My sister lives on the other side of town with her husband and her two kids. I am just "uncle" there, and I have my own set of keys. I frequent the house a lot and I am pretty much a member of the household. Her husband and I go hunting now and again, sometimes bringing their son along, but their daughter, Kaylynn, never joins us. When she was little she was a great kid, but as she grew up she grew a bit cold, and distant. I guess she grew into a woman very quickly, and once she started dating her mother tells me she got to be a real bitch sometimes. The infusion of confidence and power into her was simply what she needed to go from giggling girl into a willowy, statuesque, almost hauntingly beautiful woman.

She and I used to have a great report, but lately, things have been complicated between us. We don't talk anymore, as there is some sort of unspoken wall between us. She knows what I do to women, and I have guessed what she does to her boyfriends, and we have decided to leave it at that, and not cross paths, like a lion and a tigress sharing the same turf.

Now this one night it was pouring down, and it got bitterly cold. I had planned to go out to the bars, but most of my friends had bailed out on the idea, and the thought of walking from bar to bar in the rain simply was not my idea of fun, so I drove over to my sister's house. She wasn't home I knew that. She, her husband and their son were off on a trip with his school or somesuch. Kaylynn was never home either, she hung out at the mall, or slept at friends' houses when her mother was not there to command her home. As I drove up the house was dark and the driveway empty. I parked and let myself in. I shook some of the worst rain off a I hung up my heavy coat.

The lights all off in the house, only the glow from the TV to light the den next to the door, and I turned I saw something, quite amazing, as she'd fallen asleep on the sofa, stretched out in panties and a tank top, skin chilled from the cool night air. It was Kaylynn. I shook off some more rain from my hair and face before I head into the den, stopping as I see the curvy shape in the couch, glowing in the low-light of the television. I felt my breath catch at the vision before me.

"Oh my...." She was deep into her dreams, the din of the TV drowning out all other noise. Her restless body shifts, stretches... rolls gently, slowly. She was lost in her deep sleep, weary from a long day and happy to dream of wonderful things. I walked somewhat closer, seeing the way her smooth skin curved and dipped over her nineteen year old form, the perfect round breasts in that top, the way her abs stretched and flexed as she moved, the hint of muscletone of her thighs as she turned. As I watched a slight groan escaped me, a vision this lovely, this strong, can simply not be real, or resisted. But then again, we had steered clear of each other for a few years now, and there was no friction. Was it worth the risk?

In the dream, warm summer sun glowing down on her, she dropped down into the long grass. Bare bodied, the cool feathery blades of grass caress her flesh, cool the heat of the day. She stretched yet again, inhaling deep, lifting the rise of her breasts higher yet, her exhale settles her deeper into the slumber. Another shot like this would not come again though, I knew that much. I slid down to the side of the couch, sliding my strong arm in under her knees, the other under her shoulders as I easily picked her up, my 6'5" muscular frame hardly noticing the extra weight as I gently lifted her from the narrow couch, and stepped lightly through the room to the base of the stairs of the quiet house.

She was lithe in my arms, her curvy strong body curls naturally into the cradle of a strong embrace. Fire red curls stream is silk rivers, hanging gently over my arm, pale smooth skin warmed by my touch. She stirred quietly, murmuring nothing coherent as I carried her up the wide stairs, and into her room.

I walked in, up to her queen-sized bed, and put her gently on it, smelling the unmistakable scent of sweat and sex in here... my my... someone has been enjoying her evening. I wonder where the boy... or indeed girl... went?

Without thought or provocation she wrapped her arms around my neck.. sleepy instinct when being carried. The dream moves on, the waves of grass caressing her skin, she warm and glows in the radiant light. She stirred as I set her down. She blinked a few times to adjust to the darkness, squinting at first to see who was here.

I gently put her down on the bed, moving the cover out of the way as I felt her arms wrap around my thick neck. I smiled as the smell of sex was even stronger on the bed. She must really have worked that boy over I muse for an instant as I smelled her skin, her youthful strength. As she rested on the bed I slid my hand down her flat belly and down the top of her toned thigh.

"Who...?" she whispered. It was barely a question. The gentle caress calms the alarm in her, she stirs further awake, the dream of fields now gone, or is this yet another dream? it is hard to tell.. but the touch, that touch is real enough.

"Shh... It's just Uncle Carmicahel. Go back to sleep..." I whispered back. I slid my hand along the upper and outer curve of her strong thigh, feeling the smooth and warm skin under my hand. I so yearned to run my hand over her magnificent chest, fondling those big and firm breasts, play with the hint of an erect nipple I can see through the fabric of the white tanktop... I must resist it....

