"Mmmh, yeah, that's shooo deliciousss," she moaned lovingly as she ran her tongue on the hard stick held by her tightly-shut lips, his heart skipping a beat as he watched the first few white drops drip down onto her large, wet breasts.

He was completely entranced by what he saw. As the creamy drops were joined by others, and slowly started making their way down the pink globes, reaching the tight black fabric covering them, his hungry eyes watched every single move of them.

"Something's wrong honey?" Mikaela asked her son, after taking her snack out of her mouth. "You hadn't even touched your ice cream yet. It's pretty good! Also, on hot days like this, you should get something cold into your belly. Not to mention that they weren't exactly cheap..."

"Sorry Mom, just got lost in my thoughts," Max replied, before laying on his back and finally taking a bite out of his ice cream bar. Then another, and another. Even were he still sitting, there was no way the ice cream would leave as much of a mark on his body as it did on his mother's, given how quickly he was eating it.

"Whoah! Slow down, this isn't an eating competition. You know that your stomach doesn't like it when you eat so fast," she said with a laugh.

He laughed as well, and for a moment, their eyes met just a bit awkwardly.

"You wouldn't have fit in with my girlfriends when we used to go there," she with, her voice suddenly turning somber, before turning her gaze towards the clean, endless, azure water in front of them, moving her ass from side to side to enjoy the feeling of the soft sand under her blanket pushing against her as she spoke. "If you were a girl, I mean, of course a guy wouldn't fit in with eight girls. Well, ten, but nobody really cared about Sarah and Sandra."

"That must've been fun," he replied, doing his best not to make it sound like the most predictable thing a young man like him would say when told about how a bunch of similarly-young women were having fun on their own.

"It was! Especially since we didn't just gobble up our ice creams, but enjoyed them like this," she explained, before once again taking the half-melted bar into her mouth, once again playing with it with her tongue as she savored the taste of it while taking a few more bites, and once again sending several drops of it dripping down onto her giant jugs from her chin.

The only difference, this time, was that even laying on his back, he was starting to get dizzy from all of the blood leaving the rest of his body and filling his cock at the sight of her wet body getting messier.

How she still hadn't noticed the rising flagpole in his swim briefs, he had no idea. Though, given that even after 20 years of being her son, he hadn't noticed just how ungodly big her breasts were, maybe it wasn't impossible. It might even run in their family, he thought, and chuckled.

"Is something funny?" she asked, genuinely curious. "Honey?"

"Nothing, Mom," he replied, swallowing hard and dry as he invariably once again looked at her vanilla-covered breasts. He really had no idea just how blessed she was until she put on that small, tight, black bikini that he was sure she had last put on during the time she was now reminiscing about, and his world pretty much turned upside down.

His mother was hot. No, wait, he already knew that. Even as her son, he noticed how clear her skin was, how slim and slender she was, how nice her dark hair looked, and how big and cute her blue eyes were. But now? He could see that she wasn't just hot, she was stunning, fuckable, and she could easily put more than a few models and pornstars he liked to shame.

That made sense, considering that she had done some modeling in her past, the photos of which he now knew that he'd have to find. It wasn't impossible for a model to age gracefully and put even younger ones to shame, but his mom...

"Aaah, if only I could know what goes on in your head," Mikaela lamented. "Meanwhile, I'm telling you everything I'm thinking about," she added before laying down next to him, her profanely-large tits jutting out into the air like a pair of particularly eye-catching buoys. "Yeah, when I was your age, this beach was ours. Every weekend in the summer, we took over it like conquering queens. I don't even remember who came up with this little ritual of ours, but we always had fun doing it.

"First, we went into the water, and grabbed everyone's attention while we got wet. Then, we returned to the sweet, hot sand, got dirty and messy as all hell, and then we continued being the center of attention in here while we had fun playing in the water and using it to clean ourselves up. And, when we were cleaned up and finally got talking with the guys and girls who were watching us all the time... heh, I might tell you one day."

