
Downstairs, the party was still ongoing. People were wandering around, apparently eating cake. I had noticed earlier that there was a multi tier cake on a table, and I assumed that was the one that had now been cut to celebrate grandma's birthday. I actually did want a bit of that cake, so I made my way to the table and got a piece to bring back to my seat.

On the way back, I spotted mom. She was chatting with someone, laughing and seemingly enjoying herself, looking like a normal party guest. A quick glance at her showed nothing to suggest that she'd been having wild incestuous sex upstairs this evening. I took my seat and enjoyed the cake. Not only was it tasty, it also felt rejuvenating - for some reason, I felt like my blood sugar was low.

A while later, it seemed like the party was winding down. Some people had already started leaving. I was beginning to get a bit antsy too. The drive home would be a couple of hours, so I didn't want it to get too late. I went to find mom to see if she was ready to head home. She was still chatting to someone I didn't recognize - a woman who seemed a bit older than her.

"Hey, mom... are you ready to head home soon?" I asked, interrupting the conversation.

"Yeah, sure!" she said cheerfully and emptied the glass of champagne she had in her hand.

"Would you like some more cake before you go, dear?" the woman beside her asked.

"Oh, no, thank you. I'm stuffed. I've been thoroughly stuffed tonight."

She smiled and winked at me. I felt my cheeks warm up, probably turning bright red.

"One last drink, then?" the woman suggested, taking two fresh glasses from the tray of a passing waiter, clearly not thinking that mom had had enough for tonight.

"Sure! One last fill-up." mom replied and accepted the glass... before turning to me and saying: "Even though I've been filled pretty good too."

I felt my face turn even redder and excused myself to get ready. Sure, those edgy comments were sexy and all, but I was getting really nervous that any of the dozens of party guests were going to catch on. I needed to get out of here. I got my jacket and thought maybe I should wait in the car. Then I thought that mom might actually need some help getting there, considering how tipsy she was. At the very least, she might need reminding that it was time to go. If somebody kept offering her more drinks, she might forget she was actually supposed to be leaving.

I hung around in the foyer until mom finally managed to get herself to the door. At that point, I went up next to her and put my arm around her waist, making sure she didn't fall on her way out. She was wearing high heels, after all. And I could usher her out a bit quicker... Making our way to the car, I hoped she wouldn't make any more risky comments before we were alone. Fat chance.

"Mmmm... this was so much fun..." she started saying.


"I can feel your cum running out of me right now."

I swallowed and looked around. There were a few people a stone's throw away, but none of them seemed to be paying attention. I hoped I was right about that.

"Mom, don't..."

"Don't whaaat?" she said, provocatively. "I mean, I can feel it running down my legs right now. It's so fucking hot. You really filled me up. And I love feeling it drip out of my pussy. I like walking around with it running down my thighs while all the people around me don't have a clue..."

"You are such a slut, mom..."

"Mmmm... I love being a slut... I wanna be a slut all the time..."

Embarrassed and nervous, I walked a bit quicker, nudging her along. Thankfully, we made it to the car without incident. I helped mom in and took my place at the wheel.

As soon as we were off, I breathed a sigh of relief. This was the downside to having a drunk slut mom. She'd do wild things when she was drunk, but she'd say things too. It was like her inhibitions completely vaporized - like she didn't care about anything. When she got drunk, she didn't seem to care much about who was fucking her, but she didn't seem to care whether somebody knew about it either.

Now that we were alone, I relaxed and drove us homewards. Minutes later, though, my pulse started rising again. Leaning back in her seat, mom put her arm lazily over to my lap and started stroking me. Gentle, playful fingers stroked my cock, causing it to harden at her touch. Once it was hard and making a bulge in my pants, she placed her hand over the top and just started squeezing. Gently first, then firmly, then gently again...

This went on. For two hours! At first, I smirked a bit, thinking how funny and flattering it was that my slutty mom couldn't seem to get enough of me. Then I started enjoying it, getting hornier as she touched my cock. Then I started getting frustrated. She was just touching, kneading and stroking, not doing anything that would actually take it further.

Fifteen minutes into this foreplay-like behavior, I was sweating profusely. My mouth was dry and a fog had descended over my brain so I could hardly see the road in front of me. Luckily, we were on the highway, and I had the cruise control activated. That still didn't change the fact that I was going crazy, though. It was torture! Half an hour into our drive, I was ready to pull over and fuck the shit out of my tormentor up against the hood of the car...

I started looking for a decent place to stop, but couldn't see one. I started moaning more and more desperately, almost whimpering as mom kept rubbing my cock. At one point, I wanted to beg her to stop. Then I wanted to snarl at her, order her to make me cum or something... After an hour of this, I felt like I was genuinely losing my mind. Sure, we'd had sex at the party earlier, but that was completely forgotten now. Because she spent so much time building the tension back up in me, I was getting so horny, it felt like I hadn't had an orgasm in weeks. And we had a whole hour left to go!

"Mom..." I eventually muttered.


"You're driving me crazy."


She just smiled and kept doing it. I was getting hornier and hornier, squirming in my seat. Normally, foreplay just makes you horny and then you have sex, getting release. This just kept going. I realized now that I was trapped in the car with her, receiving a forced two hour long foreplay session, unable to do anything about it.

