I had been living with my father for a few years, just the two of us. It had been difficult and our relationship hadn't always been the best, though we did what we could. One beautiful day, he met and married Angela, a woman a few years his junior and she came to live in our house with us. I had just turned 18 and was your typical introverted teenager.

Emotionally speaking, Angela didn't exactly assert herself into the role of my new mom, but she was warm, affectionate and took good care of both of us. She was an excellent cook and I grew to adore her over time and it seemed as if she was fond of me too. But even though she managed the household while working full time, I never thought of her as my replacement mother.

Angela was a light skinned black lady with long wavy black hair, about 5'8" tall with fine features and was to my eyes, drop-dead gorgeous. She had magnificent, large breasts, an amazing ass, but otherwise was beautifully slim. She used her womanly physique to comfort her boys and I always cherished her cuddles that allowed me a little access to her wonderful body. She would always say sweet, kind things to me and soon enough, I realized that I adored her equally as a parent figure and as an object of sexual desire.

Work was hard to find and my father was forced to take a job in another city which meant he would be traveling a lot, spending most of the week away. At first, I felt weird being home alone with Angela, but she quickly put me at ease with her warm nature. She seemed to slip more easily into a parental role now; organizing my school things, doing laundry and cooking dinner, while at the same time being a comfort, a fun friend and confidant. I missed my real mom of course, but as time went by, the more I loved my step-mom, though I never called her "Mom".

I wasn't jealous of my father for his relationship with Angela, partly because I never thought I could have any kind of sexual experience with her, though I did fantasize about it. Sometimes when she would hug me and squash her amazing tits against my skinny body I got aroused and found myself needing to jerk off afterwards. She never got out of the habit of coming to see me in my room to say goodnight and sometimes it felt beautifully intimate, so that I would imagine her staying with me. She never did of course but it still fueled my fantasies.

I would also dream about her coming quietly into my room at night and crawling under the covers with me, cuddling up, pressing her body against mine and kissing me. I would imagine how her lingerie and skin might feel against mine and how she might start stroking my dick. That thought would normally be enough to make me ejaculate. Of course, this fantasy didn't come true though I wished it would.

As time went on, I found myself staring at her more, peeking down her dress and trying to catch her undressing or in the shower. She wasn't flirtatious exactly, but she certainly had a free and easy way about her and was very physical and affectionate. Angela also had an exhibitionist streak. She loved to sunbathe in our back yard which was always a highlight, watching her in a bikini as her delicious brown skin and curvy body glistened in the sunshine. She was truly breathtaking.


I started to go out with a girl in school called Hannah, but I was still a virgin. I was a tall, geeky white boy, in stark contrast to the full-bodied African-American figure of Angela, with which none of the girls at school could compete. I brought Hannah home for dinner at our house after taking her on a few dates, Angela cooked a nice dinner and we all sat down. Hannah was a cute girl with pale skin and red hair, but she was nothing in comparison to my amazing step-mom as far as sex appeal went. Although I was desperate to score, I found myself less and less excited by Hannah, especially when Angela was around.

"So, Hannah, Michael tells me you're on the hockey team at school, is that right?" Angela started in as we sat down to eat.

"That's right, Mrs. Joplin," Hannah replied.

"Oh, call me Angela, please. And anyway, I never took that last name. I'm still Angela Moore, sweetie," she replied in her usual warm manner.

I had never really thought about this before and I wondered why she hadn't taken our name. Had she wanted to keep some distance with us? I didn't ask, but perhaps I would another day. Nevertheless, dinner went on pleasantly with Angela and Hannah and the two of them seemed to get along well. After dinner, we sat down to watch a movie, but Angela left us alone soon after. I put my arm round Hannah and tried to make a move.

She wasn't wearing clothes that were particularly revealing so I didn't have easy access. We kissed and I let my hands roam over her arms and shoulders awkwardly. Moving over to her breast as we made out, I felt her pull away. "I should probably head home, Mike," Hannah said. She stood up and walked away, leaving me hard, blue balled and mortified. She exited without too much fuss and I was left thinking that I would probably die a virgin.

Feeling glum, I made my way towards my bedroom where I planned to jerk off, and walking past my father and Angela's room, I noticed the door ajar. Peeking in, I saw Angela. She was moving about the room wearing lacy white underwear, apparently tidying up and putting things away in her drawers. She was wrapped up in what she was doing and didn't notice me, caught under her spell, spying.

She was magnificent with her womanly tits and ass showing, spilling out from under the constrains of the bra and panties. Her bust was bouncing as she moved around, causing me to sweat, but I couldn't look away. Her panties were almost thong-like in how revealing they were and I could clearly see her trimmed pubic hair through the fine fabric. Her tummy and waist looked delicious as always.

Angela continuing pottering around as I stood there, glued to the spot, my viewpoint through the 3 inch crack in the doorway was enough to see her completely. My heart was pounding. After a few minutes, she turned away from the door and looked at herself in a floor length mirror. I could see her back and front side; the best of both worlds.

She started posing and stretching, looking like a hot little sex bomb, at the peak of her physical condition and sensuality. She touched herself a little as if admiring her own perfection, and I could see a smile creep across her face. Did she know I was there? She was behaving as she were being watched. I began to get a little worried when she turned around, let out a little cough and said under her breath, "OK, that's enough," to no one in particular.

I stepped back, realizing this had gone on too long. I didn't know if she had known I was watching her, but I didn't stick around to find out. I quickly went to bed and jerked off. I was so in awe of her and so stimulated that I didn't think beyond what I had just witnessed. I didn't think about fucking her or even touching her, just reveled in her erotic beauty. The vision of this black goddess in white lingerie stayed with me, fixed in my mind, for weeks afterwards.


