
Kathleen's plans for our furtive trip to Bristol were almost scuppered by an unexpected twist of fate represented by the arrival, the day before our journey south, of a genuine notification of an appointment with her gynaecologist. This, when combined with the dates for the fake appointments that had caused her so much troubled conscience, made it necessary for us to spend three nights alone together at her house in Bristol. On hearing this, my mother insisted that she accompany us to look after Kathleen who was after all 8 months pregnant; and so it seemed that we would not be alone at all.

But fate and accidents seldom come alone and my mother, the evening before our journey and with bags already packed and plans made, managed to slam her hand in the car boot door and had to be driven to hospital. The result was broken bones and a plaster cast and a period of blissful though guilty freedom for Kathleen and I.

As we said goodbye to my mother we were reticent, shy even, and we may have given the impression, to anyone watching, of being merely acquaintances as we got in the car and drove away. But as we rounded the corner Kathleen quickly resumed her usual position beside me, arm over my seat back and occasionally caressing my neck as we drove. But she was not her usual self, she seemed reserved and tired so I took the initiative and began explaining the guilty feelings I had struggled with since last we made love.

I had a sense of guilt for what I felt must have seemed to be my disrespect for her while making love at the old Mill. I was afraid she might feel that shoving my finger in her anus, that shouting at her and that forcing her to submit to me was disrespectful and that there was no harmony in our love making; but as always she was sympathetic and anxious for me to know it was all ok.

"You surprised me that afternoon; but darling, it was pure unadulterated physical indulgence I experienced in our lovemaking. There was disharmony in the details but harmony in the whole and contrast is everything. We were there to make love and we did, the rest is just spice. Be happy about it my sweet."

My worries and her concern for me seemed to enliven her and I was glad to hear her voice come to life and after a while she began to explain about her brothers.

"We were a big family of 10 children though that wasn't unusual where I grew up. My three oldest brothers and a sister had moved out so we were 5 children at home."

I interrupted and corrected her "The older brothers and the sister and you five makes nine; you said you were ten children"

She poked me hard in the shoulder;

"Don't interrupt. The tenth was my sister Irene; she died of Tuberculosis when she was five."

She was quiet for a long while then continued slowly as if re-examining the past, making sure she got the facts right.

"I was lucky. As the oldest and the only girl I slept alone, my four brothers slept two in a bed. My father was a carpenter in a factory and he had fixed a small bed in an alcove under the stairs. A curtain kept it private and I had the library books I'd borrowed on a shelf."

She laughed at the memory of it.

"The shelf kept falling down on me and the books would wake me at night but he never fixed it."

She let the comment hang in silence and I wondered about her father, the 10 kids and the tuberculosis until she continued.

"One night I woke suddenly. It was one of my elder brothers falling in drunk from the street. He hadn't found his way home to his wife so he thought he'd stay with us. I don't know which one it was but It was a Saturday night , I was almost 20 and he took my virginity."

I gasped and tried to express my sympathy by saying something about being surprised she'd not been traumatised but she didn't seem to notice.

"It hurt the first time and I was frightened but it only happened occasionally until I inadvertently found a perfect way of turning him away."

She paused as if expecting me to ask how she thwarted him. Then she continued anyway.

"I was on the rag and he discovered that while removing my panties. He gasped with disgust and fled."

I was shocked and couldn't answer; I had never been exposed to anything like this before. But she laughed at the memory and as if answering my silence, continued;

"Darling, I was menstruating; I had my period if you want to call it that and I had a sanitary towel under my pants and he was horrified. I wore a towel often after that."

She laughed scornfully at the memory;

"It was just like a crucifix repelling Dracula! But that's the church for you; the reason that you, once every month, cannot rape the girl you are abusing is not because it's wrong but because SHE is unclean."

She raised her voice in exasperation;

"If the church can teach the faithful to abstain from sex with a woman who's bleeding why the hell can't they stop grown men raping young women God Damn It."

She was very irritated now and muttered fiercely under her breath. After a while she pointed out of the window.

"Pull in here, I need a cup of tea."

We pulled into a road side cafe and I helped her out of the car and she took my arm. In the café we passed two girls who stared at Kathleen's swollen belly and I saw their wondering and could read their thoughts; His Mother? His big sister? Surely not his partner? and I felt suddenly proud to have her on my arm and wanted the world to know she was my lover.

We had cake and afternoon tea, she had a pee and we left the café passing the same two girls and as we passed their table she stopped and turning to me pulled me down to her mouth and gave me a lingering kiss.

"Thank you" she said as we walked slowly out to the car park.

"For what?"

"For wishing that they knew I was yours."


"I can read you like a book my sweet."

We had driven in silence for more than ten miles before she took up the thread of her story again.

"I was telling you about my brothers. Well, I never knew which of my elder brothers it was who visited me; but I was curious about the effect my femininity had on men and I began experimenting on my younger brothers."

She laughed at the thought.

"I was well developed as a 20 year old, I had a good slim figure and generous breasts and men were always looking. I found out that if i teased any of my younger brothers they would do anything for me."

"You weren't cruel to them where you?"

"In hindsight you may well have said that but at the time it was good clean fun and seeing their admiration was an important confirmation of my worth."

"Did you tutor them?"

"Sexually? No darling, not at all; it was like this; I was a developing young woman, my hormones were rushing around wildly and I was both horny and curious so I egged them on."

"Egged them on; what did you say to them?"

I didn't actually say anything but if I teased one of them, maybe wore a blouse and no bra, then I knew he would come creeping when everyone was asleep."

"And then you made love?"

"No, not at all. I feigned sleep and had my curiosity satisfied."

She had her hand on my arm and shook it to get my attention. I turned towards her and she smiled anxiously as if wanting to be sure I believed her.

"I feigned sleep and let them explore me."


"Why what, darling?"

"Why did you feign sleep; couldn't you have told them what you wanted?"

"At that age i didn't know what I wanted but I could enjoy their explorations while not taking the blame; I was after all, asleep and not responsible and in that way I could have my cake and eat it!"

And she hugged me and pulling my face to her mouth kissed me quickly.

"Of course in an adult that attitude would merely be a dereliction of responsibility but not in a 20 year old girl playing with 19 year old boys."

"But who would blame you?"

"You would be surprised; misplaced sexuality is always the woman's fault it seems. I didn't know what I wanted really. I was curious and horny and by feigning sleep I could let them explore me, but on my terms. They were frightened and uncertain but couldn't resist the temptation and if it was getting out of control I merely had to pretend I was waking and they fled."

She was amused now and explained enthusiastically.

"It may seem silly now but it was real turn on. Sometimes I'd relax my legs so they could push them apart and lay in between. Oh! those boys were so sweet and inquisitive"

She clapped her hands with delight.

"When I think of those slim cocks stabbing wildly, trying to find the way in; oh, what desperation. We had led strict and sheltered lives and knew nothing despite our age"

She was excited and amused now, I knew her well enough to recognise her tone of voice and felt her growing excitement echoing in me; I was getting horny and I had no doubt she was too.

"Occasionally it would happen that they entered me, pressing their slender penises into my wet fanny. Sometimes I couldn't resist the temptation to continue so I'd lay passive so as not to frighten them away; I was after all sleeping."

She chuckled and was clearly reliving the memory.

"But as I said; if things were getting out of hand I would pretend to waken and that would frighten them away."

She stopped as if suddenly shocked by what she'd said.

"Do you think I am awful? Was I cruel?"

I had an erection by now and having no answer for her i leaned across and lifted her hand to my crotch.

"You're getting an erection; so, you liked my story." She said and squeezed my cock for a while.

I wondered if she would take it further but after a few minutes of stroking she continued.

"I was excited by their exploring's; they seemed fascinated by my breasts and would often suck and pull at my nipples. That made me really wet down there."

She squeezed my cock as if to emphasise "Down There."

"Another night I got the fright of my life; I had a boy on each side of me; it was my twin brothers. Oh dear; they each had one hand on my breasts and their other hand racing each other to find my vagina. The bumping and pushing and the squabbling fingers sliding around down there gave me the first orgasm I hadn't rubbed on myself."

She flashed a quick coquet and asked me again; "Am I awful? You'd tell me if you thought I was awful, wouldn't you?

"No, not at all Kathleen, go on."

"Well, one evening my visitor even licked my fanny; goodness knows where he got the inspiration for that from. I remember wishing he'd continue but he crawled back up and tried to find the way in to my fanny with his cock."

She sighed deeply.

"If only I'd been privy to their thoughts," she said.

"I so wish I'd known what they were thinking when they kissed me or known what they wondered when their fingers slipped into my wet vagina. Did they think I was always so wet and slippy down there?"

"All this kissing and fingering got me really excited and when I found myself nearing orgasm I would pretend to wake and they would scamper off back to their beds. Then I would finger myself until I came; it was so easy, and so lovely. Sometimes when I was very horny I would guide the handle of my hairbrush inside my fanny."

