I had to do something and do it soon. Toby was well on his way to ending up like his father, dead on the end of a needle. I had watched it once, it broke my heart, and would not do it again. This time a 'friend' found him at the bottom of some stairwell, behind a building with a syringe still sticking out of his arm. When I turned up at the hospital, the older Doctor scowled at me like I was the one that sold him the drugs, but a nurse about my age took me off to the side and talked me down off the ledge.

"Something needs to change, or you will lose your son, this is the third time he has been in here and the second time this month. This time he wasn't breathing by himself. I don't know if he was trying to end his life or the amount of heroin he normally uses isn't doing it for him anymore, so he upped the dose, but this will not end well," the nurse said, hitting me right in the heart.

They were tough words to hear, but I needed to listen to them. I waited until Toby was admitted for the night and went home to work on a plan. I contacted the research center that I had based my last book on, and they had a grant for a year-long study of the carnivores of the Alaskan wilderness. All they needed now was someone mad enough to spend a year out there. They just found their man or, in this case, woman.

"Mom, I am sorry, I swear, I will never touch the stuff again," Toby said, and I know he means it now, but in a few days, he will be hurting enough that his promise to me will mean little in his drug deprived brain.

"I know, honey, we will be able to work it out on the trip," I said, being vague on purpose.

"What trip?" Toby asked, sounding worried.

"I have a work trip, and you are coming to carry my equipment, and I'm paying you for your services. Here is a sign-on bonus," I answered, and handed him a few hundred dollars.

I knew this would keep him interested, and he would not be able to turn down the money. I also knew he would find some drugs before we left in the morning, but It was a price I would need to pay for his acceptance to come with me.

While I packed to go, I could see that Toby was already high, he ate very little, and his pupils were as small as pinpricks. I didn't see where he got the heroin, but I never did, that's the problem. We boarded a boat for the two-day cruise north to meet a helicopter for the flight inland. Toby was calm all the way. I assume all the money I had given him has gone on drugs and he had it stashed on him somewhere.

Toby helped unpack the chopper, well he tried, We dragged the heavy equipment off the cargo net that had hung under the helicopter. He had little strength, as he hadn't worked a day in his life. My success in writing books and papers on the animals, had given me a great life, but it also became a curse, my husband, and now my son, didn't use their idle time well. When the helicopter took off Toby and I stood in the clearing looking at all the supplies we had to set up a camp.

"We have a lot of stuff here, where are the cabins?" Toby said, looking around us a little bewildered.

"We can build one anywhere we like, but it would be better near that stream," I answered, pointing to a small spring cascading into a pond on the edge of the clearing.

"Who will be building the cabin, and what are we sleeping in until then?" Toby asked, the cogs finally turning in his head.

"You are, that's what I am paying you for, but we need to set up the camp for now," I answered, walking over to the tent kit.

"What the fuck, where the fuck are, we?" Toby said, storming up to me, his spit speckling my face.

"We are in the middle of nowhere, over three hundred miles from the nearest town, but the good news is, that the chopper will be back to pick us up," I answered, standing my ground.

"Oh, thank God, how long do we have to wait?" Toby asked, the venom going out of his words.

"He will be back next spring, you can stay or leave then," I answered, causing Toby to spring up and push me backward over the tent rolls.

"Stop, Stop, if you injure me, we will never make it a day, never mind a year. Now we have all day to work out how to set up this tent and put up an electric sound barrier to ward off the bears and wolves," I countered, from my back.

"Bears and Wolves, fuck we are going to be eaten alive," Toby said, throwing some pots into the ground.

"The quicker we get set up, the safer we will be," I said, but he was already storming off towards the stream.

I went about clearing an area a bit closer to the trees, so we had some wind protection. The tent was quite big, and we had some plywood to cover the sides, to help us if bears did decide to visit during the night. I was sitting with the tent instructions on my lap when Toby came back. I know what he had been doing, but if it claimed him for the time being, I would look the other way. He would run out of drugs sooner or later, and then all hell would break loose.

"OK, I am stuck here, so you read out the instructions, and I will build this fucking thing," Toby said, looking at the big canvas roll.

It took the rest of the day and some help from me to get the tent up. At Least now we had a waterproof place to sleep. I also set up the sound barrier that would ward off the bears and wolves, I hoped.

"Toby, start gathering firewood, it's going to be cold tonight," I asked him, and he set off across to the trees.

I pulled out the dried food from the large bear-proof food lockers then latched them down well so the smell of the food wouldn't attract any unwanted friends. I sent Toby down to get water, and when he came back, I showed him how to build a fire. I didn't think he would ever remember it in the state he was in, but if I showed him often enough, it might sink in.

"Reconstituted beef or chicken?" I asked, holding up both for him to pick.

"Hell, let's live dangerously, beef," He replied, at least he still had some sense of humor.

We ate and cleaned up the scraps, it tasted like dried cardboard, but I was hungry enough that it didn't matter. We crawled into the tent that night, but with the animal noises that sounded so close in the darkness, that it took a long time to doze off.

I woke up to find Toby gone, I got up and started to boil water and made some porridge. It was a little while later that he came back from the stream in a very mellow mood. He ate and helped clean up but wouldn't hear of my idea to start the cabin. His high didn't last long, so I guessed it was the last of his stash, so I prepared myself for the detox. I had nothing but paracetamol here so he would be going cold turkey, in the worst way.

"You know what's coming next, Toby," I said, as we sat around the fire that night.

"What do you mean Mom," He said, looking into his coffee cup, his hands starting to shake.

"You're out of drugs, and the nearest dealer is half a world away, it's time to get clean," I said, looking over to him hopefully.

"What the fuck would you know," He shouted, his heckles up again.

"I have seen your father go through it many times," I said, but I couldn't keep the sadness off my face.

"I'm not him, he was a bad addict," Toby said, lying to himself and me.

"In a few hours you will be sick and begging me to make it stop, then all you will do is sleep," I replied, I had too much knowledge for my own good.

He blew me off, but I knew what was coming, and the mother in me wished I could stop it somehow, but he needed to go through this, to come out the other side. I was sleeping soundly when I heard Toby being sick, and the throwing up didn't stop for the next twelve hours.

I took him down to the pond, rinsed his clothes, and had him strip and sit in the water to clean the smell off him. He was like a small child again, ready to comply with whatever I said. I told him to lift his arm to wash it, and he did what he was told. His body was soft and squishy, a roll of fat around the middle from not eating much, other than junk. I couldn't feel any muscle in his arms as I washed him, but his package was a bit of a surprise, even flaccid it was an impressive size.

I put that out of my mind and focused on getting Toby through these few days because I would need his help to make a cabin if we were going to get through the winter. We also needed to build up supplies of wood and smoked fish or meat. He needed to help, or we would perish here deep in the wilderness.

Toby was weak and still couldn't hold any food down after three days, and I was getting worried, but the glimmer of hope was that the water I kept offering him was keeping him hydrated. Day four, he started to eat food again but fell back to sleep straight after. He had a high temperature, but I had seen this before and kept up the paracetamol to help this and his aches and pains from the withdrawal.

"Mom, I need something more, the pains in my guts won't go away, I am dying," Toby screamed out, on the fifth night.

"You won't die, baby, I am here to get you through this," I said, but it only made him angry.

"You can't help, I need heroin, and I need it now," He yelled in my face.

I rode this rollercoaster for the next four days, one minute he was yelling at me the next he was hugged into my chest. Just as I was running out of energy myself, the sun rose on the ninth day, and the old Toby was back, the one before the drugs and before his Dad passed away. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was up before me and tending to the fire. It was one thing he seemed to enjoy out here, collecting wood and starting the fire.

"We need to start building the cabin. It's going to take a long time to build, and if we don't have at least a basic one this winter, we are in big trouble. The wolves are fine now that there is plenty of food around, but they will come looking for prey in winter. And we are about the slowest prey in this forest," I said, to help motivate him.

"I don't know how to build a Lego set, how am I going to build a log cabin?" Toby asked, poking at the fire with a stick.

"My laptop is on the solar charger over there. It has videos on how to build one from scratch, step by step. I will need to help you pull the logs into position, so we need to build it close to the trees, so we don't have to drag them far, but I also have to start the research I am being paid for," I answered, trying to get dressed without flashing all my bits to my son.

"Any other good videos on there," He responded, glancing at me as I changed. I liked that he was cracking jokes now, and it had been a long time since I had seen him smile.

"No internet access, so no porn for you," I answered, tucking in my shirt.

To his credit, Toby spent the rest of the day watching the videos and sorting out the hand tools he needed. He chose an ax he liked and gave it a sharpen, the way he was shown in the videos, then after lunch he tried to cut down a tree the size he thought looked about right. It was still standing by dark, and I had to question whether he chose a tree too big, or did he lack the strength to cut it down.

"Is it too big?" I asked, trying not to insult him.

"No, I don't have the skill or the strength to fell it right. I will just have to keep at it. My hands have blisters, though," He replied, showing me his hands.

"Yes, they are bad, but they will toughen up," I said, but mine will fare no better, when I help drag them into place.

I watched Toby finish cutting the tree down the next morning, and he trimmed it, and we pulled it into place. He spent a long time using an adze to cut a flat surface along the log's top side. The tool looked a bit like a pick but with a razor-sharp edge. I was sure he would cut his leg off, but he managed to flatten the log over a few hours.

