There had been something of a difficult atmosphere at home recently, no arguments or anything; I did not know what the problem was, my Dad seemed so quiet and stressed, not his usual chirpy self, he had recently been ill with some heart problem, and he appeared to be ok now and was on medication. Mum also seemed affected she was putting on a happy face and trying to be cheerful and act as normal as possible. It was normally such a happy home; I loved them both and hated to see them in this sort of mood. It was getting to me so I had decided to go out with a few friends, nowhere special just a movie and a pizza.

We live in a small village in Essex where everybody knows everybody else and of course each other's business so we had gone to the local town for our night out. I got home at around eleven thirty and was surprised to see my Dad in the living room on his own drinking, which was quite unusual he was not a big drinker, although he did have an occasional tipple and always with Mum. However, this time she had gone to bed, he had had a couple, although he was far from drunk and was quite lucid.

"Hi Dad you ok?" I asked him.

"Oh hi Jon, I'm fine thanks, grab a beer from the fridge and join me."

Well that was unusual, although I did have and a beer with him sometimes, it was not usual at this time of night. I sat on the sofa opposite Dad and took a sip of my beer. He was quiet for a couple of seconds, I waited for him to speak, and he was fidgeting with his glass and obviously had something on his mind.

"Jon I am sure you have noticed a little tension just recently, I apologise for that."

"No worries Dad" I answered interrupting him.

He smiled at me weakly, "you're a good lad Jon, but there are worries, you are twenty one now and man enough to hear what I have got to tell you,"

He took another sip of his whisky, took a deep breath and continued.

"Since my illness there are certain things I cannot do any more,"

"Dad I will do all I can, to help you know that," I said interrupting him.

"That's kind of what I was hoping," he chuckled, "but please hear me out this is going to be very hard for me."

He looked into his glass and was obviously searching for the right words.

"I have not been able to get an erection for quite some time now," he blurted out. "I am not sure if the medication is affecting me or that my illness has had an adverse and unexpected side effect."

I was pleased that he found me man enough to talk to, but I was embarrassed at what I had been told and swallowed hard.

"Your Mother has been very understanding and has very loving and patient," he pointed out. "But I know she misses sex badly."

Dad was now blushing and was finding this confession hard work."

I thought about what he had said and tried to reassure him, but I was also embarrassed at his confession and what he had said about Mum.

"I am sure it will all come good just be patient and try not to worry." I said trying to reassure him.

He waved his hand in a gesture of defeat,

"The doctor said that he was not sure about my recovery and that it probably never will recover at all."

He looked thoughtfully into his glass again as if hoping to find an answer to his problem there.

"I know that a son should not hear things like this about his Mother, but life and people go on the same, even after they have had children."

He paused and looked at me, "Your Mother is a very sexual person she really loves making love, she will do it at the drop of a hat, or should that be trousers," he chuckled.

"She would never refuse me at all, she really likes sex, more than that she adores it and although I try to satisfy her in other ways it is not the same for her, I have even brought her a dildo. I know she misses the feel of,"

He looked away for a second this was becoming very difficult for him, he was a proud man and this admission was hurting him.

"I know she misses the feel of a stiff penis," he said, "oh fuck lets say it as it is after all we are both grown men, she misses a good hard cock." He stressed.

I was shocked into silence as Dad described Mums personal habits and thoughts of her getting fucked came into my mind I tried to ignore them. I had always acknowledged that she is a good-looking woman for fortyish, very slim with a nice figure, but I have never looked on her in any way sexual before.

"I am embarrassed Dad" I replied.

"I know Jon," he answered softly, "this must be difficult for you, but we have always been mates and you are the only sensible one and logically the only person that can really help."

I lifted my eyebrows in surprise; I had no idea at all what I could do to help them in this situation.

"Do you find your Mother attractive, or is she repulsive to you?" he asked.

I was taken aback by the suddenness of the question "That's a strange question to ask,"

I paused and considered my words, she is a very", "pretty lady, and she has a nice looking body,"

I answered going red with shame at speaking about her in those terms. Dad smiled at me.

"Yes she is isn't she, and she could pull any man in this village if she wanted to."

I nodded agreement, my eyes downcast and not looking at him.

"I want you to know that I love her dearly and she loves me, it's for that reason that I am talking to you now." He explained quietly.

"I want your Mother to get what she has been missing, she needs to be satisfied."

I jerked my head up and looked at him with surprise, "you want Mum to take a lover, is that what you are telling me?" my voice sounded sharp and angry.

"Well sort of, but please hear me out before you form any rash opinions of me." He said.

"This village is so small that if she was to do that it would soon get about and I would hate that, for her to get a bad reputation and sully the family's good name."

He shifted to the edge of his seat, "it has to be someone who is totally discreet, a person that loves her and can give her the affection she seeks."

He shifted his eyes back to his empty glass and poured himself another small shot; I took a slug of my beer.

"Let me tell you a secret, your Mother has always had a fantasy, and that is to be sexually dominated by a man, perhaps even more than it may be a real desire. She would want to be his sort of slave to be at his beck and call and do his bidding."

I sat open mouthed as dad continued to talk about mum like this.

"I was never able to totally fulfil that for her in that way, so it has to be someone that can be like that for her, someone who can grow into the role, but to do it with the love he feels for her."

"Christ Dad where do you hope to find some one like that." I asked him with a touch of anger still in my voice.

He sat back in his chair, "there is only one person that has all those qualities," he answered looking me in the eye, "There is only one person who can help me and more importantly help your Mother," he answered in a whisper.

Then a little louder with confidence in his voice, "That person is you."

I sprang to my feet in total surprise looking down at him; he was sitting impassively in his chair watching me. I was red; perhaps with a touch of anger, but certainly in surprise and shock. Did my Dad just ask me to take Mum as my lover, I asked myself. I paced around the room trying to get my head around this weird conversation it was incredulous more like a dream than reality.

"I could not do that Dad, you know I couldn't she is my Mother for Christ sake, it's illegal as well it would be incest." I stressed. "Anyhow Mum might baulk at the idea of her son fucking her." I ranted on not knowing what to say.

She is a gorgeous woman no doubt about that, I thought, but I had never entertained thoughts like that before.

"Sit down Jon," he told me.

I sat back down and looked at him "Before you judge me hear me out. I know that you love her already and that she trusts and loves you as well; it's just because of your love of the family."

"I know that you would certainly be discreet and I know your Mother will love it once she has considered it and weighed all the options, being cared for and loved by a man who she knows already loves her. She would see the romance in her hansom son coming to her in her time of crisis"

Again he was silent for a second then said quietly. "Especially once you have made her yours and taken control of her and her body."

I was amazed and could not believe we were having this conversation he went on to say.

"She would still be my wife and I know we would still love each other, only in a different way. I would accept that she would be your woman and if you treat her the way I have suggested, she will never refuse you. As you can see she has a great body but so have you and I know your mum has spotted it."

"You have the youthful energy to please her and the personality to take charge of her; it is the perfect solution. We would, sort of share her, with you being the major shareholder, believe me you will make me very happy and I promise you that she will be extremely happy as well."

He looked at me seriously, "It may even save the marriage. I do not think she would leave me, but you never know what she might do as she grows more desperate."

With a tinge of sadness in his voice he said, "It has been about many months since we had proper sex and she is already getting nervy and irritable. Please Jon just think about it."

He asked his voice sort of pleading. "If you do this for us it would always need to be our secret, it would always stay within these walls nobody would ever need to find out."

"What or where would you be in all of this?" I asked pointedly.

"I would be a part of a truly loving family, more loving than most in fact. I would be just as I am now only happier, knowing that Susie is happily fulfilled and that my son is taking care of her." He answered seriously.

I was starting to settle down now and was thinking straight again.

"Dad, this is very important tell me how would you feel about me fucking my Mother, your wife are you sure that you could cope with that?"