"Ssshhh.." is what she hears, the rest a dim murmur. Her head tucked down into the sound, and she obeyed, not fighting the urge to sleep on. That touch, that caress, it tugged at her, makes her drift between sleep and wake, her body responds, shifts, turns into the touch and when she stretches back out the thin little top pulls tight over plump ripe breasts with pearls of pink nipples dotting through the material. Her thighs shifted together, barely-there lace panties rubbing gently on her folds. Oh gawd.... she is amazing... I just watch the heavenly body moving... those thighs rubbing together, the slender and strong hips on the bed, the perfect curve of her breasts rising and falling in the tight top. The nipples now firm shadows in the dim light of the room... I slid a hand over her belly again, feeling her abs under smooth skin, so strong... I managed to think how amazing it is that she could keep herself so strong and yet not show a bulging 6-pack of muscles, but remain so soft and feminine. I marvelled as my hands explored... Oh gawd... hand sliding further up... up... Her belly rippled gently from the tickle of the touch, she smiled in her sleep and rolled her head gently back and forth. She drew in a deep breath and it is held, lifting her tender young breast high off her chest, straining the top further, looking as though she might rip it apart. The thoughts rocket through my mind. Oh fukk... how can I possibly resist something like this?

I slid my hand in under her top, gently caressing the inner and lower curve of those round orbs of pleasure as I lifted it, leaning in to gently kiss her left nipple, pushing the top over the curve of those magnificent breasts, where it gently parked itself, stretched across her upper chest. My tongue and lips played gently with the pink hard little bud. She drew a shuttered breath, jiggling her breasts against my tongue and then she moaned in her sleep. Her body knew how to respond, she needed not be awake or think, she needs to rest, to ease under the touch and let her body enjoy. She was made for this.. enjoyment. The ripe sweet scent of her arousal started to fill the air, the friction of her thighs rubbing causing her to stir and cream. Her bare feet run one up and down her calf as she hummed to herself, lost in heavenly dreams. Her nipples are turgid pebbles, dusky red and filling with blood as they are suckled upon, toyed with. Her belly tightened, twisted and she breathed slow and deep.

This is what glorious dreams are made of. I gently cupped the firm round breasts, nibbling and lapping at the hardening nipple, then over to the other, feeling her back arching gently under the onrushing waves of pleasure now flooding into her. Oh how wonderful her body is to react to a simple touch like this... so strong, so soft and warm, and so very sensitive... She was arching up, her body exclaiming a resounding 'yes' at the touch, tall and gentle, stretching her lean young form and straining all her muscles. It felt good.. too good. Her hand lifted, searching, but her eyes remained closed. Her hand searched for something to touch in return and she founds my thick neck, nails light on my skin, just touching.

The thought speed across my mind... I wonder if I could tame one as strong as this wonderful girl... could she be made to submit under the pleasure I could provide, or would her youthful strength and what I can only assume, awesome stamina, simply wear me out... Such thoughts are so dangerous. Should I pit myself against her I could lose. Under the heel of a girl this lovely, I am sure there is no end to what she could dream up. I have seen her parents spoil her, and how she treats her boyfriends. I must only come to the conclusion that she has the might to tame them, and uses them as she sees fit once she is done with their "treatment".

However, the bare thought of having a girl like this addicted to what I could do, tamed in on my cock... oh lord... I feel a deep throb in my trunks at the thought... maybe I could... I slid a hand off her firm breasts down her belly, down... into the hem of her lace panties. Her hips rolled. They are slim but curving as a womans does, she is young and fit, but she is all girl, shaped for speed and sex. The faint touch of something low on her belly and instantly she rose from the bed, heels dug into the covers, thighs flexing to lift her bottom from the bed, all of her lifted easily, with the flexibility of a gymnast and the grace of a ballet dancer. I bit my lower lip as I saw the reaction. I must dare, even though the consequences may be dire. I wonder if she will just brush me off and laugh at me, drain me with her power, or of I actually stand a chance... I slid a hand into the lace panties, feeling her legs gently part a degree or two to allow my fingers to trace down to her heated folds. My tongue and lips still on her hard and now glistening nipples.

What else is a man for but to please a woman? This is her belief, this is all that she knows. She is beautiful and fair and boys... men... they yearn to please her... She lets them, uses them and then is done with them... They are weak, she will only be satisfied by the strong. She has never know strength in a man before. None have even gotten close. This touch between the smooth bare folds alights her fire, her hips begin to dance and sway, pressing up into the touch, needy for it... so needy for it. I responded by caressing the folds of supple sensitive skin, caressing and teasing as I felt her hips rising, gyrating, swaying. My tongue lapping, flicking the hard nipples, seeing a bead of sweat form on her forehead at the sensations that are now crowding up at her.

