
She was having a hard time breathing now, gasping on each stroke. Her fingernails were lodged deep in my back holding me tight. I was ready to come and I knew how I wanted our first mating to finish. I moved one hand up to the sheet and exclaimed, "I'm ready to come now. I'm going to fill your hot pussy full of my sperm like I've dreamed of doing to my mother. My fantasy fucking with my mother includes kissing her luscious mouth when I fill her with my hot sperm."

I pushed the sheet up, revealing her beautiful face. She was unaware as her eyes were closed and her mouth was open, gasping for air. She had an expression of pure lust as I lowered my mouth to hers. Our tongues battled as our lust consumed us. My balls were filled and ready to explode. Mom sensed my prick expanding which caused her to pull off my mouth and scream out in pleasure.

I wailed, "I've wanted you for so long. Your pussy is fiery hot and tight. I'm going to fill my Mom's pussy with cum."

Mom spoke for the first time screaming "Yes Honey! I love you! Fill your horny mother with your sticky cum. Fuck me hard!"

We locked our mouths together as the first glob of sperm shot up the length of my prick. As soon as it hit the back of her pussy, Mom's walls slammed tight around my hard cock with her intense orgasm.

Her body shook and she screamed into my mouth as her body released her reservoir of endorphin, firing off her pleasure centers. I slammed in again, depositing another load of sperm in her pussy. Every muscle in her body contracted as she climaxed again, experiencing the long-anticipated fuck. Her body convulsed in pleasure causing her eyes to roll back in her head while air gushed from her lungs.

I concentrated on pumping my cock in as deep as I could through her orgasm. Her body went limp and her contractions stopped as I kept unloading my payload of sperm into her. After several more strokes, I collapsed on Mom, exhausted from our first incestuous coupling.

Recovered from my own sexual bliss, I noticed there was no movement from Mom. I rose up to look at her face and observed no sign of life. Waves of panic set in as I thought of what to do. The woman I loved was lifeless beneath me.

I tried to find a pulse in her arm but wasn't sure where to look. I gently squeezed her nostrils shut and lowered my mouth to hers in an attempt to resuscitate her. I gently blew air into her lungs and watched her breasts heave when her eyes popped open and she exhaled her air back into my mouth.

I pulled back, thankful for her recovery. Relieved that she appeared to be perfectly healthy, I covered her neck and face with kisses.

"Damn Mom. I thought I killed you. You were so still that I panicked. You really scared me."

Giggling she said, "Relax Honey. I briefly passed out from the intense pleasure of my orgasm. I've never had one that strong. I've been craving this for so long I couldn't control myself when I released my pent up emotions. I've never felt so much pleasure at once."

My semi-hard prick was still lodged in her cum-filled pussy. She moved her hips in a circular motion resulting in squishing sounds from her saturated cunt.

"Looks like I was out for the best part. You really filled your mother," she seductively said as she began stroking my back and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Honey, you didn't call emergency and tell them to come quick because you fucked your mother to death, did you?"

I snickered and kissed her lightly on the mouth. "No, I didn't have enough time. That would have been hard to explain."

"How did you know it was me? You knew from the start, didn't you?"

"Your legs Mom. You've been flaunting them by me forever. I have every inch of your beautiful flesh memorized. You don't know how many times I've jerked off fantasizing about you."

"So you like your old mom's legs, do you?"

"Your legs, your ass, your tits, your tight pussy. I love your smile, your laughter, your sexy walk and I am happiest when we're together. I've been wanting to make love to you for a long time. You don't know how close you've come to getting raped during the last week."

"I'm sorry if I teased you the last couple of days. I wasn't sure if you had the same physical emotions for me as I did for you. I didn't want to ruin our relationship and I had to make certain," she admitted while gently caressing my back.

She added, "And it wouldn't have been rape. It would have been a blessing. I was hoping one of my skimpy negligees would prompt you to act."

After sliding my softening prick out to move my weight off her, she quickly pulled me to her as she hugged me tight.

"Please stay on me. I want to feel your skin against mine, let me enjoy the moment of my young, strong man on top of me."

As our hot bodies meshed together in post-coital bliss we gently caressed each other's body. I felt her forest of cum-soaked pussy hair rubbing against my trapped, semi-hard prick. We kissed and talked for the next ten minutes while we recovered.

She moved her hips in a slow sexy circular motion and then humped up increasing the pressure on my prick nestled in her wet forest. Life was quickly purging back in my prick as I realized how lucky I was to have such a mother committed to sexually pleasing her son. Bringing my hands to her full breasts, I caressed and massaged her meaty globes.

Mom pleaded, "Sweetie, fuck me again. I want to enjoy my son making love to me. Please?"

"I love you, Mom. I'd do anything for you. We're going to remember our first night forever. Let's make it memorable."

I kissed her open-mouthed, my tongue battling with hers. Moving my hands to her nipples, I tweaked and twisted her sensitive buds elevating her excitement level.

As I played with her luscious mounds, she reached down and stroked my hard, slick shaft. She placed my bloated head at the mouth of her pussy and humped up to embed my prick in her hot canal.

I slowly stroked in and out of her wet pussy embellishing the sensations of her velvety slot. There was a minimal amount of friction with the lubricating cum left from our first coupling. Locked deep in her pussy, I rose up. Raising her knees, she reached up and pulled them tight to her chest.

Pushing on her legs, my leverage increased as I pounded her hungry pussy. Heavily panting now, she humped up to meet my thrusts as I deep-fucked her. Her pussy found new life, squeezing my prick as I plowed in and out. I looked down to witness the sinfully incestuous act of a son ravaging his mother. Our hairy pubic mounds were saturated with cum.

As if reading my mind, she yelled, "Fill your mother's cunt with your gigantic cock. It feels like a baseball bat. Oh damn, fuck me hard!"

My cock was covered with our mixed cum as I continued to drill her horny hole. Reaching down I massaged her clit as I pummeled her hot box. She screamed out in pleasure as I lightly squeezed her sensitive nub. I eased off her clit letting her relax as I enjoyed the moment.

I was fucking my hot mother. She was writhing on the bed beneath me and thrusting her hips like a wild woman. This was the highlight of my life. She was breathing hard and I wondered if she was going to pass out again.

Relishing in the sexual conquest of my mother piqued my stimulation. Close to achieving another orgasm. I was hoping I would last longer the second time, but this was Mom I was fucking. I pulled her feet back bringing her knees to point straight up. I pushed them out to spread her pelvis wide open. I felt pressure on my prick from her pussy as I opened her up.

Holding her meaty thighs I fucked her while she writhed in pleasure. I couldn't get enough of her smooth legs. I gripped a hunk of firm flesh and used it to pound harder in her leaking pussy.

Lowering down to her body I pressed my hard nipples on hers as our lips met. Her mouth was open and ready. We fucked each other's mouths as we made love in the missionary position. She dug her nails in my back signaling she was close to coming again. I wrapped my arms around her to hold her tight.

"Sam. I'm ready to come again. I love your giant, hard cock. It's driving me crazy. Fuck your mother hard. Fill me with your sticky sperm, you sweet Motherfucker!"

"God Mom. I've waited so long time for this. Your pussy is so tight and hot. I'm going to come, Mommy!"

She hugged me and wrapped her legs around my waist, elevating her pussy to meet my powerful thrusts. Groaning in pleasure she deeply exhaled each time my fat head slammed against the back of her cavern.

"I love you, Mom!" I screamed as I fucked her hard. Her excitement prevented her from saying anything as she was continuously gasping for air.

