"Listen up!," called out my Aunt Donna, "I'm going to make a run to the Quickie-Mart for drinks and snacks... who wants something?"

Her query was met with a cacophony of requests, and my Aunt dutifully cataloged each one with a motherly proficiency.

Then she turned to me and said, "Let's go Danny-Boy — you're coming with me. How would you like to be my chauffeur for the week?"

"Um okay, Aunt Donna — I'll drive you any time you want." Frankly, I was glad to get outside and away from the racket within our rented 2-bedroom beach-front condo. That's where I was staying for the week with my Mom, Dad and two kid-siblings. The unit next to ours was being rented by my Aunt and Uncle, with their two younger kids.

Yep, it was a great big family beach vacation. And it was the morning of the first full day in Ocean City Maryland. My Aunt and her crew had just come over to our unit, and we were all getting ready to hit the beach. The kids were yelling and running around. My Dad and Uncle we shouting dumb comments across the room, and my Mom was bustling about in a flurry of activity.

I gratefully followed my Aunt out into the bright morning light to her Honda CRV, she tossed me the keys, and we got in. We both sat there in silence for a moment — savoring the peace and quiet. Then we looked at each other and laughed a little. "Things will calm down, once we get settled in a bit more," said Donna. Then she gave me a curious look — as if a light-bulb had just gone off in her head. She smiled a little to herself, but said nothing more. So, I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the Quickie-Mart down the street.

We strolled around the Quickie-Mart, collecting the requisite supplies, and as usual, I couldn't help watching my Aunt admiringly. Donna (also known as Dee) was my Mother's sister — younger by only about a year and a half. Now, both she and Mom (who's name is Marie) were in their early-mid-forties. They are best friends — and always had been. Really, they were like two peas in a pod — similar in temperament and in appearance. Both were very pretty with big brown eyes and sensuous lips always ready to smile and laugh. Close in medium height, they also had matching full-figured bodies. It's true, they carried a little extra weight. But it was in all the right places... generous bosoms, flaring hips, and ample mommy asses. Their full, shapely thighs tapered down to gracefully delicate calves, ankles and feet.

They were indeed a couple real-world MILFs, and they turned heads wherever they went. In fact, from behind it would be difficult to tell them apart, if it were not for their hair. My Mother has a wavy, honey-blonde, shoulder-length mane. While Aunty has loustrous dark brown hair that cascades past her shoulders.

Today, Aunt Donna's brunette tresses were pulled back into a loose pony-tail, and she wore a broad-brimmed sun-hat. sunglasses and hoop earrings. Over her black bikini, she wore some type of loose light-weight robe that only seemed to draw more attention to her cleavage. On her feet — wedge sandals. On her right ankle a thin gold anklet. On the second toe of her left foot — a silver ring.

Yes, my Aunt was looking fine as we finished up in the Quickie Mart and headed back out to her car. It was only about 9 a.m., but the sun was already asserting itself. As I drove back to the condos, my Aunt was unusually contemplative. Within a few minutes, I was pulling back into our spot and getting ready to turn off the car.

"Hang on there Danny-Boy. This air-conditioning is so nice. Why don't we just sit here and talk for a little while?"


"Sure thing Aunt Dee. What do you want to talk about?"

We chatted for a few minutes about the kids and about my plans for college. As we talked, we sat half-turned in our seats so that we could face each other. Then, Aunt Donna moved the back of her seat down about halfway — giving herself some more space. Opening her robe, she put her back to the door, and swung her left knee up onto the seat and center console — giving me a very nice view of her bikini-clad crotch. Ostensibly, this was all done to position herself for better exposure to the air-vents. But I knew my Aunt, and I knew she was putting herself on display for me.

You see, I'd had crush on my Aunt for as long as I could remember. And she knew it. When we were together, she had a unique way of making me feel interesting and important. And I'm pretty sure that I made her feel the same way. It's like we had a special bond that only the two of us knew about. And ever since I'd turned eighteen a couple months ago, that special friendship had developed in some new and fascinating ways. For one, we began talking about much more personal things. Things like my dating activity (there was very little) and about any potential love interests (very few). And she was volunteering more and more personal info about herself... and her marriage, and her preferences in men.

Additionally, Aunt Donna very pointedly had begun to display herself to me in more sexy and provocative ways. Whenever opportunity afforded, my Aunt was offering me a casual glance down her blouse. Or a tantalizing peek up her skirt. Or a bangin' view of her booty. And she'd always catch my eye -- just to let me know, that she knew that I was looking.

And here she was now — seated across from me in her car. With her legs parted and her nipples hardening. "Danny, do you mind if I ask you something very personal?"

"I don't think so."

"Well it's just that you've never told me if you've gone all the way with a girl."

"Ummm well," I replied sheepishly. "That's... uh... because I haven't... gone all the way..."

"Oh my God — so you're a virgin, Danny-Boy?! That is so cute!"

"Cute? I suppose that's one way to look at it. Pathetic might be another way...," I said jokingly with a touch of self pity.

My Aunt leaned forward and reassuringly caressed my arm. "Oh come on, listen -- don't you worry about it, Dan. A good looking fella like you?" Her voice dropped into a knowing whisper as she moved her lips close to my ear. "You're gonna be up to your ears in pussy before you make it out of freshman year!"

Then she paused and leaned back in her seat once again, looking me in the eye. "That is... if you like pussy. You do like... pussy... don't you Danny?" My Aunt's manicured fingertips were traveling up her golden thigh, moving toward her crotch.

"Um yeah — most definitely."

"That's good... because I was wondering... if you might like... mine?"

With a deft motion of her right hand, Aunt Donna slowly pulled her bikini bottom to the side and spread her legs wider, revealing the first real-life pussy I'd ever actually seen. It was cleanly shaved. It was beautiful. And somewhat intimidating. And absolutely mesmerizing. She reached down with her left hand and spread her dark, full labia to reveal the glistening pink opening of her vagina.

I could hardly speak, but somehow I managed to mumble, "Aunt Dee, I like your pussy a lot..."

"Good... I'm glad you like my pussy Danny... because... my pussy really likes you." My Aunt slid her middle finger into herself and moved it in and out slowly. Then she withdrew it, and held it up -- gleaming in the morning light, slick with her juices.

"See... you always make my pussy wet Dan." Aunt Donna slipped her finger into her mouth and sucked it clean. Then she returned to fingering herself.

"Danny, do you think you would like to lick my pussy?" She was now rubbing her clitoris with her slippery fingertip.

"Yes... Aunt Dee."

"And tell me Danny-Boy... would you like to fuck... my pussy?" Donna slid two fingers deep into her quim, rocking them in and out and making wet little squishy noises.

