Jason was an only child early in life, until Mom and Dad decided to take in foster children. It wasn't a bad thing. They allowed several children into their home over a period of a year, but only one stayed for longer than a month and she was the first to be invited to live with us, and ultimately the last. It was good with the family for several years, not really complaining about the other. Jason was okay with the arrangement, until that day.

Mom, Dad and the state adoption agent got us together for a talk and they ended up asking Darcy if she had any problems being adopted and living with them. At the young age of seven, she said it was fine with her and she seemed happy about the idea, even though she had no other options on the table. A permanent family seems to be a good solution for her. Several weeks later, it became legal and now our family has grown by one. Jason was only eight years old when he inherited a sister.

The two siblings got along okay, as far as either of them was concerned. Now, they are older and over the last three or four years, things have changed between them. They became distant and it only got worse. They nearly stopped talking to each other, chatting only when they needed to.

Recently, they started verbal fights and the longer it went on, the worse it got, and neither of them would back down. It got to the point where Jason knew she hated him, but for the life of him, he didn't understand why. In his mind, he thought he was treating her fairly and he expected the same from her. He stood his ground and that seemed to piss her off even more. Jason wasn't going to let Darcy bowl him over cause if he did, it would only get worse for him. After all, he is the older of the two.

The hatred turned into more serious verbal fighting with insults and putdowns. He took it for a long time, trying to figure out what the hell he did so wrong that she would do this to him. He was stressing and getting more angry at her everyday. Then one day, Jason reached his limit and snapped.

He couldn't take it anymore. One more fight ensued and he had to get away from her as he threw some insults back in her direction. After she stormed out of the room, he told Mom and Dad he's going to the cabin for a while to get away from her. They agreed so he went to his room to pack and just as he was about to leave, Dad gives him some money to survive on.

He was happy for the first time in a long time. His stress level began to drop and he learned a better life does exist in spite of his sister. He hasn't even left the house, yet a smile returns to his face and he feels good again. Then he was off to the cabin without saying a word to his sister, but he does say bye to his parents.

* * * * *

The day after Jason left, Darcy is wandering around the house, seemingly lost. All day long, she feels bad that her actions caused her brother to leave home and for whatever reason, she does not feel good about it.

When Mom and Dad get home after work, they both notice her mood, but wait until they finish dinner before talking to her. Darcy fixes dinner for the three of them, wishing her brother was still here, but she doesn't understand why she feels that way.

When dinner is finished and the kitchen is cleaned up, Mom takes Darcy to the family room to talk and Dad joins them minutes later.

"You seem to be confused, Honey. What are you confused about?" Mom asks.

"I feel bad that I caused my brother to leave home. But, I'm also glad he did. I never said anything about this, but Jason has been coming into my room every night to watch me, then leaves without saying a word. I hated him for doing that and I'm glad he left, but at the same time, something doesn't feel right," she explains. "I always thought if Jason was doing something wrong, he would admit it when confronted about it. He always has, but in this case, he hasn't and it has me wondering why."

"When did he come to your room?" Dad asks.

"About an hour after I went to bed. I didn't catch him every night, but enough to know he was there, watching me. I didn't let him know I was awake either."

"Did you actually see him in your room?" Mom asks.

"No. I didn't move, feigning sleep."

"How sure are you it was your brother?"

"Who else would it be?"

"Honey, I wish you had talked to us about this, but about an hour after you went to bed, either your Dad or myself checked up on you and your brother. It was something we did as parents, watching out for our children."

With her eyes getting wet, she says, "It was you all along?"

"I'm afraid so, Honey."

"And I've been blaming my brother all this time for nothing?"

"It seems to be that way, Honey."

She bursts into tears and cries uncontrollably for a long time as Mom and Dad console her. Now she feels worse than she ever has in her life. She goes to bed, late, as Mom and Dad monitor her for her well being. She cries half way through the night, knowing what she did to her brother.

The next day, all she does is pace around the house, trying to figure out how to correct her massive, incorrect assumption. She feels bad, really bad, and she is determined to make things right with her brother. Not happy with a scheming plan that Mom and Dad doesn't think will pass the stink test, she spends another day pacing the house trying to come up with a plan that they hope will work and it turns out to be the most obvious plan. The truth about what happened.

The next morning, she heads to the cabin with Mom and Dad's blessing.

* * * * *

The cabin is on a fairly large lake, surrounded on three sides by a wooded area. It's the perfect escape Jason is looking for. As he's walking into the cabin with a smile on his face, all he can think about is solitude. His sister won't be a pain in his ass as long as he is here. He feels the stress draining out of him and life is finally looking up.

For two days, he's a happy camper without a care in the world. He does what he wants and nobody interferes. Life is great and he feels great. Then the shit hits the fan.

On the third day, he is reading a really great novel as he lays on the couch, very engrossed in it, when a knock comes from the front door. He didn't even hear a car pull up or a car door close, being so engrossed in the novel. Not having a clue who it could be, he gets up, opens the door, and when the facial recognition hits him, he slams it closed and walks away.

The bad news is, he neglects to lock it. This can't be happening to him. He goes out the back door hoping she will leave him alone and accept the hint he just left her. He decides to get the boat ready to launch, just to keep busy and stay away from his sister, the uninvited guest.

At this point, Jason isn't a happy camper and he's ready to spit nails at her if she speaks to him. He is pissed just knowing she is here. She slowly opens the front door and walks in, looking for her brother. Not finding him, she looks in room after room and still, no Jason.

She goes out the back door and finds him working on the boat. She stands there, looking up at him for the longest time, with a sad face.

"I'm sorry, Jason," she says. "I'm really sorry."

Of all the things he is expecting her to say, that wasn't even on the list.

"What do you want, Darcy," he barks at her. "For two days, life was bliss, then you show up. Now it's gone to shit... Tell me!" he yells at her.

He gives her no mercy, being wired in the pissed off condition, and she knows it. He feels like a fire breathing dragon because she's here completely ruining his solitude. She pauses and starts to speak several times, and finally does.

"I'm so sorry, Jason... After you left, Mom and Dad had a heart to heart with me and I learned I blamed you for something they did. For years, I thought you were coming into my room every night. I assumed you were staring at me, contemplating about molesting me. Mom told me it was one of them checking up on me. It wasn't you as I thought for so long. Jason, it was Mom or Dad checking up on me, not you as I always thought it was. I made the worst possible assumption and it caused the hatred between us."

He's not believing his ears. Two apologies in a row? On the other hand, she explained what happened twice, but he's still pissed at her. This can't be true so he lets her have it again.

"You're a fucking bitch and I have no desire to speak to your lying face so get in your damn car and get the fuck away from me! Then, we will get along very well. As far as I'm concerned, my life will be so much better if I never see you again!"

Darcy breaks into tears and says, "I deserve that after all I've done to you, but now I know the truth and it wasn't your fault. I want you to forgive me for being a bitch because it's never going to happen again."

"Why the hell should I believe a word you say?" he asks her.

"Because now I know the truth. Before, I assumed it was you in my room at night."

"Well, I'm really touched, but I was never in your room uninvited. What do you want me to do now, just forget all the misery you put me through and forget it ever happened?" he barks back.

"That and I want something else from you," she states, frankly.

"What?! Seriously?! You're in no position to demand or even expect anything from me."

She pauses for what seems to be the longest time.

"Answer me bitch!" he yells.

She looks at him with sorrow in her eyes, wondering if he's going to kill her before she has a chance to finish. She pauses again, getting real quiet as she gets serious about what she's about to say.

"You have every right to yell at me and it's only fair for me to take the brunt of your wrath like you did mine for so long... But, to answer you, I want you to fuck me," she says, looking him straight in the eyes.

Jason goes to shock. That's not even close to what he was expecting from her. Ever since she got here, she's been somber, not pissed off at him, so coming out of his shock, he laughs at her to test her sincerity.

"What bullshit that is! Stop wasting my time and get the fuck outa here. You're full of shit and I'm tired of it. Get the fuck out of my life. Go away!"

She pauses again, then starts to walk to the back door. Yea... she's finally leaving, so he thinks. He's feeling better already. She stops after two steps, turns around and stands there, facing him. She pauses again, then with him watching her, she removes her top, exposing a perfect pair of tits, then removes her shorts, exposing her hairless pussy. Her body is like a fine tuned engine waiting to be tested for power. Needless to say, he's blown away and becomes somber in return with his resistance weakening.