"One down, and well, a lot to go," Toby said, as he stood on the log in triumph.

"Yes, this is going to take a while. I need you to come along with me to keep a lookout. I have to start searching for some bears and wolf packs in the area," I said, while picking up the radio finder and getting the battery pack off the solar charger.

"Wow, what do I do with this?" He asked, as I handed him the pistol and holster.

"Put it around your waist and strap the bottom to your leg. Fire it up in the air to frighten off any bear or wolf that comes too close, but if you have to you must shoot the animal, but only to save us," I replied, he looked skeptical.

"I am no gunslinger," He said, putting the gun belt on.

"Look pretty good to me, I was a big western fan as a girl," I replied, getting both of us laughing.

I started walking towards the first faint signal that came from the finder. As we walked, it got stronger than as we approached the top of a rise, I could see a bear with two cubs in the river below. I stopped Toby by placing my hand on his chest, and we sank behind the top of the rise.

"OK, keep a lookout behind us, you never know if another bear will come past this way looking for the same food that Mary has found," I whispered, and stuck my head over the top of the rise to look for markings that might identify the cubs. They were too young to have been spotted last year, so I took note of their markings, and we backed away slowly.

I switched the receiver to another channel and could hear a faint signal again. It was in my notes as a female wolf. We walked along a ridgeline, and it ran into a shear wall. I thought she might be on top of the cliff then I spotted a cave at the bottom of the rock wall.

"We will have to wait and see if Aga comes out for a look," I whispered to Toby as we crouched in the treeline.

"Who is Aga?" He asked, sitting in the grass next to me.

"She is the alpha female of a wolfpack that frequents this area," I said, keeping an eye on the cave.

"Will they all be in there?" Toby asked, asking all the right questions.

"I don't know what's going on, but they wouldn't usually stay in a small cave, with the whole pack of maybe ten or more they would be coming and going all day," I answered, but kept an eye on the cave.

Then I saw a male coming out of the cave, he was very underweight and scampered off into the woods. But the signal stayed in the direction of the cave. We waited a few hours, and the male returned with some food in its mouth. I took note of his markings, and he had a dark black color running down over his neck and shoulder, ending about his knee. We backed away and headed to camp.

"What's going on with the wolf, do you think he has cubs in there?" Toby asked as we walked back to camp.

"I think it might be Aga, he is feeding, and I will check, but he could be her son," I answered, worried for the pack.

"What do you think happened," He said, reading my face.

"It could be several things. Hunters could have killed the rest of the pack, or she could have been run off by a rival. But the son should have left the pack by now and be with other young males hunting and fighting to gain strength to take on Atka, the pack leader, for control of the pack. We will see what unfolds. Another wolf in the pack has a finder, and if we track her collar down, we might find out more," I said, smiling now that I had Toby interested in something other than drugs for the first time in his life.

We got back to camp and cooked up some food, cleaned up. Then I smelt myself and almost fell over.

"Keep that gun on and come with me, I need a bath, and I don't want to be eaten by a bear," I said, as I got fresh clothes and soap.

"It's fine I will look the other way," Toby said, as I stalled at the pond's edge.

"Just keep an eye out for bear's not my bare ass," I joked, stripping down fast and sliding in the cool water.

I soaped up and washed my hair, and Toby was pretty good, I only caught him peeking once. When I finished I was drying my hair with a towel around me when Toby made a big splash as he landed in the middle of the pond. I threw him the soap and tried to keep my eyes off his erection, clearly visible in the spring water. I moved around, so I was near the gun and kept an eye out while Toby washed.

That's when the problem started because he walked out of the water with his penis swaying from side to side as he grabbed his shorts and put them on. It wasn't a problem for him, but I hadn't even seen a man naked since his father's death, and we had no privacy out here. I looked away as Toby took the gun off me, and we walked back to the tent. I had trouble getting to sleep that night as my mind kept flashing back to Toby's appendage, coming out of the water.

I woke to the smell of coffee and found Toby sipping on his cup and poking the fire with a stick. I dressed in the tent and poured myself a cup too.

"Are we going back to check on the wolf today?" He asked, sipping on his coffee and tossing the stick on the fire.

"Once we get another log cut and in place," I replied, pouring some hot water in my porridge mix.

It took Toby much less time to cut this one down and trim it, and we pulled it in place, at right angles to the other. I have seen cabins built out of bigger trees, but we would never get them up to the next levels by hand. When he had it flat on top, Toby picked up the pistol and a canteen, and we headed out for the day. I tracked down another bear and made a note of its markings but couldn't find the rest of the wolf pack. We came to the treeline near the cave, and I still had a signal from within the cave. Again, after a short time, the male left, but the signal stayed steady in the cave.

"I am going in for a quick look," Toby said, drawing the gun.

"No, an injured wolf is even more dangerous, I have no way of fixing you if you get a bad bite," I said, but he was already moving towards the cave mouth.

I followed, and when we got to just inside, we could see the eyes of a wolf looking at us. I could hear the low rumble of a growl, but she didn't move at all. She had withered away to almost nothing. She would have been eighty pounds as the alpha female now she was maybe thirty. She just lifted her head and bared her teeth, but still enough to keep us at bay. I looked down and saw her twisted leg and realized why she was in this state, the wilderness was a crawl place and the weak and injured perished so the strong can live.

"Mom, her leg," Toby whispered, but not moving forward.

"I'm sorry, Toby, but there is nothing to be done,"

"But we can't just leave her here," He said, moving forward and getting a loud growl from Aga, stopping him in his tracks.

"Even with tranquilizers and a vet team, she would still be put down, her son is doing all she needs now, she probably wouldn't even accept food from us," I said, seeing the dark black color in her coat going over her shoulder and stopping at her knee.

I saw Toby's shoulders slump, but we had to move, the male would be back soon, even a young one like him is very dangerous. We left the cave and watched from the tree line, as we saw the male come back and sniff about at the entrance. He was hesitant to go in, but his mother was inside, so he advanced, disappearing inside with a mouthful of food. He came back out and did a quick scout around and looked right in our direction. That was enough to get us scurrying away."Mom, what will happen to the male when Aga dies?" Toby asked, again he was asking all the right questions, he would make a good researcher.

"He can feed himself, but the winter will be hard for a wolf alone, his condition is already down because of giving most of his kills to his mother," I answered, with as much knowledge as possible.

"She has the same markings as him, so she must be his mom, why did she leave the pack with him?" he asked, as we walked.

"Maybe she couldn't let him go, or maybe she lost the alfa spot in the pack to a rival female, and he left with her," I said, wondering the same thing.

"I feel so sad for her and him too," Toby said, putting his arm around me as we walked.

"Me too, baby," I said, returning the hug.

My appreciation for my son went up a thousand percent at that moment, there was a profoundly compassionate man inside him, and I just cracked through a hard-outer shell, or a wolf and her son did. Back at camp, Troy collected wood, and I started cooking, and our routine was starting to form. After a long day of working and hiking, we went to bed early and were asleep pretty soon after.

Toby was up before me again and started the fire, and I was still in a large tee-shirt of his father's sipping my coffee. I saw him look at me funny, and it was only when I shifted that I realized he could see between my legs. I sat there trying to decide what to do, without showing any expression on my face. But I couldn't get away from the thrill it gave me to be looked at that way, when I hadn't even been noticed in years.

I just stayed still and looked at my notes from the previous day, and could see Toby peeking from time to time. I guess I was the only girl for miles, but I was still flattered. Toby started on the next log and had it down and trimmed much faster than the last two, we had it in place, and he made the top flat ready for the next layer.

"Are we off?" Toby asked, eager to see the wolves.

"Give me a sec, and I will put some long pants on, the brush is too harsh on my legs," I answered, and changed quickly, noticing Toby took a little peek at my bottom, bringing a smile to my face as I was turned the other way.

We found another Bear, and she was with a huge male, and I noted his markings, but we moved away quickly as he would be hard to scare off, gun or not. We followed the ridge again to find the cave and waited, but the male stayed in the cave's mouth for a long time without moving. Something had changed, but we had no way of telling.

"I'm going closer," Toby whispered, and moved out of the tree line.

"What! get back here," I said, but he just waved for me to stay.

The young male stood as soon as Toby came within his vision but did not charge. He was protecting something, and he would stand his ground. The brave young son was protecting his dying mother and would not leave her, even to save himself. Toby moved much closer than I could ever imagine was safe and then sat with his eyes down.

He sat there for a long time, and I waited in the treeline, looking out for bears and other wolves. Eventually, the male did something uncharacteristic of a wild animal, he relaxed his shoulders and went back down on his belly, saving his energy for anything he saw as a real threat. He watched Toby's every move, lifting his head for even the slightest flinch.

Then Toby reached into his pocket and pulled out some beef jerky and bit off a piece. The young male watched intently, his ribs showing that he must be hungry but would not leave his post even to feed his own hunger. Toby threw some jerky within a few inches of the male nose, but he ignored it, his instincts serving him well. Nothing a man has touched has ever been good for a wolf, so why would Toby's be any different.

After a few hours, Toby crept back to me, with the wolf standing as soon as he first moved. We made our way back to camp in silence. Toby's sadness made me proud of him. We made our meal and cleaned up, I grabbed my soap and towel, and Toby picked up the gun and followed me. I stripped and sank into the still water of the pond and while I sat soaping myself. Toby looked the other way.