I felt her light but strong hands on my neck, holding me to her firm breasts, as I teased and played with it, the ridge of my index-finger trailing across the hood of her clit.

She was writhing, her whole body squirming upon her bed, under my mouth, under my hand, her body drawn to every sensation I was offering. She stirred, half awake, half asleep. She wants this dream to go on and on, but is it a dream? Is it real? Would she let just any man please her? Would that not make her a slut? She would hate to be called that even if it were true, she would balk.. fight against the image. But her body betrays her. It craved the carnal pleasure. It desired more of my touch and little by little she builds, every muscle tightening, her sweet tender peach of a pussy drenching my fingers and pulsing tighter and tighter. She wanted this, wanted this sensation, would do anything for it. Would I just give it to her? Would she have to demand it? Would I make her beg for it? Her body moved as if in conflict with itself. I felt the strong body under my touch grow restless, as my now glistening finger tapped the hood of her clit, teasing it before rubbing it for 1... 2.....seconds, then withdrawing, feeling her hips trying to push up as I caress the glistening labia, then as they settle I tapped hood again, rubbing her clit 1... 2... 3... then withdraw.

If I am to stand any chance against this tigress I must work to unbalance her now. Once she realizes what is happening there will be no more chances, I fear.

"Mmmm mmmm." It is a gutteral moan, low and throaty. She is greedy, needy and gets what she wants. Her body wants more, demands more, but how will she get it. It could stop at any moment. She is a long languid jungle cat, stretched out on the alter before me; the hunter. Would I sacrifice her to my pleasures? To my desires? She is normally the strong one, and it shows that this is new territory to her. Her hips churned and jumped, straining against my finger tips, always seeking more more more, sometimes not finding it when I pulled my hand away and then her moans turn desperate.

"Mmmm more..." I hear whispered. Is it demand or plead? I was loving the insecurity in her movements and voice. I am sure that were she awake she would simply have taken what she wanted, and once she does wake up I am sure she will, but maybe, just maybe, I can unbalance her enough so that she can't break me easily or quickly, give me a chance to actually make this a challenge... I rubbed back onto her clit. 1... 2.. 3.. 4.. then off again, nibbling on her nipples slightly as I caressed her now almost dripping folds.

"Mmm aaaahhh.. again.. please again.. " The please is a rare word for her. It must be because she is still half dreaming, half awake. Her pearl beneath my finger pulses and rolls. It makes her shimmy and squirm and hump at my strong hand. Yes she is a greedy slut, always anxious for more... more...

"MORE..." Would I you deny her? Could I? Would I give in as all the rest do, would I be satisfied with one night of pleasure? For that is all the weak are allowed... one night... will it be enough for me?? Slowly her eye lids lifted, long sooty lashes bat slowly over vivid green eyes. She looked at me, watched quietly as I fondled her and brought her pleasure but she says nothing.

I heard the voice, and biting down gently on her erect nipple, lashing the hard nub with the tip of my tongue as I let my finger slide down over the hooded pearl, the movements of her powerful hips the only stimulations I am providing, simply something to grind herself again, and her thighs moved, shifting her hips, rubbing up against it, needily. How can I survive a girl like this... Look at how strong she is... maybe I still have a chance... I lapped at her nipple as I hooked my finger slightly, caressing the opening of her pussy as the palm of my hand rubs into the hood over her most sensitive pearl.

The more she wakes the more it builds. The more it builds the more she wants. Her hand stiffened on the back of my neck, clutching at the broad expanse. It is a little hand compared to mine, compared to any part of me she is little. but size doesn't matter in these things, it is the WILL that matters. Who wants it more, who will serve who, who will yield? She shook and trembled, her muscles all tightening as I massaged her sensitive folds and clit.

"Ohhhh god... yes... please..." Then looking at me, waiting, searching my face to see if I are serious or just playing around. She wants to see what I answer as she whispers out.

