Sitting on the soft cushioned chair he waited for his Mom to come down. He had been waiting for last 15 minutes and it usually never took her so long to dress up and come down. At that point of time he did not know what was holding her up as they had to reach the Airport to receive his uncle and aunt.

After glancing at his watch for umpteenth time as he looked up his eyes got focused on a gorgeous lady draped in a silk sari with her loose hair flying walking down the stairs. For few seconds it was difficult for him to envisage what he saw. It was hard for him to believe it was his mother, who was so gorgeously decked, her hair loose, her body swaying walking down the stairs and when she went past him, he was stunned when the perfume hit his nostrils. He was in a daze and as he could not reason out her appearance he followed her tamely.

On following his eyes got riveted on her movements. Seeing her body sway he felt something, something which he could not envisage at that moment. It was difficult for him to conjure what was happening to him or to her. He had seen his mother before, dressed more gorgeously but that had not attracted him as it had today. It was not the dress that had attracted him, it was something else. His curiosity made him look at her closely and when his eyes went over her back, he suddenly felt ashamed; to look at his mother's back.

Though he tried to shift his gaze he could not and when his mother stepped into the car his eyes followed her to the last glimpse. He sat in the car like a zombie and when they reached airport his eyes took to the same course of action. However hard he tried he could not pierce his eyes from her vision. They were glued to her back as if they were magnetized.

It was not long before his Uncle and Aunt came down the aisle. It was nice to see them after a couple of years. In fact 5 years had passed since his father had asked his uncle Nithin to take care of his overseas business and now they were back for a short visit.

His mother was overwhelmed when she saw Nithin and his wife Naina. Her eyes were gleaming when she saw them. Seeing her emotions he felt she had missed them. In the past 5 years she had never spoken about Naina or Nithin and today on seeing them she was so overjoyed, which puzzled him.

After collecting the bags and baggage they stood in the queue waiting for the peak hour rush to thin out. It was then that his eyes got riveted again on his mother's back who was in front of his uncle. He let his gaze wander over her exquisite mounds and looking at them, he did not feel ashamed as they looked attractive. He was attracted to them in such a way that he compared them with his aunt's which looked dull.

Such was the way his mother was built and the peak hour rush made it more interesting to watch as they crawled slowly. The crowd started swelling; there was slight hustling and shoving. In the melee he wished he was behind his mother rather than his uncle. He felt he could have taken advantage though not knowing what he would have done. He felt he could have touched, may be. He was so excited that many wicked things flashed through his mind.

He looked for an opening to get closer and as he looked over his Uncle's shoulders he saw his hands were on his mother's shoulders steadying her which made her turn and smile at him. There was a twinkle in her eyes and when she turned back he saw his Uncle grip her shoulders hard. It made him curious and his focus was shifted on to his Uncles hands.

Nithin steadied himself. He looked around and even turned to give Amar a smile. After reciprocating he looked the other way, not giving him a hint that he was watching. From the corner of his eye he watched his Uncle's hand slip down from his mothers shoulder. This made him go up on his toes and as he looked he saw his Uncle's hand trek slowly down her back and rest on the hem of her blouse. It ventured there for a while and then as his fingers started circling her blouse the crowd which was getting heavier started pushing and taking advantage he moved his hand down and held her naked waist. Seeing this Amar was instantly aroused and it had him worried as in the melee he thought his Uncle may feel his growing hardness. He tried his best to hide his arousal and even put a hand down to steady it.

As he was setting it right Amar saw his Uncle had moved closer to his mother. He in fact had covered her well and though Amar tried hard to see, he could not see his actions. He looked for an opening and not finding he searched for his Uncles hands which were hidden totally. He felt desperate and in the madness as he lunged forward he saw that they had moved out of the gate. At last he got an opening and what he saw in that split second got etched in his brain. His Uncle was caressing his mother's buttocks.

This was the picture which was playing in his mind when they dropped them and reached home. On reaching his room he played back all the scenes frame by frame till he could visualize his Uncles hand caressing his mother's buttocks. With this frame etched in mind and with a hard on he slept.

The next day he was woken by his mother. It was nice to see a beautiful face waking him with a cup of coffee.

'Am can you do me a favor' she asked. (She used to call him Am for Amar)

'Yes, what is it' he said taking the cup from her.

'Can you fetch few things from the market' she asked?

'Provided you give me some extra money' he joked.

'Come on Am don't blackmail me,' she replied.

Seeing her annoyed he said 'Mom, I was joking.'

Handing him a list 'Okay get these things' she said.

'Anybody coming for lunch' he asked looking at the list.

'Your father has invited your Uncle and Aunt for dinner' she replied.

Hearing it Amar was up in a flash and when his mother turned; his eyes were again focused on her well endowed back.

By evening Amar was waiting for his Uncle. He wanted to confirm previous day's incidence. He wanted to know whether it was an accident or was it a game played. He went looking for his mother.

'What time are the guests coming Mom'

'By seven' she replied.

'And Dad?'

'He said he would join by eight' (provided he is free from his boozing she thought)

'Do you mind if I arrange the table' he enquired

'I would be glad' replied his mother.

Amar was happy to have been given a free hand. He quickly made some changes and as he looked and saw his mother decked in a brilliant color sari smiling, he felt happy. He felt happy for her.

Nithin and Naina arrived in time and as Naina went in to help his mother Mayuri, Amar sat with his Uncle for a chat. Amar watched his Uncle with a hawk's eye. He observed each and every move of his. But for a few fleeting glances at his mother he did not see anything else.

Then Dikshit, Amar's dad arrived and both the brothers having met after 5 years hugged each other and Dikshit led him to the bar where they sat chatting. Dikshit was an alcoholic and his only interest was booze and money.

Soon it was time for dinner and as his mother set the dishes she was pleased to see Amar's arrangements. The candle lit dinning table was very romantic and his seating arrangements were sensible. He had made his Aunt sit at one side of his father and on the other his Uncle. Then leaving a space for his mother he sat next to his Aunt on the round table. The space left for his mother did not arise any suspicion as it was nearest to the kitchen.

Nithin too was pleased as he had the opportunity to sit next to Mayuri his sister-in-law. Naina was also comfortably placed and Amar having placed himself in the centre was able to keep an eye on every move of his Uncle without being noticed.

As Mayuri set the table, every body took their place. Enjoying the sumptuous food everyone started chatting and soon Dikshit who was high on drinks started cutting jokes which made the environment livelier. It was during this time Nithin took advantage. On the pretext of enjoying jokes he placed his hand on Mayuri's thighs or when she got up to go to kitchen felt her back. They were light touches and so well camouflaged that even if someone saw them they would think nothing of it.

Amar had observed every move of his from the corner of his eye. At first he too thought it was accidental and on being repeated it was ascertained that his Uncle was trying to play with his mother. Looking at his mother he felt assured that she was obliging him. What would the poor thing do he thought looking at his father's bloated figure whose only interest was drinking?

Amar was so busy watching them that he totally forgot the presence of another person in the room. Naina was a woman who could pick needle from the haystack and nothing went unnoticed from her. She was quick to grasp that Amar had seen her husband toying with his sister-in-law. She thought she had to do some deep thinking about him.

Naina was keen in seeing her husband seduce Mayuri and bed her. It was their plan. She knew from the start that Amar would be a thorn in the flesh as he had grown up. She also knew that seducing Mayuri would be difficult. She knew Mayuri had shown some interest in Nithin but to bed her was totally different. She may allow him to play with her but for the final act it would need some coaxing to do and she had to find a pawn that would coax her to do it and she saw Amar as that pawn.

While Naina was toying with that idea Amar was engrossed in his own world. He was waiting to see what would his Uncle's next step would be. He had not to wait long as he saw his Uncle slip his hand on his mother's thighs. This time his hand did not brace her thighs but was firmly placed on it. Amar was instantly aroused when he saw his Uncles hand grip his mother's thigh and in his excitement when he turned he saw his Aunt flashing a big smile as if she knew what was going on between her husband and his mother.

It was Naina's smile that diverted Amar's attention. Her looks were so piercing that Amar felt mesmerized. He felt that she wanted to convey something to him and as he kept looking, he was surprised to see her pat him on his thigh as if wanting him to cool down. Amar was puzzled.

When both of them left Amar went to his room. He was on cloud nine. Once in the safety of his room he pushed down his pants and was surprised to see own erection. Holding back his thoughts his mind raced back to the time when he saw his Uncle's hand on his mother's thigh. That image kept tormenting him. He wished it was his hand there. Was it possible? Was it possible to do the impossible? How would it be possible, who would help him, he questioned himself again and again. Not finding an answer he struggled.

Mayuri was pleased with the outcome of the day. She was glad that Nithin had shown the same signs which were prevalent almost 6 years ago and laying on her bed her mind raced back to that period.


It was one summer morning after packing off her son to school and husband to Office; Mayuri was taking a bath leisurely. Suddenly she was disturbed when the door bell rang. Thinking it would be the maid she came down unperturbed in the petticoat and half hooked up blouse.

On opening the door it struck her like lightening when she saw Nithin. She stood like a rock on not being properly dressed allowing his eyes to capture all that they could. Nithin felt he was blessed with the sight of his Sister-in-law in the minimum of clothing and as she turned to leave he was enchanted to see the contours of her well formed buttocks which he had craved to feel from the day he had first seen her.

Properly dressed Mayuri came out to greet Nithin. She was glad to see him and learned that her husband had called him. Though she felt bashful she forgot it and was normal again.

Nithin on the other hand was delighted. He was delighted to be with his sister-in-law who possessed such a figure and after having a fleeting glance of her buttocks ensconced in her white petticoat he was thrilled; Nithin did not let go an occasion of looking at her back.

Gradually Mayuri also felt his gaze. Though at times it turned her on, she was scared to think of it for being his sister-in-law. She felt attracted to Nithin for his physical features. In comparison her husband was bloated. Since her marriage he had added weight and he had bloated.

Mayuri thought of the first instance when she had felt Nithin's hand on her body. It was at the wedding reception of their cousin. It was when her husband was busy at the bar that Nithin had made his move. Seeing her alone he stood by her and as the dinner was announced placing his hand on her shoulder had guided her to the table.