The next day was a school day and as always, Angela was helping with my things, insisting that I eat breakfast. I sat down on a stool in the kitchen and she stood next to me, her silky bathrobe brushing against me. She ran her fingers through my hair lovingly and I felt her breast against my shoulder. I closed my eyes and started to sweat. She had occasionally interacted with me this way before, but it always left me unable to function when she did.

"Did you like what you saw last night, honey?" she whispered sweetly.

I was shocked and blushed bright red. "Whaaat?" I replied.

"The movie. The one you watched last night with Hannah. Was it good?"

"Oh," I managed to say, regaining my composure. I had assumed she had been talking about me spying on her in her underwear. "Yeah, yeah. Uh huh," I spurted out.

Her breast lingered against my shoulder as she played with my hair and I tried to eat. "Will you be home tonight or are you going to hang out with Hannah?" she asked me and moved away a little. I regained my composure.

"Actually, Will is gonna come over and we're gonna jam a little," I answered. This guy at school and me were trying to start a band. "Is that OK?"

"Of course it's OK, baby," she replied and started massaging my shoulders. It felt incredible. "Oooh, you're tense," she whispered in my ear. "We'll need to work this out," she said and my mind went blank.

"Well, I should be heading off," I said and stood up abruptly. I looked over at her and I could see her bra where her robe had fallen open slightly. That same white bra from last night. Her hair was a little messy and she looked amazing. "Thanks for breakfast," I said, my eyes falling to her partly visible cleavage.

"Don't mention it, baby. Oh, I'm going to be late home from work tonight, but I can cook something for you boys later, OK?" she said. I nodded and smiled. "Now, let me give my boy a hug," she said and enveloped me in a blissful cuddle, with her chest, hips, legs all up against me and her arms wrapped around. Despite the fact that I was much taller than her, I felt tiny. Then, I went hard and was paranoid she could feel me.

She pulled her face away, but kept her body close and looked up at me, smiling. I was certain she could feel my hard dick pressing against her. She stood up on tiptoes and gave me a kiss on the cheek, which lingered for a moment. "Have a lovely day, baby and I'll see you later this evening," she said, then walked away with a wave. My heart was beating like crazy.

I sat on the bus to school, mesmerized by Angela, while feeling guilty for having all these urges towards her. It felt better than when I was close to Hannah, on those occasions when she allowed me to go a little further, anyway. I began to feel frustrated but tried to forget all about my problems with the fairer sex. By the time I was home again, jamming with Will, I was feeling much calmer.

Angela came into my room as Will and I were attempting a Beatles song with only minor success. "It's sounding good, boys," she said sweetly. "Dinner in ten minutes, OK?" she smiled and walked away.

"Dude, are you adopted?"

"No, she's my step-mom."

"She's super hot," Will went on. Yeah, I knew she was. Everyone knew it. I wanted him to shut up about it. "And where's your dad?"

"He works out of town during the week. He'll be home tomorrow," I replied curtly.

"So you're alone in the house with her all the time?"


"Dude, have you tried to fuck her?" Will said thoughtlessly. I looked at him.

"No. No way. What?"

"Damn, I would. She's got amazing knockers," he said and trailed off, concentrating on a complicated guitar figure. I chose to ignore him, but the thought stuck in my mind. Would another guy try and make a move on his step-mom? It seemed ridiculous, and anyway, despite the growing distance I felt with my father, I still loved him despite slightly dreading his return home the next day.


As expected, on Friday evening, dad pulled into the driveway and came shuffling into the house, apparently worn out and tired. "Hey y'all," he said with a sigh and we all gathered around. He had been away for nearly a month this time and I noticed that he looked old; his hair thinning and he was getting heavy, his physique having seen better days. Angela gave him a hug and a kiss but they didn't appear to be too affectionate.

"Let me go and freshen up and we'll all go out to dinner, yeah?" she said turning to me with a kind smile. My father slapped her on the ass as she walked away without saying much else. I felt kinda sick but tried not to show it. For the first time, I noticed that he was a little bit of a sexist pig and condescending to Angela, who I thought should have been treated like the goddess she was. I gave my dad a hug.

At dinner, he held court, spinning stories from work and his goings on the last few weeks. I noticed that Angela seemed to be getting bored, her attention drifting and her replies perfunctory. I stopped listening at some point and concentrated on my food, which was equally uninspiring.

I remembered back to when my father was a bit of a hero to me, after all, he had been a great enough guy to land a babe like Angela. But the man sitting with the stunning Angela tonight looked well and truly out of his depth and she out of his league. I felt a little sorry for him, he was my father after all, and I began to wonder if all was well in their marriage. Back at home, we played a customary game of cards and Angela seemed to cheer up and get into the spirit of it.

I couldn't help but notice that Angela sat next to me on the couch, my father opposite in a comfy chair. Angela sat close and her thighs were snug against mine. Even in this setting with my father and her together, it felt incredible and was another intimate moment between us, at least for me. After a while, my father got up and said he needed to take a bath and relax.

"We'll just hang out here, alright?" Angela said and he nodded absentmindedly. After he wondered off, I sat back on the couch, relaxed and Angela looked at me and sighed. She put her head on my shoulder and as usual, I felt her breasts against my arm. I was frozen, not knowing if I should cuddle her and try to comfort her; was she turning to me for that? I certainly hadn't seen her be close or affectionate with my dad in a while. I felt concern for her.

