
It would give me a chance to recover and to get my penis lifted once more and it also caused Sue's eyebrows to lift as well; the idea of a shower together adding to her excitement, excitement that seemed to have been absent from her recent life.

The idea was quickly approved of and soon I was downstairs fixing some drinks, almost glad to escape the clutches of the two eager women, for a while at least. I had no doubt that I could perform again such was the excitement of the situation but a break would allow me some respite; a small opportunity to reload my balls!

By the time I returned to the bedroom with some drinks the ladies had disappeared but the sounds from the bathroom told me where they were - happy giggles and laughter echoing everywhere. Putting the drinks down I walked across the hall to join them, feeling my cock begin to fill out once more as the appeal of showering with those two sank in.

And there they were; the pair of them already well and truly wetted and foamed, their arms around each other as they kissed. My cock rose another notch or two as I moved to the shower cubicle to try to join them.

It was a tight squeeze but we made it; all three of us now under the water, with insufficient room between us to rub each other down...but with quite enough room to allow us to explore. I'd only been in there for a few moments before I felt a hand on my cock and it was Mum who'd grasped me first, her eager fingers adding stiffness to my new erection.

At about that moment I heard Sue moan and I was able to find a spot to look down, where I saw Mum's other hand at Sue's pussy, her fingers already cupping her sex, probably probing into her depth.

I reached down to explore Mum's pussy but Sue's hand was already there too; no wonder the two of them were so happy together!

Instead I felt around for Sue's ass, her gloriously curvy body absolutely encouraging me to slide my hand around it. And then my fingers were holding one of her globes, feeling the slight overhanging of her bum, before it dipped between her spheres into her cleft.

I let my fingers slide into that cleft, the water and bubbles allowing me to slide easily until I found her little rear entry. Gently I pushed at her flesh and feeling Sue pushing back at me, I pushed a little more firmly until I felt my finger slip inside her body.

"Ooooh Chris - don't!" she moaned, "That's naughty!"

"Is it nice though?" I asked, my mouth close to her ear and Sue hummed her reply.

"Mmmmmm!" she moaned, "Yeah - don't stop now!"

I let my finger explore her insides; she was all slippery and warm in there and she moaned deeply when I eventually removed my finger.

"Ooooh Chris," she shuddered, "Put it back!"

No way - I wanted to keep her hot and hopeful, but she pulled me to her, Mum's wet body also coming to rest against me. Suddenly I felt a second hand on my cock; Sue had obviously joined in, the pair of them ensuring that my cock remained very hard.

"Chris, could you try it up there?" asked Sue, to my surprise, "See if you can..."

Her body swivelled in my arms, her firm breasts sliding across my chest before her even firmer ass moved to make contact with my cock. The hands were removed and Mum looked at me.

"You're not going to put your cock in her ass, surely?" she asked and I nodded.

"She wants me to," I replied as Sue's ass lined up with my cock - my penis now sliding up and down her cleft.

"You'd better do a good job then," answered Mum, "Cos if she enjoys that then you're going to have my ass next!"

'Geeeez - when am I ever going to have a break?' I thought, although at present my cock had no intention of taking time out; instead he was absolutely rock hard at the thought of what was about to happen.

"Push your cock down," said Sue, "I can't get my ass up there."

I bent my legs a bit and used my hand to guide my cock head downwards until I felt the crinkled flesh of her hole; then I moved my hips fractionally.

"Oooooh," moaned Sue, "Don't hurt me, please Chris."

"I'll try not to - let me know and I'll stop then," I said, "You ready?"

Sue nodded and I applied more pressure. I felt my cock almost bending before her little hole gave way and my penis began to sink inside. It wouldn't go all that far though; a barrier of muscles was holding him at bay.

"Ease off Sue," I said, "Try pushing a bit..."

"Ok - I'm trying," she said, her voice all shivery as I felt my penis slide a little deeper.

"Careful - you're stretching me," moaned Sue, "Take it easy."

"I am," I replied, "But I've got to push or I'll never get inside you."

