The air was dry and the heat was unbearable as I sprinted to the end of a building to escape the approaching firestorm. When I rounded the corner, high flames blocked my path. I tried to turn and run back but my legs wouldn't move. My lungs struggled to inhale and my breath shortened. There was nothing I could do.

My eyes blinked and I could feel my chest pounding as my heart raced. Everything was blurry and my fear increased as I tried to focus. When shapes finally materialized, I realized I was in my bedroom. Damn, it was a fucking nightmare! That was way too realistic and frightening for my liking. It took several minutes for me to catch my breath before I was completely awake.

The sweat was flowing from my pores. Looking over to the clock I noticed it was seven. There was a beam of sunlight shining through my South window, focused squarely on my bed. Throwing the top covers to the side, I pushed the sheet down to my pelvis. The air worked its magic as the perspiration on my torso began to evaporate. When the fog of sleep lifted, I realized what had happened.

It was the start of my summer vacation. The sun rose earlier and was more intense than the previous months. Due to the cool weather for the last two weeks since graduation, I had forgotten my normal routine of closing the blinds throughout the hot months. Sleeping in until eight every morning was a nice change from the school year. It wasn't worth attempting to return to sleep so I remained still and enjoyed my relaxed, drowsy state.

When my temperature dropped, my eyelids felt heavy as I drifted off. Before I was completely unconscious, I heard my door open. Peering through slits, a blurry, small figure materialized while moving around my bed. When my vision cleared, I recognized my mom, Akemi. Without alerting her, I focused on breathing as if I were asleep so I could determine what she was doing. Did she come in every morning? She stood at the bottom of my bed and stared at my body.

Her gaze focused on my shiny, bare torso which was covered with a sheen of sweat. Her line of sight traveled to my covered pelvis. Several curly strands of pubic hair poked above the sheet line. My manhood lump captivated her interest for several minutes. Why did a smile suddenly appear on her cute face? Quickly scanning my lower body, I couldn't determine anything out of the ordinary.

After five minutes, she navigated around the room and picked up my scattered pieces of clothing. She placed my pants on the back of a chair and after sniffing my shirt, she tucked it under her arm. Collecting the rest of my dirty clothes, she departed as quietly as she had entered.

My routine was to shuck off all my clothes at night, sleep and police my room in the morning. Unable to find a reason why Mom decided to invade my privacy, I decided to wait until my normal time to get up. If she knew I had feigned sleep while she was in my room, it might come off as a little creepy. Throwing on my robe, I ventured out for breakfast.

"Good Morning, Aaron. Sleep well?" Mom asked.

"It wasn't the best night I've had. I forgot to lower my blinds and the air conditioner couldn't keep up with the sun's heat. I still managed to sleep until eight, though," I lied as I attempted to cover up my earlier actions.

After she placed our plates of food on the table, she sat across from me as usual. Normally she would be off to work already, but she had taken two weeks off and today was the first day of her vacation. It was always uncomfortable eating with her as my eyes always wanted to focus on her alluring facial features.

Mom's physical traits were a mix of her parents. Grandpa was of European ancestry whereas Grandma had emigrated from Japan.

Mom's bangs covered the top half of her forehead, while the sides of her short, silky, black hair barely hid her ears. Her large, rounded, dark-brown eyes angled upward. Catching me entranced with her beauty, she smiled which caused her slightly sunken cheeks to fill. Her full lips and wide mouth twisted in conjunction with her eyes to overtly reflect her emotions. Her expression was a mix of mischievous and flirty which stiffened the hairs on the back of my head.

"Do I have food on my face?" Mom asked. "Why are you staring at me?"

Unable to come up with anything reasonable, I avoided her question and asked, "Mom, my clothes were picked up this morning. Did you enter my room during the night?"

Her face blushed and her eyes twinkled before she replied, "I did. With summer here, I want to take some walks early in the day. Instead of waiting until you're awake, I thought I'd do it early so I could begin right after breakfast. Did I disturb your sleep?"

Her curious frown displayed her concern that I had observed her gawking at my partially-nude, prone body. Easing her mind, I replied, "Nope. I slept through it all. It takes a lot to bother me when I'm sleeping."

She sighed and drank her coffee, confident I hadn't been aware of her intrusion.

I continued, "My routine has always been to straighten my room each morning. I'm eighteen and don't need you to clean up after me. You do enough around here and there's no reason for you to be my maid."

She smirked, "I know your daily habits. Do you remember when I used to pick up after you when you were young?"

"Of course, Mom. You used to hum your favorite songs while you worked. It always brought me joy when I knew you were happy."

Her expression was one of recollecting those past, cheerful memories. "That was a great time in our lives. I miss it and when I gathered your clothes this morning, the same feeling returned. Since your father left us several years ago, I've concentrated on work and stabilizing our lives. You grew up so fast and it saddens me I missed out on some of the best years of interacting with you. Please allow me to continue. I promise not to bother you when I enter and exit your room."

Her warm, pleading face could melt an iceberg. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her. "I'd love you to continue, especially if it comforts you. It'll be fun reliving the happier fun-times of our lives."

She knew I referred to the time when Dad was away on business trips so he couldn't verbally and physically abuse us.

She replied, "Perfect. I better get going and go on my walk. Do you want to accompany me?"

My tired body wasn't up for it and I wanted to help around the house so I answered, "No, thanks. I'll clean the kitchen so you can start early. I'm stinky from the hot night and need a shower. Have a good walk."

"Okay, Dear. I should return in an hour."

She couldn't hide her disappointment and I felt bad I had dismissed her offer so quickly.

Once she changed and left, I put away everything and took a long shower. Refreshed and clean, I surfed on my computer for twenty minutes to while away the time. Restless to visit with Mom again, I elected to watch TV to take my mind off her. I kicked myself for not taking Mom up on her invitation. Passing a chance to be with my sexy mother was a mistake I vowed to never repeat.

My daydreaming drifted to the past when we visited her parents. I found it odd when her Mother spoke to Mom in Japanese, she always replied in English.

One night when we had returned home from Gram's, I discovered why she was careful to never converse with it. When Mom bumped into the table and inadvertently blurted out a Japanese phrase I had heard Grandma use, Dad slapped her hard across her cheeks. While she held her head and wept, he yelled, "I told you I never want to hear that gook crap. We're in America, dammit."

I wanted to run and protect her, but I was only eight, and Dad's physique was massive compared to my own. When Mom looked in my direction, she signaled with her head to retreat to my room. After that incident, she remained vigilant about strictly speaking English. Five years ago her parents died in an auto crash which made it easier for her to not accidentally slip.

It was a relief when Dad finally confessed his affairs and divorced Mom. Without his large income and the fact we were solely dependent on his alimony plus child support, we hit a rough patch. Mom entered the workforce and after a year she advanced high enough in the company to comfortably support us.

It didn't bother me that I was left to myself much of the time as I knew she was doing what was best for our family. She never spoke Japanese after her divorce, probably because she figured I hadn't picked up enough from Gram. She was right.

Damn, ninety minutes had already passed while I relived old memories. I worried something happened to her and when I opened the door to go out to check, she ran up the walkway. The sweat was pouring off her as it had me earlier.

"Whew, that was some workout. It felt great though. I'm going to take a shower and afterward, we're going shopping. I need some lighter running clothes."

"Sounds good, Mom. I want to walk with you from now on. My sweats should be enough for me."

She smiled widely, knowing her son would be joining her. "Do you have running shorts in case it gets warmer?"

