Tom, her son, loves his mum dearly, mum changed when Tom was thirteen, his mum's sister died of a heart disease, this had an enormous effect on mum, they were the closest of friends. Mum and Aunt Ella were two sisters, their father was a successful investor involved in property development and management. Mum and Ella were both accountants, though mum got pregnant when she was seventeen, she married dad who was much older and also a wealthy business owner.

I was the youngest son, mum had me when she was twenty-one, after she had me, she qualified as an accountant, then joined Ella in the running of granddad's business, he had died when I was six. I was young and trying to understand what had made mum change, we would hug and kiss each other's cheeks, it all stopped when Aunt Ella died.

I knew things were not good with mum and dad, there were never-ending arguments, when I was sixteen, mum was in tears one day and said, "Tom my darling, I'm sorry to tell you this and hope it doesn't upset your schooling, your father has betrayed me, he has now received the divorce papers, my marriage is over, I am now going to move into Aunt Ella's old house, thank goodness I didn't sell it, will you come with me?"

I took mum in my arms, I pulled her close to me as I tried to figure out what was happening and how it could affect our lives, I said, "I'm coming with you mum, I don't want to be with my father, if he's betrayed you then he's betrayed me, I'm with you one hundred percent."

I loved Aunt Ella's house; it was one hundred yards from the Golf Club, granddad had introduced me to golf at four years of age, two years later, mum and Aunt Ella took me golfing with them after granddad died, I was a good golfer; I won the under eighteen tournament at twelve, mum and Aunt Ella were so proud of me, I was at the Golf Club every day.

At twelve I trained and got a Certificate enabling me to teach young golfers, I was so good at that, there was a Pro at the club, he wasn't the best, even at twelve, I was a better golfer than him though he had more experience. The Club paid me money to train the youth members, their golf improved and at fifteen, I played in the over eighteen Club Championship and won it, I no longer played in the Youth tournaments and this encouraged the ones I was training.

The team I played with was all over eighteen. I played in National tournaments and won; I was no longer a good golfer; I was a great golfer. Mum supported me so much, driving me to golf tournaments, helping with my schoolwork, but since the divorce mum appeared to me, she was fighting something within herself; she had this prim and proper attitude which I found not so nice, I'd had a couple of girlfriends when I got to sixteen, mum and I were now living in Aunt Ella's house, mum wasn't keen about me bringing girls back to the house.

I was doing well at school; I was winning every golf tournament I played in, life was good, in a weeks' time I was eighteen, I had coached a lot of the members kids privately, this was lucrative, with all my golf training and coaching I was earning lots of money, I'd passed my driving test and mum was going to buy me a car, I told her about my money but she told me she wanted to buy it for me.

I didn't have a party on my eighteenth birthday but mum took me for a meal at the golf club to celebrate, mum looked so beautiful as we walked to the Golf Club, she said, "Tom, I can't remember the last time I was out for a meal, I think it was when Aunt Ella took you and I to that French restaurant for your twelfth birthday, I'm looking forward to my meal tonight."

In the Golf Club, you could try different wines by the glass, I told mum, since I'm now eighteen, I'd like to try different wines as I didn't like beer, mum thought it was a good idea and we both had four different wines with our meal, I don't know about mum but I was feeling happy, I looked at mum and said, "This has been a lovely night, you look gorgeous mum, have you ever thought of dating another man?"

Mum's happy face turned to a sad face, she said, "Tom, it will be a long time before I would even think of doing that, I'm enjoying being with you tonight, I've a little birthday present I'd like to give you, I got a good watch for my eighteenth birthday and I've bought you one, I'm also looking out for a car for you."

Mum went into her bag and brought out a beautifully wrapped box which she handed to me, I got the shock of my life when I discovered the Rolex Submariner watch in the box; I put it on; it looked so classy, mum now had a radiant face, I thanked her half a dozen times, then we went home.

The wine had relaxed mum, when we got home, we had another glass of wine, we were sitting together on the sofa, I then asked mum the question I had waited two years to ask, I said, "Mum, why did you divorce dad?"

Mum looked at me and said, "He betrayed me, one day I'll tell you, but not tonight, I've enjoyed tonight so much, we'll do this again."

I took the wine glasses into the kitchen then went up the stairs, we stood outside mum's bedroom, I took mum in my arms and said, "Thank you so much for that gorgeous watch, I'll treasure it for the rest of my life."

What happened next was so spontaneous and natural, maybe because of the wine, we kissed on the lips; I slid my tongue deep inside mum's mouth; we kissed for a couple of minutes, I was squeezing her massive breast so firmly, it felt so good, her nipple was rock hard as we broke off, I whispered, "I love your big breasts mum."

As I walked to my bedroom, mum said, "Is breakfast at eight good for you?"

I said yes, but I wanted to go back and have another kiss, I went to bed so happy, happy because mum had allowed me to feel her breast, it had felt so good.

On Sunday night, Friday's kiss and feel had never been mentioned which surprised me, we were watching a thriller on Netflix, mum was sitting on the couch, I was lying on the couch with my head nestling on mum's lap, we both had been drinking wine, I said, "Mum, did dad betray you with another woman?"

Mum looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Women Tom, so many I lost count, he used me and abused me in a debauched way, I'm so happy you're with me, I'd be lost if I didn't have you, one day I'll tell you all the shit things he did to me, I've been thinking about it, I'm sure it would be better for us if I told you but not now."

I held mum's hand and said, "I'm a big boy now and you're a big girl, I'm only trying to get to know you and what makes you tick, please tell me mum, it means a lot to me."

Mum took a deep breath and said, "Please get another bottle of wine Tom, I'll need it to tell you as this is not a five-minute story."

Before I left, I said, "I understand and the more we speak the better I understand you, mum we are both adults, I love you, I wouldn't do anything that would hurt you, when we're together I want you to be you, it's as if your scared to open up for me, I'll never let you down mum, ever, did dad make you do kinky things for him? Please be honest mum, it's important I know all that happened, then I'll love you more?"

I smiled when I came back with the fresh bottle and said, "You look gorgeous, mum, give me a cuddle."

I took mum in my arms, spontaneously I tongue kissed her, her left breast felt wonderful, the bra she was wearing felt thinner than the other times I'd felt her there, I broke away still fondling her massive breast, I said, "Mum, you've beautiful breasts, they feel so good."

"Tom, I'm your mother, you shouldn't speak to me like that."

I laughed and said, "Mum, what do you want me to say, 'Mum, you have beautiful mammary glands, they feel so good when I fondle them?"

Mum laughed and said, "Tom, I have so many terrible memories, if I'm honest, I enjoy it when you kiss and fondle me, but I don't want to be hurt again."

I poured two glasses of wine, I could see mum was thinking hard, I was praying she'd answer me but I wasn't sure if she would reply, she clinked our glasses and said, "To us Tom."

"Tom, it wasn't kinky, it was hard-core, I enjoyed doing it, your father was a dreadful lover, he was so selfish in bed, in our marriage, I only climaxed twice with him. He's a wealthy man, I'm a wealthy woman, he thought he was irresistible to women, he had the money, if a woman had a pussy, he wanted to have his cock in it. Tom, you do not know how relieved I feel with telling you this, I'm happy you like my big breasts, they're very sensitive, when you've fondled them, I've nearly cum, after supper I'll take my bra off, I would love you to suck on them."

"I was suspicious your father was seeing other women, he had infected me twice with Sexually Transmitted diseases, I had forgiven him but I would never forget, what brought it all to a head was one night he was entertaining a customer, I had done this many times, he had bought me a lot of lingerie and seductive outfits, bras that pushed my breasts out, we had started the evening in the Cocktail Bar, I love Champagne but as usual I was driving so I drank little, dad over the meal said, "We'll sick to Champagne, Babs gets so horny when she drinks Champagne."

I was so hurt when he said this, the customer excused himself and went to the toilet as he left the restaurant your dad said, "Babs, when George comes back will you do me a big favour, will you go up to his room with him and give him a nice gobble, I've told him you have a magic mouth?"

I interrupted mum and said, "What's a gobble mum?"

Mum looked at me, smiling with a curious look, and said, "Darling, do you not know? Gobble, blow job he wanted me to suck George off, I have never felt so humiliated in my fucking life."

That was the first time in my life I had heard mum use the F word, it excited me but there was more to come, I said, "I hate my father, I'll never speak to him again, he's a horrible cunt, what did you do mum?"

I stood up but before I left, I said, "Wish George a good night, if you want him gobbled, then hire an escort or hooker, you have insulted me and the name of your company."

