he couldn't help but smile after he did.

The light from the hallway allowed him to see the adorable picture in front of him. Mom sprawled flat on her back with her head resting in her pillows, sound asleep. Her pajama bottoms were wrinkled, her pink t-shirt was partially up--exposing her flat and fit tummy--and her blonde hair went in a million different directions. Her vibrator was on her nightstand, her phone rested on the mattress just a few inches from her hand, and the TV was off. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she'd been up to for the past however many hours.

Part of him died inside when he pulled her shirt down after arriving next to her. Her perfect stomach should always be exposed as far as he was concerned, but she was also his mother. He couldn't be a pervert.

He pulled her blankets up to her shoulders and tucked her in before planting a kiss on her forehead. He made sure to plug her phone into her charger and closed the door behind him, heading off to the bathroom to take a shower. Unfortunately, he would have to call it a night.

Chapter 6 -- Fantasies

November 9th. Tuesday. 6:31 PM.

Coach Rumford wasn't in a good mood today. Was it his wife? Or maybe it was money issues? No one knew for sure, but everything that the basketball team did during practice was wrong. Their usually level-headed coach complained nonstop for two straight hours before he decided to make them run sprints. Apparently their effort was half-assed, and ninety minutes later they were still running. He finally slammed a basketball against the wall and stormed out of the gym, signaling the end to a rather unenjoyable practice.

But as shitty as the past three and a half hours of his life had been, Mike knew someone who would be even grumpier than Coach Rumford. Mom would be furious. She would have to be!

He checked his phone after Coach left the gym to see eight texts and three missed calls--all from Mom. Each of her calls had a voicemail attached to them as well. The first message sounded sad, the second was annoyed, and the third was worried that something had happened to him. He quickly texted her so she wouldn't have the police searching for his missing car. She had a tendency to be a little too overprotective of him at times.

He pulled into the driveway at seven o'clock and made his way into the kitchen.

"How dare he make you guys stay so late!"

Mike tossed his basketball bag onto the kitchen table and shrugged his shoulders. "It happens."

"No, that's bullshit!" she yelled from her spot at the table. Her Kindle sat on the wooden surface in front of her. "He's such an asshole! You guys aren't professional athletes! You're high schoolers!"

"Mom, it happens," he laughed. "Coach was in a pretty shitty mood today. There's nothing you can do about it."

She couldn't miss the way that his eyes studied her. Something was obviously on his mind. "What?"

"Nothing," he answered with a smile.

"No, what is it?" she asked, genuinely curious.

He wasn't sure how he hadn't picked up on it immediately, but there wasn't anything under the light blue t-shirt that she wore, and her hard nipples captured his complete attention.

"It's nothing," he smiled again.

She didn't enjoy his lack of honesty. "It doesn't seem like nothing."

"No bra," he finally admitted while leaning on the chair directly across the table from where she was seated. "I like it."

"Yeah, well, it's more comfortable. I didn't think you would have a problem with it either."

"No problem at all," he assured her. He'd spent the past ten hours wondering if he was the luckiest guy alive, and his current situation answered his question.

But his curiosity piqued as he continued to gaze at her chest. He walked around the table, eager to discover the rest of what she was wearing. If she decided to pass on a bra, then what other goodies may be in store for him?

His jaw promptly dropped. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me."

Sarah couldn't hide her smile. She'd sprinted up to her room after work to change into a particular outfit that had been on her mind for the entirety of the day, and she was fairly certain that the stud she lived with would be in love with her choice of clothing. The look on his face told her everything she needed to know. She felt like a queen.

His eyes may as well have been replaced with hearts. He was enamored. "Stand up."

She jumped out of her seat and placed her hands on her hips, facing him with a sporty pose. His mouth hung open and an unmistakable look of passion and testosterone consumed her hunky son. She'd never felt so strongly about anyone. Reactions from her husband and former boyfriends were important to her, but her son's approval meant the world.

He visually soaked in her big tits and pretty face for what felt like hours. It wasn't easy to move on from heaven, but he was ready for the main event. "Turn around."

Sarah spun and struck a pose, her left leg bending slightly to give the jock behind her one hell of a show. She almost burst into laughter after she peeked behind her to gauge his reaction too. He may as well have been drooling!

He took a deep breath in an attempt to register what he looked at. Her skin-tight black yoga pants had become commonplace in their house over the past few years, and there wasn't a happier person in the world than the eighteen-year-old jock who had a daily view of them. This, however, was different. In fact, it qualified as the single greatest moment of his life.

Her six-inch stiletto heels from last night made another appearance. Her already amazing ass was now aided by a half-foot of lift to her legs and backside. He suddenly had a few ideas regarding what he wanted to do to the ass that he couldn't look away from, and he no longer cared if his thoughts were sensible or not. He was completely in love.

She spun back around and sent a playful smile in his direction. "You like?"

"No, I love."

Her rosy cheeks showed how much her son's compliments meant to her. "I know high heels and yoga pants really don't go together--"

"Yes, they do!" he interrupted. "They totally do. Listen, feel free to wear this combination whenever you want. Actually, I'd be more than happy to see those heels with everything you wear. Maybe we can staple them to your feet?"

She giggled as she approached him, mischievousness dancing in her big blue eyes. "Do you want to know what I did at work today, baby?"

Every click on the floor sent his mother twelve inches closer to him. Every clack resulted in her ridiculous body moving nearer. Her erect nipples were even more noticeable now from his front row seat, and he wanted nothing more than to see her shirt on the floor.

"What did you do?"

"The rest of the office went out for lunch, but I decided to stay behind and eat the salad that I brought along with me," she answered him. "I still had twenty minutes all to myself when I finished."

She came to a stop just inches in front of him. Her tall heels caused his significantly shorter mother to match his eye level. He couldn't hide the fact that his cock had started to grow, but he didn't expect Mom to have a problem with that either.

Sarah's grin couldn't possibly be bigger. "I'm really happy that you texted me those pictures this morning like I asked you to."

He'd received a text during chemistry class from his mother, asking for the pictures from their post-blowjob photo shoot last night. He took a quick look around before sending them to her while sitting in the back of the classroom. Yes, it was fairly strange to not only send his own mother pictures of her covered in his cum--but to do it in class of all places--but the tabooness of the situation made things absolutely wild.

"Because I went into the bathroom and fingered myself after I finished my salad."

His stunned eyes bulged.

"I finger-fucked myself while I looked at the pictures of your cum all over my face," Mom giggled. "It was so hot. I thought about all the things I want you to do to me. Baby, I came so hard."

Mike was speechless.

She reached out and found his rapidly-growing cock with her soft hand. "But I'm tired of fantasizing. We're going to do everything I've ever wanted starting now."

His eyes left her ravenous face and found the kitchen counter. He didn't look forward to breaking his news to her. "Um...I have something to tell you, and I'm pretty sure you're not going to like it."

"What's wrong?" she asked with a significant amount of concern to her voice. Her hand still stroked his cock through his basketball shorts.

"We can't mess around today," he revealed, refusing to look her in the eyes.

Her hand came to an abrupt stop. "What?"

"We can't mess around," he repeated reluctantly. "Mom, I have so much stuff to do for school."

"No, baby--"

"I know you don't want to hear this, but I have so many assignments due," he cut her off. "I have a math test I need to study for, I have a shitload of English homework, and I have an eight-page paper due tomorrow for U.S. History."

Her hand left his manhood. "Eight pages!? Your teacher gave you one day to write an eight-page paper!?"

He still couldn't look her in the eyes. "Um...not exactly."

"How long have you had to write it?"

"Three weeks..." he answered under his breath.

"So, you just have to finish it?"

