"Your turn, dummy!" my aunt chirped.

"That's not nice, Amber," Mom rebutted, coming to my defense.

"You coddle your son too much, Avery," Amber whined. "You've turned him into a Mama's Boy."

"Nonsense," Mom retorted. "Through hard work and dedication to his goals, he's advancing in his apprenticeship and has plenty of stress, without you lambasting him, too."

"Exactly," Aunt Amber replied. "Working at a place where his mommy is employed, and you were probably instrumental in him obtaining the sought-after position."

I didn't interact with their playful squabbling because this is what they enjoyed doing. Tempers never flared while they sparred with each other.

Mom hesitated, before softly answering, "You know why he was accepted."

Silence. Mom had won this battle as my aunt would never pursue this conversation. Dad was killed six years ago by a freaky, on-the-job accident. Mom could've sued for much more than the company offered in compensation, but she accepted their offer. She knew Dad loved his employer and wouldn't have wanted her to fight for more.

It was still a generous offer, and after Mom accepted their terms, the firm offered her a position in addition to the settlement. It was to their benefit because Mom was promoted quickly in the company, assuming the head of a department. Her success was instrumental in securing my apprenticeship.

Their eyes turned to me when their discussion had terminated. Both intently watched, while I concentrated on which card to play. I was unable to remember what Mom had picked up earlier. Mom's wide grin wasn't helpful, and somehow she knew the conversation had knocked out any strategic information I might have held. Taking a wild guess, I plopped down the six of spades.

Mom's smile widened when she laid down her cards and declared, "Gin. You two lose again. Have fun cleaning the kitchen. I'm taking my shower and will meet you in the living room."

Aunt Amber threw her cards on the table and exclaimed, "Figures. He probably knew you needed it to win your affection." Mom grinned and left for her bedroom. Amber ordered, "Same as always, Austin, you haul, and I'll be the brains of the outfit." Her happy disposition was contagious, with both of us laughing while working. We were used to losing and didn't mind, since it provided Mom a well-deserved break.

Once we cleaned the dishes and showered, we joined Mom. My aunt and I sat on opposite ends of the couch while Mom sat in her stuffed, comfortable chair. Mom rested her legs on her ottoman resulting in her robe rising several inches above her knees. My eyes gazed at her beautiful legs, and when I looked up, her smile greeted me.

She had become accustomed to my leering, and it didn't bother her anymore. When I first admired her shapely legs a year ago, she would blush and conceal herself, but eventually relinquished and only smiled in return. Maybe she was happy that someone was paying attention to her alluring attributes.

My aunt's outstretched legs on the coffee table reminded me of how different they were. There were almost no physical resemblances between the sisters. Aunt Amber was much younger than mom, ten years older than me at twenty-nine. She was taller than mom by four inches and nearly as tall as me at six feet. Her legs were thin, almost too skinny, as was the rest of her slim figure.

Amber's fingers running through her scalp caught my attention. Her hair was blonde and silky, while Mom's thicker locks were reddish-brown. Amber's pixie cut framed her cute face, while Mom preferred a shoulder-length cut with bangs that terminated an inch above her brows. Amber's eyes locked onto mine while I checked out her lithe body.

"What's going on this weekend? Any hot dates?" my aunt asked me.

"No, I'm taking a break from dating," I replied. "My new job commands much of my time, and I don't want to jeopardize my progress." In fact, I had quit dating months ago because no one could compete with my beautiful mother. Everyone I had taken out had a hidden agenda, and sex with them was just a means to their goal. Admittedly, I sabotaged many relationships, as my love for Mom prevented me from fully committing.

"Work, eh?" my aunt replied. "You wouldn't want to make your mother look bad, would you? Plus, it gives you an excuse to be with your mommy all weekend."

Mom grinned at her sister's needling. It was my turn to spar with her sister while Mom enjoyed the banter.

Aunt Amber had hit the nail on the head, but I wasn't admitting anything. "How about you, Auntie? Are you going out with one of your winners again?" I asked with a sarcastic smirk, using air quotes.

Aunt Amber's look of disdain summed up her dismal track record in selecting men. Mom chuckled when her sister's face flushed with embarrassment. "No," my aunt responded. "I'm taking a break, too. Maybe I'll hang with you two this weekend if you don't mind a third wheel."

"That sounds wonderful, Sis," Mom interjected. "We'd love your company, wouldn't we, Austin?"

Not really, but I knew it would make her happy. "Of course, Mom. It'll be fun."

Mom had taken my aunt under her wing when my grandmother died four years ago. Their relationship strengthened after that, and my aunt regularly spent much of her free time at our place. Mom set up a bedroom for her to stay overnight whenever she wanted. Her visits had become more frequent and lengthier in the last few months, apparently from my aunt's loneliness.

Aunt Amber smiled at Mom's invitation. Shifting her focus to me, she asked, "Austin, it's your turn to pick the movie tonight. What do you have for us?"

She was way too happy. It was time to take her down a notch. "I found a romantic film, and I think you'll find it especially appealing since it mirrors many of your relationships."

"Oh, nice. That's very sweet of you," my aunt shimmered with delight.

"It's a classic. Jack and the Beanstalk," I giggled. What made it even funnier was that one of her dates was a Jack, and he was much shorter than her.

Amber's face flushed again while Mom giggled at her sister's expense. My aunt's reply was blowing me a raspberry.

They were both happy with my actual selection, enjoying the rest of the evening.


The weekend was more fun than I had imagined possible. My aunt enhanced my time with Mom. Her long strides kept her well ahead of us while Mom and I maintained closer contact. When my aunt continued to gain distance between us, I softly asked, "Mom, do you want me to tell Amber Long Legs to wait for us?"

"No," Mom giggled. "I wish you wouldn't make so much fun of her. You don't know how many men have dumped her because of her tall and thin stature. She doesn't act as if it bothers her, but she hides it well. I'm proud of how much she's improved her life since Mom died. Since she's obtained her nursing certification, her life has turned around."

Feeling bad that I may have hurt Mom's or my aunt's feelings, I apologized, "Sorry, Mom. Other than the few losers I've seen her bring over, I thought she must be doing okay. She's pretty, and with her great personality, she should be able to win over anyone. Of course, she can't compare with her sister."

"Thanks, Austin. It'd make me happy if you could treat her like you do me," she replied and reinforced her suggestion by interlacing her arm with mine. Squeezing my hand, she pulled me near her.


From then on, I placed my aunt on the same high pedestal as my mother. The rewards were immediate; Mom's show of affection increased. Aunt Amber responded in the same manner and was much nicer to Mom and me. She ceased making fun of my close relationship with Mom and spent more time with us.

Their goodnight hugs were tighter and longer each night. Although Mom's fuller breasts felt great squashed against me, my aunt's were equally pleasant because she never wore a bra. Their previous sparring had transformed into vying for my attention.

One night when Mom and I returned from dining out, Aunt Amber was waiting for us. While we played a game, Amber piped, "Avery, I'd enjoy a night out with your son once in a while. Would you mind if we went out to dinner by ourselves?"

Mom's smile widened. "That would be wonderful. It's a nice break to get out and enjoy the town, and he's pretty good company."

"Mom," I huffed. "I'm right here. Just pretty good?"

The sisters laughed, and we finished the evening as usual. My weeknights alternated between taking them out separately and together. While they didn't display any romantic overtures in public, they never referred to themselves as being relatives. Both of them could pass as my dates, and they never corrected anyone when they assumed we were a couple.

