Bobby was home from college on summer break and wasn't sure why couldn't sleep in past 7am. As he woke and stumbled out of his bedroom towards the bathroom down the hall he noticed a handwritten note attached to the door...."Bobby, your clothes from school are folded on my bed...I didn't want to wake you...please put them away. I had to run some errands and will be home around, Mom".

His mom Carol was 43 and maintained a great looking body. Bobby would always try to sneak a peek down her blouses and would often tease her by slapping her ass like a football buddy. Carol was about 5'6 115lbs, 34C with well toned abs and legs. Bobby loved her long brown hair and green eyes. She was beautiful to him and many others. Bobby's attention didn't go unoticed. She would often catch him looking. Though she would always dress very conservative Carol loved the attention. She had been divorced from Bobby's father for a about 3 yrs and would take vacation whenever Bobby came home on college break. She enjoyed looking at Bobby too. He was 6'0, 220lbs, very muscular and didn't wear much at all around the house. Bobby chose never to bring any girlfriends home to mom...he didn't want to spoil the attention she would give him.

After Bobby stepped out of the shower he did as he was told and went into his mother's bedroom.

As Bobby was pulling the folded clothes into his arms he noticed a book on his mothers night stand. It looked more like a diary. He dropped the clothes back onto his mother's bed....looked around the room and gently picked up the book. The lock was open and perhaps mistakenly left out in the open. He flipped through the handwritten pages to the day's date. It read..."I am sooo happy Bobby is home. He looks so yummy in those yellow college shorts. He reminds me so much of Max (Bobby's father). Bobby's muscles remind me of the days when Max would push me onto the bed and fuck me doggy style for hours then make me beg for more...." Bobby couldn't believe what he was reading. The words made him hard as a rock. He gently laid the diary back down as he found it...scooped up his clothes and ran to his bedroom. As he removed his towel and started to stroke his cock with thoughts of fucking his mom he had another thought. He quickly stopped and looked through the clothes for his yellow football shorts. He was having another idea and didn't want to spoil his excitement by cumming too soon.

Bobby ran downstairs to the kitchen and started pulling the pancake mix out of the cabinet. As he pulled out the maple syrup from the pantry he heard the back door open. It was his mother walking in with a bag of groceries. Bobby rushed to his mom to help her. Carol not only appreciated his help but also appreciated the fact that he was not wearing a t-shirt and probably no underwear by the looks of his shorts. Bobby seldom wore a t-shirt around the house in June.

Carol glancing over at the counter at the breakfast stuff apologize saying that she was sorry that she wasn't home to make his breakfast. She said that she thought that he would sleep in. Bobby laughed and said...."I tried so hard to sleep in". Carol instructed Bobby to sit down at the table and that she would make them both some breakfast. Carol went on to say that she would to go out and get stuff for dinner for Vicky's visit. Bobby's sister was coming over for dinner. She didn't get along with her mother but felt obligated to make an appearance when Bobby was in town.

As Carol prepared the pancakes Bobby couldn't help but to turn around and admire her figure beneath her knee length dress with long flared sleeves. Bobby laughed and said, "Gee mom I didn't know you were Amish". Carol shot back with, "hey with a college guy in the house I have to cover up as best as I can"....with that she turned and asked...."how's this?" as her right hand came off of the skillet and slowly pulled the hem of her dress up to mid-thigh. Bobby cheered from the kitchen table....MORE! MORE!...WE WANT MORE! They both laughed.

After breakfast Bobby got up to help his mom with the dishes but she pushed him down saying, "relax enjoy the newspaper". Bobby shifted his attention back towards the sports as Carol continued to remove stuff from the table. As Carol reached from behind Bobby's head to grab the bottle of maple syrup her loose sleeve dipped into Bobby's plate filled with syrup. She and Bobby were unaware until Carol turned to leave. Bobby felt a warm stream of syrup land on his six pack abs and chest...."WHAT THE FUCK"!!! Carol reached the counter and asked what was wrong. Bobby pushed back his chair and pointed to his chest, stomach, and was as if someone shot him with a water gun filled with syrup. Then his pointed at the floor at the stream of syrup all of the way to his mother's feet.

Carol apologized profusely as she grabbed the first thing she could find.....tissue. As she reached Bobby and started to dabbed his chest with the tissue...her sleeve continued to drip onto his shorts and thighs. Bobby...exploded with anger...."you stupid bitch....tissue was all you could think of"? Carol stood up straight with her head bowed like a beaten dog. It's your fucking Amish dress that caused this! TAKE IT OFF NOW AND CLEAN ME UP!!! HURRY UP DAMMIT...I'M ALL STICKY!!! Carol with her head bowed...didn't say anything as she reached behind her and slowly but steadily lowered her zipper. She removed the dress from her shoulders and the plain brown dress fell to her feet. She had kicked off her shoes earlier as she cooked. Now she stood in from of her 20 yr old son in her white lacey bra and matching panties.

Boddy didn't stare...he pretended to be too upset. He didn't want his mom to realize what was happening. She was still in shock from his abusive language. The same language that caused her to leave Max....yet on some level she missed the controlling words and tone of his voice. Bobby....said, "well....clean me up dammit"!!! As Carol turned to go back into the kitchen for a wet towel....Bobby grabbed her arm and said, "NO"! I want YOU to clean it up you fucking bitch! Carol lowered her Bobby said....I want you to lick and suck the syrup off off me.

