Once again she glanced over the back seat looking behind us, but the car had long since disappeared, and no others were coming up behind us either. She didn't comment on that, and turned back to once again sit, fingering her nipples for me. I noticed then, if anything they were far harder, more erect than they had been only moments before.

"Here comes another car," I said wondering if she'd stay put this time, or once again slink down into her seat. Perhaps it was because there was only one person in the car that she decided to stay put, though sitting there stiff as a board nervously as the car approached. I laughed looking over towards her. "Seriously mom, I doubt he'll even realize you have your tits out, and even if he does, think of it as giving him a little thrill for his morning drive."

That once again put a smile on her face as she actually sat up a little, the two cars quickly passing by on the road, though the driver of the car, a male, gave us just a cursory glance in our direction. It was obvious he hadn't noticed a thing.

"Whew!" Mom actually allowed herself to say once again looking back over the seat.

"See? He didn't even notice, but I sure as hell did." Without her even realizing that I had, I had unzipped my fly, fishing my rock-hard cock out of my pants and now sat there with it fully exposed, stiff and hard sticking up between my legs.

"Jack!" Mom exclaimed wide-eyed as she stared down at me. "What if something were to happen?" She stated, once again making me laugh.

"Then I'd probably die with a smile on my face, and cum-stains all over the dash of the car," I joked.

"I'm being serious," she said, though burst out laughing a second later.

"So am I," I responded back, now tempting fate and her courage simultaneously. "Take your shorts and panties off too," I now asked her.

"Oh no, I can't do that, this is bad enough," she told me, but I could see by the look in her eyes she was even then considering it.

"Go on mom, no one will see that for sure, and I can watch you finger yourself while we drive."

"Just keep your eyes on the road. Well...one eye anyway," she now chuckled as she briefly undid her seat belt again, now slipping her shorts and panties off, though she kept them on down around her ankles just in case. Even that looked sexy as hell as she now sat next to me, for all intents and purposes, entirely naked now.

Two more cars passed us by, but she didn't slink down in her seat with either of them, and one guy in a slightly higher sitting truck did seem to glance over a bit longer than everyone else had as he passed.

"I think that guy saw me!" Mom exclaimed once again looking back over the seat.

"I think he did too," I agreed smiling. "Bet you gave him a reason to take his cock out and jerk it off while he drives," I then said as I sat there now stroking my own, looking over at mom who I noticed still had her own fingers between her legs toying with her pussy.

We drove in silence for a couple of miles, no other cars coming our way at the moment as mom sat there pleasuring herself while I watched.

"You going to make yourself cum for me?" I asked.

"You want me to?"

"Hell yes, I want to see you get yourself off, hear it when you do."

Another car came and went, this time she had actually sat up a little, exposing her breasts well above the dashboard when she did. This guy too seemed to glance a bit longer than the others, and I even saw his brake lights come on for a split second in my rearview mirror. Mom didn't look back this time however, her fingers were too busy between her legs, and her eyes were now closed as she sat there working her pussy.

She was so wet, so slick, I could now hear the sound of her juices as she finger-fucked herself, the squishy decadent sounding noise of her cunt as she now furiously pummeled it with her fingers.

"Oh yeah...do it mom, do it! Fuck that cunt, fuck that pussy with your hand, make it come for me mom...make yourself come for me!"

It was amazing watching her explode. She had reached up placing one hand on her breast, cupping it, and then pulling, pinching her nipple as she cried out her release. Straining against the seat belt, she halfway lurched forward as though helping to force out her liquid pleasure as she climaxed. "Shit!" she screamed, though she continued to climax, still working her fingers rapidly between her legs. I knew why she'd said that.Fuck the seat mom...just come, keep coming, keep squirting!" I told her. She did, continuing to moan out her pleasure as she came, finally slowing and then looking down at the rather wet spot on her seat. "It'll dry," I told her. "There's a towel you can use to sit on, in the back seat." She quickly grabbed it, dabbing at the seat she was sitting on for a moment, and then folded it beneath her sitting back down again.

"Can't believe I did that," she said as she pulled up her panties and shorts once again, though I wasn't about to let her cover her tits up, not just yet anyway, and told her so.

"Keep your boobs out so I can see them when I come," I asked.

"You sure? You can do that while you're driving?" she asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah, I can...I've done it before," I now informed her seeing the look of mild surprise in her face upon hearing that. "I promise I'll keep my eyes on the road. You keep your eyes on my cock when I come," I laughed as I continued stroking my rock-hard cock for her. She sat back, half leaning against the door, her hands once again coming up to capture and toy with her breasts even though she'd just finished climaxing herself only moments ago.

"I can't believe I'm still horny," she admitted as she sat there watching me stroke my cock. "But seeing you do that, is keeping me that way," she added.

"Good, I like you horny," I told her. "I like the way you make me feel, the way I'm feeling right now in fact, about to shoot off a big fucking hot load!"

"A big one?" She asked hopefully.

"Oh yeah, real big. Real big and messy too. I'm going to squirt all over everything, you're going to see cum dripping off everywhere after I do too," I assured her. Whether I actually did or didn't was beside the point, the image I'd just painted for her was an obscene one as she saw it in her mind's eye. To my surprise she slipped her hand down the waistband of her shorts again.

"Make it squirt," she told me. "I want to see you come over everything," she then added. "I want to see my son's sperm dripping from the ceiling even," she laughed hotly, obviously aroused once again at her own decadent remark.

"Oh yeah, all over everything I assured her, and then felt it as it began, telling her I was. "Here it comes mom, going to squirt for you...going to fucking come over everything!"

I nearly did too. Suddenly my cock lurched, sperm flying out of the tip in a two-foot long spray that actually did hit the front windshield and dashboard. I continued jerking it, though now aiming it more back towards myself where the next several lengthy spurts of my cock-cream landed against my black tee shirt. The effect of which was rather obscene as well, white lines of my spunk outlined against the dark color of my shirt as I offloaded the rest of my creamy joy-juice against myself.

"Wow, you weren't kidding!" She said as she removed her fingers from between her legs, now reaching over as she attempted to swipe up a bit of my cream off my shirt. "You're a mess," she laughed. "Obviously...you're going to need to change your clothes before we get there," she added.

"Yeah, I'll pull over at the rest stop and do that. It's only a few miles away from here," I reminded her. "Besides...now I need to pee too."

"Ditto, same here," she said now putting her blouse back on, though I was pleased to see she hadn't put her bra back on as well. She looked over noticing my smile as she did that. "What's the point? No doubt...you'll be wanting to look at them again after we stop. But...after we do that, I think it's time I told you what I was planning on telling you. After I do that, you might not be as inclined to want to stare at my tits," she informed me.

"I doubt that mom," I responded. "There's nothing you can tell me that's going to either shock or offend me," I stated.

"Yeah well, we'll see."

I didn't push it, content to wait until after we'd gotten back out onto the road once again to see what it was she was willing to finally share with me.


After we had both peed, and I had changed clothes and gotten on the road again, mom sat for a moment trying to decide how to best tell me what she had to say.

"Go ahead mom...just spill it," I told her. "Nothing you could say will change the way I feel about you," I informed her. She looked at me hopefully, but I could see fear and worry in her eyes even so.

"I hope not," she began taking a deep breath before letting it out. "Your Aunt and I...we ah...well you see Jack, ever since we were young we've been close, really close."

"Yeah? So?" I said interrupting her, though to be honest about it, I was enjoying this. "You and Aunt Susan have always been close," I continued.

"That's not quite what I meant by that," she now said. "What I meant was, we've been intimately close, especially lately." She paused looking towards me trying to gage my reaction to that.

"So what you're telling me is, the two of you have been lovers?"

Now she turned her head away, unwilling to look at me as she answered. "Yes...we have been, more so since she and your Uncle divorced, since your father passed away."

"I had an idea you were," I announced now surprising her as she immediately turned her head back towards me, inquisitively asking.

"When did you decide that? When did you first think we might have?"

Once again I had little to go on, one or two things that now came to mind that had even then only hinted at something, though nothing specific. One of which was well back many years ago, but I decided against using that as an example, though once again bluffing as I mentioned it as though occurring more recently. I knew in doing that, it was a fairly safe bet, couldn't imagine it was the first or the last time I'd seen it happen, or that Aunt Susan had done it perhaps.

