
Not that I can tell," I said, feeling normal. I tried to think of a good question to ask her. "Do you want to get naked?"

"Yes," she said, although she blushed, too. "What about you?"

"I do, but I don't think it's because of the potion."

"Same here," she said with a cute, shy smile. She darted upstairs and I followed. I found her on the couch staring at me with a big smile on her face.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

In a small, tentative voice, she revealed that she was. "That maybe we should get naked and see what happens?"

I nodded. "I mean, we've already seen each other naked, right?"

Nervously biting her bottom lip, she nodded. "Do want to see me naked again?"

"Yes," I said, giving an answer that didn't require the effects of the potion. "What about you? Do you want to see me naked again, too?" Wearing that same shy smile, she gave me a curt nod. I took off my shirt and paused, waiting for her to do it without me asking. A moment later, she pulled off her t-shirt and my eyes moved directly to her bare breasts and her stiff nipples. Hooking my thumbs into the waistband of my shorts and underwear, I whisked them both off at the same time. Giggling, Carol did the same thing.

"This feels so wrong, doesn't it?"

"Yeah it does," I admitted, very aware that I didn't need the potion to reach that conclusion. "But good, too." I rubbed my cock, felt self-conscious about it, and stopped.

"I like seeing you do that," she said, still staring at me as I sat on the couch.

"You mean this?" I asked, caressing myself again.

"Yes," she cooed, sliding a bit closer for a better look.

"You do it, too," I said in a hoarse sounding voice.

"Touch you or me?"

"Me," I said, not realizing that had been an option until she had asked. "I mean if you want to."

"I am curious," she said, putting her hand on my knee. Her touch felt electric and my cock throbbed. "Are you making that happen?"

"It sort of does it on its own."

She slid her hand a bit farther up my thigh and it happened again. She giggled. "You have such a pretty penis."

That made me laugh. "Cock," I corrected. "It's called a cock. I have a cock and you have a pussy."

"Cock," she giggled as if saying the word for the first time.

"Your brother's cock," I pointed out as her hand moved still farther up my thigh.

"Oh God," Carol said, jumping a little. "That made me tingle!"

"Made your pussy tingle," I said, feeling my cock throbbing again.

"My cunt," she said, instantly turning a deep, bright red and laughing like a crazed woman.

"Have you ever said that word before?" I asked. She shook her head. "Say 'bitch,' another of her taboo words.

"Bitch," she recited, over-enunciating every sound to the word. She squirmed again after saying it. "Ooo, it feels good talking dirty!"

"Did you say it because you felt like you had to say it?"

She shook her head. "I said it because I wanted to say it." Moving her hand the rest of the way up my thigh, she grabbed my cock. "And I'm doing this for the same reason."

"Oh my God," I groaned, amazed with how good her hand felt. I felt my heart pounding against my chest and my balls felt like they might burst from a single touch. "I can't believe you're doing that."

"Me either," she said, staring at her hand as she caressed the smoothness around my cock and fondled my hairless balls. "This feels really good all smooth."

"Can I touch you?" I asked, staring at her heaving breasts. She nodded and I cupped her firm, supple breasts, raking my hand across her perfectly shaped swells and admiring the way her stiff nipples raked against my open palm. "I want these," I blurted out.

"They want you," she said, guiding my head to her chest. Arching her back, she fed me one excited nipple and then the other. I slathered both of them with my tongue, delighting in their perfection.

"This is getting me too excited," I said, pulling away and looking at her wet nipples glistening from my tongue. I fingered one of them, remembering how she had tugged, pulled, and slightly twisted on it. I did that and smiled when she squirmed.

"Can I try to make you cum?" she asked, sliding her hand up and down my cock.

"Yes," I gasped, already feeling the sensation welling up in my balls to a fevered pitch.

"I can't believe I'm doing this to my brother," she cooed, working me harder and faster, apparently learning a thing or two from watching guys jerking off online.

"Say that again," I groaned.

"My brother?" she asked, sensing the impact that had on me. "My brother's cock feels soooo good."

That was the extra encouragement I needed to explode. Seeing her naked again and having her touch me was too much. Add to that her words and there was no way for me to resist the thrill of an explosive orgasm. Gasping, groaning, and moaning, I shot my creamy load in big arcs that reached all the way to my chest. Laughing like she did on a roller coaster, Carol kept pulling and jerking until the final spasm leaked one last spurt along her fingers.

