"Come on Pete, we're going to be late!" my girlfriend, Cheryl of 5 months shouted up the stairs.

"Sorry, just trying to find my charger!" I shouted back. "Found it!" I grabbed my charger, shot down the stairs and loaded our bags into my car.

Cheryl and I were on a road trip and I was finally going to meet her parents. They lived about 3 hours outside of town in a farmhouse, or as Cheryl referred to it as a barn. She could be quite mean about her family sometimes and never spoke much about them, which I thought was strange. Other than that, Cheryl was a good person and I had a great relationship with her...or so I thought.

Still, I was happy to take a long weekend to the country and hopefully her folks were pleasant. At 25 years old, I was mature for my age and wanted to make a good impression on them. Cheryl was 2 years younger.

"So, tell me a bit more about your family?" I asked while packing the last of the bags into the car.

"Hmmf, not much to tell." She snorted.

It was strange that Cheryl was being so grumpy, ever since she said we were going up to meet them. I didn't know why, but I played it off knowing that parents can be incredibly difficult especially when staying under their roof.

"Well there must be something good about them or something to know, I mean what must I talk to them about? Surely, they have hobbies or interests?"

"Um...look, it's my dad, my mom and my sister." She said aggressively. "My sister is 2 years older than me; she is also coming to visit from out of town and my parents are normal. Now I'm tired, I'm going to nap so don't wake me up! And drive properly!" she said rather aggressively as I got into the car and started the ignition. I pulled out of the driveway.

Wow, I thought. Touchy subject. Well anyway, I didn't want any drama so I didn't push it further. Luckily, I had packed a few chocolates for the journey so I planned to sneakily eat a few while she napped. Cheryl didn't approve of junk food.

Driving on the highway was always a great feeling. Freedom, your own music, junk food and fresh air. Unfortunately, I had none of those when she awoke. Cheryl sniggered at my choice of music, and often skipped songs, insisted on running the air conditioner the whole way and was a health freak, so stopping for burgers along the way was out of the question. I was offered a fruit roll up thing. YUCK!

The drive was relatively uneventful and luckily Cheryl stayed asleep for a lot of the journey. The GPS directed me to their home and I stopped outside the gate. I rang the buzzer and shortly after a man answered and let us in. I drove down the small gravel road. This place was far from a barn! It was a huge, beautiful farm house, with green grassy hills, herb garden, a large pool and what looked like a modern type farmhouse. Cheryl awoke as I drove down the gravel path.

"We're here," I said chirpily.

"Sigh. Yep!" she replied.

I decided to ignore her weird behaviour as I had to focus on meeting her family for the first time. My heart was thumping and I was nervous. Her parents cheerfully walked towards us and her dad directed me to park behind his car. Somehow seeing their friendly, smiling faces made me feel a bit more at ease.

I parked the car easily and we opened our doors.

"Hi mom and dad." said Cheryl unenthusiastically.

"Hi Darling!" said her mom.

"Hey Munchkin!" said her dad.

They embraced each other and I stuck out my hand to her dad. "Hello, I'm Peter!" I said more confidently than I thought.

"Hi Pete, Marvin! Nice to meet you!" He stuck out his hand too and shook firmly.

"Long drive?" he asked.

"No not too bad, thanks. I had your daughter for great company." I lied.

He politely laughed. I turned my attention to her mom. I stuck out my hand.

"Don't be ridiculous!" she said smiling. "Come in for a hug! I'm Chelsey."

I wasn't expecting a hug on the first meeting. While Cheryl was tall and thin, her mom was much shorter. As she hugged me, I felt two giant breasts press against my chest. My heart skipped a few beats as I felt the warm softness of her bust envelop me. I just thought she was overweight!

"Hi...Chelsey, I'm...I'm, sorry... I'm Peter." I finally blurted out.

Chelsey smiled at me and said; "Come on in then, Marvin will help you with the bags."

She led her daughter in and Marvin and I carried the bags. "What's in these bags, bricks?" joked Marvin.

"Haha, yeah probably!" I nervously replied. I was still stunned by the enormity of Chelsey's breasts. Cheryl had much smaller breasts. Beautiful C cups, but I had never seen, nor felt such humongous breasts in my life, anywhere.

Marvin helped me bring the bags to Cheryl's old room. On the way we passed a cozy lounge filled with large comfortable couches and a big TV. The house was bright, sunny and clean. We arrived in the room and Cheryl was smoking on the patio of her room.

"You still haven't quit?" Marvin asked his daughter.

"No Dad, I told you, I have a stressful job!" she said defensively.

"Well, you're not working now, are you"? Marvin replied.

At that comment, Cheryl gave a look that sent chills up both our spines and he dropped the topic.

"I'll leave you to it, Pete!" he said as he gave me a supportive smile and left.

"I'm going outside to smoke." Said Cheryl and left to do so.

I unpacked the bags into the spacious cupboards, sat on the bed and had a look around the room. I decided to take a shower and freshen up.

While I was busy showering, I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Uh...I'm in here." I said.

"Sorry, it's Chelsey, just making sure you have enough towels?"

Shit, I thought, I forgot to take a towel and there wasn't one hanging up in the bathroom.

"I forgot to take a towel!" I said through the closed door.

"I know!" chuckled Chelsey. "I left them on the bed but you must not have seen them? I can come in and leave them on the bath if you'd like? Then you won't have to drip water in your room?"

What the hell? I was busy showering and I was behind a clear glass pane. She would have seen me, I thought.

"That's ok Chelsey, can leave them just outside the door." I responded.

"Are you sure? I won't peek!"

"Yes absolutely, thanks!"

I continued showering thinking how strange of her, my girlfriend's mom, perhaps my future mother-in-law wanting to bring me towels while I was in the shower. I finished up my shower, opened the door, took a towel and dried myself. Cheryl still wasn't back and that was strange. I took a walk on the balcony in my towel and eventually spotted her by herself at the bottom of the garden on her phone and still smoking.

"Nice abs!" I heard a voice and looked to my right. It was Chelsey on her balcony, having a glass of wine. She was wearing an abnormally small dress that displayed over a foot of cleavage. I almost tripped over myself it was so revealing. She crossed her smooth shapely legs, took a sip of wine and smiled at me. Her breasts sat huge, and heavy in her lap. I noticed they were wider than her slim, but thick body.

"Th...thanks!" I stuttered.

"Cheryl's a lucky girl!"


"I said Cheryl's been after my pearls." She smiled back at me.

"Oh...I see." Did I mishear her or did she say Cheryl was lucky to be with me?

I struggled to keep my eyes with hers. I desperately wanted to look at her breasts. I had to go; this was all too much. I couldn't perve over my girlfriend's mom. This was wrong.

"Well see you, I'm going to change!" I said as I turned around sporting a semi hardon. I hope she didn't notice.

I changed and exited the room where the delicious smell of a roast greeted me. It made me forget about what had just happened with Chelsey.

Marvin was watching TV and Chelsey was in the kitchen. I noticed she had changed into something a lot more conservative. A light jersey that stretched those mammoth firm looking breasts. They basically took up her whole body.

"Can I help with anything?" I asked.

"Absolutely, thanks Peter. Just need the cutlery put out please."

"Sure. You can call me Pete." I smiled at Chelsey.

"Sure thing Pete!" she smiled back, a little too sultrily. I definitely didn't imagine it.

After I finished laying the table, Marvin got up to carve the meat. It smelt great.

Cheryl still wasn't back. She had been absent pretty much since we arrived. Marvin looked up at me. "Pete, do you want to find Cheryl, we're about to eat?"

"OK, I saw her at the bottom of the garden, I'll go call her."

I walked into the large garden. It was getting dark so I had to squint as I walked down towards where I saw her earlier. I heard laughter not too far from where I was. I listened closely.

"...of course I want to see you, but I have to be carefu...Pete! What are you doing here?"

Then she abruptly hung up her phone.

"Uh, who were you talking to?"

"Nobody! Why?" she replied looking a bit nervous.

"Well you were talking to someone. I heard and saw you..."

"It was just an old school friend, um...Mandy! She asked me out for a catch up and coffee."

"Ok, well it's time for dinner. Your dad's carving." I was still suspicious. I didn't like how she was responding to me. She seemed nervous.

"Let's go together darling!" she said as she took my arm, cuddled close and we walked back to the house together. It was a hot evening, but for once I didn't mind as finally, she seemed more relaxed and she cuddled up to me as we walked to the house.

Chelsey put out an amazing spread of food and drinks to welcome us. We sat down to eat.

"Where's Kelly?" asked Cheryl.

Of course, I thought. Cheryl's sister who I had not met yet wasn't there.

"We just got a call from her; she was running late at work and she's going to come tomorrow instead of driving through the night." Replied Marvin.

"Alright then...let's eat!" said Cheryl. We all tucked into the delicious meal.

After supper, I helped clear up the plates. Cheryl had turned back into her usual self and started speaking badly about her sister Kelly. I was starting to grow tiresome of these crazy mood swings. Honestly, the more Cheryl spoke about her sister, the more interesting and different from Cheryl she sounded. I almost couldn't wait to meet her.

We went to bed that night but my mind was racing, thinking about Chelsey, her enormous boobs, the weird shower incident and Kelly. I was crazy horny, so I turned over to Cheryl, but she just batted me away.

"I'm tired, not now!" she said.

I rolled back over and lay awake. The room was quiet and after a few minutes I could hear Cheryl's heavy but soft breathing, knowing she was deep asleep. I tossed and turned but couldn't sleep. I decided to go to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I found my way to the kitchen and I got myself a glass and poured some water.

"Can't sleep?" I heard a voice behind me and I literally jumped.

"Gaaah!" I half shouted, remembering people were still asleep. I focused my eyes. It was Chelsey.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." she said giggling.

"It's OK...just...just getting some water, going straight back to bed."

"No, don't need to rush off. I can't sleep either. Why don't you join me for something a bit tastier than water?" she asked.

"Ah, I don't know..."

"Trust me this will help you sleep." she winked.

"Ok what the hell!" I said and we moved into the lounge.

I sat on a comfy couch while Chelsey went to the drinks cabinet and poured us a drink.

"What is it you're pouring?"

"Red wine, but not just any red wine. The best from a local vineyard here. It never fails to put me to sleep during these types of nights, plus it's really enjoyable. I think you'll like it!"