I gasped and moved awkwardly in my seat, I had a painful erection.

"You're liking this aren't you?"

And as if to knock me back, as if to dampen my desire she summed up the tale as it had developed.

"It ended when one of my brothers betrayed me in the confessional and I was called in to the church by the priest. It was a Friday and both my parents were at work; of course the priest knew that; he knew everything. His housekeeper was there, at least at first, then she excused herself and left; "I'll make sure you are not disturbed father" she said and left me at the mercy of a grown man."

"The father wanted to examine me, he said he needed to know if what he'd heard was true but he wouldn't tell me what he'd heard. When he had his hand in my pants he got very excited. I remember his face was blotchy and red and he was breathless."

I was horrified; "Kathleen, you don't need to explain if it's painful."

But she was in full flight now, her temper was up and she continued scornfully.

"That bastard! He had the gall to call me a sick temptress and a jezebel! And all the time he had his finger in my hole. He could not resist my femininity and the hypocrite had the gall to call what I had between my legs "the entrance to eternal damnation." Not even then did he stop fingering me."

She was burning now, her exclamations stabbed the air and I dared not interrupt her.

"But then he gets his cock out and makes me suck it; He said it would make it all better again. His fingers forced my mouth open and he crammed it in; I could hardly breathe. The bastard came quickly; lots, in my mouth, no warning and I didn't know what to do, so...."

She was in tears now; not submissive and guilty tears but defiant tears cried from sure and righteous anger and when she continued I realised she was certain of her own worth, certain she had no self-doubt or guilt and I was relived.

"So I spat it all out and ran! The last I saw of him he was looking dazed and angry with a great wet and shiny smear down the front of his robe. It looked like the mark of some exclusive religious order."

She laughed scornfully;

"The Holy Order of Child Abusers perhaps" But that was the end of it, my brothers never came to me in the night again. Playing with me was a ticket to hell and damnation no doubt. I was never in church again; the time I would have wasted in church I used for reading and doing homework. I got my exams and went to university. I escaped; I got out of a life of just producing kids in Liverpool."

<< >>

Our arrival at Kathleen's house was subdued. We didn't fall in the door and start making love. Kathleen carried her pregnant belly carefully now and that, combined with her burst of outrage in the car had tired her. I put the kettle on and made tea; she checked the house quietly, obviously glad to be back. I followed her for a while studying her reactions as she walked from room to room picking up familiar objects, straightening a picture here and there before announcing tiredly;

"I must lie down; I need a nap. If you mow the lawn you can wake me when you've finished."

"But the lawnmower, won't it wake you?"

She blushed.

"I can sleep through anything" she said and grinned self-consciously as if remembering what she'd said about her brothers. I joked that I would perhaps put the depth of her sleep to the test and she cracked a grin.

"You're more than welcome to try."

I needn't have worried about keeping her awake, the lawn mower refused to start and I soon found the reason, a cracked spark plug. Kathleen gave me directions and I walked out and found the garage she'd recommended and bought a new spark plug. On the way back I bought some flowers at a market stall and back at the house entered quietly and heard her call down to me.

"Did you find what you needed?"

I answered yes and asked if she had a flower vase.

"Flower vase? Which flowers?" and I heard her come out of her room to the top of the stairs. So I unwrapped the flowers and very self- consciously took them up to her.

"Did you buy these for me?"

Taking the flowers from me she buried her face in them and began to cry long sobbing waves of tears. Confronted by her show of emotions I just didn't know what to do. Here was a grown up crying and I lacked the maturity to cope; she had always taken the lead, had always been in control and now dismayed by her emotions I could only embrace her awkwardly, frightened of both squeezing the baby and crushing the flowers.

After a while, when she seemed quieter, I picked her up and carried her into her bedroom. Laying her on the bed I tried vainly to rescue the flowers but they were locked in her exhausted grasp so I pulled the continental quilt over her and left her to sleep.

It wasn't much of a garden she had and I was soon finished mowing the lawn and tidying the beds. I unpacked the car as quietly as I could and put the food we'd brought with us in the fridge. In a cupboard I found a vase and filled it with water.

After a couple of hours I heard her moving around upstairs so I took her Tea and Toast and the vase and found her vainly trying to tidy the crushed and bruised flowers. She looked bashfully at me, her glance went from the vase to the flowers and she began to cry again.

"I'm sorry Kathleen. What did I do?"

"Silly! You haven't done anything wrong; you showed you care. I may have been as horny as hell these past months but there's more to us than just fucking. I have never fantasized about shagging strangers. What we have; well, it's more than just sex, it's about caring."

She waved a hand awkwardly in my direction;


Taking my handkerchief gladly she began dabbing her eyes and between sobs said;

"People are wrong you know; they think I'm self-sufficient and strong; I'm not that tough you know, I'm alone and I have only you."

So, the flowers went in the vase, she had her Tea and Toast and afterwards we lay together on her bed until she drifted off again and I left her to sleep.

I looked in at her two hours later and was rewarded by a tiny muffled voice coming from deep under the duvet and commanding my attention.

"Come here and give me a kiss, you lovely bugger."

Kathleen was herself again after her afternoons rest and she busied herself around in the kitchen making dinner. We were having spaghetti and she joked gaily about this being an important part of my next lesson.

"Which, "next lesson?"

She just laughed and blushed;

"You'll see, you'll see; all in good time."

"This is Spaghetti, proper spaghetti, not those tinned worms some people eat."

I knew nothing about proper spaghetti and wondered how the handful of dried and brittle sticks she held for me to see could be transformed to anything edible but like every new experience with Kathleen I was on a short trip to enlightenment.

But something was amusing her and as we ate I felt she was teasing me. As a novice spaghetti eater, I often ended up having to suck up the long strands and ended with a sauce stained chin but the sight of my pursed lips, and the sound of my sucking seemed disproportionally amusing to her. What was so funny I wondered? Eventually she began to explain;

"Six of my best friends and I have a girl's group where we get together at each other's houses and eat a meal together. We bitch and complain about politics, work, careers, sex and men. Cunnilingus has been a recurring theme, especially when we've had red wine."

I knew neither the why, where, when or what of Cunnilingus and said so.

Kathleen grinned wildly and broke out into hearty laughter.

"Then listen carefully sweetie; Cunnilingus is fanny licking, but it's much more than that, as I will show you in a while. What I'll tell you is a summary of 7 ladies experiences, desires and disappointments."

She laughed again and continued eagerly;

"This information is worth a fortune! In fact this knowledge will transform your love life. It's so important that you aught to pay me cash for it, so you must listen carefully!"

She emptied her glass and continued gaily. I had seen this side of Kathleen before and was prepared for anything.

"Be a darling and fetch the wine from the kitchen,"

As I fetched her wine she shouted an afterthought;

"And a clean hand towel from the top drawer."

I felt a frisson of lust tighten in my groin.

When I came back she had moved through to the lounge and was busy getting comfortable in her recliner armchair.

"Sorry darling, I need you to run upstairs and find my hand mirror, it's in my bedroom" When I returned she was watching the evening news."Wait a minute, I must see this"

So I sat on the floor in front of her chair with my head between her knees. As the news progressed she became increasingly restless. I was aware of her moving slightly, squeezing my head between her legs and she slid further down in the chair until she was eventually pushing her crotch at me. I occasionally leaned back in answer and was soon returning her nudges by butting the back of my head against her pantie crotch; soon she could stand no more.

Taking the control she switched it off.

"Ok Peter, Stand up I want to show you something."

I stood and she took my hand, pulling me to her.

"Come closer."

I was standing with my crotch close to her face and she was began fiddling with my trousers but was soon exasperated and pushed me away.

"Those 501 jeans are hopeless! So old fashioned, they'll never catch on. Why can't you wear jeans with a zip? Take them off; pants as well."

This was school teacher Kathleen talking and I hurried to comply. The more I hurried the more difficult it became and I ended up catching my feet in my jeans and out of balance and with legs bound together I fell headlong over the sofa.

She chuckled loudly;

"There you are you see; Not very romantic. You'll regret it in the future I shouldn't wonder. You'll be getting close to seducing some lady, she'll be on the verge of being won over and she'll try and get your cock out and the moment will be lost because she can't get your trousers open."

I managed to untangle myself and slid out of my jeans and my shorts and stood self-consciously before her.

"Sorry I teased you darling, come here to me"

She leaned across and taking hold of my half erect cock pulled me to her.

"That's better; I can see what I'm doing now."

She pulled and squeezed and could soon begin rolling my foreskin backwards and forwards over the head of my growing cock. I was getting more and more turned on and my cock, fully erect, throbbed all the more with her teasing.

"You have a lovely cock and the head, or the "Glans" if you will, is quite a bit bigger than the shaft; how on earth does that thing fit inside me?"

The sight of her hand on me, the sight of her licking her lips had me gasping; I was already feeling the beginning of an orgasm in my balls and I groaned a warning.