He let out a nervous laugh. Under no circumstances would his confession turn out well. "No, I have to start it."

"You haven't even started it yet!?" she shouted, extremely annoyed. "Are you serious!?"

He nodded with a smirk.

"This isn't funny!" she berated him. "Michael, when are you going to stop procrastinating?"

He finally looked into her pretty blue eyes and admitted the obvious. Something told him that Mom already knew as well. "Probably never."

She wasn't a happy camper. "Well, isn't this just great!? Awesome! You put off doing your homework and now we can't mess around!"


"And I stayed up waiting for you last night!" she voiced the rest of her frustrations. "I kept expecting you to knock on my door for round two!"

"I did."

Her brow furrowed. "You did? When?"

"After I finished my homework," he told her. "You were sleeping."

"I was? Wait, is that how my phone got charged?"

"Yeah, I tucked you in and plugged your phone into your charger," he said. "I didn't want you to wake up with it dead."

All of her troubles faded away. In an instant, she was madly in love again. "You tucked me in?"

He nodded.

"Oh, baby," she smiled, wrapping her arms around her sweaty son. "That's so sweet."

"But I do have some good news," he said while bathing in the feel of her big bust pressed against his chest. "Tomorrow is going to be crazy."

She broke off their embrace with a hopeful look. "Really?"

"Oh yeah," he confirmed, grinning. "I ordered some stuff online before I left for school this morning. I had it overnighted so it'll be here tomorrow."

"What did you get?" she asked, her heels tapping on the floor as her feet shuffled in excitement.

"I can't tell you. It's a secret."

"Give me a hint!" she demanded, all smiles.

"What kind of secret is that?" he laughed. "No hints, but you're going to lose your mind when you see what I bought."

Things couldn't get much better for the constantly horny mom. Her angel was her soulmate. "I am?"

"Well, you'll go crazy when you see the first gift. I'm not totally sure about the second. We'll just have to wait to find out."

Her entire body shook in hysteria. Why couldn't tomorrow be here already? "Oh my God, I can't wait!" Okay, we'll mess around tomorrow, but we can still have a little fun tonight. How about a quick blowjob?"

"I don't have time. I need to take a shower, eat, and then start my homework. Coach making us stay late really screwed me."

She let out a frustrated huff. "What's wrong with the men in this household? Why are they all turning down my blowjobs?"

"Do you think I want to?" he questioned, double-checking the time in his head. If he had a minute to spare, then it would be spent with his sexy mother. "Are you crazy? There's nothing more I want to do than mess around, but I seriously don't have time tonight. Tomorrow. I promise. It'll be insane."

She was never one to stay mad for long--especially when it came to her son--and the promise of future craziness made her forget all about today's disappointment.

"Okay, deal," she accepted. "Go take a shower and I'll have dinner waiting for you when you're done."

"Awesome. What did you make?"


As excited as Mom was to hear about his plans, he was equally as thrilled to discover hers. "Is that what I smell!?"

"Yeah, it's been waiting in the oven for the past hour," she smiled at him. "I wanted to make my man his favorite dinner for doing such a good job taking care of me last night."

Sitting back and getting his dick sucked qualified as taking care of Mom? Or perhaps she referred to when he fucked her throat before blowing the biggest load of his life all over her smiling face? Whatever the case, it was the furthest thing from difficult for him. He was more than happy to fulfill Mom's every need--just not tonight.

"Lasagna! Fucking awesome! Does it need to be heated up?"

"It's warm, but it probably does to get the way you like it," she told him. "Go take your shower and I'll have it all ready when you're done."

He gave his mother a hug and hustled upstairs to hop in the shower. Ten minutes later, he returned in a pair of gray sweatpants and a black tank top. He hurried over to his usual seat at the table with an ear-to-ear smile. There were few things better in life than Mom's lasagna!

Mike watched his mother leave her seat to pull the pan out of the oven. As amazing as his dinner would undoubtedly be, the view of her amazing ass in her tight yoga pants and high heels was even better. Yep, life was about as good as it could get.

"We have a bit of a problem, sweetheart."

He peeked over at the stove where his dinner was sitting. "What?"

"I heated it up a little too much," she expounded on her issue. "It's really hot. In fact, I think it needs about ten minutes to cool down."

"Oh, is that right?" he asked with his eyebrows raised.

She nodded, unable to look in her son's direction."How convenient..." he noted sarcastically.

She turned to him with a slight smirk. "Weird how that worked out, isn't it? It looks like we have some time for fun, after all."

"Yeah, who would've imagined?"

"I actually have a suggestion," she voiced.

He waited to hear what she had to say.

"Do you want to know my favorite way to pass the time?" she asked, approaching him seductively as ever. "To choke on a big, fat, hard cock. And there just so happens to be a guy with a big, fat cock sitting at the table, and it'll be hard in about thirty seconds once I get my hands on it."

He slid his chair back and patted his knee. "I have something else in mind."

She looked at him, puzzled.

"Sit," he instructed.

Sarah took a seat on her son's lap.

Ten Minutes Later.

Mike pulled back slightly to be greeted by a rather strange sight. Actually, it really wasn't all that crazy when he thought about it, but it still seemed a little odd. He wasn't sure if he would ever grow accustomed to his new life.

Mom appeared lovestruck.

Her eyes were closed, her lips puckered, and her face glowed with youthful energy. The past ten minutes fulfilled one of his ultimate fantasies by making out with his mother. Well, it started as light petting before turning into passionate kissing. The only time they stopped was when his lips moved down to her neck and spent a little time on a different part of her perfect body. Her reaction made passing on a blowjob all worth it. She melted in his hands!

Sarah didn't appear lovestruck; Sarah was lovestruck. Ten straight minutes of kissing her favorite person on the planet had done quite a number on her. He'd spent some quality time with both her mouth and her neck, and his hands didn't shy away from feeling her up while they made out. She felt like an eighteen-year-old girl again!

She was in heaven. It'd been close to twenty years since she truly made out with someone, and she would do anything to spend another ten minutes with her tongue inside her hunky son's mouth. She never wanted him to leave!

She finally opened her eyes to find Mike staring at her.

"I honestly don't have time," he reiterated his situation.

She huffed before hopping off his lap and carrying dinner over to the table. Nothing could ever just be perfect! Although, last night was pretty close to perfect, but she wanted more tonight!

She let out a deep exhale to relax herself. School was more important than her own sexual needs. She needed to start acting like a responsible adult, rather than a head-over-heels in love teenager. She couldn't harm her baby's academic future!

"Two or three pieces, sweetheart?" she asked.


She gladly scooped three big pieces of her homemade lasagna onto a plate for her son, and cut one of the large squares in half for herself. She took a seat across the table and watched him dig into his dinner with urgency. Few things resemble eighteen-year-old jock hunger.

"So, good day at school?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Same old, same old. How about you? Good day at work? Other than your lunch break, of course."

She laughed before helping herself to a small bite of her dinner. "Yeah, actually, I was quite busy."


She pulled out her phone and found her notes app. "Yep, busy. I was making an extremely overdue list when I wasn't working."

She slid her phone across the table. It came to a rest next to his plate. His eyes immediately darted down to the screen.

"Are you serious?" he asked, surprised.

Mom nodded.

He scrolled through the list. "So, what's this? A list of fantasies?"

"Yep," she nodded again. "I'm making a list of all the stuff I've wanted to do for the past twenty years. There's fifty things on there so far. That's just the tip of the iceberg, though. I'll probably end up with ten times that."

"This lasagna is ridiculously good," he commented before resuming his mission of reading her sexual desires. "I've yet to see something that I wouldn't be up for."

She could barely contain her excitement. "Really!? You're up for doing everything!?"

