I was home from college during the winter. My dad goes on a lot of business trips so it was just my mom and me.

I got home and went out with some friends for a few drinks and to catch up. After pouring a few pints of beer down my throat I got a ride home and booted up my computer to drunkenly stroke my cock to MILF porn since i struck out that night. I figured my mom was already asleep since she had been working all day.

Watching the older women on my screen ride those large cocks I vigorously slid my hand up and down my seven inch shaft, getting lost in the feeling.

I didn't hear my mom wake up and nudge my door open, but when I looked up she was still standing there looking at my naked body and what was on my computer; with a look of not shock, but temptation.

I freaked out and tried to run to my bed but drunkenly fell over my unpacked suitcase. My mom, still there, helped me up and into my bed. She acted like nothing had happened, or at least she didn't mind what she had seen...

"J, (my names Jordan), I see you've enjoyed yourself tonight," she said as she put me under the covers and leaned over to give me a goodnight kiss. "I hope you're not too old to kiss your mother." I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra under her loosely tied nightie and that her nipples were rock hard. Did I do that...?

"No mom, I'm never too old for that. Sorry for waking you up, I'm so embarrassed."

"I've been your age too Jordan, just get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning. I love you."

In the AM, I wasn't drunk enough to forget what happened that night and it seemed my mom hadn't either.

She is a yoga instructor and works random hours, but she always wears her yoga clothes weather she's working up a sweat or not. I could see her nipples through her tank top, as hard as they were last night. And was it just my imagination or did she spend extra time bending over to get the OJ out of the fridge? But I definitely did not imagine my cock stiffening at the sight of her tight ass as she bent over.

I tried to act normal, "When is dad going to be home from his trip mom?"

"He'll be gone for just over a month, something to do with a big issue with management at work so he has to fix it before he can come home." Oh great I thought. Another awkward month alone with my mom after he walking in on me masturbating last night...

After breakfast I got into the shower, but I forgot to unpack my shower gear. I called for my mom to see if she could pass me my shampoo and body wash.

She opened the door and handed me my shower supplies through the curtain. "Do you need help washing your back J? You always used to like it when I did it before." I hesitated answering but she took the initiative, "turn around sweetie and I'll do it."

She pulled back the curtain and squirted body wash onto the washcloth. My cock rose as her hands moved around my exposed back, my ass in full view for my mother's eyes. She was washing my back and accidentally dropped the washcloth. Before I could act quick enough she bent down to pick it up and noticed that i was rock hard. Her face was six inches from my erect cock. I covered up quick and she grabbed the cloth, looked up at me and just smiled at me, pretending again that she didn't notice anything.

"Mom I can finish myself off from here I think."

"Are you sure sweetie? I wouldn't mind helping you finish if you wanted me to."

I must be going crazy today because I thought I caught a subtle sexual undertone in my mom's statement.

I couldn't help myself and masturbated in the shower to the thought of my mom's full breasts and her face coming so close to my penis.

After I had finished myself off in the shower, in more ways than one, I dried off and got changed. When I finally went downstairs my mom left a note saying she went in for a yoga class and would be back after.

I invited some friends over for some drinks but they had to leave to run some errands or whatever. Sitting at home alone pretty buzzed my mom gets back from work.

"How was your class mom?"

"It was great. I love working up a sweat. Yoga is a great release and lord knows I need a release. I'm going up to shower, do you think you could return the favor and wash my back as well?"

I didn't want to be rude, "Yeah mom, whatever you need."

"Great, just come in in about 5 minutes, I'll be ready for you."

I went upstairs and knocked on her bathroom door. "Come in," she called from the shower.

My mom is facing me, wet from the shower and lathering up her natural C cup breasts. I can't help but glance down and notice she is completely shaved. She catches my glance and smiles seductively at me.

"Hold out your hands J," she squeezes soap on them. When she does this, she squeezes her tits together, and I immediately begin to get hard.

Only wearing gym shorts, I catch her eyes drifting down to where there is a noticeable bulge growing in my pants.

She giggles and turns around so I can get her back. Instead of standing straight up, she bends slightly and puts her hands against the back wall. She can't see me stare at her pussy lips and ass poking out from behind but I have a feeling she knows.

I am fully erect at this point and almost bulging through my shorts.

She says I'm missing spots up by her shoulder but I can't reach them without getting in and wet. "Mom, I'll get wet if I reach all the way up there," I tell her.

"Please J. You're really good at hitting the right spots. Just take off your clothes, I won't look.

I relent, stripping myself of my shirt, shorts and briefs, my cock still throbbing. I paused for a minute wondering what it would feel like to just slam my cock into my mom's pussy as she bent over for me in the shower.

Coming back to reality I partially stepped into the shower with my mom to finish washing her back. I have to lean over her to get to her shoulders and when I do I accidentally rub my erect cock onto her exposed ass.

She lets out a soft moan, barely loud enough for me to hear. "Right there J, that's the spot."

"S-s-sorry?" I stammer, freaking out about my cock rubbing against my mom's wet ass.

"My shoulders honey, you're getting the spot." she answers.

"Oh right... well I think I'm done mom, is that all you need?" I ask, wildly hoping she would ask for something more.

"That's it sweetie, thanks for helping your old raggy mother out."

"Mom, you're an awful liar. You're the sexiest mom I've seen, and I've seen a lot of sexy moms," I blurt out.

She turns around. "Like the ones on your computer J?"

"Oh shit... I'm sorry you saw that mom. I'm so embarrassed. But yes, you're hotter than all of them too."

"Is that why you're hard right now J?" My mom asked with a smile and a long glance at my hard cock.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry again. This is fucked-" I turn and leave the bathroom, feeling once again embarrassed that my mom has seen me naked.

I walk right to my bedroom and fall onto my bed, groaning. Sharing a wall with my mom's bathroom I can hear her moaning in the shower. It seems she was finishing herself off just as I had that morning.

I sat on my bed listening to my mom moan and imagining her fingering herself in the shower. I started jerking off while picturing my moms fingers sliding in and out of her tight pussy while hot water poured down on her, soap still clinging to her perfect tits. I came harder than I ever had jerking off before, my sperm shooting all over my chest.

I left the house to meet up with friends at the bar again. We were having a good time, but my mind was still on my mom and her naked, wet body.

Still early into the night I got a text from my mom, "Jordan I'm so sorry, your bed's ruined... I'll explain when you're home..."

Pretty curious so I told my friends I was heading home early because my mom needed something.

My friends, always joking about how hot my mom is gave me shit as usual: "Yeah I'd like to help your mom out with something too." "Dude, your mom has the best body, you're so lucky, if I lived in the same house as her I wouldn't be able to help myself." I flipped them all off as I walked out of the bar and waited for my mom to come grab me.

She was wearing nothing but her see through nightie and a thong when she arrived.

Aroused by what I saw, but more curious I asked, "What happened mom?"

"I'm so sorry J. I was cleaning up your room and I accidentally ran the vacuum into the corner of your bed frame and broke it." She sounded sincere so I didn't get upset. "We don't have another bed in the house, so you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch until it's fixed."

I placed a hand on my moms leg, noticing how smooth her toned skin was, "No mom it's fine, I'll take the couch."

"J, you're way to big now to sleep on the couch, you've grown so much since being away at school. How about we just share my bed for now? It's more than big enough for us both."

"Yeah I can do that until my bed is fixed." I did know that nothing was wrong with my mattress and I could've slept on it still, but I let it go, feeling that this is what she wanted... and possibly what I want as well.

I stayed up having some drinks with my mom, her breasts completely visible through her shear nightie, and my erection also visible through my pants. After both putting down quite a few drinks she said she was tired. "Are you going to stay up much longer J? I'm heading up to bed now."

"Yeah, I'll be in soon mom."

When she went to her room I went to mine and changed into just a pair of briefs. I sat on my computer chair and pulled out my throbbing cock. I had to take care of this now.

Halfway into pumping away at my cock, my mom started calling my name. Perfect timing i grudgingly thought.

I walked over to her room and asked what she wanted. "J, come to bed now otherwise you'll wake me up if you come in later." So I did as she asked and got into my mom's bed with her.

I was facing her back, still hard from earlier and when she moved to get comfy her ass brushed up against my erection through my briefs. I could tell she had taken off her nightie and just left the thong on. My cock twitched at the touch of my mom's ass.

She moved again and nudged my cock a second time. I was so hard and precum was beginning to soak through my briefs.