Then with concern in my voice I said. "You could get very jealous it will be a very emotional time for you both, I do not want to cause any pain to either of you."

Dad looked seriously at me and replied.

"Thank you for showing the concern. Of course I would be mad with envy and jealousy if it was anybody else but you. I think and I hope that I have considered all the problems and possible scenarios."

"You are the only man I could ever trust to treat her right, believe me Jon when I say that your Mum needs you believe me."

Dad looked at me his eyes seemed to be trying to read my mind for an answer.

"Once you have taken her and dominated her you may at times need to tell me to do things, sort of order me about and speak to me in ways that you would not dream of now, this would impress upon her that you are now in control and that she is now your woman."

"It will be necessary at times and I know I will be her and your cuckold, I also know neither of you will be cruel. I will not be offended or hurt I promise, I just want her happiness. I do not want to lose her, but am happy to surrender her and all my rights to you in order to make her happy."

He paused and appeared deep in thought. "I have given this lots and lots of thought Jon and it is what I would really like, it would solve our dilemma nicely." He whispered.

I was sitting back in the chair still recovering from the shock and thinking about what Dad had asked me to do, the more I thought about it the more I could see Dads point of view. We, the family including Mum I suspect certainly didn't want her to get a bad name in the village, but if she is as sex mad as Dad has suggested the poor woman needs someone to cater for her needs, I could see what he was saying and could understand where he thought their may be a problem.

However her being my Mum still gave me serious doubts about me being able to fuck her and the success of Dads idea may then be in the balance, but I could also see why he thinks it would solve his problem and Mums problem I guess.

"Have you spoken about this with Mum," I asked.

He shook his head, "no, I wanted to approach you first and see what you think, I didn't want to raise her hopes." He leaned forward in his chair and spoke earnestly.

"You do see my problem and I hope understand my thinking. It will still be in the family, her body and her desires will be yours, solely yours for your pleasure and more importantly hers." Then he said sadly, "I would still like the occasional intimate moments with her though.

"Look dad cant you try another doctor or some alternative therapy, there must be another way." I urged.

He smiled weakly at me "I knew you were a good lad and would do all you could to try to talk me out of it. The truth is however that I have had a second opinion and tried alternative medicine, but things were just the same."

"Believe me," he stressed, "I tried everything I could before taking this course of action. You may be a last resort for me Jon, but you are the best option by far. I love and trust you; I would not have asked you to do this for us if I thought otherwise."

I was feeling sorry for my old man, I knew that this was extremely hard for him; it would be for any man.

"Christ Dad I don't know what to say, it's a bit of a shock, but we must consider Mums feelings first and foremost we can't just dole out her body and emotions like this, she may be totally disgusted at the thought of me," I paused with embarrassment, "well, you know," I stammered.

Dad chuckled at my embarrassment "you are right, but I know her well, eventually she will see you as the answer to a prayer, her son who loves her and would be the epitome of discretion she could let herself go with confidence."

He grinned, "she may well come around to the idea given time and temptation, you know the sort of thing letting her accidentally on purpose see you naked, letting her see you with a hard on. Even maybe let her see you wanking at a time that you know she will catch you, just tease her in any way you can."

He went on enthusiastically, "you can even get a little more touchy and feely with her, sort of put yourself in the shop window, and then when she has seen you enough like that I am sure she will start getting hotter for you."

"We can then, or I can if you prefer tell her of my plans for her happiness."

I started to think of my Mother in ways I never had before and in truth should not be now. However, I had often enough ogled women of her age and on the odd time even tried to chat them up and in truth; my Mum was better looking than most of those women.

"I am still not sure Dad, I would be pleased to help, Mum is gorgeous and I would normally take an offer like this with open arms, but, well you know, it's Mum." I tried to explain.

"I do understand your problem, honest I do," he replied. "But that makes it all so perfect, she loves you already, just not on that physical level yet, but she will I assure you." He promised.

"Jon," he went on quietly, "often I let your mother go up to bed before me so that she can satisfy herself, I think she gets a little shy about it and does not want me to know that she masturbates so often, I think she feels it would be bad for my ego and do me even more harm."

He nodded towards the bedroom upstairs, "I left the door slightly open tonight, go upstairs very quietly, and look through the gap, the dressing table mirror will give you a bird's eye view of the bed. Go and see what I mean about her needs, just see how beautiful she is naked, check her out Jon, but for Gods sake don't let her hear you."

I could not believe that Dad was inviting me to spy on my Mum as she used a dildo on herself it was a totally weird conversation.

"Go on Jon, go and see what I mean." He encouraged me.

I stood slowly up, nodded at him kicked my shoes off and crept very silently upstairs, I could not resist the opportunity any longer to see her like that. I made my way to the bedroom door, which as Dad had said was open a few inches, I peered cautiously into the room and there reflected in the mirror was my mother, knees raised and spread wide.

She was furiously fucking herself with a large dildo it was moving easily in and out of her cunt, her eyes were clamped shut and she was pushing up on her feet raising herself up to meet its thrusts, she was moaning quietly. Her body looked fabulous with the light film of perspiration making it shine in the light, she had a near perfect figure, and her tits were not over large, just beautiful.

My cock stiffened quickly as I watched her and for the first time I was having incestuous thought of my Mother. I stayed and watched for a while as she unknowingly displayed her body for me. I crept just as quietly downstairs and back to the living room Dad was all smiles,

"Well I can see that you saw her and that you liked it," he said with a grin nodding towards my tenting trousers.

I went beetroot red with embarrassment. "Oh sorry Dad" I mumbled.

"Don't apologise," he smiled "it's what I was hoping would happen, it means you find her attractive in ways you never did before and that this plan has a chance of working."

Then with some shyness he said, "It looks like you have a reasonable package there, may I ask you how big you are."

Now it was my turn to be shy and ill at ease I coughed,

"About seven and a half or eight inches" I replied quietly,

Dad grinned, "Believe me son she will love it that's such a good size, about an inch or so more than me."

He opened a drawer in the cabinet and pulled out an envelope.

"Well what do you think, are you up for it?"

He looked at the package in his hands and was thoughtful,

"I don't want to sound pushy or disrespectful to your Mum, but this really is important to me, and it will be to your Mum when she is yours."

I nodded at him and toasted him with my beer.

"You must be the most loving and caring husband there is, to think of her needs above your own, to put your pride to one side like you have and ask me to do this for you must have taken a lot of courage. Now I know why I love and respect you, I hope I grow into half the man you are." I whispered not being used to giving such compliments to my Dad.

We hugged and shook hands it was an emotional moment.

Still unbelieving of what had been said and happened I was still a little confused by the suddenness of it all.

In a pensive tone I whispered. "Dad Mum is gorgeous and as much as I would love to have her as you suggest, but I need to think about it a little more."

He smiled at me, "that's the sort of answer I expected from you, not taking advantage of the situation. Just thinking about what's right. Of course you need to think it through."

Passing me the envelope he added, "These are for you to look through to help you decide. I opened the package and there were about a dozen photos of Mum naked and in some very naughty poses, I looked him in the eye and he smiled at me, I returned his smile,

"Thanks Dad, she is beautiful." He grinned "Yes son she is." He mumbled.

"Tell you what lets test the water tonight, see how she reacts to seeing you near naked" he said enthusiastically.

"Why don't you take your trousers off and pretend to be asleep on the sofa, leave the table light on." He added, "I will ask your Mother to fetch me a glass of water, but will warn her that you had a couple of beers and fell asleep and I hope that looking at those pictures may make you stiff."

"There is a good chance that she will see your cock and if its stiff so much the better. I will let you know in the morning how she reacted. That may help you in your decision making."With a sudden jolt in my tummy I agreed, my pulse quickened as I removed my shoes trousers and lie down on the sofa. Dad wished me goodnight and thanked me for listening and for being so understanding. He was right the photos did give me a hard on.