He continued to work his way through her deepest and darkest fantasies. "Yeah, most of this stuff sounds really hot. Like--oh, what the fuck is this!?"


"What the fuck is this!?" he repeated, now glaring across the table. "Are you joking!?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, baby."

"Really? You don't know which one I'm talking about?" he asked, unamused. "How about you take a guess?"

Sarah was well-aware of what fantasy had tripped him up. She was just playing dumb. "Well, I--"

"That's zero chance of that ever happening!" he interjected. "Like, I can't even put into words what an impossibility that is! Are you fucking kidding me!?"

She stared down at the table, silently hoping for him to change his mind. "Don't you think it could be fun, though?"

"Fun!? Are you nuts!?" he shouted, enraged. "A threesome with me and one of my friends! I would kill any of them if they laid a finger on you!"

She'd added her outlandish fantasy onto the list as a joke. Actually, it was a joke as long as Mike didn't want to go through with it. It would absolutely be something that she would want if her son would be on board.

A threesome with two guys had been on her mind for a number of years. It just sounded amazing. Two men controlling and using her was something that she'd read about in many of her sexy novels, and as the years went by, her desire to behave like one of the fictional characters from her books grew stronger. She didn't see the problem with wanting to be bad.

"That will never happen!" he reiterated firmly. "Sorry if that's something you want, but no guy will ever touch you other than Dad or myself. You have to be out of your mind if you think I would let one of my friends even kiss you."

As hot as a threesome fantasy with her son and one of his jock friends may have been, Mike's reaction was even more incredible. He was so protective of her! He would kill his friends if they touched her? She loved the feeling of being desired and protected. It was a level of passion that she very much welcomed in her life.

He returned his attention to the screen. "Okay, now here's something I'm definitely up for."

She immediately rolled her eyes. She knew exactly what he was talking about too. It was the next fantasy on her list. "How's that fair?"

"Because it's hot," he answered with a big grin.

"A threesome with me and another girl is hot, but one with me and two guys makes you lose your mind? That's such a double standard!"

Mike took another bite of his dinner. "I can't argue that. So, do you have any girls in mind?"

She couldn't believe what she was about to say. Was she really comfortable enough around him to admit to everything that she desired? It certainly felt that way.

"Realistically, if we ever did something like that, then we would have to find a girl who doesn't know us. So she wouldn't know we're related. But, if I had my pick, I would want it to be...Rachel."

"Rachel!?" Mike yelled, his eyes bulging out of their sockets. "My ex!? Are you serious!?"

"Now, baby--"

"That's the hottest thing ever!" he declared, frantic. "Holy shit, yes! Oh my God, yes!"

She didn't plan for such a passionate reaction. "Really? You'd be into that?"

"Are you kidding me? I've never heard anything hotter in my life. Okay, you know what? We start knocking stuff off your list tomorrow, but maybe someday we get around to your threesome fantasy? And who knows? Maybe Rachel will end up being our girl?"

Sarah bit her lip as she watched him scarf down the rest of his dinner. "You're up for everything else on there? Except the two guys thing?"

"Yeah, I'm honestly good with anything that doesn't involve some asshole touching you. I'm super open sexually. You'll have a hard time finding something that I'm not up for."

She gleamed with joy. "Awesome! God, this is so awesome! Do you want another piece, baby?"

"I'm good for now," he said, standing up and carrying his empty plate to the dishwasher. "Leave the rest in the fridge. I'll plow through it this week."

"Will do!" she told him, still buzzing over what she'd just heard.

"Dinner was awesome. Thanks again, Mom."

She watched him leave the kitchen and head toward the stairs. "No problem, sweetheart! Let me know if you need anything!"


Mike sat at his computer desk an hour later when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in," he said.

He turned his head to see his mother enter his room with a large blue glass in her hand.

"Hey, sweetheart," she smiled. "We had a little vanilla ice cream left and there were three chocolate chip cookies in the cupboard, so I made you a milkshake."

He reached out and accepted the glass. "Really? Awesome."

"I thought you could use the energy boost with all the homework you have to do," she told him. "Speaking of which. How's it coming?"

He scooped some of the tasty dessert onto the spoon that was inside the cup and tried it. "This tastes like something you would get at an ice cream stand. It's amazing! Try some!"

She shook her head.

"Come on, try some," he urged her to partake in the unhealthy treat in his hand.

"How full is that cup?"

He looked down at the milkshake. "Um...like, seventy-five percent probably."

"Well, it was completely full when I made it," she admitted, embarrassed. "Believe me, I helped myself to some already."

He laughed before sliding another spoonful of the cold and creamy treat into his mouth.

"So, how's the homework coming? Any chance of finishing up early?" she asked again. She placed her hands on his muscular shoulders and gave them a light rub. "Maybe we won't have to wait until tomorrow?"

"Yeah...about that."

She looked past her son and settled on his laptop screen. "Is this your paper?"

He nodded sheepishly.

"Oh, you probably did your other homework first, right?"

A slight smirk appeared on his handsome face. "No, I've been working on my paper the entire time."

Her eyes locked on the computer screen again, checking to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. "Baby, there are two paragraphs there."

"I know--"

"You've written two paragraphs in an hour!?" she yelled, putting an end to his excuse before he could spit it out. "Are you kidding me!?"

"It's a process," he rebutted. "I'm mapping it all out in my head. I can't just improvise eight pages on the Civil War. I need to plan what I'm going to write. I'm thinking."

"It's been an hour! An hour!!! I was all excited that you might finish early and we could mess around, but you've barely done anything in an hour!"

"It's a process," he repeated with a huff.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Okay, I know what to do. I know exactly what you need."

"What I need?"

"Yeah, what you need," she said once more, pointing under his desk. "I'm gonna get down there."

He looked at the small area under his desk that Mom referred to. "Why?"

She shot her son a grin. "I'm going to give you a nice, long, sloppy blowjob. And guess what? I'll stay down there for as long as you want. It'll relax you and totally help you write your paper."

Mike started laughing. "There's zero chance of that working."

"Why not? Baby, you'll love it!"

"Oh, I know I'll love it," he agreed, still laughing. "There's no way I could focus, though. I could barely think yesterday while we fooled around. It felt unbelievable. Tomorrow, okay? We'll mess around tomorrow."

A light bulb suddenly went off in her head. "Okay, how about this? I'll suck the life out of you right now. I'll make you cum in less than two minutes. You'll feel less tense and totally focused after!"

That was the last thing he needed. "No, I'll end up feeling drained and distracted. Plus, all I'll want to do is fool around again ten minutes later. You have no idea how hard it was to do my homework last night after you left. All I wanted to do was track you down for round two."

"You should've..." she pouted, puckering her lips to show how disappointed he was.

"You know what? I wasn't going to tell you this but I think you need to hear it. So it calms you down a bit. What's the best gift you've ever received?"

"The Kindle that you and Dad got me for my birthday two years ago," she answered without hesitation.

"Well, that's going to be your second favorite gift after tomorrow. God, you're going to lose your mind when you see what I got you."

"I want a hint!" she demanded.


She stomped down on his hardwood floor with her high heels. "I want a hint!!!"

He couldn't help but laugh at the childish temper tantrum his forty-three-year-old mother threw. "No hints, but you're going to go crazy. It's going to be so awesome."

She wasn't happy with not getting her way. "God, this sucks!"

His eyes ran the length of her voluptuous body as he thought to himself. Maybe he could give her a little motivation for her alone time tonight? If he couldn't be there for her physically, then the least he could do was help her along mentally.

"I'm gonna fuck your brains out tomorrow."

His words were more than enough to capture her complete attention. "What?"