He could feel his cock twitch in his tight briefs when she snickered and blinked at him mischievously as she finished talking.

Suddenly, she shoved the ice cream bar into her mouth, bit off and swallowed what was left of it in seconds, and jumped back on her feet.

"C'mon big boy! The sun is blazing and the beach is ours, let's have some fun!" his mother yelled out, before grabbing the inflatable ball they had brought with them and starting to run towards the blue water, sounding and looking just like the young woman she was when she first started coming here.

After a moment of just watching her, his mind and gaze empty, he likewise just casually swallowed the remains of the mostly-eaten ice cream bar and started awkwardly getting back on his feet, trying his best to make his jerky, clumsy movements look natural and to hide the fact that he was trying to move with a rock-hard, pulsating spear between his legs.

When he started running after her, he was completely convinced that his swim briefs would be ripped in half by the erect organ. It truly surprised him when that hadn't happened.

"Aaand, catch!" she said as she threw the ball towards him.

He, predictably, didn't exactly catch it. Instead, he sent it right back, his muscular arms inevitably throwing it with stronger force than her soft, slender ones. Moving backward a bit to intercept it, she repaid him in kind, her weaker throw for a change forcing him to move forward towards her to be able to return it.

After a couple of such throws, he had noticed just how far they've moved when her breasts, which were the only thing he was able to focus on now, started hovering on the ocean surface. The tiny, tight bikini was seemingly at its limit. It seemed like it was about to split open, freeing the beautiful, round globes it barely did anything to contain by now, anyway.

His attention completely captured by his mother's overdeveloped bust, he was inevitably broken free from the power of her enchanting figure from the ball she had sent in his direction ended up hitting him straight in the head.

"Hah! Hope that isn't how your paying attention at lectures young man, we can't have just one university graduate in our family," his mother exclaimed, doing her best to stifle her laughter as he came back to his senses.

That was, indeed, how he paid attention to his lecturers. Completely focused. Not missing a single detail. She didn't have to worry about him not being able to follow in her footsteps.

She just missed what he was actually paying attention to.

"Maybe I'm just tired from the journey, that's all," her son sheepishly argued.

"You're what?!" she gasped in disbelief. "It's noon, you're twenty, and you didn't even drive us here!"

"It's only two months since I officially stopped being a whiny teenager," was his swift counter. "Some habits die hard, you know," the young man added, before throwing her the ball back, much weaker than before. "It's not like I'm stopping, but don't expect me to have a workout in here."

She just smiled, mostly to herself, as she jumped as high as she could and threw the ball back at him.

He had absolutely no idea for how long they've ended up doing this. From the moment she had jumped to repel the incoming ball, jumping so hard that he could see her waist for the briefest moment before her body fell back, her breasts leading the way and splashing loudly and powerfully against the surface, he hadn't paid a bit of attention to anything else.

Not that he had paid that much attention to his surroundings before, either. This time, however, all he could see was his mother's voluptuous body, jumping out of the water to throw the light ball back at him every time he threw it in her direction. The hopelessly stretched black bikini she most likely hadn't worn for decades, along with the huge breasts that were effortlessly spilling out of it in every direction, took loads of water with them every time she had done so, said water immediately flowing down her body and splashing back onto the surface before her huge knockers slammed down onto it as well just moments later.

Watching it happen, just as he was convinced before that his briefs would be in pieces thanks to his cock, so was he now fully convinced that that poor, small bikini top of hers was not going to survive this.

All the while, her infectious smile stayed etched on her beautiful face. Soon, he started reciprocating it, and eventually, it seemed to him that something about it had changed maybe? He wasn't exactly sure what it was, but after some throws, it simply started to seem less childishly playful and more, mature, maybe?

It wasn't just her smile though. Her entire expression seemed to change and, weirdly, her eyes, which were the same color as the beautiful, clean water all around them, seemed to shine more brightly after some point in time.

