Sitting on an elevated place and looking down at the small stream gushing down with force due to copious Monsoon rains Seema was recapturing the 40 odd years of her life.

What was there for her in those 40 years she thought? Other than Brute her son there was nothing to fall back and ponder upon. (She used to address her son Vicky as Brute for his prank's.)

As she recalled those 40 years the only pleasant thing which came to her mind was her childhood. Then as she grew up to be a charming woman fate stuck her so hard that she could not come out it, she had got married. She had got married to a person twice her age.

After leading a life with him for 20 years she lost him. He died a natural death leaving behind a property worth millions and a son born by a miracle. It was a miracle as he was impotent. Seema used to feel cold sweat run down her spine imaging how it would have been if Vicky was not born. Vicky was the only reason she had survived all along.

While her eyes dampened recalling those days it felt nice to feel the cool rain come down. Lifting her face she let the drops cascade down her cheeks and feeling its chillness brought immense relief to her.

As the light drizzle gained momentum and started pouring she enjoyed it and by the time the wind blew away the clouds and it stopped raining she was totally drenched and without a bother she walked back to her farm house.

Her son Vicky was aghast on seeing her totally drenched. He did not try his pranks and when his mother turned back to reason it out she saw his eyes were glued on her. Without knowing the reason she went in to change and when she came out she heard him say 'why did you not call me Mom.'

'I did not as I know what your reactions would have been,' letting out those words she smiled at him.

'No I wouldn't have played any pranks on you, not when you were ...' He did not complete the sentence.

'Why is it that you always try your tricks upon me,' she asked.

'Its because you want me to and l love to,' he replied.

'Come on no sane woman would like your pranks,' said she.

'Who said you are sane. If you were you would not have got drenched,' he replied looking at her soaked body.

'You don't understand how much I loved lt. I wish the rain had not stopped,' she replied softly.

'You know something you looked cute in those wet clothes Mom. You looked as if you are a child,' he said.

'How I wish I was a child,' said she as her mind raced back to that golden period.

'Thinking of getting wet again,' asked Vicky on seeing her dreaming.

'No, not with you . . . . you are a brute,' she replied smiling again.

'Well don't tell me I did not ask you,' saying this he went out.

Later the front bell rang and knowing it to be his pranks she neglected it. The second time when it rang she fumed and on the third attempt opening the door as she lifted the pan she was carrying she found it to be the weatherman at the doorstep.

'What did I do ma'am,' asked the puzzled weatherman.

Hiding her smile 'I am sorry I thought it was Brute,' she said.

'Brute?' he asked.

'Yes Brute,' she replied smiling again.

'Well I came here to inform that there will be power cuts due to monsoon,' said the weatherman.

'Thank you,' she replied and on shutting the door wondered how easily she had got fooled. It brought a huge smile on her face thinking even in his absence she was fooled by his pranks. What would I have done if he was not there, she thought. Then suddenly her vision drifted to the morning when she had come home after being drenched. What had made him or what had he seen that had him so engrossed she wondered. However hard she tried she could not find an answer. Shaking her head she went in.

That night Vicky had a bad dream and as he opened his eyes he felt his body trembling. The first thing that came to his mind was to call his Mom. Then changed his mind thinking what if she thought this to be his prank. This made him sit straight on the bed and what he saw made him more nervous. He saw that he was aroused.

Pulling the heavy rug over he closed his eyes and did not open till the suns rays penetrated his room. As morning dawned and he stepped inside the kitchen Seema sensing his presence stiffened thinking either he would tickle her or try some thing to scare her. When nothing of that happened as she turned to face what she saw of him puzzled her. She saw that he was in some sort of a trance and his vision seemed to be blurred.

Reaching out and holding him 'are you okay dear,' she asked.

Grasping her tightly 'It was a bad dream Mom,' he said.

Embracing him 'its okay dear cool down cool down,' she said and when he came out of her arms and sat down she fetched him some coffee.

It was only after having a cup of coffee that normalcy returned and looking at her 'Mom I need some fresh air shall we go out,' he said.

'But it's raining dear,' she said.

'Its okay lets go while it is raining,' he replied.

'Okay fine but no hanky panky,' and seeing him smile 'Brute I love you,' she said blowing a kiss.

As they stepped out it was drizzling and soon it gave way to bright sunshine. 'Look this is what happens in monsoon, the weather is unpredictable. When you want it to rain it does not and when you don't want it pours heavily,' said his mom.

'What do you want Mom, do you want it to rain,' asked Vicky.

'Yes I want it to rain cats and dogs,' she replied excitedly.

'But will you not be scared,' he asked.

'Not in the company of a 19 year old brute,' she replied.

'Oh Mom you are so sweet,' he said.

'Sweet? Don't I look cute,' she asked.

'You look cute when you get drenched,' he shot back.

Lifting her eyebrows 'its very difficult to understand you men. At one point you are ready to help us on the other you want us to be drenched but why,' she asked.

'Because you said you enjoy when it rains,' he replied..

'Yes I love it and look it has started raining,' she said spreading her arms wide and looking up at the sky.

Vicky's eyes took to her. Though he saw his Mom getting soaked in the rain he felt there was something missing. No matter how hard he tried he could not get to the point. Seeing her the other day was totally different from this. Though he was watching her from a closer range the urge the excitement of seeing her earlier was missing and he could not reason it out.

Not satisfied with the days outcome Vicky returned back and on reaching home 'did you enjoy it Mom,' he asked.

'Yes more so being in your company,' she replied.

Pleased by her reply 'how about going tomorrow,' he asked.

'If you don't mind getting wet then I would love to,' she replied.

'I would love to watch you get drenched,' he shot back.

Lifting her eyebrows and smiling at him 'how nice so tomorrow we get drenched,' saying it she went in.

Vicky was delighted by her words and in the privacy of his room he recalled the previous days sighting of his mother frame by frame. It was while she moved away that he was floored on seeing her voluptuous back draped in a wet sari like a second skin. It had exposed the curves, the valleys and this was what that had haunted him in his dream. Now he felt bad as it had him aroused. No this is not right. How can I think of her. However hard he tried to reason out he failed and that scene kept flashing in his mind and when he woke up he felt that he was again aroused.

After having a bath as he stepped into kitchen inadvertently his gaze fell on his Moms back and he found it difficult to shed it out of his vision. Seema having heard him come was worried on seeing him stand silently behind her. It was the second day that he had not tickled or pulled her hair. She missed his pranks as they where the ones which motivated her.

Shaking her head when she turned to face him she found him to have stepped closer. This was unexpected as he had never stood so close to her earlier. Smiling at him 'breakfast is ready,' she said and sat opposite looking at him.

Seeing her staring 'what's the matter,' he asked.

'Yes what's the matter is what I have to ask you. You seemed to have changed a lot,' she said.

'What makes you think so. Is it because I have stopped teasing you,' he asked.

'Yes though you take me by surprise I love your pranks,' saying it she patted his thighs.

'So you love them you better think twice before we go out,' he said leaning forward.

Pushing him back 'you don't scare me anymore,' saying it she went in.

Seeing her leave his eyes followed her and once she was out of his vision 'Mom you are gorgeous,' he said.

Those words had not fallen on deaf ears. Seema on having moved out of his vision had hid to find out if he planned any pranks but what she heard took her by surprise. Moving inside the four walls of her room she sat on the bed and started bisecting his words.

'Gorgeous,' she had not heard anyone utter those words to her. Though many a times one of her friend used to say you look great but gorgeous none had uttered. The second point was his proximity of getting closer and many a times she saw him engrossed in looking up at her. His getting close was welcomed but his stares were frightening. Thinking on those lines she decided to check on his behavior before drawing any conclusions. Unknowingly draping a light colored sari she stepped out of her room.

The sky was clear when they stepped out and Seema moving close allowed Vicky to slip his hand on her waist which he had been doing ever since she could remember. Holding his hand they walked towards the stream.