I heard the bedroom door open, I twisted my boxers to the side as if I had shifted in my sleep, I pulled my stiff cock from the side so as to make it look like it had come out as I turned, I half closed my eyes so as to look asleep, she would never tell in this light that they were not fully closed.

Mum appeared in a short nightdress, when she saw me she stopped in her tracks and put her hand to her mouth in shock, my cock twitched as I realised that she was looking at it. She stood very still and was unable it seemed to take her eyes from my throbbing cock, it was a very erotic moment for me, for the first time ever I just wanted to grab her and fuck her. She rubbed her breast with her right hand and took half a step towards me as if for a better view, then she turned and hurried to the kitchen. On the way back to bed and before going back upstairs she stopped and looked at me again and looking back once more as she climbed the stairs.

I had the feeling that judging by the way she looked at me that maybe she liked her sons cock. I let her get settled and then crept up to my room, I collapsed onto my double bed and spread myself, my cock was throbbing and for the first time I fantasized about my Mother as I wanked.

"Here's you glass of water" said Susie as she returned to the bedroom, she felt flushed and a little flustered, she had just seen her son's cock and it looked lovely nice and hard and quite big. She was a little disgusted at herself thinking like that about her son, but tried to justify her thoughts by adding that since Ken's illness she had not seen one stiff and that she really missed it.

Sure Ken was loving and very considerate in other ways, but she did miss being penetrated by hot hard flesh, oh, god she thought I am thinking such nasty and slutty things recently. She climbed into bed next to her husband.

"Is everything ok love" he asked watching her face and looking for a reaction.

He noted that she was a little flushed. "Oh. Yes, yes fine," she stammered. Pull yourself together woman she told herself.

"Was Jon still there, did you check him to make sure he was ok," he asked pointedly.

"Yes I looked at him he is fine," she answered her voice a tad shaky.

Ken smiled to himself; time to probe a little more he thought. "What's the matter Sue, you do look a little red and flustered?"

She turned towards him and kissed him on the cheek, took his hand and placed it between her legs, "please bring me off darling," she whispered as she spread her thighs.

Ken started to caress her love lips and to push into her, she was absolutely soaking; he found her clit and started to gently caress it. Susie moaned quietly.

"My you are very wet and turned on what bought this about," he asked.

But having a good idea already of what had made her so horny. She could not get the vision of Jon's big cock out of her mind, it was only a fleeting glimpse in the half-light, but she had not seen a hard cock for ages. She hated the idea that it was her sons, but she was unable to control her thought process. As Ken thrust two fingers into her she pushed against them, he whispered into her ear.

"Tell me lover, tell me what has made you so hot."

She was now getting close to her orgasm, but she tried to retain her moral stance, she could not tell her husband what had made her so horny.

"Come on baby let me in on your secret, why are you suddenly so excited," he whispered.

She sighed deeply as his fingers worked their magic, "Jon" she gasped, "it's Jon."

"What about him" asked Ken pushing home his advantage?

"God this sounds awful, but it was his cock it was hanging out the side of his pants."

Ken smiled broadly, this may be easier than he had thought, and if it all worked out she would soon be truly happy he thought.

"You have seen it before" he teased,

She looked at him through glazed eyes, they had never kept any secrets from each other, but this just seemed so bad.

"Yes, but never hard before and it was not as big then." She whispered shyly.

Ken cheered to himself, "did you like it, was it nice to look at," he whispered into her ear as seductively as possible.

He was now rubbing his thumb over her clit as he pushed into her, "ooh yes it was lovely," she drawled.

"Did you want to touch it, to feel it in your hands?" he continued to tease her,

"God forgive me, but yes I did, I wanted to feel it throbbing in my hands."

Now to really test her he thought just to see just how turned on she really was, he pushed his fingers as deep into her as he could and stirred them around, pushing and pulling his fingers into her.

"Just imagine that these fingers are Jon's cock and he is pushing into you, go on baby visualise it."

He felt her muscles clamp on his digits. "Oh god, so good, " she wailed, "but he's my son, I cant," she protested weakly.

He spurred her on, "would you like him to fuck you Susie, to feel his to feel his manhood sliding into your hot and wet cunt?"

"Oh yes" she breathed out passionately, "it would be so good."

Ken was excited for her, "then go with the fantasy baby, just imagine that this is his cock feel how hard it is for you, his balls are slapping your arse as he fucks you, your juices are flowing over his nice, hard stiff cock as it thrusts into you."

She let out a long moan, "yes oh yes that's it fuck me Jon, fuck me hard it's been so long, make me cum for you Jon, make Mummy cum on your cock." She panted.

She knew she was being really nasty, but she was so turned on she didn't care it spurred her on and she started her orgasm, her inner muscles clamped onto his fingers and spasms racked her body,

"I'm cumming Jon, don't stop." She pleaded.

It had been a long time since she had cum this hard, thought Ken, he now knew that he had been right about the possibly of her accepting Jon as her lover, although only in fantasy at the moment. However, it also proved to him that his plan was sound and that it had a fifty, fifty chance of succeeding, he hoped so.

"So you would really like our son to fuck you then," he asked her, to plant the seed in her mind.

"Oh yes," she answered in her lust, "oh god yes it would be so good, that hard young cock fucking me," she gasped between spasms.

Now he got a little nastier, "and would you suck it clean afterwards if he told you too," she nodded at him unable to talk as she came down from her climax, "yes, oh fuck yes I would willingly." She admitted.

Ken was highly delighted Susie had only just glimpsed Jon's cock once and she was as turned on and excited by it as he had seen her for ages. He was surprised at just how frustrated she must be. He was so happy that she was thinking about her son in that way, it meant there was a chance of success, he was desperate to see her truly happy again and judging by her thoughts and actions just now she soon would be, providing that Jon was happy to go with the plan.

Susie was now down from her climax and the reality of what she had said and thought was coming home to her. How could she fantasise about her son in that way, it is awful and depraved, it is also incest how could she have sunk so low. She turned her back on her husband to embarrassed to face him and started to sob, her shame and embarrassment flowing as tears down her face.

"What's the matter Susie," he asked with genuine concern.

She buried her face in her hands, "you must hate me thinking about our son in such an awful way, what mother would do such a dreadful thing," she sobbed.

He cuddled her close feeling her pain and spoke soothingly into her ear, "remember you are a loving mother, who has suffered a great deal recently, of course I don't hate you for that, and I love you for it."

He opened up a little to her about some of his concerns and thoughts,

"I love you for admitting to me that you have desires and if I am honest I would rather you think about Jon that way than some stranger who we don't know or trust."

Her sobs slowed, "I know how difficult it is for you with me being unable to make love to you, and I know you must be a little frustrated. If it helps you like this then you can keep peeping at his cock and fantasise about him just as much as you like."

She turned and cuddled him close, "You are such a loving man Ken and so understanding, but it just doesn't seem right, me getting so excited by my own son."

He smiled at her confession, "well I truly do not see a problem with it at all, we are in our own home, nobody knows but you and me. What happens in this house is nobody's business but ours, so just go ahead and enjoy it."

She had a feeling of genuine love and concern from her husband,

"I love you so much, but it feels now as if I have cheated on you, I feel sort of dirty." She mumbled.

Ken hugged her tighter, now time to plant another seed he thought. "Well Sue, if you was ever going to cheat I would like it to be with our son."

She looked curiously at him her eyes open wide with surprise.

"He loves you and you love him and there is nothing dirty about family love; however it's shown or demonstrated." He told her.

"My" she said, "So you really are not angry with me?"

Ken smiled as she relaxed, "no of course not, not at all. Now that you are not as excited or turned on and are thinking clearly be honest with me, did you really like Jon's cock, tell me truthfully," he pleaded.