"He won't make it through winter," he said, more as a statement than a question.

"You could see his ribs through his coat, and you would be shocked at how skinny he would be under all that thick fur," I said, and Toby turned to me with tears brimming in at the bottom of his eyes.

"But he won't take food from me," He said, the tears breaking free and tracing a line down his cheek.

"What good has ever come to a wolf from a human, his Mom has taught him well," I answered his question with a question. "I think he will stay until her last breath, she must have stopped eating his food so he won't leave to hunt."

"What if I bury her for him," He asked, scaring me.

"Toby, he is a wild animal, even as weak as he is, his jaw can break your thigh bone with one bite, and without even trying," I said, my voice raised, to get across the danger.

"I feel him, I can feel his heartbeat when I am close to him," He said, I had no answer to that, I had heard tales of the Alaskan people having this connection after a near-death experience.

"It's so dangerous, but this whole fucking thing is on a knife-edge, if we don't get the cabin up before winter he night have our bodies to keep him feed," I said, as I wrapped myself in the towel.

"I love you, Mom," he said, as he hugged me to himself, and made my heart sing, I hadn't heard those words in so long.

That night under our blankets, I snuggled my back into Toby, his body warmth like a magnet to my cold bottom. I felt his arm go around my waist in the darkness, and it was so lovely to be held again.

In the morning, Toby was up, and the coffee was already made. I made porridge, as Toby watched a video on how to put the next course of logs on, using moss and grass to fill in the gaps. He cut down two smaller trees to use as a ramp for the larger log and rope and pulleys to roll it up into place. He cut down the trees with ease now, sending chips flying with each stroke of his ax. We could not find any other bears within range. They must be hunting further away, fattening up and teaching their cub's life in the forest.

We moved along the ridgeline and could see the wolf at his station. Toby moved up even closer this time and sat for a few hours throwing more food next to the male's nose, but he still hadn't eaten yesterday. I could see he was weaker, as he just let the insects crawl over his face. This went on for a few more days, Toby moving in closer each day until the wolf finally accepted one of the beef strips chewing it for a long time.

The next day as we walked to the cave we started to talk about the wolf.

"Tikanni would be a good name for him, it means Wolf Warrior, in Inuit. He has earned the title in my eyes," I said, as we walked among the ridge. When we could see the cave mouth, the male was not there.

"Where is he," Toby said, with alarm in his voice, and he took off for the cave.

He was creeping inside and disappeared before I could make it to the opening in the rock. When I moved inside, I could see Toby sitting only a few inches from Tikanni, who was tucked up against his mother's body.

"She's gone, Mom, and he won't leave her," He said, Tikaani looking at Toby as he spoke.

"You can't make him leave her, he will have to come to you," I said, the wolf still had his focus on Toby, his eyes begging for something.

"I'm going to bury her," Toby said, putting his hand next to Tikanni's giant paw.

Then to my amazement, the paw moved an inch towards Toby's hand. Toby moved a fraction closer and stopped, I think Toby was right to wait, if he moved first, he gave the animal the dominant role, but if he waited until Tikanni moved, he became the alpha. There was a stalemate with the two looking into each other's eyes, and I didn't know who needed this more Tikanni or Toby. Then the big paw moved on to Toby's hand, and I looked up to see the tears rolling down Toby's face as he stroked the fur of the beautiful animal.

Being a pack animal last night was probably the first night he was totally alone in his whole life, and Toby was the pack leader he needed. Toby moved around to the Aga's front and took her legs, dragging her slowly out to the front of the cave. He moved her to a small hollow in the ground and stacked the broken rocks from the cliff wall onto her body. Tikanni walked up beside her grave and lay down at its edge. He was still guarding her even after her passing. Toby stacked a lot of rocks on her grave to stop scavengers from getting to her body then he sat with Tikanni for a long time. Then Toby stood as we needed to get back to camp before dark.

"OK, Tik, time to move," Toby said, calling him to his side, he knew he had to get Tik to follow him, or the wolf would die.

He looked up but didn't stand, dropping his head back between his giant paws. Toby patted his thigh again to call to him again, and with a loud "Tik," the wolf stood taking a few steps, then stopping to look back at his mother's grave.

"Tik," Toby said, in a stern voice and slapped his thigh again.

His mother's bond pulled on him, but the one forming with Toby was strong, and the beautiful animal chose to live. Tik walked up to Toby's hip and just a little behind, the position in a pack of the No.2 wolf. They walked that way to camp, and then Tik wouldn't go in. It was then that we realized we still had the sound barrier operating. I was happy to see that it worked, but turned it off now, as no bear or wolf would come in with a male wolf smell here.

We cooked up three portions of beef dried dinner, and as we ate, Tik just looked at it. He kept looking over to Toby, who was scoffing it down, then eventually, he lapped at it a little, licking the gravy off. We were cleaning up as Tik just watched us working, then as we got ready for bed, we both heard him munching on something, we peeked out the door to see Tik devouring the reconstituted meal.

I slept quite soundly, considering a wolf was sleeping only a few feet outside my door, but I felt safe snuggled in Toby's arms. The next few weeks went by with Tik watching Toby work on the cabin, he was gaining strength, but we would have to go out fishing or trapping to feed us all this winter, as a full-size wolf will go through all our preserved food in no time.

"I need to do more research today, do you want to bring a fishing rod to see if we can have fresh food tonight," I asked, as Toby used the adze to shave the top off the latest log. The walls were higher than him now, we were getting there.

"OK, Tik, coming fishing, big guy," He said, and jumped down to hug Tik around the neck.

The big animal made a rumbling inside his throat, but I had come to know that was him enjoying Toby's roughhousing. We followed a new signal from a female Bear through the forest until we found her with no cubs. She might be barren or just missed out this year. She was fishing in a small stream and had caught three fish that sat flapping on the bank as she went back in the water for more. Just then, Tik took off down the bank heading for the bear. He ran into the water growling and snaring as the bear backed up into the deeper water. Then Tik raced to the bank and picked up the biggest fish and hightailed it back up to us while the bear was still working her way back to the bank.

"You little thief, Tik, I can't believe you," Toby said, as Tik stood to present us with his catch flapping in his mouth.

"OK, time to leave, before she works out, she has been robbed and comes after us," I said, but could not help smiling at Tik. His Mom had taught him some great tricks.

That evening we eat like kings, with fresh fillets cooking in a pan and a lot of fresh fish left for a hungry Wolf. He sat pulling bits off the fish he had under his paw as we eat from a plate, he even licked our scraps from our plates, I had to agree that it beats the dried or preserved food we had been eating since we got here.

I picked up my towel and soap, and Toby and Tik followed me down to the pond, I stripped and stepped in and was soon followed by Tik who spent his time splashing and bouncing trying to catch the fingerling dashing around in the water. Toby could not help looking at us and laughing at me being splashed by the waves that Tik's huge body made in the pond. I then realized that my breasts were bobbing around in the water with my erect nipples on display to Toby.

"Sorry, Toby, I didn't mean to flash you," I said, slipping them back under the water.

"Sorry for staring, but yours are the only ones around these parts," he said, in his best western accent.

"Well, if I am going to flash'em, I can't expect you not to look," I said, and we both laugh.

Toby took off his clothes, and he and Tik horsed around in the water, forcing me out on to the bank for fear of drowning. He did give Tik a bit of a wash and managed to soap himself up as well. I was trying not to look, but Toby's body was looking better all the time. His arms looked stronger, and the roll around his middle was almost gone. But his package was his dominant feature when he was naked, and if he was going to flash it, I was going to look too.

I was in bed that night in my usual old tee-shirt, and my nipples would not soften. They stuck out and demanded to be pinched and rubbed. I was quietly pinching my nipples and ran my hand down over the curly hair on my mound, and I found my clit sticking up, looking for attention. My fingers slipped between my folds to gather some moisture to use on my clit.

I kept my ear out for Toby's breathing to make sure he was still asleep as I fingered my clit and pinched my nipple, bringing me closer to my orgasm. My strumming was working because I could feel my juices trickling down into my ass crack, so I pushed my hand down behind me, and over my ass cheek, I ran my finger around my rosebud, and when it was slippery enough, I slipped the tip inside.

I was on the verge of my orgasm and thrust my finger into my ass. I caught my breath to stop myself from moaning as my orgasm started to spasm. I could feel my ass begin to pulse around my finger, and my body began to jerk as the orgasm hit its peak, I stopped still and listened, but I couldn't hear anything. I should hear Toby breathing, but he was quiet, too quiet. I chose to ignore it, and pretend I hadn't just jilled off in front of my son.

When I woke up in the morning, I could feel a hard-on tucked into my behind. I have missed this for a long time, but it's my son's cock, so that's another matter. I climbed out of the tent and relieved myself with Tik, keeping guard nearby.

We made breakfast and cleaned up, Toby cut down some trees and started on the roof using much thinner trees that he easily handled himself, only needing me to hold things in place as he bound them there. After a few hours, I checked for new signals, to find that the other female from Tik's wolf pack was within range.

"I have the female wolf on the scanner, we should find out where she is before the pack moves away again," I said, and Toby was keen to find it.