"Make Me Cum." I met her gaze, holding it as I slowly slid my finger deeper into her, watching for any sign of weakness or doubt in her utter control and strength as I gently hooked it into her, expertly finding her g-spot, rubbing into it as I palm at her clit, gently rubbing it down, my tongue out, lapping at her nipple as I lay, my face resting against the curve of her firm breast. Would I yield as all the rest do? Would it be that easy to tame me? Her little spot found, rubbed... it pushes her nearer and nearer the edge of oblivion. She fucks and rides and grinds against my hand, forcing my head all the harder to her breast. No weakness shown, not to me, if she even has a weakness I'll have to demand to see it. For now she lets me bring her along, right to the edge...OOoooo gawd... oOooo gawd... She teeters on the edge... right there... her whole body quaking. Would I simply let her have it?

"Please Uncle Carmichael... Please..." I smiled quietly as I bit down onto her nipple harder, knowing that she is strong, but wondering still if the orgasm will make her stronger or make her falter for a moment... Only one way to find out as I thumbed her clit, much like pressing a firingstud, shooting lightingbolts of pleasure into her as my finger perfectly rubs her spot deep in her, feeling her walls tightening and quivering around my finger!

"Oohhh fuckkk fuckkk fuckkkkk" she groaned out, arching up off the bed, only heels and crown of her head touching the sheets. She cries out wild and free and humped my hand without shame, fucking that thick fingered hand and seeping her juices down my palm. She cums hard, her body rocked, she is gone into the wind, gone into the lust. She is lost there, panting and gasping for breath, quivering with the waves of pleasure. She whimpers out

"More... more more... please more... please... please..." I felt her tighten around my fingers, her arm locking me down to her breast as she came, and with the heel of my palm rubbing into her clit as I don't stop. Indeed, quite the opposite.

I kept rubbing into her gspot, sliding another finger into her as I rubbed her hooded clit with my palm, not letting her come down. She may have gotten smaller boys to stop and think it is "their turn" with an orgasm this hard and this physically displayed, but I have broken many girls before, and I know when to keep a good hand in play, rather than fold at the first sign of effect. She panted, her body wanting to relent, to sag and enjoy the ripples of pleasure as she comes down. But I do not stop and she looked at me, trying to look stern. Her knees came together and clutched at my wrist.

"Ohhh that is enough dear uncle thank you.. you may go now. " But I do not stop and she can't help but let her body sink back under the spell of the strong hand. I let her see I am undisturbed by her command. She shakes again... so close to the edge still... so close. Feeling those strong thighs close around my wrist, the sudden flashing realization of those legs locking a boy in who wants to withdraw, escape her powerful squeezing muscles, looking up at him as he thrashes, defenseless, unable to not cum hard in her hot pussy as she just holds him to her, as I continue rubbing into her, feeling her hot spasming walls around my fingers, now spreading into a gentle V, stretching her somewhat as I keep rubbing her inner surfaces, tighten, quivering, as her hips spasm.

"I said I've had enough." Her voice quaking with each word but I do not listen, instead I teased her body viciously, palm and fingers working in harmony over her raw and sensitive clit and cunt... oohh sweet lord.. she can't help but to cum harder the second time. She screams out loud, bucking wild and free against my hand, splattering it with girly cream. She shakes... she trembles... she wants to come down... wants to rest.

"Please Uncle... please let me rest..." It is much less of a command now. I was listening to and feeling how she came again, her body arching and flexing hard, her inner walls constricting around my finger and releasing, over and over, as her breaths almost became ragged. As she laid back down onto the bed, I could smell the sweat on her now. I lifted my head off her breasts, gently holding her eyes with mine as I slid my fingers from you, dripping with her nectar now, but still palming her heated folds, not letting go.So... Think you can handle a few more? Or are you spent now Kaylynn?" I smiled down at her. I bait her, challenge her. I can see the flash in her eyes saying "You think you are stronger than I but I will show you..." She grins wickedly.

"I can take as much as you can give Uncle dear.. do You have anything left to tease me with??" It is sassy and bold.. it sounds like it comes from a Queen rather than a young girl.