"I'm not going to go easy on you," he continued with his plans. "I'm going to give you exactly what you want. Mom, you're going to feel things that you didn't know were possible."

"Like wha-wha-what?" she asked with a stammer, her mouth suddenly dry.

"I'm going to do the one thing I've wanted for a long time," he said with a devilish grin. "I'm going to bend your big ass over and unload on it."

Sarah gulped.

"I'm going to stretch your tight little pussy while that fat ass bounces around. I'm going to make you feel every inch of my big cock. You want that, don't you? To feel me stretching you out?"

She couldn't hold back any longer. She slipped her hand under her yoga pants and hurried to find her clit. "You might have to go easy on me," she moaned, her eyes closed as she lost herself in a world of fantasy with her favorite person. "I've never been with a guy as big as you."

Mike let out an arrogant laugh, eager to play the dominant character that his mother loved so much. "I'm not going to go easy on you. You're just going to have to be a good girl and take it, because Daddy sees something he wants. I want my little girl, so I'm going to take her."

She let out a whimper. She wasn't sure how much more dirty talk she could take. "What if it's too much? What if you're too big?"

"Then I'll stick something in your mouth and you can bite down on it. So I can muffle your cries. Because I'm taking that pussy."

"Oh my God..." she moaned, her fingers rubbing herself feverishly.

"Go over to the side of my bed," he ordered.

She hurried over to his bed and looked back for orders.

"Bend over," he continued his directing.

She fell over his mattress as her chest, tummy, and face found the sheets. Her left cheek was planted on his bed as she gazed back at Mike with her right eye. Her ass remained high in the air thanks to some help from her six-inch heels, and it didn't come as a surprise to find Mike staring right at her butt.

"I'm gonna fuckin' destroy you," he put it bluntly, squeezing his hard cock through his sweatpants. "God, that fuckin' ass drives me crazy."

"This ass?" she giggled as her hands found the top of her yoga pants. She lowered them a few inches, exposing the very top of her black thong.

She couldn't get enough of the testosterone-fueled lust in her son's eyes. "Five minutes, baby. Let's just have some fun for five minutes. You can do anything you want to me."

"Tell me how badly you want my dick."

"I want it sooooooooo bad!" she begged. A collection of drool puddled on the sheets directly below her watering mouth. "Please, baby, it's all I thought about today at work!"

"Little slut. What would you coworkers think if they knew that you had your son's fat dick on your mind all day?"

"They have no clue that I'm such a little slut," she giggled. "That I'm a whore for big cock."

"For who's cock?"

"Your cock," she promptly answered with a smile. "Yours and only yours. I only think about Daddy's cock."

His hand left his stiff erection. "You're in for it tomorrow."

Sarah stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "No! Now!"

"Tomorrow," he repeated before turning back to his laptop.

Her high-heeled right foot stomped on the ground repeatedly. "Now!!!"

"You aren't going to get your presents if you keep acting like this."

She abruptly stopped. Was she really throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of her son's bedroom? All because she wouldn't get laid when she wanted to? Was she a horny schoolgirl or a forty-three-year-old mother? She needed to act her age.

"One more thing," Mike said as he looked at his computer screen. "I did a little thinking at school today. You know, about where I'm going to cum when I'm done with you."

Her heart skipped a beat.

"Part of me wants to cover your pretty face again."

"Oh my God, yes!" she chimed in. "I want another facial!"

"But another part of me wants to unload on your big tits," he smirked, starting the third paragraph of his paper. "That was my first fantasy, after all."

Her hands couldn't even make their way back inside her yoga pants. She was frozen in joy.

"But the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of cumming all over your perfect ass," he continued. "I want to see it shake and bounce while I shoot rope after rope all over it."

"That would be so hot," she moaned.

"But I'm not going to do any of those things."

She didn't follow. "What?"

"I'm not going to do any of those. Do you want to take a guess where I'm going to finish?"

"I don't know," she answered. If he didn't want to cum on her face, tits, or ass, then she wasn't sure where else he could blow his big load. "Where, baby?"

"Inside you," he revealed confidently, slowly turning to gaze into his mother's eyes. "Deep inside you."

She couldn't breathe.

The look on Mom's face egged him on further. "I'm not sure what position we'll be in when I do it, but you're taking every drop. And I'm going to leave my cock in you for a while before I pull out too. Just so you're clear as to who really owns you."

Her body began to shake.

"So, go to your room and find your vibrator," he instructed. "I want you to think about what I'm going to do to you tomorrow. Try to visualize how rough I'll get, how helpless you'll feel, and how your days of being sexually frustrated are over. Go to your room and cum for me."

Sarah dashed out of her son's room and sprinted down the hallway.

He turned back to his computer with a big smile. He couldn't believe how well his dirty talk went over. Hey, maybe he had a knack for this?

Chapter 7 -- Pregaming

November 10th. Wednesday. 6:45 AM.

The day was finally here! He was eleven hours away from his ultimate fantasy, and that involved having his mother all to himself. How long would they go at it? All night? They absolutely would if it was up to him, and he liked the chances of his sexually insatiable mother fucking him until he couldn't see straight. It was like he could already feel her. Her warmth, wetness, and her love smothered his dick. Somehow, her perfect pussy had already embraced him as he awoke from his deep slumber.

His heavy eyes parted slowly as the heavenly feeling continued to pump through his views. If simply fantasizing about his mother could bring such an intense passion to his life, then what would the real thing be like? It would be out of this world! He took a deep breath and fully opened his eyes.

It turned out that the warmth wasn't in his dreams.

Mom was curled up next to him, bobbing up and down on his hard cock. She resembled a cat--a perfect, sexy, amazing kitty cat.

"Morning, Mom."

Her head perked up as she greeted her now awake son. "Oh, hey, baby. Sleep good?"

"Mm-hmm..." he answered with a moan, thanks to the soft hand that stroked his towering erection. He took a sniff of the air before looking to his left. "Awesome."

A TV tray sat next to his bed. A heaping helping of scrambled eggs and bacon covered the plate, a bowl of cut up pineapple sat next to his breakfast, and a big glass of orange juice was placed off to the side.

She removed her hand from her son's perfect cock, allowing him to sit up and rest his back against the wooden headboard to his rear. Once he was all settled and retrieved his breakfast, she wrapped her lips back around her favorite toy in the world.

"This is amazing," he remarked after downing a forkful of eggs.

She gave his towering pole a long lick. "The breakfast or the blowjob?"

"Both," he laughed. He reached out and grabbed his phone from his nightstand. "Shit, it's late."

"I know," she groaned. "I wanted to wake you up earlier but I ended up reading your paper when I saw it on your desk. It's really good!"

He inhaled his delicious breakfast. It wasn't long before he looked at a completely empty TV tray. "This is amazing but I have to get going. Thanks for breakfast."

"No, baby, you don't leave until seven," Mom whined. "We have time."

His attention shifted to something else now that his food was gone. "What are you wearing?"

"My nightie."

"I've never seen this before," he told her.

"Yeah, I wear it to bed," she informed him. "I put a bathrobe over it when I go downstairs or to the bathroom. Well, I used to. I'm not going to from now on."

Yes, he was rushed for time, but this was too good to pass up. "Stand up."

She hopped off the bed and struck a pose.

Mike gulped. A hint of cleavage was exposed as a result of the black silk nightie. The smooth material descended to her mid-thigh, revealing plenty of her fit legs. Two spaghetti thin straps were all that held up her nightwear. Her flawless and yet to be seen body was hidden from his sight. Simply seeing her in such a manner caused his cock to throb like never before. He just couldn't get enough of her.