She came back handing me a glass. For the first time I could clearly see what she was wearing. It was a satin type of nightgown that just covered her upper thighs. It looks about 4 sizes too big but then I realized why. It was to cover those gigantic jugs and this nightgown did a terrible job. I was getting excited and a little nervous as I took the glass from her. She sat opposite me. I watched as her beautifully thick, firm thighs bent to sit down. She definitely had an ass on her.

I took a sip. "Mmm, you're right, this is great. I usually don't like red wine but this has such a smooth texture and not too rich. I love it!" I said.

"Told you." she replied.

"When you're right, you're right!"

"So, tell me a bit more about yourself Pete."

"Oh the pressure test!" I laughed. "Girlfriend's mom asking me questions."

We both laughed.

"Oh I don't know, I live and work in..."

"No I don't want to hear about your work, tell me about you!"

"Well, I like fishing, some sports but I don't really watch any sports, ah I have 2 brothers and 1 sister, my parents are divorced..."

"I don't watch sports either, except maybe Netball sometimes." she said. "I used to play Netball until..." She looked down at her massive chest.

"Oh hahaha!" I nervously laughed.

"Don't pretend you haven't noticed these giant things." She laughed.

My heart was racing. Here I was drinking wine with my girlfriend's mom, talking about her breasts. My breathing was shallow and my legs felt weak. I didn't know where to look. Her breasts were wide, full and were bouncing, ready to burst out of her nighty.

"Um...I...I" I stuttered not sure of what to say.

"Oh I'm sorry." she said. "I'm embarrassing you. You've probably never met a woman as open and as forward as me."

"Not quite, um no don't think so." I said. I started to feel beads of sweat drip down my forehead. I took a sip of wine, my hands shaking.

"Or as busty!" she winked. "Tell me, are you a boob guy?"

Just then I heard a noise. "Shit, I better go." I said.

"Nonsense, it's just my husband probably going to the bathroom." She said. "Why don't you stay and let's chat some more." By this stage my hard dick was fully erect and throbbing.

"I...sorry, Mrs...I mean Chelsey, I have to go."

"No stay, I won't bite." She implored.

The noise was getting closer. I took my wine glass and jumped off the couch. I'm not sure why. I wasn't doing anything wrong. I bolted through the one door just as the other door opened. I stayed to listen to see who it was.

I heard a man's voice. Obviously, it was Marvin. "Honey? Are you here? Ah, there you are. Another sleepless night?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so. Just finishing this glass of wine and will be in bed soon."

"Who were you talking to?" he asked.

"No one, just sitting here quietly, all alone."

"...Alright, I'll see you soon." He said.

I waited for him to leave and then I quietly crept back to the room, put the wine glass next to my bed and climbed into it. My heart was racing. My head was spinning. Was it the wine or was it the events that just happened? My cock was incredibly hard. Soon though, it seemed the wine was working and I drifted off peacefully to sleep.

The next morning I awoke. Cheryl wasn't in the bed next to me. I noticed the bright sunlight peaking through the curtains. I slowly opened my eyes. It took me a while to remember where I was. Then I thought of last night's events with Chelsey. I started to get hard as I remembered her giant breasts. What was it and why was I infatuated with giant breasts all of a sudden?

I also felt guilty fantasizing about my girlfriend's mom's boobs. It was hard for me to focus on anything but those breasts. I was then broken out of my fantasy by a knock on the door.

It was Marvin. He asked me to help him move some stuff out the spare room as Kelly was going to arrive soon. I got up and assisted him with that.

"Where's Chelsey and Cheryl?" I asked while lifting a heavy box into the cupboard under the stairs.

"They have gone into town to do their nails. Will be back around 12. I think Cheryl didn't want to wake you. Kelly is arriving around 11 today so need to get this room ready."

"I see." As I hefted up the last box and stored it neatly under the stairs.

"Thanks! Whew it's another scorcher of a day and it's only 10am! Definitely will have a swim later I think when everyone gets here."

"No problem. I'm going to get a coffee, want one?"

"No thanks Pete, I grabbed one earlier. I'm off for a snooze before they get back."

"Alright enjoy."

With that we parted ways and I made myself some coffee and sat down outside. It was a piping hot day and the pool looked clear, sparkling and inviting. I sipped my coffee thinking about Chelsey's boobs. I also thought about how withdrawn and angry Cheryl was then all of a sudden, she was fine, then back to her being withdrawn. I needed to talk to her about that, I thought.

Eventually I got up after being too hot and went for a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes. Afterwards I sat back down. I wasn't sitting for a few minutes when I saw the gate open and a car drove slowly and parked next to mine and Chelsey's car. It must have been Kelly.

A door opened and a beautiful blonde-haired beauty with incredible legs got out. Her long thick hair hung down past her shoulders to the middle of her back. It was like a golden mane of beauty. She hurried to the passenger door and opened it. I heard a loud thud. I got up and ran quickly to help her.

"Sorry! Bag is too heavy for me!" she said.

"Don't worry, I got it!" I said as I lugged the bag up and carried it to the front entrance where I put it down to wheel it.

"Thanks so much! Oh, my manners, you're Peter, right?"

"Yeah, hey, I am!" I said and stuck out my hand. "You can call me Pete though." It was then I noticed that Kelly took after her mom with monstrous breasts that took up her whole frame. While Chelsea was petite, Kelly was a little thicker but still slim in the right places. I quickly looked away, hoping she would come in for a hug.

"Don't be silly Pete, we don't shake hands in this family." She said as she motioned to come in for a hug.

I was feeling hot already and excited to hug Kelly. What was I thinking? I was becoming obsessed with giant breasts. This is my girlfriend's sister, I thought. I pulled in for a hug and felt enormous squishy and firm breasts press against my chest. I was a fair bit taller than her and the bottoms of her giant breasts pressed into my abdomen. There seemed to emanate a warmth from her giant boobs. It was a few glorious seconds of a boob hug.

She really was stunning. An almost lookalike of her mom. A feeling of guilt washed over me when I realized she was by far prettier in looks and body to Cheryl. No wonder Cheryl is jealous of Kelly.

"Oh and I'm Kelly by the way, but I'm sure you knew that!" she said pretty eyes looking up at me.

"Yes I don't...I mean yes I do!" I corrected myself blushing.

"You're funny!" she said and politely giggled. "You're taller than I thought." She said eyeing me up and down.

"Well I hope that's a good thing?"

"Absolutely in my books!" she replied.

There was an awkward pause. "Let me take this to your room." I said.

"Thanks Pete, I really appreciate it! It's been a long drive. Is anyone here?"

"Just me and your dad, but he's having a snooze. Your mom and sister have gone out to do their nails or something." I said while wheeling her bag to the room.

"Oh, ok, well it's so hot, why don't I get us some drinks." she said.

"I'm OK for now thanks." I replied.

"No problem, I'll get some wine. See you outside!"

I put the bag on the bed. I stood over it for a minute. Fuck those huge tits were enormous, maybe even bigger than Chelsey. I wasn't sure. I could open the bag and peek at a bra. I motioned for the bag and started unzipping it. I listened carefully for any sounds of movement. Nothing. I continued zipping and at that moment, I heard the door open and Cheryl and Chelsey had returned. "Shit!" I said out loud. On one hand I was frustrated but on the other, I was a bit relieved. I didn't know what had gotten into me.I went to go and greet them and saw everyone embracing. Even Marvin had awoken and was hugging his daughter Kelly and exchanging pleasantries.

Kelly was the first to speak. "Well I'm really hot! I need to swim. That drive was hell and my aircon wasn't working."

"Why don't we all swim?" suggested Chelsey.

"Sure!" I said a little to eagerly. Cheryl looked at me suspiciously.

"Right, we're off to change. Meet you back here?" Kelly said.

"No swimming for me, I'm afraid ladies. I have golf with Mark and the other guys from the club, so I'm off!" said Marvin.

"OK dad, see you!" said Kelly cheerfully.

Cheryl and I went to our room to change into our swimming costumes.

"How was time with your mom and nails?" I asked Cheryl as we were changing.

"Shit!" she replied.

"How come?"

"Kelly was always mom's favourite and couldn't stop talking about her...oh and that you are so good looking and a nice guy and blah blah blah."

"Well, what's wrong with that? You have a hunk on your hands!" I joked.

"I'm sure your mom doesn't have favourites."

"She does! Because they went through the same thing during puberty with their enourmous..."

There was a knock at the door.

"Are you guys coming!" Chelsea shouted through the door.

"Sure, almost ready Chelsea." I replied.

Once we were changed into our costumes, I admired my girlfriend with her flat, toned tummy, long trim legs and modest cleavage in her two-piece bikini. We left our room and could already hear splashing in the pool. I was not ready for the sight that greeted me.

In the pool, Chelsea and Kelly, both swimming in one-piece swimsuits and all I saw were gigantic breasts hovered above the water. They floated, bobbed and shook as they playfully splashed each other. I could feel myself getting hard, and so I quickly jumped in the pool to try and hide my erection. Cheryl put our towels on the sun chairs and climbed in slowly.

After we were all in the pool, and me carefully avoiding staring at their gigantic breasts, Kelly suggested we play some pool games.

"Why don't we play two on two PPS." She suggested.

"I've never heard of that game, how does it work?" I asked.

"Easy!" she smiled and bobbed up and down in the water excitedly. "One person climbs on your back and you have to push, pull and shove the other person off the back of the other team. It's a game we made up as kids"

"I'm not playing that!" said Cheryl. "That game is for children."

"Ah, come on!" said Chelsea. "It will be fun, like old times."

"Oh alright then." She conceded.

"Ok you and Pete vs mom and me, sound fair?"

"Sure." Cheryl replied a bit unenthusiastically.

Cheryl climbed on my back and wrapped her legs around my hips. I held her up with my arms underwater.

"Now remember, the bottom person, can't do anything, they just have to hold you steady." said Kelly.

Kelly hopped onto Chelsea's back. Finally, I saw the enormous breasts exposed in the swimsuit. Kelly's breasts were basically wrapped around Chelsea's neck and hung down onto Chelsea's own breasts. The whole site in front of me was so erotic. Four giant breasts, bobbling, jiggling and wet. I had the hardest erection of recent times and found it hard to concentrate.