We locked mouths as we committed our forbidden, incestuous coupling. I stared deep into her soul through her dark chocolate eyes. They widened as blood surged into the head of my prick. Panting into my mouth, her pupils dilated as her back arched and her body shook as she climaxed. I pounded deep into her pussy as my balls spewed out any milky-white fluid left in my reservoir.

Her convulsing sheath trapped my erupting prick. I kept stroking and my shaft contracted even when nothing came out. Her spasms coincided with my orgasms in an attempt to milk out any precious sperm left in my balls.

After my final release, I continued to slowly fuck her, prolonging our incestuous sin. As I softened I started to roll off her when she again hugged me tight to her. Looking at each other, our eyes locked together cementing our deep love.

Her facial expression was an afterglow of blissful joy. She kissed me gently saying, "I love you too. Thank you, Sweetie. You're the best lover ever."

We gently caressed and consoled each other committing our forbidden relationship while we revealed our innermost desires and feelings. Our love was on a higher plateau since we'd crossed the line most mothers and sons act out privately in their fantasies.

After an hour of holding, caressing and talking, Mom excused herself to go to the bathroom. When she came back I did the same. I used a warm washcloth to clean off our sticky mixture of cum. Emerging from the bathroom I wasn't sure if I should go to my room. Mom silently answered my question, holding the covers up, inviting me into her bed. I slid in and we hugged each other, not for sex, but for love. We parted and Mom rested her head on my chest. As I was stroking her scalp, she fell into a deep sleep. I soon followed.

Waking up first, fear struck me that last night's events might have been a dream. Seeing Mom next to me sound asleep was a relief. It wasn't a fantasy in my mind. I really had made love to my beautiful mother. I gently pulled the covers down exposing Mom's sexy, nude body. Her breasts slowly heaved up and down while she remained in restful sleep. Her nipples were still a dark pink color but weren't engorged and full of blood like last night. I gently stroked her smooth stomach, lightly running my fingers over her ribcage, stopping to feel it rise and fall with her deep sleeping.

Roaming down her smooth stomach, I ran my spread out fingers through her mound of soft fur. Without stopping I continued my light caressing down to her firm thighs, lightly squeezing her hot flesh. She moaned in pleasure as her breasts heaved. I hoped she was dreaming of our first fuck last night.

Bringing my hand back up to her smooth stomach, I slowly moved up to her breasts. Her skin was hot and tight. I gently cupped her nearest mound, marveling in its firmness. I couldn't resist squeezing it as I worshiped her beauty.

Mom's breathing quickened and when I looked up I noticed her staring at me, smiling seductively. She remained silent, contently watching her son worship her breasts. After her nipples were filled with blood she spoke. "Good morning. Do you like playing with your mother's titties? You liked them when you were a child too."

I replied, "You bet Mom. You have great breasts I could fondle these forever. It's a shame I can't remember them from infancy, but I can imagine I loved feeding on them. Your nipples are so sexy and inviting."

I leaned over and kissed her nearest engorged nub. Swirling my rough tongue around her tip, I gently latched onto her hard point. She brought her hands to the back of my head and held me in place while I feasted on her succulent tit. I sucked hard on her taut and upright areole resulting in a long groan.

She gasped, "Oh Honey. That feels good. Suck your mother's tits. Bite them, Sam. Pull and twist my nipples. It's been too long since you nursed from me."

Locked onto her nearest nipple, I sucked and licked her sensitive bud. Moving my hand to her other breast, I massaged and squeezed her meaty tit as my mouth feasted on her full breast. Gently holding her engorged nipple with my teeth I pulled and teased her, causing her to moan and gasp. As I gently pulled her nipple up, I pinched and twisted her other nipple with my fingers.

When she started to hump her pelvis, I released her sensitive teat. Rolling over to meld with her sexy body, I moved up to kiss my mother.

It was a gentle closed-mouth kiss at first, a subtle, loving kiss. Mom changed the pace when she opened her mouth and attacked me with her tongue. We french-kissed while our naked bodies were pressed together. Gasping for air, our breaths were fast and forceful as we made love with our mouths.

Backing off from our intimate kiss, I could see Mom's eyes were once again full of lust as she rolled us over until she was on top. She kissed her way down to my stomach. My prick was already a pillar of rock rising out of my pubic hair. Still kissing her way down, she gripped my pole and slowly stroked up and down.

She rose up to sit on my legs facing me. Her hands explored my hairy thighs, bumping my full ball sack on each upstroke.

"You have such a sexy body, Sam. I've been wanting to caress your legs like you've wanted to do to me." Continuing to rub up and down my thighs, she'd stop to grab a hunk of flesh, playfully pulling and squeezing it.

Bending down, she kissed her way up my hairy thigh until she reached my stiff pole. She lustfully looked up at me as she moved to seductively lick up and down my staff with her rough tongue. She hoarsely said, "Honey. it's been a while since I've sucked a prick, and such a giant one. I made this beautiful cock."

Engulfing my fat head with her mouth, she swirled her tongue around the sensitive helmet. Moving down my pole she sucked hard on my staff. She held my balls and gently squeezed them as she fucked my pole with her hot mouth. Her other hand gripped the bottom half of my prick and stroked up and down as her mouth fucked the top half of my pole. I wasn't going to last long.

"Damn, Mom. You suck cock really good. Your mouth is unbelievable," I gasped as my voice cracked.

She'd bring me to the brink of orgasm before stopping, keeping her warm mouth enclosed around my head. She looked at me with those round, brown eyes as she continued to feast on my stiff shaft of flesh. It was hard holding back my load while I watched my sexy mom perform such a sensual act.

Releasing my cock she rose up and leaned forward to kiss me. We fucked each other with our tongues again. She lifted her pelvis, keeping her eyes locked with mine. Placing her hands on my shoulders to keep her balance, she crawled forward and positioned her hairy pussy over my shaft. When she lowered her body, my shaft became trapped between our sweaty stomachs.

As I started to move my hand between our bodies to position my prick, she moved her head side to side to stop me. When I halted, she began moving her furry slit around my groin. It was a sexy, pelvic dance as she mauled and moved my prick around with her actions.

Lodging my hard shaft on the outside of her slot, she moved up and down, scraping her raw pussy lips. Moving lower, my helmeted head rubbed against her clit at the top of her leaking pussy. Leaving my bloated head in contact with her exposed clit, she moved in circles, stimulating her sensitive nub, moaning and breathing rapidly.

Having enough stimulation on her clit, she moved back to run my fat head up and down her slick slit. Sawing to and fro, slick fluid coated my shaft as Mom's pussy leaked from our contact. I thought she was going to climax without ever penetrating her. Still not using her hands, she moved her hairy mound up my shaft until it was above my trapped prick. My shaft rose up until it was freed from our smothering bodies. Before it could rise too far, Mom backed into it inserting the fat head into the mouth of her hungry pussy.

Our eyes were still locked and I could see the look of triumph when she managed to engulf my prick at this awkward position without any help. She backed up until my cock was several inches in her tight, starved cunt. She rose up placing her hands on my stomach to keep my prick partway out of her snatch. She slowly lowered an inch and then rose back up, allowing my size to stretch her tight channel. Gripping my sides, she fucked my pole, increasing the amount of cock each stroke.

Her look was of total bliss as she slowly fucked me. Moving back and forth while going up and down, she was able to scrape the sides of her pussy that screamed for attention. Precum fluid from her horny snatch was drenching my solid shaft making it easier for her to lower down further. Lifting back up she stopped when my fat head was at the mouth of her clenching pussy. Looking down at me lustfully, she released my sides and fell down until my balls smashed against her ass.

