"What's THAT!!!"

Jake Czerna winced so hard that the spoonful of cereal he was about to bring to his mouth splattered across the kitchen table. There was so much aggression in his mother's exclamation that it got him nervous in an eyeblink. Irina Czerna was usually of a reserved nature, but Jake had also seen her furious. Then she didn't come across as a middle-aged woman, but as a snarling leopardess, ready to bite a neck. Not someone to be messed with if you didn´t have to.

The scream had come from the side door. He jumped up and hurried in that direction. The door was open, and his mother was eyeing her car, hands clasped in front of her face. The VW Beetle convertible that she guarded like the apple of her eye had a significant scratch on the right front fender.

Irina wheeled around, her blond curls dancing. "That was YOU!" she screamed, eyes narrowed. "I give you my car so you can hang out with your friends, and you scratch it!"

"Uh, no..." stuttered Jake, taking a step back. To his knowledge, he hadn't hit anything last night. However, he did have a beer and had been pretty tired on the way back.

"Who then, huh?" Irina put her hands on her hips and made a hissing sound that would have repelled an attacking alligator. "Do you know how much that costs? At least a grand. Guess what? I don´t have that kind of money just lying around."

"I...I didn't do that." Jake hated how defensive he sounded. But before his mother's concentrated rage, he felt small and puny. "I'm sure I didn't hit anything with the..."

"Stop it!" His mother closed her eyes and took a deep breath, slowly. "I have to go. But this, this has consequences. You're broke, as usual, and you can't take this on. So you're going to work off the damages."

"Work it off?" That didn't sound good at all.

"Exactly." Irina grinned wickedly at him. "I'll be generous and pay twenty bucks an hour. That will make fifty hours of work."

"Fifty?" He blinked in disbelief.

"What's the problem? You're just sitting around at home playing computer games anyway, because you don't know what you're going to do now that High School is over."


"No buts! You're starting today. On Wednesday, Harry can lend us his van for the bulk waste. When I come back around six o´clock, you'll have the basement cleaned out. And tip-top, if you please. You can store anything that needs to go here in the carport."

"The basement?" Jake gulped. The cellar of the small end-of-row house was a nightmare everyone avoids to go into unless it was absolutely neccessary. For many years, the basement had been used as a quick storage place for everything that was no longer wanted upstairs. It was totally cluttered by now.

"You have nine hours." Irina looked at her watch.

"But I have a date with Jason and Tick today --"

He broke off. His mother's face was suddenly right in front of his nose, her eyes formed into slits. She was breathing with labored control, he registered. Her teeth were grinding. She was half a head shorter than him, but it felt like she was staring down at him.

"Uh - it's okay. I'll do it. I'm...I'm sorry." His voice was down to a whisper. He took a step back, hating himself for it.

"Nine hours!"

His mother straightened up and got into her precious car. With one last, menacing look through the windshield, she started the car and rolled backward out of the carport and through the driveway gate, which opened automatically. A roar of the engine, and she was gone.

"What a fucking mess," Jake groaned, rubbing his face. His beautiful Saturday, for crying out loud. And that was only nine hours today. Forty-one hours of slave work remained. The hitherto wonderfully relaxed time between High School and whatever was going to come afterwards had taken a serious knock.

First, he munched on his cereal and wrote a message to his friends via Whatsapp. Immediately came condolences, mixed with sneering remarks. Offers of help, on the other hand: None whatsoever. He threw the smartphone on the table and snorted.

"All right. The basement," he muttered and headed for the stairwell. "No problem. I can handle this."

For half a minute he thought about quickly satisfying himself with the help of an online clip, just to blow off a little steam. When you're 18 years old and you never had a girlfriend, when it's been more than ten hours since your last wank, and when you are alone the whole day, this is a logical idea. Almost compelling! He had seen so many jerk-off videos lately, he considered himself a kind of porn expert by now. Wasn´t there any bachelor´s degree out there based on kinky knowledge?

No! Face it like a man!, he told himself. If you lay one finger on your cock, it will cost you two or three hours in the end. She will explode like a nuke if the basement is in a mess the time she comes back.

With a deep sigh he went downstairs. He flicked on the light and looked around. His courage sank. Next to the stairs was a small boiler room, kept reasonably clear. But the rest, an L-shaped room of at least five hundred square feet, looked like a chaotic maze. Shelves ran along the walls, crammed with boxes, crates, sacks and other things. But you couldn't reach them at all, because the entire space in the middle was also taken up by stacks, piles and boxes, adventurously layered to room-high works of abstract art. It smelled musty and of dust. Two bare light bulbs provided just enough light to properly set off the chaos.

"First of all, out. Everything has to go out of here," he spoke to himself, rolling up his sleeves. In situations like this, it was better to just throw himself into the work and not think too much. He grabbed the first box, which creaked and squeaked as he lifted it, and heaved it up the stairs.

Saturday stretched into a nightmare. For hours he lugged ancient stuff upstairs, briefly sifted through the contents of the containers, and sorted them into different piles in the carport. "Keep" was on the far right, then came "Ask Mother" next to that, "Donate," and to the left, "Trash."

By lunchtime, he had the central chaos somewhat under control and continued with the shelves. On one wall he found old building material, tiles and ancient board games. He moved that, too, into the carport, as well as the dried-up paint buckets, a box of wires and cables, and lamps that looked suspiciously ´80s. His back ached and he felt all the muscles in his body. If he hadn't been going to the gym regularly for years, he probably wouldn't have been able to do this.

He made himself a sandwich and went right back to work. Time stretched into a tunnel of carrying, sifting, sorting and coughing, with all the dust kicked up. This is how old Sisyphus must have felt, he thought.

In the afternoon, he worked his way through the shelves. It was unbelievable what was stored there. Moving boxes with children's clothes of his. A box of his Legos that he didn't want anymore when he turned fourteen. Old dishes, more clothes. A whole plastic box of old, half-burned candles, probably the legacy of several Christmas decorations. His mother attached great importance to real candles, she hated electric lights on the Christmas tree like the plague. Must be some kind of childhood sentimentality, he guessed, remaining from her first years in the old Czech Republic.

Around three o'clock, he had to realize that he would by no means get everything done that day. So Sunday would have to go, too. Fuck! Sighing, he scratched his dusty hair and limited himself to just briefly sifting through the last shelves, mentally sorting their content. Old canning jars. Fashion magazines from the ´90s. A kitchen lamp with outdated light bulbs. A half-full bag of potting soil. Soon he would come across the Nazi gold, the Ark of the Covenant, and Atlantis, for sure.

Finally he was completely through and pulled the last box from the lowest shelf at the very back. Groaning, he straightened up, grateful it didn´t weigh much. His back felt like it was about to snap. He held the find under the light bulb and turned it back and forth.

A wooden casket of some sort with a domed lid. A large combination lock held the thing closed. But when he tentatively pulled, the metal hooks where the lock was attached came loose and broke from the dried wood with almost no resistance. Carefully, he removed the debris and flipped open the lid.