A third time and she let out another small moan like she had done in the shower. I was determined to neither be the one to stop this or take this game further. I let her make the decisions, so I continued to lay there, my cock getting slick with precum.

And that's when I felt her hand on my thigh. Slowly working its way up.

"Mom, what are you-"

"shh Jordan, I know you've been thinking about me as well."

"Mom are you sure? I mean, you're my mother. This is wrong, despite the thoughts I've been having about you."

"J, I love you, and I don't care. I just want you. I want your cock in every hole I have to offer. Your father may be on a business trip, but he's seeing to more than just work while away. I need you, your cock, your cum. Please baby, give mommy your cock."

So I gave in and let her hand rise to my aching cock. She grabbed it through my briefs and told me how big I felt, bigger than my cheating father even. That made me feel great and more precum crept out of my head.

She turned around and hooked her fingers under my briefs and pulled them off. She grabbed my hand and placed my fingers into her mouth, in and out. Then taking my hand and placing it on her breast. Her hard nipple getting slick with her spit as i began working my fingers around them.

She grabbed my cock again. "I've wanted this since I saw you playing with yourself the other night. I wanted you to shove your thick cock into my tight, wet pussy while I was in the shower earlier. I fingered myself to that image you know."

"I did the same thing thinking about you mom."

And with that she moved down and wrapped her lips around my throbbing shaft. Taking me deep and fast. I had my hands in my moms hair. Pushing her further down. Each bob of her head she took another inch until all seven inches of my erect cock disappeared into her mouth and down her throat.

I wasn't going to last long and told my mom. "I'm going to cum soon mom, your mouth feels so good."

She came up for air and said, "I want to taste your cum J, cum for mommy, fill mommy's mouth with your cum."

She went back down and licked me from my balls to the tip of my cock, swirling her tongue around the tip before sucking my dick again. She grabbed my balls as she continued to work up and down my shaft, taking every inch of it.

I came quick, shooting hot cum down my moms throat. "Oh fuckk mommmmm." She smiled up at me, licking up what was left on my cock.

"You taste so good J. Now it's my turn sweetie."

"But mom, I need a while to recover before I can get hard again..."

She giggled, "That's not true my sexy boy."

She reached over me, brushing her tits into my face, and opened my dad's bedside table drawer. She took out a pill and sexily removed her thong, which was already soaked through.

She placed the pill on her soaking clit. It was a Viagra. Without hesitation I moved down and licked up the pill and continued to work my tongue around her clit and her soaking pussy lips.

She was moaning and pulling my hair as she gushed juices into my mouth. "Oh J, your tongue feels amazing. I'm going to cum, I'm-I'm-I'm coming." Her legs began to shake around my head and she lifted her pussy up as my tongue flicked back and forth, making her cum.

I felt myself getting hard again quick and she noticed. She pulled me up, "Fuck me honey, fuck your mom with your big dick."

So I slid into her wet, tight pussy and moved in and out pumping away. My mom felt amazing. Her lips gripping my fat cock as i fucked my mom. I was about to cum again and started pulling out but she grabbed my ass and pulled my cock back deep into her.

"No sweetie, fill me up, I want your cum inside me."

I shot my sperm into her pussy as my mom orgasmed again with me.

We went another round, my cock staying hard from the pill, so she could ride me as I slapped my mom's ass while she bounced up and down on my hard cock. When we both came again we laid down and I spooned her, my Viagra enhanced cock still hard against her exhausted ass.

"J, that was the best sex I've had. I'm glad we didn't wait any longer to do this. I still have so much to do with you while you're home. Mommy's going to take care of you.

We went to sleep like that with my cum dripping out of my mom's sore but satisfied pussy.

I guess she got really lonely when my dad was away tending to his work and extracurricular activities... And hopefully she's lonely even when he's here too.'Jordan had just fallen asleep with his mom after filling her sweet pussy with his cum. His dad was away and would be for sometime still. He was about to find out how ungrateful his dad was being and how lonely his mom had been...'

I woke up numerous times throughout the night, not for any particular reason, I just don't think I was used to sleeping with someone in my bed... let alone my mom. There were plenty of girls at school that I've slept with, but I never heard one of them say "cum for mommy" as I thrust my hard cock into them repeatedly.

Each time I stirred, I made sure to grab my mom's bare breast, feeling her nipple getting as hard as my cock was below. Hearing her breathing catch in her sleep was such a turn on for me.

I finally passed out until the morning and probably would have slept longer if I did not feel my mom's ass wiggle itself around the shaft of my member.

"Good morning J. I was wondering if you could help me out with breakfast this morning?"

Not getting her reference, "Yeah mom, what should we make?"

She smiled seductively back at me and wrapped her fingers around my morning wood. "I believe it's already made sweetie."

With that she began to stroke my cock with her hand, waking me up quick from any grogginess I had. My breathing intensified as she worked on my cock. She planted kisses on my neck, licked my earlobe and moved her tongue south only pausing to flick my nipples with her tongue until her hot mouth reached my throbbing erection.

She started by taking one ball into her mouth at a time and gently pulling until it came out of her mouth, leaving a trail of spit from it to her mouth. She then slowly traced her tongue from my sac to the top of my penis before engulfing it all into her mouth and down her throat.

"Mom, your mouth feels so good. Deepthroat my cock mom, yes!"

She had taken all of me into her mouth and stayed there with my cock down her throat. She stuck her tongue out and licked my balls as she continued to deepthroat my dick.

When she came up for air I grabbed her underneath her chin and pulled her up for a long kiss, pushing my tongue into her mouth.

I couldn't wait any longer and forced my mom onto my cock, still soaked from her mouth. She felt the tip of my head against her pussy and her lips began to spread to allow me passage.

"Oh J, go slow. Push your big cock into mommy slowly. I want to feel all of my boy's cock, inch by inch."

She slowly glided down on my cock, her hands on my chest and when she got to the bottom, she came up fast to repeat the slow penetration of her wet pussy.

After the third time moving down onto me, I sat up and grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling my mom further down as I rose up to push into her pussy as much as I could.

"Fuckkk you're so deep J. Oh my god!"

She rocked her hips back and forth, rocking on top of my cock.

It wasn't long until I felt her pussy tighten and her legs start to vibrate at the onslaught of her orgasm.

"Mom I'm going to cum soon."

"Cum J. Cum with me, cum in me."

And I tensed up, shooting my sperm into my mom again.

We both laid down, her on top of me still, my penis throbbing inside of her pussy which was dripping my own semen onto me.

After a few minutes of nothing she got off of me and went to clean up in her bathroom.

"I have work soon J. If you drop me off you can use the car, but you'll have to pick me up at 1."

"I can do that mom, thanks."

"Love you sweetie."

"Love you too."

I went into my bathroom and cleaned myself off before heading downstairs for some actual breakfast.

After hearing my mom's shower start and stop, she came down wearing her usual work clothes: yoga pants that outlined the perfect roundness of her ass and a tight tanktop which did nothing to conceal the nipples poking out of her large breasts.

She grabbed a quick bite to eat and finished getting ready. She tossed me the keys, "You're driving, ready?"

"Yep, let's get you to work."

My mom's yoga studio is about 25 minutes away with no traffic. Backroads to the highway for a brief time, then some small city roads until we arrived.

After getting into the car and driving on the backroads by our house for a little, I felt my mom's hand on my thigh. She moved it up to where she could feel the slight bulge coming through my pants and began to rub at it, causing the bulge to grow.

I looked around outside the car and didn't see anyone else driving or running nearby. But as she began to unzip my pants and relieve my growing erection from its confinements, I realized we were getting onto the highway, and traffic looked bad.

"Uhm, mom... we're about to be surrounded by a lot of other vehicles... I don't know if we should do this here..." I told her, worried.

"Oh J, relax. Let mommy take care of you. Besides, my windows are tinted and nobody will even notice. Even if they did, they won't know that I'm your mom, your naughty, dirty, horny mom."

I knew that her car was tinted, but it was nowhere close to being dark enough for people to not see inside of it, and any truck or SUV that was higher than my mom's small sedan would have a clear view of "some woman" giving me road head.

Then again, my cock was already out and my mom had already dropped her head onto my lap, swirling her tongue around my head as precum spilled out of it.

"Your cock doesn't seem to be worried about the other cars J," she teased.