The small act had sent a chill up her spine. Though she wanted to she could not remove his hand and taking advantage he had slipped it on her waist. It had excited Mayuri and as the act was well camouflaged she had not objected. Prompted by it Nithin became more enterprising. He moved closer and shielding her with his body his hand which was on her waist ventured downwards.

Mayuri left his hand slid from her waist to her buttocks. She was in a dilemma. On one hand she wanted him to continue and on the other she was ashamed to encourage him. As she was pondering about it she felt his hand caress her buttocks. This ignited her body. Biting her lips she controlled the passion engulfing her body. He became bolder. Seeing her tremble he slipped his hand between the orbs of her buttocks and cupped them. Mayuri was aghast, her body convulsed and as Nithin drove his hand further down the hot path her body shivered and she climaxed. That was the first time.

The second occasion was even more adventurous as it happened in front of her husband. It was when they had gone out to a restaurant and as usual Dikshit hit the bar leaving them. They kept glancing at each other and when Dikshit had one too many, Nithin made the move. As Dikshit staggered into the restaurant and occupied the sofa, leaving the opposite one to be shared by them, had given Nithin an opportunity. He looked at Mayuri and smiled at her. His smile had a hidden meaning and Mayuri being conscious that he would be taking advantage waited with abated breath. She was in a fix as she had to sit next to Nithin and when he nudged her she was compelled to sit down. Sitting next to him and feeling his warm thighs in line with hers, she felt a warm feeling creep up her body. Though she tried to shrug it she felt ashamed for not being able to sustain the desire creeping up and every second it got difficult as more pressure was exerted on her thighs.

Nithin was tormenting her; he was playing with her desires. Slowly but steadily he was building up the tempo. Sitting in front of her husband Mayuri was in a dilemma. On one hand her body was craving to feel the heat generated from his thighs and on the other sitting in front of her husband she was scared. At times she felt like leaning on him, but failed to do.

Nithin read her thoughts. He did feel her body squirming and when they were on the final course of dinner he placed his hand on her thigh. This move jolted Mayuri. Suddenly she shifted her position and leaning on the table hid his hand from being seen by her husband.

Dikshit was in his own world and even if Mayuri had not leaned forward he was not in his sense to understand what was going on before his eyes. He was busy having his dinner.

The hand on her thigh started to creep up. It sent thrills up her spine and when she saw her husband busy she marginally parted her thighs. Nithin did not notice it but his hand inched further up. He was cautious knowing his brother was sitting in front of him and he was playing with his wife.

Mayuri on the other hand had gained some courage. Sitting upright and shielding his hand she was waiting for it to move forward. Her body ached for his hand to move up, move further up and reach the burning furnace, but Nithin chickened out. It was okay to touch her thighs but he did not dare move further and touch what was between. Giving one final squeeze on her thighs he removed his hand.

Mayuri felt miserable and it even made her angry. She felt bad thinking when she was ready what had made him pull back his hand. When it was feeling so good he had to spoil the show she thought. She turned to face him but he looked the other way. Finally when they got up to leave Mayuri brushed her hand on his thighs.

Nithin was shocked when he felt her brushing his thigh. He cursed himself for having lost a golden opportunity. He felt sorry for not having hit the iron while it was hot. Mayuri was really hot. He did not know when he would get another chance as he was supposed to leave the next day.


Next evening Mayuri was in a triumphant mood thinking of how she could tackle Naina when she heard the door bell. Seeing a beaming Naina at the door she thought 'think of the devil.' She felt glad that she had come.

Time went by as both had a chat. They talked and talked and finally when the sun was setting and the atmosphere was cozy, Naina holding a few curls of Mayuri's hair said 'how are other things.'

'What other things' she asked?

'Other things, personal' she spoke the words softly directing her gaze on her bosom.

'As usual' she stammered.

'I can't envisage that they are' she said blowing air on the nape of her neck.

'Why' she stammered again.

'Things don't look normal' she said curling her hair in her fingers.

'What makes you think so' she asked looking at her.

'From what I have seen nothing looks normal' she replied.

'What have you seen that makes you feel so' she asked sharply.

'It is there for everyone to see; the way you are and the way brother Dikshit is' she said.


'Yes that.'

'What do you see of it' asked Mayuri?

'I foresee all is not well in your bedroom' she said moving closer and taking hold of her.

'When was it that it could be now' she replied.

'Is that the reason why you said as usual' she asked.

'Yes as usual and for ever' she replied dismally.

'Is it that bad' she said holding her.

'It is not just bad. There is nothing in it' she replied.

'Oh! I am sorry, I am really sorry' saying this she took her in her arms.

'Some people are unfortunate' she said.

'But you still have time at your disposal' said Naina.

'What can time do, it can only worsen things' she replied.

'Why do you think so' she asked tightening her hold.

'The way he is drinking and bloating, I can't think time would be of any help' she answered.

'Does your youthful body not arouse him' she asked bringing her face close to hers.

'I don't know whether I have a youthful body' she replied.

'Oh! You posses such a body which I think every male would yearn for' she said as her lips braced her cheeks.

'And there are no males in my house' she replied.

'I think there are' she stressed the point.

This made Mayuri to think of Nithin. Was she in anyway trying to tell her something? Does she know about her and Nithin? What could she know about him? He had just caressed her once and chickened out the next time?

Seeing her in deep thought Naina changing the subject said 'tell me about Amar.'

'What do you want to know' she said.

'Has he not grown up?'


'So it is' she said as her lips smacked her cheeks?

'Sorry I did not get you' she replied.

'Think about it' saying this she got up.

When Mayuri was wondering what she meant, the bell rang again and when she saw Amar at the door was it a coincidence she thought?

Naina was glad to see Amar and after he came down changing 'can I borrow your son for shopping' she asked Mayuri.

'Of course you can' she replied.

Amar was pleased to accompany her and on completing the shopping 'are there any restaurants near by' Naina asked? . 'There is one,' saying this he guided her to a cozy restaurant.Sitting side by side Naina said 'poor Mayuri I pity her.'

Those words somewhat shocked Amar. Pondering over it he said 'why do you pity her.'

'Don't you see what she is undergoing' she replied.

'What? I don't see anything.'

'That is the problem with you men, you don't seem to understand things.'

'I really don't know what you are talking about' Amar replied.

'Don't you see that she is all by herself? Does not go out, no friends and no life.'

'Yes, Dad hardly takes her out' he replied.

'What about you? Why don't you do what your Dad does not?' she stressed the word Dad and stared at him point blank.

'I don't understand what I could do' he said.

'You are not a child anymore. You have grown up and can take care of her' she said.

'But she is not so friendly with me. She always bosses over me' he replied.

'May be you take advantage of her' said Naina.

'I don't other than ask for some Pocket money' he said.

'And when you get money you forget her, is it not' she asked.

'Yes, so it is' he replied softly.

'You enjoy with your friends when she is left all alone' she said.

'I do go out with my friends' replied Amar.

'Girl Friends?'

'Sometimes' he replied shyly.

'Why don't you treat her like your girl friend' she said.

'You mean . . . .'

'Yes that is what I mean. Take her out, be a companion to her and treat her like a girl friend' she said.

'Where shall I take her' he asked.

'Where do you take your girl friends, tell me,' she asked.

'I take them out, sometimes to a movie' he replied.

'What do you do there' she asked looking straight in his eyes.

'Can't tell you that' he replied shyly.

'Okay tell me one thing. Why did you agree to come out with me' she asked smiling at him.

'Well you asked for and I came' he replied.

'Is that the sole reason for your coming' she eyed him closely.

'Yes, what other reason could there be' he said.

'Did you not come because I am a woman and you like me? Is it not a fact you wanted to be close to a woman. Are you not enjoying being with me' she spoke softly and moving closer she placed a hand on his thighs.

Amar was taken back by her questions and unable to answer, he felt numb.

Caressing his thighs she said 'I can understand what you Boys like and so does every woman.'

'But, but . . . . .' he stammered again.

'No buts. You are grown up and it is your duty to take care of her' and caressing his thighs said 'don't you like it, tell me, tell me' she asked.

'I I don't know' he stammered again.

'Does it not feel good? Does it not thrill you? Like wise make her feel good' she said.

'What' as he uttered it he looked at her.

'Yes, as you are getting interested, so will she. Come let's go now and tomorrow I promise there will be more' saying this she touched her breasts.

Seeing her feeling her breasts Amar's eyes popped out and as he looked at her she said 'there's more to come, let's go.'

Amar found it hard to digest what he had seen and heard. Everything had happened so fast. Like a faithful servant he followed his Aunt and reached home after dropping her.


Reaching home Amar was delighted to see his mother smiling and beckoning him to have dinner. Though he was not hungry he sat down with his mother. Silently they finished their dinner and when he got up Mayuri asked 'do you need anything Am.'

Her loving words made him opt for a glass of milk and when his mother turned to fetch his eyes took to her. He looked at her from head to toe and what he saw excited him. Mayuri had a well carved physique. She was quite tall at 5. 6 and her body was proportionate to her height. Her long cascading hairs over her shoulders were very alluring. Her shoulder blades were broad and the dimples caused by her muscles were most appealing. Down, the curve of her back was exquisite and the swell of her buttocks as they swayed in the light sari was most enthralling.

Amar was aroused on seeing the figure of his mother and when she went behind the curtain he quickly arranged his growing manhood.

Oh! What is happening to me he exclaimed.

Holding the glass of hot milk as Mayuri lifted it, the top of her sari slipped exposing the curvaceous figure of her bosom. Amar was elated when he saw it. Though he tried hard to detour his eyes he was unable to. He quickly took the glass of milk from her and went to his room.

Mayuri stood looking at her departing son. The call which Naina had made before Amar reached home had helped her. Naina had taken her to task. She had verbally accused her of neglecting her son and now adhering to her words she was happy to see the change in him. She hoped it would benefit her but how was still a question? In her room she thought why she had neglected him for no fault of his? While it was the fault of his father she had distanced from her son. She made her mind to give back all the love. With these thoughts in her mind she slept peacefully.

Next morning Mayuri was pleased to see the youthful figure of Amar. It was her turn to look at him. She looked at him as if she was looking at a stranger. My God has he not grown up she said to herself.

'Sorry, did you say something?' asked Amar.

'Nothing, by the way where did you take Naina yesterday' she asked.

'To the market and then to a restaurant' he replied.