Bobby reached up and grabbed the back of his mother's hair and pulled her face down to his chest. As he did this he scooted his chair out a little to allow her more room in front of the table. Carol's mind was spinning.....she didn't know what to do. She was frozen with fear...but her pussy was wet with excitement. She slowly lowered her head more some with the force of Bobby's hand and some on her own. As the left side of her face passed by Bobby's she could feel his breath on her cheek and she felt his eyes focused on her breasts.

It was like slow motion but her lips met Bobby's bare skin on his upper chest as she kissed him lightly. "I DIDN'T SAY KISS ME YOU STUPID BITCH....LICK THE SYRUP OFF ME"!!!! Carol's tongue came out quickly and started making long strokes up around his right nipple....making it hard. Bobby continued to guide his mother's head with his hand on the back of her neck as she continued to lick down his chest onto his stomach region. She was doing good enough on her own he lowered his right hand down her bare back over her bra strap.....and playfully slapped her ass. As he did this she let out a low moan. She continued to lick Bobby's stomach clean but seemed to be stuck in one spot.... so he brought his hand back up and pushed her head down lower to his tented yellow shorts.

Bobby scooted his ass down a little so that he could have a better view of his mother's mouth. As Carol's toungue traced along the edge of Bobby's shorts he noticed that her knees was on the floor and that she was almost in a doggy position. He couldn't resist another good slap across her ass. As she licked around his waistband....Bobby brought his hand up into the air and quickly down onto her panty covered ass. The force of the blow cause her to move forward a little causing her right cheek to brush against Bobby's erection. Bobby.....spanked her again with more force this time and with his middle finger pushing her panties into her pussy.....blow after blow after blow.... After about 5 blows on her ass he stopped as he realized that she wasn't licking him.

Bobby brought his hand back up to his mother's head and as he grabbed her long flowing brown hair he turned her to look at him and he liked that didn't you little slut?

Now you continue to clean me! You have to clean my shorts now as he pointed with his left hand to the tip of his cock. Carol....started to shake her head no but stopped as Bobby pulled hard on her hair before pushing her lips onto his fabric covered cock. She began licking the tip of his cock still covered by the shorts that she so admired. She felt humiliated but also as if she was fulfilling a dream as well. Her licking turned into her mouth opening slightly and sucking the syrup juice out of the fabric.

Bobby could see that his mother was leaving his shorts wet from her tongue and lips. Carol started to raise and lower her mouth onto her son's cock as Bobby watched his tented shorts disappear into his mother's mouth. As his mother continue to go down on him....Bobby rubbed her back and ran his fingers along the edge of her panties. He leaned to the side a little to ran his fingers down her ass and over her pussy where he pushed her panties in. He wanted to taste her pussy so bad but he had a better he resisted for now.

Bobby reached forward over his mother's head as it raised and lowered over his shorts ....he dipped his finger into the syrup and ran it over the tip of his tongue and lips. He reached down and grabbed his mother's hair and pulled her up to his face...with his tongue stuck out he pointed at it and his lips with his left hand. Carol understood what she was being instructed to do as she leaned forward to lick her own son's lips and tongue. He was surprised as she sucked on his tongue her right hand came up to press against his cock. As she sucked on her son's tongue his left hand started to palm her right breast and pinch her nipple. The harded that he pinched and pulled....the harded she sucked. Bobby grabbed his mother's hand as she tried to pull his shorts back to jack him off. Bobby pulled away and said, "YOU FUCKING SLUT I DIDN'T GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO TOUCH MY COCK"....he guided his mother's hand to her pussy...and his fingers interlaced with hers stroked the outside of her panties.

Bobby suddenly stood up and ordered his mom to the floor on her hands and knees to lick the syrup up off the hardwood. She reluctantly crawled on all fours towards the kitchen. Bobby yelled, "HEY SLUT TURN AROUND AND FACE ME SO I CAN SEE YOUR TITS". Bobby quickly realized that his mother's hair would conceal her tits so he walked around the back of her and got down and all fours behind her body as she was bending over french kissing the floor. He brought his nose right up to her ass and inspected her drenched panties partially pushed into her pussy.

He slowly started licking the back of his mother's thighs up to her pussy. He then delicately pulled her panties out with his teeth....but that's it. She was crying inside for more. She wanted to be fucked hard!!!

He walked back around and sat back down in the chair. He then instructed her to look up at him as he pulled his shorts back exposing his 7 inch cock to his mother for the first time. He started to stroke his cock as he looked into his mother's eyes. She just rested there on all fours with her head up and her milky white tits hanging down.

It didn't take long for him to explode with 5-6 long streams of cum onto the floor in front of his mother's face. He sat there looking into her eyes as she slowly bent foward and started to lick up his cum.As I got up to leave the kitchen table I looked back at mom. She continued to lick and slurp my remaining cum from the kitchen floor. I know that she was very turned on and wanted me to fuck her, but I had a better plan in mind.

After my second shower of the morning I quickly got dressed and headed out towards the door. As I passed by mom's door I could hear her loud moans coming from within her bedroom walls. I was tempted to go in and watch but I resisted.

I had big plans for Vicky's (my older sister)arrival later in the evening and I had to pick up a few things. My first stop was to the florist near our house. I ran in and picked out a dozen red roses for mom. I figured she earned them for the humiliation that I put her through. I snuck back inside and arranged them in a vase in her room as she showered. I left a short note that read, "I love you"...Bobby. Before I left again I opened her night stand drawer and saw the open diary. The lock must've broke or perhaps she lost the key. I quickly turned to the day's events. What I read blew my mind.