"Damn you..." I growled.

"Hmmm?" she cooed, acting innocent.

"You know what, mom?"


"You're a tease."

"I know."

To make matters worse, she started using her free hand to finger herself. She started moaning and making little squealing noises, making me even hornier as the scent of her sex started filling the car. She moaned loudly as she gave herself an orgasm, squeezing my cock harder when it happened. Then she kept going, giving herself another one.

At last! The house... We made it, I thought, and without crashing. My brain was so foggy at this point that I felt like I was driving under the influence. As I drove into the garage, the only thing on my mind was getting revenge on that torturer of a mother I had...

"Out." I said to her, opening the driver door and stepping out.

I went around to the other side of the car and got there just as she was opening her door. She only managed to put one foot out before I grabbed her. I pulled her by the arm and roughly shoved her across the floor. I was angry and horny, not sure which one more than the other...

"Uh!" mom groaned as I shoved her up against the workbench in the garage.

"Quiet, slut." I growled.

"Mmmh..." she moaned, clearly excited.

I bent her over the bench and pulled up her dress, revealing that fine, naked butt. I gave it a slap and put one hand on her neck, holding her in place as I started undoing my trousers with my free hand. My cock was so tender after all her teasing, practically bursting out when it was finally released.

I stood behind her, shoved my cock in between her legs and bent over her, growling in her ear:

"This is going right up your cunt now, that's what you deserve, you fucking slut."

"Ooh, yes, I've been so bad... punish me with your cock..." she whispered, putting her hands on the bench, getting ready.

I was being really rough with her and calling her dirty names... I just couldn't hold back, I was beside myself at this point.


I fumbled around between her legs for a few seconds, getting increasingly infuriated when she wiggled her butt against me, making it more difficult. As my cock finally found her opening, I thrust into her without being careful.

"Huhh! Yes!" she moaned as she was slammed up against the bench.

I grunted in relief. Finally, I was getting what I had been longing for all the way home. Finally, I could feel mom's soaking wet pussy tighten around my cock as it went all the way to the bottom. Finally, I would get the release I craved after two hours of teasing.

I started thrusting my hips forward, grabbing her hair and pulling her back towards me while slamming myself into her as hard as I could.

"Uh! Ahh!" she cried as her body was pushed roughly up against the work bench.

"Shut up, slut." I growled.

The red mist had descended. I wasn't being careful anymore. Didn't even think about it. All I could think about was using her luscious body to satisfy myself. I was going to have my orgasm, and I would use her body to get it.

"Yes! Yes!"

I could hear my own voice growl out as I kept stabbing at her. It sounded dark. Husky. I could feel my cock bottoming out inside her, hitting her cervix and causing her to make loud moans in a mixture of pleasure and pain every time I hit:

"Huhh.. huhh uhh uhh uhh..."

"You slut. You fucking slut. Fuck!" I growled, still holding her hair.

"Yeah, I'm a slut, I'm your fucking slut..." she spoke quickly while gasping and moaning in ecstasy.

Less than a minute later, my legs were already shaking. That familiar feeling of orgasmic pleasure rising, I was neither willing nor able to hold back any longer.

"Make me cum, slut..." I commanded, feeling her pushing back at me when she realized what was happening.

"Yes! Oh yes, cum! Cum in me! Do it!"

"Shut up, slut!"

I pulled out. Then I pulled her down by the hair, forcing her down to her knees. She seemed confused for a second, but smiled when she found my throbbing cock in front of her face. The idea had popped into my head and I just acted on it without thinking. I pushed forward as she opened her mouth for me. Then I pulled her towards me by the hair and felt my legs tremble as my orgasm started.

"Mmphhlrrgghh..." she gurgled as my cock pushed against the back of her throat.


"Sshllpp... shhllghh!"

I relaxed my grip and let her move her head to a position of her own choosing. She pulled back a bit, but kept my cock in her mouth and closed her lips around it. She then looked up at me, slurping and moaning as I emptied myself.

"Good slut..." I whispered, breathing heavily.

That was the last thing I was able to say. I just stood there, legs shaking with exhaustion. My cock was slowly going limp in her mouth as my mother drank every drop of my semen. Now I was spent. She'd managed to make me horny and ready for more so many times today... but now I really was exhausted. Even if the hottest movie star were to walk in right now and offer to join in, I don't think I could have done any more. I tried to breathe, steadying myself against the workbench to avoid falling over.

Mom sat on her knees in front of me. She looked incredible. With her party dress in disarray, her face sweaty and her hair messy, I still thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I could smell her. I wanted her. More and more. Today, tomorrow, every day... I could never get enough. Finally, she looked up at me with cloudy eyes and smiled.


"Mh..." I muttered in reply, unable to speak.

"Did you know... you left... the garage door... open?" she asked, still breathing heavily.


"So if somebody... passed by just now... maybe they've seen you... fucking your slutty mother...?"


I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't care. Yeah, I had fucked my mom. I loved it. And I was going to do it again. Mom grinned. Then, after a brief pause, she said:

"Finally... my son is as slutty as me!"

The End