I put my arm around her and she responded by bringing herself closer to me. My hand landed on her upper arm and I rested my head on hers, as she relaxed onto my shoulder. Her breasts pressed against my chest and her thighs were still snug against mine. It felt indescribably wonderful, I began to sweat and despite my best efforts, went hard. We stayed like that for a few moments, not moving, only my hand stroking her arm a little.

Angela then brought her head up and looked at me, though I couldn't tell what she thinking. Was she lonely and reaching out to me? Was she sad, confused, angry? I had no idea. Was there desire for me behind those eyes? Looking at her, then at me with my lanky, pale body and what I thought were goofy features, I doubted it. But, here she was seeking my comfort and I was glad to give it.

"I'm sorry, Michael," she said, sweetly and quietly.

"Sorry about what?" I said, trying to sound mature.

"I shouldn't impose on you like this. Sometimes I feel like I have no one else to turn to," she said, trailing off as if not wanting to continue the dangerous thought.

"What about my dad?" I asked, immediately regretting it. Angela just sighed again. There was definitely something wrong, but I didn't push it. "Well," I went on, "I'm here," I said softly, impressing myself with a grown up and convincingly masculine line.

"Thank you, baby," she said sadly and kissed me on the cheek, her divine lips resting there for a moment. She moved away a few inches and looked at me again, our faces close; too close for comfort. If my father had come in then and caught us in this embrace, it would not have been a huge leap to believe we had been kissing like lovers. She moved towards me again for another kiss on the cheek, then pulled away.

Releasing her from the voluptuous cuddle we had just shared, Angela stood and brushed herself off. She ran her fingers through my hair as she often did and smiled sweetly. "You're such a fine, lovely, young man, Michael," she said and walked away. I watched her as she left, her feminine form swaying in a way I found difficult to fathom. She turned, waved, then was gone. I heard her close the door to their room so I decided to go to bed too. Naturally, I fantasized about her that night, dreaming of how good she felt and how I wished she'd really kissed me.


A few days after that, my father left again, heading out to work on another big engineering project. As usual, I promised to stay in touch but my mind was on other things. I was getting close to graduating high school, Will and I were getting this band together and then there were the girls. There was Hannah, who still wouldn't let me get anywhere with her and of course, there was Angela, a continual source of stimulation, wonder, guilt and frustration.

From then on, Angela became more physical with me, more intimate, telling me private things, confiding in me and I noticed a change in how she spoke to me. She would address me more as an equal and an adult, with less of the tone of a parent. I also noticed another trend; Angela was wearing more attractive outfits, was doing herself up a little and was even more free in the casual attire she chose to wear around the house.

She had always worn dresses that showed off her bust, but I began to observe that she wouldn't always wear a bra, which caused her nipples to poke through the material. This would also cause my pulse to quicken. Sometimes she would leave a couple of buttons undone on her top and I think I saw a few new items make their debut; some shorter dresses, a tube top and best of all, some tightly fitting short shorts.

One weekend she was wearing these short shorts and stood in front of me as I was reading a magazine on the couch. Her hips were at my eye level and when she walked over to me, I immediately ogled her sensational camel toe and went bright red. I was unable to form a sentence, so she giggled and walked away, saying, "you're obviously distracted."

Was she doing this for my benefit, or to simply make herself feel better, younger, prettier? I doubted she was that happy or excited by my father, even when he was around, so I also considered the possibility that she might have a lover on the side. Whatever the case, her manner, dress and behavior towards me had changed.

One evening after playing some music in my bedroom with Will, I went into the kitchen and Angela was in there making a snack. She was wearing her silky, silver robe, barely done up in the front. As I got closer I could see more cleavage than I'd ever seen before on her and it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. Before she acknowledged that she had noticed me, she leaned forward to fetch something out of a drawer, her robe falling open and I could see an entire breast.

Her nipple was in clear sight, something I had dreamed about but never seen. Still in that position, she looked up at me, smiled and said, "Hey," happily. Standing back up, but without adjusting her robe, she went on. "That sounded really good, Michael." I'm sure it wasn't true but it was nice of her to say. I then glanced down and ogled her tit. At this angle, her nipple was covered again, but only just. Practically, the whole, big, beautiful shape of her breast was on view and I couldn't tear my eyes away.

Angela stretched. She pulled her arms over her head in an exaggerated motion and let out a long, contented sigh. The result of this was that the robe was readjusted and once again, her tit spilled out, momentarily revealing everything. I was spellbound and when she looked at me, I blushed bright red, my jaw wide open.

"Oops," she said with a giggle and casually fixed her robe to cover herself up, but it still wasn't fastened too much. Did she want me to see? Was she trying to get a reaction from me, was she being a flirt or was it all innocent fun? I couldn't tell, partially because my mind was now a complete muddle. "Baby, I'm going to have a bath and turn in, will you give me a hug?" she said softly, walking towards me.

She pressed her body against mine and as she did, I looked down to view her bust again. I could see the beginning of her areola as the robe was barely covering her. I was hard as a rock and when Angela held herself against me, I was certain she could feel me, just as I could feel her tits and hips. She rested her head against my chest and let out a long sigh. "Mmmmmm. I love your hugs these days, Michael," she said as her arms encircled me.

put my hand on her waist and it felt wonderful. I'd never really touched her anywhere other than her back, hands or shoulders and this felt new and exciting. I gave her waist a little squeeze and she didn't pull away, just kept on hugging me. She looked up at me, stood on her tiptoes and gave me a tiny, quick kiss. This time, for the first time, the kiss landed on my lips. It was only a little peck, quite innocent, but it felt like I'd been slapped across the face.