"Care to taste it?" she asked, putting her cum-coated fingers against my mouth. Without hesitation, I licked and sucked at her fingers as she gleefully giggled. "Here, have some more!" she said, scooping it off my body and feeding it to me.

"You like this, don't you?" I asked between her finger feedings. "You like seeing your brother eat cum."

"Yes," she gasped, squirming as if she was sitting on a row of tacks.

"Can I touch you, too?" I asked, my hand already on her knee.

"God yes," she said, pulling my hand up to her pussy.

I barely noticed the smoothness of her waxed pussy as my fingers dipped between her lips to feel the warm wetness inside. My fingers zeroed in on her clit, marveling at how easy it was to find hers. As soon as I began caressing her clit, Carol came with huge groans while grinding against my hand. At first, I was afraid she would going to pass out from the strength of her orgasm as her breathing hitched for a long moment.

"That's the first time someone else has made me have an orgasm," she sighed, looking at me with stars in her eyes.

"Can I try again?"

"Yes!" she said, slouching down on the couch, parting her legs and giving my hand full access to pussy. I leaned over and sucked on her nipples as I played with her pussy. At one point, I filled her pussy with two fingers and she squirmed.

"Careful or I'll want something more." I felt her hand tugging on my cock and felt a thrill as I realized that's what she meant. For the moment, I kept doing what I was doing since I sensed she was close to another orgasm. A few seconds later, I discovered I was right.

Carol went limp on the couch, panting to catch her breath. Her face and chest were flushed from the thrill of her orgasm and she looked so beautiful to me. That's my only explanation for what I did next. Without asking, I leaned over and kissed her lips. As soon as our mouths touched, she clamped a hand on the back of my head and insisted on kissing me back. As our tongues met, there was no mistaking this as the sort of kiss shared between a brother and sister. I was actually the one who broke our kiss by pulling away.

"Too much?" she asked, looking worried.

"No, not enough," I said, kissing her again as our hands freely roamed each other's naked bodies. It didn't seem to matter where she touched me because every caress felt as divine as her lithe, supple body felt to my roaming hands. I felt a passion I had never known and in the back of mind, I became increasingly aware that it was because she was my sister. Pulling away again, I asked her, "Do you think this feels even better because I'm your brother?"

"Yes," she admitted. "But I don't care."

"Me neither," I said, going back to kissing her until she tapped out.

"You're still so hard."

"Because of you," I said, enjoying the touch of her hand on my cock.

"Are you sure?"

Glancing over my shoulder at the clock, I gave her the best answer I could. "Ask me again in twenty minutes."

"I want to suck your cock before then," she demanded, slipping to the floor and between my legs.

Looking down at her, I smiled because I knew how she felt. If we were only able to do this because of the effect of the potion, she wanted to get as much in as she could before it felt strange and awkward. "And my ass," I urged her, going all in. If this was because of the potion, I wanted to try it all. "Finger my ass."

"Such a naughty brother," she grinned before sucking on two fingers. Right after she replaced those two fingers in her mouth with my cock, I felt her slippery fingers pressing against my asshole and I welcomed them.

"Deeper," I groaned, meaning her fingers, but she seemed to think I meant both. I watched as she forced my cock farther inside her mouth. If I had pubic hair, her nose would have been buried in it. Meanwhile, I felt the fingers in my ass going as deeply as she could reach and it felt good, really good. "Do it, Carol," I said, thrilling at the intense combination of sensations. "Suck me. Suck your brother's cock. Fuck my ass. Fuck it good!" I saw her ass wiggling as she sucked and fucked me and I could guess that she was dire need, too.

"I'm going to cum!" I warned her. "I'm going to cum in your mouth!" Carol never moved away. Instead, she redoubled her efforts, pounding my ass with her probing fingers, and getting me off as strongly as ever as I exploded inside her mouth. "Fuck, that felt good."

Carol smiled up at me. "So you're saying your sister is a good cocksucker?"

"Stop it or you'll have to do it again," I laughed, surprised by her crude choice of words.

"I will," she said, sucking me again.

"No, it's my turn," I said, pulling her over me. After we kissed again, I rolled on top of her before sliding to the floor. I put my hands beneath her knees and forced them up to her chest. "I wanted to do this yesterday," I said, burying my tongue against her asshole. I couldn't guess why or where I had developed the craving to do something like that. It felt as weird as getting off on the idea of sucking dick, but as I did it, the answer came to me. What could possibly be more wrong and intimate than this?