I entered the highway traffic at the same time my dick entered my mom's mouth. I placed my right hand on top of her head and pushed her mouth repeatedly down onto my hard cock.

I stared straight ahead most of the ride in order to avoid any eye contact with curious neighbors on the highway. I did notice a few people look down from the passenger side of the vehicle next to me, some laughed and obviously told everyone else in the car, other tried to get my attention with thumbs up, and some looked shocked.

I noticed one girl that saw me get quite turned out by the sight of my mom's lips wrapped around my cock. She continued to stare, making me even more turned on. I was stuck next to this particular car for a while in a section of non-moving traffic and the extra watchful eyes from the attractive blonde in the passenger seat of the car next to me was enough to push me over the edge.

I began thrusting slightly upwards into my mom's mouth. "Mom I'm almost there, don't slow down. Keep sucking, faster, faster." I cried as I stared at the woman next to us watching. She looked at me and mouthed slowly so I could read her lips. "Cum... for... me..." She then stuck a finger into her mouth and I lost it, pumping load after load into my mom's throat.

My mom took in all of it, then proceeded to lick up any leftover mess around my shaft. "Jordan, you still had a lot in you even after this morning! I almost couldn't take it all."

"The thrill must have turned me on more than I thought," I said, thinking of the blonde in the car next to us. If only she knew the woman that was face down in my lap was actually my mother...

"I think we have an admirer J," my mom said, smiling up at the blonde. "You should get her number."

"What?? I can't just ask a random stranger in traffic for her number, especially after that! And besides, I have you mom, what do I need her number for?"

"J, I'm flattered, but I know you're still a young man and need to interact with girls your own age as well. Besides, if she enjoyed the show here, she might enjoy the show even more back at the house. Now hurry up and ask before traffic starts up again."

"She doesn't know you're my mom!"

"Well ask anyways J. Listen to your mother."

Shaking my head and smiling I rolled down the window and motioned for the blonde to do the same. She quickly peeked at whomever was driving her and obeyed.

"Hey, this might be awkward... but I'm Jordan and I was wondering if I could have your number and maybe call you sometime to hang out?"

"I think I might be willing to part with that if you're as fun as I've seen. I'm Claire," she said, adding her number in at the end.

I punched her number into my phone and told her I'd call soon and rolled up my window. Luckily the traffic picked up so I was able to avoid the awkward moment of sitting next to her still.

However the awkwardness that came shortly after was worse than that would have been. I dropped my mom off at work, giving her a tongue filled kiss which left me with the slight taste of my own juice in my mouth.

"Bye sweetie, I'll see you around 1."

"Bye mom-" And that's when she walked by, eyes wide and mouth open... Claire from traffic.

The color ran out of my face and my heart began to beat faster. Claire was going to yoga class with my mom, and she knew that my mom was blowing me in the car! Oh fuck.

I drove away as fast as I could, not looking back.

I spent the next few hours doing nothing besides watching TV and thinking about Claire and my mom in class together. Would Claire say anything to anyone? We could get into some big trouble if she did.

I needed to keep my mind off of that so I went into my newly acquired lover's room and looked around through the drawers and closet, trying to learn more about my mother's sexuality. I found her pantie drawer and pulled out numerous g-strings which smelled just like her pussy, along with laundry detergent.

"Jackpot," I muttered to myself after finding my mom's sex stash. Hidden underneath some magazines in her bedside table were a variety of vibrators and lube. She had handcuffs which didn't include the pink fuzz as I had seen in other places. She also had a few DVDs hidden in there as well. "Girl on Girl: College Edition," "Spank Me Daddy, I've Been Naughty," and "My Mom's a M.I.L.F." This last one had me chuckling as I thought it would probably feature me and my mom for part of it.

Wanting something a little different from my own life, I put "Spank Me Daddy" into the DVD player in my mom's room and sat up in her bed. The dad, Greg, had come home early from work and walked in on his daughter half naked making out with some boy on her bed. Greg grabbed the boy and tossed him with his clothes out of the house.

-"Daddy don't, I love him!" His daughter cried.

-"Quiet Victoria, get to your room now and wait for me to get up there," Greg steamed.

-After pacing downstairs, Greg went up into his daughters room where she sat with her hands in her face, still shirtless.

...I had pulled out my penis by now, waiting for what was obvious to come. I began nonchalantly playing with my still limp dick while the dad dealt with his naughty daughter...

-Greg sat next to his half naked daughter and put an arm around her, having cooled down a little. "Vikkie what the hell were you thinking?? You're only 18. If your mother were still alive you would've given her a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry Daddy, I love him. Please don't tell his parents. I'll never take my clothes off here again," Vikkie the pornstar lied.

...I sped through the pity scene, needing to hurry this up, and pressed play again when the daughter was about to walk in on her dad masturbating in the bathroom to a picture of her...

"Daddy!? You're jacking off! Is that a picture of me?"

"What?? I'm sorry Vikkie, I just saw you topless and couldn't help it, you're just so sexy."

Vikkie the pornstar giggled and brought her dad into her room, already breaking her promise and removing her blouse for her dad. She guided his hands onto her exposed breasts then grabbed at the overly large cock that was in front of her.

"Daddy you're so big. I'm really sorry for earlier. It's my fault you're having these naughty thoughts about your daughter isn't it? You can punish me if you feel its fair. C'mon Daddy, spank me."

She slipped off her skirt and bent over the bed to expose her ass to her dad and he spanked it multiple times. She took his cock again and sucked it hard. He picked her up and laid her on the bed so he could taste his daughter's young pussy.

...I was hard and beating off at this point, noticing the time getting close to 12:30, I needed to get my mom soon...

She straddled her dad's massive cock and told him to spank her while she rode him. She bounced easily up and down on his gleaming shaft as his hand hit her ass over and over again, sending pleasure through her body.

...I couldn't last any longer and shot my load onto my chest and stomach. "I'll have to come back to this with my mom sometime and finish the DVD," I thought as I cleaned myself off.

I got into my mom's car and headed to her work, knowing I'd arrive a little late and glad, meaning to let everyone in her class, including Claire, leave before I got there.

When I pulled up I saw I planned correctly, for the place was pretty much empty. My mom wasn't outside so I went in to tell her I was here. I found her stretching in her yoga room, the door was open but all the blinds on the windows had been pulled.

"Mom I'm here, are you ready?"

"I'm ready for you sweetie. Shut the door please."

"At your work mom? What if someone catches us like this morning? You'll get fired, or worse."

"Don't worry J. I'm the only one here and there's no classes until later tonight."

I shut the door as my mom stripped off her yoga attire. Her toned body was glistening with sweat from her workout and I quickly followed her lead and removed my clothes as well.

"Now that we have more room I think we can change up some of the normal positions. I've been playing with myself waiting for you so I want your cock in me now J."

She beckoned me over with her finger and massaged my balls until I was once again rock hard. She then got into a position she called "Downward Dog" and told me to enter her. I grabbed her hips and split her pussy with the tip of my cock, only thrusting a few inches in her at a time until I was fully buried in my mom's wet cunt.

As I slid in and out of my mom, she began walking her hands up to her ankles. The changing angle of her hips made her lips grab at my cock differently the more she stretched up and it felt amazing. When she was completely aligned, upper body and straight legs, I kept fucking my mom's tight pussy, feeling it all around my cock.

She then stood up and slid my cock out of her. She bent down and licked off her juices from my shaft. She then laid on her back and lifter her legs until they flipped around and were back on the floor next to her head, her ass pointing straight up.

I was so turned on by the flexible and unique positions my mom was showing me. I'd never done any of these. Each position was tighter than the next, my cock getting gripped by my mom's lips as I thrusted into her.

The last position she stood up and stretched one leg straight up. I grabbed the one in the air and placed it on my shoulder as I entered her again. I could tell she liked this because I was able to grab her ass and play with her clit as I fucked her.

I had a flashback of the video I had watched earlier and slapped her ass.

"Mmm, that's right, slap mommy's ass as you fuck her. Slap it hard. Ahh you're finger feels good on my clit, keep going, I want to cum on your cock."

My pace increased as I neared my edge, and when I came, my mom's cunt gripped down hard on my cock forcing my sperm out of me.

"Mom that was amazing! You're so flexible."

"I thought you'd enjoy that, you should do yoga more often." She joked at me with a wink. "Oh and by the way Jordan, I talked with Claire today after class..."

My heart sank. She didn't end that sentence sounding positive.