"Oh you will find that I am full of surprises." I kneel next to her on the bed, still rubbing her warm slick folds, not letting go, as my other hand helped her slip out of her top, around her fiery silken mane, leaning down to kiss those ruby-red lips. Mmm, the kiss... the kiss is heavenly and it melts her. It is not the kiss of a boy, the boys that she's used to, the boys that fold so easily to her will, the boys that fumble and stumble through the sex. No, this is the kiss of a man, a well educated man, a man that knows what he desires. She kissed back... tentatively at first, then stronger, then passionately. I could feel she wanted more, see more, feel more. I was rubbing her, adding another gut-tightening sensation to the kiss as my tongue danced with hers, feeling her passion build as my hand tangled in her red hair, holding her to me as she rested on the bed, so deceptively soft and warm. It was so hard to hold the thought of the young beautiful girl and the hard demanding sexual predator in my mind at the same time. They kept clashing violently. Perhaps she had been a predator out of fear... fear of being used and tossed aside... her only defence was to be the first to use, the first to toss away. She had definitely learned how to be strong, how to be demanding and obeyed. But I do not do this, I do not listen nor obey, I have an agenda of my own and she has not yet figured it out. I could tell is it confused her, made her nervous. She trembled in my arms, lapped at my powerful tongue, suckles it as if it was my cock. She nursed at your mouth, drinking in the passionate embrace, squirming to get free of the grip, of the rubbing, of the kiss... but she couldn't. I was gently palming her pussy, holding her just under the brink of another shuddering climax, a potent reminder to her strong body what it just experienced, as I kissed her, delving deeper into her mouth, pushing her tongue down, winning ground, feeling her insecure, a weakness I can exploit to get to grips with this amazon... She was not just on the brink, but there teetering on the edge of the abyss... her body builds again, young and strong but never tested this way... she felt it in her womb, in her belly, in her breasts... all of her erogenous zones on fire with need of more... She was whimpering to me, almost begging .

"Please Uncle, please one more.. please, I'll be good I promise... one more..." I was watching her, close, my face just an inch from her as I tapped at her hooded clit, feeling the taps of the fingertips ringing through her like thunder, rocking her hips and abs each time I tap down and lift off... Could it really be this easy? Was I mistaken as to how strong she was? I pressed down my fingertip, rubbing just unto the tip of her delicate clit, feeling her hips shudder as this minute stimulation was more than enough to shatter her defences and push her across the brink!

And with a spasming shudder she was wailing as it bursts through her like lightening bolts, every muscle alive with sparks and every contraction tighter than the one before. Her body is not her own, it is a wild thing, dancing on the stars, helpless but to be played. She wants to demand, to command me to stop, to let her rest, but she can't find the strength to fight this sensation, this feels too good... feels like heaven... she just wants more.

"More... please... another... keep doing that please..." I smiled down at her as that almost angelic face contorted and she crashed into another orgasm, but I eased off now, gently palming her hood, not giving her enough stimulation now to climax again. I felt her body rise up, arching, pressing, but then settling down as the wave washed over her. My free hand unbuckled my belt. At this point she was panting like a little dog... panting and out of breath.. wanting more but so tired.. her body spent and quivering... She was looking up at me, a hint of terror in her eyes as I opened my belt. I slid the belt out and start unbuttoning my shirt, revealing the massively broad and muscular chest, the two brass rings hanging heavily from my nipples, watching her eyes as she took my form in. Defined, muscular, almost grotesquely powerful.

"I told you I had surprises in store for you..." She was exhausted, terrified now, watching me undress. Before her she saw a great man, a great beast of a man. and what would a man like that want with a feisty little princess like her? She was shaking her head no... biting her lip anxiously"

"Nooo no more... please Uncle. take pity on me, please... "

"You spent? Exhausted? Tapping out before we have even begun?" I smiled as I slid the shirt off, unbuttoning my pants, peeling them down my massive trunk-like thighs, a heavy thick outline in my trunks betraying a massive shape in the dim light.

"I thought there was more to you than that. And pity? When was the last time you showed any boy any pity?" I was chuckling, watching her on the bed, writhing and flexing. She growled when I mocked her. The fire crawled up the back of her neck as she pushed up from the bed aggressively, standing beside me, having to look up, way up. She tucked a mass of crimson curls behind her ear and wriggled out of the panties I'd not bothered to take off, throwing them to the floor in anger.

"Tap out? I didn't know this was a cage fight.. you should have told me it was no holds barred." She bared her teeth, I could see the fire in her yes as her lithe hand slid down into my shorts, finding my cock, circling it and stroking light and easy, just getting a feel for it for now.

"No hold barred, winner takes all." I counter, smiling as my trunks slid off my legs, my semi-hard 10" in her hand as she stroked the shaft, long and smooth, feeling the pulsing weight in her warm grip as I watched her, sliding my hands to her shoulders, down to her formidable breasts, cupping them gently, pinching the hard pink nipples.

"Deal... Winner takes all..." The rest was implied. Whoever couldn't take anymore would lose, and she was setting it in her mind NOT to be the loser. She would not whine again this night, she would not beg for mercy. She would fight and fuck and make me regret this challenge. I was rolling her nipples between my fingers as I felt her stroking my cock, finding her fingers gripping the long smooth shaft, growing steadily harder, wider, longer. Some women just gape at the sight, some flee, but she seemed to be undisturbed by it. It was impressive, almost intimidating.

