Ralph watched her all the time. "She's the one," he thought. She was the one he would finally possess. After all, she loved him didn't she? She smiled at him and greeted him every morning...not like those other stuck-up bitches. He would fix up the basement apartment and she would come and live with was all settled. Only Eleanor had no idea how she fit in with the plans of the smiling man from maintenance.

To Ralph, he and Eleanor Grant had been 'together' since she first came to Eastern University in the fall of '82. A few kind words from a friendly girl had become much more. He followed her to the dorms every night to protect her, he watched at the windows to catch a glimpse of her, he walked behind her to smell the perfume of her skin. Eight months passed and now it was time...she would be so happy with his plans.

He couldn't have picked a worse moment. Ellie had just broken up with her boyfriend of two years and found out she was pregnant. Coming up behind her in the night and saying all those crazy things frightened her. The more she tried to get away, the more he shouted and tried to explain. The more she tried to get away the more he grabbed at her...pawing at the body he coveted. When she finally started screaming, his efforts to quiet her succeeded only after he stuck her with a penknife in the back. At the moment of impact, she had turned to protect the child only she knew she was carrying. Fortunately her screams brought two couples that had been smoking behind the dorms. The man was chased down and held until the police arrived.

The physical wound healed and left her; the feelings did not. Ralph was sentenced to five years and Eleanor Grant spent the next nineteen years uneasy and distrustful of men. She never married but with the help of friends and scholarships she was able to get her degree and bring up her son in a loving environment. Every spare moment was spent with Connor: teaching him, talking to him, loving him. He was her only outlet for physical contact. Even through his adolescence, she doted on him and Connor didn't seem to mind. They became each other's source of pleasure.

It was sexual from early on even if neither of them thought about it that way. As he grew to manhood, they had looked to each other for everything, why wouldn't they be impelled toward each to satisfy the strongest of urges? Even their fantasies meshed. Not a perfect puzzle interlock, but close enough.

Connor loved to draw; he was good at it. He made his world the way he wanted it to be. The drawings of his mother eventually became nudes. There could be no doubt that it was Ellie. Anyone would recognize the face; the body he'd drawn from stolen glances and his imaginings. She never saw the early works because he tore them up after they served their purpose. For Connor his mother would come alive off the page. She would come to him, kiss his lips, his chest and slowly down to his hard waiting cock. He imagined himself towering above her, looking down into the sparkling gray eyes just before she took him into her mouth.

Ellie...on her knees before him in his fantasy many times he had imagined what it would actually feel like...his mother's soft mouth closed around the width of his cock... licking...sucking...loving her son.

And how many times had it been Ellie with her legs her fantasy...with her son over her and then in her...holding her...protecting her? It was almost impossible to tell who had sent the first signal to the other; whose breath had caught first at the sight of the other or whose dark desire had been ignited first into raging sexual fires.

It was clear when one looked at the two of them together; they fit. At five–eleven and about 125 pounds, Eleanor was imposing. Her brunette hair cascaded to her shoulders and to the top of her breasts...beautifully formed breasts that at times, seem so full they might be swollen with milk. Her fullness as a woman only intensified the beauty she possessed as a girl. Her small waist and long legs accentuated all the places most eyes are almost involuntarily drawn to. In any case it wouldn't have been easy for a woman like that to find a man to hold her in the special way she wanted to be held.

Connor looked liked she wanted him to look. He was taller and stronger and she knew she could lose herself in his arms. Even when he was younger it brought her comfort to make herself small and be enfolded in that place where she felt safe. All the girls, and later the women he had gone out with always felt he could protect them. For Ellie that feeling was paramount.

Eleanor Grant became a part-time lecturer in literature at Community College. It was a proud day for her when her son joined her at the school to study art. Connor's facility for drawing was nurtured from childhood by Ellie with praise and lessons. He had drawn and painted his mother countless times over the years but she had never actually sat for him. When his second year term project was coming due, he agonized about asking her to help him. Finally he said, "Mom, would you be insulted if I asked you to pose for me? I can't think of anything more beautiful to paint than you."

Eleanor wasn't quite sure why he would think she would be insulted but she dismissed the thought and was touched. She said, "That's so sweet love...I would love to be your model."

When the day came for her first sitting she was caught unaware when Connor handed her a diaphanous draping that would conceal very little. He saw his mother's surprise and started to stammer. "Oh mom...I thought you understood...I'm sorry... I shouldn't's okay if you don't feel like it."

Eleanor prided herself on being open and not fettered by the restrictive ideas of normative society. The leather-clad student riding on her Vincent Black Lightening was still part of her.

She told Connor "It's fine honey...I didn't think I'd be wearing anything." She laughed and went to put on the drapery. When she returned and sat, her son went over and tentatively arranged her. He left the material only one layer thick above her waist and exposed one of his mother's breasts. He told her she could have modeled for Michelangelo and it warmed her. During the hours she sat, in comfortable partial nudity, she came to a deepened understanding of Connor's talent and feelings for her. She couldn't help but notice the effect she was having on him.

Constant attention to his mother's exposed breast and thinly veiled curves deepened his awe of her beauty and his burgeoning desires. Emboldened, he asked her to rouge her nipple. He watched as she applied the makeup and saw it redden and become erect. He imagined his mouth on it, drawing on it, sucking it in with some of the sweet flesh behind it.

As he painted, he was drawn to the light: the light that reflected off the planes of his mother's draped body and the light that seemed to glow from under her translucent skin. He traced the line of her still upturned breast over the erect nipple with his eyes hundreds of times; she felt each look as if his fingers were caressing the rubbery tips.

His desires ended up on the canvas. It was evident in every curve of his mother's body; curves that viewers could easily imagine themselves running their hand over. As he painted, he wondered about the never seen haven between her legs and she wondered about the feelings... the wanting...and consequences. He wanted to put the brush down and walk over to her, tell her he loved her and kiss her lips as she tilted her head back and welcomed him. He wanted to reach between her legs and touch her sex that would hopefully be wet for him...he wanted...but he kept on painting. They talked about art and literature for hours and they both thought about the unthinkable.

And so, it wasn't that surprising that Connor ended up in his mother's bed on a particular Saturday night shortly thereafter. It could all be seen as the result of an almost natural progression of causes with a decidedly unconventional effect. Events in one short week tripped over each other to get them to where they ended up.

Of course causes are complicated and these had long histories. Their mutual attraction had become evident over the years. She had often teased and flirted about having a boyfriend like him and he never let an opportunity go by to tell her how sexy she looked. He'd even once said that she looked like she would be good enough to eat...if she wasn't his mother...all to her laughing delight.

The Sunday before it happened, they had moved into a new apartment. It was only partially furnished because some of the furniture wasn't delivered due to a mix-up. She asked him not to go out that night because she didn't want to spend the first night alone and she was feeling uneasy. He stayed with her.

