Now what? That's the question that has been running through my head all morning. My mom is cheating on my dad. That's not great, but it's not a huge surprise if I'm honest with myself. They have been in that stage of being more like live in friends than romantic lovers for years now. This may not be the first time. He may be doing the same thing. I found out about mom's affair a little over a week ago. My initial reaction when I stumbled across mom's messages was shock, then a little anger. The problem is I had no right to be angry. I 'stumbled across' messages between her and her lover, Jeremy while snooping through her laptop looking for any secret pics or videos that may be there that I could use as jerk off material. That wasn't an accident. It was the furthest thing from an accident in fact. Ever since I was about 12 I've fantasized about my mom.

Apparently it's not that unusual, but it's not exactly something I should be boasting about either. My mom, Sandra, is 43, about 5 feet 5 inches tall and about 150 pounds or so. She is unlikely to be modelling for magazines but neither is she out of shape. She still goes to the gym once or twice a week and has a nice ass and boobs. She has long, chestnut brown hair and blue gray eyes. Last week she was having some issues with her laptop and I agreed to take a look. She was busy cooking at the time and told me her password to get me logged in. I assumed she might change it later, but I guess she didn't think I was the type of person who would go snooping through her things. The idea of finding anything interesting was a major long shot, but in the end I found way more than I bargained for when a notification for a new Facebook message popped up. She was still logged in and I couldn't help but take a look. Reading that message set off a chain of events that led me to last night and a front row seat to mom's promiscuity. That's what brings me to the question of the what? Let me fill you in on what happened and maybe you can tell me the answer...

"Can't wait for next Friday xox. You're sure the coast is clear, right? 😉"

The message that has been running through my head since I clicked on the Facebook notification last week. Initially I wondered who this guy "Jeremy" was and what the message could be about. Scrolling up through previous messages quickly made it very clear. I quickly logged out and put mom's laptop back where I found it. I should have been nervous about the fact that my mom could very easily know somebody had read her messages, but that was the last thing on my mind. Working late, dressing up a lot more often, just generally being happier, these were signs that I should have been able to see that something had changed in mom's life. I wonder if dad has noticed these things? I wonder if mom even cares if he has?

Now it's 6PM on Friday and I'm in my room getting ready to meet my friends and go to a Foo Fighters concert in the next town over. I won't be home until early in the morning and dad is going away on a golfing trip with some work colleagues straight from the office. The thing is, I sold my ticket to the concert last weekend. I just didn't tell my mom that. I'm suddenly incredibly nervous and my heart is hammering in my chest. I checked mom's Facebook earlier and she is still planning on hosting her lover tonight. Apparently it's been a couple of weeks since they hooked up and both are incredibly horny. Am I really planning on hiding out and spying on them? What are the chances of actually getting away with that? What the hell do I do if I get caught? I'm struck by how stupid and dangerous an idea this is and I wish I had just gone to the concert. Despite all that there's a part of me, yes that one, that just can't pass up this chance. I shower, get dressed and go to the kitchen. I write a note for my mom telling her that I have left and to have fun. Second guessing myself I tear it up and put it in the trash. It sounds weird telling her to have fun, knowing what I know. I write it again, this time telling her to enjoy her evening. The meaning may be the same but it's a little less creepy to me. I go to the bathroom and then return to my room. About 20 minutes later I hear her car in the driveway. I double check everything is turned off and push my door closed as far as I can without shutting it.

It's been nearly an hour. Twice mom came upstairs and I bolted for my closet. She didn't come to my room either time, though. I can hear pots and pans in the kitchen and then the doorbell rings. Shit, this is really happening. I can hear muffled greetings and the door closes. The noise grows quieter as they move down the hallway. I creep out of my room and crouch down to look down to the ground floor. I can't see anything but can hear them talking now. Mom is offering wine and saying that dinner will be ready soon. I wait for them to sit down to eat and slowly creep down the stairs, grateful that the carpeted steps don't have any of the tell-tale creaks that some staircases do. As I reach the bottom, I can see the kitchen door which is slightly ajar. Glasses clink and I can now hear them more clearly.