"Oh come on!" said Mum and I felt her hands reaching around me to pull me inside my sister's ass, "Don't take all day!"

"Ahhhhhh!" cried Sue, "Ahhhhhh - that hurts! It hurts!"

"Don't be a baby!" continued Mum, "Let him in!"

And suddenly I was in - suddenly her hole expanded and my cock just slid inside; almost half of my penis was engulfed.

"Ooooh fuck!" Sue cried, her arms pulling her naked Mother to her, "Muuuuum, that fuckin' hurt!"

"You've done it now," said Mum, patting her gently, "It'll be easier from now on."

Now my cock was sliding smoothly into her body, bathed in the soapy froth and in her anal lubrications; I could feel how tight she was and I could also feel her efforts to allow my insertion; she was pushing back at me to avoid the pain. Slowly however, her efforts died as the pain did too and now we fucked together; my long stiff penis giving her insides something to think about as I began to drive him into her.

"God - that feels deep; that feels nice now," moaned Sue as our bodies smashed together, my thighs sending shockwaves across the flesh of her ass, "Don't you stop!"

"Wasn't going to," I grunted from behind her, "Not yet anyway..."

"Don't take all night though," said my Mother, "I want you to have something left!"

'Hmmmm, that's a point,' I thought.

I was in this with Mum before my sister got in on the act - so I'd better get back there soonish!

I concentrated on my cock now; feeling my flesh sliding through her sphincter muscles, the rim of my knob catching every so often, her muscles squeezing my cock, my tip reaching into her depths, her ass cheeks pulsating as she enjoyed her anal fuck.

And it was working; I was already getting close to cumming; already the tingles that announce an orgasm could be felt...rising from my balls, descending from my brain and all sensations slowly but surely gathering together in my penis.

I sucked in a deep breath and shivered despite the warmth of the shower as another wave of excitement drove me higher.

"Ooooh, getting close now," I said to the back of Sue's neck, "I'm nearly there - you gonna let me cum?"

"Yes, yes, yessss! Come on, let it go!" she exhorted, "Come on then - fill me!"

Very soon I'd have no option about that; very soon now I would indeed erupt inside her but I continued with my thrusting right up to the moment of release.

"Ahh, ahhhh, ahhhhhh!" I cried, "Here it cums!"

And with that and with one last thrust I began emptying all I had left into my sister's ass, deep inside her body cavity; my cock jerking energetically and recoiling with each injection until I found myself hanging onto Sue to stop myself from falling down.

Her hands reached behind herself and held me in place...

"Don't let him slip out yet," she said, "I'm enjoying feeling that thing jumping around in me - it's delicious and it's so sexy."

It was good for me too - my cock was enjoying the way her ass seemed to have tightened around him and yet left him room to manoeuvre as he finally spat out his last offering.

But I simply had to stop and I let my cock go limp, his much reduced size and length slipping quickly and easily from her hole.

"Ohhhhh - I was enjoying that!" said Sue, "That's not fair!"

"Fuck it," I said, "I've been standing up and fucking you and I'm knackered - let me get out of here."

With a quick last rinse off we all moved around until I was nearest the shower door and was able to exit, leaving the two ladies to finish their shower. Quickly I sat on the bathroom chair with a towel to dry me off while I panted and recovered, feeling completely drained for now and definitely in need of another break - a decent one.

It was solved when the water was shut off and the two ladies joined me; the three of us all now flailing towels around; drying each other and generally getting rid of the water.

Soon we were dry and were all wrapped in dressing gowns; a trio of strange creatures, each shuffling along, clad from shoulder to toe in towelling and each lady with a towel turban on top. We gravitated downstairs again where Mum disappeared into the kitchen while Sue and I attended to the booze.

Not long afterwards we were all by the fire, munching sandwiches and sipping at our drinks, smiles and smirks playing on our lips until eventually Sue broke the companionable silence.

"Hey look, you two, I interrupted your peace, so I'm off to bed," she said, "I'm really, really tired so I'll see you in the morning.""Don't blame you," said Mum, "After all you've been through you could do with a good rest. Sleep well darling."