She squealed out in pleasure as she bottomed out, rose up again to plummet back down my shaft. Fucking me hard and fast, I thrust up on her down strokes to lodge my shaft deeper into her cavern. Reaching out with my hands, I stroked her legs as she enjoyed herself being in control of our fuck.

Her head went back as she gasped for air, fucking her son as hard as she could. Juices from both of us were flowing out of her hole as she fucked my slippery shaft. Slowing her pumping, she lowered down, pushing her breasts in front of my face. Knowing what she desired, I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her nearest breast into my waiting mouth.

I mauled her tit while she continued to fuck me. Constant deep guttural groans emanated from her. I captured her stiff nipple, squeezed it between my lips and pulled hard as if milking it.

"God yes. Suck Mommy's tits. You're fucking your horny mother good. I can't believe how much your fat cock fills my cunt. I've fantasized about making love with you for a long time. Whenever you come in me I want to be kissing you. I love you so much!"

My mother knew exactly how to please her son. She locked her mouth on mine as she fucked me. I moved my hands down to her ass and slammed into her pussy. My cock filled with blood making more contact as it scraped the walls of her pussy. A large payload of hot cum shot up my shaft and out the tip.

She climaxed and her pussy contracted on my prick as I continued to deposit load after load of sticky sperm. After we were both spent, she lowered her body to mine. No words were spoken as we fought to breathe.

Her firm breasts were squished out on the sides as she rested on top of my body. I ran my hands up and down her sweaty, smooth back as she recovered from our morning fuck. She rested her head next to mine nibbling on my ear as she caught her breath. Her hot breath on my neck sent shivers through me. Her rapid breathing gradually switched to a longer relaxed intake of air. We were content to say nothing, enjoying the close connection.

"Wow, Mom. What a way to begin a day. What do you say we stay in bed until lunch?" Running my hands down her lower back, I cupped her rounded ass and squeezed her firm globes of flesh. I wondered how many times I could fuck my mom in one day. Visions of different positions flashed through my mind when Mom brought me back to reality as she softly spoke."I'd love to and we will do that one of these days but not today. We have a full schedule ahead of us. We have a client at one in the afternoon. Then we're going to take your aunt out to the movies and dinner and have one more appointment at eight tonight."

Unable to contain my surprise, I exclaimed, "Mom, that's quite an agenda. Do you really want me being with other women now? You're the only one I want. Why don't we tell Sharon we don't want any more clients?"

She giggled and kissed me before explaining. "First off, Sharon doesn't have anything to do with it. She was actually my first customer. I interviewed the other women at their houses."

After taking some time to process this information, I realized Mom had sent me over to Sharon's to give her a baby. This whole time I thought this was Sharon's grand plan. Someone else might have felt used, but I felt nothing but love and admiration for my mother. Everything she did was for my benefit.

"As far as other women, I think it's healthy for you to have other relationships. I also like the fact we're helping women and the icing on the cake is your college expenses are getting paid. As long as you sleep with me at night and sexually take care of me, I'm happy. Although, as much as we're going to be fucking, I won't be able to afford to pay what I charge others."

Her sexy smile and talk regarding our future together were already stirring my prick, but I had to save it for our client in a few hours. As she lifted her body off mine, our skin reluctantly pulled apart bonded together by heat and sweat. We chuckled at the sound it made as we separated.

We rose out of bed to get dressed for breakfast. I put on my robe and Mom started to put on hers. I pleaded, "Mom, would you mind wearing your blue nightie through breakfast? It's something I look forward to each morning."

She dropped her robe as joy spread across her face. "Oh no, Sweetie. I've had that old nightie far too long. That just isn't proper attire for a mother to parade around in."

Seeing my disappointment, she giggled as she went into her closet. I was ready to close my robe and leave when I heard her say, "I've been saving this one for you. Do you think this is more appropriate for a mother to wear around her horny son?"

She walked out of her closet wearing a different nightie. She sexily strutted to the edge of the bed turning slowly displaying her new attire.

It was the same style and color as her other nightie, but the material was translucent. It was sheer enough to see everything underneath. It enhanced her beauty more than I thought possible. As she turned to the side, her hard, pink nipples pushed out the top and her full rounded breasts were clearly visible showing no signs of sagging.

She turned to face me, placing her hands on her waist causing her nightie to further tighten against her nipples. I stared at her beautifully toned bare thighs, then traveled up to admire her hairy pussy clearly visible beneath the thin fabric. Looking up to her beautiful face, her expression was a mix of seeking approval with one of lust.

Scanning her beautiful body my cock quickly filled with blood and rose up and out the front of my robe as if pointing to the prey it desired to attack. Her eyes traveled to my hard cock and she no longer looked like she needed approval. Her face changed to an expression of sexual craving.

As she ran her hands up to her breasts over the smooth fabric, she huskily said, "Well, I see someone likes my newest purchase. The material feels good too. It's silk. Come here and see for yourself."

I walked to her and held her tight, running my hands over the thin silky material, caressing her sexy body.

"You're so beautiful, Mom. You turn me on whenever I look at you. Anything you wear makes me hot," I said as I kissed her passionately. I squeezed her thinly covered breasts, twisting her engorged nipples. She pushed my robe off my shoulders and wrapped her fingers around my hard, throbbing cock. I lowered my hands below her nightie to hold her firm ass. She was panting as she passionately kissed me.

She murmured, "Oh Honey. I love it that you get aroused by me. You've awakened my sexual lust and I adore your wonderful cock. I love what you're doing to me, but we really should eat breakfast and get ready for our next client."

Instead of releasing my cock, she stroked it as her kissing intensified. With my hands still holding her firm buns, I moved her back to her bed. Lowering her down on her back, I positioned her ass on the edge. Holding her legs up caused her nightie to rise and expose her hairy, wet gash. I walked into her, shoving my hard prick into her welcoming snatch. I couldn't believe I was fucking my beautiful mother again and it felt as great as the first time.

My stiff shaft pistoned in and out of her hairy hole. Her breasts flopped up and down beneath the thin nightie as I bottomed out forcefully each time. With her legs on my shoulders, she incoherently muttered out phrases of pleasure as I continued to ravish her body in an attempt to release my pent up sexual lust. Relishing in our incestuous coupling, we could care less about any client today. We concentrated on our primal animal instincts to fuck as no mother and son should be doing.

She was now chanting as I drove my hard prick into her oily hole. "Fuck me hard. Love me,. Fuck me like a true motherfucker."

I pounded her horny pussy until I was near orgasm. With my shaft fully embedded in her cavern, I stopped stroking to allow our excitement levels to lower. We locked eyes as our groins were mashed together. Moving her legs off my shoulders, she wrapped them around my waist pulling me to her. With a lustful look, she opened her arms inviting me to her hot body. A clear invitation from a mother wanting her son to finish fucking her. It was an offering I wasn't going to pass up.

I lowered down to her nightie-clad torso and kissed her open mouth. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight as I continued to stretch her pussy walls with my expanding prick. Holding onto her ass, I pummeled my mother's pussy. As we kissed, we locked eyes continuing to enjoy the spontaneous and exciting coupling. Looking into each other's souls, we communicated our intense and deep love. Her chocolate colored eyes widened, signaling her impending orgasm.

She groaned in my mouth as she battled my tongue. Her pussy squeezed my shaft resulting in my own powerful contraction. I pounded into her at a feverish pace as we experienced our intense orgasms. Inserted fully, I released her mouth to take in a deep breath. I rested my head beside hers as we enjoyed the aftermath of our sinful copulation.