On top lay a black dildo.

Jake stared wide-eyed. What in the world was that? With bated breath, he rummaged through the box. Old documents, a contract. A picture of his mother at a young age. She was laughing brightly into the camera. A smile came to his lips of its own accord. He had hardly ever seen her as carefree and livid as she seemed here.

There was also a blindfold in the box, and a DVD with the word "Claudio" and a little heart written on it with a felt-tip pen.

Jake's heart suddenly beat faster. Claudio -- could it be that...?

His mother was sixteen years old when she became pregnant with him, he knew. She had never revealed his father's name, neither to her horrified parents, nor to him. He only overheard once that she had been madly in love with him and had seduced him.


Stunned, he took the find and brought it upstairs. He washed his dirty hands and put the box on the low table in the living room. Then he took out the dildo and looked at it with fascination. The thing was made of a hard rubber compound. It bent a little and offered a pleasantly yielding surface. But when you pressed deeper into it, you felt hardness. Not so far off the real thing, he thought with a grin.

He chuckled sheepishly as he put it aside. As far back as he could remember, his mother hadn't been into sex. Yeah, she seemed really uptight to him. Even though she was only thirty-five, she wanted nothing to do with men or relationships. Maybe because of her experience getting pregnant so early? She lived for him, for her little house, and for work. Rarely did she go out, and then with a girlfriend or colleagues.

Jake shook his head. Imagining his mother with a dildo was like envisioning the Pope with a machine gun. She worked in the back office of a small insurance company and dressed demurely, to put it mildly. Her standard outfit included bagged pants, a loose blouse, and a cardigan over it.


With a breath, he took the DVD and slid it into the slot of the player. It rattled automatically and the screen lit up. Jake sat down on the edge of the sofa so as not to soil the upholstery too much with the dust from his clothes. He just wanted to take a quick look. One minute!

A flicker, then came the picture. Streaky and flickering. It looked as if it was originally recorded on a video cassette and had then been copied onto the DVD. Music began, light piano tunes. The view of a villa appeared. Old walls, thickly overgrown with ivy and other plants, but recognizably well maintained. Jake frowned. A feature film?

"Silver Monkey Film Presents:" appeared as pink lettering across the image. "Alexa Hottie and Claudio di Spinola in: SEDUCTIVE SALES PITCHES."

Jake felt his eyes widen. That almost sounded like a....

A new scene. A dark sedan rolled up and stopped. A man in his thirties got out and looked around. He wore a tightly tailored suit with a tie and sunglasses. An Italian, by complexion, hair color and face. He took off his glasses and pressed the bell button next to the wrought-iron double gate.

A young woman in business attire stepped out and approached the gat, hips swinging. A wild, red curly mane danced down to her hips. She smiled at the visitor and opened the gate with a welcoming gesture. The camera zoomed in close, showing her face and full bosom, the latter tightly packed under a top and her jacket.

A groan escaped Jake's throat. That was Irina, his mother! True, she was made up to beyond, with crazy-long eyelashes and garish lipstick, and she looked far younger than she did today. Perhaps he would not have made the connection if he had happened to see the film by chance somewhere else. But on a DVD with his mother's handwriting on it, there was no mistaking her identity.

"Hi. You're my three o'clock appointment?" he heard the young woman say on the screen. Or rather girl: she couldn't have been much older than he himself was today, at eighteen. That was clearly his mother's voice, even if it carried a smoky undertone he didn't recognize from her.

"That's me." The Italian smiled winningly and gave a small bow. "Claudio di Spinola. My family is interested in the estate." He took Irina's hand and with an elegant gesture he pressed a kiss on it.

"I am Alexa, from Elysium Estate Limited. Come in." Irina gave him a radiant smile. "I'll show you everything."

"Everything?" The man raised an eyebrow ironically. Irina laughed and pulled him in with a lascivious look in her eyes. The gate closed behind the two of them.

"I can´t believe it!" breathed Jake. "She was in a porno? My mother?"

He followed the film absorbed. At least at the beginning, it tried to look like a real feature film. Sultry music, and it was shown how the woman led her visitor across the path and around the house. She pointed to various things and explained something, but the man clearly showed more interest in her than in the property. Again and again his gaze slid over the exciting forms of the girl.

Irina looked truly ravishing. The skimpy dress in a royal blue contrasted sharply with the bright red curls, and between them shone the white of her top, stretching tightly around her bosom: full, high-set breasts with nipples visible beneath the fabric. The elastic skirt clung tightly to her thighs and indecently mapped the contours of her body. Even the hint of the Venus mound was identifiable.

But what fascinated Jake most was her facial expression. So young, so detached, so serene! She liked being filmed, and she also liked her co-actor. Her eyes shone warmly when she looked up at him. Where had this Irina gone? When had she turned into the buttoned-down woman he knew as his mother?

"Beautiful, all of it," Claudio finally nodded, his eyes on his partner. "I'm very interested."

"I'm glad to hear." She smiled up at him and took a breath so deep that her chest threatened to burst the clothing. "Is there anything else you'd like to see?"

"Yes. This."

With that, the man slipped the jacket off her shoulder and tossed it onto a nearby bench. Irina brushed her hair back and moved lasciviously. In the sleeveless top and skimpy skirt, she displayed the figure of a Barbie doll, with a swooping, feminine shape and an improbably thin waist.

Jake felt his mouth go dry. Everything urged him to jump up and pull the DVD out of the player before anything more happened. But at the same time, he knew that no power in the world would stop him from watching this movie to the end.

His mother! So young and radiantly beautiful. Unbelievable!

With effort he gathered his thoughts. Claudio could not be his father. The movie-Irina was young, but recognizably older than sixteen. Nineteen or twenty, he guessed. The video had to have been made three or four years after his birth. But he was far less interested in his possible father than in his mother right now.

The music swelled, and the couple kissed. Once again, Jake had the impression that there was more between the two than just a professional relationship among colleagues. They were making out so persistently and tenderly that they might as well have been real lovers. Or maybe they actually were, back then. Claudio with a heart!

There were taut muscles under the Italian's jacket. He clasped Irina around the middle and lifted her freely until she was standing on the little bench. A close-up as he kissed the buxom top and pressed his lips into the tender flesh. The woman turned slightly and pushed a breast tip into his mouth. Immediately after, she moaned so devotedly that the gentle throbbing in Jake's pants swelled to pulsating tightness. The erotic tension of the footage swept him along like a steam locomotive gradually gathering speed.

With an impatient sound, Irina pulled her top over her head. Very carefully, Jake noticed. No wonder, the fiery red curls had to be a wig. He didn't remember his mother ever having grown her hair that long or dyed it that colour.