I noticed that Angela blushed and quickly released herself from the embrace. She mumbled a few things incoherently then left the room. I wasn't sure, but she appeared to be flustered. What was going on?

I went to my room and looked in the mirror. I wondered to myself if Angela was attracted to me physically or if her isolation was causing her to seek warmth and comfort in the closest person. I didn't think I looked bad. I was skinny and a little ungainly, but Hannah was a pretty girl, so I couldn't have been ugly. It wasn't impossible to believe that I could attract a woman, even one as stunning as Angela.


Strangely enough, the next day, Hannah broke it off with me, citing my persistence to sleep with her as the reason. I was more frustrated than heartbroken and further convinced I would die a virgin. Still, things were going pretty well with Will in the band so I figured girls might be into that. And of course, there was Angela, the focus of all my lustful thoughts and romantic desire. I came home feeling dejected.

Angela was in the kitchen cooking and called to me, "Hello sweetie, how was your day?" giving me a wave. I stopped and looked at her. She was wearing those shorts again, and a small white t-shirt, like she wanted to recreate her cheerleading days. To complete the look, her hair was up in a ponytail. She looked unbelievably hot and I felt lust growing inside me.

"Oh, I got dumped," I said pathetically.

Angela stopped what she was doing and strode over to me, giving me a huge hug. "Oh, poor baby," she said and held my head. I tried my absolute best, but I was quite helpless and my cock grew and grew as I felt her against me. I closed my eyes and drifted away with the magical feeling of being close to her. "You want to sit down and talk about it, sweetie?"

I sat down on the couch and Angela sat down next to me, close. My eyes wandered all over her, to her nipples poking through her tight white shirt, to her slim bare waist and to her little shorts. I could see the shape of her pussy through the clinging fabric and I had to summon all my strength not to reach out and touch her.

"Poor baby," she said again, cuddled up to me and ran her fingers through my hair. I was bummed out for sure, but felt a lot better being with my step-mom. I didn't want to let on that I was OK, however, as I loved getting this attention from Angela. I put my head on her shoulder.

"Is there anything I can do, sweetie? I hate to see you like this," she said and I felt her rest her breasts against my body. My hard cock was pushing against my pants and I wondered if she noticed.

"Um, cuddling is nice," I managed to say.

"OK, baby, you just cuddle up and try and forget that girl," she said, put her arms around me and let me put my head on her chest. "There, there, baby," she said and I slid my hand onto her waist, just like the other day in the kitchen. This time, however, my fingers touched her skin, as her midriff was exposed. She felt incredible and it was true that I had now forgotten about Hannah. She didn't have tits like Angela and she didn't make me feel like this. I started to sweat.

"You're such a sweet boy," she said softly.

Suddenly, I was struck by an urge I couldn't resist. Without thinking or even realizing what I was doing, I moved my hand from her waist up to her breast. It felt like touching heaven. She didn't react physically to my move at first but said, "Now, now, Mike. What do you think you're doing?"

For some reason, I didn't take my hand away but went ahead and gave her tiny squeezes. She wasn't wearing a bra and her voluptuous tit felt amazing through the soft fabric. I didn't know what I was doing, I was just caught up in the moment and bewitched by this goddess. She continued holding me and I began to massage her breast slowly but with firmness. In this tight embrace, I sensed her become tense.

"Mike?" she said softly, as if trying to wake me from a dream.

"I'm sorry, Angela, I'm just so lonely," I said, but the truth was, I didn't know what I was doing or thinking. I couldn't help myself and didn't think beyond this moment. I continued touching her and she didn't stop me.

"OK, honey. You can touch me just this once, but only so you'll feel better," she said lovingly, and I felt her relax.

She then held my head lovingly while I massaged her breast, getting good full handfuls of her divine flesh. She didn't move or say anything, but soon enough I noticed her nipple harden and her breath quickening. The lump in my pants must have been obvious now.

"Are you feeling better, sweetie?" she asked nervously after a few minutes, perhaps keen to end this awkward situation.

"No. I feel so pathetic, like no girl will ever want to be with me now," I blurted out, then wondered where that came from. I was actually feeling wonderful and had completely forgotten about Hannah. I lifted my head up and looked at Angela. Our faces were inches apart, my hand on her breast, her fingers still running through my hair. I sensed desire behind her eyes, her lips parted.

I moved my eyes down to her mouth, her neck, then to my hand, which was on her left breast. I watched myself fondle her as if removed from my own body. My gaze moved down to her shorts and I wanted to slip my hand down between her legs, but instead I looked her in the eye again.

"My poor boy, I don't know what else I can do to help you," she said at last. My mind starting racing. Our eyes were locked as I softly touched her breast. This situation lasted another minute or so, but it was hard for me to tell how much time was passing. Although I had an intuition that she wanted to kiss, she pulled away a little and I removed my hand.

"I'm sorry, Angela," I said, suddenly feeling ashamed. There was a pause.

"It's alright, Michael. I know you were upset. But..." she didn't continue and looked away. "Are you hungry? Dinner should be ready soon."

She stood up and walked over to the kitchen, adjusting her shorts and hair, apparently flustered again. I sat there on the couch for a few minutes feeling awkward, until she called to me that dinner was ready. We sat down and for the first time in a long time, we sat there without saying much. I began to feel sick about what I'd done.

"I'm really sorry," I said quietly.

"I'm sorry too, Michael," Angela said, not looking up from her food. Neither of us had eaten much.