"Remember when I came home for that week right out of Boot Camp?" Mom nodded her head. Aunt Sue had made the trip down to stay with us for a few days while I was home. Once again reminding myself how Jill had refused to come with her, even though she was still home at the time. She'd used the excuse that someone needed to stay behind and take care of the horses, though I knew she was still very upset with me.

"I remember that much," mom stated though it was obvious she was searching her memory for anything else that had happened. I now knew there had, but I still had to be cautious in what I actually said I had seen.

"I remember coming downstairs after taking my shower, you two were in the kitchen doing the dinner dishes together."

I saw her eyes open wide at that as she tried to recall anything they had done or said, still thinking me up in my room. Seeing that, I once again knew I was on to something and decided to pursue it.

"I had just reached the doorway when I heard the two of you giggling as you stood there at the sink. Aunt Sue then said something, most of which I didn't catch because she was whispering, but it had something to do with what she was planning on doing to you later on in your bedroom." I knew by her response, it was close enough to whatever truth there was that she bought it.

"But then I saw Aunt Sue slip her hand down the backside of your pants, fondling your ass, and then I suspected there had been a lot more going on than either one of you would ever admit to."

That I had seen, but again it had been years ago. I could only hope it wasn't the only time she'd ever done that. But by mom's reaction it appeared that she had, or had at least done something similar to that anyway.

"I always was worried about you overhearing or seeing something," Mom said though she looked a bit more relaxed now in admitting it. "I guess I should have known better," she said blushing. "What else did you see or overhear?" she now asked.

Having gone this far with it, I decided to press my luck. "Well, later on that night, now curious as to what I thought might be going on, I waited until the two of you had gone to bed, then I snuck out of my room stood outside the door of your room listening. Sure enough, I could hear you two just well enough to know what was going on. The way you both giggled, the pleasured sighs and moans and groans coming from inside your bedroom, pretty much confirmed for me that the two of you were involved with one another sexually."

Now mom was seriously blushing. "I'm so sorry Jack that you found out about it like that. Were you angry? Shocked? Upset?"

I smiled at her. "Not at all mom...if anything, it made me horny just thinking about it, which is when I made up my own mind to eventually try seducing you. I knew then I wanted to be with you as well, though the thought of possibly being with you and Aunt Sue was something I very often entertained doing too."

"Jack, I'm not sure that's such a very good idea," she told me. "And I'm not too sure your Aunt would even entertain something like that either."

Had it not been for the fact I knew a lot more than she thought I knew, I might not even have brought the subject up. But judging by her response, she was either reluctant to include me, or perhaps actually nervous about telling Aunt Susan that we'd already done as much as we had. Which I then brought up as we sat discussing it further.

"So I take it you're not planning on telling her about us then." It was obvious my comment had caught her off guard. She opened her mouth to speak, and then closed it as she obviously knew I was well aware she and Aunt Sue never kept any secrets from one another.

"No...I was, part of the reason for my coming up here," she told me. "It's just that...I don't want to spring everything on her at once."

"So you'll at least think about it then, asking her if I can at least watch the two of you."

Once again she looked a little bewildered sitting there, actually considering what I'd just asked her to do. "Maybe, let's see how it goes," she said. "I'm sure she'll be in a bit of a state of shock when I tell her what we have done. Best to let that sink in for a bit before surprising her with anything else."

I let it ride, I'd pretty much planted the seed and suggestion, and knew that I could, and most likely would steer things in that direction anyway. All I needed to do now was be patient myself, and wait for the more appropriate opportunity to bring it all up again.

"So, Jill's still upset with me is she?" I said changing the subject. And though it wasn't necessarily a good subject to be bringing up, it had for the moment at least, temporarily let mom off the hook.

"Perhaps, though Sue and I haven't really discussed it much, not after you left to ship out overseas anyway," she told me. "But yes, she still may be, especially as this is a holiday weekend for her, and she's decided to remain there at school rather than coming down for a visit, which she'd decided to do once she heard we were coming up."

I was once again taken back to that night so long ago now. Knowing that we had news, but not yet knowing what it was, my Aunt Sue had gone about preparing one of my favorite dinners for the evening. Opening a couple of bottles of really nice wine to go with it, we had soon settled down to eat, though just before doing that was when I made my announcement, that I had joined the service and would be leaving for boot camp in just a few days time.

The look on Jill's face said it all. She was shocked, hurt and for whatever reason, angry with me in just hearing about it now. So much so, she had gotten up from the table and headed straight for her bedroom where she stayed for the next hour or so, much to everyone's surprise. I think her reaction left more hints and clues about us than anything ever could, though at the time, I had no idea mom and my aunt where well aware of our intimate activities.

When she finally did come down again, dinner was of course over, and somewhat less than what it had been meant to be. Still sitting outside drinking the wine, Jill had joined us, downing two glasses one right after the other almost immediately.

"You'd best slow down Jill," her mother had cautioned, though she now well knew the reason why she was so upset. "Otherwise you'll make yourself sick, and I for one am not going to clean up after you if you do!"

She had in fact slowed down after that, and finally drew me off to one side as we went for a walk in order to talk privately and alone.

"Why didn't you tell me you would be leaving soon?" She asked.

"Would it have made any difference?"

"It might have...yes."

"So in other words, had I told you I'd signed up, you and I wouldn't have done what we did earlier, is that it?"

"I don't know...maybe. I know I'd certainly have been mad at you then, so probably not."

"Then damn glad I didn't!" I said taking her into my arms, kissing her deeply, which she responded to initially before placing her hands on my chest, pushing me back.

"Damn you Jack!" She said stepping back, folding her arms over her breasts as she stood there glaring at me. "You're either going to get yourself killed over there, or you're going to end up meeting, and then marrying some woman, get her pregnant and come back with a baby...if you're not already dead by then," she said once again.

I honestly don't recall ever seeing her this angry before. "I have no intention of getting myself killed. I'm no hero for one thing. And for another, I seriously doubt I'll see any action. I'm assigned to the communications area, we won't be anywhere's near the main fighting."

"The main fighting," she said once again stamping her foot, tossing her arms into the air as she wheeled on me. "But you could still get shot at!" She exclaimed.

"So could you Jill. Some idiot postal clerk could go ballistic and shoot you in the head when you went in to buy stamps. There's just as much of a chance of that happening, as it would be for me."

She wasn't buying it however, and finally burst into tears, once again running back down the dirt road we'd been walking on, and then into the house. I could only stand there watching her go, and slowly began walking back.


I had actually gotten mom in a better mood again as I slowly steered the conversation back around to her and her sister. Eventually, I got her to tell me some of the things they had done growing up together, the first time they ever had, what they did, how they felt about it afterwards. Eventually she was sharing with me a few of their really intimate private naughty moments when they'd done things with one another neither one of them had ever even considering doing before.

Needless to say, I was aroused once again, my cock again out of my pants as I sat there fondling it, much to her delight.

"We're only a few miles from the turn off," she told me as she made ready to tuck her tits back into her bra again. I had indeed managed to get her to show them to me again, though even better, sitting up once just enough to flash a trucker coming the other way. He had noticed her doing so fairly early on, each one of us actually slowing as we passed one another, giving us several long blasts from his horn as we passed.

Yeah, mom indeed was in a much better mood, and horny again herself.

"Maybe you'd better start thinking about putting that thing away."

"What I'm thinking about, is putting it away inside you," I told her, though she once again gave me a look that told me that was still as yet an area she wasn't quite comfortable with.

"Now Jack...you promised."

"Yes I did, but I didn't promise not to think about it, or fantasize about doing it now did I?"

"Well no, but still...you know that if you keep suggesting it, that not knowing how I feel about actually doing something like that, still bothers me."

"Bothers you? Or makes you horny thinking about it? Like it does me?" I asked waggling my rock-hard cock back and forth at her with my hand. She grinned watching me as I did that, as well as when I squeezed it again, producing a nice thick fat droplet of precum from the tip.

We were just then reaching the turn off, less than two miles away now from my Aunts small little ranch.

"You'd better zip up," she said once again now straightening herself, ensuring she wouldn't look like we had in fact just rolled out of bed together.

"Are you kidding? How? No fucking way I can zip this thing back inside my pants again as hard as it is, not until I've at least come again anyway."

We were less than a mile now from the drive leading up to the house. Coming around a small bend in the road, the main house now easily visible over the rise as we did so.

"Pull over before anyone sees us!" She suddenly shouted. I quickly hit the brakes steering the car over beneath a group of trees, effectively shielding us from the house where we were.