"I had the car keys and left, he didn't come home that night or for the next week, darling, he's a horrible fucker but a cunt is beautiful and wonderful thing if treated with respect and love. I had the better lawyer, my lawyer had a bomb proof case, the medical evidence was overwhelming, he infected me twice with nasty sexually transmitted diseases, I went to my lawyer the next day, he had the medical evidence, he suggested he could give me a mike so I could record everything which turned out to be a marvellous idea."

"I phoned him on the following Monday, he had made no contact with me, I told him we needed to talk and for the sake of the family I told him that a gobble was no problem but did he want me to give them full sex, anal and staying the night with them? I wanted to know all this and I also would need money for sexy lingerie and outfits. We met at five in the afternoon at the cocktail bar in the hotel.

"Tom, you do not know how good I feel telling you all this, it is as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, you are the only person in the world I would tell this to, the taped meeting was unbelievable, he did all the talking, he wanted me to do everything with them, he wanted me to be gang banged by three of his customers, one in my pussy, one in my ass and one in my mouth, he was so excited he gave me an envelope with three thousand pounds in it to buy lingerie and bondage equipment, finally he said that he wanted to watch me being fucked."

"I told him I would be in touch soon and went straight to my lawyer, he knew of the meeting and would be m in his office and would wait for me. He couldn't believe what dad had said, and he had no chance in court, the next morning the divorce papers were served and you and I moved in to Ella's house, I have had to live with all this shit, I am so happy I have told you; Tom, I want you to come to my bed tonight, this is the last day of my period, I'd prefer it if you didn't go in there tonight, tomorrow night will be good but I won't be home until eight, would you like mummy to give you a nice gobble tonight?"

I said, "Mum, please give me your tongue, the other thing is, I don't have a lot of sexual experience, I'll do anything you want me to do to you."

Mum was holding me so close, she was staring into my eyes and said, "Have you popped your cherry yet?"

I was so embarrassed, it must have shown, I said, "No mum, I'm still intact."

"Tom, I love you, I'll pop it for you, I'll make sure when I pop you, it'll be the best sensation you have ever had, would you like mummy to pop it for you?"

I smiled and took her in my arms, before I kissed her, I said, "Of course I would mum, when I tongue kiss you, I try, through my tongue to let you feel the passion I have for you, please give me your tongue so I can feel the desire you have for me?"

As our lips met, mum's tongue went deep into my mouth, both our tongues were intertwined, mum's tongue was giving me the feeling of pure and absolute love, we kissed lovingly for several minutes then mum broke away and said, "I've wanted to do that for a while now, darling soon my tongue and mouth will show you the full lust I have for you, kiss me darling then I'll put on something sexy for you as I get supper ready, I will have no bra or panties on, you can feel my pussy but don't put any fingers in as I have a tampon inside me."

Mum went to the bathroom then into her bedroom, she shouted out, "Tom, just wear boxers as I won't be wearing much, I changed my tampon there's only a little blood, it'll be good tomorrow I'll meet you in the kitchen, give me a big kiss and cuddle when I come down."

I said, "A million thanks for telling me your story, I just want to love you and care for you, how long did the divorce take?"

"Not long darling, it wasn't contested, it cost your dad a lot of money, I've still got the envelope with the three thousand in it, would you like me to buy some nice things so I can pose for you? What I'm putting on this now you've seen before but I've never worn it like this for you before, it makes my big breasts look outstanding, Tom I'm getting wet just talking to you, just boxers and I'll see you in a minute in the kitchen."

I had a massive bulge in my boxers as I waited for mum, my cock got so much stiffer when I saw her, she looked stunning, she was wearing a collarless kimono which she has several of but this time the belt was tied two inches below her navel, her nipples were covered but seventy percent of her breasts were exposed, I took her in my arms, we kissed lovingly for a couple of minutes, I said, "Mum, you look gorgeous, yes I want you to pose for me, make me look forward to seeing you."

We kissed lovingly then mum said, "I'll do everything to make you happy but let me get supper ready as I'm hungry."

I was surprised mum hadn't noticed the bulge, I poured two glasses of wine gave one to mum, I sat at the kitchen table with mine and said, "Mum, I've been gobbled by two girls but I don't think it's the gobbling you're talking about, they could only get the head of my cock in their mouths, they told me I had a monster cock and it was too big for them."

Mum had a surprised look on her face, she said, "What size is it Tom?"

I stood up, mum gasped when she saw the bulge, I put my fingers inside the waistband of my boxers and pulled them down, my massive cock stood gloriously erect, it looked so impressive, mum said, "It is beautiful Tom, come over here and let me feel him, I've seen nothing like it in my life and your dad made me watch a lot of porn."

Mum was doing pasta, she turned down the ring the pasta was boiling in and the ring the sauce was cooking in, she then knelt in front of me and said, "Darling, I was thinking of offering you a lovely titty fuck tonight, putting lube on my big breasts then squeezing tight around your cock to give you a nice tight ride, my darling, you're going to be gobbled tonight."

I felt mum's run up and down my stiff shaft then the warmth of her mouth around the head of my cock, she angled her head as I felt her take more and more of my cock into her mouth, a couple of minutes later I felt my cock hit the walls of her throat and her lips wrapped around the base of my cock as she massaged my heavy balls, it aroused me to see my mum deep throating and it felt so good, mum came off me and said, "Darling, I know what I'm doing tonight I'm going to suck every drop of the creamy spunk out of your beautiful big balls, your magnificent cock is a perfect size for me, let's eat then we can get to bed."

As mum plated our supper I said, "Mum, I want to make you cum tonight, you must tell me how to do that, you'll only need to tell me once."

Mum smiled and said, "I love you Tom, I felt so aroused as I deep throated your monster cock, I thought this is my son's cock and that made me horny, don't worry I'll show you so much, the next few months will be so exciting."

We got into bed and mum said, "We can't 69 because of my period, I'd like to suggest that I gobble you first, I'll make you cum, I'm so aroused at the moment that I want to suck you off and give you as much pleasure as I can, have you ever had your ass fingered? I'll lube a finger so I can finger your ass as I gobble you, if you have any discomfort tell me and I'll stop, I need to go to Ella's bedroom as it's in a cupboard there."

Mum left the bedroom, her body looked gorgeous, the way her butt moved was incredible, she came back with a bottle of Coconut Oil, mum said, "I've tasted it, it's still good, we'll use this when you give me a titty fuck."

I smiled and said, "What did Aunt Ella use it for?"

Mum smiled and said, "Ella was no angel, she loved to be ass fucked, I miss Ella so much, let me get started. I'm going to make this so special for you."

Mum then lubed her middle finger as she tongue kissed me so lovingly, as we kissed, she spread my legs open then I felt her finger on my butt hole, slowly she slipped inside my ass, I was comfortable with it then as she finger fucked my ass she gobbled me, she'd half my cock in her mouth when she came off me and said, "How is it for you, darling? Are you comfortable with what I'm doing?"

"Mum, I love it, you're a great gobbler mum."

Mum smiled and said, "Darling, that's what I want to hear, talk dirty and compliment me on what I'm doing, I'm here to give you pleasure, if you want another finger just ask me."

I smiled and said, "I'd love another finger and I love how your big breasts are swinging as you gobble me."

Mum was unbelievable, here she was my distinguished and respectable mum, a lady in every way, her head now bobbing up and down on my cock with two of her fingers finger fucking my ass with the same tempo as her head was bobbing, I realised then that mum with her respectable lady like qualities was an absolute whore in bed and I loved her more because of this.

I was getting close I was now pushing my cock against mum's mouth, I cried out, "Mum, you're so fucking good at this, you know how to suck cock it feels as though you are giving me a mouth fuck, I'm so close, I'm going to cum soon."

Mum moved into turbo, the head of my cock was against the walls of her throat, she started a swallowing motion with her throat muscles on the head of my cock, the feeling was incredible, I knew she was doing it to bring me off, in some porn films I'd seen them cum when someone came in their partners mouth they then cum kissed, I wanted to do this with mum, just before my first spurt, I said, "Mum, I'm going to cum let my first spurt go down your throat then take me in your mouth and hold all my seed there, don't swallow any as I want us to cum kiss afterwards."

Mum was incredible, as soon as my first spurt went down her throat, she took the head of my cock and sucked all my seed into her mouth; her head no longer bobbed; she was giving me a hand job as I spurted into her mouth.

She sucked every drop out of my cock then came off me, as her mouth came close to my mouth, she stuck her tongue out to reveal a huge blob of my creamy spunk, mum was doing everything I asked her, this aroused me, I was sure this aroused mum too.