"What are you sorry about?" I asked her. "It was all my fault. I did it, I..."

"Oh no, baby," Angela said, looking at me. "You're a young man. I'm supposed to be looking after you and...I should know better, I..."

"But I'm the one who..."

"Michael, no. I don't blame you, I..." Angela trailed off and we sat in silence for a while. I wasn't very hungry, but managed to eat my food but then wanted to get out of there. Will was busy and Hannah wasn't going to return my call, so I figured I'd just lay low.

"I'm not feeling too great," I said to Angela. "Mind if I head to my room for the night?"

"No, that's fine, baby. I'll clear away. You just take care of yourself and I'll be here if you need me."

She was as loving and giving as always, and so despite my fooling around and crossing a line, I sensed that things were OK between us. I went to my room and played some guitar while watching a few episodes of Game Of Thrones. Some of that crazy stuff stuff made me horny, so I decided to turn the lights off and jerk off before going to sleep.

About 10 minutes into some online streaming of a busty milf seducing a hapless young man, I heard a soft knock at my door...I heard a soft knock at my door...

Scrambling to close the movie and cover myself up, I called out. It was Angela, of course. "May I come in, Michael?" she asked and I said she could. She opened the door, gently slid across the floor towards me and sat down on the edge of the bed, next to me. It was only then that I noticed my huge erection poking through the bed clothes.

Angela had changed into her silky robe again, and though it was fastened more tightly than the other day, I could still see her nipples poking through and a little hint of cleavage below the neck line. She looked incredible in the warm light of my bedside lamp. "Hi," she whispered and gave me a warm smile. She ran her fingers through my hair like she always did and I swooned at her touch. She leaned forward towards me a little and I could feel her breath and body heat. A strand of her hair fell down in front of her face.

"Are you feeling better, sweetheart?" she asked me in her usual kind voice.

"I'm a little low," I replied. It was true, but I felt wonderful being with her.

"You wanna talk about it?" she asked, and I felt her hips press up against mine. She placed her arm over me and brought her body down in towards me. Her face was still some distance away, but her buxom bosom was inches from touching me, just above my stomach. It occurred to me then that I wasn't wearing any clothes under the sheets and I felt embarrassed. I didn't answer but gave a little shrug.

"You know, Mike, I understand that it's not been easy for you. With your dad gone all the time and now Hannah. I know I'm not your mom, Mike, and this isn't what you signed up for..."

Angela stopped talking, sighed, then lay down and cuddled into me. She put her head on my shoulder, put her arm across my chest and I felt her breasts and hips resting against my body. It felt incredible but I was increasingly aware of my giant hard-on, and the feeling of Angela's luscious body didn't help. "I'm a little low too, Mike. Is it OK if we cuddle a little?" Angela asked me.

I felt a surge of emotional and feeling towards her. She had done so much for me and been so kind and giving, and I'd done so little for her in return. I put my arms around her and held tight. "I love cuddling, Angela," I said. I felt like calling her "Mom" but I didn't. After a minute, she shifted her body so that she was laying on the bed, her body against mine. It felt even more physically intimate than our other encounters.

"I love cuddling too, you're such a sweet young man, Michael," she said softly and let out another sigh. She continued to lay there, her head on my shoulder and her hand on my hair, fiddling with the strands. Her bosom was pushed against my chest, and I could feel the silky softness of her robe. My hands fell naturally on her back and waist, inches from her ass. After a minute, she asked, "Is this OK, Michael?"

I didn't know what to say, so gave her some gentle squeezes to signify a "yes," and she seemed to be completely relaxed. After a little while of her just laying there and not speaking, I started to feel tired. "Say, Angela, I'm going to go to sleep," I said.

She picked her head up and smiled. Her face was inches from mine and her hair was a delightful mess. "Yeah, me too," she said with a laugh. "Want me to leave you alone, baby?" she said, again, laughing a little. Actually, I didn't want her to leave, but I didn't know what I did want exactly. Even if my dreams came true and we ended up having some kind of sexual encounter, I knew nothing about it and would be completely out of my depth.

"No," I said. "I like being together," I said.

"I'm cold though," she said, with a shiver. I wrapped my arms around her.

I nearly invited her under the covers, but then remembered my state of undress. "Well, I..." is all I could manage to say.

"I'm worried about you, Mike. Are you going to be alright?" she said. "I feel like I need to be here for you."

It sounded like she was fishing for an invitation. Was she lonely too? It certainly seemed like it. I doubted she was looking for sex with me, and even if she felt the same urges as me, I doubted she would act on it. She had such a strong sense of responsibility towards me, that I'm sure that was somewhere she would never consider going. But, here she was. She had let me touch her breast earlier, and she seemed to want attention.

"Angela, I need to use the bathroom," I said. She sat up and apologized for holding me up.

"Go ahead," she said with a giggle, allowing me space to get out of bed.

"Um, there's a problem," I started to explain.

"Yes?" Angela said with a tease in her voice.

"I'm, er..."

"You're what?" she giggled.

"I'm naked under here," I blurted out, pulling the sheets up around me. Angela burst out laughing, then, standing up and grabbing pajama bottoms off the floor, threw them at my head.

"There you go, I won't peak," she said, turning her back to me, making a half-hearted show of covering her eyes.

Fuck it. I didn't care if she saw me, and I had started to realize I had nothing to be ashamed of. I pulled the covers back and stood up. My cock was at half-mast and it flopped out, thick and long. I grabbed the pajama bottoms and slid them on, but not too quick. When I was covered, I said to Angela. "OK, it's safe now."

