My wife Molly was always in a hurry. Everything she did, she did full bore and full-on.

Molly arrived in this world early, some six weeks ahead of her due date. She didn't even wait for her father to get her mother to the hospital. She was born on the side of the Pacific Highway in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Her parents were just short of the exit down to The Princess Alexandra Hospital.

She walked early and talked early. Molly passed through school early. By the time she had finished her final year at high school, she was almost two full years younger than her graduating classmates.

Molly got her car licence on the first try on her 17th birthday. Her first car was a thirty-year-old Ford Escort MkII Sport. It was a virtual wreck with a blown engine when she purchased it. She spent every afternoon, evening and weekend pestering, bullying and helping her three older brothers and father rebuild the engine, strip the car down to the bare shell, and then fix, repair or replace the rusted or damaged parts.

I have no idea where she got the money for parts from, as her family was poor, and she had begun her Uni course, so money was at a premium.

As soon as the car was ready, Molly painted it lime green with black racing stripes and started competing in the local Rally Events. She got to be pretty good, regularly featuring in the local papers and magazines as a 'rising star' on the rally scene.

One of the local car companies offered her a sponsored drive, but Molly refused.

You see, Molly thought it was time to marry, settle down, and start having children. Four of them, she had decided. She loved being the only girl and youngest child in a four-child family, and she would have the same.

That's where I came in.

I'm her husband, Paul. I'm a year older than Molly and lived a street over. Her brother Matt and I were in the same class all through school and are best friends. I spent a lot of time at the Spencer household as I grew up.

My dad had skipped out on my mother when I was just a baby, and mum never really coped. By the time I was a teenager, mum was a drunk. Some people are nice drunks, I hear. My mother wasn't. She'd get loud and verbally and physically abusive when she got a load on. She got a load on often.

The Spencers, Dad Pat, Mum Valerie, the boys, Fred, James, Matt, and Molly treated me like a kind of de facto other brother and let me sleep on the couch whenever mum got too much to handle.

Molly didn't say much to me, but she stared at me a lot. Even when she was only six or seven, I would turn from something I was doing with Matt and find her sitting on something, kicking her heels and staring.

It was virtually the only time I saw her motionless. The rest of the time, she would be doing something, kicking something, writing something, or taking something electrical or mechanical apart.

Molly did most of grade 5 with Matt and me. She had been moved up a class at her insistence and was already way ahead of us by the midyear break.

In class, she never spoke to me even once. But she sat two desks over, and I'd often find her looking at me when I looked over at her.

By high school, Molly had moved up another year.

I didn't know if I was glad or not that she no longer sat staring at me.

On the morning of her eighteenth birthday, Molly came and found where Matt and I were sitting, waiting for our next class. I was only 19 and doing the first year of my teaching degree. Matt had started a mechanical fitter course at the same TAFE (Technical and Further Education Institute) I was studying at.

"Bugger off for a bit, Matt," Molly told him. "I need to chat with Paul."

Molly had a bit of a temper, and all the brothers feared her some. When the boys fought, they'd throw punches and maybe try some 'kung fu' kicks they'd seen in a movie, but they fought fair.

Molly didn't. She usually went straight for the balls. Hands if she could, elbows, feet, knees, even teeth, if she couldn't.

My wife was tiny. Barely 5-foot (152 cm) and only 99 lbs (45 kg). The boys were all as big as me, 6-foot+ (183 cm+) and more than 185 lbs (85 kg), so Molly had no compunction in evening the competition up by using low blows.

Once Matt was out of earshot, Molly turned to me and said, "Dad says I can't get married until my 21st birthday, so you're going to knock me up tonight. That way, you'll have to marry me because I'm pregnant, and dad will have to agree."

Molly hadn't even tried to give me a kiss or hold my hand up until that point. Other than all the staring, I had no idea she even fancied me.

By 19, and after all the time I had spent with the Spencers, I knew Molly was impossible to refuse. No matter what I did or how I tried to evade or equivocate, no amount of dodging and weaving would save me. I was going to end up married to Molly.

Probably, about six weeks from today when the pregnancy was confirmed.

The Spencers owned a three-bedroom house. Matt and Molly used to share a room until Molly's 11th birthday. Pat built an extra room on the back porch. It wasn't much, but it was dry and warm. Fred was shuffled into there. Matt was moved into Fred's old spot, and Molly got a room to herself.

"Make sure you're over at ours sleeping tonight, Paul. I'll come and get you around 1.00 am, and you can make me pregnant."

Embarrassed as all hell, I mumbled, "Okay."

I didn't have a girlfriend and hadn't had much experience at even kissing a girl. Helen Martin taught me how to kiss. She says I'm the best boy kisser she knows, but I'm not a patch on some of her girlfriends.

Helen even let me get to 'second base' one afternoon when we were 'practicing kissing', but her mum came home before we could get any further.

"What did Molly want?" Matt asked after Molly had strode off.

"Nothing," I replied. I sure as hell wasn't telling my best friend his sister wanted me to make her pregnant.

"Must've been something," Matt said. "Molly never does anything for no reason. What did she say to you?"

Testing the waters, I replied, "She asked if I'd like to be her boyfriend. What do you think?"

Matt laughed delightedly

"You should marry her, and then we'd be brothers for real instead of close enough."

"Maybe, I will," I muttered.

"What? Are you nuts? Molly's my sister, so I love her, but she's out there, you know? You can't even ISD (International Subscriber Dialling) where she is. Only a mad man would marry her, and I know you're not that mad!"

"Let's just drop it, okay?"

Matt looked at me for some time.

"Jaysus! You're considering it. You can date her, Paul, but I still think you're nuts! And if dad, or my brothers, catch you fooling around with her, they'll fucking kill you, and you know that, right?

Ick... you fooling around with my sister, ewwwwww!!!!!! That's just weird, man. She must be like a sister to you."

"What if it's what Molly wants, Matt? What do I do then?"

"If it's what Molly wants, you may as well go and ask dad if you can marry her now cos you're screwed!"

"I guess I'm screwed then," I mumbled as the door to my lecture opened, and I walked inside.

Back over my shoulder, I asked, "Can I come to yours tonight? It's pension day, so mum will have a belly full of grog when I get home."

"Anytime, bud, you know that."

I get a little help from the government to study, a little over $250/week. I spent some to buy a rib roast and some winter vegetables for Mrs Spencer to cook for us all. Pat has a secure job with the council, but it doesn't pay much, so whenever I could help, I chipped in something. Neither Pat nor Val would take any cash, so I got around that by buying food or toiletries.

Every now and then, I'd buy Mrs Spencer a bottle of the Britney Spears perfume that I knew she liked but couldn't afford. I never made a big deal of it. I just left it in the bathroom when I was over.

I didn't bother going home after Uni. I knew what would be waiting for me there. A mouthful of abuse and a violent fit throw.

When I got to the Spencers', only Molly was home. She didn't act any differently from how she had done every other time I'd been over. She didn't talk much, just let me in, and then returned to her studies.

I'd asked her what she was studying another time. Her response was, "Nothing, really. I'm just waiting for the time to be right."

"Right for what?" I'd asked

But all she did was smile.

Val's car pulled into the driveway. Molly gathered her stuff off the table and went to her room.

Just as she was almost out the door, she turned back and said, "Don't be falling asleep on me tonight. I don't want to have to wake you up."

I'm a virgin teenage boy. Those two sentences gave me the biggest hard-on ever.

Mrs Spencer had done some shopping, so I helped her to bring the bags in. She saw the stuff I'd bought sitting on the sink bench.

"Hmm. Rib roast and roasted veggies for dinner sounds perfect."

Val hugged me, "You're a good kid, Paul. Thank you very much."

'She won't think I'm a good kid after Molly has had her way with me,' I thought.

I was both excited and terrified of what might happen tonight. I mean, how do you go about making someone pregnant?

Don't be silly. It's 1998. I know the theory of what to do to make a woman pregnant. I didn't have any practical experience, though. The most I'd done is the little bit of kissing and soft petting described above.

It was only around 4.00 pm. Somehow, I had to get through another 9 hours before my assignation with Molly. I spent it in a complex and ever-changing swirl of feelings, emotions, and desires.

The two primary ones were fear and excitement. Fear it would all go wrong, that we'd be caught and I'd lose my welcome place in their home, and that Molly was bullshitting me, and this was all some kind of sick game of hers.

Excitement that I would finally lose my virginity. By the way the guys talked, I was the last virgin left from our high school years. Excitement that I would get to see some boob, and did I dare hope to see some vag as well?

"Bit hard to make someone pregnant without going near the pussy," I told myself.

But I didn't know what Molly would be wearing. Would she be naked, as I hoped? Or would she keep most of her body covered and just lift things up far enough, or aside far enough, for us to copulate?