"god....Bobby drove me completely crazy today....everything was perfect. My wildest fantasy has come true. I want to fuck my son so bad. He controls me just like his father used to". I closed and replaced the diary and smiled to myself as I left again to get something else that I would hopefully be using later.

I arrived back home about an hour later to find the house was empty. There was a note on my door that said, "thank you for the flowers and thank you for an exciting morning. I love you sooo much"....Mom p.s. I had to run out to pick up something else for dinner tonight. No, it isn't syrup!"

The rest of the day was uneventful. Mom and I stayed away of one another. I worked outside and she was busy inside doing chores. I did come in around 4:00 to check the time and to grab some water. Mom was in the kitchen washing veggies in the sink. She was wearing loose fitting baggy shorts with a no thrills pink t-shirt.

As I stood next to her I scooped out a small icecube out of my glass and as I distracted her by pointing out the kitchen window I reached across her body and slipped a small piece of ice into her shorts and inside of her panties. She screamed as I laughed.

She yelled, "Bobbie Joseph that is cold and I can't find it to pull it out."

"Here mom let me try to help". I ran my cupped hand over the outside of her shorts searching for a lump of ice. Once I found near the top of her pussy mound instead of reaching in and pulling it out I decided to push it lower with my thumb until I was sure that it was at the entrance of her pussy. I pressed my palm against her pussy...pushing the ice deep inside of her. She just stood there gripping my arm with her hands trying to pull me away. I covered her mouth with mine and we french kissed while I continued to press against her pussy. Once I figured the ice was completely melted I kissed her on the cheek and escaped out the back door.

Right at 6 p.m. and surprisingly on time my 26 yr old sister arrived. Vicky was a free spirit you might say. She was only 6 yrs older than me and had never attended college. She had been married and divorced twice. Luckily she didn't have any children to care for. In my mother's opinion she could barely care for herself. She looked a lot like mom but that is where there similarities stopped. Mom always dressed conversative and Vicky always dressed provocative.

I used to call my big sister, "the tease" to my buddies who had crushes on her. She was a C cup and loved to wear tight shirts and loose v-neck blouses. She was about 5'6 and about 125lbs with an awesome ass. She used to tease me in the summertime by the pool by asking me to rub lotion on the back of her legs. I would often sit there rubbing as if in a day dream looking at her ass.

Mom and Vicky disagreed about everything especially Vicky's choice in men. Vicky couldn't stand mom and the only reason that she came over was to see me. Though she didn't like mom's lectures she did endure them to be polite especially around me.

As I came downstairs to dinner I couldn't believe that they were actually sitting down at the table talking while waiting for me. I had to have another shower after all of the yard work. I also chose not to wear a shirt to dinner....just a pair of black shorts. I wanted Vicky to appreciate my 6 pack abs. By the look of her stare I would say that it worked. Mom was already dressed in her "don't touch me...up to the neck down to the toes robe". You might say that she was in for the night.

Mom could barely look me in the eyes when she told me to at least wear a shirt to dinner. I told her that I could borrow half of her robe and that she would still have enough. Vicky just laughed as she took a bite of spaghetti.

Vicky looked over at me and said, "so sport who's the girl these days".

I laughed and said, "there is only mom in my life. I don't have time for a girl with football and studies".

Vicky laughed and said, "oh, my cute 20 yr old virgin brother".

I quickly shot back and said, "hardly".

Mom looked at Vicky and said, "stop teasing him...he knows what he's doing....unlike you"!

Vicky was silent for a second before looking at me to ask...."so what was your last date like bro"?

Well..."my dear sister we watched a movie and had a nice dinner".

Vicky retorted, "You see Mom no sex that isn't normal. You should be all over the girls or by the way you look they should be all over you".

Vicky then dropped the million dollar question. "Did you fuck her"?

Vicky!!!! Mom shouted, "watch your mouth at the table."

I was not going to let my sister get all of the shock value so I said, "no I didn't fuck her but I ate her pussy until she had 3 orgasms".

Mom turned red and said, "let's please stop this".

"So, 3 orgasms what's your technique bro?"

"My technique? It's too hard to explain but I'm willing to show you".

Vicky looked disgusted and said, "hold on my little brother you can't handle this pussy as she looked downwards".

Mom pushed herself away from the table and placed her dishes in the sink. She didn't say a word as she left the room to go upstairs. Vicky and I finished clearing the table before retiring to the couch in the living room.

Vicky noticed that the dinner conversation had an effect on me. She looked at my shorts and said, "my BIG little brother had a little too much conversation".

As we sat down to watch some Sat. Night Live Vicky said that she wanted to go change into some comfortable pjs. In the meantime mom came back downstairs with a throw blanket and a pillow for the couch. The couch was Vicky's bed for the night. I asked mom if she would like to stay up for SNL. She politely rejected the offer saying with a smile that she had a tiring day. I knew what she meant.

Before she bent down to kiss me goodnight she unzipped the front zipper on her robe down to her mid-torso exposing her ample breasts to my hungry eyes. Her nipples were hard as rocks. Before she kissed me she whispered for me to come up and tuck her in. I resisted saying, "no I don't want Vicky left alone she needs to talk". I looked around the room real quick before pushing my head inside of her open robe to take her right nipple into my mouth. My right hand traveled under her robe up between her thighs to her panties. I moved her panties aside with my fingers and quickly rubbed along the lips attempting to find the entrance. She was already soaking wet. I was sucking and bitting her nipple and about to finger-fuck the hell out of her when I heard the bathroom door down the hall open. Mom quickly zipped up and headed upstairs.