Now she pranced around on the little bench in a white lace bra. The man kissed her and turned his attention back to her breasts. He nibbled at the curve and squeezed one side demandingly so that the fullness bulged teasingly up her cleavage. Then he pulled the hem of the left cup down with his index finger. The camera zoomed in, showing a nipple, swollen hard and red.

Jake gasped and involuntarily put his hand on his erection as he looked at his young mother's bud erect with arousal. The aureoles also looked hard and stimulated, with small bumps all around. Overall, the nipple formed a large cone, looking all too tempting.

"Beautiful!" the man murmured, freeing her completely from the bra. Irina stretched her arms above her head and turned in front of him with a winning smile. Her brimming breasts jutted out like assault weapons, so young and full and round. Greedily Claudio grasped them and rolled the buxom flesh to his heart's content.

Jake´s hand itched, he almost felt his mother's tit under his fingers. He gulped and pushed this impression aside, as the thought made him wince with discomfort. Did his mother really look that great? When had he actually seen her naked for the last time? He couldn't remember, it must have been many years ago.

Irina always made a point of coming out of the bathroom in the morning already dressed and styled. She slept upstairs, while he had the small room downstairs to the back, and with its own shower. Even on weekends, his mother always wore at least a robe or jogging clothes. And since she tolerated sun very badly, she never went with him to the swimming pool or the beach.

He pushed these considerations to the background. The man now zipped off her skirt and turned her around. Irina braced herself with her hands against the outer wall of the villa and pushed her bare bottom out. He eagerly grabbed it and petted the fleshy globes, with a blue thong stretching along between them. As he did so, he kissed down her spine, deeper and deeper, until he reached her bottom and licked broadly over both buttocks.

Irina sighed contentedly and lifted first one, then the other foot as he slipped off her thong and stepped out. Again the camera zoomed in as he pulled her bottom apart and stared between them with a look of lustful hunger. Jake groaned involuntarily. He looked from behind at his mother's bulging pussy. At red curved labia, which had already opened a little. Between them it shimmered moistly. And just above there was the bashful funnel of her anus, a little darker than the surrounding skin.

There was no other way. Jake simply had to open his pants and free his aching cock. He refrained from surrounding it, but just patted his hard-on a little. The running time of the movie was about fourty-five minutes, and he didn't want to explode too soon. The question of what else he was about to see from his mother made him shift restlessly back and forth on the sofa. A wild mix of curiosity, lust, and pangs of guilt swirled in his chest. After all, this was not some random porn model. This was his mother!Next, the scene went on to oral action. Claudio kissed Irina from behind on the pussy and then licked her devotedly. She moaned and gyrated her pelvis, recognizably horny from this action. Either she portrayed the arousal more believably than a Hollywood actress, or she was really keen on having sex with the guy.

Claudio grabbed her around the waist and pushed her down. When she was kneeling on the bench, still in the same provocative position, he opened his pants. Delighted he took out a big, bulging cock and drilled it from behind into his partner's wet pussy without transition. The redhead threw her hair back and emitted a rutting sound of pleasure. Very slowly, the fucking began, their bodies pressed against each other rocking back and forth.

Jake swallowed and started to jerk in the same rhythm. He tried to push aside the fact that this yummy darling was his own mother and to watch her as just another actress. It didn´t work out really well. The forbidden thought of touching the flesh of Irina Czerna, mother of Jake Czerna, added extra sparks to his lust, if he was honest with himself.

It was so easy to imagine he was in place of the performer, and he now had his dong buried in this young, tight body. Yet he didn't know this at all from his own experience. He had never slept with a woman before. A little smooching and a small, fabric-covered breast under his fingers, that was all he had ever known.

"And why?" flashed through his mind. How often he had to listen to her sneers and snorts when he was with a girl? Hadn't she always preached to him that "later" there would be plenty of time and opportunity to take care of women? That he should concentrate on his high school diploma first?

And now this! His life, the family, the upheld values - it all suddenly seemed like a sham. A shabby house of cards that was about to collapse. He felt disappointed, even betrayed.

Thus distracted from pleasure, he rummaged in the box with his lips pinched together. He pulled out the contract. The letterhead read "Vera Fisher - Escort Service Royal Crown, New York."

"What, she worked as an escort too?" he breathed, stunned. He quickly stuffed the paper back into the wooden box. Whatever was still inside, he didn't want to know. To distract himself, he focused on the screen again. Nevertheless, it was hammering between his temples: "My mother was a whore! My mother was an actual whore!"

Claudio pulled out his thick cock and helped Irina to her feet. She took him by the hand and led him to the front door with a promising smile. As soon as it closed behind the couple, they sank into a wild make-out session in the hallway. Then they went into the living room, where he undressed himself while she stretched out on a brilliant white leather sofa.

The man looked good, he had to give him that. Tall and broad-shouldered and well-toned muscles all over. Jake felt a twinge. He worked out four or five times a week, too, but Brad, the manager of the gym, had recently shaken his head disdainfully. "You can do whatever you want, Jake," he had grumbled. "You just belong to the sinewy type. You're tough as a car tire, but to really build muscle, you'd have to eat a lot more protein and swallow some anabolic steroids."

"Should I be doing that?" he had asked. "I'm of age now. I can decide that for myself."

"Only if you don't care that your wiener shrinks." Brad had grinned broadly at him. "Otherwise, no."

He glanced at the dildo. It felt like that. Taut and tough, like a car tire - it was made of a rubber compound, after all. What a shame! Why couldn't he look as wonderfully massive and masculine as this Claudio guy?

The two were now fucking on the sofa, in missionary position. Irina had her arms wrapped around the man's neck and was clinging tightly. Her facial expression with closed eyes showed blissful rapture, caught by the camera again and again in close-up. In between sequences in long shot, as he worked between the wide open thighs. Or a zoom how the cock sank rhythmically into the bulging lower lips and emerged again.

Then they stood up, probably at the direction of the invisible director. Irina stepped behind the sofa and folded her upper body over the backrest in a provocative manner. Claudio came to around and fucked her from behind while standing, both paws holding her hips. The camera showed the action from above, which included his mother's spread anus. The man stroked his thumb over it from time to time.

Jake jerked off faster. Ah, how he would like to service a woman like this, to thrust so uninhibitedly. How awesome it must feel to spoil a willing partner like this. Would he ever be granted to experience this? And should he be worried because he was fantasizing more and more about sex with his mother? Well, no danger there, he decided. This was just a virtual echo of a young girl, not really his parent, right?

New change of position. Claudio released himself and stretched out on a high-pile white carpet. Irina knelt over him and put his dick under her. Then she staked herself on it, with a deep moan, and rode off. Her abdomen rolled back and forth so full of desire, this had to be more than just for show. She was aroused to the max, she really wanted this.

The couple paid no attention to anything going on the outside of their locked eye contact. Claudio grabbed his girl and rolled her around, under him. He fucked her harder as she wrapped her thighs around his pumping hips. The camera moved closer, peering between his slightly spread thighs. His balls quivered with each thrust, and below them the woman's open genital, taken rough.