We set off in the direction of the signal, and after a few hours, we came across the pack of six wolves crossing a clearing with a large male leading them. He was older with the scars of many battles showing on his body and neck. The next in line was a large female with a black blaze running from her shoulder to her knee.

Tik's sister?" Toby whispered, holding Tik's mouth closed, not wanting him to draw their attention to us.

"She is too young to be his aunty, so I think, yes, that would be my bet," I answered, looking at Tik, and seeing a mirror image of the smaller female. "She has the Tag on her, she is listed as Nukka and is big for a female."

"Let's get out of here before Tik here calls out to his sister and gives the game away," Toby said, pulling on Tik's fur and moving back into the trees.

As we tracked our way back to camp, we saw a pair of Caribou, so we stopped to let them pass undisturbed. Tik wanted to chase them, and I think he was a bit hopeful because, without a pack to help, their antlers would be deadly. They stopped only thirty yards away, and the male sniffed the female, she stood still, and he mounted, thrusting his yard-long erection into her with a force that made my legs weak. He rammed wildly for a few minutes, and then the large tube under his organ pulsed as he filled her with his life-giving seed. He quickly went soft and pulled out, and his excess sperm poured out from her gaping pussy. And when we started walking again, I saw Toby trying to adjust his erection, but it was poking out quite a way.

We were almost back when Tik spotted a hare that crossed our path, and this time he would not be denied, taking off after it and had it in his mouth a second later. We barbequed it for dinner that night, and Tik got a good share for his efforts. When I went to bed, I could not get the sight of the Caribou out of my mind, the big organ plunging into her opening. Toby must have been having the same problem because he tossed and turned in the bed beside me.

He rolled over, spooning me, and put his hand around my waist. I felt his cock stiffen in my butt crack, and his hand slowly creeping up under my tee-shirt towards my breast. I should stop him, he's my son. But it felt so good to have a man's hands on me. I bit my lip, and just let it happen. He cupped my breast and made a slight thrust against my ass. I tried to stop myself, but I just couldn't, my body betrayed me, and I rocked my ass against his cock.

Toby caught my nipple between his finger and thumb and rolled it around, bringing a low moan from me. I could feel every ridge on his cock as he started to thrust against me. I reached around, pulling his cock out the top of his boxers and pushing it down, trapping it between my legs. If he were going to cum it would be somewhere safe, I could have him cum between my thighs, or maybe, Oh God, in my ass.

Toby began to thrust between my thighs, his cock sawing across the underside of my pussy. It felt divine to have sexual contact with someone that loved me, who was loving and tender. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, he leaned forward and kissed my earlobe, sending a thrill down to my nipples and clit. I was on fire and roaring towards my climax. The feeling of his cock rubbing between my pussy lips was driving me even higher, then I felt him start to jerk, and his hot cum splash between my legs.

I put my hand down over his cockhead to keep his seed captured between my thighs and pushed his shaft up against my clit. His thrusts rubbed me in just the right way to bring on my orgasm, with my fingers coated with his sperm. I humped back against him as my pussy spasmed, yearning to be filled. I held his deflating cock against my clit as I slowly came down from my orgasm.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I just couldn't help touching you," Toby whispered in my ear.

"Oh, baby, I think one of us was going to break at some point, I have been on edge from the first time I saw that beautiful cock of yours," I said, bringing his face to mine and kissing him on the lips. "Now, get me something to clean up this mess."

He rustled around and eventually found one of his tee-shirts to push between my legs. The giggling and fumbling were doing a lot to relieve the tension in the tent. Toby settled down behind me, spooning my body, and we fell asleep with ease.When I awoke, I could smell the coffee and campfire. When I peeked out from the tent door, I saw Toby already heading to the trees with his ax. I poured my coffee, and as I stood, Tik came up and put his nose right in my crotch. He turned to Toby then scampered away, heading to join his friend. I guessed Tik figured Toby had marked me as his, and I couldn't argue.

The days were starting to get colder and the bears were feeding every day, fattening up for their long winter sleep. Toby used the plywood sheets for the roof lining and our tent top for a waterproof layer. The mudbrick fireplace was almost complete, and we had moved in. Now it was time to cut more wood to stack for winter. I had been catching and smoked fish, but Tik figured that we had hung it out for him to snack on. Lesson learned. Going forward, I had to string it up higher than he could reach.

But we needed something bigger to make jerky because the big wolf had eaten into our supplies. He was now much stronger and could mostly fend for himself, but I wanted him to come out of the winter at full strength because he would need it when we left for home next spring.

I was tracking another new bear that came into the area, but Toby was at a crucial time with the roof, so Tik followed me. He would warn me if a wolf or bear were close, and I had the pistol. We tracked her down, and I held Tik by his fur. I noted her markings and those of her two cubs. They were beautiful and energetic youngsters, bouncing and playing around their Mother as she tried to fish.

I backed away, and we tracked our way home. Tik ran off to catch a rabbit that crossed our path, and as I hiked up a rise, I walked right into a huge male bear. I reached for the gun as the bear reared up on his hind legs towering over me. Then from my right, a snarling and growling Tik ran between us, taking a bite at the bears back leg and racing away, the bear in tow. I took off in the other direction and did a big arc to skirt around any possible reunion with the bear. I only got halfway round when a playful Tik came barging back, pushing along my side.

"I owe you one." I said to him as I hugged his neck and kissed his nose.

"Tik came to my rescue when I walked right up to a huge bear. Tik was too quick for him, nipping at his heels and getting the bear to chase him instead of eating me." I said to Toby as he was finishing on the roof.

"Are you alright?" Toby asked, looking worried as he came up to hug me.

"I am fine, not a scratch, but Tik thought it was a great game running away from the slow old bear. He came back full of play. I guess he doesn't fear the bears that much." I answered, my nerves finally settling down, now that I was home.

Toby kept an eye on me that afternoon, and as we went to the pond. He set Tik on guard duty while we stripped and sank into the cool water. I was less self-conscious about my nudity as we had already fooled around and broken many taboos. Toby was washing the sweat off his beautiful body as I sat in the waist-deep water watching. The work building our winter shelter installed muscle where previously there was only flab. I did slip a finger into my pussy as Toby soaped up his privates, his big cock thickening as he glanced over at my uncovered tits.

"Want me to wash your back?" He asked and smiled when he looked down to where my hand disappeared into the water. "Or anything else you need help reaching."

I didn't answer but just turned my back to him, and he soaped me up. I stood up, allowing him to reach lower to make sure I was 'clean,' and he washed my bottom well, before reaching around to scrub up my front. Toby pressed himself against my back, his cock caught between us, as he washed my breasts. His hand slipped lower to cup my pussy and slide his middle finger inside my folds. I stepped one foot out to widen my stance and give him room, and he inserted another finger.

"Fuck me, Baby, I need it so bad." I said, turning my head to steal a kiss, before bending over to offer myself to him.

Toby took hold of his cock and ran it up and down my pussy length, collecting my juices and slickening his cockhead. I reached between my legs and took hold of him and lined his cock head up to my ass, pushing back and relaxing to allow his cockhead entrance.

"Push-in slowly, Honey." I said, and spat on my fingers and smeared it on his shaft, then held his cock steady for him to slide into me fully.

"Are you sure Mom?" He asked, holding back for a second.

"Fuck my ass, Toby, I don't want any babies." was all I could get out as his cock sank into me.

It had been years since I had anal sex and I was in heaven. I loved it in the ass, and Toby's big cock filled me to the max. He set a slow but steady pace taking care not to hurt me, but my need had me push back on him to speed up the fucking. I reached under him to cup his balls and slid my finger along his ass crack, causing his cock to flex inside me. The feeling of being ass fucked by a nice thick cock was delicious. I pushed back harder, making sure he was bottomed out in me, and on each inward stroke gently pulling on his ball sack; to urge him on.

Toby was getting close to cuming, so I released his balls and slipped two fingers inside my pussy. I could feel his cock pumping into me through the thin membrane between my ass and pussy. I pulled my fingers out, and buffed my clit, bringing me to the brink of orgasm before plunging them back in my pussy again.

"Cum in me, Toby, fill me up." I said, and pushed back on him as he gripped my hips and thrust forward one last time.

"OooHhhh." escaped his mouth as he was pumping my ass full of his seed, holding himself deep inside me as his cock flexed with each blast.

Now I was cumming too, my ass gripping his cock, and milking it for all its bounty. My legs were weak, and I was barely keeping myself upright with the help of Toby's hands gripping my hips. Then we both dove under the water and pushed over into the deeper part of the pond. Tik was bounding after us, seeking to play the game that we were obviously enjoying so much while leaving him out.

"Tik, you were supposed to be standing guard." Toby said, to a panting Tik, as he pounced onto Toby again.

Toby came up spluttering and dived onto Tik, who allowed him to roll the wolf over into the water. I sat up on the grass next to the pistol while the two boys played. I watched with pride as Toby's muscles rippled as he moved. The months of chopping and building had transformed his body into something worthy of a painting.

"Mom are you alright with doing it that way, I feel like I am cheating you somehow." Toby said as we sat outside the cabin still using the firepit while it was warm enough.

"I think you are a lucky boy. No I'm sorry, that is wrong. I know you are a lucky young man. You couldn't have picked a better woman to bring into the wilderness where you don't have any pharmacy to get her the pill. I love anal sex, but haven't had it for a long time." I said, leaning over and kissing him.