She stopped immediately and looking up, caught and held my eye.

I was suddenly struck by a violent pain in my cock; a direct hit of lightning couldn't have shocked me more and I doubled up in surprise. I looked down to see Kathleen waiting patiently for me to compose myself. After a minute's pause she reached out gently and took my still throbbing cock firmly in her hand again. Holding my eye she licked the ball of her thumb extravagantly and looking away from me focussed her gaze on my glans again. Her unspoken desire for me to watch what she was going to do next was as clear as if she had challenged me to "watch this, mister" and I watched in uneasy fascination until she, drawing her wet thumb firmly across the Glans of my cock again, reduced me once more to a doubled up wreck.

"Kathleen please, that hurts, it's worse than a kick in the balls."

She pulled me to her and showered kisses on my face.

"Are you ok darling? That was unkind of me but I need you to understand what I am going to tell you. I had to show you how sensitive my lady penis, my clitoris, is. Less is absolutely more in the case of fanny licking and licking is an art".

I knelt beside her chair, for once glad my cock was out of her reach.

She took my hand and turned the palm of it towards her face. Placing her tongue somewhere around my wrist she licked hard in a rasping motion up and over the palm and up to my fingers.

"That is dog licking," she said scornfully;

"Anybody can do that and indeed most men do, it seems. Dog licking is nice if the tongue is inserted into and just around the entrance to the vagina but who can keep that up for more than a second or two?"

"All my friends are in agreement, dog licking is just too much! Their enthusiastic husbands and boyfriends are way too eager to stimulate and as I have just shown you, over-stimulation is painful."

She took my hand again and her tongue began a slow journey across my palm; lapping, licking, swirling and dabbing; insinuating itself between my fingers until she stopped.

"That" she said gently; "That is "cat lapping" and that is more than enough to reduce me to a shivering orgasmic wreck."

She pulled me to her embrace and as we kissed softly she whispered "Can you help me take off my skirt?"

She lifted herself slightly and I found the fastener and drew the skirt off and down her lovely smooth tanned legs. I could not resist the sight of her bulging sex under her white knickers and bending down I pressed my face into her crotch. I inhaled her warm musky scents and taking a deep breath and pressing my mouth against her mound, I blew a long and continuous stream of warm air through the gusset of her knickers. She wriggled with delight.

I smelt the delicious scent of her sex, sweat and urine in harmony and gripping the gusset with my teeth tried to pull her pants off. She raised her bottom to help but I had taken a too solid mass of pubic hair along with the generous mouthful of panties. I relinquish my mouthful and could see her white panties are now wet with her juices and I press my face again hard into her warm mound and she laughed indulgently;

"Please don't look at me down there my sweet, you've made me wet my panties."

So I dove down and grasped the now soaking panties again. I licked the wet patch and tasted a new and exciting flavour; the flavour of a juiced up woman and said so, to her obvious delight:

Oh darling you seem keen to make me forget your lesson; Yes, take off my knickers."

She lifted herself up and I drew them carefully down around her thighs, along her lovely legs and over her feet. Planting her heels on the edge of the chair she lifted herself up again;

"Quickly darling; Spread the towel under my bottom before I drip on the chair."

Taking the towel and spreading it smoothly under her brought me close to her and leaned forward and kissed slowly along the border between her swollen mound, thick with dark brittle curls and the fine smooth skin of her inner thigh. She shuddered but said nothing.

I rubbed my lips across her mound and continued kissing softly along the other thigh and she gasped;

"Oh darling that's so nice"

Her hand appeared and cupped her mound. I heard quite clearly the rasping of her pubic hair against her fingers as she rubbed herself.

"Now, where were we? Yes, cunnilingus. I don't know what to say. You've got me a bit flustered. I think you should just try a little and we can discuss as you go along."

And with that she extended two fingers and parted the firm outer lips;

"Begin here darling, lick gently and we will see"

I paused and she reached and patted the top of my head reassuring me.

"It's ok you know; It doesn't taste toilet darling, you'll see."

She removed her hand and I reached for her and parting the lips with my two thumbs exposed her lovely inner sex. I saw a delightful mass of wrinkled tissue and a modest vaginal opening and I extended my tongue and licked carefully. The soft and delicate inner lips flooded with her juices as I stroked with my tongue. Her sex was laid bare, her pleasure was obvious and her ecstatic movements caused her vagina to open slightly and I reached in there as far as I could with my tongue and licked firmly.

"That's lovely darling; don't be shy, continue."

I licked again, nuzzling gently with my lips and tongue and moved closer to her clitoris. I swirled my tongue gently round and round her hooded lady penis. Kathleen shuddered; she gasped deeply and I felt her body tense and heard her breathing stop. She held her breath as I circled again and again until with an explosive exhalation her body relaxed and she gasped for breath. I heard a slight squirting sound and there against my mouth the lovely softness of her inner lips became liquid and my chin was soaked in her juices.

What she'd said about the taste was true though I wondered how she knew. There was no toilet taste; No, she was both sweet and salt and something indefinable.

Suddenly, in my minds eye, I was taken back to picnics on the beach with my parents; Peaches, warm from the sun and soaked in salt spray tasted contrastingly salt and sweet and when I had licked my fingers clean afterwards I had tasted the raw taste of the fish I had caught, killed and grilled for lunch.

"Hey dreamer; you haven't finished yet."

She lay back in the chair, knees drawn up and parted and laughing she reached out for my hand and drew me back to her.

"This feels very promising I must say; you are a clever pupil but there is more to learn yet."

And she picked up her hand mirror.

"Come closer. Look at me, inspect me, touch. I like to see your hands on me, I like to watch. Can you enter my Vagina with your tongue again?"

A movement in my side vision caught my eye; I saw her there in the mirror; she was watching my every movement and I felt myself blush.

But I was happy to play and repeated my previous movements. She tipped her pelvis slightly and I had her opening there in front of me. I licked gently over the soft skin between her anus and vagina before plunging into her. Wiggling my tongue as hard and long as I could I continued until I could no more.

She sighed deeply;

Darling that's lovely; but it's hard on the tongue isn't it?"

I wondered how she knew, had she tried licking, and with whom?

"There are alternatives to licking inside me; you can finger me while you lick around the lips and clitoris. That gives double pleasure."

She moved her mirror slightly and I took that as a signal to continue. As I extended two fingers towards her opening I heard her sharp intake of breath,

"Slowly now, let me see you pressing through the opening."

I entered her slowly, well aware that she was watching closely and as before she indulged herself.

"Stop. Take them out again; Turn your hand sideways so I can see better. Slowly in again; what does that feel like darling?"

"It's soft and slippy yet very strong, she doesn't open easily"

"Go slowly darling. Lick gently along the lips while you finger me. That's right, stroke the rough patch again and again."

Her pelvis rose and fell with her rising passion and I followed her movements closely though with some difficulty.

Can you find my pee hole? It's lovely and tickly just there."

Smoothing aside the wet soft tissues of her lips and looking closely I found the slight indentation of her pee hole and licked gently.

" Just there, yes, harder, yes push harder, oh, that's very nice"

Her requests came as breathless utterance's now and I could sense her passion building. I licked and fingered and her juices ran down the crack of her bottom; I had two fingers in her vagina; my little finger found its way into her anus and she shuddered.

"Lick gently, circle my Clitoris."

I circled eagerly, turned on by her obvious pleasure. My erection was full and I felt a dribble of pre-come wet my thigh.

"Listen, darling" she said urgently,

"When I say so, Purse you lips and suck my clitoris in. Remember; it's just like when you were sucking the spaghetti. Suck the whole of her in between your lips and tickle her with your tongue. Be careful with your teeth and please don't stop until I tell you."

I continued my licking. I occasionally paused and studied her sex. Her clitoris was larger now; it stood erect and the tiny head, coral red, smooth and shiny was just visible amongst the folds of its hood.

She was breathless now but she was still there with her mirror.

"Let me see her, put your tongue to her, rub a little, oh yes!"

I licked carefully though my tongue was aching. My fingers worked inside her and I could clearly feel the tension in her body grow. Her bottom was seldom still; her heels braced on the chair edge held her as her pelvis rose and fell with her passion until at last she began to stutter brokenly;

"I'm almost there. Are you ready darling? Yes, now! Suck me in; suck me in NOW!"

Pursing my lips I sucked the whole of her clitoris, its hood and the surrounding soft tissues into a firm and wet embrace. I sucked and worked my lips on her, my tongue stroked and pressed on the head of her clitoris. Her pelvis rose to meet my caressing and pressed against my mouth. Her thighs clamped around my head could not drown the sound of her cries and her hands found the back of my head as she pressed me into her sex.

"Don't stop darling; don't stop sucking, but be ready to enter me."

I was more than ready and when at last she called for me to come to her I stood up and stooped over her in the chair. Supporting myself on both chair arms and lowering my cock towards her sex I could only gasp in desperation;

"Guide me in Kathleen, please guide me in."

