
As I woke up slowly, I was immediately aware of how painfully hard my cock was. I rubbed my eyes, and then reached down with one hand to stroke up and down my length. I felt so hard, so long. I cradled my balls for a few seconds, feeling how taut, how full, they felt before sliding my hand back up my cock, and then down again, pulling my foreskin tight back to expose the glistening head, a bead of pre cum already springing out.

I rubbed the pre cum away with the ball of my thumb, sending a delicious shiver of pleasure up my cock and through my body. I sighed, thinking about having a wank for about the hundredth time in the last few days, but wanting, needing, more. I felt so frustrated, so in need of some loving.

I needed Annie, my lover. My twin sister.

Since Annie and I had become lovers nearly five months ago, we had been together constantly. A few days after we had fallen into each other arms, Mum had caught us - and then joined us, to be followed by Dad a few days later. A whole new world of love and passion had opened up to us. On top of that, Annie had introduced me to Melissa, the gorgeous younger sister of her boyfriend, Jake.

But what Annie hadn't known was that Jake and Melissa were also lovers – something we found out when Mum and Dad were away a few weeks back. They had been visiting relatives and friends for a week, and Melissa and Jake had come around for meal. I hadn't seen Melissa for a few years, and was blown away by how beautiful she had become.

We'd all got a bit tipsy, and somehow Annie and I had got carried away. We had sobered up rapidly when I realised what I was doing to my sister's ripe young breasts – and that we were being watched. But then it had been our turn to stop and stare as Melissa and Jake had turned to each other and kissed. A long, drawn out kiss that had left them breathless and caressing each others sexy bodies. After that, we had made love, the four of us together.

They had stayed with us for a week after that, until Mum and Dad had come home. Since then, Annie and I had been together, or with Mum and Dad, or Melissa and Jake. Until now that is. The trouble was Christmas.

Normally, I love Christmas. But here I was, first thing on Christmas morning, stroking my rock hard cock, alone. Melissa and Jake had gone away with their parents for Christmas. They had tried to get out of it at the last moment, claiming that they were too old – Jake was twenty, Melissa eighteen, but as the skiing trip had been arranged ages ago, they had gone in the end.

To make matters worse, Martin – my Dad's father – was staying with us over Christmas, which meant that Mum was keeping her distance, and that Annie and I needed to be very careful. In fact, Martin seemed to be everywhere. It had been four days now since Annie and I had sneaked away for an hour together, and almost a week since I had made love to Mum. I longed to hold them, to feel them, to love them.

I stroked my throbbing cock harder, faster, longing for release, but wanting Annie, wanting Mum, wanting to be with them.

Abruptly, I got out of bed. I padded across to the bathroom adjoining my bedroom, my cock bouncing in front of me. I glanced across at the clock as I crossed the room – it was still early. When I came out of the bathroom, my cock was still semi erect, my balls tight and full. My thick cock curved away from my body around my balls, bouncing softly from thigh to thigh as I walked.

I hesitated as I reached the middle of the room – and then made up my mind. My cock rose up harder as the decision was made.

I opened my bedroom door carefully, not wanting to make a sound. Still naked, I moved along the landing. I inched my way past the door to the guest room that Martin was using, and continued to Annie's room. The door was closed. I eased the door handle down, opened the door, and stepped inside quickly. Shutting the door behind me, I stood still, my eyes adjusting to the darkness, my breathing surprisingly heavy from my need, from the tension of creeping along to Annie's room.

Once I was used to the darkness of the room, I crossed to Annie's bed. I stood at the side of the bed and gazed down at my beautiful, nineteen year old twin. Despite the time of year, she was naked in bed, lying on her side, one arm thrown back above her head so that her body was slightly twisted, her breast thrust up towards me, her nipple ripe and hard.

Even though she was laying like that, her firm breasts had kept their shape, full and high on her chest, her nipples conical at the slightly upturned ends. I stepped closer, and eased the covers down over her hip, exposing her soft, rounded belly and hips, the curve of her ass. I held my breath as she moved, firstly onto her back to stretch, her body spread out for me in all its naked glory, and then back onto her side, her knees drawn up towards her chest.

My cock was rigid again, jutting out almost obscenely from my body, the tip wet with pre cum. I stroked along my length, tugging at my cock, watching, wanting, Annie. I climbed onto the bed behind my sister, slipping an arm around her to cup her breast. Her nipple grew harder against the palm of my hand as she instinctively settled back against me. I pressed my cock along the crack between her perfectly rounded ass cheeks.

She sighed and wriggled back against me. I held her tighter, leaning down to sweep the mass of auburn coloured hair away from her face. I kissed her softly on the neck, on her bare shoulder, loving the taste, the feel of her, on my lips. I licked and kissed my way along her collar bone, holding her as she started to wake up, as she pressed herself back against me again.

I eased away from her as she rolled onto her back and stretched again, this time well aware that I was watching her. I looked at her, taking in the view again, gazing at her lithe, tanned body, at her firm breasts, at her ripe nipples, at the smudge of red hair at the base of her flat belly, at the hint of the delights that were barely hidden beneath.

She opened her eyes and looked up at me, her smile lighting up the room.

"I've missed you," she murmured, barely awake.

"And I've missed you," I whispered, leaning over to cup her breast, to kiss her softly on the lips.

She rolled back onto her side, wriggling her ass back against me as she yawned, as she finished waking up. But this time her wriggling was more suggestive, more wanton, more determined. My sister wanted me, needed me, as much as I wanted and needed her.

My cock was once again lying along the crack of her firm ass as we lay close together. I cupped her breasts and rubbed her nipples, as I kissed the soft side of her neck. Annie sighed, and moved against me. I rocked my hips, moving my cock along the gap between her cheeks. I slid my hand over my sister's smooth, flat belly and through her short pubic hair, feeling her warmth, feeling the wetness springing from her as I ran a finger over her pussy.

We were both moaning softly now. Annie started to turn towards me, but I stopped her. Instead, I eased her legs apart and slid my stiff cock between her warm thighs. I pressed the head of my cock against her pussy with my hand, savouring her heat, her wetness, on me. Annie twisted her head towards me, her lips meeting mine, our tongues sliding together, as I rubbed my cock along her slit.

Slowly, I used my weight to ease Annie onto her front. I knelt over her, caressing her gorgeous ass, her firm cheeks, my cock still between her legs, resting against her wet pussy. Her juices had made my cock wet and slippery, so I slid easily between her thighs, my cock and balls sliding against her pussy, against her ass.

I moved my hips, changing the angle of my body to Annie's. Reaching under her, I guided my cock towards her wet and wanton pussy. She pushed her bum up towards me, and moaned as the end of my cock entered her, filling the entrance to her pussy, her lips stretching around me, holding me. I pressed down harder as Annie arched her back, pointing her ass up into the air as I fed my cock deep inside her.

We both moaned out loud as my cock filled her, filled my sister, as we became one again. Her tight pussy moulded itself around me as I began to fuck her slowly, my arms out straight each side of her, my hips moving to drive my cock into her with long, slow strokes. I filled her body with my cock each time I moved, her pussy sucking me into her.

As our need became more urgent, our bodies more demanding, I fucked her harder, pushing her into the bed with each thrust. She buried her face in the bedding to muffle her cries as I pounded her wet pussy, my balls slapping wetly against her as I drove into her, as she urged me on.

Annie held my cock tight as she came, her pussy contracting around me as her pleasure tore through her body. I reached down and pushed a finger tip into her tight, puckered hole, making her cry out again as I knew it would. I rubbed her ass, moving my finger slowly in time to my cock.

As her body began to relax slightly, I lay on top of her, reaching under her to hold her breasts, taking my weight on my knees and arms as I pumped my cock into pussy again, kissing her back and shoulders. Her juices poured from her as I pinched her nipples, my cock filling her, my balls aching as they got tighter, as an exquisite pain grew in me.

And then I came, my need, my desire, my cum gushing from me to spurt deep into my sisters hot body. I slumped on top of her, holding her tight as my hips jerked, as my cum sprayed into her. I buried my face in her shoulder to muffle my moans in her hot skin.

We lay like that for what seemed like ages, my cock softening inside her, our passion, our need for each other, spent for now. Eventually, I rolled off her, and pulled her into my arms.

"Happy Christmas," I whispered as I moved my lips towards hers for a soft, tender, kiss.

We pulled the bed covers back over us and lay in each others arms, enjoying our touches, our caresses. Sometime later Annie eased out of bed, pulled on a silky robe, and went through to her bathroom, leaving me uncovered in bed. I watched her leave, enjoying the sight of her, of the robe clinging to her soft curves. I rubbed my cock slowly, enjoying the sensations. By the time Annie got back, I was starting to get hard again.

"Mmmmmm," she murmured appreciatively, "Is that for me?"

She knelt on the bed, her robe loose around her, and leant forward. The silky material moved across my body as she dipped her head and ran her tongue along my cock. I twitched at her touch, and then sighed as she sucked the tip of my cock into her mouth, her teeth rubbing lightly at the sensitive skin between my cock head and shaft.

She nibbled at me gently, her tongue soothing me before she sucked more of me into her warm, wet mouth. I reached for her head, holding her, groaning as my cock grew, as my sister sent waves of pleasure through me.

My cock was soon rigid again. Annie sat back, kneeling astride my legs, and admired her handiwork. My cock was lying up onto my belly, hard and wet from her mouth. I watched as she took me into her small hand, her red painted finger nails somehow erotic as she lifted my cock away from my body and stroked me, peeling my skin back and forth as she moved her hand up and down.