As they neared the stream hearing the sound of gushing waters Seema moving out from his grasp ran up the small hill. In her excitement she had fallen prey to his prying eyes. This was what Vicky was waiting for and the moment she started climbing the hill his eyes took to her body. The sight of her rich curvaceous back was mind blowing and as his vision reached down it took the wind out of him when his eyes fell upon her voluptuous buttocks. However hard he tried he could not tear his eyes away from those stimulating curvaceous mounds of flesh. With his stare glued upon them he moved up and coming to stand behind her and slipping his hands on her waist 'is this not a magnificent place to live Mom,' he asked.

'Yes and in Monsoon its beauty gets enhanced,' she said sliding back and cozying herself in his arms.

'I would say it is one the most romantic places,' uttering those words he tightened his hold on her.

'Yes but with whom would you romance,' she asked getting excited.

'why with you.' He replied.

'Me???????' she asked.

'Why? Can I not romance with my Mom,' he asked as he nuzzled his face on her nape.

'Yes you can but do you have any idea as to how old your Mom is,' she asked in her excitement.

'What has age to do Mom. You are one beautiful woman and it is quite natural to fall in love with you,' as he said it he pressed his lips on her neck.

His words and his closeness brought some cheer and swaying in his arms 'from when do you consider me to be romantic,' she asked.

'It's from a long long time Mom and coming back from Boarding Home it has reached its zenith,' he said as his lips continued the upward journey and planting a kiss on her cheeks 'you know you are very beautiful Mom,' he said again.

'I think you are teasing me. What do you see in me that you consider to be beautiful,' she asked.

'Everything about you is beautiful, it is blissful. Holding an exciting woman like you in my arms I consider myself fortunate and it would feel heavenly just to kiss you,' he said as his lips pressed on her shoulder .

Hearing his words her body trembled 'I don't believe you. I think this is also one of your pranks,' she said as she snuggled closer.

'Why don't you believe me? Look it has started raining and does it not make it more romantic and what's wrong if I crave for that one kiss,' he said brushing his cheek on her.

'I don't know what makes you want to kiss me. Is it because of this rain,' she asked blushingly.

'I would like to kiss you because you are one gorgeous woman and as you are getting wet you look more romantic,' saying it he grabbed her in both arms and bit her cheek.

'Gorgeous' that word made her melt in his arms and turning to face him 'you are a real Brute, why did you bit me,' she asked.

'It was an instantaneous reaction of having you in my arms,' he said as he bit her again.

'Then you may not stop from biting my lips too,' she said softly.

Excited by her words 'do you want me to bite these lovely lips,' he asked placing a finger on them.

Taking hold of his hand and biting his finger 'its not only you who can bite,' said she.

'So you agree,' saying it when he tried to grab her, shaking her head and moving out of his reach 'for that you have to catch me first,' saying it she ran away from him.

Vicky followed her. He knew she would not be able to cover much distance in this downpour and finding her standing underneath a tree totally drenched he came to stand in front of him.

'No, no,' shaking her head she started hitting him with her fists.

Moving closer and pinning her hands to the tree 'I have been dreaming of you Mom,' he said and on seeing her biting her lips 'they are very promiscuous Mom,' saying it he pressed his warm lips on her succulent ones.

As his hot lips met hers throwing all caution to the wind she hugged him and when he held her head and looked deep into her eyes, unable to fathom the desire engulfing in them she kissed him back and taking hold of his hand 'shall we go,' said she.

Hand in hand as they walked back in the rain 'I wish Monsoon does not get over soon,' he said.

'Yes it is a pity as it rains only for few weeks,' she replied.

'How many days have passed since it commenced,' asked he.

'A week and it may last another two,' she replied.

'Two weeks is what that remains of my vacation,' he replied.

'Will you be going back so soon,' she asked.

'Yes have to attend coaching classes,' he said tightening his hold on her.

'I had thought you would be staying for a couple of months.'

'No I have to go and I wish we will have few more outing before this monsoon gets over,' he said caressing her waist.

'Sure we will,' saying it she remained thoughtful.

Seeing her in a pensive mood and allowing her privacy Vicky walked to his room leaving her alone to ponder over.

Slumped on the sofa without bothering to change Seema recapped every scene that had taken place between them. Recalling it again and again she found not a single instance wherein her son had taken advantage of her. It all had happened at the spur of the moment and both had drifted down in the stream together. At first she thought she was to be blamed as she did not curtail her emotions then debating over the events she felt nothing wrong had taken place and it was quite natural for them to have some fun. Reminding herself to have more control in their next venture she got up to go to her room.

As the rain continued pounding both were busy playing cards and as the game was getting interesting the lights went out leaving them in pitch darkness. Having sat side by side both were excited and when Seema did not move to light a candle Vicky taking hold of her hand 'does the power break down regularly Mom,' he asked in a soft tone.

'Only during monsoon electric lines snap and this morning the weather man too informed me ,' he said.

Holding her hand firmly and caressing it 'don't you think the snapping of power in one way is helping us,' he asked.

'I don't see any reason how sitting in pitch darkness would help us,' she said hiding her smile.

Pulling her up and nuzzling his face on her nape 'don't you see that it's easy to embrace you while it is dark,' he said as he took her in his arms

'On the contrary I find it not to be so,' she replied inching closer.

Knowing very well that she was teasing him nibbling her ear 'what's there that you don't like,' he asked.

'I don't like to be bitten,' she replied.

'Why would you not when it's a way of showering ones love,' he said pressing his cheek on hers.

'Do you think this is the proper time and place to shower ones love,' she asked.

'Yes I think snapping of the power was a blessing in disguise,' he said as he bit her rosy cheek.

'It may be for you but for me it's annoying,' she replied.

'What if the bites turn into kisses? would they be still annoying you,' he said taking hold of her face and caressing her cheeks.

Getting excited by his words 'instead of running around bushes why don't you say you want to kiss me,' she said.

'If I had said so directly then it would not have been so pleasurable,' saying it he kissed her with passion.

Coming out of his grasp and panting heavily 'is that how you kiss your mother,' she asked.

'Who said I kissed my mother I kissed a gorgeous woman,' saying it he kissed her again.

Excited on being kissed by her son inside the house 'would you have kissed her if you had known her to be your mother,' she uttered those words and waited with abated breath for his reply.

'Why do you think I took so long to kiss her. Why do you think I had to move cautiously before I could kiss her. Had it not been my mother that I wanted to kiss then it would not have taken so much time and so much patience,' saying it he sealed her lips with his and did not let go till such time it took his words to seep into her brain.

Coming out of an dream like situation where her own son had confessed that he wanted to kiss his mother an excited Seema walked slowly to her room in the pitch darkness.

Next morning Vicky seeing his mother standing near the window peeping out 'how is the weather Mom,' he asked.

'It looks pleasant as it is drizzling lightly,' she replied.

'Would it not be great to step out,' he asked.

'Yes by now the gushing stream would have turned into a river,' she said.

'Do you intend to go for a swim,' he asked.

'Along with you no way,' she said.

'Then how about wading in the waters,' he asked.

'I may consider but that depends on how you behave,' she said.

'What if I behave like a dutiful son,' he said.

'For how long is the question,' she said resigning from negotiating any further.

'Well you can see for yourself shall we go now,' he said pulling her arm.

Giving him a quizzical look 'why you are in such a hurry,' she asked.

'Come on Mom I have just two weeks to enjoy this monsoon,' he said.

'If that's the case let's go ,' she said taking hold of his hand.

As they stepped out in the rain looking at his mother's face glowing with pleasure 'have never seen you so happy Mom,' he said.

'Yes I am very happy as I don't remember when I enjoyed so much,' she said lifting her face and letting the rain cascade down her face.

'You look so pretty,' he said as his eyes took to her wet body and moving closer he held her by her waist.

Placing her head on his shoulders 'its because of you that I am having some good time, otherwise . . . . . .'

'Don't talk about it Mom,' he stopped her.

This made her melt in his arms and hugging him she let her body do the talking.

Vicky was on cloud nine. He was excited on having his mothers body so close. Caressing her waist and feeling the heat from her soft belly 'it feels so good to be with you that I wish it does not stop raining,' he said.

'Why what has rain to do with it,' she asked softly.

'I fear I might not find you in such humor if it is not raining,' saying it he slipped his hand on to her hip and drew her.

