Johnny didn't know that his 46-year-old mother, Jennifer, was an exhibitionist. That's the last thing he'd ever think his mother was. Having never seen as much as her bra strap, with her never flashing him up skirts and nightgowns and/or down blouses and down nightgowns how would he know she enjoyed flashing her sexy, shapely body to unsuspecting men? With him thinking of her as just his loving Mom, he had no idea his mother was so sexy and as sexual.

As does most young, adult men his age, while masturbating, he had imagined his Mom naked and having sex with him. What horny man doesn't imagine having sex with his mother, especially a mother who was so sexy, shapely, and beautiful. Accustomed to being around her when he wasn't mesmerized by her, most days, he just thought of her as his Mom. Most days, thinking of her as a non-sexual being, he never would have guessed that his mother was so sexual, so horny, and so sexually frustrated. Who knew? Surely, he didn't.

If only he knew, his sexual fantasy come true, he had no idea his mother enjoyed showing her underwear clad, topless, and naked body to unsuspecting men. If only he knew, his sexual fantasy come true, maybe his mother would flash him her underwear clad, topless, and naked body too. If only for masturbation fodder, he'd love to see some part, any part of his mother's body that he was forbidden to see. If only he knew, maybe his mother would shock him by even having sex with him. A shocking surprise to him, he didn't know his mother had been flashing their 65-year-old next door neighbor, Bob, while masturbating herself until he saw her striptease and masturbation show with his own eyes.

'Oh, my God. I don't believe what I'm seeing,' he thought when he saw his mother standing naked at her unshaded, bedroom window.

# # # Lady of Erotica # # #

It all started one Saturday night, early Sunday morning actually, when he was out partying. At his age, that's what he did. He worked all week, drank Saturday night, picked up a woman to fuck and to get sucked, and stayed overnight at their place. Accustomed to him having weekly sex with women he met at the bar, his mother knew not to expect him home until Sunday for breakfast or for lunch.

Yet, not everything goes as planned. Hoping to get lucky, tonight was not his night. Too drunk to drive home, a good night for a walk, the night air felt good. Walking straight now, he was starting to sober up. The best thing he did was to leave his car behind in the parking lot. The last thing he wanted was to be arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Just a two mile walk home, he'd get his car from the parking lot of the bar later today, Sunday.

A typical, quiet night in this small town, just after 1:00 am, everything was closed and everyone was sleeping. After walking for about twenty minutes, he turned down his street. He still had a long way to go. It didn't seem as far when he was driving but it sure seemed far when he was walking home drunk.

But for the dim glow from the occasional streetlight, his street was dark and deserted. The only sound was his shoes hitting the pavement. A long street, his house was still four blocks away. The bewitching hour, this was the time that all the nocturnal creatures of the night were out, ghouls, ghosts, witches, bats, owls, rats, rabbits, opossums, and skunks. Hoping he didn't startle a skunk, he kept a watchful eye.

While walking, something he rarely did, always in his car driving everywhere he went, he thought of his mother not in a loving way but more in a sexual way. Because he didn't get laid tonight, he blamed his incestuous thoughts on his sexual frustration and horniness. Perhaps, because he didn't get lucky tonight, he was horny, horny enough to think of his mother in a forbidden, sexual way.

Compared to his friends' mothers, his Mom was so beautiful and so sexy. She was the best looking mother of them all. If there was a beauty contest for MILF's, she'd win. There was Mrs. America of course but with most mothers competing in their thirties, his Mom was 46-years-old. Still, if he didn't know she was forty-six, he'd think she was thirty-six.

She was so sexy. She was so shapely. She was so kind. Always smiling, she was so joyful. Only, so modestly moral, she was so unavailable. She was his mother after all and he was her son. Just as he'd never have sex with is mother, she'd never have sex with him either.

Yet, especially when his hand was tight around his cock, it sexually exited him to think about his mother in a sexual way. It excited him to think of his mother with her legs spread wide and her glistening, wet cunt staring him in the face. He imagined being close enough to her pussy that he could smell the musky aroma of sex.

'Oh, my God, I can just taste her,' he thought.

Something he had never considered before, it was then that he realized the reason why he had been unsuccessful in finding love. He had been looking for a woman who measured up to his mother. No woman on the planet compared to his mother. It was then that he realized that he was attracted to women who looked like her.

Running the women he bedded through his mind like a fast forward movie, he thought of all the women from his past. He could see it now. He was attracted to women who talked like her, sounded like her, and even laughed like her. Thinking about all the women he had sex with, he was attracted to women who acted like her. Attracted to women who were just as tall, just as sexy, and just as shapely, it was then that he realized he sexually wanted his mother.

'Oh, my God. I don't believe this,' he thought while walking home to his mother.

It was then he realized he needed to fuck his mother, really fuck his mother and pound her pussy. It was then he realized that he needed to have his wicked, sexual way with his mother and make her cum with his fingers, his tongue, and his big, hard cock. In was then he realized how much he wanted his mother to suck his cock. He'd give anything to feel her hand around his cock while stroking him. He'd give anything to feel the sensation of cumming in her mouth and watching her swallow his cum. Only, nothing more than a sexual fantasy, he knew he'd never have sex with his mother.

'Oh, my God. What's wrong with me? I can't believe I want to have sex with my mother,' he thought. 'That's nuts. A psychiatrist would love to get me on a couch.'

Making sense to him now, with all of the women he dated and all the women he bedded, he rejected them all because they didn't compare to his mother. Always finding something wrong with them, he rejected them all because they weren't his mother. Comparing them to his Mom, the slightest provocation ruined his relationship with them and made him return home to live with his mother.

"Oh, my God, I want my mother. I can't believe I sexually want my mother,' he thought and immediately berated himself. 'I shouldn't be having sexual thoughts about my mother. That's just wrong. That's just nasty," he said while walking with his head down, his shoulders pitched forward, and his hands dug deep in his pockets. 'It's wrong to think of her in that sexually incestuous way. Yet, if only I could see her in her bra and panty, topless, and/or naked, maybe seeing her unclothed would satisfy my sexual need to incestuously think about my mother.'

The more he chastised himself for sexually thinking about his mother, the more he realized that he wanted to have sex with his mother.

"I'm just horny. I'm just sexually frustrated. I'm just drunk. I need to sober up before going home. I don't want my mother seeing me like this sexually frustrated, horny, and with an erection as hard as a steel pipe. Besides, in the way that I'm sexually thinking about her now, God forbid I would make a pass at my Mom. She'd ask me to leave and find another place to live," he said continuing to talk to himself.

# # # Lady of Erotica # # #

Then, as if there was a light beam far off in the distance, he stared at the light while wondering what it was. It was strange to see such a bright like on such a dark street, especially at this early hour of the morning. As if it was a beacon showing him the way home or as if it was the light from an alien spaceship, he saw the glow of a bright, white light. As if he was Homer's Ulysses from his epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, aboard his ship floating dangerously close to the rocks from the beck and call of sirens on shore, drawn uncontrollably to the bright, white light, he continued walking closer.

Only, as he neared closer, there was no light beam. There was no beacon showing him the way home. There wasn't a light emanating from an alien spaceship. Yet, as if he was being lit up by a spotlight, the light held his attention. While continuing to walk towards the light, as if he was a dying man on his way to Heaven, he stared in the bright, white light.

Curious what the light could be, he didn't know. He had no idea. It was so odd to see a bright, white light on a street that was so dark. As he neared closer to his home, he could see that the light was coming from his house. The light was emanating from his mother's bedroom.

'Why would his mother be up at this ungodly hour? She's always in bed by 10:00 pm. Was there something wrong? Did something happen? Is she ill? Oh, my God.'

Unable to run after drinking so much, instead he quickened his walking pace. The last thing he wanted was to be sick and puke should his mother need him to drive her to the hospital. Should she be sick, hurt, injured, or dying, he needed to have a clear head enough to call for an ambulance. Fearing the worst, if anything happened to his mother, he'd be lost. If anything happened to his mother while he was out drinking, getting drunk, and having a good time, he'd never forgive himself for not being there for her in her time of need.