I kept getting embarrassing erections at inopportune times.

Just as I thought my zipper had to burst from the pressure of my erection, Mrs Spencer asked, "Paul, do you mind grabbing the butter from the fridge?"

Luckily, James came in from the bathroom and grabbed it on the way past.

It was a work day in the morning, so we all settled down to sleep around 10.00 pm.

I lay there, wide awake, both dreading and longing for the appearance of Molly to take me to her bed.

If I got any more aroused, I might have cum without even tossing one off. I considered having a quick wank to see if I could ease some pressure, but it seemed wrong, somehow.

It took 4,000 years to make it to 1.00 am. Of that, I am absolutely certain!

Molly slipped quietly up beside where I was lying and took hold of my hand.

"Come with me, please," she whispered.

I swung my feet to the floor. Once I was up, Molly put some cushions in a line on the couch and pulled the bedding over them. In the dark, to a casual, sleepy observer, it would seem like I was still lying there.

Trembling with fear and anticipation, I followed Molly down to her room.

Molly closed the door and then lay a towel along the bottom of the door. Molly covered the shade of her bedside lamp with a scarf before turning it on.

The room was filled with a soft, gentle light.

Molly had a full-length dressing gown sashed tightly around her. I was wearing my boxers and an old T-shirt.

Molly and I stood staring at each other. I didn't know what to do. Was I supposed to make the first move? Wasn't I supposed to ask permission first?

Our sex education classes at school emphasised the need for constant and ongoing mutual consent. Was this one of those times I needed to ask for it?

I didn't know. I was too scared to think.

"Paul," Molly asked in wonder. "Are you a virgin?"

Miserable, I answered, "Yes."

Molly visibly relaxed.

"So am I, Paul. Would you like to experiment with me? Maybe we can figure this out between us."

"I'd love nothing more, Miss Molly," I told her.

"Would you like to kiss me, Paul?"

I nodded.

Molly is barely 5 feet tall (152 cm). I'm 6-foot 4-inches (193 cm). Molly weighs scarcely 99 pounds (45 kg). The last time I weighed myself, I was almost twice that. It took a bit of figuring out how to kiss her.

In the end, I picked her up so I could stand up.

Molly chuckled with delight, then wrapped her legs around my waist. Something very warm was pressed against my T-shirt covered abdomen.

With her legs around me and with her sitting on my hips, Molly was now a little taller than me. She tipped her head forwards and a little to the right, and her lips brushed mine.

I remembered what Helen had taught me and kept my lips firm, but the pressure soft and sucked lightly in as Molly's lips locked with mine.

We kissed like that for a long time. Molly eventually came up for air.

"That was so nice, Paul. I've only ever been kissed by my brothers and dad before. And they sure as hell don't kiss like that!"

"That was only a chaste kiss, Miss Molly," I told her. "There's much more than that."

"Oh?" She asked. "Show me, please?"

This time, before locking my lips with hers, I softly ran my tongue around the corners of her mouth. I lightly traced the curve of her lips where the top and bottom lips meet, brushed it along her teeth, and repeated the actions on the other side of her mouth.

Molly moaned softly into my mouth as our lips met. Taking advantage offered by her parted lips, I slipped my tongue into her mouth and touched hers with mine.

Molly lifted her tongue to meet mine, and we played our tongues across each others.

My erection was so extreme that it was almost poking out of my boxers and was very close to Molly's perineum. I think she must've felt it as she let herself sink lower.

The warmth between her legs was now only millimetres from the tip of my cock. Unable to control myself, I came.

Some of my shooting cum spat out of the fly of my boxers and landed on Molly's dressing gown.

Shamefully embarrassed, I dropped Molly onto the floor and turned away.

I was just going to go home, I was that ashamed at cumming without even being touched.

"Sorry, Molly," I muttered, red-faced and almost in tears.

"Are you ashamed that you came, Paul?" She asked.

Trying not to sob, I nodded.

"It's the biggest compliment you can give me, Paul," Molly said. "That you find me so sexually attractive that a mere kiss from me can make you orgasm makes me feel beautiful and oh so sexy.

Come and lie on the bed with me. We'll kiss some more, and I'm sure you'll be back soon."

She was right. As soon as we kissed, I was harder than advanced calculus again.

Molly had her eyes closed, and her breath came in small gasps. There was a strong smell of something I couldn't name pouring from her. It was musky, maybe like fresh sweat, maybe a little like incense. It was a delicious scent.

I came to learn that smell meant Molly was aroused and wanted to make love. I loved making her smell like that and spent most of our too short life together trying to make her give off that odour.

"Stay there, Paul," Molly said, then got off the bed.

She took hold of the ends of the sash holding her dressing gown closed and slowly pulled the bow apart.

My lips dry in anticipation, I watched, fascinated, as the bow came closer and closer to falling apart. The sash came undone, and Molly's gown fell slightly apart. The rock-hard nipples on her tiny 32B chest flashed momentarily into view.

I nearly lost a second load there and then, stopping myself with the barest of margins to spare.

Molly held her dressing gown closed and did a slow pirouette on tiptoes in front of me.

"Tell me you think I'm pretty, Paul," Molly demanded.

Shaking my head, I said, "Miss Molly, you aren't pretty. You're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. A Raphael painting has nothing on you."

Molly smiled widely and then dropped her gown.

The woman who would become my wife, and the mother of my four children, stood gorgeously naked in front of me.

I had never seen anything so exquisite in my life. Never have since, either.

That's not entirely true. There is another equally as gorgeous. You'll hear about her soon.

"I want you to make love to me, Paul, please."

"I don't know how," I almost cried.

"We'll work it out together, honey. Take your clothes off and lie with me, okay?"

I quickly dropped my boxers and flung my T-shirt aside.

Molly walked over to the bed and hungrily devoured my naked form with her eyes.

"So lean and yet so well-muscled," she said admiringly.

I'd competed in track with some modest success at High School and still ran almost 40 miles weekly. Running is a good stress reliever and a great way to blow your mind clear so you can think with an uncluttered mind.

I had solved many difficult Maths problems on my daily run.

"Your cock is so beautiful, Paul. May I touch it?"

"If you do, I'm probably going to cum again," I warned.

"Don't freak out, but I want to try something I've heard the other girls talking about, okay?"

I nodded.

Molly knelt on the bed and took my smooth, circumcised cock in her right hand. I'm very hairy, so I like to trim the hair away around my jockey brief area. I'm not bald around there, but the area is cropped pretty short.

I think it makes my dick look bigger. I'm not huge, just around the 7-inch mark. The guys I'd seen in porn movies were much larger than me, so I thought I was probably a little under average.

Molly seemed satisfied with it, though. She gently wrapped her hand around my shaft and gave me a bit of a tug.

As feared, I started to orgasm straight away. To my pleased surprise, Molly bent over and took the head of my cock in her mouth. Cumming copiously, I blasted her mouth full of my semen.

After I'd come down from my orgasmic high, Molly let my softening dick fall out of her mouth.

Wiping the excess spillage from around her mouth, she smiled, then said, "Hmm--interesting taste and texture. I had snails once on a trip to a restaurant for French class. It kind of tastes like that."

Molly looked at me seriously, "Would you like to taste me, Paul?"

Eagerly, I nodded my head.

Molly climbed onto the bed, gave me a soft kiss, and then lay on her back with her knees lifted and spread.

Nervous, I moved between her parted thighs. Her hairy pussy glistened with moisture in front of me. Moving slowly forward, I brought my mouth closer and closer to Molly's pussy.

I hesitated just short of my goal as I was scared to continue in case I did it wrong and hurt her.

My arousal was extreme again, though, so my breaths were blowing hot and quick across Molly's clit.

"That feels so good, Paul," Molly moaned. "Taste me with your tongue, please, baby."

Hearing this and smelling her arousal made it easy for me to let my tongue slide forward. I touched it to the entrance to Molly's vulva and tentatively gave a bit of a lick.

The taste was indescribable. A mixture of a little salty, with a flood of almost honey behind it. It was divine, I decided and lapped some more.

Peach nectar was what I thought Molly tasted most like.

Molly's hands took hold of my head, and she guided me a little higher onto her clitoris.

Trying to keep her moans to a quiet enough level not to wake anyone, Molly guided me up and down her slit. Sometimes gasping as I tongued her clitoris, other times moaning as I lapped at the juices running from her pussy.It didn't seem to take long before Molly put her left hand on the back of my head so she could grind her pussy against me. She stuffed the fleshy part between her thumb and forefinger into her mouth and then bit down on it hard to stifle her orgasm moans.

I almost came with her, it was so hot, but I didn't quite fall off the edge, thankfully.

"Two for you, one for me," Molly smiled. "Would you like to see if you can even the score up?"

I was eager to try, of course.

"What would you like me to do?" I asked.