One bed...she said it was 'silly' for him to sleep on the couch. More than one time that night he ended up hard against her; nothing was said about it. The first thing she did in the morning was to give him one too many kisses to thank him for being there when she needed him. Connor ended up hard again and Ellie knew it. She even made light of it by remarking, "Some woman is going to be very happy with that 'grand' reception in the morning."

She made dinner that night and dressed up to celebrate their new place. She wore a sheer, low–cut thing that had his eyes massaging her curves all night. A few days later they re-arranged some of the new furniture. When they finished, her 'aching' back needed massaging. She bared it as his hands ran over her warm velvety skin and then roamed to the sides of her braless breasts. He breathed hard as he touched the forbidden flesh. Each time his fingers made contact she made a small closed mouthed sound of pleasure.

On Thursday, she was lonely and needed holding. He held her and felt every inch of her against him. He touched her almost where he wanted to and told her how much she meant to him.

By Friday he was almost ready to bring it all out into the open. He haltingly began with, "Mother...if two people..." He stopped there but Ellie didn't need to hear the rest. She smiled at her son and kissed him softly on the lips, lingering. He saw her eyes close just before his did. She tasted like fresh whipped cream to him. On Saturday night, he was inside her.

'Accidental' is a word that doesn't fit that night; Connor made sure of that. He knew it was a point of no return and wanted to be sure he hadn't misread the signs. His bedroom was to be delivered the next day and so that would be the last night he expected to be in his mother's bed. Ellie was feigning sleep with her back to him as his hardness rose against her. He felt the almost imperceptible movements of her ass gently massaging and pushing back against the stiffness. He whispered, "Mother...I want you... if you want me inside you, tell me..."

"Ellie said, "Oh sweetheart...yes I want you...but baby please be sure...this is're going to be in your own mother...I want you so much but I couldn't stand it if you hated me tomorrow."

"Mom, I'm as sure about this as I am that I love you." He pressed his hard cock against her ass and said, "Mom, open your legs." One of her legs came up to give him access as she sighed.

Eleanor's throaty voice urged him, "Yes in inside me...that's what I want." As he entered his mother's wet grasping pussy, they knew that they would never be the same. Despite all the wine they drank late into the night, they had conjoined in a deliberate act. Perhaps the earlier kiss could be construed as 'accidental' and her hand brushing across his stiffness might have been 'accidental', but when he pushed the length of his cock into his mother's velvet hole, they were both wide awake and wide aware.

"" she crooned, "I hoped for this...I knew it would have to be you or nobody...I didn't want anybody else...ohh you're in me... I thought nobody would be in me again...I thought I was going to be alone forever..."

He slid into his mother's pussy with his engorged cock reaching deeper into her with each stroke. He told her she would never be alone again and never without him. Each thrust searched for her end and was welcomed into her with a wet ache. Her son was fucking her and it felt like the answer; her son was fucking her and it felt like love. She said, "Oh Connor...I've been waiting for you...for this. Push into me love...yes's been so long...Connor...Connor...I knew if you made love to me, you would fill me like this...I knew it would it would be good..." Her body responded as her heart did with every entry of her son's cock. This was a different kind of pleasure, not just more but 'other'.

Connor turned his mother onto her back and entered her again. At that moment, inside his mother's pussy, nothing else mattered. He was fucking her as he would in a a fantasy...only his cock was actually inside his mother's sweet pussy. Each entry filled him with wonder as he looked at her beautiful face.

He touched the ends of his mother's nipples with one finger and her nerve endings fired. He rolled them in his fingers and stretched them and as if he could coax milk out of them as he once had. He spread her long legs while holding her ankles. She'd never felt so wet nor so willing to be opened that way; opened to be filled by the cock she had been waiting for...her son's. It was the only cock she would ever let inside her. She was opened wide and vulnerable but she felt safe...because her son was over her...her son was in her. "Mom, can you feel how hard I am for much I want you...can you feel how much I've always wanted you?"

"Yes love...I feel it...I feel it all the way up inside me...filling me...filling me so big lovely son..." He filled and fit her in such a way that his thrusting stimulated her clitoris. He made her feel good. He made her feel loved. He made her feel safe. As her son fucked her, she felt her vagina spasm. She wanted to cry out to the rafters as her orgasm hit but held back as much as she could not wanting to startle him that first time. She was still loud and the sound thrilled him. He gave her more and she responded with a high arching of her back and an even higher moan from the back of her throat. She wanted to tell him what he was doing to her, where he had taken her and how good it felt to be completed by his cock but it all came out as an unending "Ohhhhh..."

Hearing his mother come led Connor to shorter, harder, fever pitched stabs into his mother's pussy. As the first hard jets of cum coated the insides of his mother's pussy, Connor could only repeat, "I love you mom...I love you...I love you..."

After their first night of lovemaking, Connor awoke before she did and tried to get out of bed without waking her. As he started to leave the room she stirred and said, "No love, don't go...come to me." She got out of bed and went to her knees. Connor walked to the stunning vision of his naked mother waiting for him with her hair wild and tousled. She took the knob of her son's cock between her lips and he was electrified. They hadn't had any oral sex through the night and that was the first time his mother had him in her mouth. There was a veneer of their cum on him from all the orgasms of the previous night and his mother licked and sucked it off.

As she took more of her son's shaft into her mouth he was struck by the pinkness of her lips and nipples. Connor reached for his mother's big breasts and stroked them as he felt himself building in anticipation. Her breasts and nipples were sensitized by his attention to them through the night. Her whole body responded each time he touched them.

As Ellie continued sucking her son's cock, he became excited and pushed into her mouth too quickly. She had to retreat when the thick knob hit the back of her throat. She returned kissing his cock lovingly; covering the length him with her soft lips and then resumed her sucking.

His mother's warm tongue caressed the underside of his long shaft as her lips stroked and took in as much as she could. Ellie savored the taste of the skin on her son's cock as she felt his heat on her face. In her excitement and anxiety to pleasure him, her teeth elicited a moan. Her tongue found it's way along his erection from the tip to the base. Her sucking was punctuated by soft moans.

Ellie was surprised at Connor's control considering his youth and the incendiary dimension of a mother sucking her son. Rhythmically Ellie drew on the hardness and watched it spring when she stopped to catch an excited breath. After cupping his leathery sack, she held the backs of her son's strong legs and felt a small tremor as he approached orgasm. With the enormity of his fantasy unfolding before him, he couldn't stand it anymore and called to her, "Mother...I'm coming...oh God...I'm coming." He tried to pull back to avoid shooting off in her mouth but she held him to her. He released an explosive bolt of cum and she kept on sucking. It was unexpectedly exciting for her to have her son's cum on her tongue and in her mouth. He unconsciously squeezed hard on his mother's long responsive nipples and he heard her muffled squeal. She felt it deep in her pussy - a mother's pussy that craved her young son's cock.