We cum kissed so lovingly, mum's tongue greedily transferring my cum into her mouth her was I enjoying the first blow job of my life expertly and lovingly performed by my mum, we cum kissed for several minutes when mum's mouth was empty, she broke away and said, "Darling, you're cum tastes so sweet I'll blow you anytime you want, I had a first in my life as I gobbled you, did you feel me twitch twice as I gobbled you? I came twice as I sucked you that never happened when I sucked your father, I think the difference is I want to suck you, I never once wanted to suck him, oh my god your still hard would you like to give me a titty fuck now?"

We kissed again, and I said, "It sounds interesting mum but I want to make you cum, you must tell me how you want me to do it?"

Mum smiled and said, "I love you Tom, you're the first man that's cared about me in bed, it's easy to make me cum, my big breasts are so sensitive, I'll tell you how to play with them and you can also play with my clit as you work on my breasts, I feel so comfortable around you, I never felt this way with your dad."

"I'm comfortable around you mum, do you enjoy sex?"

Mum smiled and said, "I love it and with you it's going to be amazing."

"Did you ever think of taking a lover when things weren't good with dad?"

Mum looked at me with a pensive look on her face, I knew she was putting a lot of thought into her reply, a few seconds later she said, "Darling, I want to be honest with you and I feel I must tell you this, I'm bisexual, I have a lover, she's married but lives in a sexless marriage during my toughest times she was there for me, we give each other sexual relief, I want the sexual relationship I will have with you to work, I would like to continue seeing her, it's only once a week for an hour, would you allow me to do that?"

I was trying to work out who mum's lover was, she had three close friends and all three of them were very fuckable, I knew mum would tell and she'd just asked for my permission, I kissed her and said, "Mum, if it's good for you and it's good for your friend I don't have a problem as long as you're in bed with me every night, have you done any all nighter's with her?"

I asked this as I always knew where mum was when she wasn't at home, mums replied quickly, she said, "Twice but it has always been here, she has a twenty-one-year-old daughter who's at University but still lives at home, she's very discreet as she doesn't want to let her daughter down, Tom I'm so happy you'll let me see her remember I'm there for you anytime you want, darling I'll lie on my back and I want you to nibble around the meaty parts of my breasts like I nibbled around your thick shaft, as you nibble squeeze my nipples hard but don't start sucking my nipples until I bring your hand to my pussy, if I didn't see my friend it wouldn't be good for her, tighter with the nipples and I love how you're nibbling."

As I nibbled around mum's massive breasts, I was almost certain that mum's lover was Kay Peters whose husband Simon was mum's and my bank manager, Simon was the most boring man I'd ever met, when you saw him and Kay together your first thought was how the fuck did a creep like him marry such a gorgeous-looking woman like Kay, Kay had been my maths teacher for four years, she was easily the best maths teacher in the school; she was a tall, voluptuous, attractive woman, every boy at school fantasised about her and her massive meaty breaststroke, I could get a hard on just looking at them during a lesson.

Judy had the same body and good looks as her mum, she was studying accountancy and had a part-time job in a busy local hotel; the rumour was the married owner of the hotel was fucking her senseless and was also her sugar daddy; I liked Kay and Judy as they were both nice people; I understood mum's concerns about Kay who was a lovely woman married to a boring self-centred man, as well as being a bank manager he was also an officer in the Reserve Army, which took him away a lot of weekends in the year, I had heard some chit-chat that he may be gay but didn't know for sure.

Mum then took my hand and ran it across her flat stomach to her vulva, her fingers spread her thick cunt flaps open, out popped a huge hooded clit, to my eye it looked like a little cock, mum said, "I loved how you nibbled me, there's three things we can do to make me cum, you can stimulate my tits or you can put your thumb and index finger on it like and kid on it's a little cock and give it a wank, third, I've used the bidet and I'm clean, you can go down on me and suck it, I can understand if you don't want to do that but what you can't do put your fingers inside me as I have a tampon inside me and there's a little string coming out of my pussy and you can't disturb that, that's nice what you're doing with your fingers now."

Without a moment's hesitation I said, "I want to suck your clit mum, I know you are clean, as I do it tell me things that will give you more pleasure."

"I love you Tom, please don't finger fuck me or let me take my tampon out, then you can finger fuck me and I'll cum quickly, give me a moment to get organised."

Mum got off the bed and pulled her tampon out, there wasn't much blood she went to the bathroom, I heard water running then mum came back with a towel which she laid on the bed then she lay on top of the bed and said, "I'm nice and clean there's hardly any blood I'll be good tomorrow, that's nice give me another finger, would you like mummy to ride your big thick cock? Fuck Tom, that's amazing, nibble my other flap at the top, wonderful now tease my clit with your tongue, lovely nibble my clit it feels wonderful, you're giving me another first, you're the first man to go down on me, baby you're giving mummy great oral, I love how you suck please give me another finger, suck my clit and go deeper with your fingers I'll spread my legs, you are going deep now baby, I love it, I'm going to cum are you OK with this?"

I didn't reply I just kept sucking and finger fucking her with four fingers, she was so tight as she gripped my fingers with her powerful cunt muscles, mum cried out, "Don't stop, I'm cumming and it feels so good."

I kept going a couple of seconds later I felt the warmth of mum's cum in my mouth, mum was having a body-shaking orgasm, I just kept sucking, there was so much cum in my mouth I'd to swallow some, mum composed herself, I came off and pulled my fingers out of her dripping pussy, there was no blood on my fingers and mum saw that too, I stuck my tongue out, mum said, "I love you Tom, please cum kiss me."

We cum kissed for several minutes and when my mouth was empty, I said, "Your cum is very sweet mum, I'll go down on you any time you want."

Mum kissed me so affectionately and said, "Another first, you're the first man that I've cum in their mouth, you don't know how much that means to me, Kay's mouth is the only other mouth I've cum in and that's why I keep seeing her."

I didn't know if mum had intended to tell me Kay's name or was she being honest with me, I honestly didn't know, I said, "Kay Peters?"

"Yes darling, can I still see her?"

I cuddled mum and said, "Of course you can mum, I've nothing but respect for her, why the fuck did she marry that asshole of a husband?"

"I don't understand as well Tom, there marriage is not in a good place, she wants to divorce him but she won't do that until Judy graduates, they have had separate bedrooms for three years, she won't let him have sex with her."

"Why not?"

"Tom, this is strictly between ourselves, Kay was at a seminar which finished early, she got home and heard voices in their bedroom, Simon and a young male bank worker were having sex, Kay had the foresight to record and video what they were up to, she'd suspected he was gay for years as she could smell different after shaves on his suits and shirts. She went into the bedroom, Simon nearly had a heart attack, the young guy left so quickly he left his boxers on the bedroom carpet, Kay took a photo of them on the bedroom carpet then put them in a sealable plastic bag as evidence, Simon is so scared this could leak out, he also knows a divorce would cost him a fortune, Kay allows him to sleep in a tiny bedroom in the house and her housekeeping money is several hundred a week, Tom you are still hard, can mummy do anything more for you?"

I smiled and said, "Let me go inside you, I'm still horny and so are you, I'm nice and hard, would you like to go on top of me?"

"I love you Tom, lie on top of the towel and leave the rest to me."

Mum squatted over me, gripping my cock at the base she ran the bulbous head of my cock up and down, just inside her gorgeous cunt flaps, of her long sex slit, it felt so good, she positioned my bulbous head in the middle of her pussy and pushed down, she was so wet she took my full length on the first push, mum gasped then raised herself up and back down again, she soon had a powerful rhythm going, she was smiling and said, "I've popped your cherry darling, how does it feel?"

"It feels great mum but more importantly, how does it feel for mummy?"

"You have a big cock darling, you've made me realise how much I've missed a cock, the head of your cock is hitting my cervix that's a lovely feeling, I want this to be so good for you, do you like when I grip you at the base and head of each thrust, I can grip you tighter if you want it?"

"Mum, you've taken my virginity, that feels so good, can I ride you tomorrow morning, before you go to work and am I now a motherfucker?"

"Tom, you can fuck me anytime and anywhere you want, I want a lot of sex with you, I hope I've the strength to keep you satisfied, my pussy feels stretched, but it feels so comfortable, did you notice I changed my hip position, I'm taken you deeper now mother fucker and I love it, I'm getting close darling try to cum with me, let me feel you spurt on my cervix, I loved it when you spurted down my throat, that was so good, I love you and I love your cock, I'm close, talk dirty to me, tell me what you like and mummy will do it for you?"

I knew the time was right to ask questions about Kay, I said, "What's Kay like in bed, what does she do to you I can do to you that gives you pleasure?"