Molly glanced away, suddenly shy. For some reason, she blushed.

"What is it?" I queried.

"It's a little risqué, and maybe a little dirty," she confessed.


"Will you tongue my butthole?" She pleaded. "The girls in my sex-ed class all say it's the best thing ever."

I was hesitant. It didn't seem wrong, or even dirty, just... I don't know... maybe too much for my first time.

"You think I'm a freak," Molly whispered, almost in tears.

"I most certainly do not, Miss Molly!" I exclaimed.

"If you call me Miss Molly one more time I swear I'm going to scream! I'm not a school teacher, or your spinster aunt that's 1,000 years old. I'm your girlfriend and soon to be your wife."

"Sorry, Miss... ahh... Molly. Look, I don't think you're a freak, okay?"

"Will you do it then, please, Paul?"

"Of course, my love," I responded.

"My love, nice. That's better than that other name."

Molly lay on her stomach so I could access her rear love hole.

'Fuck it,' I thought. 'Molly wants me to do this, so why not?'

I took hold of her butt cheeks and pulled them a little apart, exposing her soft pink ring. Unable to resist, I took a faint sniff. Molly had done an excellent job at cleaning the area. Her starfish smelt fresh and clean. Maybe a little musky from the juices of her arousal flowing there from her pussy.

Sure that she was clean, I touched the tip of my tongue to her rosebud. Molly quickly stuffed her face into her pillow to stifle her moans.

I'd seen a porn film where the male partner had done this, so I slipped my hand between Molly's thighs and found her clitoris. As I circled Molly's ring with my tongue, I ran my finger over and around her clit.

Molly came sooner and harder than she had with my tongue on her pussy. Her juices gushed from inside her.

I didn't know it at the time, but my soon-to-be wife was a squirter and multi-orgasmic. I was one lucky guy!

"The scores are tied going into the bottom of the ninth," Molly intoned as if she was a sports commentator. "Time to make love to me, Paul, please. I want to feel you inside me."

Molly rolled onto her back and spread her legs. Rock hard but terrified, I moved between her thighs. My large body covered her tiny one. Weirdly, given the height difference between us, once I was in position, between her legs, and with my penis close to the entrance of her vagina, we seemed to be approximately the same size.

I was gazing directly into Molly's eyes, so I kissed her.

Molly moaned, then lifted her hips so that her labia was pressed against the head of my cock.

"Push your hips forwards, baby. As you push forwards, I'll push up. That should work."

But it didn't. Molly gave a sharp intake of breath as the head of my cock slipped a little inside her. But it hit her hymen, and I was so terrified of hurting her that I couldn't make myself shove hard enough into her to break it.

I didn't know what to do. My instinctual brain was screaming, 'fuck that pussy!', but my civilised mind was warning me in a low cultured voice, 'Pain is violence. Under no circumstances shall a man commit an act of violence against a woman.'

Molly fixed it.

"Lie on your back, Paul. I'm going to ride you."

I quickly rolled over.

Molly knelt with her knees on either side of my body. She took my cock in her hand and guided it to the entrance of her pussy. Molly placed her right hand in the middle of my chest for balance, held my extreme erection in her hand, and then slowly lowered herself onto it.

I closed my eyes and concentrated as hard as I could on not ruining everything by cumming too soon again. The temptation to look became too much, and my eyes opened just in time to feel something stretch and then tear across the head of my penis.

I heard Molly yelp softly as her hymen broke and saw a splash of blood spray onto my pubic bone.

In wonder, I felt Molly's pubis come to rest on my pubic bone. Her perineum was hot against my balls.

Neither of us were a virgin anymore.

It was more than my 19-year-old's lusts could take. Molly had to hold her hands over my mouth to try to stifle the expansive groan I gave as I came inside her tightly gripping pussy.

Molly held still as I spasmed again and again, and then for a third, fourth, and fifth time inside her.

"You feel so good inside me, Paul," Molly breathily whispered. "I'm going to try and ride you, okay?"

I quickly nodded.

This time, I hadn't gone soft at all after cumming. It was like my mind had gone, 'this is what a man does he comes inside his woman. Now you need to take care of her needs'.

Molly was able to work out how to lift and lower her hips in no time at all, and her hot wet pussy was soon sliding deliciously up and down my cock.

Molly leaned forward to watch her pussy raise and lower on my erection.

"That feels so wild, Paul," she moaned. "So wild and so very good. Oh my! Oh, my sweet Jesus, I'm going to cum."

I felt something warm and wet splash over my balls and run between my thighs. It was all I could do to not orgasm again, but I wanted to hold off in case Molly needed some more.

She did.

Molly took my hands from where I was clenching the bedsheets and placed them on her big nippled, tiny breasts. Tossing her head, her dark brown hair flying all over the place and biting her bottom lip to stop from moaning, she rode me like I was the second running horse in The Melbourne Cup, and she was going to drive me to first if it killed her.

I didn't think I could last another second when Molly fell forward onto my chest, kissed my mouth, and said, "Cum in me, Paul. Cum, and we'll make a baby together."

There was no way of stopping it. My nuts squeezed tight against my shaft, and I pumped Molly's slippery pussy full of semen. As I came in her, Molly stuffed her wrist in her mouth to bite so the groans of her cumming wouldn't be too loud.

My balls received another washing with Molly's juices.

Molly slid off me and then lay on her side so she could put her head on my chest.

She sighed deeply, "That was so good, Paul. I think, maybe, you should sleep over again tomorrow night. We'll make love again, just to make sure I'm pregnant, okay?"

There was not one place, or anyone else, in the world I wanted to be or be with just then!

"What do you think we should name our first son, Paul?" Molly asked.

I smiled. I knew Molly well enough to know she had already decided the names of our prospective children.

"I always liked Albuquerque," I joked, picking the weirdest name I could think of on the spur of the moment.

"Your need to make jokes at the worst of times can be very endearing, Paul, just not right now," Molly admonished me. "I'm being serious. What do you think we should call him?"

"How do you know it won't be a girl?" I asked.

"Because I'm having three boys and then a girl," Molly told me as if it was already a done deal.

"Boys first because they need the most work young, and the least work old. Then a girl because you will need someone to look after you after I'm gone," she added in what proved to be an eerily prophetic statement.

We made love three more times that night before, around 5.00 am, Molly woke me and shooed me off back to the couch in time for her father to see me when he got up at 6.30 am to start work.

I couldn't sleep, so when Pat got up, I got off the couch and made us a cup of tea.

Sitting opposite him at the table, I waited until he had finished his first cup and made him another before I said to him, "I'd like your permission to date Molly, Mr Spencer, please."

Pat looked evenly at me for a time before saying, "You both have my blessing, Paul."

He held a finger up, though, "I know you kids are all screwing as soon as you get old enough these days, but I don't like it. I think men and women need to be emotionally mature before they commit to something as meaningful as sex. Valerie and I were both virgins on our wedding night. I was 23, Val 21. I want Molly to be at least that old and married before she gives herself to a man."

'Too late,' I thought. But I sure as hell wasn't going to say that now.

"How would you feel if I asked her to marry me?" I ventured.

I got an even flatter stare.

Pat's a good guy, but he's huge, easily 6 ft. 5 in (196 cm) and at least 276 lbs (125 kg), and rules his household with a firm, fair hand. Molly had him wrapped around her little finger, though.

"And what does my daughter say about this? Does she know you want to date her?"

"This is her idea," I confessed. "She came up to me at TAFE this morning and told me we were dating and she was my girlfriend. I wanted your permission first, though."

I added that little lie to protect my head from being knocked off my shoulders.

Pat smiled delightedly, "That sounds like my Molly," he said. "You realise we're going to have another conversation in a couple of years, don't you? Only that time it won't be 'date'. It will be 'marry'."

I knew it was going to be sooner than that, but I wasn't saying a damned word!

"I think you're right, Pat," was what I answered.

Pat headed out to work. I sat at the kitchen table as the house awoke around me and made tea or coffee for those that wanted.

Fred and James both grabbed some toast and a quick cup of tea as they headed off to their respective uni courses. Matt sat and chatted for a time before catching the bus to his TAFE sponsor's place of work.

Molly hadn't made an appearance yet when Valerie called from down the short hall.

"Come up here, please, Paul."

I walked toward her voice to find her sitting in Molly's bedroom, holding the bloody sheet from her daughter's deflowering.

'Oh, fuck,' I thought.

Molly had gone to take a shower. With the room empty, Val had entered to grab all the family's bedding for wash day.

Val patted the bed beside her.

"We need to talk, Paul. You and me first, then me and Molly. Then the three of us need to work out how we will tell Pat."

"Yes, Mrs Spencer," I replied, blushing redder than cloudy sunset.