She hugged him closer, "I feel embarrassed saying this to you Ken, but yes I did like it,"

"What was nice about it then, maybe we can use the fantasy again?" he asked as lovingly as he could, as he did not want to spook her.

She blushed as she spoke, "it was sticking up so proud and so hard and it looked very large. It jerked a couple of time as I stood there; it was as if it was calling me over. It was lucky he was asleep and not watching me admiring it. God the thought of him being awake and seeing me looking at him gave me a perverse thrill," she mumbled.

Ken felt as if half of his plan was there already, she liked what she saw, its now only convincing her that Jon is the right person to please her.

"Would you like to see it again then?" He gently asked her, she was silent for a while, but he did not push her.

"It wouldn't be right Ken would it? I mean he is our son."

"Well he is probably passed out now so he would never know, let me go and check on him." Susie nodded; her tummy was knotted with nervous energy.

Ken went into Jon's room and shook him gently he opened his eyes.

"Hi what's up," he asked

"I will tell you in the morning more fully," he said urgently, "but I think your Mother wants another look at your manhood, pretend to be out cold from the booze and do and say nothing."

Jon nodded the excitement returning. Ken was back in his own room, "He is in his own bed and out for the count nothing will wake him, do you want to go and have a closer look at him?"

Susie was feeling really nervous she nodded yes.

"Come on Susie, tell me what you want tell me what it is you want to do."

She was taken aback by Ken's words, but she also loved a man telling her what to do and his manner excited her, if only he had been more like this over the years she thought. She took a deep breath and quietly admitted to her husband,

"Ken I know it's so wrong, but I want to go and get a good look at Jon's cock I want to see it properly,"

Ken took her hand and led her to Jon's room, "then you shall see it" he whispered.

I tried to give the impression of being asleep when they entered. Ken turned on the table light and directed the beam at the bed, "ready" he asked,

Sue nodded and Ken pulled back the quilt, Jon's cock was bathed in light, it was really stiff and jutting out from him, Susie gasped and stared at it.

"Jesus It's hard" she said as she felt the juices start to seep from her fanny.

"He is probably dreaming of a nice woman," Ken answered,

"Get closer he won't wake up," he assured her.

Susie took a nervous step towards her son; she had an overwhelming urge to touch it to feel its hardness. She looked wide-eyed at her husband, who sensed her desire,

"Get onto your knees, and get closer to it." He instructed her.

She knelt right next to the bed, her body felt alive as she studied this gorgeous cock.

"Do you like the look of it then, is it as good as you thought?" she nodded her head.

"Tell me then Sue," she was staring at the cock as she answered,

"God it's so beautiful, really gorgeous, so hard and strong, he will please some woman some day with that," she whispered.

"You are right and you will be surprised at who that woman will be," he replied, Sue looked curiously at him but let it pass.

"Touch it Susie, be gentle mind, but just feel it," he encouraged her.

I was going crazy hearing the comments my mother made and now she was going to feel me and touch my cock, I was close to cumming and hoped I wouldn't. Susie was in a quandary she wanted to feel it to experience its hardness, but she was his mother it just was not right. Ken knew what her dilemma was so he knelt beside her.

"Tell you what why don't you give him a treat, push two fingers into your cunt and get them all wet with your juices,"

Susie did as instructed; Ken heard her juices squishing about and knew she was once again heavily turned on. She allowed him to take her hand and rub her sticky fingers over Jon's lips; his tongue came out and licked her fingers clean. She was amazed that he did that and at the same time, she saw his cock jerk upwards.

"Even in his sleep he loves your taste, look how his cock throbs for you, just stoke it, it will give you more realism in our future fantasies," Ken urged her quietly.

This was as much to persuade Jon, as it was to persuade her he thought. Susie tentatively stretched out her hand and let the tips of her fingers gently run up his shaft. I could not help it I groaned at her touch. She recoiled,

"Don't worry he is still asleep," Ken reassured her.

Without any prompting, she stretched her hand again and this time held it, wrapping her fingers around his throbbing shaft. "Oh may god forgive me," she muttered, "but this feels so nice,"

"You like the feel of it then darling?" ken asked excitedly.

Susie nodded, "I know I may go to hell for this, but god help me it's gorgeous, it feels so alive as it twitches and jerks in my hand."

She smiled up at her husband, "he won't know will he, I would be mortified and could never face him again if he knew I was fondling his beautiful cock."

Ken looked on as she tightened her grip, her eyes wide with lust.

"No he will not know, he will think he had an erotic dream, that's all."

"Oh good I would really hate him to find out,"

She sighed as she cupped his balls with her other hand and squeezed them gently. It was all I could do to remain still. Susie started to rub his cock up and down, she loved the feel of it so soft and yet so hard, she had never seen a cock as good and as big. It was even bigger than her husbands was when he was fit,

"If only he wasn't my son," she murmured, ken heard her and let a smile of satisfaction cross his face.

She saw a drop of pre-cum leaking from the eye, looking at Ken she bent her head and swirled her tongue around his glans sweeping up the fluid, she gently kissed the top and then lifted her head, she looked at her husband,

"Sorry I should not have done that," she apologised.

Ken was in heaven this was going much better than he could ever have dreamed possible.

"No problems darling it will all add to the realism for us," he said telling a little white lie.

As Sue sat there holding her sons cock she said, "We had better go before I get to attached to this monster."

She pulled it one last time and much to her surprise spunk jetted from it, it went high into the air and landed on her hands and his chest, she was mesmerised and shocked but by force of habit she rubbed him a couple of more times, rope after rope of his sticky man juice spurted from his spewing cock. It caused Sue to have a mini orgasm and she clamped her legs together, then bringing her hand to her mouth she licked the spunk from her fingers, She suddenly jumped up and ran from the room,

"Oh god what have I done" she sobbed.

I opened my eyes and saw Dad there, "fuck me I am so sorry Dad, I tried to control myself, but it was just too much." Ken ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry son anybody would have cum given the situation, it may even work to our advantage, that is if you want in on our scheme."

Dad and I looked at each other, "are you really sure Dad that you want this?" I asked him,

Ken smiled and knew his son was going to do as he had asked him, "do you think I would have bought her in here and watched her wank you if I wasn't sure?" he answered with a huge grin.

I reached for the tissues, "no I suppose not" I grinned, "well you can count on me Dad, I will do what I can, but remember in the end it will be Mums choice."

Ken was overjoyed; with luck his wife would be the happy and contented woman she normally is.

He clasped my hand, "thanks son, you don't know how happy you have made me. I realise your Mother needs to agree, but I think we are halfway there already, talk to you more fully in the morning."

I drifted into a fitful sleep grateful that tomorrow was Saturday and I did not need to get up early. Susie was lightly sobbing in bed when Ken joined her; he wrapped his arms around her and whispered,

"Come on Susie don't be upset honey, there was no harm done, he does not know it's our secret and what we do is up to us after all we are in our own home."

He tried to make light of it "I expect you did him some good he must have been storing that load up for ages." He said with a chuckle.

She looked up at him with red rimmed eyes, "but Ken that's our son, I have just made my son ejaculate," she protested,

"I wanked him off for Christ sake, I must be really perverted because I enjoyed it, I loved seeing him cum and feeling his cock in my hand," she said feeling her frustration.

She raised her voice a bit. "Do you fucking hear me, I wanted to do that to him, god I am so sick." She sobbed again.

He pulled her a little tighter into and wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair.

"You are not sick or perverted, if we are honest with each other, you are frustrated by the lack of cock and its my fault, so obviously when you see a nice one you are bound to be tempted." He told her.

"You don't know how glad I am that it was Jon's and some strangers in the back of a car somewhere."

Then his tone rising a bit trying to be more forceful added. "Now be honest with me you are a little frustrated aren't you, I can tell by your moods."