"Sure. Hopefully, they'll still fit. I haven't worn them since I was in track a couple of years ago, but I haven't grown much. My thicker sweats should be good enough for the other days. Hopefully, I'll burn off any excess fat."

"From what I could tell, you don't have any," she laughed. She didn't attempt to hide the fact my body was on display for her this morning. "We'll pick up a lighter pair for you at the store. Your heavier outfit will burn off more calories and I'm not about to have a son skinnier than me."

She turned and ran into her room before I could tell her there was no way I could become thinner than her. Her petite frame couldn't weigh more than a hundred pounds, sixty less than myself. My physique was the result of Dad's genetics, not Mom's. Twenty minutes later she pranced out of her room.

Her outfit was one I'd never seen before. Her skirt was shorter than normal and her bra pushed out her tight blouse. The top button was unfastened allowing a fleeting glimpse of the tops of her breasts. Her smallish tits looked larger because of her petite body. Her incredibly sexy body woke my prick out of dormancy.

"How do I look, Aaron? I can't tell from your blank look."

"It's a beautiful outfit. You're a little overdressed for a trip to the store, though."

"After we finish shopping, I'm taking us out to eat. I already made reservations. Let's go."


Mom loved to drive and I wasn't complaining as her skirt rose even higher when she shifted her lower body. Surfing on my phone, I stole glances at her long legs. The exposed flesh at her hemline was a lighter shade and had rarely seen sun. There was no need for her to wear nylons as her lithe limbs were perfect.

We split up at the sports store and met at the cashier stand when finished. Mom carried an armload of clothes and plopped them on top of my light pants already on the check-out stand. While the clerk rang up the items, Mom told me to pay and meet her outside while she checked our reservations.

I laid my credit card by the register for the cashier to ring up when ready. Most of the garments had security tags fastened that required removal which slowed the process. My attention perked up when a tennis skirt and a bikini bottom were scanned. Our runs could be more interesting than I originally thought. I was lost in my fantasy when I heard, "Mr. Dahl, excuse me."

It took a minute before I knew she was talking to me. I rarely heard my last name and it didn't help that I had convinced Mom into changing it to her maiden name when she changed hers after the divorce. There was nothing I wanted to remember about my dad, including his name. While I signed the slip, the clerk remarked, "It's so cute when a couple runs together. The nice weather makes you want to get out and enjoy the fresh air."

Mom hadn't returned and I wasn't about to admit I was buying clothes with my mother. I replied, "Thanks, we're looking forward to jogging again this summer." Pocketing my card and grabbing the bag, I headed to meet Mom.

The restaurant was located on a lake and after I opened the front door, Mom wrapped her arm through mine and held my hand. When the hostess asked if we had reservations, Mom replied, "Yes, Akemi and Aaron." After scrolling through the list, the receptionist grabbed two menus and said, "Your table is ready. Follow me, Mr. and Mrs. Dahl."

Mom didn't appear alarmed when the hostess assumed we were married and I decided to play along, not wanting to embarrass either of us. It was easy to understand the confusion. Mom looked at least ten years younger than her age of thirty-eight. When we arrived at our table, I pulled Mom's chair out for her to sit before I took my place. After she handed us our menus, the hostess informed us our server would be out momentarily.

We ordered and partway through the meal, I asked, "Mom, did you tell them we were married when you made the reservations?"

"Of course, not," she spluttered and blushed. "She had to know I'm old enough to be your mother. She flattered me so her associates will receive bigger gratuities."

"Mom, It could be an honest mistake. Some of my dates aren't nearly as pretty as you." Thinking I had gone too far, I quickly changed the subject. "The harbor view from this table is unbelievable. This spot is in a prime location."

"It's my favorite," Mom exclaimed as her face brightened. "This is a place of refuge where I can relax and collect myself. When I worked late and couldn't make it home, I'd often come here."

"It's pretty special. Thanks for bringing me, Mom."

She leaned over and squeezed my hand. She softly murmured, "I never brought your father here. From now on, this will be our private retreat to enjoy each other's company."

Her eyes locked onto mine and her smile slowly grew. adding to the tingling sensation traversing down my spine. Speechless from our intimate moment, I smiled back. Anything I'd say would be corny or grossly inappropriate.

The top two buttons were unfastened on her blouse. When did that happen? When she had moved closer to hold my hand, the gap between the tops of her breasts became visible. It wasn't wide enough to show her bra, but more than enough to fully harden my prick.

Releasing my hand, she resumed eating. Over the last several months, our conversations had transformed to be typical of adult partners, rather than mother and son. It was always pleasant discussing topics with her we never brought up during the years of my rearing.

The soft flickering flame from the table candle enhanced the glow of her skin and it caused my prick to remain in a rock-hard state throughout the meal. It was the perfect romantic setting for lovers and I felt its full effect as my lust for my mother escalated.

When the tab was presented, Mom nodded for me to pay. It wasn't like it was my money as it was Mom's account and she paid the balance each month. Her sheepish look made me think she wanted to be treated like I was her man and was taking care of her. When we finished and left for home, my wide smile remained the entire trip.

After our showers, we convened in the living room. Her robe was the same length as her skirt and showed off her marvelous, smooth legs as she curled up next to me on the couch. While she watched a show on TV, my attention was focused on her delectable flesh. Two hours later, we rose to retire for the night. She rarely hugged me so it was a pleasant surprise when she pulled me tightly to her body. Her fragrant perfume flooded my senses as her silky hair pressed against my neck.

"Mom, wake me in the morning when you clean my room so we can take our walk before it gets too hot," I whispered in her ear.

"Honey, do you want to stick around with me with the weather being so nice? Wouldn't you prefer being with some of your friends, maybe a girlfriend?"

"Not in the least, Mom. You know I haven't dated for months. I want to spend as much time as I can with you before college starts this fall." Her crooked smile confirmed my suspicions she knew I wasn't interested in any girls, other than her. Hopefully, I wasn't too obvious about my love for her so she didn't think I was some kind of a pervert.

Her wide smile displayed her joy. "We'll have so much fun. See you in the morning, Dear." She pecked me on the cheek and ran down the hall.

Once in my room, I fired up my computer to surf some porn. My masturbation aids had progressed from when I initially used memories from a few hot, grade school teachers. Once Mom gifted me a computer, the internet became my fuck-buddy. For the last year, the only bookmark I frequented was a site featuring Japanese, mother-son porn. The short scenarios were stimulating and reflected my desires for Mom.

After half an hour of watching the blurred-out genital scenes, my frustrations made me decide to switch back to mental imagery. Flat on my back on my comfortable bed, I thought of the events with Mom during the day. It didn't take long before big blobs of cum erupted from my canon and coated my chest.

After I cleaned up my sticky mess, I set my alarm so I could be fully awake when Mom entered the next morning.


Rested from a good night's sleep, I awoke and rehashed the events from the previous day. As expected, my morning wood grew and pushed up the sheet. Panic hit me as Mom would know I was awake. I concentrated on other subjects and after a few minutes, I softened.

This idea was not going to work as well as I had thought. A morning stroke-off session had always been a great way to start the day. Regrettably, my only option was to scare her off. I shoved the sheet to my ankles, placing my cock and hairy legs on exhibition.

Hearing her footsteps, I faked sleeping and peeked through my eyelid slits. After one look, she'll think better of coming into my room. The first sound I heard was a gasp followed up with a whisper, "Aaron?" After a short pause, she repeated, "Aaron, are you awake?"