"Kay's hot, she's very affectionate, and she loves anal, she once told me that for one year with Simon she only had anal with him and that was when she'd to perform which was once a month, I gave her a big butt plug for her birthday last year and she has it in her ass and Kegel balls in her pussy at her work, she gives great oral, next time I'm with her I'll nibble her cunt flaps like you did to me tonight, she has a beautiful cunt, her whole body is beautiful, she hasn't got a cock but at giving oral she's great."

"She's a lovely person but Kay has problems with Judy this now, Judy has had a part-time job in a hotel, she's also been having an affair with the owner, he's married with three children, his wife found out, she lost her job last week, the money from the job was not important, he was her sugar daddy, Kay told me Judy has better lingerie than she's got, she was crying her eyes out and saying what will l do mum, my life is over I'll never find another man like him, that was four days ago, Judy has slept in Kay's bed for the last four nights, three nights ago Kay gave Judy oral, Kay is so good at pussy oral, two nights ago Judy gave Kay oral, Kay introduced dildos and they both had orgasms, would you believe Kay told Judy that you were a very eligible bachelor and she should be looking for a guy like you, if Kay knew about your cock she'd want it."

"There will be an end-of-year dance and Judy needs a partner, I think you may be asked, you start your accountancy course at university in three weeks' time, Judy suggested to her mum that she'd give you hers so you don't need to buy them, Kay and Judy are so nice."

We kissed again so lovingly, I was fondling mum and mum was fondling me, mum said, "Tom, I'm so happy we have done this, I feel you are my soul mate, I love you with all my heart, we'd better get some sleep as I want your big thick cock in the morning, what a wonderful way to start the day."

"I'd love that too, mum; I have a busy day tomorrow as there's a wine tasting at the Golf Club, but I will be home around eight, if I'm here first I'll be wearing my boxers, if you are here first put on your kimono."

Mum kissed me again and said, "I'll take my Kegel balls to work and put them in during the day so I can give you a lovely, tight ride tomorrow night."

The next morning was amazing, I had mum in the missionary position; she came twice and on her second climax I came a couple of seconds after her. We lay in bed kissing and cuddling afterwards, mum was glowing, mum said, "Tom, you give me the best orgasms of my life, last night and again this morning, you treat me like a woman, I haven't had that apart from Kay, after we have sex, we kiss and cuddle like we're doing now. I'm so pleased I've told you about Kay and you're happy for me to continue to see her, she asked me if I could give her daughter, Judy a job in the office when she graduates, we don't have a high turnover of staff but one of the accountants retired because of ill health two months ago, so I can offer her a job. Kay also said Judy's timetable would allow her to work a few hours per week, but she wouldn't know the next terms timetable until she went back to university. Tom, you are amazing, you're still hard, can I do you reverse cowgirl?"

I smiled and said, "Mum, at the weekend we won't go out, get a bundle of food in and we'll just eat and fuck."

"Tom, I don't feel you're fucking me, we're making love and I'm loving every minute, lie back and let me ride you."

Mum got into the reverse cowgirl position, once again she gripped me at the base of my cock and ran the bulbous head up and down her dripping sex slit, she pushed down on me and took my full length, she quickly got a powerful rhythm going, her pussy felt so good, mum said, "Tom, I love you and I love your cock, when you're inside me it feels so good, when I adjust my hips I can take you deeper baby let me get a rhythm going here, this is so good."

Five minutes later mum had another massive orgasm, it was wonderful to feel her pussy twitching, she looked at her watch and said, "Darling, we'll have to wake up earlier in the morning, I'll have a quick shower and get something to eat at the office."

Before she left, we kissed so passionately, then she put her Kegel balls into her handbag and left. Mum messaged me at twelve, it read, "Tom, I get wet just thinking about you, I've had my Kegels in for over three hours, I'll put them back in this afternoon as I want my pussy nice and tight for you. You gave me three wonderful orgasms this morning, are you enjoying my hungry cunt darling?"

I replied, "I'm loving it mum, I'm looking forward to tonight, I'll be able to tell if you're tighter, I get hard when I think of you, I love you mum xxx."

Mum replied, "I love you too Tom, I can tell too if it's tighter as my cunt muscles feel stronger, Kay has just messaged me to ask if you have a list of the books you need for university as Judy will check whether she's got them, email the list if you've got it, I need to go, I've put my Kegels in now for the afternoon, I love and miss you mum xxx."

I emailed mum the list; the books were quite expensive, so it was a kind gesture Judy was offering. Mum messaged me saying, "Fuck me, those books are expensive, that's so kind of them, they are going to give us all of Judy's old books, Kay has told me she has them for every year, we'll have to give them a little treat, love mum, xx."

In the afternoon before mum came home, I was thinking of when I reached puberty, of stroking my cock until I came, I loved the sensations I had when I did this, then I thought of last night, mum sucking me off, mum cumming in my mouth then mum taking my virginity and this morning, mum was now my soul mate.

Mum came home just before five, we kissed with so much feeling, mum then prepared dinner, she soon had everything on the range, she smiled and said, "I'm going to change into my kimono, darling put on your boxers, I've the feeling we'll be having an early night tonight."

I was in my boxers when mum came back, she looked stunning in her kimono, her massive meaty breasts were swinging beautifully, I took her in my arms and said, "I love it when you dress like this, let me feel your big beautiful breasts, they feel so good mum, I've loved the last days with you, I've always thought of you as a very dignified lady but I love the very sexy lady you've hidden from me."

We kissed again and mum said, "The more we're together you'll find out how sexy I can be, I want to do adventurous things with you, dinner's nearly ready, let's eat and get to bed."

Dinner was excellent, we talked little, but we flirted with our eyes, mum pushing her massive meaty breasts out for me, her big hard nipples looked as though they needed sucked. I followed mum to her bedroom, her butt looked superb, I said, "Mum, your butt looks fantastic. Can I have some of that tonight?"

Mum said, "I'd like that too, I'll lube a butt plug and put it in so it's ready for you."

I thought for a minute and said, "Mum, how would you like me to ride you, would you like doggy style?"

"I love you Tom, you have given me so much pleasure, we can do doggy style later when you're ass fucking me, how about me going on top as I did last night, I'm so wet, we'll see if my cunt muscles are stronger, baby, you slide inside me so easily, can you feel how strong my cunt muscles are now?"

I was deep inside mum now, she was gripping me beautifully, her cunt muscles were a lot stronger than yesterday, I said, "Mum, there's a big difference, your cunt muscles are so much stronger, you've a tight cunt now."

"Tom, I'll put the Kegels in every day, they make a big difference, the more I exercise with them, the better it will be, I love feeling you inside me, do you think mummy's giving you a wonderful ride?"

I smiled and said, "The best mum, I think I'm in heaven now."

Mum soon had a powerful rhythm going, her massive breasts swinging beautifully, I was now fingering her huge clit as mum rode me harder and deeper, I said, "Mum, I love the feeling of being inside you, it's a wonderful feeling, the warmth I feel is incredible, I love how you tighten your pussy muscles at the head and base of each push, it all feels so good, I'm getting close, I don't know how I've lasted for so long, harder mum, fuck me harder."

"Don't worry, just cum baby, I'm close too, your monster cock is doing magical things to me, everything feels so good, cum for me, Tom, I'm cumming."

We both climaxed within seconds of each other, it felt so good, mum's whole body was shuddering, she leaned over and we kissed lovingly as she still trembled, then mum said, "Tom, you have given me your virginity, that means so much to me, you've also given me the most incredible orgasms of my life, you can certainly spurt, I felt six powerful squirts hit my cervix, that felt so good, how was it for you, darling?"

"I'm happy I did this with you mum, it's so much better than when I wank, the sensations I felt were so good, it excited me mum that you were on top of me and giving me such an amazing incestuous fuck, did you enjoy fucking me mum?"

"Darling, I was thinking the same as you, you're my forbidden fruit, and I'm your forbidden fruit, I loved what we did, ok, it's incest, we are both adults, it was consensual incest, I don't have a problem with this, I don't think you have a problem either. I'm not on the pill although I'm sure I'm safe right now, I'll go back on the pill tomorrow but as we were doing this, I had the thought that I'd love your child, I'll go back on the pill until we are both sure that we both want a baby, how do you feel about that?"

I was taken completely by surprise, I'd never even thought about banging mum up, then I thought I'm just about to start university, financially I was sure mum could afford this, if mum had said, 'Tom, I want a baby.' I would have given her one, the way mum had put it was that the both of us must want the baby, I said, "Mum, that's what we should do, we both must want the baby, I'm starting university soon, I don't know what that's going to involve, go on the pill, I know that I'll be cumming a lot inside you, I think I've another load to give you now?"