Vicky came into the family room wearing a white v-neck t-shirt that came down to her upper thigh region. I pretended not to notice, but I had to pull the blanket over my crotch. Vicky plopped down onto the couch under the blanket right next to me.

"Did the wicked bitch go to bed"?, Vicky asked.

"I think so", I remarked, "or maybe she's upstairs with a dildo thinking about our dinner conversation".

Vicky looked at me and laughed. I looked over at Vicky just a foot away and tried to lean over a little to get a better view down her shirt. Vicky looked at where my eyes were focused and asked if I were enjoying the view.

I told her that I was as I snapped back upright. I then apologize for our dinner conversation especially the part about eating pussy.

Vicky laughed and said that it would take a lot more than that to embarrass her and then she said, "Oh, and another thing still won't get to eat this pussy" as she folded her hands in her lap.

I was shocked that she said that but at the same time aroused that my sister said pussy.

Vicky was still steaming over her relationship with mom and said, "some day she will regret the way she treats me being so judgmental".

"How about that day being tomorrow?", I asked.

Vicky was very curious about what I meant. So as I had planned told her about the events earlier in the day.

As I started to described how it all unfolded I quickly pulled back a little and told her that she had to do something for me in exchange.

She said, "Well, my dear little brother as long as you're telling me how I can get my revenge on mom for the way she treats me I will give you a perfect titty shot right down my t-shirt".

I told her that would be good enough for now but that I would want more as the story gets better. She told me to keep talking and that she would consider removing her bra.

As I started to describe finding mom's diary and the contents in it about her wanting me....etc. Vicky scooted in closer to me and leaned in a little to cause the front of her V-neck t-shirt to open up a little. My eyes were glued to my sister's breasts concealed only by a white lace bra. I also noticed that Vicky was really enjoying this. Her nipples were hard and almost bursting through the thin material. As I got to the part about the spilled syrup Vicky was so excited with anticipation that she was almost in my tented lap.

I stopped and told her that it was time to give me more. Vicky didn't think twice as she leaned forward and reached back to pull up the back of her t-shirt exposing her bra strap and clasp. Vicky unsnapped the bra and I just watched in awe as she removed it from her t-shirt sleeve. I wanted to reach in and pinch her nipples.

Vicky scooted closer to me so that I would get a perfect view of her breasts and hard nipples. While I was quietly describing how I yelled at mom and how she froze in fear of me mom walked through the family room door to say goodnight.

Mom walked around the loveseat to the couch where Vicky and I were sitting. Vicky was really close but had time to straighten up a little. Her nipples were clearly hard as they poked her shirt.

Mom gave us a strange look as she said goodnight and leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek. I turned my head at the last minute causing our lips to meet. I wanted my story to have more credibility to Vicky. I opened my lips a little and slid my right hand up under mom's left ear and behind her neck like a lover would causing our faces to be pressed together for a few seconds longer than any mother-son should be. My left hand slid up the side of mom's robe up around the back cupping her ass. Since this was on Vicky's side I knew that she would notice. Mom quickly turned red and straightened up in a rush to get out.

As mom turned to leave she noticed Vicky's bra and leaned down to pick it up off of the coffee table. She raised an eyebrow as she asked Vicky if she wanted it washed.

Vicky responded somewhat sarcastically with, "why yes mom I would and would you also wash these for me"? As Vicky said that she rose a little onto her knees and reached under the blanket to remove her panties. Mom was focused on Vicky's actions and failed to notice that Vicky was so close to me that when she rose to her knees that she also pressed her breasts into my face. Her right nipple grazed across my lips.

Mom just stood there as Vicky held her very noticeable wet panties between two fingers in front of her.

Mom turned away refusing before Vicky held them in my face. In that brief second I could smell my sister's juices. Mom quickly turned back around and grabbed the panties from Vicky. She then turned to me and reminded me that I had a busy day planned for tomorrow.

Vicky looked at her Mom with a grin and said, "don't worry mommy dearest I'll tuck him in before mid-night. I'll behave and I won't let him eat my pussy".

Mom stormed out of the room but left the door open. I leaned over to Vicky and pointed out that the door was open. She told me to get up but I commented that I was too hard and that I wanted to see her bare ass as she got up.

Vicky got up but teased me by pulling her t-shirt down so I couldn't see anything. She shut the door and asked what if mom walked in again and what would happen if we were in a more compromising position.

Her question gave me hope that my sister would allow me more access as the story continued. I told her for instance if I was sucking on her delicious titties and mom walked in that I would have to take over and she would see first hand how I could control her. I then told her that I would make mom lay down on her back while she rode mom's face until she came in her mouth while I fucked her. This visual drove Vicky nuts with excitement.

"I cannot believe mom just let you grab her ass in front of me like that and that kiss, Whoa!"

"I told you sis I have complete control over her".

"I can't believe that you removed your panties in front of mom with me just inches away".

"Yes, that was pretty awesome. I knew that it would piss her off".

Vicky begged me to continue but I resisted saying that I now wanted to see her pussy. Vicky got a big smile on her face and asked if I was sure that I could really control mom if we were caught. I convinced her with a little more of my story.

Vicky instructed me to scoot back that she has something in mind. She was going to let me watch her finger herself. She said that she was so turned on that she couldn't wait any longer. She also said that I was not allowed to touch her.