And taking my cock in the one hand and holding the lips apart with the other she aimed me at her vagina. She gasped briefly as I slid in and I felt her heels lock around me.

"Push quickly darling. That's right, give me quick, short, sharp, thrusts."

Her heels were beating time on my back as she urged me on and as her head tipped back I could just hear her gasping sigh,

"That's it, I'm coming again."

And I felt myself burst inside her and I pushed long smooth strokes until there was no more to give. Her legs released their hold on me and I sagged back down onto my knees in front of her.

"Come to me darling."

I stood and leant across to kiss her.

She smiled and stroked my face tenderly,

"Oh that was so nice; that was our first time face to face and I finished without stroking myself. You did it all darling."

She held me for a few moments longer before saying, somewhat embarrassedly;

"But now I can feel something trickling down there. It's a good job we put the towel down; can you gather it up around me so I can go to the bathroom without dripping on the carpet?"

As I held the towel gathered around her waist and helped her up from the chair I wondered if I would ever meet another lover like her. She sensed my wondering and turning, hugged me tightly and whispered a silly little aside;

"If you were ten years older and I was ten years younger, and I wasn't married...Well; Then I'd never let you go."

And I was happier than I'd ever been.When I awoke for the first time in Kathleen's bed I was happy; in hindsight I was happier than I should ever be again it seems. After the lesson she had given me in cunnilingus had culminated in our first face to face intercourse and that extra intimacy had caused our mutual orgasm she was full of warmth and lovingness. This was the first time I had shared her bed, indeed it was the first time I had shared any woman's bed and I had woken frequently with her restless movements and had just as frequently fallen asleep again to her loving words and her renewed embrace until in the morning I finally woke in an empty bed. Used to sleeping under sheets and blankets I had been sceptical to her enthusiasm for her continental quilt but having slept embraced by both her and the duvets warmth I swore I would never use anything else again.

I lay asleep as she brought tea and awoke to the rattling of the cups. Bending over me to kiss me again, her heavy silk gown fell open and an engorged breast spilled out and I kissed and suckled eagerly.

"Oh, that's lovely darling but we will have to wait until this evening."

I continued suckling and biting gently and reached for the other breast certain I could encourage her to repeat the excesses of the previous evening but she would not be budged;

"We cannot make love my sweet; I have just showered. I have an appointment with the gynaecologist before lunch. I cannot have an examination with the smell of you down there, silly."

I drew the duvet back so she could see what I had and she leant over as if to caress me before quickly slapping my erection playfully.

"Get down boy! Get down and drink your tea."

And afterwards, with her hands still warm from cradling the tea pot she wanked me to the edge of orgasm. Bending over me she quipped;

"We mustn't stain the sheets."

And with that she quickly took me and my orgasm in her mouth.

The examination was straight forward; all was as it should be. The gynaecologists guess was that she would go full term and the baby would arrive in a couple of weeks. Kathleen was happy and relieved and as we left she pulled the same stunt as before; stopping me in front of the receptionist's desk and while kissing me she exclaimed;

"I'm sure you'll be a wonderful father my dear," for all to hear before leading me to her favourite coffee shop and a long discussion about my future.

Sitting us down at a corner table she began what seemed to me to be a full blooded attempt to crush all the dreams she had created in me.

"There will be other women in your life my darling, and girls your age and younger; have you thought about that?"

Horrified, I denied the thought, I would remain faithful to her; couldn't she see that?

I kicked against the idea that anything could come between us and sulked childishly as she tried to discuss the subject. But her kindness and her caring voice soothed me despite her somewhat brutal description of the reality of our situation.

"I shall be travelling to South Africa when the baby is ready for the journey. Your brother has leased a house for us as the project has led to his promotion and more work. I have negotiated a job at the local university. We must part and you will have other lovers. I know you will be as kind, considerate and accommodating for them as you have been for me and that will stand you in good stead in your relationships with other women."

I tried unsuccessfully to hold back the tears and she, seeing that, took hold of my hands over the table;

"But life must go on my dear," she said and began to sniff as well.

"Do you want to go home and discuss this in private?"

I didn't trust myself to answer and taking that as a wish to sit longer she ordered lunch.

Kathleen was clever at deflecting the pain the news of our parting had caused in me and we were soon discussing irreverently a widely variable range of other subjects.

"What do you think of that girl over there; the blond in the blue jumper, she's more your age."

"Not interested, I have had you, I am spoilt for anything else."

She answered challengingly;

"Ok, that's nice of you to say that; but tell me, will you still find me attractive after I've given birth?"

She paused a while before continuing in a faltering and somewhat vulnerable voice;

"Will my body return to normal after the birth, will I still be as good in bed?"

And it was my turn to console her and eventually the need to be alone together forced us to drive home.

The afternoon was spent discussing the future and I began to reconcile myself to the fact that we were soon to be parted. We both cried and laughed in turn and for the first time we discussed the fast approaching birth. Kathleen had decided to come home to Bristol for the birth and had arranged for Lydia, her best friend and neighbour, to accompany her to the hospital when the time came. Later that afternoon she came round to visit and her arrival was heralded by a great shout from the hall as she let herself in the front door.

"Here I am my dear, here's your bit of black!"

And amidst peals of laughter they flung themselves together in a warm embrace. I studied them surreptitiously; Kathleen small, big breasted and pregnant and Lydia; African, black, tall and curvaceous and with long runners legs she was obviously well trained and healthy. Turning from Kathleen to me she shocked me with a startling white smile.

"Hello, I'm Lydia; you must be the Peter I've heard so much about."

"Lovely" was the word that came to mind and I was shocked. What Kathleen had said was true; there were other desirable women in the world and here was one and she was getting to me already. I saw in my mind's eye that unfaithfulness was not only possible but desirable. Had Kathleen planned this meeting to demonstrate the truth of what she'd said? That thought was quickly erased by a gut wrenching realisation; Lydia was stroking Kathleen's backside!

For all my newly learnt sexual experience I was still young and unsure. I had barely seen a coloured person before, let alone met and talked with one so intimately as I now found myself doing and the newness of it all made me stutter awkwardly. Embarrassed I turned away looking for reassurance from Kathleen. She smiled a quick smile and then left me to flounder in the warmth of Lydia's friendliness.

As I answered Lydia's questions somewhere in the back of my mind there echoed another question; a question that for all the unlimited openness Kathleen and I shared still remained unanswered; how did Kathleen know how it was for a man to perform cunnilingus? When she had taught me all the tricks she and her girlfriends had defined in their crazy cunnilingus manifest she had seemed to have an inexhaustible insight to the problems and challenges for getting ones tongue in and around a vagina. How did she know how to give as well as take? Had she and Lydia practised together and developed techniques she later had preached? Seeing them, embracing happily, glad to be together again had me wondering and I was firmly convinced I should find out.

Despite their efforts I kept myself in the background for most of Lydia's visit; I left them to their catching up, to their friendly jokes and their obvious intimacy; I withdrew to a safe distance, I made the tea, washed the dishes and I eavesdropped on their conversation until later in the evening I heard Lydia taking her leave.

As she left Kathleen's parting embrace she turned in the doorway and glanced over at me for a second before whispering to Kathleen; should she stay? Kathleen turned and her glance caught mine and I looked away in embarrassment.

"Go on home silly; we two want to be alone." And with that she ushered Lydia laughingly out of the door and waved goodbye. Turning, she leant back against the door and pushed it firmly closed with her bottom. We stood in silence and looked at each other. She grinned and said quietly, as much to cover her uncertainty as to have something to say;

"That's my best friend Lydia, what do you think?"

I mumbled something and she became more insistent;

"No my darling, what do you think, honestly?"


Kathleen drew a quick breath and floundering slightly, I continued;

"Black and busty. Well trained, sincere and friendly. Pretty and with an amazingly white smile, what a contrast."

And she watched me askingly, waiting for a sign of doubt or afterthought. When none came and her curiosity was satisfied she mumbled:

""That's not the only contrast; but more of that later. I think we should go to bed soon darling but I'm tense and need to relax: could we have a warm bath first; maybe light some candles?"

We went off to the bathroom and she found some candles and together there in the gloomy warmth we undressed each other. As we removed garment for garment my excitement grew. Seeing myself mirrored in the wall mirrors, one on the door, one behind the wash hand basin and one on the opposite wall, was stimulating to say the least. As I watched myself undress her, the many mirrored images of our growing nakedness multiplied my pleasure and I studied the multiple reflections of her swollen belly and her full breasts swinging as she moved. She flashed a smile and I could see she seemed to also to like the attention but wouldn't abandon any of her principles.

"Hey! Don't drop a lady's clothes on the floor, dummy. There's no hurry; you must fold her clothes as you undress her, it's a sign that you care and it's a sign you're not desperate and it will guarantee that you get to make love."