He checked his phone again. Eight minutes to seven. All he had to do was brush his teeth and get dressed. That would take a maximum of four minutes. So, that left him four minutes with Mom before he had to leave at seven o'clock. He should just wait. They would have all night when he returned home from basketball practice, so it didn't make sense to rush things now. And he had math first period. He couldn't afford to be late since he had a test today.

He watched his mother spin and quickly lift the bottom of her risque outfit. A pair of black panties flashed him, revealing her plump backside to his enamored eyes. An idea suddenly hit him.

"Get on the bed."

She turned back to look at him. "What?"

"We have four minutes," he filled her in. "Probably three now. Either get on the bed or I have to get ready for school."

Her naked feet hurried across his floor before she jumped up onto his bed.

"Down on your back," he instructed.

She followed his demands before two strong hands gripped her arms and pulled her across the bed. The next thing she knew, her head dangled off the edge of her son's mattress while she lied on her back. She'd definitely never experienced anything of the sort.

"Open up," Mike ordered.

A wave of excitement washed over her when she realized what her baby had in mind. Where had Mike picked this up from? It was like something she would read in one of her erotic stories! Maybe more like one of the really dirty ones? Even her porn didn't reach this level of perversion!

Her upside-down view allowed her to observe her son squat slightly so his groin lined up with her mouth. Seconds later, his stiff cock found its way between her accepting lips.

"Three minutes," he grunted as he pumped into her throat. The intense sounds of a thick cock stretching a tight throat filled the previously quiet bedroom.

As if having her son use her mouth wasn't unbelievable enough, the pair of hands that wandered her body acted as the equivalent of a lit match being dropped down her throat. Her heaving breasts received a squeeze over her silk nightie before his strong fingers explored her fit tummy. Her throat was filled while her body was worshiped. It was as close to heaven as she could get.

Or not.

Mike slid her thin straps to the side which were all that held his mother's nightie in place. He moved the top of the silk toward her stomach, exposing her chest to him. He couldn't believe it, but a lifetime of wonder hadn't resulted in disappointment. Mom's tits were big, round, and unbelievably perky for a woman her age. Little areolas gave way to erect nipples. He leaned down and wrapped his lips around her right nipple, causing her to pull off of his cock.

"Oh my God, baby!" she moaned.

"Who told you to stop?" he questioned while pushing his cock back into her throat.

His lips lowered to her left breast where he paid it an equal amount of attention. He began to roughly pump her throat again, causing spit and saliva to run down her face and into her blonde hair. He pulled his shaft out of her mouth and placed his balls on her lips, and she couldn't be more eager to caress his sensitive sack with her wet tongue.

He leaned over her to look at his nightstand. He was down to two minutes before he had to leave. It certainly wouldn't be easy, but he planned to get everything done on his list of fantasies this morning.

He carefully pulled his mother further off the bed and placed his cock between her breasts. He pushed her big tits together and swiftly watched his erection disappear between the soft and comforting feel of her unmatchable bust. It was everything that he'd dreamt about for years.

She rubbed herself over her black panties. "This is so hot."

His pumping between her breasts grew in ferocity due to the encouragement of her words. He squeezed her tits tightly together and let out a loud moan as he watched the head of his cock rocket out toward her tummy with every strong thrust forward. But as good as it was, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

Everything over the past two days had been about him, and while he had plans to change that tonight, he couldn't help but recognize that his current situation was once again solely about his pleasure. He refused to go another minute without taking care of the most important person in his life. Mom may have loved him, but she couldn't even fathom how much he loved her.

He slapped her hand away, allowed his fingers to rub her pussy over her soft cotton panties.

"Faster," she begged.

He massaged her hidden clit like a man on a mission.

"Cock!" she demanded, his strong touch causing him to crave his manhood more than usual. "Give me your cock again!"

He squatted lower and slipped his aching manhood between her lips. He wouldn't cum before Mom, though. It was his promise. This incredible woman needed to get off before he left for school--no matter what.

Something caused his moving fingers to come to a sudden stop.

The alarm on his phone blared.

"Fuck, I have to get going."

"No!" she shouted as he moved away from her. "Come back!"

"That's my backup alarm, Mom. I have to go."

She shook her head, still looking at him upside-down as she hung over the edge of his bed. "My son is not going to school like this! You need to cum!"

"You're taking a shower before work, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, I have a ton of time too. I'm up way earlier than usual."

"And you don't mind getting a little messy?" he checked.

"Messy?" she laughed. "What do you think? I can feel your spit all over my face. It's so freakin' hot!"

What better time than now to play out one of his biggest fantasies? "There's something that I always thought looked awesome. Give me that mouth again."

He walked back to the bed and moved his mother up slightly--back to her original position before he'd gotten distracted by her gravity-defying tits. The young man once again buried his hard cock in her tight throat.

Every movement sent him a little closer to the edge. Every pump was a step in the direction of the big finish that he so desperately craved. But he was running out of time. It was now or never.

"You ready?" he asked.

He heard a muffled, disjointed answer from Mom before he remembered that his dick was lodged down her throat.

"So ready," she said after he pulled out of her mouth to allow her to answer. "What are you going to do?"

"Close your eyes."

He remembered seeing this in a porn scene years ago and it'd been permanently tattooed on his brain ever since, but he never imagined actually finding a girl to do it with. Rachel may have had limits for how kinky she was, but Mom was a different story. The more time he spent around her, the more he realized how much she loved rough, aggressive, and even degrading activities, and this certainly qualified as all of the above.

He aimed his cock at her open mouth as a jolt of cum exploded from the tip of his manhood and hit just to the right of her lips. Semen gushed down her cheek before running over her closed eye. His next shot slammed into the bridge of her nose, sending his sperm flying in every direction. Gravity once again sent his cum running in the direction of his mother's forehead as he continued to unload on her face.

"More!" Mom begged with her eyes closed.

Several more ropes of cum fired from his cock and hit her face before he finally finished. His manhood found her mouth and she cleaned him off eagerly while he watched his semen trickle past her eyes, move along her forehead, and begin to make its way through her messy blonde hair.

He eventually took a step back after she sucked him dry. "Holy shit, don't open your eyes. I'll be right back."

He vanished from the room and quickly returned with a towel. He helped his mother sit up on his bed and wiped her eyes clean.

"Okay, you can open 'em."

Her eyes opened and her entire face lit up. "It's everywhere, isn't it?"

He nodded with a big smile. Mom's words qualified as the understatement of the century. She was a mess. Cum was in and on her nose, all over her cheeks, on her forehead, and finally in her hair. The latter was perhaps the sexiest part of the entire experience. Something about seeing his seed in her beautiful blonde locks stroked his ego like nothing else.

"Where did you get that idea from?" she giggled. "Oh my God, it was so sexy."

"Porn. It seemed a little extreme, but I had a feeling that you'd be into it."

She ran her index finger along her cheek, collecting a glob of cum that she slipped between her lips. "You guessed right."

He hustled over to his dresser and found a pair of jeans. "Sorry for not getting you off," he apologized. "I wanted to but I'm going to be late now. I promise I will tonight. Leave my sheets there and I'll clean them when I get home too."

She glanced down at the mix of spit and semen on the hardwood floor before her attention moved to his messy sheets. "I'll clean your floor and wash your sheets before I go to work. I have it covered."

He threw on a t-shirt and shot her a smile. "Awesome. You're the best. Love you, Mom."

"Love you too, baby! Don't speed!"

He rushed into the bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth before heading off to school in a hurry.

Mike checked his phone after first period to see a text from Mom. He slipped into the bathroom to read it, having an idea that it might be somewhat provocative. As expected, he was right.

Four photos of Mom's cum-covered face had been sent to his phone. His personal favorite was the one with her hand running through her cum-filled hair with a big smile plastered across her face. The caption? "Daddy's little cumslut."