"And I will take you... all you have and more..." I pinched her nipples harder as I started to push her back onto the sweat-bathed bed. It took both her hands to circle my cock. She used them both, she wanted me hard as I could possibly be. As I pushed her back she resisted. Yes I am strong, far stronger than her but she was not a chaff that blows away in the wind. I pushed and she pushed back, small hands letting go of my monster cock, placing both hands to my muscular chest.She shoved with all her might. Long gone was the girl who a moment ago was afraid of me, now that I had shown my desire. Before she could not fight an unknown enemy, now I was found out, now she could fight.

I was pushed back just a sway of inches, my feet didn't even move, but it was enough for her to bend down, quickly lick the length of my shaft and stand back up. She then crawled backward onto the bed, kneeling there, crooking a finger to urge me to join her.

My eyes widened as her tongue caressed my almost fist-sized cockhead, before she slid backwards onto the covers. I knelt on the bed, reaching out for her, one hand on the back of her neck, under the fiery mane of hair, the other on her strong thigh, sliding down between them.

"I will outlast you... You know that right Kaylynn?" I teased. Her eyes darkened at this.

"I know nothing of the sort. I've already lasted through 4 orgasms at your hand... I think I'm 4 up on you darling." She knew I had taken it easy so far, not expended myself. She was not about to give me an inch yet. I pulled her to me for the kiss and she came willingly, exploring my mouth with her tongue, lapping at my teeth and gums, playing with her own tongue. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she clung to me, rubbing her stiff nipples against the hard pack of my chest. She broke the kiss only long enough to bend her head, bite my left nipple, tug on the ring and laugh, then her mouth is back at mine as hungry as ever. As we met in the kiss my hand slid down to her tender glistening folds again, caressing them gently as I slid a fingertip down the slit, exploring her tight opening. Our kiss melted us together, tongues dancing, and then she was away, and I felt her tongue flick the heavy ring, making it ring through me, rolling my shoulders slightly at the unexpected sensations, as her strong warm hands still pumped my now fully erect 12" shaft.

I saw her smile as she notices my response to the bite of my nipple, the playing with the ring. She

broke the kiss again and searched out the other, this time not stopping. This time her lips suckled the nipple, tongue lapping at the ring, making it wiggle up and down inside her hot mouth, the suction is tight and strong. My cock, the beefy monster was being kept in both hands, thumbs rubbing the crown and the flange, teasing the slit where pearly drops formed, out of my control. I was being are pumped and stroked and her hips bumped forward to tease my shaft with her cunt. I slid my hands to her strong hips, pulling her forward so she was sitting over the long veined shaft, her glistening labia dripping hot juices onto the smooth member. I shuddered as she played with my nipplering, but the long lessons at Madam Cho's parlour always pay off, and I contain the sensations, played with her weight as I ground her softly down, pulling her back and forth on the shaft, see-sawing at her dripping folds. Her move had been thwarted by my resistance. She almost pouted but reminded herself not to show disappointment lest I got the upper hand. She was balanced on her knees, straddling my lap, pushing up and down the length of my member. She wanted it wet as can be because while she is not afraid, she is not a naive fool; that cock needs lube and plenty of it to squeeze into her tight little pussy. She dripped and soaked the sides and head, proudly lurching up and down as if riding a bull. I reached up and pinched her nipples slowly as I pushed her shoulders back, then kissed her again, feeling her hips undulating as if she was on the dancefloor trying to entice another prey to step into her parlor, into her grip, feeling her folds spreading over the top of my shaft, dripping onto it.

"Mhh... good girl..." I was kissing her deeper, taking some of her breath away as I played with her hard nipples, feeling the full curves of her breasts gently moving as she slid up and down the length of shaft, her labia pressed and spread over its upper curve.

Kaylynn was as hard edged as any woman; tough as nails and soft as butter, but when I said "good girl" she almost came on the spot. It made her all the more eager to sit atop me. She lifted up on her knees, a gentle hand to guide me, a little tease there, almost putting my pulsating cockhead head inside... almost... almost...

and then just the head pushed into the tight silk opening.

She gasped out aloud from the stretch, holding her breath as she let gravity pull her down around the pulsing pole.

I groaned out, my hands on her soft firm orbs pushing her back slightly, causing her to angle her hips out, and as she slid down I could see her abs flexing and tensing hard at the massive sensation my cock was causing as it stretched her. I was shuddering, sitting on my knees, her straddling my legs, my hands on those perfect breasts, and feeling her hot wet tightness, sliding down like a vice, encompassing the first few inches of my member! I groaned out and she looked down at me, smiling.