I pulled the blanket aside as she laid back against the arm rest and pulled her t-shirt up exposing her neatly trimmed dark pussy. I could tell by the short moist hairs that she was very turned on and that I was about to get one awesome show.

I sat on my knees and continued to tell Vicky how mom was licking and sucking the syrup off of my shorts as I was spanking her and pushing her panties with into her pussy with each slap.

Vicky was really into listening but she was also watching my eyes as I was watching her finger herself. She had two and sometimes three fingers slipping in and out. I tried to join her with my hand but she slapped it away.

I finally stood up and said that I couldn't take it any longer. I stood next to Vicky's head and pushed down my shorts exposing my cock to my sister. As I continued to tell my story I started stroking my cock.

Vicky looked me in the eyes and told me to come on her face and not in her hair. She was fingering herself with her right hand as she brought her left hand up to play with my balls and trace back to my asshole. I reached down with my free hand and pinched her left nipple now covered by her t-shirt.

Vicky's breathing quickened and she was almost fisting herself when I told her that I had mom on her hands and knees on the floor licking up my come. Vicky inserted her middle finger into my ass as I shot my first rope of cum across her left cheek. Vicky turned to me and open her mouth as she too started to climax. I unloaded about five shots of cum into my sister's mouth. My fingers still pinching the hell out of her nipple.

She wouldn't suck the remaining cum off of my cock but she did catch the stream of cum off of her face with her fingers and insert them into her mouth.

She looked back up at me and said, "my brother tastes good".

I went back and sat on the couch to tell her the game plan. She smiled at me and told me that if I could make mom her slave that she would let me eat her pussy. I told her that I wanted to fuck her now.

"Well, my little brother if what you tell me is true then I guess anything is possible", after Vicky said that she leaned forward bringing her juice covered hand to my lips. I sucked on her fingers for at least five minutes as she laid there recouperating.

"Just think bro mom just might be eating my pussy before you". Vicky said with a smile and closed eyes as my tongue circled around each finger in my mouth.

I pulled Vicky's hand out of my mouth as I looked upon her laying spread eagle with her pussy wide open for me. I leaned forward and started to lick each of her inner thighs alternative after every few tongue strokes. I figured that she was in dreamland and that I would be able to just eat her right then.

I was able to get about two inches away before the cupped her open pussy with her hand. I sat up briefly and then extended my left hand ontop of her hand.

I then started to lay out the plan to her for tomorrow morning's breakfast. As I started to tell her to go with the flow in the morning my fingers in a raking motion brushed down her hand and then I turned my hand over to then insert my middle finger into her pussy.

Vicky shifted slightly and her smile widened as I increased the motion. While my middle and index fingers slipped in and out of my sisters pussy I reached up with my thumb and pressed on her clit. Her hand was now on my hand pulling me into her.

With her eyes closed she said, "Bobby you are driving me crazy! You keep this up and I'm going to make mom watch you fuck me over and over again". Just then she arched her back and moaned as she started to cum again. I laughed and leaned down and started licking my fingers each time that they came out of her pussy. My nose was rubbing against her clit as my tongue licked my palm and fingers.

I then pulled my hand out of her and with both hands spread her thighs wider while also lifting slightly on her ass. I leaned foward and ran my tongue from the bottom of her pussy down to her ass. I got her nice and wet all over. She shuttered and reached down with her hands to grab and pull my head up to her pussy. She made me eat her real good. I would dive my tongue deep into her pussy and then pull out and tongue fuck her ass and then chew on her lips.

I ate my sister's pussy like an escaped convict for about another half hour. I teased and bit her clit until she came again and again. When I finally gave up she had counted four big orgasms.

Half asleep Vicky with her eyes still closed smiled and said, "I like your technique brother".

I covered her up and as I stood up I noticed that I was hard again. I wasn't going to wake her up for a hand job or blow job so I decided to just go to bed and save it for the morning. I bent over to kiss her goodnight and she surprisingly kissed back. I thought she was asleep already. I could taste my cum in her mouth as we french kissed for a few minutes.

I stopped and stood up. That is when she noticed that I was as hard as a rock. Her left hand traveled up my leg and under my shorts to grab my cock. I stepped back and told her that she didn't have to. She commented that she didn't want me going into mom's room to finish and besides she wanted more.

I pushed down my shorts expecting her to jack me off but she looked up at me and said, "fuck my mouth Bobby. I'll just lay here and you do the work okay?"

She wrapped her lips around my cock as I started to pump in and out. Vicky just laid there all covered up by the blanket while I fucked her face. I knew that she was exhausted. Her eyes were closed and her lips were not as tight as a normal blow.

I reached down and stroked her hair back with my hand as I felt her finger once more at my opening. I increased my speed and she tightened her lips as she pressed her fingernail and finger all the way into me. I started to come hard. I shot at least six times into her mouth. With each shot of cum I heard her moan and she actually started meeting my thrusts with her head moving back and forth. I knew that she was thirsty for my cum.I turned over when I heard the knock on my door. I looked over at the clock and was disappointed that it was already 8am. Mom opened the door just a little at first poking her head in to tell me that she was making pancakes and that they (her and my sister Vicky) had already showered and that it was free for me. I told her thanks and then asked if she would close the door. Mom appeared a little disappointed. I think that she wanted to come in and sit on my bed for a little while.

After my shower I dressed in my usual summer morning attire...a pair of boxers no shirt. As I walked into the dinning room I could hear their argument fade as they noticed my arrival. Mom looked at me and asked if I'd like to put on a shirt before sitting down for breakfast.