"For real?" He asked, his eyebrows raised. In answer I went for a soft, gentle kiss. In seconds he was kissing me back and cupping my breasts.

"Everyone has their kinks, some like feet, some like boobs. I like what I like. What really matters is that you find someone who shares some of your kinks." I answered, and pulled his cock back out of his shorts.

"Nipples, I find them irresistible, I have to play with them." Toby said, as he sat back and put his arm around me.

"I have nice big nipples, and they like to be played with. How lucky for both of us!" I said, smiling as he slid his hand, inside my tee-shirt sleeves.

We sat by the fire. I had Toby's cock in my hand, and he played with my nipple until we became too excited and decided to turn in. I was just moving down to suck on his cockhead when he spread my legs and caught my clit between his lips, nibbling and sucking on my clit, while slipping two fingers into my pussy. I kept nursing on his cock head while he licked, and finger fucked my pussy. When it became too much, I stood over him and lowered myself down onto his cock, as he watched himself sliding into my ass.

I took his hand and straightened two fingers, placing them into my pussy, palm up. While holding his wrist, I used them to fuck my pussy, showing him what I liked while my ass was full of his cock. I was bobbing up and down on his cock and plunging his hand into my pussy. I could feel his cock start to blow his load, but I was too far gone to miss out myself, and forced his fingers in as far as it would go and locked down to seal his cock in my ass.

"Oh, Mom, I am cumming!" He shouted as he bucked under me, his balls shooting all his contents into my ass.

"That's it, Baby; pump me full of your stuff." I said, as he filled me to the brim.

I leaned back on one arm and strummed my clit with my fingers while Toby fingered me with two fingers. I started to climax, my pussy and ass clamping and relaxing around his fingers while my ass expelled his softening cock. My body continued jerking and shuddering as the most powerful orgasm I had in years pulsed through my body, before slowly ebbing away.

"You really love sex, don't you Mom?" Toby said, as we cuddled in bed afterward.

"Are you complaining?" I asked, one eyebrow raised.

"No, I was just surprised because the other girls I have been with only use it to get things. In that drug-crazed world I had been living in, that's how they survive." He said, with obvious sadness.

"I was so afraid I was going to lose you. It was the main reason I signed us up for this assignment, to get you away from that life." I said, snuggling into him.

"I don't think I would be alive if you hadn't got me out. I owe you my life, twice if you think about it." He said, kissing me.

"Any mother would do it, look at Aga, she left the pack for Tik." I said, wrapping my naked body around him.

"It's that mother's instinct," He said, as we drifted off to sleep.

I woke to smell coffee and campfire smoke. It was the most wondrous smell in the world. When I ventured out of the cabin door, I could see Toby and Tik pulling a log back to the campsite. It was too heavy for Toby to pull by himself, but with Tik in a crude rope harness, the log plowed through the soft grass easily. Toby set about cutting it down into usable size logs ready to be split into firewood. Tik went off hunting for small rabbits that dropped into their holes as soon as they saw a glimpse of the huge wolf cantering across the clearing.

"I would be much happier if we hiked across the valley to a native camp about twenty miles away. Tik has eaten into our supplies, and we could do with a top-up to be sure he can eat this winter. Without a pack, it will be hard for him to feed himself. It would be useless if we can only carry the supplies back, but with a sled Tik can carry a lot of supplies back for us. He probably wouldn't even notice the load compared to the log he just dragged." I said, sitting watching Toby's beautiful body flex as he sawed the log for firewood.

"I could make up a crude sled." He said, looking between my legs as I sat with only a blanket over my shoulders.

"We can make one there, or a better choice might be to buy one from the Inuit, they have been making them for centuries." I said, opening my legs and sitting back for Toby's viewing pleasure.

"OK, I am up for the walk, we need to get going. It will be a few days hike and the nights are getting colder." He said, adjusting his growing cock while he finished his cutting.

I watched with one foot up on the chair, showing Toby what his reward would be when he stopped his wood cutting. He finished quickly and grabbed me and took care of his erection right next to the campfire. Leaving me quivering with cum trickling from my ass crack, I wobbled to the pond to wash off his residue. We packed enough supplies for the trip and a bit extra just in case and headed off the next morning. We left the sound barrier on to keep the bears from testing the strength of the cabin doors.

We made good time, and as we walked over the last rise, I was relieved to find the Inuit still here. I thought they might move out before winter when the food becomes scarce. We slowly walked into the village with Toby holding Tik by the harness I made him put on. The people soon gathered at the side of the track, watching us silently. Then an old grey man came out to stand in our way.

"You bring a wolf into our village, do you mean us harm?" He asked, his clothing all native, the only one fully dressed that way.

"He won't harm anyone, he is not tame, but he will do my will." Toby said with authority, griping Tik's harness to be sure he didn't make a liar out of us and eat someone.

Then, from the group closest to us, a small child broke from her Mother's grasp, ran to Tik's side, and grabbed two handfuls of his fur. To Tik's credit, he stood firm, just lowering his head and rubbing his ear against the small human. This stopped everyone from running forward, now breathing a sigh of relief. The small child was still giggling as his terrified Mother gingerly picked him and worked to release his grip on Tik. She breathed out a huge sigh of relief as she dragged him away with two fists full of Tik's fur.

The older man stepped forward and put a hand on Toby's chest then on Tik's side. "They beat as one. 'Amaguk Arjun,' 'man-wolf,' you are connected by something. You share a destiny." He said. At the old man's statement the village people were visibly relaxing at the words, but the people still watched us.

"I was hoping to buy some food stores, dried meat or fish, and a 'uniat' sled." I asked, hoping that some of my US dollars had some value to the tribe.

"We would be happy to sell you some supplies, and I have an old sled you can have, it is no longer workable for my dogs, but the wolf will get a use or two out of it, and you can use it as a template for a new stronger one," He said, leading us through the village.

There was a flurry of activity as all the men scurried to tie up their dogs, and it would not be a fair fight as Tik was a foot taller and now twice their weight, at least. They traded us the food for some money, telling us of the other things like fishing line and gunpowder they needed to buy from the traders that passed through the area each year and our US Dollars were useful for that.

We headed back the same day, not wanting to tempt another child to end up close to Tik's jaws, as good as he had been up to now. We made camp on the edge of a large lake and made love watching the moonlight sparkling across the lake's water. I was on my hands and knees as Toby took me from behind, holding my breasts and pinching my nipples as he pumped into my ass.

While we lay recovering under the sleeping bags beside the fire, Tik decided he needed a hug too. He almost crushed us as he pounced on top of the sleeping bags, making a playful growl in his mock attack. He slept between us that night, stopping any more sex play, but was great at keeping us warm when the fire went out.

I was awake first in the morning and washed in the lake when Toby wolf-whistled at me from the campfire. I turned and flashed him my full-frontal body-shot, and he came running at me, tackling me into the water. The only problem with that kind of activity is that Tik thought it was a new game. Tik was soon following Toby into the water, his splash drenching us both. It didn't stop me from giving Toby a hand job in the water as he fingered my pussy to a nice mellow orgasm.

We made it back to find the cabin intact and stored the food in the chests safe inside. The last few days before the heavy snow, I spent finding the bears sleeping hides, while Toby cut enough wood for the winter months. Tik guarded me and caught some of his own food, while I tracked all the bears in the area, and logged all their winter sleeping dens. I was just finishing my last trip after all the bears had been accounted for. The snow storm was getting heavy, and I could barely see my hand in front of my face, I took another step and heard a crack from underneath my foot.

Then I fell into a crevasse on the edge of a ridge. The snow had covered the top of the sticks and brush that was caught in the wedge of rock, but my weight was too much. I fell ten feet and snagged in the rocks, my feet dangling through, but my body stuck by my pack. Tik was looking down, howling, as he couldn't reach me.

"Tik, go get Toby." I yelled, but he wouldn't leave me, he tried digging at the side, but all he did was kick a lot of dirt down on me.

"Tik, go home." I yelled again, and he finally bounded toward home, leaving my view.

I have never felt so alone, my legs were now starting to go numb with the cold and lack of circulation. It was still snowing, and I was sure Tik wouldn't find his way back. I waited and watched the sky going darker, and I could feel myself going to sleep. Sleep in this wilderness meant death, as hyperthermia would take me before anything else. Not a bad way to go at least I would just slip away and not be eaten alive by something while I was unable to defend myself. My gun was wedged between my body and the rock, so it was of no use. These were the funny things that started to go through my mind as I hung there, trying not to sleep.

I swear I heard my name being called, and I thought to myself, someone should call back.

"Toby, Toby, I'm here." I yelled when I realized it was my name I was hearing.

"Mom, don't move." Toby said, as more snow and dirt rained down onto me.

He disappeared and came back a few minutes later, sliding down beside me and tying a rope around my waist.

"Hold still, I will pull some of the sticks and rocks from around your body." He said, and disappeared below me.

I could feel him loosening my body and pulling my legs free. Then he pushed me up, and the rope slid up a foot or so.

"What are we tied to?" I asked, as he pulled himself to me.

"A good solid hitching point." He said, and then he whispered, "Pull Tik, Pull."

He pushed me up, and the rope was pulled again, moving me closer to the top and freedom. Toby climbed up beside me and pushed up again, and Tik pulled me right to the top. I grabbed the rock ledge and jammed my feet either side of the wedge, forced myself over the edge and turned my body to grab Toby's jacket.