'If I had known that you were going to a restaurant I would have accompanied you' she said.

'Oh! How I wish I could take you today.' As soon as he said his mind raced back to what Naina had promised. He was thinking of her when his mother said 'are you going out with her.'

'Yes, few things could not be purchased yesterday.'

'Its okay, carryon may be we could go some day.'

'How about tomorrow' said Amar instantly.

'Where would you take me' asked Mayuri.

'Any where you would like to' he replied.

'Do you have so much time to take your mother out' she asked.

'Come on Mom, I can do anything for you' he replied.

'How sweet of you, I was a fool for not have asked you earlier' she said smilingly.

'Okay but tell me where would you like to go?' he persisted.

Hearing this 'where are you both planning to go' asked Dikshit who had come down.

'We are going for shopping' replied Mayuri.

'Fine' saying this he sat down for breakfast and left for his office without any further reference to the subject. Amar too departed and Mayuri was left alone.

Mayuri for once was happy to be alone. Having recollected the events of the day she felt glad and thought of thanking Naina.

By evening Amar was eagerly waiting for his aunt and was delighted when his eyes scanned the crowd and spotted her.

Amar joined and escorted her to the market. After an hour or so of shopping Naina looking up at him said 'do you have time for snacks.'

'Yes I informed Mom that I would be late.'

'So you have come prepared' she said softly.

Hearing it Amar blushed.

'Shall we go to the same place' she asked.


Sitting in the corner table she asked 'so how's your Mom?'

'Oh! She is fine and tomorrow we are going out' he replied.

'How lucky you are' she said.

'Why' asked Amar.

'To have two new girl friends' said Naina.

Amar blushed again.

'Of the two whom do you like' she asked.

'Why? I like you both' he shot back.

'No it cannot be true, only one would be very special' she said.

'If it is so then it is you' he replied.

'How nice. Is it a fact or are you trying to pull my leg' she asked.

'It is a fact and I mean it' he said looking at her.

'And may I know why' she asked.

'You were so kind to take me to this restaurant' he replied.

'Because of that,' she asked.

'Not only that, I liked your company' he replied.

'You like my company? You like sitting beside me' she asked patting his thighs.

'Yes, I like it' he replied getting excited.

'You liked being with me yesterday' she asked feeling his thighs.

'Yes' he said softly.

'What did you like' she asked moving closer.

'I liked being with you, sitting beside you and . . . .'

'And, tell me' she crooned.

'And liked the way you felt me' he said bowing his head.

'You liked the feel of my hand on your thighs, is it so' she asked.


'And what else did excite you' she asked.

'Few other things' he replied.

'What other thing did I do that made you excited, tell me' she insisted.

'I saw you caress it as we felt the restaurant' he said staring at her bosom.

'So you saw me doing it, I thought you had not' she lied.

'It was there to be seen' he replied.

'And what other reason made you come today' she asked.

'Your words' he replied.

'What did I say' she asked as this conversation sent warm waves up her body.

'You said I would be suitably rewarded' he replied.

'Yes, have I not rewarded you by bringing you to this restaurant' she asked teasing him.

'Yes and you said something else.'

'What was that' she said as she felt her body responding.

'You said there's more to come.'

'You remember that too' she asked getting excited.

'One does not forget those words' he replied.

'What did you think I would do' she asked.

'How can I say what's in your mind' he replied.

'But still you might have thought of something' she replied softly.

'I thought you would continue' he replied.

'What? feeling your thighs' she said.

'Yes and also those' he said staring at her bosom.

'Does it thrill you to watch me fondling it' she asked placing her hand on her bosom.

'Yes' he replied focusing his eyes on her hand.

'You want to see me caress them' she asked softly.


'Like this,' she said slipping her hand inside the sari and touching her breasts.


'You want me to hold them in my hand' she asked.

Amar did not reply. His eyes were engrossed on her actions.

'Or do you want me to caress your thighs' she asked as wave after wave swept through her body.

'Anything' was all he could reply.

'Do you like this' she said placing her hand on his upper thighs.

Amar was captivated by her actions. As soon as she placed her hand on his thighs his member started pulsating. He was scared that she could feel his aroused cock. He could not believe it was actually happening. His body started convulsing.

'Do you want more' she asked seeing his body trembling.

'Mmmmmmm' was all that he could answer.

'Then why don't you place your hand here' saying this she held his hand and placed it on her knee.

Amar was flabbergasted as he felt the warmth of her thigh. His body again shuddered and he was on the threshold of shooting.

Seeing it and also feeling her body on the brink of an explosion 'slip your hand inside' she cried.

As Amar slipped his hand between her thighs Naina crisscrossing her legs and imprisoning his hand between her thighs said 'how does it feel.'

Amar could not reply, he was aghast at her action. As his hand was vexed between her hot thighs and Naina gyrating her thighs over his hand he ejaculated in his pants.

Naina, whose body was also on fire, could not withhold it any longer. Imprisoning his hand between her thighs and feeling it so close to her privates, she let the juice gush out of it. She had cum and it was great. It was a sensation which she had not anticipated. All the while she had thought she would tease him but sitting in the crowded restaurant she had not dreamt that she could explode. She felt happy with the outcome and she was sure that she could use Amar as a pawn.

And when she saw Amar withdrawing his hand from her thighs she asked 'happy' for which Amar could only nod his head.

'Did you feel thrilled to feel my thighs' she crooned softly?

'Yes' he replied.

'Were you satisfied' she asked staring at him.


'What made you happy' she asked.

'The feel of your thighs' he replied.

'But my thighs are not so voluptuous' she said.

'They are' he replied.

'Comparing to your mother's they are skinny, aren't they' she asked?

Amar was shocked to hear those words. Looking at her he said 'I don't know.'

'Are you not interested' she asked.

Amar could not answer her. He was shocked to hear her talking about his mother's thighs.

'She has. She has beautiful long legs and I am sure you would love feeling them' she said.

This again baffled him. He stared at her not getting the meaning of it.

'Why don't you try it' she said.

'What' exclaimed Amar?

'Feel her thighs, you will love it' she replied.

Hearing her talk about his mother's thighs he suddenly became excited. Though he wanted to say he can not. He waited for her to continue.

'It would give you immense pleasure. Just feel them and I am sure she will like it too' she said.

'I don't know how that could be possible.' At last he let it out.

'When you go shopping, try it out there' she said.

Her words were encouraging. He felt excited. His placid cock was regaining its strength and as he wanted her to continue he said 'what would she think or how would she react?'

'She is starving and I am sure she will like it' she replied.

This made him look at her again. His eyes were questioning her and they had thousands of questions. He was getting bolder by the second.

'Yes when you go out try to feel her thighs. Act as if it was accidental and when she does not object try to capitalize on it and I am sure she won't object' she replied.

This made Amar to focus his mind on his mother. He was thinking of a place where it could be possible to take her and Naina seeing him engrossed said 'I know you can do it and if you want any assistance I am always there to help you.'

'I will try' was what he was able to say.

'And when you do, you can have more of me' she said.

This made him look at her.

'Yes you can touch, feel and look, think about it' she said caressing her breasts again.

'Will you' he stammered.

'Yes, and may be more. Come let's go' she said.

With her words ringing in his ears Amar reached home to be welcomed by his mother. His thoughts were still of his aunt when they had the dinner and as his mother lifted a corner of her sari to wipe her face his eyes took to her exposed lower body. He was excited when he saw the slight bulge of her naked waist. It was the first time that his eyes had wandered there and when they drifted down he was bewildered to see her robust thighs and long legs. She was more voluptuous than his aunt and yes it would give immense pleasure to feel those thighs, was what he was thinking when he went to his room.

The whole night he planned. He thought of all possible places he could take her out but none of the places were ideal for what he had in mind. This made him stay awake for most of the night and not getting any answers he struggled throughout.

Though he was tired the next day he hurried back home, excited at the thought of going out with his mother. Soon after having a wash as he came down he was glad to see his mother holding a cup of coffee.

As the coffee refreshed him 'shall we go' he asked.

'Do you think you can? Are you not tired' she asked brushing his hair.

'No I am fine. Your coffee did the trick' he replied smilingly.

This brought a huge smile on her face and she went to change.

By the time his mother was ready Amar rang for the cab. Amar was so happy just to sit beside his mother that when they reached the Mall he wished it had taken more time.

His mother was the first to alight and as Amar stepped he slipped which made his mother lend him a hand. This was a blessing in disguise as his mother entwined her hand with his and held it supporting him.

Holding each other's hands as they climbed a few steps her elbow brushed his chest which made Amar delighted. Gripping her hand he led her into the mall.

Entering the mall Mayuri tried to dislodge her hand but when she felt him gripping it hard she let it stay put and leaning on him continued window shopping.

Amar did not let go of her hand. He held it to his chest as a prized possession and when they took the escalator he felt his mother snuggle closer. This made his elbow brush the naked skin below her blouse. This made him feel happy and looked forward for another brushing which did not materialize.

After strolling around the first floor and not finding any thing of interest as they came near the escalator Mayuri looking at him said 'I am a little scared.'

'Nothing to be scared off, hold me' said Amar.

Mayuri moved closer and gripping his hand took to the escalators and when she stepped on it she fumbled which made Amar to grasp her by her waist and steady her. Amar felt enchanted to have his hand on her waist. Feeling the warmth of his mother's waist he gripped it harder which made her thighs brace his. He was in the world of his own having felt what he had not dreamt of and it did not last long as they had reached the second floor.

Mayuri too felt the warmth of his thighs brushing hers and when she saw his hand holding her by the waist she let it linger there till she steadied herself. Amar on seeing his mother regain her stance slowly pulled out his hand from her waist but let it be entwined with her hand.

They shopped for a while. Amar was content to be with her and when they finished, Mayuri was again scared as she had to come down the escalators. Standing near the escalators she looked at Amar.

'Why are you so scared' he asked.

'This is the first time I am using them' she replied.

'Let me hold you' he said slipping his hand on her waist again.

'Wait, let me take a deep breath' she replied.

'Take your own time' said Amar utilizing the opportunity of caressing her waist to soothe her.

This time Mayuri felt his caress. Though it sent warmth up her body she could not enjoy it as she was scared and when Amar nudged her, taking a deep breath she stepped on the escalator.