Vicky looked me up and down and said, "I'm not complaining bro."

I looked at mom in her usual long robe and then to Vicky who was surprisingly wearing a very similar one to mom's. I asked Vicky is she raided mom's closet.

Vicky said, "mom thought that I needed to cover up a little this morning."

"Well, I don't like it at all. What did you have on before?" I asked.

Vicky stood up and said, "I still have it on under this blanket (referring to her borrowed robe)." She started to unzip the robe at the neckline but the zipper got stuck in between her breasts.

I quickly jumped up and offered my assistance. I walked around back of her as she stood facing mom. Mom was quietly eating and watching us.

My dick was slowly growing against my sister's ass as I deliberately reached around to the front of my her body slowly sliding my hands up the front and over her breasts the the zipper in the middle. I watched mom's face turn red as my hands palmed my sister's breasts (appearing somewhat accidental on my part). I grabbed a hold of the zipper and worked it free while slowly lowering it to her mid-thigh area.

My sister leaned her head back slightly to thank me by placing a kiss on my cheek. I laughed and told her that it was my pleasure. Vicky started to shed the robe off of her shoulders and I stopped her by saying that I would do that.

Mom watched as I unveiled my sister's body in front of her. Vicky stared at mom as my hands grabbed the collar on each side of the robe and slid my hands down back over her silk camisole covered breasts and rock hard nipples. My thumbs pressed a little while passing over my sister's nipples. As the robe fell to the floor I stepped back to admire my sister's nightie. She was in an off white silk camisole top that was very loose and came down to her panty line. On the bottom she had on a pair of matching off white silk panties with a little bit of lace in the front so that one could see that she had dark pussy hair. Still standing behind Vicky I was running my left hand up and down under the back of her top. I whispered to Vicky to play along.

I looked over at mom and asked, "what's was wrong with it? It's not like Vicky is wearing a thong or anything", I said grinning.

I then started playing fashion consultant as if Vicky was my live model while still standing behind her concealing my raging cock and burying it into my sister's panty covered ass cheeks. I moved my head around to the front and pointed out the very detailed needlepoint work of the lace on my sister's panties. I could feel Vicky's hot breath on the back of my neck as I positioned myself lower to touch the lace area of my sister's panties. I took my index finger and ran it along the inside eadge of my sister's panties next to her pussy. The tip of my finger gently sliding inside of the material. I slid my finger all the way from the front to back. I could feel the edge of her lips and a few hairs. I could also feel how wet she was.

Mom just looked disgusted and told me to stop. My sister loved it as I reached up and pointed out the V-neckline. As I described the careful yet seductive forethought it took to make this type of neckline I ran my index and middle fingers along the edge in between the middle of her breasts. The material was thin but not sheer.

Mom spoke up and said, "you shouldn't be touching your sister like this".

I looked at mom and said, "oh really....why don't you shut the fuck up and eat your delicious pancake with SYRUP".

Vicky looked stunned and reached back with her left hand to squeeze my cock.

I looked at Vicky's hardened nipples and then looked at mom and said, "it appears Vicky is enjoying herself."

After that comment I reached up with my right hand with the same two fingers and ran them back and forth over Vicky's nipple.

I heard my mom gasp as she shook her head and got up to take her dishes to the kitchen indicating that she was done eating.

With mom's back turned towards us Vicky lowered her head a little and whispered to me, "I'm going to fuck your brains out today."

Vicky quickly joined mom by taking a few dishes as I started shoveling pancakes down. I leaned back in my chair noticing that both mom and Vicky were now standing side by side at the kitchen sink. I could hear mom saying to Vicky that she didn't know what has gotten into me (Bobby).

I didn't have a good opportunity to check out my sister's ass until right now. She was fucking hot in those tiny panties. I could still see where the material had pushed into her ass a little by the force of my hard-on.

I got up from the table without my plate and came up behind them in the center. As I approached I said, "well looky here Mother Theresa and Debbie Does Dallas doing the dishes together".

As I stood between them I reached out with both hands cupping my mother's ass and my sister's. Mom was to the left of me and had her hands in soapy hot water washing while Vicky was on my right drying the dishes handed to her by mom. I squeezed my mother's ass as my right hand slipped under Vicky's wet panty covered crotch from behind.

Mom didn't do anything in reaction to my hand. I guess she thought that Vicky was unable to see anything. I became really hard feeling Vicky's wet pussy lips sliding in between my fingers. I wasn't able to reach around to the front to pinch her clit. I had to be satisfied with fingering her from behind.

I asked what the game plan was for the day attempting to make normal conversation when mom and I both heard a moan come from Vicky. Mom thought enough to look over her right shoulder and behind me to see my hand buried in my sister's panties.

I watched mom and I turned to Vicky and said in a normal voice, "you have the softest and wetest pussy I have ever felt."

Vicky didn't respond. She just gripped the sink counter. I looked over at mom who I could tell was about to run upstairs. I turned to mom and pulled my hand from Vicky's pussy and brought it up to mom's nose.

"Smell her daughter's pussy mom." I then lowered my hand and started to cup my mother's left breast.

I said, "I bet mom's pussy is very wet too".

Mom just froze in place. Her hands still submerged in the sink.

I reached over and turned of the water and then brought my right hand to mom's robe zipper. I could tell that mom's face was turning red as I started to lower the zipper down. I walked around behind her and pulled the robe down. I then reached around from and played with her breasts as I pressed my cock into her silk nightgown. My sister turned to watch my every move. I turned mom to face Vicky.

