Like every guy on the planet, I had the hots for one of my teachers. The name of my crush was Mrs. Griffin, my senior year English teacher, who was a conservative woman in her late forties. Mrs. Griffin was a beautiful lady. She had short red hair, which stopped a little before her shoulders, a dark pair of chocolate brown eyes and a simply gorgeous face - the type I could've stared at for hours.

She also had an amazing body, in my opinion. She was tall, maybe five-foot-ten or -eleven, and curvier than most women. I guess some would call her thick, but definitely not overweight. What's more, she had a pair of double D tits that looked like a fun time, a narrow waist, complemented with wide flaring hips and a big round ass that distracted me to no end in class. She was the total package.

Every day, after school, I would get home, rip off my pants and beat off to depraved thoughts of her. And, boy, were they depraved. You see, ever since this one movie I'd seen when I was younger, which featured a scene of a woman being taken by force, I've had some dark thoughts.

At first, I felt evil for getting turned on by a woman being put through hell. To the point I thought I needed professional help. But I was too embarrassed to bring these thoughts up to our school counselor, so I decided to go online and ask questions.

I soon discovered I wasn't the only person who got turned on by the idea of nonconsensual sex. Apparently, millions of people around the world did, both men and women, alike. And the advice I got was I could stop beating myself up and fantasize as much as I like. The important thing I needed to remember was not to act on those thoughts in real life. Which I didn't think would be a problem. I doubted I had the heart to actually rape a woman. I was too afraid of the repercussions, both legally and morally.

But with my conscience now at ease, I decided to go on porn sites to quench my thirst for violent sex, and I watched them all: "rape" videos - it was obvious it was only role play - bondage, sadism, blackmail, humiliation. I couldn't get enough. What's more, every time I jerked off to those images I pictured me doing it to one of the women in my life, and the woman who starred in almost every fantasy was Mrs. Griffin.

I didn't know why, but for some reason I wanted to bring her pain. Which was strange, because she was a really sweet woman, who I doubted had ever wronged anyone. In fact, everybody in my class loved Mrs. Griffin. She wasn't close to being as mean as some of our other teachers. But still, I wanted to do unspeakable things to her.

I knew that would never happen, though. She was a happily married woman and I doubted she'd ever two-time her husband.

Mrs. Griffin's real name was Carol, by the way. I knew this because that's what I got to call her on Sundays at church. Yep, she and I went to the same one. Her husband, David, was a pastor there and almost every week my family and I would go and listen to his services. He was a nice man and I always thought I'd burst into flames for having wicked thoughts about his spouse during church.

One Sunday morning, after church, as everybody sipped on tea and chewed on cookies, I had to excuse myself from a conversation with Mrs. Freelander, my seventy year old neighbor who lived down the street. She went on and on about how handsome I was and about how she wanted to introduce me to her granddaughter, Lily - I think that's what her name was. Mrs. Freelander even showed me a picture of her granddaughter on her phone. I had to admit, she wasn't a bad looking girl and I agreed on meeting her some time.

Anyhow, I'd excused myself because I needed to use the lavatory. When I got there I entered my stall, unzipped my pants and voided my bladder with a sigh. Before I could flush the toilet, though, I heard the main door creak open.

"Is there anybody in there?" said a man whose voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who the voice belonged to. His name stayed on the tip of my tongue.

"No, get in here," said another man. From listening to his services almost every week, I recognized the second voice to be Pastor David's.

"Okay, then, lock the door."

What the fuck?

I heard the sound of keys jingling before the door was locked. I was confused and about to announce my presence, but what I heard next kept my mouth shut and helped me understand what went on. "Now get over here," said Pastor David, which was followed by the sound of lips smacking.

I was stunned. Why the hell is Pastor David kissing a dude? I sat on the toilet and tried not to make any noise. I couldn't come out now. They would know they'd been found. The sound of lips smacking continued before I heard someone unzip their pants.

"We better make this quick," the pastor said, "before the wives wonder where we've gone."

"You're right, but I've really missed you, you know."

I sat, listened and waited for them to finish their business, regretting my decision to come into the restroom. But then a mischievous idea came to mind. There was a possibility I could get some money out of this situation. I pulled out my phone, put it on silence and then opened my camera. Then I slowly took off my shoes, stepped onto the toilet and carefully placed my freehand on top of my stall's door.

I peeked over the wall my stall shared with the next stall and looked over its door. I saw Pastor David. He stood on the other side of the restroom, facing the tiled wall my stall stood next to, and balanced himself against the sinks' counter. What's more, his head was tilted back, mouth was wide open and pants were around his ankles. And before him kneeled a man dressed in a dark blue suit, whose head moved back and forth.

I saw it, but still couldn't believe it; Pastor David committing adultery right after church - with a man! Who would've guessed? And I thought I would burst into flames. I brought my phone up, got them into the shot and hit the record button.

The sound of sucking filled the room as the mystery man continued to orally gratify the pastor. I zoomed in on Pastor David's face so there could be no doubt it was him and then got the man's head into the frame to verify what was being done. Recording the act was scary. I couldn't help ducking every time the pastor's head moved. I wondered what he'd do if he caught me. It wasn't time for him to know I knew his secret. I needed to make backups first. But luckily, he never looked my way.

Minutes went by as the blowjob continued. Then the pastor grunted as he gripped the man's head. I assumed he came. Once the man slid the pastor from his mouth, I stopped recording and carefully stepped off the toilet. I was happy with the evidence I had obtained, though thought I was probably going to hell for blackmailing a pastor - even if he deserved it.

"That was awesome," said Pastor David. "I owe you one."

"How 'bout you make it up to me tomorrow. I'm not going in for work. I can come around to your place when Carol goes to her job."

"That sounds like a great idea. Now let's get back to everyone before they come looking for us."


Later that night, as I lay in bed, I thought about the power I'd acquired with the footage on my phone, which I'd also copied onto my hard drive. At first, I had planned on blackmailing Pastor David for some cash. All he'd have to do was throw a few hundred dollars my way for me to keep what I knew to myself. It seemed like a fair trade. I didn't really need the money, but I could always make use of the extra change in my pocket.

However, after my last jerk off session, a more sinister idea crept into my mind. If blackmailing a pastor wasn't a good enough excuse to get a one-way ticket to Lucifer's pit, what I'd cooked up now definitely was. But as immoral as my plan was I wasn't going to pass it up. Opportunities like this came around but once in a lifetime and I planned on grabbing it with both hands.

I stayed up and plotted out my idea for the next couple of hours. I didn't want any mistakes and planned on executing it the next day. I drifted off to sleep with a big smile on my face. If all went well, tomorrow would be the beginning of a wonderful period in my life.