"Okay Sis, I get it. You're serious about this and now, so am I. Put your clothes back on, then we will talk."

"I'll put my clothes on after you fuck me, then we'll talk."

Jason is not sure how to handle this. Another wrong move and he'll be on her shit list forever, but he knows she's serious and now it's up to him to be the bitch, or end the fighting. There is no doubt in his mind he wants to end the fighting so he jumps off the boat and stands in front of her.

"You don't need to do this, Sis. Just put your clothes back on and we'll talk inside."

After looking him in the eyes with a serious expression on her face, she turns and walks to the back door of the cabin and without looking at him, goes inside. Even as his anger is weakening, he can't help but check out her luscious body as she walks away, but he instantly fell in love with the wiggle in her ass. What a temptress she is, then he hesitantly picks up her clothes and follows her inside.

Finding her in the living room, she's rubbing her tits with one hand and her pussy with the other as he is approaching, stopping several feet in front of her. She's being such a sexy baby sister and he can't believe his eyes as she teases him with her sexy body. This is a whole new side of her he has never seen before. She's HOT and pretty like she always has been, but now, she's suddenly desirable as well.

"What's going on here, Sis? This isn't like you at all."

She takes two steps to him and he drops her clothes, secretly hoping it will be a while before she needs them again.

"I know, but I'm serious, Jason. Take me to bed and do anything and everything you want to me. Abuse me if you like. God knows I deserve it. Just don't be too much a bad boy, please."

Holy shit! She surprises him again by mounting him, putting her arms around his neck and legs locked behind his back. His hands go to support her ass, but the feel of her cheeks makes his cock stand up and take notes. Now he knows she means business so he turns toward his bedroom and walks as he kneads her ass cheeks. Her face is planted against his neck and she softly cries as they walk to his bed because she doesn't really know what he's going to do to her, and at this moment, neither does he.

Never in his life has he ever taken out his anger in the form of rough treatment or brutal sex and he isn't going to start now. To Jason, sex is a happy thing and he wants it to stay that way.

It's late afternoon and they're heading to bed on an empty stomach, but he doesn't care. He knows he is hungry, but doesn't know about Darcy. Now, she's going through with this and he hopes she won't have any regrets afterward.

Sitting on the edge of the bed with her on his lap, she leans away and pulls his head to her tits as he pulls her pussy tight to his belly. Feeling the heat from her pussy, he licks her tits in turn and sucks her nipples as she releases a few soft moans. The sounds she makes are a turn on for him, never before hearing such sounds from her. Her eyes are closed and her lips are parted as he continues working her tits.

Then she releases his neck and puts her hands on his face, tilts his head back and moves her face to his. She kisses him, not a sisterly kiss, but a long deep kiss with her tongue searching until she finds his. Not expecting this, he is slow to respond, but does what she wants. The kiss is one he's never before felt from past girlfriends and she's risen to the top of his list in an instant.

Now it's his turn. He spreads her ass cheeks, slides his fingers into her crack as she breaks the kiss and looks him in the eyes. Her facial expression is that of desire and wanton, and it tells him all he needs to know in the moment. He kneads her ass and slowly seeks out her pussy with his fingers. She is still looking at him with desire, waiting for his fingers to make contact with her soft, eager pussy lips and when they do, her eyes close as she lightly bites her lower lip.

His concentration is her pussy, but maybe her face as the look of lust and desire is telling him not to stop pleasuring her. He slides a finger inside her and she leans her head back, eyes closed and her mouth is now open. As she leans forward, she opens her eyes and looks at him.

"Eat my pussy, Jason. Do it now," she says quietly with all urgency.

Desire has taken full control of her so with her clinging to him, he stands up, turns around and lays her on the bed with her ass at the edge. She raises her legs up and apart, and he stares at her pussy. His dick is hard as hell as he gazes at her slender body. There isn't an ounce of fat on her anywhere that he can see. She is all girl.

His focus returns to her pussy as he lowers himself to a kneeling position between her legs, inhaling the pungent aroma of her desires. Having to adjust his package in his shorts is taking too much of his attention away from her, maybe because they hurt like hell all squished in his shorts.

His heart skips a beat as her pussy opens and he licks around her outer lips, across her bare mound, while avoiding her clit for now. His tongue expands outward to the inside of her thighs and she moans in anticipation of his next move. His tongue slides to her inner lips as he licks up the juices that have escaped her pussy.

He is concentrating his tongue around her inner lips, still avoiding her clit, several times until she squirms, then he pushes into her pussy as she vocalizes her satisfaction. His tongue swims around inside her as he sucks up the juices, then moves to her clit. She wants his attention and moans loudly as soon as his tongue touches its target. Moving around her clit lights her fire and she squirms like a wild animal in heat.

"Fuck me Jason. I need your cock so badly!"

That is a response he's never heard from her before, for good reason, but he's going for it anyway. Before he does, however, he has to take his clothes off, not having any desire to wear clothes while fucking his sister for the first time. He stands, pulls his shirt off over his head and drops it to the floor beside him. She smiles when his six pack comes into view and he feels like a happy camper again.

With her watching in anticipation, he moves his fingers to his shorts, unbuttons them and slowly pushes both his shorts and boxers down his legs. When his dick springs free, she sits up with excitement on her face and wraps her fingers around his cock with a matching smile to go with it. It stands proud and begs for attention, and she wants it buried in her pussy. So burns his desire. He lets her caress his cock for a while, but when she moves in to suck it, he slowly and gently pushes her back to the bed using a single finger.

He grabs two pillows, puts them on the floor and kneels on them, hoping to avoid intimidating his knees to the point of a painful experience. He watches her face as he aims his cock at her pussy. Making contact, he slides the head up and down her moist lips, even rubbing her clit. Her mouth opens as her anticipation blossoms and a smile grows on his face, but he's sure she doesn't notice. Then it makes its presence known by sliding inside her pussy, easily, slowly, tenderly, deliberately, as her mouth opens wide and her eyes close. Her pleasure is obvious.

The feel of his cock in his sister's pussy is giving her sensations she hasn't felt in a while, and not because she hasn't had sex since she graduated from high school. It seems to her to be different, but she's not thinking about why. It seems to him to be a big taboo, fucking his sister and enjoying it above all else. Never did he expect that to happen.

She raises her legs to his back and her pussy opens, allowing the intruder easier access. He pushes all the way inside as she moans and her expression turns to shear euphoria. She's tight and he feels euphoric as he slides inside her love canal.

It's a moment he will never forget for the rest of his life as he pushes his cock inside his sister's pussy. She's soft, wet and tender as he fucks her slowly. Her tight pussy is having a strong affect on his cock and he's not used to a pussy being that tight.

"Oh my god, Jason! It feels so great. Harder, faster!" she says excitedly.

Jason hears her passion so he pounds her pussy with all he's got and before long, both of them are having an intense orgasm. His orgasm builds so fast he can't believe it as he shoots rope after rope into her pussy. Her orgasm builds just as fast and it's amazing to both of them it happens so quickly.

Spent, he gets off and lays down next to her as he catches up to his breathing, likely because he's human and needs to do shit like that. Darcy has her eyes closed and breathing hard as she feels the moment. A few minutes later, she crawls on top of him, slides down so his cock, which is still hard, and pushes it against her pussy lips. She looks in his eyes and explains.

"I didn't tell Mom and Dad anything about my intent to fuck you, but I've wanted you to have your way with my body for years. There's something about you I find attractive, but because I thought you were sneaking into my room and doing nothing, I was pissed. I wanted you to pleasure me for years and that's the real reason I have been pissed at you all these years. When I found out it wasn't you, I realized I fucked up big time and have many years of wrong doing to make up for. As far as I'm concerned, this is just the beginning for us and I'm hoping you don't have a problem fucking your sister because I don't have a problem fucking my brother.""I have to say you have totally shocked me today from the time you apologized to now... I have no problem fucking my sister, but right now, I'm starved. Lets go to town, grab a bite, come back and pick up where we left off."

Darcy crawls off, stands up, holds her hand out for him and he takes it. When he is on his feet, she lets go and mounts him for a free ride to the shower. He sets her on her feet next to the shower and she puts her hair up while he gets the shower adjusted. She moves herself in, gets wet and after he enjoys watching her for a few moments, he joins her.