"Hell yes Aunt Dee... I would love to fuck your pussy."

"I'm glad to hear that." She withdrew her fingers, once more licking them clean, and looking me in the eye. Then she demurely slipped the crotch of her bathing suit back to its proper place.

"Danny... we could have sex today... if you'd like. And every day this week. Do you want that?"


"Good... I want that too. Very much. So I need you to listen to me. And to do everything that I tell you to do — exactly as I tell you. Can you do that Daniel?"

"I suppose."

"Okay listen... We are all going to the beach in a little while. After we've been there a bit — maybe an hour or two — your Mother and I are going to take a little break — back to your condo — to use the bathroom and freshen up."

"Yeah okay" I responded. That was nothing unusual. My Mom and Aunt were always going off and taking little breaks together. In fact, it wasn't unusual for their 'little' breaks to extend an hour and more. Thankfully my Dad and Uncle never seemed to mind — as they just keep on talking about sports and cars and shit. To their credit, they did keep ever-diligent eyes on their kids.

"So, Danny — after your Mom and I leave... I want you to wait fifteen minutes... and then follow us back to your condo. Got it?"

"Sure -- fifteen minutes."

"I'm gonna leave the front door unlocked for you. Before you come in, take off your flip-flops off. I need you to be totally quiet. We can't have your Mother hear you come in. Got it?"

"Yeah — totally quiet, Can't let Mom hear me."

"Okay, lock the front door quietly behind you, and come to your Mom's bedroom. Come to the doorway — but don't enter the room. Got it Danny?"

"Yeah -- come quietly to Mom's room — stay outside. What next?"

She smiled. "When you get there, I will let you know what to do next."


Our family hit the beach at 10 a.m. with the efficiency of a well-trained infantry unit. In very little time, we had our spot established and all set-up. Beach blankets, umbrellas, folding chairs, coolers, towels, toys... the whole nine yards. We even had a couple collapsible tents for the kids to crawl into and escape the sun. My dad and uncle were ensconced under the umbrellas, with their cigars lit, soda cans in hand, and a radio cranking out pop music. Aunt Donna was laying on a towel next to me sunbathing. The kids were busy digging holes and burying each other in the sand, and my Mom was helping them.

I sat in a folding chair with a hat and shades on, and a book in my lap. But I wasn't reading the book. I was appreciating the lovely vision of my Mother's sweet ass. She knelt with her back to me — at the other end of the blanket — laughing and playing with the kids and the sand. Mom wore a white bikini. And as she knelt, and crouched, and spread, and flexed on her knees — her ample ass provided an endlessly fascinating focal point. Something about that bright white bikini bottom against Mom's golden skin just looked so delicious. My eyes savored her shapely curves and the well-defined outline of her pussy lips, and I knew that she would indeed taste as delicious as she looked.

Yes, that's right. Not only was I horny for my Aunt — I was also horny as all hell for my own Mother. And I expect any young guy in my situation would feel the same way. After all, they were both so fun and pretty and sexy — in their wonderfully Mom-like ways. Recently, I'd been finding that often, while fantasizing about my Aunt, my beautiful Mother would make a special guest appearance. And lately more and more -- I'd been jerking off to fantasies involving just me and Mom together.

And, just like my Aunt, my Mother seemed aware of my interest — and even to be playing along, and encouraging my inappropriate attention. But it was different with Mom. With Aunt Donna, it was all very titillating and visual. With Mom, however, it was more emotional... and physical. Ever since my eighteenth birthday, I noticed that Mom had become much more likely to rest her hand on my arm or shoulder during conversation. To press her thigh against mine when we sat together. To caress my cheek and look me deep in my eyes. To kiss me on the lips. To press her breasts against me when we hugged.

Initially, I chalked all this up to the fact that I would be to be going to college in a few months. Even if it was only a local Community College, Mom must be experiencing separation anxiety and was therefore becoming unusually clingy with her firstborn child. That made sense to me and I didn't read anything more into it. Then, something happened that put everything into a very different perspective.

One evening, after the kids had gone to bed, Mom and I were watching a movie on the TV in the den. We sat close together, our shoulders and thighs touching. We held hands, and out hands rested comfortably on Mom's thigh. It all seemed innocent enough I suppose.

Then my Dad entered the room, with his ever-present beer in-hand, complaining about something or other in the news. By the time he settled himself down into his easy chair, Mom had gently un-coupled our hands and had scooted over on the couch so that we were no longer touching. She gave me a brief, apologetic smile.

Dad, of course, was none the wiser. But my Mother's simple action spoke untold volumes to me. It told me that the physical closeness we'd shared was something that she did not want my father to know about. It was for us, and us alone to know of. It was our secret.

As that thrilling realization sunk in, it produced an unexpected result. Blood surged to my penis, and within a few moments, I had a full erection straining upward against my sweatpants. And, it happened to be laying across my lap and pointing in Mom's direction. I could see, from the corner of my eye, that Mother was aware of my situation. And she, being ever-resourceful, grabbed a couple pillows and placed them on her lap -- thereby concealing my condition from my father's potentially errant gaze.

This act of hers — something so confidential, so intimate — only served to solidify my hard-on for the remainder of the evening. I could see her gaze dropping down to my lap with increasing regularity — and lingering there casually. Subtly, she moved her left thigh back into place pressing against mine. Then Mom put her left hand down between us, and we held hands once again.


After about an hour and a half of playing in the sand — and a brief stint in the surf — my Mom took the kids to the restrooms and concession stands. They returned with popsicles, french fries, and other goodies in-hand, and promptly disappeared into the shade of their pop-up tents. Mom stood before my Dad and I, and announced, "This sun is kicking my ass. I think I'm gonna go back to the house and cool off for awhile. Do you guys mind keeping an eye on the kids? If they want to go back in the water — go with them okay...?"

Dad responded in typical fashion, "Don't worry Buttercup. We've got the situation under control. You go get yourself cooled off. I wouldn't want my pretty little flower to wilt!"

"Okay thanks! Text me if you need anything — or if anybody wants to come back to the house." Mom smiled at us both, and turned to her sister. "Hey Sis... care to take a walk with me?"

Aunt Donna stood as if on-cue, saying casually, "Yeah, why not... I feel like I'm getting a bit over-cooked out here."

The two women poked their heads into the kids' tents for some parting words. Then my Aunt gave me a purposeful glance, and the two sisters took off across the sand toward the unbroken line of beach-houses.

I began to feel excited... and nervous — as if I had butterflies in my stomach. I checked the time on my phone, and it began to hit me that this was actually happening. But what exactly was it that was going to happen?