'Mom, hold on. I'm coming,' he thought while trying to move inebriated legs that wouldn't move as fast as he wanted them to move.

With all of the other houses on his street dark, there was a single, bright light emanating from his mother's bedroom window. Normally with her shade pulled all the way down and her drapes tightly drawn closed, her bedroom was always dark but tonight, as if she was having a party in her bedroom, her uncovered, bedroom window glowed brightly. Sickened with worry, he never should have gone out tonight. He never should have left her alone. With her doing everything for him, he needed to do more for her. Just as he thought that he should do more for his mother, he thought about having sex with his mother.

'Oh, my God! What the fuck is wrong with me? How can I think of having incestuous sex with my mother at a time like this? Obviously, something happened. Obviously, there's something really wrong. Maybe there was a break-in. Maybe some intruder tried to hurt his mother and/or rape his mother.

'Oh, God! Oh, God! Please God, let my Mom be okay. She's all that I have,' he thought while walking faster.

# # # Lady of Erotica # # #

Lit up like a dance hall, he stared at her brightly lit, ground floor, bedroom window as if he was having at a religious vision and a mind altering experience. As he walked closer, able to see the interior of her entire bedroom, he finally saw his mother. Surprised to see her standing and walking around her bedroom, thank God, she seemingly appeared to be okay.

Then, when he saw his mother through her brightly lit window, the voyeur in him took control of wants, needs, and sexual desires. With him already so horny and sexually frustrated, he hoped to see something of her that he shouldn't see. Instead of continuing to walk closer and instead of going inside his house, he stopped when he saw his mother in the window. He watched her as if he was watching someone else's mother. He watched her as if she was standing there just for him while waiting for him to return home.

'What was she doing?'

As if she was painting or wallpapering her bedroom, why was her bedroom light on with the shade up and her drapes open? If he could clearly see her, anyone looking could see her. He looked around to see if anyone was looking and peeping on his mother but the street was dark and quiet. Obviously, everyone was sleeping. Obviously, no one was up at this hour of the early morning to see his mother in her bedroom.

Then, while standing in front of the brightly lit, unshaded window, she started to undress. She was undressing. His mother was undressing. As if she was out on the street and in public, his mother was removing her clothes. As if he was dreaming and/or having a sexual fantasy, he couldn't believe his eyes.

'Undressing? His mother was undressing. Fuck me. Oh, my God. I don't frigging believe this,' he thought. He couldn't believe his eyes. 'My Mom is removing her clothes with her bedroom light on, the shade up, and her drapes pushed back, wide open,' he thought while staring.

Everyone can see her. I can see her. With his mother's bedroom on the first floor facing the driveway, from where he stood behind a big, oak tree, he had a clear, unobstructed view of her bedroom. He could see her bed, her bureau, her mirror, and her dressing table. He could see her. He could see everything as if he was there with her in her bedroom.

'Fuck me. Oh, my God. Fuck me. Oh, my God. I don't believe this,' he thought while watching his mother removing her clothes. 'My sexual fantasy come true, this is unbelievable.'

Shocked into inaction, he wondered if he was still drunk. Not believing what he was seeing, he wondered if he was seeing things. With him so sexually attracted to his mother since he turned 18-years-old, four years ago, and when she was a 41-year-old, MILF of a mother at the time, he wondered if he was imagining her undressing. In the way he has had so very many sexual fantasies of her while masturbating himself, maybe this was just another one of his sexual fantasies. Maybe, while still drunk, he was already home in bed and dreaming of his mother undressing in her bedroom window.

'Maybe this vision of my mother undressing was nothing more than wishful thinking. Maybe this was nothing than a dream and a sad, sick, alcohol induced joke he was playing on himself,' he thought while staring at his mother standing in her bedroom window and removing her clothes. 'Oh, my God, she's so beautiful. Oh, my God, she's so sexy. I'd give anything to see my mother in her panty and bra, topless, and/or naked. I'd do anything to have sex with my mother.'

# # # Lady of Erotica # # #

With the long walk clearing the foggy haze from his head, if he wasn't feeling clear-headedly sober, he'd think he was still drunk. Not wanting to miss the impromptu striptease show, he stopped by a tree a dozen yards from his house. A good vantage point, close enough to see her and to watch her undressing but far enough away not to be noticed. It was dark, so very dark where he stood and made even darker beneath the cover of the heavily leafed branches of the old, oak tree.

As if he was an audience member in a strip club, he watched his mother unbutton her blouse one slow button at a time. Mesmerized watching his mother undress, he was hypnotized by her fingers unbuttoning the buttons of her blouse. With each unbuttoned button, he could clearly see more of his mother. First he saw the top of her meaty, white breasts. Then, he saw her long line of sexy cleavage and the front sides of her bulbous breasts. Then, something he had never seen of his mother before, now he was seeing her white, low cut brassiere. Now he was seeing her bra clad breasts. Seeing more with each unbuttoned button, never had he seen as much of his mother's sexy, shapely body.

'Oh, my God, I can't believe my eyes,' he thought while staring at his mother in the way of a peeping Tom. Throbbing and pulsating, his cock was standing straight out against his pants and straining against the fabric. Unconsciously, he began to massage the bulbous head, slowly twisting and stroking it through his pants in the way that he wished his mother would twist and stroke his cock.

Having never seen as much as her bra strap, he was seeing so much more of his mother's sexy, shapely body now. Rubbing his eyes and pinching himself to make sure that he wasn't dreaming, he watched her remove her blouse, fold it, and lay it on the bed. Then, while in her bra, his mother stood in front of her uncovered bedroom window with the bedroom light on to look out at the street. With the light so bright in her bedroom, unless she put her hand to the class, which she didn't, he was sure that she couldn't see much more than her own reflection through the window.

He couldn't believe he was seeing his mother in her sexy brassiere. With him having never seen his mother in her bra, seeing her in her bra was a big deal. He'd be masturbating over this vision of his mother in her bra for the rest of his life. He'd be masturbating over seeing her cleavage and the sides of her beautiful breasts until the day he died. Then, watching her reach her hand down and around her, she unbuttoned and unzipped her short skirt.

'Oh, my God. Fuck me. Are you kidding me? I don't frigging believe that I'm seeing my mother in her sexy, low cut bra and in her white, bikini panties,' he thought while staring. 'There is a God. Thank you, Jesus.'

# # # Lady of Erotica # # #

In the opposite way that the curtain raised at the start of a striptease show, he watched his mother's modesty fall along with her skirt. With her skirt collecting around her ankles with her morals, he watched her pick up her skirt, fold it, and place it on the bed alongside of her blouse. He stared at his mother in her sexy bra and white, bikini panties, he couldn't believe he was privy to watching his mother undress.

She had such a shapely, sexy body. He stared at her bra clad breasts and her long line of cleavage. He stared at her flat tummy and her rounded, panty clad ass. He stared at her shapely thighs as much as he stared in between her thighs at her panty clad pussy.

A sexual fantasy come true, he couldn't wait to masturbate later over all that he was seeing now. He couldn't wait to masturbate over seeing his mother in her sexy, low cut bra and her white, bikini panties. He could count how many times he masturbated himself over imagining his mother in her bra and panties, topless, and/or naked. He couldn't count how many times he masturbated himself over the thoughts of having sex with his mother. It was obvious to him now that the woman of his dreams was his mother.

He unzipped his fly and let his 8" cock sprung free into the cool night air to say hello. Precum leaked from his slit and he rubbed it around the head of his cock as if his precum was lubrication from his mother's vaginal secretions. Losing his senses, he absentmindedly put two fingers into his mouth to taste himself, as he had done so many times before when jerking off with the image of his mother in his mind. As if she was tasting his cum, he wanted to know what he was tasting too.