"How's the food?" I hear mom say.

"It's great Sandra. It's nice to be able to actually have dinner with you without wondering who might see us." Jeremy replies.

"Ya, thank God that concert and golf trip lined up so nicely. I feel really seedy meeting in hotels all the time."

"Well, here's to Dave Grohl and Tiger Woods!"

They clink glasses again and I retreat to the stairs. I return to my room until I hear dishes being rinsed and loaded into the dishwasher about 45 minutes later.

I hear the living room door open and soft music starting to play from mom's Bluetooth speaker. Light has turned to dark outside and I cautiously make my way back to the stairs. I see a sliver light spilling from under the living room door to the hallway from the standalone lamp in the corner. I get to the bottom of the stairs and peek around the corner. The door is about 6 inches ajar. I move slowly down the hallway holding my breath. As I get closer, I hear soft giggling. As I get to the door, I can see that they are sitting on the sofa. Their mouths are entwined and mom is running her hand through Jeremy's hair as he rubs her back. 2 half finished wine glasses are on the table. Seeing Jeremy for the first time, he has short, blond hair combed back on his head and a short beard, neatly trimmed. He looks like he can't be any older than 30, which takes me a little by surprise for some reason. He is wearing a pair of glasses, which he now takes off and places on the table. I quickly shift out of view as his head turns to do so, facing the direction of the door. Gathering my composure, I move back to the door. Mom is now lying back as Jeremy kisses her neck. Her eyes are closed and her body is tense as she savors the feel of it.

"Let's take this upstairs." She says quietly.

"I thought you'd never ask." Jeremy grins.

Shit! Now what. I quickly make my way back to the stairs and move up as quickly and quietly as I can. At the top I hesitate. What if they close the door? All this will have been for nothing. Barely thinking, I walk past my room and to my parents' bedroom. I slip inside the closet and close the door. The slats give me a decent view out to the room but also make me feel quite exposed. It's too late for any of that as mom and Jeremy are approaching now. They come into the room hand in hand and mom pushes Jeremy onto the bed. She flicks on the bedside lamp and I get my first good look at her tonight. She is wearing a slim, wine colored dress that barely comes below her thighs, pantyhose and a pair of shiny, black heels that look brand new. Her hair is wavy and clearly freshly done while she is wearing a lot more make up than I am used to seeing. I feel myself stiffen seeing my mom looking so sexy.

"Take your pants off." She says with confidence.

Jeremy smiles and slides out of his pants and socks, unbuttoning his shirt. There is a visible bulge in his boxers as mom moves slowly towards him. She reaches out and grabs his bulge.

"I've missed this." She whispers.

She pulls down the boxers, releasing Jeremy's cock. It's almost fully erect, about 7 inches long, and quite thick. Mom drops to her knees in front of it, blocking it from my view. She starts to work her hand up and down and lowers her head. She begins to bob up and down, making loud slurping noises. Jeremy's hands roam all over her back, tugging at her dress. It rides up a bit, revealing that what I thought were pantyhose are actually thigh high stockings.

"Bring that ass up here." Jeremy moans and mom moves to join him on the bed.

He is sitting on the edge as she now kneels to the side. I get an unobstructed view as my mother goes back to work on this man's cock, while he rubs and grabs her ass. He spanks her hard, causing her to moan into his cock. Mom redoubles her efforts, expertly sliding her mouth up and down his long shaft. She buries it as deep as it goes, gagging for a few seconds before releasing with a gasp. Saliva drips from her mouth as she continues to run her hand up and down. Jeremy spanks her again and mom smiles. She begins to suck on the head, darting her tongue out and swirling all around it.

"You like that big cock, baby?" Jeremy asks.

"Yes!" Mom says, speaking with her mouth full as she always told me not to do.

"Do you wish your husband had a cock like this?"

"MMMM!" Mom moans, sucking hard at the head of his cock.

"Tell me!" Jeremy says.