"She was upset you didn't show up early, she said you should call her tomorrow to hang out." My mom gave me a big smile as she slid her panties up, trapping my cum inside her pussy.

"Well there's a relief, I'll do that, if that's okay with you?"

"Of course sweetie, mommy will have plenty of fun yet with her son."

I realized I was living a porno. This doesn't happen. I was waiting for some random voice to yell "Cut, that's a wrap." But the porn director's voice didn't come. And for the next month at least, I hope it never does. I was the luckiest boy in the world, having sex with my mom the yoga instructor and about to call Claire the gorgeous blonde that was okay with me hooking up with my mom.I woke with vivid memories of last night. There had always been girls at school, but last night was definitely a first for me. My penis was awake before I was and it jolted with the memories coming through my brain.

After getting home from my mom's work at her yoga studio, the rest of the day went pretty normal: I had a few of my friends over to watch the Bruins play. My mom wandered the house, cleaning up and making sure our snacks and drinks never got too low. My friends had no idea that an hour earlier my cock was buried seven inches into my mom's begging pussy as she bent over in the most tantric of positions.

She didn't let onto that at all as she paraded around the house, but she did manage to tease me while she did, wearing shorts that hugged her ass and a tight tank top sans bra. My friends were also privy to the live show in front of them, and I'm not talking about the Bruins game. My mom has always been attractive and my friends always let me know... as if I didn't already.

After the game my friends left and I helped my mom make dinner.

"I think you're friends like me," my mother smirked at me.

"Any one of them would love to trade places with me mom, you're a dime."

"That's good to know, you never know what might happen," she continued to tease.

"Right mom, my friend is going to hook up with me and my mom... you're kidding."

"You think you would've learned from Claire earlier, some people are more open minded than you think. Let's set one of your friends as a goal, after Claire of course, you can pick the friend and then let me do all the work... if that's okay with you J."

I thought about my mom's idea. I've had a threesome at school once before, and would soon have another with Claire and my mother, but never a devil's threesome. Let alone one with my friend and mother... It sparked my lustful interest, stirring the bulge in my pants.

"Tom would probably be the most willing, he has it bad for you, and we're close. I'll invite him over this weekend. Good?"

"Great, now let's clean up and throw in a movie."

That reminded me, I had the perfect movie in mind.

We cleaned up and I told my mom to get comfortable and I'd go grab the movie. She settled down on the couch and before going upstairs I took her face in my hand and kissed her. I pushed my tongue forward and explored her mouth with it, she pulled gently on my extended tongue, her warm breath mixing with my own. My mom reached out and rubbed at my trapped cock. I pulled back and smiled at her before going upstairs leaving her wanting more.

I went quickly into her room and took out the DVD I had masturbated to earlier: "Spank Me Daddy." I removed my shirt and threw it into my room on the way down, knowing it wouldn't be staying on for long anyways.

When I arrived back into the living room my mom was anxiously waiting. "Why'd you go upstairs to grab a movie...?"

I didn't say a word and placed the disc into the player, letting it load a while before I turned on the TV to give away what I had found in her room.

"What the... J where did you find this?"

"You know where mom, I've already watched some too. I like your taste," I winked at her.

"Oh gosh, well, good choice, but I don't think we'll make it through this movie."

"I think I have an idea, let's make a game out of it. People do it with movies and drinking all the time, we'll just do it for something much more fun. Here are the rules..."

I outlined the rules of the game for my mom, explaining how it worked.

-Every time the pornstars said "fuck" we'd have to make out.

-If the girl wasn't wearing a bra my mom would have to strip.

-If the guy wasn't wearing socks I'd have to strip.

-When she gave him head I'd have to eat out my mom for the same time length

-When he ate her out my mom would have to suck my dick for the same time length

I left it there so we could take over where and when we wanted.

I skipped through the first scene since I had already watched that one earlier. The next one was about a naughty daughter who got caught stealing money from her dad. He then made her work for every dollar. And work she did.

The first "fuck" came early and I happily pulled my mom's mouth to mine, swirling our tongues together. The excitement of what was to come built immensely in that first kiss.

"Looks like I'm the first to strip," my mom laughed as the dad in the video removed his daughter's skimpy top to reveal no bra, just her bare perky tits. My mom took off her shirt first, letting her large breasts catch on her shirt as she pulled it up. They bounced down as it moved upward passed them. She stood up in front of the TV where the dad was nibbling on his daughters nipples. She seductively slid her shorts and panties down while bending over. I got a great view of my mom's ass and soaking lips as she did. I felt my boxers begin to get wet themselves as my cock spurt precum from the sights in front of me.

The daughter stripped her dad, who had both shoes and socks on, she hooked her fingers underneath his pants and released his immense cock.

"Aww that's no fun, you don't have to strip..." mom pouted.

"I'll strip anyways, otherwise I don't think we'd get much further." And I removed my shorts and boxers, sitting naked with my mom on the couch while we became increasingly aroused watching porn.

"Excuse me honey, the game goes on. Start working."

I noticed that the daughter on the screen was already filling her mouth with daddy's erection. I kneeled in front of my mom so she could watch the porn as I ate her out. I began by teasing around her puffy lips, kissing and licking all around them, gently blowing into her snatch as I moved from one side to the other. She moaned with blissful agony as I teased her gushing cunt. Finally in one big move I licked her from bottom to top.

"Holy fuck! Eat mommy's pussy hard. Fuck it feels so good."

I worked my tongue around her clit, switching to thrust it into her sopping hole, tasting her juices as they poured out. Her hands were pulling my hair which made me work even harder lapping at my mom's wet slit. Her eyes were locked onto the TV where the daughter was trying hard not to gag on daddy's big dick, drool running out of her mouth and down his shaft.

I felt my mom begin to shake and knew her orgasm was close as my tongue continued to move around her pussy. She gripped me hard. "J I'm cumming, don't stop. Right there. Keep going. Yes. Yes. YES. Fuckkkkk!"

My mom's juices filled my mouth as she came, her legs tightening around my head.

As most porns go, the stars switched positions until they actually began fucking. The dad brought his daughter to her room which was pink and overly girly. He threw her on the bed. "Does daddy want to taste my pussy? Please daddy."

My mom and I copied the pornstars and switched places: I sat on the couch with her kneeling between my legs.

She got right to work, taking all of my cock into her mouth at once. She was amazing. My mom worked the shaft with her hand as she bobbed up and down on the head of my cock. Her other hand massaging my balls. I was in ecstasy. "Yes mom, suck my cock. Your mouth feels amazing. Don't stop playing with my balls, mmm, fuck."

I felt my balls begin to tighten and I knew I would be shooting my sperm very soon. When I felt it rising I grabbed my mom's head and thrust her down, pushing my dick into her throat as I filled her with my semen.

Spent, I pulled my mom back up and she sat down next to me.

"Fuck daddy, you're so good at eating out your daughter."

We both looked at each other and once again made out, tasting both of our juices which were still fresh on our tongues.

We continued to watch porn as she moved her finger around her clit, keeping her arousal high. I focused on the two shows around me, the porn and my mom, in order to stimulate my own arousal and get ready for the next round. I learned that I was able to recover faster than I thought as my cock began to grow in my hand. My mom noticed and made her move.

"I want you to fuck me doggystyle J. That way we can both watch. Plus it's the same position they're getting into now. Come fuck your mommy."

We both got onto the floor and my mom presented her ass to me in front of the TV. I rubbed my dick between her lips, getting it wet before I shoved it deep inside of her. This was crazy! I was fucking my mom to the same position that a daughter and dad were fucking in the porn we were both watching. I grabbed and slapped her ass. There were multiple sets of moans and heated words that all sounded very similar.

"Fuck me daddy, give me that big cock. You're so much bigger than any boy at school."

"Mmm J. Your cock feels amazing. Fuck your mom hard, mmm slap her ass. YESS!"

I grabbed her ass and spread her cheeks, getting a great view of my cock sliding in and out of her lips, and her nice, pink, clean asshole. I worked my thumb around her hole as I pounded away, lost in the moment. My mom moaned even louder.

The daughter and dad switched positions and she got on top of him. Yet when she sat down, her dad's dick pressed against her asshole instead, moving in slowly.

My mom pulled away from me. "I've had enough of watching, come with me honey."