Everything was different after that. They began developing a lover's relationship in addition to their familial one. Ellie still posed for her son and he became prolific. While she sat for him, she told him of her love and it inspired him. After their first time she told him, "I always wanted to please do things for you. I didn't know if I could. I never knew when it came down to it if I could actually take my own son's cock into my mouth; I never knew if I could let him...let you my love...spread me...fuck me...the way you did. Now I feel so free...I can say it and I can do it...everything is here for both of us...and now I can love you...really love you."

In a matter of months he made dozens of paintings of her. He painted for hours even when she didn't sit. He took them to a gallery owner in the city and the woman was willing to show them...because she saw. She saw the feelings in the line, the form, and the color. She saw the excitement in the flush on the breasts and the love on the face. She saw a secret and the mystery of it. The paintings began to sell.

Of course Connor was still unknown and what he received for his first paintings wasn't going to make them rich but he was glad that people were willing to pay to own work he had done. Ellie was proud and happy for him but his success would come with a price tag.

Connor couldn't get enough of his mother and Ellie wasn't complaining. One day he showed up at her office in school at the end of her conference hours. She was surprised and happy to see him. "To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure, she asked?"

He bent over to kiss her as she leaned back in her chair. "To your beautiful body", he said as his hands began exploring.

She let out a small concerned laugh. "Are you nuts? I won't be long for this job if anyone sees us...stop honey." He turned the lock and went back to her neck kissing up and down its length. Her "Oh God..." was resigned. She went to his lips and sought the now familiar tongue that had pleasured her pussy so many times. She stood to feel his body against her as they kissed. He lightly ran his hands on the sides of her body along the curve across her waist and hips. They kissed and kissed. She half sat on the desk as he unbuttoned her blouse and removed her bra. He fondled his mother's breasts as she began breathing harder. He lifted the skirt and exposed the prim white panties, unlike the ones she usually wore for him at home. He removed them pausing to kiss and suck the clit his tongue found after separating the fine moist matted hair that adorned his mother's pussy.

Connor took his cock out and hoisted his mother onto it. Ellie felt his strength as he held her on him. Her legs and arms wrapped around him but his hands under her ass and his steel rod in her pussy seemed enough to keep her there forever. She locked on his mouth as his tongue mimicked the gliding insertions of his hard cock into her wet center. Her hips moved to meet his thrusts. He took her to the wall and leaned her up against it. Ellie put her mouth on his ear as she moved her hips to take more of her son's cock into her. "Yes my beautiful man...I love this...I love what you do to me when you're inside me...taking me...using me...fucking me..." At that point she knew that she hopelessly adored her lover...her son...and wanted it all with him. They finished quickly but were far from satiated. Ellie told him, "Take me home."

In the forty-minute trip they both built to a hungry edge. Little was said between furtive glances and reaching hands. Once inside the house, they went to the bedroom they now shared. When Connor returned from the master bath, his mother was naked and waiting for him. Her arms and legs were open and inviting him. She made him so hard so fast so many times doing things like that.

He was kneeling before her looking at her loving face and she took him in her mouth. He gently massaged his mother's clit as she sucked. With a wet slippery finger he touched his mother's asshole for the first time. She seemed to respond and he inserted one finger and then another. Ellie was stimulated to a point she hadn't experienced before. Each time she thought she was about to come, Connor slowed or stopped. He turned her and went into her pussy from behind. She positioned herself for the deeper penetration. It always seemed impossible that he could get any farther into her but he always did. She wasn't sure how she was getting from one plateau to the next higher one: whether it was by her son's design or by happenstance; all she knew was that she felt crazed and wanton.

Ellie felt each long entry of her son into her pussy down to her toes. Some nights her body was so sensitized the feelings bordered on the edge of pleasure and pain. When he was out of her for a moment she reached back and took the big cock into her hand. It was wet with her juices. Then on an impulse, she directed it to her smaller hole that still had some moisture on it from his fingering. As her son's cock stretched her tight ring and entered her ass, her heart pounded from excitement and trepidation. She thought of how fully he filled her pussy and the thought of him in her tight hole sent the fear of being ripped apart through her...but she wanted him there. She wanted her son to have all of her.

As her tight channel became stuffed with her son's full width, it set her aflame. She didn't want to stop him from fucking her that way, no matter the consequences. "OH're in my ass...fucking me...fucking wonderful momma's ass." As he put more and more of the shaft into her, she wondered if his cock would ever end. Her spasms escalated as she began rubbing her pussy and clit. "I'm getting fucked by son", she thought. "My son is fucking me... my son is loving me...with his cock...Oh God...he's in my ass...yes...yes...fucking my ass." Her fears eased and her pleasure increased even though the pressure and friction singed her.

As she felt each inch of him sliding in and out of her inflamed ring, she heard his voice almost echoing her thoughts. "'m inside your ass...your beautiful ass..." Connor mumbled, almost to himself, " the want it there... don't you want your your ass...don't you mom...?"

"Yes baby...that's what momma sweet son... taking my ass...putting his big long cock up as far as it will go...I want you love...I want this more than anything...don't stop fucking me...don't ever stop fucking me...and don't ever stop loving me...will you baby...will you...?"

"No loving you...always inside your your your ass...I'm never going to stop fucking my beautiful mother...never." They were both taken over by the force of the physicality that joined them and by the line of forbidden pleasure they had crossed. Connor's thrusts took him deep enough to slap up against the meaty globes as his mother gyrated. Her moans became almost screams as her son started losing control and pounded them both toward orgasm.

The first release of soothing cum poured into his mother's squeezing channel and Connor leaned over her, biting and kissing her back as he pressed and pulled her flushed breasts. "Yes in my ass...come in my ass...come in momma's ass..." He came and filled her as she crested with a shattering climax that sent her body into paroxysms of pleasure. When finally they stopped moving and the last of his cum saturated her to overflowing, his mother caught her breath and told him, "Oh my sweet boy...I don't know how you could ever make me feel that good again...but your momma's going to make you try and try and try." They both collapsed into a laughing heap.

In the months that followed things were idyllic. She felt married and in love. She shared a special tape with him. Of all the women Connor had been with, his mother was the everything. She could do it all and take it all. He thought of her body as being made for fucking...every hole open and willing. He had everything he wanted and more importantly they both had what they needed. Then they got more than they needed.

An administrator at the college saw the paintings and recognized Ellie. It wasn't hard to do. The sumptuous nudes were done in an almost hyper-realistic style. There was no doubt about who was being portrayed and there was no doubt what was being portrayed. Like almost all avant-garde art, it was about the erotic and the sensual.

The administrator figured he really couldn't do much but the few letters he sent to a few people about the 'impropriety' became a few more e-mails. Most people couldn't have cared less but curiosity led some to the gallery and soon pictures of the paintings were on the Internet. The good news was that Connor sold a few more paintings; the very bad news brought out the piranha.

Ellie was anything but ashamed of her son's art but the unsigned notes and looks began to wear on her. And even though the board sided with her after a hearing concerning the 'morality' clause of her contract, just the humiliation of having to defend herself stung. That night she came home dark and somber.