"What have you got in mind?" I asked leering at her.

"Making you little again...well, you know...sort of little anyway, at least enough that you don't meet your Aunt with your cock sticking out like that. Still not sure how she'd really react to that. Come on."

Opening her car door she stepped out. At least parked where we were, we could see traffic approaching us from either side. At the moment none was, but then again there was only Aunt Sue and one or two other neighbors that would ever travel this road in the first place.

I got out as well, now walking around to her side of the car, my dick still sticking straight out in front of me as I did.

"Wish to hell I had a camera," she laughed. "That actually looks naughty as hell!"

"Wish I'd had one with you sitting there in the car masturbating, your tits sticking out, that was pretty fucking hot too!"

She was now standing in front of me, holding my prick in her hand jerking me off.

"No, suck it," I told her. "I want to cum in your mouth!"


"Yes...here!" I demanded grinning wickedly towards her. Once again mom looked down both sides of the highway, but there were no cars in sight. She then looked towards the house well over a mile away still. But unless Aunt Sue just happened to be outside standing on her deck, looking at us through a pair of binoculars, I highly doubted she was even aware we were close by. Though if she was, she'd certainly recognize mom's car and wonder at what the fuck we were doing. The thought of that made me throb as mom knelt down in front of me, taking my dick into her mouth and proceeded to suck it.

It didn't take long. I was way too horny for one thing, and her mouth felt too heavenly for another. Within inside of a minute, I was shooting off inside her mouth as she sucked me down, draining out every last precious drop, even then gently, sweetly still sucking the tip long after I had finished climaxing, almost reluctant now for me to actually put it away.

She finally stood licking her lips. "You still have some of your water left?" She asked me.

I knew what she wanted and why. But I had another idea in mind for that too.

"You'll have to wait on that," I told her. She looked at me curiously as she slipped back inside the car.


"Because I want to see you kiss Aunt Sue with my cum remnants still inside your mouth," I told her.


I was serious however and told her so, even going so far as to pour out the last of my bottle on the ground before tossing it in back.

"You're not serious! I can't kiss Sue with...with...your sperm in my mouth, she'll taste it!"

"That's the whole point mom," I said leering at her even more. "She won't know what it is anyway, even if she does wonder at first. But it will be a story you can tell her about later after she's learned the truth about us. Think of it that way."

"You're a really naughty boy...you know that?"

"Yeah, and you're a pretty naughty girl yourself. Now...are we ready to go say hello to Aunt Sue?"


It was good to see my Aunt again after so long. She was indeed standing outside on her deck as we drove up the long drive to her house, waving at us as she did so. By the time we pulled up in front however, she had come downstairs and was waiting for us there.

"Give her a nice naughty little kiss for me," I told mom winking at her. Even if she didn't have any cum in her mouth, I wondered if indeed Aunt Sue would be able to taste or smell mom's "penis breath".

Mom just shook her head, though I noticed a quirky little upturn on her lip as she turned from me and opened the door on her side of the car stepping out. I quickly joined her as we walked over to where my Aunt was patiently waiting for us.

Though she didn't exactly slip my Aunt the tongue as they greeted one another affectionately, I did see more of an open-mouthed kiss being exchanged between them. My Aunt's eyes popping open as she did, even though it was still very brief. As they parted I saw a bit of a flush spread into her cheeks as she finally turned towards me stepping into my arms for a hug. I did so, feeling her magnificent breasts pressing into my chest before I leaned forward likewise now kissing her in greeting. In the past, it would have been more of a quick pursed lips kiss, but I too took the opportunity to open my lips a bit more fully, smiling inwardly when she accepted the kiss allowing her own lips to part in greeting my own. I thought briefly about slipping her a little tongue, but then decided not to push it, though I did hold the kiss a bit longer than what might have normally been expected.

"Whew, well now...you've certainly grown up a lot," Aunt Sue said stepping back, her face even more red now than it had been. "You learn that in the service too?" She wondered.

"You might say that," I grinned back at her now noticing that two very hard firm points were poking out through the material of her tight fitting tee shirt, and could tell from that, along with the feel of her soft firm breasts as they had pressed against me that she hadn't been wearing a bra. Though I also knew most of the time while on the ranch, she usually didn't.

Mom and I soon after followed her inside where we went upstairs on the sun deck where she'd made iced-tea for us and sat sipping that, catching up for a bit before Aunt Sue announced they should probably run into town and stock up on some provisions for our stay.

As we sat there chatting, I had learned with Jill's being away upstate at the College she was attending, Aunt Sue had hired on a part-time hand to feed and take care of the horses every day. As the two of them made ready to head into town, I used that as an excuse to walk over to the stables to check in on the horses myself, especially as Aunt Sue had ended up purchasing a new horse, a young Gelding that she said was highly spirited and from good stock.

I noticed upon reaching the barn, and then climbing into the loft, that Jill's makeshift little room she had made was no longer there. All the hay bales had been removed, broken down or scattered. I wondered if she had purposely done so herself. Just seeing that however made me realize just how angry she had truly been with me. A fact now confirmed by her refusal to even come down for a visit over the long holiday weekend.

By the time I had walked back, Mom and Susan were just leaving, once again I gave them each another kiss, full on the lips and had even briefly tickled my Aunt's lips with the tip of my tongue, causing her to giggle and shake her head in surprise at my newfound boldness.

"We shouldn't be gone any longer than a couple of hours," they informed me. "When we get back, we'll fire up the BBQ and cook up some nice steaks for your first dinner here," my Aunt said once again blushing slightly. I stood watching them drive off, and then made my way upstairs to the bedrooms. Mom of course would again be sleeping in Aunt Sue's bedroom with her just like she always had when we'd come for a visit. Entering the room, I immediately spotted mom's special travel bag where she kept her diaries. Leaving the new one alone, I quickly grabbed the previous one to that and took it outside up on the deck with me where I could watch for their return and have plenty of time to secret the book away again should they return earlier than expected. As mom wrote in a two-year diary, I knew it would contain the dates that I was most interested in reading at the moment. Within seconds I had settled comfortably in my chair, fresh Ice-tea sitting beside me, and located the exact date I knew I had lost my virginity on.

I began reading, noting as I did, because she had written so much over those past few days that she had included the time in her writing having come back to it later on the next day.

"As I lay here in bed, Sue in the shower, my mind can clearly see my sister's nude body as she stands there washing herself. I am half tempted to go in and join her, wanting to capture again the torrid pleasures we shared and gave to one another last night. On the other hand, I am left feeling somewhat guilty because of it. The ardor we experienced, the excitement...all born out of the erotic intensity the two of us had secretly witnessed as Jack and Jill made love for the very first time."

As I continued to read, mom wrote in explicit detail of the events as they'd occurred that very night. How I had gone outside to sleep on the old couch, a bit angry now myself at Jill's sudden anger towards me. My frustration at that keeping me awake. My Aunt and mother awake themselves, playing...teasing one another though trying to do so quietly when they heard the footsteps of Jill coming down the hall stopping briefly outside their door listening before moving on. They had remained quiet as she did so, waiting until she had passed heading down stairs before sneaking out onto the deck, which encircled the upper level of the house.

Still naked themselves, they had hidden themselves away around one side, clearly able to peer down into the yard where I lay, and where Jill wearing nothing but the sheer baby doll nightgown I had seen her in briefly before, approached me almost stealthily. Wide awake, I had pretended sleep as she approached, now standing over me looking down just as I clearly remembered myself, looking up at her through half closed eyes, snoring as though asleep, watching her. It was curious to be sitting here reading about it, my mother's notes and thoughts capturing that very moment.

Jill had stood there for the longest time just looking down at me. At one point I saw her half turn as though having made a decision to go back inside the house. It was then however that I pulled the top cover away from myself, showing her as I did that I was indeed awake, naked, and by now fully erect.

She hesitated only briefly before lifting her nightgown up and over her head, likewise removing her panties tossing them off to one side. She had done all of this silently without uttering a single word to me. I smiled in reading that, hearing through mom's own words how she described the very scene. I again smiled to myself, wondering if she knew I still had Jill's panties, and that I had in fact used them to masturbate myself with on several occasions since then.