"I think 'Mrs Spencer' is a bit redundant now, Paul, don't you? Valerie or Val is still fine." Molly's mum said drily.

I sat where she had patted.

"What are your intentions towards my daughter, Paul? Is she just someone to have sex with? Because, if she is, if that is all this is, you're no longer welcome in our home."

I shook my head, "I've never had sex before last night Val. Molly is the first woman I've ever seen naked. Well, other than mum when she's drunk and has forgotten where the bathroom is. But that doesn't count."

"You were both virgins until last night?"

Yes, Ma'am," I answered.

"What changed to make this happen?"

"I think you should ask Molly that, Valerie."

Val sighed, "Molly was ever precocious and headstrong. Did you harbour any feelings for her before last night? If you did, you were very good at hiding them."

"I never let myself think that way about her before yesterday, Val. Molly was the younger sister of my best Mate and the youngest daughter of a family that has been my one island of sanity in an ocean of bullshit. There was no way I was going to ruin that.

Besides, until yesterday, she was too young."

"What changed?"

"You'll need to ask Molly that, Val," I reiterated.

"I believe you, Paul. If you were going to do the wrong thing by my daughter, you would have tried to do it well before now. I'm just trying to work out how you two went from hardly exchanging a word to making love in one day.

It was 'making love', wasn't it? This wasn't just 'experimenting', or just fucking?"

"It was the most beautiful thing ever, Val," I answered truthfully. "I may not have realised I loved Molly until last night, but I sure as heck know now."

"Wait here," Val instructed. "I need to speak with Molly."

I could see through the open door that Molly had just exited the bathroom. She had a towel wrapped tightly around her small breasts. It covered her to mid-thigh, but I couldn't help the twitch my cock gave at the sight of her toned lower thighs and shapely calves.

She froze at the sight of me sitting on her bed and her mum walking out of her room.

"Come up to my bedroom, Molly. You have some explaining to do."

Molly flashed me a guilty look and then dutifully followed her mother.

I waited there for nearly an hour before they came back.

"Well, that's settled then," Valerie said to us both. "If you're anything like me, you're probably already with child. It seemed every time your father looked at me, I fell pregnant. Four kids in seven years before Pat would let me take birth control."

"I hope to beat that record, mum," Molly replied. "We're going to have them as close together as we can."

"And you've checked that Paul is happy to do that, Molly? Have you thought about what you're going to do for money? Where you're going to live? How you're going to afford food?

Paul will have to quit Uni and get a job... "

Molly interrupted, "No, he will not, Mum! You're thinking short-term, and I'm not. Paul will finish his degree, and we'll take a country placement. Four years out bush somewhere. Somewhere they'll be so happy to have a young teacher with a young family that they'll provide us with a house. And all the other young mums in the town will help us to raise our kids."

"You've got it all worked out, then?" Her mum said with an exasperated sigh. "How are you going to live until Paul graduates? Pat and I will help as we can, but you know how tight things are here.

Your brothers are all at Uni or TAFE, so none of them gets paid much.

How are you going to eat? Where are you going to live? Here? With Paul's mother?

Val gave an ironic laugh, "With Paul's mother, hah! That would be a wonderful place to raise a child!"

Valerie turned to me, "Sorry to be blunt, Paul. But you know I'm right!"

"We will live here, mum. Paul will move in with me, and we'll find a double mattress somewhere and sleep on the floor if we have to. The baby can sleep in my old crib that you never got rid of and is still in the garage. It will be fine. We'll make do."

"And live off the pension? Or do you expect Pat and I to support all three of you? You know how your father feels about welfare."

"No. I'm going to work so Paul can finish his studies. You worked up to the week you gave birth to Fred, and the same with James, you said so. I can do the same."

"Doing what?"

"I don't know, whatever I can get, doing whatever is necessary. We're going to do this, mum. With or without your help."

"What about you, Paul? What do you think about everything Molly has said?" Val asked.

"I think you're right, Val. If Molly and I are going to get married and have children, I need to get a job. Unlike my dad, I'll never do a runner on Molly and my child. I'm here for the long haul, meaning I need to 'man up' and do my duties and get a steady paying job."

"I also think Molly is right," Val muttered. "Leaving Uni and getting a job is the right thing to do in the short term. Qualifying as a teacher is better long-term planning. We'll have to try and work out how we will get you through that course."

Molly flung her arms around her mum's neck, "See? If you just listen, it will all work out fine."

"You're assuming your father won't boot you both out on your asses when he finds out you've been having sex before marriage."

"He won't, mum," Molly told her airily. "He loves me too much to do that."

"Maybe. But he's going to be royally pissed at you," Val said, using the first swear word I'd ever heard her use.

"Will you keep quiet about Paul and me until I've confirmed I'm pregnant, mum, please? I want to surprise dad into letting me marry Paul when he finds out I'm pregnant."

"You marrying Paul won't be a problem, Molly. Pat will demand Paul marry you as soon as he finds out you've been having sex."

And that was how it worked. I don't know if Molly got pregnant that first night because we had a lot of sex together over the next few weeks before a pregnancy test confirmed that Molly was with child.

After that first fumbling night, we got pretty good at it. Molly loved to experiment, so we tried all kinds of things. Oral, anal, 69s, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, but we always seemed to finish with me on top of her, her legs wrapped around my hips, and her arms squeezing my neck as we kissed each other hungrily.

Molly adored gazing into my eyes as we came together one last time. Molly was a gusher and multi-orgasmic, so I learned good self-control during this time. I could hold myself on the edge of cumming until Molly had cum numerous times, and I heard her panting my name, followed by a 'cum in me, darling, please'.

Twenty-one days after our first night together, Molly called me to her bedroom when I got to her house and showed me the results of her pregnancy test. Two blue lines. She was with child.

We told Val first when she got home.

"Okay, now the difficult part starts. Telling your father. Let's hope he's in a good mood tonight."

Molly and I sat holding hands on the couch, waiting for Pat to get home.

The brothers had been surprisingly good about Molly and me becoming an item. Matt was good with it from the beginning, but I was surprised by how happy Fred and James were.

"Molly is glowing, and I've never seen her so happy, Paul," James told me. "Just don't break her heart, or you and I are going to have a problem, you know?"

"I won't," I promised.

"Good luck together," Fred said. "I think you make a cute couple. But, if you break her heart, you know?"

"I know," I answered.

I didn't know how they would react when they found out I'd gotten Molly pregnant. I thought it would depend on how Pat handled it. If Pat was okay, the brothers probably would be, too.

A lot was riding on how well Molly had Pat wrapped around her finger.

To Val's, Molly's, and my shock, Pat was utterly calm when we told him Molly was pregnant.

Pat took a couple of very big breaths and then turned to me.

"This is why you asked me if you could date Molly, Paul, isn't it?"

"Yes, Sir," I answered.

"You took my girl's virginity the previous night?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied, holding his gaze.

"Were you a virgin that night as well?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Do you plan on marrying my daughter?"

"Yes, Sir. As soon as you permit us to."

"Molly is old enough not to need my permission. You know that."

"Yes, Sir, but we still want it."

"And if I refuse to give it?"

"Then we will be very sad, Molly especially, but we will get married anyway,"

"That's all I wanted to hear, Paul. Do you love my daughter?"

"Yes, Pat, I think I always have, but I wouldn't let myself feel that way because she was too young."

"Then you have my permission and my blessing. Once you're married, you can move into Molly's bedroom with her.

I assume you're quitting Uni and getting a job? I can see if there's something at the council with me if you'd like?"

"No, dad," Molly answered for me. "I want Paul to finish his degree. It's going to be hard, but together, we can do it. Long term, it will be much better. I'm going to quit my course and find work. The 'Women's studies' course I'm doing is complete bullshit, anyway."

"And when you can't work anymore?" Pat asked.

Molly smiled, "I've worked it out. I'll have the baby during the end of the year semester break. Paul will be able to get some casual work over the break, and by the time he has to go back to Uni, I'll be ready to work again.Mum doesn't work, and she will look after the baby when I'm at work, and Paul is at Uni. The rest of the time, either Paul or I will be home."

"If only life worked out so simply, my girl," Pat growled.

But it did. It worked out exactly like that. Molly had our first baby a week after Uni had finished for the year. She worked up to the night before she had Patrick. She said goodbye to everyone when she finished her shift at the supermarket that night.

"Where are you going?" They asked.

"I'm having my first baby tomorrow," she answered, her belly huge with child.

They all laughed, and the older women told her that it didn't work like that, but it did. Patrick was born at 10.57 am the following day.

Everyone, except Molly, called Patrick PJ, of course. He wasn't really, I guess, as Patrick was his grandfather, but it seemed to fit as we all lived together those first three years.

Our second, Thomas (Tommy), was born almost exactly a year after Patrick. I suspected Molly was holding on to have him on the same day, but she fell a day short.