Cheryl started splashing Kelly and Chelsea and they did the same, finally they grabbed each others arms and were pulling and pushing. It was hard to keep my balance with all the water in my eyes, but I kept Cheryl on my back. There was lots of laughing and joyful shouting from all of us, but eventually, Cheryl pulled Kelly off Chelsea's back. She landed with a loud splash.

"Yes! Got her!" yelled Cheryl.

"Well done honey!" I said.

Kelly resurfaced. "Ah...well done sis! You were always the more athletic of the family."

Cheryl laughed. It was nice to see them playful with each other. "Well, I don't think it's that!" said Cheryl. "It's because you're so top heavy!"

"No fair, I'll prove to you, it's not these big breasts that were my downfall. REMATCH! But this time, it's me and Pete, versus you and mom!"

"Fine!" said Cheryl arrogantly as she made her way to Chelsea. No way, I thought. I can't have these breasts on my back. No, I would be too embarrassed plus my erection had not ceased. I didn't know what do, or say or where to look. Before I knew it, Kelly had straddled my back and I felt these gigantic firm but soft hangers press into my back. Her legs wrapped around my hips. It was very intense.

I felt her boobs crush into my neck as I struggled to keep the heavier sister stable on my back. Her boobs were so big that they squashed against my back, they ballooned up around the sides of my face. I could only see in front of me! Meanwhile, they were splashing, laughing and pulling each other. Chelsea and I locked eyes and couldn't help but laugh as we continued to hold our partners on our backs. Things got quite intense as it was a tough match. Kelly was jumping on me and quite a few times her soft, thick legs curled around me and her feet touched my rock hard erection. It didn't seem to bother her.

After a few more seconds of play fighting Kelly eventually pulled Cheryl off Chelsea's back. "Yay! We won!" she exclaimed happily. "See it's not these giant boobs, I have skill too!"

"Ah fine, you won." said Cheryl playfully! "Well done!"

Kelly meanwhile was taking her time to get off me, pressing her breasts into my back and neck, almost choking me with them as she celebrated. My painful throbbing cock was getting almost too much to bear. Eventually she climbed off me. I was racked with horniness due to these busty, giant titted, stacked wonders. I think I was turning into a boob guy.

"Whew, I'm tired from all that, and feeling a bit cold." Said Cheryl. "I'm going for a lie down."

"You sure darling?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm tired, but I had fun guys."

"Ok, see ye!" I said as she hopped out the pool, grabbed her towel and went inside.

Now what was I going to do. I had this huge erection and couldn't leave the pool and even worse Cheryl took the only towel we brought. "I'm getting out too." Said Kelly. "I still need to unpack."

"Ah, you sure?" asked Chelsea. "Why don't you stay a bit longer, it's still so hot."

"No thanks mom, but I'll see you inside soon." She said as she slowly climbed out the pool. I got a magnificent view of her curvy, big bum and her costume that had been pulled up from the games we had. Her soft round cheeks jiggled as she got out the pool. Her bum stuck out far from her frame. It was so hot. Each cheek was almost perfectly round, huge like a soccer ball. I couldn't believe I was perving over my girlfriend's sister.

"Well I guess it's just you and me then?" said Chelsea as Kelly went inside.

"Yeah." I said rather awkwardly.

"Why don't you get out with me and we can have a drink on the loungers?" she said.

" thanks, I'm...ah, not thirsty!" I said worried my stuttering had given away why I didn't want to get out the pool. Then with horror, she looked down at my erection. I was going red.

"Oh, I see. I think I know what happened. Look there's nothing to worry about. With all these big boobs floating around, I can see how one would get excited."

I didn't know what to say. "" I felt myself turn even more red.

"Look don't be embarrassed. From what I can tell that's a pretty nice sized penis. Sorry, if that's a bit forward."

"Huh? No, it's!"

This was reminiscent of our chat earlier that almost got me in trouble. My heart was racing, my legs were shaking.

"So, you never answered the question, although it seems obvious now, you must be a boob guy right?"

I was getting even more excited if that were possible and my heart was racing. We were all alone in the pool. I felt the gentle heat on my skin. I looked at this beautiful woman in front of me talking about her sexy body. Suddenly, I just felt more confident.

"Well I never considered myself one until I...well, how do you say this, I didn't know boobs could get so big." I said.

"Oh yes they do. I've always had big boobs. It's just a pity Marvin doesn't like them. He is always wanting me to get a breast reduction. He thinks they look unnatural, but they are completely natural and home grown...hahaha!"

We both started laughing.

She looked down at them and hefted them up. They were just giant magnificent, globes of flesh that hung to about her hips. One would need four hands just to be able to lift one. They jutted out far from her body, had good bounce and she was displaying more than a foot of cleavage.

"I think I should go Chelsea." I suddenly remembered Cheryl and felt guilty. Guilty because here I was having an inappropriate conversation with her huge breasted mom.

"Why?" she asked. "You know, I don't get to have sex that often..."

"What! Chelsea, I don't know if we should be talking about this? It sounds personal. And Cheryl could be listening." I protested.

She ignored my protests and continued. "Marvin doesn't pay attention to me anymore, he doesn't know how to love my body, how to love me, but do. You appreciate my body, you make me feel sexy, not ugly and deformed. There are many ways to love a woman, but so many more ways to love a woman like me, with gigantic titties. You don't even know!" She smiled wickedly.

Chelsea swam closer to me with a sexy look on face. She really was a beautiful woman with high cheekbones, smooth skin and just perfectly put together. She came up super close to me and whispered in my ear.

"You're right, we don't have the privacy we need. But you see that garden shed at the bottom of the garden?" she motioned to it with her head. I looked around and noticed it.

"Y...yes." I stuttered.

"Well, if you curious to see and hear more, meet me there at 12am tonight." she said sultrily.

And she grabbed my cock and gave it a firm squeeze. I almost came from the buildup and the feeling of her womanly hands on my cock. I gave a gentle moan.


That was that. I had just been felt up by my girlfriend's mom. This must be a dream, or a nightmare. What the hell would I tell Cheryl. I decided not to tell her anything. I was conflicted about whether or not to go. On the one hand I was incredibly horny, I mean Cheryl wasn't having sex with me, it had been about two weeks since we did and I was so confused. I had to go lie down and think.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Marvin arrived with takeout food. I could barely look him or Chelsea in the face. I was feeling like I wasn't really there; I mean with the family. I just couldn't focus and all I could think about were Chelsea's huge breasts and that she wanted to meet me in the garden shed.

Later, after dinner I went for a shower. Cheryl was out in the garden with her phone again.

Kelly stopped me on the way to my room. " this is kinda weird and not sure if I should tell you..."

"Tell me what?" I asked nervously.

"Not here, let's go to my room." she said.

I felt anxious and excited at the same time. I followed her into her room and she shut the door.

"What's this all about?" I asked.

"Cheryl is cheating on you!" she blurted out.

"What? No, I think you're mistaken."

"No, listen, I heard her talking to some guy. I later figured out it was Tom by the conversation they were having. I know I shouldn't have eavesdropped. Tom is a guy she used to date, and he's here for the long weekend too. I'm friends with him on social media and saw he was coming here. She loved his status and commented on it."

"Well that's not enough to say she's cheating on me." I said confidently.

"Maybe not, but she left her phone in the kitchen earlier when I went inside after swimming and it was vibrating nonstop. I glanced at the screen and saw this. Look...I talk a picture with my phone."

I looked at her phone. There were tons of inappropriate messages from this guy Tom. There were some inappropriate pet names in the messages, some of the others were referencing their past relationships but the biggest one was a long message from Cheryl saying how she was going to meet him and ride him all night like she did a few weeks ago.

I felt my legs getting weak, my heart beating rapidly. I sat down on the bed. "Fuck!" I shouted. "That BITCH! I mean I'm meeting her family and she chooses this weekend!"

"I know, but I thought you should know." Said Kelly calmly.

"Shit, I don't know what to do...should I confront her?"

"Well I think, if I'm being honest you should wait until the end of the long weekend. A nasty fight like this in front of the parents will make it much worse."

I thought for a moment. "Hmmm, I think you're right. Your parents have been amazing and I wouldn't want to have a personal ugly fight in front of them."

"Yeah, I think wait until you're home."

"I will, thanks Kelly."

I felt overwhelmed, angry and hurt but at the same time calm and surprisingly happy. I mean with her mood swings, her general nastiness, plus her cheating I am better off.

"Would you like a hug?" Kelly said invitingly.

"Y...yeah." I said as she embraced me.

Her mammoth tits enveloped my whole body as I felt them wrap around my body and touch each other on my back. Her gentle soft arms wrapped around me. I was being double hugged. I struggled not to moan from the extreme comfort and horniness I felt. Her breasts enveloped me into her clothed cleavage. We broke the hug.

"Guess you pretty much single then, huh?" she asked.

"Um...yeah, guess I am...YES! I am!" I said confidently. She smiled at me and I could have sworn she licked her lips ever so slightly. "Well, I better go, thanks for letting me know. Makes things a bit clearer."

"No problem, well I'm here if you want to talk anyway."

"Thanks!" I said while motioning for the door.

I opened the door and left. As I walked confidently back, I just felt relieved. Oh shit I thought, Chelsea and the shed tonight. That had slipped my mind. Fuck, maybe now if she comes onto me, it's OK. My hard cock was ready to burst through my pants at just the thought and excitement of what may happen.

I went back to the room. Cheryl wasn't back yet. I could see her in the garden. "Cheating bitch." I said quietly to myself.

The rest of the day was uneventful, well not so much uneventful, more like I was just thinking about meeting Chelsea tonight. I was counting the hours and couldn't wait until midnight. Chelsea was acting quite casual around me, which I thought was weird, until we were cleaning up after supper.

"So..." she whispered quietly to me while packing the dishwasher.

"So..." I said back and smiled.

"We on for tonight? You not going to keep me waiting, are you? I have something that I REALLY think you will like."

"I'll be there." I whispered back.

"Good! Looking forward to it." And then she slapped my bum gently and mouthed the words: nice.

I felt myself blushing and laughing. I was so horny already. This gorgeous giant breasted sex goddess was teasing me.

"I'm off to bed, I have to be up...early tomorrow, I am meeting a few girls for coffee tomorrow." said Cheryl from the dining room.