With friendly parting kisses Sue left us before yawning her way up stairs until she turned the corner and disappeared.

"Well..." said Mum, "I didn't expect that, did you?"

I shook my head vigorously.

"No way - and I thought we were in deep shit when she found you," I said, "But she took it all in her stride and then took over!"

"Incredible!" replied Mum, "But we've come a long way in just a few hours, haven't we?"

"I should think so - we were just son and Mother; then we got amorous; then we were about to make love; then I made love to both Sue and you; then I fucked Sue's ass...and now...what?"

"Now you come and do my ass!" said Mum confirming her earlier statement, "No way do I want to miss out!"

"Honestly?" I replied, my mouth slack with shock, but Mum kissed me better.

"Really!" she said, "I want to try you for size."

With that she stood up and reached out her hands to pull me up too.

Together we stood, our arms wrapped around each other, our lips now seeking and finding each others lips, our minds now bonding as one.

I broke the bond and spoke, my words coming from my heart, not from my balls.

"Mum, rather than find a place for you, would you like to stay here with me?" I found myself asking, only to see Mum beaming broadly back at me.

"I'd been thinking exactly that!" she said, "But I'll only come here if you promise..."

"Promise what?" I asked.

"Promise to keep fucking me; to keep loving me - and perhaps to see if you can get me pregnant!" she said causing my eyes to open wide.

"Pregnant!" I gasped but Mum wasn't fazed.

"Why not?" she replied; "I'm still young enough; you want a family; why not?"

I could see the problems but they weren't insurmountable. I guess I couldn't be named as the father for fear of the law, but that needn't stop us having kids and eventually perhaps I could 'officially' adopt them. THEM - what was I thinking of!

But the idea was certainly appealing, sufficiently so to bring some life back into my cock and I felt him rising once more.

So did Mum as we cuddled and moments later her hand was inside my dressing gown, wrapped around my rising erection, her face now glowing contentedly.

"Oh goody, he's ready!" she said, "Come on then - time for bed!"

It wasn't long before we were getting ourselves comfy and ready, my little tube of KY already there along with towels and tissues.

Mum stopped briefly, her hand with a blob of KY on it at her ass.

"I'm ok with this so long as you take things easy," she said, "You start pushing when I'm not ready and you can take him right out and stop, ok?"

"Sure Mum," I replied, "No way would I hurt you intentionally, but it'll still be a bit painful if you haven't done it for a while."

"Hmmmm - must be five years or so," she said, "And it wasn't with your Dad!"

"What?" I exclaimed in surprise, "I thought you were a good lady!"

"I was tempted and I wanted to explore," she said smiling broadly, "He was young and eager and it was too good an offer to miss! Dad hadn't been doing his duty properly for quite a long time!"

I laughed as I inspected Mum's ass as if to ensure that she'd plastered the KY in the right place. Her little hole was a gentle brown colour soon fading to 'normal' skin colour. It looked inviting, being all shiny and slippery but it was obviously going to be a tight squeeze. I'd need Mum's help...

I'm pleased and actually somewhat astonished be able to say that my cock had remained stiff and was now very hard and very eager to get to work. Already my foreskin had peeled back, leaving my knob protruding and almost as shiny as Mum's gelled hole...but more lubrication was going to be needed. A quick squeeze of the tube provided enough gel for me and very soon after we'd anointed our parts, Mum was on her knees on the bed, her ass wiggling from side to side as she encouraged me.

Soon I was there behind her; this was going to be an all-action anal fuck; precious little foreplay or warm-up, although I'd take things easy... I guessed that we'd make time for a more leisurely fuck for breakfast perhaps...

"You ready?" I asked and Mum nodded her head.

"Ok - I'm gonna give it a try," I said, my penis straining to get into action, "I'll do it slowly..."

I pushed forward, my penis now sliding in the KY around Mum's asshole until I found my target. I pushed gently, feeling my penis start to enter into Mum's body, her crinkled flesh moving aside as my cock penetrated her.

"Ooooh, careful!" said Mum, her voice full of concern, "Take it easy."