I was pretty sure it was gonna involve my Aunt's amazing pussy. And I was pretty sure it involved me fucking that sweet pussy. But how in the hell was that gonna happen? How could I bang my Aunt if my Mom was in the house? Were we gonna do it while my Mom was taking a shower? Or maybe while she took a nap? Or maybe, my Aunt and I could sneak out down to her car and do it in there. But why did she need me to come inside so quietly and wait at the bedroom door? None of it added up, or made sense. The only thing that made any sense was the image of my Aunt spreading her legs and fingering herself, and telling me that she wanted to have sex with me. And, despite all of the uncertainty, that was really all the motivation I needed.

Fifteen minutes passed in no time, and I stood up rubbing my belly. "Dad, my uh... stomach feels kinda queasy. I think I'm gonna head back inside for awhile okay?"

"Sure thing, Big Fella. Hey, tell your Mom to bring some more soda down when she comes back out here okay?"

"Will do Dad. Stay frosty." I bid adieu to my Dad and Uncle. And then, to my younger siblings and cousins, telling them to listen to their fathers, and not to wander off. Then I set out across the sand in the footsteps of my Mom and her sister.

When I got to the door of our unit, I realized that my heart was pounding like a hammer in my chest. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, and I slipped off my sandals. Then, slowly I twisted the door knob. It turned all the way, and the door opened to the cool, unlit, lower level of our condo. Seeing that the coast was clear, I slipped inside and slowly, quietly locked the door behind me — just as Aunty had instructed.

I walked across the entry-way, past the kitchen, and to the stairs that lead up to the second level — where the bedrooms were. As I ascended the stairs, I became aware of the voices of Mom and Aunt Donna — in conversation. Their voices were definitely coming from the master bedroom — Mom and Dad's room.

But if my Mom and Aunt were both in there — what was the point of this whole endeavor? I felt an urge to give up on this strange folly and turn back. But the indelible image of my Aunt's pink pussy propelled me onward. What the hell... I'd already come this far. The least I could do was take a few more steps down the hall to the bedroom door — and see things through — just as Aunt Donna had instructed me.

And so I did. On tip-toes, I crept silently down the hallway to the master bedroom. I heard my Mother's lilting laughter, and she was saying something about being ticklish. Arriving at the frame of the open bedroom door, I paused. Then slowly — little by little, I extended my head past the edge of the frame so that I might look inside.

I was utterly unprepared for the sight that met my eyes.


There, on the king-sized bed at the center of the room, were my Mother and my Aunt. Mom lay on top of a large towel — on her stomach, in the middle of the bed. Her head pointed away from me, toward the head-board. Aunt Donna sat next to Mom — facing the foot of the bed — and the doorway where I stood peeking in.

Both women were completely naked.

Donna's pendulous breasts swayed gently back and forth, as she hand-rubbed a gleaming layer of oil onto the back of Mom's thighs. My Aunt saw me and smiled. She made a small motion with her hand — indicating to me that I should stay put. She lifted her index finger to her lips, bidding me keep silent.

"Mmmmm," moaned Mom as Donna ran her hands slowly up and down her legs. "You have no idea how badly I've been needing this. I have been so fucking horny lately! How long's it been since our last session? Seems like forever."

Donna thought for a moment. "What, three weeks maybe... remember... the cucumber?"

"Ohhhh yeah that cucumber! I never knew it was possible to fall madly in love with a vegetable. How is my cucumber lover?"

"I ate him," smiled my Aunt.

"You heartless bitch."

"Hey...he was just as much my lover as yours."

Mom chuckled and said, "True... I seem to recall you loving him on one end... while I loved him on the other."

"That was fucking hot," affirmed my Aunt.

Wait a minute... What?... What the fuck was I hearing? A cucumber? A lover? What the fuck?... I felt intensely disoriented.Aunt continued, "Maybe we should go pick up some more... produce at the grocery store later."

"I'd rather we go pick up a couple young studs with cucumber-sized cocks."

Yes, those words just came out of my Mother's mouth. I immediately assumed she was joking. I mean, she had to be joking right? But something about the casual way she said it left me wondering.

"Mmmm, that sounds very tempting. I would love something young and hung — it's been too long. But rather than going out looking for some, I've actually been thinking of something a bit... closer to home." My Aunt looked at me and winked.

Mom paused for a moment and then said, "Wait... you mean?... Donna, I already told you how I feel about that!"

"Yeah, I know how you feel about it," replied Donna with more than a little sass. "And believe me, I know how you really feel about it too."

"What the fuck are you talking about?... give me a break," scoffed Mom.

Aunt Donna countered, "Okay, I know the real reason why you wouldn't allow me to give your son a blow-job for his eighteenth birthday... It's simple... Jealousy." She let the word hang in the air for a few moments before continuing, "If I sucked on Danny's cock, you would be jealous — wouldn't you, Marie? Just admit it."

"What? Of course not... Well, okay... maybe a just little... yes... totally. Totally fucking jealous... okay?," Mom giggled a bit nervously.

Aunt Donna persisted, "And, the reason you'd be jealous is because... you want to suck on Danny's cock too. Isn't it?" There was a long pause.

"Yes." Mom's voice sounded small and vulnerable. Yet the impact of that single little word caused my head to spin and my knees to buckle a bit.

Donna, relentlessly asked, "What did you say? I couldn't quite hear."

"Yes!" Insisted my Mother, with more than a little perturbation in her voice. "Yes I want to suck my son's cock. Does that shock you — of all people?"

My Aunt laughed and gave Mom's ass a playful smack. "You know I'm not easily shocked, Darling. In fact, I'm quite sympathetic with your plight. That's why I have devised the perfect solution. One that will make everyone happy."

"Oh, this ought to be fantastic!" Mom replied sarcastically.

"It is fantastic. I'm sure Danny will think so too... when you an I are both sucking his big dick... together." Donna paused, for dramatic effect. "Come on Marie! Think about it... It's a win-win-win situation. I know you want it. And you know it too."

"Donna you're crazy! My Danny... he's shy... and quiet... and innocent! You know he isn't like us. He's not so... perverted."

Dee was quick to retort, "Yes he absolutely is a little pervert. You've seen how he looks at us. The way his hungry eyes caress our bodies. Especially lately. It's like we're the stars in some porno movie that's playing in his head." Donna paused letting her words sink in. She continued caressing Mom's oily inner thighs, her hand moving ever closer to Mother's crotch. Mom spread her legs wider.

"Yeah — I have noticed," Mom replied with a satisfied sigh. "I think it's cute."

Donna pressed on. "Well, you should have seen how cute he looked when I showed him my pussy this morning."

"Wait what!... You showed him your pussy?"