"You never told me about that?" I questioned.

"Oh...didn't I." she said faking surprise. "Must have slipped my mind. Well, I won't be gone long, like a few hours or so."

"Oh, that's OK, take as long as you need." I replied. Knowing that I was so rid of this bitch didn't bother me in the slightest. Somehow the thought of the meeting tonight brought me immense comfort. I don't know what she planned but fuck, no sex in two weeks will make any man frustrated.

"Why don't you stay for a drink Pete?" asked Kelly.

"Sure Kelly, why not?" I said.

The rest of the family went to bed eventually and myself and Kelly were left alone. We were drinking gin and tonic.

"How you feeling?" she asked.

"Fine...I mean good, like really good."

"I'm so glad to hear that. A good looking guy, well hot guy like you should have no issue finding someone else." What? Did she just call me hot? Yes...Yes she did.

"Haha, thanks Kelly."

"Look, I hate to be forward, but when this weekend is over and seeing as you're single, come meet me for a drink?"

"Geez, you don't waste time do you." I said surprised. "You know we are having a drink now." I said flirtatiously.

"Well, you're a hot guy, seem nice and my folks like you, so there's that out the way."

"Look, I'm just kidding around. You don't have to sell it to me, I would really like that. How's next week Saturday?" I asked.

"I'm free. I'll text you my address. Pick me up at 7pm?"

"Deal. Going to get the rest of my stuff from Cheryl's flat when I get back."

"We can get to know each other a bit more since we are all alone." said Kelly.

"Sure, so where should I start..."

Many hours later, we had been chatting for ages. The conversation flowed so nicely. She was exciting, incredible, beautiful, clever, successful and stacked with the most gorgeous natural, huge breasts. Plus that ass, wow. She was the definition of a thick women. To quote a clichรฉ, she had curves in all the right places.

"Shit, it's almost midnight!" she said.

"What, no ways?" Then I remembered I had a meeting with Chelsey. "I got to go to's late."

"Of course. Well see you tomorrow handsome!"

We kissed each other goodnight (on the cheek) and went our separate ways. I pretended to go to my room and then made a beeline for the garden. It was just a minute or two after midnight but to my delight I saw the garden shed light on.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in." said a woman's voice.

I opened the door slowly as it creaked. I was not ready for the shocking sight in front of me. Chelsea, dressed so elegantly wearing a dress that showed an abundant amount of cleavage greeted me. A tight purple dress that clung to every curve of her thick hips, big bum and giant, astonishing colossal tits.


"Wow!" I said out loud. "You look incredible!"

"I knew it, you're definitely a boob guy. Or else why are you here? You, young man have a lust for the bust!"

We both started laughing at her little rhyme. "So why are you here, seriously." she asked.

"I'm intrigued. I have never seen a woman as sexy as you. I wanted to see where this will go."

"I see." she spoke. "I noticed you looking at my body and it felt so electric. Marvin doesn't look at me the way you do. He calls me unnatural, and to tell you the truth, I think he's fucking his flat chested secretary. You make me feel sexy and comfortable for the first time in years. I know you have a girlfriend, my daughter but..."

"Um...about that." I said. And I told her the whole story of Kelly showing me screenshots of Cheryl's phone, Tom and the lies.

"I'm sorry about my daughter. Are you ok?" she asked caringly.

"Yeah, I'm great actually Chelsea."

"Good, well I have something...well two things that could make you feel MUCH better. Come have a seat."

She had put out a blanket, some wine and a few candles. She turned off the light and we sat down. The air was electric. Anything could happen. I poured us some wine and admired her beautiful face by candlelight and of course her breasts. My dick was already hard.

After a while of talking and flirting, she stroked my arm. My heart was racing, my legs were weak. What was going to happen? I just knew I had to see those gigantic breasts. This petite slim and stacked beyond belief woman was a fantasy come true for me. The fantasy I didn't know I needed.

She pulled me closer and started passionately kissing me. Hard and deep, I felt her warm tongue swirl around mine while we moaned in each other's mouths. I pulled her closer to me and felt those breasts press and squash again my chest. They took up her whole body and almost completely enveloped mine as I pulled in even closer to feel her breasts against my body, trembling and jiggling and we continued our deep kiss.

I couldn't resist any longer and reached my hand up to cup a breast. It was incredible. Soft, heavy, full and unlike any breasts I had ever felt. These were too big even for just me to handle.

Suddenly she broke the kiss.

"Wait...wait..." she said breathlessly.

"What?" I said a bit worried.

"My bra is killing me! I need to take it off."

She then proceeded to undo her dress and take off her bra. "Ah, much better." I swallowed hard. There in all their glory were her magnificent tits. Teardrop shaped, full, heavy mom tits. With perfectly round and pink areola. Hard deep pink nipples looked like they were throbbing. Her breasts stuck out far from her body and it was impossible that such gigantic breasts could be firm and not hang to her knees. They were magnificent.

She threw her bra on me seductively. I picked it up. Each fresh white cup was about four times the size of my head. I looked at the label. 36 PP.

"Fuck me!" I said astonished.

"With pleasure!" she said as she gently pushed me over on the blanket. I could smell the dusty floor. It smelt a bit damp and woody.

"Ahhhh!" I moaned. "Didn't...know boobs got so huge...incredible!"

"All natural and all for you! Now enough talking. Lie back and relax, you will have these boobs soon enough."

She pulled my pants right off, struggling a bit to get them over my shoes. The struggle was so hot as I watched her breasts sway, bounce and touch the blanket. "Wow, you're big...and thick!"

"9 inches." I said confidently.

And with that she pulled down my boxers and immediately deep throated me to the base of my cock. No one had down that before. She bobbed her head slowly, then increased her pace. Her hot mouth travelled over my throbbing cock. It was so good.

" good!" I yelled.



She continued sucking my cock like her life depended on it. Her soft lips sealed around my shaft, cushioning it. Her mouth got tighter as she slowed down feeling every inch of my cock with her hot wet mouth. Slowly she brought her head up, circled her tongue around the head, then dropped down slowly throating my cock right down again to the base. Then looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. Then dropped her head slowly while maintaining eye contact. Her cute nose rubbed up against my groin. I didn't know how much longer I could take this immense pleasure.

She started moaning around my cock, causing gentle vibrations around it. Pleasure tears filled my eyes as I moaned and shook as I felt my orgasm approach. "I can't last much longer!" I loudly whispered.

"Not yet, I want your come on my tits!" she moaned.

She reluctantly let go of my cock with a loud pop. "Come here, you're going to love this next bit."

She lay down on the blanket and moved some candles away as she did. "I once made a guy come in 20 seconds from fucking my tits. Although they're much bigger, firmer and heavier now than they were then."

I was so excited, I had never had a titfuck before. I had heard of it but never tried it. I straddled her slim waist, my knees on either side. "You're going to have to lift them with your arms, they are too heavy to lift just with your hands."

I hefted up her giant mammeries with my arms, scooping the firm heavy natural flesh of her PP cup tits. As I brought them up, her face was completely hidden by her tits. In fact, the tits towered above her face. They were so heavy and firm, but soft in the right places.

As I squeezed them around my already overstimulated cock, I moaned.

"Ah fuck that's good!"

"Now thrust...fuck my tits with that huge dick you sexy stud."

I didn't need any more motivation. I slid my wet cock through her soft cleavage, completely smothering my cock. I couldn't see it anymore; it was covered in soft breast meat. Her bulging nipples were high enough for me to suck and like a hungry man I licked, sucked, slobbered and gently bit her sensitive nipples as I slowly slid in and out of her cleavage.

"Soooo good! FUCK!" I yelled.

"That's it, you got the rhythm. You feel my enormous breasts surround your cock?"

I hefted her tits and squeezed them even tighter around my cock.

"Wow you're throbbing in there. Are you close?"

" good...YES! Close...gonna cum soon!" I yelled.

I hefted the giant tits even tighter; my cock had never felt anything like this. The soft breast meat massaged the sensitive head of my cock and the underside of it was being stimulated, plus the visual of it was too much. Her tits felt so gigantic, so massive and unbelievable as the tops of them ballooned out and fell over my arms. I sawed through her cleavage faster as I was getting closer and each stroke back and forth felt immense pleasure throughout my body. Her tits jiggled and bounced around my stiffness as I was getting ready to blast two weeks of pent-up sexual frustration on my girlfriend's mom's tits.

"You gonna cum? Are my huge, soft tits making your cock feel good? You can't even see your huge dick wrapped in my enormous breasts. Fuck them harder, fuck my tits you fucking stud!" she yelled.

I ploughed through her colossal tits. "Ahhhhh...gon...gonna good!" Pleasure tears streamed down my face as I reached the point of no return.

"Gaaaaahh...almost there...GONNA CUM ON YOUR HUGE FUCKIN TITS!" I yelled.

And like that, two weeks of sexual frustration, energy and cum exploded out my cock. I don't remember how many times I came as her breasts bounced around my cock but my eyes rolled back as I reached the point of no return and continued to pump through her oversized tits. Feeling pleasure tears in my eyes, I pumped harder, faster while enjoying the feeling of her tits in my arms and suddenly...


"Fill my cleavage up with your young, hot cum!" she shouted back.

I blasted inside her hot cleavage, feeling my cock pump and throb as I unloaded the biggest amount of cum between her breasts. Streams of cum shot out and coated her neck completely, her cleavage and finally without warning she pulled me into her mouth for her to suck my cock as I continued cumming in her mouth. I was screeching at the immense pleasure I felt having a titfuck and blowjob at the same time.

I continued blasting, my knees buckling and shaking. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Still cumming!"

I pulled out and continued to pump my cock on her hard nipples, until there were just drops coming out my cock.

I was out of breath, exhausted, drained and happy as I lay next to this giant titted goddess who had used her natural gifts to make me cum.

She turned over, dripping cum everywhere. I didn't care. I was so happy. She gently stroked my stomach and tickled my sides, under my arms and gently kissed me deeply. Her mouth felt so warm, soft and this whole experience was the hottest sexual experience of my life. I truly am a breast man, I thought.

Her tongue swirled with mine. Her soft thick lips pressed against mine softly. I moaned in her mouth. Her gigantic tits fell onto my chest with a loud thump. I felt my cock harden.

"That was incredible!" I said.