The next day, at school, right before lunch, I found myself in my favorite teacher's class. As always, Mrs. Griffin looked good enough to eat. With her hair loose and black rectangular glasses on, she wore a long white button up shirt, with her sleeves pulled up, and a beige skirt that hugged her hips, covered her knees - I think I've mentioned the word "conservative" before - and matched her stockings.

On her feet were a pair of black heels. And she topped everything off with a gold watch, bracelet, earrings and chain around her neck which held a cross. She'd also applied her makeup beautifully. It made her face pop and the only noticeable part of it was the deep red lipstick that covered her full looking lips. She looked utterly fuckable - if that passes for a compliment.

Soon the bell sounded. Everyone packed up their stuff and headed out for lunch. I sat in my seat and waited for the last person to exit the classroom. My heart pounded as I stood and made my way over to Mrs. Griffin, who sat at her desk and looked over papers. It's time to do this.

"Great lesson today, Mrs. Griffin."

She looked up with a smile. "Why thank you, Ryan. Is there anything you'd like me to go over with you again?"

"Nooo." My head shook. "I just wanted to come over here and tell you how beautiful you look today."

She blushed. "Thank you, Ryan...But there's no need to flatter me. You're already doing well in my class."

I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck. "Yea, couldn't hurt."

She smiled. "Well, it was nice talking to you. And -"

"No, no, no, no, Mrs. G," - I shook my head - "I'm not going anywhere. I'd rather stay right here with you."

Her face scrunched with a slight smile. "Umm...okay. But wouldn't you prefer to have lunch with your friends?"

"Nope." My head shook.

"Uh. Very well, Mr. Norton. What would you like us to do?"

Here we go. It's now or never. "Ooh, I dunno. How 'bout you take your top off for me?"

Mrs. Griffin looked confused. "I'm sorry, dear, but...what did you just say?"

"I said," I rephrased slowly, "why don't you take your top off for me, Mrs. G?"

Her eyes widened. "Mr. Norton. Are you out of your mind?"

"I'd watch my tone if I were you, Carol. You're not in the position to talk to me like that."

"That's Mrs. Griffin on this premises, young man." She stood, glaring. "And you better watch what you say next. You're skating on very thin ice and asking for big trouble."

I've gotten this far. "No, I'm not. I'm asking to see those big tits of yours."

"THAT'S IT! Off to the principal's office with you right now, Ryan. I'm very disappointed with you and your parents will be hearing about this directly from me."

I needed to take control of the situation and show her who was in charge. "I don't think you quite understand what's going on, Carol." I grabbed her by the bicep and squeezed, causing her to squeal. It caused my cock to twitch.

"Unhand me this instant, you brute! I'll have you expelled for this."

I stared her down for a while then released her arm. She looked relieved. That wouldn't last long. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. "There's something I need to show you, Mrs. Griffin." I tapped my way to my videos' folder. "You might want to retake your seat."

"I'm fine. I'll stand."

"Have it your way." I double-tapped on her husband's video and handed her the phone.

After watching it for a few seconds, the color drained from her face and she sat back down. She watched for a little while longer then handed me back my phone. I stopped the video and put my phone back into my pocket. Mrs. Griffin sat with a lost expression for a few moments. Then she regained her composure.

"'ve found out about my husband and Kevin."

Kevin Mitchell? The dentist?...That's who the other guy was? I found that surprising, but I was even more surprised she knew.

"I didn't know you knew about them."

"Of course I knew. They've been pulling this shit off for years."

Years? And did sweet Mrs. Griffin just say "shit?"

Moments went by. "So that's your plan, huh? You want to blackmail me into showing you my body."

I shrugged.

She thought. "And if I refuse?"

"Then everybody at the church gets an email of your husband's video," I bluffed. "I wonder what other qualifications Pastor David has."

"But, Ryan, I'm more than twice your age. Why would you want to see me naked?"

If she fished for a compliment she wasn't about to get one. "A naked body's a naked body."

She thought for a while. I could see an intense battle went on in her head. "If I do you promise to delete that video?"

"I do." I nodded with my right hand raised.

She thought some more then sighed. "Fine." Mrs. Griffin stood. "Let's get this over with." She slowly reached for the top button of her shirt and unbuttoned it. I couldn't believe this was working. My heart thumped with anticipation. She undid the next button and then the next until her shirt fell open. Then she pulled her shirt off her shoulders and folded it neatly on her desk before she stood and waited.

"The bra." I motioned.

She slowly reached behind her back and unclasped her white bra. Her straps fell off her shoulders. Then she quickly pulled her bra away and covered her tits with her one arm as she dropped her bra on her desk with the other. I motioned for her to remove her arm from her chest. She complied and placed it by her side.

Man, Mrs. Griffin had a nice pair of tits. They didn't sag too much and still had a round shape, which was remarkable, considering she was the mother of three people. I also liked the contrast between her milky skin and rosy areoles, which were as wide as the rim of a cup and topped off by two nipples the size of cue tips. Fuck, I was rock hard and wanted to reach out, knead and suck on her tits. But it wasn't time for that. I needed to follow my plan and get there systematically.

"Not bad for an old woman, I guess." I shrugged. I could see on her face my words had stung. Of course I didn't feel that way, but the other part of my plan was to break her down mentally. "The stockings are next."

"They're not stockings. They're pantyhose."

"Whatever. Just do it."

She sighed, sat back in her chair and leaned over to remove her shoes. Then she reached under her skirt and rolled her hose down her legs and off her feet. She placed them on her desk and got back on her feet.

"Now the skirt."

She sighed again, pulled down the zip on her hip and then pushed her skirt to her ankles. I was greeted by the sight of white panties. She stepped out her skirt, bent over to pick it up and then folded it over her shirt. I asked her to do a slow spin. She complied and as she faced the other way, I noticed her underwear was tightly stretched across her entire ass. Granny panties. I shook my head. I should've known. I sighed.

Once she faced me, I made a face that said; you know what's next. She'd looked reluctant to remove every item of clothing that came off, but I could tell she really didn't want to remove this one. But she knew she had no choice. She pushed her thumbs into her waistband and bent over to push her panties to her feet. She stepped out of them. Then as she got vertical, her one hand went over her crotch as the other placed her underwear by her bra and pantyhose. Her hand then joined its partner over her crotch.

I smirked. "Hands by your side."

She exhaled with frustration then did as she was told. I focused my attention on her pussy. It was covered by pubic hair and by far the most unkempt part of her body. I also noticed her pubes were black. I thought she was a natural redhead. Or were some of them just like that? I didn't know, but also didn't care. It didn't make her look any less attractive.

I studied her body as a whole next. Wow. It looked as stunning in the nude as it did while clothed. Everything looked tight and toned. If she told me she didn't exercise I wouldn't believe one word of it. I was sure she did on the regular. The only part of her that showed she'd been through childbirth was the bump on her lower stomach. But it wasn't close to being a turn off and nobody's perfect. She was mighty close, though.