Robert, or Robbie, as everyone called him, came 14 months later.

By then, I had finished my degree. As Molly had decided, we moved to Augathella, where I took up a teaching position. A schoolhouse was part of the deal, so Molly, the boys and I, finally had a place of our own.

Pat and Val took the drive out to see us as often as they could, and we'd head back to theirs during the school holidays.

Molly and I were trying for a fourth child but hadn't had any luck yet. It took almost two years before Molly triumphantly announced she was pregnant again. An ultrasound at 21 weeks confirmed our fourth child would be a girl.

Unfortunately, the ultrasound detected an abnormal growth in Molly's right kidney. More tests were run, confirming the growth was malignant and extremely virulent. It had already spread through Molly's liver and had started into her left lung.

The only way to save Molly was to terminate the pregnancy and for her to undergo intensive chemotherapy.

Molly would never kill her child. I was torn. Like Molly, I couldn't even contemplate aborting our child, but I couldn't stand the thought of losing her, either.

"If you don't abort now and start immediate treatment, you're going to lose the child anyway," the specialist told us. "Unfortunately, with how quickly this cancer is spreading, without chemo, your chances of surviving to give birth are virtually nil."

"You obviously don't know me," Molly informed him fiercely. "There will be no abortion, and I will live to see my daughter born and be damned to you all.

Molly stood up and grabbed my hand, "Come on, Paul, we're out of here. This jackass knows nothing!"

She dragged me out of the seat and down to our car.

"There will be no abortion, Paul," she reiterated. "I will live to see our daughter born and go to my rest. You're not to grieve because I promise we will be together again. Now tell me you believe me!"

As I observed early in this piece, Molly is impossible to refuse. With my voice and heart breaking, I nodded my head and said, "I believe you, my love."

"I still like that, you know? My love, it makes me feel like I'm your whole world."

"You are," I replied.

Molly had our daughter in the late afternoon sun on a Friday. The nurse cleaned the baby up and placed her on Molly's chest.

Molly was on oxygen and sedated, the maximum the anaesthetist dared to give her without endangering our child. She looked at her daughter, smiled, and then said, "I want you to call her Molly after me. Promise me you will look after each other forever, Paul. Promise me that, now."

"Of course, I will, my love," I told her, my heart shattering to pieces in front of her.

Molly passed.

My wife did everything in a hurry. Born early, lived hard, had children early, and died early. Way before what should have been her time.

I took the boys, and Molly (MJ), back to Pat and Val's. The three brothers had all moved out, so we were able to move into their old rooms.

Mum had shown no interest in meeting any of her grandchildren, so, for my own peace of mind, I had let her die in my mind too.

I held it together, not because I wanted to or even thought I could, but because my children needed me to. Our eldest wasn't even six yet. I mostly held it together because I knew Molly wanted me to.

Many a night, I repeated in my mind what she said to me before dying, "You're not to grieve. I promise that we will be together again."

It helped, somehow.

It's always seemed weird to me how genetics work. The three boys all grew to be tall like me. None of them quite reached the 6 ft. 4 in. (193 cm) that I am, but they're all well over 6 feet tall. Molly and my eldest two are both slim. The youngest, Robbie, will probably run to fat like I would have if I didn't keep my exercise levels high and my diet strict.

MJ was like her mum, tiny. MJ had her mum's flashing green eyes and dark brown hair. The same even white teeth under full lips and the same impish smile.

Unfortunately, she had the same tendency to stare at me as well. The intensity of her gaze was a little scary at times.

On MJ's fifth birthday, she asked if I could enrol her into a gymnastics course. The Olympics had been on the previous year, and MJ had sat glued to the TV throughout the gymnastic events.

I was able to find her a club, and it was no effort to get her there. MJ was always ready and waiting with all of her gear well before it was time to go to the club.

MJ got to be pretty good. She was a non-travelling reserve for the Australian gymnastics team for the 2018 Commonwealth games and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (held in 2021, as you know).

She was only 14 in 2018, but even so, missing her home Commonwealth games by such a small margin must've hurt. MJ took it all in her stride, though.

"Gymnastics is just something to do as I wait for the time to be right," MJ informed me when I asked how she felt about missing out.

Now, where had I heard that before? I gave a shiver as if a goose had walked over my grave.

My late wife felt very close just then.

My teaching career had gone well, and the rest of my life was good. The boys had all grown up to be good kids and great young men. PJ and Thomas had both completed apprenticeships. PJ did his with the same Council his grandfather worked for. Pat had managed to get him in there to do an electrical apprenticeship. Tommy wanted to be a plumber, so that's what he did. Pat put a word in for him, and Tommy was taken in as one of QBuild's apprentices.

Robbie was a brain box, so he was currently attending Melbourne University, journeying through a degree that would eventually see him graduate as a Doctor of Medicine.

I was offered the Principal's job back at my first teaching school in Augathella. Initially, I was going to refuse because MJ was about to start grade 12. Probably the most important year of her school career.

MJ told me, "Don't be silly, dad. You always said you were going back there because you loved it so much. What better time than now?"

"Any time after you've graduated would be a better time, Miss," I growled at her.

"I don't want to go on to Uni, dad," MJ informed me. "I want to settle down with a nice boy and have his children. Augathella is a great place to raise kids, as you well know, so why not there?"

"What about your gymnastics? You won't be able to do what you need to do to make the 2024 Olympic team from there."

"Gymnastics was just to fill in the time, dad. The time is almost filled in. I don't need it anymore."

I knew, by now, that arguing with MJ was as futile as arguing with Molly and that MJ was just as difficult to refuse.

I gave an exasperated sigh.

"It's settled then," MJ told me. "You'll take the job, we'll move back to Augathella, and I'll finish high school then find myself a good husband. I want the same as mum had, the same as her mum had. Three boys, then a girl."

Tossing my hands in the air, I opened my emails and sent a confirmation request saying I could start in the new term, about four weeks from now and about a week after Molly's eighteenth birthday.

There was one part of my life that hadn't gone well.

I had never found another woman I felt I could love. I indulged in a bit of casual sex, but it seemed so hollow that I didn't bother very often. There were women who, it seemed, set their cap for me, but as soon as they realised I had four young kids to raise and not much money, interest dropped away quickly.

If I'm being honest, the problem was this: They weren't Molly.

MJ and I packed our meagre belongings, stacked them into a rented trailer, and drove the 8 hours to Augathella.

As the principal, I got a larger, better equipped home than I got as the teacher but I was happy to swap houses with Alex, one of the four other teachers at the high school. Alex was in the house I had when I was first there. A modest three-bedroom affair with only one toilet and bathroom.

Alex and his wife had four kids. The principal's residence has four bedrooms plus an en suite in the main bedroom, so the swap made sense given only MJ and I were there.

This simple act alone garnered me the approbation and support of the teaching staff.

Molly Junior had celebrated her 'coming of age' eighteenth birthday in Brisbane modestly. She invited a few of her closest friends back to Pat and Val's place for a BBQ and a few drinks.

It was a surprisingly quiet affair. There were only six people, plus MJ, Pat, Val, two of her brothers (Robbie couldn't make the trip) and me. Only two of MJ's guests were boys. Boyfriends of her friends.

MJ had never had a boyfriend, as far as I knew. At least, if she had one, she never brought him home or even mentioned his name.

"That girl is waiting for something," Val muttered, watching the seven kids laugh and dance together.

Without thinking, I replied, "Tonight, her eighteenth birthday, I'd guess. I wonder who the lucky guy is."

Pat just about choked on his beer.

"You think you're going to have the same conversation with a boy as you and I had tomorrow morning?" He managed.

"No, well maybe, but not tomorrow. Neither of these guys is strong enough to attract MJ's interest."

"It will be nice to have babies and the pitter-patter of young feet around the house again," Val mused.

It was my turn to choke on my beer.

Once MJ and I were settled into our lives at Augathella, MJ's behaviour changed.

If I didn't know better, I'd say that my daughter began to flirt with me. I'd come home from school to find her in a very short skirt or dress with her knicker-covered hairy snatch on display, with a foot up on the bench, chair, or couch she was sitting on.

I pretended that I hadn't noticed, of course. Fathers don't have those thoughts or visions about their daughters. That is just wrong.

But there were other things. MJ would come up behind me when I was at my home office desk marking papers and put her arms around me. Nothing unusual there, but she would be braless, and I'd swear that her nipples were erect and that she had purposefully dragged them across the back of my neck before she kissed the top of my head lightly and said something like, "Hello, daddy, what's for dinner?"

Other times, MJ would come out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel. The towel would be tied over her breasts and barely cover her pussy. Almost always, at these times, MJ would drop her hairbrush, or something else, behind herself, and she would turn, bend over, and with straight legs, pick it up. Her ass and trimmed but furry pussy would be peering back at me.