With anticipation on her face, she turns to the wall, grabs his cock and guides it to her pussy. He can't deny her desire, being such a turn on, so he pushes inside her and fucks her, feeling the pleasure of her tight pussy. As he picks up speed, he is tenderly sending her to a euphoric state until she has another quick orgasm, which surprises her again. He pulls out without cumming so she sucks his cock, never before having been sucked this way. She's rapidly turning into an amazing sister.

They clean up, put their shorts and tops on, get in the car and drive to the restaurant. As they're having a nice meal, Darcy keeps giving him her bedroom eyes. He is grinning in return and makes his own plans for when they get back to the cabin. Looking in her eyes, he can tell she's wet and ready for another adventure in bed. Boy is he ever right about that.

As they drive away from the restaurant, she engages his cock with vim and vigor. He lets her take it out of his shorts, but doesn't let her suck on it. She backs away and uses her hands and fingers to keep him hard, not that she needs to, but it does feel good.

Parking next to her car in the driveway, they get out and he follows behind her to the front door, holding his shorts up as his dick sways in the breeze. She has a great ass and he watches it wiggle as she walks. He just can't stop himself.

Once inside, she runs to the livingroom instead of the bedroom and he looks at her with a puzzled look.

"Why are you out here?"

"I want to fuck on something other than a bed for a change. You in?"

He has the ability to go with the flow so the plan changes, to keep his sister happy, something he hasn't wanted to do for years.

"I can adjust. Do you have a plan up your sleeve?"

"Just to fuck my brother and be happy for a change."

"I can get into that. Get them damn clothes off then," he orders with a grin.

Darcy wastes no time doing that, then walks to him as he stands up from dropping his shorts. She pulls his shirt off over his head as they laugh together, then she drops to his cock and sucks on it. She's having fun and also gets into it as his moans get as loud as his sister's have.

At first, she treats his cock like the king of his body, being gentle and tender, then she sucks hard, giving him a boner so hard he's never had one like it before, nor will he forget it. He's ready to shoot when he pulls her off his cock and she looks at him with an evil smile. She stands up and mounts him, giving him the chance to take control.

As he feels her ass, he walks her behind the couch and stands her on her feet. Now she's giving him a puzzled look.

"Bend over the back," he tells her.

It takes her two heartbeats, but she does it with a happy face. He grabs some pillows off the couch, puts them on the floor between her legs and kneels on them as he buries his face in her pussy.

The moan she gives him is filled with lust so he licks her love canal and then her clit as she screams her satisfaction. If he's not mistaken, it's the scream heard around the lake. He pleasures pussy for a while and she tries to stand up, but he pushes her back down. That's the cue he is waiting for.

He retracts his face and uses his fingers in her pussy, locating her G-spot to send some serious pleasure her way. While continuing to do that, he bends over and licks her asshole. Her response isn't what he was expecting.

"Oh god, that feels so good," she says as she wiggles her ass.

Understanding her meaning, he gets a little more aggressive, increasing the pressure on her asshole. Then he gets another surprise. She reaches back, pulls her cheeks apart, holds them and his dick gets a silly millimeter longer. Feeling the softness of her skin and the wetness of her pussy, his finger increases the pressure on her asshole and she gives a deep, throaty moan as she gets lost in euphoria.

"OMG! How do you know to do such a dirty thing to your sister?"

"Just lucky I guess. You like?"

"Immensely... Don't... Stop..."

He doesn't stop and she moans her little heart out for him so it's time to get some overdue relief. He stands up, puts his thumb on her asshole and shoves his cock inside her pussy and she goes ballistic, unable to hold her cheeks apart any longer. He fucks her as they both enjoy the deep sensations great sex has to offer. Increasing his workload, the pleasure she endures is out of this world.

"Stop please," she tells him.

He pulls out, alarmed he did something wrong, and she stands up, walks to the end of the couch, plants her ass on the arm and drops back to the cushions. Raising her legs, she opens wide and he can see what she wants.

He moves between her legs, slides his cock into her pussy and bangs the shit out of her. Her first orgasm comes and goes as he keeps pulling her ass back onto the arm. He continues pounding her pussy and she's rapidly approaching another orgasm while enjoying every thrust into her pussy.

Even he is enjoying the feel of her tight, wet pussy and the boiling deep in his balls forces him to react and he deposits welcomed loads of cum in her pussy, causing her to explode in orgasm.

He is tired at this point and he wants to get some things straight with her as he recovers. He sits down next to her head while she crawls to straddle his lap and feed his cock into her pussy.

"We need to talk some don't ya think?" he asks.

"Yup. So here it is. You can rub around my asshole, you can apply pressure to it, but you can't push anything into it. Exit only."

"That's good to know, but that's not the subject I had in mind, Sis," he says as she pushes her pussy farther on his cock.

"What's on your mind then?" Darcy asks.

"Mostly the obvious. To start, how long are you here for?"

"As long as it takes. That's what I told Mom and Dad and they just nodded."

"You didn't tell them you intended to fuck my brains out, did you?" Jason asks.

"Of course not. I'm not an idiot you know. Besides, I already told you I didn't tell them about it."

"Sorry Sis. I forgot and I don't want to make any assumptions here... How long are you planning on staying?"

"As long as you want me. Then I'll go back home smiling," she answers.

"Well that's not long enough. Having sex with my sister is a whole new and pleasing experience. I have no desire to stop having this fun."

"Who says we're going to stop?"

"You want to continue this when we get home?" he asks.

"Most definitely."

He holds her tight and gives her kisses on her head. She hugs him as tight as she can and kisses his chest several times. He slides down near the edge of the couch and she slides his cock farther inside her.

"How are we going to handle Mom and Dad?" he asks.

"I expect to keep it a secret, but if they find out, we have no choice but to face the consequences."

"Yeah, not looking forward to that," he tells her.

"Neither am I, but what can they do?"

"Good question... Second thought, we are adults and it is their house so they can ask us to leave."

"Good point. We should make a plan before we go home then, just in case... So how many pussies has your cock been inside?" she asks.

"Just four. How many dicks have you had in your pussy?"

"Just eleven."

"Enjoy them all?" he asks.

"Not really any of them until you."

"I'm flattered."

She lifts up until just the head of his cock is inside her, then settles back down on it with a euphoric expression growing on her face.

"Enjoy that?" he asks.

"Immensely. It feels weird, in a way, that it's my brother's cock and I will be able to do that literally anytime I want from now on."

"Yeah, it does, but we still have to be careful."

"I know, but the anticipation of fucking in our own beds sends me to dreamland," she says. "It also makes me wet."

Jason is taking notes and that was loud and clear. She begins riding his cock in slow, deliberate strokes as he reaches for the soft, firm globes of her ass. Making a temporary detour, and since her tits are close to his face, he grabs them and pulls them closer to his mouth, licks, then sucks her nipples, getting a favorable response from her.

Then she gets completely off him, turns around, straddles his legs, drops her pussy back on his cock, leans forward, puts her hands on his knees, and fucks him.

"I've always wanted to try this," she says, "but never really felt like doing it to anybody else. It feels really good to me."

"Cool. So tell me about your other sexual experiences."

He reaches for her asshole as she bounces and applies pressure to it. Now she is feeling much better. Her moans are telling him all he needs to know. With no warning, she spins around to face him and his cock doesn't escape her pussy for more than a tenth of a second as he feels the pleasure of her move.

With his cock buried deep in her pussy and euphoria written on her face, she says, "Most of them were little more than a 'wham bam thank you ma'am', not satisfying at all. I was hornier when it was over than I was when it started. Only one other guy made me cum, but even that wasn't very intense. It wasn't his cock that got me off though, it was his tongue. He was good at eating my pussy. You, on the other hand, have made me feel like sex has a satisfying future for me."

"I'm so sorry about that, Sis... That beside the point, I'm glad you are happy having sex with me."

"And I'm beginning to like you," she says with a smile as she strokes his cock again.

He sits up and tenderly grabs her tits, pinching her nipples as she continues to stroke him, making her a happy, horny baby sister. Darcy seems to be in a zone so he continues working her tits over and lets her satisfy her sexual appetite.

"Nobody has spent the time with my tits that you have. They have been deprived of attention and pleasure until you arrived on the scene. Your tender touch is a major turn on for me."

She said that when his cock was buried deep in her pussy, but she doesn't stop fucking him. She leans back and puts her hands on his knees for support while he lays back on the couch, hoping to see more of her, and sure enough, he does. He can see his cock move in and out of her pussy, watching as her lips slide over his cock like a well oiled machine while she's engrossed in stroking it.