"You look okay, I guess." I shrugged. "But you should really do something about that stomach." Again, her face indicated my words hit home.

"Are we done?"

"Almost, Mrs. G...I just need you to do one more thing for me."

"And what's that?"

"I want you to bend over your desk for me."

"No ways." Her head shook. "I never agreed to have sex with you."

"Who said anything about sex? I've just always wanted to see you in that position." That wasn't a complete lie.

"And how do I know you won't pull out your penis and stick it inside me?"

"You have my word that won't happen."

She looked at me untrustingly. "Swear to God?"

Once I told her I did, she stepped over to my side of the desk and slowly bent over it. "Nice, Mrs. G." I pulled out my phone and opened my camera. When her tits were flattened on the table, I said, "Okay, now pull your ass cheeks apart for me."

She obeyed and revealed her tiny light-pink asshole to my eyes. It was a pretty, pretty sight and looked clean enough to eat off. I probably would have if given the opportunity. I also noticed it wasn't close to being as hairy as her pussy. I wondered what was up with that. I tried to get as much of her into the frame as I could. "You ever had a cock in this hole before, Mrs. G?"

"Never." Her head shook. "I'm a Christian woman."

My eyes rolled. Whatever. I took the picture, which made that snapping sound and flashed a light.

"Hey!" She spun and covered herself with her arms. "I never said you could take pictures."

"You never said I couldn't." I smiled and she glared. "Relax. Look, you can't even see your face in it." I showed her the screen. "And besides, I need something to remember this moment by."

She frowned. "Are we done?" Mrs. Griffin folded her arms.

"Yep. And look, I'll uphold my end of the deal by deleting your husband's video in front of you." I tapped to it and hit delete.

"Good." She nodded. "Now that that's over, you and I shall never speak of this again." Mrs. Griffin reached for her panties, but I beat her to them.

"Uh-uh, uh-uh." I held her underwear in the air. "And why would I want to do that?"

"It's over, Ryan." She smirked. "The video's gone. You no longer have leverage over me. Now give." Her hand stuck out.

"No, I think I'll hold on to these as a souvenir." I pocketed her panties. "And what makes you think I haven't made copies of your husband's video?"

Her expression went dark. "That's not fair, Ryan." She stomped. It always amused me when a fully gown adult acted like a child. "Our deal obviously included you getting rid of any copies you've made."

"Well, technically, I only agreed to delete the video on my phone." I smiled. "But I'll give you that and delete the other videos," I lied. "I've got something even better on you now."She looked confused. "What do you have?"

"The picture I just took of you."

"Ha-ha." She smiled smugly. "You can't even see my face in it."

"True, but you've got quite a distinctive looking wedding ring, don't you think? And your classroom's in the background. I plan to go and tell all my buddies and some of the girls in your class how sweet ol' Mrs. Griffin was so desperate and horny she tried to seduce me like a whore."

"I never tried to seduce you!"

"That may be true, but this picture says otherwise." I patted the pocket my phone was in. "I know most of them will believe me, and do you plan on defending your case?"

She looked like a trapped mouse. "What do you want from me now? Money? How much is it gonna take for this to end?"

"I don't want or need your money, Mrs. Griffin."

Sadness filled her eyes. "Then what do you want?"

"Oooh, I think you know." I slowly looked down her naked body to her toes then back up to her eyes. They widened.

"No." Her head shook. "I could never do that - I'm a married woman."

"Yea, married to a cheating butt pirate."

Her head dropped. Moments later she muttered, "I still can't do it."

I could see how hard this was for her. We needed to start off light. "Okay, how 'bout just a blow job, then?"

She thought. "I can't do that, either...I'm a God fearing Christian woman."

"Oh, cut the crap, Mrs. G." I threw my arms up. "You know what, I'm bored of this." I picked up my bag. It's time to go for the hail Mary. "I'm off to tell everyone what a whore you are." I turned and made my way to the door. As I placed my hand on the handle, I heard:

"Ryan, wait."

My eyes looked up. Thank God. I thought it was all over. I spun and said, "What?"

She fidgeted. "If I do you promise to delete that picture of me?"

"Umm, I'll think about it. No. I promise we'll talk about it."

She mulled then sighed. "Deal."

"Great." I smiled, walked back over to her and stood in front of her chair. I unbuckled my belt then pushed my jeans and boxer briefs around my ankles. I heard a small gasp, which caused me to smile. It wasn't the first time a woman reacted that way after she saw what I worked with. My cock was a decent size, roughly eight inches, and it always helped me get the job done. I sat in her chair.

I'd gone slightly flaccid due to our lengthy chat, but as Mrs. Griffin kneeled before me with those big tits the full strength of my erection returned immediately. Her one hand rose and wrapped around my shaft. My eyes closed with a sigh. It felt silky and warm.

She looked up. "Don't blame me if you don't enjoy this. I've never done this before."

"Don't worry. I'll talk you through the basics."

Her eyes dropped. She parted her lips, leaned forward and took my cockhead into her mouth, causing me to groan. Mrs. Griffin sucked on it for a while then proceeded to bob her head. Out of all the blowjobs I'd received, this was by far my favorite. But I suspected there was a psychological reason behind that. Knowing this was Mrs. Griffin's lips around my cock, the woman I'd fantasized about for so long, is what I guessed made it so special.

But it didn't take long for me to get over it. The rest of my shaft cried for attention and sensation of her teeth wasn't pleasant. "You're gonna be sucking all day if you keep this up, Mrs. G. Widen your mouth and try to get as much of my cock into it as you can."

I felt her mouth widen and head bob about an inch lower. It wasn't much of an improvement, but at least she tried.

"Good girl." I patted her head. "Now look up into my eyes and try to get more of my cock in. Some girls can get the whole thing in there." Okay, so that wasn't the truth, but I thought she could use the motivation. And it worked. Her full lips slid about two inches lower, taking four inches between her jaws in total. She also complied by looking me in the eye and her teeth were no longer a problem. This was much better. I sighed.

"Good girl." I stroked her hair. "You're a quick learner. Keep going and move your hand up and down the part of my cock you can't get into your mouth." I groaned as she did as she was instructed. "And remember to swallow if I cum. It's the proper blowjob etiquette."

Minutes went by as Mrs. Griffin's head bobbed up and down the first half of my shaft, while her hand took care of the rest. I moaned and groaned as I stroked her hair and told her "what a good girl" she was. It was an awesome time, but I soon felt the need to satiate the sadist within me. Plus, time was running out. I placed a hand on the back of Mrs. Griffin's head and stood. Her chocolate brown eyes stayed locked on mine.

"It'll be over sooner if I take over, Mrs. G." I grasped her hair by the root, causing her to wince. "Now widen your jaw as much as you can."