Briefly, he wondered whether any of the few other people sprawled over the beach paid any attention to them. Quickly, however, this thought left his mind along with all other unneeded white noise, and he went back to feasting his eyes on her insane curves.

This time, what woke him up from his trance wasn't the ball hitting him on his head. Instead, it was seeing his mother's entire body suddenly disappear under the surface, only for her to suddenly burst out of it and hit the ball with more force than ever before, sending it flying over her son's head, and hit the surface at the midpoint between him and the beach's sandy outline.

"Bam! Who's the champ now, huh?" she smugly stated as she pumped her fist victoriously.

"Not bad," Max replied, as he turned around to look at the ball. "So, we're done?"

"Maybe," his mother flatly replied, making him stammer when he turned back around and saw her hopping near him, a neutral expression on her face turning back to that mature smile from before. "Maybe I'm just tired from this little workout, that's all," Mikaela added with the smug tone from before.

"I can see that," her son admitted, stifling a burst of laughter at the way she brought back his words against him. "Wait, what are y..." he blurted out as she walked past him, not even managing to finish the sentence before the surface around them shook and he felt her body slam against his, almost knocking him off of his feet.

"What, I said that I'm tired," she mockingly said, while her son just growled in annoyance as she tightened her grip on his body, crossing her slender legs around his waist and her tight arms around his neck and shoulders. "You already had a timeout to catch your breath, since you were so, so tired from the journey. It's only fair that I get one as well!"

He would've growled again, frustrated more at how she had turned his words against him than any physical effort she was making him exert, but as his legs stabilized, he realized right away that this wasn't that bad at all. Even with the hot sun above doing its best to scorch the earth below, his wet body felt rather chilly when exposed to the air, so having his mother's soft, warm body shield him wasn't a bad feeling at all. Not to mention that, given how she had positioned herself on his back, those perfectly round breasts of hers were firmly pressed against the back of his neck and head, which was as useful as it was pleasant, as this was probably the only way to make him take his eyes off of them and start paying attention to the outside world.

Also, was it just him, or was her heart beating weirdly wildly? Sure, she was a woman in her early-to-mid-40s who had just given herself a pretty good physical workout, but this seemed a bit too wild even for that...

Slowly, with her holding onto him with all of her might, he started making their way back to their spot on the effectively-abandoned beach. There were six, maybe seven if the figure he saw out of the corner of his left eye was not just some weird tree, other people on the entire beach, and surprisingly, none of them seemed to be the slightest bit interested in the mother-son duo returning from the water.

"Think you're strong enough to still get it back at the shore?" she asked, the tone in her voice betraying the fact that there was only one answer she expected.

In a flash, the ball was in the air, followed by a bang as his right arm sent it flying, his movements almost making her lose her grip on his body.

"Bam! Who's the champ now, huh?" he said, continuing their newfound habit of appropriating and turning each other's words against them while they watched the ball slowly fall and stop right in between their two blankets.

"Can't argue with that," she commented, before tightening her grip on his body even further. At first, he thought that she just wanted to be sure that she won't find herself almost falling off of him again, but then she continued speaking, "Thanks for coming here with me Max, I really appreciate it."

"Well, of course I did, Mom," he tried to interject, but she seemed to just ignore him.

"I really, really loved all the time I've spent in here, but those days are gone," Mikaela sadly added. "Gone and never coming back. It wasn't just those two weirdos, everyone stopped talking to each other after we graduated college. Hell, it was already on thin ice after high school was over. It's just a bit over twenty years since then, and the only one I'm still in any contact with is Carol, and I doubt we'll be in contact after the next twenty years. I'm not even sure which ones are married and which aren't!"

"Well, you can still always try to reach out," Max said, still trying to interject, while his mother continued to ignore him.

"But, I gotta say, there are definitely advantages to having my big, hunky hunk of a son here with me, instead of a pack of aging women like me, or even some bunch of young hussies," she whispered out teasingly, making him freeze for a moment as he felt her starting to run her right index finger across his chest, tracing his skin. "They definitely wouldn't be able to carry me like this."