Breathing deeply and slowly, I remained still. Rather than fleeing, she moved closer to the bed and stared at my nude body. Maintaining eye contact with my prick, she picked up my discarded clothes. It took all my willpower to keep my manhood dormant. Gripping the sheet, she slowly dragged it over my groin and covered my genitals.

She hummed one of her favorite songs as she finished straightening my room. Calling my name again, I remained still so she wouldn't know I faked sleeping the first time she whispered. Her singing increased in volume as she knelt by the bed. I closed my eyes tightly so she wouldn't see my slits. Her fragrance hit me as her lips lightly touched mine. After a few seconds, she pulled off and her hand caressed my chest. She called my name again as she massaged my torso, kneading my flesh.

Changing my breathing rate, I acted like I was coming out of a deep sleep. When I slowly opened my eyes, Mom's smiling face was inches away. "Good Morning, Aaron. Time to rise and shine."

"Thanks, Mom. It's warmer out today. Good thing we bought those light sweats."

She rose and tossed my underwear on my chest. "Put these on and get dressed. I want to make your bed while I'm here."

"Full maid service? Is this going to cost extra?" I laughed. After pulling the sheet up, I slid on my shorts and rolled out of the sack. Brushing by her, my lump bumped against her robe-covered leg. She didn't acknowledge my inappropriate touch and focused her attention on my bed. When she bent over to tuck in the covers, her robe rose to expose the backs of her thighs. I slipped on my new sweats to disguise my hardening prick.The fees aren't increased but I would appreciate your assistance in the kitchen so we can leave earlier. Start the toast and eggs. I'll change and meet you at the table." she ordered.

Stealing another glance at her exposed flesh, I slid my top on before departing.

After we finished dining, we walked, talked, and ran for several hours. It was more fun than I've had in years. Even with her small stature, she kept up with her long legs and the fact she was in good physical shape. Our new outfits kept us a little cooler but were no match for our extended workout. We were profusely sweating by the time we returned. Her wet top was plastered to her body and her sports bra was visible underneath. It looked painfully tight, smashing her tits flat against her torso.

We spent the rest of the day indoors as the outside temperature rose uncomfortably high. During our evening time on the couch, we didn't pay much attention to the TV as we talked. She was more relaxed and our chatty conversation diverted our attention away from the screen. Another hug and a light peck before she left for her room. On her way, she chirped, "Looks like shorts weather tomorrow. I'll wake you a little earlier."

My prick lurched when I remembered the short skirt she had purchased. Her entire luscious legs would be on display during our walk.


After switching my alarm off the next morning, my thoughts drifted to her actions from the previous day. Thankfully, she didn't mention my uncovering which meant my foolhardy plan to scare her didn't work. When my prick stirred, I wrapped my hand around my stiffening staff and stroked until I was rock-hard.

Before I could formulate a plan of action, Mom's footsteps set off my internal alarm. Damn, that's right. She said she'd wake me earlier. With not enough time to soften, I quickly jerked the sheet up to cover my groin. I barely had time to enter into sleep mode when Mom entered.

She paused and whispered my name again as her eyes locked onto my pole-tented sheet. Carefully collecting my clothes, her gaze never strayed from my bulge. When she made her way around to my side, she knelt. Sealing my eyes, I focused on my breathing while I waited for her next step. Her fingers lightly touched my skin but instead of massaging my flesh, she gripped the sheet and gently pulled it towards the end of the bed, uncovering my steel-hard cock.

Her sharp intake of air was louder than yesterday and the heat of her breath on my cock was excruciatingly sensual. How close was she? Opening my eyes a crack, I watched Mom as she scrutinized every detail of my cock. Her gaze stopped as she examined my flared helmet.

Her confused look led me to believe she forgot I was circumcised as she carefully inspected my bloated, ridged head. Her tongue swiped across her full lips and my cock jerked with excitement. Before she could turn to see if I was awake, I sealed my lids. After a few more minutes, she covered me again and hummed.

After she ran her fingers through my chest hair for a minute, I pretended to wake up. She was silent this morning and I was greeted with her big smile. When my eyes were fully open, she quickly pecked me on my lips. As she rose, my gaze went to the gap in her robe. It was open wider. allowing me to see the insides of her breasts. My covered cock trembled with delight. Once she was upright, she tossed me my underwear.

When I slid off my bed, she didn't step back which resulted in me bumping my stiff, cloth-covered prick against her thigh. "Be sure to wear your shorts today. It's getting hot," she remarked while she turned and tucked in my sheet.

Slipping on my old gym trunks was a more difficult task than I imagined. They were incredibly tight and it didn't help that my prick was stiff. I had serious doubts she'd approve of me going out in public like this. "Mom, I guess I've grown more than I thought, I'm going to have to switch to my new sweats."

Mom quickly turned and locked her eyes on my lumpy shorts. Slowly, she lustfully leered up and down my partially nude body. "They're fine. It's too hot to wear pants."

Throwing on a tank top, I went to the kitchen to prepare our meal. Breakfast was light because we wanted to get an early start. Her outfit was exactly what I hoped it to be. Her short tennis skirt barely hid her blue, bikini bottoms.

After an hour of walking, we accelerated our pace, alternating between sprinting and jogging. I held back so I could see her skirt flip up and show off her legs. When we were a couple of blocks from home, I passed by her to take the lead. After a few minutes, I slowed down to cool off and looked back to see Mom limping.

When I returned and caught up with her, she stopped. "I sprained a muscle. It hurts to walk," she cried. Her expression was painful and my heart sank as I sympathized with her agony.

"Which leg, Mom? You can use me as a crutch. We're not far away from home."

"Okay, Aaron. It's my left one."

Supporting her bum leg with mine, I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her tightly against me. She reciprocated and we walked the best we could. Was her bowed head focused on my protruding lump or the pathway? I couldn't will my prick to soften and it excited me that she took an interest in my aroused state. When we were half a block from our house, she stopped. "I can't go on. Let me sit for a minute and I'll be fine."

"No, Mom. It's too hot out here." Wrapping my other arm under her legs, I lifted her and cradled her to my body. One hand firmly gripped her fleshy thigh while the other dug into her ribcage. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held on tightly. Her silky hair nestled on my chest. Her natural scent and sweat flooded my senses, sending chills down my spine.

"Whee!" she exclaimed as I carried her like a bride the rest of the way. "You're such a strong man to carry your poor mother," she giggled.

"It helps you're light as a feather, Mom." Opening our door, I carried her to the couch and when I lowered her, my covered cock scraped along her side. Her only acknowledgment was a sharp intake of air. When she was prone on the couch, she made no attempt to disguise her fixation on the front of my gym shorts.

"I'm going to get something to apply to your sore muscle, Mom. Be right back."

With a towel and an ice pack in hand, I rejoined her. "Which muscle is it, Mom?"

"Come closer, Aaron."

When I stood near the couch, her hand slithered up my thigh. My body involuntarily jerked back with her touch. "You're tickling me, Mom. What are you doing?"

"Hold still. I'm going to show you where it hurts."

Her hand glided higher and under the leg opening of my shorts. Close to my balls, she stopped and gripped my flesh. It didn't tickle anymore as her hand caressed and massaged my upper thigh. My prick noticeably throbbed and she couldn't have missed the material jerking with her touch.

After releasing me, she raised her knees on the couch and said, "Sit and I'll rest my legs on you. Place the ice pack in the same area I demonstrated on you."

Her short skirt had dropped to her waist when she raised her legs, exposing the lower half of her blue bikini bottoms. Feeling my prick jerk in appreciation, I quickly sat before she changed her mind. Once we were in position, I placed the towel under her upper thigh and held the ice pack on her fleshy thigh.