She followed orders.

"That's a good little slut." I thrust my hips, pushing my cock into the back of her mouth and causing her eyes to bulge behind her glasses. I loved the look. I withdrew, pushed back in and held still for a few seconds. When I felt and heard her gag I pulled out again and then continued to thrust my way into the back of her mouth, inching more and more of my cock inside of it.

Eventually, my balls bounced off her chin and glans plowed down her esophagus, causing Mrs. Griffin's eyes to water as she choked. I had slowly worked myself into a full on face fuck, which was one of the many fantasies I'd had about my sexy teacher. I knew I shouldn't be, but was pleased with myself and astonished I'd managed to get this far into my plan.

"That's it. Choke on that cock like the whore you are, my slutty little teacher."

My hips kept pushing and soon caused tears to stream down her face. She wasn't crying. They were just that watery. But still her eyes remained locked on mine. The only time they broke contact was when she'd gag. I figured Mrs. Griffin either hated this so much she gave her all to get me to unload, or was a closeted sub who secretly enjoyed herself. I wasn't sure, but also didn't care. I was too caught up in the experience. At that moment, she was merely a fuck toy there for my use.

I continued to bruise the back of her throat. Then I felt the approach of my orgasm. I slowly but firmly thrust into her mouth a few more times. Then I withdrew until only two of my inches were past her red lips. I wanted my cream on her taste buds. With raised eyebrows, I looked her in the eye and said, "Suck."

I noticed the slightest of nods. Then the vulnerable look in her eyes pushed me over the edge. I tightened my grip on her hair as euphoria washed over me. My balls churned and shaft pulsated as what felt like an endless amount of semen was expelled from my cock. I flooded Mrs. Griffin's mouth and, following orders, she sucked and swallowed all that she could.

"Oh, what a whore you are, Mrs. G - drinking my cum like it's pudding." With a sigh, I pulled myself from her mouth. A sperm bubble followed and then popped over her lips. Fuck, that was sexy. I panted. "That was pretty good." I nodded, reached for my underwear and pants and pulled them up.

"Thank you." She wiped her mouth. "I trust that photo you took of me will be deleted."

I stood and buckled my belt. "We'll talk about it."

She frowned and also stood. "But I thought we had a deal."

"I said we'll talk about it later."

She glared. "If you think I'm gonna go through that again you've clearly lost your mind."

If I wanted the party to continue I could see I needed to get mean. I placed a hand under chin, cupping her jaw, and then squeezed hard as I got in her face. "Listen here, Carol. With all the dirt I've got on you and your husband, I pretty much own you now. So I suggest you start showing me some motherfucking respect before I get really nasty with you.

"I don't want any more lip from you. And, you know what, to hell with negotiations. From now on, you're gonna be a good little girl and do as you're told. Otherwise, there will be consequences. Do I make myself clear?"

There was defiance in her eyes.

I squeezed her jaw tighter. "I said do I make myself clear?"


"Yes what?"

"Yesss, sir."

I stared into her eyes. "Good." I released her face. "That's what you'll refer to me as from now on - even in front of other students. If I hear 'Ryan' or 'Mr. Norton' from you, you will be punished."

She muttered, "Fine."

"Now get dressed before somebody walks in here and throws up from seeing you naked."

She donned her clothes, but I confiscated her pantyhose, as well. I wanted her to go the rest of the day without anything but her skirt covering her crotch. She should've felt lucky I didn't take her bra, as well.

"There're a few more things we need to discuss before I go. When you get home, I want you to remove all your pubic hair. I want that part of you to be as smooth as the rest of your body."

"Very well."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Very well, sir."

"Also, no more pantyhose and big ass panties. From now on, I only want you in thigh highs and thongs."

"But I don't have any."

"Well, then guess who gets to go shopping...And speaking of shopping" - I pulled out my phone and handed it to her - "there's a few more things I need you to buy. Put your number in there. I'll text you what you need to get later on." Once she finished and handed me my phone I put it back into my pocket. "This's the beginning of something wonderful, Carol...I'd cheer up if I were you."


The next day, as Mrs. Griffin taught her class, I made a note of each time she referred to me by my name, which happened a lot. I kept raising my hand to ask questions and answer the ones she gave, and she never failed to say, "Yes, Ryan." It was music to my ears.

Today, Mrs. Griffin wore a dark-pink blouse, tight light-blue jeans and flat shoes. It wasn't her sexiest look, but she still looked fucking hot. I couldn't wait until we were alone. As the class quietly worked on their essays I got out my phone and texted Mrs. Griffin:

"Call me into the backroom of your class. And bring the stuff I told you to buy yesterday." I hit send.

A few seconds later, Mrs. Griffin reached into her purse, pulled out her phone and read my message. She looked over to me. She hesitated, but then said, "Ryan, would you mind helping me with something in my backroom?"

With a smile, I made a note of her using my name again. "No problem, Mrs. G." I stood then made my way over to the door of her backroom. She walked over to me, carrying a white bag. I opened the door for her and once she stepped inside I followed her and closed the door behind us. Mrs. Griffin stood and waited. I walked up to her and pulled the bag from her hands.

"Did you get everything on the list?"

"Yes, sir." She nodded.

"So now you call me 'sir.'" I smirked and looked into the bag. Inside were four ties, a paddle, a butt plug and K-Y Jelly. "Good. Everything seems to be here."

"I nearly died from shame when I walked into that shop and bought those things."

I chuckled. "Yea, but you didn't. Now turn around and bend over."

Mrs. Griffin looked hesitant but then spun, placed her hands on a shelf and bent over. Taking the bag with me and placing it on a chair, I moved my hands around her waist and unbuttoned her jeans. Then I pushed them to her ankles as I got on one knee. I was happy to be greeted by her fat and milky ass cheeks. And at the top of them was a black band that went around her waist and one that disappeared between the valley of her ass. My cock swelled.

I reached into the bag and pulled out the K-Y Jelly and butt plug. I opened the lube and then used it to coat the plug. Then I used a forefinger to pull out the band between her ass crack and stretched it over her one cheek. I thought it made her look even sexier. I pulled the same ass cheek away from its twin as I lifted the butt plug and placed the tip of it against her asshole. She gasped and looked back. Her eyes pleaded with me not to do it.

I smiled. "I know you don't believe this is what Christian women do, but you must have known this was coming when you bought these items, Mrs. G." I slowly pushed the plug forward, but her asshole resisted. "Relax," I said and kept applying pressure.

Eventually, her sphincter caved in and accepted the tip of the butt plug. She moaned. I continued to slowly push the plug forward. Her asshole widened and then narrowed around it, causing Mrs. Griffin to groan. Once it was all the way in I pulled her thong over the back end of the butt plug, stood and told her to turn around.