The time spent with my aunt turned out better than ever. Her vibrant personality made our dinners fun, and our relationship grew closer. It didn't hurt that she was a sexy and attractive lady. There were moments when I yearned to kiss her and tell her how I felt.

A feeling of guilt swept through me when I realized I was falling in love with my aunt. Why did it feel like I was cheating on Mom? My love for my mother was seemingly one-sided; she had shown no desire for a physical relationship.

Each time my aunt dropped me off at home after dining, Mom made me describe in detail our outing. She recommended some topics for me to bring up the next time and offered compliments that her sister would appreciate. I couldn't believe that Mom was coaching me on seducing my aunt. Was she tired of my leering and trying to steer me to someone else?

Mom's tips worked, resulting in Aunt Amber openly flirting with me when we dined out. She held my hand when walking outside and bumped her slender body against mine whenever possible. She persuaded Mom to give up another night a week so she could spend more time with me. Mom's crooked smirk cried out that she was proud of her matchmaking skills.

It wasn't long before her affectionate actions progressed at home. When I emerged from my shower one night, Aunt Amber patted the spot next to her on the couch. Once seated, she leaned into me and rested her head on my shoulder while watching TV. "I hope you don't mind your aunt using you for support. Your warm body is comforting after a day at work," she lamented.

Wrapping my arm around her, I pulled her close. "No worries, Auntie. I've never been one to complain when a beautiful woman wants to be closer to me." The flowery scent of her hair and the close contact of her body awakened my prick. I made a note to arrange myself before coming out to the living room in the future.

Mom's adoring smile made me feel good; Aunt Amber sighed with delight.


The next time I was out with my aunt, she asked, "Austin, I have a favor to ask of you, and I'd like you to hear me out before making up your mind."

"Sure, Auntie. If it's important to you, I'll do whatever I can."

"A good friend wants to bear a child, has no partner, and doesn't want to take a chance with a random guy."

Talk about a surprise. Was my aunt trying to hook me up with one of her friends? "You're a nurse. Isn't artificial insemination commonly used?" I asked. "That should be a simple procedure, routinely performed at the clinic where you work."

"That's the problem," she sighed. "She's looking for a specific father. Her desire is for you to fertilize her."

"What?" I exclaimed. "Why me? Is she a stalker? Why wouldn't she ask me if she knows me?"

"She doesn't want to reveal her identity, but she does know you and is hopeful that you'd help her. I'm not sure why she picked you, but she's adamant about it."

The concept was intriguing. Some mysterious woman selected me out of all the people she knew. The potential consequences of fathering a child to someone unknown bothered me. "You know I'd do anything to help you, but I have a lot of reservations. What if she comes back at a later date and demands child support? As much as I'd like to assist you, I'm afraid I'll have to pass on this. I hope this doesn't come between us."

"I understand," my aunt sighed, and squirmed uneasily in her seat.

Her distant expression led me to believe she would pursue the subject. She surprised me when she stated, "Let's drop it. I asked, and that's enough. Our friendship is more important. Would you like a tour of my workplace now that we've finished our meal?"

Her pleading, sexy smile was all I needed to agree. "Of course, I'd love to see your clinic."

It was a short drive, and it didn't occur to me that it would be closed. Unlocking the door, Amber escorted me through the rooms, ending with the one where she performed most of her work.

"I didn't realize your clinic was so small," I remarked. "Don't they frown on employees entering the premises during off-hours?"

"They know I come in after work to catch up on things. No one ever shows up, so I can enjoy the tranquility and finish my work faster. What do you think of my workspace?"

It was a large room with several medical machines that I didn't recognize. In the middle of the room was an examination table alongside what I assumed was a gynecological chair. Staring at the attached metal apparatus, I wondered how it functioned.

My suspicions were confirmed when my aunt noticed my look and explained, "They're stirrups, used in examining a woman's pelvic area. You're lucky you'll never have to endure the humiliation from one of those."

My face scrunched up in response to imagining my ankles secured while my legs spread. Amber laughed at my discomfort.

Her face turned serious, stating, "Austin, I'm going to tell you something that I shouldn't, and you absolutely can't tell anyone. Promise me."

"My lips are sealed, Auntie."

"My friend is more than that, and it's clear I have to tell you who she is. The woman that wants your child is your mother, Avery."

My face flushed, and my groin tingled while I digested this piece of information. My lust for Mom resurfaced, and it excited me that she desired to bear my child. "Why didn't she tell me? I didn't even know she wanted another," I stuttered.

"That should be obvious why she didn't discuss it with you. You're her son. It's more than a little awkward to ask your child to impregnate you. As to why, my guess is that she dearly misses your father and wants to honor him in some way. She's been wanting a child for a couple of years but waited until you could move out of the house in case you didn't want to remain."

That was disheartening news. Mom's affection towards me was the result of my resemblance to Dad. Additionally, she had orchestrated a closer relationship between my aunt and me to persuade me to agree to provide sperm for Amber's 'supposedly' friend. My love for Mom overrode any feelings of self-pity I might have held. She deserved to fulfill her dreams, and I would do everything I could to help.

"Tell me what you need," reassuring my aunt that I was onboard. "I want Mom to be happy and will do anything for her."

Aunt Amber smiled wide, confident that I was committed to the process. "The unusual circumstances involving your mother and you require a less than normal method of insemination," Amber explained.

She paused, collecting her thoughts before continuing, "Cooling and reusing your sperm will be out of the question. I'll have you wait in another room while I prep your mother in this room. When she's ready, I'll collect the sample from you and inject it into your mother. Neither of you will see each other. She'll be under the belief that you don't know her identity."

Clasping my hands tightly, she intently stared into my eyes before commanding, "You have to be careful. It's our secret; you agreed to keep it."

"No problem, Auntie. I'll keep it between us. You're the CNA. I'll leave the technical stuff to you."

"Since you're so agreeable, I think we should start immediately. We have to verify your sperm count for viability to know if it's a feasible option."

"Really?" I questioned. "How many young men have low sperm counts?"

"Not many, but there's a chance, and since we may have to do this more than once to impregnate your mother, we need to ensure you have no problems. Go into my office next door and put on a robe. There's a beaker on my table you can fill."


"Yes," she replied. "No time like the present."

Knowing she wouldn't take no for an answer, I located her office and found a rack of surgical garments. Stripping down, I threw on a gown and slowly stroked my shaft while focusing on images of Mom's legs. Hearing the door open, I hurriedly closed the flaps to cover myself. "Amber! Little busy here," I exclaimed.

"Relax," my aunt replied. "It's nothing I haven't seen before. Come with me."

She led me to the exam room and sat in a chair while I stood near her. "Open up. Let's see what we're dealing with," Amber ordered.

Blushing, I hesitated, and before I could object, my aunt pulled my gown back to expose my semi-hard prick. "Well, it certainly looks like it's in working order," Amber giggled as her eyes widened. Cupping my testicles, she judged, "Your balls are large and probably hold an abundance of sperm. When was the last time you ejaculated?"

Still embarrassed from exposing myself to my aunt, I was reluctant to admit anything to her.

"Austin, did you hear me? When was the last time you jerked off?"

Time to fess up as she wasn't going to drop it. "This morning, around nine."

"Hmm," Amber pondered. "Right after breakfast with your mom. We'll need around three days to build up a full tank. Don't masturbate anymore until we perform the procedure."

"Okay, Auntie," I hoarsely replied. When she gently squeezed my balls, I moaned.

"Did that hurt?" Amber asked.

"No, not in the least."

"While I examine the rest of you, let me know if you feel any discomfort," Amber slurred, wrapping one hand around my shaft. Her fingers traced along my length, pressing in the groove along the bottom of my stem.