With a lustful groan, Irina stretched her arms up above her head and shivered. She closed her eyes and surrendered completely to her partner's onslaught. Claudio came up for a moment, turned her over, and penetrated her again, as she lay on the stomach, thighs in a wide V. He grabbed her by the shoulders and intensified his pace.

Automatically, Jake sped up, too. His fist went up and down, with reduced pressure. The lust built up in his loins, on the one hand old and familiar, but on the other new and different. He had never been so aroused watching porn. Blissful he leaned back and jerked off harder. By now he didn't care if he got the sofa dirty as hell.

Claudio got on his knees and pulled Irina's hips up with him until her ass jutted perkily upward. He continued thrusting into her, the girl's body hanging relaxed in front of him, quivering with each thrust. Finally, he grabbed her by the sides and forced her into an upright position in front of him. Her willowy body arched into an overstretched C, which made her rib and breasts stand out in a delightful way.

Again Jake marveled at his mother's young, blooming body. The camera hovered close, showing her rapturous smile, eyes still closed. Then it slid down the girl's body. The tautly arched lower belly showed a few barely discernible stretch marks above a nakedly shaved mound of Venus.

Jake grinned. Those marks were probably his fault. Admirable how his mother had brought her body back into shape after his birth, he reflected. You really couldn't tell that this woman had already given birth - unless you knew.

When the camera arrived at the genitals, Claudio pulled back. His glans slipped out wetly, and the open entrance of the vagina dominated the screen. A fleshy, red tunnel led into dark depths. The inside twitched, thickly coated with transparent fluid.

The man remained in the kneeling position but turned her around so she was crouched over him. In this position he thrust in again and pressed her against him, both hands clasped around her ass. Irina rocked on top of him, riding him, panting audibly. The two of them rested their foreheads against each other, looking deep into each other's eyes as they fucked with consumingly hard thrusts. Not for long, their body language said.

A shot from behind, right on Irina's ass. Claudio pulled her buttocks apart and reached between them, massaging her anus. She gasped and rode him even more lasciviously, her pelvis going up and down. The red curls flew around her waist.

Jake flattened himself deeper into the sofa and spread his thighs. His face glowed, his cock whimpered with longing for release, heated to the max by the shameless sight of his mother´s twitching rear entrance. But he held back, for his gut told him that --

There! Irina arched back, far, until her spine resembled a tensed bow. She let out a thin cry, her thighs began to tremble. Claudio held her carefully, not slowing the thrusts. And then the young woman snapped forward, bumping against his massive chest, clinging helplessly to him as her whole body jerked and worked convulsively.

Jake roared up and came, washed away by the bottomless lust that had built up inside him. He barely managed to hold one hand in front of his cock before it shot out white, multiple times, and his cum formed a warm pool in his curved fingers. He moaned and shuddered, enjoying the glorious orgasm to the best of his ability, his eyes fixed firmly on the screen where his young mother hung equally in the grip of ecstasy...

A sound. Footsteps. A startled cry. Distracted, Jake turned his head, still completely caught up in his pulsing lust.

His mother stood beside the sofa, one hand cupped in front of her pale face. Her gaze went back and forth between the TV and her son, who hung limp on the sofa, his throbbing, drooling cock in his fingers, the other hand formed to a bowl full of fuck juice.

"Uh...hello...didn't, uh, hear you come at all..."

He shut his mouth before he could say something really stupid. Irina didn't pay any attention to him. She looked at the casket on the table and the papers inside. With a resigned sigh, she bowed her head and closed her eyes. She swayed and dropped into the armchair at her side. Silence hung in the room, broken only by the guttural sounds of pleasure from the TV speaker.

Jake stared at his mother, the loose cardigan she wore, the shapeless skirt. He couldn't move a muscle. When he felt his cum running through his fingers, he smeared the pool onto his shirt without thinking about it. Mega embarrassing, but still better than messing up the carpet or the sofa. A warm stain formed on his stomach as the fluid soaked the shirt.

Irina opened her eyes and watched him, expressionless. She looked dead tired.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Jake breathed, his cheeks burning like fire. "I - I found this, and I was curious. I - wouldn't have, hrm..."

"So you know everything," Irina whispered, snorting bitterly. "Great!"

"I don't know anything," he retorted, suddenly filled with anger. "Why didn't you ever tell me that you...that you..."

"That I was once a hooker?" She laughed humorlessly. "Not exactly the sort of thing to tell your adolescent son, is it?"

"But..." He raised his hands in a gesture of helplessness. "Why?"

She gritted her teeth. "Listen!" she growled. "When my parents came to New Jersey from Czechia, I was four years old, my little brother Miroslav was two. We had nothing, and then our father died early. I worked in a store when I was twelve, because we needed the money. And then I got pregnant with you. Do you think I could have chosen that?"

"No, but..."

Taking a deep breath, Irina straightened bolt upright and fixed him with stony eyes. "I'm not proud of it," she shifted, "but I could never have bought this house without the money. I did it for five years. A back-breaking job. For you, among other things."

"Oh, yeah?" Jake's resentment rose. Was she going to blame him now? "On the video, it looks like you're having a lot of fun!"

"And you look like you had even more fun watching your mother fucking!" she cried in a tippy voice, after a withering glance at his now rapidly shriveling member.

"I...I..." For the life of him, he couldn't think of a suitable response.

Irina buried her face in her hands. Her bent back signaled resignation. "Go take a shower," he heard her muffled voice. "We'll talk later."

Jake scrambled to his feet and fled. Only when he had thrown the bathroom door shut behind him and he saw his face in the mirror, did he allow himself the gasp that rushed out of his chest. He looked down at his fingers. Sticky spunk hung between them, pulling strings when he spread them.

"What a turd!" he cursed, ripping off his clothes. Heart pounding, he climbed into the ancient bathtub and pulled the shower curtain closed. He turned the water extra-hot and let it bubble over his head for ages. To no avail. The images in it chased each other, a tangle of inextricable feelings pulsed through his veins. He didn't even try to sort it out somehow.

Finally, he sighed and took the shampoo, washing himself thoroughly from head to toe. The guillotine would fall, sometime tonight. It was better to come to his own execution well-groomed, he told himself in bitter gallows humor. Would his mother throw him out? Or increase his workload from fifty to five hundred or five thousand hours? Disinherit him?

He heard the bathroom door open and close. The shower curtain rattled aside.

"You want to see your mother naked?" hissed Irina. "Here you go! Look at me! No more eye candy, is there?"

Perplexed, Jake wiped the water from his eyes and stared at his mother. She stood stark naked in front of the tub, her hands on her hips. His gaze slid over full breasts, now a little fuller and hanging lower than on the video. She sported a gently curved belly and a wild bush of dark blond pubic hair. The waist still looked good, though no longer as excitingly narrow as in the video. The thighs also were a little meatier.