Now dressed in only her low cut, white bra and her white, bikini panties, she paraded around her bedroom in her underwear as if no one could see her and as if she was oblivious to anyone watching her. Back and forth, she walked around her bedroom in front of her unshaded window and in plain sight of the street. Back and forth, she walked in front of him hiding in the shadows behind the big, oak tree and in front of anyone who was still awake and watching her at the ungodly, early hour of the morning.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't believe he was seeing his mother in her sexy underwear. He couldn't believe he was seeing his mother in her panty and bra. Never had he imagined seeing his mother in her bra and panties other than in his sexual fantasies while masturbating himself.

'I don't believe this,' he thought while staring and continuing to stroke himself.

Then, unbuckling and unbuttoning his pants to have the room to stick his hand down his underwear, he fondled his heavy balls with his other hand. His testicles were full of sperm. His ball sack was full of the sperm that he'd love to shoot in his mother's mouth and in his mother's cunt. If only he could have sex with her, he would have sex with her.

Then, just as she reached behind her to unhook her bra, he held his breath. As if there was a drumroll going off in his head and strippers' music playing in the background, he stared at his mother as if she was the only woman on Earth. He was about to see her breasts. He couldn't wait to see his mother's tits. Then, just as she reached behind her to unhook her bra, he saw a red flash out of the corner of his eye. He turned to his right and looked up to see his neighbor, Bob, a man in his late sixties and more than twenty years older than his mother, taking photos of his mother undressing from his second floor bedroom.

# # # Lady of Erotica # # #

'Oh, my God. Bob was peeping on my mother. Bob was photographing my Mom. Fucking pervert,' he thought while giving him an evil eye stare.

As soon as he saw his neighbor, he returned his cock to his underwear, zipped his pants, and buckled his pants. Bob made him feel just as perversely perverted as he obviously was. He didn't want to be like Bob, a peeping Tom, even though he was while spying on his mother stripping herself naked. Yet, if the woman was deliberately undressing while knowing that she was being watch, was he still deemed a peeping Tom? He didn't know and he didn't care. He just didn't want to be like Bob.

Obviously, he didn't see him in the way he saw him. Obviously with him hiding beneath the tree in the dark, he couldn't see him. Still, he couldn't believe his neighbor had taken a photo of his mother's tits. Ready to knock at his door to punch him in his face, he wondered if his mother knew she was being watched. He wondered if his mother knew she was being photographed. He wondered if this striptease show was consensually prearranged by her and/or expressly for their neighbor. With her bedroom light on, her shade up, and her drapes pushed back, wide open, how could she not know she was being watched and photographed?

With his bedroom window not thirty feet away from her bedroom window, she must know their neighbor Bob can see her. Maybe she was purposely undressing for him. Maybe he was paying her to watch her undress and to see her without her clothes. With his wife in a nursing home, maybe his mother was horny and was giving him a pity flash.

'No way. His mother wasn't like that. She's not a slut who'd intentionally flash someone. Just as she'd never remove her clothes for money, she's not a whore who'd deliberately remove her clothes for the sexual, masturbation enjoyment of a stranger. Or was she?

Now he wondered about his mother sexually. Other than she was married and divorced from his father, he knew very little about her prior sexual life. In all the hours he had spent fantasizing about undressing her, seeing her naked, touching, feeling and fondling her naked body, sucking her tits, and licking her pussy, maybe she was a slut after all? Is his mother a slut? Is his mother a whore? Wow!

Still, he couldn't help but wonder that maybe his mother was deliberately flashing their neighbor but why? Why would she do that? Why would she deliberately flash him? Maybe she was just horny and sexually frustrated. Maybe she's a closet exhibitionist who enjoys showing her underwear clad, topless, and naked body to admiring men. Maybe old Bob has something on his mother and he was blackmailing her for sex. Maybe he had paid her to flash him.

'Get the fuck out of here. His mother was a good woman. His mother was a morally modest woman who went to church every Sunday. She'd never deliberately expose herself to her neighbor because she was being blackmailed. Would she? She'd never deliberately expose herself to her neighbor for money. Would she?'

A million things went through his head while watching his neighbor watching his mother undressing. Suddenly, feeling possessive of his mother and of her privacy, he felt jealous. If she was going to undress for anyone, she should undress for him, her son. If she was going to show anyone her bra, her panty, her tits, her ass, and her pussy, she should show her naked body to the man who loves her and who wants her the most. Oh, my God, he'd give his right testicle to be in his mother's bedroom with her right now.

Maybe this was a game she played when he wasn't home and thought he wouldn't be home until the next day. With him out drinking every Saturday night and with him getting lucky most Saturday nights and going home with a woman he picked up at the bar, he wasn't in the mood to party tonight. He was tired. Most Saturday nights, he'd stay overnight at some woman's house he picked up in the bar and not come home until Sunday. Instead wanting to flop in front of the TV and surf channels, he just wanted to have a couple of drinks before heading home. Then, when one friend bought him a drink and another friend bought him another drink, with it his turn to reciprocate and buy them drinks, before he knew it, it was last call and he had closed the bar.

Now he wondered how long this had been going on with his mother exposing herself by stripping naked in front of her bedroom window. He looked from his mother to his neighbor and back again to his mother. Not wanting to miss a thing by being distracted by his neighbor, he didn't want to take his eyes off his mother. In the way she was facing her neighbor's window, she obviously knew he was there. In the way she was looking up at his window while removing her clothes, she knew he was watching her. She was deliberately stripping for him, an older, married man.

'Oh, my God,' he thought while watching his mother slowly remove her bra.

As if she was a stripper on stage, she removed one, slow bra strap from her shoulder before removing the other. Then, backing her arms out of her bra straps, she allowed them to fall limply by her side. As her bra straps flaccidly dangled there, already rock hard, as if his prick was already buried in his mother's cunt, his cock stretched itself further in his jeans. As if she was enticing her audience for more dollar bills, she unhooked the back of her bra with one hand while holding her bra cups in place with her other hand. Then, as if removing bandages from a wound or dressings from breast implants, she slowly removed her bra cups one at a time.

'Oh, my God. There they are. My mother's tits. I'm seeing my mother's tits. I can't believe I'm seeing my mother's tits. She has a gorgeous rack. I don't believe this,' he thought while staring at her as if he was seeing a ghost instead of his topless mother.

Her beautiful, large areolas and big pink nipples stood out grabbing his gaze. He wanted to suck them and mold the flesh of her huge breasts. He wanted to lay his cock in between them and slide it toward her thick, red lips. The sight of his mother standing topless in her window, as if she was a whore in New Orleans' whorehouse, was so surreal.

'Pinch me, I'm dreaming,' he thought while stuffing his cock back in his pants and zipping his pants before someone saw him masturbating over his mother.

# # # Lady of Erotica # # #

He couldn't believe he was seeing his mother's tits. By the size tags he saw in her lingerie drawer and in the laundry hamper, she took a size 36 C bra. Only, her tits pushed out and spilled out over her bra. As if she was wearing a Wonderbra, her bra cups runneth over. Should she buy the correct sized bra, she had big C cup breasts and maybe even small D cup breasts. Then, he realized his mother barely had enough money to pay the rent, utilities, and to buy food never mind buying new bras.

She had beautiful, symmetrical, and shapely breasts. As much as he stared at her breasts as a whole, he stared at her pink areolas and nipples. With her either cold or sexually excited, her nipples were erect. If he was in her room right now, he'd be touching her breasts, feeling her breasts, fondling her breasts, fingering her nipples, and sucking her nipples. Yet, just as he couldn't believe he was seeing his mother's tits, he couldn't believe his neighbor was seeing his mother's tits too.

It took all the self-control he had not to unzip himself again, pull out his cock, and masturbate himself right there in the street and behind this big, old, oak tree. Only, with his luck, someone would see him, call the cops, and have him arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior. He looked over at his neighbor. Even though his neighbor's window was dark, he could see what old Bob was doing. With cock in hand, he was masturbating himself over seeing his mother's tits.