As she licked the outer lobes of my ear, she whispered, "Sam, I think I better wear my robe or we won't make it out of our bedroom."

My heart skipped a beat when she said our bedroom. Confirming we were a loving couple completely committed to each other, she acknowledged our intimate liaison. Normal in every way, except for the fact we surpassed the morally accepted boundaries of a mother-son relationship.

I caressed her nightie-clad back and murmured, "I can't help it, Mom. You're so sexy. I want to be with you every minute of the day. Your body excites me as no other woman can." I kissed her sensuously, then pulled out, allowing a stream of mixed cum to pour out of her saturated pussy. True to her word, she wore her robe, but it didn't deter me from lustfully staring at her body as she gracefully moved around the kitchen.

We quickly finished breakfast and retired to the living room. We still had a couple hours to kill before our client showed up, allowing us to snuggle on the couch. I was afraid I wouldn't recover in time, but sitting close to Mom ignited my lust. Mom's hand went through the front of my robe to lightly hold my semi-hard prick. She probably had the same concerns on whether I'd be able to perform after our morning bout of sex.

Lightly squeezing my shaft, she apprehensively spoke. "Sam, I've had this rule with my clients that there would be no refunds or repeats if the process was unsuccessful. One of them has been persistent though and I feel sorry for the poor girl. She's even offered to double the original amount. I agreed to it, not for the money but because I want to make her happy. She's scheduled at one."

My mind raced through the women trying to figure out which one it was. She said girl. It must be one of the two younger ones. Before I could concentrate more she acknowledged, "It was the lady from two days ago. She was covered, keeping her body hidden except for her beautiful face and her silky, black hair."

It was indeed my lucky day as she was describing Snow White. Images of her black bush contrasting against her smooth, white skin flashed through my mind. My shaft jerked up, signaling my excitement.

Mom still had her hand wrapped around my prick and felt the sudden surge of blood filling it. She bleated, "Should I be jealous of this girl? It looks like you have some special feelings for her."

"She was charming Mom, but you're still my love. You can't be replaced," I said, trying to put her at ease.

She smiled and leaned in to lightly kiss me, no hint of jealousy, looking pleased with her son's happiness.

At the designated time, I retreated to my room to wait for the arrival of Snow White. I sat on my bed nude displaying my semi-hard cock waiting for Mom's entrance. She strolled in wearing her robe and I instantly hardened as I rose up and hugged her which ended with a sensuous kiss. She wrapped her hands around my stiff shaft and stressed, "Let's save this for our client. Hopefully, you'll be successful today. Good luck Honey. Don't forget Rachel is coming over at three."

No reason to wear my robe anymore as I marched down to our room nude with my hard prick swaying back and forth. I entered and noticed a change in how the woman was positioned. The sheet was covering her but it was high like she was on her knees praying, her back pushing up the sheet.

I remembered how she was nervous our first time. I began to comfort her as I uncovered her telling her how I couldn't wait to run my hands over her soft smooth skin again. As I moved the fabric up, she extended her body forward, raising her ass into the air. As I exposed her, I could see she was positioned for fucking doggy style. Maybe she thought this would be a better method to impregnate her.

My prick hardened as I looked at the breathtaking sight. Her long, smooth, pure white flesh accented her black, hairy pussy. She moved her legs apart showing her already wet gash ready for an infusion of sperm. Hard as a rock I moved up to stroke her lily-white meat.

Her skin was hot and firm. I took my time running my hands up and down her smooth thighs. The sides of my hands nestled against her furry slit each time I went to the top. Her sweet, hormonal, pussy scent was strong as she anticipated my fat cock once again stretching her tight channel.

Reluctantly releasing my hands from her firm thighs, my hard aching cock demanded I proceed. Placing my mushroom shaped head on the mouth of her pussy, I rolled it around, lubricating it with her flowing juices. No more foreplay was necessary as I sunk my hard shaft deep into her throbbing pussy.

Moaning in the pillow as my prick descended to the bottom, she shrieked in pleasure when my bloated head slammed against her back wall. Her pussy contracted as she experienced her first orgasm. Holding my prick lodged deep, I stroked her sides and legs allowing her to recover from her fast climax. No sounds came from her as she fought to catch her breath.

I was enjoying the quiet moment, caressing her smooth flesh. My only disappointment was that I couldn't make love to her like a normal couple, kissing her as we made love.

A long groan broke the silence as she moved her hips forward and then back again fucking herself on my pole. She was ready for another round and I was determined to make it as pleasurable for her as it was for me. Gripping her hips, I fucked her hard. I moved up and down with my strokes scraping the head of my prick against her clit each stroke.

The angle of the fuck was causing her pleasure centers to fire off as I bumped and scraped against her tight pussy walls. We fucked hard for ten minutes concentrating on pleasing each other. Wanting this session to last longer to enjoy her body was fading away as I neared my orgasm. I continued to pummel her sensitive pussy as I reached up and kneaded her swaying tits. I squeezed them hard and twisted her nipples between my fingers. Fast breathing and steady moaning were the only sounds coming from her sheet covered head.

Her second orgasm unexpectedly occurred as her pussy suddenly clamped down on my invading prick. Hearing her scream into the pillow, a stream of hot cum shot up through my prick causing my bloated head to explode, spurting out my hot seed and bathing the back of her pussy. Each blast of hot cum I shot into her resulted in another contraction from her convulsing cavern.

I slowly fucked her after our mutual orgasms were finished, relishing in the blissful connection we had just shared.

Crestfallen that the session was already over, I hoped we weren't successful again.

Both of us breathed hard and fast as we recovered from the intense fuck. In a raspy tone, I managed to say, "You are really sexy. I hope this will get you pregnant. If it doesn't, I hope you won't give up and let me try again."

I pulled out leaving her ass uncovered as I backed up. My eyes traveled from her cum filled pussy down her creamy smooth thighs to her delicate feet.

The sheet went flying off as she flipped around and flopped on the bed on her back. Still staring at her legs, Snow White spoke in a sexy French accent. "No hope is necessary. I'm pretty sure you impregnated me last session. This time was for you."

I recognized her voice. I quickly looked up. "Monica?"

"Yes, Sam. Come to me, my love," she cooed as she held her arms open. I lowered down to her, molding my body to hers.

She stroked my scalp as past memories flashed back to me.


It was my last year in our old neighborhood. I loved to walk back and forth to school which was a mile from our house. Each day I went by a preschool which was halfway between our house and school.

On one of those days, I came upon a couple of kids teasing and tormenting a young girl outside the preschool. I broke it up and continued to walk home. I noticed the girl they harassed followed me for a few blocks before I lost sight of her.

Days after this incident the same girl would be waiting by the school for me to pass and then follow me. I didn't think anything of it as she was probably using me to stop the kids from picking on her. After a couple of weeks of this routine, I noticed she went up a walkway to a large house with large bushes on both sides. One day when I walked by I spotted a woman wearing Muslim attire inside the entrance of the hidden walkway. As I passed, she quietly whispered, "Excuse me, Sir. Could I talk to you?"

I stopped, not sure if she was going to accuse me of trying to lure this girl or what. I uneasily responded, "Um, sure. Anything wrong?"

"Please follow me and I'll explain," she said as she went up to the house and waited for me and the girl to enter. After we were in, she removed the covering on her head, revealing her beautiful face. She told her daughter to sit at the table with me. She had a French accent, unlike what I expected from her attire.

She introduced herself as Monica and her daughter as Camila as she went to the kitchen and brought out a plate of warm cookies and two glasses of milk. She set them down in front of us and sat opposite us at the table.