This time with Amar holding her tightly she managed not to fumble and coming down she looked at her son as if she had conquered the world thinking she had reached the ground floor.

'One more floor to go' said Amar pointing to the ground floor.

'Oh! I thought I had reached it' she replied.

'Want me to carry you' he said.

'Dath, as if you would carry me' she shot back.

'I would if you allow me' he spoke gently.

'No I am fine' she replied smiling.

This time before she could react, Amar slipped his hand on her waist with such authority that made her look up at him.

'Come let's move' saying this he patted her back.

Though his reactions were natural Mayuri felt delighted when he patted her back. Slipping her hand on his waist they encountered the final hurdle with ease.

Amar did not let go of her waist and when they stepped out of the mall he said 'why don't we walk home.'

'Yes why not' she replied smiling at him.

'I love this weather' he replied.

'Yes it is very pleasant and cool' saying this she moved closer slipping her hand on his waist.

Like a happy couple they slowly threaded their way back. Amar was more than happy to have his hand firmly placed at her waist and his mother's head resting on his shoulders.

Even Mayuri was excited to have got acquainted to her son in such a way and whenever she remembered him helping her on the escalator she kissed his shoulder showering her affection. They moved at snails pace and it was when they came across the park that their heart beats increased.

It was Mayuri who saw it first. As her head was resting on his shoulder and her line of vision towards the park, she saw a couple kissing. It made her lift her head across to see them and when she saw the man was fondling the woman's breasts a sudden wave of excitement rushed through her body. The scene jolted her and Amar who had not witnessed it was surprised to feel her shudder.

As they moved further both of them saw another couple locked in each others arms smooching. This made their hearts beat faster and subconsciously both gripped each other. Their pacing slowed down when they came to the end of the park and saw another couple. It was Mayuri who looked up at her son for his reaction and saw him staring at the couple. His hand which was on her waist started moving subconsciously down. She felt it slip down a little and when he gripped the flesh above the mounds of her buttocks she shivered and leaned on his body. She had made the move.This had a wild effect on both of them. Both were excited. Amar whose hand was over her buttocks pulled her closer and she obliged by moving a shade closer and placed her head on his chest. They moved silently and Amar realizing that they were nearing the house pulled his hand from her waist and started walking casually. He did not want her to know that he was aroused.

They continued treading slowly. Both were tensed as they felt they had done something wrong. They just had to cover a little distance to reach their house when it started drizzling lightly. This changed the whole atmosphere and they were like two kids playing in the rain. They ran towards their house shielding their purchases from the rain.

Once inside the house Amar went to fetch the towel and when he returned he saw what his eyes was craving for. His mother holding the top of her sari wiping her wet hair had subconsciously exposed her bosom to his stare. It made him stand rooted to the spot and though he could have shifted his gaze he did not and when his mother saw him staring at her exposed bosom, a hot current passed through her body which made her back track to her room slowly.

On reaching she felt a strong wave rip through her body. It made her rush to the rest room and on standing before the mirror she pulled the sari out and stood looking at her own reflection. She was surprised by what was reflected in the mirror. Her cheeks had turned red, her eyes were gleaming, her lips were pouting, her bosom was heaving and her midriff was shining with the pearl like rain drops. She felt happy with what she saw.

Taking a close look made her feel proud as she felt she still had a lot which would be of interest to any roaming eye and her son being a novice would certainly be attracted to it. Then why not flash a little she thought. What's wrong in it? What was there in it for her if it was to be hidden? Had she not hidden it all these days? She thought on those lines. The more she thought the more confident she grew. It would only be her son who was going to see, then why not let him. Thinking on those lines made her feel proud, feel elevated and she decided to try it out.

Amar could not move even after his mother left. He felt he had made a mistake. He felt he should have looked the other way instead of staring at her. He was sure his mother had seen him staring. What would be her reaction? How would she take it? When he was getting closer, when he was getting to know her better this should not have happened he thought. He felt as if he had lost everything and dejectedly he went to his room.

Next morning things were different. When he opened his eyes he was rewarded with a sweet surprise. He saw his mother holding a cup of hot coffee tickling him. This made him jerk from the bed and as he took the cup, the previous night's tension eased away. He stood by his mother the whole day helping her in all her pending work.

As evening descended Amar thought of asking her out but when he saw her slumped on the sofa he felt it better to sit close by and watch. With a book of no consequence in his hand he sat down opposite her.

It did not take long for Mayuri to see that Amar was watching her. Many a times she felt like teasing him but thinking it would be obvious, she let go and when she saw him fully engrossed somewhere 'what's on your mind' she asked.

'I was visualizing how scared you looked coming down the escalators' he said.

'Yes if you had not held me I would not have had the courage to come down' she replied.

'It was my pleasure to have held you' he said.

'Was it so' she asked.

'Being close I was delightful' he replied.

'How nice to hear it, I thought I was troubling you' she said.

'I would love to have another chance' he said.

'May be sometime, now why don't you go to bed' she said.

'Yes maybe next time' saying it he left her.

Next morning when he came down he was happy to see his mother cooking. This gave him a chance to stand behind her and look at her exquisite body. As his eyes were roaming over her curves Mayuri left his gaze. As she was busy with her morning chores she could do nothing while he moved closer. He had come so close that whenever Mayuri moved her thighs brushed his.

There was mixed response from his mother. On one part she was happy to have her son beside her and on the other his closeness was also sending warmth up her body which she was finding it hard to conceal. After few minutes as Mayuri turned, her thighs brushed his squarely which made her blush. Amar had not expected this and when he felt his mother's hot thighs he was delighted and seeing his mother blush he was thrilled.

The small incidence had made his day. Having finished his breakfast he left for college leaving behind his mother to ponder over the things that were happening. Mayuri was in deep thought when she saw her husband come down. After having had his breakfast, he left for office without acknowledging her. This depressed her and she felt it was time she changed a little.

The day passed off without any further adventure and the next morning Amar came down and placing his hands on her shoulders said 'what's cooking Mom.'

'Nothing of your interest' she replied jokingly.

'It smells good' he replied leaning over.

'Then why do you ask' she said and as she bent to pick up a spoon her hips brushed his thighs.

Amar moved closer and peeping over her shoulders said 'how long will it take.'

'Will be ready in five minutes, hungry' she asked.

'No but I would like to taste it' he said politely.

'Sure,' saying this as she turned to face him, her hips again brushed his thighs.

Amar stood right in front and not giving any room for her tasted the dish while his eyes roamed over her well formed bosom.

'Liked it' asked his mother enjoying his closeness.

'Yes it tastes good' he replied and as he leaned forward to put the spoon back his hand braced her warm hips. The touch jolted him. Uttering sorry he took a step backwards.

'No need to be sorry' said Mayuri feeling his discomfort. At first she had thought that his hand had touched her hips intentionally but as he pulled back she had a doubt. Whatever the cause she was thrilled by the act and looking at his discomfort she flashed him a big smile.

Amar regained his courage on seeing her smile and moving forward he hugged his mother.

'What made you do that' asked his mother in a jovial mood.

'Out of love' he replied.

'Ah! Come on' said his mother blushing.

When both her husband and son left Mayuri sat down with the puzzle of her life. She started completing the jig saw and to her utter dismay found most of the places blank. She had no other option but to fill them with her son and when it was completed seeing her son highlighted she felt happy.

As she was contemplating the next move the phone rang. She was surprised as it was her husband and when he said he will be coming late and not to wait for dinner she would not believe it. Ah! The pieces of the puzzle were falling in place she thought as this news had given an opening which she was looking for.

Amar arrived as usual and was excited when his mother told him that they were going out for dinner.

'What about Dad' was his immediate question?

'He is attending some party' she replied.

'Is he not coming' he asked politely as he did not want to discourage his mother.

'I don't think so. What do you suggest, where shall we go' she asked.

'There is a restaurant on the third floor of the Mall' he smiled as he let out those words.

'No I don't want any escalators' she replied strongly.

'Then there is the new one but it's little expensive' he said.

'It should not be a problem, book up' she said.

While Amar took care of the arrangements, Mayuri came down dressed in a green sari which had a pleasing effect on her dark complexion. Soon they reached the Hotel and both were surprised at the plush décor.

Sitting on a cozy sofa they treated themselves to a luxurious dinner and as they finished it 'how was it' asked his mother.

'It was most delicious.'

'Yes and it was heavy too' she replied patting her tummy.

'It looks good' said Amar.

'No it is getting heavier' she replied.

'A walk home would take care of it' replied Amar.

'Yes, I was about to suggest the same thing' she asked.

'Like we did the other day' he replied stepping out of the restaurant.

'Hand in hand' she asked smiling at him.

'Of course hand in hand' saying this he held her hand swiftly.

'Why are you in such a hurry' she asked.

'I don't want you to change your mind' he replied.

'Change my mind' she asked a little puzzled.

'Of walking back home.'

'You like to walk'

'With you by my side I would love to' he replied.

'How sweet' saying this she leaned her head on his shoulder.

'Are you feeling cold' he asked.

'No but trying to get comfortable' she replied.

'Is it any better now' he asked as he drew her close.

'Feeling cozy' saying this, she planted a soft kiss on his chin.

'That feels good' said Amar.

'Then have one more' saying this she kissed him on his cheeks.

'Thanks' was all Amar could say and when he looked at her he saw her flashing him a big smile.

They slowly made their way towards their home. Both were fascinated holding each other's hand and when they neared the park, Amar being conscious of what they had seen earlier looked around and when he saw a couple kissing he slowed down his strides. His attention was drawn towards the couple smooching.

Mayuri too saw the couple and in the excitement she gripped Amar's hand and when she felt he had slowed down, she let her eyes roam. She looked at the couple. On focusing she saw the man had his hand inside the woman's dress. This sent a hot wave through her body and as she trembled she heard her son say 'are you feeling okay Mom.'

'Yes it is bit chill today' she replied moving closer.

Amar was glad that she had come closer and slipping his hand around her waist and caressing her hips said 'it is because of the open space and I hope you are comfortable now.'

'Yes being close feels nice' she replied.

'It would be warmer if you move closer' saying he pulled her. He could feel her shoulder on his chest, her hips along his and her thighs brushing his whenever they took a step forward.

'Much better, thanks' saying this she kissed him on his cheeks.