Accommodating as much as she could into his embrace 'you need not worry,' she said shyly.

Seeing her shy and feeling her warming up to his gestures 'yes now it gives me enough courage to hold you in my arms,' he said coming to stand under the shade of a tree.'Have you not held me in your arms before,' she asked pecking a kiss on his cheek.

'I have but not with much confidence,' saying it he pulled and hugged her.

'Yes I see your point and I wonder why you want me to be so close,' she spoke softly as her body started squirming in pleasure.

'To feel the warmth of your body,' saying it he started tugging the top of her sari.

'May I know what is that for,' she asked feeling her sari slip out of her.

'That's to wipe your face as the rain has stopped,' he said.

'Was it to wipe my face or was it for some other reason you pulled it,' she asked.

'Why what other reason could I have,' he asked taking a deep breath.

'Is it not a fact that you wanted to have a glimpse of what it had covered,' she asked caressing his cheeks.

'Yes I was curious and don't you think I am entitled to have a peep,' he asked planting a kiss on her lips.

'Yes I think I can allow you some space considering your good behavior,' saying it she bit his cheek.

Excited on having bitten by her 'Is that all you can do? Could you not have bit my lips?' he asked as he held her sari.

'I may if such an occasion arises,' she replied blushingly .

'Will you consider it if I ask you to,' he said pushing the top of her sari.

'I may if you go down on your . . . .' she replied smilingly.

'Do you want me to,' he asked.

Holding his hand and shaking her head 'I fail to understand you men,' she said.

'Even nine lives would not be sufficient,' saying it he pushed down her sari and feasting his eyes on her robust breasts stacked in her wet blouse 'they are gorgeous Mom,' he said.

Surprised by his move and enchanted by his words 'yes even nine lives may be insufficient to read your dirty minds,' she replied.

'Yes and that depends upon how those are stacked. Believe me if I say you have one hell of a pair and they are simply, simply magnificent Mom,' he said.

Getting aroused by his comments 'Its only men like you who have filthy minds, not all,' she said.

'Maybe one in a million and he may also change his mind when he sees what my eyes are devouring,' he said as he slipped his finger between her cleavage.

Biting her lips 'What do you see that you find them to be so attractive,' she asked.

'Though not fully exposed but what my eyes are able to capture what's behind your wet blouse is something to dream about. Those fair globes protruding out from the black bra is a sight to behold and by the way they look its certain they are very firm. Overall you have a gorgeous pair mom,' he said as he slipped his finger between her cleavage.

Those words hit her hard. She could feel her body tremble and as he trust his finger deep between her orbs unable to sustain the pleasure 'don't you think you have invaded more space than one would normally be allowed,' she asked removing his hand.

'Yes I got carried away on having glanced at those majestically stacked ones,' he said as his fingers were pulled up.

'You are a filthy guy come lets go,' saying it she pulled him.

'So today I don't have get an opportunity to trek any further, what are my chances for tomorrow,' he asked.

'Tomorrow you won't even be allowed to get as close as you were today,' saying it she ran inside.

As soon as she entered her room 'what are you doing,' she heard her own voice vibrating in the room. 'Do you realize what consequences you would have to face. Have you thought where this would end.' A number of questions were shot to her. Holding her head in both hands she stumbled on the bed and started answering the questions one by one.

Yes first and foremost it was wrong, but did she have any options. No not any. All her life she had struggled with a person who was fit for nothing. She did not remember a single event which had made her happy. Yes by giving birth she had felt as if she had conquered the world. But it was for a short period as at a very young age her son was sent to a boarding home. Far very far from her arms.

Today she had him again in her arms. It had felt heavenly and yes he had got carried away and took some liberties. Why what's wrong in him kissing her. What's wrong in him being a little curious. What's wrong if he had ventured a step further. To kiss her and have a desire to look at some forbidden objects was just his curiosity. Debating on those lines she felt light hearted and by the time the morning rays filtered through her windows she had given birth to a new Seema.

Vicky too had a tough time recalling those incidences. He felt he was at fault and had tried to take advantage of her. He felt he had forced a few things in haste. He felt he had not given her time. He had not thought what affect it would have on her. Yes she was a lonely women but she was his mother too. Maybe in one corner of her mind she had that desire and to win it he felt he had to move very cautiously. He had to see that she joins him whole heartedly than show some courtesy as he was her son. No he had to win her and win her comprehensively. With this in mind he had a sound sleep.

The next morning was a bright one as there was no signs of rain. Having finished their breakfast they went out casually. They wandered through the dense foliage and as the sun was in it's horizon they rested under the shade of a tree.

'Well is this how monsoon behaves. Looking at the sunshine could you imagine how it had rained yesterday, very intriguing isn't it,' he said.

'Yes and I see there is quite a change not only monsoon but in you too,' she replied.

'And that change is it for good or is it for bad,' he asked.

'Any change is always for the good. You can never go wrong. Yes sometimes you get carried away but that can be easily be forgiven,' she said.

'Yes sometimes everyone tends to get carried away. Most of the time it is the circumstances which forces us and you know very well how it is when it rains,' he said.

'Thankfully it is not raining today,' she replied.

'Yes it is not raining but still having you besides has a different effect,' he said.

'Are you so fond of me. Having me by your side does it have such an effect on you,' she asked.

'You would not believe how I crave to be with you when I am in the boarding home,' he said.

Hearing it her heart melted and nuzzling closer 'don't you have any friends online or offline,' she asked.

'I don't have any as I am not interested,' he replied.

'You mean you have none,' she asked surprisingly.

'Yes none,' he replied sharply.

'Then how is it you are so knowledgeable,' she asked.

'Of what,' he asked trying to hide his smile.

'You know a lot about the anatomy of a woman,' she said.

'Does it not come naturally. Is it not the nature that teaches you such things,' he asked.

'You seem to know more than anyone of your age,' she said.

'It may be due to fact I know someone very special who is endowed with such worldly figure,' he said.

'You have a rotten mind. What do you see that you speak so high of me,' she asked.

'I don't think this is the proper place and proper time to disclose such secrets.' Said he.

'Are you in anyway hoping that it would rain,' she asked.

'Yes, while it rains it has many advantages,' he said.

'Like what?' asked Seema.

'Like you don't need to discard garments to see what's stacked behind them as they turn translucent,' he said.

'Was the sari I was wearing so translucent,' she asked.

'I wish you had worn one which was transparent,' he replied.

'You are a brute,' she screamed.

'No wonder you call me brute,' he replied.

'No I don't mean it like that. I call you brute lovingly,' she said.

'Why don't you show how much you love me,' he asked.

'I will but promise me you won't take undue advantage of it,' said Seema.

'I promise,' he replied.

Leaning and holding his face 'I love you brute' saying it she kissed him on his lips and when he tried to grasp her coming out of his reach 'did I not say that you are not going to take any advantage,' she said.

'Mom it won't be fair if I don't reciprocate your love,' he said and as she succumbed to his words taking hold of her face 'I am going to kiss you on your mouth mom,' he said and hearing it as her body trembled sealing his mouth on hers he invaded her mouth and ravished her delicate lips with his kisses.

Seema had never visualized that her son would kiss her like that. On being mercilessly ravished by his lips she went weak in her knees. That one kiss had taken the wind out of her and she feared that if she did not move out of his arms now then it would be too late. Coming out of his arms she straightened up indicating that it was time to move.

Enticing his arm around her he guided her back to their abode.

That night Seema felt restless. That one kiss had torn her up. Her body cried for more of those kisses. Her body wanted to be manhandled and ravaged. Her body craved to be brutalized by her brute and on dreaming of him having possessed her as she opened her eyes she found that her night gown was soaked.

Moving into the rest room and standing in front of the mirror she was perplexed when she saw her face had turned crimson and her lips pouting. This ignited her senses and as she shed her nightgown she was mesmerized when she saw her reflection . Looking at her voluptuous body, no wonder why her son craves for it she thought. Her nudity further ignited her and without putting on her nightgown as she walked back into the room she felt the cool breeze on her and as she peeped out of the window she was thrilled when she saw that it had started raining. Her thoughts went back to her son. What am I going to wear tomorrow she thought. Hugging a pillow she lay flat on the bed and did not remember the last when she had slept naked.