She shuffled forward until her pussy was directly over my cock. She held me upright, and rubbed my cock along her wet slit before lowering herself slightly onto me. We both moaned as my hardness met her wetness. She rubbed me across her clit, her lips, never quite letting me inside her, until – with a deep sigh – she suddenly dropped her body down onto mine, and my cock plunged into her pussy.

My cock disappeared, sucked into her wet pussy as her body dropped, filling her in one fluid movement. I pushed my hips upwards, driving my cock into her as we both groaned with pleasure. Annie dropped down over me, her lips meeting mine to muffle our cries, our tongues exploring hungrily, her nipples hard against my chest. I reached for her ass, squeezing her, caressing her, fingering her, as I pumped into her, as she pushed down to meet my driving thrusts.

My cock felt so long, so hard, inside her. Annie's pussy felt as if it was part of me, moulded around my cock, holding me as we fucked, our rhythm perfect for both of us. As our lips parted, she moved upwards so that her breasts were above my face. She lowered a ripe nipple into my mouth. I fed on her, sucking, licking, nipping, kissing, her tender, wanton, flesh.

My hips jerked higher now to reach her hot pussy. She arched her back, changing the angle again as her pussy tightened around me. Her hair was around our heads like a curtain, her robe hanging loose around us, creating our world in which to enjoy each other.

As I moved from nipple to nipple, from breast to breast, as we fucked each other, I felt the pleasure growing in her. I felt the changes in her body, in the way she moved, in what she wanted. Her breathing got heavier, her chest rising as her climax neared – and then erupted. Annie tensed, and then cried out as her orgasm exploded inside her.

She sat up quickly, pushing her body down hard onto me, driving my cock deeper into her body as pleasure swept through her. She threw her head back, reaching her arms behind her and leaning back, her young, firm breasts thrust upwards. I fucked her hard, holding her hips as she cried out, as I pumped my cock as hard and as deep as I could into her body.

She moaned and sighed, long, drawn out sounds of pleasure. Her eyes were shut, her mouth open as she gasped, a flush rising up her chest, her nipples rock hard, her breasts bouncing freely as I drove my cock into her repeatedly.

With a cry, I came. Annie's eyes opened wide as I cried out, as I pushed even deeper inside her, as my cum gushed into her to mix with her juices. She pushed her body down again, both of us holding still as my balls sent jet after jet of cum inside her. And then we held each other tight, kissing and touching, happy to be in each arms. Slowly my cock slipped out of her, my cum and her juices slipping from her as well to make the two of us even wetter.

We might have dozed off then, because suddenly I became aware of the sounds of others moving around in the house. I quickly kissed Annie, and started to get out of bed. Seeing my hesitation, she pushed me gently.

"Go," she told me.

I peeped out of the door, and then quickly stepped out onto the landing. Shutting the door quietly behind me, I crept back to my room, very aware of my nakedness. I stepped into my room, and let out a sigh of relief. I turned to shut the door, and as I did saw Martin standing in his doorway, the strangest of looks on his face. I shut my door quickly and leant back against it, suddenly feeling breathless, all sorts of panicky thoughts rushing through my mind.

As Christmas Day progressed, nothing was said, so I soon forgot about Martin and whether he'd seen me leave Annie's room. But I couldn't forget about Annie, and our time together that morning. Even when I phoned Melissa, Annie was at the front of my mind. But over the next few days, we had little opportunity to be together again. I hadn't told her about Martin, but I knew that she could sense something.

A couple of days after Christmas, I went out for a few hours to get some fresh air. I knew that Annie was out with some friends, and wouldn't be back until late. Even so, I was still surprised at how quiet the house was when I got back. I hung my coat up in the hallway, and headed for the stairs and my room.

As I got to the top of the stairs, I thought I heard voices, but then it was quiet again. But then I definitely heard something – a soft moan. It was coming from Mum and Dad's room. I moved quietly across to their door. It wasn't quite shut, so I pushed it gently, opening it a few inches. What I saw through the gap made my cock hard almost instantly.

Mum and Dad were at the end of their bed – naked. Dad was stood, his hands on his hips, with his thick, hard cock jutting out in front of him. Dad is in his early forties, and still fit and strong. I could see the outline of the muscles in his chest and belly, and across his thighs. His cock, like mine, is a good length, but his is also thick and slightly curved, his balls heavy and covered in short hair.

Mum was on her hands and knees in front of him, slightly sideways on to me. Mum was only twenty when Annie and I were born, and has kept herself fit. The work in the gym has paid off – she is a very sexy lady. Like Annie, her body is lithe and well toned, but she is curvier, more voluptuous than my sister, her hips more rounded, her breasts heavier.

As I watched, I could see Mum's breasts hanging down, still perfectly shaped despite their size and weight, her nipples dark and erect. She moved towards Dad, her hips rocking as she crawled a foot or two towards him, her wet pussy peeping out from between her slender, tanned thighs, her wetness only partially obscured by her dark hair.

Dad moved, reaching one hand down to his cock, and the other to Mum's head. He peeled his skin back slowly, revealing the red, bulbous head of his cock, already dripping pre cum. He wrapped Mum's hair in the fingers of his other hand, and dragged her to him. Mum opened her mouth and took Dad deep into her, gagging slightly as he slid deep into her mouth before pulling back a little.

He rocked his hips, fucking her mouth like this for a few minutes, the house quiet apart from the wet sucking noises they were making – and my own laboured breathing. As I watched, I undid my jeans and pulled my cock out. I was already hard and wet. I stroked along my length, wanking slowly as I watched them.

Mum's teeth were grating along Dad's cock now as he fucked her wet mouth, his hands holding her head still as he pumped into her. With a groan he stopped, not wanting to cum to soon. Mum moved forward, pushing Dad's cock up onto his belly. She licked along his veiny shaft, and onto his balls. She licked and sucked and nipped with her teeth, lovingly, wantonly.

I was naked by now, having decided to join them, to surprise them. But as I stood there, my cock rigid in front of me, my hand on the door handle, it was me who got the surprise.

Mum had let Dad's cock drop again, and was sucking the head into her mouth, one hand around him, feeling his ass. I saw her glance across the room, past Dad. My heart jumped – I thought that she had somehow caught sight of me in a mirror or something. But then Martin came into view – and my heart leapt again.

He was naked, his chest covered in a mat of grey hair, his cock heavy in front of him. Even though his cock wasn't fully erect yet, I could see who Dad and I followed after. Martin's cock was long, and it curved downwards, dragged there by its thickness, its weight. His balls hung low, lost behind his cock and a mass of hair. Even in his early sixties, his body showed all the signs of once having been fit and powerful.

Martin moved to stand beside Dad. Mum reached over, wanking him gently, her eyes looking up into his as she lifted his cock to her mouth and sucked on him, her tongue lashing across the sensitive head. He cried out immediately, his cock growing, hardening, at Mum's touch. He ran his hand over her hair, rocking his body to move with her, his cock sliding deeper and deeper into her mouth.

Dad watched all this, stroking his own cock, keeping it rock hard as his own Father fucked his wife's mouth, fucked my Mum. I thought my own cock would explode I was so turned on, especially when Mum started to alternate between the two cocks, sucking one into her mouth while stroking the other, and then swapping, always cradling one pair of heavy balls.

Only a few words were spoken, but I couldn't quite make out what was being said. But one thing was for certain – this was not the first time this had happened.I desperately wanted to cum, and began to stroke my cock harder and faster as I stood naked watching them. Mum was concentrating on Martin now. He was fucking her mouth as fast as he could while she cradled and squeezed his balls. Dad was wanking beside him, both their cocks rigid with the attention they were getting.

Martin came first, letting out a deep roar as his cum shot into Mum's mouth. She instinctively pulled back at the force of the first jet of cum hitting the back of her throat, but then she recovered and sucked on him harder, drawing his thick cum out of him as he gasped in pleasure. Beside them, Dad shouted that he was cumming. Mum knelt up, thrusting her breasts towards Dad for him to cum over. He stepped closer, his cum splattering on Mum's breasts and belly, running down her body, dripping onto her thighs.

Mum held their cocks, sucking and licking the dribbles of cum off the tips and shafts. And then she spoke, very clearly, very loudly. She was looking up at Dad and Martin, but it wasn't them she was speaking to.

"I need a cock, a hard cock," she stated, before adding, "Now!"

And then she continued.

"Mark, come and fuck me."

I froze, my rampant cock wilting. She had seen me – but only her judging by the looks on Dad and Martin's faces.

I stepped into the room as Mum gave the two cocks in front of her one last kiss before standing up. She met me as I walked across the room towards her and we kissed. She tasted of cum as our lips met, as her tongue slid into my mouth, her hand on my cock. She led me to the bed. Lying back, she held out her arms to me. My cock was hard again, and I felt bigger than I could remember feeling before. I looked across at Dad and Martin.

"Fuck her," Martin moaned, his hand reaching for his cock.

I climbed onto the bed as Mum pulled her legs back to show me her wet pussy, her erect clit. I quickly leant down and sucked on her pussy, my tongue drawing her juices from her as she gasped and held my head. I knelt back up between her legs and rubbed my cock across her rubbery clit, and then down over her pussy and towards her ass. She moaned and pushed her hips up, wanting me inside her. I moved closer, quickly rubbing my cock around her pussy before thrusting into her.