As soon as Connor saw her face he realized what she was going through and without saying anything he took her in his arms and tenderly soothed her. He stroked her hair and back until he could hear breathing smooth out. He closed all the lights and lit some candles. They sat on the sofa and between gentle kisses said, "You're the most wonderful woman I could ever hope to love...the best model...the best lover...the best mother...the best wife...fuck them all...they'll never have what we have...each other."

After taking her top and bra off, he took his mother's breast in his hand and began licking and sucking on her nipple. She responded with soft moans and his tongue circled the fleshy tip for a long time. Both her nipples were swollen and engorged before he stopped. He had her recline and lifted her dress without removing it or the thigh high stockings she wore. He took her panties down over the black pumps.

Connor made love to his mother's pussy with his mouth. Light massages with the flat of his tongue alternated with long licks along the opening to her hood and finally to the enlarged nub that it covered. She was whispering almost inaudibly touching his hair now and then as he attended to what he knew she needed that night. All he could make out was "Sweet love...always...yes..."

He loved her that way until he could feel her hairs wet and tasted her juices. He used the Bodansky technique he had learned from the tape his mother had shared with him and she stayed on the brink impossibly long. He then ended her excruciating wait by taking the clit into his mouth. He drew it in and stretched it with his lips...rubbing it with his tongue...seeking the wet crevice at its base with the tip...tenderly applying a grazing lick along its hyper-sensitive left side as her moaning got louder and her mumblings more indistinct.

He wanted to hear her say that she cared more for him than what they were putting her through and he stopped and said, "Tell me mom."

She instinctively knew and said, " love you...I'll always love you...nothing matters but're what I want...I want you loving me...touching me...fucking me...make love to me honey...make love to your momma who loves you...come baby come."

Connor took his briefs down over the raging hard cock and went up to enter his mother. Her pussy was sopping and the big cock went in more easily than usual. As he pushed deeper into his mother's belly she said, "Yes baby...that's what I need...that's what matters...having my son in me ...loving me...deep inside me."

Her pussy seemed like a velvet glove massaging her son's cock as he steadily stroked in and out of her. He was where he always wanted to be. He confided to her that whenever he had been with another woman he had always thought of her. "It was your pussy mom, your pussy...always your pussy that I wanted to be in. Oh mom, I can't believe I actually have you...fuck you...every can't know how good this feels." She knew.

As he fucked his mother, Connor reached down to feel the place where their bodies became one. He touched the pussy lips that surrounded his cock and stroked her clit. He entered her tight little hole with his finger and then gently probed her ass. By then Ellie was on sensory overload. She felt her orgasm approach and began raising and lowering her hips to meet her son's thrusts. Her need for his soft gentle touch at the start had been transformed.

"Harder baby, harder...harder...harder." She had never been so needful. Connor raised himself and began pounding his mother giving her the full length of his cock, full force. "Yes baby...fuck me...fuck me...please fuck me...fuck me..." He came in her with great force and she almost lifted him with her high arching thrusts. When they were done, his mother curled into his arms and slept with fits and starts.

For the next few months, sex took center stage for them. It was a salve every night for the irritations of the day. It became the means and the end. They became adventurous and experimented with toys, positions, and finally people.

Connor got the idea to make a triptych of his mother: three paintings by three different artists combined into one work; each artist would concentrate on the figure with light from different times of the day. When Connor explained his idea and asked his mother if she would pose for two other student artists and him for the work, she agreed. The sex they had been having was liberating and even intoxicating. The thought of being naked in front of other young men with Connor excited her. That it turned into something more wasn't that surprising. At some level they probably both knew.

The four of them had dinner together the night before the first sitting and Ellie liked both of her son's friends. Alex was an easygoing person who laughed almost all the time. He was slim and fine featured. Talbot, who went by his last name because there were three other 'Johns' in their class, was dark and serious. It was generally conceded that he was the most talented artist in the school. He and Connor were the only two that were selling works consistently. The evening put them all at ease with each other.

On the following Saturday morning they started working, Ellie sat by the window of the makeshift studio they arranged and the three young men set up their canvases. The light flooded and bathed the room and there was a lot of joking and chatter going on. When Ellie took her robe off the mood changed. The boys were transfixed. Some bodies can be beautiful to look at and yet not sensual. Ellie did not have that kind of body. Alex and Talbot were thunderstruck by the sensuality of her form. There was an indefinable emergent property there. What they were looking at was more than the sum of its parts. What they were looking at was a woman that exuded her sexuality and it turned them on.

When they settled on the pose, the light bounced off the profiled plane of her cheek, hip and nipple. They worked for two days and agreed that that a few more sessions would be needed before each of them would finish. When Ellie went to her room to dress, the boys started talking. Talbot said, "I hope you don't take this the wrong way Connor, but your mother is...amazing. Her body gives off this..."

Alex laughed and interrupted, "Yeah, now I know why your pictures are so probably stink but you can't miss with a model like that." They all laughed and Alex half kidding added, "Do you think she would go out with me?"

At the next session on Sunday afternoon, Ellie had a few glasses of wine and was clearly seductive: the smiles, the jut of her breasts and ass, and finally the joke that wasn't a joke. She told them that if they all painted her beautifully, there would be a 'reward'.

The final session was fraught with sexual tension. Ellie and Connor had only talked about it once in 'shorthand'. They both asked if the other was okay with what was going on and they both were. When the final brushstrokes were applied, Ellie went to examine the works. She stood without putting her robe on and strode naked behind the three young men who sat at their canvasses.

Ellie looked over Alex's shoulder and his view had her innocence brought out in the morning light, innocent but available. She kissed his cheeks with her hands on his chest and said, "Thank you Alex, you made me more beautiful than I could hope to be." She walked to Talbot's interpretation and saw her sexuality exposed to the bright light of day. She kissed him on the lips and was embroiled in the feelings he had evoked and only said "Thank you." When she saw Connors work of her at dusk, anticipating her lover and flushed with desire, she said nothing. He stood and kissed his mother. As their long embrace continued Connor invited the other two with a wave of his hand.

Talbot approached and began kissing Ellie's back, from her shoulder blades down to her ass. Alex used his hands finding the places the other two weren't. He massaged the sides of Ellie's breasts that pressed against her son's chest; he reached between her legs to the pussy with its soft wetness that made his hard-on rage. His fingers sank deep into her hole. Ellie began moaning into Connors mouth as she skipped from the sensations each of them was producing in her.

Connor broke the kiss to suck on his mother's nipples. He held both tits in his hands from underneath and squeezed them inflating the already large swollen tips. He alternated drawing in and suckling the rubbery nipples that at times left his mouth with a popping sound. Alex joined him, taking over one of her breasts while Talbot licked at Ellie's thighs. They trembled slightly as she anticipated his approaching mouth and tongue on her cunt.