As I pulled him over me, I said, "Oh, my boys thank you, I was sure I was a goner." hugging them both.

"I was scared out of my mind when Tik came bounding in alone, but he knew exactly how to get back to you. And they say we are the evolved race." Toby said while looking at Tik. Then he lifted me into the sled, as I was shivering too much to even stand.

Tik pulled me at full speed with Toby barely able to keep up in the snow. By the time we could see the cabin I was fading away, sleep all I could think of. Toby picked me up and carried me inside, stripping my clothes off and drying off my body before covering me with all the sleeping bags we had. He made warm soup and fed it to me and stripped his clothes off, then drying himself and climbing in behind me.

I was shivering badly and could hardly speak. "If I don't make it, finish my research and the book baby. It's important for the animals." I said, trying to make sure Toby would go on without me.

"We are not letting you die that easily, Tik, get in here." Toby said, and Tik gently climbed in and lay down in front of me."Tik, you smell terrible." I said, as my nose was hit with a horrible stench.

"Yes, he found some caribou, dung, and rolled in it." Toby said, but not letting me push the warm animal out of my bed.

I fell asleep and only woke a few times when Toby crawled over me to add wood to the fire. When I awoke, I was in bed by myself, and Toby was making food.

"Ready for some lunch, it's reconstituted beef, Tik's favorite." Toby joked, and Tik just dropped his head between his paws.

"Is it lunch already?" I asked, pulling the sleeping bags off my body, and trying to stand, but wobbling and falling back on the bed.

"Take it easy, you are still a bit weak, and that knee is badly swollen." Toby said. Yes but I smelt like Caribou dung and needed to pee.

"I need a pee and a wash." I said, sitting on the edge of the bed naked.

"I am warming some water to put in the camp shower, and I have a bucket over there. I will work on the drop toilet later, and we will have to keep the showers to a minimum as winter sets in," Toby said, and helped me wash and hover over the bucket to relieve myself.

I fired up the laptop and made entries in my notebook of the bear's dens. It was important for the research to know how wild bears sleep. Then I saw a file called 'Tik -- Call Of The Wild,' and I opened it to find the start of a story. I read it while watching Toby digging a hole for the toilet under the porch overhang.

"Toby, this is beautiful, I didn't know you were working on this." I said, when Toby came in with an arm full of wood.

"I don't think it's any good, but I feel like I need to get this stuff out of me somehow, and when I write it down, I can let it go." He said, not realizing how good the story felt to read.

"Well, it's cheaper than therapy." I said, making light of it, yet hoping he continues.

Our winter went like that, we ate, slept and made love in a little log cabin over the long winter months. At times the snow was up to the top of the door, and Toby had to shovel his way to the woodpile. I would sit and watch him write until the battery on the laptop would run out. Then he would have to clean the snow off of the solar charger and wait for it to charge for a few hours, then he would write until it went flat again. Until the middle of winter when the sun didn't rise at all for a good few weeks. We were so pleased when the sun finally peaked above the horizon again and Toby was able to continue writing.

I sat across from him on the bed and slowly took off pieces of my clothing to see how long Toby would take to notice. I was watching his eyes as I took my last item off, spread my legs, and slowly circled my clit with my finger until I saw a flicker of his eyes. A huge smile came across his face, and he reached under the table and adjusted his cock.

"Are you after something?" He asked, as he stood and started to take off his clothes.

"No, I was just enjoying the view, but if you are offering to eat my pussy, I promise to do the same for you." I said, laying back and spreading myself for him.

"How could I refuse that offer." He said, bending and licking me from the bottom of my pussy to my clit.

I spun myself around under him and took his cockhead between my lips and let him slide into my mouth until his balls were resting on my nose. I swallowed and felt his cock flex in my throat, then I rested my head back on the bed and sucked on his cockhead while he licked my pussy. He licked around my clit, then down between my pussy lips to my opening, then drove his tongue deep into me, withdrew, and circled my clit again.

I felt his finger sliding into my pussy, and then he put in a second one. I was hunching up to meet his tongue when he thrust another finger into my ass. He knew my weakness, every sensitive part of my body, and he used them to his advantage. I loved how he was pushing two fingers in my pussy and one in my ass while licking my clit.

I was about to cum but wanted to make Toby cum first, so I licked my finger and ran it around his flinching ass while I buried his cock in my throat. I knew I had him when his legs started to shake as my pussy was starting to contract around his fingers. Then I pushed my finger into his tight bottom as my orgasm exploded through my body. Then I felt his contractions begin around my finger, followed by spurts of Toby's cum filling my mouth.

We lay spent and kissed and snuggled for a few hours while the laptop charged again. It was a long cold winter, but the company was wonderful, and having a young stud to fuck you every day was an easy way to pass the day. The snow slowed, and the days started to get longer. It was great as we started to spend more time outdoors. Tik went out hunting on clear days and often caught dinner for himself and sometimes all of us.

Soon the snow cleared from the ground, and the wildlife started to return. The helicopter was due to return in a few days. I needed to scout and see if the bears and wolves had returned. We tracked all the bears, and most were out feeding after their long sleep.

"I am a little stuck with the story, I don't know how to end it." Toby said to me as we walked back from tracking down the last bear.

"Let it end where it is now, the story might have another book or two left in it. Who knows how long Tik's life will go on and what lays ahead for him." I said, slipping my hand into Toby's.

"Have you decided if we are going home when the chopper comes tomorrow?" Toby asked, reaching around me and cupping my breast on the other side.

"I think I can pay to extend the research until the end of summer, but I will order a satellite phone from the pilot and send some emails to try to get a grant for another year if you want to stay." I said, hoping he wanted to stay with me.

"I love it here with you and Tik. I am also scared of going home and breaking the promises I have made to myself. There are dangers here, but the temptation at home is much worse." He answered, honestly.

"I love it here too, and it has some benefits other too." I said, popping my breast out of my top, and into his hand.

Toby played with my nipple as we walked, and when we got back to the cabin, he fucked me until I couldn't stand straight the next day. The chopper came and delivered some food on the first trip and brought back the phone and more supplies on the second. We booked another delivery for the end of summer, but now we had a phone and could pull the pin at any time.

I did get the grant extension for the six months and also sent Toby's book to my publisher; I didn't tell Toby because I didn't want him disappointed if they didn't want to publish it. Then we picked up a signal for Nukka. They had moved back to the area to find food. We set off across the forest, tracking the fast-moving pack and found them stalking a deer in the open field. They looked thin but healthy, but only two females had pups and then only two each. We retreated, holding Tik back to stopping him, giving us away.

Atka didn't run as strongly as he did last summer, but he still ruled with an iron rod, punishing any pack member who stepped out of line with a sharp bite to the neck or shoulder. Nukka had a few fresh marks on her neck, as well as did some of the pups. They headed off across the plain, and we headed home. I noticed Toby writing more on the computer and smiled to myself that indeed his story was not finished at just one book.

I set up the sat phone when Toby had finished for the night, and I couldn't believe the email I received from the publisher. The book sold out in the first few days, and the reprint was already fully booked, and a third run was being pushed forward. The publisher wanted a second book and made an offer to Toby to secure rites.

"Your book is selling out all across the world, they want to offer you an advance to write the second one." I said, and Toby just looked at me blankly.

"What book, what did you do?" He asked, a worried look on his face.

"I sent it to my publisher in your name, and they liked it, the first and second run have sold out already, that's hundreds and thousands of copies. They love Tik and Nukka's story." I said, hugging him.

"But I don't want to be known, I just want to stay here with you and Tik." Toby said, still worried things would change.

"The backers for the research are beating down our door to continue our work. The story has highlighted the hard life and struggles that the bears and wolves have up here. If we choose to, we may never have to leave." I answered, easing his mind.

I showed him the retainer they offered, and he said he would try, but for me to put the money in an account somewhere, so if he never completed the book, he could give it back and forget about the whole thing.

We spent our time tracking the bears and counting the new cubs that showed up this year. It was lovely watching the cubs playing while the Mother was trying to be serious about gathering food.

We picked up the signal from Nukka again and followed it in a familiar direction. I saw Tik's attitude change when he realized where we were heading. We followed the ridgeline and stopped in the treeline, then we spotted the pack at the mouth of the cave. Atka was near the pile of rocks sniffing at the base. The others, including Nukka, watched but didn't help, as Atka started to dig and move the rocks.

"What's he doing?" Toby asked, holding Tik's mouth closed.

"He might be going to spread the bones and hide to show his dominance," I answered, and Toby put his forehead against Tik's shoulder as Tik pulled to get free.

Toby let go of Tik's head, and he bolted from the tree line, Nukka stood but didn't advance, just protecting the other female wolves and the pups. Atka saw Tik advancing at speed and headed for the high ground as Tik stopped by his Mother's grave, guarding her again. The snarling and growling from the two males sounded vicious, and with neither giving ground, a fight for dominance was always inevitable.

Atka leaped at Tik rolling him over and taking the advantage for a second, but Tik used his legs to flip Atka over and bite his face, removing some more hair and skin. The old wolf circled to the high ground again, but Tik would not leave his Mother's graveside even with the disadvantage it gave. Another leap, but this time Tik reared up and took Atka front on, the two Wolves biting and growling as the dust-obscured our view. Then when the dust cleared, Tik stood over Atka. The old wolf pulled himself up, beaten, and hobbled to the top of the rise again.