I said, "let's compare nighties shall we?" Mom stood there in a full length silk nightgown with a slight v-neck.

I looked at mom and said, "don't you just love your daughter's breasts? You guys are about the same don't you think?"

Mom started to tear up as I brought her hand up to Vicky's left breast and made her play with the nipple.

I looked at mom and said, "you know this is really unfair because I got to see and play with Vicky's breasts last night after you went to bed. In fact mom I watched Vicky finger herself while I told her the story of how much you love syrup. She was so turned on that she even let me eat her pussy until she came in my mouth." I took my finger and dipped it in a nearby plate of syrup as mom and Vicky watched. I then ran it over Vicky's left nipple onto the silky fabric.

"Here you go mom let's show Vicky just how much you like syrup."

I watched as mom's face turned completely flush. Vicky just stood there with a quarter size syrup wet patch over her nipple.

I looked at mom who was slightly shaking her head. I yelled into her face, "DO IT YOU FUCKING CUNT"!

I then reached behind her head and brought her face to Vicky's chest. I got behind mom as she started to lightly kiss Vicky's nipple. I position my cock behind mom's ass again as I reached around with both hands and started to pinch her nipples.

I whispered in mom's ear, "if you're good I promise to fuck you really hard."

While I was doing this I noticed that mom was starting to more agressively suck the material into her mouth along with Vicky's nipple.

I knew that we were going to have a fun morning. I looked up and saw that Vicky had a big smile and was strocking mom's hair telling her that she was a good girl.

Once I knew that I had mom started I walked over and grabbed the plate of syrup and walked behind my sister. I started to coat Vicky's chest with syrup by reaching from behind trying to avoid mom's hair. I also reached down below to coat the front of Vicky's panties with syrup really good.

I couldn't help but to start fingering my sister again from behind. I fingered her with three syrup coated fingers and then I pushed my syrup coated thumb all the way up my sister's ass.

I leaned forward a little to suck and tongue my mother's ear and she was really into sucking and bitting my sister's nipple.As I continued to tongue my mother's ear and assault her neck with my kisses I also continued to finger fuck my sister's pussy and asshole with my sticky syrup coated fingers. I was harder than I have ever been.

Here I was witnessing my mother sucking my sister's tits or at least attempting to through the camisole. It was unbelievable my mother hadn't spoken a kind word to or about my sister in years and now she's attacking her with animal lust.

I stopped assaulting my sister's pussy so I could watch and help the two of them play with one another.

I sat down on the messy kitchen floor perhaps in a puddle of syrup and looked up at my sister's body. She was still dressed in her off-white silky camisole with syrup stains all over. Her matching panties were half in and out of her pussy from mine fingers. She was stroking my mother's hair as mom continued to suck as I had ordered.

I stood up and pulled Vicky's camisole shoulder strap from her left shoulder and pulled it down to completely expose her breast to mom. Mom quickly attacked mom's nipple taking it in between her teeth and then sucking it.

As mom continued to give pleasure to her daughter I went back into the dining room to grab a chair. I sat the chair behind Vicky. I then grabbed two thick towels and laid them on the floor in front of the chair. I instructed mom to stop and to standup straight. I then knelt down in front of my sister and adjusted her syrup coated panties out of her pussy. I then asked Vicky to sit down with feet on the chair bending her knees and spreading her legs. She did as I requested.

I then stood in front of mom and kissed her passionately on the mouth. Driving my tongue into her mouth. She kissed me back with the same amount of passion. Her hands found my cock concealed in my socks and started stroking me. As we kissed I pulled up her nightgown and slid my hand into her panties and rubbed her clit and swollen pussy lips. I refused to finger her or offer any relief. I pulled her hands from my shorts and pulled back from kissing her. I then ordered mom to get down on her knees on the towels in front of Vicky and to lick up all of the sticky syrup from Vicky's legs and from her panties.

Mom was hestitant and went to kiss me again. I looked at her and yelled, "DO IT NOW YOU FUCKING BITCH."

She slowly got down in front of a smirking Vicky. Vicky had her knees bent with her hands resting on her knees keeping them spread. Her panties were drenched with syrup. Her thighs were coated with sticky streams of syrup. Her left breast was showing with half of her camisole hanging down.

Mom was now on all fours. Her full-length nightgown covered up her body. I watched as her tongue started licking the syrup from Vicky's left thigh at first before switching over to the right. Then back to the left and closer to Vicky's sweet pussy. Then closer and closer cleaning Vicky's thighs entirely. Finally, she reached Vicky's panties. Mom wrapped her arms around Vicky's body and used her shoulders to keep Vicky's legs open and allowing Vicky to rest her feet and legs on mom's back.

I removed my shorts and walked in back of mom. I could see her head moving up and down slightly as she licked Vicky's panties clean. I stood on the left side of mom for a few seconds with my cock in my head before I reached down and palmed her ass with my right hand. It was as if I was wiping her ass. I could feel her pussy lips through the nightgown and her panties. I kept this up for about five minutes pushing the clothing deep into her pussy and asshole.

When I finished I looked up to see Vicky's hands grabbing mom's hair and pulling her head into her pussy. Vicky had her head tilted back with her eyes closed. I grabbed the kitchen step stool and placed it behind Vicky's chair. I then stood upon it and stroked Vicky's cheeks as I leaned forward causing my balls to lay on her forehead. She came out of her trance and moved her head a little as I shifted a little thereby allowing her greater access to my cock. She licked my shaft and then engulfed my cock between her lips. Her left hand came off of mom's head and came up to cup my balls. Her right hand continued to pull mom's hair. Mom continued to suck and slurp at Vicky's panties.