She was silent and had stopped crying, she wiped her eyes on a tissue.

"Its not your fault, you could not help getting ill and I will not have you talking like that I love you. I suppose I am a little edgy and moody, I do miss you fucking me its true, but what I did just now was out of order and very wrong."

"I should not have even held my sons cock, let alone watch him cum, he was asleep and that was taking advantage of him and that was so bad."

Ken smiled at her; she was still upset, but seemed a little better now

"I love you as well," he reassured her, "that's why I did not stop you getting your little pleasure just now, and it must have been good for you feeling a hard cock again. I can not imagine how frustrated you must feel being deprived."He paused and looked at her "If he being asleep bothers you so much, shall I go and wake him up and tell him his Mother wants to give him a hand job." He was laughing as he spoke, but he would have done it if she said yes. She playfully slapped his chest, "you will do no such thing mister," she said joining in his laughter.The Morning After

Susie woke up first the memories of last nights behaviour with her son came back to her, she was still worried about her reactions to his body and how excited she became, it seemed so unreal somehow and she was dreading seeing him this morning. As it was a Saturday they all tried to eat together, that was going to be difficult she thought, I will have to have to face him, but he is not aware of what happened, she thought, so why should I worry, but she did and despite her best efforts she still had fleeting visions of Jon's cock popping into her mind. She climbed out of bed and went for a shower.

Ken heard her get up and started to wake himself up he stretched and then relaxed. He was pleased that he had had the courage to speak to Jon and explain his problems; he had reacted with great maturity, understanding the issues and offering advice. It was good that he was reluctant at first it showed that he loved and respected his parents, many blokes would have just fucked this good-looking woman and not considered the consequences, but Jon was concerned and tried to offer alternatives. In fact, he was not sure at one stage if Jon would come around to his plans at all.

Susie came back from the bathroom; Ken went and kissed her,

"Good morning sexy," he greeted her.

She blushed thinking he was referring to last night. "Morning" she replied taking her robe from the chair putting them on.

She had always cooked breakfast dressed like that, Saturday breakfast was always casual, and she then got dressed once they had eaten.

"I will go and put the kettle on and start breakfast," she told him.

"Ok, I will call Jon." Ken replied.

Dad came into my room just as I was waking up; he came and sat on my bed,

"Good morning Jon,"

"Hi Dad" I said returning his greeting.

"Are you still of the same mind today or have things changed overnight," I asked.

Dad looked at me, "I have spent many weeks and hours thinking about my problem and how best to make and keep your Mum happy, so I am not about to alter course now."

"How about you, are you still happy about it?"

It was an awkward moment for me I fidgeted with the bedclothes trying to avoid the question. I was embarrassed to tell Dad that I was still happy to fuck my Mother; it's not something you do every day. Dad was silent and waited for my answer,

"I want to help Dad, I could see by the way she reacted to my penis last night that you were right" I was still too embarrassed to say the word cock although penis sounded so weak.

"I am sure she has some pent up emotions she needs to release."

Dad smiled at my cautious language.

"You mean she loved your cock and you also think that she is frustrated, right?"

I laughed with him as he made a joke of my embarrassment.

"Yea Dad, I suppose that's what I meant, I am still happy to help, but I will need some advice on how to get her."

He beamed a big smile at me, "good man, glad you're still up for the challenge."

He was genuinely pleased and it made me even happier with my decision. "I will give you all the help I can, but it's up to you really, you have to tempt her just like you have all week, but more so now that she has touched you cock, you need to spark her curiosity and make her want to feel it again. Ultimately though it is you and your efforts that will have to take her."

"If you are to succeed it is you she must be attracted to and look up to, it is you she must respect." He said

Dad briefed me on events that happened before they came into my room as well as the conversation afterwards. It seemed that she had shown appreciation of my cock before coming into my room; I was surprised that she had openly told Dad that she liked it so much; they must have a strong relationship.

"I think I ought to let her see my cock again Dad, just as you suggested, if she likes it already it may be her weak link." I suggested to him.

"Yes that's a good idea but try to make a few jokes as well, make her laugh and also flatter her. Tell her how good she looks and be a little risqué as well, suggestive remarks will get her thinking in the right direction."

"Don't forget to touch her whenever possible, but nothing inappropriate just at the moment." He added. "We had better go down to breakfast."

I had a quick shower, put on a loose tee shirt, and chose a pair of baggy shorts and no underwear, I would see if I could grab her interest this morning. I admitted to myself for the first time that now I had looked at her as a woman I really had the hots for her, she was gorgeous and I wanted her, Dad had pointed me in her direction and now I would find it hard to turn away.

When I arrived in the kitchen they were both already there, I went up to Mum who was standing at the sink washing dishes, I winked at Dad as I made my way to her, I held her shoulders gently and softly kissed her neck and ear lobe,

"Morning Mum" I whispered.

She shuddered as I kissed her and she moved her head back slightly. She gathered her senses

"Jon what are you doing recently, stop it," she said with a giggle, but I had spotted her nipples stiffen a little and poke through the material of her dressing gown. "Go and sit down breakfast is ready." She told me.

"Well you are special and I wanted you to know it so don't turn your back on me or I may kiss you again," I said with a wink.

She laughed a little as I sat down. Dad winked at me and gave me the thumbs up sign. I adjusted my shorts so that one leg looked as if it had ridden up with my movement and then pulled my cock out of that side. My heart was beating fast as I waited for Mum to notice. I picked up the sports pages from the paper and tried to make it look as if I was reading and not aware of my show. I was trying to look over the top of the paper so as she would not see me watching.

Susie had turned from the sink as her son went to sit down, the kiss he gave her was very soft and sensual, he had never kissed her like that before, and it sent a little shiver down her spine. Then she stopped in her tracks as she saw Jon sitting at the table with his cock hanging out. It was not stiff, but even flaccid it looked good; she had trouble tearing her eyes away from it and wondered if she should tell him. She rejected the idea, as it would embarrass her even more

I saw Mum turn and when she saw my cock hanging from my shorts she stopped in her tracks, she looked at it then at Dad and finally at me and back to my cock again. She was a little flustered and not sure how to react; she was not sure what she was doing for a second. She put the plates of hot food on the table.

"Come and sit next to me Mum," I teased her. She refused Jon's invitation to sit next to him and sat at the end of the table.

"You look a little warm darling are you ok?" Ken asked her.

I am not warm I am having a flush of excitement at seeing your sons cock again she thought, but answered. "Yes I am fine it's just a little warm doing the cooking."

Ken glanced at Jon quickly and then at Susie, "Take off your dressing gown then that must be warm for you," he suggested.

Susie was surprised and startled at his suggestion,

"Don't be silly I couldn't do that I have next to nothing on underneath" she mumbled and tried to laugh it off.

"Well we are all one family so what does it matter love" pointed out Ken.

"Go on Mum you would feel so much cooler it would be good for you. I will take my shorts off if it makes you feel better," teased Jon.

"No" she almost shouted, and then more quietly, "no need for that, I am fine honest, thank you both for your concern."

She was now even warmer than ever at the thought of Jon seeing her near naked body.

"However I will loosen it if that's ok," she asked them.

As the vision of his cock was in her mind she was now feeling a little more daring, she loosened the tie belt and let it fall open at the front, not quite exposing her breasts, but enough to give her husband and son a glimpse. She loved to tease and now her simple act was nicely exciting her.

Ken was amazed at the progress he and Jon were making and he felt sure that she would soon give in to him. It appeared that she was gradually starting to feel more comfortable around him, even with them making these little sexual innuendos, but he did not want to push her too fast, she might panic and then all this good work would go to waste.

He could see that she was getting excited and that she would soon feel her frustration again. He so wanted this to work, so wanted her to be happy. He did not mind loosing that part of their relationship, he was useless anyhow and it was selfish of him to keep her tied to him. Jon was the right man to please her, no doubt about that, they would look good together and his cock was a great specimen, he admitted.