When her fingers hit my ridge, she traced around the outside and gently squeezed my tip. Within seconds, pre-cum oozed out my slit. "Congratulations," Amber declared. "You're a healthy, normal young man. I didn't realize my sister had you circumcised."

"It's not like I had a choice," I chuckled. "And I don't advertise it when I meet someone."

Amber wrapped her hand around my helmeted cap and lightly twisted it. "It's supposed to be more hygienic for the man and his partners, but I think the real benefit is how it looks. I love the puffy, mushroom-shaped head of a circumcised cock." Her voice was raspy while she admired my manhood.

Lowering down my stem, her hand filled with my growing cock. When it jerked and filled with blood, my aunt chirped, "Wow, I thought it was already hard. How much bigger does it get?"

"I don't know, maybe a little. It's taking longer than normal because I'm a little embarrassed with you here."

She stroked my shaft in response, coating my cock with my leaking, slick juices. After a dozen pumps, I fully hardened; her eyes glazed over with lust. "Has your mom seen this?" she rasped.

"When I was a child, I'm sure. Probably not since. Why?"

"It would certainly explain why she desired your genetic material," she murmured. "Take over, and I'll position the beaker."

Holding it with both hands near my cock, she intently stared while I stroked my painfully-hard prick. Although it was exciting jerking off in front of my aunt, I wasn't getting close to an orgasm.

"Frankly," Amber resounded. "I can't imagine why your mother doesn't ask you to do it the old-fashioned way with your impressive equipment."I imagined fucking my mother, and that's all it took. Amber held the cup and captured spurt after spurt erupting from my prick. Blobs of semen stuck against the walls of the beaker before sliding to the bottom.

"I missed my calling and should have been a shrink," Amber giggled. "Every man wants to fuck his mother. I figured that would help you out."

"Maybe it was your gentle hand and your sexy stare that contributed," I rebuked, hoping to deflect her knowledge of my lust for Mom.

"No. Hot aunts used to be the standard for men, but now it's always the mommy. You don't know how many dates have dumped me because their mother disapproved of their choice. Don't worry, Austin. Your secret is safe with me."

Standing, she ordered, "Close up and follow me. Next is the fun part."

Walking down the hall, we entered what appeared to be a lab. Using a pipette, she dropped a dollop of semen onto a slide and expertly installed a coverslip. Placing it under a microscope, she turned on a switch and made several adjustments. "Excellent," she declared. "Take a look."

Peering into the scope, I saw my sperm rapidly swimming in an attempt to locate an egg. A grid interface overlaid the slide for what I assumed was a way of making an accurate count.

"There's no need for further analysis," my aunt declared. "The density is higher than normal. Notice how fat and healthy they are and how they're swimming in straight lines? Perfect specimens from my dear nephew. We're ready to proceed with your mother."

Once dressed, we departed for home. Dropping me off before returning to her apartment, she instructed, "Remember, no masturbation and under no circumstances mention anything to your mother. I'll let you know in a few days when I have it set up."


Subsequent evenings on the couch became cozier, my aunt snuggling closer than before. Her elbow periodically and discreetly jabbed into my groin, desiring to reacquaint herself with my prick. When we were dining on our night out three days later, my aunt announced, "Dessert only tonight. Your mom will be at the clinic in an hour for our first attempt."

Although I wouldn't be able to witness anything, my prick jerked at the thought of impregnating my mother. "Did you tell her I refused at first?" I asked, wondering how she skirted the issue of having to tell me everything.

"No," Amber replied. "She still has no idea that you know."

It wasn't long before we were in Amber's office preparing for Mom's arrival. My aunt detected my nervousness and used her cheerful personality to calm me. When it was near the time of Mom's scheduled arrival, Amber instructed, "I'll meet her at the door. Start preparing yourself. I don't want her waiting too long for your semen." Pecking me on the cheek, she turned and left.

After shucking off my clothes, I soothingly stroked my prick. Staying abstinent for the previous few days had made me horny, and I quickly hardened. It wasn't long before I heard muffled voices in the next room. Although the walls were thin, I couldn't discern much of their conversation. Looking around the office, I spotted a stethoscope on a hook. Once plugged into my ears, I put the mirrored end against the adjoining wall and was surprised by how well it worked. I could hear everything they were saying.

While Amber described the procedure, Mom interrupted, "Sis, I don't want you to use a syringe to inject his semen. I want it to occur as close to natural as possible. Stick it in with your fingers and allow his sperm to explore. It'll make it feel less clinical to me."

"Avery, It won't be as effective," Amber replied. "I'll respect your wish, though. Lie back, and I'll prepare you."

While stroking my cock through their silence, my thoughts visualized the action in the adjoining room. A tinge went through my pelvis when I heard Mom groan and croak, "That's enough finger action. I'm wet and ready for his sperm."

Hanging the medical instrument back on the hook, I resumed pumping my cock. Amber quietly opened the door and smiled when she saw my rock-hard cock for the second time. She knew how thin the walls were, whispering, "Okay, fill the beaker. Your mother is prepared and ready."

Even with my quickened pace, I wasn't close to cumming. Aunt Amber squirmed and was anxious to proceed. Handing me the cup, she ordered, "Hold this. We can't let her wait too long. Let me take over."

One hand wrapped around my cock while the other cupped my balls. My aunt's long, slender fingers spread out while pumping me. On the upstroke, she squeezed out my pre-cum, slathering my shaft. Her hand-job was impressive, causing my excitement to elevate.

She squeezed my jewels while her hand around my cock clamped tightly and rapidly pumped my aching prick. She felt my scrotum tense and nodded for me to position the cup. Streams of cum shot out and landed in the receptacle. Her hand continued to stroke until the last drop dripped into the container.

With a smug look of confidence, she grabbed the beaker of semen and headed for Mom. Without taking time to dress, I grabbed the stethoscope to listen to their conversation.

"It's taking a little longer, using only my fingers," Amber declared. "It's going to take some time to transfer the semen."

"It's okay," Mom murmured. "Take all the time you need. Once you get it inside, push it to the bottom."

Mom groaned while Amber pushed my baby-batter deep into her channel. The sounds of pleasure became louder before Mom shrieked, "That's it, Sis. I'm almost there. Rub my clit and bring me off. I'm so damn horny."

Seconds later, Mom gasped, "I'm cumming. Keep pumping. It feels so good."

When Mom finished her orgasm, I discontinued listening and dressed. Minutes later, I heard them leave. Amber returned shortly after. "That went well," she stated. "Your mom had me adjust the procedure, but I think we're good."

When she dropped me off at home, she instructed, "No masturbation again until we're certain it was successful." After a quick peck, she added, "Don't dwell on what I did tonight. It was necessary to help your mom. That's it."

Her sexy smirk belied her excitement, but I didn't press it.

Mom stayed in her room and didn't emerge to meet me, so I took a shower and went to bed. Sleep quickly arrived while reliving my aunt's delicate hand stroking my tool.


More than a week had passed. Aunt Amber's visits increased. Mom and I rarely dined alone, my aunt demanding to join us. Mom's jealousy surfaced of my aunt's constant affection, causing her to change her routine and sit alongside me on the couch, opposite her sister. Their warm bodies heated me, causing me to doze off most nights.

One night when my aunt and I were at a restaurant, she stated, "Your mother isn't pregnant. We need to repeat the procedure tonight."

"Isn't it too early to tell?" I responded.

"It's been ten days. I want to try something different, anyway. The modifications I implemented to accommodate your mother may have prevented a positive result. This time I'm going to have you shoot your sperm directly on her pussy, providing a more direct transfer of the material."