Or, I would be sitting on the couch watching TV when MJ would sit on my lap, put her arms around my neck, and then wriggle her ass on my groin, 'trying to get comfortable'.

MJ would kiss me on my lips softly, sigh, and say, "I love you, daddy. I love you forever and ever. You know that, right?"

"Of course I do, MJ," I'd reply, doing my best not to get an erection.

I failed abysmally most times.

MJ couldn't have helped but notice my growing dick under her perineum, but she never said anything if she did. She would simply wriggle her ass again and sigh contentedly.

Things continued like this for another three months, and it all became a bit of torture. With MJ's flirting, or so it seemed, and her 'accidental' showing off her snatch and small tight ass two or three times every night, I was in a state of constantly denied sexual arousal.

Feelings and desires that had been long suppressed came roaring back to life, and I began having entirely inappropriate dreams about my daughter. Dreams of waking up to find MJ on top of me and guiding my rampantly stiff dick into her hot and wet snatch.

In these dreams of the night Molly and I had taken each other's virginity, MJ's face and her mother's would switch and swap back and forth until they became one in my mind. In these dreams, I always came, and I'd wake the next morning feeling less 'tense' but as guilty as hell.

One afternoon after school, MJ, for some reason, decided to show me through some of her routines. She came into the lounge wearing nothing but her leotard and started to warm up.

MJ had the same tiny breasts, barely a 'B' cup, as her mother and had the same big nipples.

It was either a little cold in that room, or MJ was sexually excited because her nipples looked hard enough to take out an unwary eye.

Facing away from me, MJ went through a series of exercises designed to warm and stretch her muscles. With legs straight, she bent over and touched her toes, then took the back of her calves in each hand and moulded her body down along her thighs.

With a cheeky smile, MJ opened her legs a little so she could pop her head through and give me a wink.

Bent over so far and stretched so much, her leotard had 'wedgied' between her butt cheeks. I was treated to the incredible sight of my daughter's shaved perineum and taut ass cheeks gazing at me above her smiling face.

I didn't dare move in case my extreme erection became obvious.

MJ straightened and turned to me. Staring into my eyes, she turned her right knee out and lifted it until it pointed straight up at the sky, well, the lounge's ceiling, with her toes extended and stretched as far as possible.

If you've seen a girl doing the splits, it was exactly like that, except MJ was balanced on one foot and not on the ground.

MJ did a slow pirouette. With my mouth dry, I watched MJ's barely covered pussy slowly rotate into view.

Putting that foot on the ground, MJ repeated the move on her other foot.

It was too much to handle. I got up quickly and ran down to my bedroom. I got there just in time to grab a couple of tissues and get them over the head of my cock as I came copiously to the vision of my daughter's barely covered pussy.

I sat there on the bed, ashamed, for a very long time. It was the first time, ever, I was glad my late wife wasn't still with us. I'm certain Molly would have been as disgusted with me as I was with myself.

'What kind of pervert has orgasms over his own daughter?' I asked myself.

Night had come, and I was still sitting on my bed staring into the abyss when MJ knocked on my door.

Making sure the soiled tissues were well hidden, I said, "Come in."

"I made some dinner, dad," MJ said. "I did old English sausages, chips and eggs, your favourite."

She gave me a tremulous smile as if she was the one who had something to be ashamed of.

Checking I had done my trousers back up, I stood and then replied, "Sounds good, MJ. Have you finished your training for tonight?"

"There were some other things I'd like to have shown you, but maybe I can save those for another night."

I could have sworn her smile was a 'knowing one', as if she knew I had orgasmed to her display. But I quickly put that thought out of my head.

The following weekend to this was Val's 70th birthday. Everybody was going to be there. The brothers would all be there. Fred was bringing his wife and three almost adult children. James, now called Jamie because his fiancé insisted, was coming along with her. His two kids from his first marriage were coming with him. Matt, who was still living the life of the carefree bachelor, even though he was as old as me and should have known better, would be there.

Robbie was flying up from Melbourne, and my other two boys would be there. It was late summer, so we were all going to stay at Pat and Val's. The youngsters would share tents outside, and we had gotten a heap of camp beds and mattresses to put under the porch and in the garage.

It would be crowded, noisy, and all so much fun. I was really looking forward to it.

Fred's wife Marcie was an established cook, her culinary skills the envy of the rest of Pat and Val's extended family. Marcie reckoned she could handle most of the cooking with help with the preparation so that Val would get at least her birthday off kitchen duties.

The week until the Friday we were heading to Brisbane was excruciating. Every time I turned around, I'd find MJ smiling at me, staring at me, or smiling and staring at me.

Twice, as she came into the lounge to give me a kiss goodnight, her towel somehow fell apart and onto the floor. My daughter's lithe, taut and toned body would be beautifully displayed before me.

Another night, dressed in only a tiny night dress and without knickers, MJ insisted on climbing onto my lap as I sat on the couch watching the late news. Her pussy was warm on my crotch.

I'm sure it couldn't be true, but I was certain my daughter was sexually aroused.

MJ kissed the corner of my jaw and stroked my chin opposite where she had kissed. Something her mother used to do when she wanted me to take her to bed and make love to her.

How could it be like that? MJ had only briefly met her mum on the day of her birth. How could she be doing something her mother knew would guarantee I stopped whatever I was doing and took her to bed?

MJ had to have noticed how hard my cock was under her, but she just kept lightly kissing my jaw and stroking my chin.

MJ dreamily spoke, "I love you, Pauly Boy."

I sprung to my feet in utter shock, spilling MJ to the floor.

MJ looked up at me, suddenly a little afraid.

"How do you know that name?" I pleaded, almost in tears. "Your mother only ever called me that on very special occasions."

Clearly confused, Molly said, "Mum used to call you 'daddy dear' on special occasions?"

"What? No! You called me 'Pauly Boy' just then."

"I think you need your hearing tested, dad. I said, 'daddy dear' why do you think I'm so shocked at you freaking out?"

I began to cry, "I miss your mum so much, you know?"

"I know, dad. I sometimes feel she's here with us. It's almost like if I could just turn my head quickly enough, I'd be able to see her. Other times, especially when I'm considering doing something stupid or dangerous, it's like she warns me and guides me to better choices."

"You never once complained to me about not having a mother, MJ. Why is that?"

"Because I grew up secure in your love, dad. Having mum here would have been better. Sure it would have been. But you've done exceptionally well with the four of us.

"Pat and Val had a lot to do with it, too, MJ."

"Yes, but the majority of what we've all become is because of your steadfastness and the security and freedom to be ourselves that you gave us.

Do you wonder why I've never really had a full-on boyfriend?"

"Sometimes," I nodded.

"Because they don't stack up against you, dad. I've yet to meet a boy, or a man, for that matter, that is even half of what you are, but, rest assured, as soon as I do, I'm going to marry him and have his babies.

It's late," MJ said. "I'm going to sleep in the bed with you tonight because I don't think you should be alone. You can sleep under the covers, and I'll grab my quilt and sleep under that on top, okay?"

Molly used that tone of voice all the time. It was phrased as a question, but it wasn't. Even if I told MJ 'no', I would wake to find her sleeping where she had said.

"As long as you're wearing both a pyjama top and bottom, or at least have knickers on, fine."

MJ rolled her eyes and went and got her quilt.

I usually sleep naked, but with MJ there, I wasn't going to do that, so I put a pair of boxers and a T-shirt on and then got into bed.

MJ lay her head on my chest, just like her mother used to do all those years ago, then promptly fell asleep.

I lay there wide awake for a very long time trying to will my rampant erection away.

It was after 3.00 before I finally drifted off and immediately began to dream.

It was like I was drifting in an endless white cloud. Drifting happily, I became aware of a voice calling me.

"Pauly, Pauly. I'm here. Where are you?"

That was a voice I would recognise underwater and behind a concrete wall.

Surging towards Molly's voice, the clouds parted, and I was gazing at my wife on a hilltop in the late summer sun. Molly hadn't changed one bit from when we were together. This wasn't the cancer-ravaged body she had died in. This was my Molly, all 5-foot (152 cm) and 99 lbs (45 kg) of her, looking just as beautiful as she did on our first night as lovers.

In my dream, I took her in my arms and kissed her. It felt so real I swear I could feel Molly's lips against mine.

"I miss you so much, my love," I told her. "I can't do this anymore. It's all too hard without you."

"'My love', I still love you calling me that, Pauly boy. Our time together again will come, but not yet. You have to see the boys to full maturity and to see MJ married and meet her first child before you can join me."

I wanted to protest, but it was Molly. I could never refuse her.

I nodded, "Of course, my love, if that is how it must be, then that is what I will do."

Molly smiled her beautiful smile for me.