"He is done, he will retreat and join the banished males to live out his life," I said, putting a hand on Toby's shoulder.

"No, he will attack again, a king will not go out like that. Toby said. "Tik watch him!" I heard Toby whisper, and Tik looked up from pushing the stone back on his Mother's grave with his nose.

Atka leaped through the air again, but his body didn't have any strength left, and Tik reared up and put his mouth around his throat and wheeled him to the ground with a sickening thump. We could hear the crack from where we hid, Atka was no more, the king was dead.

"Look after the pack, Tik, they are your responsibility now." Toby whispered, when Tik looked at us. Then he turned towards Nukka, his head low offering her his bloodied neck if she wanted to finish him.

They stood inches apart, she dropped to her haunches and licked his wounds. The others walked up to greet the new pack leader, all but the two Mothers with pups.

"What will happen now?" Toby asked, as we watched from the treeline.

"He will mate with all the females, to ensure he is the father of all the new pups, he may kill Atka's pups to bring the mothers on heat sooner, and to ensure that Atka's sons won't be a threat later." I answered, noticing that the two mothers stayed away with their pups.

We backed away and headed home, but Toby was quiet, sort of in mourning for the loss of his brother. I just held his hand and let him grieve. The next morning, we followed the signal to a clearing where we found the pack sunning themself next to some rocks. Our hearts sank as we saw Tik was on his hunches, with one of Atka's pups in his mouth. Then another two came up from behind him, attacking and rolling over his neck to join their sibling biting on Tik's ears. We could not help laughing at the look on Tik's face as he just took a beatdown from the pups.

Then we saw Nukka, chase the pups away with a growl, they didn't dare argue with the lead female. Nukka moved down beside Tik and backed up, offering herself to him. He stood and mounted her, and with small thrusts found his mark before driving in frantically. Tik lodged himself so his knot would expand to block any loss of his precious seed. Nukka dropped her front legs and remained still as Tik swelled within her, ensuring the new king's bloodline was secure.

I got to my knees beside Toby and pushed down my shorts, and pulled off my shirt, I started to play with my clit as Toby was watching Tik and Nukka. I waited for him to notice me. I even saw him adjust his cock in his pants.

"Do you think the pups will be alright.... what the fuck!" He said as he noticed my naked form.

"They will be fine, it's only if new blood isn't found in the next generation or two, but this is hot as fuck, my pussy is dripping, now get undressed and fuck me." I moaned out, tweaking my clit while I waited.

Toby did as he was told and got behind me. I took hold of his cock and ran it up and down the length of my pussy to lube it up for penetration. Then I held it in position for him to thrust into me.

"Push baby, and don't hold back." I said, and Toby thrust forward, and sank into me to his balls.

"Mom, I am in your pussy." Toby said in surprise, and was ready to pull out.

"Yes, now fuck me good baby, make me your bitch." I said, holding on to his balls between my legs, halting him from pulling out.

Toby started to pump into me, his cock bottoming out in my pussy with each stroke. I could feel his thumb circling my rosebud as he pumped into me from behind, then he dropped some spit in my ass crack and smeared it around with his thumb. He pushed into me with his cock then slipped his thumb in my ass, the full sensation causing me to shudder and push back on his cock.

Beneath the rocks, Tik had moved his front legs to Nukka's side and turned around, so he was ass to ass with her, his cock still firmly wedged inside her pussy.

"That looks painful." Toby said as he pumped into me.

"His knot is swollen to the size of a fist. He can't get out until he goes soft. If he pulls out too early, he could hurt her or himself." I said, as we watched Nukka being pulled backward by Tik.

Then with a howl from Nukka, he pulled free and turned to lick at her pussy, as she remained chest down with Tik's seed soaking into her womb. Tik walked with his huge cock swinging from between his legs, the tip almost touching the ground, he flopped down with his back to the rock and licked at his cock. Nukka dropped down next to him, and they licked at his bright red shaft until it retracted into its sheath.

Toby was pumping into me, and I could feel his cock expand as he prepared to cum. He felt like he was going to pull out, but I gripped his balls again, holding him fully inside me while his first blast shot into me. He kept pumping his seed in me while fucking his thumb up my ass; driving me to climax with his cock still buried in my pussy. I dropped my chest to the grass and held him in me as Toby's sperm searched for any of my eggs still floating inside my body.

Tik and Nukka were licking each other's faces when we saw a pair of little ears pop up from behind the rock. The mischievous little pup stood on the rock, eyeing his prey. He looked all confident, creeping down the front of the rock until his footing became unstable, then he just tumbled over and fell down the two feet, landing on top of Tik, who quickly swatted his paw down, pinning the hapless pup. The pup bravely gnawed on the giant paw and kicked at it trying to free himself, but it took a nudge from Nukka's nose to free the youngster.

Both Toby and I were in stitches at the pup's antics and saw that Tik was going to be a great leader for the pack. I picked up my shoulder bag and folded my receiver up and stuffed it in the bag with my clothes. I walked away from Toby, who I guessed was watching my ass wiggle as I walked. A few seconds later, he caught up with me as I felt his cum trickling down the insides of my thighs.

"So are you fertile." Toby asked, his soft cock flopping from side to side as we walked.

"I don't know if I can even get pregnant anymore, but I want to let nature take its course. Nukka is taking a chance with her brother to give him offspring, and I think you should have a chance at a baby if it's possible." I said, as I took the lead up a steep trail, making sure my bottom wiggled as much as I could make it.

"I'm not sure I deserve it, but I can't deny it turns me on something shocking, to think about making a baby inside of you." Toby answered, his cock sticking out as he looked up at my open pussy.

I walked a little ahead, and when Toby caught up, he found me bent over a fallen tree, with my legs spread as far as they would go. He walked right up behind me and slid right into my pussy, pumping wildly as he rammed his body into mine. It took him a while longer to cum the second time in a few hours, but he made me cum twice in the process. I had to squat right next to him to empty my bladder and the cum from my pussy so I could walk the rest of the way back to camp.

That night I was lying awake while thinking about Tik and Nukka fucking, and then I felt a hand cover my pussy mound. "Are you still awake too."

"Yes Baby, would you fuck me one more time so I can get to sleep." I said, reaching over and taking hold of his stiff cock.

Toby only rolled over on top of me, hooked his arms under my knees, pushed them up to my tits with his strong arms, and exposed my pussy or ass to his whim. He pushed himself up on his muscular arms and aligned his cock with my sopping slot, then thrusting down he impaled me with one blow. He pounded me hard, and his body crushed against the back of my thighs as his balls slapped against my ass crack.

Toby fucked me at a fast pace, and the sound of slapping filled the cabin as he fucked me with all his might. I could feel the orgasm being forced out of me as I clamped my pussy around his cock. I grunted and moaned under his chest as his sweat dripped onto my tits. I reached up and cupped his face drawing him down to me, kissing him passionately as his lower body continued fucking me. I was starting to cum again when Toby stiffened and bellowed as he shot his load in my spasming pussy.

I pushed a bedroll under my butt to hold my body in the air and keep his cum in me to find my eggs. "You are very good at that, I hope one of those sperm of yours find an egg to slip into." I said.

"I have put a gallon of cum in there today if there is an egg in there he or she will get found." Toby said, pushing some of the cum back in my pussy with his finger. We curled up in bed and fell asleep in no time after burning off our extra sexual energy.

I awoke in the morning to find Toby writing, so I made his coffee and waited out under the porch. I pulled both my boobs out from the top of my shirt and pulled up the hem above my hips. I spread my legs and played with my nipples and clit while I sipped my coffee and watched Toby write.

I saw him look over, then he kept writing, but the smirk on his face told me I had his attention. I saw him fidgeting in his chair then his cock rose up from behind the keyboard. I slipped a finger in my pussy and withdrew it to suck it clean, then repeated the process while I twisted my nipple between my finger and thumb, lifting my right tit away from my chest. I lifted my leg over the chair's arm and used my wet finger to circle my ass.

Toby's erection was throbbing, as he now did more watching me than he was writing. He finally gave up and closed the laptop and turned to face me; slowly stroking his cock while he watched me with glazed eyes. I stretched my other leg up and over the chair's arm and shuffled down, exposing my pussy and ass to his gaze.

Toby lost it at this stage, he ran to me and picked me up from under my legs, and I clutched onto him around his neck as he tried to penetrate me standing tall, but missing and sliding across my clit or ass. He finally found his mark and slid into me with ease. Toby stood and bounced me on his cock fucking me with abandon with his arms flexing easily to take my weight. He wasn't even sweating as I started to cum, His deep strokes taking me over the edge, causing my pussy to spasm around his cock.

After my climax subsided, I relaxed and let Toby fuck me at a more relaxed pace. He pumped me up then dropped my ass down on his cock, filling my pussy with the sperm I craved. When he finished cuming in me, he placed me back in the chair with my pussy off the edge, so the cum could drain on to the ground.

Our visits to see Tik and Nukka were daily, and we saw them fucking often, Tik was doing his job and fucking all the females, but he filled Nukka every day and stayed in her until the cum flooded out of her pussy afterward. The weeks passed, and all the other females were getting fat, but Nukka was still trying, and so was I. We made love watching Tik and Nukka, and in the cabin, and the pond. We made love everywhere our fancy took us.