She inhaled deeply and gasped with the sudden icy contact. "Ow, that's cold. Hold it firmly in place to increase its effectiveness." My palm held the pack while my fingers dug into her soft thigh. After several minutes, she whined, "That should be enough for today. Your fingers are warm and feel good. Use them to work my poor muscle, please."

The pain in her eyes was replaced with lust. Setting the cold-pack to the side, I wrapped my hand around her thigh and kneaded it. She moaned as I massaged her pliant flesh. Her head tilted back, allowing me to freely inspect her groin. Her bikini puffed out with her full bush. Several crinkly, black hairs peeked out of the leg-holes of her bottoms. Her pussy was within inches of my fingers and I was tempted to wander across her fur-filled fabric.

After five glorious moments of allowing me to fondle her, she raised her head and cooed, "I'm feeling so much better. Thanks."

Releasing her, I crawled out from underneath her legs. "Lie there and recover, Mom. I'm going to shower and do all the chores around the house you would normally do. Today, I'm your maid. Let me treat you like you do me every other day."

Her smile broadened as she gleefully cheered, "You're so sweet. It'll be fun watching you perform my daily routines."

For the rest of the day, I pampered my mother, including the preparation of her meals and serving them to her. By nighttime, she felt strong enough to take a shower.

I was comfortably situated on the couch when she emerged from her bedroom. We cuddled again until bedtime. After our hug, she asked, "I'd like to sleep in tomorrow. Since you're doing all my duties, would you be kind enough to wake me, like I normally do for you?"

Almost too quick, I blurted, "Of course, Mom. Hopefully, I'll be as thorough as you are when you wake me." My prick jerked as I thought about slinking around her bedroom while she slept.

Setting my alarm an hour earlier than the normal time, I quickly fell asleep as I fantasized about what was in store for me in the morning.


When the clock rang out, I wasted no time and jumped out of bed. Sliding on my robe, I tip-toed to Mom's room and quietly opened her door. She was fast asleep, the thin sheet rising up and down with her breathing. I called out her name and she remained motionless.

Was she faking as I had done? If so, she was doing a good job as she appeared to be unconscious. Picking up her discarded robe, I continued until I found her bra and lastly her panties. She slept nude, the same as me.

I knelt and examined her thinly cloaked body. Adrenaline flooded my system as I gripped and lowered the sheet to reveal her proud breasts. They rose and fell with her deep breaths and were slightly flattened into her chest. Her mounds of smooth flesh immediately caused my cock to throb. Her tits were larger than I had surmised. Envisioning my hands cupped around them sent another shiver through my body.

Leaning over, I studied her nipples as closely as she reviewed my prick. Her areolas were the size of silver dollars and there were several small bumps scattered around her chocolate-brown tips. Knowing there could be severe repercussions if caught, my mouth over-ruled common sense as I decided to sample her delights.

I kissed the nearest one and after sensing no reaction, I gently latched on. While I softly sucked on her nub, I hummed her favorite tune. My cock couldn't be any harder as I nursed from my mother.

After five minutes of feeding, her chest rapidly heaved and I feared she would awaken. Reluctantly, I pulled off and admired her wet, engorged nipple. Moving the sheet downward, I wanted to uncover her hairy pussy.

Before I could succeed, she moaned and showed the signs of consciousness. Moving the sheet up past her breasts, I resumed humming her favorite tune and caressed her shoulders until she opened her eyes.

"Good morning, Mom. Today, I'm going to take care of you again. Your favorite meals for breakfast and lunch. Late afternoon we'll go on a drive and dine out. It's a full day of recovery for you."

She yawned and stretched her arms above her head which caused the sheet to slide to the tops of her mounds. Her shapely shoulders and neck held my attention. Taking notice of my leering, Mom asked, "What's wrong, Aaron?" She looked to her left at her upturned armpit. "Is it my stubble? I've been having so much fun I guess I forgot to shave the last few days."

Looking to where she was staring, her tiny hairs barely emerged. If they weren't black against her pale skin, you'd never detect anything amiss. "No, Mom. It's your neck and shoulders that caught my attention. Your skin is so smooth and beautiful you should wear dresses that highlight them."

"Thanks, Aaron. Starting the day by complimenting your mother is the perfect way of taking care of her. You are keeping true to your word."

Focusing my gaze on her underarms, I remarked, "Your light patch of hair doesn't deter from your beauty. If anything, it enhances it. If you expose your pits again, I'm likely to tickle them," I giggled.

Her mischievous smile returned before she lowered her arms. She chuckled, "Thanks for the warning. Your schedule for today sounds fun."

After I rose, I tossed her robe on her covered body and ordered, "Up and out, Mom. Time to make your bed."

She blushed before pulling her garment under the covers. After she slipped it on, she threw her sheet to the side and rolled out. Standing sideways, I remained close enough I knew she'd have to brush against me when she passed by me.

My gaze was locked onto the thin gap of her open robe. My eyes lingered on the insides of her breasts and before I could navigate lower, she edged by me. The side of her hip scraped across my covered cock as her body veered into mine, pressing my prick against my stomach.

Immediately after her bathroom door closed, my hand was stroking my aching prick. Fearing I would spray cum all over her bed, I reluctantly ceased pumping and went to prepare breakfast.

True to my word, I was at her beck and call throughout the day. When late afternoon arrived, I nudged Mom to wake her up from her nap. "Mom, it's time to get ready for our drive and dinner. I have to finalize our arrangements so take your time."

"How fancy are we talking? I don't want my son to out-dress me."

"Whatever is comfortable for you. It's a night to relax and enjoy the great weather. The only important thing to me is that you're accompanying me."

She blushed and replied, "Okay, I'll dig something up."

Once I made it to my bedroom, I phoned the restaurant to check on the reservations I made yesterday. It took me some time to find the server I was looking for to pry out some information. After I was satisfied my questions were answered, I ended the call and dressed.

The wait for Mom wasn't long and her appearance was more astounding than I had imagined. She was cloaked in a tight, plum-colored, cocktail dress. The hemline was two inches above her knees and the bottom was billowy. The style was good for her injury, having no constricting clothing against her tender thigh.

When my eyes scanned upward, my breath was halted from her beauty. Her dress was strapless, showing off her shoulders, upper chest, and neck. Her strapless bra was a push-up style to prevent material slippage. A small sliver of her pink bra was visible above the top.

Noticing my appreciative expression, Mom smiled in return and sauntered over to pose a couple of feet away. Raising her hands high, she twirled and showed off her bare, upper torso. Before she could lower them, I chirped, "I warned you, Mom." Tickling her sensitive underarms, she squirmed and uncontrollably giggled.

She lowered her arms and trapped my hands in her warm pits. My fingers dug in which increased her writhing and thrashing.

When I finally relented, she relaxed and that's when I realized her face was inches away. The combination of her hot breath, fragrant perfume, and hair shampoo flooded my senses.

Her eyes and lips screamed for a kiss. Before I connected, she backed off and pulled my hands out. "Enough punishment for your mother. Keep in mind I selected this dress because of your earlier comments. I was hoping for an appreciative compliment, not torture," she chuckled.

She remembered when I leered at her smooth skin this morning. Another surge of excitement poured through me, knowing she wore it specifically for my benefit. "Thanks, Mom. You look beautiful. I'm going to have to keep a short leash on you tonight or there will be men clambering all over you."