"Does being seen turn you one Kathleen?"

Well yes, though I think I'm getting a bit old for exhibitionism nowadays. The neighbour's boy once had a period of peeping through my bedroom window but he grew out of that."

And she sighed;

"He watched while I played with myself."

"Why did you play with yourself?"

"Because he was watching."

And she giggled at the thought;

"And because he was playing with himself. His room wasn't as dark as he imagined and I could see his hand moving;"

and she laughed and mimicked his movements as her hand jerked an imaginary penis.

I knelt in front of her and bending forward hooked my fingers in her white panties. She placed her hands on my shoulders to steady herself and as I drew the panties down over her legs she stepped out of them one foot at a time. I pushed my face into her crotch and extended my tongue. I licked and tasted for a second or two and she shivered with delight.

"Come up here, kiss me, let me have a taste of myself."

She giggled and wobbled awkwardly as I rose to kiss her and took hold of my forearm to steady herself. Now quite naked, she glanced behind before sitting carefully down on the toilet. I leant over her and let her suck on my tongue.

"I taste like something raw and sexy."

"Like Lydia, perhaps?"

She grinned;

"Now you know yet another of my secrets darling."

We lapsed into silence as I pictured them together naked licking and exploring and I realised I wanted more of Lydia.

"Tell me what she's like."

Kathleen said nothing but studied me intensely.


She began peeing loudly. The strong splashing sound stirred something in me and my half erect penis began to stir even more. She giggled and reached out for the drop of moisture now dripping from my glans; she smeared it between her thumb and forefinger and as if aware of it for the first time remarked;

"It's slippery,"

She continued;

"If my peeing excites you; why not stroke me down there?"

The splashing sounds stopped abruptly as she held herself back and waited for me; My thoughts of Lydia disappeared and I realised that Kathleen could do just as she wished with me.

"Go on then, feel me up while I pee."

I bent over her and she parted her legs and I pressed my hand between her smooth warm thighs. Cupping her mound, I pressed and rubbed her while the pee ran between my fingers and she shivered with delight.

"I sometimes think you have no inhibitions; you are so absolutely dirty"

"That's two of us Kathleen."

"So true darling; "The next time I pee, would you like to look?"

When she'd finished I took my hand away and stood beside her well aware that she was not finished with me yet. Seeing my now very erect cock right in front of her face she commanded me again;

"Wank yourself; wank him with your wet hand."

I took my cock with my still dripping hand and wanked vigorously. She shook her head and wiped her face with the back of her hand as the drops flew.

"I guess I asked for that;" she said wryly.

But she was restless and after a while she brushed away my hand and began a close inspection of him as if she had never seen a penis before. Pushing him gently upwards and downwards, side to side with her extended finger and leaning closer she studied him intensely. Suddenly there came a hesitant, almost absent minded question that was so typical of her;

"I wonder," she said ponderingly;

"I wonder if you can you pee when you have an erection?"

Amazed, I could only answer uncertainly;

"I'm not sure; I've never tried."

"Could you manage to pee inside me, flood me with hot pee?"

"But the germs Kathleen? Wouldn't you be afraid of germs?"

"I think pee is sterile; I will check with Lydia; she's a doctor."

All this talk had strengthened my erection and I was hoping she'd suck me again but no; she just continued her playful attention.

"He's so stiff I'm sure I could hang my bath towel on him."

And she did and he held the weight of it and we laughed and she fondled me a bit more then at last she began sucking me. But suddenly, as if a restless afterthought, she stopped again and asked;

"Could I watch you wank instead; could you toss off for me properly this time? I'd love to see your semen shooting out. Will you tell me your fantasy, talk it out loud?

Self-consciously I tried my best to relate my masturbation stories, hopeless and unlikely stories of girls from school sucking me in the cinema or the time I peeped at my mother's friend next door but those thoughts paled into insignificance compared to the thrills Kathleen had exposed me to and I told her so.

"When you knelt on the bedroom floor that first time; when you parted your fanny lips and asked if I'd like to push my cock in there; I thought I would die of excitement. No fantasy could possibly match that."

Just telling her that got me going and I was wanking hard and fast and getting near my orgasm and she sensing that showered me with questions;

"Oh that's dirty! How can you move your hand so fast, don't you get tired? Are you almost there; can I see you squirt it out?"

But a crazy idea flashed through my head and I took her lightly under the chin and slid my tingling cock gently into her mouth. Her tongue began to whirl around my cock head and I held her chin on the palm of my hand and moved repeatedly but gently against her face.

"Yes I'm going to come, but I want it all in your mouth; and you mustn't swallow"

She glanced up and caught my eye; her face was both incomprehension and doubt and taking a quick breath of air she whispered;

"What did you say darling; don't swallow?"

"Yes, don't swallow; I don't want you to swallow a drop, can you do that for me?"

She nodded and her teeth grazed my glans but I continued my movements and she seemed to harmonise with me. Sucking hard, she released me only reluctantly as I slid outwards from her mouth and twirling quickly with her tongue, she welcomed me back again as I slid inwards. She grasped my balls firmly and tugged them repeatedly in time with our movements and I began to near my climax; she sensed that and I heard her stifle a giggle.

She was working hard now, trying to set the pace, trying to gain control and worked willingly to push me over the edge of orgasm and as she succeeded I poured my semen into her mouth. She sucked strongly until I finished. Her lips were sealed around my shaft and as I withdraw at last she slurped and tipped her head back; I saw she was holding a generous mouthful. She sat there on the toilet, cheeks bulging until I helped her up and turned her to the mirror over the wash hand basin.

I moved the door with its mirror until I could see us from the side; looking forward I could see us from both front and behind, glance sideways and a myriad of reflections from all angles showed a kaleidoscope of our naked bodies.

"Look at yourself Kathleen."

I hurriedly turned her to the mirror over the wash hand basin exposing her breasts for the reflections of us the mirrored spectators witnessing our own lust. I embrace her from behind and I lifted up her swollen breasts, taking one in each hand, weighing them, showing them to her as I press them together into an exaggerated cleavage.

"Look at your lovely swollen breasts. Look at the man's hands on your body."

I hear her strained breath whistling in her nostrils as she cradles my semen in her tight lipped mouth. My lips are against the soft side of her neck and I am whispering in her ear. She pushes her warm bottom against my half erect penis, bumping me insistently to get my attention. I tear myself away from the sight of my hands on her breasts and in the mirror she's looking me straight in the eye, her face is one big question mark.

"Put your chin on your chest Kathleen. Let my come dribble out, but slowly, a bit at a time."

And I see the realisation shine in her eyes and she lets out a gentle dribble run down her chin and as it drips onto her chest and I smear it over her breasts. Kneading and smoothing, spreading it out over her bosom I tug and tweak her erect nipples and the flow from her mouth increases and she groans when I ask her to join me smearing and massaging it over her breasts.

"Look at what we are doing Kathleen, see my hands on you. Look to the right, the mirror in the door shows us full figure from the side, look to the left and you see us from behind. This is you and me right now, this must be better than some remembered fantasy or some strained role play? This is what you will fantasize about in the future isn't it?"

She can only nod, her mouth not yet empty.

Following herself intently in the mirror she reaches for her breast and I remove my right hand. Our hands, my left and her right stroke in unison pushing her semen smeared breasts together and I see her in the mirror, mouth half open and watching intently. She groans and pushes my hand away and continues stroking and pulling at her breasts alone. She's breathing heavily, chin back down on her chest as my sperm and her saliva run out. I am bending lower now, holding around her waist as she smears her breasts wet and slick with my sperm. Bending, I reach between her legs and explore her wet sex with my left hand. She opens her legs a little more to let me in and extending two fingers I press my way in to her inner lips and with a finger on each side begin stroking around the base of her clitoris. I reach behind with my right hand. I have her in a strong embrace now and my insistent fingers find their way to where I know she likes them best.

I hear my breath catching as I speak;

"Kathleen, I have one hand on your mound and I am stroking your lady penis. I have my wet and slippery thumb in your anus and two fingers in your fanny and I am wanking you. Imagine if someone could see us! Look at yourself in the mirrors and you will see a man holding you. There you are smearing out the sperm that squirted from his penis into your mouth. You release it from your mouth and over your chin and down over your breasts and smear it wet and shiny over your nipples"

I saw her thought processes written clearly in her changing expressions as she watched herself massaging the sperm running over breasts. Her breathing had quickened and her legs had opened even further to give me better access to her fanny. I feel her grinding herself against my wrists and as her juices ran over my hands she remarked jerkily;

"What a dirty boy you are"

And she brings her wet breasts up to her face and bites the swollen nipples alternately.

"I learnt it from you Kathleen,"

and I push my awakening cock against her thigh

"If my erection comes back before you come I am going to take you from behind while you see yourself from the front and sides; or maybe you'd like me in your anus?"