Mum smiled and said, "We'll do anal doggy style now, I had a busy day and I'm enjoying relaxing with you, let me lube your cock, It makes everything so sensitive when I have my butt plug in."

Mum lubed the head of my cock then got on all fours on top of the bed with her butt at the bottom of the bed, I stood behind her, my cock was level with her butt, this was going to be a perfect fit. I put the head of my freshly lubed cock on her tight but well lubed ass hole, I pushed gently and was surprised as she took my full length with that one gentle push, mum gasped and said, "Fuck Tom, this is incredible, it feels so good, the head of your cock is stimulating my G-spot, I've never had that before, get a nice rhythm going as I love the feel of this."

I pounded mum's ass, she was pushing her ass back hard against my cock, a minute later mum cried out, "Don't stop Tom, this is incredible, I'm going to cum."

And cum she did, she had a body-shaking orgasm, but I kept pounding her relentlessly, mum again cried out, "Keep going Tom, I've experienced nothing like this in my life before, I've the feeling that I'm going to cum again, the head of your magnificent cock is stimulating my G-spot, I've never experienced this before, keep going darling you're making mummy so horny."

Mum had a second massive orgasm, it was stronger than her first, I just kept pounding her tight ass then mum said, "Tom, please keep going. Let's try to get me a third orgasm."

The third orgasm came. I checked my watch, mum had three massive vaginal orgasms in under ten minutes, I had climaxed as mum was having her third orgasm, she'd felt me spurt and she'd loved that.

I pulled out then lay on top of the bed kissing and caressing mum, mum said, "I want to do that again, it was unbelievable, everything felt so good, my G-spot is tingling, Tom I'm sure that it's down to your monster cock, feeling you spurt on my G-spot was incredible, did you enjoy doing it to me?"

"Yes mum, anything that gives you pleasure I want to do for you, I love having sex with you, every day I feel I'm getting closer to you."

"I feel the same Tom, I had a chat with Kay this afternoon, Judy is getting close to Kay, they're having sex three and four times a day, Kay told Judy that she was going to divorce Simon when Judy graduated, the house would be sold and Kay would buy an apartment where Judy and her would live."

"Judy suggested Kay should do this now as that would allow Judy and Kay to go clubbing as the both looked so alike, they could say they were sisters and if they pulled a male or female, then they'd have a place to bring them back to. This surprised Kay as much as she loves sex she doesn't want to fuck around and she told this to Judy as she didn't want to get any STDs and that was a colossal risk nowadays, Judy suggested that she'd make them wear condoms."

"Tom, that was so generous of them with the books, I think we should invite them to the golf club for a meal at the weekend, I'm thinking that the gift I'll give Kay is a remote-control butt plug vibrator, I'm sure she'd love that, Kay loves anal, Judy is coming into the office tomorrow afternoon as she's now got next terms timetable. Darling, thank you for a wonderful evening, let's try to get some sleep as I'm going to wake you a little earlier tomorrow morning and you know what we'll be doing?"

Mum woke me around six-thirty the following morn, she was glowing, we kissed so lovingly for a couple of minutes, she stroked my cock and made it so stiff then said, "Darling, I've got my butt plug in and I'm well lubed, I'll lube the head of your cock then I'm going to ride you reverse cowgirl anal to see how that feels as my three orgasms last night were amazing and I'm curious to if we get the same effect in the reverse cowgirl position."

Mum lubed the head of my cock and squatted over me positioning the lubed head at her lubed ass hole, she pushed down taking my full length easily then said, "It's the same darling, you're stimulating my G-spot, let me get a rhythm going but I think I prefer it doggy style, what do you think?"

"I think I was going deeper last night, this is still nice, if you were riding me cowgirl and I lubed your butt then you could switch to reverse cowgirl and do both holes, mum I love that rhythm is it good for you?"

"Good for me, I'm going to cum soon. I'm so glad you gave me anal last night."

It was the same as last night, mum had three vaginal orgasms within ten minutes, then she got me up and led me downstairs to the kitchen, she leaned over the kitchen table and I ass fucked her doggy style on the kitchen table. It was now five to seven and mum already had five very strong vaginal orgasms.

Mum looked so happy she then looked in a cupboard in the kitchen and came out with a box containing a game we used to play where you had to describe an action and opponent had to wear a blindfold, mum brought out a blindfold and smiled she then said, "Tom, are you free all day today?"

I told her I could be available any time she smiled and kissed me then got her mobile and phoned Kay she had her phone on speaker phone, Kay answered and mum said, "Good morning Kay, I hope I haven't woken you up?"

As Kay replied 'No we are up and having a little fun and nibble before breakfast,' as Kay said this Judy asked 'Who's on the phone mum?' and Kay said, 'Babs,'

Mum said, "Kay, tell Judy I'm looking forward to seeing her this afternoon, the reason for my call is could you come around this morning for an hour as I've a lovely surprise for you?"

"Sure darling, is ten good for you?"

Mum smiled and said, "Perfect, now the important thing is to have your butt plug in and make sure it's well lubed."

"Babs, you're getting me excited now, I haven't seen you for a while and I've missed you, I was thinking of bringing Judy one day with me so we could all nibble together but that's difficult if Tom's there."

"Kay, we'll do that soon, but I've got to go now, see you at ten and make sure you're lubed, big kiss until I see you."

Kay said, "Don't worry, I'll have my butt plug in and it'll be well lubed, a big kiss and a nice nibble until I see you."

Mum came off the phone, and I said, "Am I thinking what you're thinking, that Kay will wear a blindfold while I'm ass fucking her?"

"Tom, you've got it and I want you to do it over the kitchen table, I'd better get a move on or I won't be able to get back for ten."

As mum showered, I made breakfast, over breakfast mum told me she will get Kay naked in the kitchen, blindfold her and when mum says, 'You look gorgeous, let me take your butt plug out,' that's when I would come in. Mum also suggested as a little foreplay that one of us places Kay's hand on my cock so she could expect the pleasure she was going to get.

Mum left and busied myself around the house, had a long shower, tidied the bedroom, in case we all ended up there, I tidied the kitchen and smiled when I saw mum had left a bottle of lube on the kitchen table, my cock was so stiff thinking about Kay, a woman with a body I'd fantasised about for years, I looked at my watch, I'd be ass fucking her in thirty minutes on top of mum's kitchen table, how my life has changed since mum and I started fucking each other.

Mum arrived at ten to ten, she stripped to her bra and thong with heels and hold up stockings, her meaty breasts looked massive in her push-up bra but she was glowing. I went into the lounge when the doorbell rang, I'd hear everything mum would say to Kay.

"Hi Kay, let's go into the kitchen, you're looking gorgeous."

"Babs, you're looking gorgeous too, I've never seen you look so happy, I feel overdressed, Judy gave me some of her lingerie to wear, I'm a cup size bigger than her so my breasts look huge in her bra, she's so excited about her meeting this afternoon, she wants to be an accountant in your office, Babs, would you mind if she gave you a nibble, she gives great oral?"

"Kay, not at all, tell her to wear something sexy and accessible and I'll do the same, Kay, you're my best friend today. For your big surprise, I want you to trust me completely, are you comfortable doing this?"

"Babs, I trust you completely, what would you like me to do?"

Mum replied, "Kay, I would like to take your sexy thong off and I'd like you to wear this blindfold, let me put it on for you, your tits look amazing, you look gorgeous, let me take your butt plug out."

I quietly went into the kitchen, I was sure Kay hadn't heard me, mum and Kay looked incredible, mum then said, "Before we start let me sit you on a kitchen chair, would you like me to take your bra off so your magnificent big breasts are free?"

"Yes please, my nipples are so hard, I like this game of not knowing what is happening."

"Your nipples are hard, Kay from now, I won't say anything, but I want you to tell me what you feel and what you'd like done to you?"

Mum was amazing as she took Kay's hand and said, "Kay, my darling, when was the last time you had a cock?"

Mum's timing was perfect as Kay said, "Too fucking long ago."

Mum put Kay's hand around my cock, Kay gasped and said, "That's a big one. I'll need two hands on this one, those enormous balls are so heavy. Is all the creamy spunk in them for me? Am I allowed to give a nice gobble?"

Mum replied, "Of course you can, when you have had your gobble, then I'll lube his bulbous head, then you'll get the best ass fuck of your life."

Kay said, "I love being blindfolded, it's making my pussy so wet, this cock feels so good, could we do this blindfold foreplay with Judy, she'd love it?"