"Uh huh," she replied with a sly grin. I walked across the room to the bathroom, realizing then that there was a full length mirror in my room and it was likely that she saw everything. The thought of this made me excited, but I got out of there quickly. After a few minutes, I returned to find Angela still in my room, folding my clothes and straightening up. She looked wonderful and I noticed her robe had become unfastened a little, after all our cuddling.

I lay back down on the bed and watched her. She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled sweetly. She then turned around and leaned over, picking up a few stray socks. Just like the other day in the kitchen, I caught sight of one of her breasts and I got hard instantly. I felt an overwhelming urge to touch her just like before.

"How are you doing now?" she said, sitting down on the bed again. Her robe fell open slightly and her magnificent cleavage was there for me to see. I couldn't help but stare and she obviously noticed, but didn't move or cover up. Her light brown skin looked so perfect in the soft light and I felt my heart race.

"Angela, I...I want to thank you for everything you do for me. You're..."

"That's OK, Michael. You don't need to thank me. I'm very fond of you and I enjoy taking care of you," she replied. "You know, I'm surprised Hannah called it off with you. You're a very impressive young man," she went on. I wondered what she meant by that. Was she referring to my dick that she had probably just seen? I lay there for a second or two, thinking.

"Well, she said she wasn't"

"For sex?" Angela asked.

"Yeah," I said, feeling embarrassed. Embarrassed that she knew I was still a virgin.

"So, you guys never...?" she went on, with a sensitive voice.

"No, though a couple of times," I was about to say, "gave me a hand job," which was true, but I stopped myself. Angela gathered my meaning.

"And did you enjoy that, Michael?"

"Yes, of course, it was..." I couldn't find the words. I looked at Angela and my hand landed on her hip. She smiled sweetly and I gave her waist a gentle squeeze.

"Well, I'm sure she wasn't disappointed," Angela said, looked away and blushed. She was definitely referring to the size of my cock, which I guess was pretty big. I didn't say anything in reply, just sighed and shrugged, but I felt great. I had a big dick and Angela had noticed. "So, Mike, you feeling OK now? Still feeling lonely?"

"Not when I'm with you," I replied. It was a cheesy line, but it was true. Angela smiled, but I started to feel awkward. And extremely aroused. She leaned over a little and stared off into space. Her robe had fallen open a little more and I could see most of one of her tits, buxom and beautiful. I took my hand off her waist and stroked her arm, then her shoulder.

"Mmmm, that feels good," she said as I massaged her a little. I took that as a positive sign to continue.

"Do you want a massage, Angela?" I asked, meekly. As if snapping out of a dream, she looked at me with a funny expression.

"Now, now, Michael. Do you really think that's appropriate?"

I was feeling bold and didn't stop touching her shoulder and arm. "Sure, why not?" I said nonchalantly. She didn't respond at first, just looked at me. I massaged her neck a little, then back to her shoulder, but under her robe this time. This caused it to fall down off her shoulder revealing her breast a tiny bit more, but she didn't do anything. Maybe she didn't notice, or maybe it's what she wanted. I remembered that I had thought she had an exhibitionist streak.

I felt increasingly turned on, and Angela didn't seem to mind me touching her, so I ran my finger down her neck to her chest then down in between her bosoms. She didn't move, so I kept my finger there, firmly lodged between her hefty, delicious jugs. "And what exactly do you think you're doing, young man?" she looked at me and asked. I didn't move my finger, but placed two more fingertips on her divine flesh. I didn't want this feeling to end, it was so magical.

I relaxed my hand so that all my fingers were touching her breast, skin on skin, no fabric in the way. My little finger brushed against her nipple.

"Is this what you meant by a massage, Michael?" she said and made a stern face, though I couldn't tell what her reaction truly was. I looked at her pretty face but didn't answer. I started massaging her breast, gently but with generous handfuls, and it was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to me up to this point in my life. She didn't stop me, and I went on for what seemed like a minute, touching and squeezing her, lovingly.

"I think you should stop that now, don't you, sir?" she said softly.

I didn't stop, though I certainly didn't want to force myself on her. I looked at her again, unsure what to do or say. All I knew was that it felt perfect and natural and I didn't want it to end. I also noted that she could have moved away at any time, but maybe she didn't want to hurt my feelings.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked her innocently, and moved my free hand to her waist. I wasn't really thinking, I was just drawn in by her sexual magnetism. I caught her licking her lips a little and her nipple was definitely hard. She was turned on.

"That's hardly the point," she said, which I thought sounded like a "no". I lifted my hand off her waist and grasped her other tit, my hands caressing both her breasts now. I then pulled her robe open to reveal her completely and fondled her freely, tenderly but with lustful zeal. I saw wild desire in her eyes and felt her inhale sharply. "Michael!" she said, out of breath. "You'd better stop that...right now...or...there's going to be trouble."

I was feeling past the point of no return and just said, "What kind of trouble?" and continued feeling her up. After another pause, I leaned towards her and felt her hot breath. "Can I kiss you, Angela?" I whispered. I wasn't trying to be sexy or seduce her, but it felt so intimate. There was a pause before she answered.

"For one minute, then we're done. And only so you won't feel lonely and forget that girl, OK? Then, that's it. No more of this." All her words tumbled out but all I really heard was "for one minute." I wasn't going to time it, but leaned in further and gently pressed my lips against hers. I felt immediate electricity all over my body and my hard-on intensified as my hands explored her body. She ran her fingers through my hair as our lips opened against one another and I melted into oblivion.