She's weak at the knees now, I feel her grinding herself on my arms, quick regular jolting, pressing herself deeper onto my busily working fingers. I grasp firmly with thumb and fingers and massage the membranes between her anus and vagina and she groans.

"Or maybe I'll slide my piss hard cock into your wet vagina and let it all go. The hot piss flooding your vagina will run out over your thighs and soak your feet."

And with that she groans and shudders and she comes and I hold her gently upright as her knees weaken and she leans forward over the wash hand basin.

After a few minutes silent embrace I lift her gently and step into the bathwater with her. She lay's back against me and we talk gently as I try to make her see; we don't need her old conquests and adventures to make us come; we can create our own excitement right now.

"Don't you see Kathleen; We are making stories, our stories, together, right now. You don't have to fantasize back in time."

And she agrees and I feel a great sense of worth; I can give her satisfaction without her having to re-run fantasies from earlier sexual escapades.

Today I have come extravagantly and I am spent and empty and when we finally get to bed, and she reaches again for my cock, the only thing I want to do is sleep. Little did I know that it would in fact be me and not her that would first have to resort to role play to gain satisfaction in the days to come.

The second night we spent together wasn't as blissfully intimate as the first. Kathleen was strangely reticent in our discussion about her friendship with Lydia and I struggled when faced with her insecurity. I was replete after enjoying the two orgasms that were the result of Kathleen's considerable talents for oral sex and my seeming lack of interest in her warm and naked body seemed to strengthen her doubts; she had the impression I was a bit too keen on discussing Lydia.

"I am pulled both ways; between confidentiality and loyalty to Lydia and my openness with you." She said.

"But it's your life Kathleen, it's not something she has told you in confidence, it's your secret as well as hers. You would be talking about yourself"

"It's not that easy; just because you share a secret doesn't mean you own it. Perhaps you should ask her yourself."

Having said that she took a sharp pained breath and seemed both regretful and unsure;

"Remember I won't share you; wait until I am in South Africa."

"What brought that up Kathleen? Nobody mentioned sharing; I don't want anyone but you."

I hugged her hard as if to emphasise the truth of my feelings but she squirmed her way out of my arms and sitting up turned on the bedside light.

"Three months ago you could manage to make love four times a day and more, if I wanted you to. But now...Well, I feel uncertain; It seems you don't find me so attractive anymore and If you discussed my intimate details with Lydia I know which way it will go; you would end up in her bed."

She was distraught as she said that and after a long pause where she dried her eyes with a handkerchief she whispered quietly;

"Fairly soon, perhaps in just a few days, my life will change for ever. It may change so much that i may not recognise myself. I am a sexual person and my sexuality is an integral part of my relationship with you,"

She paused as if it pained her to continue;

"And with your brother."

She turned and reaching out to me stroked the side of my face.

"I may go right off sex when I am a mother and then where will I be? Tell me, will I still be attractive to my husband...,"

She corrected herself quickly and I was suddenly very glad;

"Will I still be attractive to the two men in my life or will I end up playing second fiddle to women not ruined by giving birth?"

She was anxious and wide awake now and I tried self-consciously to reassure her or at least change the subject and as I fished awkwardly for a diversion I picked up an object from her bedside table and asked her to explain. She replied impatiently;

"It's my headlight; that's the battery pack and the wires, that's the lens and the stretchy straps hold the lamp on my head. I use it while running in winter. I have it here because it would be useful if we had a power cut; but don't try and change the subject!"

But I attempted just that anyway, anything to get her thoughts away from worrying about her attractiveness and the birth and I attempted to say something humorous.

"It looks like something an intruder could use while inspecting a sleeping woman; both hands free and all that....."

She sniggered;

"It may well be that I will have to make do with that in the future; Intruders feeling me up I mean."

I detected a glint of interest and a spark of humour in her voice.

"I am thirsty Peter; could you make a pot of tea?"

Before I was finished making the tea she had shouted down to me in the kitchen several times and the tray I took back up to her had both tea, toast and a plate of scrambled eggs.

"Oh, talking about sex always makes me hungry."

I wasn't aware that we'd been talking about sex but said nothing, experience teaching me that my silence would provoke her to air her innermost thoughts. Listening to her chatter I felt a sudden frisson of excitement as I noticed the headlamp was now on my bedside table. Had she put it there deliberately? Did she want a night time visit? Should I play the intruder breaking in to abuse her or should I re-enact the fumbling innocence of her younger brothers and their night time exploration of her sexuality? I felt my cock stirring, as I thought about the luxury of having her passive and naked body before me to do with as I wished. How would I know what was permitted, how would I know what was on and off limits?

Later, as we finally tidied the bed, took a last trip to the toilet and turned off the lights I pressed myself up against her backside and formed my body to hers. I already had an erection but she just chuckled;

"Too late for that, but thanks for the compliment anyway."

And as I drifted off to sleep I felt her hand burrowing between us as she lifted her leg and placed my cock between the cheeks of her bottom. I nestled against her warm smooth thighs as she pressed herself against me. My glans was pressed in the moist warm furrow formed by the parted outer lips of her sex and I felt her fingers fiddling with herself as sleep took me.

I awoke with a start. It was dark and the streetlights filled the room with a ghostly orange glow. Kathleen was standing by the bed and shaking my shoulder. She wore a warm raincoat, I was stunned and cold. She had ripped the duvet off my naked body to wake me and as she struggled to fasten her raincoat she shouted again;

"Hurry! It's started. The baby's coming."

Holding her stomach she turned and walked awkwardly towards the stairs. I threw my clothes on and raced after her and found her already outside standing bent over the bonnet of the car. I unlocked her door and helped her in. She pushed me away;

"I can fasten my belt myself, get going Peter, quickly now."

The drive to hospital was straightforward; with typical thoughtfulness she had memorised the route days ago, but getting across Bristol still seemed to take an age and as we hurried into the hospital car park I couldn't help wondering how much longer we had before the baby would arrive. As a doctor and two nurses helped her onto a trolley she pressed a piece of paper into my hand. As she was whisked away I heard her shout;

"Ring Lydia."

I found my way to a sympathetic staff nurse who ushered me into an office where I could ring Lydia at her hotel in London. After what seemed like an age she answered the phone and began questioning me professionally.

"Has it started? How many minutes between contractions? How much of an opening has she?"

"I don't know, I don't know, will she be ok?"

"I cannot get there in time so you must stay with her."

I was close to panicking and she heard the despair in my voice. She was well used to talking to patients and put me firmly in my place.

"You must pull yourself together Peter; she needs you now. You must go and support her, the staff are used to coping with hopeless teenage fathers so they will tell you what to do."

And with that she repeated what she'd said on our first meeting;

"You take care of her, or else."

I promised I would and hung up and with my heart in my throat I dashed into the ward to find her.

Kathleen sat on a bed, cup of tea in hand talking to one of the nurses and they both grinned at my shocked face.

"Let's go home," she said;

"It was just a false alarm; Indigestion!"

And she laughed;

"It was a mistake eating a meal in bed so late last night."

She held my arm tightly as we walked out over the carpark.

"It was a false alarm." She said and laughed. There is nothing happening down there." And I was terribly relieved.

"Come on." she said. "Let's get you home; you look like you need some breakfast."

Kathleen was tired, thoughtful and loving after our hectic night. She leaned tight in to me as we drove home. Dawn was breaking and as we unlocked the front door and let ourselves in she embraced me and said she wanted me to stay close so I helped her upstairs and, forgetting the breakfast, we fell into bed.

We awoke at lunchtime and spent the rest of the afternoon talking though I had to work hard to keep her from dwelling on the approaching birth and the possible changes that could bring. She was not worried about the actual birth but more about her attractiveness afterwards.

"Will you make love to me tonight and later, in a few weeks, before I travel to South Africa we can sleep together again and you can tell me honestly if it still feels the same?"

I struggled to calm her and as I searched desperately for anything reassure her i remembered something I'd heard once while working on a building site. If nothing else, I thought, it may make her laugh;

"The vagina; I've heard It will stretch a mile before It tears an inch."

She gasped explosively and was thrown into a desperate spasm of breathless laughter. She fought vainly to catch her breath and gesticulating wildly pointed that I should slap her between the shoulder blades. Gasping like a fish out of water she could only fight for breath until, eventually regaining her composure, she threw her head back in raucous laughter.

"Oh my god you are clever at making me laugh and I thank you for today's words of wisdom. But the man who said that obviously hasn't given birth."

She grinned warmly and reaching forward to my crotch grasped my cock through my trousers and squeezed firmly.

"But listen; I've always been tight down there; indeed I've never had anything more challenging in my fanny than your penis."

"And in your anus?"

She brushed aside my comment and continued;

"My vagina can only just take your penis; a baby's head is so much bigger than that, that's why I'm worried my darling"

I could only hold around her and hope that would help.

After a while she disentangled herself from my embrace and took the conversation off in a different direction.