"That's to stay in until I come back to your class during lunch."

She nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Good girl." I patted her cheek, adjusted my erection and then made my exit.


Once the bell sounded for lunch during my math class, I packed away my stuff and then headed back to Mrs. Griffin's classroom. I opened her door and stepped inside. She sat at her desk, but then stood when she saw me.

"Didn't I tell you to refer to me as 'sir' at all times?"

"You did, sir."

"Then why did you keep calling me 'Ryan' during your lesson?"

Her head slumped. "I'm sorry, sir, but I had to." She looked back up. "What would the other students think?"

"I don't care and you will be punished for your disobedience. Now bend over the desk and get your pants down."

"Yes, sir, but please lock the door first."

I thought. I liked the idea of someone walking in the class while her pants were down, but I said, "Fine." I took her keys and made my way over to her door as she got into position. I locked it then walked into the backroom to retrieve the items she bought. Then I stepped out and made my way back over to Mrs. Griffin. Her chest lay flat on her desk and pants were just below her ass cheeks. Seeing her like this made me hard as fuck.

I placed the bag on her desk and pulled out the four ties. The first one was red and I tied it tightly around her left wrist. The second tie was black and I tied that one around her other wrist. I tied the two remaining blue ties around her ankles. Then I got under the desk and pulled the ties on her wrists in until they could be pulled no more. I knotted them together and was sure she couldn't escape.

I got out from under the table and stood behind Mrs. Griffin. I kicked her feet apart and then fastened her right ankle against the leg of the table. Then I did the same thing to her other leg and stepped back to admire my handiwork. She was and looked defenseless - probably felt that way, too. I smiled, reached into the white bag and pulled out the paddle.

"Why're you such a disobedient whore, Carol?"

"I'm not, sir."

"I counted the amount of times you called me 'Ryan' today. It was eight. And you get two of these for each time it happened." I pulled my arm back and the brought the paddle down hard on her left buttock, causing it to wobble.

She squealed. "I'm sorry, sir."

"That's not what I wanna hear." My head shook. "I want you to count each spanking I give you and thank me for it, too."

"Okay, sir."

"From the top." I struck her right ass cheek. She squealed again, making my cock twitch. The sadist in me loved the sound.

"That's one, sir. And thank you, sir."

I spanked her left cheek again.

"Ahhh! Two, sir. And thank you sir."

I spanked her other cheek again.

"Three, sir. Thank you, sir."

The classroom was filled by the sound of the paddle connecting with her ass, accompanied by Mrs. Griffin's cries. I wasn't sure if I'd ever been hornier. Once I landed my seventeenth blow, and she counted and thanked me for it, I placed the paddle on the desk. "I forgot to check something," I said, shoved my hand into her underwear and cupped her mound.

Surprisingly, I felt pubic hairs covering her vulva. But even more surprisingly, Mrs. Griffin was wet. I smiled subtly, withdrew my hand and decided to keep that piece of knowledge to myself.

"Didn't I tell you to shave your pussy?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't have time - I'm mean, I forgot."

I paused. "Well, which one is it? Didn't you have time? Or did you forget?"

"Both, sir."

"Not good enough." I shook my head and picked up the paddle. Whatever answer she gave me, she would've still lost. "You must be punished." I whacked her crimson ass again. She wailed and whimpered, but resumed counting and thanking me.

I landed nine more blows, giving her twenty-seven in total, and then put the paddle back in its bag. I then stepped behind Mrs. Griffin. I pulled her ass cheeks apart, thong over her one butt cheek and withdrew the butt plug. She groaned.

"Ready to get fucked, Mrs. G?" I dropped the butt plug into the bag.

Her head shook before she looked at me. "Ryan, no. I'm married."

I smacked her ass hard with my hand, causing her to release the loudest of her cries as the shot echoed through the classroom. The sound was probably sharp enough to be heard from down the hallway. "What did I say about you calling me 'Ryan?'"

"I'm sorry, sir, but please don't put your penis inside my vagina."

I slapped her ass once more, a little softer this time, and then unbuckled my pants as I thought. If I went against her wishes, I'd be nothing but a rapist. And I think I've mentioned where I stood on that matter. "Okay. I won't put it inside your 'vagina.'" I pulled out my cock. "I'll just put it up your asshole, instead."

Watching her squirm excited me greatly, but I had a proposition for her.

"I'll tell you what, Mrs. G" - I withdrew the K-Y Jelly from the bag and uncapped it - "I'm giving you the option to stop this whenever you want. All you have to say is Mississippi. Don't worry, I'll be gentle with you." I waited a few seconds, squeezed a dollop of K-Y into my palm and then stoked it onto my cock. Mrs. Griffin remained silent as she panted. I wished I could read her mind. It must have been going at a hundred miles per hour.

"I knew you were a closeted whore, Mrs. Griffin." I squeezed my cock between her ass cheeks and pressed the tip of it against her forbidden hole. "You can stop this whenever you like, Carol. You know the magic word." I waited then smiled. "Good Christian woman my ass." I thrust my hips then felt my cockhead get swallowed by her sphincter.

"Uhhhhggg," Mrs. Griffin groaned.

Fuck me. Her asshole was tight - tighter than any pussy I'd ever entered. I placed my hands on my bound teacher's wide hips, trust my own hips and slowly sunk two more inches of my cock inside her. She moaned through the experience. I stopped and waited for her to get used to my girth. Then an idea came to mind. I pulled out my phone, tapped my way to my camera and then snapped a picture of my erection in her butt. I planned on jerking off to this moment later on.

I put my phone away, grasped her hips again and sent more of my cock inside her. Mrs. Griffin groaned until I stopped. Then her back rose and crashed. "Good girl, Carol." I stroked her hair. "I'm almost all the way in." I shoved another inch inside her, leaving only one more inch remaining. It was hard to believe how deep I could go into that big ass of hers.

"Almost - aaahh - there." My pelvis flattened her buttocks. I was sure I knew how heaven felt. "Damn, your ass is tight, Mrs. G." I withdrew my erection until only my glans remained and then slowly pushed myself all the way back in.

"Aaaaaahh," she groaned as her neck snapped back.

I grasped her hair as I slowly pulled my cock back out and then slapped her one ass cheek with my freehand, causing her to release a small cry. Her ass must've been tender for my earlier assaults. I didn't hit her that hard. "You're such a dirty whore, aren't you, Carol - taking a cock inside your asshole like your husband does." I tugged on her hair and continued to slowly thrust into Mrs. Griffin as she moaned, groaned and grunted.Once I felt she'd gotten used to having my shaft in her rear passage, I placed my hands on her hips and pushed my own hips with more energy. The sound of my pelvis slamming against her cushiony ass filled the classroom as she cried out to each thrust.