She led me upstairs and into her shower, memories of washing her back as my hardon brushed her ass, sparking the lustful feelings between my mom and me. She got the water running hot, steaming up the bathroom. We both stepped under the shower head, getting wet. My mom's shower has a large seat in the back which she led me to by my still throbbing erection. She sat me down.

"Your thumb felt so good on my ass while you were fucking me J."

She grabbed a bottle of something and squirted it all over us both, making sure to drench my cock. My mom then straddled me and moved down. I felt the tip of my cock hit her hole, but this one was much tighter than normal. I realized my mom meant to have me fuck her ass. I had never done that before.

She worked down passed the initial resistance of her asshole, but once I was in she was able to move up and down freely. It was so tight, I've never felt anything this tight before. My lubed cock slid in and out of my mom's ass as she rode me in the shower, both of us soaking wet and lathered up. We ran our hands all over each other as my cock pumped away into her ass. Her tits felt so good all lathered up, her nipples protruding out of her large mounds.

I slid a hand between us and rubbed her clit as she took my cock in her ass. She was near her orgasm again.

"J I'm going to cum soon, are you almost there? I want you to cum with me, keep rubbing my clit baby."

I pumped harder into my mom, fervently rubbing her clit as I felt her ass tighten around my cock which was ready to explode. She began to quake and I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her deep down onto my spurting cock as I filled up the last remaining hole of my mom.

"Damn mom, I can't believe that just happened. I've never done that before. It felt amazing."

"I'm glad you liked it sweetie, you're full of great ideas. And I'm full of your cum. Mmm."

We finished washing each other off in the shower, my cum draining out my mom and down the drain.

Exhausted, we both flung our naked bodies onto the bed and fell asleep, her breast in my hand, my cock nestled between her ass cheeks.


That was the memory I woke up to the next day and my cock seemed to remember it just as well.

My mom was gone, she had work early and wouldn't be back until this afternoon. She left me a reminder note to call Claire, and to invite Tom over this weekend to begin our scheming with my best friend.

I was in no real rush to call Claire and have an awkward phone call with her so I made myself some breakfast and worked out with the weights I had at home. I figured I was getting enough cardio in lately that I didn't need a run. I showered off and built up the nerve to call the girl who had caught my mom giving me road head and had found out that it actually was my mom... and who had not been freaked out by it.

I dialed each number deliberately then waited for an answer.


"Hi is this Claire...? It's Jordan."

"Jordan who?"

"Uhhh... from yesterday... in the car... you had yoga class with my mom..."

"Oh well hello there mister kinky, I remember you quite vividly, as well as your mother," she teased me.

"Right, well I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight. Maybe if you wanted to grab a drink with me?"

"Will your mother be joining us?"

I could tell by the way she asked that this is indeed what she wanted.

"If you say yes I'm sure she will be there as well. Place called "McGinley's," know it?"

"Yes, I can meet you there, say 7 o'clock?"

"Perfect." I could tell she was aroused and wanted much more than a drink so I tested her limits. "Do you want to make this a little more fun?"

"I'm always up for more fun."

"Okay, then don't wear any underwear, no bra and no panties. If you have a tight short dress, that would be best. Of course if you don't want to that's fine as well. Just a suggestion."

"I'll see you both at 7 Jordan, I'll be ready." And with that she hung up.

"Damn my life is one in a million right now," I thought to myself. I don't think even any porn could stand up to the way my life was living out currently.

I thought about everything I had done this last week and what my mom and I still had planned. Tonight we were going to have our way with Claire, a complete stranger... a complete hot blonde stranger I should say. Then we were going to use my mom to seduce my best friend into double teaming my mom with me. I was skeptical about this last one but I was willing to give it a try with my mom.

My mom got home a little after 4. She showered while I got dinner ready for us both. Standing at the stove I felt my mom's arms wrap around me and reach for my flaccid cock. She toyed with it as I finished cooking our meal, making it grow in my shorts. She stopped as quickly as she had started and giggled at me.

"I want to save it all for tonight with Claire, but that doesn't mean I can't tease you."

I turned around and noticed she was naked, her hair still wet from the shower. I followed suit and dropped my shorts, my precum had started to flow and I wiped it onto my fingers. I then moved for her exposed breasts, rubbing my slick precum around her hard nipples. "Two can play that game," I replied.

Dinner was filled with intimate teasing as we sat side by side enjoying our meals in the nude. My mom constantly grabbing my erection under the table as I continued to slide my hand between her thighs to nudge her clit, making her juices flow.

My mom went as far as to "drop her napkin" and as she went to pick it up, kissed the tip of my dick, pulling a string of precum off of it as she pulled her soft lips away. She licked my precum off her lips as the string broke. My cock was throbbing.

By the time it came to leave to meet Claire at the bar, we were both out of our minds with lust.

I had given my mom the same description of what to wear to the bar as I had to Claire: a short tight dress with no underwear. She slid a form fitting green dress that stopped just below her ass and presented onlookers with a great shot of her cleavage. If she bent over, which she did numerous times in front of me, there was nothing hiding her exposed ass and pussy lips from those behind her. I hoped Claire styled herself the same way for tonight.

When we arrived the hostess said our third party was already here and pointed us to the table. A secluded circular booth in the back corner of the bar. I saw Claire had complied with my dress code, wearing a similar dress to my mom's, and revealing just as much cleavage to go along with it. My mom was ahead of me and when she arrived at the table, she bent down to say hello to Claire with a kiss, directly on the mouth. I don't think I could have gotten away with that. We sat on either sides of Claire after our formal greetings were done.

The waitress came over shortly. "Would anyone care for a dinner menu?"

"Just drinks please," my mom replied.

We each ordered a drink and my mom got the night started for the three of us.

"I'm going to cut right to the chase since we already chatted after yoga yesterday. I understand you know a good deal of my son's and my situation, and you're turned on by it. I also understand you want to experience some of this fun for yourself." My mother called her out.

"When I saw your son getting road head by some girl in the car I became instantly wet. My dad was dropping me off at your class but he couldn't see what I was watching. It wasn't until I overheard you call her mom that I knew I needed you both." Claire replied.

"How old are you Claire?" I asked.

"I just turned 21 a couple weeks ago."

My mom spoke to both of us, "Well this is how this night is going to go. While we're here, none of us are related, just three people out for a drink. As soon as we leave this bar I am once again Jordan's mother... and you're mother. Do you understand? You will be playing - no not playing - you will be Jordan's sister and my gorgeous daughter. Think you both can keep up with that darling?"

My mom was a genius. "Yes mom," we both replied with wide smiles on our face.

"Great, then let's have some fun tonight."

We all had our fair share of drinks, I tailored off after a few so I could drive us all home. Claire would leave her car here and grab it tomorrow sometime. My mom and Claire became close almost instantly, flirtatiously touching each other and giggling like two school girls gossiping about some new hottie. And lucky for me, I was that new hottie. My dick maintained a constant state of excitement throughout the night, helped by the view of both ladies' attire.

"I'm glad you wore the dress I asked, did you do what else I asked as well?"

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" And she took my hand in hers and placed it on her smooth upper leg. She dragged my palm across her exposed leg up to the bottom of her dress, which barely covered any of her legs sitting down. I only went a couple inches under the fabric before I felt a soft bed of hair which was groomed to only have a strip above her uninhibited pussy. She kept pushing my hand until my fingers spread her lips and became slick with her juices.

I looked at my mom's face as it watched my fingers push into Claire's wet snatch and noticed my mom's hand was under her short dress as well. I slid my fingers in and out of Claire, curving them to press into the walls of her pussy as I moved my hand. Both ladies' breathing intensified and they tried hard not to make any extra noise, save for a few soft moans of pleasure.

My mom grabbed my hand and brought my fingers to her mouth, licking off Claire's juices from each of them as she continued to finger herself. She then removed her fingers and presented them to Claire, who moved her head and enveloped my mom's wet fingers into her mouth. She looked at me as she did this and I knew I was going to cum inside my sister tonight.

"How about we three head on home?" My mom asked. We all agreed and she paid the bill for us all. Once outside the game started, it was now my mom, my sister, and I.

I got into the driver's seat while my mom and sister slid into the back. I got the drive going while the two ladies in the back enjoyed getting to know each other more intimately. I adjusted the rearview mirror so I could watch both of them.