As much as he couldn't believe his mother had stripped down to her bra and panty and then removed her bra, he couldn't believe his mother was showing their neighbor her tits. As much as he so wanted to masturbate over seeing his mother's tits, he couldn't believe his neighbor was masturbating over seeing his mother's tits. He couldn't believe his neighbor had photographed his mother's tits. Possessively jealous enough and enviously curious enough, he wondered what he'd do with the pictures. He wondered if he'd post them on the internet. He wondered if he should ask him for a copy of the photo. He'd love to masturbate to a photo of his mother's tits.

As if he was watching someone else or a porn movie, he watched his mother stand in front of her bedroom window while topless and while staring up at her neighbor. Giving him a real, sexy, pornographic peep show of her naked breasts, he watched his mother touch her big breasts, feel her big breasts, and fondle her big breasts. She felt and fondled her big breasts in the way that he'd love to touch, feel, and fondle her big breasts. She fingered her erect nipples in the way he'd love to finger her erect nipples. Pulling them out, turning them, pinching them, and twisting them, she played with her nipples for their neighbor. Then, lifting her right breast, she did something he'd love to do. She sucked her right nipple. Doing the same with her left breast, she sucked her left nipple.

'Oh, my God, Mom, that's so hot. I wish I could touch your tits, feel your tits, fondle your tits, and suck your nipples in the way you're touching your tits, feeling your tits, fondling your tits, and sucking your nipples,' he thought while continuing to watch his mother. 'I wish I could jerk my cock and shoot my hot cum all over your tits and then watch you lick and suck my cum off your nipples.'

Then, again, as if there was a drumroll going off on his head that played alongside strippers' music, he watched his mother stick her thumbs in her panty band and slowly push them down. Slower and lower, she pushed down her panties. Giving their neighbor and him a real, sexy, striptease show, she continued moving her panties down slower and lower. Still not believing his eyes, he saw the top of his mother's brown, trimmed pubic hair.

'Oh, my God, my mother is such a slut. My mother is such a whore,' he thought while staring.

Then, when she turned to show their neighbor her shapely, naked ass and leaned from the waist to moon him, he saw her round, firm, naked ass. She reached her hands back to spread her ass cheeks to give their neighbor, Bob, a good look at her asshole and pussy. Then, facing him again, she slowly moved her panties down lower to exposed her naked pussy to him. She removed her panties from her ankles and tossed them on the bed.

'Oh, my God. My mother is naked. I can't believe my mother is naked. I can't believe she stripped herself naked for our neighbor. I can't believe she's showing her naked body to our, old neighbor, Bob.'

With his mother just as tall, just as sexy, just as shapely, and just as pretty as Erin Andrews, he couldn't help himself from thinking that he was watching Erin Andrews parading around her Nashville Marriott hotel room naked. Now he wondered how many other men had seen his mother in her underwear, topless, and/or naked. He wondered if this was her first time deliberately flashing a man or if this was something she regularly did. Maybe she did this all the time, especially whenever he wasn't home.

Maybe she flashed herself at the mall too. Maybe on her way to the mall, she flashed truckers and the toll booth attendant her tits and panties. Maybe while trying on boots a size too small, she flashed the shoe store salesman her panties. Maybe when trying on a sweater too tight, when removing it in the middle of a crowded department store, instead of just lifting her too tight sweater, she lifted her blouse and bra to expose her tits too. Maybe when trying on clothes in a dressing room that still used a curtain for privacy, she purposely didn't close the curtain all the way and flashed unsuspecting men waiting for their wives and girlfriends her underwear clad, topless, and/or naked body.

'Oh, my God, he'd love to go to the mall with her to watch her flash her panties and breasts to some unsuspecting men.'

Maybe when sitting at the food court, on the bus, and/or on the train, she deliberately sat with her knees parted enough to flash her bright, white, bikini panties. Maybe when sitting at the food court, on the bus, and/or on the train, she wore a blouse and bra low cut enough to show those men standing over her all that they wanted to see of her bra, her cleavage, tits, her areolas, and her nipples. Maybe she wore short, light, flared skirts on a windy day to flash men her panties.

'Definitely, if he finds out that his mother is an exhibitionist, they'll be going to the mall to do some flashing. Or maybe she'd agree to go with him to a nude beach. How hot would that be to watch a bunch of horny men ogling his mother's naked body while he ogled her naked body?'

If her being naked wasn't enough, further shocking the shit out of him, she had a dildo in one hand and a vibrator in the other. Never thinking that his mother masturbated, he didn't even know she owned a dildo and a vibrator. Teasing her nipples with her vibrator, she took her dildo in her mouth to suck it and lick it before she impaled her pussy with her dildo. His mother was masturbating herself for their neighbor. Just as he couldn't believe his mother had stripped herself naked for their neighbor, he couldn't believe his mother was now masturbating herself for their neighbor too.

'Oh, my God, I don't believe this,' he thought while fingering the head of his cock through his jeans.

No longer able to control himself, he unzipped himself and pulled out his cock again. He stroked his cock faster in his right hand. He moved his hand up to his mouth and spit into the palm to make it slick, as slick as he imagined his mother's pussy juice was.Then, again, as if there was a drumroll going off on his head that played alongside strippers' music, he watched his mother stick her thumbs in her panty band and slowly push them down. Slower and lower, she pushed down her panties. Giving their neighbor and him a real, sexy, striptease show, she continued moving her panties down slower and lower. Still not believing his eyes, he saw the top of his mother's brown, trimmed pubic hair.

'Oh, my God, my mother is such a slut. My mother is such a whore,' he thought while staring.

Then, when she turned to show their neighbor her shapely, naked ass and leaned from the waist to moon him, he saw her round, firm, naked ass. She reached her hands back to spread her ass cheeks to give their neighbor, Bob, a good look at her asshole and pussy. Then, facing him again, she slowly moved her panties down lower to exposed her naked pussy to him. She removed her panties from her ankles and tossed them on the bed.

'Oh, my God. My mother is naked. I can't believe my mother is naked. I can't believe she stripped herself naked for our neighbor. I can't believe she's showing her naked body to our, old neighbor, Bob.'

With his mother just as tall, just as sexy, just as shapely, and just as pretty as Erin Andrews, he couldn't help himself from thinking that he was watching Erin Andrews parading around her Nashville Marriott hotel room naked. Now he wondered how many other men had seen his mother in her underwear, topless, and/or naked. He wondered if this was her first time deliberately flashing a man or if this was something she regularly did. Maybe she did this all the time, especially whenever he wasn't home.

Maybe she flashed herself at the mall too. Maybe on her way to the mall, she flashed truckers and the toll booth attendant her tits and panties. Maybe while trying on boots a size too small, she flashed the shoe store salesman her panties. Maybe when trying on a sweater too tight, when removing it in the middle of a crowded department store, instead of just lifting her too tight sweater, she lifted her blouse and bra to expose her tits too. Maybe when trying on clothes in a dressing room that still used a curtain for privacy, she purposely didn't close the curtain all the way and flashed unsuspecting men waiting for their wives and girlfriends her underwear clad, topless, and/or naked body.

'Oh, my God, he'd love to go to the mall with her to watch her flash her panties and breasts to some unsuspecting men.'

Maybe when sitting at the food court, on the bus, and/or on the train, she deliberately sat with her knees parted enough to flash her bright, white, bikini panties. Maybe when sitting at the food court, on the bus, and/or on the train, she wore a blouse and bra low cut enough to show those men standing over her all that they wanted to see of her bra, her cleavage, tits, her areolas, and her nipples. Maybe she wore short, light, flared skirts on a windy day to flash men her panties.

'Definitely, if he finds out that his mother is an exhibitionist, they'll be going to the mall to do some flashing. Or maybe she'd agree to go with him to a nude beach. How hot would that be to watch a bunch of horny men ogling his mother's naked body while he ogled her naked body?'