My cock awakened when I envisioned the erotic act. "You're the professional. I'll leave it in your firm, soft hands," I giggled.

Her eyes glistened while she sexily smiled at my remark.

Half an hour later, I was at the wall listening to my aunt explain to Mom her latest variation. "This technique will be better, Avery," Amber explained. "The exposure to air will be minimal."

"You can't be serious!" Mom exclaimed. "He can't be in the same proximity as me. Even with him blindfolded, he'll recognize my voice." Mom's intermittent groans were a sign that Amber was already prepping Mom's pussy.

"No, he won't," Amber argued. "Both of you will wear blindfolds, and he'll be wearing noise-canceling headphones."

"How will he know where to dump his load?" Mom asked.

"Don't worry. I'll aim it," my aunt quickly replied. Her excited voice portrayed her anticipation of handling her nephew's cock again.

"Won't it embarrass him, knowing his aunt is holding his penis?" Mom asked. "I feel bad for making you change the procedure for me."

"He won't mind. It's the only way. The only other option is for him to remove his blindfold. Which do you prefer?"

"You're right, of course. It would freak Austin out if he discovered I was the client. Thanks, Sis."

Mom moaned again, and I knew Amber would soon be in to escort me, so I prepared myself for her arrival. After several more muffled sounds, Amber entered, and from the looks of her lust-filled eyes, Mom wasn't the only one excited. Handing me a blindfold, she instructed, "Both of you will wear these. Your mother thinks you'll wear headphones, but that won't be necessary since you know her identity. You can talk during the process, but don't answer your mother when she speaks. She can't know you hear her."

"Mum's the word," I chuckled.

Amber held my hand to lead me to Mom. My imagination ran rampant as Mom's close presence caused the hair on my legs to tingle. Amber wrapped her hands around my cock and stroked it with the same expertise as previously. Mom grunted, and soon after, Amber's fingers coated my cock with juice. Was she smearing Mom's cunt cream on my cock? More blood flowed into my cock. The slapping sounds from my aunt's vigorous fapping disguised my rapid panting while I neared climax.

"He's nearly there," Amber slurred.

"Be careful. Don't allow Austin to get too close," Mom grunted.

Suddenly, I felt my aunt's warm mouth envelope my engorged head while she continued to pump my shaft. She sucked and licked my sensitive tip until she felt my cum flowing up my stalk. Releasing my cap, her hand pulled me into Mom's silky fur.

"It's a big one, Auntie! Hold on tight," I exclaimed. Mom gasped when she heard me announce my orgasm. Soft fur brushed against the head of my prick while I jettisoned my load. Did Mom sub-consciously raise her hips, attempting to lodge my cock into her juicy pussy? My aunt's nimble fingers milked out every drop, gripping me until I softened.

"Jesus, Avery," Aunt Amber exclaimed. "Your bush is saturated. I'll return in a minute to push the rest inside."

After guiding me to her office, Amber quickly returned to Mom to finalize the procedure. There was no need to put my ear on the wall, hearing Mom's scream of orgasmic release. I was fully dressed when my aunt returned from escorting Mom to the door.

Her sexy smirk revealed how much she was enjoying our episodes. "As before, don't overthink what happened," she warned. "I only did what was necessary to help your mother."

"I understand, Auntie. It's a shame I came so quickly. Your helpfulness was quite pleasurable." Her wide smile matched mine, and without answering, she led me out to the car.

Before I could exit when we arrived home, she held my arm to keep me from leaving. "Same as last time, Austin. No masturbating until we know the results."

When I nodded in approval, she kissed me with her soft lips for several seconds before murmuring, "Thanks for helping. You've been sweet about the whole thing."


Three nights later, Mom's goodnight hug was unusually tighter. Holding my hands, she said, "Austin, there's something important I want to discuss with you."

Panic set in as I thought Aunt Amber had admitted to Mom that I was aware that I was the sperm recipient.

"Austin, I'm going to have a baby."

Whew. Relief swept through me; Mom still thought I was in the dark. Not wanting to acknowledge what I knew, I kept up with my charade. "Who's the father?" I fumed. "How long have you been pregnant?"

"Calm down, dear," Mom reassured me with her comforting smile. "As of now, I haven't conceived, but I'm planning on it. I'm still working on some options, but I don't have a partner."

"I thought it was unlikely," I replied. "You haven't been seeing anyone. My mind raced to the conclusion that someone had forced themselves on you."

"Nothing like that. I've wanted another child for a year or two, but I wanted to wait until you were comfortable enough to go out on your own. I didn't want to burden you with the additional responsibility."

Her eyes filled with fear. How long had she agonized about approaching me with this? She had put everything on the line, baring her soul to her son. How could she not know that I was deeply in love with her? My only desire was to be with her for the rest of my life.

Hugging her tightly, I leaned in close enough to smell her natural scent. I whispered, "Mom, I think it's wonderful that you're going to have a baby. I'm staying as long as you need me and will remain here to take care of you and your child."

Her expression softened, offering me an out. "I can't ask you to do that, Austin," expressed Mom, sighing. "You have your own life, and I can't anchor you down for my benefit."

"Nonsense, Mom. There's no other place I'd rather be than here with you. You're stuck with me whether you want me or not."

Her smile widened; her mouth met mine. Caught by surprise by her sudden kiss, I didn't pull back, relishing the softness of her full, moist lips. All too soon for me, she backed off and uttered, "Thank you, Austin. I feel much better getting that off my chest."

She paused and locked eyes with me. Her expectant and pleading look sent my mind reeling with options: Was she waiting for me to make the first move? Should I return her kiss?

My hopes for an intimate relationship resurfaced, and when I decided to declare my secret lust, she turned and walked toward her room.

Before she opened her door, I bleated, "I love you, Mom."

She didn't acknowledge my emotional outburst. I felt foolish for saying it but was relieved, having shed my true feelings.

It was hard not to whack off a load that night before going to sleep, but I had made a promise to my aunt.


Mom upped the couch courtship, placing her palm on the top of my bare leg, directly below the hem of my robe. Her fingers played with my hair while slowly caressing my flesh. Aunt Amber reciprocated Mom's overt action, massaging my thigh. Thankfully, my hard cock was upright and resting against my lower stomach.

When we retired for the night, Mom hugged me before she kissed me on my lips. Her wide brown eyes and sexy smile fully hardened me. She turned and headed to her room. Aunt Amber took her time meandering over to me, ensuring Mom was out of sight. The top of her robe had gaped wider than when we were on the couch. The cleavage of her perky tits was visible all the way to the edges of her nipples.

After a quick hug, she purred, "My sister is the happiest I've seen in years. She told me about the conversation she had with you concerning the baby. When you offered to stay with her and help rear her child, it convinced me that you were the perfect donor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Before I could answer, she pressed her lips onto mine. With our eyes locked together, she opened her mouth and swirled her tongue across my lips. Her arms pulled me tightly while her tongue explored my mouth. Her tall stature allowed my prick to press into her puffy mons pubis. She ground her pelvis against my rock-hard cock during her oral assault.

If she continued, I wouldn't be able to maintain my commitment to her to build up my reservoir of sperm. Thankfully, she pulled off in time. Glancing down, I gazed at her exposed, pink nipples. They were stiff as bullets, and my anxious mouth desired to suck on them. Closing her robe, she cooed, "Good night, Austin."

She turned and pranced to her room before I could wish her the same.

Lying in bed, I pondered how lucky I was. The better I treated one of the sisters resulted in the other rewarding me affectionately. Vowing to treat my aunt better in front of Mom, I speculated how Mom would react. Sleep came easy as I thought of various scenarios.