Now naked herself, Jill climbed up onto the couch with me, positioning herself over my hard stiff cock. I remembered thinking, wondering what she was doing, and half suspecting her intent though we again hadn't spoken a single word to one another. I felt her hand reaching down, grasping my prick, rubbing it against herself briefly, masturbating her pussy with it. She was already wet, so moist as I felt the pearly dew of her cunt lips licking and kissing my shaft. But when she placed the tip of my cock at her opening, I knew then her intent, and what it was she truly now wanted from me. I was prepared to go slow, help to ease this first coupling for either of us in the best way that I could. Needless to say, I was surprised and actually quite shocked when upon having positioned me, she simply thrust down against me with all her might. The pain for her must have been shocking, and far more avoidable. But she had made the determination that there would be no slow going, no hesitation or getting used to it before I'd fully broken through her hymen. In one split second, she was a virgin, and then not. Same as me.

She had in fact bled considerably from the forceful tearing of her hymen as she speared herself on my shaft, soaking the sheets. Though I hadn't realized to what extent that she had until after waking up the following morning, the sunlight just then reaching my face, revealing the carnage we had left from the night before.

She had taken a few moments in getting used to the searing pain, before finally beginning to ease herself up and down on my shaft, eventually finding some pleasure in it though I knew she had perhaps actually injured herself in the process, more so than what I felt could have been so easily avoided. To my amazement however, we had fucked in that position until the two of us came, almost simultaneously. She had rolled off me after that, permitting me to spoon her from behind. I had held her close, kissing her neck, my hands only then kneading and massaging her young breasts as I stiffened once more, re-entering her where we made love once again. This time it was less urgent, far more softly as we coupled there on the oversized couch beneath the stars. She again climaxed, as did I moments after that for the second time, now holding her closely against me, my prick still impaled within her, though I soon after fell asleep. I awoke, finding her gone, the bloodstained sheets now dry, and Jill now sequestered back inside her room. I hadn't seen her since.

"Sue and I had watched the two of them fuck, wordlessly, almost silently, save for a few undeniable grunts and groans of pleasure as my son speared my niece's cunt over and over again. My guilt coming from the fact that both Sue and I knew this was their first coupling, we had seen the two of them give one another their virginities, as evidenced by the bloodstained sheets Sue had found in the laundry the next day. We had openly stood there watching them, standing side-by-side fingering one another, reaching our own pleasures at almost the precise moment they had. It had been all either one of us could do to hold back from crying out ourselves, seeing the two of them as they came together as one. As they lay motionless out there on the couch, Sue and I once again slipped back into her room, where we pleasurably fucked one another with the double-dildo she had, fantasizing perhaps that it was my son's cock doing so to us. Sue at one point had even cried out Jack's name in the throes of her third, or was it perhaps her forth pleasure of the night? Even I lost track myself, admittedly climaxing with the image of my own son's face inside my head. My son's hands clenching down on my breasts, pulling my nipples, his beautiful erect cock spilling his seed inside my pussy, bathing my womb. As I lay here writing this, remembering, the sound of my sister still showering, I had once again taken the dildo we had fucked one another with the night before, doing so again. My legs spread obscenely, pummeling myself with the fake prick, imagining Jack between my legs, fucking me wildly until the two of us exploded in a mutual combined ecstasy.

How will I ever bare the secret and this shame of wanting to fuck my own son? It must remain my own tempting secret, and one in which I can never allow myself to act upon."

Once again I smiled upon reading that, remembering the night, more details now coming forth of things that had happened, which up until now, I had not been fully aware of. I was indeed aroused, my cock aching for release as I ventured back inside the house briefly, pulling from a zippered compartment inside my travel bag, those blue sheer bikini panties that Jill had worn. I then made another quick stop, easily locating a pair of my Aunts from her drawer, and then a pair of mom's from her suitcase, taking all three back outside with me. Undressing until I was fully naked, enjoying the warmth of the sunshine on my skin, I then proceeded to pleasure myself with all three pairs of panties. I was indeed enjoying the subtle differences of each as I used them to tease my shaft with. In my mind, I saw all three women, naked together, fucking each one of them in turn as they knelt down on all fours, side by side.

I was still hovering on the edge, only moment's away from climaxing when I saw my Aunt's truck just then reaching the turn off of the long drive back to the house. I came, spurting copious amounts of my cream into all three pairs of panties, enjoying the somewhat dangerous moment as I did so before quickly standing up and retreating back inside the house long before they would have spotted me. Putting mom's diary back where it belonged first, I then slipped into my own room, stuffing away my three soiled treasures for use again later at another time. My arousal however still heightened as I began contemplating my next seductive moves for later on that same evening.


Unfortunately, things didn't quite work out the way I had hoped for. By late afternoon it was obvious we were in for a fairly good storm. The skies had begun darkening severely, and as Aunt Sue had informed me upon their return, the weather reports and warnings even spoke of potentially damaging winds that same evening. We had put the BBQ on hold temporarily, using the time instead to shutter the windows, gather up plenty of spare flashlights and candles in the event we lost power. Aunt Sue said that in fairly severe storms, she usually did, though if the outage lasted too long, she did have a backup generator, which I double-checked to ensure it was still working properly, which it was.

We sat inside the house watching the gathering storm, the peels of thunder and lightning gradually increasing until the howling winds, and rain soon began beating against the windows. The lightning was far more severe than we had realized it might be, causing my Aunt Sue to become concerned with the horses, especially as the newest Gelding she had recently purchased was so skittish. Hearing her worried concern, I then told her I'd run out to the barn and the stables and check on all of them, and stay for a time if I had to, calming the horses if I could. I saw the look of appreciation in her eyes for offering to do that, but knew as I did, whatever plans I had made would have to wait for a while before I could make any attempt to fulfill them.

Though I had thrown on a thick covering rain slicker, by the time I had finally reached the barn and the stables, the rain was coming down in sheets, blowing sideways. I had still managed to get wet, cursing myself as I stood there shaking myself off. The Gelding was indeed prancing about inside his stable nervously, and I stood there holding onto his rope, soothingly stroking his nose listening to the sounds of thunder and lightning outside. Across the way I could see the house, though seconds later another big clap of nearby thunder, with instantaneous lightning, told me just how close that one had hit. Sure enough, the lights immediately went out in the house, now throwing it into darkness and totally obscuring it from my view. I knew mom and my aunt would soon be scrambling to light the candles, and now stood waiting inside the darkened barn for the worst of it to pass. I thought briefly of trying to find a lantern, lighting it, but with the horse already nervous enough as it was, I didn't dare let go of the rope, just barely managing to keep him calmed down enough as it was. All I could do was to stand there with my flashlight, the only source of lighting that I had at the time. At least with it being a fairly rapid moving storm, I didn't figure I'd be out there for too long at least, and decided to remain where I was until the worst of it had passed, or the horse no longer appeared ready to kick down the fence surrounding his stable, or injure himself by trying to jump over it.

Another bright flash of light, which literally filled the sky, caused me to glance up in the direction of the door. As I looked I saw what appeared at first to be an apparition, the silhouette of someone standing there, likewise encased in a thick rain slicker from head to foot. At once, I thought it was my aunt coming out to check on the horses herself and even on me perhaps as bad as the thunder and lightning still was. With the sudden darkness I could barely even make out her approach as she started to walk towards me. I thought about shining the light in her direction, but decided against it, as she'd soon reach me anyway.

"Aunt Sue?" I asked, though I received no response. I waited a moment more until the apparition took on shape, the yellow rain coat she was wearing now giving evidence to her person as she reached up, now lowering the head covering. I was surprised to find myself staring at Jill as she lowered the hood revealing her face. "Jill?"

"Surprise," she said almost offhandedly, still sounding a little distant. "I decided to drive down for the weekend after all," she informed me. "Just got here a few minutes ago in fact, which is when mom told me you'd come out here to check on the horses, thought I'd do so myself, since it's been a while now since I've even seen them...or you," she added as an afterthought.

"I'm glad you did," I told her, unmoving still as I wasn't sure how she'd respond to me as yet should I make any sudden untoward moves. I needn't have worried however, as with the next sudden thunderclap, she was suddenly in my arms, not afraid of the thunder or the storm, just using that as an excuse to suddenly embrace me perhaps, which is what she now did.

Before I even knew what was happening, her lips were on mine, kissing me fiercely, and I now kissing her back.

"I'm still pissed at you, you know," she told me pressing herself against me. I laughed, easing the tension a little.

"Well at least you're still not so mad you didn't kiss me. Though I'm still a bit pissed at you too from hiding from me, not seeing you to say goodbye when after I had left. Not to mention the fact, you never wrote me once, never returned any of my letters I sent you, so I stopped writing."