Feeling excited by the kiss Amar's hand ventured on its own. It moved up from her hips to her waist and caressing it as if to send some warmth up her body he slowly moved it up till his fingers encountered the softness of her breast and as soon as he felt it he brought his hand down again. He continued teasing her in the same fashion.

While Amar was teasing his mother, Mayuri was enjoying it. Many a times she lifted her face and kissed him on his cheeks. This encouraged Amar and as they neared their home his hand started feeling more and more of her hips. This doubled the pleasure building up inside her and when they entered the gate Mayuri for few seconds did not pull her lips from his cheeks. She had them glued on his cheeks.

Amar was excited thinking she would kiss him on the lips. This made him squeeze her thighs and when he saw that they had reached the door, bringing his lips close to hers looked deep into her eyes.

Mayuri saw him looking at her. She felt sad at seeing her son in the state he was. She could not do anything as they had reached home. This made her heart melt for him and when he tired to place his lips on hers pushing him a little she shook her head.

Amar's eyes pleaded.

'No not now' was what she was able to utter.

Amar was glad to hear her words. He was overwhelmed and as he unlocked the door he whispered 'shall we go to park tomorrow.'

'What for' asked his mother with a twinkle in her eye.

'For a stroll' he replied moving closer.

'We will think of it tomorrow, now go to bed' she said pushing him.

Next day Amar felt distracted in the college. He was waiting for the evening. He was not sure whether his mother would accompany him to the park and even if they went how he would react he was unable to ponder. He kept looking at his watch.

When classes were over he reached home in a flash. On reaching he was in a dilemma. He did not know how to ask her out. How could he say come we will go to the park? He kept stealing glances at his mother but never dared looked directly. Mayuri felt his discomfort and was smiling. Unable to see him suffering she said 'do you remember when we had been to boating last.'

'Yes and it had rained that day' he replied not knowing why she was bringing that subject.

'I don't think it is going to rain today' she said.


'So how about going, are you interested' she asked.

Amar could not believe what he had heard. 'Of course I am' he screamed in joy.

Mayuri was pleased to see him happy and when she went in and came out wearing Jeans and a top Amar was delighted. They took a cab and on reaching the lake as Mayuri opted for a pedaling boat Amar's joy knew no bounds.

They enjoyed steering the boat and at times playfully sprinkled water on each other and by the time they reached the other end of the lake their clothes were wet. It was Mayuri who noticed it. She could clearly see Amar's nipples protruding out from his wet shirt and she felt a desire to touch it. When she looked at her own top she blushed on seeing the outline of her bra. She thanked herself that her top was not as translucent as Amar's and it had her charms well covered.

Amar saw her staring at his chest. Her stare invigorated him and as he took a peek at her top he was excited to see the outline of her bra and as his eyes roamed over her well formed breasts nested inside the bra he felt aroused and it became difficult for him to hide it.

Mayuri felt his stare and as this was exciting she said 'your shirt is drenched.'

'It was you who drenched it' he replied.

'As if you did not' she replied.

'But your top is not so soaked' he replied.

'Yes it is not as light as your shirt' she replied looking at his chest.

'Mine has become totally transparent' he said.

'It looks as if you are naked' she said as her eyes got fixed on his nipples.

'Yes, it feels good with the cool breeze blowing' he replied.

'What if you catch cold' she said inching closer.

'I would love it' he replied.

'Why' she asked placing her hand on his shirt.

'Because if I catch cold then you have to take care of me' he replied.

'What if I catch cold' she asked circling her finger round his nipple.

'That would be swell as I would look after you' he replied.

'You will get bored in 5 minutes' she said as her fingers closed over his nipple.

'No I promise to take very good care of you' he replied.

'I think I am already catching cold' saying this she moved closer and when Amar lifted his arm to accommodate her, circling her finger around his nipple said 'why don't you remove your shirt, it is wet.'

Amar was excited to hear her words. Pulling out his shirt he said 'we should have brought a towel.'

'Yes we should have brought one. I never expected we would get drenched up' she replied.

'How I wish I could have lent you my shirt' he said.

'Don't you worry I am fine' she replied circling her fingers over his naked nipples.

'It's nice to have you so close' said Amar pulling her up.

'Are you comfortable? Am I not troubling you' she said as she moved further up.

'Not at all, you can get as close as you want' he said drawing her head on his chest.

'How nice' said Mayuri planting a soft kiss on his naked chest?

Amar was thrilled when his mother kissed him and when his body shuddered with excitement 'does it tickle' she asked.

'No it feels fine do continue' he replied and was shocked as to how he could utter those words.

'You like it, you want me to' his mother asked.

'Yes it feels good when you do that' he replied.

'When I do what' asked his mother.

'When you kiss me' he replied.

'So sweet, tell me one thing. Why did you want us to go to the park' she said.

Amar blushed on hearing her words.

'Come on tell me? Tell me na' she cooed softly.

'I wish I could tell you' he replied shyly.

'Was it because you saw the couples kissing' she asked?

Amar nodded his head.

'And you thought it could happen' she asked.

'Yes, yes' he stammered.

'You thought you could kiss me in the park, is it not' she asked.

'Yes I thought it would be fun' he replied as he could not say that he wanted to kiss her.

'What fun' she asked softly.

'Like the couple in the park' he replied.

'Kissing and hugging' she asked.

'Yes something like that' he replied.

'Do you want it to happen' she asked.

Amar stared at her in surprise.

'Yes, do you want to kiss me' she said smilingly.

'Yes I want to' he replied.

'Where do you want to kiss me' she asked teasing him a little.

'There' he said lifting his finger and touching her lips for the first time.

'Have you kissed any one before' she asked.

'No I have not' he replied.

'Have you not' she asked a little surprised.

He shook his head.

'Oh! You have not. Do you want me to show you how to kiss' she asked holding his face in both her hands.

Amar was ecstatic and closing his eyes said 'yes.'

'Open your eyes look at me' said his mother.

Amar slowly opened his eyes and seeing his mothers pouting lips his body trembled.

'Do you like your mother's lips, do you want to kiss those lips' she asked and before he could nod his head, griping his face she kissed him softly on his lips.

Amar was thrilled when his mother kissed his lips. He was so excited to have been kissed by his mother that his face turned read and when he saw his mothers pouting lips 'want to kiss them again' asked his mother.

Amar again nodded his head.

'Did you like what your mother did to you' she asked.

'Yes yes' he replied.

'Want more of her lips' she asked.

Amar nodded his head shyly.

'Come let's go to park' she said.

Amar was on cloud nine when he heard those words. He steered the boat towards the shore and in no time covered the distance. Once on the ground they fetched a cab and soon reached the park.

The sun had gone down leaving behind a streak of fading light as they entered the park and strolled down it started to get dark and Mayuri holding his hand guided him towards the trunk of a large tree.

As they sat side by side Amar was baffled. He did not know how to react. He kept stealing glances at his mother.

Mayuri waited for her son to take the initiative and seeing him hesitate placing her hand on his shirt said 'I see your shirt has dried up.'

'Yes it has' he replied.

'You were looking cute without your shirt on' she said undoing his shirt.

'Why was I looking cute' he asked getting thrilled.

'Because I could see these' saying this she slipped her hand inside and felt his nipples.

'Do you like to see them' he asked.

'No I would like to feel them' she replied caressing them.

'You are different' he said.

'Why am I different' she asked.

'I thought it was the other way round' he said.

'What other way' she asked tweaking his nipple with her fingers.

'I thought it was men who were interested in' he said.

'What are men interested in' she asked feigning as if she did not know what he meant.

Amar could not reply back immediately, hesitating a little he said 'to do what you are doing.'

'What am I doing' she asked lifting her face to his.

'You are caressing me there' he replied looking down at his chest.


'I think men are more interested in caressing them' he replied.

'You mean men are interested in caressing women there, is that what you mean' she asked.


'Why do you think only men are interested? Don't you think women may like it too' she asked.'Yes they might' he replied.

'What about you' she asked suddenly.

'I have not thought of it' he replied.

'You better not' she replied playfully.

'Why should I not' he asked.

'Do you think you can' she asked.

'Yes I can' he replied assertively.

'Can you? I don't think so' she said laughingly.


'Because when you hesitate to . . . . . . . .' she said so softly that the words were not audible.

Leaning over her 'can I' he asked.

Those words excited her and to tease him further 'can I what' she asked.

'Can I kiss you' he said wetting his lips.

His words aroused her and moving her face close to his 'why' she asked coyly.

'Because I like to kiss you' he said.

'Where do you want to kiss me' she asked.

'I want to kiss you on your lips' he said touching them.

'You want to kiss your mother on her lips' she said softly.

'Yes I want to kiss my mother on her lips' saying it he held her face in both his hands and leaning over kissed her lips passionately. Mayuri was so thrilled on being kissed passionately that she felt a hot current run through her body and as it thrilled she said 'where did you learn to kiss like that.'

'It was instantaneous reaction on feeling your provocative lips' he replied.

'Are my lips so provocative that you bruised them' she lied.

'Yes your lips are very provocative' saying this he pushed his mother up the tree and leaning over her he forced her to open her mouth and slipping his tongue inside he kissed her mouth ravishing it.

Mayuri was aghast to have been kissed so fervently. Her body did a somersault. She had expected him to kiss her lips but not ravage her mouth. It made her body shudder with desire and when his tongue probing inside her mouth reached the bottom of the well, she wet her insides.

Amar did not let go of his mother. Holding her he continued kissing her and on seeing her go red he was excited. He saw her blushing. Her eyes were numb, her lips were quivering and her face was ashen. One good kiss had changed her and as he bent again he heard her say 'let's go home.'

It was a command which Amar had to oblige; encircling her waist he guided her out of the park. Mayuri feeling tired after the orgasm placed her head on his chest and when she heard him say 'did you like it' her senses were ignited again.

Those words excited Mayuri again. Hiding her face on his shirt she started unbuttoning it and when her faint fingers undid a few buttons 'yes I liked it' she said.

'Want to kiss my chest' he asked her softly.

Mayuri was pleased when she heard those words. In the heat of passion as she was about to kiss him on his chest she felt her son pushing her face down on to his nipples. As she took his nipple inside her mouth Amar slipped his hand down and caressed her hips. Mayuri was again aroused.