"In that case, I'll expect you to protect me. You promised you would care for me today. The day isn't finished," she smiled and walked away with a slight limp.

The outside temperature had cooled off enough to have the windows open while we toured the lake loop. The mix of the tree blossoms and the smell of the water filled the car making for an enjoyable ride.

When I pulled up at Mom's favorite restaurant, she exclaimed, "How nice. You remembered our secret place." She released her seat belt and before she could open her door, I held her with my outstretched arm and prevented her from exiting.

"Stay put, Mom. I'll come around and help you out. We don't want a relapse." Releasing my arm, I noticed the top of her dress had pulled down when I held her to the seat. Two inches of her silky bra were visible along with the fleshy insides of her breasts. Once I was out of the car, I adjusted my stiffening prick as I knew it wouldn't get softer for the next few hours.

Holding her door open, I gripped her arm and helped her out. When her legs swung to exit, several more inches of creamy thigh flesh appeared which brought me to full hardness. Her top had shifted into place so she must have adjusted herself while I was out of sight.

"It's been so long since I've been on a date, I forgot how to act around a gentleman. Thanks for treating me like a lady," Mom professed. She wrapped her arm around my waist for support as we sauntered to the diner.

When we were in the front entrance, I suggested, "Mom, let me order for us tonight."

She smiled and before she could verbally reply, the hostess arrived. "Hi, We have reservations for Mr. and Mrs. Dahl," I declared, with as much confidence as I could muster.

Mom's fingers dug into my waist as the greeter scanned her list. Did Mom approve or was it her way of showing her disdain? After we were escorted to our favorite table, our server promptly arrived. After I ordered our entrees, I added, "Please bring a glass of your house red wine for my wife."

After he left, Mom's curious expression worried me. Was she upset at me for keeping up with the married-couple charade? Before I could ask, she stated, "You have some explaining to do, young man."

Squirming in my chair, I braced myself for a tongue-lashing. Smiling at my angst, she continued, "How did you know my favorite meal and wine?"

The alarm bells silenced in my head as I breathed a sigh of relief. "It was tricky, Mom. I know what you like at home, but had no idea about their selections here. When I called for reservations, I asked to speak to one of the male servers. After I described you and the table you always requested, I finally found someone who remembered you and knew your favorite dish. I ordered the wine to help you relax from your injury. I didn't know which one to pick, but I do know the tea you like to drink at home and the taste of red wine closely mimics the same tartness."

"Why did you ask for a male waiter? You know women work here, too," she laughed.

"Some of the girls might remember you, but with your looks, a man would memorize everything about you and your preferences."

Her face flushed with excitement and her smile seductively widened.

Before either of us could continue, our server showed up with our drinks. After a sip, she agreed, "It's perfect. You're right about the taste. I can't believe I raised such a perceptive son."

The rest of the dinner passed way too fast. Our conversation was cheery and more adult than previous discussions. Her eyes and facial expressions displayed more enjoyment than I'd seen for years. All too soon we finished and took a leisurely stroll to the lake. The air was warm and the moon was bright making it a perfect romantic setting.

Before we headed back, she hugged me and exuded, "Thanks for a wonderful evening. There's nothing that could improve it."When she pulled back, I held her hands. We looked into each other's eyes as we emotionally connected. I had never realized how sexy and sensual a simple gesture of hand-holding could be.

Feeling the time was right, I asked, "Mom, would you mind teaching me how to speak Japanese? We have our secret restaurant and I'd like to share a special language with you. It'd be a nice way to honor Gram, too."

Her full lips quivered and her eyes glistened with tears.

Smooth move. A perfect night and I had to ruin it by mentioning her deceased mother. "Mom, I'm sorry. It was a dumb idea to throw at you."

She stepped closer and beamed, "I'm not crying. These are tears of joy. You always know how to add happiness to my life. We'll begin tomorrow and it won't be long until we're able to communicate the way your Grandmother and I did."

Before my smile finished widening, she leaned in and kissed me with her moist lips. After several seconds, she pulled back and I could see her chest heaving with excitement. My smile lasted the entire trip home.


After watching TV for an hour, Mom announced, "Honey, I'm going to shower and hit the sack. I had a lovely time today, but I'm a little tired from my injury. I'll wake you in the morning. It's my turn to schedule a day of entertainment."

"Good night, Mom. I'm going to do the same, but I'm going to return to finish the show."

Contradictory feelings of disappointment and elation simultaneously flowed through me. It was an evening I'd remember forever, but I wanted to continue talking to her. After I cleaned up and threw on my robe, I settled on the couch to watch the rest of the special. Thirty minutes later I heard Mom's door open. "Aaron, are you still there?"

"Yes, Mom. Almost done. What's up?"

Her soft footsteps neared closer and her fragrance hit me before I feasted my eyes on her nightie-clad body. It was a light-blue, button-front style held up with thin, spaghetti straps. Where did she hide this? I've never seen her in such a revealing piece of lingerie.

Her hemline wasn't more than three inches below her crotch showing off her long, lithe legs. Her pink panties and bra were visible beneath the flimsy, silky material. Finally reaching her smiling face, her expression exuded her sexual confidence. She was proud of her hot body.

"By your deer in the headlights gaze, I take it you approve of my new nightwear?" Mom asked in a sultry tone. "I hope I'm not embarrassing you, but I couldn't fall asleep. My sore muscle needs some attention."

"You're beautiful, Mom. Your nightie highlights your sexy curves perfectly," I flattered her which caused both of us to blush. "Do you want me to get an ice pack?"

"No," she chirped. Sitting beside me, she swung her legs over my lap and positioned her upper legs on mine as her torso hit the cushions. She closed her eyes and pleaded, "No need for ice when your hands did a much more thorough job."

No complaints from me. Her firm, fleshy thighs were on display and she had granted me approval to grope her succulent meat. She jerked when I touched her knee, but relaxed when I stroked upward, warming my hands in the process. I stopped at her hemline and kneaded her firm flesh. After a few minutes, she croaked, "Higher, please. You're not on my sore spot."

Moving my hands toward her groin, her nightie crept up and exposed more of her upper thigh. Without fear of Mom catching me, my eyes were fixated on her luscious legs. Wrapping my hands around her leg, I worked my fingers in deeply.

My prick pointed straight up and was plastered against my stomach. Thankfully, my robe concealed my manhood. She moaned and my prick jerked when she whispered, "Higher."

Grabbing her hem, I gently placed it three inches above the waistline of her undies which exposed her legs and pelvic region. My cock throbbed at the sight of her pure, cream-colored, inner thighs.

Her stomach pulsed while she gasped for air. Her excitement couldn't be contained, knowing her son was gawking at her sparsely-covered groin.

Shifting my focus to her see-through undies, I leered at her thinly-veiled, full bush, Wispy, black hairs strayed out of the sides of her tight panties. Jesus, she was hairy. An inch-wide line of black fur had escaped above the waist-band of her intimate apparel. The contrast of her black pussy hair against her smooth, pale stomach caused my cock to jerk.

My palms crept closer to her mound until my pinkie lodged into the crevice between her inner thigh and the soft meat adjacent to her slit. Her other leg moved several inches to the side stretching her thin material.

Vigorously digging into the newly discovered hunk of flesh, my fingers worked their magic. Her free leg shifted further away causing her panties to pull down into her fissure. Her puffy, outer lips pressed against her silky material and more wiry, pubic hairs escaped from the confines of her leg-holes.