Then, at one of our visits, I could see Nukka lying down next to the rock with some pups rolling over her, trying to get her to play. Tik came up and nudged her, but she growled at him.

"No sex for you, big guy." Toby joked, and looked at me, trying to read my expression. "What is it?"

"He has already done his job, she will not take him again until after the birth." I answered, bringing a smile to Toby's face.

"Are you sure?" he asked, beaming at me.

"Her nipples are much larger and darker, and she would take Tik's cock if she still needed it, I am sure." I answered, smiling with Toby, who was so happy.

"Yours and bigger and darker too." Toby said, joking with me.

"I know, but I like to keep you fucking me all the time, but at least you can fuck my ass again now that I don't need your cum in my pussy all the time." I said, to a shocked Toby, who's mouth just hung open.

Toby flung himself at me, rolling be in the grass and showering me with kisses. He kissed my belly and tried to listen to the baby, but it was too early for that yet.

"When will you have the baby, do you think we need to go home before it's time?" Toby asked, still kissing my belly.

"I will have the baby next spring, I might go to the little village where they will likely have a midwife. I am not going back to the city, this is home for us now." I said, holding Toby's head to my belly.

"What about Nukka?" He asked, looking up at me and kissing my belly.

"In about twelve weeks, if she holds on to them, she has never had pups before." I said, pulling him up for a kiss.

The pack disappeared for a few weeks after that day, and we went about our research with the bears that came in and out of range. The good season meant many cubs to document, and a lot of laughter watching them tumble and play as they learned all about being a bear. By the time Tik and the pack came back into range, Nukka was walking more slowly with her huge belly, as were all the other females. Tik had potent sperm and had done his job well.

"Tik is doing most of the hunting, and the females are mostly herding the animals for him to take down." Toby noted, as we watched them from the ridge.

"Yes, even with big bellies, they have to help hunt bigger game to feed the pack." I said, rubbing my growing bump.

I was up on top of a log, and Toby was underneath in a hollow where we had dragged the log over to cut it. I pulled the saw up, and Toby used all his strength to pull it back through to cut the log lengthwise and make floorboards. It was hard work, and I felt a twinge from the baby as I lifted the big saw.

"Mom, you can stop. We have lived with a dirt floor for over a year, and another won't matter." Toby said, as he looked up past the log to me.

"I just need to go a bit easier, I will be fine, natives work right up until they go into labor, then go right back to work." I said, as I stepped one leg sideways to give him a nice view up my dress.

"OK, you stand like that, and you will give me all the motivation I need to cut this log by myself." Toby said, staring up at my pussy.

I did better than that, I pulled my dress up over my breasts and lowered myself, so my pussy and tits were right over Toby's face. He arched up and licked me from my ass right through my pussy to my clit, bringing a shudder from my body, and a moan from my lips.

"Perfect." Toby said, as he finished the last foot of the log.

He came up to me and picked me up, carrying me to the pond and plunging us both in clothes and all. He washed the sawdust off his body and pulled my dress over my head. The baby bump was now showing, and I could feel the little butterfly flutters of movement inside my belly. This intensified whenever Toby was near, and I noted it felt like they were doing backflips as he held me tight.

I turned and bent over like the first time we made love and offered Toby my ass, he accepted it by sliding his cock between my ass cheeks and thrusting into me.

"Oh, God, I love your cock." I groaned as he filled me, his cock throbbing with excitement when he was fully embedded in my ass.

Toby fucked me slowly with his fingers strumming my clit, until I started to climax. Then he started to bump into me frantically and orgasmed while holding my belly, pumping me full of his cum.

"It will be fine floating around in its water filled bubble, you know." I said, as I kissed Toby over my shoulder as his cock pumped the last of his sperm in me.

"Is a pregnant woman the sexiest thing in the world or what?" Toby asked, bringing a huge smile from me. Toby had no way to know his father said the same thing.

"And the horniest thing in the world, at least for me," I replied, as we dropped back into the water.

When we turned around all we could see was the outline of a huge wolf, standing at the edge of the pond. It startled both of us as we didn't bring the gun and had left ourselves exposed. Our fears were soon put to rest as Tik moved forward out of the sun's path. He was alone.

"Tik." Toby yelled as he jumped up to hug his friend.

Tik dropped his head and rubbed it against Toby in a greeting that showed their connection more clearly than anything else. Then Tik moved back a few feet and looked back to Toby.

"Something is wrong, grab your clothes." Toby said, as he pulled on his shorts.

I threw the dress over my head and slipped on my shoes and was right behind the boys as we followed Tik into the forest. We followed him on a familiar path over the ridgeline and out of the trees and saw Tik disappear into the cave next to their Mother's final resting place. Out of breath, we both stopped at the door worried what we would find inside. Toby stuck his head in to be greeted by a growl that froze us both in an instant.

Nukka was lying inside with Tik licking her face, there was water on the ground behind her, letting us know she was having the pups, but something wasn't going well, and she looked weak. Mom entered first, bringing another growl from Nukka, but Tik put his mouth over her nose, letting her know he was in charge, and even Nukka would not cross Tik, brother or not.

Mom moved behind Nukka, bravely patting her fur, but this time she got only a low rumble from Nukka. Mom felt her huge belly, and then as Nukka had a contraction, Mom pushed down on her. As the contraction stopped, Nukka lifted her head and looked at Mom but no growl this time. She knew somehow that she needed help to have these babies and could not do it alone.

"There is one stuck in her cervix, it's her first litter, if I can get this one through the other two will be easier." Mom said, but Tik and I just looked on hopelessly.

Then on the next contraction, Mom pushed down on her belly again and slid her hand downward, helping the pup along. This went on for another hour until a sack appeared, and the body of a small pup flopped out onto the ground. Mom quickly pulled the sack apart and rubbed the pup in her dress. The pup lay limply in her hands as we saw another pup slide out into the world. Mom left the first pup in her lap, ripped the sack open on the second, picked up the squirming pup, rubbed it briskly, and placed it at his Mother's breast.

Nukka lifted her head and started licking the second pup and nudging it onto her nipple. Mom continued to work on the first pup, holding its mouth closed and blowing into his nose, a canine mouth to nose CPR. Then another sack flopped out, and Mom dropped the pup in her lap again and opened the sack rubbing the third pup and placing it on its Mother's breast. Nukka was licking and nudging the two puppies while Mom still worked on the first.

Mum did another round of mouth to nose, then placed him in her dress and rubbed the little pup vigorously in a final attempt to rouse the little one. Mom just looked at Nukka, defeated a sad look on her face, then they both heard a little yelp come from within the bloodied folds of Mom's dress. The sound brought smiles from Mom and a look of interest from Nukka. She placed the little one at Nukka's breast, where Nukka started licking and tending to the three puppies.

Mom kneeled there with her hands, and the front of her dress covered with afterbirth and slime but looked as happy as a clam. Nukka sniffed at Mom for a second then licked her hand. Mom raised her hand and scratched Nukka behind the ear. "Well done, Nukka, welcome to motherhood, and say goodbye to sleep."

We backed out of the cave, and Tik followed us for the last hug before disappearing into the woods in the hunt for food for Nukka. We tracked home, and Mom threw the dress out, I don't think it was salvageable anyway. The dinner conversation revolved around the new pups and Nukka's place in the pack. The little one we called Miska 'little bear' and his two sisters Sakari 'Sweet' and Nini 'Porcupine', and they all had the black blaze down over the shoulder. Mom noted them on the computer and closed it for the night.

She sat on the bed with a happy look on her face, her nude body propped up on the pillows.

"What made you so happy?" I asked.

"Nukka is a wild animal, but she instinctively knew she needed my help and it was accepted. I can't get over the feeling that I got when she licked my hand, it was the best 'thank you' I could have ever asked for." Mom replied, holding her arm's out to me, as I stripped off my clothes to join her.

"I'm blown away that she started tending to the pups as soon as they were born, it's not like she had any training." Toby said as he put his face to my belly.

"The instinct is powerful, and she has seen many other females give birth." I said, as I stroked his hair and let him listen to the baby bubbling and gurgling inside me, then I felt a kick, and Toby jumped.

"The baby kicked me in the face." Toby said, looking up at me with glee.

"The baby heard your voice." I said, smiling at his affection for the baby already.

Toby put his head against my belly again, but this time I felt his fingers slipping between the folds of my pussy. He curled them upward, searching for my G-spot, and it didn't take him long to find it. Standing, he pulled my legs to the edge of the bed and spread them apart, holding them there as he lowered himself and kissed my clit. I was in heaven as he licked my sopping pussy and fingered me, and my hips gave involuntary thrusts as my clit searched for more contact.

Toby stood and lined up his cock and drove into my depths, plowing into me with abandon. He knew I was already on edge, and his fucking would take me over the top in only a few strokes. My toes pointed down, and my nipples contracted as my orgasm built up within me, then like a bolt of lightning, it struck me; making me convulse and spasm around my son's cock.

Toby lost control of his rhythm and started to thrust into me in short bursts as he pumped me full of his cum. I pulled him down on top of me so we could share a kiss and cuddle up together in our little cabin in the wilderness. Just then we heard a wolf howl. It was like Tik was saying thank you.