I knew I was dreaming, but it seemed so real, especially when Molly got 'that look' in her eyes.

With a naughty grin, my dream Molly dropped to her knees and took my rock-hard dick out of my trousers, cupped my balls in one hand, took my shaft in the other, and then took me into her mouth.

I lasted about as long as I did that first night more than 24 years ago.

Groaning fit to burst, I came.

Groping my way out of my dream, I became vaguely aware of MJ, shifting off my chest and rolling onto her side, facing away from me.

I slid my hand inside my boxers to check out how much mess I'd made and to decide if I needed to change. Weirdly, although my cock and groin were damp, there was no sperm to be found.

I'd had many 'wet dreams' since Molly left me, but this was the first 'dry' wet dream I'd ever had or heard of, if that was what it was.

My mind and body felt as relaxed and destressed as it usually does after I've orgasmed, so I was certain I'd cum, but no mess, hmm, strange.

It was only early when I awoke again. The sun was up and lit the room in a soft glow.

MJ was still sleeping on her side, a little away from me, so I could slip out of bed without waking her.

I stood looking down at my beautiful daughter. Sleeping like this made her look so sweet and innocent, and my heart swelled with love for her.

A breeze blew softly through the open window and shifted the curtains momentarily open. In the better light, I was sure I could see a small stain of dried cum on MJ's right cheek.

'Must be just dried saliva from some drool,' I told myself, unable to contemplate that my daughter may have given me a blow job as I dreamt of her mother.

Val's birthday was the Friday night, so those of us already there had dinner together. Marcie cooked. Val's party was the next night once everyone who could attend had arrived. It was a riotous affair with lots of alcohol drunk and plenty of food and laughter and jokes.

Pat and Val had invited all of their immediate neighbours to celebrate with them, so there were no noise complaints or other neighbour problems. It was nearly sun up by the time the last of the revellers quietened down and went to sleep.

The next morning all of Val's grandchildren took her to a breakfast they had planned. Pat had gathered the rest of the family and had taken them on a fishing trip. Neither Molly Junior nor I liked to fish, so somehow, we finished up alone at Pat and Val's house.

"Aren't you going to breakfast with Val?" I asked.

"Nah," MJ replied. "I'll take nana for lunch some other time. I just needed a break from the noise."

"It does get a bit much now we're used to just you and me, doesn't it, babe?"

"Sure does," MJ replied.

I had drunk a little more than I should have last night and felt a little queasy and headachy.

"I'm going to have a nap, MJ," I told her. "You right on your own for a time?"

"Sure thing, Dad," MJ replied. "I might run through some exercises to sweat the alcohol out, okay?"

I went and lay on MJ's old bed. Molly and I had consummated our love for each other on the same bed.

I don't know how much time had passed before the sound of something breaking awoke me.

Getting out of bed, I looked for the reason for the sound. I found MJ in the lounge. She had done a cartwheel across the lounge room floor, but she had misjudged the distance, and her right foot had crashed into the wall, broken through, and had gotten stuck.

Her head had somehow wedged behind the sofa.

My daughter was standing on her left foot, with her right foot stretched over her head and stuck in the hole her hitting it had caused.

MJ had put a leotard on. This one had a couple of clips in the groin so the wearer could undo those to go to the loo without having to take the leotard completely off.

The silver clips glinted in the light.

Weirdly, MJ wasn't calling out for help, just trying to extricate herself, but she was stuck pretty fast.

I looked at my daughter's barely covered snatch and perineum, and I swear the leotard looked damp.

Just then, something came over me. Suddenly I was hornier than a randy goat when the nannies are in heat.

I looked at MJ's barely covered snatch, 'Did I dare?' I thought.

Creeping quietly, I moved closer to MJ.

'Definitely wet,' I thought. 'But from what? Sweat or arousal?'

When I was closer, my mind went, 'Arousal. I'd recognise that smell anywhere because it's exactly as Molly used to smell when we made love.'

My daughter was stuck and couldn't see a damned thing past the couch her head was jammed behind, but should I? I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to taste my daughter's pussy.

Safe in the knowledge she would never know who did it, I gently unclipped her leotard. MJ's trimmed but still hairy pussy sprang into view.

MJ moaned but voiced no complaint, so I lowered my mouth onto the entrance of her vulva and began to tongue her. It didn't take very long before MJ exploded.

Her 'peach nectar' poured from her pussy in a gushing flow. MJ, as her mother was, was a squirter. I eagerly lapped up all her juices.

MJ was moaning and thrusting her hips back and forth with undisguised desire, so I slipped a finger inside her pussy. My finger only got a little way in before encountering MJ's hymen.

My lusts were singing, my heart was pounding, and my legs were trembling. My brain wasn't thinking my dick was.

I knew, no matter what happened because of this, I was going to take my daughter's virginity.

Because her hymen was still intact, I couldn't bring MJ to orgasm by fingering her Gspot, so I lowered my mouth back onto her vulva and began to run my tongue in long strokes from her perineum to her clitoris.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God, Oh God," was all MJ could say as I swirled my tongue over her clit and lapped at her labia as well as sticking my tongue as deep into her vulva as her hymen would allow.

"OMFG!" MJ almost screamed. "I'm cumming!"

As MJ erupted into a squirting orgasm again, I straightened, took my rigidly stiff 7-inch cock in my right hand, and aimed it at the entrance to her cunt.

MJ squirted as she came, paused to moan "OMFG" again and then squirted again as another orgasmic spasm hit her. As MJ thrust her hips forwards in time to her cum spasm, I bent my knees and pushed my rock-hard cock back at her forward-thrusting perineum.

For the second time in my life, I felt the momentary exquisite resistance before a hymen ruptures under the assault of a rampant penis before sliding deep into my daughter's hot and extremely tight cunt. I saw the quick splash of blood spray from MJ's pussy as her hymen parted. It was undeniably beautiful.

MJ gave a deep grunt as my cock broke through and slid deep into her.

Holding still, I gave my daughter a chance to become accustomed to having her most intimate space filled with cock.

I heard my daughter moan for a few brief seconds before she tentatively pushed her pussy back at my cock.

Working slowly, I started to rock my hips back and forth. MJ was soon moving with me, thrusting her hips forward to meet my thrusts and swinging them back as I pulled away.

MJ began emitting low guttural grunts. The grunts turned to barely understandable words before changing to high-pitched screams.

"Fuck me, please. OMFG, that feels so good. Fuck me, my darling man!"

Taking her cue, I began to thrust harder and faster into her. Before long, I was pounding my daughter with everything I had. The harder my pubic bone hit MJ's clit, the louder she got. The faster I thrust in and out, the higher-pitched her voice became.

In the end, MJ's words devolved into a high pitched almost squeal of, "FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"

MJ was squirting over and over as I thumped into her. The feeling of my daughter's juices pouring over my balls was too much, and with a barely stifled groan of my own, I started cumming into my daughter.

Feeling cum squirting into her sent MJ into another round of squirting orgasmic events. I'd spurt into her, and she'd squirt over me.

It felt so incredibly hot and sexy that I must've come at least seven or eight times before my shuddering hips stopped.

I stroked into MJ one last time as she moaned and shook in one last orgasm.

Shame immediately hit me. I had just 'ruined' my daughter. Taken her virginity and cum inside her. Fuck! I didn't even know if she was on the pill, and I hadn't used a condom. What if I'd made my daughter pregnant?

What would Molly have done to me if she was alive to know of this? 'Probably killed me,' I thought.

MJ was still shuddering with post-orgasmic bliss as I gently lifted and twisted her foot so I could extricate it from the hole in the wall.

I gave the foot a hard backward shove so MJ would fall over behind the couch and bolted out the door back to the bedroom.

I wanted to pray MJ wouldn't be able to right herself in time to see who had just deflowered her, but I knew that was adding another wrong to an already unforgivable act.

Back in the room I was sharing with MJ, I quickly stripped to bare and hid my cum and blood-stained boxers in the bottom of our luggage bag, grabbed a towel, and headed for the shower to wash the evidence of my act away.

The bathroom door's lock hadn't worked since I was a kid and stayed there.

Deep in thoughts of my betrayal and suffering from guilty pangs, I didn't notice the bathroom door opening or MJ slipping inside.

I first noticed her when she opened the shower curtain and stepped into the shower with me.

Shocked, I said, "MJ! What are you doing?"

"This, daddy."

And MJ grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down for a passionate kiss.

MJ grabbed my cock and began to stroke it. Despite my shame and shock, I was desperately hard again in no time.

"It's okay, daddy," MJ moaned. "I wanted you to find me. I wanted you to be my first lover. No one I've met compares, and I want this to be. That's why I pretended to be stuck."

"It's wrong, MJ," I said even as I groaned to her strokes. "Fathers shouldn't have sex with their daughters."