She screamed as my cock filled her, as I buried myself deep inside her hot pussy, as her hips bucked up to meet me, her body screaming out for more. I fucked her slowly at first, not sure how long I could last, but I needn't have worried.

Dad and Martin were beside us now, each of them sucking on a well rounded breast, on one of Mum's hard nipples. Almost as soon as they touched her, as soon as my cock entered her, she began to cum, her pussy convulsing around my cock. I fucked her hard then, frantically pumping into her as deeply as I could, her pussy gripping me, holding me. My balls ached for release, my cock painfully hard.

She screamed as her body was racked by her climax, her wetness flooding her pussy as she cried out, as her hand reached for her own clit, as the others sucked and licked at her breasts. My balls contracted as I felt Mum's hot juices running from her pussy each time I pulled out of her and then thrust back into her, and then I came.

I shouted as my cum shot out of my cock, as an exquisite mixture of pain and pleasure ripped through me. I slumped forward, clinging to Mum, oblivious to the cum of the others still on her. I kissed her, long loving kisses, as her pussy pulsed around me, as my cock poured cum into her to mix with her juices.

As we got our breath back, she whispered to me.

"So now another secrets out," she murmured, holding me tight.

I rolled off her, and lay at her side. Dad was behind me, but moved to kneel at the end of the bed. Martin looked across at me and smiled, before reaching out to touch Mum's breasts again. No one spoke, perhaps each of us thinking about what had happened, what might happen. Gradually, we all reached out to Mum, and her to us, all of us wanting more.

Dad reached forward, his hands on the top of Mum's thighs. He ran his hands slowly up and down her legs, his thumbs dragging along the soft flesh on the inside of her thighs. As he moved, his body rocking forward, as he knelt up, I could see his cock growing until it was hard again, hanging down as he leant forward.

Mum was reaching out to Martin and me, holding and stroking our cocks. My cock rose up immediately, Martins a little slower, at her touch, her caresses.

Dad's hands had moved higher now, and were rubbing the tops of Mum's legs, his thumbs pressing lightly against her pussy. Her head was thrown back, her breasts thrust upwards, as her breathing became more ragged, as Dad spread her pussy lips and slipped a thumb inside her. He cupped her mound, squeezing her gently, his fingers on her clit, his thumb inside her, softly rubbing together.

I reached for her body, running my hands over her breasts, her belly, and then down onto her thighs. As I leant over and ran my tongue around her swollen nipple, Martin joined me, his hands sweeping over her hot flesh. I swirled my tongue around her nipple, flicking at the rubbery flesh with my tongue before sucking her nipple, her breast, into my mouth.

I held her nipple between my teeth, biting, sucking, licking as she held my head tight to her. I pressed my rigid cock against Mum's leg. I felt her press back, and then draw her knees up as Dad moved forward to slide his cock into her.

I watched as Mum reached forward to stroke Dad's cock, and then pull him towards her. He entered her swiftly, pushing his body forward to drive his cock into her in one movement. Her pussy lips opened up, stretching around his thick cock as he buried himself inside her. They both moaned as they fucked, as Mum's hips bucked up to match Dad's driving cock.

I move up to kiss Mum, my tongue thrusting into her mouth, toying with hers, as Dad fucked her, as Martin sucked on her breasts, licking and teasing her nipples, as we all ran our hands over her sexy body. I rubbed my body against hers, my cock hard, my balls tight. As I moved, I felt a hand on my cock. It was Dad, reaching down to stroke me, his body now on top of Mum's.

I moved to one side, his hand still on me, playing with me. He kissed Mum, their bodies pressed hard together, his bum clenching as he pumped into her. I heard Mum whisper something to him, and then he knelt up, his rock hard cock glistening from Mum's juices, and jutting out from his body.

Mum moved quickly, pushing me onto my back, and reaching down to guide my cock into her pussy. Despite the fucking Dad had been giving her, Mum felt tight around me, her pussy clinging to me as she knelt over me on all fours, her ass in the air, my cock pumping into her. I moved slowly at first, and then harder, deeper, faster.

After a few minutes, she leant further forward so that her breasts were over my face. She lowered a nipple into my mouth, my tongue flicking out at her as I sucked and tasted her. She dropped her hips down, her back arching, to hold me still, to slow my thrusting cock. I felt Dad move behind her, and then his cock sliding over mine as he pressed it towards Mum's bum.

I groaned into her breast, reaching out to hold her sexy hips as I imagined Dad's rock hard cock rubbing against her tight, puckered hole. I closed my eyes, seeing the little ridges of flesh, already wet were her juices had run from her pussy, Dad's cock head pressing against her. Mum sighed as Dad pressed harder, and then I felt his cock entering her, and then his heat, his strength, against my cock, the two of us barely separated inside her.

We moved slowly, my cock even harder now, the two of us moving as one as we fucked. I looked up as Martin moved to kneel in front of Mum, his cock much harder now, his balls hanging down as Mum sucked him into her mouth. I watched as her cheeks bulged as the rounded head of his cock filled her mouth, her lip's stretched around him as he began to fuck her.

I could feel the heat coursing through Mum's body as we all fucked her, as her pussy, her ass, her mouth, were filled with cock, as I sucked her hard nipples, as hands stroked and touched and caressed her body. When she came, it was like nothing I'd seen or heard before. She screamed as her body was racked with pleasure, as waves of lust washed through her, as her body reacted to her orgasms.

She stayed on her knees, sucking frantically on Martin as Dad and I fucked her, as we all came more or less at the same time. I felt Dad's cock throbbing next to mine as his cum spurted into her, until he pulled out and wanked more cum over her ass and body. I cried out as I emptied by balls inside her, filling her pussy with cum. Martin held her head as she wanked him and sucked him, until his thick cum poured from his grateful cock.

I held her tight, my cock buried inside her, as her climaxes continued to run through her, as her body grew hotter until at last she was finished. She slumped on top of me and kissed me, her body hot and wet and fulfilled.

We lay still, the room quiet apart from our laboured breathing, the air heavy with the smell of sex. Slowly, Mum eased away from me and reached out to Dad. I watched as he led her to the bathroom. As I heard the shower come on, I looked across at Martin. His eyes were closed, his cock limp.

Silently, I got up and left them, pulling the door to behind me and grabbing my clothes off the floor before going to my own room. I collapsed on the bed, not even bothering to get cleaned up, my cock covered in dry cum and Mum's juices. I lay in the semi-darkness, thinking about what had happened, but not quite believing it, wondering where this new adventure might lead.

I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew was woken up suddenly by a hand being clamped over my mouth. It was Annie, a finger to her lips, telling me to be quiet. She must have just got in from seeing her friends. She reached out and switched on the bedside light. She leant over me, bring her face close to mine. I could see the excitement sparkling in her eyes.

"You'll never guess, " she hissed, "It's Martin … he's in bed with Mum and Dad … I saw them … the door was open a bit …they're asleep … you don't think …"

She gabbled on, all her words jumbled together, all coming out in a rush. And then she stopped, her mouth open as she stared at me, as she took in my silence, the look on my face.

"You knew!" she stated, her eyes bright, "How … when …"

She stopped again, looking at me, looking at my cock for the first time, watching it starting to rise, seeing the dried cum on it.

"You …," she gasped, "You've been with them .…"

She grabbed my cock, her eyes bright with lust.

"Tell me," she moaned as she pulled on my now hard cock, "Tell me what happened."

My cock was rigid in her hand by now. Annie knelt over my thighs, both hands wrapped around my cock as she pulled and stroked me. She stopped for a moment, dragging her coat off, her jumper off. Her nipples were like small pebbles in her bra, dark and hard. She shuffled forward, and I felt her thighs against me, her warm flesh already damp, her juices pouring from her to soak her panties.

She yanked her knickers to one side, the thin material ripping as she dropped down onto my cock, her hot pussy enveloping me as I pushed my hips up to meet her.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me … "

She was almost chanting as she bounced up and down on my cock, one hand reaching down to claw at my chest, the other reaching behind her for my balls. I reached up and tugged her lacy bra away from her body, the material ripping easily as I uncovered her. She was almost naked now, only her torn knickers and the short skirt up around her waist covering any part of her body, only her knee high leather boots covering any part of her legs.

I reached for her breasts, grabbing her roughly as I fucked her, my hips bouncing up off the bed to meet her, driving my cock as hard and as deep into her as I could, her naked breasts moving with her.

I pinched and pulled at her taut nipples, her juices pouring from her as we fucked each other hard. I squeezed her breasts as she cried out her passion, her need, not seeming to care how much noise she made as her orgasm built and then exploded around my cock, as it tore through her body.

I grabbed her hips, pulling her hard onto my rising cock and holding her still, my whole length embedded deep inside her. She threw her head back as the pleasure of her climax washed through her, her breasts jutting out, her nipples crying out for attention, my cock still rock hard.

I pulled my sister towards me, and kissed her hard, my tongue pushing into her mouth as I began to slide my cock in and out of her again. She leant up and pushed a nipple into my mouth, urging me to suck her. I licked and sucked and kissed her nipples, her breasts, anywhere I could reach, before she slumped down on top of me, her body hard against me.

"Now fuck me slowly," she whispered into my ear, "and tell me what happened."

And so I did. I fucked her slowly and deeply, my hands on her hips and ass, my mouth close to her ear as I whispered.