"I know...and I did write you back too, I just never sent them." Suddenly she produced a fairly good bundle of letters she had secured together with ribbon, handing them to me. "See? Like I said...I did write, just never mailed them."

Once again I drew her back into my arms, kissing her again. "You tore down our room," I said looking up towards the loft.

"Yeah, I did. Didn't want to have it as a reminder to me. Bad enough I still see the couch, but...I'm over it now. You're back, you didn't die."

"Nope...I didn't. Didn't get married or bring back any babies with me either," I now added, catching a smile on her face at hearing that.

"Good thing, or I would have killed you myself," she informed me, and then removed her raincoat. She was as naked as the day she was born beneath it. Once again she stood there silently letting me enjoy the view. Another sound of thunder followed by lightning, though this time off in the distance informed us the storm was quickly moving away. "Fuck me," she now said. "Right here...right now, fuck me!"

I spread her rain slicker on the ground along with my own over on a pile of hay used to feed the horses. The storm was calming down enough that not only the Gelding, but the rest of the horses seemed much calmer themselves. With only the flashlight to see by, I propped it up just enough in order to better highlight her with, as I now stood above her removing my clothes as she lay there beneath me.

"Won't we be missed?" I asked.

"No, your mom and mine know where we are...and mostly likely what we'll be doing too," she stated. "There's a lot I need to tell you about, things you need to know...but not now, perhaps tomorrow when we can be alone again, sit down and talk about it."

"Like what?" I said asking anyway."Tomorrow," she said again letting me know there would be no further hints or conversation about it tonight anyway. "Just fuck me Jack, fuck me hard and fast, I've missed you."

Having shed my own clothing by now, I knelt down between her legs as she opened them widely in order to receive me. I again kissed her, my hands quickly locating her slightly fuller breasts as I held them, feeling the hardness of her extended nipples filling my hands.

"Have these gotten a bit bigger?" I asked still molding them together. She giggled pleasurably as I did so.

"Maybe, a little anyway," she sighed as I took each of them together into my mouth, sucking them jointly. Something I wouldn't have been able to do when I had seen her last.

"Not just a little," I added still mouthing the two of them. "A lot! And they look as beautiful as ever, if not more so," I said; now feeling her hand as it wrapped itself around the length of my shaft. She began rubbing her slit up and down with it, teasing herself as I continued sucking her breasts. I could feel the moisture of her pussy collecting, smearing my shaft as she continued masturbating herself with my cock.

"Please Jack, fuck me," She half begged once again. I made no effort to spear her with my shaft however, now looking down as she held it.

"Put it in," I told her still looking. "Just like you did the first time, put it inside your pussy for me, let me feel you slip it inside yourself." She now did so, her hand finally releasing it as I felt the head slip inside, her lips swallowing it like a hungry mouth. Her hands now coming up to dig into the backside of my own ass, and then almost identically as she had done before, she lurched forwards, her cunt engulfing me in one fell swoop. This time at least, she was no longer a virgin, so there was no searing stab of pain, just pure unadulterated pleasure for each of us as her slick, yet tight wet pussy gobbled me inside her.

"Oh yes Jack yes! Fuck me, fuck my cunt...fuck my pussy, fuck me...fuck me...fuck me!"

It wasn't without a great deal of effort that I somehow managed to control myself from spilling my seed inside her prematurely as good as her pussy felt. Minutes later she climaxed, still digging her fingernails into my ass, nearly causing me to release when she did. As though sensing my own impending orgasm, she merely said, "Go ahead Jack...squirt inside me, I'm safe." Upon hearing that, I began doing so, feeling the incredible release as I began spurting inside her, filling her pussy to overflowing with my pent up release.

We lay for some time together merely holding one another, the sounds of the storm well off in the distance, even the rain no longer coming down in buckets though it continued to drizzle.

"We should probably go back before mom really does come looking for us," she told me.

"Yeah, you're probably right, and even though they do know what we're doing out here, I'm not sure we should flaunt it in front of them either." Jill laughed at that however, answering me back.

"Oh, you might be surprised at that too," she told me, and then seriously added looking into my eyes. "You do know, they are also lovers now too yes?"

"Yeah, I know. I've known that myself for a while now," I said surprising her a little as she nodded her head in response.

"How do you feel about that?" She asked. "Does it bother you any?"

"No...does it bother you?"

She smiled by way of an answer. "At first...but no longer," she told me.

"What made you change your mind about that? About me?" I now asked. But she again headed me off.

"Tomorrow, we'll talk about all that tomorrow Jack. Like I said, there's a few other things you now need to hear and know since you left. But I'm not sure I've screwed up enough courage to do that yet. So at least give me tonight in order to do so."

"Ok," I said simply, and then helped her to stand as she slipped back into her raincoat, as I did. And then together hand in hand as we once did so very long ago, we walked back in the direction of the main house just as the lights came back on again.


Once we got back, we sat up talking long into the night, catching up on simple things, most of which was about Jill's time at school, and some of my own experiences overseas, though I noticed when doing that, Jill's frown had returned, so I left off in saying too much, more content to hear about her life. Now late, we finally decided to turn in, though I had caught more than one fleeting glance in my direction as we all prepared to retire to bed. I actually half expected for Jill to invite me to her room, though she didn't, then expecting her to perhaps sneak down to my own room later on, which again...she didn't.

Though mom did.

I had just come out of the bathroom from brushing my teeth, shaving, and of course peeing before bed. Mom was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me, wearing a simple evening shift that was fairly transparent. Enough so, that I could see the dark shape of her nipples through it, in addition to the fact they were also fairly hard pressing against it.

"So...you and Jill kiss and make up?" she asked smiling at me as I walked in, naked...

The fact that I was didn't surprise her, I think she was half expecting it, or in fact actually hoping for it, and I made no move to cover myself or feign awkwardness. "More or less," I grinned at her, letting her know as I did we'd certainly done at least that. "Though she did tell me there was something else I should know, but she wouldn't tell me exactly what that was."

I saw a knowing look come into mom's eyes as I said that, and knew then she obviously knew what that was, though she made no effort to say anything more about it. "Yes well, I am sure the two of you will have a lot of catching up to do after all this time. Almost glad in a way we didn't have the BBQ tonight, so we can now do that tomorrow night with Jill here joining us."

I finished toweling off, doing so right in front of my mother as her eyes dropped down, watching my cock as it flopped back a forth a bit, simultaneously growing a little too as I stood there looking at her, looking at me.

"Anyway, just wanted to come in and say goodnight, see if there might be anything you needed before turning in."

"Like what?" I asked grinning at her.

"Something to drink?" She offered.

I frowned without really frowning. "Oh...I thought you were offering something else perhaps," I told her as my cock continued to stiffen, almost fully hard by now.

"Like what?" She now asked, her nipples if anything even harder than they were before.

"Oh, I don't know...how about a nice little blow job to help me sleep, you can in fact invite Aunt Sue in to help you with that if you'd like," I teased her.

"I'm sure you'd like that too wouldn't you?" She said licking her lips, still staring at my cock. "Though I will tell you this," Mom said. "Your Aunt said she was half tempted to sneak into your room later herself, especially after I finally told her that you and I had fooled around a little bit ourselves."

"You did? You finally told her? What did she think about that?" I now asked her curiously.

Mom laughed. "She said she wasn't at all surprised, and thought that we might have by now, said she was expecting it, especially after what alls been going on between the two of us, and your knowing about that now. Anyway, she then told me she was envious of the two of us, meaning me and Jill, though I also told her...we hadn't fucked, and most likely never would do."

"Don't go closing the door on that one yet mother," I told her. "You never know. Just possible that I might end up in bed with the two of you one day."

"That's what your Aunt said," Mom blushed trying to laugh it off somewhat.

"She did? Really?" I laughed. "Now that would be interesting...perhaps sharing a bed with all three of you."

"In your dreams," mom responded.

Now fully erect, I walked over to where she was sitting, all but stabbing her in the face with my prick. "Well, in lieu of that, how about you give me a nice little suck off here before bed then?"

Mom glanced nervously back towards the door, as though expecting either my Aunt, or perhaps Jill to come walking in any second. With my cock only inches away from her face however, she suddenly wrapped her mouth around it, sucking it vigorously. "Just don't take forever tonight," she told me pulling on it hotly. If I'm gone too long, one or both just might in fact come looking for me.