Still working his cock and feeling the unique pleasure, he pulls her to lean on his chest so he can thrust into her. After many strokes, many moans, many beads of sweat and many breathes of air, she climaxes again and he's still not ready to fill her up.

"Ready for a change?"

"Absolutely, as long as you fuck me."

"On all fours with your ass above the arm of the couch."

She gets up with a smile growing on her face and assumes the position with him right there to insert his cock where it feels the best.

"Give me a good fuck, Bro. I really want it again, and again, and again."

"Your wish is my command, Sis."

He slides his cock into her pussy and when he bottoms out, she sighs with a smile on her face and a moan of pure satisfaction. Then he's off to the races. He gives her what she wants as he strokes his cock in and out of her pussy with varying degrees of speed and thrust. She moans as if she likes it and his balls finally begin to tingle.

After continuous fucking for what seems like hours, the tightness of her pussy is finally causing his balls to give her what she's hoping for. Without warning, Jason explodes inside her pussy, inserting rope after rope, giving her the intense climax she is hoping for and that results in flooding his cock with her own juices.

Being out of breath, out of cum and out of her mind with pleasure, Darcy is recovering and feels very affectionate as she contemplates her next thought. He can see the gears rotating in her head so something is on her mind. She gets half off him and lays her head on his shoulder. Absentmindedly, he caress her smooth back and tender ass, the same ass he has been drooling over for several hours now.

"Jason, I'm so sorry for treating you like shit. You didn't deserve it. It so devastated me when I found out it wasn't you, but my reality was and still is, I wanted it to be you. I wanted your hands caressing my body so bad, but you never did. I was angry at you for not doing that to me and not loving on me. I feel so bad for doing what I did and I'm hoping you will forgive me."

"I hear ya Sis. For so long, I accepted you were angry with me, but I didn't know why. I didn't think I deserved the wrath of your anger, but I got it anyway. It frustrated me. I took it for so long, then I had enough, so I left. I didn't know Mom and Dad were checking in on you either so we both have learned something. I wonder if they did the same for me?"

"Yup, they did. Mom said they checked in on both of us for many years, stopping when I turned eighteen."

"It's hard to believe they did that for so long and never woke me up," he tells her.

"I know. I was wondering that myself. There was several times I knew someone was in my room and I remained silent and motionless, but confronted only you about it."

"Why did you think it was me?"

"Because I wanted it to be you for years, I guess," she replies.

"Now I wish it was me. I could've been caressing your tender body for years by now."

"I wouldn't count on that. You'd be doing more than just caressing my body. If you ever got hard doing that, I would have wanted your cock," Darcy reveals.

"How long have you wanted me?" he asks his sister.

"About a year before I started fighting with you."

"It's been a long time then."

"Way too long, Jason. I wish things were different, but we have to deal with what has happened."

"Yeah, I hear that. So yes, you're forgiven and your punishment is you have to be my sex slave until..."

"Deal," she interrupts without hesitation. "Any time, any place, for any reason, you can have me and I'll give you the best part of me."

"Oooo, that's tempting, Sis."

"Yes it is. Want to start now?" she asks.

"Doing what exactly?"

"You can fuck me in the grass by the boat."

"Let's go!"

It's almost dark out and a bit chilly, but she doesn't care and neither does he so Darcy mounts him for the free ride to the grass. He has recently learned having sex with his sister is much more rewarding than he ever expected it could be. As he lays her on her back in the cool green grass, she instantly seeks out his cock and guides it to her pussy.

She's ready for him, dripping wet with anticipation, waiting for him to enter her. As she guides his cock to her pussy, it sinks inside his favorite sister creating major pleasure she relishes deep in her brain. Yes, she's his only sister, but she has become his favorite sex partner in the last few hours, and that's a good thing for both of them. As she squirms in the cool grass, she moans and tells him how good he feels inside her and he wastes no time pleasuring her pussy.

He moves his cock around as she tells him how good it feels to have his dick deep in her pussy. She's a sexy baby sister and lets him know every chance she gets. She wraps her legs around his back and she tilts her pelvis into his cock on most every stroke. His libido wants it all and he wants to share it all with his sister.

He gets moving fast as her moans resemble a song he once heard, but can't for the life of him remember the name of the song. Too bad. He keeps fucking her with love and lust he never before had for his sister as he pushes her knees to her tits, giving him the ability to fuck her harder and faster. He pounds her pussy with lust as they both feel the orgasm building from deep within. They climax together, totally wasted and drained of energy.

When he pulls his cock out, they struggle to get back in the house, but when they finally make it, they go directly to the shower, clean up and settle on the bed. They wrap their bodies together as tight as they can and fall asleep a heartbeat or two later with their minds full of euphoria.

* * * * *

Early the next morning, as the sun is warming their bodies, Darcy wakes up. The sunlight strains her visibility as she opens her eyes very slowly. She looks around, without moving, to make sure she is where she is suppose to be. Her head is on a chest, hoping it's her brother's. There is a dick not far away resting on his stomach and it looks hard as hell so it must be begging for attention.

As she remembers from the day before, a smile slowly creeps to her face as she reaches for the cock that has given her a fair amount of pleasure in the last eighteen hours. She strokes it softly while staring at the best cock she's ever had, having pleasured her pussy beyond her wildest of dreams. For the longest time, she stares and caresses his cock, inspecting the very dick that has given her so many wonderful feelings, and now she wants more.

Breaking her concentration, Jason is slowly opening his eyes as he feels the delightful manipulations of his cock. Knowing who's caressing him, he reaches for her ass and for the first time, takes several minutes to caress, touch, squeeze and feel her soft, but strong tear drop ass.

With sex on both their minds, Jason has to use the bathroom, so he slowly gets off the bed as Darcy complains. He does his thing in the bathroom and returns to bed where his sister is getting up to do the same thing, then she returns and is ready for more of him. As she lays tight to her brother, he feels the warmth of her body and his cock twitches with interest.

"Morning," Darcy says very sweetly.

"It is and it's the first day I have my sister all to myself."

"That sounds dirty you know. What are you going to do to me, you bad boy?"

She asks the million dollar question.

"I'll figure something out as you make us some bacon and eggs for breakfast. How does that sound?" he asks.

"I can do that, but you have to know my pussy is already dripping for your cock."

"Such a tease you are. Breakfast first. Lets go for it, Sis."

She smiles, gives her brother a sexy kiss, gets off the bed and walks out of the bedroom, naked, as he watches her delicious ass bounce. He absorbs the grace of her movements as his cock remains alive and awake at full staff.

As he lays in the silence of the room all by himself, he thinks about their future as he slowly returns to reality, all the while softly stroking his cock. His sister is hot, but there's no way their parents will be okay with their sexual relationship in their house. It's just not going to happen. He knows it, Darcy knows it and they are risking their family relationship if they get caught. It's weighing heavy on his mind and he's beginning to feel guilty.

Slowly, he walks to the kitchen, where Darcy is cooking bacon, gets beside her and softly caresses her ass while planting a kiss on her neck. She turns to him and rewards him with a sweet kiss.

He gets a little more aggressive and reaches for her pussy and she's right, she's already dripping. He doesn't want her to burn the bacon or eggs so he backs away as she sticks out her lower lip. She redirects her focus to breakfast while Jason sets the table for two and waits for Darcy to finish. She fills two plates as he pours the juice and they sit down to eat.

Darcy is a great cook and she knows he knows it, which is why he asked in the first place. They eat and he looks at her with a half smile and she picks right up on it."What's on your mind, Jason?"

"We need to talk after we eat, Sis. Let's not do anything before that."


They finish breakfast in silence, then they get up and clear the table. She mounts him and for obvious reasons, his hands return to the softness of her tight ass.

"I'll clean up after you make me a happy sister."

"We will clean up after we get happier, but first, we... I have to clear the air... I'm feeling guilty that I may be taking advantage of my baby sister and I need to know..."

Darcy interrupts, saying, "I'm in love with my brother."

She's looking him in the eyes with a convincing smile and he's not believing his ears. His expression changes to shock, but before he gets a handle on his emotions, Darcy gives him a kiss that tells him she means what she said. It's a long one and she relaxes as he takes the short walk to the bed, where he sits down and pulls her into him as tight as he can. She pulls herself tight to him and they sit like that for minutes with his face planted between her soft, smooth, perfectly proportioned tits and that makes him smile.

"I... I don't know what to say, Sis," he says as he backs away from the comfort of her tits and looks at her.