If her being naked wasn't enough, further shocking the shit out of him, she had a dildo in one hand and a vibrator in the other. Never thinking that his mother masturbated, he didn't even know she owned a dildo and a vibrator. Teasing her nipples with her vibrator, she took her dildo in her mouth to suck it and lick it before she impaled her pussy with her dildo. His mother was masturbating herself for their neighbor. Just as he couldn't believe his mother had stripped herself naked for their neighbor, he couldn't believe his mother was now masturbating herself for their neighbor too.

'Oh, my God, I don't believe this,' he thought while fingering the head of his cock through his jeans.

No longer able to control himself, he unzipped himself and pulled out his cock again. He stroked his cock faster in his right hand. He moved his hand up to his mouth and spit into the palm to make it slick, as slick as he imagined his mother's pussy juice was.

Chapter 2:

As if he was a cat burglar or a Navy Seals' Six team member on a mission, Jennifer's son, John, ran along the side of his neighbor's house and out of sight of his neighbor's windows. His mother's bedroom was brightly lit as if she was painting her bedroom in the early hours of the morning. John knew she couldn't see his dark shadow running down their driveway because of the reflection of light in her windows.

Unable to control his lust for his mother any longer, not making a sound, he unlocked and opened the backdoor. He silently closed and locked the backdoor. Then, one slow, deliberate step at a time, he stealthily made his way through the unlit kitchen and down the darkened hall and to his mother's bedroom.

'Oh, my God. Oh, my God,' he thought as he neared his mother's bedroom. He held his breath for fear she'd hear him excitedly breathing. About to leap across the incestuous line, he was about to see his mother naked. He was about to watch his mother masturbating herself.

Never had he ever been as nervous to be in his own house. He couldn't help but feel that he was an intruder breaking in and invading his own house. This is how a rapist must feel when about to violently attack a woman. If peeping on his mother from outside wasn't violation enough, suddenly feeling guilty and suddenly feeling perversely perverted, he was about to spy on her while he was inside his house.

Yet, she was the one undressing in front of her bedroom window with the light on, the shade up, and the drapes wide open. She was the one standing in front of her window in her bra and panty, topless, and naked. She was the one who showed no modesty, embarrassment, and/or shame. He wasn't about to feel guilty for looking at all that she was showing.

Creeping closer to her open bedroom door, he took care not to make a sound that would warn her that he was there or that someone was there in the house with her. He didn't want her to know that he was there just outside of her bedroom ogling her naked body and watching her pleasure herself. With him having never seen as much as his mother's bra strap, early this morning he saw her in her panty and bra, topless, and naked. Now, hoping for sex, he was about to receive an up close and personal view of his mother's naked body.

He stood there in the darkened hall while watching his mother. With her lying on her back with her feet up in the air, her legs spread wide open, and her dildo buried in her cunt, she was masturbating herself for the mutual masturbation pleasure of their neighbor, Bob. He watched her teasing her nipples with her vibrator while fucking herself with her dildo. Really going at it her pussy with her dildo, as if having an orgasm was her mission in life, she seemed determined to cum. If it wasn't enough that he was watching his mother orgasm, he was about to hear his mother orgasm. Always wondering what sounds she made and what she said while cumming, he couldn't believe he was about to hear his mother having an orgasm.

"Oh, my God, Bob, fuck me," she said. "I'm so fucking horny. If you were here right now, I'd suck your frigging cock. I'd allow you to cum in my mouth and I'd swallow your cum. If you were here right now, I'd fuck you. I'd fuck your cock. God, I want to get laid. I need to get laid. I need to have an orgasm. I need to cum. God, I want a big cock in my hand, in my mouth, and in my pussy," said his mother continuing to fuck herself with her dildo while teasing her nipples with her vibrator.

Before he could see her from the hall, he heard her. Never had he ever heard his mother use such foul, sexual language. Imagining her giving him sexy pillow talk, he liked hearing his mother talk dirty. Hearing her talk dirty made him hot. Hearing her talk dirty made him want her even more. Then, taking it upon himself to make the next incestuous move, freeing himself of his clothes as if his clothes were on fire, John stripped himself naked. Just as his mother was naked, he was naked too.

He fondled his cock while watching his mother fondle her tits. He stroked his cock while watching his mother rub her clit. He masturbated himself in the way his mother was masturbating herself too. Now, more than ever, he so wanted to have sex with his mother. Now more than ever he wanted to fuck his mother. Forget about making love, he wanted to fuck her.

Then, taking care for her not to hear him, avoiding every creaking floorboard, he stepped closer to his mother's bedroom. Now able to see her from the neck down, he watched her touching herself, feeling herself, rubbing herself, fingering herself, and masturbating herself. Then, with him suddenly feeling jealously possessive, wanting his mother all to himself, he reached his hand inside her bedroom wall to switch off the overhead light.

Her bedroom was now as dark as Bob's bedroom. Not even able to see his hand in front of his face, until his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, he couldn't see a damn thing. Only, he could still hear his mother fucking herself with her dildo. With his mother unafraid of the dark, he figured she thought there was a power outage or that she was late paying the electric bill again. Still, before she heard him and defended herself with a weapon, he called out to her.

"Mom? It's okay. It's just me," he said rushing to the window to pull the shade and close the drapes.

Then, as if he was a magician exposing a magic trick, he turned on the light. Making no move to cover her nakedness, there she was in all of her glory. His mother was naked. He couldn't believe he was seeing his mother naked. In the middle of having an orgasm and with her feet in the air, his mother was still on the bed with her legs spread and her dildo buried in her cunt. In the way that she stared at him with incestuous lust, he stared at her with incestuous lust.

"Oh, my God, John. What are you doing home? I thought you'd be out all night. I'm so embarrassed," she said trying to compose herself and come down from the sexual excitement she was feeling and the sexual orgasm she was having. Only, she was too sexually excited to be embarrassed. "Oh my God. Fuck! John, I'm cumming. I'm cumming."

With her not making any move to conceal or to cover her nakedness, she didn't seem ashamed, embarrassed, or humiliated. If she was anything at all, she was sexually excited. She stared at him with sexual excitement in the way that he stared at her with sexual excitement. Seemingly, in the way she sexually wanted him, he sexually wanted her too.

With her legs still spread wide open and her feet still up in the air, he watched his mother cum before she collapsed onto the mattress and onto her pillow. With him less than 10 feet away from her naked, pink, glistening pussy, he could smell the musky aroma of his mother's cunt. With his mother's nipples so very big and erect, he so wanted to finger her nipples. With his mother's nipples so very hard, he wanted to fondle her breasts while sucking her nipples. With his mother's pussy so glistening wet, he wanted to finger his mother's pussy before licking his mother's pussy and then fuck his mother's pussy. As if this was all a dream, a sexual fantasy, never had he been as sexually aroused as he was now.

"It's okay Mom. I'm here for you now," he said sitting beside her on the bed.

Not sure what to do first, he did something he always wanted to do. He leaned to her and kissed her. He kissed his mother. He couldn't believe he kissed his mother. Never having kissed her other than giving her a kiss on her birthday, a kiss at Christmas, a kiss on his birthday, a kiss at New Year's, and a kiss on Valentine's Day, this kiss was different. This kiss was longer and more passionate.

As soon as he touched her lips with his lips, he parted her lips with his tongue. Thinking that she'd slap his face and/or push him away, he couldn't believe his mother willingly allowed him to part her lips to allow his tongue inside of her mouth. He was French kissing his mother. He couldn't believe he was French kissing his mother. With her French kissing him in return, he couldn't believe she was French kissing him too. Kissing and kissing her and with her kissing and kissing him too, he couldn't believe he was making out with his mother.

'Oh, my God,' he thought.

With their kissing the prelude to them licking and sucking before making love and fucking, he couldn't believe he was about to have sex with his mother.

"No," she said pushing him away. "We can't do this, Johnny. We mustn't do this. This is wrong. This is forbidden. This is incest."

He sat up while staring at her. With her making no attempt to cover her nakedness, he reached out his hand to feel her breast and fondle her breast, first one and then the other. He was feeling his mother's tits. He couldn't believe he was feeling his mother's tits. Then, with her not stopping him from touching her and feeling her, he fingered her nipples. She looked down at his fingers while he fingered her nipples.