Camila picked up a cookie and devoured it. Monica smiled and told me she was grateful for me protecting her daughter. Kids harassed her because they knew she's a child of a Muslim family. Her French accent intrigued me as I listened to her talk. When Camila finished Monica told her to go to her room and play.

When I began to eat the delicious cookie I felt a bump on my leg. Looking down I eyed a beautiful, short-haired, black cat walking around my legs. I picked her up and she immediately curled in my lap, purring while I petted her. I loved cats and knew where to scratch her neck and head to give her the attention she wanted.

I asked, "And who is this cute girl? I really love cats. Her fur is really sleek."

Monica smiled wide and said, "Her name is Dinah. She likes a lot of attention. My husband hates cats."

That was the first indication she wasn't on board with her marriage. She kept a cat her husband hated and the cat's name was of Jewish origin. That couldn't have set well with her Muslim husband.

Unwilling to further explain the details concerning her cat, she informed me she wanted to thank me earlier but her husband was home and she couldn't talk to another man with him present. He was doing business in the middle east now. She seized the opportunity to thank me.

She was from France and had married her wealthy husband at eighteen when she was pregnant with Camila. She admitted she was naive and easily influenced with the prestige and money afforded to her. Even though their love was brief, she remained with him honoring her obligation. She wasn't religious but she made an effort to observe some of the Muslim rules to satisfy her husband.

We talked for over an hour getting acquainted with each other. Marrying young to a rich Middle Eastern businessman had its advantages as she was able to attend private colleges. I found her to be intelligent and educated as we discussed our lives. She inquired about my studies and we talked at length. She was witty and injected humor into our conversation resulting in us laughing through much of the talk. Sex didn't enter my mind as I connected with this highly educated and charming young lady.

For the next six months, we met dozens of times on my walks home when her husband was out of town. We spent hours together giggling and talking while I pampered Dinah with my affection. I enjoyed the time with Monica, feeling at ease with her pleasant demeanor. I looked forward to walking home in the hope that she'd be waiting for me. Her daughter still kept her distance following me home each day.

Concerned that Camila might mention my visits to her father, I asked Monica whether there would be a problem if her daughter disclosed my visits. She told me her husband never wanted a daughter and as a consequence didn't talk or listen to her. She isolated Camila from him as much as possible and they became experts at keeping secrets.

She never uncovered more than the fabric on her head. I wasn't able to see her beautiful body concealed beneath. We became best friends, probably the strangest and most secret friendship in town. That was the hardest part when Mom mentioned to me we were going to move after graduation.

Monica and I decided we wouldn't keep in touch through email or letters in the chance she might get caught. We both fought back tears on our final visit as we knew we wouldn't see each other again. I didn't tell Mom about Monica even when she questioned me why I was depressed for the first few months after we relocated.


Monica brought me back from my memories bringing me up to date with her life. Her husband divorced her six months ago, desiring a younger wife and one that could provide him with a son. He left Monica with the house, a large sum of money and Camila before he moved back to the Middle-East.

She was more than happy with the arrangement. She wanted another child and wanted the father to be intelligent and sensitive. She loved our talks together and wanted her child to inherit my traits. When she heard the details of our business through her wealthy friends, she seized the opportunity to conceive a baby with me.She thought she would be content once the first session was finished. She was hesitant to reconnect with me for the sole purpose to get pregnant. That's why she concealed herself through our first coupling. After our initial rendezvous, she wanted to meld the lust we shared during our sexual liaison with the emotional relationship we shared in the past. She decided to reveal herself this time and I couldn't have been happier.

We talked for over an hour as we connected again. We explored each other if we hadn't felt a nude body before. Thinking I was probably influenced by her beauty, I didn't tell her I was in love with her, maybe hadn't fallen out of love from our time together before. Better take it slow I thought, chuckling to myself, thinking the definition of a slow courtship probably didn't mean madly fucking and then dating afterward.

I rolled on top of her and we kissed like lovers. Our tongues explored our connected open mouths as we fought to press our bodies together as one. I was hard again and wanted to make love to this woman. We locked eyes as I guided my stiff prick into her wet, receptive hole.

I caressed her full breasts as I sunk my cock to the depths of her hungry cunt. We fucked as lovers caressing each other as we enjoyed the stimulation of my cock smoothly gliding in and out of her pussy. We kissed and hugged each other, enjoying the contact of our hot sweaty bodies. Her body melted into mine as I attempted to satisfy her sex-starved cunt.

Increasing the pace of our fuck, I furiously stroked in and out of her tight snatch. We mashed our mouths together as our sexual liaison intensified.

Barely able to talk, I gushed, "You are so hot and sexy. I loved our time together in the past and now we're joined completely. I'm not letting you go again." I again locked my mouth to hers as we neared a mutual orgasm.

As my prick expanded with hot blood signaling my impending orgasm, she released my mouth to huskily shriek, "Fuck me hard! Fuck me like I'm your mom! Fill my pussy as you do with your mother's."

Images of Mom and I fucking flashed through my mind as blood poured into my expanding shaft. My balls contracted as they shot out the reservoir of hot sperm generated in the last hour. Her body shivered and shook as we enjoyed our synchronized orgasms.

Drained from our intense love-making session, I left my prick soaking in her drenched cunt enjoying the moment of post-coital bliss. I broke the silence by softly asking, "You know? About my mother?"

"Of course I know. With a mother as beautiful and sexy as yours and with you as a son, it was inevitable. She is so hot I wouldn't mind spending some intimate time with her. And if you were my son I would have fucked you long ago. She is a lucky mother to have a hunky, horny son."

I was still embedded in her soaked pussy as I listened to her. I slowly pulled out as I softened, kissing her as we parted. I looked at the clock and realized we had been together far too long. Rachel was coming over in half an hour. Regrettably, I was going to have to end our session.

I told her we needed to continue this later because my aunt was visiting. Feeling more like a lover than a client, I told her I was going to tell Mom to reimburse her. She quickly told me under no circumstances would I tell Mom to do that. She was going to repeat our sessions until my college was completely paid for.

We talked several more minutes, then I stood up to leave. Looking down at her beautiful sexy body with my cum drooling out of her pussy an idea formed. I asked, "Did you really mean it when you said you would want to be with my mom?"

"Oh yea, she is so sexy. I would love to explore her body," she lustfully stammered.

I lifted her knees up and spread her legs wide so when Mom entered the room she'd see Monica's black, hairy pussy drooling out ropes of white semen. "Stay like this, I have a feeling you're in for a treat," I said as I felt my cock stir, admiring the sexy display.

As I was leaving, she quietly pleaded, "Sam, could we get together again, like on a date? I've missed you so much. I'll understand if you don't want to be involved with a woman bringing children into the relationship."

Seeing her fearful expression, I walked over to her and kissed her sensuously promising, "I'd love nothing more than to see you again. We're going to be going out on a lot of dates and Mom will be happy to babysit Camila and Dinah while we're out on the town. I've missed you, too." Her look of fear turned to an expression of joy as she pondered our future together.

I left the door open as I walked down the hall, meeting Mom at the end. As we met I hugged and passionately kissed her. She reached down and clutched my cum soaked prick. She scraped the sides as she pulled her hand along the length of my shaft before bringing it up to her mouth. She smiled as she jested, "I love the taste of your cum, but I hope you left some in our client. I'd hate for you to have to do another repeat."

I quickly replied, "No worries, Mom. She wasn't here for a baby. She came back for me."

She looked taken aback. "I think I am jealous now. She paid for another session just to fuck my son?"