Mom pauses and looks up at him. "I wish my husband had a big cock like this. I'd suck it every day."

Mom reaches up and pulls his head towards her, locking lips and still not letting go of his throbbing cock. It's strange to actually hear my mom talking like this and being so sexual, even if I had imagined it a million times. My cock is straining against my pants. I pull it out and begin to stroke it. Mom stands up and turns to face the closet where I stand. Her mascara is running a little and her lipstick is smeared. I almost feel like she is looking right at me and I desperately try to steady my breathing. Jeremy undoes her zip and mom slides her dress down. Her matching bra and panties are black, lacy and leave very little to the imagination.

Jeremy sits her on the bed and slowly slides off her heels, throwing them to the side. He crawls behind her on the bed, kissing her neck and caressing her tits through her bra. He unhooks the clasp and mom slides her bra off and tosses it on the floor. I'm greeted with the side of my mom's D cups right in front of me. They sag a little against her body until Jeremy cups them and rubs her nipples. Mom moans and rests her head back against his shoulder. Her nipples harden and her hand finds Jeremy's hard cock again. I'm entranced by how my mom can't get enough of this man's cock. Jeremy ducks around under her arm and flicks his tongue over the nipple of my mother's right boob. She purses her mouth and lets out a soft moan.

"I'm so wet." She says, breathlessly. "Do you want to taste me?"

"Lie down." Jeremy says.

My mom scoots back to the center of the bed. She hooks her thumbs inside her panties and slides them down her stockinged legs. She is lying side on to my view. I can see a neatly cropped mound, but have to fight the urge to burst through the door to get a look at her pussy.

"Make me cum and I'll make it worth your while." She says with a wink.

Jeremy crawls on the bed and between her legs. He quickly buries his head and gets to work. The sounds confirm that mom is indeed quite wet and she lies back on the bed massaging her tits. Jeremy's head moves up and down like the cat that got the cream.

"Right there." Mom says, her breathing becoming more labored. "Lick me right there!"

Her hands run through Jeremy's hair and her legs slide up and down, rumpling the sheets on the bed. As her excitement grows, she raises her legs high in the hair, grabbing at the back of his head.

"Don't stop, baby," she says. "Please don't stop."

Jeremy holds his head steady and presumably let's his tongue do the work. Part of me is happy I can't see him working on my mom's clit as I don't want to make a mess in her closet. I have to stop stroking my cock to avoid doing so.

"Yes baby!" She says. "I'm gonna...uhh...gonna cum!"

Mom's legs shake as her breaths come short. She moans loudly and pulls on Jeremy's hair. Her chest heaves and she throws her head back. Her hips rise off the bed as she gets close. Suddenly she freezes and then drops back to the bed with a whimper. She lets out a series of low moans as her breath returns. I'm in shock, not able to believe that I've just seen my mom have an orgasm. Jeremy gets to his knees, his erect cock sticking out in front of him.

" good..." Mom whispers, sitting up and rubbing his chest.

"Now about making it worth my while..." Jeremy says, trailing off.

"Mmmm...all in good time." Mom says, teasing.

They kiss and their hands roam around each other's body. Jeremy reaches between her legs and finds mom's pussy. He slides a finger inside and then a couple more. From my view he seems to have easily slid three fingers into her. Their tongues thrash against each other as Jeremy fingers my mom's wet pussy.

"You ready for this big cock?" Jeremy asks.

"I've been waiting for two weeks for it." Mom answers. "I need you to fuck me good."

Jeremy gets off the bed and finds his pants on the floor. He reaches into the pocket and pulls something out. It's a condom. Mom beckons for him to give it to her. Jeremy smiles and hands her the package, lying back on the bed in anticipation.

"So, about making it worth your while." Mom begins. "I was thinking that tonight we don't need this.

Mom tosses the condom onto the pile of clothes on the floor and crawls seductively towards Jeremy.

"You CANNOT cum in me, though." She says sternly wagging her finger.

"Where should I cum?" Jeremy asks, arms spread wide in faux confusion.

"Where would you like to cum?" Mom asks. "On my tits? On my ass? On my face?"