Connor took the cushions off the couch and set them on the floor. He urged his mother down onto her knees. She waited as the boys undressed. Alex was the most impatient and stood before Ellie with his flailing cock. He didn't invade her space but sort of waited to be invited. She smiled at this sweetness and reached for him. His hard–on practically pointed to the ceiling. As he approached, she opened her mouth wide to accept the young cock. Alex closed his eyes tightly as she began sucking him.

Talbot approached her from the rear and looked to Connor for permission. Conner just shook his head in assent and Talbot entered Ellie's pussy, doggy-style. Connor was content to watch at this point. It was an odd sensation, watching his mother getting fucked by one friend and blowing another. He had some mixed feelings but it settled his mind when he thought that this was his choice; his mother was doing what he wanted her to do in addition to her own desires. He was emotionally distant at that moment. It wasn't his mother getting fucked; it was a movie of her getting fucked. He watched the two 'actors' moving in and out of her pussy and mouth.

Alex was quick. This was a fantasy of his come true. The thought of being sucked off by and older woman this way had been in his mind for years. He still hadn't connected the dots between his own attractive mother and the woman who was now sucking on his cock. Ellie knew he was about to come and took his cock out of her mouth. She fisted the quaking boy's throbbing cock as it shot streams of hot white cum onto her neck and breasts. Coming in her mouth was only for Connor.

Connor was ready and he took charge. He directed Talbot to lie on his back and for his mother to mount the rock hard staff. She impaled herself on it, riding it until Connor urged her to lean over. As her hanging breasts grazed Talbot's chest, Ellie's asshole became accessible to her son. That also, was only for Connor. A quickly recovering Alex brought his still wet cock to Ellie's mouth. She took the slowly stiffening mass back into her mouth. Alex was where he wanted to be.

Connor knew it might be a difficult entry into his mother's ass without the usual lubrication they used. So he put as much saliva as he could on the palm of his hand and applied it to the knob that was now purple with desire. The first push took some effort to get his mother's tight ring stretched enough for his swollen head to enter. He heard his mother's sounds of distress even with her mouth full of Alex's by then hard cock.

It was easier after that. The young son slid deeper into his mother's chute and she felt stuffed and filled at every end. The two cocks in her ass and pussy moved at a different pace and it was an exciting and novel experience. Right then Ellie was just feeling the feelings: in her mouth, in her pussy, and her son in her ass but she wanted to her the sound of his voice.

Talbot and Alex were in their own world. They moaned and grunted but none of the boys spoke until Connor did. He said to his mother, "Is it good you like it...?"

She took Alex's cock out of her mouth long enough to say, "Yes baby...yes..."

Connor then began talking to his mother, telling her things he always told her, as if the others weren't there. "I love you're the best thing in my life and I'm going to love you forever...just you...just you..." It was what she needed to hear.

Ellie moved on the two cocks inside her and their timing synchronized. Both slid along opposite sides of the common membrane as Talbot filled her pussy and her son filled her ass. She had her first orgasm as she felt her son's thumbs digging into the rounded cheeks of her ass, spreading them as far apart as they would go as he began releasing his pent-up sperm into his mother.

As she cried out and came with her son, she called to Connor who stroked her and soothed her as he fucked her. Talbot bucked, forcefully lifting her with each thrust. Each entry released more of his shooting cum into her pussy and she could still feel her son's cock steadfast in her small hole even though he had come.

Ellie raised herself enough to take Alex's cock into her hand. She squeezed the tip and massaged it twice between her fingers before he started to come. Connor had pulled back and reached around his mother's waist to finger her clit. Alex came in her hands. Her juices covered her slick swollen nub and her son knew exactly how to rub it to make her come again. After a gasp, she came for the second time and rolled onto the cushions in total exhaustion.tThere was a little uneasiness after they all recovered but it lessened with time and a few drinks as they sat around the kitchen table. A half hour later Ellie was lying on that kitchen table with Talbot at her pussy, slowly lapping over the lips and hood as he pressed on her clit. Her son stood above her. Her head was tilted back at the end of the table to accept the cock he put into her open mouth. She sucked him as Alex watched in awe.

Connor's thick shaft dropped in and out of his mother's mouth as he raised and lowered himself. Alex thought it an impossible sword-swallowing trick as she took almost his whole length down her throat. Her hands reached back to fondle his sperm filled balls as she sucked him. Alex watched Ellie's pleasure as she sucked her son, her lips and tongue teasing, licking, pressing and in fervent motion. Connor's climax was fast and intense. Ellie let her son come in her mouth and swallowed his seed as she always did.

After he caught his breath Connor asked his mother if he could show his friends how he made her come. She laughed and said, "Sure." Talbot and Alex couldn't imagine what was to come next. The 'demonstration' blew them away. Connor used the technique his mother had learned from the tape on orgasm by Dr. Bodansky and had taught him.

Ellie remained on the table with her knees up and Connor sat beside her with his thumb placed at the base of her vagina. With the other hand across her belly, his fingers stimulated her clitoris. Through practice they had determined the most sensitive area, on her clit. As her son manipulated her, Talbot and Alex watched in awe as she began to come. They were stupefied when she didn't stop coming. They watched her vagina contract as she moaned and Connor continued the stimulation.

Ellie went through peaks and valleys but was orgasmic throughout. Her face and breasts flushed as they incredulously witnessed a woman in the throes of continuous pleasure for over seven minutes. Alex almost seemed shaken. When she finished she held her son in a strong embrace for a while and when she finally let go, they saw sparkling gray eyes and a wide smile on a face that looked like fresh make-up had just been applied.

When the two boys left for home Alex whispered something to Ellie as he went out the door. When she came back in, her eyes were misty. Connor asked what Alex had said to her and Ellie replied, "He said he wished his mother loved him the way I love you."

The triptych sold for five thousand dollars at the gallery show a few weeks later. Ellie met Alex's mother Diane who stood by Ellie the whole time she was there. She told Ellie they had a lot in common, being single mothers who had sons that were artists. She plied Ellie with questions. She wanted to know how Ellie felt posing and what went through her mind. Finally she got to what was really on her mind. She said, "Alex asked me to pose for him but I didn't know what to say...I mean I didn't really understand why...compared to you I'm pretty average looking...I guess a part of me wants to do it but I finally told him that I was too shy and I thought I ...can I ask you something?"

When Diane hesitated Ellie said, "It's fine Diane can ask whatever you want...I'm comfortable with the whole thing."

"Well what I was worried about was that I might know...sexual feelings...being naked and all...and in front of my son..."

"Listen Diane, as far as your looks, obviously Alex sees the beauty in you that maybe you're missing...that's why he's an artist; but if you're uncomfortable having sexual feelings, then you probably shouldn't do it because that's part of what it's about...we get those feelings all the time don't we Diane...we're sexual beings...but that doesn't mean you have to do something or not do something about them at any given time...right?"

"I guess you're right...I don't know if I would have the guts to pose the way you do...but thanks least I feel better about wanting to. By the way, you look fantastic in the paintings...and in real life." She gave Ellie a kiss on the cheek and Ellie thanked her for the kind words.