I told her how I'd seen Mum and Dad naked, how Mum had sucked on Dad's cock, how Martin had joined them, how Mum had sucked on them both. I told her how they'd cum, how Mum had sucked their thick cum into her mouth, how they'd wanked over her. I fucked my sister and told her how Mum had called for me, how I'd joined them, how we had all fucked and sucked and kissed and licked.

As I told her all this, our excitement rose again, and I started to fuck her harder and harder. By the time I told her about Mum being fucked by all three of us, Annie was breathing heavily again, and I could feel the heat rising through her body. My balls felt ready to burst, and with a cry I came, my cum filling her. I teased her bum as she joined me, another orgasm tearing through her body as we clung together, our bodies hot and damp. We kissed feverishly, our passion not quite spent, still needing each other.

I saw him first, over Annie's shoulder, standing in the doorway. It was Martin. I don't know how long he had been standing there, but he was naked, and his cock looked enormous as it stuck out proudly from his body. Perhaps he'd been there all along. Annie sensed the change in me and glanced over her shoulder. She froze as she saw him, and then rolled off me, making no attempt to hide her beautiful body, her nakedness.

Martin stepped into the room, holding and stroking his cock. I suddenly imagined the view he must have been enjoying. Of Annie straddling me, of her perfect heart shaped ass pointing up in the air. Of her tiny puckered hole winking at him. Of her wet, pink pussy split by my rampant cock. Of her lips stretched around me, of my cock driving into her. Of my cum, her juices, leaking from her.

He moved to the end of the bed, his cock still in his hand, his eyes on Annie.

"Please …," was all he said.

Annie laid back, her arms above her head, her body stretched out for him.

Martin quickly knelt at the end of the bed, his cock hanging straight in front of him, the ridges of veins giving him a thick, engorged look. He reached for Annie's knickers, and tore what was left of them from her body. He started to hurriedly drag her skirt down from her waist. I leant forward and quickly undid her zipper and buttons, as Annie lay back, letting Martin strip her until she lay naked apart from her boots.

She looked so vulnerable, her sexy, her body still red from her recent orgasm, her breasts marked where I had grabbed her. She pulled her knees up, exposing her wet pussy, her erect clit, her swollen lips. I could see my cum dribbling from her, her thighs and bum already wet.

With a groan, Martin shuffled forward on his knees and drove his cock into her waiting body. She gasped as his thickness stretched her pussy, as he fucked her. Martin put his hands each side of her shoulders, his arms out straight to take his weight, and began to thrust deep, his ass clenching as he built up a powerful rhythm, his movements hard and fast.

I moved to be by Annie's head. She twisted her head around and sucked me into her mouth as I reached for her breasts. I caressed and tweaked her nipples, exciting her even more. Martin ploughed into her, and then came quickly, his body going slack as he fell forward, his twitching cock pumping more cum into Annie's aching pussy. The thickness of his cock set my sister off, triggering another orgasm in her as I fucked her sweet mouth. I pulled out as I came, my cum hitting her mouth, her face, her breasts.

As soon as his cum had stopped, Martin kissed Annie tenderly on the cheek, and climbed off her. He didn't seem to know what to say, so after a moment's hesitation he left us alone without saying another word. We looked at each silently, and then held each other. We feel asleep. I woke up a few hours later feeling cold. I pulled Annie's boots off her, and then pulled the bed covers up over us as I held her naked body to mine.

Mum came to us the next morning. She wanted to talk, to explain. She told us about Martin and Dad and her, about how their feelings had developed, how their relationship had developed. She spoke about us, about Annie and me, and about them. As Mum spoke, Dad joined us, the four of us sat on the bed together, Annie and I with the covers over us, Mum and Dad in their dressing gowns. As they both spoke, Annie and I looked at each other, understanding more, understanding why we all felt so right together.

We held each other, kissing and touching. Annie and I were still naked, and gradually the covers were eased away from us as our hands reached out to each other. Soon Mum and Dad joined us, their gowns thrown to the floor as we kissed and teased, licked and sucked, touched and caressed each other.

Mum and Dad were soon lying on the bed, as Annie and I knelt over them. Dad was on his back, his hard cock lying up on his belly. Mum was on her side next to him, rubbing her breasts and pussy against him, leaning over to kiss him, her tongue sliding into his mouth.

Annie was kneeling the other side of Dad, one hand on his cock, rubbing the flat of her hand along his length, her other behind her wanking me. Dad had one arm around Mum, the other hand reaching up to touch his daughter's breasts.

I was behind Annie, and slightly to one side, my cock hard and dripping with pre cum. I had one hand on my sisters other breast, her nipple hard between my finger and thumb. My other hand was on her ass, my fingers slipping up and down between her firm cheeks. Annie's head was twisted around so that our mouths were clamped together, our kisses hard and needy.

As Mum rubbed herself against Dad, her pussy left wet trails along his thigh, and her breasts seemed to be swelling with passion, her nipples getting darker and harder. She kissed Dad hard, and then moved around him. Annie pulled Dad's rigid cock away from his body as Mum moved to lie on top of him, her back to him.

She settled down, his long cock hard between her damp thighs, her feet each side of his legs. Mum's head was over Dad's shoulder, her back arched, her belly taut. Dad reached around her and held her big breasts as they thrust upwards. Annie reached for his cock and pulled the foreskin back, licking her lips as she held him, as she watched the head of his cock appear.

She rubbed the end of him over Mum's pussy and clit, making them both groan out loud before she fed Dad's cock into Mum's waiting body. Dad thrust his hips up and drove his cock into Mum as deeply as he could.

As we watched, my hands on Annie's breast, my cock hard against her ass, Martin came in. This time he crossed the room without hesitation, shedding his dressing gown, his cock bouncing free. He climbed quickly onto the bed and pressed his cock to Mum's mound. He fucked Mum like that, his cock outside of her, rubbing against her clit and pussy lips, his balls slapping against Dad's, their cocks moving as one inside and outside of Mum's wanton body.

squeezed Annie tight before she moved to the end of the bed. She knelt behind Dad's head, and lowered herself onto his waiting mouth as his tongue lashed out at her pussy, her juices running down his tongue. I moved to the other side of her, reaching for her breasts again, kissing her hard, as Mum pulled my cock towards her and sucked me deep into her mouth.

We moved as one, our hands, our mouths, our bodies, intent on only one thing – giving pleasure.

Dad came first, his cries muffled by Annie's pussy as he thrust deep into Mum and held still while his cum poured from him, while Martin continued to rub his hard cock along her pussy. Annie cried as Dad's tongue teased and fucked her, her juices dripping into his mouth.

Sensing Mum wanted more, Dad moved, pulling his softening cock out of her. Martin replaced him immediately, driving his thick cock into Mum's cum filled pussy even as Dad wriggled out from underneath her. Martin lay on top of Mum and fucked her hard, his mouth on her breasts, his weight supported by his arms.

Annie knelt at Dad's head as he lay beside Mum catching his breath. She leant over him, her pussy over his mouth again, and sucked his limp, cum covered cock into her mouth. He groaned as he reached up to her narrow waist and held her. Behind Annie, Mum was wanking my cock as I ran my fingers down between Annie's cheeks, teasing her ass before slipping one, then two, fingers into her wet pussy.

I finger fucked her hard, Annie pushing her body back against my hand as she sucked on Dad. I moved behind her and edged my cock towards her pussy. I felt Mum's hands on me, and then Dad's, their hands on my cock and balls, guiding me into my sisters hot body. I slammed my cock into her in one hard thrust. She gasped as I filled her pussy with my cock, as Dad reached up and sucked on her clit, his hands on her breasts.

Annie and Mum screamed as they were both fucked, as their bodies were teased and loved. And then they screamed louder as they came, the two of them squeezing the cocks that were inside them as their bodies flooded with pleasure, their pussies with juices. Martin pumped Mum full of cum as she came, his cock jerking inside her. I lasted just a few seconds longer, fucking Annie hard from behind as I held her hips, prolonging her pleasure, our pleasure, as Dad's tongue worked on her until I came.

I threw by head back and cried out at my release, as the pain and pleasure washed over me. I held Annie tight, dragging her back onto my jerking cock as I emptied my balls into her, until at last I was spent.

We fell onto the bed together, all of us exhausted by the intensity of what we had just experienced. We lay quietly, catching our breath, reaching out to each other. I looked at Dad and Martin. I kissed Mum, holding her to me. I kissed Annie, feeling her hot body against me, our kisses longer, more knowing.

I looked around me again. What a Christmas this was turning out to be. Martin was only staying with us for a few more days – but what an "interesting" few days it promised to be!!My head was throbbing, a thousand little hammers banging away inside it. I groaned, cursing myself for getting carried away the previous night, but then consoling myself with the excuse that at least it had been New Years Eve.

But now it was New Years Day, I was hung over, tired, and due into work in a couple of hours. I'd started a new job in IT a couple of months before, and as the newest employee in the team, I was "on call" to check a few things over. It wouldn't take long, but I really couldn't face it. I had got up just before midday, having decided as soon as I woke up that I might as well get it over with. But as soon as I had got out of bed, I knew that it was a mistake.

I had decided that a long, hot bath might do the trick, which is where I was now. But it hadn't. With another groan, I decided to leave work until later – and sunk a little lower into the welcoming water. I slid down until just my face was above water. After a while, the throbbing in my head eased off, and I started to feel better.