Jon thought he would push his luck, so he stood up, went behind her, and started to slide the gown from her shoulders. She started to protest and stop him.

"Mother" I said in a firm voice that surprised even me.

She stopped still, "don't argue, if you are warm it makes sense to get more comfortable."

Her hands went to her sides and she never resisted as I slid the gown off her shoulders and down almost to her waist I had a great view of her tits even it was from over her shoulder; however, I had almost proved a point and did not want to rush things. This was about teasing and tempting I also proved that that she was happy to have me speak to her in that tone of voice. I bent down, kissed her neck very softly; my fingers just lightly stroking her almost bare shoulders.

She sighed deeply. I saw her nipples stiffen again this time more clearly, through the translucent nightdress she was wearing, they were pushing sexily against the light material; she made a barley perceptible movement of the head, which allowed me a little more room to kiss her. However much I was enjoying it, it was time to stop. I had teased her enough and I hoped tempted her a little more.

I went and sat down again and as I ate I allowed my eyes to wander unashamedly over her body and I did not care that she saw me looking at her in that way.

"Thank you for a lovely breakfast," I whispered, "it was one of the nicest I have ever had, but the dessert was the best," I added referring to her breasts and hoped that she realised that. I then left and went to my room to change.

Susie was melting with Jon's amorous flirting; she had a little surge of pleasure in her nipples when he virtually ordered her to stop her resistance. She felt unable or unwilling to resist him sliding her top down she was not sure which. That had lowered her defences a little and his kissing was so sensual and gentle, she readily admitted that he was getting her nicely heated up, the inference that he liked her breasts made her go a little weak. Then he suddenly left her, just as she was starting to lose control, it was so frustrating.

However, as she regained her composure she accepted that her behaviour once again had been called into question and although she loved the attention, she was glad he had stopped. She was starting to enjoy the attention he was showing her and that would be so wrong. Why though? She thought, what had brought about his sudden change towards her? But she had no answer and let it go.

Ken watched Jon's performance and his wife's reaction to him, the boy is doing very well he concluded. He saw her starting to enjoy his attention; he saw her eyes close in ecstasy as his kisses found her erogenous zone on her neck. The moment she allowed him to slide off her dressing gown he knew that she was one small step closer to becoming his woman. We are nearly there darling he thought to himself; you will soon have all you need, a virile lover and I suspect a new master as well.

Susie was shaking just a little as she pulled her top up. "God I am so sorry Ken, what must you think of me, I just don't know what's got into me or into Jon for that matter," she offered her apologies with a shaky voice.

Ken smiled reassuringly "I told you last night darling don't worry about it, I really understand. As for Jon, I think he realises that you are a beautiful woman as well as his Mother."

Then his tone reassuring said. "Remember what I told you, there is nothing better or safer than family love; it can heal wounds and bring happiness. We all need to give a little at times to achieve the greater good in a family."

She smiled at him, "that's so profound Ken,"

She said as she reached for his hand and held it in hers,

"What do we need to give up do you think?"

He thought for a while and concluded that he knew he was giving up a big part of her, and that she would give up the part of her that is tied to him sexually and Jon would give up his future to make a new one within the family, but mostly with her. He reached for a pen and paper and wrote it down,

"Here is what we will all give up soon and we will all be the safer and happier for it. I will give this to you one day soon and you will see that I am right."

Susie was a little confused by his explanation, but she never pushed it, she would find out soon enough she thought.

"Ok Ken, we will wait and see, but I love your idea of a strong family unit." Their eyes met and they smiled at each other.

"Sue, if Jon was not our son would you let him make love to you?"

She was not too surprised at his question bearing in mind her awful behaviour lately. She thought about the answer.

"If Jon was not my son he would not be the same person would he? However if I was another woman, I would certainly let Jon make love to me, I would probably make a fool of myself and throw myself at him, sorry, but that's an honest answer."

Ken smiled broadly, that also confused Susie a little. Ken knew that he was getting there with his plan and that her seduction was going well.

"That's what I wanted;" he answered her, "just honesty."

Susie was certainly unaware that her son's temptation was deliberate and that it was geared to her total seduction and surrender to him.

Just then, he came back into the kitchen; "I am off to the library I have some research to do," I told them.

"Mum is going food shopping today, fancy a pint about one o'clock" asked Dad.

"That would be nice, maybe Mum could join us on her way home," I suggested. Susie turned and looked at her son,

"That's a nice idea, it's a date."

"Tell you what; we will have a take away tonight before I go out, my treat." I suggested.

"That's nice of you what's bought this about," asked Dad.

"Nothing just happy that all, "as he walked out of the door he turned to his Mum,

"Mum, wear something short and sexy tonight, as you was peeking at my manhood earlier, I think it is only fair that I get a chance to try and get a look at yours, don't you."

Susie went as red as she has ever gone, she spluttered and coughed as she tried to speak and take a breath at the same time,

Ken laughed out loud, "Got caught peeping did we," he teased as he carried on laughing.

"Oh dear god he saw me looking Ken, that's so embarrassing." She muttered as Jon walked out of the house.

Ken arrived at the pub on time and Jon about ten minutes later; they got their beers and went to the table.

"That was a nice remark as you left today," said Ken chuckling, "your mother did not know what to say or where to look."

Jon grinned "just a bit of fun really, but I hope she will wear something sexy."

"Well if it's a clue or not I don't know, but as I was leaving she was looking through her wardrobe and getting out skirts she has not worn for a long, long time you may get your wish."

They toasted each other; Ken spoke quietly to Jon,

"You are doing brilliantly son, she is weakening, you had her on cloud nine earlier, I am sure she is yours for the taking and it wont be long." He added.

I sipped my pint, I wanted to say something, but I needed the sort of courage Dad had shown me when he first discussed his problem with me.

"There is something I want to say to you dad, you were honest with me and now I want to be just as honest with you. When you approached me with this idea, I thought you were mad and I was less than keen, it just did not seem right, which I suppose it's not, but you explained yours and Mums problems with great patience and I understood and agreed to go along with you."

Now that I have seen for myself just how Mum is I am as keen as you to prevent her being tempted elsewhere. More than that, you showed me what a gorgeous, desirable and sexy woman she really is, that is something I had not noticed before."

I took a deep breath Dad was listening intently.

"Now Dad I do want her, I really want her, to make love to her, to fuck her so well that she does not want anyone else. I want to feel her body in my arms. I want to feel her body welcome me in as I enter her. I want to please her and be the dominant one that she has sought for so long; I want her to surrender her self totally to me."

I was blushing and breathing hard and waiting for Dads reply. With real emotion in his voice he replied,

"Jon it sounds to me as if your love for her has notched up a rung,"

I nodded and looked him in the eye. He went on speaking.

"It sounds stupid to you maybe, but those are the emotions I hoped you would feel I don't want her just to be fucked, I need her to be loved and loved in the way and with the passion you just showed. I am unable to give her those expressions of my love, but you my son can."

"You are the only person in the world I would ever have trusted her too, if she wants to go with you take her, take her all with my love and blessings. Let's make this a family based and founded on a real and deep love."

This man never fails to amaze me with his tremendous love for her, I thought.

"What can I say Dad, you have just offered me the greatest gift ever. Something you hold so dear and close to your heart, thank you."

He smiled, "she will, as I said yesterday, still be my wife and I will always love her very much, but she will be your woman in all and every respect and now I know how much you care for her I could not be happier. I know she will return your love with interest and she will love us both in different ways."

I sipped my beer and considered his words I knew he was right.

"I am sure it would work out great," I answered him thoughtfully, "provided of course she wants it that way. I do not intend to force her though. She will have to tell me or ask me, in fact tell us both that she accepts me as her man and lover, she should tell us both at the same time as well."