A week later Ellie got a call from Diane who said she needed someone to talk to and Ellie was probably the only one who could understand. Diane was obviously agitated. Diane said, "I don't want you to be angry with Alex because it wasn't his fault...I made him tell me...after what happened."

"Tell you what Diane...after what happened?"

Diane spoke almost without taking a breath. "Well I decided I would pose for Alex but not completely without my clothes, so I had a peignoir on and I was really nervous and Alex started painting and then he came over to me and said he wanted to fix the material and he put his hand on my breast and I knew he wasn't fixing it; he was fondling me and then it was like you said...I was having these sexual feelings but then I asked him what he was doing and he said, 'I love you and I just want you to love me'...I didn't know what he meant and he started to kiss know like real kissing but I stopped him and asked him what it was all about...and then I could see his eyes get filled with tears and he said, he wanted me to love him like you love Connor."

Diane finally took a deep breath and said, "Ellie my heart was breaking, how could he think I didn't love him? Then he started saying something about a tape and how he wanted to make me feel like Connor made you feel. It didn't make any sense until he said that Connor told him that you and he...were lovers. I guess at that moment I wanted to believe him because he was touching me and...Ellie...before I say another word...I know I have no right to ask but...was Alex lying...or was Connor making it all up...?"

"So Alex just said that Connor told him this...that's all?

"Well that and the stuff about a tape...why...what else...?

"Listen Diane, I like you and I think I can trust you...and it shouldn't matter as far as what you do, but if it makes it easier for you to know that you're not the only one in the world with feelings like this...then yes...Connor and I are lovers."

"Oh Ellie...God...I did it too...I really didn't think Alex would lie to get me to do it but...after it happened I started to doubt everything...I'm so glad you told me...thank at least I have someone I can talk to. God Ellie it makes me hot just thinking about it...I let my son touch me...and I touched him...he told how beautiful I was and how much he loved me and it all poured out of him...Ellie he was so hard and I took him in my mouth...I thought he would go out of his mind...I never saw a man react like made me feel so good...I was sucking my own son...his cock was in my mouth and then I had sex with him...more than once." Diane laughed and then Ellie did too.

Ellie could tell that Diane was turned on telling her about and it got Ellie going too so she encouraged her. "What was like having him in you, Diane?"

"Oh was more than anything I'd ever...Ellie, do you think that its just because it' know...incest that it's so exciting? I don't know...I never felt anything like own son inside me..." She laughed and said, "Young guys can sure do it a lot of times can't they Ellie? He must have come back for more...I lost count." She laughed again and then got serious. "You know Ellie... in the morning...I thought maybe he would change his mind...because I'm his mother and all...but he wanted me again and again...Ellie I'm so sore...but he makes me feel good...I even feel beautiful...Ellie...nobody in my whole life ever wanted me like that."

Later that week, Ellie gave Diane a copy of the bootlegged Bodansky tape, which unlike the fictional "Venus Butterfly", really worked. After a few days, Ellie received and e-mail that just said, "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU." . Six weeks later the term ended and Ellie left teaching. Connor continued studying and painting. There were too many local news accounts about them, especially the one headed "Mom Poses Nude." It made it easier for her to decide to take a job editing while managing Connors fledgling career. The e-mails and calls dwindled after that.

Ellie didn't put much stock in intuition or pre-cognition but she began getting a feeling that she was being watched. She started looking behind herself more and more. It was probably peripheral vision that tipped her off the day she turned around at the mall and saw a figure turn immediately and walk away. Ellie stiffened as a cold sweat bathed her; she knew that walk. Not quite a limp but distinctive enough to recognize. It was Ralph's walk. She went home in terror.

Ellie wondered if it could be him after all those years and how did he find her? Not that it would have been hard if he'd tried. She was still Eleanor Grant and she still lived within thirty miles from the place he had known her.

The picture in the paper had set Ralph off again. Three and a half years in jail and fourteen out hadn't 'cured' him. In and out of treatment and hospitals, hadn't convinced him that it wasn't all a misunderstanding and that she wanted and loved him. Then he went to the gallery.

His first note to her was a garbled rambling about her infidelity and what a filthy whore she was. It wasn't her first unsigned missive on the subject and she tried to put it out of her mind. Easier said than done; this one felt different.

The phone call to the police didn't give her much peace. Although one of the detectives was sympathetic, most of what she got was, "He hadn't done anything...maybe it wasn't him...they couldn't do anything until he did..." on and on.

Connor could hardly comfort her. She was uneasy except during some rare moments of lovemaking when she could lose herself in the feelings. Ellie couldn't even pose because she felt too vulnerable sitting unclothed in the middle of a room. The threat hung over them and Connor said, "Mom, we can't just give up our lives to this fucking maniac."

"I know baby, but what are we supposed to do...some TV show thing where we set a trap and the cops come in at the last minute and..."

"No mom...we find him...and then we beat the hell out of him... or we kill the fuck."

"God Connor...stop it...he didn' I'm starting to doubt if it really was him...and even if it was, we don't know if he has any intention of doing anything...I can see you're serious and that scares me...please don't say things like that."

"Mom, I'm not going to let him hurt you...I'm not going to wait until...what do you want to away...?"

"No honey...I don't know...maybe I'm over-reacting...I just have to change my head... listen Connor...every day we go out there not knowing what could, terrorists, flower pots, whatever...maybe the only way to feel safe is to do what you can do and..."

"That's just it mom...what should we do...I say 'kill the fuck'...then we'll feel safe."

"Oh honey...we'd be looking over our shoulder's even more...anyway, I could never do it...and I don't think you could either...could you baby?"

Connor hesitated, "Oh fuck...I guess not...but...oh fuck."

"Listen to your momma baby...we're going to be okay...I love you more than anything in the world...I hate to see you upset this way...sweet Connor, I would do anything to make you happy...come here...come to your momma." He came to her and they kissed long and lovingly. They took comfort in each other's caresses and the knowledge that each was there for the other. She took her son in her mouth and did the things most ordinary mothers wouldn't...and shouldn't...but this was no ordinary mother and son.

Connor's cock swelled in his mother's mouth and he lost track of time as she slowly and deliberately took him up. With delicate kissing and practiced sucking, she knew where to do what. He had her tits in his hands as he often did when she sucked him. He never tired of touching them and fondling them and she always loved being touched by him.

The head of his cock mushroomed to a swollen knob over the ramrod shaft. She adored having his cock in her mouth with its spongy mass almost at the back of throat. She licked and pressed him to explosive urgency. Sometimes she could make him come quickly with a fast hard mouthing while stroking the exposed part of his shaft with her fist. Sometimes, like that time, it seemed liked she could suck him forever, teasing the cum to the tip, licking out the few oozing drops, and then building the rest to a reservoir that pressed at the boundaries it would inevitably burst.