"Relax Mom. She's very sweet and we're old friends. I'm really attracted to her." I reached in her robe with one hand and teased her hard, engorged nipple while kissing her again. My other hand went through the opening in her robe in search of her hairy pussy. As I pushed three fingers into her wet slot I said, "Mom, even if I love other women, we'll still be here for each other. There is nothing stronger than the love of a mother and son. It's a special bond separate from other relationships."

We kissed again and I could see the love in her eyes acknowledging the sinful relationship we'd always have. I removed my hands so she could go meet Monica. Ending my kiss I whispered, "After all, you don't want to be mad at your future daughter-in-law, do you?"

Her panting was still rapid from the short time we connected together. She kissed me in return and said, "I really hope you've found a girl who can provide you with the love you deserve. That would make me the happiest Mother ever."

As I left for my room I quipped, "Mom, since you like my cum so much I don't think our client would mind sharing." I stayed at the bottom of the stairs while Mom went down the hall to meet Monica. She entered our bedroom and seconds later her robe went flying out the door, landing on the hallway floor. I heard her screech, "Sam left such a mess here. Let me clean you up." Sounds of sexual pleasure emanated from our room as I went upstairs to take my shower.

When finished I looked out the window and noticed Rachel walking down the sidewalk half a block away. I had taken longer than I thought with Monica and now my aunt was arriving early. I quickly dressed and ran down the stairs to Mom's room. Monica and Mom were eating each other's hairy cunts and were in the throes of sexual oral bliss.

"Mom, Rachel is arriving early. I'll keep her in the garden while you two finish." No acknowledgment came from either woman as they continued to concentrate on their sexual bonding.

I ran outside and met Rachel as she was nearing the front door. Wrapping my arm in hers I escorted her to the garden around the side of our house. Stalling for time, I walked her through the beds telling her our plans for each. I managed to waste twenty minutes when my aunt looked up and saw movement in the house. "Who's the woman with your mom? I haven't seen her before."

I replied, "Oh, she's a friend Mom had over. Looks like they're running late. We'll be ready to go to the movies and dinner as we planned. Don't worry, it'll just be my favorite two ladies with me tonight."

She smiled at my answer and we walked up to the house to wait. Minutes later Mom came back in the house greeting us with a sexy smile. Her Hawaiian floral dress looked fabulous on her. It was shorter than normal and it was obvious she wore no bra as her pointy nipples pushed out the thin fabric. She looked stunning and Rachel looked surprised when she gazed at Mom's exquisite beauty.

She stared intently at my mother's provocative sexy dress but didn't say anything as we went out to the car. We decided on dinner first as we were hungry. My attention was focused on Mom from her hard nipples poking out the thin material. I felt guilty ignoring my sexy aunt. Her blue lace bra was visible under her tight, sheer blouse and I wondered if her tits were as sexy as Mom's. As I stared at her bra I chuckled to myself wondering if Mom told her my favorite lingerie color was blue.

The hostess at the restaurant greeted us and said, "Hi, Melissa. Glad to see you again. I'll seat you in a nice booth."

"Thanks, Lisa. We'll be right behind you," Mom replied.

Lisa walked us to a secluded booth at the end of a long room. As usual, Mom and I sat on one side and Rachel sat opposite us. As Mom slid in her dress moved up to reveal her sexy thighs. Sitting down, I noticed the table was far enough away from the seat enabling me to easily see Mom's bare legs. Thankfully, Rachel couldn't see anything from her position.

As soon as Lisa left, I asked, "Mom, how do you know her? Do you come here often?"

"I met her here about a couple of months ago. She's a good server and I enjoy my visits with her. She's very nice and friendly. You'll like her."

Before I could ask any more questions, Lisa arrived to take our orders. She remained at our table, engaging us in a friendly conversation. She was tall and very thin. I doubt if she broke a hundred on the scales but she had toned muscles and didn't look unhealthily thin. Her casual talking transitioned to flirting as if she were competing with the two beautiful women accompanying me. Mom and Rachel encouraged her flirtations as Lisa twirled the ends of her short, light-brown, silky hair. I noticed her stealing glimpses of Mom's exposed thighs. All too soon she departed to place our order.

I lustfully stared at her long legs as she walked away. She wore the same skirt as the other servers but due to her height, it looked a lot shorter. Her skirt waistline was positioned higher also, probably because she knew how to flaunt her best asset. I'm sure she received large tips because of her long, lithe legs. Her breasts were hidden beneath her blouse but I surmised they were small, enabling her to go braless. She was the type of girl I'd date at school as she had the same facial features as Mom and my aunt.

As soon as she left Rachel began kidding me about Lisa's flirting and said she thought Lisa had a crush on me. My face was flushed as Mom moved over close to me wrapping her arm around me as if she was consoling me. She jokingly scorned Rachel. "Now stop it, Sis. You're embarrassing my poor son. Besides, I think he likes older women."

"Is it true, Sam? You like the more experienced woman?" my aunt piped as she sexily looked at me.

Thinking briefly of telling her how I love fucking my horny mom, I instead decided to end our discussion. "You two need to stop it. A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

They both smiled and Rachel excused herself to go to the restroom. As soon as she was out of earshot, I looked over to admire Mom's sexy body. "Jesus Mom. You reek of sex. I want to take you home and devour you. Rachel was really impressed too. Did you see the way she stared at you?"

"I have a lot of outfits I can't wait to try on for you. I think Rachel believed she's the only sexy slut in the family. She's probably jealous because you're looking at me more than her. I wonder what she'd think if she knew I wasn't wearing panties either."

Openly leering at her sexy, bare thighs, I lustfully said, "She is quite the looker, much like her sister."

She reached over grabbing my pants, bending my stiff prick as she jokingly remarked, "Watch it buster, Rachel is my baby sister. Behave yourself."

Seeing her sister coming back to the table, she released my prick and whispered, "But not too much."

Mom and Rachel immediately engaged in conversation and I wondered if Mom was aware of Rachel's hard nipples poking out the material of her blouse. It was obvious she had removed her bra in the bathroom. I wondered if she were competing with Mom or Lisa.

Feeling Mom's legs bumping against me was confirmation she also noticed Rachel's display. Grabbing my cloth napkin I moved it below the table and placed it on my leg. I reached over and slid my hand up and down Mom's exposed leg. As my hand ventured higher, I felt the heat from her groin as my hand stopped at her closed thighs.

While still immersed in her discussion with Rachel, she moved her left leg over allowing me access to her hairy treasure. I slowly ran my hand up under her skirt to the top of her luscious thigh. The side of my hand stopped as it hit her mound of fur. Putting pressure on her pussy, I sawed up and down her slit with the edge of my hand. Squirming on the seat, she managed to bring her pussy up for easier access. I ran my fingers up and down her outer lips causing her juices to flow.

As I inserted two fingers into her steaming snatch, her left hand came down under the table. Thinking she was going to pull my hand away, I was surprised to see her moving her skirt up to her waist exposing her pelvis. Her hand went back to the top of the table as she continued to engage Rachel. It was the perfect cover for me to play with Mom's pussy at will. I buried another finger into her wet hole and massaged her sensitive walls.

I had my hand upside down in an uncomfortable position while I played with her pussy. I couldn't stroke in and out as my arm would move, alerting Rachel. Moving my fingers around her leaking pussy, I stimulated it as if I were fucking her. She was having a hard time breathing as she talked to her sister and her voice cracked when I ran my fingers over her engorged clit.