I sunk lower into the bath, letting the water cover me completely for a few moments before sitting up a little. I shut my eyes, laid my head back on the edge of the bath, and reluctantly thought about the little bit of work I had to do. It wasn't too bad, and I had been off over Christmas for the best part of two weeks. And what a two weeks it had been. A wide grin crossed my face as I thought back.

Annie, my twin sister, and I are nineteen, almost twenty. And we are lovers.

We've been lovers for months now, ever since we fell into each others arms when Annie needed my help, and our feelings had surged to the surface. We were also lovers with our Mum and Dad, a relationship which had developed suddenly, but very lovingly, very passionately.

But what Annie and I hadn't known until just days ago was that Mum was also involved with Martin – our Dad's father – and had been for years. I had "caught" Mum with Dad and Martin. Suddenly, all sorts of things had clicked into place, our feelings, our love for each other, our attitude. After that, the following few days had passed in a blur as we all found each other, loved each other, shared each other, our feelings for each of us deeper than ever.

Martin had gone home a couple of days ago. To be honest, he had looked very tired – but also very happy. Mum's sister, Laura, had arrived the day before yesterday. We didn't see an awful lot of Laura, and although she was really good looking - I'd had a crush on her for years when I was younger! – she had never struck us as being much fun. Annie and I knew that we needed to be careful over the next few days, while Laura was staying with us. We'd even gone to different parties last night to avoid temptation!

I shivered. The water was starting to feel cold. I quickly got washed, and then climbed out of the bath feeling a lot better. I stood in the middle of the bathroom getting dried. As always, I reached for my cock, enjoying the feel of my hand stroking along my length. I thought of Annie again, my cock responding immediately. I sat on the edge of the bath and shut my eyes, my thick cock jutting out in front of me, my hand moving slowly up and down, visions of Annie filling my mind.

"It's true then."

My eyes shot open in alarm, my hand freezing on my cock. It was Laura. She was stood watching me, leaning casually against the door frame, a wicked grin on her face. I made a grab for the towel on the floor, but she reached a foot forward to stand on it, to stop me picking it up.

"Too late," she grinned, her eyes moving slowly from mine, down my body to my cock.

"I'd heard that you were a big boy …." Her voice tailed off.

My eyes must have been wide open in surprise. I instinctively tried to cover my hard cock with my hands. Laura moved towards me, and dropped down onto her knees. She held my hands, and then gently pulled them away. My cock was softer now.

"Yummy," was all she said as she looked down at me for a few seconds, before licking her lips and standing back up.

She turned and started to walk out of the bathroom. I watched her ass swaying in her short, tight skirt. She stopped and turned a little, and for the first time I saw how hard her pointy little nipples were under her tight vest top.

"Come on," she whispered, her voice barely audible, "Come with me."

She walked back into my bedroom. I followed her, my cock bouncing softly from side to side as I walked behind her. She stopped a few feet short of the bed, and I watched as she slowly reached behind her and undid the zip and button on her skirt. She wiggled her ass so very seductively, and pushed her skirt down over her hips. Slowly she pushed it down her long, slender legs.

She bent over from her waist, her ass pointing at me, her firm, rounded, sun tanned cheeks, practically naked, with only the skimpiest of knickers hiding any part of her delightful flesh from me. She stood up, leaving her skirt in a pool around her ankles. She kicked it to one side, and moved onto the bed.

She crawled up the bed, her ass rocking from side to side, my cock growing even harder as I watched her. Once she reached the middle of the bed, she turned and sat facing me, her legs out in front of her, her arms out to me.

I crossed the room in no time at all, and threw myself onto the bed. I pulled Laura roughly into my arms and kissed her hard – too hard. She grabbed my cock, and squeezed me, making me cry out in pain. She immediately began stroking slowly up and down my length. She kissed me softly on the lips.

"Sloooooowly ....." she murmured, "Take things slowly ….."

I calmed down, her hand on my cock soothing me, but not lessening what I wanted, what I needed. I turned slightly so that I was sitting beside Laura, my legs out in front of me, facing the opposite way to her. She pulled her legs up under her, and came into my arms, her hand never leaving my cock.

I kissed her gently this time, her lips warm and moist against mine. I felt her tongue flicking against my lips, and then sliding deliciously from side to side. She licked the corners of my mouth gently, her pointy tongue probing, feeling its way before slipping into my mouth. I sucked on her tongue gently, feeling it exploring, our mouths locked together.

I held her tight, her pert breasts hard against me, her nipples poking at my chest even through her vest top. As we kissed, I gradually turned around before easing Laura down onto the bed. I lay beside her, my hand stroking along the tops of her thighs and across her flat belly, our tongues slipping and sliding over each other.

I moved and knelt over her, my knees each side of her. I ran my hands up her thighs again, my thumbs trailing up the sensitive skin on the inside of her legs. I moved my hands across her smooth belly, and then up the sides of her body, feeling the heat of her skin through her top. My cock lurched as she threw her arms above her head, thrusting her breasts up towards me.

Laura really was lovely – and knew just exactly how to show off her exquisite body. She was a few years younger than Mum, so she must have been about thirty six, maybe thirty seven. While Mum was pretty voluptuous, Laura was more slender. Her hair was long and jet black, her body firm and pert.

Laura's breasts were small compared to Mum's, but still a good size. Her legs were beautiful, and seemed to go on forever. As I'd already seen, her bum was tight and rounded, and looked gorgeous.

I reached forward again, touching her body lightly through her top, sending little shivers of anticipation through her body. I reached across to the bedside cupboard. Laura watched me, a quizzical look on her face, as I pulled open a draw, and picked up a pair of nail scissors. I pulled the hem of her top away from her lithe body, and snipped it open. I cut open her top, from the bottom hem to the top.

I did it slowly, my eyes never leaving hers, my cock rock hard in front of me, her nipples darkening and hardening with each snip of the scissors, her juices springing from her pussy. As I reached the top part, I cut through the final edge, leaving the material draped over Laura's tight little body, a band of tanned belly and cleavage staring up at me between the two sides of her top. I put the scissors away, teasing her, my heavy cock dragging across her body as I leant over to the draw again.

I reached under the top, the palms of my hands flat on her belly. I sighed as I felt her sensual skin under my hands, the heat of her body surging through me. She moaned as I moved slowly across her taut belly, then sideways, then up the outside of her body, and then across again, until her breasts, her rock hard nipples, were under my hands.

I pulled my hands up, exposing her breasts to me for the first time as the two sides of her top fell away. I gasped. Her breasts were firm and rounded, pulled tighter to her body by her arms being above her head. As I moved my hands over them, she reached her arms up to me. Her breasts seemed to grow and swell under my hands. Her nipples were rock hard and dark, her aureoles wide and puckered.

I dipped my head and kissed the tip of one nipple, and then the other. I licked around her nipple, and then swirled my tongue wider around her aureole, feeling, tasting, her rubbery flesh, leaving wet trails on her as I moved around her sweet, sexy body. I moved down on her, until I was lying between her legs, my lips, my tongue, travelling slowly down her body.

I wriggled lower, teasing her navel with the tip of my tongue before planting a kiss on her mound as she wrapped her legs around me. I could taste and feel her wetness through her tiny knickers. I eased them down a little and kissed her again, her hair soft against my lips. I looked up at her, and with my eyes on hers yanked her knickers away from her.

She gasped as the wet material ripped easily. Still looking at her, I pulled what was left of her underwear away from her, dragging the thin material across her wet pussy, sending tremors of pleasure through her. I looked down. She unwrapped her legs, and laid herself bare to me.

Her pussy was beautiful. Her hair was short, very short, trimmed away to nothing along her lips. Her lips were red and puffed up with desire, her clit hard and crying out for attention.

I wriggled lower still and ran my tongue between her lips and onto her pussy. She cried out, holding my head to her, grinding her pussy against me, demanding that I push my tongue harder, deeper, inside her. I fucked her with my tongue, tasting her, sucking her juices from her. I licked and kissed her, before slipping a finger inside her tight pussy, reaching deep inside to tease and pleasure her. As I fingered her, I clamped my mouth over her clit, sucking on her, teasing her with my tongue. Her hips jerked wildly against me, her hands holding me tight to her.

Laura's breathing became harsher as her orgasm built inside her. She was pushing herself up onto my hungry mouth, onto my fingers. As I fingered her pussy, I rubbed her ass with my thumb. She came loudly, her cries echoing around my room as her climax approached and then swept through her body.

She held me to her, as my finger swam in her juices. Her body went tense as her orgasm peaked. As soon as she relaxed a little, I moved back up the bed. I lifted her legs onto my shoulders, and drove my cock into her. I fucked her hard and deep as she clawed at her own breasts, pinching and pulling at her pebble like nipples. I came quickly, filling her with thick cum as she came again, her juices mixing with mine as I continued to plough into her until my balls were at last empty.

I lay down with Laura as she wrapped her legs around me again, keeping us close. I rolled over, bringing her with me so that she was above me, my cock still inside her. We kissed gently, our bodies hot together, neither of us thinking beyond what was happening, beyond what we wanted now.

We kissed and held each other for a long time, Laura rocking against me slowly, and then squeezing my cock with her pussy as I started to recover, to grow. Only then did we separate, as Laura wriggled down the bed to lean over me and suck my cock into her mouth.

She sucked me slowly, gently, her tongue licking up and down my length as well as around the head until I was hard again. She licked my balls, before sucking one, and then the other, into her mouth. She teased my bum with her finger, sending waves of pleasure through me.