She momentarily took her mouth off him, stroking him slowly with her soft hand and said, "I love your cum baby and I want it in my you're going give your momma all you have...all your come is for all your love is for me...isn't it baby...isn't it?"

Connor was almost shaking in anticipation of release. He would have said 'yes' to anything at that point but that didn't matter because the truth was...everything he had was for her. He let it all go when she returned her engulfing mouth to his cock. Each blast of cum rocked him as his mother's mouth filled. "OH momma, yes...yes...suck me off...suck me...suck me." After the first few releases, he looked to the sight of her taking him in. Some of the creamy thick fluid escaped her lips and made its way down the shaft. Most of it was in his mother's mouth and then down her throat. She liked it...because she loved him.

Connor became obsessed with Ralph. He spoke to the detective every few days pressing for information but getting very little. Connor even went into the garage and took out the antique Vincent his mother had taught him to ride. He figured he had a better chance of spotting him down the alleys on it. They had spent many hours together lovingly maintaining the 1952 Black Lightning bike and he always felt connected to her when he rode. He scoured the neighborhood and then the mall looking for Ralph. It was of course fruitless to look for someone he had only a vague description of in a town of thousands but it made him feel better to try.

A month later Connor found Ralph. The detective had come to like Connor and gave him the address of a residential treatment center. Connor convinced the detective he wouldn't be stupid about it.

On the day he confronted him, he felt almost as sorry as angry but did what he felt he had to. Connor rode up to a disheveled and obviously broken figure as he walked from the center. He set the front tire over the man's toes and held the frightened man's arms. He told him, "I know who you are Ralph and I want you to know who I am. I'm Eleanor Grant's son and if you ever talk to her, I'm going to kill you. If you ever write to her, I'm going to kill you. If she ever sees you anywhere near her, I'm going to kill you. Do you understand me Ralph?" They never heard from him again.

Their first years together as lovers had been a whirlwind. At forty five he loved and wanted her as much as ever but she had begun calculating, "When I'm...he'll be..." Most people have their 'Birthday Blues' on even numbered birthdays but for Ellie, it was number forty-five that had her staring a little harder at the fine lines around her eyes and increasing the backward glances at her ass as she stood at a full-length mirror. Looking at her young son also made her think twice.

Even though he never fed her insecurities, Ellie worked out more, bought more creams, and worried more. She wasn't unaware that these were attempts to recapture youth but she went out and bought a leather outfit not unlike the one she used to wear anyway. Then she asked Connor to ride the Vincent with her.

It was a perfect summer evening and she took him to the hill where she and her friends had spent hours with boys when she was young. She laughed when she saw the condos that now filled the landscape. "I guess you really can't go back baby...can you?" She looked at the son she loved and said; "You know what honey...I have something better than the past with you my love...I have the future." He kissed her forehead and her eyes as he held her face in his hands. She got on the bike behind him and opened her jacket so he could feel her breasts against him; she rested her face on his shoulder and closed her eyes as he rode into the woods.

He found a small lush green open area and told her, "This is going to be our place, mom." They sat by a tree. They kissed quietly at an almost slow-motion pace. He bared her breasts and she looked around. "It's just us and me...and we're going to make love and no one is going to bother us." She believed him and went back to kissing him and he went back to touching every part of her.

Finally when Ellie could feel the arousal of her son straining at his pants, she opened his fly and took out the erect cock. After kissing up and down the shaft, she took off the leather pants and panties she wore. Connor sat with his back to the tree and Ellie straddled over him. He held his cock as his mother eased herself over it. Carefully she took it into her pussy one inch at a time.

When the long shaft was completely coated with her juices, Ellie impaled herself over and over, looking down at the sight of her son's big cock being swallowed by her pussy. As it rubbed along the walls of her channel, she savored Connors moans and the feel of his hands clutching at the globes of her ass. Ellie sat down on him completely engulfing the thick steel rod. All the years she had done without a man's love, no longer mattered. She had her son inside her and that what she lived for...loving him and fucking him.

Her son's long cock spread and stretched her pussy reached up into her...nothing felt reached to the place that felt like her end and she held him in her...squeezing his cock...gyrating slowly... intensifying the feeling. They looked almost like manikins with arms around each other but inside her pussy, the slightest movement of either, felt potentially explosive.

They both sat on the knife-edge of orgasm. They always stayed in that timeless other world as long as they could. Then came the slightest of movements that was enough to bring on the rush...the flood...the cum. This time it was Ellie. It was a little yell. "OH", she said. "...Now"

Connor felt the tightening of his mother's pussy around his cock as she flexed. She bounced hard on him, raising and lowering herself on his stiff pole. She felt each jet as it entered her. She didn't stop bouncing and squeezing until she milked all the streams of cum that her son could shoot up into her. When they were both spent, they rested and listened to the tree rustle. They felt the peace that's all too fleeting.

Connors worked as a commercial artist in the following years continued painting his mother. One series of his paintings sold well enough to afford them some luxuries. The series were all of his mother's face. These were the only paintings of her that he didn't draw from life because he was too involved. He had videotaped her face and painted from the tapes and stills. They showed his mother's face as she came.

On the first night she posed for the series, he used the Bodansky technique on her three times. Her plateaus on the edge and orgasms totaled almost thirty minutes. His fingers worked her vagina and clitoris unendingly. At one point the emotions overwhelmed her and she whimpered and cried in the pleasure her son was giving her. Her pussy dripped and Connor licked her for a while in between to give her a respite. It thrilled and satisfied her and at the same time whetted her appetite for more. Her body coursed with endorphins and oxytocin and all she could think about was sex with her son.

She wouldn't let him paint that night; Ellie wanted her son with her. First she sucked him. She wouldn't stop until he came. She wanted him to last a long time inside her. She wanted him to do what only he could do for her...all night long.

She took the lubricant and teased his cock with it; rubbing it all over him until his shaft and knob were completely covered. Then she got up on her knees and elbows letting him watch as she greased her rosette...pushing her fingers into her ass. She was past 'ready' for him by then. She almost begged him, " my ass it in my ass...long and hard and deep...I want you to fill me with all of you...all of your lovely cock...all for your momma..."

Connor had just recovered and he became stiff with desire for his mother's ass. He loved when she wanted it that way...cock in her...his hands tugging on her breasts...pulling on her nipples...fucking her until she was almost senseless...mumbling the loving, fucking words almost incoherently. He loved when she told him to fuck her...begged him to fuck her...he loved when she came all over his cock...he loved the way she loved him.

Ellie and Connor lived as normal a life as they could under the circumstances. She had only questioned him once about it all. They were in church at Talbot's wedding. She said, "Baby...are you sure about what we're doing? You know you're giving up things to be with me...I can't give you..."

Connor stopped her and whispered, "Mom, I couldn't stop if I wanted to...and I don't want to because I love give me everything I need and's you and me honey." He kissed her cheek quickly and a smile crossed her face as her eyes welled.