Mum didn't reply as she brought the head of my cock to Kay's mouth, Kay held my cock at the base, her tongue was everywhere up and down my shaft, she then nibbled my shaft the way mum had done, she was good but the best was yet to come.

I felt her finger searching for my piss slit, there was some pre-cum on it, Kay found it blindfolded and her tongue removed it then I felt the warmth of her mouth as she took the head of my cock into her mouth, she slowly but surely took more and more into her mouth, a couple of minutes later I felt her lips around the base of my cock, she was deep throating me, she came off me and said, "I can't make him any harder but I could make him cum but I want him in my ass, that's a monster cock, Babs can you bend me over the table and lube his gorgeous cock?"

Mum did this, Kay's body was beautiful and so was mum's watching the way they both moved aroused me, Kay was now in position, I went behind her, mum then positioned my cock on Kay's gorgeous butt hole, I pushed so gently and watched as my cock slide so easily inside her ass, she gasped as I got a nice rhythm going on my sixth thrust Kay cried out, "This is unbelievable whoever you are, I love your cock and I want this again, I hope you find me sexy as I'll do anything you want, your cock is stimulating my G-spot, I've never had this in my life and I've had some big dildos up my ass, keep going I'm close to cumming."

A couple of minutes later Kay had her first massive orgasm, I knew what to do as Kay shook I kept pounding her when she composed herself she started adjusting her hips so she could take me deeper, when she had her second body-shaking orgasm she said, "Please keep going, I need more, those two orgasms were easily the best I've had in my life."

I didn't intend to stop, I just kept pounding her, Kay felt so good and looking at her and mum's body aroused, her third orgasm was gigantic, she shook for over two minutes then collapsed on the kitchen table, mum was alarmed and said, "Kay, are you ok?"

Kay smiled and said, "I'm good. I've just had the fuck of my life, can I take the blindfold off as I must meet the person who's given me so much pleasure?"

Mum took off Kay's blindfold, she came off the table and saw me, she took me in her arms, we tongue kissed lovingly for a couple of minutes, Kay was a wonderful kisser, so much lust and passion in her kiss, Kay looked at me and said, "Tom, you've taken me places I didn't know existed, Babs can I see Tom tonight?"Mum smiled and put her arms around Kay and I and said, "Of course you can, tonight we'll all go to the golf club for dinner and you and Judy can stay over and look after Tom when I leave in the morning, I'd better get to the office, Kay why don't you spend some time with Tom and get to know him better, I hope I get to know Judy better this afternoon, can you and Judy be here for some Champagne before we go to the golf club for dinner?"

"Babs, of course we can, I'll phone Judy, don't worry, she'll perform for you and she's good."

Mum and Kay tongue kissed mum said before she left, "Tom, make sure there's enough of Peter's delicious Champagne in the fridge for before and after dinner tonight, you and Kay should chill with a bottle now."

Mum left and Kay gave me a kiss and cuddle, her breasts felt so good on my first feel, Kay said, "I want lots of that, darling you get the Champagne and I'll phone Judy, then we can see what happens?"

I put six bottles of Champagne into the fridge there was five in the fridge, we had enough, as I walked with my tray I heard Kay say, "Suck and nibble on Bab's big clit she loves that, make sure you satisfy her as there's a big party tonight, yes Tom will be there, his cock is a monster, I love it and I'm sure you will too, I'm sure that I'll be home around four, I'm going to have some fun this afternoon."

Kay was now standing in the kitchen naked, my old teacher who had every guy in my class at school, including myself, had wanted to fuck her, I'd just ass fucked her and had enjoyed it as she knew how to perform.

Her body was so similar to mum's, massive meaty breasts, flat stomach, curves that excited and long legs, her smooth vulva with thick cunt flaps, she knew she was a beautiful, voluptuous woman with a husband that was doing nothing for her, she'd been the best maths teacher I'd ever had, I wondered if she could be as good a teacher in teaching me on how to be a super stallion in bed.

I poured two glasses of Champagne and said, a little cheekily, "You have beautiful big meaty breasts, Mrs Peters, watching them swing arouses me."

Kay surprised me, she moved her chest and her massive breasts swung beautifully, she smiled and said, "Tom, thanks for the compliment, I love to be complimented it does wonders for my confidence, please call me Kay, we've passed the Mrs Peters stage in our lives, you were one of my best students at school, I wasn't allowed to arouse you then but we're at a different time in our lives now and I'd love to arouse you now, just looking at your big thick monster cock arouses me, sit on a kitchen chair, I'll sit on your lap, we can sip our Champagne and get to know each other, I'm certainly not as horny now as I was an hour ago and Champagne makes me horny, let's do it, is there anything that I can do for you?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, turn in front of me so that I can admire your beautiful butt."

Kay said, "My butt is still in good condition considering I've got a twenty-one-year-old daughter, I had Judy at nineteen, my mum looked after her while I was at university, I graduated then met Simon, he was a young bank manager and I thought I would have security but all he gave me was a fucked-up life, I'll divorce him soon, so if you want to marry me, I'd accept."

I laughed and said, "Is an ass fuck with a married woman adultery? If it is, I love committing adultery, but I'm looking forward to going deep into your pussy soon."

We were now in the bedroom, Kay turned around her massive breasts swinging beautifully, she laughed and said, "I think so but I'll Google it later and let you know, I'll sit on your knee, we can sip Champagne as we kiss, cuddle and chat, I'll commit adultery with you every day until I get my divorce then I want you as my lover, your beautiful cock is hard, it's so thick, you've developed into a very eligible young man."

As Kay had been speaking, she was sitting on my lap sipping her Champagne, I'd been fondling her massive breasts, at school they'd turned me on, the number of Hard-Ons she'd given me was a lot, I said, "At school you were my favourite teacher, my knowledge of mathematics is all down to you, will you teach me about sex then I'll be able to give you wonderful rides?"

Kay kissed me so passionately, I moved my hand to her pussy, I had two fingers deep inside her as my thumb stimulated her big clit, Kay said, "You were my best student Tom, a young gentleman, so mannerly in opening doors for me, carrying books for me, you made my pussy wet. I'll show you later but I've several pictures of you from the golf club, your tall, firm athletic body, I used to look at them in bed, my fingers always went to my pussy flaps, you've made me cum a lot over the years, now I have you, I'll teach you everything I know, I'm also very adventurous I'm sure we'll do a lot of nice things, I'm like Babs, we do like our pleasure, we don't do pain, I love your big thick fingers, give me another, baby you're going to make me cum as we sit here, talk dirty to me darling, that will bring me off."

"Kay, you have a treasure of a cunt, I love how you grip my fingers with your strong cunt muscles, that's good, ride my fingers, do you want to be like mum and be my innocent respectable lady in public and my whore in the bedroom?"

"Darling, you've got it right, that's how Babs and I are, the essence of respectability in public and whores in the bedroom, I'm trying to get this across to Judy, John, her sugar daddy was into her wearing miniskirts and showing a lot of cleavage, I'm a great believer in more is less, keep going I'm nearly there then I'll show you how big a whore I really am."

"Kay, would you like to cum in my mouth?"

The look of surprise on Kay's face told me so much, Kay said, "I'd love that Tom, Simon never went down on me, at university a couple of guys went down on me but I didn't cum in their mouths, do it, it will be a first for me."

I laid Kay on top of the bed, she spread her legs in anticipation, her massive tits looked gorgeous, I said, "Spread your flaps for me until I find my way around."

She did this, her cunt looked gorgeous, her vulva smooth and swollen, thick cunt flaps and perfectly formed sex slit, her clit was like mum's, huge, I teased it with my tongue, where Kay had spread her flaps and was holding them open, I could nibble the top of both of her thick cunt flaps, I nibbled on her left flap first then right.

Kay was pushing her pussy against my mouth and gasping with pleasure, she said, "Tom, you give great oral, I love how you're nibbling my clit, suck on it and get your long thick fingers finger fucking me and I'll cum, would you like to watch me play with my big breasts and suck my nipples?"

I nodded in approval and kept on sucking her huge clit; it was amazing the show Kay was putting on with her tits; she was fondling them so seductively. I never once imagined in my life that I'd be doing this with my favourite teacher, then she brought her left tit to her mouth and started licking her hard nipple, as she sucked on it, she pushed her pussy more firmly against my mouth.

Then out of nowhere she cried out, "I'm cumming, it's wonderful, you're the first man to suck me off."

Her pussy flooded my mouth with her warm cum, there was a lot which surprised me as I had just given her three vaginal orgasms, I had to swallow some, my major problem was keeping my mouth on Kay's pussy as she was shaking uncontrollably.