Over the following week, their flirting continued each evening. Mom's kisses were longer, and occasionally she slightly opened her mouth, licking my lips. My aunt wasn't about to be outdone and continued to kiss me open-mouthed before retiring. She slept over more frequently, and I wondered if she'd eventually ditch her apartment.

Friday night arrived, and my aunt picked me up to dine out. On the drive to the restaurant, my excitement rose, anticipating another session at the clinic.

I didn't have to wait long to hear my wish granted. When we were seated, Amber confirmed, "Austin, we need to try another attempt with your mother."

"Perfect timing. You two have been driving me crazy. I could really use some relief."

Amber giggled, "I know, dear. Hopefully, you have a full load. I'm modifying the procedure again. Normally, we inject the sample near the cervix, minimizing the travel distance. Your mother's unwilling attitude to use the normal instruments leaves me no choice. We'll utilize your penis as a delivery device."

My cock jerked when I realized she wanted me to fuck my mother. My smile conveyed my illicit thoughts. She responded, "It's not what you're thinking. You're not going to have intercourse with your mother. You'll stick it in until you bottom out, remaining still until you release before disengaging."

My smile didn't disappear as I envisioned sinking my cock into Mom. "Did she agree to this? I thought she was adamant about keeping it non-sexual."

"I haven't explained the new procedure in my conversations with her, but I'm positive I can convince her. Leave it to your aunt."

The rest of the meal dragged by as my anticipation grew. Quickly paying the check, we left to rendezvous with my mother.

My aunt remained in the office while I stripped off my clothes. Her lustful expression awakened my prick. "Do you have any questions?" Amber asked.

"Only one. It may be difficult to achieve an orgasm when I have to remain stationary. What if I can't release?"

"It won't be a problem. Follow my instructions. You'll do fine."

Nodding my head, she left to greet Mom. With the scope in place, I stood by the wall, eavesdropping on their conversation.

After Amber explained the latest modification, Mom exclaimed, "No, Sis. It's illegal for family members to have sex."

"Relax, Avery," my aunt replied. "Incest is when relatives have intercourse. Consider his penis as a tool. He's only inserting it to deposit his payload properly. There won't be any movement. You won't be fucking your son."

My hand slowly stroked my cock, waiting for Mom's answer with bated breath. Blood surged into my shaft when I heard her meekly agree, "Okay, if you think there's a greater chance of success, I'll do it."

"Excellent," Amber responded. "Let's get you set up."

"Are those necessary?" Mom asked.

Wondering what she was referring to, my aunt answered my question. "Yes, we need to secure your calves to sufficiently spread your legs. It allows less contact with his skin when he's entering."

My cock ached, visualizing Mom's splayed legs, her pussy wide open and ready for her son's hard prick.

"Why are you restraining my hands?" Mom asked.

"It's so you don't involuntarily reach up and disrupt the procedure," Amber replied. "It's routine and generally gives the woman a sense of security. It looks like you're in position, but we'll need to ensure you're well lubricated. Have you seen his prick in the last year or two?"

After a short pause, Mom answered, "Yes, a couple of times when I went into his room to collect his clothes in the morning. He often sleeps uncovered. Why?"

"He's much bigger than my fingers or tongue," Amber replied. "Don't worry; I'll get you ready."

I kicked myself for being such a sound sleeper. I would have enjoyed providing Mom with a show. While thinking about awakening earlier and exposing my hard prick to my mother, Amber was busy fingering her.Mom exclaimed, "Jesus, Sis! If you keep up that tongue action, I'll cum before he gets here."

Her groans grew louder and ended with a shriek, "I'm cumming! Suck my clit and finish me."

Her moaning subsided while she collected her breath. "Wow, you've either become better at eating pussy, or I'm exceptionally horny," Mom lamented.

My cock jerked upon hearing that the hot sisters were involved in an incestuous relationship.

Aunt Amber giggled, "A little of both, I imagine. It's not that often a mother gets to experience the feeling of her son's prick shoved into her pussy. I had to take the edge off. We don't want you cumming the minute he enters, which might cause him to release early. You have to control yourself and let him orgasm naturally. Do you think you can stifle your urges?"

"Certainly," Mom attested. "My pussy is sopping wet. He'll slip right in with no problem. Put my blindfold on and proceed before I change my mind."

My excitement was so high that I fumbled with the scope and almost dropped it. Fortunately, everything was in place when my aunt appeared.

"Ready?" Amber asked. Looking down at my rock-hard prick jutting straight out, she answered her question. "It looks like you're more than ready. Cover your eyes with the blindfold, and I'll lead you to every man's dream - his mother's pussy."

My aunt escorted me to where Mom awaited her son's prick. Pulling me by my cock, my aunt inched me forward until I felt my prick collide with Mom's slick lips. Holding me by the base, my aunt slid my cock up and down Mom's slit until fully coated with her slick juices. With one hand keeping my cock steady and the other on my ass, my aunt pushed me an inch into my mother.

Mom grunted, "Bigger than I thought. Are you sure he has his headphones on?"

"Yes, Sis. He can't hear anything. Describe the sensation so I can determine if I'm hurting you."

"There's no pain at all. I haven't felt so good for a long time. His fat prick is spreading me wide. You were right about making sure I was plenty lubricated. Continue, please."

Shoving in a couple more inches, I stopped and embellished the snug fit of Mom's pussy. My prick involuntarily jerked; Mom's glove reciprocated. Warm fluid surrounded my cock, and a wave of satisfaction flowed through me, knowing Mom had experienced a mini-orgasm from my cock. Although her labored breathing threatened to expose her, she regained control and concealed her climax from her sister.

"Are you okay?" Amber asked when she sensed Mom's body tensing.

"Yes," Mom croaked. "It takes a little time to get used to it. You know I haven't had sex since his father died. It's much better than I remember, probably because I'm so horny. I'm ready to proceed. Push him to the bottom."

Not waiting for my aunt to direct me, I buried my cock to the hilt. When Mom felt my balls slap against her ass, she shrieked, "God, that's good. I've never been so full of hard cock. There's nothing like a giant prick crammed in your pussy to remember how blissful sex can be."

I couldn't believe I was finally balls deep into my mother. Her pussy clung to my cock, and I wasn't even sure I could pull out if I wanted to. Her walls quivered, and a fresh coating of cum flowed along my length. Had she cum again?

After a minute of soaking in her sodden slot, my fear of not releasing surfaced. It was aggravatingly painful to remain stationary, and I wanted nothing more than to fuck my horny mother.

My aunt recognized my predicament and offered a solution. "Avery, he needs additional stimulation before he can orgasm. I'm going to direct his hands to your breasts."

"No," Mom pleaded. "You can't let my son play with my tits while my pussy is stuffed full of his cock."

"It's only your breasts," Amber protested. "It's either that, or he'll need to pump his cock to release."

"No fucking," Mom attested. "Do what's necessary, Sis."

Amber grasped my hands and guided them to Mom's bare tits. They were more than a handful. I gently cupped and caressed her firm mounds, my prick jerking with excitement. When my fingertips rolled across her nipples, she gasped with pleasure. They filled with blood while I teased them, her breasts heaving with her heavy panting.

Without waiting for my aunt's approval, I leaned down and latched onto Mom's hard nipple. Sucking and licking her engorged teat brought out a loud groan from my excited mother.

"He's sucking my tit as he did as a child. I can't believe the sensations flowing through me. It's unbelievable," Mom cooed.