"Wasn't it? I am so glad I could use my assets to pleasure you. I knew you would love it!"

We lay like that in bliss, in each other's arms and gently snoozed. Suddenly I awoke. We were still in the barn and it was getting light. Birds were chirping.

"Chelsea, Chelsea, wake up! We've got to go.

"Huh? Oh, yes." she said sleepily. A smile covered her face from ear to ear.

We both got dressed. Laughed, kissed each other deeply and ma de promise to do this again soon. We made our way back to the house. I was the happiest I had ever been. I crawled into bed with Cheryl sleeping beside me. I had a huge smile on my face, thinking of the past few hours. I slowly drifted off to sleep, anticipating what would happen next over the rest of the short holiday. I couldn't wait to see what my next adventure would be.The morning sun woke me up and I slowly stretched out and realized Cheryl wasn't there. Gone for "Coffee" with the girls. I didn't care. I had the most amazing sexual night with her mom and a potential new girlfriend with Kelly. I stretched and had a big yawn.

A gentle knock on the door. "Come in!" I said.

Kelly walked in looking drop dead gorgeous and as usual. Geez she gets more beautiful every day I thought. She was wearing her pajamas with a thin t-shirt with a teddy bear on it. It ballooned her breasts about a foot in front of her beautifully thick body. Her long blonde hair was messy but even without makeup she looked incredible. I started getting hard.

"Cheryl's gone for coffee; I see." She said emphasizing air quotes.

"Yeah..." I said.

"You OK?"

"I'm fine actually" I said and smiled.

"You sure? You don't want a morning cuddle?" she offered.

I wasn't about to pass that up. "I would love that I said."

She climbed into bed with me. I was so excited and happy as I felt our relationship build. "It's just you and me here, in this bed!" she said.

She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her giant bosom. I was so horny as I was enveloped in her massive tits. I was hard and it was too soon to make a move I thought, but if she did, I wouldn't object. Her arms rested on my chest. "Wow your heart is beating so fast!" she said.

"Well it's not every day a beautiful woman jumps into bed with you." I said flirtatiously.

"You're not too bad yourself handsome." She replied.

The atmosphere was so electric and my cock throbbed and pulsed uncontrollably. My stomach felt like it had butterflies in it. I spun around so I was facing her. She looked deep into my eyes and we shared our first kiss. Deep, passionate and gentle. It was beautiful and sexy.

"I'm starting to fall for you even more." Kelly said.

"And me you, Kelly!"' I replied.

"This is so wrong, like fucked up isn't it? Cheryl is out fucking some guy, I'm in bed with you, her boyfriend...And we just shared out first kiss."

"Well, maybe it will be weird at first but I just have a feeling this is the start of something amazing." I said truthfully.

"Me too, it's like you read my mind. We need to mark our first kiss." She said sweetly.

"OK? I replied."

She popped out her phone from between her massive breasts. We both started laughing. "I won't lie that's hot." I said.

"Play your cards right and you never know." She winked at me. "These could be yours!"

We took a few selfie shots, a little cheesy but fun and a cool way to mark our first kiss. "Here, let me send you the best ones."

She sent me some. They were basically just boobs in the photo and you could make out only part of my face and I said so. "Yeah, I know, there's no hiding them. Oh, and they're natural before you ask. Most people think they're fake."

"No, I know, I mean I felt them on my back, they felt so squishy and firm. I know what fake boobs feel like and these felt nothing like that."

"Hahahaha, do you now? Anyway, I am excited about where this can go, but let's take it a little slow...I mean not too slow but I know myself if I get worked up, we will have sex and I will hate myself, have regrets. I'm just worried about ruining this...what we are starting to have. Does this make sense?"

"Of course. And I agree it's better to wait. Get to know each other a bit more right?"

"Exactly!" said Kelly. "I knew you would understand." She pulled in for another long smooch and although my cock was so hard, I resisted getting too heavy with the kissing. Her arms wrapped around me squashing her enormous breasts into my chest. Her tits were easily wider than her waist and her ass was just so big, round and firm. It took all my willpower to not go further but I didn't want to mess it up either.

"Alright I'm going for a shower. See you later?" she said.

"Ahhhh, don't tease me Kel! Sure, I will see you soon." I said.

After she left, my heart leapt just thinking about the start of what could be something special. It was early days but I felt something I haven't felt in years with a woman. Just then my phone vibrated.

It was my mom.

Mom: Hi Pete, how is it meeting the parents? Hope not too bad. I'm fine this side, just did a bit of gardening. It's so hot here, had a swim. Is it hot there too?

Me: Hi mom, it's been great thanks. They are really nice people. Yes, very hot here, had a swim yesterday and will probably do later again today.

Mom: That's great news. So happy for you. How is Cheryl?

Pete: Um...not too good mom. I secretly found out she is cheating on me with some old boyfriend here.

I told her the whole story of how Kelly showed me screenshots of her phone.

Mom: That's awful, that horrid woman! I never really liked her. I knew she wasn't the one. How are you feeling? Must be awful trapped there. Have you confronted her?

Me: I guess so, but I'm actually fine. I don't want to cause a confrontation in her parents' house. To tell you the truth, I mean I shouldn't tell you but I have been getting along with her sister. Mom, I kissed her!

Mom: That's so exciting. Oh to be young! Is she nice, tell me about her! Handsome son like mine would definitely find someone especially so quickly.

Me: You're not old, you're 46. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Mom: Thanks Pete! So, tell me the juicy details. You know I live alone and there is no gossip here.

Pete: Well, she's like really beautiful. Blonde hair, blue eyes, I dunno what else to say.

Mom: Do you have a pic? I want to see the girl that captured my son's heart.

Pete: I do but they are a bit revealing. Not sure if I should send them.

Mom: So what I'm a woman, it's fine. Come on send them!

Pete: OK, fine.

My heart was racing, I don't know why but I had never been this open with my mom. I guess I just wanted to tell someone about Kelly. I sent a few photos we just took.

Mom: Oh my...she is beautiful and busty, wow. That cleavage! Those breasts are MASSIVE! I didn't know you were a breast man.

This was odd, my mom talking like this. It weirdly made me excited. I was already hard from Kelly's kiss and hug. It was exciting to talk to my mom like this. I don't know why.

Me: Ha, yes I guess she is and I never knew I was until I met her.

Mom: Well most guys like big boobs, but these are bigger than big. I bet you like that? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I don't know why, I was so comfortable with mom, but I just carried on typing. I was just hoping she wouldn't get upset if I was being too rude.

Me: Mom! Yes they are like really big, her mom is too, I guess it runs in the family.

Mom: Oh so you were perving at her mom? You have a MILF fantasy too?

Me: Her mom is pretty and you can't hide those things. They are bigger than her whole torso, wider and fuller too.

Mom: Wow sounds like heaven for a man then. You know...I haven't told many people this but I have very big breasts. I was always quite busty but when breastfeeding my boobs ballooned to a massive size, it was unbearable on my back so as soon as you finished breast feeding, they continued growing.

I was quite excited at the openness of my mom talking about her boobs. I was feeling quite bold. I can't believe I never noticed this about mom.

Me: So how big were you?

Mom: Typing...

Longest few minutes of my life.

Mom: Like bra size? That's quite bold of you to ask, don't you think? ๐Ÿ˜Š

Me: Well we being open and I just sent you a picture of Kelly. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Mom: OK fine, so I went from a 32LL cup while breastfeeding to my current size.

Me: Wow that's huge mom. Sorry if you don't mind me saying.

Mom: No, it's fine. I'm sure you like to hear that. They were your fathers' favourite two things. We used them a lot, you know in the bedroom. I guess like father like son.

I played innocent and continued to ask.

Me: So what size are you now? What things in the bedroom?

Mom: Typing...

My heart continued to race, my cock was hard and I was so horny from this dirty talk.

Mom: Wouldn't you like to know! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Well I was a 32LL and now I'm a 36R cup.

Me: Mom, that's INCREDIBLE, I mean wow, I didn't know you were so big, I just thought you were a bit chubby. LOL!

Mom: No, all boobs, not much fat. I guess big boobs just run in the family. My mom had them and my sister too, your aunt. Not quite as big but still massive.

Me: So how did you manage to hide them? I never noticed them.

Mom: Well you're not supposed to notice them silly! I wear baggy clothing, minimizer bras and use clever tricks to try hide them. I mean they are not for others to see.

Me: You didn't answer my question, what things did you do in the bedroom?

Mom: Oh I guess you have an incredibly buxom girl to deal with, maybe she will like the same things I do, I know you will. I might as well tell you.

Mom: Typing...

I couldn't wait, my legs felt weak. I don't know why but my horniness was getting out of control. I lay on the bed, dropped my pants and stroked my cock with some cream I found in the bed side table. I didn't care if this was my mom. My head was spinning.

I continued to wait for her response while I stroked with one hand.

Mom: Don't tell anyone this, I mean we shouldn't be speaking about this. I love to titfuck. Having a big penis between my massive boobs really turns me on and men love it. Sorry I know it's graphic but I love it. Have you ever done it?

Me: Sounds so hot mom, I won't lie. I imagine it feels really good to put a big penis between massive soft boobs. I have done it once before only.

Mom: It does for both of us, not all busty women like it but I do. To tell you the truth I can orgasm just from titfucking. Oh my god, how am I telling you these things? LOL!

I was stroking my cock and I could feel I was close. I was moaning. I know it was my mom but it was so hot to talk about these things.

Mom: I'm sure you don't want to hear more about this. Perhaps I should go?

Me: No it's fine mom, it's good we keep talking about these things.

Mom: OK. I bet you will enjoy putting your penis between those boobs, they are gigantic! LOL! It helps to have a longer penis so she can suck it too. Sorry if I'm being too graphic.

Me: No, it's OK mom ๐Ÿ˜Š like I said it's useful information and FYI I'm good down there.

Mom: Hahah all men brag and exaggerate about their size.

Me: I'm serious! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Mom: Well big is it?

I can't believe my own mother asked me how big my cock is! I continued stroking my cock, using the cream, it felt incredible to talk like this too. I continued typing with one hand, my heart beating heavily and quickly.

Me: Well since you told me how big you are, I guess it's only fair right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Mom: Stop procrastinating. Tell me already. Lol!

Me: 9 inches

Mom: Typing...