"Not what you expected Uncle? You thought I was going to cave in the moment you pushed inside me?" She was struggling to retain her composure, I could tell, but she looked so high and mighty, sitting on top of me and slowly sinking down, taking inch after inch into her tightness, eagerly, never slowing. I groaned out, for my worst fear had just come true. She was up on top and in utter control. She had taken my very best and was still in utter control of her own faculties, ready to bring me to heel. I could fel my cock twitching in her pussy as it closed lovingly around the massive width, as easily as anything. She just giggled as she caressed my nipplerings.

"Oh yes... I think I will make you cum once, so hard, that you will know who of us are really the stronger. You said no holds barred right? Let me show you no... hold..barred" and to drive home her point she clenched her pussy around my cock, HARD, with each of those three words, making my back almost spasm, as she played with my nipplerings, smiling as she watched me in this utter rapturous anguish. Groaning and stunned I could do nothing but loo up at her as she placed her hands on my shoulders, slowly pulling herself off my cock, smiling all the while, and with just my cockhead in her she licked her lips and squeezed, tightening her muscles around my sensitive cockhead, making me shake and whimper!

"Oooh what's the matter? Big boy can't handle my pussy?" she cooed, relaxing her vice-like grip before pushing herself down on my cock again, encasing it in the grip of her hot muscles. Once she sat down fully she rolled her strong hips a bit, utterly manhandling my cock held captive in her amazing pussy. I was about to fall back onto the bed, and I guess she sensed it, for she gripped my head with her arms, pulling me to her breasts, just like she had held me before. There was a different energy to it now though. She was again demanding, again in control, not tentative and unsure as to what she was getting into. She was utterly clear as to what she was doing, and she rolled her hips forward and back, smiling down at me as she caressed my hair, leaning my lips to her nipple as she squeezed and relaxed her pussy and thighs around me, I felt her ass tightening, moving her hips, then relaxing, and still with that sweet smile down at me. As if on command, none having been uttered, almost obediently, I lapped and sucked at her nipples, and she rolled her head back, sighing happily as she rolled her hips over me. So weak, like all other men. I would last a few more moments under her, and then it would be over, like with all the others. Only one night, and then it would be all over. She let a content little moan escape her lips as I nibbled and lapped at her nipples, her pussy still massaging and constricting around my cock over and over. I was so close to the edge, struggling hard, my abs tensed, pecs hard as steel, trying hard to withhold my load from the demanding pussy now working to pull it from me.

"You know Uncle Carmichael. It is strange but I always knew it would end like this between us. Me on top and..." she slid her fingers to my nipplerings, twisting them, drawing a low guttural moan and hiss from my body "you underneath. I always felt it..." She giggled again as she gently pushed my face from her breasts, gently pushing me back onto the bed, just like I had attempted to do, but been unable to. I could do nothing but comply, and after a moment I was flat on my back with her straddling my hips, moving slightly up and down on my cock, her strong thighs lifting her, letting her control her her motions perfectly as she squeezed around my cock before she slid back down, encompassing my entire length. She just sat like that, leaning with her hands warm on my pecs, toying idly with my nipplerings as she moved slowly, implacably moving me towards an inescapable climax, and the telling end to this challenge.

She slowly leaned herself back, pushing her feet forward until they were right under my arms, pushing herself up with her hands on my legs behind her, her long fiery red hair tickling my thighs and knees as she picked up the pace just a bit, still taking great care to squeeze my cockhead hard and lovingly before sliding down on my pole again. She shook a strand of red hair from her face as she picked up the pace even more, now bouncing up and down on my cock, driving me onwards, and I felt hot I had to concentrate hard not to lose my load immediately.

I slid my hand up the inner curve of her leg, and she smiled and closed her eyes, continuing to ride, and for a moment the expression on her face was that of a cowgirl breaking in a young colt. She kept squeezing her ass and thighs, applying pressure on my manhood as she rode is fast and deep. I slowly slid my hand up her inner thigh and rested the rips of my fingers on her exposed clit, gently rubbing it. Kaylynn just smiled and rolled her hips as she kept riding me, and I tried concentrating on rubbing her rather than on the massive sensations she was causing in me with her motions. She gripped my legs tighter as she pushed herself down to the base of my cock, drawing a long moan from me as she clenched her pussy around my shaft then sliding off again. Had she stayed there she would have had me within a few moments, and I think she knew it too, and was just playing now. She resumed riding me and I tried to rub her beautiful clit, feeling her hips rise an fall over me, regularly and with great power, as I rubbed her. Kaylynn had her eyes closed, and a bright shining smile on her face as she took it all in, but as I kept resisting the nearly overpowering urge to cum, to shoot my load deep into her demanding and hot pussy, I saw her know her brows in concentration, and she picked up the pace. What was this? Was she struggling with the sensations now building in her? Spurred on by the expression I thought I saw I kept rubbing her clit gently as her pace became harder, faster, more demanding, but... possibly a little less regular. I was biting my lower lip not to groan out and spur her on, but I was so terribly close. I could feel my cock twitching and balls tightening. This was a matter of moments, if even that, if I was to survive, lest I shoot my hot load into her at her next thrust!