He blinked. His mother looked really nice. A grown woman. Still young at thirty-five, and endowed with full, feminine curves and an clear, heart-shaped face. What was she actually trying to tell him with this twisted action?

"You're pretty, Mama," he burst out. "Very pretty."

"Wh-what?" Her eyes widened. Obviously she hadn't expected that. She stared at him in confusion.

"I think you're pretty!" he followed up, sensing a breach opening up. He let his eyes slide openly down her and back up again.

"That..." She swallowed and shook her head. "You're just saying that. I'm not pretty anymore. Not for a long time."

She didn't want to hear it, he realized. Didn't want to know. Trapped in her own world, her private, pejorative perspective on herself. The sadness of it made him take a desperate breath. Did she really think she was no longer desirable? With that body? Those beautiful tits? That feminine figure? He would kill to possess a woman like that. And that was probably true for the vast majority of the male population as well. How delicate the shape of her labia looked, and...

He froze. His cock, triggered by the heat of the shower and the bare skin in front of him, filled again and slowly straightened. The elongated organ grew toward his mother.

She noticed it and blinked, perplexed. So they stood motionless facing each other while the water rained and Jake's penis stood up like a pointer. It indicated right at Irina's belly. He gulped and closed his eyes in despair. Why didn´t the floor open up and suck him directly to Hell? He would have preferred this by far.

"Well, I'll give you that!" His mother had to giggle suppressedly.

"Huh? " He opend one eye, irritated by the absence of her rage.

"You obviously really think I'm pretty."

"Told you." He ventured a cautious grin.

She breathed deeper, her chest heaving. As she did so, she scratched her head, probably overwhelmed by the situation. Should he follow up?

"You look great, Mom," he said firmly. "In the video, and still today."

"Did... you really like the movie?" she asked in a whispery voice, barely daring to look at him.

"Are you kidding?" He smiled wider, feeling solid ground under his feet now. "That wasn't just an act, was it? You were totally hot, I saw it. That at the end, that was a real orgasm, wasn't it, Mom?"

A coy smile spread across her lips, she giggled girlishly. But then she tightened up and looked him in the eye. "Yes, that one was real," she nodded. "Claudio was my favorite to work with. He was always so considerate, and so tender. Maybe I was even a little in love with him. But he was married, no chance."

"That's why the little heart on the DVD?"

"Right." She had to grin. Then her eyelids flickered as she remembered the situation: her standing naked in front of her equally bare son, chatting easily about her former orgasms. She wrang her hands, eyes darting left and right. She was about to change back into the conservative woman who left the house this morning, he could tell.

Jake mustered all the courage he could find. He longed to stay in that cozy, intimate, confidential space with his mother, apparently beamed there by accident for the last minute or two. It was not about the sex stuff mainly, he was still shy about this. But it felt like he touched the soul of his mother in a way he never had known before.

"I´m glad I found the DVD, Mom, " he confessed in a low voice. "I love your younger self. And I love your nowaday self. Both of them are wonderful in their own way. And both are pretty! "

She looked at him warily. "You think so? "

"Of course!" He nodded vigorously at her and ignored his stiff member bobbing along accordingly. "After dinner I´m going to scan all the stuff from the basement to find more videos about this beautiful real estate agent. "

The corners of her mouth twitched. Then she laughed out loud. "Well, it seems like the punitive work is turning into an obsession for you. But you won´t find them downstairs."

"So there are more movies? " He held his breath.

"In all, I've been in about twenty flicks like that. But this was my favorite. The only one I had copied from VHS to DVD and saved." She snickered shyly, looking much younger now.

"Saved for me?" Jake joked, glad for the change in mood.

"No, for myself." She threw her head back, the leopardess flashing through for a blink. "For when I'm old and shriveled someday. Then I can remember how young I used to be."

"You are young." He put on a chummy grin. "A great MILF."

"MILF, huh?" She laughed out. "So that's what it's come to! My own son calls me a 'Mother I'd Like to Fuck.' He... Oh..."

She fell silent and gulped as she realized the connotation of that phrase. Jake moaned in agony and closed his eyes. He called her am MILF while still sporting an impressive hard-on? What in hell had he done now?


Then a throat clearing.

"You... you would do it with me?" he heard his mother's soft voice. "Really?"

What now? Say no? He couldn't, that would be an outright lie, she would know right away. Yes? Just as impossible. Surely he couldn't simply admit that he had the hots for her.

"I... have never slept with a woman," he evaded, hanging his head. "I don't even know what it's like..."


He opened his lids a crack. His mother eyed him with a strange look on her face.

"I thought nowadays young people were gaining experience even earlier than we did back then," she wondered. Then she sighed. "But I didn't exactly encourage you either, that's true."

Jake mumbled indefinably. If only his erection would finally lose its throbbing hardness! But he was well aware of his mother's furtive glances at it every now and then, and that didn't make it any better.

"And now?" he asked, when he couldn´t stand the silence any longer.

Irina hesitaded, thinking hard. Then she smiled suggestively. "Here." She took a towel and handed it to him. "Keep the water running. I'd better take a shower, too."

"Uh - okay." He took the terry-cloth towel, got out of the tub and dried himself. His mother took his place under the shower spray. She winked at him as she pushed past him. He stepped back and rubbed over his arms and legs. Irina showered off. She didn't pull the curtain closed. Water splashed across the tile floor, but this time she didn't care.

With his mouth open, Jake watched as she spun comfortably under the water. She soaped herself all over, only sparing the hair, and washed especially thoroughly under her arms and between her legs, back and front. The sight of her spreading her thighs slightly and rubbing her pubis with wet noises brought new heat to his loins. Fascinated, he watched white foam drip from the blond bush and run down her thighs.

The two women merged into one under the splashing water, or so it seemed to him. The youthful Irina and the present one became a single being: A gorgeous looking full-grown woman, whose movements evoked liveliness he had admired in the video.

Finally, she placed both hands under her breasts, lifting them up and rinsing the grooves where they rested against her ribcage. Her hands gently massaged over them, squeezing the soft flesh from all sides. The wet skin shone in the reflection of the bahtroom light when it was arched up, and the nipples looked suspiciously large. All the while she paid no attention to him, but he was sure she was very aware of his presence. And of his rock-hard erection.

With a sigh, she turned off the water and took a towel. He waited, paralyzed, watching her drying herself. Then, she stepped out of the shower tub and came to him, hips swaying gently. Her eyes shimmered with a hidden fire.

She stepped close in front of him and put her hands on his shoulders. He looked down at her and swallowed hard. The tips of her breasts touched his skin, he felt the hardness of her nipples. She gently pushed her belly forward until his rod was trapped between their bodies, pressed upward. The exposed, red cockhead pressed halfway into her navel.

"We're a strange family, aren't we?" she whispered with a melancholy smile. "I haven't slept with a man in over ten years, and my son never was with a woman. Funny, thinking about my past, isn't it?"