Oh my fuck, I can't believe I told my mom that. This didn't feel wrong and it was so hot.

Mom: OH MY! THAT'S HUGE! Much bigger than your short-dicked father.

Me: Really? I wouldn't know.

Mom: Yes, lucky you, getting to please a woman with a massive tool like that, lol. I hope you don't mind me saying.

Me: Of course not mom, it's a compliment.

Mom: Oh shit, I've got to be somewhere in 15 minutes. I hope you don't mind me talking like this with you, you know frankly.

Me: It's ok mom, it was good to be open.

Mom: Ok, bye darling, enjoy Kelly and I won't disturb you again, I know you'll be having fun with her...if you get my drift.

Me: I do mom, lol. See ya!

That was hot, I thought. A dirty, frank talk with my mom. I was so horny and no one around, I had to jerk off quickly. Just then, my phone beeped.

It was Chelsea!

It was a message asking if I'm awake. I replied I was. She said she was coming into the room! That was risky.

Suddenly the door opened quickly and Chelsea swooped in and shut the door and locked it behind her.

"I don't think anyone saw me...hahaha, this is so naughty! Creeping around." She said.

"Hey!" I replied.

"Look, I had an incredible night last night. I feel incredible when I'm with you, but there is just one thing that's bothering me."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I'm not just all tits, I have a giant firm bum too."

And with that, she stripped off her clothes, and climbed onto the bed.

"My, my, my, hard already!"

"Yeah..." I said excitedly

She pulled the covers back and in one swoop took my cock in her mouth. Sucking vigorously, yet with passion in her eyes she engulfed my entire cock in her mouth.

" good!" I moaned. She must have tasted the hand lotion I was rubbing on myself but it didn't seem to both her.

She swirled her tongue around the base of my cock and licked it all the way up to the head and then bobbed her head, deep throating me. I felt my cock being swallowed and journey through the hot tightness of her throat.

"Mmmmmmmm" she moaned with her mouth full of cock. My girlfriends mom sucking me off in our bed. How much hotter could it get, I thought. I was about to find out.

She reluctantly let go of my cock, pulled off her dress and lay on her tummy.

"Last night you fucked my tits, today you're going to slide between my big, beautiful bum."

I was like putty in her hands. Her huge ass towered above her slim waist. It looked firm and heavy, round and yet supple and soft at the same time, with each cheek jiggling independently of the other one. There was a bit of cellulite on her bum and upper thighs but this just added to the natural look of her very hot ass.

Her dark crack cleavage looked inviting. I couldn't wait so I straddled her and dropped my stiff dick between her bum. Her ass was so big that if I lifted my legs off the bed, I would be floating with my cock buried between her cheeks.

I straddled her ass a bit more to get a better grip and dropped my cock on top of her crack and pushed my cock gently down and it sunk in between her ass. I dropped my cock deep into her ass and I groaned as I finally reached her tight asshole. I could feel it on my shaft. My cock sunk easily down from the lubed-up blowjob I had.

This was a holiday of firsts as now I was about to have an incredible ass job. I grabbed onto her shoulders and slowly slid my cock in and out of her ass crack. The cheeks jiggled and massaged my member, enjoying the softness surrounding my cock. Add to that her tight asshole rubbing against my cock was immensely erotic.

"Ahhhhh, that's it Pete! Let my ass take you to heaven!"

I pulled myself forward using my hands on her shoulders, my thighs surrounding her bum. I squeezed my thighs pushing her jiggly fleshy globes massage my cock harder.

"Sooo good, Chelsea!" I yelled!

I thrust back and forth, feeling my balls slap against her ass. I went slower, then faster as I thrust hard and with purpose. I felt her cheeks give way and open as I drove my cock between her bum. My cock was completely enveloped between her bum and couldn't even poke out the other side, her ass was so massive, yet full and firm.

"Fuck it harder Pete!" She screamed.

I didn't care who heard us, it was too good. I kept thrusting into the deep cleavage until my balls were finally at breaking point. They boiled, I felt the feeling in my stomach, my legs went rigid and were lifted off the bed. I was almost completely off the bed now, pulling onto her shoulders.

"Gonna cum! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....FUCKING SHIT" I screamed as her ass starting milking me. My first spurt blasted through her cleavage onto the back of her neck and that's all I remember as my eyes rolled back into my head as I jerked and thrust between her gyrating ass emptying my cock. Her cheeks continued to bounce around, milk and massage my exploding cock.

"Fuck you cumming hard! It's all over my back!"

Eventually the last few drops trickled out. I stayed inside her forbidden depths of her ass as I caught by breath. I realized my body was still rigid and was being held in place by her bum, my cock still throbbing.

It was one of the most pleasurable experiences I had ever had.

Just then we heard the front door close and I quickly hopped of Chelsea and without a word, she quickly got dressed and slipped out the room. I hopped in the shower and waited as I assumed Cheryl was home.

"Pete! I'm back...fuck this place stinks, open a window for fucks sake."

"I'm just in the shower." I called back. What a bitch I thought but it bought me pleasure to know I had just cum all over her mom's huge bum just minutes before.

"K, I'm going outside for a smoke!" she said.

I finished the shower, my heart still racing from Kelly, her mom and talking to my mom. It was mesmerizing but I needed to get on with my day. In a way I felt guilty about fooling around with Kelly and her mom. I think I needed to tell Chelsea to stop so I could focus on mine and Kelly's relationship.

Should I tell Kelly or Chelsea first. No, I needed to chat to Chelsea first about our affair. I went outside but couldn't find Chelsea anywhere. I was just walking back to the room when Kelly pulled me aside quickly and snogged me really hard. Which was risky as we were in the passage and anyone could have seen. Her massive tits trying to burst out of her huge low-cut top.

"Hey Handsome! Listen, we need to talk, quick."

"Um...OK?" I said.

We went into the bathroom and she locked the door. "I have a confession!" she said. "The other night I couldn't sleep so I went onto the patio for some fresh air and I noticed the light of the garden shed was on."

Oh fuck, busted, I knew where this was going! I was caught and there was nothing I could do about it. I gulped.

"I saw what you were doing to my mom." Her face turned a bit red, she was getting pissed I thought. She continued. "You like fucking my mom's huge boobs? Titfucking an older woman?"

"Ah...Um...No, I mean..."

"Look, it's actually really hot." She said.

"What!" I shouted a bit too loudly.

"I saw you enjoying it, you were obviously in bliss. It's hot! But what is hotter is that I confronted mom before I told you and I told her about us and she has agreed to let us be, but asked if you could love her just one more time like the other night."

I didn't know what to say.

"Don't look so shocked, well not until I tell you the best part. We're going to have a threesome. We're going to pleasure you until you beg for release...tonight, in the same shed. You're going to love it! A threesome with 2 massively stacked women to please you all night. How's that sound?"

I swallowed again. "G...Good!" I stuttered.

"Well awesome then, we're meeting at 1am, a bit later to not arouse suspicion. We'll see you there! Oh, and if you want something to look forward to, my tits are bigger than mom's. Yeah they're 32 QQ. And with that, she snogged me again, unlocked the door and quickly slipped out.

What the fuck just happened I thought. My legs were weak, my head clouded. I sat down on the toilet and took a breath. This was impossible but so hot, I couldn't believe it. Tonight, I was going to possibly make love to a mom and daughter. 32QQ tits! HEAVEN!

The rest of the day, including dinner was a bit of a blur as I feigned interest in some boring conversation between Cheryl and her dad. I was more focused on Chelsea rubbing my feet under the table with hers. And Kelly "accidentally" bumping into me while clearing the plates.

My cock was constantly hard and I was so horny, I didn't know what or even how to think clearly. 1am couldn't have come sooner.

Soon after dinner, Cheryl said she was tired and looked at me to hint that we should go to bed. I wanted to save my energy for later so I agreed to have an early night. I got into bed, still nervous and shaking a bit for the anticipation of what would happen later.

Cheryl turned over towards me. "Feeling frisky?" she asked. I could barely stand to be in the same bed as her.

"No, not at all, I'm really tired Cheryl.""FINE!" she shouted and turned over to face away from me. "You're such a fucker, Pete!"

Well I will be later, I thought. I set my alarm on my phone to 12:55am and put it on vibrate so it wouldn't wake Cheryl. I was so nervous and excited it was a miracle I fell asleep. Suddenly I heard my phone buzz. It was 12:55am already. I jumped out of bed and peered into the garden. Sure enough the garden shed light was on. My heart beat faster as I quickly put on a tshirt and shorts.

I opened the door quietly and before I left checked Cheryl was asleep. She was breathing deeply and fast asleep. I crept outside my room and made my way down into the garden. Luckily it was a fullish moon so I could see most of my way there towards the shed. The door was closed.

I opened it slowly and saw a shimmering light emit. There was Kelly, in perhaps the hottest outfit I had seen any woman wear ever. I tight blue night gown, about 2 sizes too small, hugging her slim waist and thick hips. "Come in babe!" she said. "Mom's not here yet, but should be along any minute."

I came in and closed the door. "Wow, you look magnificent!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks! This is from when I was much smaller, I think when I was a N cup. Now I'm a QQ cup so you can see how obscene it is.

"Obscene? That's like saying smiling is obscene!" I joked back.

"Glad you like it. Ah, I think mom's here!"

The door opened and in walked Chelsea looking gorgeous too. She was wearing a dress with a plunging neckline that showed off copious amounts of her dark cleavage.

"Wow, is this naughty or what?" said Chelsea. "You look great Kelly!"

"Thanks mom! I got some candles going so I can turn off the garden shed light."

"Good idea." I said. She turned off the light.

"Come here, you sexy, gorgeous man!" said Kelly.

I didn't need to be told twice. I walked up to her slowly and put my hands on her thick hips and we pulled into each other, kissing her deeply while I massaged her hips and felt her massively huge tits bounce gently against me. We moaned in each other's mouths, swirling our tongues together. Meanwhile Chelsea had stripped and walked up behind me crushing her massive PP cup breasts against my back and started kissing my neck. I was sandwiched between the biggest breasts and I felt my cock harden and pulse in my pants. Each of their breasts were wrapped around my body, pressing into each other, trapping me in tit heaven.