"I assure you mom...I won't," I said looking down, watching her lips so beautifully wrapped around my cock as I began squirting off into her mouth minutes later. But I was almost half tempted to do that, and see if they would.


It had been a long time since Jill and I had gone out shortly after sunrise to feed and care for the horses. It felt good doing that with her again too. After we'd finished we headed back towards the stables to muck them out, the only part of the job I didn't much care for. But within short order, the two of us had placed down fresh straw and were ready to head back to the house for breakfast. We'd also discussed the possibility of taking a ride up to the lake afterwards. It had been a long time since we had, especially as it was less than five miles away, and made for an easy yet beautiful ride. And, there was a spot that I knew would be perfect for doing a lot more than just eating a picnic lunch in too.

We had grab-assed a little while cleaning out the stalls, and I was feeling pretty horny, almost hoping for a quickie before breakfast, though Jill told me I'd have to wait. Adding to that, that we also needed to have that chat first before anything else was to occur between us. I was now more curious as to what that might be than I had been, but knowing Jill, whatever it was she had to tell me, wouldn't be said until she was ready to do so. It was also curious to note that both my mom and my Aunt seemed a bit more elusive after we'd finished breakfast, once again heading off to do something though I knew without any doubt there was no need for another trip into town. I figured they either had plans to go off somewhere by themselves, or they were just trying to give Jill and I more time alone together. But as we'd already informed them both we were heading up to the lake, I was surprised when the two of them wandered off together before I could tell either one of them we were going.

Although the ride in and of itself was pleasant enough, I was a bit surprised at how little we spoke along the way. I could see by the look in Jill's eyes she was thinking to herself, not really taking in the scenery really either, only occasionally glancing towards me, tossing me quick brief smiles whenever she did along with very few words. By the time we finally arrived, I was ready to stake her to the ground if I had to, in order to get her to tell me whatever it was that was obviously bothering her.

"Want to go for a swim?" She had asked after we'd tethered the horses and unpacked the few things we'd brought up with us.

"Maybe later...after you've told me whatever it is you brought me up here to tell me about," I informed her. "So come on...spill it, you've kept me in suspense long enough as it is."

I could tell she was nervous, but likewise resigned by the look on her face. Whatever it was, I was about to find out.

"Ok then, I guess now is as good as time as any. But I ask you one favor...hear me out, listen to what I have to tell you before you say or do anything. Will you at least promise me that?"

I promised, wondering at what it was she had to tell me that could possibly be as bad as she seemed to think it might be.

Having obviously screwed up her courage finally, she took a deep breath and then began.

"That next night after you and Aunt Darlene had gone home, mom passed by my room and overheard me crying. Naturally she came in to talk to me, but I of course wouldn't tell her what was bothering me, or why. I didn't know it at the time of course, but obviously she already knew. That's when she told me she felt it had something to do with the two of us, that she and your mother already knew it as well...and then admitted to me they had seen us...watched us."

Quite naturally I didn't dare tell her about mom's diaries, nor that I had recently found all that out for myself.

"But when she told me they were both ok with that...and thus understood why I was so upset with your leaving and all, that's when she told me about herself and your mom. And the fact they two had been lovers for quite some time now themselves. At first, I was shocked by hearing that, even angry at first, but then realized how stupid that must have sounded, considering the fact I had so recently had sex with my own cousin. We sat holding one another crying long into the night...and then as we did, I remember feeling mom's breast pressing against my cheek. Before I knew what was even happening, I found myself caressing it, and then sucking it right through her gown. She let me for a moment, as though unsure what to think of it herself. Then she pulled away, standing up preparing to leave. I know now this seems stupid, perhaps equally as shocking for you to hear this as in finding out about your mom and mine, but because I already felt like I'd been betrayed, cast aside...even though I now know I really wasn't, the last thing I needed at that moment was to be turned away by my very own mother as well, and told her so. I know this may seem shocking to you Jack, but I needed to tell you before we did more than we already have, but I ended up making love to my mother. We spent that night, and several nights afterwards together, either in her bed, or in mine. And I came to enjoy it...a lot."

Jill waited silently for a moment trying to gage my reaction. "Jill? What you just told me doesn't shock or offend me at all. And you know why?" I now asked her.

She shook her head inquisitively. "No, why?"

"Because mom and I have been intimate too...recently in fact. And as much as I'm glad you and I have finally gotten together again, which is something I hope we'll continue to do, you also need to know...I have no intention of not being with mom again either."

It was indeed another unexpected surprise by the look on my cousin's face. She'd expected to see some sort of shock, disgust perhaps in my face, and had instead learned in the blink of an eye, that mom and I had been recently fooling around ourselves. And what's more...that I had every intention of continuing to do so, which is when she told me, she felt exactly the same way.

"So, it doesn't bother you to know this about me?" She now asked.

"Does it bother you to know this about me?" I asked her in response.

We then spoke about it at length, how we felt, the reasoning's behind it, right or wrong, but how we had each come to the conclusion and decision that it was something we both enjoyed, and wanted to continue to enjoy doing for as long as we possibly could. Having heard this, having accepted this for ourselves and for one another, we then came together again, and there on the blanket by the lake, fucked ourselves silly for the next couple of hours.

"You know, we probably should get headed back, mom and Aunt Darlene are still planning on having that BBQ this evening you know."

Which is when I came up with an idea, a rather decadent one to be sure, but one in which I thought would alleviate any and all worries or concerns that either one of our mothers might have.

"You're serious!" Jill said somewhat shocked, yet finding the idea totally to her liking, especially as she now informed me, there was still a whole lot more about her that I didn't know yet, one of which as she claimed was her wickedly decadent side, a side of herself that she had worried about revealing to me. Especially as she now enjoyed going down on women, especially her mother, and the thought of very possibly going down on her aunt, with my prick inside her, was something she had actually fantasized about doing.

"There might be one small problem with that," I informed her then. "So far at least...that's the one thing we haven't done. Mom's still a bit squeamish about doing that for some reason. And secondly, do you think your mom's told mine about the two of you yet?"

"I'm reasonably sure she has by now if she hadn't. After all...your mom's already told mine about the two of you yes? So it only stands to reason that she would have done that by now. Not at all sure how she has reacted to it, but under the circumstances, can't say there'd be too much she could react to, do you?"

"Nope!" I said grinning at her as I gave each one of her breasts another quick suck before we stood up to dress and ride back. "So, how about we do that then? See what happens...and take things from there?"

Jill agreed with me, a mischievous look on her face as we saddled up and prepared for the ride back. A ride which Jill made far more interesting as she rode back with her shirt off, her breasts bouncing up and down quite obscenely as she did. "It'll be interesting to see what happens, what they do when the two of us surprise them with this," Jill told me. "But I'll say this much Jack, even that will be fun, just in seeing what their reactions will be."

"Won't it though?" I responded, smiling to myself, already trying to imagine just what might actually happen afterwards. And fairly confident about it when I did too.

I smiled further as we finally crested the hill, Aunt Sue's place below us, the two of them sitting outside on the deck, both nude sunbathing as we headed towards them. The fact they could see Jill was riding topless, along with myself, told them both everything they needed to know, waving towards us as we reached the barn and began taking care of the horses after our ride.


By the time we had gotten back to the main house, they had each slipped into summer dresses. Neither one of them wearing anything beneath, which was fairly obvious as we came out onto the deck where they were still sitting enjoying a late afternoon drink together. Inviting us both to have one with them, I was pleased to see that, though neither one of them was anywhere's near being drunk, they were both at least smiling a lot, and perhaps a bit giddy. I was glad for that, as I felt it would help things along quite nicely, and perhaps make it even easier for Jill and I to do what we had agreed upon doing.

After we had finished our drinks and spent a few moments, it was Jill who suddenly brought the idea up of taking a few pictures together. And of course, mom and Aunt Sue were all for it, as it had been a while since we'd been together, or had taken anything recent. Jill raced down to her room to grab her camera, while mom and Aunt Sue readjusted their hair and makeup in preparation for that. By the time Jill returned and shot a few basic poses of everyone in combination of this, that and the other, it was time to surprise them both with a bit more wickedness than they would certainly have been prepared for.

"Jack? Mind getting one of me with your mom?" Jill had asked, which is when I knew we were about to implement our naughty surprise.

"Not at all," I told her. "And then after that, how about you getting one of me with your mom?"

Both mom and Aunt Sue thought that to be a great idea as well, and as mom now stood next to the railing there on the deck, waiting for Jill to join her, she was surprised when Jill suddenly stripped off her shirt again, now topless as she walked over to stand next to her.