Mayuri's body started to tremble with desires as they reached home and standing under the portico when she heard him say 'I hope you will take me to the park tomorrow' her body convulsed. With great difficulty she controlled her emotions and facing her son said 'no, I would never take you again.'

'Why, what did I do' asked Amar.

'What did you do? As if you don't know' she said blushingly.

'I just kissed you ....' Amar could not utter a word more as Mayuri had placed her hand on his mouth.

'Sshh we are at home and someone may hear' said his mother.

'How can he hear, he is inside' replied Amar softly.

Those words excited her and as it sent a thrill up her spine 'I will hit you if you utter one more word' she said shyly.

Hearing it Amar placed his fingers on his lips which brought a smile on his mother's face.

'Okay now behave' saying this as she entered the house she saw her husband sitting on the sofa and as she turned to go to kitchen he asked 'are you coming tomorrow.'

His words shocked her and trying to give him a fitting reply she said 'what if I don't come.'

She had hoped the presence of her husband would scare him and was stunned when she heard him reply 'then I may have to drag you.'

'You are too much Am now go' she said pushing him.

Amar was pleased. 'You loose' uttering those words he ran to his room carrying a hard on. On entering he locked the door and as he pushed his pants down he was in for a surprise. His cock was rock hard. It looked larger than he had ever seen it before. The veins on his cock were visible and its head was gleaming.

As he kept looking at his cock his thoughts wandered over his mother. What am I doing he thought. Why was he feeling happy on seeing his own cock? What has it to do with his mother? Yes his mother had kissed him on his lips and on his nipples but it was done with love. What was the connection? These thoughts made his cock go limp. Yes, it was she who had kissed him on his nipples but never had allowed him. In fact she had her breasts well covered even when her top was wet. As those scenes flashed he felt it was necessary to be cautious. One wrong step would lead to disaster he thought.

He then decided that he had to talk with Naina. It was her words that had encouraged him. He felt he had to talk to her soon.

Mayuri was also thinking on the same grounds. She thought she had to stop this at some point. She recapped all that had taken place. Other than one passionate kiss there was nothing which was worth worrying about. Still she felt guilty as she had taken the first step. She also felt guilty as she had climaxed during the kiss. Did her son know that she had climaxed? These facts started puzzling her and she too felt it was time she had a talk with Naina.

In spite of having thought of all the pros and cons the next morning Mayuri could not stop herself from going to her son's room. She just wanted to wish him good morning and as she entered, the first thing her eyes encountered were his naked chest. She saw him sleeping with his shirt unbuttoned and her eyes got riveted to his pert nipples. The scene had a wild effect on her. It made her forget about her resolution. Standing there and looking at her son she decided she could kiss it one last time. This made her sit on the bed and lifting her son's head she placed it on her lap.

Amar who was awake feigned to be asleep. He wanted to watch his mother's moves. He wanted to confirm where this was leading. He thought feigning to be asleep he could learn more than being awake.

He was pleased when his mother sat beside him and placed his head on her lap. Controlling his erection he watched her ruffle his hair and heard her call out his name softly. He heard his name being called two to three times so tenderly that it was difficult to hear. It was the first give away sign and he waited for the next.

Seeing him asleep, Mayuri took the next step. She pushed his shirt aside and denuding him from the waist up she looked at his rib cage. Her eyes feasted on his chest and as her eyes moved down she was pleased to see his well cut features. His stomach, his waist were finely tuned and as her roving eyes moved down and saw the impression of his prick which was slowly regaining its strength, it made her forget everything.

However hard he tried Amar could not stop his prick from growing and when his mother's eyes were focused upon it he felt it to have reached half way. He could not contain his erection.

Mayuri was fascinated at the sight of her son's prick growing. At first she saw the impression of its head ballooning up. It was so captivating that it made her bow down her head and seeing the impression of his growing prick she was so thrilled that she kissed her son on his nipples.

Amar could not control his arousal. He felt as if he was trapped. He started to sweat. He could not move as he had feigned to be asleep and as his mother continued kissing his nipples it was getting hard to control his erection. He took a deep breath but it did not have any effect. The impression of his growing prick became more prominent.

Mayuri was ecstatic. She was wonderstruck at what was happening in front of her. She had a clear picture of her son's prick gaining momentum and she knew that her son was awake. She slowly called his name and when he did not respond she snaked her tongue from his nipple on to his stomach. Her move made him shudder and his prick reached the maximum. It was a sight to behold and Mayuri could see the impression of the full fledged prick. It made her senses go berserk. She dragged her tongue further down his waist.

Amar felt his mother's wet tongue drawing circles on his nipples move down. He could not muster any strength to hold back his erection any longer. He felt the desire mounting and as his mother moved her face further down, feeling her hot breath inches away from his prick his body jerked. Wild sensations crept over him. For a moment he thought his mother was going to take it in. Thinking of it he could not sustain it any longer and as his mother inched her head further down he shot his load.

Mayuri saw her son's prick pulsate and when she lifted her face to have a clear picture she saw the cum ooze out of his pants. It was a sight which she had not hoped she would ever see. In her passion she had made her son cum and feeling embarrassed she ran from the room.

Amar also felt guilty for having taken advantage of her by feigning to be asleep. He was so ashamed of facing his mother that the moment he finished his breakfast he left for college.

Seeing both Amar and her husband out of the house Mayuri rang Naina and was pleased when she accepted her invitation. It was late in the afternoon that Naina made her appearance and seeing a charming Mayuri she felt assured that things had changed.

'So how's everything' was the first question she posed sitting next to her.

'Why, the same as usual' replied a smiling Mayuri.

'I see some changes. You don't look charming anymore you look gorgeous' said Naina lifting her eyebrows.

'Nothing of that sort' she replied shyly.

'Don't lie to me, I can feel something is cooking' said Naina.

'Well it is my son. I am getting to know him better' she replied.

'How much better' asked Naina pulling Mayuri up.

'We are friends. The misunderstandings have been cleared and I am happy' she replied.

'Did I not tell you, had I not told you to look for the other male in your house' she said.

'Yes you had' she replied thinking of the earlier conversation.

'How far, how far have you' asked Naina drawing her closer.

'What how far' asked Mayuri unable to answer her?

'You know what I mean. How far have you gone' Naina stressed the point.

'The question is how far I can go' asked Mayuri.

'Well there is no end to it' replied Naina.

'No I cannot. I cannot think of going so far' she replied.

'If you have started, then what's the problem' asked Naina.

'I don't know how he would react and what would be the outcome' she replied.

'He ought to be happy, thrilled. Forget him tell me how do you feel' asked Naina drawing her closer.

'I don't know what to tell you' replied a shy Mayuri bowing her face.

'Come on tell me, don't be shy' said Naina hugging Mayuri's face on her bosom.

On being hugged Mayuri felt a hot wave creep up her body. It started stimulating her and when she felt Naina's bosom on her cheeks she was excited. With eyes closed she nuzzled her face on the soft contours of Naina's bosom and feeling the warmth from her body she said 'it was good till it lasted.'

'How far did you venture' she asked making Mayuri more comfortable on her bosom.

'Well as I told you we understand each other and now we are friends' replied Mayuri.

'Have the friends started dating' she asked.

'Not dating but sometimes we go out' she replied.

'Go to movies, sit in the dark, kiss and feel each other' said Naina placing her hand on Mayuri's voluptuous bosom.

'No but had been to boating and to the park' she replied.

'Did he feel these' asked Naina caressing Mayuri's breasts over her blouse.

'No he did not. He just kissed me' replied Mayuri nuzzling her face on Naina's bosom.

'Where did he kiss you' asked an excited Naina eager to know whether he had kissed her breasts.

'Well it was on my lips' replied Mayuri.

'My God how lucky he is to have kissed these pouting lips' saying this Naina pulled Mayuri up and bringing her face down kissed Mayuri's lips while her hand cupped her robust breasts.

Mayuri was ecstatic when she felt Naina's warm lips on hers. Her body trembled and as Naina cupped her breasts in her hand she was totally aroused. She kissed back Naina on her lips.

Naina was fascinated by it, pushing Mayuri on the sofa and lying over her she ravished Mayuri's face with her hot kisses saying 'how beautiful you are.'

Mayuri who was on the threshold of exploding said 'Am I, do you like me.'

'Do I like you? You don't know how much I do. I have been dying to kiss these lovely lips' saying this she opened her mouth and closing it on Mayuri's mouth sucked her lips inside her mouth.

Mayuri could not hold back any longer and the moment Naina took her lips inside her mouth her hands flew to Naina's back and forcibly pulling her down she hugged her to her body.

Naina too was feeling high. She had not anticipated of having the opportunity to suck those pouting lips and when Mayuri hugged and pulled her down and feeling each others breasts they came in unison. It had happened instantly.

Both resigned in each other's arms and Mayuri getting up said 'I don't know what took over me.'

'It was not your mistake. You had imprisoned your desires and they had to come out' replied Naina.

'Yes, but it would happen with you, I did not fathom it' she replied.

'I am fortunate to have been here when it happened and always will be with you' replied Naina.

This made Mayuri to look at her.

'Yes I mean it and I would always help you' said Naina.

'Will you' asked she.

'Yes tell me' said Naina.

'I think Amar is getting more interested' she replied.

'Obviously he would be' she said.

'No, that is not the problem' she said.

'Then what'

'He does not care where he is or who is present. He is more eager when we have company' she said.

'You mean when Dikshit is present' she asked


'Does he do it openly' she asked.

'No he does not but he takes advantage when he is at home' replied Mayuri.

'Don't you know why he does it? Did you not feel the difference?' she asked.

'What difference does it make' asked a puzzled Mayuri?

'The thrill, the excitement of doing it when Dikshit is there' she asked.

'Yes, sometimes it thrills but sometimes it is scary' replied Mayuri.

'And that is exactly what he has in mind, the thrill, the excitement. How I wish it could have happened to me' she said.

'Are you sure'

'Yes I would have loved someone teasing me in Nithin's presence' she replied.

'What if Nithin has the same desires' asked Mayuri?

'I would close my eyes and let him have fun' she replied.

'You mean you won't feel bad of him for having cheated' she asked.

'No you don't when two play the same game' she replied.

'Good' as she said this Mayuri's thoughts wandered towards Nithin and when she was thinking of him she heard the door bell and as she got up to open the door Naina stalled her and said 'let me surprise him.'