Yep, tonight would be awesome.

Chapter 8 -- Fun in the Bathroom Mirror

Mike pulled into his driveway at four-thirty, unable to describe his level of immense excitement as he dashed for the front door and swiftly burst into the kitchen. Coach Rumford apologized for his behavior yesterday and decided to let them out early as a way to say sorry, so here he was, home and all ready to go. He couldn't wait another minute to get the fun underway.

He'd almost texted Mom to let her know that he would be home early before deciding against it. He wanted to surprise her. He desired nothing more than to slam her against the wall and announce his early arrival--roughly.

He journeyed from the empty kitchen to the vacant family room. He took a quick look around the rest of the first floor before heading upstairs to find his dream girl.

His room was empty, his parents' bedroom followed suit, and he started to wonder where exactly Mom was. Her car was in the garage, but she wasn't anywhere to be found. He strolled back into the hallway before stopping in front of the bathroom door.

It was closed.

He knocked on it.

"Baby!?" Sarah shouted.

"Yeah, I've been looking for you. You ready?"

She hurried to lock the door. "What are you doing home already!?"

"We got out of practice early," he answered.

"Why didn't you text me?"

"I wanted to surprise you." He decided to try the handle. As expected, the door didn't open. "Why's this locked?"

"Because I'm getting ready," she told him, her tone audibly flustered. "You should've told me that you were getting home early."

"Just throw on some yoga pants or something. They aren't going to be on for too long anyway," he said with a chuckle.

"No, I need some time to get ready. I'll meet you in the kitchen in ten minutes. My presents came in the mail, by the way!"

The eighteen-year-old jock huffed. Ten minutes was ten minutes longer than he wanted. "Okay, but don't go crazy with the makeup."

She noted the way that her brow furrowed in the bathroom mirror. "What?"

"Don't go crazy with the makeup," he repeated. "You tend to wear a lot of it when you go out and stuff. I don't like it."

She glanced curiously at her reflection. "You don't?"

"No, you're really pretty. I like when you wear light makeup. Or better yet, no makeup at all. Just don't put a lot on."

She was on the verge of tears. Her little angel really was perfect. "Okay, baby!"

He grabbed a pair of clean clothes from his room and jogged downstairs to take a shower in their second bathroom. Five minutes later, he made his way into the disappointingly empty kitchen. He found two packages sitting on the countertop, carried them over to the table, and took a seat. His naked foot tapped on the floor in excitement.

The unmistakable sound of high heels walking down the stairs caused him to sit up in his seat and smile. The most gorgeous woman alive would stroll into the kitchen at any moment, and every ounce of her sexual attention would be locked on him. On him! The crackling of her heels grew closer as he prepared himself for anything.

Mike's jaw dropped. He attempted to say something but his face remained frozen. He'd expected yoga pants or perhaps a cute pair of shorts. Those were the kinds of outfits that Mom usually wore around the house after she returned home from work, after all. He was sitting at the table in a pair of orange basketball shorts and a black tank top, for God's sake! So, maybe he'd missed the memo regarding tonight's dress code?

Mom strutted into the kitchen in a black dress. Except, it wasn't a black dress that he'd seen her wear before. It was a black, sleeveless, and the spaghetti straps caused his heart to flutter. The hem of the outfit came down to her mid-thigh, exposing even more of her amazing legs than her nightie had this morning. The lack of sleeves showed off her fit arms, and the tight dress hugged her flawless figure to a tee. And if everything wasn't good enough already, then his eyes settled on the deep v-neck which plunged far into her large bust. Significant cleavage showed and bounced with each and every stride she took.

Mike thought he was in heaven.

He was wrong.

He expected to see the same sexy six-inch stilettos from this morning, but once again, he was in for a big surprise.

Platform heels. But it got better. Her heels had straps that laced up to her calves. His love of flirtatious shoes was thoroughly fed as he tracked her right foot as it planted into the kitchen floor before her left heel sexily took the lead. Her phenomenal body was aided by the sexiest pair of black high heels that he'd ever laid his eyes on, and his already hard cock was proof of his true feelings. He was obsessed.

She came to a stop just a few feet in front of her son and placed both her hands on her hips. "We closed at noon today."

His eyes reluctantly left her amazing body and looked up at her face for the first time, and his heart stopped beating in response.

Long, sexy, wavy blonde hair; dark eyeliner that brought out her already thick eyelashes so much more; intense blue eyes, always capable of capturing his lust; light makeup on her cheeks and nose; and red lipstick. It was official. He definitely couldn't deny what he already knew. He was in love.

"So, I decided to do a little shopping. You like?" she asked before completing a spin.

He could only stare in stunned silence.

"I know that you prefer no makeup, but I don't think I went overboard or anything. I like having at least a little on."

He'd yet to find the words to properly express himself.

"Are you going to say anything?"

"You look beautiful, and I feel like a complete bum," he finally managed to spit it.

"You're not a bum! I like you in a tank top. You look sexy." She quickly took a seat in the chair next to him. "Okay, present time!"

He couldn't look away from his mother. His loving eyes moved back and forth from her stunning face to her revealing cleavage.

"Baby!" Sarah shouted, trying to capture his attention. "I've been waiting two days for this!"

He nodded as he finally snapped out of his funk. "Okay. Um...let's see here."

His eyes squinted as he noticed that the bubble mailer in front of him had the look of being tampered with.

She glanced down at the floor as a result of her son's perplexed expression. "So, I almost slipped like five times."

"Slipped? Wait, you tried to open this?"

She nodded slowly, still avoiding eye contact.

"Are you a six-year-old looking for your Christmas presents?" he laughed. "Jesus, Mom."

"I'm just really excited! You promised that I would love it, so I had a hard time waiting. I didn't actually open it!"

"You are going to love it," he told her with a smile. "You're going to lose your mind."

Her high heel tapped on the floor. She couldn't control her shaky legs. "Can I open it?"

"Nope, I'm going to open it," he said.

Her eyes darted down to the bubble mailer which was effortlessly torn open thanks to her son's strong hands. He tilted it toward himself and removed something from the package, but used the mailer to block it from her view.

"Perfect," he grinned.

She bit her bottom red lip as she continued to wait. Had she ever felt like this before? Maybe she was setting herself up for disappointment? How amazing could his gift actually be? While the past few days had shown her that Mike knew exactly what she wanted, she couldn't help but think that she was getting her hopes up for nothing.

He continued to keep her present out of sight, getting a kick out of teasing her.

"Let me see it!" she whined.

"How about a please?"

"Please let me see it!" she begged emphatically. "Pretty please!"

His grin grew wider with each passing second. "Close your eyes."

She shut her eyes, her entire body shaking. A ping rang out in the kitchen that immediately grabbed her attention. What was that? It almost sounded like something metal hit the table. She fought with herself to keep her eyes closed, not daring to disobey her man's instructions.He decided to let his mother off the hook. "Okay, open 'em."

She opened her eyes and instantly found the spot on the table where she assumed her present was. Her brain stopped working for a moment as she simply stared. Did her eyes deceive her? She could take a million guesses and never imagine looking at the very thing sitting directly in front of her. She opened her mouth to say something but decided against it, further reflecting on how speechless she really was.

Things weren't going as he'd planned. Mike expected Mom to scream. That was the reaction he'd visualized when running through this moment in his head, but nothing close to that happened. Instead, Mom just sat in her seat, motionless. God, he felt like a jerk. He'd spent two days telling her how much she would love her gift, but it wasn't even good enough to get a reaction from her!

She finally looked at him. "Where did you get this from?"

"Online," he answered cautiously, unsure of what would come out of her mouth next.