Memories of jerking off to each of these scenarios race through my head as I try to think of something else to avoid cumming right there and then. Mom ducks and takes Jeremy in her mouth again, giving his cock a few quick sucks. She takes it out of her mouth and stares at it as if it's some curious attraction. Jeremy takes her chin in his hands and meets her eyes.

"I'm gonna come all over those tits." He says.

Mom grins and pushes him back on the bed. She crawls up his body and straddles him on one knee and one foot. She takes the head of his cock and slowly rubs it against her pussy. From this angle, I can see her lips as his cock brushes back and forth against them. Mom gets up on two feet and lowers her hips. Jeremy's thick cock is pointing straight up and she lowers her lips over the head. She holds her breath as the first 2 inches of his cock slide slowly inside her. Mom moans, holding her position and letting her pussy adjust. Jeremy has his hands on her knees, his hips aching to push up and bury his cock in my mother's pussy. Mom clearly notices this and enjoys the control she has over this man.

"You wanna fuck me baby?" She says.

"Yes." Jeremy replies. "Take my cock Sandra."

"It's so big...I'm not sure I can take it all." Mom says seductively.

"Well let's see how much you CAN take." Jeremy grins, clearly getting off on being told he has a big cock.

I look down at my own cock. It's probably about the same length as his, but a little bit thicker. I hadn't really considered it much, but if Jeremy's cock is quite big then mine is even bigger. I wonder what mom would think if she knew her son had a dick bigger than the one she is currently taking in her wet, little pussy?

Mom slides another couple of inches in and slides her fist down to the base of Jeremy's cock. She slides herself up and down from the head to her fist, working those top 3 or 4 inches. After a couple of times, she removes her fist and drops down, impaling herself on Jeremy's hard cock. Both moan, mom in pleasure and Jeremy in surprise. My own cock is twitching, desperate for release and I'm impressed that Jeremy didn't cum there and then.

"Looks like you took it all." Jeremy says, placing his hands on mom's hips and holding her in position.

Mom moves to her knees and begins to slowly move back and forth, gently riding the cock she has been waiting a couple of weeks to feel inside her again. The madness of the situation strikes me once more. I'm hiding in my parents' closet, watching my mom take a stranger's bare cock deep inside her. Despite years of imagining every conceivable type of sexual encounter with my mom, seeing her here and now makes me really appreciate her as a strong woman with her own needs, desires and sexuality. All it does it make me want her even more.

"Ride my dick Sandra." Jeremy says, using his hands to move her forward and back more quickly.

Moms head turns to the side as she takes her tits in her hands. Her eyes are glazed over with a look I've never seen before. She quickens her pace, grinding her hips down as Jeremy forces his up to meet her. Mom releases her tits and places her hands on his chest. She repositions herself, moving back to her feet and starts to move up and down. Jeremy starts to thrust up as they both awkwardly try to get him as deep inside her as is humanly possible.

"Let me." Mom whispers, using her hands to pin his hips to the bed.

Her regular squat routine in the gym works to her favor as she starts to build a rhythm slamming herself against the base of his cock.

"Yes, ride that cock Sandra." Jeremy says.

"Yes...ughh...remember...can't cum." Mom says between bounces.

Her ass shakes as her cheeks hit his thighs. She is working up a head of steam now, riding expertly and it's all I can do not to finish myself off.

"I need this." Mom says. "Ngghh, need this so bad."

"You like riding that big cock?"

"Yes, so big. So good. Ah ah ah!"

"Yes, take it all Sandra. Ride me faster."

"Mmmm...close...mmm...gonna cum!" Mom says. "Ah ah ah ...gonna...ah...cum!"

Suddenly mom stops, her pussy just enveloping the head of Jeremy's cock.

"Fuck me baby." She says. "Fuck me and make me cum."

Jeremy, caught a little off guard, suddenly realizes what she wants. Spreading his knees and pulling his feet together, he thrusts his hips and starts to pump up into my mom's waiting pussy. Mom braces herself and grunts with each thrust from the big cock beneath her.