"Say you love me too, if you do. Just don't lie to me."

"I'm not willing to say that to you right now, Sis," he explains sorrowfully. "You have treated me so bad for so long I need to see evidence of the new side of my sister. Only time will tell me and I have no problem spending lots of time with you. I must admit, however, I like the path we are currently on so we are off to a great start."

"Fair enough. I was expecting your skepticism so it doesn't surprise me. I'm not giving up on you so take all the time you need. I'm serious about what I said and you will see that as time passes," she replies.

"Okay Sis, but I guess that means you don't think I'm taking advantage of my baby sister?"

"Not only no, but hell no. I've been in love with you for years, believe it or not, but things got outa hand between us, all because of me."

"Yeah, it sure has, but now I hope we have fixed the problem and we are ready for our future," he agrees.

The day passes by with them doing little more than having constant sex. He knows her body is to die for several times over and at the moment, he owns it and is happy to be the one person to have completely captured her affection.

During the time he spends alone with his sister, Jason learns every nook and cranny of her beautiful, sexy body, and enjoys her immensely. The more time he spends exploring her, the more he likes it, the typical male mind. They learn a lot about the other and are satisfied knowing what they have learned, but as in life, all good things must come to an end.

"How long do you want to stay, Sis?"

"Shouldn't stay too long cause Mom and Dad will get suspicious so I should head home tomorrow. When are you coming home?"

"I still want to get the boat ready for launch so I'll be another day."

"You are going to starve me for a whole day?" she asks with a smile growing on her lips.

"Yup, same as me," he says, smirking.

She laughs, saying, "Yeah, you're right."

"Given that, I get a green light to take advantage of my lover while you're still here then."

"Absolutely, you do," she replies.

They put their heads together and create a plan as to what to tell the parents, then have more smoking hot sex throughout the day, and night.

* * * * *

The next morning, as Jason slowly increases his awareness of life, he caresses the closest body he finds. Darcy is also returning to life as she opens her eyes and searches for him. As Jason is sliding his fingers into her crack, she feels the need to speak.

"Morning, Bro... I love the feel of your fingers in the crack of my ass. Somehow it feels dirty, but on the other hand, it also makes me feel different in a good kinda way. Weird, huh?" she says.

"Nope. To me, it just means you may like the feel of my fingers in your crack, but you just don't realize it yet."

"Hmmm. Interesting thought."

"Want to find out?" he asks.

"As long as you stop when I tell you to."

"I can do that, no problem."

"Where do you want me?" she asks.

"Sixty-nine, Sis. I'll use my fingers on you this time and see how you like it."

"Do you plan on entering my asshole?"

"Eventually, if you want me to, but I'll go slow so you can figure out how it feels... And remember, I'll stop when you want me to. Okay?"

"Good," she says and moves on top of her brother.

When she settles in and her asshole is in his view, something snaps in his brain and it suddenly intrigues him. He inserts a finger into her pussy and gets it nice and wet, then puts light pressure on her asshole and gets an instant reaction from her, definitely positive.

Reaming her back door, she emits moans as the feeling of his finger makes her feel different, but in a good way. It's not what she expected since she has always been an exit only girl. Liking what he is doing, she encourages him to add pressure and she likes that as well.

He continues to ream her back door and the more he does, the more she likes it. As he continues his efforts, she is surprised she likes the attention as he increases the pressure, but doesn't penetrate her. He continues to ream her with different degrees of pressure and she likes the feelings she is getting. Her exit only strategy is slowly changing to an exit or enter strategy.

"Well, Sis. What do you think?" he asks.

"I like it so far."

"Want me to penetrate you?"

"Okay, but slowly," she says, hesitantly, but still wants it to happen.

Jason returns his finger to her pussy and collects more wetness before putting pressure on her sphincter. He can feel her hesitancy as his finger pressures her, but she doesn't stop him. More pressure and his finger slips past her sphincter and he freezes. Feeling his finger inside her to the first knuckle, it feels different, but again, she doesn't stop him. Slowly, he pushes farther inside her back door and she is moaning and grunting at the same time, so he decides to pull out slowly.

"Wow! Jason, that feels so different than I ever thought it would. Do it again please."

"Another time, Sis. Neither of us knows what we are doing so let's go slow so we don't ruin it for you. Okay?"

"Okay, but it does feel good so far. It seems my exit only strategy will soon be overturned," she says, disappointed he is stopping.

Jason doesn't stop caressing her body and after another round of great sex, she is spent, wasted and tired. Her body wants more, but her ambition has taken a wrong turn. She cuddles to her brother and soon enough, he encourages her to fix breakfast, which she does and stays naked just to torment him.

After breakfast, she is getting to the point where she has to head for home, but doesn't want to go. Eventually and tearfully, she packs her bag and heads to her car. Getting a final kiss and hug from her brother, she heads for home, afraid things are about to change, and she doesn't want that to happen.

* * * * *

When she arrives at home, her parents quiz her about what happened and why she stayed for three days. She basically told them he refused to believe what she said and it took a while to make him realize things are different now.

"He was really pissed at me," she reveals. "He was spitting nails at me when I showed up unannounced. The first day I was there, all he told me was to go home and leave him alone. I know I deserved it, but it hurt me anyway. I had to make things right, no matter what it costs. I owe him that much. He would get so mad at me I had to stop talking to him to let him cool off. I can't tell you how many times that happened, but it was several. Many times he said he didn't believe me and I had to repeat myself before he accepted my apology as real."

"On the second day, all he would say to me was 'go home'. After five times saying that, I changed tactics and tried to hug him from behind. The first three times, he rebuffed me, but after that he started to allow my hugs. During the three days, he called me a liar and several other names I would like to forget. He also told me if he never saw me again, his life would be far more pleasant."

"When he finally accepted my apology, I gave him the biggest hug ever. I came home, proud my brother feels good about me again. He said he'll be home tomorrow. It was a big challenge to be able to fix this. I feel accomplished, but I also feel I still owe him for putting up with my bullshit for so long."

Mom says, "I will let you deal with that, but I'm proud of you for making it right with your brother. It was a big challenge for you because I saw how pissed he was when he left and how bad you felt when you found out you screwed up. I'm glad you leveled the playing field."

"Thanks, Mom. I need to be consistent, maintaining my changed nature, which I want him to plainly see when he gets home. What I did to him was humiliating to me devastating for him and he did not deserve it," Darcy says.

"I understand, Honey. We'll support the two of you as the transition happens and if you need any advice or help, just let us know," Dad reveals.

"Thanks. I don't know if I will need it, but the backup is certainly appreciated."

* * * * *

The next day, Jason returns home late in the afternoon.

As Darcy comes running down the stairs, she yells, "Jason is home!"

He walks in just as Darcy crashes into him and holds him tight. Wetness appears in her eyes as she releases her brother so Mom and Dad can welcome him home with a hug. They walk into the living room, as Jason drops his bag, and they have a seat as Mom drills him for his side of the story.

"So what happened between you and you sister for three days?" Mom asks.

Jason goes through the whole story, ending it by saying, "I'm still not sure if I'm okay with her yet, but time will tell me that. The one good thing she did was let me cool down before telling me over and over that she was sorry for what she did to me. I was so pissed at her for so long, I got nothing done on the boat while she was there."

The parents are fine with his story. They are reassured the fighting is over and peace will return to the household. Finally.

* * * * *

Assuming they aren't under scrutiny by their parents, that night Darcy sneaks into her brother's room, naked, and goes straight for his cock. She's sucking him as he wakes up, then she moves her pussy to his face. He sucks her pussy dry, then lightly sucks her clit and finally lightly pressures her asshole.

Darcy is ready for sex and while his tongue reams her asshole, she goes after him like there is no tomorrow. She spins around and rides his cock, remaining as quiet as possible as she slams down on it, penetrating her deeply and pleasurably. Then he rolls them to her back, bangs her with his cock as he moves her knees to her tits, slamming her as hard as he can, both having incredible orgasms after a day long separation, being horny as hell.

After resting in the afterglow, Jason kisses and embraces her, then shoos her away so they don't get caught. Reluctantly she leaves fairly happy and content, for now.

As Jason lays by himself on his bed, he smiles that he has a sister that will let him fuck her literally anytime he wants her. It's an amazing arrangement and the best part is, he can go to her room right now and have sex with her again, but he refrains. The make up sex he just had is enough for now, but wait twenty-four hours and see what happens. He already has his mind on something different.