Her muscles tensed, and her pussy once again tightened on my cock. More fluid flowed around my cock, her body responding from the illicit union with her son.

"Did you cum, Avery?" my aunt asked.

"No," Mom lied. "It's just a reaction from his mouth on my tit. Do you think he's close to cumming?"

"He may need some more help, but you don't have to do anything. Brace yourself as you're about to be flooded."

Unsure of what my aunt had planned, I became suspicious when her hand slithered between my ass cheeks. Leaving her hand in my crack, she cradled my balls with the other, gently squeezing and releasing them. The thrill of my cock buried in Mom's pussy combined with Amber's massaging hand triggered my orgasm. Before the first blob had escaped, Amber wormed a skinny, slippery finger into my asshole. Without warning, my climax intensified, my semen flowing freely through my shaft.

"Oh, fuck," I groaned while my balls forced my cum up and out of my prick. On my fourth spurt, Mom's pussy contracted with a stronger orgasm. Her convulsions milked my stem, draining my sac of its reservoir of semen.

Mom's torso and hips jerked in the throes of her climax. My aunt didn't question her this time. Mom had obviously submitted to her incestuous desires. Amber leaned near Mom's ear and whispered, "Let yourself go, Avery. Your son is filling your fertile womb with his potent sperm. Enjoy yourself and remember this moment forever. You've bonded with your child as most mothers can never do."

Mom's pussy responded and continued to contract on my spitting cannon.

Amber pulled me off my mother's body when my prick ceased pulsing. I managed to cop one last feel of Mom's tits before we separated. Leading me into her office, Amber quickly left to tend to Mom.

Quickly assuming my eavesdropping position, I listened to my aunt unlocking Mom from the restraints. Minutes later, Mom asked, "What are you doing?"

"Don't worry. It's a harmless plug to ensure your son's cum remains inside. When you arrive home, elevate your ass for at least an hour. To facilitate an easier pathway for his sperm, you should masturbate until you orgasm again to provide an abundance of fluid."

"Sure, I can do that," Mom slurred.

She would have to cum again from thinking about her incestuous adventure. My prick twinged when I thought about Mom positioned on her bed, fingering herself. With my thoughts focused on my visual images, I didn't hear them leave. Hearing my aunt's footsteps returning, I quickly shucked the stethoscope and barely made it to the center of the room when Amber entered.

Her arousal was evident from witnessing a mother cum from her child. When her eyes traveled to my juicy, coated cock, she knelt and licked off her sister's cum. "Your mother wouldn't want her son to go around soaked with her juices, would she?" Amber croaked. Holding me by the base of my cock, she lowered her mouth onto my flaccid cock. Her tongue scraped and bathed my stalk as she slowly slid up my length.

Lewdly popping off, she gleamed, "There. All cleaned up. Are you feeling better, now that your pent-up tension is gone?"

"That's an understatement. What did you do to cause such an eruption? It was oddly satisfying."

"I told you I would be able to help. It's called a prostate ejaculation. We use it to assist a patient in uncomfortable situations. Get dressed. It's time to go."

As before, she held my arm when we arrived home. Her expression was different this time, and I hoped she wouldn't restrict my sexual activities as she previously demanded.

"Your performance today was impressive," she sexily smirked. "There's no need to refrain from relieving yourself any longer. Thanks again for looking out after your mother." Pulling my mouth to hers, we French-kissed as lovers. Hot air rushed out of our nostrils while our tongues dueled, and we fucked each other's mouths. Her sinewy fingers searched and squeezed my cock through my pants. After clutching several times, she pulled back.

"After our next dine-out, we could go to my apartment where I'll relieve you of your stress," Amber croaked. "Would you like me to finish what I started at the clinic?"

"Can we go out tomorrow night?" I chuckled.

"Oh my, has the hot aunt fetish come back in style? I'd love to, but I have something planned for the weekend. I'll get back to you when I'm free."

"Looking forward to it," I replied. "Goodnight, Auntie."


Distracted from fantasizing about my aunt's promise of a blowjob, I was near my room when I heard noises from the other end of the hall. Had an intruder entered the house? Investigating, I crept closer to Mom's room. When I noticed a sliver of light emanating from Mom's slightly-ajar door, I peered through the crack. A sigh of relief swept through me when I saw only Mom.

Blood surged to my cock while I gazed upon my nude mother. My prick fully hardened, gazing upon her head buried in her pillow and her bare ass high in the air. She'd obeyed Amber's instructions to the letter. The rubber blue plug had been thrown by her feet and replaced with two of her fingers. While she fucked herself, her thumb massaged her engorged clit.

Her chanting was loud enough to disguise my opening of the door. While I shed my clothes, my eyes fixated on Mom's hairy pussy. Her wide-spread legs provided ample access for me to crawl between them. My rock-hard cock bobbed at the thought of entering her juicy pussy.

Slowly stroking my prick, I stalled to remember this moment forever. My mother would soon experience the wrath of my lust. Carefully kneeling on her bed, I hesitated, filled with doubt. What if she freaks out when she notices me? Did she only want a child because she still loved Dad? Her adamant refusal to commit incest at the clinic rang out in my head. Backing up slowly, I prepared to abandon my ill-thought-out plan.

Lifting my knee, I stopped when Mom's fingers pumped faster, and she yelled, "That's what I need, baby. Stuff your fat cock in Mommy's pussy. Fuck me hard, Austin!"

My cock jerked to attention upon hearing my mom fantasize about me. Confidently nudging closer to Mom's behind, I gently dislodged her hand and affirmatively squeezed it. My other hand guided my prick an inch into her snug sheath. "Is this what you want, Mom? Do you want your son to fuck you until you scream with a climax?"

"Yes! Fuck me, Austin," Mom squealed with delight, wiggling and lunging her hips rearward. Releasing her hand, I gripped her soft ass cheeks and shoved to the bottom of her juicy pussy. She groaned when I withdrew and sunk back to the bottom. Her walls clung onto my ram, attempting to keep it in as deep as possible.

How many times had she climaxed since the visit at the clinic? Her pussy was filled with slick fluid, enabling my prick to glide in and out of her slot. I pivoted my hips to slide across the sensitive patch of nerve endings on the ceiling of her channel.

The result was instantaneous. Mom's pussy clamped tightly and devoured the prick it had long craved. The sounds of her grunts increased in volume with the same intensity as her bucking hips. She was deliriously overwrought with joy, her body filled with pleasure hormones. Our consensual incestuous joining was too much for her to bear; her emotional state exploded.

"I'm cumming hard. Fuck me faster!"

Her animalistic chants coincided with her contracting pussy. Her orgasm was far more intense than she'd experienced at the clinic. Thankfully, I held off my climax due to my earlier blasting. Each time my balls slapped against her mound, a splash of cum spurted out and soaked my pubic hair. Content to fuck my mother forever, I slowed my pace and enjoyed every stroke.

Suddenly, the room's cold air hit my red-hot poker when Mom shifted forward, dislodging me. Flipping over, she spread her legs and croaked, "Come to Mommy, sweetie."

My naked mother was on display for me for the first time. Her heaving, puffy, dark-brown nipples capped her creamy-white tits. Remembering how I sucked on them at the clinic, shivers shot down my spine. My gaze traveled down her shapely figure and ended at her neatly-trimmed bush. She had groomed herself, knowing her son would fuck her; I wasn't about to disappoint her.

"Mom, you're beautiful. I love you so much and have wanted to be with you for a long time."

"I share your feelings, sweetie. Please make love to your mother."