She wriggled around and knelt over me. She lowered her sweet tasting pussy onto my mouth before sucking on me again. I reached up and held her, pulling her down onto my waiting tongue, onto my hungry mouth. As Laura sucked and wanked me into her mouth, I nibbled and sucked on her clit, on her pussy. She pushed her hips down towards me, pushing her pussy against my mouth in her excitement, just as I bounced my hips off the bed to pump my cock into her mouth in mine.

We came almost together, each of us sucking hard as we came. Her juices ran from her as her orgasm swept through her hot body, as my cum gushed into her mouth, as she sucked every last drop from me.

Laura turned around again as my cock slipped from her mouth. She lay on top of me, her body hot against mine, and we kissed. She pushed her tongue into my mouth for me to suck on, the taste of cum on her, the taste of her juices on me. We kissed for a long time as our bodies calmed down, until reluctantly we parted.

Laura dressed quickly, watching me as I lay on the bed watching her. She pulled the two sides of her top together and then left, blowing me a kiss over her shoulder as she slipped out of my room. I lay still on the bed thinking about what had happened, my cock and balls aching, before getting up, having a shower and reluctantly going to work.

There was more to check over at work than I'd thought, so it was quite late when I got back. The house was silent, so I assumed that everyone was in bed. As I crept upstairs, I thought again about Laura, and Mum, but mostly about Annie.

There was crack of light under Annie's door. I scratched lightly on the door with my finger nails to let her know I was there. I had hardly got along to my room and switched on the bedside light when Annie came in. She shut the door behind her and stood looking at me, her back to the door. She looked stunning.

Her long auburn hair was hanging over her shoulders. She was wearing her silky dressing gown, and I could tell by the way it was clinging to her every curve that she was naked underneath. I let out a quiet groan as I looked at her, as I took in her beauty, my cock rising in my jeans.

Annie crossed towards me, her gown moving with her body, showing me her curves, her hard nipples, the delightful swell of her breasts. She wrapped her arms around my neck, while I held her narrow waist. Our small, soft kisses soon gave way to our passion, our need. Our kisses became harder, more urgent, as our need rose. My sister's tongue moved along my lips, slipping easily into my mouth, exploring seductively.

As we kissed, our hands got busier. Annie popped the button on my jeans, and eased my zip down before pulling my cock out. She stroked along my hard length as I slipped a hand inside her gown to cup and caress her breasts. She pulled my shirt off, and dropped slowly to her knees, kissing her way down my chest and stomach, her hands pushing my jeans and boxers down over my thighs. I kicked my remaining clothes off, and stood naked in front of her, my cock jutting out level with her mouth.

She licked her lips, her eyes on mine, and then flicked her tongue out at me. My cock twitched and jerked as her tongue caught me. Then she kissed the tip, her tongue licking away my pre cum, before sucking me into her hot mouth. She held me, her lips around the groove between the shaft of my cock and the head, her tongue rubbing me, poking at my little hole. I groaned as her hand sneaked up the inside of my thighs, to my balls, and then my ass.

I pulled her to her feet, wanting her badly. I pulled the belt of her gown loose, and held her to me, her nipples pressing into my chest as we kissed, my tongue thrusting into her mouth. Still kissing, I held her hips and backed her towards the bed. As we reached the bed, I pushed the gown from her shoulders. It slid slowly down her arms and to the floor, forming a shimmering pool around her feet. As always, I gasped as I drank in her nakedness.

She fell backwards onto the bed, her legs overhanging the end. I dropped to my knees as she pulled her legs up to show her body to me, to show me her glistening pink clit, her pouting pussy lips. And then I gasped again, only this time louder. Her pussy was naked. Totally naked. Her red pubic hair was gone, leaving her smooth and vulnerable, her mound white and plump, and absolutely stunning.

I looked up at her, matching her grin before kissing her, tasting her, eating her pussy, her clit, my tongue running all over her. I kissed her clit and lips, before probing lower, deeper, with my tongue. I kissed along the inside of each thigh, making her gasp and moan as I left her pussy alone. And then I plunged my tongue into her body, making her writhe beneath me. I crawled up the bed, my hands, my mouth, never leaving her until I had kissed her lips.

"When did you do it?" I asked.

Before I could continue she giggled.

"I didn't," she whispered looking at me, before adding "Laura did."

My cock lurched as I thought of Laura shaving Annie's pussy, of the two of them together. She felt my cock against her leg, and pulled me to her. And as we held each other, as I ran my hands over her smooth, sexy body, as I kissed her sweet tasting skin, Annie told me what had happened on the day that Laura had arrived.

She told me how on that first evening, when I'd been out for a few hours with Mum and Dad, she'd had a bath and was watching TV in the lounge in her dressing gown. Laura had come in and chatted, and had then gone upstairs to "freshen up". When she came back down, she was dressed only in a knee length night shirt, with buttons down the front. Annie told me how it had clung to Laura's neat little body, how she couldn't help but look – and how Laura had sat next to her on the settee this time, and how they'd snuggled up together.

She told me how they'd chatted together, ignoring the TV after a while. They had talked about all sorts of things - including sex. Annie told me how Laura had complimented her, saying how gorgeous she had become. And how, before she really knew what was happening, how she was standing up and twirling around to show Laura how good she looked. Without a word being said, Laura had opened Annie's gown and looked her up and down, complimenting her on her breasts, her body.

Annie said that she could feel herself getting wet, especially when Laura said that her pussy looked great, and asked if she ever shaved her hair.

"I bet you'd look great, so virginal," Laura had laughed, reaching forward to cup Annie's mound gently.

Annie had sat down quickly then, only for Laura to stand up, saying that she'd be straight back.

Annie had sat on the settee, her mind in a whirl. When Laura had got back a few minutes later, she had her hands behind her back and was giggling. Annie had asked what was wrong, and Laura had held out her hands, showing her the towel and small bowl of water she'd brought with her – and the razor, soap and baby oil.

"Shall we?" Laura had asked, her voice a little shaky.

Annie told me how, after only a moment's hesitation, she had nodded to Laura, who had then dropped to her knees in front of her. After putting the towel and stuff on the floor, Laura had leant forward and ran her hands up the tops of Annie's thighs, pushing her gown to one side.

"Sit back," she'd whispered, her eyes on Annie's.

Giggling nervously, Annie had done what she was told. Laura had pulled the gown away from Annie's body, leaving her totally exposed. Annie had lifted her ass slightly so that Laura could slide the towel under her. Annie told me how Laura had knelt between her legs, and had leant forward to plant a soft, wet kiss on her pussy. Annie also told me that she had started to get wet straight away, and had pushed up hips up, wanting more, wanting Laura.

"Soon," Laura had told her, a smile on her face as she settled down again between Annie's legs. She had leant forward to tickle Annie's clit briefly with the tip of her tongue, both of them knowing what they wanted, what was to come.

And then Laura had shaved Annie. She took her time, enjoying touching and feeling Annie, running her hands softly over her mound time and time again to make sure that she was smooth. Annie loved the feel of what her Laura was doing to her, of her hands on her, and she told me how she had longed for more.

Satisfied at last with her handiwork, Laura had reached for the baby oil. She had poured a small amount into the palm of her hand, and smoothed it all over Annie's bare mound, rubbing it gently – and slowly – into her soft skin. Annie told me how turned on she had been, how she had moaned, her wet pussy juices mixing with the oil.

Laura had at last sat back and admired her niece. Annie's pussy looked naked and vulnerable, her plump mound now starkly white against her suntanned body. Laura had told her how beautiful she looked, and leant forward to kiss her.

She had kissed Annie briefly on the mouth, and then on each ripe nipple, running her tongue across each of them. Then she had kissed each breast, and into the valley between them, before kissing her way slowly down Annie's flat tummy. She had paused at Annie's belly button, using the tip of her tongue on her, making her wriggle with pleasure. And then she had kissed her way down further.

Annie told me that she had rubbed her own breasts as Laura planted soft kisses at the top of her pussy. Annie had felt so soft and smooth as Laura kissed along her slit, nibbling and licking at her clit and lips. Annie told me how Laura had kissed the insides of her thighs, nibbling her, before making her way back to her pussy.

Laura had teased her with her tongue and her teeth, before sliding her hands under Annie to squeeze and caress her buttocks. She had probed deeply into her wetness with her tongue, scooping Annie's juices into her mouth. She had then slipped two fingers inside Annie, fucking her with them while she sucked on her clit.

Annie told me she had felt like she was floating. Her pussy had never felt so sensitive, so on fire, and Laura knew exactly how to get to her. In the end, she could take no more, and had reached down and held Laura's head, pushing her pussy up to meet the agile tongue and probing fingers that were sending her wild. She had screamed out as she came, as her body had trembled with the force of her pleasure.

After that, Laura had held her tight, hugging her, kissing her, before leading her upstairs to the guest room. Once there, Annie had undone the buttons on Laura's night dress, and then fed on her breasts. Annie told me how Laura had held her head to her, how she had pressed her breasts, her nipples, into her mouth. And then how Laura had pushed her head lower onto her pussy.

Laura had sat on the end of the bed then, and guided Annie in what she wanted, telling her how she liked to be kissed and sucked and licked, telling her exactly what she wanted until she had cried it with her orgasm. Annie said that she had never tasted so much juice. A smile crossed my face as I thought about how wet and tasty Laura had been for me earlier.