My mom slid her hand behind my sister's head and pulled her mouth to her own. Their lips met and I watched as their tongues rolled around one another. Claire bit her mother's lip and gently pulled on it. Their hands wandered over each other's bodies, grabbing at one another's tits. My sister pulled at her mom's dress, lifting it above her head and leaving her stark naked in the back seat. Claire positioned one hand on our mom's tit while working her mouth around the other, wetting her nipple."Mmm I love feeling my daughter's tongue on my breast."

My mom unzipped the back of Claire's dress and slid it off, making them match in their nudity in the back seat. They fondled each other's bare breasts. Our mom flipped around and each lady's pussies lined up with the other's mouths. It was quite the tight fit in the back seat but my mom and sister seemed to make it work. They both thrust their tongues into the wet lips in front of them.

My sister tasted the juices that I had come to love over the past week. I watched all of this through the rearview mirror, my lustful bulge lifting up in my pants. My mom and sister were sixty-nining in the backseat while I drove, their hands wrapped around one another's asses.

I pulled into the driveway and they both got out of the car, still naked, and rushed inside. I followed right behind them.

We made it upstairs into my mom's room and they both grabbed at my shirt and tore it off. My mom and sister both planted kisses from my neck down chest until they were on their knees in front me. Claire worked to undo my belt and pants. They then pulled my pants and briefs down and I stepped out of them.

They were both on their knees and playing with my hard cock. My sister took it with her hands and dove headfirst into it, moistening it with her warm mouth while my mom sucked on my sack. My mom helped Claire deepthroat my cock by pushing her face further onto my shaft. My mom grabbed my cock and popped it out of my sister's mouth before taking it in herself. I pulled out of my mom's mouth and grabbed both of their heads and pulled them towards my shaft. They ran their tongues up and down either side of my cock, their tongues touching as they met across my hard shaft. I held their faces still and thrust my dick between their tongues and lips.

Finally I pulled them up and onto the bed as I lay back. My sister straddled my erection as my mom straddled my face. They were facing each other on top of me. Claire slowly inched down until the head of my cock was just inside of her wet lips. She rubbed my head around her opening, moaning as the head of my cock slid passed her clit. Once she had enough, she pushed further down onto me and my cock sent warm and wet feelings coursing through my body.

My mom sat on my face and I thrust my tongue upwards into her inviting snatch. She moved her hips back and forth on my tongue. My hands spread her ass as I continued to lick my mom's juicy pussy.

My sister felt so good taking my dick as she rode me. Moving up and down my shaft like she couldn't get enough of me. They were making out above me, moaning into each other's mouths, pinching their nipples.

They lasted like this for a while until they both got up and put me behind my mom who was bent over on the bed. My sister lay in front of her and spread her legs wide. I thrust into my mom's begging pussy from behind while she licked Claire's spread cunt.

"Mom your tongue is so good. Keep licking your daughter's pussy, taste her juices. Mmmm, J I love your cock, fuck our mom hard, ram your cock into mommy's tight pussy."

I knew I would be cumming soon but wanted to fill my new sister's cunt with my hot sperm. I had them switch positions except I moved my mom's head right below my balls as I thrust into my sister's inviting pussy. I moved faster and faster as my mom played with my balls. I was grabbing Claire's tits as I slid in and out of her. My balls tightened up and I felt my cum moving to the tip of my cock. I filled my sister's hot cunt with my sperm pushing to the back walls of her pussy as I came. I pulled out and pushed her down on top of our mom's face.

"Lick my cum out of your daughter's pussy mom, taste both of your kids juices at once."

I moved down to push my slowly relaxing cock into my mom and fuck her until I went limp. I watched as my cum dripped out of my sister's pussy into my mom's mouth, her tongue moving into Claire's spent hole to lick out my sperm.

Once my mom had cleaned out Claire's pussy I grabbed my sister and made her lick out the remaining juices from my cock.

"Oh my god that was so fucking hot. I came about 4 times from that," my sister sighed.

"It was definitely fun," my mom agreed.

We fell asleep, myself in the middle. I spooned both ladies throughout the night, teasing them with my cock as it rose in my sleep. Both of them had amazing tits that I played with as I woke up throughout the night. Making their nipples hard and noticing their cunt's swell with wetness.

In the morning I awoke with just my mom. We went downstairs and saw a note Claire had left on the kitchen table.

"Last night was amazing, sorry I had to ditch early. I got picked up by a friend to go get my car. J call me whenever you want... mom, you too. I would definitely see either or both of you again, and I might have a few friends that would too.


Your daughter/sister,


We would definitely take her up on all of her offers before I left back for school. But first we had my friend Tom to work on, although I felt like my mom would be doing almost all the work.

That Friday I had invited my best friend Tom over for dinner. My mom told me she would make herself irresistible to my friend who already let me know how hot he thought she was every time we hung out. I didn't believe getting him and my mom to hook up was going to be an issue, it was me joining that would be. We would have to play this carefully in order to succeed.

My mom changed into her sexiest work outfit she had before Tom arrived. A thin white sports bra that exposed a good deal of her back as well her cleavage. She also pulled up a tight pair of yoga shorts over her bare tight ass, making sure to pull it a little higher than respectable so it became wedged between her cheeks and allowed a small bit of her ass to show underneath.

"Geez mom, with that look I'm not sure I'll be able to wait for Tom. You are so sexy."

"Thanks sweetie, fortunately you will have me tonight, Tom will take a couple days. When will he be arriving?"

"He'll be here in about ten."


My mom grabbed me and pushed me onto the couch. She unzipped my pants and pulled out my already growing cock. "Just a quick something to keep you satisfied and make me aroused for this evening."

She moved her head down and slid my cock all the way down her throat. We only had a few minutes and she knew it. She moved her lips rapidly up and down my shaft, taking my hard cock deep into her mouth and throat. She worked a hand on my shaft as well while using the other to gently pull on my balls. It wasn't long before I felt them begin to tingle and started thrusting upwards into my mom's mouth as cum shot out of my cock and filled her mouth. She pulled away and swallowed all of my load, pushing any extra around her lips in with her finger before licking up what was left around my cock.

When she stood up I saw that her pussy had swelled up and her tight shorts were caught slightly between her lips. And her nipples were poking through her sports bra and were very noticeable. I think Tom would be mesmerized immediately.

A few minutes later we heard the front door open and knew it was Tom, he didn't need to knock at our house. I followed my mom to greet him and she gave him a hug that lasted just a little longer than professional. She squeezed her excited breasts into him as she pulled him close. She then gave his cheek a kiss before releasing him. He gave me a look as we bumped fists and I could tell he was perplexed by my mom's extra impressive greeting. I shrugged then turned to head into the kitchen.

We sat at the table and my mom did all the works to wet Tom's appetite, both for dinner and for her. She bent over the oven to grab out the food and slightly shook her ass side to side, giving him a full view.

I sat back and watched my friend's mind work as my mom gave him a show. I watched his eyes glue to her cleavage as she bent low to give him his plate of food. My mom grabbed his napkin off the table and placed it onto his lap for him brushing her hand against his cock regrettably hiding under his pants. Tom fidgeted but my mom acted as if nothing had happened. She smiled at him then sat down to eat with us.

After dinner my mom asked us if we'd like to pick out a movie while she made us some drinks. So we went into the closet to grab a movie.

"Dude, I think your mom is hitting on me."

"C'mon Tom, you've been my best friend forever. She's just really comfortable with you. It's like us, we friggin share everything, just normal." I amused myself with the double meaning of 'share everything,' as we'd soon be sharing my mom too if it all worked out.

"I know man, but shit, I hope your mom doesn't notice my hardon..."

"I'm sure she'll take it as a compliment, thanks for mentioning that too me perv."

We grabbed a movie and went back to the living room where my mom was waiting for us. We sat on either side of her on the couch and grabbed our drinks.

"J sweetie, can you rub my feet? They're pretty sore after my class today."

"Shit sorry mom, I just spilled a little on my hands, Tom can do it instead."

"Thanks Tom, you're the best," my mom turned and placed her legs onto Tom's lap without waiting for his consent. I put a pillow on my lap for her head and she laid on her back.

"Uhh.. Yeah sure Mrs. B."

"Tom you're old enough now to call me Kris." (Short for Kristine)

"Ok ok sorry, haha."

As the movie began Tom started massaging my mom's feet. She had her other foot in the middle of Tom's lap and I noticed that he did not move it away to a more proper location.

"Mmm Tom, you are so good at this," my mom moaned softly.

"Thanks Miss... Kris," Tom replied as he looked up to my mom's face, pausing to stare at her tits.