She spread her legs, allowing me to inch near her crotch. My hard cock landed on her furry mound when I leaned over to cup her spongy breasts. "Your tits are amazing. Your nipples are the same color as your hair and beg for a sucking. I can't wait to nurse from them again."

"They're all yours, baby," Mom purred. "It's been too long since a man has enjoyed them."

After squeezing and caressing her mounds for several minutes, I licked her taut nipples. Her breasts rose as she deeply inhaled while arching her back. My eager lips accepted her conspicuous invitation and latched onto one of her teats while my fingertips played with the other. Her moaning increased while my mouth and fingers teased her engorged nubs.

"Suck on them like you did when you were a baby," Mom cooed. "You always loved mommy's nipples. Even after draining my milk, you kept your mouth attached to me. It bonds a child to his mother more than anything." Her hands pulled my head into her soft breast, smothering my face with her soft tit-flesh.

While I continued to pleasure her motherly treats, I ground the bottom of my shaft through her slippery slot. Her rapid panting and moaning elevated my excitement as my mother finally received the attention she desired from her son.

Replacing my mouth with my other hand, I looked into my mother's lust-filled eyes. "There is one thing I wanted to do more than anything, the first time my prick returned to my birthplace," I croaked.

"Whatever it is, you can do it now. I won't deny you anything," Mom stuttered.

"Your body is beyond sexy, but my utmost desire is to kiss the woman I cherish most in the world while making love to her."

Before she could answer, I sealed her mouth with mine. Our tongues danced and fought; our lips ground together. One of her hands caressed my back while the other held my head to hers. My hands massaged her spongy breasts while we sensually kissed.

Her hips humped up and lodged my prick into her slick slot. Our heavy breathing prevented us from continuing our romantic kiss.

"I love you, Mom. If you share my feelings, stick your son's prick into your hungry pussy. Accept me as the love of your life and make me the happiest man on earth."

"Oh, god, yes!" she exclaimed. "I love you, Austin, and want nothing more than to make love to you." Her hand snaked between our bodies and wrapped around my cock. I kissed her again and looked into her loving eyes while she pulled me into her tight sheath. Although her channel was filled with cum, her walls clenched and hung onto my invading ram. Once I was buried several inches, her arms bear-hugged me while she reveled in our blissful joining.

Our gaze remained locked; I slowly sunk deeper. When my balls smashed against Mom's soft ass cheeks, her body turned rigid. Her eyes communicated the pleasure from climaxing; her pussy squeezed and coated my cock with her fluids.

"Did you cum?" I asked, clearly knowing the answer.

"I couldn't help it," Mom panted. "When your balls pressed against me, my thoughts filled with the vision of your sperm swimming to my egg. My mind climaxed; my pussy soon followed suit. It happened at the clinic, too. Fuck me, sweetie, and make us a baby."

"As an obedient son, I always follow my mother's orders," I chuckled. My well-oiled piston slowly drilled Mom's clinging cunny. Our blissful expressions reflected our mutual love. Her arms relaxed, so her hands could explore and caress my back and butt. Wrapping my arms around my mother's body, I massaged and soothingly stroked her smooth flesh.

The sloshing sounds of my prick sliding in and out of Mom's juicy pussy, added with the slapping noise of my balls against her pelvis, filled the room. I knew that if I had to masturbate in the future, it would be from those memories. The fantasy of fucking my beautiful mother had come to fruition. Mom's squashed breasts heaved, sending pangs of pleasure through my body.

Mom sensed my heart racing and went into overdrive. Her hips gyrated and humped to sheath as much of her son's cock as she could. Our heated, sweaty bodies effortlessly slid together, while rutting like animals.

"Harder, Austin," Mom commanded. "Pack that sperm deep into my womb. Fuck me, deep."

My pace quickened, my prick pummeling Mom's sex-starved pussy. Running my hands under her back and up to her shoulders, I pulled her into my plunging cock. She grunted each time my spongy head smashed against the back of her pussy.

"You're fucking mommy so good!" Mom exclaimed. "My pussy is full of my son's cock, and I love every hard inch. Shoot your seed into your fertile mother, Austin. I'm ready to cum on your glorious prick."

Nearing the end of our glorious mating, I was determined to bring my mother to a giant climax. Her pleasure meant everything to me, and her look of passion and enjoyment was all that mattered. My hips swiveled around, enabling my rock-hard ram to hit every sensitive spot in her pussy. She reciprocated and bucked like a mare in heat. She was more than ready to be bred by her son.

Her wild thrashing was out of control, and I thought I would slip out. Mom wrapped her legs around me, digging her heels into my ass. Pulling me tightly, her grunts and groans of pleasure sent me over the edge.

My entire body tingled with electric shocks; my prick expanded with blood. My balls constricted and ejected a blob of hot cum. Mom's orgasm triggered when she felt my incestuous cream coat her pussy walls. Her body stiffened, her pussy gripping and clamping my spitting prick. Our orgasms were perfectly synchronized. Her pussy contracted along my shaft, milking every drop of baby-batter from my reservoir.

When my entire load had been deposited deep into my mother's pussy, I slowed my pace and struggled to breathe. Her panting matched mine from our intense incestuous bonding. She moaned and groaned for several minutes while enjoying the aftershocks of her blissful orgasm.

Lowering her legs, her hands remained on my ass, plugging her cum-filled cunny.

"Wow, Mom. That was the best sex I've ever had. You are an amazing lover."

"That's an understatement," Mom croaked. "I've never experienced pleasure on that level. Sex is always better when you're with someone you love. You really gave your mother a thorough fucking. I'm exhausted and have never been happier."

Fearing my weight would crush her, I said, "Hug me, Mom. I'm going to flip us."

Keeping my embedded prick in place, I rolled until she was on top. I pulled the sheet over us and wrapped my arms around her. Hugging her, we gently kissed and caressed each other's bodies. "It's time to sleep, Mom. I've dreamed of this for so long, that I want to feel your body on mine. Forever."

"Your desires are the same as mine. I love you so much," Mom purred.

Resting her head on my shoulder, the scent of her hair surprisingly calmed me. We were asleep within ten minutes.Awakening several hours later, I looked at the clock to see it was only three in the morning. Mom remained on top of me, her deep breaths signaling her restful sleep. The air was cool, so I gently pulled a blanket over us. My softened cock had slipped out during the night, snugly buried in her soft pubic hair.

My hands gently roamed across her back and buttocks. The realization that my nude mom was sleeping on me woke up my prick. It was hard to comprehend the events that had transpired. My mother and I'd finally become lovers.

Mom stirred, and I felt sad that I had disrupted her rest. "Sorry, Mom. I didn't want to wake you. The excitement of fulfilling my greatest fantasy was too much for me."

"Don't forget, it was also my dream. It's a night we'll remember forever."

"The worst part is that it almost didn't happen. I almost chickened out last night."

"I know, dear."

"You did? My sneaking skills aren't as good as I thought?"

"Do you think your mother is that feeble-minded?" she chuckled. "A hundred-eighty-pound man is pretty hard to miss. When I sensed you retreating, I knew I had to beg for your attention."

"I'm glad you did. I had second thoughts because of something Auntie told me when she asked me to impregnate you. She said you missed Dad and desired to have another child to retain fond memories of him."

"As usual, my sister missed the mark. Of course, I loved your father, but now I love you as much, if not more. I want to bear your child, not his because I'm deeply in love with you."

Grinding her mound against my stiff prick fully hardened it. "It feels like you're ready to flood my pussy with another load of cum," she croaked.