He ventured only a low hum, too captivated by the sensation of the warm, soft body close to his. Very carefully, he tensed the muscles in his abdomen, secretly enjoying the way his member rubbed against her belly.

"Fortunately, I know what to do in such cases." She grinned suddenly and took a step back. "Come on!" With that, she took his hand and pulled him along.

Perplexed, he followed, through the living room and up the stairs to the top. His heart beat like a bass drum. Would she really lead him to her bedroom?

She did. She pulled the covers off her double bed with a jerk and dropped them carelessly on the floor. What? Where was the fanatic for order and neatness he knew so well?

She bounced onto the mattress and waved impatiently for him. Jake knelt on the bed and clumsily scrambled to the center. His fingers felt numb.

Irina stretched out lengthwise beside him, her arms stretched above her head. She lolled and sighed in relaxation, her body bending and wriggling as she did so.

"You know, I've had several clients who wanted me to initiate their sons," she murmured, looking up at him from half-lowered lids. "They always said they were already of age." A conspiratorial blink. "So I know this situation well. That's why I close my eyes now and lie here. You can touch me if you want. And look at me. You can find out what a woman looks like, and how she's built. How she reacts. That helps a lot with the insecurity."

"Uh..." He swallowed. What was he supposed to say to that?

Taking a deep breath, Irina closed her eyes and lay still. Her chest rose and fell, she had opened her legs just a tiny bit. Enchanted, Jake gazed at his mother. The full breasts hung out a little to each side in the lying position, that looked provocative. Her belly was a little sunken and the pubic mound in contrast all the more pertly towering, accentuated by the blond fuzz on it.

He reached out and let his fingertips glide over her side. A soft sigh from her. As if hypnotized, he placed his fingers on her left breast. So smooth and warm and soft. He pressed a little, feeling the resistance of the swelling fullness. His fingertips sensed hidden structures beneath the smooth skin. As he increased the pressure, Irina sighed again. Louder this time.

With a gulp he retracted a little, his shaking fingers hovering just above her skin. This was his mother he was touching! And it was his mother, who reacted in an unmistakenly sensual way to his play. Wasn´t this... wrong? Just wrong?

No! On the contrary, what a wonderful situation, he gradually realized. There he was, crouching next to an attractive, experienced, confident woman who not only allowed him to indulge his curiosity. She was even enjoying it, no question about it. He relaxed and even his cock lost some of its stony tension.

This was a game. As captivating as it was far out. A game for their minds, their bodies and their souls.

Steadying himself, he continued to explore the full breast. He stroked the aureole and took note of the tiny mounds, like little bumps. The nipple straightened hard as he did so, and he earned another sigh as he gently ran his thumb along it. Then he switched to the right side. His mother turned a little and came towards him.

Here he reached out with more confidence. He pressed the soft mound between his fingers and watched himself deforming the curved shape. At the very bottom, the skin was quite tender; he ran along the seam at the ribs. He pressed into the flesh a little, feeling the delicate inner structure of her breast?

Irina moaned at this and writhed with pleasure. She was breathing faster, and her thighs had opened a little more. Jake explored the velvety smoothness on the breastbone, between the tits, and higher, on the collarbone and neck. When he touched her face and fondled the cheeks she purred under his caresses. Her lips parted involuntary.

He suppressed a smile. Yes, a leopardess could take your head off with one bite, and he didn't put it past his mother to do the same. But right now she was like a playful kitten that only wanted to be petted.

He turned his attention to the belly and let his palm circle on it in great cycles. There was a rapid throbbing under the warm belly, her pulse almost as fast as his own. When he let the movements get bigger and stroked her over the lower abdomen, close to the pubic hair, she suppressed a moan and took her legs apart even more.

Of course, he could not resist this invitation. He pushed himself further and brought his face over the willingly offered abdomen of his mother. With a dry mouth he looked at the wild growth on her pubic mound. Then his gaze slid lower. A distinct little hood sat on the upper tip of the pubic cleft like a rosy mini-tent. Below, the half-open labia, an delicate ensemble of folds and shadows. The inner lips protruded, a little wider than he remembered from the video.

A subtle scent rose to his nose. Clean skin, body wash, and underneath a hidden sensual note that quickened his pulse.

"Touch me, Jake," he heard her breathe, and she moved one thigh all the way to the side. The sex gaped open. Stunned, he reached forward and stroked tenderly along it, feeling the delicacy of the skin and the warmth rising from her body. When he came over the hood, she twitched and made a soft sound.

How incredible! He stroked her inner thighs and palpated her groin. He combed his fingertips through the pubic hair, feeling for the outline of the bone beneath. He massaged her lower abdomen and saw her involuntarily thrust her pelvis forward. A glance up showed him that she had one arm over her eyes and was breathing rapidly, her chest rising and falling.

Touch me, echoed in his head. He ran one fingertip along the inside of her left labia, feeling the first wetness and slipperiness. A few millimeters lower, now into the pleasure cleft. Tender folds left and right, a sigh from her. His cock trembled against his belly with desire.

He pressed against the labia from the inside and watched it open like a flower. The smell of woman intensified, making his mouth water. At last he inserted the tip of his index finger into the beckoning opening as far as the first joint.

"Mmmm...," she sighed deeply, moving lasciviously under his curious touch. Her breathing became faster and a rosy button peeked out from under the hood.

Fuck! I´m fingering my own mother, he thought mesmerized. I shouldn´t do that, and she shouldn´t allow it. But I just can´t stop, for the life of me. She neither, it seems. This feels - important, somehow. For the both of us.

He pushed deeper into the pliant opening, feeling the rippled surface inside, and stroked his thumb along the pearl. A soft tremor ran through his mother's body, she gasped once.

At last his finger was fully inside Irina's hot snatch and he let it describe small circles inside. The second thigh also moved aside as she offered herself to him completely open. The abdomen took up his movements, and it became a like-minded pressing and rolling. She braced herself against him, becoming more and more uninhibited and moaned softly.

Whipped up, he increased the contact pressure to get even deeper. There she flinched and emitted a small sound of pain. Immediately sobered, he eased off and caressed the sensitive area with extra softness.

"You want more, huh?" he heard her murmur. "So do I. Will you do me a favor, Jake?"

"Of course, Mom." He cleared his throat. His voice sounded hoarse, as if he were sick.

"Then go downstairs and get the dildo out of the box, son. Clean it with warm water and bring it up, will you?"

"The...the dildo?" His jaw dropped.

"Yes." She giggled into her arm. "That used to be my favorite. Just right, not too big and not too small. Not too hard and not too soft. It'll get you deeper. That's what I want now..."

Wordlessly, he climbed off the bed and hurried downstairs. His rod bounced up and down in front of his belly as he rumbled down the stairs. There he grabbed the rubber thing, held it under running water in the kitchen, and carefully rubbed off all the dust. As he dried the thing off, a new thought flashed through his mind. He held the artificial penis next to his cock. Almost the same length and almost the same thickness.