I couldn't believe my luck. Here I was, sodomizing my sexy English teacher over her desk during school. Many a man had only dreamed of being in my position. I planned on enjoying it to the fullest. I kept on vigorously plunging my cock inside Mrs. G as I used one hand to gently slap around her ass cheeks.

As much as I liked inflicting pain on my teacher, I also wanted her to enjoy herself. Which I could tell she did, if her cries were any indication, but I felt I could go a step further. I reached around her hip, sunk my hand into her underwear and used my middle and forefinger to draw circles on her clit, which caused her to let out a cry.

"Cum for me, my whore. Cum for me with my cock deep inside your ass." As Mrs. Griffin's cries got louder, I placed a hand over her mouth and continued slamming into her asshole. "I said cum for me, you slut." I rammed my cock all the way up her ass then remained still as I flexed it.

She screamed into my palm as her asshole constricted around my shaft. It was a magical feeling. And at the same time, I was able to hear her say, "I'm cumming, sir! I'm cumming!" her muffled mouth went on and on.

Once her shouting died down, I removed my hand from her mouth and continued to sharply thrust my hips. As I felt the approach of my own orgasm, I pushed as deep inside her as I could. Euphoria swept over me as my cock thudded and coated her bowels. Fuck. That was awesome. I slowly pulled out.

Then I kneeled and spread her ass cheeks. My semen leaked from her stretched out rectum and dripped into her jeans. The sight caused my innards to quiver. I stood, picked up the scissors on her desk and used them to cut Mrs. Griffin from her restraints. Then I sat down in her chair.

"Come and clean my cock, whore."

Mrs. Griffin reached for the Kleenex box on her desk.

"No, you dumb slut. Use your mouth."

She looked shocked and hesitant.

I raised my eyebrows at her. "Are you looking for another spanking?"

"No, sir." She shook her head and got down on her knees before me. She grasped my cock, looked me in the eye and took my flaccid cock between her lips. She must've felt utterly humiliated. It caused me to smile. I was an evil fuck.

"Good girl," I said once my cock was clean and then tucked it back into my underwear. "Tomorrow, I expect to see a clean shaven pussy." I slapped her cheek twice, pecked her on the lips and then left her classroom to go and grab a bite to eat.


The next day, at school, I was disappointed to learn Mrs. Griffin did not come in to work. Mr. Banks substituted for her, which raised all kinds of questions in my head. Why wasn't she here? Was she okay? Where was she? Had I pushed her into quitting her job? And so on and so forth. But I soon received a text message that put my worries to bed:

"I'm sorry I didn't come in to work today, sir. Please forgive me. If you really miss me and want to punish me for skipping work, feel free to come over to my house after school. My address is 67 Honeydew Lane, Greenwood."

I smiled then typed, "I'll see you soon, my pet." I hit send and pocketed my phone.

The rest of the day went by as normal. I learned, studied and hung out with my friends. Luckily, and because it was my final year, I got to leave the school after the seventh period. I headed to the parking lot, got into my muscle car and punched Mrs. Griffin's address into my satnav. Then I brought my engine to life and drove to her house.

Mrs. Griffin's house wasn't huge, but it looked beautiful. It had a white picket fence and all. Passersby probably had no idea of the drama that took place in that house. I stepped out of my car, walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

She didn't answer, so I rang it again a few more times. Eventually, she opened the door with a smile. My jaw nearly hit the floor. With her jewelry and glasses on and makeup applied perfectly, Mrs. Griffin wore pink lingerie, black thin highs and candy-pink high heels. She looked fucking fantastic.

I regained my composure. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry, sir. I was busy with something."

"You will be punished for making me wait."

"That's fair, sir." She nodded.

"Now get on your hands and knees and lead me to the living room."

I stepped inside, closed the door and she did as she was told. When we reached the living room I took a seat on her couch and placed my feet on her wooden coffee table. I looked around Mrs. Griffin's home. I had to admit, it looked as good on the inside as it did on the out. "Get on your feet," I said and she did. "The bra and panties are to come off, right now. But everything else is to stay on."

She reached behind her back, unclipped her bra and slid it down her smooth milky arms. She dropped it to the floor, hooked her thumbs into her waistband and pushed her panties to the floor, as well. I was pleased to see her pussy was as smooth as the rest of her body. "Good slut." I nodded. "Now get into the kitchen, pour me something to drink and fix me a sandwich. I'm starving."

"Yes, sir." She nodded and headed to the kitchen.

I picked up the remote control, switched on the TV and channel suffered as I waited. There was nothing interesting to watch so I flipped onto a music channel and relaxed on the couch. Eventually, Mrs. Griffin returned to the living room with what I had ordered. She placed my drink on the coffee table and handed me the plate. "Good girl. Now get back on your hands and knees like a good pet while I eat."

She did as she was told. I bit into my sandwich and watched Katy Perry as she sang and danced. Every now and then I looked down to Mrs. Griffin, whose concentration was on me. She looked super cute sitting on her calves while on her hands and knees - like a little puppy starving for attention. I broke off a piece of my sandwich and fed it to her. "You look so sexy, my pet."

She smiled. It was the first time in a while since I'd complimented her on her appearance.

"I don't want to lose you, you know. How does getting you a leash sound?"

Her eyes lit up as she nodded. "That sounds like a great idea, sir."

"All in due time, my pet." I stroked her hair.

Once I finished with my meal I made her crawl back to the kitchen with my glass and plate. As I waited for her, I removed my sneakers, socks, jeans, t-shirt and boxer briefs. Save for my watch and necklace, I was completely naked. I sat and waited for Mrs. Griffin to return.

Soon enough, she crawled back into the living room. Watching her tits sway back and forth caused my cock to swell. I motioned for her to come and kneel between my legs. She complied. I nudged my head forward and looked down towards my cock. She got the hint, spit in her hand and stroked my cock until it became an inflexible appendage.

Then she took my cockhead into her mouth as she looked me in the eye. I hummed. Mrs. Griffin bobbed her head up and down the first half of my shaft and worked her hand up and down the rest of it. I pushed her hair behind her ears. She popped me from her mouth. "Thank you, sir." She took me back in. I closed my eyes, let my head fall back and groaned as she continued to blow me.

I didn't know if she'd been practicing on a dildo or something, but her blowjob skills had come a long way. Her teeth were never a problem and she got more and more of my erection into her mouth with each pass. What's more, I was shocked when she eventually got my glans into her throat without my help. When did she learn how to deep throat? I sat back and enjoyed the ride.

Mrs. Griffin bobbed her head and then popped me from her red lips. She slid her tongue down the underside of my shaft then took my balls into her mouth. I groaned as my eyes rolled back. She sucked on my testicles before she spit them out. Then she slid her tongue back up my shaft, took my cockhead back between her jaws and bobbed her head up and down my entire length for the next few minutes.