On waking up Vicky was excited when he felt the cool breeze and finding it was raining he hurriedly got up and after finishing the morning chores as he walked down he was excited to see his mother dressed in a black sari.

Then coming to stand behind her 'you look enchanting in the black sari mom,' he said.

Pleased with his reply 'is it to your liking,' she asked.

'Yes it enhances your beauty two folds and you look so refreshing. It compliments your fairness,' said he as he put his arms around her.

'Come on don't lie to me as it's not going to fetch you anything,' she said.

'I don't think I need to lie nor have I ever lied to you, you look simply gorgeous mom,' he replied nuzzling his face on her nape.

'It feels good to hear those words brute,' she said.

'Then how about rewarding me,' he said pressing his lips on her nape.

'One does not ask to be rewarded. One has to earn it as and when you earn it believe me you won't be disappointed,' saying it she moved out of his arms.

How very sweet of you he uttered as she stepped out in the rain and his eyes did not let go of her until she was totally drenched. As the wet sari got glued to her body highlighting her curvaceous back he could not shift his gaze when they fell upon her scintillating buttocks. These were what that had attracted him and now seeing those gorgeous mounds draped in a thin sheen of clothing he felt aroused.

Adjusting his erection as he moved closer he was surprised to hear her say 'have you finished ogling at my back.'

'How could you mom,' he shrieked.

'Nothing can be hidden from me and moreover you took your own sweet time. May I know what kept you hooked up for so long,' she asked lifting her eyebrows.

'Well, I was enchanted observing you get soaked in the rain ,' he replied.

'But was there any specific point of interest,' she asked biting her lips.

'Your body is so gorgeous that it would be difficult for me to pinpoint any portion,' he said.

'But still if some portion that may have caught your interest, what could it be,' she asked.

'Well is it not obvious? Can you imagine anyone would look the other way when those gorgeous buttocks in all their magnificence are displayed to ones naked eyes,' he asked gripping her waist.

'Dirty fellow could you not have described them in other words. Had you to use such foul language in front of your mother,' she asked softly.

'Such words were necessary under such circumstances,' he said pulling her up.

Moving her body in the comfort zone of his arms 'what makes you say so,' she asked.

'It was all because you looked so ravishing, so mesmerizing that even if I had ogled at you the whole day I would not have been satisfied by it,' he said.

'Do you find this 40 year old woman to be so attractive,' she asked.

'Yes not every woman is blessed with such buttocks and these breasts of yours Mom they are simply magnificent,' he said.

'It's bad manners to talk about your mom about her physical appearances,' she said shyly.

'Yes I know, but tell me why you wore this sari,' he asked as he held the top.

'Why? what reason could I have in wearing a black sari,' she asked blushingly.

'Because you knew what impact it would have on me. You knew wearing the black sari against your fair complexion would make you look more ravishing,' he said as he brought the top of her sari down.

'Do I look so,' she asked shyly.

'Yes you do look absolutely ravishing,' and starting to unhook her blouse 'and you have a magnificent pair of breasts,' he said as her fair mounds stacked in her brown bra were exposed to his naked eyes.

'Is this what your eyes wanted to see? Had you not seen any before,' she asked.

'Even if I have seen one to look at yours would be more exciting more thrilling,' he said as he cupped a breast in his hand.

'Why could it be so. What difference does it make,' she asked as her body trembled.

'Because they are more captivating and more desirous as they belong to not any other woman but to my mom,' he said as he freed a breast out of her bra.

'So it's because they belong to your mom you find them so desirous, good. Now that you have seen them are they up to your expectations,' she asked biting her lips.

'Is that a question to be asked. Have you ever stood before a mirror and looked at what you possess,' he said and pulling out her bra and denuding her breasts 'can you not see how magnificently they are tuned. These gorgeous orbs with the brown tweaking nipples are so ripe that one feels like suckling them again,' he said as his hands held them firmly.

'Of what fun would it be if you want to suckle them now when they are dried,' she said making lewd gestures.

'When I am so excited on just holding them imagine how it would be to suckle them,' he said as he started caressing her orbs.

'Is it your desire,' she asked lifting her face letting the rain drops cascade down on her naked orbs.

Staring at the silvery rain drops cascading down her gorgeous mounds Vicky went berserk. Grasping his mother in both hands and pinning her to the tree he squashed her naked breasts on to his chest and kissing her wildly he started ramming his lower body on to hers forgetting that he was practically jabbing his swollen dick on her tender waist and when he shot inside his pants he was aghast and walked back to the farm without looking back at his mother.

Seema watched him go and she understood his dilemma. She felt excited to know that he was so naïve Giving him ample time to come out of his trance she returned back to her farm house.

Vicky after pondering over and over as to what had happened and realizing that he was not the only one to be blamed finally came out of his room as the sun was setting down.

Unable to look into his mother's eyes as he stood looking out of the window he felt her presence behind him. First it was her lingering aroma and then he felt her rest her head on his shoulder.

Nuzzling her face on his nape and resting her chin on his shoulder 'what made you come back alone,' she asked.

'I was unable to face you after what happened,' he replied.

'What happened that you were so worried,' asked she.

'You know what and I felt bad that it happened,' he replied.

'I don't see any reason in it for you to run away from there,' she said taking a deep breath.

'Even after what happened,' he asked surprisingly.

'Yes even after what happened and what happened there was quite natural and you were not at fault,' she said.

'Not even after how I behaved,' he asked gaining some confidence.

'Yes not even after how you behaved. What you did under the circumstances was but natural and I don't think you ought to be blamed for that,' she said.

Those words brought much relief and gaining confidence 'I could not control myself as you looked absolutely stunning with the rain drops falling on your body,' he said.

Slipping her arms around his waist and holding him 'yes I can understand how you would have felt with the rain playing havoc,' she said.

'Yes especially when the rain drops cascaded down from your . . . . He did not complete.

'Yes tell me you need not shy,' she said caressing his chest.

'It was when I saw the pearl like rain drops cascade down your gorgeous orbs I could not sustain myself,' he said.

'And is that why you started pounding me,' she asked as her fingers unbuttoned his shirt.

'Yes what happened at that moment happened naturally,' he said.

'Why did you not say that it was getting uncontrollable. Would I have not tried to help you,' she said.

'I could not muster courage,' he replied.

'You could not muster courage; not when you so easily pulled some of my garments out,' she asked.

'I pulled those garments out as I wanted to see how you were built there,' he said looking at her cleavage.

'And what happened when you saw what was behind those garments,' she asked.

'On seeing your magnificent orbs with the rain drops cascading on those gorgeous breasts my body shuddered and then what happened, happened without my knowledge,' he replied.

'Could you not have sustained it any longer,' she asked.

'I could have but I thought having crossed the limit you would stall me,' he said.

'Yes you had crossed the limit but in that prevailing situation I think I could have given you some more room,' she said softly.

Hearing it he was elevated. 'You mean you would have allowed more liberty,' he asked getting excited.

'Yes I could have but in your urgency you lost a chance,' she said as her fingers roamed over his naked chest.

'Can it not be played out again,' he asked pulling her up.

'Yes it can and only when it rains,' she replied.

'And what if it does not,' he asked.

'Then you will be a loser,' and coming out of his arms and standing near her room 'will it rain tomorrow,' she asked.

That is a million dollar question Mom he said to himself.


Unfortunately the next morning it did not rain and Seema looking at her son's pale face said 'cheer up boy we are going out.'

'Where to Mom,' asked Vicky.

'Where we could find green pastures here carry these,' she said handing him a few things.

Vicky felt excited when he saw his mother come down wearing a light green sari which accentuated her curves to the fullest. It did not take more than a fleeting glance to visualize what was stacked behind that sari and he being an opportunistic did not let her go out of his vision even for a moment.

Having glued his eyes on her voluptuous mounds he followed her tamely and suddenly when his mother coming to stand under a tree questioned him by raising her eyebrows he failed to respond.

Seeing him go silent 'Don't tell that you were not ogling,' she said.