Finally something in this furious assault broken, and she just stopped, held herself up on her arms, and threw her head back. She screamed out, loud and high, as she shook, and her pussy clung almost desperately to my cockhead, almost making me shoot my load immediately. She shook, sitting on top of my cock, shaking her head as she moaned out over and over, her legs flexing and back arching as the massive orgasm swelled in over her, like a wave crashing in over a pier. After a few moments her body became quite still, her eyes were still closed, her nipples pointing at the ceiling, and one could think that she was done, but I could tell from the trembling in her pussy that she had just shook herself almost to the edge of another massive climax! I quickly ceased the opportunity, and gripping her by the hips I flipped her over on the bed, hooking her legs up and wide with my powerful arms and thrust down into her! Long gone was the near-imminent cum building up to shoot into her, this was my last possible chance to turn this around. Looking down at her, I saw her brows still knotted hard, and realized she was actually fighting the sensation of this onrushing orgasm! Not letting her rally I angled my hip and quickly thrust in as hard as I could, to the very hilt of me, into her spasming pussy!Aaaiighhhrrghh!ohgawd!ohgawd!ohfukk!ohgawd!" Kaylynn's eyes flew open and she stared up into my eyes as her entire body bowed under me, her back arching as far as it could go where she was, her legs trembling, abs flexing and shoulders rolling, causing her perfect tits to sway and roll under me. I felt her powerful pussy contract and spasm violently around my pistoning cock, but I was not letting it throw me off my game, not this time. As she almost came down from her climax I poured into her again, slamming into her over and over, deep and hard, fast enough to make sweat fly off from the impact between our bodies, the bed creaking as she was thrown into another wild and loud climax. Her eyes screwed shot as she bucked under me, her pussy spasming again, weaker this time as she opened her mouth and a long low moan escaped her. I let her come down from this climax, and she opened her eyes, brushing some hair from her eyes and then reached up to play with my nipplerings, licking her fingers to make them slick, pulling and twisting them slightly as I set into a low deep thrusting pace.

"Oh gawd... I mean... I had no idea... I mean I had no idea that you could do that to me..." I could almost hear the tears behind the voice as I slowly slid into her over and over, and she kept playing with my nipplerings. She rolled her hips under me, but all the demand and power was gone from her voice. She was just trying to rest up before whatever was coming next. I leaned down, and kissed her gently, the deeper, harder, making her draw for breath until her legs moved up, and I leg her go. She settled them across my lower back, hooking her ankles, but with no strength to clench them around me, her hands caressing my wide arms. "Oh please... make me cum again... please... oh please you have to make me cum again..."

I looked into her eyes as I pushed into her, feeling her quiver and arch under me, her hands clinging to my arms as I looked down at her, sweat dripping off my body onto her, her skin slick with her own efforts as she rolled her hips up to meet thrust after thrust after thrust. I sped up, pushing deep into her over and over, and finally her head rolled back, and with a low guttural moan her body cramped up around me, her long leg shaking as she heaved under me, arching her back and rolling her shoulders as she came. The moan rose to a groan and into a scream as she came hard around me. I let the sensation wash over me, feeling my lower back tighten and then, in the middle of her third orgasm I came hard, flooding her tightness with my hot load! Her eyes immediately flew open and with a pleading lustful gaze spurred me on to shoot my entire load deep into her spasming quaking pussy, squirt after squirt hitting her hot inner walls until her scream died away into a soft whimpering gurgle.

We slept all night in each other's arms, and now, whenever I visit my sister's house, me and Kaylynn have a nice little chat, or cuddle, unless she comes over to my side of town, and we go out clubbing, or hang out at my house, just enjoying each other's company. Now that we have established the order between us we seem to be able to confine in each other and draw strength from one another. It is indeed the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Of course, if my sister knew she'd kill me.

The End.