* * * * *

The next day, while Mom and Dad are at work, Jason is busy mowing the lawn, weeding the flower bed, cutting the dead branches off the trees, cutting and trimming the shrubs and drags it all to the road while sweating profusely.

Darcy is spending the day vacuuming the floors, dusting the furniture, cleaning up the kitchen, doing a load of laundry or two, cleaning all three bathrooms and she's also sweating.

When they break for lunch, Jason comes in and sits on a couple towels that Darcy left there for him so as not to mess up the furniture with his sweat. When Darcy finds him inside the house, she pads to him, drops her shorts to the floor, steps out of them, unzips his shorts and pulls them down his legs, mounts his limp cock and looks at him with lust in her eyes.

He reads her eyes and says, "Sis, I'm kinda pooped out right now."

"I see that so I'll just rub my pussy on it until you get hard."

"That may take more time than we have. Mom and Dad will be home in a couple hours and we haven't had lunch yet. I'm famished and need a drink. Would you be so kind please?"

"Sure. Take me to the frig and I'll get you one, and one for me."

"I'm down for the count, Sis. Seriously. I've been at this for hours and I need food and a drink. Please?"

"Okay, Bro. Be right back."

As she gets off his lap and heads to the kitchen, he notices his cock is shiny with her juices. He's smiling and when Darcy returns with his drink, she also notices.

"Your glimmering dick is still limp young man."

"I know. It matches the rest of me at the moment."

"Well," she says, "I can't get much fun out of a limp, shiny cock, can I?"

"You can continue doing what you were doing, or you can suck it. Just remember, I'm soaked in sweat young lady."

"True. Drink up you hard working man. You deserve it for now. I'll make us a sandwich while you consume your drink and work on your dick."

"Aren't you tired from all the work you've been doing?" he asks.

"Yup, but I'm on a second wind knowing what's coming later."

She stares at her brother's cock as he continues to talk to her.

"So, did you get anything done yet?" he asks, teasing her.

"More than you have you little shit. Thanks for asking," she replies, teasing him back as she pads to the kitchen.

Then it goes silent while she makes two sandwiches. When she returns, she finds Jason has fallen asleep. She crawls on his lap, holding his sandwich as he returns to reality.

"Thanks, Sis. I owe you one."

"You're damn right you do and I'm collecting before morning."

Jason laughs, knowing she's as serious as a heart attack.

As he eats his sandwich, he asks, "What, exactly are you collecting?"

"I'm collecting this limp cock and making it hard as a rock, then it has some serious work to do inside my pussy."

"Hmmm. That's a likely scenario so I'll be ready for your visit."

"Correction. I'll be ready for your visit. I visited you last night so it's your turn tonight," she says.

"I'm okay with that. Just make sure that pussy of yours is wet for me or I will turn around and go back to my room."

"Really? Isn't it your job to get my pussy wet by eating me?"

"Maybe, but you have to be really quiet if I do that," he replies.

"Yeah, I really do, don't I?"

"Yes you do and it's your problem to deal with. If you make a noise, I head back to my room so we don't get caught. Just letting you know in advance."

"Okay, Bro. I'll give you that so I'll be ready for you to take full advantage of my horny body," she agrees, excitedly.

"Glad to hear it. You want to take my cock now that you're sitting on it?"

She didn't even notice it's hard so now that both sandwiches have disappeared, she guides his cock into her pussy and takes advantage of his erection. As she glides up and down, she has the feeling of complete pleasure. The faster she goes, the faster she reaches her peak, being a very horny sister. During the sexual encounter, she has two orgasms and he has one, and it was worth every delightful stroke.

Darcy bends to her brother and gives him a wet kiss. He retaliates by giving her a sweet kiss she'll remember forever, or at least until tonight.

* * * * *

All Jason has left to do is pick up the mess he's made in the yard and take it out to the street for the town to pick up and haul off. When he finishes an hour later, he goes straight to the pool and belly flops in the water. He rises to the surface in a dead man's float and stays like that until Darcy sees him and jumps in to save his life.

"That wasn't necessary, Darcy. I was relaxing and I can hold my breath for a long time. You know that."

"Sorry, Bro. I screwed up."

He accepts her apology, gives her a kiss and she gets out of the pool just as Mom and Dad show up at the back door. She stands there dripping wet wearing her work clothes and they ask her to explain why she didn't wear her bikini in the pool.

"Jason jumped in the pool and surfaced face down and it scared me. I thought I was saving his ass until he chewed me out for interfering with his R&R."

Mom and Dad laugh as Jason gets out of the pool with his clothes on so he has to explain as well.

"I just finished an exhausting day in the yard and when I was done, I flopped in the pool and floated until Darcy jumped in to disturb my R&R. So much for a relaxing dip in the pool. I guess I should train her a little better for next time."

They all laugh and their parents are ready to help, but the day's work is done. The pool needs some TLC, but that's tomorrow's chore.

"Good for you, Son," Dad says.

"So, I'm off to the shower to clean up and I'll be back," Jason says.

Dad goes off to watch the ball game, Mom is off to clean up the kitchen, but discovers it's already done, thanks her daughter, then joins Dad watching the ball game.

Darcy uses the other shower and cleans up and they join their parents watching the game, until it's dinner time.

"Okay," Mom says. "We're going out for dinner so dress casual kids."

A surprise announcement so they all head to their bedrooms and change clothes, head to the car and off they go on a twenty minute ride to an Italian restaurant. Darcy loves Italian food so she's a happy camper. Jason likes it, but it makes him fat so he only eats it on special occasions, but since this is a family celebration, he lets it slide.

During dinner, Darcy searches for his cock playfully under the table as she acts normal and Jason acts like nothing out of the ordinary is happening. It didn't go very far so it was okay with Jason, but the fear of getting caught is important to him.

The dinner chat is a victory for the kids returning to being brother and sister again and it's excellent, getting favorable reviews from all of them. After Dad pays the bill, they head to the car for the ride home.

Arriving home, Darcy gives her brother and big, long hug as Mom and Dad watch, then they return to the game, for lack of something better to do. When it's over, Mom and Dad go to bed, leaving the kids in front of the TV. Jason says he's going to bed cause he's tired so he yells "night" to his parents as he goes past their room. Darcy follows in his foot steps a little while later.

The kids hit the their own sack innocently, but two hours later, a naked Jason quietly comes into her room and wakes her. She's laying on her stomach with her legs parted, wearing bikini panties, but no bra or anything else.

"Why aren't you naked for me?" he whispers.

"Because I like it when you take my panties off and lick my ass, among other places," she whispers back.

Noticing the wet spot between her legs, he smiles, sits beside her, closes her legs and pulls at the hem, tenderly dragging her panties down her legs. As her cheeks come into view, he licks his lips knowing they will soon be his to caress. Removing her panties, he tosses them and they land near her head.

Now, Darcy is naked and is waiting for his tongue to enter the crack of her ass, but instead, she feels the tender touch of his hands roaming her soft, but strong cheeks. His hands travel up the smoothness of her back ever so tenderly and caresses her shoulders and neck, then travel down her sides and caresses the sides of her tits as he returns to her ass."That feels so good it deserves a good fuck," she whispers.

His hands continue down her legs, caressing her inner thighs and calves as he reaches her feet to massage them before returning up her legs to her ass. Darcy, thinking ahead, picks up and puts the panties in her mouth to prevent the obvious.

His favorite part of her body is her ass and he spends several minutes making her moan with pleasure as he manipulates her cheeks, then snakes a finger into her crack. Knowing what's ahead, it's not coming fast enough for her and she wants it.

As Jason's fingers wander through the crack of her ass, they accidently locate her pussy and two fingers slide inside. Her moans are muffled and he smiles, confirming she's done what she promised she'd do. Moving his fingers around inside her pussy, she gets wetter and wetter as he does his assigned job with her pussy. Now she's dripping and wants more from her lover.

Instead, he withdraws his fingers and turns her to her back, separates her legs and tenderly caresses her tits causing moans to emanate from her muffled mouth. He pinches her nipples and kneads her tits as she continues to muffle-moan her pleasure.

Still sitting on the edge of her bed, he reaches for her pussy, sliding his fingers inside her essence, then tweaks her clit with his thumb as she begins to squirm. She can't reach his cock so she waits patiently for her opportunity to get her hands on it. He works his fingers in her pussy and teases her clit with his thumb. Her moans are getting louder so he changes course, in an attempt to quiet her down some.