'Please' replied an excited Mayuri.

As Naina opened the door Amar was really surprised. Just today he had thought of meeting her and here she was. He was thrilled. Exchanging a few pleasantries he went up to change.

Having changed as he came down he was excited to hear that he has to drop Naina and collect a parcel. This was a well thought of plan between the two women.

On their way Naina said 'how are things.'

'They are fine' he replied.

'Good, I heard you took your Mom for an outing' she said.

'Yes we went for shopping and boating too' he replied.

'So you have become friends' she asked.

'Yes we have become good friends' he replied.

'So good that you took her on a date' she asked.

'Not on a date but we went out' he replied.

'When you went boating I am sure you reached the far end of the lake, did you not' she asked.

'Yes we did'

'And it was there you two became intimate' she asked.

'Nothing like that happened' he replied.

'Don't tell me that you did not feel her' she asked.

'No I did not' he replied.

'Did you not touch her bosom or some part of her body' she asked.

'No I did not' he replied.

'Did you not ogle at her body' she asked.

'No' he replied shaking his head.

'Then what did you do there' she asked.

'Well she kissed me' he replied.

'Ah! For one kiss you went so far' she asked.

'What could I do' he asked.

'Did you not do as I asked you' she said.


'Feel or touch her body' she asked.

'No but once I had the opportunity to lay my head on her lap' he replied.

'What did you do' she asked.

'Nothing, I just rested my head on her lap' he replied.

'You were on her lap and did nothing' she asked.


'Nothing happened' she asked again.

'Nothing except she kissed me on my nipples' he said.

'She kissed your nipples' Naina asked.

'Yes, she kissed my nipples' he replied.

'Did you kiss her back' she shot the question?

Amar shook his head. He wanted to say that he had shot in his pants when she kissed but was glad that the cab had stopped.

'Come let's go in' said Naina alighting from the cab.

Naina used her key to open the door and after seeing Amar to the sofa as she went inside was surprised to see Nithin sleeping in their room. It was just 7.15 and the only reason that came to her mind was that he had one too many than he could withstand. So that meant he was gone for the day and this sent a thrill up her spine.

Packing a small memento of little value she went to the sitting room and handing it to Amar asked 'what would you like to have coffee or juice.'

'Juice will be fine' replied Amar.

'I will get it,' saying this she went and returned back with a glass of juice.

Accepting the glass 'why don't you have some' he said.

'I will have a sip' saying this she took a sip and returned the glass back.

As Amar lifted the glass his gaze fell upon impression of Naina's lipstick struck on it. This made him turn the glass and when the impression was on his side, placing his lips on it he drank the juice.

'Do you like it' asked Naina as he finished the drink.

'It was fine' he replied.

'What did you like' she asked softly.

'Why the juice' replied Amar.

'I thought you liked something else' she said.

'What are you talking of' he asked a little puzzled.

'I thought you liked my lips' said Naina.

'What' asked a surprised Amar? How could she have seen it he thought and being caught red handed he said 'yes.'

Moving closer 'feel like kissing them' she whispered.

Amar was shocked and taking a deep breath 'yes' he uttered.

'Then I have check up whether he is asleep' replied Naina getting up.

'Who is asleep' asked a shocked Amar.

'My husband, he is sleeping in the bedroom' said Naina getting up and seeing that Amar was worried 'don't worry I will take care' saying this she went in and was back after shutting the bedroom door.

'Nothing to worry he is asleep' said Naina as she leaned on him.

Amar being excited with her closeness 'is it okay' he whispered.

'Yes I think you can kiss me' said Naina lifting her face.

As Naina lifted her face Amar was aroused. Instantly his hands caught her face and bringing it down he kissed her on her lips.

Naina was delighted to have been kissed on her lips. She was excited to be kissed while her husband was so close. Throwing all caution to the wind and leaning on him she kissed him back.

Amar was thrilled when Naina leaned on him and feeling her petite breasts against his chest he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately.

Naina was excited. Her body trembled and as he continued showering kisses she slowly parted the top of her sari revealing her cleavage 'like to feel it' she said.

Amar was mystified when his eyes fell on her exposed cleavage. Looking at her small breasts snuggled inside her blouse he was excited and when Naina said 'like to feel them' slipping a hand inside her blouse he went ecstatic.

Naina moaned as his hand invaded her blouse. Her body trembled as desires shot up and as Amar cupped her small breast over her bra and started caressing it 'do you want to see them' she asked.

Amar nodded his head while his eyes were riveted on her hand which was unhooking her blouse and when she set aside the flaps and exposed his eyes popped out on seeing her breasts hidden behind the black bra. Instantly his hands moved forward and lifting the cups of her bra he bared both her breasts. Her breasts were small but firm, her nipples tiny but erect and as he fondled them in his bare hands he heard her say 'kiss them Amar.'

Amar was thrilled to hear her words. Pushing Naina down on the sofa and moving over her he took her breast in his mouth. Naina was ecstatic when he came upon her, embracing him 'take them in your mouth, suck them' she screamed.

Naina moaned hard when Amar took her breast in his mouth and when his tongue started lapping her pert nipple, her body trembled with passion and unable to withstand it any longer she took hold of his hand and squeezing it between her thighs she came.

Amar felt her body underneath him convulse and knew she had cum. Thinking she would put an end to the play he held her in his arms and began to feel every part of her body insanely.

Naina knew he was getting impatient to feel her. His in experience was showing and taking advantage of Naina said 'want to feel it.'

'What' asked Amar anxiously?

'What your hand is searching for and that which is between my thighs' she asked biting his ear.

'Yes, yes I want to feel it' replied Amar caressing her thighs.

'Feel it or see it' she asked.

'I would like to see it too' he replied.

'You can on one condition' said Naina getting excited again.

'What is it' asked Amar pulling her sari out.

'I will show you provided you kiss me. . . . . .' she did not complete the sentence.

'Kiss you' he asked.

'Kiss me between my thighs' she said softly.

Amar was stunned to hear her words and as he tried pull her sari, Naina stalling him said 'you need not pull it, kiss me over it.'

Amar was again shocked and this time his cock started pulsating. Going down on the sofa he held her legs and parting them sat in-between. Seeing her naked breasts, her naked stomach and her naked waist line made his cock throb in his pants. As his eyes were feasting on her body his hand reached between her thighs and as it moved up, Naina crisscrossing her legs trapped his hand between her thighs.

Amar was enchanted to have his hand lodged between her hot thighs. Bending down he started kissing her thighs above her sari. The passion inside Naina's body started shooting up. Her body trembled and Amar taking advantage parted her legs and when his hand was released he continued kissing her on the insides of her thighs.

Naina bit her lips hard as she felt him kiss on her inner thighs. Her body thrashed and when she felt his face close to the spot she spread her legs wide. Amar's face slipped silently to the hot spot. He was excited on feeling her warm inner thighs under her sari and as he pushed his face deeper he was thrilled when his face felt her coarse pubic hair. As he had reached her cunt he started kissing it above her sari.

The moment Naina felt his face invade her cunt she exploded. Draping her legs over Amar's head and holding him captive she came. Amar's face being lodged between her warm thighs could feel the warmth and moistness of her cunt and as Naina struggled with her passion he dipped his face deeper between her thighs and ravished her cunt above her clothes.

Naina's body trembled with passion. While Amar continued kissing her cunt she slipped her hand down and taking hold of her sari and petticoat started pulling it up. Amar was enchanted when her thighs were being exposed. He had locked his sight on Naina's hand which was pulling the sari up revealing more and more of her thighs. Seeing her thighs being uncovered Amar's cock started to throb in his pants and when her pubic hair became visible his cock jerked and finally when her cunt was exposed to his naked eyes, seeing a grown up woman's cunt for the first time he shot his load inside his pants.

Naina after exposing her cunt for a few seconds pulled her sari back and said 'did you see it.'

'Yes' replied Amar whose body was perspiring.

'Had you seen any before' she asked for which he only managed to shake his head.

'Did you like what you saw' she asked feeling pleased that on it's his first sighting it had made him cum.

'I was enchanted by its sight' he replied looking down at his pants.

'Yes I know and I wonder . . . . . . .' she did not complete the sentence.

Amar could not understand what she was talking about. He looked at her.

'You know something you are very lucky' she said.

'Why' he asked gently.

'Because you have a well endowed mother' she said.

As Amar did not understand what she was saying, he looked at her.

'I mean your mother has a gorgeous figure. Her lips are so luscious, her breasts so full that you are lucky to have her as your mother and if you could happen to see her well stacked thighs and what is between them you would be fortunate I suppose. What do you like about her' she asked him suddenly.

Amar was aroused on hearing her describing his mother's body and though he was surprised by her question he replied 'her back, it is beautiful.'

'Yes her back is very beautiful and her buttocks, my, my they are very prominent and as you say the most alluring part it is obvious that you like them' she replied.

'Yes I do like her buttocks' replied Amar with some courage.

'You like her buttocks but have not touched them so sad' she said facing him.

Amar shook his head.

'You better feel those buttocks, touch them' said Naina.

He wanted to ask how but he could not. He was silent.

'You know she craves for you to touch them' said Naina.

He stared at her as if he could not believe her words.

'Yes. Don't you know? Don't you understand? She said moving closer.

'What do I don't understand' he asked her in a low tone.

'Your father, can you not understand how he is, or how he behaves' she asked.

'How does he behave, what does he do' he asked a little puzzled.

'I can only tell you what he does not' she said looking deep into his eyes.

Suddenly Amar understood what she meant. The bulky figure of his father splashed in front of his eyes. 'From when is he like that' he asked.

'May be right after you were born' she said waiting for his reply.

'And now' he asked.

'And now it is for you' she replied biting his ears.

'How will she react' he asked.

'Why don't you find it out' she said softly.

'What if she objects' he said?

'At first every woman does' replied Naina


'Then you would have a free passage' she said biting his ear.

'Are you sure' he asked getting up.

'Yes and I see that you are getting interested' she said.

'How do you know' he asked.

'Nothing is hidden from me' she replied and placing her hand on his growing prick 'not even this' saying it she pushed him out of her flat.