"Why not?"

When there was nothing coy and innocent about him, he gave her a coy and innocent look. She looked at him as if she was an innocent virgin. Only, with his mother having a sexual past, she was no virgin. Obviously by her teasing her neighbor with her naked body, she wasn't innocent either. She took a big, sexually excited breath when he reached his hand down to rub her clit and finger her pussy.

'Oh, my God,' he couldn't believe his mother allowed him to feel her tits, finger her nipples, and was now allowing him to finger her pussy, even after telling him that incest was forbidden and was wrong.

"Because I'm your mother and you're my son," she said obviously, sexually aroused by him French kissing her, fingering her nipples, and fingering her pussy.

Impaling her deeper with his finger while wiggling his finger inside of his mother's cunt, she gasped. He continued wiggling his finger while moving his finger deeper inside of her. She was so wet, so very wet. He suddenly had the urge to eat her. He suddenly had the urge to lick her pussy while fingering her pussy before fucking her pussy. Yet, much more than just an urge, he suddenly had the need to lick her pussy while fingering her pussy before fucking his mother. In the way he needed to take his next breath and breathe, he needed to fuck his mother.

"We're both consenting adults. Just as you can give me what I need, I can give you what you need too," he said sexually excitedly. "You no longer have to flash our neighbor, Bob," he said leaning down to kiss her again. "You have me now for that."

He leaned down to kiss her again and when she returned his kiss, he moved her hand to his cock and as soon as she did, she wrapped her fingers around his still prick. His mother was holding his erect prick. He couldn't believe his mother had her long fingers wrapped around his cock. She slowly stroked him while he continued fingering her pussy. Then, she said something that only his mother said in his sexual fantasy and now was saying while he was wide awake.

"It's been such a very long time since I've a cock in my hand, in my pussy, and/or in my mouth," she said looking up at him with her big, brown eyes. "May I suck you?"

'What? Seriously? Even after she voiced her protest that incest was forbidden and that incestuous sex was wrong, his mother just asked his permission to suck him? Permission granted,' he thought while laughing over his mother asking his permission to suck him.

"Yes, Mother, my beautiful, sexy, and shapely mother. I'd love for you to suck me. I'd love for you to take my hard cock in your warm, wet mouth," he said. "I'd love for you to take all 8" of me down to my balls and swallow my warm, oozy cum, the cum I've imagined you sucking out of me for years, Mother."

As if he was imagining it, as if he was dreaming it, and as if he was sexually fantasizing it, he watched her lean her mouth down to him. She turned her head to the side to look up at him before she sucked him. Obviously teasing him and a sexy game she needed to play, she wanted to make sure that he was seeing her with his hard, hairy cock in her mouth. He couldn't wait for his mother to take him in her mouth.

He watched her take him in her hand. He watched her wrap her long, manicured fingers around his cock and slowly stroke him while staring up at him. His mother was giving him a hand job. He couldn't believe his mother was giving him a hand job. Then, his sexual fantasy finally come true, he watched her take him in her mouth. His mother was sucking his erect prick. His mother was giving him a blowjob. He couldn't believe his mother was giving him a blowjob while she stared up at him with her big, brown eyes.

His mother had his cock in her hand and in her mouth. He couldn't believe his mother was stroking him while sucking him. As if he was still drunk and dreaming this, he couldn't believe his eyes. He held her long, brown hair back from her pretty face so that he could watch her sucking while stroking him. Even though he could feel his cock in her hand and her hand stroking him, he couldn't believe his mother was stroking him. Even though he could feel his cock in her mouth and his mother blowing him, he couldn't believe his mother was blowing him.

Really sucking him now, it was obvious that she wanted him to cum in her mouth as much as he wanted to cum in her mouth. Only, before he ejaculated all of his energy in her willing mouth, he wanted to make love to his mother first. He wanted to fuck his mother first before ejaculating his cum in her mouth. She removed his cock from her mouth to speak.

"It's so very late, John," she said looking over at her alarm clock. "I'll blow you for now. You can cum in my mouth and I'll swallow your cum. Okay? You can stay here with me and sleep in my bed. Then, tomorrow, you can make love to me. Tomorrow, you can fuck me. Tomorrow you can make me your woman and make me your bitch," she said taking his cock in her mouth again.

Obviously determined to make him cum in her mouth, she stroked him faster and sucked him deeper.

'Oh, my God, Mom,' he thought while watching her stroking him while sucking him.

Then, putting a gentle hand to the back of his mother's pretty head, he couldn't believe his mother was sucking his cock. Stroking him faster, she sucked him deeper. Then, as if his cum was cumming up from his toes, he ejaculated a huge load of cum in his mother's mouth. With her nose still buried in his pubic hair, she claimed his cock as her own.

Still sucking him and milking him, she swallowed every last drop of him. He kept cumming and cumming and she continued swallowing and swallowing. Finally draining him dry, she turned off the light and they slept together for the first time since he was a toddler. He couldn't believe he was naked with his naked mother and sleeping with her in her bed. His life couldn't be any better than this. Now, he couldn't wait for tomorrow when he'd make love to his mother before fucking his mother.

"Good night, John," she said touching his shoulder in the way that only his mother touched his shoulder.

He affectionately patted her naked ass.

"Good night, Mom," he said.

All he could think about was waking up next to his naked mother tomorrow. All he could think about was making love to his mother tomorrow. All he could think about was fucking his mother tomorrow, really fucking her and pounding her pussy deep in the mattress. He couldn't wait for tomorrow to make love to his mother. He couldn't wait for tomorrow to fuck his mother. He couldn't wait to make his mother his woman and his bitch.

Johnny woke with a start. Accustomed to sleeping alone unless he was sleeping with some slut he picked up at the bar the night before, he wasn't alone. Not sure where he was or who he was with, the room looked familiar. He was in his mother's room. How did he get in here? He looked at the woman sleeping beside him, she was his mother.

'Oh, my God,' he thought while gently removing the sheet from her shoulder. Not seeing any evidence of her wearing a nightgown, his mother was naked. 'She's naked. His mother was naked. Oh, my God. He's naked and in bed with his naked mother. Did they have sex last night?'

He didn't remember coming home. He couldn't remember removing his clothes. He couldn't remember walking in his mother's room and getting in his mother's bed. With the erotic thought of him in bed naked with his naked mother, his morning wood immediately jutted out from the front of his body. Then, as if it was all preordained, he felt a soft, gentle hand take hold of his stiff prick.

"Good morning," she said. "Is this for me?" He jumped as if he was still dreaming. "Oh sweetie, don't be frightened. It's just me, your lover, your soulmate, and your mother, all rolled into one, Johnny," she said with a dirty laugh.

He looked at her looking at him with love and said the only thing he could say.

"Mom," he said.

She laughed at his obvious confusion.

"Last night, I wanted your cock so badly but it was late, so very late. It's been way too long, sweet boy, since Mommy has had a hard cock in her hand, in her mouth, and in her pussy," she said raising herself up on her elbow. "Mommy needs you. Mommy needs a big, hard cock deep inside her," she said squeezing his prick while stroking his prick. "Would you do that for me? Would you mind making love to your mother before fucking your mother?"

'Huh? What? His mother just asked him to make love to her before he fucks her? Definitely he was dreaming,' he thought.

Johnny's mind was still fuzzy from the effects of the alcohol he had consumed the night before. He couldn't shake the dreamy sense that somehow and in some sexually, incestuous way, he had done a lewd sex act with his mother. As if he was trying to remember a dream, he vaguely remembered her swallowing his rampant cock and his cum as his body throbbed and wrenched before he ejaculated his cum into his mother's mouth. He remembered she promised him sex in the morning. Only, had he dreamt all of that? Unable to tell fantasy from fiction, yet, here he was naked in bed with his naked mother.