The soft nuzzling kisses felt incredible and brought pleasurable chills to my spine. We continued moaning together in this deep passionate kiss. We finally broke the kiss and I spun around (with great difficulty) and started deeply kissing Chelsea, feeling her bouncy firm tits with my hands and struggling to lift them up and squeeze them. Kelly had started taking off my pants and I stepped out of them while still kissing Chelsea and feeling her thick, soft body against mine. I was so hard already, I could easily have broken diamonds with my cock.

"Mom, let him lie down, I can see his knees are getting weak from the horniness!"

Chelsea broke the kiss. "Good idea." She said.

And I lay down on the soft blankets like I did a couple of nights ago. Both women stripped completely and their gigantic hangers flopped out and hung down to their hips. It was incredible at how far their tits jutted out. Perky at that size? It was impossible.

My cock throbbed with anticipation. Each woman smiled and sat either side of my cock, they looked at me with their piercing blue eyes, then to my cock and both started sucking my cock from either side. The sides of my cock were being slurped, kissed and pleasured.

"Ahhhhh!" I moaned as I tilted my head back.

The room was filled with slurping, kissing and worshipping of my cock. They took it in turns to then give me a blowjob. Chelsea started sucking first, bobbing her head just slow enough as if she was savouring every inch of my cock. Her hot, velvety mouth felt so good. While she did this, Kelly was sucking my sensitive balls in her mouth, so gently, sending shivers down my body. Chelsea in addition to sucking my cock stroked her long nails up and down my legs and inner thighs. I couldn't stop moaning.

"Deep throat that mom!" encouraged Kelly. And she did what no woman before could do and take all 9 inches into her mouth. Her cute little nose bounced on my groin as I felt my cock be swallowed to the back of her throat without an issue. I felt my cock journey into her tight throat.

" GOOD!" I yelled.

The tonguing on my balls abruptly stopped and as Chelsea brought her head up and down gulping my whole shaft in her mouth, Kelly came over to me and dropped her humoungous breasts into my face. I grabbed one, it was so heavy I couldn't hold it for long but continued to slurp on them, lick suck and feel their warmth, heaviness and soft sponginess of her QQ cup tits.

I don't know how long I sucked at her tits but it wasn't long enough.

"Mom, I want a turn now, please?" she asked.

"Sure darling, he's all yours!" said Chelsea.

They swapped positions. "My mom may be able to deepthroat you, but I can show her how to titfuck!"

With that, she lifted her giant tits and squashed them around my 9 inch cock. Smothering my cock in her deep, dark cleavage, feeling the immense spongy heavy tits envelop my cock was almost too much and I almost came.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" I screamed.

Kelly had a wicked smile on her face and she struggled but maintained a strong rhythm fucking my cock with her tits. Her hard pink nipples rubbed a bit on my legs as she hefted her melons up and down my cock non stop. My cock journeyed through her canyon of cleavage, being squashed both sides and gently massaged. Now she rolled her tits around my cock, rolling it around in her cleavage which was easily 2 feet long. While this was happening, Chelsea started kissing me deeply, swirling her tongue around my mouth and gently running her nails across my chest and arms. I was being titfucked, kissed and tickled all at the same time.

"Mmmmmm" I moaned into Chelsea's mouth.

Pleasure tears formed and dropped down my face as I continued being pleasured like I had never been pleasured before. I was about to cum from the titfuck and had to tell Kelly to stop.

I broke the kiss.

"Ahhhh K...Kelly stop, don't wanna cum yet!" I moaned.

"Move over Kelly, I can still titfuck that cock better than you!" said Chelsea.

"Why don't we double titfuck him mom?"

"Good idea darling!"

No way, I thought. I was about to have two gorgeous women titfuck me together with Kelly's QQ cup and Chelsea's PP cup tits, I couldn't wait.

They kneeled either side of me, with their giant bums in the air, I grabbed onto their firm bums while they smashed the tits either side of my dick. It was being assaulted from all sides. If the first titfuck wasn't incredible enough, this was the most pleasure I had ever felt, ever! My cock sat between each of their tits while they perfectly bounced, jiggled and lifted their tits up and down my entire shaft. Feeling the pliant tits bounce on my cock was too much. Every stroke felt like I was seconds away from cumming.

"Fuck my tits!" They yelled together.

I looked up and watched what looked like 4 giant fleshy beach balls attacking my cock. I grabbed greedy handfuls of hot ass flesh while their tit flesh massaged my hardness. My fingers sunk into their round and full bums.

"Gon, gonna cum!" I screamed.

They bounced their tits harder and faster on me now. I was seeing stars as pleasure tears streamed down my face. My cock started pulsing just before cumming.

"Cum on our tits!" They yelled.

"Ahhhhh fuuuuucking SHIT!!! Cumming!" I cried.

That beautiful warm feeling started in my stomach and went to my balls and within seconds as they dropped their tits to the base of my shaft, the head of my cock exposed, I exploded between 4 giant magnificent tits.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" we all shrieked together!"

Like a pinched hosepipe that had been untangled, I spurted thick and full streams of cum high in the hair, I threw my head back, I went cross eyed and I bucked my hips feeling the jiggling tits squash around my spurting shaft.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled.

"That's so much honey!" exclaimed Chelsea as continued amount of thick jism splashed on their tits to the joyful sounds and cheering of mother and daughter.

After a while, my cock dribbled out the last few drops of cum while I lay dazed and happy catching my breath.

"Fuck, you're still hard!" said Kelly as she let go of her immense tits.

"Y.yeah, I guess I am!" I said.

"Seeing as he's your boyfriend Kelly, it's only fair you have him first."

"OK stud! I need this cock in me, like NOW!"

With that, I shot up, took control and pushed Kelly onto the soft blanket on her back. Her giant tits sagged to the side of her body, her nipples hard and pointy. It was such an incredible sight.

I lift her legs and slowly entered into the warm depths fir the first time.

"Ahhh!" We moaned in unison.

Her tight wetness swallowed me and it felt amazing. I was only halfway in.

"G...Go, slow, you're quite big!" she said.

While I continued feeding my cock into Kelly's pussy, Chelsea kneeled behind me, crushing her massive tits against my back. She stroked my chest with her long nails, sending shivers throughout my body. If this wasn't enough, she nibbled, kissed and sucked my sensitive neck. All this while I was finally deep inside her daughter.

"Fuck that's good!" yelled Kelly.

I pulled my cock almost all the way out, then slowly entered again.

"Faster!" shouted Kelly.

I thrust in and out of her tight cunt,,feeling every inch of it, moaning and savouring the incredible feeling. Meanwhile, I dropped my hands to her outrageously sized breasts and massaged them. For QQ cup sized tits, these were incredible firm and perky. My palms spread across her bouncing breasts and I fucked her harder. She dropped her hand to her clit and started massaging it, yelling for me to fuck her harder.

Chelsea now went and sat over Kelly's face, having her daughter lap up her juices. I could hear muffled moans as Chelsea grinded her hips onto her daughters mouth.

"Fuuuuuuck, so good!" Chelsea moaned!

"Mmmmmmmfffff, FUCK Yeah!" screamed Kelly. "Goncum!"

"Me too!" My eyes rolled back inside my head as I continued pumping my cock in and out of her hot love tunnel. It pulsed, spasmed and massaged my cock from all angles and that was it for me. Her pussy went tighter and my cock exploded as I collapsed on her mega mountainous tits, crushing them under my chest, cock buried to my balls in Kelly's pussy, spewing hot loads of cum in her cunt.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....FUCKING, FUCK...FUCK FUCK, cumming!" I screamed and so did Kelly beneath me.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" she yelled and like a woman possessed pulled me deeper still into her quivering cunt as it pulsed and shook around me. I continued emptying my juice into her, feeling her tits below me.

Finally, after what felt like ages, I rolled off Kelly, catching my breath, smiling, happy but exhausted. I still have another round to go.

Chelsea climbed on top of me, humoungous breasts swaying form side to side as she did. She grabbed my cock at the base and shoved it in.

"Good fuck! You're huge! You're stretching my cunt!" she screamed.

She bounced slowly on my still hard cock, while gently rubbing her clit.

She smashed her tits into my face, almost suffocating me while she bounced, steadily faster on my cock. I looked over every now and then and could see Kelly start to regain herself.

I could feel this incredible pussy swallow me and massage my cock. It was tight, hot and wet. Kelly meanwhile came to sit on my face as Chelsea bounced on me. I grabbed onto Kelly's huge bum while I ate her out, lapping up her and my juices. I stuck my tongue deep into her pussy as she yelled and encouraged me to fuck her mother.

"Fuck my mom, you dirty fucker! I'm enjoying watching my boyfriends cock enter the cunt I came out of."

I thrust my hips to meet Chelsea's bounce.

"So deep, you're fucking depths no man has reached before!" she screamed.

I was getting close and warned her. "Cum with me Chelsea!" I said between breaths of lapping up my girlfriend's sweet pussy.

After a few more thrusts, Chelsea started cumming and so did I. She collapsed on top of me, smashing those huge tits all across my body as I went rigid, and began to yell.

"Cumming in your cunt!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" We moaned and screamed together, the 3 of us as Kelly came on my face, I exploded in her mom's pussy and Chelsea basically had a fit and came, all at the same time.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" She yelled as her pussy squeezed the last few drops of jism out my dick.

She rolled off me and the 3 of us lay in bliss, naked, panting and happy. I had never come 3 times in a row like that. It was too good and a night I will remember for the rest of my life.


I shot up, half in shock and half by reflex. Cheryl seemed lost for words.

"Well this makes it a bit easier to tell you. When I found out you were fucking an old boyfriend here, I confided in your mom and sister and to tell you the truth they are far better looking than you. Giant tits, huge asses, prettier. Truth is I'm a breast man and your C cups are no match for their PP and QQ cup tits."

"B...b...but..." she stammered.

"No, it's over Cheryl, you're a bitch and generally a horrible person. In a way I'm glad you got to see this." I said.

"Well I'm going to tell Dad!" she said.

"No you fuckin won't!" said Chelsea.

"Because I know you've secretly been stealing money from him for years to fund your lifestyle! You tell him, that's the end of your money, the end of your lifestyle and pretty much your life as Pete is leaving you too."