"Even if it's what mum wanted?"

"You can't possibly know what your mother wanted, MJ. She died just after you were born."

"She left me a diary describing all her hopes and wants for me. In the diary, she asked, no, she demanded, that I look after you. Look after all your needs until it was time for you to join her.

She even explained that I would have to seduce you because you would never take me as your lover if I didn't."

"How come I've never seen this diary?"

"Because it was delivered to me from your lawyer's early on the morning of my fifteenth birthday. I had no idea of its existence before then either.

Oh, don't worry, it was full of admonishments to wait until it was legal for me to seduce you. But I would have, anyway. If I'd tried anything before my eighteenth, you would probably have spanked me and told me off."

MJ kissed me passionately again. I responded, despite myself, and we were soon locked into a twirling, swirling dance of tongues.

It felt so much like it did when I was with Molly that I was sure, somehow, Molly was here with us. That Molly was, in some weird way, sharing space inside her daughter's mind, and it was my gorgeous late wife that I was once again joyfully mating with.

I picked MJ up, and she wrapped her thighs around my hips, just as her mum used to.

MJ could feel my hard steel rod just bare millimetres from the entrance to her vulva, so, like her mother before her, she let her thighs relax and slid down.

This time was different from my and Molly's first night. I didn't cum to the sweet feeling of MJ's pussy close to the head of my cock. Instead, my cock slid deliciously inside her.

I turned so I could push MJ against the shower wall. With our tongues still dancing, I started to thrust inside my daughter.

MJ's head lolled back, and she moaned deeply, "You feel so good inside me, daddy. I've waited for this so long that now it is happening I feel fucking fantastic. Fuck me, daddy. Fuck your little princess hard."

I lifted my hands to grasp the tops of MJ's shoulders. Holding her tightly to me and pressing firmly against the wall, the warm water coursing so gorgeously over our lithe naked bodies, I began to fuck my daughter in earnest.

Building up a rhythm quickly, I was soon pulling MJ hard down onto my rigidly erect dick as I forcefully drove my hips up and into her.

MJ's head was bouncing all over the place as she gave herself to the supreme pleasure of being well and truly fucked.

I could feel myself nearing that exquisite point of no return when MJ's head snapped up, and her eyes flew open.

"Cum in me, Pauly boy. Cum in me, my love, and I'll cum with you."

It was Molly speaking, I'm sure.

That long ago heard demand proved to be my undoing. With an expansive groan, I ejaculated inside my daughter's tight, hot and very wet pussy.

MJ came with me. We were once again exchanging fluids in rapid sequence with each other. I'd cum, shooting semen inside her, and MJ would moan and gush fluids over me. I'd grunt and spurt, and MJ would mirror my grunts and squirt her juices onto my tightly squeezed balls.

It was fucking fantastic!

The water running cold finally brought us back to ourselves.

Stepping back from the wall, I wrapped my arms around my daughter and squeezed her fiercely to me.

"I love you, MJ. What we're doing is so wrong, but I'm yours until your mother calls me home."

"I love you, too, daddy. Stop worrying. What others don't know, they can't worry about. Once we're back home, no one will ever realise we're lovers as well as dad and daughter."

I found my phone and checked the time.

"Plenty of time before everyone is likely to be back. Do you want to come to bed and make love again?"

"Yes, please, daddy."

So we did, and it was beautiful. MJ rode me as her mother had all those years ago. All I had to do was concentrate on not cumming, and add stimulation as MJ seemed to need it.

I'd caress her nipples as she climbed Cum Mountain, then change to twisting and pulling on them gently as she closed in on her peak. Finally, I'd flick them with my thumb and forefinger as MJ reached her peak and began tumbling down the other side into orgasmic bliss.

After what seemed like a lifetime, MJ fell forward onto my chest and kissed me.

"I want to lie on my back, with you between my thighs, so I can stare into your eyes as you cum inside me, daddy," she moaned.

I rolled MJ over and slid deep inside her velvety pussy. I didn't want to 'fuck' her. I wanted to rock her into nirvana gently, so I moved with her as I ground my pubic bone against her clitoris.

MJ started to jerk and thrust back up at me.

"I'm ready, daddy," she told me. Her breath coming in short sharp gasps.

Releasing all restraints, I roared into my orgasm.


MJ clung to my shoulders and screamed through her orgasm with me.

I wanted to sleep but knew if we did, we'd be caught naked and covered in sex fluids by the family a little later in the afternoon.

Forcing myself to move, I carried MJ back to the shower and gently and carefully washed her clean of all evidence of our lovemaking.

Grabbing an extra blanket from the linen cupboard in the hall, I encouraged MJ into her pyjamas and then carried her into the lounge to sleep on the sofa.

Gathering our clothes and all the bed linen, I ran them through the wash and put them in the drier.

Once they were dry, I remade our bed.

To make sure, I carefully inspected the area in the lounge where I had deflowered my daughter. Satisfied there was no evidence of our misdeeds, I was finally able to take a much-needed nap.

I woke to the sounds of laughter and loud conversations. All of the family had returned.

Yawning, I wandered to the outside entertainment area where everyone was having a few drinks and nibblies.

MJ acted as host and ensured the hot pies and pasties were handed around and that everyone had a drink.

I noticed she kept taking discreet glances at a guy PJ had brought home with them.

"Hey, dad. Good to see you're finally back alive," PJ said with a laugh. "Do you remember Luke from when I was at school?"

I vaguely remembered a weedy guy called Luke that PJ had hung around with when we were all living here. But this guy was a man. A real man. Tall, with a big bushy beard, deep-set eyes and a rough and ready voice.

"Hey, Mr Johnson. Long-time no see." Luke said.

"Hiya Luke. Paul is fine."

Luke turned to watch MJ bend over to pick up some paper cups that had been carelessly dropped onto the grass.

MJ used her gymnastics skills to keep her legs straight and bend from the hips to pick them up. Her pert, tiny, but perfectly round ass was emphasised in the shorty shorts she wore.

Luke was suddenly sporting a huge tent in the front of his shorts.

Catching sight of me looking at him, he coloured and turned quickly away.

I had to smile to myself.

Later, I cornered Pat and Val away from everyone else.

"Do you remember Molly's 18th when you wondered if I would be having the same conversation with MJ's man that you and I had?"

They both nodded.

I carefully pointed my head in Luke's direction.

"Tomorrow morning, and with him, I reckon."

Pat and Val turned to study Luke. Luke was so engrossed in conversation with MJ he didn't notice us all examining him.

"Despite his appearance, Luke is a civil engineer with the council. The word is he's going into politics at the next election. MJ could do a lot worse," Pat murmured.

Val stepped in, "He's six years older than MJ, though. At her age, that's a lot."

"Six years physically older and about ten years younger, maturity-wise," I replied. "Look at your granddaughter. You think he stands any chance whatsoever?"

Molly Junior was standing directly in front of Luke, chatting with him. Her eyes were wide, and her lips slightly parted. MJ kept taking the lapels of his coat in her hand and brushing an imaginary speck off them, letting her hands linger on Luke's chest just a moment too long.

MJ even simpered at a lame joke, Luke told.

Val shook her head, "No chance at all."

I got up early the following day. Sure enough, MJ's side of the bed was empty.

In the early morning light, I made myself a cup of tea and sat at the table drinking it. About 6.00 am, MJ came creeping inside.

Noticing me sitting at the table, MJ blushed but tried to cover it by saying, "Good morning, daddy. You're up early. I couldn't sleep, so I got up to watch the sunrise."

"Don't ever lie to me, MJ," I replied. "You and Luke have my blessing."

MJ gasped, "How did you know?"

I laughed delightedly, "Because your mum and I did virtually the same thing when your mum was your age."

MJ did at least look a little embarrassed.

"He's so gorgeous, daddy. I'm going to marry him and have lots of babies. I might even have six, two more than you and mum had."

"Go get your man, MJ. He and I need to have a chat."

"You're not jealous, daddy? You and I were... well... lovers for a brief moment there."

"No, MJ. I'm not at all jealous. I just want to sound out your man and see what he's made of."

"Be gentle with him, daddy. He looks like a big old grizzly bear, but just like you, he's a teddy bear on the inside," MJ admonished me.

MJ and Luke were married in the same church as Molly and I. Their first child arrived less than a year later.

Luke stood for the seat of Chatsworthy and was elected in a landslide. He and MJ bought a house in that electorate and settled into domestic bliss.

It was lonely out in Augathella by myself. I began to apply for teaching jobs back in Brisbane but wasn't having much luck.

On the way home from one of my regular trips to see my grandson, I was pushing a little too hard and couldn't make the nearly right-angled turn.

As my car launched into the ether, Molly appeared in the seat beside me.

"Ready to come home, Pauly boy?" She asked.

"Yes, my love."