She was nearing orgasm when I noticed Lisa arriving with a large serving tray. As she placed Rachel's plate in front of her, I started to pull my fingers out of Mom's excited pussy to allow her to lower her skirt. Her hand quickly lowered to my hand shoving my fingers back down to the depths of her clasping channel.

She held my hand in her pussy, covering mine along with her mound of hair. Lisa placed my plate in front of me and I could see her looking down at our hands clamped tight to Mom's pussy. She picked up Mom's plate and leaned hard into me squashing her soft tit into my shoulder muttering, "Pardon my reach." She slowly placed Mom's plate down while her eyes were locked onto our erotic display. Mom's gaze was fixated on Lisa's expression to gauge her reaction to our wanton, sexual exhibition.

Lisa lingered, smiled wide, pulled back and asked us if we needed anything else. As she turned to leave, Mom stuttered, "Lisa, would you mind grinding some fresh pepper on my pasta?" Mom leaned back and moved her hand away from mine and shoved it under her ass enabling her to push her pussy up making the display even more erotic.

Lisa smiled wide, retrieving the pepper mill and leaned over to comply with Mom's request. As she pushed her breast into my shoulder, Mom sexily smiled and kept her eyes fixated on Lisa, who was intently staring at Mom's pussy, stuffed full of my fingers. Lifting her groin up a few inches provided Lisa with a clear view of her hairy snatch stuffed full of my fingers. As Lisa's eyes were locked on Mom's groin, I moved my wet, slick fingers out and back to the bottom.

I glanced over at Rachel, fearing she would see Lisa mesmerized at our exhibition but was relieved when I noticed she was concentrating on her plate of pasta.

"That's probably enough pepper," I said. She stopped cranking the shaker but lingered to stare at Mom's voyeuristic display. Lisa's breath was short and rapid as she backed up and asked us if there was anything else we needed. Mom told her we were good and thanked her for the great service.

Lisa sexily smiled as she turned and walked away. I intensified my attack on Mom's pussy as it would be overly suspicious now if I left my left hand under the table for much longer. As Mom ate her peppery entree, I mauled her sensitive pussy. Her face was flushed and her pussy pulsated in anticipation of a climax. Moving my forefinger and thumb up to the top of her slit, I rolled and squeezed her slick, engorged clit. Stroking it as she would do to my prick, I soon felt her orgasm commence.

She shrieked as her pussy shook and let loose with a flood of juices as she came on my intruding hand. Rachel looked up and seeing my Mom's flushed face exclaimed, "Melissa, are you feeling okay? You look like you're burning up."

Mom grabbed her glass of water and took a few big gulps and managed to spout, "Maybe too much pepper at once. I'm okay now." Satisfied with her sister's answer, Rachel resumed eating. I removed my hand from Mom's soaked pussy, wiping my fingers off on my napkin. After I moved my soiled cloth over to Mom's leaking slit, her hand came down to take over. After cleaning up her juices, Mom placed my soaked napkin on my leg and moved her skirt back down. Mom and Rachel continued talking as if nothing had happened. When we were finished eating I reached down and brought my napkin up to my face as if I were wiping my mouth but instead deeply inhaled Mom's pussy scent.

Mom smiled and bumped her leg acknowledging my action. Lisa showed up with the check and asked us if we needed anything else. She smiled as she teased, "Perhaps some Cream Pie would be good?"

Mom replied, "Not now Lisa, perhaps later. Thanks though." Rachel didn't act wise to their secretive talk as Lisa smiled wide and walked away. Mom paid with cash leaving a generous tip. I wondered if she was giving Lisa hush money or was it because she liked her.

Rachel stood to leave as I did the same to let Mom exit. As they walked out I turned to the table to rearrange my prick which had hardened at an odd angle. I reached down and adjusted my cock to point straight up along my stomach in a more comfortable position.

I turned to leave and practically ran over Lisa. She smiled as if she knew what I had been doing and walked up close enough that the mixture of her light perfume and sweat swept over me. Her face was inches from mine before she spoke. Our eyes locked as she told me how much she enjoyed waiting on us. She moved closer pushing a soft firm breast into my arm and shoved her exposed thigh between my legs pressing it against my stiff prick.

Rubbing her leg back and forth on my covered cock, she said we should ask for her next time to get a good booth. Massaging my prick with her leg, she smiled and softly purred, "I wrote my schedule down for you. I would love to serve your party again."

Moving her closed fist to mine, she transferred the note to my hand. Expecting a piece of paper, I was pleasantly surprised to feel a flimsy, silky pair of panties. They were damp and warm, no doubt a result from watching our sexual display. I thanked her as I put her panties in my pants pocket.

I picked up my napkin soaked with Mom's juices and held it to her hand closing her fingers around it. I leaned into her pushing my hard cock into her thigh and whispered, "I'm afraid Mom made a mess of this napkin. She had to use it to clean up some leaking juices."

Lisa sucked in a deep breath of air and her eyes widened as she digested the taboo nature of our relationship. Her face turned from surprise to lust as she firmly took the soaked napkin from my hand.

I thanked her and said goodbye, leaving her to catch up to Mom and Rachel. Halfway to the door, I turned to see her in the booth we were in. One hand was pressing the cum-drenched napkin to her face while her other hand was under the table. Knowing her pussy was getting a pounding as a result of Mom's scent and the knowledge that she witnessed a mother and son commit a sinful act made me smile wide as I left the restaurant.At the theater, I sat between Mom and Rachel. Mom wrapped her arm around me when the lights dimmed. I did the same to her and we leaned against each other. Knowing Rachel couldn't see my roaming hand, I cupped Mom's braless tit as we watched the feature film. Mom leaned over close and whispered, "I know it doesn't matter, but you definitely have my full approval if you want to marry Monica."

Remembering the image I had of those two locked in sex, I smiled and leaned back and whispered, "Of course it matters and I'm glad you like her. It means a lot to me."

My aunt noticed Mom's arm around me and put her around me leaning into me. The side of her soft braless tit was pressed into my side. With her other hand, she pulled my arm around her back to rest my hand on her waist. I had my arms around two beautiful women. Afraid of being as bold with Rachel as my mom, I slowly slid my hand to below her breast holding onto her ribcage.

As the movie credits scrolled Mom rose to leave. Rachel slumped in her chair causing her fat breast to fall in my hand. In an unconscious reaction, I squeezed her full, meaty breast. I quickly released her luscious tit, covering my action by saying, "Sorry Auntie. Guess I lost my balance for a moment."

She smiled and chuckled "I didn't notice anything, Sam. Only a perfect gentleman that likes older women and never tells."

Once again I had to adjust an uncomfortable stiff prick before we left to go home. It was a short ride back to our neighborhood. Mom stopped the car in front of Rachel's house and told me to walk her sister to her door and then come right home. Remembering we had an appointment in less than two hours I knew I didn't have time to go in and talk.

After I walked my sexy aunt to her door, she turned to me and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. She rarely hugged me before tonight, catching me off-guard. Hot air hit my ear as she whispered, "I'm really happy you're here this summer and I love hanging out with you. Thank you for a wonderful evening."

She kissed me on the neck and tightened her hug. Her soft, meaty breasts mashed into my chest as she pushed her hips into my stiff prick. She backed off and gave me a sexy smile as she entered her house. I walked home with a raging hard-on. Reviewing the events of the past few days, it seemed clear that Aunt Rachel was coming on to me. I wondered what Mom would think if I fucked her younger sister.

Opening our front door I bumped into Mom standing in the hallway. She had changed out of her dress and was wearing a tight white blouse tucked into a short, black, pleated skirt. "Wow, Mom. You look like a cheerleader, but way sexier. You're the definition of erotic."