When she had composed herself, I came off her, she was smiling then I put my tongue out to show her a huge blob of her cum, Kay said, "Wow, that's a lot of cum, you've made me cum four times today, I'm impressed."

We then started to cum kiss, Kay was so passionate with her kisses, her tongue was also transferring her cum into her mouth, soon my mouth was empty, I said, "Kay, your cum is so sweet, it's delicious, how would you like me to give you a fifth orgasm?"

Kay smiled and said, "You're amazing Tom, I'm going to think of you as my stallion, your cock is lovely and hard, the first position I had sex was missionary so why don't we start off with missionary, I'm good in a lot of positions but I can give you a lot of thrills in missionary, I can't wait to feel you inside me, when we get going I love to be fucked hard and deep, if I cum first then fuck me harder during my climax as that gives me such intense pleasure, come on top of me now darling but remember that this will be your first lesson in a multi lesson learning experience."

Kay had spread her legs wide, I positioned my bulbous head in the middle of her gorgeous pussy pushed gently and slipped deep inside her, the warmth inside her cunt was amazing, Kay gasped and said, "My god you are big, I feel stretched but it feels comfortable, how's it for you my stallion, I want you to enjoy this too?"

I now had a nice rhythm going, Kay was giving me a great ride, I leaned down and slipped my tongue into Kay's mouth then said, "I love how you're gripping my cock as I ride you, but I want to pleasure you too."

Kay smiled and said, "I want you to slip two fingers inside my butt and finger fuck my ass as you ride, that makes missionary much more exciting."

It spiced things up, both Kay's hips and mine were working in unison, we kept going for a few minutes then Kay said, "Do you want to go deeper in me?"

I told her I would love that; Kay then lifted and folded her legs against my chest, I was now going deeper and I was pounding Kay harder and she was loving it, then Kay told me to unfold her legs and spread them open towards my shoulders and that gave a different angle and deeper penetration.

Two minutes later we both climaxed within a second of each other, Kay pulled me close and said, "Number five was lovely, when my stallion came, I felt every spurt which hit my cervix, I've never had that before and it felt wonderful."

We sipped the Champagne and kissed, touched and chatted for the next hour, we were chilling; I complimented Kay on her gorgeous body; she loved that; she was a caring and affectionate woman, if you saw her in a restaurant, you'd think what a lovely, innocent respectable lady never thinking for a moment that she lusted for sex.

I asked, "How do you feel about having sex with your daughter?"

She replied immediately, "She's safer with me than going out clubbing, she asked me if I'd go with her and kid on, we were two sisters, she once suggested that if she or I found someone nice, then we'd share him as Judy wanted to do a threesome with me and a man, I'm interested in that. As I'm teaching you about sex, I'm also teaching Judy and, in the time, we've been together she's becoming much more worldly, I want her to have class, if you can help me achieve this with her, I'll do very special things for you."

My mobile rang, it was mum, she said, "Tom, change of plan, the golf club has a silver wedding party, they have no tables tonight, I was thinking we'd stay in tonight and order a Chinese takeaway that way we're under no pressure, Judy is happy with this, she's a lovely girl, you two will get on like a house on fire, if Kay is still with you ask her if she's ok with this?"

I explained to Kay as she was gobbling my cock, she said, "Tom, give me the phone and let me speak to Babs."

Kay came off me and took the phone and said, "Babs, what a day I'm having with my new stallion, how are you getting on with Judy?"

"Kay, we're both loving it, I think tonight could develop into an orgy, are you comfortable staying in and having a Chinese takeaway?"

"Babs, of course I am, I'm sure that the stallion will satisfy all of us tonight, we can have some fun, then food and back to having more fun, it's three pm now, please tell Judy I'll be home around four."

"Kay, I think she'll be a little later than that, she's very busy at the moment."

Kay finished the call as I fondled her massive tits, I said, "Kay, if you like it deep, would you like your stallion to take you doggy style?"

Kay smiled and said, "That's a good idea, your cock is still rock hard, do you want me on all fours on top of the bed with you standing at the bottom?"

"Kay, that's the best way, mum and I tried it on the bed with both of us kneeling on the bed, it's not as good, I can go deeper and the other good thing doing it with me standing is we're directly opposite mum's dressing-table mirror so we can both watch everything that's happening, I want to see those big breasts of yours swinging."

I went behind Kay, she was so wet I slid inside her easily, she gasped as the bulbous head of my cock hit her cervix, she said, "It's wonderful, I've forgotten how good it is to have a cock inside me and having your monster cock is amazing, the head of your cock is stimulating my cervix and by moving my hip position slightly your thick shaft is stimulating my clit, my stallion if you ride me harder my big breasts will swing more."

I reached around her and fingered her hard clit, Kay was in heaven, we were both riding in harmony, everything felt so good then Kay said, "Harder and deeper Tom, I'm so close, I can't believe that this is my sixth orgasm today, baby cum for me, I want to feel you spurt, shoot your creamy load inside me, I can't get enough of your cock."

With Kay's talk and the skilful way she was gripping my cock we both climaxed within seconds of each other, Kay's whole body was twitching, I continued to pound her right throughout her orgasm then pulled out, we both lay on top of the bed kissing and cuddling each other, Kay was comfortable with me and I was comfortable with her.

I couldn't believe I'd given my old teacher six orgasms; we both had enjoyed every one of them. We lay in bed chatting for another half hour then Kay said, "Tom, this has been one of the best days of my life, thank you, I'm seriously thinking of divorcing Simon now, if Judy and I have our own apartment then you and Babs can visit us often, let's shower, I'm hoping that I'll have some more of you tonight."

Mum came home just before five, she had spoken with Kay, mum told me that Judy was so like Kay in bed, so affectionate and both couldn't get enough sex, they had decided that Judy would have a well-lubed butt plug inside when they arrived, her initiation would be to gobble your cock, lubing it then you ass fuck her doggy style, give her three orgasms then do her pussy and after that's done the orgy starts.

I laughed at mum and Kay's organising skills, I sat with mum in the bathroom as she showered, mum then asked me to get some Champagne as she sat in the bedroom putting on her makeup. Mum had already changed the bed as the bedding was smelling of sex.

Mum put on a collarless kimono with the belt tied below her navel, her massive breasts looked amazing. Mum had bought me some new boxers that moulded themselves around my cock, when I was flaccid it looked great when I was stiff it looked impressive, the doorbell rang and mum went to open the door.

I was pouring Kay and Judy Champagne when they came into the lounge, they both were wearing raincoats, they took them off and the two of them were only wearing bras and thongs, they looked gorgeous, Kay took me in her arms, we tongue kissed lovingly then Kay said, "My ass and pussy have never tingled so much in my life, it feels great."

I smiled as I felt one of Kay's big breasts, I said, "You're going to get some more later Kay, why don't you and Judy get naked now and mum take off your kimono, you all look better naked."

Kay smiled and said, "No problem, Tom, but Judy and I want to take off your sexy new boxers."

As Kay and Judy stripped, I realised they could easily pass for two sisters, mum took off her kimono, I now had three beautiful women naked in front of me and I could do anything I wanted with all of them.

Kay and Judy were standing beside me, Judy said, "Hi Tom, do I get a nice kiss too?"

I took her in my arms, her tongue was deep in my mouth, she like her mum could kiss, Kay couldn't get my boxers off as Judy was pushing her pussy so hard against my groin. As I kissed Judy one of my hands was feeling her big breasts, my other hand was fingering her mum's dripping cunt, Judy broke away from our kiss, mum and daughter then both pulled my boxers down, Judy gasped when she saw it, she put her hand on my shaft and stroked me, as I felt Kay's gorgeous smooth cunt, I said "Kay, your pussy is nice and wet."

Kay smiled as I felt the big butt plug in Judy' ass, "Just thinking about this magnificent cock makes me wet, Judy, let me help you make Tom's cock hard; two tongues works better than one."

As I moved the butt plug in and out of Judy' ass, I said, "That's a big butt plug you've got up your ass."

"I'm like mum, I love big things up my ass."

Kay smiled and said, "Just wait until you get this monster inside you and you'll love the ride my stallion will give you. Judy, you gobble Tom and I'll massage his balls."

Judy was a good gobbler, it didn't take her long to deep throat me; she was ably assisted by her mum doing an amazing job on my heavy balls, Kay pulled the butt plug out of her ass and surprised me by sliding it inside her ass. Kay had just told me what she wanted later. Judy was so gentle when she lubed the bulbous head of my cock, all the while mum was sitting on the couch with her legs spread and her fingers working inside her thick cunt flaps.