"Gotta push," I replied, "Push outwards; try to let me in..."

"Ouch - that stung!" cried Mum softly as I held still, until she spoke again.

"Ok, that's better, try again," she said and I leaned inwards once more.

"Ooooh goodness me, that's tight!" she said with feeling, "You're stretching me like anything!"

"Gotta push," I repeated, "Nearly there now."

My knob had disappeared inside her puckered hole, her flesh giving way sufficiently to allow some entry but I was still pressing against her muscles, her sphincter muscles that guarded her body.

"Phew!" I exclaimed, "Ok, I'm gonna push a bit more, Mum."

"Come on then, I think I'm ready!" she said, wincing slightly, "I'm ok so far."

Slowly but steadily and in silence my penis disappeared inside my own Mother's body until my pubes met her strained buttocks.

"Oh my goodness - I feel so full!" said Mum quietly, "Are you all the way in?"

"Yeah Mum," I replied, jerking my cock inside her anal cavity, "Can't go any further - do you want me to wait?"

"Just a bit, then I'll be alright," she said, "Wait until I tell you, then get moving!"

With my cock held still I waited while Mum gathered herself.

"Ok - I'm ready, try slowly to start," she said, "Then give it to me!"

I pulled myself away from her, my cock sliding smoothly on the bed of KY until I felt the rim of my knob catch in her sphincter muscles; then I pushed steadily back inside. A moment or two to rest and then a repeat of the action and on the second withdrawal I felt Mum respond, her ass now squeezing my cock rhythmically.

"Mmmmm, that's better," she said, "Keep moving Chris darling, keep moving."

I'd got myself into a rhythm now, my actions sending thrills up my cock and into my own body. I began to work harder, pushing, pulling, sliding faster and more steadily while Mum's ass responded eagerly. I saw her slide one hand under her body to reach her pussy and felt the sudden jerk as she stimulated her clit; her body tightening and shivering with emotion.

Still I powered on and on, the pair of us now beginning to sweat slightly while I found myself panting as well.

"You ok Mum?" I asked and Mum looked over her shoulder at me.

"Yes darling, yes, it's lovely," she panted, "Keep going, I think I've got a lovely orgasm coming up."

I knew she had, I could feel her body starting to tremble and shake as her excitement level rose and rose.

Ooooh darling, keep going, keep going!" moaned Mum, "Getting there! I'm nearly there."

Faster and harder I pounded her ass feeling her buttocks shaking convulsively each time I slammed into her; feeling Mum's knees trembling as she began to lose control.

"Oooooh yesss!" she shouted, "Yesssss, nearly there lover boy, keep going!"

No way was I about to stop; too many exciting thrills were enveloping me and my own orgasm wasn't all that far off. I thought I'd have taken longer to cum but the sheer excitement of sticking my cock up my own Mother's ass was enough to awaken my gonads and stir my brain. But Mum was going to get there before me and soon, it seemed.

Suddenly Mum was all action; her entire body seemed to come alive as the orgasm she'd been building suddenly exploded, shocking her from end to end; jerking her whole body and causing me to hang on tightly.

"Oooooh yeahhhhh!" she cried, "Oh my God - it's wonderful; it's super!"

Quivers and jerks and pulses were running all over her body; her buttocks shaking and tightening convulsively; her head collapsing onto the pillow as she orgasmed, before she eventually lifted her head slightly and managed to speak.

"Oh God that was so damn hot," she said, panting hard, "Oh, I haven't cum like that in ages and ages."

"Certainly looked good from here," I said, my cock firmly held by her twitching, pulsating hole, "Do you want me to carry on now?"

"Didn't you cum?" she asked and I shook my head.

"Not yet," I answered, "Do you want me to carry on?"

"Yes darling, keep going, I'm still up there, I might cum again," she replied as I set to work, "In fact I'm sure I will; can you try to cum with me, please."

"Yeah I'll try," I replied, now feeling that it was quite likely that I'd cum soon, "I'll really work you over, ok?"

"Ooooh yessss," hissed Mum, "Really fuck me, really hard, come on, fuck my ass hard!"