Amar stepped out of her flat a changed person. Having spent intimate moments with a married woman he felt as if he had grown up. Feeling tall he reached home and was pleased when his mother opened the door. Following her his eyes stole fleeting glances of her exquisite back and stepping in and seeing his father slumped on the sofa it upped his ante. He felt a new kind of excitement, thrill rush through his body and when he saw his mother in the kitchen he went towards her.

'What kept you so long' asked his mother grinning.

'Well it got late' he replied shyly.

'Why, what had she to offer you' she asked lifting her eyebrows.

'Nothing just a glass of juice' he replied.

'And it took you so long to have a glass of juice, is it' she asked trying to get an answer out of him.

'No it was not that' he replied knowing very well what she was baiting for.

'Why, was Nithin at home' she asked.

'Yes and No' he replied.

'What do you mean by Yes and No' she asked.

'I mean he was at home but he was asleep' he said.

Hearing his words Mayuri was excited. 'Then I can understand what took you so long to have a glass of juice. What were you two up to' she asked.

'Nothing we just sipped a glass of juice and kept chatting' he said.

'You had only one glass' she asked.

'Yes' he replied.

'And you kept it rotating between the two' she asked.

'Yes, we kept it rotating between us' he replied.

'Then you might have enjoyed drinking from the same glass' she asked.

'Yes, no' he stammered.

'Don't tell me a lie. I can very well understand' she said.

'I am not telling a lie' he replied blushingly.

She knew he would not disclose and changing the subject 'what were you discussing about' she asked.

'Mostly you' he replied happy that she had changed the subject.

'Ah! Come on, sitting beside each other with no one in sight you were discussing me. What were you discussing' she asked.

'She was telling me that you feel lonely these days' he said.

'How sweet and what did she suggest you to do' she asked gently.

'She asked me to take you out' he replied.

'What did you say' she asked.

'I told her we had been for an outing' he replied.

'You told her everything' she asked.

'I told her everything' he replied looking at her.

'What did she have to say' she asked with her head slightly bowed down.

'She said I was a fool' he replied.

This made her to open her eyes wide 'why did she say so?'

'She asked me to take you out on a date' he replied.

Hearing those words she was thrilled 'why, what happens on a date' she asked.

'You will know if you come' he said softly.

'Where do we have to go on a date' she asked in the same tone.

'To a movie or to a restaurant' he replied.

'No I don't want to go to a restaurant or to a movie' she replied.

'Where would you like to go' he asked her.

'Boating' she replied shyly.

'Okay we will go boating' he said getting thrilled at her suggestion.

'You better finish your dinner first' she said.

'You had yours' he asked looking at the plate.

'Yes I just finished. How long could I wait for you' she asked.

'Sorry I could not come sooner' he replied.

'It's okay. Have your diner' she said.

After finishing the meals as Amar washed his hands Mayuri moving closer wiped his face with the help of her sari.

'Ah! Thanks' said Amar who was touched by her act.

'You are welcome' saying it she made a face at him.

'You look beautiful' he replied seeing her making faces.

'Do you think I am beautiful' she asked.

'You are very pretty' he said.

'As if I am pretty' she said.

'Yes, you are pretty and you look stunning too' he said moving closer.

'Don't tell me? Don't I know the color of my skin' she said.

'For me you are most beautiful and having a dark complexion you look dazzling' he said.

Mayuri was delighted to hear his words and as he moved closer 'don't you think Naina is more adorable' she said.

'She is fair but you look gorgeous' he replied looking straight into her eyes.

'Do you think I am gorgeous' she asked getting excited by his words.

'Yes Not only are you gorgeous but you are more desirable than Naina' he replied. He did not know how those words came out and also did not know how he had gained strength to place his hands on her shoulders.

Mayuri was aroused when she heard those words and as he placed his hand on her shoulder she said 'Am I so desirable.'

'Yes you are. Why don't you kiss me' he said softly.

'What' exclaimed a shocked Mayuri?

'Kiss me' he repeated gripping her shoulders.

'Not here, he is there' she spoke softly.

'He cannot see' saying this he shielded her.

Mayuri felt a wild desire shoot up her body, a desire so strong that her body trembled. Pecking a kiss with her sizzling lips 'happy' she asked.

'Kiss me properly' replied Amar pinning her to the wall.

Being cornered Mayuri was in a playful mood and shaking her head said 'was it not enough.'

'No I want you to kiss me passionately' he said.

'And how is that' she asked opening her mouth.

'Lock your lips on mine and kiss hard' he said.

'What if he gets up' she asked looking over his shoulders.

'No he will not' he replied getting closer.

'Like Nithin not waking up at Naina's place' she asked.

'Yes, like that' he replied.

'You want me to kiss you like Naina did' she asked.

'Yes, kiss me like she. . . . ' he said and stared at her.

'So you she kissed you' she asked being aroused on having caught him.

'Yes' we did kiss.

'And what else did you two do' she asked coyly.

'I will tell you tomorrow when we go boating' he replied.


'I promise. Now kiss me' he said.

'Why, were you not content being kissed by her' she asked?

'It is different with you' he said.

'How is it different' she asked?

'Your lips are more promiscuous' he said.

'And' saying this she lifted her face up.

'You are different, you are my mother' he said.

When Mayuri heard him say 'you are different, you are my mother' she could not stall him any longer. Going on her heels she held his face in her hands and opening her mouth kissed his lips fervently. Amar was stunned having being kissed passionately by his mother and as he looked up 'now go' she said pushing him.

'Can I not kiss you back' he asked.

'You can kiss me tomorrow' she said.

'How about one' he asked.

'Why don't you understand....'

'What' he asked.

'He is there' she said.

'I know and that is why I want to kiss you' he said.

'My, my, do you mean it' she asked.

'Yes I mean it' saying it he pulled her to him.

'Oh! Amar, Amar' she called out his name struggling to come out of his arms.

'Give up' saying it he held her face and when his mother's eyes went wide with surprise, 'you have a beautiful face' saying it he slipped his tongue inside her mouth and ravished her lips with his kisses. Mayuri was dumbfounded when his tongue invaded her mouth and assaulted her insides. Coming out of his arms 'you are a rogue' she said.

'I don't know what took over me' he replied.

'I do understand' said his mother.

'It was after kissing Naina that I had the desire to kiss you' he said.

'Was her kiss so passionate' she asked.

'It was not the kiss, but kissing her in her house was' he said getting aroused.

'You were lucky' she said.

'Yes I was lucky' saying this he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushing her sari a little kissed her cleavage.

'Amar, Amar' she cried softly.

'What is it Mom' he asked nuzzling his face on her cleavage.

'He may call me' she said.

'No he has not finished his drink' he said pecking soft kisses on her cleavage.

'But he may dear' she said as she felt his body vibrate.

'I just want to' he said sliding his hands down on her back.

'Want to what' she asked encouraging him.

'Want to be close to you' he said holding her back tightly.

'Was it not enough' she asked brushing his hair?

'No, I want to feel you' he said bringing his hands on her waist.

'What did you feel now' she asked getting excited.

'Your waist' he said as his hands encircled her waist.

'And how does it feel' she asked.

'It's warm and so soft to feel' he replied as he felt his cock throbbing.

'When you have felt something warm and soft are you not satisfied' she asked as her body convulsed.

'I want to feel more' saying it he placed his hand on her buttocks.

'Amar Amar' as she cried, Amar caressing her buttocks pulled her to him and feeling her gorgeous body glued to his he shot in his pants.

Mayuri felt his body shudder and when he cooled down, moving out of his arms and smiling at him 'go' she said.

Amar went to his room in a state of bliss. He was glad that he had felt her buttocks. With that scene etched in his mind he went to bed.

Mayuri had no time to think about it is as she was tired lending support to her husband reach their room and it also resulted in her waking up late the next morning.

Next morning with both Amar and her husband out of the house Mayuri recalled what had taken place. She was happy that she was getting closer and closer to her son and she looked forward for the evening.

She looked forward for the evening as she had agreed to go boating, not boating but she had agreed to go out on a date. What would happen was what that was playing in her mind. Thinking about it her body sizzled and sometimes she got cold feet too. Pondering over it she passed the day looking forward for the evening.

Evening came and so did Amar and on seeing his mother ready he went to his room and changed in a flash. Mayuri was pleased to see him back and soon they boarded a cab to reach the lake.

It was only after sitting in the boat that Amar looked at his mother. She looked radiant with her hair flying across her face and looked glowing as she was wearing a light blue colored sari which complimented her dark skin tones.

He started pedaling the boat as the wind started blowing across. At first it made her hair fly and she looked beautiful and when the wind grew stronger it heaved the top of her sari exposing her bosom. It was then that Amar was delighted to see her exposed cleavage and his eyes were glued on her bosom waiting for the wind to blow again.

'What's there that's so attractive' asked his mother seeing him staring at her bosom not knowing her cleavage was exposed.

'The material of your blouse' he replied.

'What about it' she asked.

'It is very light' he replied.

'So what if it is light' she asked.

'It looks good' he replied.

'So do you any plans' she asked as she worn light colored sari and blouse purposefully.

'What would my poor mind think of' he asked her.

'Sprinkle water on me' she asked.

Why should I sprinkle water when so much is already visible he thought and said 'No I would like to be a good boy?'

'For how long would you stay being good' she asked moving closer.

'Till the winds keep blowing' he replied softly.

'What has wind to do with it' she asked a little surprised.

'The wind is helping me' he uttered the words softly.

'How is it helping you' she asked in the same tone.

'Doing, what water could not do' he said slipping a hand on her waist and grabbing her.

'And what is wind doing that water could not do and what has made my son go silent' she asked.

'It is playing hide and seek with you. Whenever it wants to feel yours breasts it blows and whenever it does not it keeps cool. Now he is in a mood to feel your breasts, see for yourself' he said staring at her exposed bosom.

It was then Mayuri felt her sari being drifted and when she looked down she was thrilled to see her own breasts swarming out. She should not have worn such a low cut blouse she thought but how could she know it would be windy, 'You are damn lucky' she said.

'Yes I am lucky' he replied holding her.

'So that was what kept you busy, I was wondering why you were silent' she said.

'I was waiting to see what I could not the see other day' he said.

'What you could not see the other day you want to see today. Are you are not ashamed of it' she asked moving her face close to his.

'Why should I be ashamed to see something that is so fascinating' he replied gripping her shoulders.

'Were you able to see much' she asked moving her face close to his.