"Oh... was I not supposed to do that either?" My Aunt feigned surprise. Then she continued, "Listen Marie, he's fine. His head didn't explode. He didn't run away screaming. In fact, I am sure that he rather enjoyed it." My Aunt was oiling her way up my Mother's inner thighs. Mom parted her legs more — revealing her smoothly shaved snatch. So similar to her sisters — with full dark lips.

My Aunt continued, "Now tell me Marie — and be honest... Does knowing what I've done make you want to do it too? Don't you want your son to see your pussy?"

With that, Donna began to caress Mom's lovely labial flower — rubbing up and down her crotch with a well-oiled hand. Mom responded by tilting her ass up to provide easier access.

"Yes," moaned my Mom.

"Yes... what?"

"Yes... I want Danny to see my pussy!," said my Mother. Donna gave me a sly look and winked as she used both hands to part my Mom's ass cheeks and give me a perfect view of that glistening, pink, open vagina.

"You should show him. Hell... you're living in a beach house with him all week. I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunity." Donna continued to rub Moms big ruby lips and clitoris with her oily hand.

"Tonight... I'm gonna do it tonight," said Mom breathlessly.


"I dunno... maybe after I shower... I have a short bath robe... I'll give him a flash somehow, by 'mistake', you know?"

"Oh good, Marie... Danny's gonna love seeing your sweet little kitty cat. He's gonna love it in a very big way... if you know what I mean."

"Mmmm — yeah, he does look big doesn't he?," purred my Mother.

"Yeah he does... and thick too," said Aunt Dee.

"Oh I fucking love that!," exclaimed Mom, gutturally.

"I know you do, dirty girl." Aunt Donna slid her two middle fingers into my Mother's moist quim. "You're such a dirty girl... I bet you think about him... don't you?"

Mom just groaned and rhythmically raised her hips to meet her sister's penetrating fingers.

Aunt Donna persisted, "It's okay, I understand. I do it too — believe me. Just admit it, Marie. you think about your son when you touch this hot little pussy of yours. Don't you?"

"Yes!," whimpered Mom. "I think about him every fucking day alright? I think about my son, and I touch myself and I cum so fucking hard... Unnnghhhh." Mom groaned as Donna pistoned three slick fingers in and out of her eager twat.

"Good girl," said Donna in a soothing voice. "Doesn't it feel good to just come clean and not pretend?" Mom simply moaned in agreement as Aunty continued driving her fingers deep into my Mother's hungry vagina.

Donna then withdrew her fingers and reached for a rolled-up towel on the bed next to her. She unrolled it, exposing three sex toys. The first was a slender, hot-pink vibrator — about six inches in length. The second looked like a flesh-colored vibrating dildo — around eight inches long. And the third... the third toy was a massive dildo — with balls and a suction cup base. This thing was a beast... with a shaft that was at least ten inches long, and a girth that rivaled a soda can.

My Aunt picked up the vibrating dildo and began to lightly tease my Mother's sensitive labia — sliding the shaft up and down, and parting Mom's vagina to reveal the vibrant pink glistening folds of her inner lips.

"Now, tell me, Marie... and don't fucking lie... you think about Danny's cock, don't you? You think about your boy's magnificent penis when you fuck this pretty little pussy with all your naughty toys. Don't you!"

"Mmmmm... yes," moaned Mom. "I use my favorite big toy, and I imagine my son's beautiful cock... and I fuck my pussy... so hard... and I fuck my ass. Damn, it makes me cum so fucking nice... oh my God, Dee, you have no idea how horny I get for him."

"I'm sure I'd feel the same way if I was his Mother. I mean, he makes me horny as hell, and I'm just his Aunt." Donna looked at me and winked. She was now sliding the dildo smoothly up and down Mom's open labia.

"I know you really do want to fuck your son, Marie. You should do it. You need Danny's big dick don't you?" She moved the tip of the dildo in a circular motion — lightly touching and teasing the eager opening of my Mom's twat. Mom raised her hips up higher, her pussy ready for penetration. But Donna kept the tip of the dildo just out of reach — just teasing.

"Unnnghh yes... I need my son's big dick!"

"You want him inside you don't you?," pressed my Aunt. She allowed the tip to just penetrate my Mother's trembling lips.

"Oh fuck yes, I want him inside me... put it in Dee!"

"Don't tell me, Sister... tell your son," said Aunt Donna playfully referring to the dildo she wiggled against Mom's open cunny. "After all, it's his cock you want isn't it?"

Mom paused briefly before speaking — and I couldn't believe the filthy words she uttered next.

"Danny-Boy... slide your cock into my pussy. Fuck your Mommy with that big beautiful cock!"

Aunt Donna grinned at me, and slid half of the dildo into Mom's quivering quim. Then she held it there, stirring it around gently. Mom moaned in satisfaction, pressing her big ass upward.

"I think you'll need to give him some direction," my Aunt prodded. "After all, he is a virgin."

"Really? He is? How do you know that?"

"Mmm hmm — he told me so — just before I showed him my pussy."

"Oh my God — you are so crazy, Dee! Okay then... let's do this." Mom took a moment — as if stepping into a role. "Umm... Son?" Mom once again addressed the vibrator circling casually half-way inside her quim. "Push your cock all the way in, Danny. Give Mommy everything you got, nice and slow."

Donna pressed the vibrator — my proxy pecker — deep into my Mom's twat. Mom pushed up with her hips, groaning as it fully penetrated her. Aunt Donna held the dildo once more in place simply massaging my Mother's inner depths. Mom's hips and ass began to move slightly, rhythmically.

Then gradually, Aunt Dee began to slide the dildo in and out of My Mom's twat. Mom sighed, "Yeah Baby... just like that. Fuck Mommy nice and slow... Nice and deep." Donna kept up her rhythmic penetrations, while my Mother reached down with her right hand and began to massage her own clitoris. I could clearly see it — like a pink pearl — pinched between my Mother's manicured fingertips.

Mom was obviously getting very into it. She kept up a constant stream of moans and sighs, all the while exhorting her imaginary lover — me, her first-born son — to fuck her deep and hard. Her ass and hips were arched high toward the ceiling, and moved up and down in time to meet the dildo in her sister's skilled hand. Her ample pussy lips shone with juice and the dildo was making a pronounced squishy sound with every thrust.

I realized that I had dropped my swim trunks to the floor and was now stroking my rock hard cock. Aunt Donna noticed, and gave me an approving nod and a smile — but cautioned me to stay put with a gesture of her finger. Then she spread her legs wide and began fingering her own pink twat — all the while, staring at my cock, and continuing to plow Mom's pussy with the dildo in her other hand.