'What's there to ogle at,' he responded.

'Yes that's what I was about to ask you. What's there that your eyes don't get strained staring at them continuously.' She asked.

'Yes my eyes don't get tired. They see in you what's not visible in others. The formation of your mounds are so magnificent, so very attractive that it is very difficult to tear my eyes away and when they are wrapped in a thin sheen of cloth as they are now they look very dangerous.' He replied.

Those words hit her hard where it mattered most. Controlling her desires 'does it have the same effect when my clothes are soaked,' she asked.

'Yes the only difference is the visibility of the cleft between those orbs when your clothes are soaked,' he said.

'Which I feel is not visible now as my clothes are dry, is it?' she shivered as she let out those words.

'Yes not to the extent that I would have craved to,' he said.

'What would your dirty eyes would have craved for,' she asked.

'The cleft, the dark patch bisecting the orbs would be a sight to die for and given an opportunity to feel the same would be . . . . . .'

'Yes how would it feel to have your hand between those orbs, in the dark cleft as you say,' she asked as her body trembled.

'Why talk about it when it is not possible,' he said hoping to capitalize on the subject.

'But still how would you have reacted,' she asked.

Adjusting his straining manhood 'I would have taken utmost care in slipping my hand softly between the hot passage drinking in the pleasure of having felt it live all along. I might even have to pinch myself to realize that I am not dreaming about having my hand there between those orbs.'

'Yes I saw you adjusting your pants. Well if that is the cause of having this chat then I could very well imagine how it would be if it was a live show. Tell me how do you feel talking about it.'

'Talking about it also has it's advantages. Though it is very obvious as you have just spoken of me adjusting my pants I can even say that to a larger extent you are enjoying this conversation,' he said.

'How can you say that. Did you see me fumbling as you did,' she asked smilingly.

'No you don't need to fumble it like that but by the way you were squeezing your thighs, by the way your face had turned crimson and by the way you were taking deep breaths allowing your cleavage to be displayed more prominently speaks volumes about you,' he said.

'I see you have a devil's vision,' she said and seeing him eyeing at her cleavage 'Now what's there that you have not seen,' she asked.

'It's not what I haven't seen but it is the time, the place and the circumstances under which it is displayed is what counts,' saying it he undid two of her blouse buttons.

'What made you undo those buttons? Should you not have taken prior permission to do so,' she asked as she felt her body was on fire.

'No I thought it was not necessary after we had that conversation and also for having waited for so long,' he said as he undid the rest of the buttons.

Getting aroused 'Are you in that catch 22 position,' she whispered softly.

'Is that a question to be asked, can you not judge,' he said grasping her shoulders.

Leaning forward and nibbling his ear 'is it getting unbearable,' she asked.

'Yes, yes hold me in your arms,' he uttered as he grabbed her waist.

Hugging her body onto his and holding him firmly 'Do you need the comfort of my body,' she asked.

'Yes, yes I need it mom,' he cried pulling her up forcefully.

Hearing him call out mom 'Yes baby come to your mom,' saying it she hugged him strongly to her body and sealing her mouth on his did not let go until she felt his breathing return back to normal.

Coming out of her arms and unable to look into her eyes 'I got carried away,' he said softly.

'Any one in your place would have done the same,' she said ruffling his hair.

'So nothing to be ashamed of,' he asked.

'No nothing as everything was well within the limit. We might have gone a step ahead but nothing to feel ashamed of, come lets go,' she said encircling her arms around his waist.

Once locked inside the four walls of her room she recapped all the events that had taken place. On scrutinizing each sequence in detail and not finding any wrong doings on her part she felt at ease. Feeling ecstatic she jumped to a conclusion that it was harmless to continue with the chat. Rummaging through her wardrobe she tried to pick up something classy to wear but on second thought went against that notion. Dressed as simple as she could and having dabbed some perfume she walked down to meet her son.

Vicky after having freshened up was watching the tube when his mother stepped in. Inhaling the lingering aroma 'Mom it feels too good, no wonder you know when and how to use it,' he said.

'How is it that you read every single move of mine,' she said coming to sit beside him.

'It's called devils sense but no one can match you Mom. Whatever you do is simply adorable,' he said.

'It sounds good to hear your words even though they are false,' she replied.

'No Mom you do not know how you look? You look so sweet so adorable being simple,' and as she raised her eyebrows leaning over and untying her hair 'now you are a complete picture of perfection,' he said.

'Was it necessary to undo my hair?' she asked.

'Yes we do love fondling women's hair. It gives us a special sense of joy to toy with the soft silky hair and when one gets an opportunity as this to inhale it's aroma, it's like living out your fantasy,' he said as he burrowed his face in it.

'This is news. I had never visualized that one would fall in love with woman's hair and yes it is quite appreciable,' she said as his fondling of her hair spread some warmth.

'Yes and you would be unable to fathom some of the kinky stuff we men love to,' he said as he put across an arm around her.

'hmmmm. Can I know what fantasies my son has,' she asked moving closer.

'Well if you don't get mad,' he responded.

'No I won't and if I fail to digest it then I will stop you,' saying it she pressed her lips on his cheek.

Excited on being kissed 'Mom the kiss you gave earlier was awesome,' he said.

'Yes I know how awesome it was, dirty fellow and yes you don't call that a kiss. It was something special and mind you it's not bound to happen again and again,' she said nibbling his ear.

'But it had such an effect that it made me forgot what I was doing,' he said.

'Yes having had an opportunity you were trying to open my blouse and yes what was it you were looking for inside my blouse,' she asked.

'For me to answer that you may have to allow me to undo your blouse again,' he said as he pulled her sari down

'Very intelligent move. To answer a question you want to undo my blouse, good go ahead,' she replied.

'One has to be more than intelligent if one has to reach their goal,' saying it he undid her blouse and having a look at the rich contours of her swelled up breasts stacked behind the tiny bra 'one also should be lucky enough to have a look at what you posses, Mom they are simply gorgeous,' he said.

'Had you not seen my breasts before? What do you see now that you had not seen earlier,' she asked as heavy current shot through her body.

'Now I see a remarkable change in those gorgeous mounds. They look more exciting more thrilling and more luscious to look at,' he said as he caressed them softly.

'What do think has brought such a change in them,' she asked biting her lips.

'There are many factors that could be involved in it. First and foremost it is because you are enjoying the play now. Your body which was totally dead has been awakened and the raw pleasure which was deep rooted inside your body has erupted out in the open,' he said as his eyes were glued on her swollen breasts.

'How can you be so sure. What do you see there,' she asked as her body started trembling with passion.

Pushing her bra down and denuding her breasts 'See how your nipples are? See how aroused they are and Mom I think they are waiting for a pair of hot lips to suck them,' he said as he fondled her breasts.

'Come on why don't you say that is what you want to do. Why don't you say Mom I want to suck your breasts. Why run around the bush when you are so eager to suck them. Do it do it Vicky before I say no,' she cried trusting breasts forward.

Vicky could not have asked for more and the moment his mother uttered those words 'Yes Mom I am more eager than you are. Since the day my eyes feasted on these magnificent mounds it was my ardent desire to suck them and now that I have your permission let me do it in my way,' saying it he pulled her sari out and denuding the top he put her down on the sofa and as his aroused mother pulled him over 'am I free to bite them Mom,' he cried.

'Yes Vicky they are begging to be mauled. Forget whom they belong to and man handle them as you like,' said his mother thrashing her body wildly.

'Yes yes I see where this is leading to,' he said pinning her down on the sofa and when his mother started moaning and thrashing her body taking hold her breasts and squeezing them harshly 'is this the way you want me treat them,' he asked.

'Yes the more you rough them up more is the pleasure derived. Bite them hard,' she started screaming his name.

That was the final word he wanted to hear. Moving over and holding her captive he took her breast in his mouth and sucking it to his hearts content when he felt his mother panting and heaving he bit her breast so hard that it made her scream out loudly on having had an orgasm.

After a few moments when he saw her go silent 'is that how you wanted it to happen,' he asked.

Feeling ashamed and unable to look into his eyes as Seema turned over she presented him with a devil's view of her scintillating naked back.