Smiling mysteriously she began teasingly:

"You keep asking about my anus, I can see you are curious and eventually you will want to try for yourself. Well I can tell you now; you have no chance of having anal intercourse with me, you are too big."

"Better to be too big than too small I guess."

She looked at me and shaking her head in exasperation waved a finger strictly as if to emphasize what she was saying and grinning ironically she put me firmly in my place;

"Typical man! Size isn't everything you know. On the contrary; for some lucky men it is an advantage to have a slender cock; it's they and their partners who are the ones enjoying anal intercourse after all. If you want to know more you may have to ask Lydia or one of your fans at home."

I realised then that my curiosity about anal intercourse wouldn't be satisfied by Kathleen and that I had to help her come to terms with her fears and after a few minutes laughter she again became doubtful and sad;

"But don't you see darling, giving birth will undoubtedly change my body. Every time we make love I am afraid it may be the last time everything down there works, for both me and my partner."

To divert her from thinking about the birth and its repercussions I asked her to explain about her twin brothers Rory and Liam and their night time visits to her bed.

"Oh my two boys, they were like chalk and cheese."

"How? Did one have a bigger cock than the other?"

"How would I know? I was asleep or at least pretending to be."

And she laughed.

"Oh I wish I had, but no, I never took hold of their penises: I lay there passive and let them explore my body as much as they wished."

"Did they push themselves inside you?"

"No, they usually only rubbed themselves up and down between the lips of my fanny. They barley put more than the head of their penis inside me. If I had tipped my pelvis up against them they would have slid right in."

She chuckled again at the thought and continued enthusiastically as if she saw the scene unfold in her mind's eye;

"They could have taken me; one after the other if they had wanted; I certainly wanted them to but I had to maintain the charade of being asleep."

She shivered with delight as she said that and rubbed her hands over her pantie covered fanny.

"They didn't know I was watching them the dirty young boys."

She looked at me as if to check my reaction.

"They would rub themselves around in my juicy vagina for maybe 10 - 15 seconds then they pulled away as they squirted their stuff; I guess they were frightened by the intense feelings they felt. Sometimes they came on my belly sometime in the hair on my fanny or the sheets. They got me really aroused and juicy and when they were done they crept away leaving a wet patch on the sheets. I masturbated when they had gone. I often did it several times and then slept in a lovely orgasmic bliss."

She laughed at the thought;

"No, it was after, when they grew up that they were different. Rory was kind and considerate; I considered approaching him several times"

"Approaching him?"

"Maybe I was naïve but yes; I considered offering Rory sex, offering to show him how to fuck me properly, but those two were inseparable and I was afraid I couldn't control Liam. So I didn't, just as well perhaps. Liam was different; he had a dangerous streak in him; I often wonder why. But I do wish I knew what they were thinking as they explored me."

As she lay in my arms and related her sexual awakening, whispered her intimate secrets and explained her erotic longings I felt her relax. It was obvious her worries were subdued by our shared intimacy and I resolved to take it further. Tonight I would sneak under her covers; tonight I would play out the role of her brothers and use her while she slept.

I was reasonably desperate as I searched the house; Kathleen's head torch didn't work, the batteries were done and I couldn't find replacements anywhere. If I was to explore her body while she slept I needed the head torch so I could have my hands free. I had searched everywhere without success. I decided to try the garden shed but as I walked across the garden I saw Lydia in her kitchen next door.

Her innocence was stimulating; she moved around the kitchen totally unaware that she was being observed; she reached up to put a dish into a cupboard and the T shirt stretched tight over her breasts and exposed her bare belly. I felt my cock stirring; I imagined spying on her in the bathroom, showering perhaps and I realised I wouldn't have any problem wanking off as I spied on her. Summoning my courage I leant across the fence between the houses and tapped on the window. I watched her as she moved around the kitchen and realised that she in the bright kitchen couldn't see me outside in the darkness.

I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to see her close at hand so I knocked on the window again and waved until she saw me and smiled. I watched as she turned and walked away towards the back door. Her backside was tight and round and quite big for a woman. Did all black women have big backsides I wondered? I was getting more excited by the minute; should her arse sway and tip like that as she walked or was she exaggerating for my sake?

I was pulled reluctantly from my fantasies as she walked across her patio towards me.

"Hello Peter, how are you two getting along, what with your false alarm and all?"

I felt myself blush as she greeted me and i struggled to answer. I was afraid she could sense my voyeuristic interest and somehow read my dirty thoughts but she continued as if all was normal.

"How is she? Are you looking after her properly? So, what can I do for you?"

I stumbled guiltily over the words as I struggled to explain about the lamp and the lack of batteries.

"So, you foresee a power cut tonight?" She grinned and let the comment hang for a while as if deliberately tormenting me for my lack of confidence before continuing;

"I have the same lamp," she said. "We bought them at the same time for jogging in the winter; I'll find you some batteries."

And taking the lamp with her she turned and walked back into the house. Her round arse jiggled in her tight trousers and her breasts filled her white t-shirt and I fantasised guiltily about having sex with her. After a few minutes she returned. I was standing in the gloom and she was lit by the light from her kitchen; I was captivated by the hint of her nipples under her T-shirt. Standing before me she chuckled and asked;

"She's not going jogging at this time of night?"

"No, it's for"....

As if with an afterthought she switched on the lamp as if to check it worked and as I stood there blinded by the glare I hoped she couldn't see my erection.

"You were saying; it's for?"

Though I couldn't see her behind the blinding light I could hear a trace of amusement in her voice and I felt she was teasing me and I was lost for words again and I could only stand awkwardly before her.

"A good fantasy is not the least of your talents I hear. You'll meet your match in Kathleen."

She switched off the lamp and sighed gently;

"I'm envious."

We stood facing each other across the fence until she suddenly pressed the lamp into my hands saying;

"I must get to bed, I am in London again tomorrow and the day after but Kathleen knows how to get in touch with me."

"You take care of her, or else." and turning quickly walked back into the kitchen.

I had the headlamp, I was alone in the house with Kathleen and there was nothing to stop me using her while she slept so I locked the doors, switched off the lights crept silently through the house. As I passed the cloakroom with its coats and boots a worn and tattered pair of gardening gloves caught my eye; without knowing why I picked them up and took them upstairs with me.

I stopped on the landing and reconsidered. What if I frightened her? What if I thrust too hard in her and I hurt the baby? The last time we had fucked enthusiastically she had reassured me I couldn't hurt the baby and I realised that this role-play, a harmless but stimulating fantasy ride into the past was what she wanted.

I was going to try and undress her, explore her, feel her, lick the moisture from her fanny and penetrate her without waking her and I was going to indulge myself. She would stop me if she woke to find me doing what was out of bounds, but what was out of bounds? Only anal intercourse it seemed; but what if she was asleep and I found her sphincter relaxed?

The day she had taken my virginity and she had orgasmed she had cried out "Oh, fuck me like you don't like me." as she came. "Fuck me like it's against my will, fuck your big sister, go on, squirt it all in your big sister, she's coming now."

Who was it who didn't like her and had taken her against her will? Who was it she urged to shoot his come in her, his big sister? Was there something about Liam she hadn't told me?

It was then my plans fell into place; the gloves, my bare hands, harshness and gentleness; the contrast between the twin brothers. I would play the role of not one but two brothers! Good fuck, bad fuck and I wasn't sure which she'd enjoy most. My heart beat harder, I felt as if I had run up a steep hill and breathless with anticipation as I tore my clothes off there outside her bedroom I raised an aching erection.

The bedroom door was open and I sneaked in without opening it further. My eyes adjusted to the gloom; I would only use the head torch under the covers. Approaching the bed I see she's asleep on her side with her back to me. I stop and listen. I am sure the hammering in my heart will wake her. I look closer, her tousled hair is covering her face and she is breathing regularly. As I stand there, amazed at the intensity of my lust I realise why she has been so intent on role play; fantasy could be more intense than reality.

It seems so stupid but I am going to begin talking; I am going to begin a conversation between the two brothers I have never met. I lift the edge of her duvet and sneak my head under and switch on the head torch. She is naked except for her heavy maternity bra and a pair of white pants. I reach gingerly for the bra strap and sliding my fingers under the edge I find the fastener and undo it.

The weight of her breasts pull the cups forward and as I gasp involuntarily I hear myself say;

"God Liam, her tits have grown since last time, they're big and heavy."

I peel the bra off her shoulder and free her breasts. Reaching across her shoulder I cup her distended breasts one after the other, weighing and caressing them.

"God her tits are full, they've really grown since last time; feel them Liam."

I find the gloves and quickly put them on; they are old and worn and several fingertips are missing; I reach across and lift and caress her breast with my gloved hands and pinch her nipple. I press her breasts together and leaning across press my face into the generous cleavage. I move my mouth across her breasts and follow their swell up and past her armpit and up to her neck. I lick her nape and taste salt. She's sweating a little but she's still breathing steadily.