If most relationships seem to succeed or fail on the basis of the response to crisis, then Ellie's and Connor's was no exception. The paintings were doing well and when Connor surprised his mother one day with tickets for a cruise, she was thrilled. It was ten days in Europe: ten days of luxurious food, accommodations, and entertainment. Ten days of Maria and Jorge.

Of the two thousand people on the ship, the fates had chosen to seat the most compatible, friendly, and pretty couple with Ellie and Connor. They hit it off the first night at dinner and decided to go touring together the next day. They laughed and had a wonderful time. Of course Connor had to answer his mother's inevitable question first by saying, "No mom I don't think she's prettier than you."

As they got to know the other couple better, they sensed something was unusual about their relationship and a few days into the trip, Maria confided to Ellie that their marriage was one of convenience. Maria and Ellie traded confidences and developed a sisterly relationship quickly and deeply. It turned out that Jorge was from an extremely wealthy family in Spain, needed a wife and was gay. Maria was from a good family, down on their luck – end of story.

Connor was taken by the dark smoldering good looks of the young Maria. Her features were fine and delicate and she presented the other end of the spectrum that she and his mother were on. They were two beauties of opposite type. He wanted to do a portrait of them together.

When Maria understood that Connor was a serious artist, she agreed. The four of them went to Ellie and Connor's stateroom after dinner on the sixth night. Dinner was 'formal' that evening and both women were in dresses. They both sat on the small couch in half profile facing each other. After Connor drew for about an hour, Jorge got bored and excused himself.

When they were alone Connor walked to his mother and took the straps of her dress off her shoulders. She had no bra on and he exposed her breasts. Maria's eyes showed surprise...then interest and excitement. Ellie had confided that Connor was her son and seeing her naked before him turned Maria on. Connor tentatively began taking the top of Maria's dress down. She wordlessly assented and he unhooked her bra. Her breasts were smaller than his mother's but well formed and pink tipped with puffy nipples that looked larger than they were because they covered so much of the tip.

Connor drew until he was satisfied he had enough for the painting and he then went and kissed his mother and said "Thank you" to both of them. Maria leaned over and gave Ellie a warm kiss. She stood without lifting the top of her dress. She closed the gap of two steps that separated her from Connor and began kissing him. Connor was taken aback and looked to his mother; she seemed non-committal.

As Maria kissed Connor she extended her hand to Ellie who took it. Maria removed the dress and panties and Connor saw her smoothly shaved pussy, pink in its nakedness. She took down Connors pants and briefs together and began licking the semi-erect meat into hardness. Again Connor looked to his mother whose lips were curled in a half smile. Ellie said nothing. Maria attempted to lead Ellie to the bed and moved her mouth to her but she resisted. Maria reclined and opened her legs, beckoning Connor. He approached the woman and entered the tight wet hole. Maria began moaning as her pussy was stretched but a louder noise overtook her moans. It was Ellie. She was yelling, "NO, NO, NO..." as she pounded on Connors back.

Connor pulled out and stuttered in his confusion, "But mom...I...I thought...I thought you..." Ellie was crying now and Maria was dressing while attempting an incoherent apology. When Maria left, Ellie was still crying as Connor tried to put his arm around her and explain, " did it with...I thought you wanted this too."

Ellie took his arm off her and yelled at him in a voice he'd never heard. "You bastard...that was different...that was for wanted her and not" She cried and wouldn't let him near her. She made him leave the room and when he came back three hours later, she was sleeping fitfully on top of the bed, still fully dressed.

Connor sat on the edge of the bed and he stroked his mother's hair, softly kissing her face as she emerged from sleep. She didn't know where she was until she felt the gentle rocking of the sea and remembered. "Listen mom...mother that I love...and mother that I know loves me, what happened tonight is never going to happen again. I only did it because I thought you wanted me to...just for the fun of it. I don't want anybody else...I don't need anybody are all I need and want...this face...this heart...this pussy." He touched his mother in all those places.

"I'm sorry baby...I got crazy and it's just because I love you so more other people, okay?"

"No more mom...just us...because it's all we need. This is all I need." His hand went under his mother's dress between the soft thighs and rested over the panties that covered her sex. They rustled over the hairs and moistened as he continued rubbing his mother's pussy. She kissed him hungrily and then he tasted her salty tear stained eyes and cheeks. "Tell me that you know that I'm going to love you forever mom...only you."

"Yes Connor darling...yes my heart...I know you're going to love me forever...only me...or I'll have to kill you."

They both laughed as she lifted her arms and he removed her dress. She looked so hot to him in the black stockings; he didn't let her take them off. He did let her take her panties off. She leaned over as they sat facing each other and filled her mouth with her son's big cock. Her tongue ran along the swollen ridge under the shaft and traced the shape of the knob until it throbbed. She took his balls in her hand and cupped them lovingly, massaging as she sucked. She knew how to make her son come in her mouth; she also knew how not to.

That was a night for him to come inside her, to fill her pussy with his cum, to drench her insides with his juices. As she stretched out on the bed with her arms and legs spread, her son came to her. She took his cock in both her hands and smiled up at him as she surveyed the width and length he had expanded to for her. She directed her son into her hole. Her juices were evident on the hairs that sparingly covered her pussy and evident by the way the big cock was able to penetrate the opening.

As his cock slid up into his mother, they held each other and felt closer than ever. She slowly ground her hips to move her son's cock along the channel he filled so well for her. They had fucked in tubs, cars and trains, on chairs, tables, floors, and even once on the Vincent but tonight was for simply making love; him...on top of her...on the bed.

Connor surrounded one of his mother's breasts with his hand and engulfed the nipple in his mouth as movements synchronized below. He suckled until her nipple was raw and sensitized. Their hips found their rhythm; it was a graceful dance that practice had perfected.

Her pussy tingled and he did the thing she liked. He came out of her and laid the long cock along the slit and over the clit. He rubbed back and forth. The mushroomed head stimulated his mother's nub and her pussy lips hugged the sides of his shaft. He did it until she couldn't stand it anymore. "...In me in in me now."

As he sank into her depths, a long "OHHHhhhhhh..." escaped her lips. He gave her his length and she told him, "Only you my baby...only you can do this to me...only you..." He lifted her legs to his shoulders. She felt the stretch in her thighs but loved being opened this way because she could take more of her son's big cock deeper into her belly. He reached down to kiss her and put his hands under her shoulder blades. She felt safe, all wrapped up in him as he was as deep in her as he could get. He was up against her ass. As her pussy stretched for him, she felt completed. She wanted to stop time and keep her son inside her forever. "Are you going to always love me this way, baby...always?"

"Yes mom...always...always taking you like this...fucking you like this...loving you like this..." The heat and friction built inside her until she was on fire...a fire she never wanted to put out. He stroked long and deep into his mother's pussy and finally they let themselves go at the same time.

"Oh in me...come in me." Each jet of his release painted her insides with his loving. Each spasm of her pussy told her son how much she wanted and loved him. Together mother and son made Art of living and loving.