Vicky was mystified when his mother turned over. The sight which was displayed before his eyes he could not have sketched it even in his wildest dreams. Seeing her lying spread eagled on the sofa he was dumbstruck. With her upper body left totally naked and a thin sheet of cloth covering her well endowed buttocks it was sight which was hard to digest. He felt paralyzed staring at her.

It was his silence which made Seema realize that she had presented to him a view which has blown away his fuse. Lifting her head 'If you have finished ogling at my back can I get up,' she asked.

'No not when my eyes have just started to capture it,' he said.

'Did your eyes not had a field day,' she asked.

'Yes my eyes had a field day but that does not mean you can go,' he replied sternly.

His stern reply made her realize what he intended by it and feeling bad for not having taken care of him 'Do you need some more time to devour all that is left bare,' she asked teasing him

'Yes to devour all that is left bare and more of which is partially covered,' he said.

'So your interest lies in that part which is partly covered, is it not,' she asked.

'Yes for once you have hit the bulls eye. That is the part which has got me stumped,' he said.

'Does it have so much effect. What do you see in them that you find them so captivating,' she asked.

'The way they are formed the way they blend with your body and the way they look is not just captivating but it makes what's in our pants go berserk,' he replied.

'So you think they are the cause for the discomfort you find in your pants,' she asked.


'Even though they are partially covered,' she asked.

'Yes even though they are covered,' he replied adjusting his pants

Seeing him adjusting his pants 'would it any way ease the discomfort in your pants if they are uncovered,' she asked.

Those words hit him hard and his hardness grew. Sustaining the pain 'Yes it would definitely ease the discomfort,' he replied.

'Do you want me to uncover or are you man enough,' she asked staring at his pants.

'No it would be my pleasure to undress,' he said.

Continuing to stare at the formation of tent in his pants 'yes it is regarding pleasure. My concern is whether he would sustain such pleasure of uncovering it,' saying it she drew a line on the length of his erection.

Vicky was ecstatic when her finger traced his manhood. Braving himself 'I can certainly sustain it but I fear that I may fail to withstand what your fingers are capable of doing,' he said.

'What can these poor fingers do,' she said as she pressed them on his hardness.

'They can do wonders by continuing what you are doing,' he replied breathing heavily.

'You mean you want me continue. Don't you want to see what you were so eager to see a few moments ago,' she asked in a lustful filled voice.

'Yes I love to see it and it would be more pleasurable to see when it rains,' he replied.

'Good so you are still interested in it and for the time being your attention is diverted on what my fingers could do,' she asked.

'YESSSS,' he hissed getting fully aroused.

Leaning over 'what do you want me to do, hold it for you,' she blew those words in his ears.

'Yes, yes,' was what he was able to utter as his body shuddered.

'You are a filthy guy who wants your Mom to do dirty things,' saying it she pressed his cock and sealed his lips with hers and did not remove them until she felt his palpitations subside

It took considerable time for Vicky to come out of the dream like situation and when he opened his eyes he saw that his Mom had left the place.

As the morning made it's appearance Seema who had a blissful night was excited on feeling the monsoon wind blowing. Will it rain today was what that was harping in her mind. After having a refreshing bath as she came down she was surprised to see her son sleeping on the sofa where she had left him the previous night. Tucking him up with a blanket as she turned to leave she felt something caress her back and when she looked over she was surprised to see her son's hands tucked inside the blanket.

Then what was it she felt on her back. Was it a whiff of wind that caressed her mounds or was it her mind that was conjuring up such act's. Keeping it mind to question him about it she went in to take care of his breakfast.

The whole of morning some sequence or other popped into her mind which sent warmth to her body. It even made her to peep out of the window now and then to ascertain whether it would rain. What's happening to me she wondered as she went up to change.

Here again she could not make up her mind as what to wear and deciding let what may come I am going to wear something flashy today as she pulled out few garments and held them she again felt warm sensations engulf her body. That was the state of mind when she walked out with her son.

Vicky saw the change in her and what he saw was the opposite of what she was. He saw her fully tucked up. He felt that she was walking cautiously. He even saw that she was holding on to her dress as if she was carrying a load and the way she had the worn the sari was different as she had wrapped it around covering up her whole body. The top end of the sari which used to flutter in the wind was tucked and he failed to understand her motive.

As he was contemplating whether it was sign to distract him he saw that they had reached the top and coming to stand at the elevated spot looking up at the scenic beauty 'why is it that my son has failed to pass a comment today,' she asked.

'What's there to pass a comment upon,' he replied sternly.

'Why am I not here in front of you,' she spoke softly trying to cool down his anger.

'You are here but you are acting like a zombie,' he replied.

'Zombie, what makes you say so,' she asked smiling to herself.

'It's almost half an hour since we started trekking and I did not hear you speak a word nor flash a smile and look at the way you are dressed, you are fully tucked up,' he said which brought a smile on her face and seeing her smiling 'I don't know what's so funny,' he replied sarcastically .

'What if I say there is a reason behind the way I am dressed,' she asked.

'I don't see any logic in it,' he replied harshly.

'What if I would say I am waiting for the rain, would you see some logic in it?' she asked softly.

'I don't think it's going to rain for another half an hour.'

'Would you not wish it to start raining soon,' she asked.

'Yes I would like it to but it's not going to rain,' he said looking up at the sky.

As he was looking up releasing the top of her sari 'so you are waiting for the to rain to soak my dress to pass a comment, is it not so,' she asked in a soft tone.

'Yes otherwise what's there to pass a comment on the way you have tucked yourself . . . . . . . ,' saying this as he looked down he stopped in his tracks.

'How have I' she asked raising her eyebrows.

His eyes could not for a moment digest the whole picture which lay exposed. He could not believe what his eyes were feasting upon was for real. Seeing the top of her sari fluttering in the air, his mother wearing a blouse which could hardly manage to cover her breasts and the sari tied so far below her navel it was mesmerizing and he had no words to describe.

Seeing him stand still and his eyes glued to her body. 'Now does it not change your mind or do you still want the rain to help you,' she asked looking at the dark clouds.

Vicky's mind was running wild as this had laid to rest all the misconceptions about his mothers behavior. Seeing his mother wearing a blouse which could hardly cover her breasts and which was held by strings one tied on her neck the other at her back leaving the rest of her back uncovered and the sari wrapped so loosely below her navel that he feared that a slight touch would let it fall at her feat. He stood paralyzed looking at her curvaceous body and when his mother whispered 'do you like what you see,' instead of replying he went down on his knees and taking holding of her pressed his cheek on her naked waist.

As Vicky grabbed her Seema felt as if a volcano had erupted inside her body. She felt aroused when his rugged hands wrapped around her soft mounds and was out of her breath when he placed his cheek on her naked waist. Biting her lips and controlling the urge 'I think I asked you how you felt and did not permit you to grab me,' she said squirming in pleasure.

'But I thought to be practical as the words failed me,' saying it he grabbed her mounds firmly.

Feeling his hands take full possession of her mounds 'for once I had not thought you would be so enterprising as to grab them and now that you have them in your hands does it feel any better than you had anticipated,' she asked.

'I had never in my wildest dreams ever visualized that my hands would one day have the pleasure of feeling these up, the effect is unimaginable Mom,' he said as he caressed her mounds.

'Yes I have heard you say it before though I don't see any reason in them,' she replied.

'When did you last saw them to know how they look or how they are formed, they are the fatal attraction Mom,' saying it he squeezed them.

'Is that how you address to your mother. Do you think she keeps making notes of how she is built. How should she know what attracts your dirty minds and If you have felt enough of it would you get up now,' as she let out those words half heartedly it started to rain.

'I would have let go of you but now as it has started raining I have changed my mind Mom,' he said as the rain started gaining momentum.

'If you have changed your mind thinking my clothes would get drenched and you would have a better view of what your dirty hands are feeling up then let me tell you that I am not going to turn around,' she hissed softly.

'Not necessary as even if your sari would get drenched and display these gorgeous mounds, the feeling of having them in ones hands and feeling them is totally different. Circling my fingers over them would be sufficient to relay to my mind as to how they look and how they are formed,' he said as he slowly started pulling her sari out.