Mom, meanwhile, was becoming even more vocal and her fingers sped up on her pink pearl. "Ohhhhh Danny... Fuck me hard... Fuck Mommy's pussy hard, Darlin'... Mmmnngggggghhhhh... Mommy's gonna cum!.... Unnnnnnnngggghhhhhaa..." Mom's voice rose to a hoarse cry of pleasure, while her hips and big ass clenched and pumped up and down erratically. Aunt Donna kept that dildo buried deep in Mom's contracting quim, the entire time, until, with a series of shudders and yelps, my Mother's orgasm had passed.

She lay spent, in silence for a few moments. Slowly, Aunt Dee slid the dildo out with a wet squelch. My Mom's open pussy lay spread before me — flushed a bright pink like a rose in bloom. A snow-white dollop of creamy goodness slowly oozed from her milfy quim. And as Aunt Donna held the dildo up to her face, I could see that it too was covered in Mom's cream.

"Mmmm," sighed Donna, and she began to lick the dildo. My Mom then sat up — and I quickly ducked back out of sight. I could here them both licking and slurping and making yummy sounds.

After a moment, Aunt Dee told my Mom, "Lay back down, I'm not finished with you yet."

"Oooooo, lucky me!," quipped Mom. I heard her settle back onto the mattress, and, after a moment, I tentatively peeked once more past the door frame. Inside, Mom was laying on her back, clutching the dildo in her right hand. Her legs were spread wide. Aunt Donna had the slim pink vibrator in her hand and was casually caressing Mom's outer lips with it. Occasionally, Donna would dip down and circle around Mom's anus with the tip of the vibrator. Mom responded by lifting her left thigh high and exposing her butt-hole to her sister's attentions.

"Mmmmm, look at that pretty little asshole... so ready and willing," said Aunt Dee lustfully. She gently massaged and prodded Mom's back door with the tip of the vibrator. She dipped the pink toy deep into My Mom's creamy snatch, then withdrew it and applied the creamy lube directly to Mom's anal sphincter.

"Did you know that your sweet innocent son was completely fixated on your ass when we were back on the beach? You were putting on quite the show for him, weren't you?... you little slut."

"Was he? I was hoping he was enjoying the view."

"Oh believe me... he thought he was being slick with his hat and shades on — but I could see from the side... he was totally checking you out. I think your quiet, shy son wants to fuck his own mother in the ass."

Donna was now pressing the pink vibrator's tip firmly against Mom's slicked-up asshole.

"Oh fuck..." said Mom breathlessly, "hearing that gets me so fucking horny. Put it in Dee. Put it in already!"

My Aunt slid the pink vibrator into Mom's willing asshole. Mom groaned with satisfaction and began to rock her big hips and ass slowly down and back up the slim toy. Aunty simply held it in her fist — braced against the mattress. Then Mom took the dildo she'd been holding and pressed in once more into her cunt. She pushed it in deep and stirred it all around even as she rode her asshole on the toy.

My mind reeled at what I was witnessing. My intellect had crashed some time ago, and I was now functioning on a purely instinctive need to fuck. I had continued to slowly jerk my cock. And I felt like I wanted to jump onto that bed and just fuck every orifice available. But I held off, trusting in Aunt Donna's plan — whatever that was.

Mom withdrew the toy cock from her vag, and brought it to her mouth, licking her thick juices from the shaft and sucking on the tip.

"Ooooo look at you... you dirty girl. I bet you're sucking on your Son's dick right now aren't you?"

"Mmmnn — Hmmmn," affirmed Mom, her mouth full of toy penis, her eyes closed.

My Aunt pressed on, "I bet if Danny were here right now, you actually would suck his dick... wouldn't you?"

"Mmmm... yeah..." Mom sighed between slurps. She continued to hypnotically ass-hump the pink vibrator in her sister's hand.

"What's that, Marie... I couldn't hear... your mouth was kinda full."

Mom removed the dildo from her mouth and said, breathlessly, "Yes... if Danny was here right now... I would totally suck his fucking cock!" She then resumed licking and sucking the dildo — my surrogate trouser snake.

Aunt Donna looked at me with a broad smile and said, "Hey Danny-Boy... Come on in here... You heard your Mother... She's going to totally suck your fucking cock."


"Ha.. Ha... very funny." Mom mumbled, continuing to lick and kiss the dildo, with her eyes closed.

Aunt Dee motioned me into the room. I entered, and moved silently to the bedside, shedding my clothes along the way. I stood naked, fully erect, looking down at my stunningly beautiful Mother. An easy breeze from the patio billowed the gauzy curtains, while diffuse sunlight streamed across the bed, dancing on Mom's golden skin. The soft ample curves of her body swayed gently as she undulated on her anal toy. Her full lips were wrapped around the tip of the dildo, and she was squeezing her meaty left breast.

As quietly as possible — so as not to shock her — I spoke, "Mom... hey Mom."

Her eyes snapped open wide. The dildo tumbled from her lips and hand, and Mom bolted up to a seated position. There was a look of complete incredulity on her face — as if she simply couldn't process what was happening.

"Oh my God!... Danny!... Oh my freaking God... Donna!... What did you do Donna!? What the fuck have you done!?" Mom voice was rising along with the look of panic in her eyes.

Donna quickly got to her knees and wrapped my Mother in a warm hug. This simple act of sisterly comfort seemed to have an gradual calming effect on my Mother. Her panic receded — but in it's place came tears and quiet sobs.

Dee spoke softly, "Sshhhh, Marie... I'm sorry Honey, I'm sorry... but this... this is the only way I could do it. I knew you would never say 'Yes' — so I had to take a different approach."

Aunt Dee paused, then took her sisters face in her hands and looked directly into Mom's eyes. "Marie listen,"You want this... You know it's true. We all... want this. Look at your beautiful son. Look at that magnificent cock."

Donna reached for my hand and lead me onto the bed — where I knelt before my Mother — naked and fully erect.

Mom gently disengaged from Donna, and looked at me for a long moments with tears rolling down her cheeks and dripping onto her breasts. With sad smiles, she looked long and hard into my eyes — as if she were saying farewell to her baby boy. Then her eyes began roaming hungrily over my lean, toned frame... my engorged manhood and big balls.

Once more, Mom looked me in the eye and asked, "Danny... is this what you want?"

"Fuck yes Mom... I want this more than anything."

Mom's nostrils flared with excitement and her eyes betrayed her desire. She looked sideways to her sister with a half smile, and said, "Donna... I'm gonna get you for this..."

"You always do," replied my Aunt with some sass.

Mom looked to me with a sexy smile. Then she said, "Come here Danny-Boy... Mommy's gonna suck your big, beautiful cock."


I moved forward and Mom smoothly positioned herself once more on her back, with her head on a couple pillows — mouth level with my ball-sack.