He lifts her near leg across his lap, grabs her by the waist, picks her up and places her on his lap facing him with the biggest grin on her face he's ever seen. Snugging into his cock, she takes the panties out of her mouth and gives him a sweet kiss. Returning her panties to her mouth, he caresses every place on her body he can reach, not missing anything that lights her fire. Darcy is feeling heavenly as he continues to tenderly caresses her body.

He stands up, turns and lays her on her on the floor as gracefully as he can. He sits on the floor between her legs and crosses his legs in front of him. Pulling her up on his lap, he traps his cock between them while caressing her tender lips.

Jason's cock is teasing her pussy lips all the time he's caressing her and she has a river flowing from her lips, ready for some serious sex. He pushes her knees to her tits, tells her to hold them there while he picks her ass up to his mouth and eats her pussy. Their eyes close and she drops her head to the floor while he has his way with her pussy, sending her to happiness several times over.

"Jason, time to fuck me, dear brother."

He continues to eat her pussy, ignoring her plea and her quiet moans can be weakly heard. Silently, the bedroom door opens and in walks their parents, dressed in pj's, and stand beside them, admiring the scene before them.

When Jason opens his eyes, he spots a foot where there shouldn't be a foot. He looks up and sees his parents watching him eating his sister's pussy. Darcy opens her eyes when he stops eating his early morning breakfast and also sees her parents.

The fear of a lifetime fills both their faces. Jason lowers her to his lap while she drops her legs beside him. He stops what he was doing and waits for the bomb to drop, not moving a muscle. They are so frozen in fear neither of them think to cover their naked bodies.

"Well, our son and daughter are having sex with each other, Mom. What should we do about that?" Dad asks, looking at Mom with a smirk.

"I don't know... Maybe join them?"

Even though they are overcome with fear, Jason and Darcy are not sure if they are dreaming, or facing reality. Either way, both thought they're in for a beating. Still they aren't sure if their parents are kidding or what. Mom and Dad move to sit on the bed next to the kids and start a conversation with them, but Jason doesn't know what to do, or say.

Dad begins, saying, "It is hard for us to understand why it took so long for Jason to except your apology, Darcy. I'm guessing he caved the first day and you offered him your body to start the process going. Is that correct?"

Jason and Darcy's faces turn serious shades of redness before they nod their heads, still stunned, not knowing what's coming next. His cock is no longer hard and Jason is scared shitless, with Darcy feeling much the same way.

"We thought so. Somehow, we were expecting this and here we are... Relax you two. We aren't mad parents so you can continue breathing again," Mom says.

Over coming his shock, Jason says, "We thought we were being quiet and we still got caught. This is so embarrassing."

"You were very quiet, but that's not what brought us here. We expected you two to be having sex tonight. That's why we're here," Dad responds.

"Oh... So what happens now?"

"For that answer, your Mom is waiting for an answer to her question."

Darcy removes the panties from her mouth, looks at her Mom in total disbelief, asking, "You want to join us?"

"It's not as bad as it sounds, is it?" Mom asks.

"You and Dad want to join our little sex party?" Jason asks.

"If it's okay with both of you, yes, we would enjoy it as much as you two are. Interested?"

Jason looks at Darcy and Darcy looks at Jason. Not knowing what will happen if they say no to the question, they both reply, "Yes".

"Great," Mom says and they both stand up and strip off their pj's.

The next shock is the kids watching their parents strip naked in front of them. They know both Mom and Dad are fit and strong, looking very young for their age. Dad's cock is a little shorter than Jason's, but it's a tad thicker and getting hard before their eyes. Mom is trim and petite with a bare pussy and Jason can see her clit as the desk lamp glimmers off her pussy. Her ample tits are inviting and self supporting. Not bad for his favorite MILF.

"If you two stand up, we'll go to our bed where we have a little more room," Mom says.

Thinking that's not a bad idea, Jason grabs his sister at her waist, picks her up to her feet, then he stands up, assuming a stance next to her.

"My, my Dad," Mom says. "Your son has a pretty big cock and your daughter has a very petite body. Lovely."

Dad holds Darcy's hand and walks her to their bed. Mom holds Jason's hand and walks him to the same bed. As they stand by the king size bed, naked, Jason gets his wits about him and wants to clear the air.

"Let me get this straight. Our parents want to have sex with their kids, disregarding any legal issues with incest or anything else illegal regarding what we are about to do?"

"Pretty much, if you're okay with it. You're both adults so you can pick your partners as you so desire."

"Darcy, are you okay with this?" Jason asks.

"Like Mom says, we're all adults and having sex with them just became a sudden turn on."

"Okay then, I'm in. If it's okay with Darcy, it's okay with me."

Then Darcy adds, "Before we get into this, I would like to finish what I started with Jason before we were so rudely interrupted," she says, smirking.

"Okay with Mom and Dad," Mom responds, smirking.

She turns to her brother and says, "Fuck me silly, Bro. You know I love it," she tells him, giving him her sexy, fuck me eyes.

She lays on the bed and opens her legs wide as he pulls her ass to the edge. His cock is only at half staff, but it's hard enough to get inside her and he starts fucking her to get his cock hard as steel. Her moans are swarming the air waves while Mom gets Dad's cock in her hands and strokes his length. Dad reaches for Mom's ass and kneads her as their son fucks their daughter before their eyes. What a treat for them.

Jason is busy with his sister and both are moaning as he moves her knees to her tits and continues to drill her pussy, enjoying the euphoria it creates. By now, his cock is at full staff and more than ready to take care of his sister. Both are moaning as he's feeling the euphoric pleasure of sex with his sister, with Mom and Dad watching.

Not knowing what's going to happen next, and with their orgasms building, Dad inserts his fingers in Mom's pussy as her eyes close, with her still stroking his cock. She's ready to bend over and guide his cock into her pussy when the kids rock in orgasm, each very intense.

Moments later, Jason lays beside his sister, recovering from the strongest orgasm he's ever had. His eyes are closed and he's breathing heavy, just like his sister, but the orgasm is playing with their heads because he's feeling the excitement of being watched by Mom and Dad, and so is Darcy.

Slowly, as the kids regain their strength, Mom wants satisfaction from the finger in her pussy so she crawls on the bed, on all fours. Dad finger fucks her from behind while the kids watch. Darcy gets inquisitive so she crawls under Mom and stops when her eyes are right below Mom's pussy and spreads her legs.

Dad removes his fingers, replaces them with his stiff cock and fucks his wife's pussy. Mom lowers her head to Darcy's level and eats her daughter's pussy while Jason sits and watches as he recovers. His cock remains hard as steel and he wonders what he can do with it. Dad is getting into it while Darcy moans her little heart out because Mom is eating her pussy.

Turned on by the events of the evening so far, Mom has an incredible orgasm as Dad continues to fuck her so Darcy ducks her head out from under Mom and signals her brother to get his cock near her mouth so she can suck on it. Thinking it's okay with him, he moves close to her and she takes his cock in her mouth and sucks him harder than ever before, being so turned on by her Mom eating her pussy.

Jason lays on his side beside his sister and while she sucks him, he takes control of Mom's tits as they hang on Darcy's stomach, teasing her nipples. Using one hand, he kneads her tits, one at a time, and pinches her nipples, sending messages that result in another orgasm. Dad is also at his peak and he drops his load in Mom's pussy as his orgasm takes charge of him.

When Dad pulls out, both him and Mom lay beside the kids to get some badly needed time off for good behavior, or maybe bad behavior, whichever.

"You're not done already are you, Dad?" Darcy asks.

"Nope, just need to catch up to myself. Why do you ask?"

"I want you to fuck me next," Darcy informs him.

"And I want to fuck, Mom, if she's okay with that," Jason adds.

"It's okay with Mom," she replies with a smile on her face.

As they are all recovering, Dad asks, "How much time did it take for you to give in to your sister, Jason?"

"About an hour. After several apologies and several times not believing a single word she said, telling her to go back home and leave me alone, she stripped all her clothes off in front of me, left them on the ground and walked into the cabin. That was when I thought she was serious. After a couple minutes analyzing my next move, I joined her and gave her what she wanted, then we talked."

"Good move Darcy. It worked," Mom says.

"I tried everything to get him to realize I was serious, but he didn't buy any of it so I had no choice. I was desperate at that point so I did the one thing I hope would show him I was serious, and you're right, my last straw worked," Darcy adds.