Next she slid me from her jaws, took hold of her floppy tits and wrapped them around my cock. They felt awesome. She worked her double Ds up and down my cock, causing me to groan. Then she dropped her chin and licked my tip each time it peaked from her boobs. Somehow, she'd turned into a master of foreplay. I was impressed.

She continued to work her tits up and down, picking up speed as she did, until they were a blur. I soon felt my cock ready to erupt. I told her to stop and move back. Then I stood, placed a hand on her head and grasped my erection to stroke it. I grunted as my semen gushed from my cock, plastering her glasses, nose, forehead, cheeks and lips. Fuck, she looked sexy with her face covered in spunk.

Her one hand came up. I presumed she planned on wiping off my cum.

"Don't you dare," I said, causing her hand to stop. "That's to stay on until I leave."

"Okay, sir." She nodded and dropped her hand.

"Now, lead me to your bedroom and stay on all fours."

"Yes, master."

"Master?" My eyebrows rose. "I like the sound of that. That's what you'll refer to me as for now on. Expect in school. There you can just call me 'sir.'"

"Thank you, master."

She crawled to her bedroom and I followed her, watching her big bubble butt shake all the way. I noticed it still had marks from the day before. I had really done a number on her. After we got to the master bedroom I told her to bend over her king-sized bed, which she did.

"I still haven't forgotten about you making me wait outside for so long. And since I left my paddle in your classroom, I guess my hand will have to do." I struck her ass as hard as I could, causing her to let out a cry.

"That's one, master. And thank you, master."

"Good girl." I pulled my hand back and noticed I'd left a fresh handprint on her cheek. I smacked her ass again and again and again, reddening her buttocks further and causing her the yelp, count and thank me. After landing my final blow and her thanking me for it, I gently ran my hand up and down her abused ass cheeks. Then I gave one a squeeze and told her to get on the bed and lie on her back with her knees up and legs spread.

She followed orders. I got onto the bed and placed my head above her crouch. Mrs. Griffin had a beautiful looking vulva. Her labia were sealed and had a nice swell to them. I ran my tongue up her slit and then brought it back down just before I touched her swollen clit. I could taste her wetness. She also smelt of baby powder.

I ran my tongue back up her slit and drew a light circle around her clit, avoiding contact. Then I ran my tongue back down her labia and pushed it inside her opening. Mrs. Griffin groaned. "Yes, master. Thank you, master." She panted. I pushed my tongue in and out her pussy and wiggled it each time I was inside her. She tasted superb.

I slid my tongue back up her pussy lips and brushed a circle around her clit again. She whined. I continued to slowly slide my tongue up and down her labia, dip it inside her and circle her clit every now and then. Eventually I took her button between my lips and sucked on it as I drove my middle and forefinger inside her opening. "Aaaaahhh, sir! That great." She panted.

I pushed and pulled my fingers between her wet folds as I continued to suck her clit and flick it with my tongue, which went on for a while. Then I withdrew my fingers and used the juices on them to draw circles around her rosebud. Mrs. Griffin moaned. I pulled my head back, spit on her asshole and then drove my fingers inside it as I shoved my tongue into her pussy. "Oh my God! Master!"

I think I might be turning Mrs. G into a heathen.

As I finger fucked her asshole I pulled my tongue from her other hole and sucked her clit back between my lips. She squirmed and whimpered. "Cum for me, Carol." I sucked her clit. "Cum with my mouth on your pussy." I continued to suck her clit and move my finger in and out her rear hole for the next few minutes. Then as I shoved my thumb into her pussy I rapidly flicked my tongue over her swollen button.

"Aaaaahhhh! Master, I'm cu- aaaaahhhhh!" Her back arched as the walls of her asshole constricted around my fingers. I'd reached my goal and my erection was back to full strength. I pulled my fingers out her, crawled up the bed and got on my knees. Then I took hold of my erection and slapped it against her labia and clit.

"Master," she moaned with her eyes closed.

"Yes, my pet." I continued to smack her vulva.

"Mmmmmm, what are you doing to me?"

"What do you think?" My eyebrows rose. "I'm not gonna stick this cock inside you until you ask me to."

"Mmmmmm, master," she whined as her head thrashed.

"I'm not gonna do it until you ask me to."


"It's only five words." I rubbed her clit with my cockhead.


"Five little words."

"Mmm, okay, do it, master! Stick your cock inside me!"

That was all I needed to hear. I grasped my shaft, placed its tip at her entrance and shoved my way home, causing Mrs. Griffin to gasp and then scream. I withdrew my hips and drove my cock all the way back inside her. I kept at it, going slowly at first and then worked my way up to a brisk pace. Soon I pounded her into the bed and dropped my head to suckle, bite, pull and twist on her nipples. Fuck, she tasted good, and the perfume she wore was intoxicating.

"Fuck me, master! Fuck me like the whore I am! Oooohh!"

"Oh. Yes. Mrs. G." I plowed her and caused our flesh to clap. I was also surprised to hear her use this kind of language. "Who's a dirty fucking whore, Mrs. G?

"I'm a dirty fucking whore."

"Who's a slut for my cock?"

"I'm a slut for your cock, master."

"And who's my brand new cum dumpster?"

"I am, sir! I'm your slut! Your whore! Your bitch! Your cum dumpster and everything else you want me to be."

"Good girl." I firmly thrust my cock inside her a few more times then placed my hands under her underarms and rolled to the side until she was on top. "Ride me, my whore."

"With pleasure, my master." She placed her hands on my chest, pushed up until only my cockhead remained between her pussy lips and then dropped back down. She bounced off my lap and impaled herself again and again and again. I loved watching her big tits jiggle as she did.

I raised my hands and squeezed and pulled on her nipples. She moaned with her eyes closed as she kept bouncing. I sat up, placing my hands on her back, and sucked on her nipples for a little while longer. Then I fell back and watched as she rode me. It was a captivating sight. She almost looked like a bull rider. Minutes later, I told her to get on all fours.

Once she did I got behind her, grasped my erection and slotted my glans between her pussy lips. Then I took hold of her hips, thrust my own and pounded her from behind. Mrs. Griffin grunted each time my pelvis crashed against her ass. I gave it to her hard and pulled her hips back so she could meet each one of my thrusts. Then I grabbed her hair, tugged on it and kept thrusting.

"Oh my God! I fucking love this, master." She groaned. "My boring husband only used to - aaaahh - fuck me in - mmmmm - in the missionary position. Ooooo!"

I continued crashing my pelvis against her buttocks. I was a little surprised I'd managed to fuck her this long and hard without busting. But when I thought about it, it always took a while for me to ejaculate a second time. I thrust into Mrs. Griffin a few more vigorous times and then pulled out of her. I flipped her onto her back, reached for a pillow and placed it under the small of her back.