She kissed me softly, gently, lovingly. It was warm and sensual, not like the rather desperate tongue kisses I'd shared with girls in school. In the heat of our kiss, I pulled Angela's robe off her shoulders, ran one hand up her spine, the other remaining on her luscious tits. The kiss definitely went on for longer than one minute, but remained soft and slow. I'd never felt better.

After a little while, Angela pulled away from me. The effect of this was that I could see her entire upper half naked. She was sitting on my bed, breasts revealed, her mouth open, hair a mess. She looked like a brown-skinned goddess and I felt overwhelming amounts of love and lust for her. Just as I was about to reach out and touch her again, she picked up her robe and covered herself up.

"Fine," she said with a cough, obviously flustered. "Did you get it out of your system, Michael? Are we good now?"

After a pause, I decided to be bold. "I seriously doubt it, Angela."

"Oh," she said.

"And you? Feeling satisfied?"


I thought I would leave it there. I'd kissed her and I'd touched her amazing tits, two things I never thought I would do. I felt wonderful and didn't want to ruin it. "Angela, I need to go to sleep now. I have school tomorrow and you have work." I was trying to be grown up.

"Yes, of course," she said, standing up.

"If you're feeling lonely, you could stay in here," I ventured.

"Michael, really. I mean, I..."

"OK, it was just an idea. I didn't mean it the way you're thinking, anyway," I said and turned over.

"Are you mad, Michael?"

I wasn't. I sat up. "No, not at all."

"Can I get one nice hug from you then I'll leave you to sleep."

"Of course," I said and smiled.

She came over to me again, sat down on the bed next me and put her arms around me. I felt her lips on my cheek and once again, her magnificent bust pressed against me as she came in towards me. Then, she pulled away, stood up and walked away, fully composed.

"Thank you, Michael. And don't worry about what happened. It was nice to not feel lonely, I hope it helped. You're a sweet boy. Good night," she said with a wave, and I was left there with a raging hard on. As usual after physical encounters with my step-mom, it didn't take long for me to release all my demons with a self-administered hand-job. This time, I imagined it was her hand.


The next morning at breakfast, I felt awkward and slightly ashamed, but Angela put me at ease with her customary warmth and sweet manner. She didn't bring up what happened and neither did I, happy to proceed in a sort of haze of denial. She looked hot of course and gave me a sublime cuddle before sending me off to school. It was a long day.

When I returned home, it was earlier than usual and I heard the shower going. My heart skipped a beat as I imagined Angela in there, getting wet, soaping herself, touching herself. My pulse went into overdrive when I walked past and the door to her bedroom and bathroom were both wide open. I stopped to look and could easily see her through the glass of her shower, in plain view.

I was transfixed as I observed her washing her hair, the silhouette of her body, her bouncing breasts, stretching out luxuriously. I didn't move, even when she turned the water off and reached for a towel. Cursing to herself when she couldn't find what she was looking for, she opened the door to the shower, stepped out and found a towel lying across the back of a chair.

In those intervening seconds, I saw everything from my barely concealed vantage point. I'd seen her bare breasts before, but this time they were glistening with dewey drops of water. Her ass was plump but firm, and when she turned I caught a glimpse of her neatly trimmed pussy. I nearly exploded there and then, and stepping back into the shadows, made a noise when I tripped over my own feet.

Angela called out. "Hello? Michael, is that you?"

"," I said, moving back out into the doorway. I was just in time to see her cover herself up with a towel. She still looked amazing.

"You go watch TV and I'll be right out, baby," she said and I obeyed her command. I parked myself on the couch and tuned into some show on TV. My mind was filled with the wonderful visions I had just witnessed. My god, I thought, her pussy. What I wouldn't do to have it. After a few minutes, Angela came out, though she was still wearing only a towel.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you got dressed," I said. Angela laughed heartily and sat down. She looked incredible, her bust spilling out of the top of the towel, her damp locks falling about her shoulders. I looked her over and she appeared to be enjoying the attention.

"See anything good?" she said to me with a sly smile.


"I said, did you see anything good? Anything you like?" I didn't answer but just went bright red. "On TV, I mean. Anything good on?"

"Oh, I...I thought you, yeah, er..." I couldn't find the words, so stopped talking. She looked away with a mischievous smirk. She knew I had seen her.

"Silly boy," she said, putting her feet up. "I need to do my toes, so don't say anything funny, please," she said with a cheeky smile. She then commenced to cut her toenails and then paint her nails. I enjoyed watching her, peeking up between her legs and watching her perform this oddly sensual exercise. She glanced up at me a few times and smiled. Sadly, her most intimate lady parts were concealed from view.

I decided to tickle her a little and she responded like a young girl. "Baby! No, stop it, stop it!" she cried out, and her towel slipped. I moved my tickling hand to her waist and gave her some delicious touches which made her squirm deliciously. She giggled euphorically, so I didn't stop, and during all this horseplay, her towel slipped further to reveal one of her breasts.

"This seems to be a habit for you," I said smiling, then gazed down at her breast. My hand was still on her waist, and I tugged on the towel a little and it slipped down to her tummy, revealing both of her incredible jugs. They were impressively large but still perky with pointy nipples. Angela sat there, perhaps uncertain what to do, but she didn't cover herself up.

"Oops," she said at last and pulled up the towel. "You've seen quite a lot of me these last few days, Michael Joplin," she said with a naughty smile.


"Oh don't pretend. I know everything, young man," she went on. I went bright red again.

"You're very beautiful," I told her. I don't know why I said that and I felt like a fool. It just tumbled out of my mouth.