Her eyes moved down to her gift once again. "How did you know I would want this?"

He let out a deep sigh of relief. Thank God! "I just knew."

A big smile covered her previously surprised face. "I love it!!!"

She glanced back down at the table. Sixteen inches of black leather rested diagonally in front of her. The narrow piece couldn't have been more than an inch wide. A large metal loop hung from the middle with the word "Daddy's" on the left side, and "Girl" on the right of the rugged leather in white stitching. Three metal buckles on the left reflected the three metal holes for them to be fastened into on the right. The forty-three-year-old mom had something that she'd never dreamed of. She had something that she'd never even fantasized about.

She had a collar.

Sarah picked up her gift and scurried out of the kitchen--in the direction of the bathroom.

Mike waited anxiously. Yes, she said that she loved it, but he wanted to hear just how much.

The good news was that she didn't make him wait long.

"OH MY GOD!!!"

He couldn't help but laugh as the sound of her heels hustling back into the kitchen filled his ears. She retook her seat, full of energy and lust as she smiled at him.

"Best gift ever!" she announced.

He took in the sight of the black collar wrapped around his mother's petite neck. As sexy as a regular collar would look on her, the words "Daddy's Girl" drove him even crazier. He was Daddy! And she was his girl!

"Thank you, Daddy," she told her son with a smitten smile.

"You're very welcome."

She struggled to keep her hands off her new present. She'd immediately adjusted it to the tightest buckle when she put it on. It felt like her son's hand was permanently wrapped around her throat, and she started to question if he was really her son anymore. It sure didn't seem like it. He felt a lot more like Daddy. Only a lover could make her feel a lust so strong, and that's exactly what she currently experienced.

"Can we open the box?"

Mike glanced at the brown box on the table before holding up the bubble mailer again. "We're not done with this one."

Her eyebrows perked up. "We aren't?"

"Nope, there's still one more thing in here. Do you want to see it?"

She nodded her head rapidly.

He dug into the package once again before reemerging with yet another item that his mother had never expected to see.

"Is that--"

Sarah's question was answered as he allowed the gift to fall from his hand, dangling just inches off the kitchen floor. It was more black leather. It was something that she would read descriptions of in her BDSM novels. But this wasn't a book. It was real life.

"It's a leash," he told her with a smile.

She couldn't look away from her new gift. "Um...for what...exactly?"

"I think you know what it's for."

Yeah, she knew what it was for, alright. She would get her neck snapped back while they were having doggy style sex! And he could choke her whenever he wanted to now! She would finally get everything that her husband refused to give her!

But she felt a little greedy at the moment. "Can I open the box now?"

He debated her question for a few moments before reaching out and pulling the box closer to his seat. He looked at it, continuing to ponder the situation when an idea suddenly came to him. The eighteen-year-old athlete hopped out of his chair and vanished from the room.

She watched him disappear from the kitchen in a panic. "Where are you going!?"

There wasn't a response.

He strolled back into the kitchen empty-handed.

"What happened to the box?"

"It's in the bathroom," he answered.

She eyed him curiously. "The bathroom?"

"Yep, do you want to go get it?"

She rose from her chair and took one step in the direction of the bathroom, but a loud whistle caused her to stop before she could take a step. She turned to be greeted by a black leash swaying from her son's hand.

Her eyes moved to his face to find him grinning at her.

She took a step toward him and tilted her head back without needing to be told. The nickel lock snapped shut around the metal loop of her collar as an unmistakable energy filled her body. This wasn't a joke or a fantasy any longer. It was actually happening.

She turned and took another step in an attempt to retrieve her gift, but a firm yank on her neck caused her to jolt backward.

"What are you doing?"

She glanced at Mike, confused by his line of questioning. "I'm going to the bathroom to get my present."

He stared at her.

"What, baby?" she asked.

She always had a connection with her son. It was hard to explain, but it was like they operated on the same wavelength. That was originally why she was so confident that he would be able to give her what she needed sexually. Normally, she could read her little angel like a book, and that was why she was so surprised by their temporary lapse in communication. But as she gazed into his masculine brown eyes, she understood that they desired the same exact thing.

She slowly sank to her knees.

Mike was fairly dumbfounded by what he saw. One, he couldn't believe that she actually did it. Two, it just looked so out of place. Her amazing black dress and sexy heels belonged on a red carpet somewhere. Mom would be better suited at a Hollywood premier or a five-star restaurant, but she wasn't at either of those places at the moment. No, she was in the kitchen.

At least she was.

He watched her right hand extend and plant on the porcelain tile floor. Her left hand followed, landing a foot in front of her previously outstretched right hand. Her knees joined in on the action, following the path of her arms and hands as she moved toward the dining room. He'd approached the situation with the intention of being a dominant guy for his mother, but it became crystal clear as to how submissive Mom truly wanted to be. It was a level of power that he'd never imagined possessing in his life.

He walked his mother toward the bathroom like a dog.

She crawled through their house, passing the dining room table and making her way along the hardwood hallway. Sarah was on cloud nine. Even something like this had never made its way into any of her stories or fantasies. Was there anything more submissive than being walked on a leash? Her son treated her like his pet! And she crawled from room to room, eager to find the next toy that he'd bought her!

She suddenly felt a tug on her neck as Mike pulled back, choking up on the slack of the leash. She slowed her pace, allowing him to walk directly next to her as they turned into the bathroom.

"Good girl," he praised his mom.

Sarah couldn't hide her smile. She looked up and savored every drop of his cheer and approval. At this moment on the bathroom floor, she honestly felt like her son's little girl.

"Can I open the box now?" she asked.

He nodded.

She scrambled forward and retrieved the brown box off the closed toilet lid. Her nails unsuccessfully attempted to break through the packing tape before another loud whistle caused her to turn her head.

She caught the set of car keys that Mike tossed her way. She found his house key and used it to slice the tape before handing them back to him. Her anxious hands ripped open the box and her heart raced in anticipation. She couldn't wait to see what he'd bought her!

He wasn't exactly sure how things would go over. Watching his overjoyed Mom crawl throughout the house on a leash gave him confidence that his next gift would be well-received, but there was always the possibility of everything going wrong. Not only could it go wrong, but it could go very wrong. Like, catastrophically wrong. Mom could potentially find it insulting, and it had the chance to permanently change the landscape of their relationship.

Sarah's fingers ran along the cold object inside the plain brown box. Her mind raced from the very moment her eyes first noticed the mysterious package sitting on the front step after she'd arrived home a few hours ago. In fact, her mind had been in a bit of a whirlwind over the past twenty-four hours. So many different scenarios consumed her imagination. Would Mike buy her lingerie? What about sex toys? Or maybe he had a kinky game planned for her? But as unexpected as the collar and leash were, this felt a million times more surprising.

Vivid, bright colors on stainless steel didn't look quite right. Her third gift of the night made its way out of the box and she placed it on the toilet lid--all by itself as its package was tossed to the floor below. Much like when she first saw her collar, she could only stare at the somewhat bizarre item, but she found herself opening up more and more to her new present with every passing second.

"Did you get this online too?"

He nodded while he continued to nervously survey the situation. "Yeah, I got it from the same shop that sold the collar and leash."

She rotated her gift to take in every inch of it. "They sell it with my name on it?"

"You can customize it," he told her. "That's what I did with the collar. You tell them what you want it to say."

"Sarah" was written on the side in big, bright pink, childlike letters. The font resembled the writing of an elementary school student. Silhouettes of butterflies and hearts in bright greens and oranges covered the normally bland surface. It was an onslaught of dazzling ink and playful characters against a silver backdrop.