His sexual fantasy finding coming true with him now naked and sexually intimate with his mother, he couldn't believe it. He understood why he'd want to have sex with her but why would she want to have sex with him? Even though he believed he had sex with her, he still wasn't sure. Would she actually give him sex? Had he already had sex with his mother? He couldn't remember but, again, as proof positive, here he was in bed with her naked.

He removed more of the sheet from his mother to expose the tops of her breasts, her cleavage, and then going for broke, he pulled the sheet lower to expose all of her breasts, her areolas, and her nipples. His mother's tits were right there before his horny eyes. He pushed the sheet all the way down to not only expose his hard cock to his mother but also to expose her pussy and ass to him too.

Still not believing he had sex with his mother and still not believing she promised him sex this morning, his mind continued to swirl as he felt her hand softly caress his throbbing cock. Being sexually intimate with his mother was his dream come true. Did she blow him last night? Would she really have sex with him this morning? Would she allow him to fill her with his cock and cum into her womb where he came from and had emerged twenty-two years ago? Would she really fuck him and suck him while he was wide awake and not drunk?

'Fuck. Wow. Oh, my God.'

The defining moment, this the moment of truth that he had lusted over for years. Still, until they were having sex, really having sex, he still wondered if his mother would have sex with him? As proof that she would, she was in bed with him naked with her hand wrapped around his stiff prick. Then, he wondered if he had forced himself on his mother last night.

Trying to remember, he couldn't remember. Then, remembering more, he remembered her standing at her bedroom window stripping off her clothes. He remembered his neighbor Bob, old Bob, taking a photo of his mother's tits. Remembering even more, he remembered her standing in front of her window in her bra and panties, topless, and naked. With him so horny and her standing in her window stripping off her clothes, he was finally more. He was finally remembering it all.

"Mom. Oh, Mom," he gasped when she fondled the tip of the swollen head of his penis with her fingertips. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I saw you in the window stripping for old Bob next door. You were naked and I was overcome with lust for you," he said.

He stared down at her naked tits and naked pussy before looking up at his mother's pretty face and in her brown eyes. She looked at him with love while he looked at her with incestuous lust.

"Shh, shh, shh," she said kissing his forehead. "It's okay. You're my son and I love you."

She looked at him with compassionate understanding.

"Forgive me, Mom. Please forgive me. I'm so ashamed in forcing myself on you." he said. "I can't believe I did that to you, Mom. I love you so much. I'd never do anything to hurt you. I can't believe I raped you," he said while looking as if he was about to cry.

She looked at him as if she was going to burst out laughing.

"Raped me? You didn't rape me. If anyone took sexual advantage of anyone, I took sexual advantage of you by blowing you. As horny and as sexually frustrated as you were, I wanted you just as much as you wanted me," she said with a dirty laugh.

He looked at her with confusion.

"Then, I don't understand," he said looking at his mother with sexual excitement. "Why were you undressing in front of your bedroom window? Why were you giving Bob a striptease and masturbation show? Have you had sex with him? Did you fuck him?"

She made a sour face as if she had just bit a lemon.

"Fuck him? I'd never fuck that horrid, old bastard next door but he gives me $100 every time I strip for him and masturbate. You know how short money has been since your father left. Sometimes, for another hundred dollars, while going next door for a drink, I masturbate him and allow him to cum in my hand or on my tits. He offered me $200 to blow him and another $200 to fuck him but stripping naked, masturbating myself, and giving him a hand job is as far as I've gone. I give him my striptease show every Saturday night when you're out partying. The money I receive from him that night allows me to buy groceries for us the next morning."

He looked at her horrified that his mother had been prostituting herself for grocery money. Hell, he spends more than that drinking and buying drinks for his friends and for women.

"No, mom! No, damn it! Don't let that old motherfucker touch you ever again," cried Johnny. "I'll take care of you. I'll stop drinking. I'll give you the money I would have spent at the bar. Instead of going out drinking, as long as you stop stripping in front of your window and giving old Bob hand jobs, I'll work overtime and give you that money too."

She smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"You're my lover now. I don't have to do that anymore. I love your cock Johnny," she said. "I've spied on you for years. Creeping around the house, I've watched you dress and undress. I've even watched you take a shower. You never knew that I was there watching you and lusting over you," she said. "Then, while imagining sucking you and fucking you, I'd masturbate myself over seeing your cock.

He looked at her with sexual excitement.

"If only I had known you sexually wanted me as much as I sexually wanted you, we could have had sex a long time ago," he said.

She gave him a motherly smile while she continued holding and fondling his erect prick in her hand. Then, ever so slowly, she started stroking him. The sensation of his mother giving him a hand job was unbelievable and something he could never imagine.

"As you grew to manhood, bulging out your jeans and your pajama bottoms, I watched your cock grow bigger. Staring at your prick without you ever noticing, my mind locked onto the image of it in my hand, in my mouth, and in my pussy. I so wanted to taste you in my mouth. I so wanted to feel you between my legs.

He never knew his mother incestuously lusted over him in the way that he incestuously lusted over her.

"Mom," was all that he could say.

She touched his cheek with her hand before leaning to him to kiss him before continuing her sexual confession.

"While wishing your hand was my hand, I even watched you masturbate sometimes when you were in the backyard sunning yourself, touching yourself, and rubbing yourself through your swim trunks. You never knew I was there spying on you. Then, thinking you were alone and that no one could see you, when you removed your cock from your swim trucks and masturbated yourself, you made me so horny. I had never been as sexually excited watching you jerking off and cumming. While I watched you masturbate yourself, I fingered myself too. I wanted to run out in the backyard and suck your delicious cum from your beautiful cock," she said.

Obviously, by the way she looked at him with remorse and guilt, Jennifer knew what they were doing was wrong on so many levels. Incest between a mother and son was a sick, ugly thing in the eyes of society. Yet, with her feeling so very horny and so very sexually frustrated, obviously, just as he needed a warm mouth and a wet pussy every Saturday night, she needed a hard cock.

She had changed and it had never been the same since his father had run off with a little, blonde bimbo five years earlier. Feeling bad for his mother now, a woman with as much sexual needs as he had, she hadn't been fucked properly, or tongued, or even fingered in a very long time. At least the late night sessions with her dildo and vibrator had given her some relief.

"I wish you had told me how you felt, Mom. I was afraid to make the first sexual move on you. I thought you'd think me perversely perverted. I thought you'd ask me to live and find another place to live," he said.

She looked at him with horror.

"Oh, my God, I'd never ask you to leave. I love you," she said. She fell silently while looking at him and still fondling his stiff prick.

She kissed him again but this time, w\When she kissed him, he returned her kiss.

"And I'd never leave you, Mom. I love you," he said.

She fell silent again as if rethinking what she was about to say.

"One night when I was so horny, with the light on, I started masturbating myself. Not even thinking, I hadn't pulled the shade in the way I always do. Feeling someone watching me, I caught Bob spying on me. Oh, my God. He saw me naked. He watched me masturbating. I was so embarrassed. I was so angry. I threatened to call the police and that's when he offered me money to strip and to masturbate for him. With me needing the money and not having to leave the house to stand on a street corner, how could I refuse?"

He hugged his mother.

"I'm so sorry Mom. I should have been there for you," he said.

She stayed like that hugging her son until she started talking again.

"When stripping off my clothes and while knowing he was there watching and masturbating himself to my stripping, even though I was sexually aroused enough to masturbate myself, I felt as much of a degenerate as he was. My bad behavior was not just wrong but also so very despicable. What kind of mother am I? What I did with our neighbor was empty. I needed more just showing my naked body. I needed a big, hard man-prick just like your big, hard cock to fill my cunt," she said squeezing her son's prick. "Now that I have you in my life for sex, fuck society. It's none of anyone's business what we do behind closed, bedroom doors."

Johnny took his mother in his arms again and hugged her.

"Oh, Mom," he said.

She looked deeply in his eyes with lust.

"Kiss me, Johnny, give me your tongue," whispered his mother with her voice low and sultry.