"It's a deal," Dad said.

We raised our glasses in a toast to our agreement. Dad went off to get another beer each and when he returned sat and asked.

"So what have you been researching then?"

I grinned sheepishly, "I wanted to find some books on master and sub missive's, I want to do this right, but there was not a lot there, no surprise really, but I found a couple of books and a web site."

Dad grinned, "I am pleased that you are taking this so seriously, what did you learn?"

"Well that discipline and humiliation are the keys to it working properly, along with teasing and temptation."

Dad grinned at me, she really is lucky to find a man that is so keen to please her and to make sure things are right," said Dad.

I just sipped my beer and smiled at him.

"Jon please don't take offence, but this new lifestyle may be expensive, you know new and different clothes, hotels and the like, so I want to pay my share."

I interrupted him hastily. "No Dad that's not on, it's not fair,"

"Of course it's fair," he argued, "she will still be my wife, but I will not be spending so much on her anymore. I can easily afford it; it will give me great pleasure and make me feel as if I am more a part of things with you both."I shook his hand "thanks Dad that will be so useful."

Just then, Mum joined us I went and got her a glass of wine; she took a sip and looked at me with a grin.

"You were very naughty this morning young man embarrassing me like that. I hardly noticed you're thingy. I was going to tell you, but thought it might embarrass you."

I thought about what she had said and thought that this might be a good time to try humiliation.

"Oh I see, is that why you stared at it, licked your lips and checked to make sure we weren't watching you?"

She went red knowing she was caught out again, "I did no such thing," she protested.

"Well" I replied in a quieter voice, now for the tease I thought, "I think you are fibbing and if you were mine I might think that you should be punished for that."

Her eyes looked into mine they sort of twinkled mischievously, but she made no comment she just sipped her wine. Susie's hands were trembling just a little as she pondered about the way this conversation was heading. She thought now about how he had changed; he was so much more confident, good fun and was really sexy with his bright eyes and his risqué talk, she noticed that her fanny definitely tingled when he mentioned punishing her.

I took Mums hands into mine. I tried to put on a soft, but firm sounding voice. "I think you should own up to your little voyeurism and tell your husband what you were looking at this morning,"

Sue's heart fluttered, his voice was so firm and so insistent, it made her pulse quicken and her pants damped a little. She dropped her eyes to the table; she knew that she was giving in, that his staring eyes and his firm sounding voice was winning her over. Without lifting her head, she glanced up at her son but spoke to her husband,

"Ken I am so sorry, but this morning I did peep at Jon,"

"Tell him what you was looking at then, come clean woman." Jon's persuasive voice again she thought.

Sue blushed to her roots, there were people close by and they may hear her. She looked up pleadingly at him and nodded to the nearby table.

"Do it now then" was all he said.

She fidgeted with her wine glass both the men were looking at her and waiting.

"This morning Ken I was looking at Jon's," she looked at her husband and searched for an alternative word, but she knew what Jon wanted her to say, she continued speaking "Jon's cock, when it had slipped out of his shorts, I admit that I looked at it longer than I needed to."

Her face felt as if it was on fire, she was sure the woman on the next table looked at her as she spoke.

"There that feels better now that you have admitted it doesn't it?" I said in a soothing voice.

Susie nodded her head, but did not look up. I was pleased that she had reacted so well to my voice and demands; there was now at least more of a chance that she might submit to me.

Ken was over the moon with Jon's performance, he was firm yet persuasive, but had a kind manner. He could tell his wife had loved the way Jon had quietly told her what to do. He easily accepted that she is almost his now, she just does not know it yet, he thought.

"If I was in the position to punish you, which of course I am not, your confession would have halved your ordeal." Jon uttered softly and smiled at her.

Then in a sudden change of mood and with a cheery voice said "sorry Mum, just teasing you, hope you did not mind."

She melted when she saw him smile, she knew that a good master always praises good deeds as well as punishes bad ones. She shook her head to try and clear the images there, what am I thinking, she admonished herself, he is my son and not my master he was only playing, she tried to convincing herself.

Then as an afterthought, she realised that he would probably make a very good master for some lucky girl.

"You are a bad boy teasing me that way, you're very naughty."

Jon squeezed her hands gently and looking directly into her eyes whispered,

"I could be very naughty indeed you know so you had better be careful."

Susie noticed that there was an intonation in his voice that made her nipples tingle and stiffen; she knew he probably could be very naughty and so beautifully bad, but it would never be for his mother she thought to herself.

They left the pub and ordered their takeaway for delivery later then made their way home, Mum was nervous of driving having had a glass or two of wine, so Dad offered. There had been a friendly argument about who would sit in the back, so Ken, with a wink at Jon, suggested that they both should.

Now comfortably in the car they were all very happy and relaxed.

"That was a pleasant afternoon thank you boy's," smiled Susie.

Without thinking she raised her hand and playfully slapped Jon's thigh,

"We must do this more often, its lovely all of us being out together."

She let her hand rest innocently on his thigh. Jon seeing the opportunity for more teasing placed his right hand on her thigh, but much higher than hers was on his, it was right at the top of her leg, as far as it could go. She was shocked and jumped a little, but did not want to act all girly and move his hand away so she let it be. He slowly flexed and released his fingers and gently rubbed the tops of her stockings. It startled Sue and she felt her body tense up, but she never tried to stop him she could not explain why, she knew it was wrong and yet it felt so nice, being here like this with him.

"No Jon, please," she whispered

As she felt herself once more today starting to feel hot and bothered.

"What's wrong Mum I am only showing you affection," he told her in a little boy's voice.

I moved my other hand and covered the hand she had on my thigh, and caressed it softly and then started to move it higher up my leg, she did not try to hard to stop him, but whispered,

"Stop it Jon, it's not right, please" she pleaded.

Smiling at her I slowly moved her hand up higher; all the while, our eyes were locked together.

"No Jon, please don't do this to me my husbands just there, pleases stop."

I did stop, but not until her hand was almost on my cock, she could feel the heat from it and felt it twitching. Although she was not directly touching it, she could feel how big it was. I wriggled and worked my fingers gently under the edge of her panties and although there was the thin material of her summer dress between my fingers and her body, I could easily feel the contours of her lips and the stubble of her pubic hairs.

She gasped as she felt him slip into her panties and felt little electric shocks run from her nipples via her brain to her clit, it was a sensation she had not known for a long time, she automatically opened her thighs a little wider, and in her excitement, she grasped Jon's cock and squeezed it.

"Oh my good god," she whispered, "it's so hard."

Coming to her senses and snatching her hand reluctantly away from his manhood with a little panic in her voice,

"Jon" she cried, "we must stop now, this is wrong and your father is just there."

She said nodding in Ken's direction. I looked into the rear view mirror and saw Dads reflection there, he was grinning, and he winked at me, I smiled back at him and noticed that he had adjusted the mirror and was watching all that was going on.

"Ok Mum" I replied kissing her lightly on her temple and pushing my fingers further inside her pants.

I could feel her hot dampness as I explored and gently caressed her labia lip. She moaned, as the tingling grew stronger, she clasped her hand onto his; she was not sure whether to stop him doing these things or to keep his hand there. She could feel her self-getting wetter as the pressure and warmth of his fingers made her fanny lips bloat and swell.

"Jon, why are you doing this to me, what has caused this sudden interest?"

She was barely audible and had tears in her eyes,

"Do you know what you are doing to me, this is so wrong, you are my son and your hands should not be on me in such an intimate and sexual way."

I had a feeling of remorse when I saw her tears and bent down and kissed them away, I did not want to hurt her, I wanted to make her happier, maybe Dad and I was wrong.

"Sorry Mum I don't mean to offend or upset you, I love you that's all, I never realised how much until the last couple of days."