At this point, he could pretty much feel his heart beating down in his cock. Thankfully, they were just a few steps from the shore, so, moving just as awkwardly as he did when they were leaving the soft sands for the water before, he slowly walked onto the sand in front of them and, with her help, laid his mother on her back, with him laying himself to her left.

"You know, this is what I've always wanted," she said just seconds after he laid next to her, playing with the water by spreading and closing her legs quickly a few times, not even giving him time to calm his body down. "Whenever I was here with the girls, I wanted to one day have titties so big that I wouldn't see the ocean, even if my feet were in it."

"Well, seems like you got your wish," he automatically replied, not even fully realizing what he was saying.

"You also didn't exactly get screwed over by nature. My genes are awesome, what else can I say?" she replied. "Take those briefs off and show it to me."

"Wai- Wait what?! Mom?!" she gasped, as he realized what she was saying, while his blood boiled in his veins.

"Don't you ´Wai- Wait what?!´ me. You thought I didn't notice that you had a flagpole ready to be adorned the whole time we were there?" she asked, as she started getting back at her feet. "We can chalk it up to the hot sun making us go crazy and never speak about it if you want. But I'm pretty sure that you're smart enough to understand how me and the girls liked to end our trips here, and since we're both pretty strict habit-holders, you know that there's no way I'm not doing that again after coming back here after all that time. And don't even pretend that you don't want it even more than I do, those stares were even more painful than this crazy sun."

He knew that he should say something to make her drop this crazy idea. But, frankly... he didn't want to, and even if he did, he was too horny to think of something. Not to mention that, like all mothers, she knew exactly how to establish authority and get her child to obey, and he didn't need her to go into that mode now and here. So, just so he could at least later pretend to himself that he tried to resist, he finally forced out a beautifully muffled, "But..."

"But you're nervous and need your mommy to make the first move, right?" she asked as she stood over him, her face hidden by her large breasts while the tight bikini held on for dear life as it tried to do at least something to hide the bulbous mammaries spilling out of it.

"Y-Yeah," he blurted out as he likewise stood up, knowing that that was probably the first thing she'd want.

"That's how I like it," she whispered under her breath as she closed the distance between them and kissed him.

It was a rather soft kiss, but her tongue did go past his lips, the feeling of tasting her nearly making his heart explode. She was crazy hot, and the taboo nature of where she was taking them made it only better. He was so badly turned on by now, he honestly felt like he might die if he didn't get to empty his ballsack soon.

Thankfully for him, she wasn't about to needlessly tease him.

"Take them off," she ordered in that same whisper as she sunk to her knees in front of him, obviously fully willing to do so herself if he was too frozen to obey her.

His hands immediately went to carry out her order, but the moment they touched his briefs, she stuck out her sweet, soft tongue and slowly ran it on the fabric covering the underside of his dick, making his body shiver and adding his pre-cum to the water filling the wet briefs.

"Uhh, yeah," he moaned, before finally managing to do what she had demanded.

Pulling his briefs down and taking them off, he freed his cock, allowing it into the position both of them now wanted it to be in. Pointing straight at her face, ready to be emptied of its contents. Closing his eyes, he prepared for her to start sucking him off like his two ex-girlfriends usually did in a situation like this before she said something that surprised him.

"I know I'm repeating myself, but thanks for doing this, my girls hadn't had some fun in a long time," she said lustfully, before he started moaning in response as he could feel something soft and warm enveloping his cock.

Opening his eyes, he almost came on the spot, as the first thing he saw was his cock, just barely visible and almost completely enveloped by her bulbous breasts, with the tiny black bikini pressing against the base of it and holding it in place between her boobs.

"Have you ever gotten a titfuck?" she asked, quickly adding, "And don't lie to me. I'm your mother, I know when you lie."