"Jill! What on earth are you doing?" Aunt Sue asked, not exactly shocked, though surprised, and yet at the same time laughing about it as Jill stood next to mom with a big-assed smile on her face. "Thought might be fun to do a few sort of naughty, silly ones...just for us," she added. "Come on Aunt Darlene, do it with me, stand next to me topless, same as I am."Mom was just loose enough to go along with it, not really seeing it as anything other than just being a bit silly. The only problem was, she couldn't just be topless, in removing her dress, she was entirely naked beneath it, and thus expressed her concern over that.

"No problem," Jill said. "I'll just get naked too. Even better!" She added, and quickly removed her jeans before anyone could even begin to object to that.

Now it was time to get her mother included as well. "You know what?" I then said as though the idea had just now come to me, "Since the two of you already are naked...I think Aunt Sue should be in this one with both of you, how about it Aunt Sue?" Jill of course immediately and enthusiastically agreed with the idea, as then did mom since that would make it a lot easier for the three of them to be seen in the nude together, especially in front of me. Even then, Aunt Sue sort of hesitated, though trying to make a joke out of it, complaining.

"Well that doesn't seem very fair...Jack see's three beautiful naked women together while he gets to stay dressed?"

Jill and I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. "Tell you what," I said. If you get naked...I'll get naked, and then no one will have anything over anyone else."

Both mom and Aunt Sue seemed surprised by that, but neither one of them was in much of a position to say or do anything except for going along with it. As Aunt Sue soon after removed her summer dress, I too stripped down, still fidgeting with the camera in order to take their picture together. For the moment at least, I had managed to keep myself from getting an erection. It was a bit too early to spring that one on them just yet, though I had every intention of doing so eventually.

The three of them soon posed together there, fully nude against the railing, and I took several shots, turning them this way and that, basically posing them. Each shot getting slightly more risqué than the last, though they soon seemed to start laughing and having fun with it as I did so.

"Hey, here's one, take this one!" Jill said suddenly reaching over to grab each one of their tits.

"Great shot!" I said taking it. "Ok, now you mom...and Aunt Sue, in this next one, how about the two of you reach over and grab one of Jill's!" They did so, each time laughing about it, having fun, and getting more and more provocative with each photo I took.

"Ok, now Jack...it's your turn," Jill said switching places with me. And as we'd hoped in our doing so, neither mom nor Aunt Sue seemed to be bothered with it when I stepped in taking Jill's place. Once again the first few pictures fairly mild in the beginning, me just standing between the two of them, arms about their respective waists, then another, my hands finally cupping each one of their breasts. By now however, I was getting hard, a fact that was a bit too noticeable to overlook, Aunt Sue commenting on it first in fact.

"Ah oh...looks like we're venturing into X-rated territory here, especially with Jack getting an erection. Best be taking photos from the waist up from now on if we're going to keep doing this."

"I don't mind a couple of mild little X pictures," I said grinning at the two of them. "In fact, I have one in mind just for our own pleasures might be fun seeing later on," I assured them.

"Oh? And what might that be?" Mom said already beginning to suspect this wasn't quite as innocent an idea as Jill and I had made it out to be in the beginning. Though seeing my hard cock at the moment, had suddenly made my Aunt Sue more than willing to go along with just about anything at this point.

"Look, we don't have any secrets remaining between any of us any more now do we?" Jill said jumping in. "So...let's not pretend that we do, or that we haven't been enjoying one another. So, let's just continue to enjoy ourselves then, and simply embrace the moment, have some fun, and perhaps be a little bit naughty while doing it."

"What do you have in mind?" Aunt Sue curiously asked, though I could see by the look in her eyes, she was now horny as hell, as was mom...though she was still having a little trouble trying to admit to that.

"Well, how about I set up the camera to get us all together?" Jill suggested. "In somewhat of a naughty pose, for our own amusement," she hinted smiling. And before anyone could voice a concern, she quickly instructed mom to sit on the bench, me standing next to her, Aunt Sue on the ground, kneeling in front of mom.

"And where will you be?" Aunt Sue asked as Jill readied the self-timer for ten seconds.

"Right behind you mom...so make sure I can get behind you when I'm ready," she added. As she did that, I looked over at mom.

"Go ahead mom...suck it, suck my prick for the camera."

Jill hit the ten-second delay, sprinted over, and was suddenly between her mother's legs. "Go on mom...lick Aunt Darlene's cunt...hurry mom, hurry, before the camera goes off!"

All at once, mom had me in her mouth, Sue's face buried between mom's legs eating her, and last but not least, Jill between her mother's legs, now licking her. Even after the shutter went off, we remained where we were, doing what we were, and now enjoying every moment of it too as we did so.


We of course took several more photos, letting the camera pretty much dictate the sex act we suddenly performed with one another. By now, we were all past the point of no return, the lust causing each of us to have dropped whatever inhibitions we might have had, save for one, which I knew for my mother was still a big one. But I knew I was slowly getting closer and closer to actually experiencing that, when with very little coaxing on Jill's part, she somehow managed to convince both my Aunt and my mom, to get one with the two of them licking my cock simultaneously. A fantasy I'd been harboring all along anyway.

"Hmm, that was fucking hot!" Jill said looking at the shot through the camera. "How about this one?" she now suggested, which is one we had actually discussed previously. "Aunt Darlene? Can you work the camera for the next couple of shots? A few from differing angles and close ups? I'd like one with Jack's nice hard cock inside me, and mom licking it, and me while he is. Think you can get a few of those for us?"

Mom was still a little reluctant, but I knew by the look in her eyes she was still very horny too, and immediately got into the various poses, camera angles as the three of us began enjoying one another. The feel of Jill's wet succulent pussy, Aunt Sue licking and tickling the two of us with her tongue proved to be highly arousing, especially when seen through the eyes of the camera.

"Ok Aunt Darlene, your turn!" Jill said as she got her mother to exchange places with her. At first, mom thought she'd just be doing more of what Sue had done, licking one of us while I once again fucked Jill. Instead however, we made a slight little change in the scenery. "No. In this one, you lay down, I want to try licking the two of you together," she stated.

"No, that's not such a very good idea. As fun as this admittedly is, and has been...Jack knows how I feel about his doing that."

"I won't put it in you mom, not unless you want me to. But...how about Jill hold my dick in her hand, and place it against your clit, sort of tease you with it? How's that sound?"

Still worried, still reluctant, she eventually went along with it however, especially as Jill began doing just that, rubbing the head of my hard stiff shaft up and down the wet glistening lips of my mother's pussy. Particularly against her clit, making her bounce almost spasmodically as she did so.

"Oh that was a hot one. And so was that," Aunt Sue said as she moved about with the camera taking shot after shot after shot.

"In a minute, we'll get a few of you with my dick in your pussy," I said purposely speaking to my Aunt, who made no worried claim about experiencing that. As I'd hoped, I then saw the somewhat envious look in mom's eyes as she looked over towards her sister, knowing full well that the likelihood of having my cock inside my Aunt's cunt...wasn't that far away.

It was then she looked up at Jill, still holding my dick in her hand, teasing her with it, as she spoke almost in a whisper. "Put it inside me."

Jill smiled, just as I did. Slipping the head of my dick just inside the opening of mom's cunt, Aunt Sue pausing to watch for a moment, the impact of my doing so now clearly evident. "You ready?" Jill asked.

"Yes...yes, fuck yes!" Mom suddenly cried out, and then I plunged, plunged into her depths, sinking the entire length of my shaft into her hot wet passage. "Oh my god!" she screamed out at the top of her lungs as I began fucking into her, slowly though forcefully at first, each new thrust penetrating her even deeper until she again cried out. "Fuck me Jack...fuck me!" Screaming it at the top of her lungs.

It was a good thing there weren't any neighbors living close by. When mom came, the sound of her orgasm screamed into the night, several birds actually taking flight nearby when she did. Her cry of release was loud, long and extremely erotic. The surge of her pussy juice bathing my prick as I continued fucking her cunt, trying with all my might not to lose my own load just then. However, it was Jill's hand suddenly taking a hold of my balls from behind, which now brought an end to that, especially as she commented.

"Squirt it baby! Squirt it! I want to feel you spurting all that hot fucking juice into your momma's cunt!"