"Not too big and not too small, huh?" he grinned broadly. Then he flew straight up and resumed his position. Irina had not moved from the spot, but all this had by no means left her unmoved. He saw that a film of her secretions had formed, filling her vagina with clear fluid.

He raised the love stick and hesitated. "Uh - just... in, Mom?" he asked, feeling rarely stupid about it.

"Carefully," came the quiet reply. "Play with the tip at the entrance at first, until it's nice and wet, yeah?"

He nodded and stroked the pubic cleft with the rounded front end, as he had done with his fingers earlier. The rubber felt warm in his fingers. Carefully, he wet the stylized glans with her juices and rubbed over the clitoris as well.

"I used to prepare myself with this thing sometimes when I wasn't quite in the mood for a shoot," she whispered, taking a deep breath. "Then I'd use that in the locker room beforehand. One time it turned me on so much that I came after a few minutes, all by myself. The crew got a nice look when I emerged from the locker room dripping wet."

Jake laughed softly, feeling a little calmer. He could do no wrong, he realized. This was her favorite dildo. All he had to do was remain attentive to her reactions. Gently, he placed the tip between her inner lips and penetrated his mother.

Irina moaned loudly and lapsed into a kind of panting as he drilled the thick artificial penis into her pussy in slow motion. Breathlessly, he followed how more and more of the smooth shape disappeared and how her belly tightened harder with excitement with every breath. When only a few inches of the black shape were still visible, he felt himself reach the end of her vaginal canal. Intrigued, he pressed in a little, eliciting a throaty sound of pleasure from her.

"Uh, that's good..." she breathed, tossing her head from side to side. "I almost forgot... ahhh..."

"Didn't you ever... satisfy yourself in all that time?" he needed to know.

"Yes, I did." She giggled once. "But always on the outside, at the clit. I come much faster there, son. This one is makes me so excited..."

Jake felt tenderness for his mother. She showed him a whole new side of herself, and he was so grateful for this experience. Gently, he withdrew the dildo a tiny bit and moved forward again. He gasped as he did so. Now he was fucking his mother properly! Although only with a dildo, but so he could study her reaction all the more closely. She squirmed lasciviously under the treatment, the muscles in her thighs stood out rhythmically. How unreservedly she surrendered to his caresses!

Oh God, he just had to keep going! Without stopping the thrusts, he lowered his face, stuck out his tongue, and touched the tot o her little hood. A breathless cry and a divine taste in his mouth. He licked broadly over her plum, felt the slippery surface under his tongue for a second, and then sucked tentatively on her clit.

Irina reared up and shook all over. Then she pressed her pussy against him and moaned in disinhibition as he sucked and kissed her more and more greedily. Salt and tangy honey flooded into his mouth, and he slurped in her aroma. His right hand had moved of its own accord, clasping one breast and squeezing the swollen flesh lustfully.

With a groan, his mother pushed herself up, her outstretched arms behind her. "Get it out...please..." she panted, her eyes wild, the belly tensing.

Jake let go of her tit, grasped the slippery rubber rod, and pulled. At first, it barely moved and felt like it was stuck into her. Then it released with a wet sound and came out. What remained was the dilated, gaping hole of the cunt, from which a thin, whitish thread dripped.

"Jake," she swallowed hard, looking down at his towering rod. "You made me so hot, my son! I can´t recall when I felt like this the last time. I´d love to go on with you. But I still am responsible for you. I can´t just give in to my lust, ignoring the consequences. And the potential dangers, for both of us."

"I am of age", he replied hoarsly. "I can take the responsibility for myself, Mom. You don´t have to carry this burden alone."

"Well." Her breasts heaved. "If it were only up to me, I know what I would do now."

"Then -- do it, please."

She blinked at him, obviously fighting to hold together her thoughts. "What about you?", she asked in a whisper.

"I also know what I would love now." He showed her the hint of a smile.

Irina nodded slowly. "Tell me," she breathed. "Do you want me? Do you -- do you want to fuck your mother?"

There could be only one answer to that.

"Yes," he groaned out and leaned toward her, looking her straight in the eyes. "I want you. You're so sexy!"

"Even if I am not only your mother, but an old hooker, and even if there have been hundreds of cocks down there?" she breathed in a wavering voice.

"You're not an old hooker," he replied firmly, vaguely puzzled by the certainty that suddenly filled him. "You're my mother, and I love you. And I find it totally exciting that you've had so many men. That makes it -- special, somehow."

"Oh, son!" She smiled melancholically and stroked his cheek. Then a glint entered her pupils. She let herself sink backward and stretched out her arms.


Trembling with excitement, he slid over her, between her soft thighs. She took his hand and guided it. Together, they grasped the pumped up knob of his cockhead and brought it to the right spot.

"Careful again?" he asked softly, looking into her eyes.

"No." Her smile widened. "I'm prepared. Go right in. All the way in deep! Now!"

Jake nodded and took a deep breath. Then he thrust his pelvis forward and plunged into his mother in one long movement, looking at her unblinkingly.

Her eyes widened, she opened her mouth in a shallow moan. Jake drank in the pleasure pouring from her pupils, as well as the incredible sensation his cock was sending. It was now really and truly surrounded on all sides with warm, breathing female flesh.

"So good..." she gasped, holding his gaze. "Fuck me, Jake... fuck your mother..."

He thrust a second time, sweet and hard. Ahh, what a feeling! Those silky depths, that living glove around his organ, warm and wet and moving. A third drilling. A fourth.

They surged back and forth together, never breaking eye contact, united in a wordless ebb and flow rhythm. In slow motion, he lowered his lips to his mother's until they touched and an electric spark ignited. The tip of her tongue came toward him, wormed its way into the corner of his mouth, and then he just had to shove his tongue as deep and as hard into her oral cavity as he possibly could. She opened her jaws all the way and let him lick all the way down her throat. He drank her saliva, excitingly sweet, and rammed into her harder and harder.

"Yes...go on..." she gasped and braced herself against him, clinging to his hard shoulders. "Go on..."

Heat rose in him until his cheeks glowed from within. And something else. He felt his loins twitch, the familiar anticipation spreading through him. She wasn't ready yet, he knew. He fought it, but it didn't help. Closer and closer he staggered toward the abyss.

"Mom..." he sobbed desperately. "I... I'm going too fast... I'll be right there..."

"Yes!" she kissed him wildly and gave him a bright smile. "Come on, cum into me all over. Ah, it's been so long..."

"But what about you?" He stiffened into a plank to hold back the avalanche.

"I want to be there and feel it for good," she whispered, wrapping her calves around his butt. "Let go all the way, son. Let it come..."