She ran her fingertips lightly up and down the length of my hard penis, even as she began to lick and kiss the underside of my balls. Mom's tongue swirled vigorously on my taint, and she began to pump my junk with her left hand.

My Aunt Donna had once more spread Mom's legs, and was busy running her tongue up and down Mom's wet vaginal slit. My Aunt then reintroduced that pink vibe back into Mom's ready ass. Mom grunted in approval and began her slow undulations. She pulled the tip of my cock down into her beautiful mouth and began to suck the head.

Looking down at my Mom's pretty face, I realized that she was doing exactly what she'd been doing a few moments ago with the dildo. Yet now, the fantasy had become flesh — and she sucked my flesh ram-rod deep into the back of her throat.

I could feel the tension building in my loins and I knew I was gonna cum soon. I saw that Aunt Dee was sucking on Mom's clit... pulling it out long with her pursed lips and then sucking it in and out. Mom was moaning and groaning, even with her mouth full of dick.

We looked into each other's eyes lovingly, and I moaned. Never in my life had I felt anything so amazing as my sweet Mother's mouth sucking the head of my cock while she stroked my thick shaft with a sure hand.

My inner porn star awoke, and I groaned, "Yeah Mom... look at you... so fucking beautiful, Mom... so fucking hot, Yeah, suck it Mom... Suck on your Son's cock." I moved my hips back and forth — gently thrusting my meat into Mom's mouth.

My verbal exhortations, combined with Donna's clitoral suction and anal attentions — all combined to send my Mother crashing like a wave into another orgasm. Her knees pulled up to her chest, as her back arched and her head drove back into the pillows. All the pent-up stress and tension of the last few moments was released as wave after wave of climactic convulsions washed over her body.

The head of my cock popped out of her mouth, and Mom once again issued forth a cascading torrent of passionate profanity. Bless her though, she never stopped vigorously pumping my johnson with her hand. And before I knew it, I was shooting a massive load of semen directly into Mom's open mouth. The jizz filled her mouth up quickly, and I angled my cock toward her big swaying tits. I coated Mom's tit's and dark nipples with load after hot load of my cum. I even managed to shoot a few white ropes down Mom's golden belly — past her belly button.Aunt Donna released Mom's swollen clit and smiled hungrily at the coating of cum on Mom's torso. She extended her tongue and licked and sucked her way up my Mom's abdomen. She paid special attention to sucking on Mom's big, cum-covered nipples — getting every last drop of jizz. Meanwhile, Mom had swallowed the first load I'd put in her mouth — but white rivulets of semen trailed down her chin. With a lusty little smile, Mom watched her sister sucking and licking up all of her son's ejaculate.

Finally, with a mouthful of my cum, Aunt Donna positioned her lips over my Mother's mouth. Mom opened her mouth wide, and my Aunt parted her lips — allowing a slow sensuous stream of my cum to drop into her sister's mouth. Something about the easy efficiency of their movements gave me the distinct impression that this was far from the first time these two sisters had mouth-swapped a load of semen.

Mom looked me in the eye, swallowed the last of my load, and smiled sweetly.

"Holy Fuck!" I gasped. "That was in-fucking-credible!"

"Mmmmmnn... yes it was Honey. I love making you cum."

"Damn Mom — you are good at it — I can tell you that!"

"Ah-hem," My Aunt cleared her throat playfully. "Excuse me — but nobody's made me cum yet!" She looked to her sister. "Marie... if you don't mind, I'd like to borrow your son. I'm gonna teach this boy how to eat some pussy."


My naked Aunt Donna lay back — propping herself on her elbows and looking me in the eye. She spread her big thighs wide to reveal her hairless dewy pink flower.

"Did you miss my pussy Danny?," said my Aunt playfully.

"Yes I did," said I with eyes glued to her moist snatch.

"I told you... you'd be seeing it again — if you did everything I said. And you did just that. I'm very impressed. Now... I want you to do everything I say once again."


"Kiss my inner thighs." I had no problem with that — so, I knelt between my Aunt's knees and lowered my face to her crotch. The skin of her thighs was so smooth... golden, like honey. I kissed her right inner thigh and began to lightly kiss my way toward her slit.

"Other thigh now," she said gently. I complied and moved to her left thigh. I went a little slower — savoring the touch of her beautiful skin. She smelled like coconut oil. Once again, I moved toward Aunt Donna's pussy.

"Good boy," she said softly. "Now kiss me more... closer to my pussy." I kissed her soft, smooth flesh, inhaling her warmth and now her scent. She smelled fresh — like the ocean. She sighed softly even as another gentle breeze rolled in from the patio. I looked to my Mom. She was watching me, smiling slightly and lightly rubbing her nipple.

"Now closer... kiss my pussy... easy, nice and light... up and down... yeah baby — that's nice." I could taste my Aunt's honey on my lips as I kissed her, warm, fleshy labia. How I wanted to drive my tongue — my whole face — deep into those pink tender folds.

"Danny... you know where the clitoris is right?"


"Good Boy. I want you to kiss my clit." Happily, I complied, moving my lips up to her proud little pearl. I pressed my lips to her clitoris — kissing it up and down, on, and around her firm little nub.

"Ooooo that's nice," sighed my Aunt. Her hips started to move ever so slightly — rhythmically pressing her clit against my lips.

"Now lick it Danny. Lick my clit."

Extending my tongue, I licked up and down the smooth hooded shaft, and down, swirling around the pink sensitive bud.

"Mmmmm... yeah Danny — just keep doing that for a bit." Her eyes closed and her head rolled back, and she moaned softly.

"Looks like my son has a natural talent for this," said Mom beaming proudly.

"He takes after his Mother," sighed my Aunt. The two sisters looked at each other lustfully. My Mother leaned in and kissed Donna fully on the mouth. They kissed passionately — as lovers kiss... with open mouths and probing tongues. And it really struck me for the first time... these two women were indeed lovers. Sisters. Best friends. And truly... lovers... with a long and storied history. And now I was part of all that. They had wanted to include me in their most secretive, most intimate experiences.

I gave my Aunt's clit a few more firm swirls of the tongue, and then plunged down deep between her lips. She gasped and pushed her hips up more — opening herself to me. I drove and swirled my tongue as far as I could into her juicy inner cunt. Donna groaned, and with a steady rocking motion of her hips she fucked my tongue with her pussy.

I placed my hands on her inner thighs and — spreading her ass. Licking past the bottom edge of her twat, I followed with my tongue the sweet trail of juices that led to her smoothly puckered butt-hole.