"I have to keep up with your aunt, don't I?"

Changing the conversation she told me she hadn't personally met our client since the details were finalized online. We were to conduct our business in a hotel in another part of town, close to Sharon's place. It was twenty miles away. We had no time to waste. Our instructions stated I was to retrieve the room key at the front desk and I should be alone. Mom changed this part of the plan and insisted she go with me. I happily agreed as I loved our time together.

I pulled out Lisa's panties and told Mom I should put them in my room. Seeing her puzzled look, I told her Lisa had written her schedule down in order to get her as a server again. Mom looked excited as her thoughts went back to our public exhibition.

She lustfully retorted, "On her panties, no less. Maybe we should invite her over to give her a more intimate show." Smiling wide in agreement, I dropped Lisa's panties on the end table and wrapped my arm through Mom's as we walked out to the car.

On the drive to the hotel, I couldn't stop myself from running my hands up and down Mom's bare legs as she drove. Contented with feeling her sexy thighs I didn't venture up far enough to see if she was wearing any panties. Before I knew it we were pulling into the well-lit parking lot. The hotel was upscale which offered suites so at least it was going to be a pleasant room.

Exiting quickly I went around to the driver's side to help Mom out. As she moved her legs to the ground, her skirt rode up and my eyes locked onto her hairy bush. Evidently, Mom wasn't ever going to wear panties again. She held out her hands as an invitation to help her stand up. Once up she hugged me and whispered, "You see anything you like?"

I hoarsely answered, "Damn Mom. Why don't we rent a room and forget the client?"

"Don't worry Sam. This is the last one for a while, and after you're done we're going to spend a lot of time together. Now let's fulfill our commitment."

We were early so we went to the bar and sat at a table in the back to wait. Mom ordered a glass of wine to drink while we waited for my appointment. Suddenly, she leaned close and whispered, "Don't be obvious but look over at the booth next to the bar. She's one of our prior clients. I hope she doesn't recognize me."

Scanning the crowd I located the couple Mom was talking about. I never saw their faces, but this lady had such a deep tan that I knew right away she was the first one on our list. She wasn't going to notice anyone as her attention was riveted on a guy my age. I silently laughed when I realized they resembled each other.

Whispering back, I said, "I see them, Mom. You don't need to worry, they're not interested in anyone else."

"He looks young enough to be her son. I wonder why she hired us with such a nice young man to service her."

I replied, "He is her son. I might have initiated that. We kind of shared a mother-son fantasy during our session."

Mom jabbed me in the ribs as she giggled, "You're so bad. We should charge more for you providing sex therapy along with your sperm donation."

Looking at her watch, she said, "Okay Sam. Time for your show." We both got up and held our hands together as she leaned into me and said she'd wait for me and wished me luck. I figured with one of our clients in the bar, Mom wasn't ready to take a chance and display public affection. Caught off guard, she wrapped her arms around me, hugged me tight and kissed me as a wife would do with her loving husband.

I reluctantly parted and headed to the front desk. The receptionist greeted me as I provided my last name. She searched the counter for a moment and handed me a paper holder containing a key card. She smiled as she commented, "Oh yes. I checked your lovely wife in earlier. Have a fun night, Sir."

On my way up to the room, I mentally analyzed the tone and expression from the clerk. She didn't sound sincere and I wondered how many high priced prostitutes they catered to. I swiped the door lock and entered the front room which was dimly lit from night lights.

I could see a lighted bedroom off to the side where I assumed the woman would be waiting. I quickly removed my clothes and made my way to the bedroom. A sheet covered the woman in the same manner as Mom's bed. It was evident Mom had given her explicit instructions on the procedure.

I greeted her and assured her I would be slow and gentle. Moving the sheet up to her knees revealed her lower legs. They were legs of a young woman and they were firm and toned. I caressed them, telling her how great they felt. When I thought she was relaxed enough, I pushed the sheet up to the tops of her thighs. I stroked her firm thighs marveling in the beauty of them.

They were like my mother's but a younger version. I recognized them as Aunt Rachel's. I couldn't believe both of my closest family members thought they could fool me. I have been lusting these legs as long as I had Moms.

Wondering how she discovered our business, I recalled how she used to visit us in the old neighborhood and still had a lot of friends there. My thoughts snapped back on how to proceed. My lust for my beautiful aunt was going to be fulfilled and I wanted it to be special for both of us.

Should I do the same as I did to my mother, prolonging the seduction to the end? Will she pretend as my mother did? If my aunt wanted to fuck me, she was going to have to tell me to do it. I wasn't going to let her act like she's a client for long.

A sharp intake of air could be heard as I moved the sheet up to her midriff in one fast move. Her beautiful pussy was on display now. She was clean-shaven, not one hair on her mound. She must have spent some time preparing herself today as it looked smooth as glass. I moved up close and placed my hard shaft on the side of her leg as I caressed her creamy thighs. Her legs moved out exposing her wet gash. She was ready for her nephew to fuck her needy slot. I ran my fingers up and down her wet slit and inserted three fingers into her hole.

She was wet and ready. I finger fucked her cavern until she was moaning in pleasure. Capturing her clit between my fingers, I rolled the sensitive nub causing her to move her hips from side to side. She humped up trying to convince me to complete her fantasy. I moved the head of my prick to the mouth of her pussy and swirled it around her fat, wet lips. As she humped up to lodge it in her canal I backed off keeping it from entering.

Now was the time to taunt my beautiful aunt. "Your thighs are so smooth and sexy. I love feeling them," I commented as I massaged and caressed her meaty flesh. "My aunt's legs are like these. I've wanted to touch them for a long time. She's the sexiest woman I know and I would love to be doing this to her."

She moaned louder and increased the movement of her hips. Her legs couldn't be any further apart granting me full access. I went back to playing with her pussy as I taunted, "Your pussy is perfect too. I imagine this is what my aunt's pussy looks like. It's begging for my hard prick."

I teased her pussy with my cock, poking in an inch and withdrawing several times before saying, "Your pussy is as hot and tight as a virgin's. I wish my aunt would ask me to fuck her. I really want to hear those words. Can you tell me that? Can you tell your nephew to fuck you hard!" I stuck my bloated head in her pussy several inches and quickly pulled it out, elevating her excited state.

She took hold of the sheet and threw it off the bed screaming, "Goddammit Sam. Yes, I want my nephew to fuck me. Don't tease me anymore, shove your huge prick in your aunt's horny hole!"

Her lustful face conveyed the urgency of her desire to fuck her sister's son. I leaned down to kiss her as I slid my cock into her hot sheath. I lowered my weight on her as we locked our mouths together, tongue fucking each other as I slid the rest of the way into my sexy aunt.

Sliding my hands between our hot sweaty bodies, I grabbed her meaty breasts and mauled them, twisting her sensitive nipples as I fucked her hard. She pulled her mouth off to gasp for air. Her breasts heaved up and down against my chest as her excitement level increased. She was receiving the incestuous fucking she had fantasized the last several years. I continued my assault on her sensitive breasts as I hammered in and out of her drooling pussy.

She panted rapidly and groaned as her pussy was filled with more cock than she'd ever experienced. Her pussy walls snapped shut as I pulled my shaft back to her entrance, stretching out again as I forcefully plowed back in.

Before I was close to achieving my orgasm my aunt's pussy clamped down on my prick as she climaxed. Her contractions continued as I thrust in and out. Several strokes later she went limp from her quick and intense orgasm. I pulled out and was going to move off when she pulled me down tight as Mom had done.