Her eyes moved further down and finally noticed the rubber undersiding which kept her present in place and discouraged it from sliding along the toilet lid. Another fifteen seconds of silence passed, and an additional fifteen seconds of excitement grew deep in her stomach as a result. No matter how many times she blinked, smiled, or took a deep breath, the steel object didn't go anywhere. It was real. Very, very, very real.

Her son had bought her a dog bowl.

But it wasn't just an ordinary dog bowl. It was a dog bowl with her name on it. It was a dog bowl with girlish designs and tracings along the sides.

It was her dog bowl.

"I love it."

He never would've imagined that three words could bring him so much relief. The entire world had rested on his shoulders for the past few minutes, but all of his worries vanished courtesy of her simple announcement. She would either love it or hate it, and thank God it was the former.

"Awesome," he said with a relieved smile. "I was a little worried, to be honest. I'm not totally sure what to do with it. Maybe--"

"I want to eat my dinner out of it."

His brow furrowed. Mom seriously just interrupted him with something so outlandish? He must've misunderstood her.

She didn't give him a chance to speak his mind. "I want to eat my dinner out of it tonight."

"Um...Mom, that wasn't why I got it."

She looked up at her handsome son. "Baby, it's a dog bowl. That's what it's for."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I can't watch you eat out of a dog bowl. I thought it would be fun to have. Maybe we get some ideas down the road or something? We aren't actually going to put your dinner in it or anything, though."

She turned back to her present. As much as she loved the collar, the leather wrapped around her neck was the second best gift of the evening. It was time to take control of the situation for a brief moment.

"Here's what we're going to do. You're going to put my dinner in this bowl tonight, and my collar is going to stay on as well. You're going to sit at the table and eat whatever I make, and you'll hold onto my leash while you eat. You'll sit at the table, I'll be on the floor, and we'll both enjoy our dinner. Okay?"

"That's not happening."

"Don't be like your father," she groaned.

"I'm not like Dad," he argued. "There's a line, and eating dinner out of a dog bowl really crosses it."

She wasn't happy, and the way that she dramatically rolled her eyes showed how frustrated she felt. "Fine! Why can't I ever just get what I want? It's like the men in this house don't want me to be happy!"

"You're kidding me, right?"

"No, I'm not kidding!" she continued to vent as she looked back at her bowl. "It's like I'm constantly being teased. I just want to--"

Her speech was cut short by her neck being snapped back. She soon found herself being dragged across the bathroom floor on her butt by her leash. The strong and aggressive pulling came to a stop just in front of the bathroom sink.

"Get up."

She quickly hopped to her feet at the sound of her son's authoritative voice. A powerful hand spun her toward the sink, allowing her to watch all the action unfold in the reflection of the mirror above the bathroom faucet. She'd never seen the look that currently occupied Mike's face, and now that she really thought about it, she'd never seen any man glare at her with such vigor and intensity. It was enough to unsettle her.

"I don't want you to be happy, huh?" He hiked up the bottom of her dress roughly with his hand, exposing her black thong to the bathroom air. "All I do is try to make you happy."

"No, baby--"

Her train of thought was swiftly derailed. She felt her thong pulled to the side as the fat head of his big cock rubbed the length of her moist vaginal lips. She found her little angel's reflection in the mirror once again, but the last thing he resembled was someone young and innocent. No, he was all man.

"Everything I do around here is for you," he said, his mouth pressed against her ear. "Not for Dad, not for myself, and not for anyone else. It's all for you. Every time I cut the grass, every time I shovel the driveway, and every time I change the oil in your car, it's for you. So, don't insult me like that."

"I'm sorry, baby."

"It's Daddy," he corrected her, the rough yank to her neck emphasizing his authority.

The warm breath in her ear sent electricity surging through her body. Every one of his grunts and groans put her more on edge. He wasn't the guy who she'd known for the past eighteen years. He wasn't her perfect little sweetheart anymore either. The testosterone-filled stud behind her was about to make every single one of her fantasies come true. She knew it.

And just like that, Sarah's world changed.

The first inch of his big dick pushed inside her as her right foot lifted off the bathroom floor instinctively. She'd never felt anything like it. Every previously uncharted inch that moved further inside caused her body to shift and squirm in unexplainable ways. She felt like a virgin all over again--like a teenager who fooled around with her boyfriend in the back seat of his beat-up Ford Focus on a dead-end street--except he wasn't her high school boyfriend. He was her son, and he had her bent over the dark marble which surrounded the bathroom sink.

"You're so tight."

Her own concerns vanished after his seemingly inconsequential remark. She felt tight to him? All of her worries and doubts washed away thanks to his three words. It was really all she cared about at the end of the day. While living out her own fantasies and gaining sexually satisfied was something she wanted, making sure that her son was taken care of had been her number one priority for over eighteen years. It was far too late to ever change her way of thinking.

"So fuckin' tight," he reiterated with a moan. His cock moved further inside her as he struggled to focus on anything other than her perfect pussy.

Dirty talk, confidence, and the alpha male character that Mom wanted all took a back seat to reality. How could she feel so good? It was a smothering sensation of warmth and wetness that he'd never been privy to in his life. His ex-girlfriend didn't feel like this. Rachel never gripped him the way that his mother did. He didn't feel every ridge and bump of his former-girlfriend's insides like he did with Mom.

He turned his attention to the mirror to observe a distant gaze in Mom's eyes. She was there, but she really wasn't. Her long blonde hair and pretty face remained unchanged, but her always animated blue eyes were somewhere else. He'd made her feel completely new things without barely even doing anything! His long, deep, slow strokes had taken his mother to a distant world of pleasure, and he was more than ready to turn things up a notch.

He regained his composure and parted his lips once again. "You feel better than Rachel."

Sarah snapped back to reality. "What?"

"You feel better than Rachel did," he repeated with a slight grin as the two stared at each other's reflections in the mirror. "You're fuckin' perfect."

An elated smile formed on her face. She felt better than a tight high school girl? Mike really just said that to her! She could control a lot of things like her eating habits and gym routine, but some stuff was out of her hands. Who knew that she could beat an adorable eighteen-year-old girl when it came down to what mattered most?

"You ready?" Mike whispered.

She couldn't get enough of watching his mouth hover next to her ear in the mirror. It even did more for her than feeling his warm breath tickle the inside of her lobe. But she was ready. Truthfully, she was more than ready. Years of fantasies and decades of sexual frustration were about to dissipate. Everything was just moments away.

"I'm ready," she responded with a purr. "Give it to me, Daddy."

He dropped the leather leash from his hold and moved down her body. The soft polyester fabric of her dress intertwined with his fingers as his hands found her hidden hips and dug in. Every thrust forward resulted in his pelvis crashing roughly into the plump backside in front of him. Every jolt ahead courtesy of his powerful lower-body caused Mom to cry out in ecstasy.

There was something so primal about looking down at her thong pulled off to the side while he was inside her. He felt like a ravenous animal who couldn't wait to enjoy his meal. Like a hungry lion who relished in his victory. And in a weird way, it was his victory, wasn't it? The world's most perfect woman had willingly submitted to him. What could be more dominant than that?

His right hand slipped from Mom's voluptuous hip and squeezed her soft butt-cheek before giving it a playful slap. Her round ass bounced and jiggled before he whacked it again. Every thud and sound that rang out in the bathroom caused him to drive into her with more force. Mom wanted to be ravished. Those were her words, and the last thing he planned to do was let her down.

"Harder!" she begged.

Harder? Did she refer to his slap or the manner in which he fucked her? He might as well cover all his bases just to be safe. His open palm crashed into her butt once again before he found the leash that dangled from her collar. He grabbed hold of it and snapped his mother back by her neck as she struggled to maintain her view of his reflection in the mirror.