"Yeaaahhh, that's it... lick my ass Danny." Aunt Dee lifted her knees up to her torso, offering me the full experience of her pussy and ass. I eagerly licked around and around her anus enjoying the taut, smoothly ribbed texture of her delicate skin. I pushed the tip of my tongue into her sphincter, and she squealed with delight. She rocked her big milf ass back and forth as I tongue-fucked her tight asshole.

Licking back up through her big lips, to her clit, I began to concentrate my attentions there — on that pink little bundle of nerves. I could feel Aunt Donna was tensing up and her breathing becoming more shallow. Her head lolled back and she gasped, "Suck it, Danny! Suck on my fucking clit!"

Pursing my lips I pulled her clitoris into my mouth — sucking it, drawing out it's length. I tugged on it gently with suction, popping the little head in and out between my lips.

For good measure, I inserted two fingers deeply into Aunty's squishy cooze, and worked them in and out, as I continued to nurse on her clitoris. I sucked it deeply into my mouth and swirled my tongue around the turgid tip.

At last, the beautiful lady who had set all of this into motion began to orgasm. Aunt Donna's thighs pulled up further toward her chest, and her back arched like a bow being drawn to its limit. From the back of her throat came a long, low gravelly moan... a moan which increased to become a series of exultant cries. He pelvis continued to rock rhythmically against my mouth, even as her juicy quim gripped eagerly at my fingers. Finally, she flopped back on to the bed laughing lightly and tousling my hair, as I continued to lightly kiss her tasty twat.

Then without speaking — but with intense passion in her eyes, Aunt Donna got to her knees and drew me to mine. We kissed... tonguing each other deeply, and I could feel her desire rising. She pushed me back into a kneeling position — my cock big and erect in my lap. Straddling my thighs, Aunt Donna pressed her hot, wet quim against the base of my cock. Holding my face in her hands, and looking into my eyes she rocked her cunt up and down — against the underside of my phallus.

"Danny..." she whispered breathlessly. "You have no idea how bad I want to fuck you right now!" She continued to hump herself against my rigid rod.

"Alright," I said agreeably. My cock and I were literally up for anything.

"But we can't do it yet Danny... because... your Mother... your Mother should be your first. That's the way it has to be... Your Mother will be your first fuck."


We both turned to look at my Mother, who had been watching us intently as she lay back on the pillows, fingering her own slippery quim and sucking on her big left nipple.

As the impact of my Aunt's words sank in, Mom raised her hand to her mouth and stifled an emotional sob, as tears welled up in her brown eyes.

Now it was my turn to ask her, "Mom... is this what you want? Will you be... my first?"

Mom nodded her head and smiled, as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. She spread her legs wide and her pretty pink pussy opened to me. She held her arms out — fingertips extended to me, and said softly, "Yes Danny... oh my God yes! Come here, Son. Come to Mommy."

I crawled between her golden thighs and positioned myself over her torso — missionary style. Supporting myself on straight arms I looked down into Mom's lovely face. We met in a warm gentle kiss — somewhat tentative at first, but soon building in intensity. She opened her lips to me, and the tip of my tongue penetrated her willing mouth, even as the tip of my rock-hard cock penetrated my Mother's willing vagina.

My Mother sighed as I slid my erect penis deeper and deeper into her. Her heat and her moisture enveloped me. Her soft, slippery depths welcomed me, drawing me in — tightly caressing and gripping every inch of my rigid shaft. I couldn't believe the surge of sensations that were flooding my synapses — emanating in waves from my cock and reverberating throughout my entire body.

Mom never took her eyes from my face — looking at me with a combination of joy and wonder, and lust. Her soft hands ran admiringly up and down the tensed muscles of my arms and shoulders and chest. I began to move in and out of her slowly — experiencing for the first time the slick, tight feelings of pussy penetration

"Oh Mom...," I gasped. "This feels so fucking good!"

"Mmmmm... Yes it does Honey... You feel so fucking good inside me. Give it to me baby. Yeah, that's it... Give Mommy that big fucking cock. Ohhh fuck yeeaaahhh!" Moms voice was filled with grit and passion. She was rocking her big hips now — eagerly meeting every thrust of mine — fucking me back with her hungry cunt.

With increasing speed and force, I drove in and out of Mom's wet quim. Her head rolled back and she began to utter a stream of animalistic groans and grunts. Her fingernails dug into my lower back — pulling me into her with each thrust.

She pulled her big thighs up to her chest and I found myself plumbing new depths of Mom's hot cunt. My dangling balls smacked against her asshole. Our loins slapped wetly together with every impalement of her pussy by my prodigious pole.

She was so well lubricated, and my motion was now smooth and fast and powerful. Together, we were like a well-oiled fuck-machine. The only friction available came from the speed of our thrusts and the silky smooth clenching of her twat muscles on my tool. That's right — I could feel Mom's pussy squeezing my cock — like a firm, gentle fist.

"Uuuunnnnngggghhh... Mom...," I looked speechlessly into Mom's eyes, feeling the rising pressure in my groin, and I know that my orgasm was nigh.

Mom knew it as well, and she urged me onward in a husky whisper, "Yeeaahh Baby... come on now. Do it Baby... Cum for me... Cum in my pussy, Danny. Cum in Mommy's fucking pussy!"

With that, I grunted like a degenerate caveman, pressing my full meat into my Mom, and exploding my tremendous load into the tight depths of her cunt. My moaning Mother dug her nails into my ass cheeks, and, for what seemed like an eternity, I continued grunting and grinding and pumping hot jets of jizz into her softly gripping quim. Even as the intensity of my orgasm dissipated, I could feel her velvety vagina squeezing me... milking my manhood for every last drop of her loving Son's semen.

I felt as though I was in heaven floating amongst the clouds. I'd never felt anything so indescribably amazing in my life. Mom was softly running her fingers up and down my back, smiling, and looking at me with sparkling tears in her eyes. I pressed my body to hers and we kissed deeply, intensely lost in the timeless ebb and flow of our passionate love.

"That was... oh my God... so fucking hot!" My Aunt's breathless voice recalled Mother and I from our reverie. I slid off of — and out of — Mom, and we both looked with surprised bemusement at her sister. Donna was on her knees, straddling that tremendous dildo she'd unveiled earlier. One hand pinched and pulled on her swollen nipples, while her other hand feverishly rubbed her glistening clit.

"Danny Boy," she said in a husky voice,"How was it? How was your first fuck? How was your Mother's pussy?"

I was literally speechless. How does one encapsulate an event like that in mere words? Haltingly I attempted, "It was the... greatest thing I've ever experienced."