It was more stimulus than my prick could handle. A blob of pre-cum oozed out my piss-hole and coated my bloated head. There was more volume than usual and I wondered if I had a minor ejaculation without knowing it. My sexual arousal was exceedingly high and I knew it wouldn't take much more to trigger my orgasm.

She moaned continuously as I kneaded her pliant flesh. My little finger slowly explored under the tight elastic banding and ran through her crinkly, pubic hair. Inches away from her slot, I pressed my pinkie into her soft groin. She groaned while I continued caressing her sensitive thigh. Her scent was strong and the source wasn't from her perfume.

Her free thigh vibrated and her muscle tensed bone-hard. It took all my will-power to refrain from leaning down and sucking her succulent meat. Increasing my pressure on her sensitive groin area resulted in her thighs simultaneously shaking from the pleasure.

Following a loud grunt, her thigh seized rigidly in my hand. Soon after, a small wet circle formed on her translucent material, creeping out until there was a baseball-sized moistened patch. Her crinkly, juice-soaked, pussy hair was plastered to the thin silk.

Abruptly, she rose and moved her legs off of mine. "Whew, that was wonderful, Sweetie. Thanks for tending to my injury."

My excitement level decreased when my treasure hunt was abruptly disrupted. Sensing my disappointment, she leaned in and kissed me. When her tongue ran across my lips, I sent mine out to search for hers but found nothing but air. Pulling back, she smiled and rose. "Thanks for a wonderful day. Nighty, night."

She turned and left before I could answer. My prick ached and I wasn't going anywhere until I tended to my problem. My erection was slippery and allowed my hand to effortlessly glide up and down. Her cock-teasing antics had caused a copious amount of pre-cum to spill from my head. My oiled shaft was frictionless which would allow for a lengthy and enjoyable masturbation session.

After ten minutes of consoling my throbbing cock, I heard a scream from Mom's room. Fearing she fell, I reluctantly ceased my self-gratification and dashed for her door. I pounded on her door and yelled. "Mom, are you alright?" After no answer for a minute, I repeated, "Mom! Is everything okay in there?"

"I'm good," Mom feebly croaked. "Hang on for a bit. Don't come in."

After a few minutes, her door opened a crack. She stood to the side so I could only see her perspiring face. She was flushed and her hair disheveled. "I bumped into the counter and hit my leg. I'm okay now and I'm sorry I alarmed you. Go to bed and get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

Just like that, she closed the door. It was obvious she was aroused from my massaging and pleasured herself. Why wouldn't she let me finish her when my fingers were able and willing? Her teasing was going to drive me nuts. My cock jerked to remind me I should be doing what Mom did moments earlier.

Once in bed, I relived the tit-sucking session in the morning and the thigh caressing event from minutes earlier. It wasn't long before my cock spurted out a huge load of cum. There was a lake of sticky sperm on my stomach and I hadn't brought any tissues with me. Reaching to the floor, I picked up my discarded underwear and sopped up the mess. Once I cleaned myself, I tossed my soiled shorts back on the floor. Mom was going to see firsthand the results of her incessant tormenting.


Forgetting to set my alarm, I was surprised I woke up on my own at eight. It had to be from the heat as the blinds remained open. Kicking the sheets to the foot of the bed, I gripped my morning erection. While I thought of Mom's panty display the previous night, I twisted my blood-engorged head. It wasn't long before pre-cum streamed forth and coated my hand. I lubed my stem, making him shiny and slick with my juices. My stroking was interrupted when I heard Mom's door open and close.


There wasn't enough time to clean off my slippery shaft or soften so I yanked the sheet up to my waist. I struggled to adjust my breathing before she silently entered. When I glimpsed her moving past the foot of my bed, my gaze locked onto her sexy form. She wore the same nightie as last night.

My prick jerked and I scolded myself for recalling our previous erotic encounter. After she knelt on my side of the bed, I heard her toss my clothes on the floor. Risking a surreptitious glance, my cock flinched when I witnessed her pressing my cum-filled underwear to her face.

Any more stimulation would cause my pole to bob, giving away my veiled attempt at sleep. Sealing my lids, I concentrated on a strategy game I used to play. Panic set in as I felt the sheet scraping across my staff and the cool air hit my wet cock. Her breathing was raspy and rapid. Was she still sniffing my shorts? I couldn't take the chance to look so I remained still. It took all my willpower to stifle my groan as I felt her thumb and index finger wrap around the root of my stem.

Her humming commenced and hot air washed over my wet crown. Her mouth was in close proximity and it wasn't long before I felt her lips briefly kiss my tip. My prick throbbed and she paused, probably looking up to see if I was coming to. Slowing my breathing, I faked a deep sleep. Her humming ceased and soon after, a wet, warm sensation encapsulated my flared head. It had to be Mom's mouth and it wasn't long before she confirmed it when her tongue swirled around my sensitive cock-head. If she continued, she'd have a mouth full of sticky cum.

Unable to control my breathing, my chest heaved and an involuntary moan escaped. She quickly released me and draped the sheet over my prick. Hearing her shuffle closer to my face, her hot breath hit me again. Her tongue swiped across my lips before she kissed me. Sensuously caressing my chest, she called my name. It felt so relaxing I decided to continue to feign sleeping. After several minutes of enjoying her hot hands, I lifted my eyelids and looked into Mom's beautiful eyes.

"Good Morning, Dear. Time to rise and shine. It's my day to treat you."

"Thanks, Mom. I can't wait to see what you have planned." Her crooked, wide smile hinted she was up to something. My eyes lowered and immediately knew what. Her top button was undone and she was braless. Her tits were in full view as she leaned over me. My prick throbbed as I lustfully leered at her mounds. Was it my imagination or were her nipples filling with blood as my eyes fixated on them?

Too soon she gathered up my clothes and rose. "Take your shower, Honey. We need to beat the heat and leave early."

She held my garments against her body and didn't throw my underwear on me so I had no choice but to roll out with my flagpole at full attention. She didn't even look at me as I scraped my stiff pecker across the outside of her bare thigh when I shuffled by her. Instead of going directly to my shower, I paused and turned to watch Mom. My hand wrapped around my cock and slowly stroked it as I watched her work.

Discarding my clothes to the floor, she leaned over my bed to pull the covers up. As soon as the backs of her thighs were exposed, I pumped harder when the memories of last night flashed before me. Planting her knees on the edge of my bed, she reached to the far, top corner.

"Damn, the fitted sheet slipped off. Aaron, could you hold me so I don't fall when I tuck it in?" she croaked.

Was she crazy? Her nightie-clad ass was high in the air while her front was on the bed. Her arms were stretched up fumbling with the sheet. Who was I to argue at this point? My hands gripped the sides of her hips. Her pale, soft buns were visible beneath the thin garment.

She sighed and wiggled her pelvis which resulted in my hands losing traction because of her slippery, silky material.

"You're not holding me tight enough. Hold onto my flesh so you don't lose your grip," she ordered in a gravely, sexy tone.

As soon as I flipped her nightie on her back, her knees slid apart while she lowered her head to the mattress. There were no panties to obstruct my view of her hairy pussy. Her bush was jet-black and ran up her crack to her rosebud. Her outer lips were puffy and split open revealing her wet interior. My cock was already coated with pre-cum and at that moment, I knew nothing was going to stop me from fucking my mother.

Digging my fingers into her flesh, I nuzzled the head of my prick into her opening.

"Goddammit, Mom. I'm sorry, but I have to fuck you."

I pushed and she grunted. Checking to see if she was angry, the exact opposite had transpired. Her arms were stretched to the top and side of the bed while her hands clasped tightly onto the bottom sheet. Her head was turned sideways with her silky, black hair covering the side of her face. Wisps of her silky strands flurried in front of her mouth as she heavily exhaled.