'Dirty men have dirty ideas. If you are not interested in having a look then why is it you are pulling my sari out,' she asked.

'You know very well that wearing this sari in this rain is of no use to you and I don't get many opportunities to master the art of removing a sari from a woman's body,' he said as he pulled the tucked part of her sari out.

After mastering the art on whom do you want to try it out,' she asked as she felt her sari being pulled out of her body.

'Where can I have such a scintillating body as yours to try it out Mom and I have been waiting for the rain as I want to see the water cascading from your face run between your breasts onto your waist and finally disappear behind your slip. That scene would be as arousing as one would have ever Imagined.

Look, look and see the water running down your body Mom. From your face onto your breasts, your voluptuous breasts which your blouse can hardly accommodate and the dark erect nipples trying to pierce out from the thin sheet of cloth and cascading down through your navel is mind blowing and if you look further down I don't think I have any words left in my vocabulary to describe it run down.'

His commentary upped her ante. Bringing her hand in line with the cascading water running down from her bosom onto her navel 'is this flow of water from my bosom and running behind my slip is what that is making you uncomfortable in your pants,' she asked.

'Yes seeing water caressing the parts of your body which we only dream of is making us go weak in our knees and looking at it streaming between your slip and covering places before it runs down one should be man enough to control the urge,' he replied.

Getting fully aroused by his words 'why do you say it is only possible in dreams. Does it imply that your eyes have yet to feast upon that object. Shall I consider it to be a fact that your eyes have not fallen prey of that part of the body which you are conjuring up in your mind,' she asked in a deep husky voice.

'Yes my eyes have not been fortunate so far,' he stammered.

'And is that what your eyes crave to look at. I mean right now if you have to make a wish what would it be,' she asked hoping he would say I want to have a look.

'I wonder if my wish would be granted,' he replied.

'Well if it falls under the purview of our discussion it will be granted,' she replied squeezing her thighs and controlling the urge building inside it.

Hearing her words and staring at the impression of her partially visible under garments 'hand me over your panties,' he said.

His reply took the wind out of her. 'You men are pigs. Now how do I go about removing it,' she asked biting her lips.

'Slip your hands inside the petticoat and pull it out,' he replied.

'Could you have not done it that you make me do your dirty work,' she said as she bent down and slipped her hands inside her petticoat.

'I could have but the pleasure of watching you do it you ought to be a man to understand,' he replied.

'You are speaking as if having your hands inside my petticoat to remove the panties would not be enough to create a flutter in your pants,' she said and as her hands reached up and held the waist band of her panties 'think about what your fingers would have felt, don't you think you are missing out on an opportunity,' she said trying her best to make him succumb to her wishes.

'I am not sure whether my fingers would have felt it as I am not sure as to what to feel,' he replied as he held her by her waist.

'You are not just a pig but a filthy pig. Now don't say I did not give you a chance,' saying it she pulled out her panties.

The moment her panties were out grabbing her thighs and pulling her up 'do you know why I did not touch them? It's because I wanted my lips to feel them first,' saying it he burrowed his face between her thighs and when he was unable to find it, it was she who guided him to the hot opening.

Seema had not in the wildest dreams thought that her sons intention was to kiss the very spot she had wanted him to touch. As she felt his face groping between her thighs it was she who guided him by spreading her legs and when his lips hit the spot crisscrossing her legs and holding his face captive between her thighs did not release him till she lost count of her orgasms.

Finally releasing him 'was it not because of the rain all this happened,' she asked.

'To some extent yes but largely it was because of the tantalizing figure you possess Mom,' he said.

Seeing him praise her lifting her eyebrows 'have I missed something,' she asked teasing him.

'You ought to know what you have missed,' he replied looking down.

'After all that happened are you still feeling uncomfortable there,' she asked quizzically.

'Yes since we reached this spot and since it started raining it has not lost its vigor,' he replied.

Leaning over 'then I think its worth complimenting, what do you fancy,' she whispered.

'Why don't you lie down,' he replied.

'Here on the grass while it is raining,' she asked.

'Yes on the grass and while it is raining,' saying it he pushed her down.

'Are you sure you will not get carried away with me lying on the ground scantily dressed as I am,' she asked teasing him.

'No you can lie with your face down,' he replied.

On his words she was tempted to say 'can you not take advantage of me when I am lying face down' but went against it as it would be too harsh for a person who is yet to have seen a woman totally nude.

'Okay is this how you want me to lie down,' saying this as this turned she heard him say 'you look absolutely stunning Mom. Even though the lower part of your body is covered it looks as if you are naked. Those gorgeous shoulder blades, the scintillating back and the curvaceous bottom is absolutely stunning to look at,' as he said it he slipped his hand on her bottom and started pushing down her slip.

Getting aroused again 'do you still desire to un cover them. What more do your dirty eyes intend to see,' she asked taking a deep breath.

'It's not what that my eyes can see but it's the feeling of having undressing a gorgeous woman is what that counts. One ought to be very fortunate to undress a woman blessed with a body like the one you possess Mom, absolutely ravishing,' he said pulling out her slip.

'You are a brute,' she shot back as heavy current shot through her body.

'Yes you have always called me brute Mom,' he said leaning forward.

'And now what does the brute want,' she asked feeling him leaning over.

'It's to get to know how this robust body of your feels under me,' as he said it slipping his hands under her arms and holding her captive he lay flat upon hers.

Lying totally under his weight and feeling his hardness poke at her back. 'Is this not what you had in mind right from the beginning,' she asked moving a bit and allowing him more access of her bottom.

'Yes I have been waiting for this to happen from a long time Mom,' he said as he pressed his hardness on her warm buttocks.

'And for this to happen you wanted me to be totally nude is it,' she asked.

'Yes it adds to the pleasure of having undressed you,' he replied maneuvering his hardness between her orbs.

'And slip it in the place where it finds more comfort,' she asked feeling him trusting deep between her mounds.

'Yes, yes it feels heavenly when it is lodged in the right place,' he said grasping her shoulders.

'It feels heavenly. Is it not because it is wedged deep where there is more warmth. Do you want to be accommodated in a much better position,' she asked spreading her thighs to the maximum.

The wriggling of her body underneath made him gain more space between her mounds which made him go crazy and further when she asked him if he wanted to be accommodated comfortably and spread her thighs he could not sustain it any longer. Pounding his pecker hard between the warm crevice of her mounds he shot his cum and lay totally exhausted upon her.

Later as he struggled to get up putting on her clothes she lent him support till they reached the house.

The next thing he remembered was the strong aroma of rich coffee made him open his eyes and he did not know for how long he had slept. Whether it was late evening or early in the morning he had no idea. As he saw the beaming face of his mother sitting besides 'do you know I will be leaving tomorrow,' he said.

'Yes your vacation got over so soon,' she replied back.

'No regrets as every moment of it was very enterprising,' he said.

'Yes as it coincided with monsoon it felt good,' she said.

'And I hope the same would be the case next time,' he said.

'Why should it be so,' she asked shyly.

'Don't you think it would be fun getting wet in the rain,' he asked.

'Yes it would be fun but I wish it would not be a repeat like what happened today,' she replied.

'Why what happened today,' he asked her curiously.

'As if you don't know what happened? You will not understand until you bear the burden of a heavy body over you while you are lying on the grass and it is raining,' she said.

'Why did you not stop me then ,' he asked.

'I could not as it was what you had desired,' she replied.

'Yes I got carried away and I think it was due to the rain,' he said.

'Why don't we stop blaming the rain,' she said nuzzling closer.

'Yes are we not the guilty ones,' he said as he put across an arm over her.

'I for one should have put a stop to it somewhere sometime back,' she said.

'No matter how hard you would have tried you would have failed,' he replied.

'Why where you so adamant. I mean had you planned it out,' she asked.

'No it was not planned. Here rain played it's part as when my eyes fell upon you your clothes were drenched,' he said.

'From then onwards you did not stop till your eyes feasted upon them till they were naked,' she said.

'Yes hardly few hours may have passed since my eyes got rewarded for their patience,' he said.

'Yes while they got rewarded it was I who had to face the music,' said she.