That's all it took. Even as mom suddenly lurched into a second equally intense orgasm, I now joined her, spilling my seed inside her, bathing the walls of her sweet juicy quim in a thick copious jettison of my spunk. So much so, that it soon after began oozing out of her pussy as I finally stepped away on weak knees. When I did, Jill surprised everyone, quickly kneeling in front of mom, within seconds she was sucking down my cum, and mom's as she hungrily lapped away at her sweet delicious split. The decadent, almost obscene sounds as she continued doing so affecting all of us as she slurped away at her like a wild woman gone mad.

"Save some for me," Aunt Sue said, now taking her place as she too began spearing mom's pussy with her tongue, lapping up the last remnants and traces of our combined climax as Jill and I now stood looking on.

"What's say we take a breather, fire up the barbeque, and have some dinner. After that, I think we should all retire to the bedroom for a bit more fun after that, how's that sound?" Jill suggested, to which I hardily agreed.

Spent, and though for the moment satiated, mom stood taking me off to one side briefly. "Are you ok? With all of this? Any of this?" She now asked.

"Mom, just so you know. I am more than. And so is Jill. We had a long...long talk about all of this, long before any of this actually happened. And we're both in agreement, and in hopes that we'll continue to do so from this point going forward, as long as you and Aunt Sue are. So please...don't worry about us. And I am in fact, very much looking forward to fucking all three of you again later. So...how about we get something to eat to bolster some energy before we go off and do that?"

Jill soon after came over, pretty much telling her the same, and then adding. "And I am so looking forward to licking your pussy too Aunt Darlene," she grinned hotly. "And to you...licking mine!"


It was actually fun sitting around eating dinner in the nude. We enjoyed a bit more wine, which I think helped to calm my mother's nerves a great deal, though by now we were all pretty much feeling loose and still horny as hell. After we had cleaned up and put most everything away, Jill came walking out of the house with a couple of large sized quilts and pillows, spreading them out on the grass behind the house. By the time I had finished walking out the trash, gone inside to pee, and came back out again, mom and Jill were already laying down on the blanket together with Jill comfortably positioned between moms legs. I quickly lay down beside them, and then leaned over in order to suck on one of mom's breasts while Jill devoured mom's pussy for the first time, driving her nuts in the process. Aunt Sue soon came out, saw the three of us together and immediately came over and began playing with, and sucking on mom's other breast. As we did that, mom reached over and began toying with my cock a little, though her concentration lapsed frequently as our combined attention was soon bringing her to the edge. Watching, and hearing her climax like this was extremely erotic, seeing Jill, my super sexy cousin eating out her Aunt, while my Aunt and I continued fondling and sucking her tits the entire time was almost unbelievable.

With my cock about as hard and as stiff as it's ever been, I quickly suggested to the girls how sexy it would be for the three of them to get on all fours, kneeling next to one another while I screwed each one of them from behind, taking turns. Once again Jill set up the camera in order to get a few shots of us doing this, and then I proceeded to shove my prick inside mom's cunt again first, which was heavenly as she was so slippery wet after her recent climax. I could still feel her pussy cream inside as I fucked her, looking down at my prick every time I pulled out before shoving it into her again and seeing it covered with her white frothy cream.

"I love fucking your cunt mom!" I told her, almost losing it when I did, finally pulling out and giving myself a brief intermission before sliding it inside Aunt Sue's pussy next. Kneeling behind her, I now began fingering her, looking over towards mom as she reached beneath her, fingering her own pussy as she was now highly aroused and far from being satisfied.

"Fuck me Jack, please fuck me honey...my pussy needs a nice hard cock inside!"

Sliding my prick inside my Aunt's pussy, I fucked her in turn for several long glorious minutes until once again I felt the surge in my balls threatening to erupt. Reluctantly I pulled out, though I continued to finger her very slick pussy for a few moments, then leaned over and licked her as well. By now she was begging for more, but it was Jill's turn to receive my prick. Kneeling behind her, I was delighted to see my Aunt and mom literally roll onto one another. Criss-crossing their legs over each other, they managed to press their cunts together and began grinding them as I slipped my prick inside Jill. Now fucking her from behind, the two of us watched as our mom's scissored one another, humping themselves, cunt to cunt. The squishy delicious sounds we soon heard once again had me hovering on the edge. With no hope for it, I pulled out of Jill's pussy, but immediately slid beneath her and began eating her out. When I heard the pant of mom's climax obviously begin, I took a moment to look over, just as Jill had, and we watched Aunt Sue hump mom into a glorious climax.

"Come fuck your mom baby," Aunt Sue begged Jill, so she slid off my face, and soon joined up in the same pussy to pussy press we'd been watching. Seeing Jill now sliding and smearing her own juicy cunt against her mom, threatened me into exploding at any moment, and I nearly did so without even touching my own dick.

By now mom had recovered somewhat, enough so at least that she knelt at the side of the two of them, leaning over to lick and tickle them each with her tongue as they continued pressing themselves together. I stood up, watching all this from above, feeling the throb in my prick at the sight.

Aunt Sue then came, screaming out her pleasure, with moments later Jill following suit. They all rolled away from one another, trying to catch their collective breathes as I stood there, dick throbbing needing to squirt more than I'd ever felt the need to do before. Mom laughed upon seeing me standing there like that looking down at them, my dick actually bouncing up and down of its own accord.

"Looks like my son's feeling left out all of a sudden," she said, and then knelt in front of me. "I want to see your beautiful prick squirt Jack, want to see it come all over momma's titties!"

Just the thought of doing and seeing that nearly brought me off. Aunt Sue and Jill both rather liked the idea as well, and soon knelt on either side of her, holding their own breasts up in their hands, giving me three beautiful pairs of tit-targets to squirt on. I don't think I pumped my prick any more than five or six strokes at the most before I felt the cream explode up my shaft, soon showering the three of them in what had to be for me one of the most intensely satisfying orgasms of my entire life.

Standing there watching my prick squirt, spray and ejaculate all over the three of them was amazing. And once again, I don't think I've ever produced as much cum as I did then either, seeing it squirt, saturating all three pairs of breasts. I stood there drenching them all in thick copious spurts of cream that covered them almost entirely. It was again more erotic and sensual to me at the time than anything I'd ever seen or done before. I soon after collapsed, sitting down on the blanket in order to recover, and then watched as the three of them languished, in licking off all that sticky, creamy sperm from one another's boobs.

Satisfied for the time being, I sat back as they did that, soon after forming up into a small tight little circle as they began eating one another out again simultaneously. Mom now licking Jill's sweet pussy, Jill licking her mothers, and Aunt Sue now eating moms. The sight of them doing that, though arousing, failed to get me back to full erection. I was honestly too exhausted by now, so was content to simply sit there and watch the three of them get one another off. After they had, we simply curled up back on the quilts once again, using one for a covering, and soon after fell asleep together there beneath the stars.

At some point I remember partially waking. The feel of someone's lips licking and sucking my very flaccid prick. I didn't fully wake however, once again drifting off, the sweetness of the non-arousing pleasure actually putting me back to sleep again. So it was that I never knew who it was who had done that, and didn't even ask when I woke up the following morning. Not too surprisingly perhaps, Jill and I were the last two to get up. I found myself holding her in the crook of my arm, the feel of her soft breasts pressed against me as the sun hit my face, waking me up fully.

She sighed pleasurably, her eyes opening.

"Sleep well?"

"Hmm yes, I did...now, fuck me. Slowly, softly...but fuck me Jack. Fuck me."

And we did.


I came downstairs after my shower to the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen. Mom was now in the shower upstairs where I'd just come from, and Jill was using the one downstairs, leaving my Aunt and I alone for a few minutes. She turned upon hearing me enter the kitchen smiling as she stood forking the sweet smelling bacon on the stove. I laughed upon seeing her, as she wore only an apron, her ass clearly visible from behind as she stood there, though she'd obviously worn that as some form of protection against splattering grease. I walked over behind her, kissed her on the neck and allowed my hand to sneak around in front, grasping her breast, toying with her nipple briefly until she finally shooed me away.

"Go fix us some coffee you naughty boy," she giggled.

I did so, pouring us each a cup, placing them down on the table sitting, as she moments later walked over taking a seat across from me.

"I have to tell you Jack, it's nice to see you and Jill having patched things up again, I was beginning to think the two of you never would."

"I know what you mean, I was beginning to think we wouldn't either, but when I saw her standing there in the doorway of the barn, I was honestly surprised when she was. At first, I actually thought it was you for a moment."