I smiled, pretending to be oblivious to any of it.

"I might just make you help work out the rest of my body Tom, I am sore as hell."

"Yeah, anything you need," Tom blushed.

"Well you can start with my legs honey."

Tom slid his hands higher as he worked my mom's calves. He risked moving his hands higher to my mom's exposed thighs and when he met no resistance, massaged there as well. I used this moment to assure him I didn't mind his obvious move by looking his way and giving him a smirk.

She got up and turned around so her head was in Tom's lap and she was on her stomach. He worked his hands around her back as she continued to subtly moan.

"Kris your skin feels amazing."

"Thanks honey," my mom cooed.

He slid his hands down her back, edging the line of her shorts where her ass lay for all of his eyes to take in.

"J usually works that too. It gets the most sore after a workout. Don't be shy."

J looked at me with a questioning look. I shrugged, "It's just a massage," and laughed at him. I knew my mom was slowly introducing our own closeness in small ways such as this, testing the waters.

Despite his questioning gaze, his hands held no questions and slid further down, caressing her ass before grabbing and pushing it. He pulled her cheeks apart through her shorts and pushed them together, working them every way possible. Moans escaped my mom's mouth where it was on top of Tom's noticeable bulge.

After a decent amount of time allowing my best friend to play with my mom's ass she sat up and kissed Tom again on the cheek. I knew what was meant to happen left and quickly emptied my drink into my mouth. This next part would be embarrassing for me, but necessary my mom had told me earlier.

I excused myself to the bathroom and went upstairs. I went into my mom's bathroom and pulled my shorts down, pushing the door to but not shutting it completely.

Back downstairs my mom grabbed her glass and spilled a large amount of her gin and tonic onto her sports bra. Her breasts and erect nipples now showing through her top and Tom gaped at them.

"Oh shit, sorry Tom. Can you run upstairs and grab me a towel out of my bathroom? I'm so clumsy," my mom said as she attempted to brush her drink off of her bra, only furthering Tom's gaping as it appeared she was only rubbing her wet tits in his mind.

"Y-y-yeah sure thing," he stuttered quickly moving to grab my mom a towel.

His mind a daze he ran upstairs and straight into my mom's room. He went to the door of her bathroom and pushed it open, jumping back at what he saw in there.

"Oh dude what the fuck, my bad," Tom yelped, moving back from the doorway.

I had been stroking my cock, waiting for him to walk in on me. I had initially refused when my mom brought up the idea, saying how gay it would be. She said we would see each other's erections as we double teamed her anyways. I reluctantly agreed, keeping the final goal in my mind.

Heat rose to my face through my true embarrassment. I quickly pulled up my shorts and walked out.

"Sorry man, I thought you were watching the movie still. I just got pretty turned on watching you play with my mom's ass..."

"Dude, it's your mom."

"I know, but I just saw her ass and you playing with it."

"Haha, I mean your mom is hot as hell. And I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have done the same thing. You're so lucky you get to see that every day."

I was happy with his response to this part of the plan. "What were you doing up here anyways?"

"Oh shit, I had to grab a towel for your mom." He went back into the bathroom and grabbed one and moved quickly back downstairs. I waited a little upstairs before going down.

"What took you so long?" My mom asked.

"I don't want to say," Tom laughed.

"Oh don't be a tease, you can tell me anything honey," my mom knowingly pressed.

"I sort of walked in on J... masturbating..."

"Well he's not having luck with that lately. I walked in on him too the other night."

"Damn, what'd you do?" Tom asked.

"It's embarrassing to say but... I stared a little. I've just been so lonely, even more so when my husband is gone. Although I don't know how much longer he'll be my husband... but that's neither here nor there. I just saw my son touching himself and it turned me on. I couldn't help it."

"Hey, J's a good lookin guy Kris. Good job on that. And I'm sure I shouldn't say but he told me he was jerking off thinking about me touching your ass before. It's kind of funny but I'm not judging, you are hot Mrs. B."

"Well thanks for letting me know that interesting piece of news. Now, would you mind helping me towel off?" My mom pressed her wet tits forward, giving Tom the okay to dry them off himself, which he eagerly did.

"Fuck." Tom gasped.

"What was that honey?" My mom asked, pretending not to hear.

"Nothing, sorry. I don't think I'm helping." Tom blushed.

"Oh dear, I guess I'll have to go change. The movie's over anyways so it's off to bed for me. I don't know if J asked but we'd like to have you over for lunch tomorrow too. It's nice having his friends around when he's home. Especially the good looking ones." My mom winked. She then gave Tom another kiss on his cheek, stood up and pulled off her top, revealing her breasts, still gleaming with wetness. "A little thanks for all your help tonight," she smirked. And with that, she left Tom in the living room gawking after her as she walked half naked up to her room.

I passed her in the hallway on my way down to say bye to Tom and saw her top off. I quickly grabbed her and ran my tongue over one of her nipples, tasting the drink that clung to them still. "I'll be getting the shower ready for when Tom's gone sweetie," my mom told me between soft moans.

I went downstairs and said bye to Tom who seemed to be still in shock. "J, don't hit me when I tell you this, but seeing as what already went on tonight I only think it's fair. Your mom just showed me her tits."

"Damn dude, lucky you. I think my mom likes you, and you're my best friend... So I'm not pissed. They're amazing aren't they?" I asked.

"Yeah... but how do you know?"

"You can't tell anyone okay, not a soul. I walked in on my mom showering the other day and saw them, well more stared at them. And now I can't get them out of my head, I've sneaked and looked at them other times since then. I think I'm attracted to my mom, that's fucked up right?" This was a risk for me to tell him but I knew whether he agreed or not he'd at least keep my secret.

"Well in any other case I'd agree with you J. But after tonight I think I'd feel the same way if I was in your shoes. I'm a little jealous you have the chance to keep seeing them actually."

We were in. Tomorrow was still a go.

"Well ya never know. You coming over tomorrow?"

"Yeah bud I'll be here round lunch, just shoot me a text. Fucking wild night. See ya."

And he left. I stood for a minute thinking over the night's plan and was decently content with how it went. And I still had my mom waiting in the shower for me.

I climbed the stairs and removed my clothes before walking into my mom's bathroom. She was already in the shower, lathering up her body as I stepped in to join her. I ran my hands along the sudded front of her body, working my hands around her breasts, the soap helping my hands slide around. I moved my hand down and rubbed it between the lips of her pussy, mixing the water of the shower with her increasing flow of juices.

My mom reached down and began pulling on my cock with a soapy hand, lubricating it as she ran it around my shaft. "I think tonight went well J. Let's try for after lunch. I'll tell you the plan once we're through here." And she bent over towards the shower head, letting water run down her back to the crack of her ass as I positioned myself behind her and thrust my cock into her wet pussy. Water splashed up as I slid my hard cock into my mom. I slapped her ass and watched water bounce off of it as I continued to thrust into her.

"Yesss J. Slap mommy's ass. She's been a bad girl tonight. Teasing your friend's with her ass. Showing him her tits. Punish mommy for being a bad girl. Pull mommy's hair as you fuck her. Mmmm your cock feels so good."

I reached up and grabbed onto my mom's wet hair, pulling her head back into the water stream as I fucked her. I moved other hand down and caressed her tits which were hanging down. I pumped away into my mom's pussy until the sensation that's hit me numerous times this week reappeared and I cried out as my sperm shot into my mom's hot cunt.

"Fuckkk mommm. I'm cumming. Oh fuckkk."

Without pulling out of her I pulled her down with me onto the seat in her shower and sat there as my cum began trickling out of her pussy and onto me. We sat there breathing hard for a little while, letting the water wash away the escaped cum off us both.

My mom turned around and kissed me deeply before standing up and allowing my spent cock to slide out of her.

We finished showering and went to bed, both excited about tomorrow. Before we fell asleep my mom told me how we would work tomorrow with Tom.

I awoke alone that morning, my mom had an early work class. Tom was hanging with his sister until lunch. She was home from school as well and Tom didn't want to miss out on seeing her while she was back. His sister was gorgeous, dark brown hair mixed with light blue eyes. She was slim and wore clothes that accentuated her every curve. Her breasts were not large but her ass curved roundly out from behind her. I had dated her in high school for a little, she was a year younger than me and Tom. But the farthest we ever went was a steamy make out session. She always had men cooing at her but as far as Tom and I know she was still pretty innocent at school. Tom was extremely protective of his little sister.