Her speech was getting to be quite crude in her old age!

"Oooooo!" I heard myself groan as I began to thrust my hips forward, "Gonna try; love your ass; it's so tight Mum."

"Oooh fuck yessss," she replied, "Oooohhh God, that's good!"

Long minutes passed as I used all my reserves of energy to pound my cock into her asshole but Mum was taking it, seemingly loving it.

But I was nearing my finale - one more orgasm after all this activity was going to be enough for now; more than enough, to be honest.

I was panting furiously by the time I finally felt those deep sensations of an orgasm forming inside me - I'd done my best to wear my Mother out but it was she who seemed to have the most stamina!

But now it was all coming to a last crescendo of activity; a last flurry of thrusts; a last few deep breaths and a final power drive...

"Here it cums!" I managed to say, "Cumming Mum, cumming!"

"Yesssss darling - give it to me!" she answered, her voice quivering, "Let it go!"

"Aaaaahhhhh Muuuuum," I gasped, "Ooooh fuck! Ooooh fuckin' hell!"

My final bolts of cum rose and ejected, one after another; pumped as deeply as I could manage into my Mother's eager ass.

"Ooooh darling - keep moving, just a bit more...yesssss! Yesssss!" cried Mum and I felt everything convulsing around me, Mum's powerful orgasm shaking the bed and her entire body too.

She seemed to be cumming for ages as I held her tight against me, then almost suddenly she just went limp in my arms.

"Ohhh sweetheart," she panted, "That was so fantastic! I've never been taken like that before, not ever! Oh, you were wonderful, just wonderful."

I bent over her and kissed her cheek and then, as she turned her head our lips met and we bonded our lips together, holding the loving kiss until we broke off to breathe.

We were both steaming hot now; both covered in sweat but both glowing with smiling happiness. My hand slipped down over one of Mum's breasts and I felt her nipple in my palm, all hard and rubbery. I let my fingers explore it and squeeze it firmly, bringing out a moan from Mum.

"Oooh stop that," she said, her hand batting mine away, "You'll get me going again and I don't think I've got any energy left!"

"Enough energy for another shower?" I asked and Mum hummed her acceptance.

We definitely needed to clean off the sweat and heady aroma of our anal fuck.

Slowly I pulled my cock from her ass, with Mum hissing her disapproval as I left her.

But a break was needed and I held out my hands and pulled Mum up off the bed and together we almost staggered to the shower, Mum stifling a big yawn as we got the water to the right temperature.

Our shower didn't take long and soon we were back in the bedroom and I tucked Mum into bed, her arms rather languidly reaching for me.

I kept away though, merely bending over for a parting kiss; we both needed a rest.

"Tomorrow Mum, you go to sleep now, in peace," I said.

"Aren't you going to sleep with me?" she asked, dreamily but I shook my head.

"Not tonight. You know what'll happen if I come in there with you," I said, while realising that my cock had no starch left in him whatever, "Come on, let's both have a rest. Catch you in the morning."

"Yesss," yawned Mum as she snuggled into the duvet, "Good idea actually - goodnight then, lover boy!"

"Goodnight Mum, love you too," I said as I pulled her door closed behind me and very soon I was in my own bed and snuggling down into my own duvet as I prepared to drift off.

For a short time my mind was filled with memories of the day, a tumbling jumble of remembered words and actions. I yawned prodigiously as I let things settle. There was my Mother coming to live down here; then the two of us getting intimate; then my sister arriving...and then all of the sex - the incredible, exciting, stimulating, exhausting incestuous sex. A wicked smile crossed my face as I chuckled to myself - had it all really happened?

Bloody right it had and I couldn't wait for more!

But tonight we all really needed a nice long rest...and anyway, it looked as if we'd have plenty of time to get together if Mum and possibly my sister too were coming to live with me.

And then there was Mum's suggestion about children...

My brain snapped awake for a moment.

'What if Sue gets that idea too,' I muttered to myself, "Don't know about downsizing, at this rate we're gonna need a bigger house!"