She wanted this as much as I did. The societal barriers had been broken and we were eager to experience our first incestuous fuck.

Reinforcing her urgent desires, she moved her hips back, impaling more of my prick. Her muscled folds swallowed more cock-meat, like a snake devouring its prey. Our breathing rates rapidly increased as I sunk deeper and split apart her slick, velvety walls.

Her guttural groans spurred me to shove harder. Her clasping crevice crushed my stem for several seconds before relenting. Hot fluid coated my invading ram. "Jesus, Mom. Are you cuming on my cock already?"

"Yes," she screamed. "Fuck me harder. It's been too long. Keep pumping!"

Shoving to the bottom, my balls slammed into her soft forest. She came again as her cavern filled with more cum. This is what I've always dreamed of, buried balls deep in Mom and she was begging for more. No fantasy ever equaled what I felt at that moment. Realizing nothing was preventing me from achieving my ultimate conquest, I held onto her haunches and banged her with wild abandon. After another dozen strokes, her pussy contracted harder.

"Oh, God!" she screamed. "I haven't had so many orgasms in a row. Keep hammering your mother. A major one is building."

"Your pussy is tight and wet, Mom. I can't last much longer."

Increasing my humping, I arched my back and dug my cock into the depths of her crevice. Her ass shook each time I collided with her. Her chants were only interrupted by her groans. My prick filled with more blood and my helmeted head scraped across her sensitive walls.

"I'm cuming, Mom!"

"Me too, Honey. Fill your mommy with your cum. Fuck me hard!"

Before my first stream erupted, her slot clamped tightly. One more stroke and I deposited my first load of semen into my mother's receptive cleft. She screamed when she felt my sperm-laden cream filling her chasm. Her pussy contracted each time my cock sprayed her insides with thick batter. Mom gurgled as she fought to catch her breath and swallow her drool.

Loud sloshing noises filled the room as cum splattered out on each stroke. Her sodden slot was saturated with our mixed cum. After my entire load had been ejected, my cock softened and my repressed feelings of love for my mother swept through me. Mom inhaled deeply when her orgasm passed. Pulling out of her cleft, her outer labia pulsed and pushed out a stream of cum that mixed with her thick nest of fur.

She uttered a Japanese word I had heard Grandma scream once when she burned her hand. Gram had blushed profusely after the incident so I figured it was blasphemous. When I giggled, Mom gasped for a breath of air before she chastised me. "Seriously? You finally get to fuck your mother and you laugh? You better have a good reason."

"Mom, you told me you'd teach me Japanese today and the first word is from the result of my cock giving you a major orgasm. At least it'll be stuck in my head forever."

"As it should," she chortled with glee. "It means fuck and yes, your grandma used to say it at times. It's a word I'm sure we're going to use a lot from now on so it's a good starting point. It was appropriate since you fed me the cock I have craved for years. I can't believe how fulfilling it felt to have an orgasm from someone I'm deeply in love with. Thank you so much, Sweetie."

"Mom, that was fantastic. I love you so much. I can't believe I finally made love to you and your pussy came on my cock. I've never wanted anything more in my life. You made all my dreams come true today."

Moving her nightie back in place. I gripped her waist, lifted her, and flipped her face-up on the bed. She squealed with delight as I man-handled her. Her lust-filled eyes conveyed her incestuous desires and followed my hands as I unbuttoned her sexy apparel. Once undone, I pulled her straps down her arms and tucked the silky material under her body on both sides.

"I don't mean to criticize your approach, Aaron, but shouldn't you have undressed your mother before you fucked her brains out?"

"That was how I fantasized it, but you're the one at fault. My whole seduction plan went out the window when you offered me your dripping, hairy pussy," I giggled.

My focus changed as my eyes feasted on my nude mother. Her distended, chocolate nipples beckoned my calling. Latching onto her nearest taut nub, I sucked and lightly bit her sensitive tip. She held my head against her soft mound. "Suck my tits, Sweetie. Nurse from your mommy like you did as a baby. This brings back so many memories."

Enveloping her other tip, my fingers took over with the one I left, twisting and pulling. My prick was already hardening as I mauled Mom's tits. This was the quickest I had ever recovered from an orgasm and Mom's sexy body was responsible. Her chest heaved while I milked her breast. Releasing my head, she whispered, "Kiss me, Aaron. Kiss your mother the way we both want."

Licking and sucking my way up her smooth upper chest, I gripped her elbows and stretched her arms above her head. My tongue swiped across one of her underarms causing her body to twitch. Inhaling her sweaty scent excited me as I washed her sensitive flesh. Her rough stubble was an indication she hadn't shaved since I previously tickled her. "Mom, you've worked up a sweat. Let me clean you."

"Call me Mommy, Honey. Knowing my hunk of a son is getting turned on by licking my skin is making my pussy wet. You're so considerate and loving."

Switching to her other arm, I sucked a hunk of her arm flesh before moving to her underarm. "Don't worry, I'll take care of my Mommy."

She gasped when I feasted on her erogenous zone. Her breathing rate was short and rapid as my mouth traveled up her long neck, kissing her hot flesh. When I neared her face, I released her arms and pulled her lips to mine.

There was no playing around this time as our tongues explored each other's mouths. Our eyes were locked together as we communicated our love and lust. She pulled my head tighter while my fingers glided through her silky hair and scalp.

Hot air escaped our nostrils as we refused to unlock our mouths. My cock was tucked on top of Mom's forest of fur and expanded as we french-kissed. Mom's eyes acknowledged my arousal as she humped her mound against my stiff staff.

Releasing her mouth, I rose and shifted to the rear to admire her body again. Raising her knees, I spread her and revealed her hairy groin. Before advancing, I stroked her upper legs. They had tormented me long enough and I was finally able to quench my desire to relish her smooth flesh.

"Your legs are beautiful, Mom. They're so smooth and sexy. You don't know how many times I've fantasized about them."

"I do know. Why do you think I rewarded you with my thigh massage?"

"You did have a miraculous recovery from your injury," I giggled. Kissing my way from her knee to her groin, I paused and sucked on a hunk of flesh next to her pussy.

She groaned while I caressed her lithe limbs. While my mouth traveled down her other leg, she groaned, "I'm not sure if your hands healed me or your cock. In any case, I'm healthy again and I'd like to repay you for your services."

Her hips rose to display her hungry, gaping gash, signaling she was ready for her son's prick. Before I granted her wish, I had to fulfill my long-awaited desire to play with her Mound of Venus. My fingers inched through her black silk, grabbed a tuft on each side, and pulled her lips apart even wider. "I love your hairy pussy. It's more beautiful than I've ever dreamed about."

"You've had fantasies of admiring my furry beaver? What other indecent thoughts have you had of your mother?" Mom bubbled.

She was egging me on and I loved it. Raising my torso, I cupped her ass cheeks and lifted her until my prick was lined up with her opening. After I drug my prick through her soaked trench several times, I seated it inside her entrance and saturated it with her thick cream. "This is one of them, Mom. If I had known you were ..."

She interrupted me. "Were what? A wanton slut? If you knew, would you have acted sooner?" she chortled.

"No," I giggled. "If I knew you craved a good fucking from your horny son, I would have gladly satisfied your desires."