Grinding her mound against my stiff prick fully hardened it. Guiding my shaft through her slippery slot, I stuffed my cockhead between her outer labia. She moaned when her pussy welcomed my intruding ram. We kissed and stroked each other's bodies while we made love. Our slower pace enabled us to enjoy our intimate bonding, cementing our incestuous relationship.

"Do you remember the night I informed you that I desired another child, and you vowed to remain with me?" she asked.

"Sure," I replied. "That's when I suspected you didn't want to have a romantic relationship with me. I love you so much; it didn't matter. My only desire was to make you happy."

"Your answer made my pussy leak," Mom confessed. "If you would have followed me into my room, I would've fucked your brains out for the rest of the night. That's when I knew we were meant for each other and would never be happy restricting ourselves to a typical mother-and-son relationship."

"That would have been exciting, but I'm glad we waited. It would have been rough trudging into work after a night of fucking my hot mother."

Squeezing her ass cheeks, I increased my pace and pulled her groin into mine. Suddenly, she crawled forward and pulled her pussy off my prick. She rose and held my cock while impaling herself. "This is much better," Mom croaked. She gyrated her pelvis while pumping herself on my cock. Unable to see her in the darkness, I could hear her tits bouncing up and down while she rode me.

"It looks like one of my fantasies will be satisfied. At least part of it," Mom murmured.

"Part of it?" I asked.

"There were several days I went into your room, to retrieve your dirty clothes to fill the washing machine. Always careful not to wake you, I'd stare at your morning wood poking up the sheet. I'd get so wet that I often thought about riding you until you'd awaken to discover your horny mother fucking your prick. The only difference now is that we're not in your bed."

"That fantasy isn't only yours," I replied. "I would've loved nothing more than to wake up joined with you. In my dreams, I nurse on your tits while you're fucking me."

She groaned and shifted her position until one of her soft breasts pressed against my face. Holding her tit, I latched onto her nipple and sucked her distended tip. Her humping increased while I kept her heaving mound in place.

"I can't believe we're fucking," Mom purred. "The fantasy of my pussy stuffed full of my son's cock has finally come true. You've made me complete."

Her gyrating pelvis and emotional outcry increased my race to orgasm. I bucked my hips on her downstrokes, smashing my groin into hers. We both groaned with pleasure, as our bodies noisily slammed together.

When I bit her nipple with my teeth and squeezed, her pussy collapsed on my prick, signaling the arrival of her orgasm. My cock reciprocated and jerked in unison with her convulsions.

Her screams of passion filled the room when torrents of her son's sperm flooded her hungry pussy. She continued to slide up and down my slippery pole after I deposited my load.

Releasing her tit, I pulled her head to mine and kissed her. "Making love to you is incredible," I murmured. "It's so much better when you're with your soulmate."

Lowering her body, she melded with mine as before. "It's more than sex with us," she replied. "When you're deeply in love, fucking takes on a new meaning. I've never been happier. Let your mother sleep now."

Her body completely relaxed, while I caressed her smooth back. Within minutes, we were both asleep.


Light shone through the window when I woke up the next time. Mom was absent, and the comforter covered me. She must have made sure I stayed warm when she left. I chalked it up to my deep sleep from the intense sex the night before. Rolling out of bed, I noticed my pubic hair caked with dried cum. It was the perfect time to try out mom's shower. The walls were wet from Mom already having taken one while I dozed. I couldn't help but fantasize about being with my mother in her much larger shower stall.

After toweling off, I realized I had nothing to wear. Not wanting to put on last night's street clothes that lay crumpled on the floor, I left for my room. Mom must have heard me showering, meeting me in the hall while holding my robe. Smiling wide, she scanned my naked body and commented, "Although I wouldn't mind if you dressed like this every day, you should probably cover up, in case we have company."

She hadn't brought me my underwear, and as if she read my mind, she opened her robe and flashed me a glimpse of her naked body. "New dress code for when we wear robes. What do you think?"

"Better than casual Friday, that's for sure," I wholeheartedly agreed with Mom's new directive.

Following her to the kitchen, I sat and ate the meal waiting for me. Our conversations were always lively, but now there were no barriers, and we were already acting like a married couple.

Previously, we had always ventured out on Saturdays and visited the town's attractions. Curious about what she had planned, I asked, "What's the schedule for today? Anything fun planned?"

Her sexy smirk made my prick jerk. She was horny after abstaining from sex for so long, and I was more than willing to help her make up for lost time.

"There's a reason I planned our event on a Friday night. We'll have an entire weekend to ourselves, a honeymoon, if you will. My sister won't be visiting us. I gave her an assignment that should keep her busy for the next few days. Our first item of business will be moving you into your new room. We can't have you running around naked after fucking your mother all night."

My smile matched hers-- we were a couple in love.

She continued, "Last night, I divulged one of my fantasies. It'll be fun to re-enact our illicit desires we previously hid from each other."

"If last night was a preview of what's to come, I can hardly wait," I chuckled.

Mom's adoring smile was her answer. Changing topics, she asked, "Are you ready to relocate to your new bedroom?"

My thoughts focused on what Mom said about our hidden cravings. Flashing through the topics of my masturbatory sessions, I prioritized the more common themes. When I glanced at Mom's sexy smile, I knew which one would be first.

"Mom, I had trouble sleeping last night and would like to go to my room and take a quick nap."

Smiling wide, she piped, "That's perfect. After I clean up here, I'll start a load of laundry."

Mom's wish of fucking her son in his bed had been granted. After completing hers and my fantasy, we spent several hours moving my clothes into our bedroom.

When it was time for lunch, Mom declared, "Today and tomorrow, we're going out for lunch and dinner. I won't be your mother when we're together in public. We're lovers. It's time to quit pretending we're not."

"That's easy for me since I've loved you forever. You drive, and I'll show you one of the things I've wanted to do."

Once we were on the road, my eyes immediately drifted to her shapely legs. Her short skirt rose six inches above her knees. Having no sexual boundaries, I reached over and explored her exposed flesh. Mom moaned when I squeezed her firm thigh and traveled closer to her warm sex.

"Once again, it appears we've shared the same fantasy," Mom croaked. "You don't know how often I had to change my underwear when we arrived home due to my wet panties."

My probing fingers ventured upward and were soon running through her silky fur. As suspected, Mom didn't cover her treasure today. "At least we don't have to worry about your panties today," I chuckled.

When I stroked her outer lips, Mom's moans increased. I jammed three fingers into her channel; they encountered no resistance. Afraid of her losing control, I slowed my pace at finger-fucking her.

After she turned into the parking lot and came to a stop, my pace quickened. Mom threw her head back to enjoy her son's attention. After I released my seat belt, I leaned over and sucked a hunk of succulent thigh meat. Unlocking her restraint, she lowered the seat back, giving me more access to her luscious pussy. Flipping her skirt up, I replaced my fingers with my mouth.

Fortunately, she had parked in a remote spot, and no one heard Mom's sounds of passion, as I devoured my mother's delicious muff. My taste buds were rewarded with her heavenly elixir.

My hands caressed and squeezed her upper thighs while I orally assaulted her. Sensing she was close, I jammed my fingers deep into her pussy and locked her clit between my lips.

"Suck your mother's pussy! I'm cumming on your mouth," Mom screamed.

Lapping up her nectar, I didn't stop until her breathing returned to normal. Lifting off, I lowered her dress back in place and admired her blissful face.

"You poor boy," Mom lamented. "I thought my short skirts might have affected you. I didn't realize how much I was torturing you. It's understandable why you had to go to your room right away when we arrived home."

"Your legs are beautiful," I croaked in appreciation. "I'm glad you didn't mind exposing them to me."

Holding each other close, we slowly walked into the diner.