Johnny French kissed his mother. Kissing and kissing one another, they were making out as if they were in the backseat of a car on Prom night. She moved more to her side and licked his ear before blowing in his ear. Then she slowly kissed her way down his face to his lips and stopped to tease him with her tongue. Ever so lightly and seductively, as if she was licking the head of his cock, she ran the tip of her tongue over his bottom lip.

"Oh, Mom," moaned Johnny.

He turned to face her when she changed the position of her hand on his blood-engorged cock to slowly smear his slick precum over his fat cockhead. As if they were already fucking, he looked into her eyes with forbidden lust. He had never seen her brown eyes so intense. Her eyes told him all that he needed to know. Her eyes told him that she sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted her.

While kissing her, he fingered her nipple of her left breast. Turning it, pulling it, and twisting it, he teased her nipple with his thumb and forefinger. She moaned into his mouth, opened her lips and thrust her tongue deeply into his hot cavity. As if dueling for the better position, they fought with their tongues, each sucking and probing while Johnny tweaked and then squeezed her other nipple.

"Harder, Johnny, harder. Squeeze and pull my nipples harder. Make my nipples hurt. Make my nipples sore. Make me feel the pain of your rough touch all the way down to my pussy," she said in a gasp.

Was this the moment for Johnny? After all of those years of sexual frustration, going out on Saturday nights to find a woman to fuck and never feeling sexually satiated, he knew there was something wrong. Now he suddenly realized what was wrong and how he was able to fix it. He wanted all of the women he fucked to be his sweet, adorable, kind, and loving mother. Obviously, now he knew what was the matter. He wanted to fuck his mother. As if she was his girlfriend, as if she was his wife, and/or as if she was his lover instead of his mother, he wanted to fuck her again and again.

Paling in comparison, those women he picked up in the bar and had sex with were slutty substitutes. They were nothing more than lips to suck his cock and vaginas to masturbate his cock. There were never any real feelings in the way that he was feeling sublime sexual pleasure and love for his mother now. Unable to sexually experience his mother, the alcohol made it possible to forget and to endure having sex with lesser women. It explained why when he came stumbling home on so many of those Sunday mornings, even after having had sex, he still felt so sexually frustrated. When he took a shower, replacing the naked image of his mother for them, he jerked-off and spattered his cum all over the tile of the shower, while thinking of having sex with his beloved mother.

Jennifer rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide to expose her wet, glistening cunt. When he reached down to touch her and to finger her, she was already wet, so very wet. Her larger-than-average clit surrounded by labia pushing out of her inflamed mons, her clit bright red with hot blood rushing through it, all presenting the lewdest and sexiest picture Johnny had ever seen or imagined. With his cock harder and bigger than it's ever been, obviously, his mother sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted her.

Suddenly feeling awkward, as if he was about the violate her, he reached his fingers to her and stopped from touching her, while tentatively waiting for her reply.

"Is it okay, Mom, to touch you?"

She showed him a face full of disbelief.

"Is it okay to touch me? I want you to feel me and fondle me where you've always wanted to feel me and fondle me. I want you to devour me with your hands, your mouth, and your cock," she said with a laugh.

Suddenly feeling foolish, he looked at his mother with love and desire, something he never felt for any other woman.

"I just thought," he said pausing as if trying to find the right word.

She laughed.

"Whatever you thought, you thought wrong," she said with another laugh. "You may have your wicked, sexual way with my pussy. My cunt is your cunt now. I've dreamed of this for years. I've masturbated over you touching me, feeling me, and having sex with me for years. Make me your woman. Make me your bitch," said Jennifer. "Matter of fact, from now on, call me Jennifer, instead of Mom, Mother, or Mommy."

'She had masturbated over him? Oh my fucking God, thought Johnny. We've wasted so many years alone when we could have been together.'

"Okay Jennifer," he said with a little laugh.

They were about to obliterate the last line of incest and he knew it. Once they crossed this line, they could never return to the way they were before as mother and son. They'd now and would forever be lovers, incestuous lovers.

'Fuck it,' he thought.

He sexually wanted his mother. Taking two to tango, she admitted that she needed cock and she needed it now. Not wasting another minute, he mounted his mother. Ready to give her sexual intercourse, son and mother or not, his massive prick was at the ready to part her pussy lips and straining to touch her labia. With her complicit in them having incestuous sex, she guided his cock in her warm wet pussy and pushing down on his naked ass, while she pushed up with her shapely hips, his cock plunged in her vagina. He was inside of his mother. He was home and it felt so good to finally be inside the only women he ever loved and would ever love.

"Oh, mom. Oh, Jennifer. Oh my fucking God! Jesus Christ, Jennifer, Jesus Christ. This is so hot, so fucking hot. I love you, Mom. I love you, Jennifer. I love you!"

Humping her harder and humping her faster, Johnny thrusted his cock in and out of his mother's warm, wet pussy. He knew he wouldn't last long but he didn't care. All of those nights he had spilled his seed into some other women's pussy or into a tissue, only to imagine it was mixed with his mother's cunt juices, soon he'd be eating his mother too. After cumming inside of her, he'd be tasting her cum filled pussy. As soon as he made love to her and fucked her, he'd be drinking her vaginal juices and his cum from her boiling, hot cunt.

"Mom, I can't hold it. God, this is so hot, so fucking hot. I'm cumming! I'm cumming Ma. I'm cumming Jennifer."

Humping him harder and humping him faster, as if she was twerking her shapely ass, Jennifer returned her son's humps.

"Fill me up, Johnny. Cum in my pussy. Cum inside Mommy. Don't worry, I can no longer get pregnant. Fuck me harder. Fuck me deeper. I want it all. Keep pushing faster and keep pushing harder. Cum Johnny, cum. "Fill me, my loving son. I've wanted this for years. Fuck me Johnny. Fuck me!"

Jennifer's mind went blank as she felt his hot semen flood her cervix. Holding him there, she thrusted herself tightly against him and grunted. She moaned when she forced her erect clit against his pubic bone. Banging into him and humping him, she brought herself to a huge orgasm with his help.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck, mom. I'm cumming inside of you. I don't believe this," said Johnny.

Hugging him tighter, she humped him harder.

"Cum Johnny. Cum inside of you mother. Fuck Mommy. Don't ever go to another woman again. I'm yours and you're mine. I'm your fuck toy now. I'm your total bitch. You own my ass and I own your prick. I'm your cum slut. I'm your slut, your whore, and your bitch of a woman."

Johnny ejaculated a huge load of cum in his mother's pussy.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back. All those years of lusting of you was too much to control," he said. "I can't stop myself from cumming so soon. I wanted to give you an orgasm with my cock but I can't," he said.

Not taking a moment to relax in the afterglow of sex, Jennifer pushed him off of her and scooted down the bed. She took his slimy wet cock into her mouth and started a sucking process that cleaned him. She sucked his slit dry and while stroking him and sucking him, she began to harden him again. In minutes, Johnny was steel-hard again.

As she sucked him, he massaged her tits and pinched her nipples while turning them, pulling them, and twisting them. Judging by the sexually excited look on her face, obviously she couldn't believe the feeling from his squeezing her nipples. He imagined the feeling went right to her abdomen, seeped down into her womb, her ovaries and vagina and, just like that, she came! She exploded. She had an orgasm from him just playing with her nipples. More orgasms followed as he played with her tits and fingered her pussy.

"Oh, Johnny," she cooed.

Feeling that he was the man, he looked at her self-satisfied.

"Mom, could we do it again? Would you mind? You're not upset with me are you?" said Johnny while laughing. "I'd love eat your pussy before fucking you again.

She gave him a lustfully heated look.

"Sweet boy, you can fuck me all day, as long as you can get hard, I'll get wet. You can fuck me all weekend, Johnny. As if this is our Honeymoon, we're a couple now. I am your woman-bitch and you're my sexy, young cocksman. No man, no woman, and no law can ever separate us again. Now ram your hot cock into my pussy and take me to places I've never been. Fuck me, Johnny. Fuck me. Fuck your mother."