She chuckled, planted her feet, and bucked her hips, drawing in more of my length. Gripping her hip bones, I thrust into her slick crevice, encountering little resistance. Air escaped her lungs as I shoved all the way home. Her tits heaved and her head thrashed from side to side as I pummeled her hairy box. My stamina was stronger this time and I wanted her to experience as many orgasms as possible.

With her ass elevated, I bottomed out each time and smashed my balls onto her steamy crotch. Lifting her pelvis, I flexed my ass and back as I ground into her. Her groans escalated with her arousal. Each time I slammed against her soft ass, her tits jiggled and bobbed to and fro with the force of my ram.

Desiring to remember this time forever, my gaze drifted to our joined groins. I watched my oily, shiny shaft slide out, pause, and disappear back into her forest of black fur. While I thrust into her, she experienced several mini-orgasms which coated my cock with her frothy, white, fresh ejaculate.

Her long groans shifted my attention back to her shivering breasts. "Cum on your boy's cock, Mommy. You've been dreaming of this and now you can finally enjoy your son's prick filling you. Your pussy is throbbing and leaking hot juice. Let yourself go."

Her rapid breath rate prevented her from speaking as she raced to another climax.

"Pull your nipples, Mommy. Show me what a horny mother would do for her son."

Obeying my wishes, she twisted and teased her sensitive nubs. Pinching her long, engorged tips, she lifted her breasts and shrieked when my forceful impact sent ripples of joy through her body.

The wonderful feeling of fucking my mother was nothing compared to the look on her face. Her wide-open eyes and expression of happiness showed how much she enjoyed our taboo joining.

Increasing the rate of my thrusting, her body trembled as another orgasm overtook her. "Yes, I'm cuming on my boy's wonderful cock. You're stuffing me with so much meat, my pussy is sending jolts of pleasure through my body. Here it comes. Fuck your slut mommy!"

My fat head smashed against the back of her cavern, sending off her climax. She wailed as I fucked her furiously and hard. Her crevice spasmed and I feared it would initiate my orgasm. When her pussy relaxed, I left my prick buried to the root in my mother's sodden slot while she gasped for breath.

When her breathing returned to normal, she lustfully looked at me and pleaded, "Kiss me and deposit your cum in me. Mark my pussy with your sperm and own me forever."

I lowered and melded with her sweaty, hot body. When our lips met, her tongue pressed against my mouth and teasingly retreated as she did last night. Taking a breath, her mischievous smile returned before she kissed me again. When she swiped my lips this time I opened my mouth and her tongue searched for mine. Our passions soared as our mouths twisted and pressed together.

Holding her head tightly, I ran my fingers through her silky hair and massaged her scalp. Her hard nipples pressed into mine while we passionately kissed. My prick was entirely trapped within her snug, clasping pussy.

After several minutes of erotic making out, we tenderly fucked and relished our incestuous coupling. Wrapping her arms around me, she hugged me tightly. Our heat caused us to sweat profusely through our mating. Her body writhing with passion had its effect on me. Increasing my pace, I thrust hard into my sexy mom. Her greedy, smooth walls flexed and squeezed my invading ram while she incessantly moaned.

"You're incredibly sexy. I'm not sure if it excites me more that I'm fucking my mother or the love of my life." Her hips slammed up in acknowledgment sounding off a loud smack as our groins collided.

She giggled, "It doesn't matter because I'm both of those. You can make love to me later. Right now I need you to fuck me hard. Your cock is making me cum again."

Fearing I was going to dislodge with her thrashing, I wrapped my arms around her and tightly held her. Her channel was squeezing my rod while another climax hit her.

"Mommy, your pussy is cuming so often that it's crushing my prick. I can't hold back if you continue having orgasms."

"I can't help it," Mom screamed. "I've been without cock for too long. Remember last night when I told you I had a fun day lined up today? You're going to fuck all the pent-up orgasms out of me. And then fuck me some more after that."

Her sexy talk drove me to pump faster and deeper causing her pussy to climax, coating my rock-hard prick with her slick cream. "Don't worry. I'm going to take good care of you. I'm going to feed you cock all day and through the night."

Moving her hands to my shoulders, she suddenly dropped them to her side. "Hold my hands," she purred.

Unwrapping my arms, I interlaced my fingers with hers. She squeezed tightly causing endorphins to freely flow from our emotional and intimate connection. Her smile, loving eyes, and firm grip communicated her complete submission of her incestuous desires.

"Argh, I'm cuming again," Mom gasped. "Keep fucking me until my big one hits me. When your prick explodes, it'll set me off."

While her pussy contracted, she bucked her hips and lifted me off the bed. Using my knees as a pivot point, I rose and kept driving into her while her ass was off the bed. Her orgasm didn't impede her as she shrieked with pleasure and increased her death-grip on my hands.

She wrapped her legs around my ass and locked her ankles together while madly humping. "Kiss me!" she commanded. We locked our lips together and I was surprised by her strength, keeping herself off the bed with her arched back. Her eyes were lust-filled and wide open. We were physically and emotionally connected as we consummated our illicit love.

Her body twisted and turned as her pussy sought the perfect position. Angling my strokes so the top of my shaft scraped across her engorged clit, I relentlessly stimulated her stiff pearl. Hot fluid filled her crevice and my prick surged with blood. Her convulsions grew in intensity as she felt my prick nearing release.

She pulled her mouth off mine and screamed with delight. "It's here. The biggest one ever. Fill Mommy's cunt with your sweet cum. Fuck your slut, Motherfucker!"

Her face was one of complete bliss. Electrical shocks of passion flowed through me as my semen gushed through my shaft. Feeling the first thick blob splash her insides, Mom's body stiffened while her mouth remained wide open. Her hands squeezed mine so hard, I thought she'd break my bones. Her heels dug into my ass while her groin shoved and swallowed more of my cock. She couldn't utter a sound nor take a breath of air as her orgasm commandeered her bodily functions.

Coaxing out my load of cream, her pussy hungrily squeezed my cock for more. My prick pulsed each time I sunk to the bottom and her channel reciprocated as she milked my shaft. Watching her face express so much pleasure surged my ego as I pleasured the woman I loved.

After experiencing at least a dozen major, climatic convulsions, she was spent. Breathing in deep, she opened her eyes and lovingly looked at me. When she unlocked her ankles, her legs and ass fell to the bed. She was exhausted and sexually satisfied for the first time in decades.

My deflated prick slipped out of her flooded cavern, dragging out a river of cum with it. Flowing down her ass crack, our mixed juices puddled on the bed. When I flopped beside her, she turned to face me and soothingly caressed my sweaty body. "Thank you, Sweetie. You're a wonderful lover."

"That was unbelievable and what made it more exciting was the fact we love each other so deeply."

"You're right," Mom agreed. She reached down and scooped up a blob of cum. She licked her coated fingers and smiled wide. "We made a mess. My poor nightie took a beating."

"That's okay, Mom. You won't need it anymore. There's no need to wear clothes when you come into my bedroom from now on."

"I won't be entering your room again," she proclaimed. "You're moving in with me and you will never have to surf your porn sites again. I'll be your fantasy girl from now on."

"Sharing a bed with my beautiful mother is all I've ever desired. I love you and will for the rest of my life. Will you take me as your husband? I will cherish you as my wife and I'll do everything I can to make you happy."

"For as long as you want me, I'm yours," Mom swooned. "On the condition that you call me Akemi when we're out of the house and Mom indoors. When you're fucking me, I'm your slut mommy."

"Deal," I chuckled. "When we're here you're a son-loving, cock sucking, Mommy who will do anything to please her horny son. I'd expect no less from the hottest piece of ass in town."