Cheryl then ran off crying and the 3 of us calmly got dressed and snuck back into the house. I said goodbye to Chelsea, hugged and kissed her and thanked her for letting us stay. This time I went back to my room, gathered up my clothes, went to Kelly's room and together we packed her bag, jumped in my car (Kelly's was a rental) and drove back home.

"Fuck yeah!" I said.

"I can't believe we did that!" said Kelly. "It's the middle of the night and we have just left. Where are we going anyway?" she asked.

"Shit! I left the keys to my place on the kitchen counter." I thought for a moment.

"Only one place will be able to have us this late, mom's house!""I still can't believe we did that. I mean, you fucked me and my mom at the same time, sort of got caught, bust Cheryl and her cheating on you and now we're in a car on the way to your the middle of the night!"

"I know right! It's exciting, and if that wasn't the best sex I ever had, I don't know what will be."

"Best sex so FAR!" replied Kelly as we both laughed. "It's going to get wild.

"So how far until your mom's place?" she asked.

"Another hour I think."

"Well in that case, I'm going to try get some sleep. Wake me up when we arrive darling?"

"Sure thing babe!" I responded.

As she put her seat down, I watched as her gigantic breasts swayed and bobbed and as she lay down. They towered above her slim body. Probably a foot off her chest. I'm surprised she can lie on her back. Wouldn't those things crush her lungs, I thought.

I drove for a bit longer, stopping just once for a coffee and outside the gas station, I messaged mom.

Me: Hey mom, sorry messaging so late, long story but me and Kelly have left suddenly and on our way, back. I stupidly forgot the keys to my place and don't have anywhere to go. Could we come to you?

I waited a while and no response. Then suddenly my phone beeped.

Mom: Hey darling of course, are you outside, you can stay in your spare room?

Me: Thanks so much mom, no not outside, about 45 minutes away. Sorry so late, will see you soon?

Mom: Perfect, not a problem at all honey! So exciting, the two of you running away in the night. Makes me think of how I used to do that with a few of my boyfriends in college. Sneaking around into their rooms.

Me: Haha, tell me more...

Mom: Typing...

Mom: I will, but later, need to get your room ready. LOL naughty boy, wants to know what mom got up to all those years back.

Me: ๐Ÿ˜‰ Of course I do. OK see you soon, on my way to the car.

Mom: Great honey, see you soon. I'll leave door unlocked.

I continued driving for some time while Kelly slept. It was almost 4am by the time I arrived at mom's house. "We're here Kelly!" I said as I gently woke her up, resisting the urge to grab those giant breasts.

We got out the car, the sky was just becoming a bit lighter and birds were chirping. I was exhausted. I opened the door. "Mom?" I shouted. No response.

"She's got a beautiful house, how many rooms?" asked Kelly.

"Um, I think 4. This is the house I grew up in but it's changed a lot. Mom?"

"I'm up here darling." She responded.

It had been a while since I had seen mom, maybe a month or so. We dropped our bags next to the stairs as mom came down the stairs. Oh my fuck, what a sight I thought. I just thought my mom was overweight, but good god, now that I knew she had RR cup breasts, it changed the way I looked at her.

Kelly whispered under her breath. "Fuck me, she is huge! You never told me your mom had tits the size of beach balls?"

"Truth is I never knew...HI MOM!" I said as I came in for a hug.

Her body enveloped mine completely as I sunk into her bosom. It felt fantastic.

"Ah, this must be Kelly!"

"Hi Mrs..." she began.

"Nonsense, none of that Mrs in this house. I'm not an old lady. Call me Jane!" she said smiling.

"Hi Jane, nice to meet you!"

They embraced, well at least tried to as their gargantuan breasts prevented them from hugging each other, like two magnets repelling each other, they couldn't even get close enough to hug.

"Ahhh these things!" laughed Kelly.

"You and I know all too well I see!" said mom. "Mine only reached this size recently. Anyway, you don't want to hear about that...haha!"

This was so hot the two of them talking about their breasts so openly.

"I want to hear all about what happened, I'll make a pot of tea." Said mom.

And with that we picked up our bags and went upstairs. My old room had now been turned into a guest room. There was a new large bed, curtains, decorations. Gone were the sexy posters and smell of BO.

"Your mom has good taste!" Kelly said excitedly. "I think we will really get along, her an I."

"I hope so, babe! Let's dump our bags and go downstairs, I'm dying for some tea!"

"Ok cool! Me too actually!"

We went downstairs and mom had put out her best tea set and had already poured us some tea. I was touched. "Not sure if you would like milk and sugar, so I left them as is." Mom said.

"Perfect, thanks Jane!" replied Kelly.

"Thanks mom!"

"So, tell me all about what happened. Love a bit of gossip. How did you end up with my handsome son?"

We told mom all about what happened from meeting Chelsea, Cheryl's cheating on me, her rudeness and generally being a bitch, all of it, well except the sex with her mom part.

"Oooo, how exciting! My handsome son landed a beautiful girl, if you don't mind me saying!"

"Thank you, Jane!" she said blushing. "I guess we sort of fell for each other."

"I can see that, the way you too are looking at each other, holding hands! I'm so happy for you both!" Mom took a sip of tea, placed her mug down and asked; "What is the plan, I mean of course I'm happy for you to stay here as long as you need."

"Well I think once I get my keys back from Cheryl, she must go get her things, then either I'll move in with Kelly or she will move in with me. I have a few months left on my lease, so let's see. It's all happened so fast."

"Yeah, I have to go and get my things, I don't have enough clothes, makeup and so on." said Kelly.

Mom took another sip and smiled. "Why don't you stay here until after the long weekend at least?" Then that bitch Cheryl will be back, can clear her things and move out and also gives you some time to think things through."

"Sounds good, you happy with that Kelly?" I asked.

"Well of course I am, this place is beautiful, comfortable and oh my word that bed is so comfy! Thank you Mrs...I mean Jane!"

"Pleasure darling."

Then Kelly and I discussed the plan for the day. She was going to go to her place in my car (she left the rental back at her parents' house), collect some more clothes and I was going to go for a nap as I was exhausted from the excitement, the drive and also not being able to sleep.

I politely excused myself after Kelly left and I went upstairs and lay on my bed. I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

I awoke maybe 30 minutes later. I would have liked to sleep a bit longer but somehow; I was awake and then I realized why. I was horny and my cock so hard. I wish mom and I could talk about her breasts again, that was so hot. It's not like I could just go ask her about them.

And then an idea dawned on me. I would message her. I think she would be more open through her phone then in person. It may be weird.

Me: Hey Mom!

Mom: Hey darling, that was a quick nap?

Me: Yeah lol, I'll be ok.

Mom: You know I'm right here in the house, why don't you come talk to me?

Me: Just a bit lazy, still waking up.

Mom: Ok cool, well see you now, going to get lunch ready.

Dammit, I thought. I blew it. Maybe there was another way? I thought for a bit. I know, I'll send her a meme of some woman with big boobs. Maybe she will comment and then lead to talking about them. My cock got hard at the thought and my heart beat faster as I browsed images on my phone that would be appropriate. Nothing too dirty.

I finally found something of a woman with huge boobs holding 2 melons close up to them. I saved the file and sent it, then waited.


I checked it had gone through which it had, but she had not read it yet. I continued waiting, checking my phone nervously. Finally, she had read it. 2 blue ticks! I waited in anticipation. She went offline. Fuck, maybe I went too far. I reached for my phone and started typing.

Me: Sorry wrong person...

But before I could send, mom was typing. I waited nervously; I didn't know how she would react.

Mom: Lol, is that what you're thinking about? Boobs on the brain again, naughty boy!

Me: Yeah what can I say, she's hot!

Mom: She's got nothing on me...๐Ÿ˜‰

Bingo! I said.

Me: So how big do you think those are?

Mom: Well, you're the expert aren't you, boob boy?

Me: lol, maybe I am. I think GG cup? What do you think?

Mom: Maybe not quite as big, maybe just a G, still huge though.

I think I had oiled her enough, time to get a bit more risquรฉ.

Me: Well I've had bigger. Hahaha!

Mom: I can see that, Kelly is packing!

Me: So are

I regretted sending that as soon as I did, it was a bit too forward. Nothing happened, mom was responding immediately, then stopped. She went offline. Fuckit! I thought. I started panicking.

Then my phoned beeped. She had responded!

Mom: That's an understatement. So, want to know something, something you would find sexy?

Me: Yes.

Mom: Typing...

My cock got hard, I started to gently rub it through my pants.

Mom: I measured myself yesterday. I'm

Me: Bigger than RR cup?

I started to unzip my pants and jerk off.

Mom: Yes...and I had to go to the shop and buy a bigger bra.

Me: Oh my mom, so how big are you now?

Mom: Why don't you come see? I'm in the bedroom.

With that I leapt off the bed, tucked my cock away nervously and approached mom's bedroom door, it was slightly ajar. I entered the large master bedroom.

"You naughty boob boy!" said mom laughing. "Coming to see your mom's gigantic bra?"

I couldn't respond. "Close your mouth silly!" she said. "It's in this packet, why don't you take it out?"

I reached inside the large paper bag and pulled out what I thought was a gag gift. A gigantic flower-patterned bra. Each cup looked like the size of a continental pillow slip. It was sky blue and had matching panties. It was one of the hottest things I had ever seen.

"Jesus mom, how big is this bra?" I asked. My cock throbbed with anticipation.

"Take a look at the label darling!"

"Fuck me!" I almost fainted.

Mom laughed. "Huge, isn't it? Yes, the lady at the store fitted me for a T cup bra."

I just stared at the bra in amazement. How could a women with such a slim and firm body have breasts balloon and grow to a T cup.

"Want to see what it looks like in the bra?" she asked. "I know we shouldn't be doing this, but I don't mind!"

My heart was racing. "Y...yes!"

"Hey boob boy! Perving at your mom's gigantic breasts!" she said playfully.

She lifted the top slowly. It was painful, my erection and this moment.

As she lifted the massive blouse over her breasts, they burst out of the too small bra. It was magical. There was about 2 feet of cleavage, bulging breasts everywhere, taking up her whole torso.

She finally unhooked all the straps and took off her bra. And there they were.

Fantastically giant, abnormal, soft, perky tits. There were stretch marks at the top of her breasts, then there were some light veins running from the top to the around the nipple. Some people may say she looks deformed, but I just thought it was too beautiful.