Susie was surprised and delighted with his reply, she remembered what Ken had said, that maybe he did see her as a beautiful and sexy woman, but she was still his Mother and she was still married to his Father, but this one little indulgence would not hurt, she thought, she felt so turned on and frustrated.

She smiled up at him, nobody has ever kissed away her tears before, it was such a lovely gesture to make, she was tempted to pull up her skirt and allow him to play with her pussy, and she certainly had an overwhelming desire to hold his cock. However, she must control her emotions. She could not explain why she felt so attracted to her son in such a sexually strong way.

"I know you love me Jon and I love you as well, it's just that I am so, well, sort of frustrated and it is difficult when I get such feelings."

She let go of his hand and smiled encouragingly Sue allowed him to keep it where it was. It was driving her mad, it was so sexy and so very naughty especially with her husband not three feet away, and maybe it was the thrill of him being there that was driving her to think of her son in such a sexual way.

"Why don't you tell your husband where my hands are and what you are letting me touch? Tell him that you just held my cock." I whispered in that firm voice again.

She gasped and looked at her son her excitement building still more.

Susie looked again the drivers mirror and saw that Ken was watching her, with her pulse racing and her breathing laboured, she said

"Ken your son is touching my pussy, he won't stop so I am letting him and I just grabbed his cock, I am so sorry." As she looked at him she also noticed that he had adjusted the mirror onto her thighs. Why was he not shouting at her she thought so in a mood of devilment and bewilderment at his apparent lack of concern, she smiled at him and spread her thighs a little wider?

I could clearly see that Mum was now turned on she had opened her legs a little and let go of my hand. I was desperate to take advantage, but resisted the temptation and just gently stroked and rubbed her lips. I was trying to excite her and take her to the edge of climax without her actually cumming, this was about teasing her and priming her for later.

Susie was surprised when she saw Ken smile and wink at her; surely, he should be mad with me, she thought, as I was displaying myself so lewdly to my son and allowing such intimate contact. She felt Jon start moving his fingers slowly over her mound, he was so gentle it was very sensual, she felt herself being slowly, but steadily worked into a state of sexual tension. She was breathing a little shallower. If she was not careful, she would lose control of things and she could never allow such things to happen with Jon. She took hold of his hand and slowly and regretfully pulled it away from her fanny.

"No Jon, please darling stop, be fair to me, you are starting to make me feel things that are not right for me to feel about my son."

I grudgingly allowed my Mum to stop me; I think though that I had been fairly successful she was flushed and breathing hard. I had one last tease, I openly squeezed my hard cock, just as Mum was watching, I rubbed it and made it appear that I was adjusting it for comfort. Her eyes widened and she watched shamelessly as I discreetly showed off my hardness to her.

Susie felt a hot flush as she saw Jon grab his cock she was mesmerised, it looks so nice she thought as he pulled it and tried to move it about, but all he did was ease it up to lay on his tummy, it looked hard and big as it strained against the fabric of his trousers. She felt as if someone else was controlling her hand she could hardly believe that she was tracing the outline of his cock with her fingernail. She snatched her hand away and tried not to let him see her going red.

At last they pulled into the drive of their home, they all helped carry the shopping in doors. Susie rushed to the toilet while Jon and Ken started to unpack the bags.

"She has probably gone to wipe herself she must be soaking," giggled Dad, "That was some show there, and you could have taken her then if you had wanted to you know."

I looked at Dad and thought how strange this conversation was, most people would be scrapping, but he loves her so much and wants her happiness so badly that we are able to discuss his wife, my mother in such a way.

"I am not sure," I answered him, "maybe, but it was not the right time. Now she is just flattered and excited, I want her to be desperate and passionate, this way it is building up her frustration and helping to lower her defences. She needs to realise that I love her in that special way and I hope she will love me that way as well. If I had gone to fast she may well have got bored."

Dad gently slapped my back,

"What ever you say, you are turning her to jelly, trust me, sometimes it appears that she does not know what she is doing, she certainly has other things on her mind, like you and sex, or maybe just sex, but I have not seen her so excited for years."

"We will just have to wait and see what happens then," I said.

"The test will be to see if she dresses tonight in the way that you asked her too, that could be fun," said Dad with a chuckle.

Dad made us both a coffee, I took mine to my room, I wanted a shower and to change before our meal. I was going to go out, although I did not know where, but I wanted to give Mum and Dad some time alone just in case they needed to talk. I did not want to drink because I would be on my own that is not good drinking alone. I would be driving as well, and the two do not mix. I wanted to be home early in case there was a chance to tease and play with Mum.

I chose a white shirt and plain loose fitting slacks. My poor cock has been up and down a lot today and I thought these would give it more room. When I got back downstairs Dad had changed, he had a whisky in his hand; I refused his offer to join him and got myself a coke. He had laid the table and we were just waiting Mum and the meal.

Susie was in her bedroom she was still on something of a sexual high, all week she had been tormented and teased culminating in today's sexually exciting tormenting. It was nice getting all the attention she thought, but god she felt so horny and frustrated. It had been months since she had been made love too properly, ages since she had had a good fuck. At the back of her mind, she wished that Ken was ok and that he could sort her out, but it looked like it would be her faithful plastic lover again.

Jon had really surprised her with his attention and his teasing, she had also been surprised at the occasional flashes of a firmer more positive attitude that he had shown, she found that exciting as well. He had done more to tease her than anybody had done for many years and she admitted that it had made her panties wet on several occasions not least of all with his brazen attention in the car this afternoon, she was still confused that Ken had smiled at her instead of getting angry. She had a buzz of excitement and her nipples stiffened as she recalled his soft firm and probing fingers on her fanny she had come very close indeed to letting him go further.

She still could not believe that she had allowed him to touch her up in that way, but deep down it had boosted her ego somewhat she was glad she did not stop him earlier, surely, I am allowed a little naughtiness, even if it is with my own son, she thought. It was with these sexy thoughts skipping through her mind and the feelings of excitement still running through her body that she chose the clothes that she was going to wear tonight.

So after her shower and applying her make up a little more carefully than usual, again, she did not know why, she just felt she needed to look attractive and sexy this evening. Perhaps a lot of what she was doing was being controlled by her subconscious instincts of attracting and pleasing a prospective suitor, something females across nature had been doing for centuries.

She put on a red heart shaped thong that she had bought some years before to wear for her husband. It was about four centimetres wide at the top, five in length narrowing to nothing at the bottom, It barley covered her inner pussy, if she was not careful her bloated outer lips would easily bulge out obscenely either side. They were very fine lacy material and held in place by a thin ribbon it nestled sexily between the cheeks of her arse.

She put on a pair of red hold up stockings that had a deep lace top and chose a white ra- ra type skirt that it was very flared and very short, coming just mid thigh, she had never been brave enough to wear it out, she had originally bought it for her husbands pleasure and had not worn for many years and she was glad she had kept her figure and that it still fitted her. She wore a bra that fixed at the front and had small triangular cups that were made of light material a red almost translucent blouse; a single string of pearls and gold bangles on her wrist and white high heel shoes completed her look.

She turned and admired herself in the mirror, she noticed that her nipples were standing out against her blouse; she smiled and had another naughty idea she rubbed and tweaked them in an effort to make them stick out more, not bad she thought a little obvious maybe, but not to much. I have been teased all day, she laughingly thought to herself and now it's my turn to tease them, she had always loved to tease. She had always been faithful to Ken, but that had not stopped her from being something of a flirt.

However, she had never dressed quite so provocatively before in front of anyone other than her husband and she felt very nervous, but she consoled herself with the thought that she was at home and there were no visitors just the family, so what the hell lets have some fun. So it was with the afternoon's passion bubbling just below the surface and her adrenalin pumping that she made her way downstairs to what she hoped would be a good and sexy fun night.