There was no way to stop it anymore. He gave up resisting and performed two final, indulgent thrusts. Then the orgasm rushed through him, making all the hairs on his body stand up in delicous goosebumps. He clung to his warm mother and moaned in loss. His body took control and kept pumping like a machine. Gush after gush of his juice pulsed out, turning her warm cavity into a smacking, squelching hotbed of sin. Irina made soft, confirming noises and tenderly stroked his tense neck.

The peak tilted, the quivering sinews in his abdomen released, and he sank down on top of her with a liberated groan. Still his cock twitched, unable to get enough of this all-around contact, this friction, this wet heat. Enchanted, he felt the waning of this divine experience, but at the same time the guilty conscience was already returning. What about her?

She lay beneath him, still highly aroused and quivering with anticipation. But he had no idea what to do with her now.

"What... what am I supposed to do?" he whispered against her ear. "I want you also to reach climax, Mom."

"Go like this."

Again she took his hand and pushed it down, between their sweaty bodies. She pulled her thighs high up against her body, insanely stretched apart. Perplexed, he let her direct him until his fingertips touched the transverse bulge below her pussy. That was her perineum, he realized.

"Stroke me in the back, on the butt hole," she murmured flatly. "I'm very sensitive there, I like it that way. Do you feel that?"

He probed deeper until the tip of his middle finger found a hollow. She tightened the sphincter twice and made a sound of approval. As he massaged her there in a circle, she sighed with pleasure and loosened up.

Jake felt like he was in a dream. There he was lying on top of his hot mother, his cock still in her wet plum, touching another target of his secret desires. He lifted his head and blinked. She looked him in the eye, a deep-set glint in her eyes. A lascivious groan as he pressed harder against the ring of muscle.

"You like that too, son, huh?" she murmured with a flutter of her eyes. "It'll make you hard again in a minute.""Sure thing," he groaned out, resuming the fucking motions. "That's so horny, feeling your rear entrance."

"Mmmhh... keep it up..."

Her eyelids fluttered. He thrust faster, stroking her anus more and more insistently. Her movements beneath him came harder, more choppy, more erratic. Each breath now conveyed a moan.

Jake felt triumph flood through him. He was in control of her lust, giving her what she needed, what she craved. Suddenly he was subconsciously sure what to do. There were no more questions, only certainties.

"Look at me," he urged her, forcing her to open her eyes properly. Her pupils swam. When her gaze focused on him, he drilled his middle finger into her twitching rectum and kissed her hard on the lips.

Her eyes gleamed, she emitted a muffled sound, into his mouth. Then she burst into such sobbing, addicted fucking motions that she almost threw him off. The sphincter spasmed around his finger in unison and relaxed again. Her whole abdomen worked desperately toward release.

"You know what we'll do later?" he growled with his eyes half closed. Then he pushed his finger even deeper into her hot backdoor and added, "Then I'll fuck you into your sweet, hot ass, Mom!"

Irina emitted a helpless sound, her mouth gaping. Her eyes turned upward until all he could see was white, an almost terrifying sight. Then she came in a tsunami wave - delayed, but with irresistible force. He held her tightly as she shuddered plaintively, over and over, pressing her body against him with frenetic force.

Enraptured, he pursued these new impressions. An uninhibited woman he had driven to ecstasy, and whose twat now cramped in chaotic rhythm around his cock and finger. How immensely fascinating!

Instinctively, the gently withdrew his finger as her thrusts came more easily and her body lost all tension. Then he lay at her side, not without regret. His overstimulated but still quite stiff organ shuffled out, aching a little. He paid no attention, but took her in his arms, wordlessly happy. With a sigh, she snuggled against him, and so they lay together for an eternity or two, exhausted and fulfilled.


Jake blinked, half awake. He was alone, the place next to him empty. Dusk had fallen. Shortly before eight, said the alarm clock on the nightstand.

Had it all been a dream? No - the smell of sex that surrounded him like a cloud spoke against it, as did fluids of all kinds drying on his body.

"Wow!" he breathed, grinning up at the ceiling.

The door opened and Irina pranced in, a cocky hum on her lips. He scrambled up and stared at her, awestruck.

"Well, you like that?"

She spun teasingly, dressed in a skin-tight dress in silver that barely captured her shape. The neckline offered a breathtaking view of the valley between her breasts, and the back was practically bare down to the base of her buttocks. The hem hung so just above her hips that he could see the pubic curve of silver panties underneath from his low position on the bed.

"Mom!" he gaped at her. "I didn't know you have clothes like that!"

"It's been a while," she laughed, running her hands over her hips. "It wasn't quite as tight then, either. Do you think I can still wear this?"

"Do I think?" He shook his head in perplexity. "You'll cause a medium sized riot with that."

"Perfect!" she beamed, holding out a hand to him. "Come on!"

"Uh - where to?" He took her hand, marveling at the juvenile strength with which she pulled him up.

"Well, now we're going to have a really good meal first, I'd say. To the noble Italian restaurant, over in Clifton. Because I'm hungry, and I'm sure you are too, after all that drudgery." She winked meaningfully. "And after that, we're going on, to downtown Manhattan. The ´Shire´ is open again, I read recently. I used to go there sometimes. It's a wonderful place to dance the night away."

"I see." That now overwhelmed him. Going to the club with his mother?

"Manhattan is far enough away," she beamed. "Nobody knows us there. There we're just another pair of lovers. Everyone will envy me because I've hooked up with such a handsome young stud. So right for bed!" She laughed brightly.

Jake tilted his head and looked at his mother with a smile. He hadn't seen her this excited and joyful in ages.

She noticed and took him in her arms. Their lips found each other, into a tender kiss.

"Thank you, son," she whispered, "I'd almost forgotten who I am. Who I can be. When I escaped the escort world and went to the insurance company, I did everything I could to cover my sinful past. After all, there were still the porn movies of me out there, and I didn't want to be recognized by some customer. Over time, it became a habit."

"That's why you always wore such hideous clothes!" he finally understood. "And never went out. Didn't have any partners. You hid yourself away."

"Sort of." She stroked his cheek with her hand. "But my son set me free. Thinking about it, today I don't care if anyone identifies me in these old clips. Most of them were only available on videotape. With any luck, they haven't been digitized."

"Well, hopefully they have." He wrapped her tighter in his arms, feeling her womanly figure under the fabric. "First thing tomorrow, I'm going to google 'Alexa Hottie'."

"Hmmm." Her eyes sparkled. "Not bad, either. Because there are a few things I'd actually still like to show you..."

He grinned and kissed her again.

Where is this all going, he wondered absently as he tasted the wonderfully sweet lips. A clandestine relationship, here in this house? Wild anal sex with his own mother? A scandal of the highest order?

No matter!

He was a man now. Still young and inexperienced, sure, but he would learn quickly. With an ally like the rejuvenated Irina at his side, he would manage it, no matter what, no matter how.

Even to rock out on the dance floor with his mother, until the drinks fell out of the stiff hands of some Wall Street banker snobs.