I hooked her legs over my shoulders, grasped my shaft and slotted it back inside her. Then I resumed thrusting my hips and burying my cock. Mrs. Griffin's tits jiggled back and forth. I did think I'd ever tire of the sight. I grasped her ankles, leaded forward and pushed her candy-pink heel covered feet past her head.

"Aaahh, fuck me hard, master. Fuck me good and hard."

I did as she requested and plowed her until she screamed into my ear, almost deafening me. At the same time, I felt the walls of her pussy contract around my shaft. It was a wondrous feeling and caused my orgasm to come rushing in. I thrust past her labia about five more times and then bottomed inside her before I let loose.

I groaned. My cock pulsated, eyes rolled back and leg muscles tightened as my balls were drained of whatever amount of semen they had left. Once I came back down from my high, I rolled off Mrs. Griffin and exhaled loudly. "Wow," I said, "that was incredible."

"I know." She snuggled up next to me and threw an arm over my stomach as she rested her head on my chest. "You made me cum three times. Thank you very much, master."

I grinned. "You're welcome, my pet." I stroked her face. We lay in silence. Then I said, "So why didn't you come to school today?"

"It's because I knew you planned on taking my final hole today, master. And I preferred for you to do it in the comfort of my home and not some cold classroom."

"Okay." I nodded. "And where's Pastor David?"

She thought. "He should be at the church, right now" - she drew what felt like hearts on my chest - "but I suspect him to be with Kevin Mitchell."

"That wouldn't surprise me."

We lay in silence. Then she said, "Master."

"My pet."

"Do you really think I'm just some old hag with three holes to fuck?"

"Of course I don't. You're one of the most beautiful women I know. I've been dying to fuck you for a while, and when I got the opportunity I had to take it."

She tightened her grip on me. "Thank you, master."

I thought. "You know what else?"

"What, master?"

"You're finally free, Mrs. G. I'm gonna delete that video of your husband and picture of you on my phone. You don't have to worry about me sending them to anyone. In fact, you never had to."

"Thank you, master." She didn't sound as happy as I thought she'd be.

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

"It was" - she nodded - "but I don't want to stop being your pet. I meant it when I said I want to be your cum dumpster."

I smiled. The final part of my plan was complete - get her to be my willing fuck toy. To be honest, I didn't think I could pull that one off. "You're not worried about being married anymore?"

"Mm-mm." Her head shook. "I actually plan on leaving David. I'm sick of his bullshit."

My eyebrows rose. "Good for you."

"...So, what else do you have in store for me, master?"

I thought. "Hmmm, I'm not quite sure. But if you're a good girl, I promise you'll love what I come up with."

She shook with excitement. "I can't wait."

Mrs. Griffin and I continued making small talk as we recovered from our first round. But then I told her to get between my legs and induce my cock into getting back up. With a spring in her step she got into position, grasped my flaccid cock and then took it inside her mouth. She slowly bobbed her head as she used her one hand to massage my balls. She slid me from her mouth, "I've been reading on the internet how to do this." She smiled. "I've even been practicing on a cucumber."

"It shows."

She took my cock back between her jaws and resumed bobbing her head. Roughly two minutes later, blood flowed to my cock and it swelled between her lips. I loved the submissive look in her chocolate eyes as she looked into my own eyes. Before the next minute struck my shaft was made of steel again. She continued bobbing her head and got my cockhead into her throat. Mrs. Griffin was a champion.

A little while later, I told her to face the other way and get back on my cock. Ever the willing sub, she slid me from her jaws and got into position. She took hold of my erection, dropped her hips and got the head of my cock inside her. Her hips dropped further and she took the rest of my cock in with a groan. She bounced off my lap and got into a steady bouncing rhythm. I soon thrust my pelvis up to meet her each time she dropped."Oooh my, mas-ter." She panted, "Your - big - cock - feels - so - goooood!"

She rode me reverse cowgirl style for the next few minutes. And then, without dislodging me, she spun and faced me. Her face came down and she merged our lips, causing my stomach to do backflips. I'd given her a small peck the day before, but this was our first official kiss. Which was a little weird, considering I'd already been in all three of her holes. I wondered how many other people had only kissed after they fucked. I doubted it was many.

Mrs. Griffin's tongue pushed past my lips and tangoed with my own tongue for a while. We then moved our tongues into her mouth and had them play inside there. I'd kissed a lot of girls before Mrs. Griffin, but it's hard to explain in words how this kiss made me feel. It was definitely my favorite and one I'd remember and cherish forever. When she pulled her head back, she continued bouncing on my lap.

Again my eyes fell on her jiggling mature tits. I couldn't get over the show they put on. With her eyes closed and mouth open, Mrs. Griffin kept riding my erection. She looked sexy as fuck and looked like she was in a world of bliss. What's more, I loved the fact I could see my dried spunk on her face and glasses. I'd gotten me a MILF who was worthy of being a porn star.

A little while later, she leaned over and said, "I really enjoyed having you in my asshole yesterday. Do you wanna stick your cock inside it again?"

I grinned. "You know I do."

"Okay, master." She smiled and raised her hips until my shaft slipped from her. "Too bad I left the K-Y Jelly in my classroom." She climbed off the bed. "It really worked well, but I've got something else we can use." She walked over to her large closet, opened it and pulled out a bottle of body lotion. She tossed it to me as she climbed back on top of the bed.

"I want you on your back, my pet."

"Yes, master." She did as she was told, with her head at the foot of the bed.

I uncapped the lotion and squirted it onto my middle and forefinger. The smell of coconuts filled my nostrils. I made my way over to Mrs. Griffin and told her to put her knees onto her chest. Once she did I rubbed the lotion onto her sphincter. Then I squeezed more of the cream into my palm and stroked it onto my cock.

With her knees still on her chest, I placed the tip of my erection against her asshole and thrust my hips. She groaned as I slipped inside her with ease. But my cock still felt like it was in a vice grip. I placed my hands on the back of her knees - over her hands and black thigh highs. Then I thrust myself the rest of the way inside her. I bounced off Mrs. Griffin's crotch and continued plummeting into her rear hole.

I butt fucked her long and hard and enjoyed the sounds she made as she moaned, groaned, grunted and yelped, "Oh master!" I didn't think I'd ever get over this day. Mrs. G was without a doubt the best fuck I'd ever had. "Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah," she cried each time I bottomed inside her. Then she let out a loud wail and cried, "I'm cumming, master! Oh, God! I'm cumming with your cock up asshole!"

Her back passage tightened around my shaft, triggering the approach of my orgasm. I withdrew from her, got vertical and stroked my cock until I came. It being my third orgasm, only four runny spurts were expelled. The first two of which splashed on her left tit. The next landed on her stomach and last dropped on her mons. That was so fucking good. I exhaled loudly as I wiped my forehead,