"Yes!" Carol cried out, squirming against me. "Eat my ass! Eat it!" I did for a bit longer before moving to taste her sweet, smooth pussy. Without her asking, a put a finger in her ass as I ate her cunt. She whimpered, squirmed, and came repeatedly from my tongue lashing and I didn't stop until she went limp.

Weak from her orgasms, she still urged me on top of her. Resting on top of her, we kissed over and over against. That she could taste herself from my tongue, lips, and cheeks didn't dissuade her in the least for welcoming my kisses. As I rested on top of her nude body, I felt the effect of her flesh so close to mine and the impact it had on me. Cradling her face, I stared deeply into her eyes and felt my heart fill with affection for her that I couldn't withhold. Stroking her cheek, I smiled and said, "I love you."

"I love you," she replied, kissing me again before reaching between us. Her tiny hand grabbed my swollen cock. "Now prove how much you love me." I felt her placing my cock against her pussy.

"Carol, we can't," I said, rolling off of her with a start. "How do we know this isn't the potion?"

"I don't care," she said, crawling on top of me. She sat on my thighs and pulled on my hard cock while looking down at me. "What if it's not?"

"Say the C-word again," I requested as a test.

"Cunt?" she asked, giggling a bit. "Or cock?" She giggled again. "Or maybe you want me to ask for your cock in my cunt, is that better?"

"You're brother's cock inside his sister's cunt, right?" I asked, laughing with her. It did sound funny being that explicit, but it also felt like the potion's effect. Looking past her, I glanced at the clock and saw we were well past the time limit of the potion.

Carol followed my gaze, immediately guess where I was looking at why. "Hm, it's past time and I still want your cock in my pussy."

"And I still want to fuck you," I said, guiding her forward on my legs and inviting her to take me for a ride. Moving with me, Carol held my swollen cock and guided me deep inside her warm, wet pussy.

"You realize the potion had probably worn off before you said you loved me."

"Shut up and fuck me," I said with my hands on her hips gently urging her to move up and down. As she did, my hands slipped to her perfect breasts and I felt the joy of fucking filling me with lust. "Damn, your pussy feels good."

"Mm, your cock feels better," she moaned. "My brother's cock," she added and her eyes fluttered as a wave of pleasure surged through her. I felt that pleasure between her legs as a series of contractions around my cock.

"That's getting you off, isn't it?" I asked with a smile. "You like that you're fucking your brother, don't you?"

"Yes," she gasped as her pussy clenched around me again.

"And what if your brother cums inside of you? Can I do that?"

"Yes!" she cried out, squirming hard against me. "Cum for me. Cum inside your sister!"

Feeling like those were trigger words, I couldn't hold back. Holding her hips, I pressed her against my cock as I thrust upwards, filling her pussy with my cock and my seed at the same time. In counterpoint to my explosion, I felt her orgasm, too. In every way possible, our combined orgasm felt better than any of the orgasms inspired by the potion.

Afterward, we showered together, needing to rinse the mix of sex and perspiration from our bodies. My cock fell limp, spent from the multiple orgasms, but she didn't seem to mind and neither did I. After drying off, she was the one who suggested we stay naked for the rest of the night. As we moved farther past the last dose of the potion, I grew more confident that we remained naked because we were that kind of comfortable together.

"Let's make a promise," she said after we had watched a movie together on Netflix. "No matter what, let's promise that we'll never lie to each other, okay?"

Holding her tightly against me, I kissed the top of her head and made a follow-up suggestion. "And that we tell each other things, too. Like, if you want to do something, you tell me you want to do it and I'll promise to do the same."

"Deal," she said, sealing the arrangement with a kiss on my lips. "I want to sleep with you tonight, like this. Naked. I want to wake up naked with you, too." I couldn't think of a better test than seeing how it felt waking up naked next to her.

As the morning light filtered through the slats of my blinds, I opened my eyes to find Carol's naked pressed up against mine. Her eyes fluttered and she smiled. "Good morning," I said, kissing her tenderly on the lips.

"Still love me?" she asked, caressing my nakedness.

"More than ever," I said, hugging her tight so I could feel as much of her naked body against mine as I could.

Knowing the potion couldn't have last this long, we started our first together as a brother and sister who truly loved each other in every sense of the word. I couldn't imagine a better beginning.