Slap, slap, slap.

Mom's grunts get closer together as Jeremy increases his pace.

Slap, slap, slap.

Mom throws her head back, her grunts getting louder as well as closer.

Slap, slap, slap.

Jeremy's veins are clearly visible in his neck and arms as he thrusts his cock deep inside my mother.

Slap, slap, slap.

"Yes, right there." Mom cries. "Yes, don't stop! Please...fuck me!"

Slap, slap, slap.

"Are you gonna cum for me Sandra?" Jeremy says, as much in hope as confidence with the toll visible on his face.

Slap, slap, slap.

"Yes...ungh...ah...yes...cumming...yes...cumming...YES!" She screams.

Mom meets Jeremy's thrust at the tip and slams herself down with it, pinning him deep insider her. She arches her back and let's out a wicked scream. Unable to help myself, I begin to cum, too. I quickly pull up my pants looking to trap the cum somewhere and avoid getting it on mom's clothes.

"Holy shit!" Jeremy says, catching his breath. "You've never cum like that before."

"Maybe it's the wine." Mom says, still coming down from her orgasm. "Or not wearing a condom. Or fucking you in the bed where I fuck my husband."

Jeremy pushes her back on the bed, then scoots around to the side. Their heads are now facing my direction as he moves between her legs. Mom's head hangs backwards over the edge of the bed and Jeremy quickly slides back inside her. This registers with mom as an 'o' forms in her mouth, but she is elsewhere, enjoying the throes of her orgasm. Jeremy puts his fists on the bed either side of my mom and begins to thrust again. Mom moans as he quickly builds up speed. Her makeup looks like she has spent the night crying, as it runs on her face. Her eyes are open staring straight in my direction, though I'm not sure she would even notice if I opened the door and walked out. Jeremy is pumping hard, no doubt desperate for his own release and mom starts to regain her senses."You need to cum baby?" She asks.

"Yes." Jeremy says. "God, I need to cum."

"Not inside me, remember?" Mom teases.

Moms words are having an effect as Jeremy's thrusts become more erratic.

"My titties want that cum." Mom says. "They want you to soak them."

Jeremy slows, now taking long, powerful strokes.

"Oh baby!" Mom says. "I need your cum."

Jeremy suddenly pulls out. He quickly straddles mom's belly and aims his hard cock at her tits. He jerks it furiously as mom pushes her boobs together, ready to take his load. Jeremy tenses, spasms, and his cock shoots thick loads of cum across my mother's tits. Mom throws her head back once more, facing me upside down as gravity brings Jeremy's cum up her neck. Jeremy collapses on the bed next to my mom as she smiles, satisfied. They lie like this for a few minutes as my brain tries to process what the hell I have seen.

Eventually mom gets up, kisses him, and heads to the bathroom. She comes back with towels and they clean up.

"Wouldn't do to have my husband finding cum on the floor now would it?" She asks. "Or my son."

I stiffen at her mentioning me. There is something erotic about her talking about me while wearing only a pair of thigh high stockings.

"Why would your son be in here?" Jeremy asks.

"I don't know." Mom says. "I think he goes through my things sometimes."

"Well, I would say that's weird, but I can hardly blame him." Jeremy jokes.

"Boys will be boys I guess." Mom replies.

After getting dressed again, mom and Jeremy head downstairs. When I hear the dishwasher open, I bolt for my own bedroom again. After about 20 minutes I hear them approaching the front door. They talk briefly and then Jeremy leaves. I retreat to my closet as mom comes upstairs but she goes straight to the shower. I take my chance to sneak downstairs and out, closing the door quietly behind me. It's 10 o'clock, so I walk around for a couple of hours collecting my thoughts. About 1AM I come back home and let myself in quietly. It is a little early, but if mom asks I will say we left a little early to beat the traffic. The house is quiet. I go to my room and undress in the dark, crawling into bed, my head spinning.

Well...that's what happened. Now I'm lying in bed running it through my head over and over. I ask you again, now what?