'But was it not you who agreed upon it,' he asked.

'Yes, but then I had a different vision in my mind. I had not hoped to be pounded on the wet ground like that,' she replied.

'Then what was playing out in your mind,' he asked coyly.

'I had a feeling that you were only interested in having a look when they were naked or at the most you would caress them a little,' she replied.

'Caress is what I did and the only difference is I did not use my hand,' he replied.

'Very nice you did a great job of it,' saying it she laughed.

Seeing her smile 'What did I miss there,' he asked.

'In your urgency you again messed up a chance,' she said.

'What chance did I miss,' he asked eagerly.

'One does not caress wearing pants,' she replied laughingly.

'You mean I could have,' he asked looking up at her.

'Yes I was about to ask you to unzip your pants,' she replied.

'Not only that I think I even missed something which was more valuable and would have been more exciting,' he replied .

'Very nice and what could that be?' she asked a little smile playing on her face.

'Even though you were totally naked I failed to see that which was of absolute importance,' he replied as he placed his hand above her knee.

'Why do you think it has so much importance,' she asked.

'If it's not then why do you people take so much care in concealing it,' he asked as his hand moved up on to her thigh.

'I think we feel ashamed to display it,' she replied.

'No it is not the question of feeling ashamed. I think you get some sort of a kick in hiding it. I think you do it to make us dance to your tunes,' he said.

'Maybe you are right but were you not given a chance and if you have failed to make use of it why blame me,' she asked.

'Yes I was given a chance but at that moment I was more concerned about you than think about it,' he replied.

'Yes it was so very thoughtful of you,' she replied resting her head on his shoulder.

'So close and yet so far feel sorry to have missed that chance,' he said.

'What if your eyes did not see did you not make use of your lips,' she asked.

'Yes that's where I made a mistake. Having reached that far I looked the other way and lost an opportunity,' he said as he started caressing her thighs.

'No you did not lose any opportunity but made good use of it by kissing the very spot which you now crave to see,' she said feeling his hand creeping between her thighs.

'Yes very true then I was indeed fortunate to have kissed you there but at this moment it's my desire to feel it,' said he.

'Is it for that reason your hand is creeping up my thighs,' she asked.

'Yes my hand has travelled a considerable distance,' he said moving his hand further up her thighs.

'Do you think it's possible to reach it without my consent,' she asked running her hand through his hair.

'No it is not possible I suppose,' he said.

'Then why take all the trouble of trying to reach there,' she asked.

'Its because the pleasure of feeling your warm thighs is no less than feeling that spot. Having ones hand caress these gorgeous thighs is equally arousing and Mom these are very warm,' he said as his hand continued caressing her inner thighs.

Hearing his words while her body was ignited it inadvertently made her open up and spreading her thighs 'If you are after that goal why is it I don't see you trying to remove my garments,' she said.

'Garments can be pulled out anytime but to have ones hand up your warm naked thighs is truly tantalizing and Mom it's hot like a oven here,' he said slipping his hand up to the very edge of her inner thighs.

'It is to warn you that you are playing with fire,' said she softly.

'I know I am playing with fire and to douse it I have waited so patiently,' saying it he brought his hand squarely over her womanhood and grabbed it.

'Vicky,' screamed his mother as his hand grabbed her wet dripping sex.

'Yes I know you need it Mom. Yes I know you need it more than I do. You have held it back all these years and now when the volcano building inside you is trying to erupt you cannot stop it any longer. You need it Mom, come,' saying it he pulled her up.

As he pulled her moving into his arms she kissed him on his lips which conveyed more than what words could have.

As his mother kissed 'Mom I need to see you as naked as you ever been allow me to undress you,' he said.

As the cat was out of the bag 'so you want to have your Mom naked and see how she looks, is that what you have in mind,' she asked shedding all her inhibitions.

'Yes you are one woman blessed with such a volatile body that it would be hard for me to contain my dick,' he replied pulling her sari out.

'Dick, are you not scared of using that word in front of your mother any longer,' she asked while she kissed him again.

'Not when you want to hear such words. The more I use such language more is the pleasure derived. Look even your chest is heaving on hearing those words,' he said undoing her blouse.

'Do you see any change in my breasts. Have they bulged on hearing the foul language, does It ignite my body,' she asked.

'Obviously you enjoy hearing such words. Though I don't see much of your robust breasts but what can be seen of your teats from behind the bra I can say that they are as aroused as my dick is,' and discarding her bra 'don't you think I am quite right in my assessment,' he asked.

'Yes they are and I have a strong feeling that they want to be sucked by the same person who used to suckle them,' she said.

'I would have obliged you right away Mom if not for my anxiety to see what you have between your thighs,' he said pulling out her sari.

'Why do you crave so much to see it. Is it not because you want to see what lies between the thighs of your mother more than that of any other woman. Is it not a fact that you want to see what Seema has between her thighs. Is it not this which has made your cock swell in your pants,' she asked.

'Yes I am getting impatient to see what Seema has between her thighs and as you have rightly pointed out in anticipation of seeing your cunt my cock has swelled up. Why don't you feel it,' he said.

Running her fingers around the bulge 'I would love to but I fear he may loose its charm before you could accomplish your mission,' she replied.

'No I am almost there only two garments to discard,' he said.

Biting his ear 'No you only one garment. Did you forget that I have already discarded my panties and handed over to my son,' she put the words in his ears.

'Does it mean that this is the only layer that is between me and what lies between my mother's thighs. And once this is ripped out of your body can I see what you have here between your thighs,' saying it as he slipped his hand between her thighs and felt the dampness 'why is it so damp Mom,' he asked.

'It's because of the dirty handiwork of my dirty son,' she replied.

'Being damp naturally does it paint a different picture of how it would look Mom,' he said trying to visualize the scene.

'Having come this far why don't you have a look,' she replied as it became difficult to contain the currents flowing from her body.

'What if I want you to show me Mom,' he said.

'One can never read your dirty minds. I don't know why creatures like you roam on earth. Having come so far now you want me to show how I am built there. Okay this is what Seema has between her thighs have a look at her cunt,' saying it she shed her slip out and standing naked 'do your eyes like what they see of me,' she asked.

'Is that a question to ask? No wonder you people guard it so heavily. That which is stacked between your glistening thighs amidst a furrow of black silky hair it's awesome Mom. The light brownish lips camaflouged between your dark pubic hair is something which deserve all praise and as it belongs to you the pleasure intensify many folds,' he replied.

'So the first cunt which your dirty eyes have seen is of your mother's. Can I see what reaction it has upon your cock. Show me what's behind those pants,' she asked in a lewd manner.

'You want to see the cock which you have nurtured for so long,' he asked as he slipped a finger in her cunt.

'Yes let me have a look at what naturally belongs to me,' she replied as her fingers deftly pulled his zipper down and when it sprang out of his pants 'all praise to me for having produced such a magnificent one,' she said as she slid her fingers around its shaft.

'If what you hold in your hands belongs to you then why don't you have him where no one can steal it away from you,' he said.

'Is that what you have in mind. Do you want it to be lodged safely,' she asked as she held his cock firmly in her hand.

'Yes having come this far is it not logic to stay put in one of the most safest places,' he asked grasping her shoulders and leaning over her.

'Do you want to do it to your mother. Do you want to have her here while it is raining. Do you want Seema to lie down here and open her legs for you,' she asked.

'Yes I want Seema. I want Seema my Mom to lie down here and spread her thighs to me,' he said as he pushed her down.

'Fuck me brute fuck me,' cried his mother as she felt his cock slid into her hot cunt.

'Yes Seema I am going to fuck you. I am going to fuck you with the same cock which you have nurtured so long,' saying it he started pounding his cock wildly in her hot steamy cunt and when both were on the brink of exploding plastering his mouth over hers and ravaging her soft lips he started pounding her hard until she screamed his name wildly.

When everything got over and pulling his cock out 'You wanted to have it very badly is it not Mom,' he asked.

'Yes I don't know from how long my body had been craving for it and now that when I have had you, do you have to go,' she asked.

'Yes Mom the monsoon is over,' he said as he got up.