Mom asks, "How much time did you guys spend fucking in the three days you were together?"

Darcy answers saying, "Most of it. We did take time off for the essentials, but the rest of the time we were fucking. I couldn't get enough of his cock for some reason."

"Why didn't you come home together?" Dad asks.

"I wanted to get the boat ready to launch before I came home. As long as she was there, it didn't get done so I had to send her home first," Jason says.

Darcy is smiling ear to ear, proud she kept his cock busy while she was there. Jason looks at her and returns her mischievous smile.

"Daddy, you ready to fuck your daughter yet?" Darcy asks.

"Yup. Let's do it."

Darcy gets off the bed as Mom rolls away from her husband and stops next to her son.

"How do you want it young lady?"

"Same way Jason fucked me before. I love it that way."

She lays on the bed and spreads her legs wide, giving her Dad a fuck me pose. He moves between her legs as she guides his cock to her pussy. Sliding it inside his daughter's tight pussy, he gently fucks her to their delight.

Jason crawls on top of his Mom, kisses and bites her nipples, then guides his cock into his Mom. She spreads her legs wide and his cock slips right in. Mom moans as his cock enters her and she grabs his ass cheeks to pull her son inside her.

Darcy his being fucked so well she has her eyes closed most of the time. She rubs her tits as Dad fucks her and he bends over to bite her nipples with tenderness.

"I love that, Daddy."

Dad straightens up and continues to fuck his daughter while he's feeling the tightness of her pussy. As he picks up speed, the sensitivity of her pussy causes her to moan even more. Darcy is beside herself with excitement as her Dad has his way with her.

Jason is busy keeping an eye on his sister because Mom is a pro in his eyes. He fucks her faster and harder, just like he did his sister. She's moaning as much as Darcy and they seem to be in a race to get off, but Jason slows as Mom raises her legs to her tits so he can fuck her even harder.

Darcy stops her Dad, gets on all fours, then he continues to fuck his daughter. The feeling of his cock inside her is giving her another level of sensations and she bangs back at him as he fucks her with enthusiasm.

Mom is readying herself for another climax while Jason is doing the same, steadfast in excitement that he's really fucking his Mom. He's fucking at a rapid rate and enjoying every second of it as his climax builds and his strength weakens. Mom's eyes close as she gets ready to explode on his cock. Jason is building his at the same time, but Mom cums before him, then he explodes, filling her pussy with rope after rope of cum. He leaves his cock buried inside his Mom as he begins his recovery.

Dad is filling Darcy's pussy with his loads as he cums. Falling to the bed, Dad slips out of her as Darcy slowly recovers from her Dad's cock and breathes heavily for a while. Dad lays next to her, catching his breath.

As Darcy gets some life back in her, she crawls to her Dad and sucks him clean. Laying over her Dad's lap, she does the same for her brother and Dad can't resist caressing her ass. Jason, Mom and Dad smile at her as she seems to love both cocks. Then she gets up and pads to sit on the love seat near the bed.

Mom and Dad aren't worn out, but they're tired enough to take a break, so they think about what their kids did at the cabin, to keep them horny.

Darcy wants more sex so she gets off the love seat, pads to her brother, pulls him to his feet and leads him to the back of the love seat.

"You have to fuck me from behind, Bro."

"Indeed I do," he says as he gets behind her and she bends over the back.

As Mom and Dad watch intently, Jason wraps his arms around her torso, dragging her back up to a standing position. His hands knead her tits and roam all over them, giving her every ounce of pleasure he can muster. Darcy raises her arms to his head, tenderly running her fingers through his hair to give him recognition that he's doing something that makes her feel good.

As Jason's hands roam her hot body, again he stops to knead her tits and pinch her nipples while her moans becomes louder, even louder when his fingers glide down her stomach, across her mound to her pussy and slide inside her. Darcy, with her brother's and Dad's cum dripping from her pussy, wants her brother's dick again, the sooner the better.

Feeling the tenderness of his touch, her hand drops, reaching between her legs to pull his cock between them, stroking it as his fingers retract from her pussy. Moving his hands back to her tits, he knows exactly where to go and what to do to make his sister squirm and smile.

"Enough teasing, Bro. I need you inside me," Darcy says with urgency.

Dad is finger fucking Mom's pussy as they watch their son fuck their daughter. He also bends to her and sucks her nipples as she reaches for his cock, which is slowly returning to its majestic self.

Jason releases the grip on Darcy as she bends over the back of the love seat and he wastes no time getting his cock inside his luscious sister, who is giving him a teasing smile. Reaching between their bodies, he guides his cock to her pussy, and the race begins.

Darcy maintains a smile as she looks back at her brother, admiring him for how he's treating her. As Jason is busy sliding his cock in and out of his sister, he can't help notice the same softness and tightness of her love canal that he felt before and it's driving him nuts with pleasure.

While Jason is pleasuring his sister, he looks down and sees her puckered asshole and with his thumb, he rubs it gently, then applies a light pressure to it as Darcy moans. Jason speeds his strokes, then slows as his sister responds with satisfaction. Dad stands up and gets his cock close to Darcy's mouth, holding it out for her to suck, hoping she will as she's getting fucked from behind.

There's no hesitation as Darcy grabs his cock and takes it in her mouth. Every time Jason bangs her from behind, it jerks Dad's cock in her mouth and Dad loves the feel. Mom is getting horny watching all the fun so she pulls her husband away from Darcy and pulls him to the bed. She lays on her back, raising her legs, while her husband drives his cock inside her pussy and he lets her have it, being so turned on.

Feeling the pleasure of her pussy, he also rubs her asshole and she has an instant reaction. It's not something he has done before, but seeing his son tease his sister's asshole, he is testing his wife to see how she reacts. She okay with it for now so they will talk about it later.

As Jason and Darcy approach an orgasm, he bangs her harder causing an intense orgasm, but he has to fucks her a bit longer before his orgasm happens. Both are tired and ready for a break as they come down from the orgasms. Mom and Dad are still at it and a while later, they grunt in orgasm.

As they rest up from the most recent act of physical pleasure, Jason wants to get some sleep. His cock is limp and is no good to anyone so he tells the family he has to hit the sack, that he's too tired to perform.

"You can sleep here tonight if you want to," Mom offers.

"That's tempting Mom, but if I do that, I won't get any rest at all and I need some right now."

"Okay, Son."

"Me too, Mom. I need my beauty rest as well. We can pick up on this later, I hope?"

"Anytime you two want," Dad says.

"Okay. Thanks Mom and Dad, that was fun. Looking forward to repeating whenever Darcy and I are ready. Good night all," Jason says as he walks toward his room.

"I'm going to shower and hit the sack myself so see ya in the morning," Darcy says and walks off toward her room.

Jason is already in the shower when Darcy shows up for her shower so she gets in with her brother and they wash each other clean, then get out. She joins him on his bed and cuddles to him, relaxing as his cock shows signs of interest, but he rebuffs her so he can catch up to himself. He gives her a kiss and squeezes her tight, even though he's tired and all he wants to do is sleep.

Moments later, Jason asks, "Sis, did you feel anything emotionally different as you fucked Dad?"

"I did feel different at first. Why are you asking?"

"I felt like I was cheating on you until I saw euphoria on your face. Then it sorta went away."

"I felt the same way until I saw you fucking Mom. You were enjoying sex with her so the feelings went away for me as well."

"I wonder what that means?"Me too."

They hold each other tight as sleep overcomes them.

* * * * *

The next morning, Jason is awakened by his horny sister sucking his cock so he swings her pussy above his head and licks her until she squirms on his face. As his tongue reaches the depths of her wet pussy, he gets a fair amount of juice for breakfast.

"Ready for breakfast, Sis?" he asks.

"If I must," she says, pulling off his cock to answer.

"You must. I'm hungry, and you probably are as well."

"Oh poo. Lets go then," she says, not wanting to go until she gets her coffee mate.

Remaining naked, they pad to the kitchen and Darcy cooks the bacon while Jason scrambles the eggs and together, they enjoy the fruits of their labor. After they eat, and instead of having sex, they decide to do some of the things they personally enjoy, not understanding why that happened. After they eat lunch, they return to their favorite pass time, enjoying each other for about an hour, then break it off and take a shower, returning to doing their favorite things until their parents come home.

When Mom and Dad arrive, they walk into the house together. Inside the door, Jason and Darcy are holding hands, standing naked in front of them.

"Ready?" Darcy asks.

The End