After that, Annie and Laura had lain on the bed, their legs intertwined, their bodies pressed together as they kissed, their breasts crushed to each other. As their kisses grew more passionate, more demanding, they had ground their pussies together, Annie's naked flesh more sensitive than ever as Laura's soft pussy pressed against her. They had both come again, their juices smearing across each other as their orgasms had throbbed through them.

By the time Annie had finished telling me all this, my balls felt like they would burst. My cock was rigid, and Annie's pussy was soaking under my fingers. But I had to tell her, we had to wait ….

"Laura came to me as well …" I began.

Annie stared at me, her eyes wide open – just as mine must have been when she'd told me her story.

I told my sister about that afternoon, and how Laura had come to my bathroom. As I confessed to making love to Laura, Annie pushed me onto my back and knelt over me. As she guided my cock into her waiting body, she demanded that I tell her everything. And so I did.

I gave her the details as we fucked, as she pressed her firm body to mine, as I held her hips and pumped my thick, hard cock into her naked, wet pussy. And as I got to the end of my story, as I told Annie how I'd filled Laura with my cum, we both came, a single glorious climax washing through us, bringing us together as one.

We made love long into the night. We made love urgently and passionately at first, and then more slowly, more tenderly. We slept together, curled up together in my big bed.

It was quite early when I woke up the next morning. I lay on my side, my head propped up, and looked at Annie. I traced a finger lightly along the outside of her leg, and up over her hip. I traced it down over her firm ass, and along the tight gap between her beautifully rounded cheeks. I leant forward and kissed her shoulder softly, reaching around her to cup her breast gently, careful not to wake her.

I got up quietly and went through to the bathroom. As I came back into the bedroom, I stopped dead in my tracks as someone started to open my bedroom door. At first I started to panic, but then calmed down. Mum and Dad knew about Annie and me, and Laura must have guessed by now. But even so, I stepped back into the bathroom and watched.

It was Laura. She came in and closed the door behind her. She was wearing the same nightdress as Annie had described. It clung to Laura's sexy little body, and even in the early morning light I could see how her perky little breasts poked out, how hard her nipples seemed, how it moved with her as she crossed the room.

Laura stood by the side of the bed and undid the buttons of her night dress. She did it slowly, her fingers moving softly across her body. I could see her face, how bright her eyes seemed, how moist her lips were. She didn't seem surprised to see Annie in my bed. Was it Annie she was looking for? Or me? Or both of us? Laura must have known I was there, but I didn't move, and she didn't look in my direction. I watched from the doorway as she slid naked into my bed and pulled Annie to her.

Annie woke up quickly then, and was soon in Laura's arms, kissing, their hands holding other's breasts, their nipples already reacting to their touches. I watched for a few more minutes, my cock rising in front me, long and hard. I reached down and stroked it, squeezing the first drops of pre cum onto the head as I watched my sister and Auntie kissing and holding each other, their naked bodies pressed tight together. I stepped back into the room, and crossed quickly to the bed.

"Morning," I murmured as I watched them.

They didn't reply, except to reach out to touch me, and to kiss me. Annie gave me a lingering kiss, and then took her turn in the bathroom. I pulled Laura to me, her body hot against me. She held my hard cock and pulled it to her. I could feel her wetness, her need, against me. Quickly, I eased her onto her back, and drove my cock into her wanton body.

When Annie came back, Laura was on her back, stretched out naked across the bed, her arms above her head, her breasts thrust upwards. I was on top of her, my cock plunging into her, fucking her. Annie moved onto the bed beside us, and leant over to suck a taut nipple into her mouth. I saw Laura moving her hand to Annie's pussy, her fingers slipping easily inside her.

We kissed and sucked and fucked urgently, our cries filling the room. Laura cried out each time my cock drove into her, as Annie sucked and bit her hard nipples. I rolled onto my back, pulling Laura with me. I held her hips and fucked her hard as she pressed her body down to mine. Annie was on her back beside me, with Laura leaning over her, her fingers still at her pussy, her lips on Annie's.

I cried out that I would cum, but Laura pressed down hard on me, stopping my movements, wanting me to wait. With my cock still inside her, she leant right over Annie, and reached for her night shirt on the floor. She pulled something out from within its folds. It looked like a vibrator, but with straps. Annie and I were both still, staring at the toy, at Laura.

"Shall we?" she asked.

Annie nodded, her eyes wide open and filled with lust. Her hands moved softly across her own body and onto her pussy as she watched Laura kneel up and begin to attach the strap on dildo to her body. I watched as well, my cock, still wet from Laura, jutting out in front of me.

She put it on quickly, tightening the straps around her body with the Velcro fasteners. The dildo stuck out from her body obscenely, the hard ridges along its length clearly visible. Annie's eyes opened wide as I moved to one side, and she saw the toy clearly for the first time.

I watched as Laura crawled across the bed towards Annie, the plastic cock hanging down at an angle. She leant forward and kissed my sister, their moist lips pressed together, their wet tongues slipping and sliding over each other. Laura pressed her body to Annie's, their breasts now squashed together. They moaned through their kisses, and as Annie pulled her knees up, opening herself up to Laura, I could see her juices running from her, see how hot her pussy looked.

The thick cock slid into Annie slowly as Laura eased her hips forward, and down. She fucked Annie with long, slow strokes, teasing her, exciting her. I leant forward and kissed Laura's ass as she moved, my tongue running between her cheeks, probing at her. I moved behind her, watching her wet pussy through a gap in the straps.

As she moved backwards, I knelt up and pressed my cock to her pussy. As she moved forward, I followed, my cock now inside her. We quickly hit a rhythm, my cock fucking Laura as she fucked Annie, all of us moaning and crying out. Laura lifted her body away from Annie, her head thrown back. I reached for her breasts, caressing them, holding them as Annie reached up to suck them, to lick and kiss them.

Our movements became more urgent, more frantic, as our cries got louder, as our bodies got hotter. Laura came first, her body on fire from my cock, from Annie's mouth, from the dildo pressing back against her. Her cries filled the room as Annie came, as she pulled Laura tight to her, kissing her deeply, wantonly, as my cum shot into Laura.

I rolled away from them, the last of my cum dribbling down my cock. Laura pulled out of Annie and we lay together, worn out by our start to the day. We lay gasping for breath for a few moments, and then turned to each other. Annie reached out from were she lay between Laura and me and held our cocks, running her hand over my now soft cock, still wet from Laura, and over the thick plastic cock that still stuck out obscenely from Laura's body.

We kissed and cuddled until it was time for Annie to get up, to go to work. I watched as Laura led Annie into my bathroom. I heard the shower running, and then their giggling as they showered together. I watched them from the doorway, stroking my cock as they finished in the shower and then dried each other off.

After that, Laura slipped back to her own room. While Annie dressed, I had a quick shower, and then pulled on some jeans and a tee shirt, before going downstairs with Annie for some breakfast. Mum and Dad were already in the kitchen when we got there. I kissed Mum, pulling her tight to me, feeling her sexy, rounded body against me. She smiled at me, at Annie, an all knowing smile. I watched Dad holding Annie, a bulge in the front of his trousers.

After some coffee and cereal, I drove Annie to work, telling her that I would see her later. I then went off to run a few errands, before meeting up with some friends for lunch. It was mid afternoon when I got back to the house. As I let myself in, the house seemed unnaturally quiet after the last few days.

I wandered through to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. As I popped the top off the bottle, I thought I heard something. I listened again, but all was quiet. With a shrug, I headed for the stairs, and my room. But then I heard it again. A soft feminine sound, giggling, whispering, coming from Mum's room. I listened again. It sounded like Mum and Laura, talking softly, giggling together.

I crossed the landing as quietly as I could, instinct telling me not to let them know I was there. I eased the bedroom door open a few inches. It was Mum and Laura. They were stood in the middle of the room facing each other, very close together. As I watched, Mum reached out and stroked her sister's cheek. And then they leant towards each other and kissed.

At first they kissed lightly, their lips barely touching, just the tips of their tongues joining in. But then their kisses grew harder and longer, more passionate, more needy. As they kissed, their hands roamed over each others bodies, touching, caressing, wanting.

I watched as Laura gently undid Mum's blouse. She dipped her head and kissed the tops of Mum's breasts before unclipping her front fastening bra. Laura cupped Mum's heavy breasts in her hands, her thumbs rubbing at her hard nipples. Mum quickly undid the long row of buttons down the front of Laura's dress. I gasped as she pushed it off her shoulders and it slipped tom the floor, leaving Laura naked, her nipples like pebbles at the end of her pert breasts.

My cock was rock hard in my jeans, a wet patch forming where I was leaking pre cum. I could stand it no longer, and pushed the door open. I stepped into the room, and crossed quickly to Mum and Laura. At first they didn't seem to see me. They were in each others arms now, their bare breasts pressed together.

They kissed again. My cock was throbbing painfully as I watched them. Mum ran her hands down Laura's back, down to her firm ass. I moved behind her, pushing her hair to one side so that I could kiss her neck. I pulled her blouse down her arms, leaving her topless. As they carried on kissing, moaning softly as their tongues explored, I dropped to my knees, scattering kisses down Mum's back.

I unzipped her skirt, easing it down off her hips. All she wore under it was a cream thong. Her rounded buttocks were firm, white against the rest of her. I kissed each side of her bum gently, before easing her thong down, leaving her naked. Her moaning got louder as I ran my tongue between her cheeks. Her bum pushed out, exposing more. I teased her tight little hole with the tip of my tongue, holding her hips and pulling her to me.