Judy stood and leaned over an armchair, I went behind her, my cock slid so easily inside her ass, Judy gasped as the head of my cock hit her G-spot, she cried out, "It's so big but it feels so good."

I soon had a powerful rhythm going, Kay was fingering her daughter's clit as I pounded her ass, ten minutes later Judy had her third vaginal orgasm, her whole body was trembling, I pulled out and slipped my massive cock inside her dripping wet cunt doggy style; it didn't take long for Judy to cum again; she gave a great ride but her mum was better, her mum had more experience, I was sure Judy would develop into something special though.

Kay then took Judy's position, leaning over the armchair with her daughter fingering her clit as I pounded her ass, during the changeover mum came over and took the butt plug and slid it inside her ass, they all seemed to want anal tonight. I was now fucking a mother as her daughter looked on, it was good, once again within ten minutes Kay had three vaginal orgasms, as I came off her, she kissed me so lovingly and said, "Tom, today you've given me nine magnificent orgasms, I love you and I love your cock."

Mum then took Kay's position and leaned over the armchair, same procedure as last time, ten minutes later mum had her third vaginal orgasm with what I thought was nice, Judy fingering her clit.

Kay then took our orders for the Chinese takeaway, thirty minutes later it arrived, mum had got me a towelling bathrobe and cash so I was the one that answered the door and brought the meals into the house.

That was the start of an amazing foursome, three weeks later Kay served divorce papers on Simon, Simon wanted to keep the house, a valuation was taken and Simon paid Kay half of the money, Kay came out of it well, the monthly alimony she would get for the rest of her life was index linked.

Another month later, Kay bought two apartments which she rents out, Kay and Judy moved in with mum and I, it was wonderful for me; I had three beautiful women doing incredible things to me, my studies were improving as Judy was tutoring me, she was so clever and explained things so well.

Judy was now working flex hours in mum's office, mum was so happy with her, the sex I was having with them was getting better and better, we still had group sex but we'd also developed into private sessions of one on one, these were so good and so intimate.

Kay's divorce was finalised, one night over dinner she said, "I'm getting older and I want a baby with Tom, I'm going off the pill and would love it Tom if you only cum in my pussy, I'm divorced now and I can do what I want."I was touched when she said this, I was a student and didn't have the money to support a child but Kay had and this was her choice, I said, "Kay, I'm moved that you want to do this, if it happens and I hope it does, I'll be there for our child."

Judy said, "Mum, I'm so happy, I hope this works for you, I'm still on the pill and will be for a few years, Tom when you're with me and mum's around then don't cum inside me cum in mum's pussy as I want this to happen."

Mum then said, "Kay, I hope this happens for you, two months ago I came off the pill hoping this would happen for me with exactly the same reasons as you, it hasn't happened yet but I'm going to keep trying."

This meal changed a lot, even though I loved to be sucked off and to have a titty fuck, all three of them were wonderful at those, from that day, I only came in Kay or mum's pussy, I never came inside Judy but I gave her a lot of orgasms, she was well satisfied.

When I was alone with mum or Kay, our lovemaking was so intimate, we developed a system when we had a threesome I'd cum in one then they'd both arouse me so much I'd cum in the other, they both became so good at talking dirty that making me cum inside them was so easy and so enjoyable.

I was also successful in changing Judy into a lady; she was a well-groomed lady who oozed sex and respectability, no one would imagine the fantastic sex life the four of us were sharing, we ate out a lot; we went on weekend breaks, booking rooms with two king-size beds, then it happened just after Easter, mum was pregnant with a baby boy, we were all over the moon when this happened.

Mum was pregnant, she stopped drinking wine; she was so careful with what she ate and she still wanted sex every day, she just wanted my cock inside her though I had to cum in Kay. I was now in my last term of my first year at university; I finished on a Wednesday at two in the afternoon and so did Kay, mum and Judy worked in mum's office on a Wednesday afternoon until six in the evening, so Kay and I had four marvellous hours with each other.

Mum had given Kay and Judy several silk collarless kimonos, they all wore them around the house, on Wednesday afternoons Kay was always wearing one when I arrived home, we both got into a routine, this was Kay and my magic time, the sex was unbelievable, there was nothing rushed, it was four hours of heaven.

When I arrived home, Kay would go down on me to make me hard, seeing her in the kimono with the belt tied below her navel, her massive breasts swinging beautifully made me hard, but the way she gobbled me always made me rock hard.

One Wednesday after she had gobbled me and I was hard, she was now on top of the bed on all fours and I was standing at the bottom of with my cock inside her pussy doggy style, Kay said, "All morning at school I was fantasising about you, I kept looking at the desk you sat at, I had set the class an exercise and as usual you were the first to finish."

"Kay, what was your fantasy?"

"That feels so good, keep riding me and I'll tell you, as usual when a pupil finished an exercise and were satisfied with it they'd bring it to the desk then they could leave the class, as you were standing next to my desk, I noticed the massive bulge in your trousers, I asked you to lean over and leave your paper on the opposite side of my desk as you did this my left hand brushed your monster cock and I whispered to you, 'I think you should stay behind today Tom, there's a couple of things I want to talk to you about.'

I whispered back, 'You have my mobile number, message me and when you look at me, push your beautiful big breasts out for me.'

"As you said this to me I felt my pussy getting so wet, you went back to your desk, you looked at me as I was reading your paper, I pushed my big breasts out for you and you winked at me, three other pupils handed in their papers and left the class. I got my mobile out and sent you a naughty message."

"What made your cock so hard, was it looking at my big breasts?"

Kay said, "Keep riding me Tom, I think you like my little bedtime story, I'm close, but I want you to be close too, my stallion."

"Another five pupils handed in their papers, there were nine more to go, I saw that you'd replied, 'Your big breasts turn me on and so does your gorgeous butt, all the desks behind are empty, there's no one sitting behind me, go into your storeroom and take off your G-string, put it in the waistband of your skirt then walk around the classroom so I can see your beautiful butt then walk to the right-hand side of my desk, give me your G-string as I want to smell it as I slip my hand under your miniskirt to see how wet I've made your gorgeous cunt."

"I replied, 'Tom, this is so risky, but it arouses me, I think we can get away with it, your making me so wet, my G-string will be soaked, I'll fold it so the gusset will fit nicely into your hand, when I stand beside your desk, whisper nothing, just feel me, I'm looking forward to feeling your big thick fingers slide inside me."

'I went into the storeroom took off my G-string, it was soaked, I folded it and put it inside the waistband of my skirt, I could feel the wetness of it against my skin, I adjusted the chair in the store room so I could bend over it and you could fuck me doggy style when the class cleared, I then walked around the classroom as six others left their papers on my desk."

"The three that were left were all reading their papers, I knew I had a safe few minutes I could stand beside your desk, I gave you my soiled G-string, you sniffed it then licked it as I felt your right hand coming up my skirt, I spread my legs in anticipation of the pleasure I was going to get."

"For the next four minutes, you teased and fondled my dripping cunt, you put another finger inside me when you sensed I was cumming and my pussy was twitching, the timing was perfect, you withdrew your hand as the last three pupils were leaving their papers on my desk."

Kay and my timing were also perfect as Kay's bedtime story had worked perfectly, we both climaxed simultaneously, Kay had a powerful orgasm, I pulled out then lay down beside her; we kissed and cuddled so lovingly, by five-thirty that evening, I came another twice inside her, every Wednesday Kay had another bedtime story for me, she had a very creative imagination.

In June I'd passed my end-of-year exam with distinction, on the first day of my holidays Kay told me she was pregnant, I was so happy she was; she did the same as mum, no wine and so careful with what they ate, they all still wanted sex, Judy had graduated and she was an accountant in mum's office, mum was still working, so Kay would be with me throughout my summer holidays.

We'd all gone away for the weekend and one night over dinner, Kay said, "Tom, I want to change my name to Cooper, I want my baby to have the surname of Cooper, there's two options, you marry me or I change my name by deed poll to Cooper, Babs and Tom do you have any problem with this?"

Mum and I had no problem with it, Judy said, "Mum, the deed poll is a great idea, how long does this take as I want to do it too?"

Kay smiled and said, "I think that there's going to be a lot of little Cooper kids running about, you do it online, two days later they send you a PDF and you print as many copies as you need for all the relevant authorities and that's it, it only costs eighteen pounds and fifty cents and were free of that horrible Peters name."

A week later it was all done, six months later mum had Tom Cooper, three months after that Kay had Barry Cooper, three years later, Judy had Tom Cooper, we are still all living as one big happy family.

The End