My mom got home from work soon before Tom would get here. She went up to shower and Tom opened the door to my house about 10 minutes later. I was up in my room and Tom came up to say hey. When he reached the top of the stares my mom came out of her room wearing nothing but a towel. She acted startled when she saw Tom and dropped it to the floor.

"Oh geez, you scared me Tom!" My mom jumped.

"Uhhh... sorry..." Tom was staring at my mom's naked body, still wet from her shower. She smiled at him while turning around and giving Tom a glance at her plump and tight ass. She bent down at the waste to pick up the towel, fully showing off her ass to my friend standing there.

"Sorry about that Tom, I was just startled and accidentally dropped my towel."

"It's okay Kris, it was my fault."


"Well what?"

"Do you like what you see?" My mom asked, holding the towel out at her side. I had poked my head out of my doorway and glanced into my mom's eyes as she stood naked in front of my best friend.

"Uhm... well... yeah Mrs. B," Tom gaped, reverting back to calling my mom by her more formal name, "you're so sexy."

"Hmm, well maybe you could help me out with another massage in my room." She turned and walked into her bedroom without looking back. I moved back into my room just in time. Tom turned his head my way before following my mom.

I was to wait until I was sure they were both naked and getting down to business before I made my move. I would call out that I was going to hop into the shower quickly before lunch, feigning like I thought they were both downstairs. Except I would innocently act like I was going to use my mom's shower. Then hopefully things would go as right as they have been. I just had to trust my mom's instincts.

Tom was pulled the rest of the way into her room and my mom pushed him onto the bed. She straddled him and bent down to kiss his cheek just as she had done the night before. Except she moved to the side afterwards and pressed her lips to Tom's own lips. She parted her lips and slid her tongue into his mouth, meeting Tom's own tongue.

"Mmm, I could use that massage now. But first let's get your clothes off."

She lifted Tom's shirt off as he fumbled with his belt buckle. He was extremely nervous. My mom helped him remove the rest of his clothes, noticing that he was already hard. She laid down on the bed and pulled him to her, grabbing his hands and placed them on her tits, letting him massage them.

"Hey guys I'm going to shower before lunch so just hang downstairs together, I'll be down soon." I yelled just loud enough for them to hear me. I was naked, holding my towel and shampoo in my hands as I made my way slowly to my mom's room.

"Oh no, J's up here walking around! What'll we do?!" Tom frantically asked.

"He has his own shower, don't worry. Just keep going honey, you're hands are so soft," and she pulled his face to her own, kissing him deep.

I quietly pushed open her door and stood in the doorway watching my best friend fondle my mom's tits. It turned me on and my cock began to grow. I saw my mom look into my eyes and give me a wink. At that moment I dropped my soap, startling Tom.

"Oh my god, Tom what are you doing?!" I cried. Tom turned around and sat next to my mom, covering himself as best he could.

"Oh shit, J I'm sorry, I thought you'd be okay with it after what you said last night! C'mon, you said yourself you spy on your mom. And we all know about me catching you last night man. I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"You spy on me J...?" My mom asked, feigning surprise.

"Maybe a few times. But you're so gorgeous I couldn't help myself either."

"Well I think there's only one way to deal with both of you so you don't ruin your friendship. J come here," she patted the bed spot next to her.

I moved and sat down next to them both, covering myself with the towel.

"Tom, I want you so bad," my mom said, "would you be okay with sharing me today? I think my son is already aroused by what he saw."

Tom paused to think for a second, "Well... we have talked about double teaming a girl before. I know he's your son, and my best friend. This feels wrong, but I've been thinking about you all night Mrs. B... Kris. I suppose just this once wouldn't hurt."

My mom grabbed the towel and pulled it away from my crotch, exposing my hard cock. Tom and I took a quick, meaningless glance at each other and realized we were both pretty similarly built. My mom grabbed both of our cocks, me with her left, Tom with her right, and began pumping away. She turned her head to first kiss me, our tongues connecting, before turning the other way and kissing Tom.

"You boys are both so young and sexy. Your cocks are perfect size. C'mon, play with mommy's tits, both of you."

We each grabbed one of her breasts and worked our hands around it, matching each other's motions. We grabbed them and pulled on her nipples before simultaneously moving our heads down to suck on her nipples. Having my friend so close sharing my mother with me got me excited like never before. I saw him slide his hand down to my mom's begging pussy and I pushed her back so she was lying on the bed. I grabbed my mom's leg and pulled it, spreading her wider for Tom's finger to access her pussy.

I continued to kiss my mom and play with her tits as I watched my friend push his fingers into my mom's gash. When he pulled them out they were sopping wet with her juices. He lifted his fingers up to my mom's mouth and made her lick them clean. He then moved his face down and buried it in my mom's cunt.

"Oh my god, right there. Lick that pussy, don't stop, fuckkk."

I stood up and stepped over my mom, presenting my throbbing cock to her moaning mouth. She grabbed me at my base and pulled me into her open mouth. "Mmm baby, I want you to fuck my mouth, fuck your mommy's mouth. Please sweetie."

So I grabbed the back of her head and began thrusting into her mouth, feeling the back of her throat as my cock pushed into it. Tom stood up and grabbed my mom underneath her knees as he bent and began rubbing the tip of his cock against her slit. My mom moaned into my erection. When Tom began to slide his cock into my mom's begging pussy she grabbed my ass and pulled me deep into her mouth and down her tight throat. I gasped at her sudden move.

Tom pushed his cock all the way into my mom, not stopping until his shaft had fully disappeared inside of her. He then began thrusting hard in and out, his cock slick with her juices as it backed out. My mom moaned louder and louder with my dick still inside her mouth.

"Oh fuck Mrs. B. Your pussy is so tight."

After a while of Tom fucking my mom's wet pussy he pulled out and we switched positions. My mom bent over and presented me her pussy on her bed as Tom got in front of her. I entered her from behind and Tom thrust his hard cock into my mom's mouth, making her taste her juices again. He rubbed his hands down her back as I grabbed my mom's ass and fucked her tight pussy.

I kept thrusting and knew I was about to cum so I warned my mom. "Mom I'm going to cum soon, are you ready?"

"No!" And she pulled away from my dick. "I want you both inside me at the same time."

So we repositioned ourselves. Tom laid underneath my mom as I stayed behind her. She grabbed his dick and sat down, sliding her pussy onto his erect cock. I lubricated my cock and grabbed my mom's hips and slowly pushed into her ass.

"Ohhh fuckkk. Both you boys in me at once. My body is in heaven. Fuck me hard until you both cum."

Fuck her hard we did. I thrust into her ass and the motion of my thrusts moved her pussy up and down Tom's shaft as he helped push. We both pounded away at my mother, our hands moving around her body as our cocks glided in and out of her tight holes. My mom screamed for more, "Harder! Fuck me harder! Ohhhhhhhh. Don't stop. Faster!"

"Oh fuck mom, I'm cumming." And I pounded harder, emptying my cock into her ass. Filing it with my cum.

Tom was shortly behind me, and he moaned loud as his sperm shot up into my mom's pussy. We both pulled out and my mom flopped in between us onto the bed, as spent as our cocks.

We cleaned up and ate lunch after. My mom was free with her kisses and touches as she served us around the table.

"I think I want some dessert," she teased after we finished eating. She got underneath the table and crawled in between Tom's legs. I was sitting next to him and she reached a hand up and began rubbing my cock through my shorts as she pulled down Tom's pants. She took his cock into her mouth and bobbed her head on it while she grabbed at my now released erection. I watched her lips grip at his shaft and work faster until Tom let out a grunt and came into her mouth.

She wasn't done yet, my mom moved over to me and gave me the same treatment. Moving as far down on my cock as she could. She grabbed my balls as she sucked my cock until I filled her mouth for a second time after lunch.

She got out from under the table and was licking her lips. "Thank you boys, I'll clean up now."

Tom left shortly after we talked about what had happened. I didn't tell him about my prior relations with my mom but we both continued to meet up and play with my mom the rest of my vacation.

My mom eventually divorced my dad after finding videos from girls he visited on his business trips. I continued to see her sexually when I came home. Once I got a steady girlfriend though my mom said we shouldn't continue while I was seeing someone.

About a year later Tom came over while I was home and he told me a very intriguing story about him and his sister. He said because of what we shared with my mom he could tell me about what had happened between the two of them.