"Mmmmm, I bet it was, baby. You fucked your Mom so good, Danny Boy," said my Aunt as she continued to swivel her cunt on the massive dildo. Looking between my mother's spread thighs, Donna raised her eyebrows, reached out and caressed Mom's pussy. Then she raised her hand, showing us a generous dollop of my thick white jizz. Bringing her sticky fingers to her lips, my Aunt hungrily lapped up my cum, and gave us a devilish little grin.

Turning her attention to my Mom, Dee asked, "And what about you, sweet sister? How was it being fucked by your stud son... feeling his beautiful cock pumping his cum deep inside your pussy?"

My Mother looked my in the eye, a tear sliding down her cheek. She smiled at me and said. "It was the most beautiful thing I've ever felt in my life." Then we kissed as new lovers — deeply and passionately. Our tongues danced and swirled delightfully until the moans of pleasure coming from my Aunt became too intense to ignore.

Mom and I sat up to behold Donna pumping feverishly up and down on that thick ten-inch dong. Her cunt was making wet slippery sounds and leaving a creamy coating on the shaft of the massive phallus. Aunty grunted with each self impalement of her pussy, cradling a big tit in each hand and tugging on her long brown nipples.

Rising to her knees, Mom kissed her sister's open mouth and her hand slid down to Donna's crotch. Mom's finger tips found her sister's turgid clitoris, and began to rub it lightly, quickly back and forth — even as Dee continued to groan and grind down on the thick dildo.

I then rose to my knees and bent my head to my beautiful Aunt's left breast — taking her meaty nipple into my mouth and sucking on it for all I was worth.

"Oooo yeah, Baby," whispered my Mother lustily. "Suck on that nipple hard... that's the way she likes it!"

Mom then placed her own mouth over her sister's right nipple and began sucking hard. Donna groaned in speechless ecstasy, and we all knew that her orgasm was close. Sliding my right hand down my Aunt's full butt, I reached into the deep crevice of her ass. My fingertips pressed against the slick, taut ring of her anus, and Donna sighed, as I slipped my middle finger in. She arched her back and pressed back against my hand, as I slid a second finger into her butt.

Mom and I continued to suck on her meaty nipples, while my Aunt was grinding down with lewd abandon on the dildo buried deep up in her dripping cooze. All the while, Mom's fingers continued rapidly rubbing her sister's swollen clitoris, as a low moan began to build in Donna's throat.

Donna's orgasm took her with a sudden fury, and my Aunt howled like a banshee in heat as she continued and hump her cunt up and down the length of that latex leviathan. Dee kept on cumming while Mother continued to pleasure that engorged clitty and suck hard on her turgid nipple. I too sucked her other nipple, while driving my fingers deep into Donna's quivering asshole .


Finally, Aunty collapsed at my Mother's side, and the three of us lay there — breathless, spent and sweaty. We'd each had two orgasms, yet, we were all eager for more. We continued caressing and kissing each other as the warm sea breeze washed over our bed. At last, with some sorrow, my Aunt spoke up softly. "I could literally do this all day -- but, we should really get back out there. It's been a long time."

"Ohhhh," groaned Mom. "I know, we really should go back," said Mom, echoing the disappointment in her sisters voice. She nestled into my neck and nibbled on my earlobe, and my fingers trailed lightly over Mother's slippery labia

"I've been thinking," continued Aunt Dee, her tone brightening, "This was so fucking good. God damn! This was amazing! Lets make a deal okay? The three of us... will have sex... every single day of this vacation. Every fucking day — in one way or another... somewhere, somehow... the three of us... will be fucking and sucking and cumming together. Okay? Every day. What do you think?," she smiled proudly.

"I'm definitely down for that," was my none-too-surprising response.

Mom was a little more considered. "You know that's not going to be easy Dee." She paused as if mapping out the terrain of the week. "We'll have to be smart. And careful as hell." Then with an easy smile, Mom looked at her sister and continued, "But we've been doing that for years haven't we? Besides, I've never been one to shy away from a challenge. So, yeah, it's a deal! Sex — every day — for the three of us." She paused, in thought for a moment, before continuing, "Though, it may not always be all three together. We may have to pair off occasionally."

"As long as you two lovebirds don't forget about me — the one who put this whole thing together!," quipped Donna.

Mom and I both laughed and agreed, excited by the prospects for the week ahead.

Mom once again looked thoughtful, the gears spinning behind her eyes. She spoke, conspiratorially, "You know how the guys have that charter fishing boat thing planned for tomorrow? What's that gonna be... like four or five hours?"

"Uggghhh — I hate fishing!" said Donna. "It's so boring... and gross!"

"Don't worry," said Mom, "I know a perfect way for the three of us to get out of it. Believe me, Sister, the only pole you'll be holding tomorrow is this one right here." Mom reached down and grasped my now fully erect dick.

We all laughed, and Aunt Donna also wrapped her fingers around my shaft. " you are talking Sister," she purred. "But I have one request. Tomorrow... I get to fuck my Danny Boy first!"

11. Epilogue

So began the most incredible week of my young life. Over the course of the days that followed, we three stuck to our compact, and managed to have sex every single day — in every possible way. Mom was right, it wasn't always easy. Often it was down-right risky. But we all had the will. And we always found a way.

Our exploits during that week alone could fill a book. And perhaps one day they will. In the span of seven days, I went from being a shy virgin with no immediate prospects — to being an orgasm-dealing super-stud. I was getting more wonderful pussy (and ass) than I could ever have imagined. And I was capable of pleasuring these two buxom beauties with the skills of an experienced gigolo. Yes, these two amazing women guided me into the uncharted realms of manhood with an intense, adventurous passion, easy-going kinky humor, and more than anything else... love.

And, best of all, that week was only the beginning. My Aunt, my Mother, and I continue our secret sexual compact to this day. We may not be able to hook up every single day, but you'd be amazed at how often three perpetually-horny people — especially three family members — can find a way to fuck and suck each other at the drop of a hat. The challenge and the risk... well, that's all part of the fun.

In fact, just yesterday, Aunt Donna and I met for a quickie in a remote corner of the parking lot of my Community College. We jumped into the backseat of her CRV, where she sucked and licked my cock, while I fingered her soaking cunt to a shuddering orgasm. She then spun around and impaled her ready anus onto my throbbing manhood. Within moments, I was pumping a huge load of hot semen deep into my sexy Aunt's big gorgeous ass. Then she sped off into the gathering dusk — on her way home to make dinner for her husband and kids.

And even now, as I type these words, my beautiful Mother is reclining languidly on my bed, naked —just a few feet away. Her thighs are spread wide and her pussy is open, bright pink, wet with her dew. Her fingers rub and circle her engorged clitoris, then dive deep — in and out of her eager quim.She withdraws them, and with a small seductive motion of her glistening fingertips, she beckons me to her.

Don't worry, Mom... your son is coming.