As Vicky sucked on my cock I reached down and pulled the right side of her camisole down exposing her right breast. I then started pinching her right nipple as she got me closer to cuming.

I could feel my body start to tense up and then she did it. She fingered my ass again and that was all it took. I came so hard into her tight lips. I just kept shooting cum into her mouth. I placed my palm on her outstretched neck so I could feel her swallow my cum. She swallowed about 4 times.

Mom was busy cleaning Vicky's panties with her tongue and I could tell that Vicky was ready to have her pussy eaten for real.

I ordered mom to stop and to lay down on the kitchen floor on her back. I then grabbed the towels and placed one on each side of her head. I then asked Vicky to remove her panties and to give them to me and then to place one knee on each side of mom's head and then to lower her pussy onto mom's mouth.

I told mom that I better hear her eating Vicky or she would pay dearly. I said, "you better clean her pussy and ass inside and out."

Vicky slowly removed her panties while standing directly above mom. Mom just looked up at Vicky's swollen pussy.

I took her panties and sucked on the inside crotch area while I watched Vicky lower herself onto mom's outstretched tongue. Slowly mom's tongue entered her daughters pussy and I could no longer see her tongue at all. I could only see her lips and Vicky's pussy grinding back and forth. Vicky placed her hands on the floor and leaned forward so mom could breathe through her nose and so mom could tongue fuck her ass. Mom had her hands on Vicky's ass cheeks spreading them a part as Vicky rode mom's tongue.

I walked around to stand over mom's flat and stiff body neatly covered by the silky nightgown. I knelt down and then straddled mom's mid-section as I admired her breasts. She was covered but her nipples were straining to be free. So, I decided that I would set them free by grabbing a hold of mom's v-neck and ripping it open completely exposing mom's breasts to my hungry mouth.

I leaned forward to suck on her nipples as Vicky leaned forward to whisper in my ear.

"Ahhhhh....Bobby, mom's tongue is in my ass".

The rest was inaudible as Vicky was moaning with pleasure. I could see that mom had a flood of juices on her chin and neck no doubt from mom cumming more than once.

I continued sucking mom's nipples and ocassionally going up to her neck and chin to lick my sister's juices.

I scooted back on mom a little in order to rip the nightgown down to her knees thereby exposing her pussy. Though she was all covered up I could tell that she was wet and ready to be fucked. I was ready to tease the hell out of her.

Vicky was cumming again. I could tell by her loader moans and by the fact that she was bouncing up and down on mom's face.

She looked up at me and mouthed, "I'm going to fuck you so hard."

I got up and walked over to the frig and got out a very large 9 inch cucumber and the butter spread. I buttered up the cucumber really good and then returned to mom's body. I knelt back down and slowly lowered mom's grandma panties down past her ankles. Each time that Vicky raised her ass a little I could see mom's outstretched tongue straining to enter her daughter's wet pussy.

I heard mom let out a moan as I started to run the cucumber up and down against her pussy. Her lips just wanted to wrap around it. I ever so slowly pushed the tip in --then another inch and another. In a matter of minutes I was fucking my mother with a 9 inch cucumber. She was moaning as she ate my sister's pussy.

Vicky started yelling, "FUCK HER BOBBY, FUCK HER HARDER!!!"

After mom came hard a few times I asked Vicky to get up. I then told mom to get her ass upstairs into her bedroom. I whispered to Vicky to meet me in my room.

When I entered the room mom met me next to the bed for a hug. I grabbed her shoulders and told her to lay down on her back on the bed.

"Vicky's taking a shower so it's just you and me now", I said as I tied a blind fold around her eyes.

I then strapped her wrists to the bed posts. Vicky started the shower as I instructed. I quickly exited mom's room and entered mine where I was met by a very excited Vicky. She quickly started kissing me uncontrollably and stroking my cock.

"I want to fuck you Bobby right here right now", Vicky whispered.

I stopped her and said, "she thinks you're in the shower, so we don't have much time."

I reached under my bed and grabbed a large black strap-on dildo. I put it on Vicky carefully positioning the short 2 inch dildo on the inside into Vicky's pussy.

"Fuck me Bobby, fuck me in the ass", Vicky whispered once more.

I ignored her and then lubed up the 8 inch black cock and led Vicky into mom's room without making a sound.

I told Vicky to fuck her for about 5 minutes before lowering her breasts onto moms. Then I would release mom's wrists and she could fuck her as long as she wanted.

When we got to the bed mom was laying there motionless with her legs spread and her arms restrained I said, "I hope you're ready to be fucked!!!"

She replied, "I've been ready for so long now Bobby."

With that Vicky climbed onto the bed and entered mom's pussy. After a few minutes of heavy thrusting Vicky dangled her breasts lower mashing against mom's nipples and then up to mom's mouth.

Mom said, "Vicky is that you?"

I walked into the bathroom and shut off the water then returned to the bedroom to remove mom's blindfold and wrists restraints.

Mom quickly embraced Vicky kissing her then rolling over and riding the strap-on until she came a few more times.

I got up on the bed over my sister's head and in front of my mother's as she quickly started sucking my cock. I pulled out before cumming in her mouth and sprayed all over her breasts. Vicky sat at and started licking up all of my cum.

Well, it wasn't so much torture as it was mutual satisfaction.