I lean closer and kissing her shoulder drag my mouth over the delicate skin of her ribs and down over the side of her distended belly. I want to get into her panties.

The light is a godsend; with it I can examine every detail of her body while I have my hands free to stroke and finger. I stroke her rounded bottom and extend a finger between her thighs. I drag the exposed fingertip back over her crotch and bringing the finger to my face sniff deeply.

"God smell her, Rory."

"Can I have a feel Liam, let me have a feel!"

"Shut up and wait. I'll get her pants off."

I push myself closer and sneak a gloved finger under the edge of her panties. I burrow amongst the wiry pubic hair with my fingertip and find the furrow between the lips. She's only just moist and I shudder involuntarily; she's still asleep. Somehow that thought thrills me more than if I had known she was just pretending.

I pull her pants down at the back exposing her buttocks and in the torchlight I see a wisp of black hair and the dark rosette of her anus; Stroking and lifting I part her buttocks and press my face into their warm embrace. I lick as far as I can reach. I taste her sex and a hint of bitterness from her anus and exclaim;

"She'll soon be ready for fucking Rory."

She is still laying relaxed and defenceless on her left side with her upper leg drawn up. I want her on her back so I can see more so I straighten her legs and pulling gently on her hip tip her over on her back. Her arms are laying tangled over her breasts so I lift them gently out of the way. I am desperate to get inside her now and have trouble maintaining the charade of two brothers. I know that at some point she will wake or at least be somehow aware of what's going on.

"Let's get those nickers off of her Rory."

"Quiet Liam, you'll wake her."

Bending over her I grasp her pants and pull them steadily down from her hips and over her thighs. I let the gloves rasp over her delicate skin; I am looking for signs of her waking but see no involuntary lifting of her hips as the panties catch, feel no helpful wriggle; she is totally unconscious. I shuffle awkwardly down the bed and pull the pants down her legs and off.

"Look at that Rory, she's naked; I told you we'd manage it this time."

"Can I have a look Liam? Please let me look. Move out the way."

And taking the gloves off I become kind and gentle Rory and begin exploring her body. I push her legs apart and lean my face into her crotch. The light reveals every detail and my fingers fly over the mound of her sex and I prise the lips open.

"I can see inside her fanny Liam, she's pink and soft. Will she get slippy tonight?"

"Let me see, get out the way Rory." And I shuffle a little as I put on the gloves again.

I part her thighs roughly and lean over her crotch. I recognise the smell and extending my tongue press through the thatch of her hair and taste the unmistakable taste of a woman. I slide my tongue along the inner lips and around her clitoris and as I lick clumsily over her clitoris her body jerks. She, or at least her body, has woken.

"She always get slippy when I touch her Rory; take a look now, you'll see."

I pull off the gloves and gently stroke her thighs and finger her again. I cannot help myself and whisper in wonder

"She's so soft and slippy."

I explore her fanny going deeper with every movement, it's easier now and I give her two fingers and search for the rough patch she loves so much to have stimulated; she's getting wetter now and her pelvis moves ever so slightly against me as I finger her.

"She's pissed on my hand Liam!"

"Don't be stupid Rory, that's not pee, It's love juice; it means she's ready for you."

I want desperately to fuck her now so I shuffle between her legs and bending over and taking the weight on one hand I point my cock at her sex. Her belly is getting in the way and I cannot lean on her so I take my arms under her legs and catching under her knees lift her. With her bottom on my thighs I spread her knees apart and push them out on each side of her pregnant belly. She is open and defenceless now, her legs spread wide I can see the gash of her sex glistening in the torchlight and by lifting and moving her sleeping body can align my cock with her vagina and push the glans of my cock into the entrance. I stop there, denying my desire to push deep in her and I stay with the roleplay.

"I'm in her Liam, I'm fucking her."

"No you're not; her fanny's right in front of my nose; I can see you've only just got your bell end in her."

"But it's hot Liam, it's fucking hot."

"I jiggle the tip of my penis in the wetness of her opening. The tight elastic entrance to her vagina stretches to accommodate my movements and its wet surface follows the every contour with a hot slippery embrace.

I jiggle my hips a bit more and the glans of my penis slides in beyond the tight ring of her vagina and It grips tightly and adapts itself to the ridged edge of my cockhead. I jiggle quickly and I feel the orgasm beginning already.

"Put it in Rory, push it all the way in."

"I pull her nearer and tip my pelvis against her. I am taking short strokes and I see my glans has disappeared inside her and the shaft of my cock is wet and glistening. I hold her easily, lifting her to meet my thrusts and I see her distended breasts wobbling with each movement.

"It's good Liam, it's fucking hot."

I keep up the careful movements gradually moving further in until I feel the orgasm building in me and whisper breathlessly;

"It's getting hot Liam, I can't wait!"

And I pull out and jerking myself furiously shoot my come over the dark patch between her legs. As I kneel there, her legs held open, her sex divided and exposed in the torchlight I hear her mutter indistinctly

"Oh Rory darling was it good?"

I am shocked by her tenderness and I answer in the only way I know can hope to prolong the role-play.

"I'm sorry Kathleen, I was only going to look, not go in you."

She lifted her hand and stroked my cheek, "Don't say sorry Rory, it was lovely."

Her arm fell back and she lay quietly as if she was in a trance. I wanted to take her again, I wasn't finished yet. If she didn't object I would continue.

"Rory, did you spunk in her?"

"What's spunk?"

"Don't be daft Rory. Your stuff, the come, the monkey spunk; did you squirt it inside her?"

"No I pulled out of her."

"You dirty fucker! So you've come all over her belly, I'm not laying on that, help me turn her back on her side, with her arse towards me."

"You're not going to do her in her bottom Liam?"

"Shut up Rory you'll wake her. No I'll just slip it in her cunt from behind."

I put the gloves back on and tip her back on her side with her buttocks towards me. I need a few minutes to get my erection again so burrow under the sheets and press my face against her crotch. Fascinated I reach with both gloved thumbs and part the wet tangled hair and find the furrow between the lips of her sex.

I lean closer. I am breathing heavily on her thighs and fanny as i lift the chubby top lip away from its moist partner. A slippy string of her juices between the lips stretches then breaks.

"Rory, will you look at that, she's juicy, she must be wanting it in her dreams."

I cannot wait any longer and lay myself down against her. Lifting her leg slightly I force my cock against the stiff matted hair and feel a stab of intense pleasure as I part the lips and slide into her fanny. I feel her tip her pelvis towards me slightly and hear a sharp intake of breath as she whispers.

"Is that you again Rory?"

It is bliss to be back inside her again and I move steadily just indulging myself with the knowledge I can do just as I want and I answer her, still playing the game.

"No big sister, it's me, your brother Liam."

And with that I thrust as hard as I can as if to make a point of the difference between us brothers. She is silent so I thrust hard again but hear no sound. I am pushing as hard as I can against her round buttocks but I am not reaching her cervix and making her cry out.

I pull out of her and throw the duvet off us. She lays there in the torchlight, her head thrown back and her throat stretched tightly. She makes a slight sound of protest.

"Don't go yet."

I ignore her and quickly bending her right leg at the knee I push it far up towards her breast, I hold it steady laying it on the side of her pregnant belly and I sit astride her straight lower leg, pinning it to the bed.

"Careful Liam, what if she wakes?"

"Then she'll wake with a cock right up her cunt and I'm going to squirt in her tonight."

"Don't say cunt, that's our sister you're talking about. Are you crazy? Do you want to be making a baby in her?"

I shuffle myself up against her and guide my cock into her vagina. I have her now, her legs are wide open and I can press the whole length of my cock in her. I thrust hard and feel the hard bump of her cervix. She groans. I press hard, lifting her leg away from her belly and I scissor my crotch against hers as hard as it will go. Her hand falls on my thigh, she is holding me, pulling me ever closer.

Laying there under me, she is gazing blindly against the light as I thrust at her. Whipping my pelvis away from her I almost exit her cunt before smashing back into her. She grunts with every thrust and I wonder if I should stop but she whispers;

"Don't stop Liam, don't leave me."

And I continue pounding into her for what seems like an age until I see her back arch steadily, bending backwards and throwing her head back as she approaches her orgasm. She whispers incoherently in short breaths so I reach over and grasp a breast and pinch the nipple violently

And with that I see her stiffen and she cries out

"Squirt it on the sheets Liam; don't make me pregnant again, please."

But I am lost in the fantasy and as I come I lean over and whisper spitefully for her to hear.

"There's my come, and there, and there, and there again; I am shooting my stuff in you big sister."

And as I come I feel her holding me, her hands behind my knees as she grinds herself against me until she's through her climax.

Later, my ejaculation is finished and I am at once regretful over what I have done and beg her for forgiveness and she can barely answer just smile dazedly and stroke my face and tell me to get the duvet from the floor. She pulls her pants on and reaching for me tells me to lay close;

"Keep me warm my darling." And we sleep.