I stood up and led these two naked, gorgeous women towards the bed. The contrast between Mum and her sister was amazing. Laura was more slender, darker, tanned all over. Mum was more rounded, her breasts and hips heavier, more voluptuous. But both of them were incredibly sexy.

As we reached the end of the bed, they both turned on me. Mum kissed me. Our first kiss was soft and gentle to start with, growing quickly in passion as our tongues came into play. Our kissing stopped briefly as Laura pulled my tee shirt over my head. Mum immediately leant down, sucking and biting my nipples, her hand reaching for my cock through my jeans, squeezing my bulge.

Mum dropped to her knees in front of me, still looking up at me. I sensed Laura kneeling down behind me. Their hands pulled at my jeans, dragging them and my underwear over my hips, down my thighs and off. My cock sprung up, standing out rigid, pre cum pouring from the tip. Mum gasped as it pointed at her, her mouth automatically slipping over the tip, greedily sucking my cock head into her waiting mouth.

As Mum sucked me, Laura ran her hands between my legs to cup and caress my balls, before moving around to the front of me. I held their heads as they alternated, taking turns to suck me, to lick me, to tease me. The contrast between them was amazing. I knew Mum so well, but Laura was different, grating her teeth over my cock, biting me.

It was Mum who wanted my cum first. Laura knew this as well, and moved behind her to hold her breasts as she sucked on me harder, drawing me deeper into her as I fucked her mouth. With a cry I came, the first few jets of cum gushing into Mum's mouth, the rest onto her breasts. She turned quickly, still holding my cock, and kissed Laura. I stood watching them, my cock still hard, my mind abuzz as my Mum shared my cum with her sister.

We moved to the bed, Mum lying on her back, with Laura at her side. I kissed them both, and then watched as they caressed each other's breasts. Laura leant over and licked what was left of my cum from Mum's breasts, before taking a ripe brown nipple into her mouth, sucking hard, biting gently. I moved back to kneel between Mum's legs. Her pussy was wet, her slit running with juices. Her large clit and lips were prominent, begging for attention.

I kissed up the inside of her thighs, tasting her silky soft skin. I kissed along her slit, feeling her pushing up for more. I rang my tongue back down, pausing at the clit. Then I pushed my tongue inside her, licking and sucking her juices out of her. Her hand appeared, her finger rubbing her clit in a circular motion.

Mum was panting, surges of pleasure running through her from the attention she was getting – from the attention her breasts were getting, her pussy was getting, her clit was getting. Laura was grinding her pussy against Mum's thigh, needing some attention. I ran my hand up to her, pushing them inside her. She fucked against my fingers frantically. Mum reached across and pinched her pert breasts, pulling on her nipples, both of them crying out.

I urged them on, and within seconds of each other they came. Long drawn out orgasms that sent pleasure rushing through them. They held onto each other, Laura still pushing onto my fingers, and Mum on my mouth. As they relaxed, I moved to kiss Laura, to share Mum's taste with her. Then I kissed Mum, before lying between them, hugging them.

I must have dozed off then, as the next thing I remember was waking up to the marvellously wet sensation of having my nipples sucked. I reached down and felt Mum and Laura each side of me. They were still naked, their bodies pressed to me, their breasts against my naked body. I ran my hands over their bodies as they kissed and sucked my nipples, each of them running a hand over my belly, my cock, my balls. I shut my eyes again, and soaked up the pleasure they were giving me.

A hot mouth descended on my cock, licking me before sucking me roughly. My body tingled all over as they worked on me. My eyes shot open as I realised that both my nipples were still being sucked. I looked down. Dad was looking up at me, his head bobbing up and down as he sucked on my cock, Laura's hands around my balls.

We all froze for a second, the three of them watching me. I don't know how long Dad had been there, but I didn't care. The sensations flooding my body were incredible. After only a moments hesitation I laid back and relaxed. Dad sucked me hard, his hand replacing Laura's.

Mum and Laura were now leaning over me, kissing each other, their hands sliding sensually over each other's bodies. I wanted more, and eased them apart so that they could move. My cock popped out of Dad's mouth as I manoeuvred myself on the bed so that I could get to his thick, hard cock.

I laid on my side opposite him, my head by his legs. He wriggled up, and sucked my cock back into his hungry mouth. Behind me, Mum was on top of Laura, her heavy breasts stroking along Laura's body, across her pert nipples, as they kissed and sucked and licked at each other's wanton, wet pussies.

Dad's cock was inches from my face. It seemed thicker, bigger, harder, up close. Tentatively I licked the tip of his cock, tasting his salty pre cum. He stopped sucking me, but held my cock in his mouth, wanting more, expecting more.

I took his helmet into my mouth, swirling my tongue around and sucking on him. He thrust himself forward, driving his cock deep into my mouth. I sucked on him deeply, hungrily, as he drew me deeper into him, sucking wildly.

The room was filled with wet, sucking noises, licking noises, and with our soft moans and sighs. I could feel my balls tightening, a tingly, hot sensation building in my body. But I didn't cum in Dad's mouth as Laura was pulling me away from him, urgently, wantonly.

As I rolled onto my back, she sat on top of me, pushing down hard to drive my wet cock into her body. She cried out instantly as she buried me deep inside her. Mum straddled me, lowering her pussy onto my face as she reached forward to take Laura in her arms, their hands on their breasts and nipples, their mouths locked together, their tongues exploring. I sucked on Mum as I thrust into Laura, savouring the sweet taste of her.

Dad joined us, the girls easing apart so that he could slide his cock into one mouth, and then the other. They sucked and licked and shared him. I felt Laura rubbing Mum's clit, her hand next to my mouth. I felt Mum returning the favour as she reached down to rub Laura's clit in a fast circular motion, a finger sometimes slipping into her pussy alongside my cock.

The room was filled with the sounds and smells of sex. We screamed and cried out our pleasure. We all came, our juices pouring wetly from our bodies before we collapsed onto the bed, holding, touching each other.

The room was quiet apart from our breathing, all of us breathless from what had happened, what we had enjoyed. Until we all looked up at the same time, as we all heard her speak.

"What about me?" was all Annie wanted to know.

She was stood by the door. She was naked, her body flushed with the heat of the passion she must have felt as she had watched us. Her nipples were taut and very dark, her eyes bright with lust, with desire. I felt my cock lurch, Mum's hand still on me. I stood up, and crossed the room to Annie.

I took her into my arms and kissed her, my tongue sliding past hers and deep into her mouth. She pressed her gorgeous body against me, pushing her pussy hard into my cock as I held her. As she wrapped her arms around my neck and thrust her tongue into my mouth, I slid my hands down her back and onto her firm cheeks, pulling her to me, probing between them.

I led her to the bed, Mum and Dad and Laura watching us closely. As I watched, as we all watched, Annie crawled onto the bed, her breasts hanging down delightfully, her ass rocking from side to side, her pussy peeking out at us. My cock was almost hard again, and I could see that Dad was stroking his, pulling it, as he watched his beautiful, sexy daughter. Annie knew that we were all watching her, knew what she was doing to us. And made the most of it.

She laid back, Mum and Laura each side of her. The moved to her straight away, each of them reaching for her body, each of them stroking her belly, her thighs, as they dipped their heads and sucked hungrily on Annie's ripe breasts, on her rock hard nipples.

I knelt at Annie's feet watching them glancing over at Dad from time to time. I reached forward and stroked Annie's thighs. She pulled her legs up, raising her knees and showing her body, her pussy, her wetness, to me. I moved closer, watching Mum and Laura feeding on her, touching her.

"Yes," Annie hissed as the tip of my cock touched her wet pussy.

I grabbed her hips and drove into her, pulling her to meet my lunging cock. She cried out as my cock filled her, as Mum and Laura renewed their efforts. Laura had moved, and was now kissing Annie frantically, their tongues thrusting into each others mouths. Dad moved beside them and pushed his cock between their lips. They ran their tongues, their lips, along his thickness, eating, sucking, kissing, licking him.

I reached for Mum and pushed two, then three, fingers into her soaking wet pussy. We all cried out as we fucked and sucked and fingered each other. I drove my cock into Annie as she came, as she screamed out the pleasure that tore through her. Mum came, her juices pouring onto my fingers.

Dad dragged Laura away and fucked her roughly from behind, his hand crashing down onto her ass as he ploughed into her, her screams of pain, of pleasure, echoing around the room as they both came. My cum burst from me, driven out of my cock and into my sisters waiting body by my balls as they contracted, as an incredible wave of intense pleasure washed through me.

After that, we held each other, loving each other. Later, much later, we wandered downstairs and found something to eat before returning to bed. We made love long into the night, the five of us together. Eventually I took Annie to my room, and we slept, cuddled up as lovers.

Annie and I were still alone the next morning. We woke up slowly, and then made love, just the two of us. Our love making was soft and gentle, tender and loving. Afterwards, I lay back, half asleep, thinking about the last five months. About Annie. About Mum and Dad. About Martin. And now about Laura. About all of us.

Something had changed. I suddenly realised what it was. Perhaps for the first time, I felt that My Family's Awakening must surely be complete.

But I also knew that there was a lot more fun to come for all of us.

I snuggled up to my sister, and held her tight to me, a wide smile on my face as I thought about the fun, the future, to come …..