"Why, thank you, Michael, that's very sweet of you to say," she replied, and put her hands through her hair. It looked like a subconscious gesture, but it was flirtatious as hell, and super sexy. Her tits looked amazing even though they were now under wraps. "You really think so?" she went on.

"You're the most, um...the most beautiful girl, I..." I couldn't get the words out and I felt like a stupid schoolboy again.

"Oh, Michael. You're such a lovely young man. But I'm not a girl anymore," she said.


"I'm a woman. And getting old."

"Old? What?" I was genuinely taken aback. "You're not old. You're young. And beautiful. And sexy. old at all," I rambled on. The words just fell stupidly out of my mouth and I didn't stop to think. I had told her she was sexy, but she'd probably figured that out by now.

"Watch it, mister. Don't forget that I'm your step-mother and married to your father," she said sternly, but I couldn't tell if she was serious. Maybe she was feeling guilty about the things that had happened between us.

"I haven't forgotten. And anyway, it's true. You are young and beautiful."

"Well, it's good to know that someone thinks so."

"What do you mean, Angela?"

"You know I'll be turning 40 next year, don't you?"

"Yes, but that's not what you meant."

"Oh, never mind," she said sadly. I assumed she was referring to her marriage. I took that to mean that my father was being neglectful, even when they were together. "but it's nice to hear that someone thinks I'm beautiful, and..."

"And sexy...?" I jumped in as she paused. I was feeling cheeky. She looked at me like a cross parent.

"Michael, honestly."

"Well, it's true. And I think you like that I think that."

She made a shocked face. "Huh!" is all she said. After another pause, she went on, clearly needing some affirmation. "So, you think my body is OK? Do I still look good for my age?"

"You look incredible. Your body is amazing and..." I stopped myself before I started rambling on and on. "I"

"Touching me?" she said sweetly.

"Yes. And seeing you."

"Well, I only allowed you to do that because I knew you feeling vulnerable and hurt. I hope it helped."

I didn't know what to say, beyond, "Oh, OK." I smiled and reclined on the couch and relaxed while Angela finished her toes. I didn't actually believe her but understood why she had said it. We had crossed a line and she didn't want to acknowledge the chemistry between us. She obviously enjoyed flirting with me, showing off and had been turned on by our contact. Despite my blinding desire for her, I was afraid of taking it further. It felt like learning to swim in the deep end, but I still wanted to.

"You'll find another girlfriend soon, Michael," she said after a while.

"Yeah, I suppose so. But I've actually enjoyed our little, er...y'know...more than with other girls. It felt more...natural and nice," I said. I was being pretty inarticulate as usual, but she still blushed and smiled to herself.

"But that doesn't mean you can do it more, OK?"

"I don't think it would hurt anyone," I mumbled. Of course, I thought about my father then.

"Maybe not," Angela said, her attention seemingly drifting off momentarily.

"I would like to have another look."

"Oh, would you?" she said and made that usual disapproving parent expression.

"Well, you asked me if I thought you still looked good for your age, and while I don't have much to compare it to, I'm not sure if I had enough time to judge."

"You are a cheeky boy, Michael."

"I'm sorry," I said and looked down, feeling a little sad.

"Oh, you don't need to be sorry. You're such a sweet boy," she said then gazed at me. After a second, she went on, "OK, another quick look, OK? And this time I need you to tell me honestly if you think I look good or not." I nodded, trying not to appear too keen. I knew she was an exhibitionist and enjoyed showing herself off to me. My heart started racing. "But no touching, boy," she said with a sly grin.

She then took the top of the towel and very slowly peeled it open and slid it down over her breasts, all the while looking at me, the fire in her eyes unmistakable. She stopped just above the nipples. "Don't tell anyone about this, Michael, OK?"

"I promise I won't."

She then slowly pulled the towel down and rested it on her knee, leaving her shoulders, breasts and stomach completely revealed. It hadn't been necessary for her to have striped for me so enticingly, but she'd still done it. I went hard as a rock and my eyes wandered all over her. Her breasts were large, firm and beautiful. Despite their size and her age, they were still perky and her nipples pointed at me invitingly. Her stomach was fleshy but still flat, her waist in divine proportion to her chest and hips. She had the perfect hourglass figure and looked as good or better than any woman I'd seen online.

"Well?" she said after a minute. I started sweating. She then moved her arms above her head and gathered her hair up, which made her look even more ravishing and vulnerable. She moved and her tits wobbled a little and she giggled. I'd never seen anything more wonderful in my life. "Tell me how I look, boy," she said, unable to disguise a lascivious tone.

I told her. I went on and on about how gorgeous she was, how perfect her body was and went into detail about her form and figure. The key was, she was still attractive and needed to hear that. After I had spilled all of this, she looked down at me and saw my huge erection.

"I can tell you find me attractive, young man," she said softly. The lump in my pants was unmistakable and she kept her eyes on me.

"You want to see me as well?" I suggested.

"Michael, no!" she said, shocked, then laughed. "Anyway, I know what an impressive young man you are."

"You do?" I said after a second.

"Yes, I do, young man."

I moved closer to her. "You said no touching?"

"That's right, bad boy."

I moved up close to her and put my hand on her waist. Her skin felt like heaven. She looked up at me. "Thank you for saying all those kind things, Mike. I feel better. I'd been feeling..." Unloved? Neglected? Lonely? All if the above, I'm sure. I leaned in towards her, kissed her softly on the lips and then brought my hand up to her breast. I began massaging and I felt her inhale. I kissed her like she had kissed me the other day, slowly and sensually. It was a perfect moment.

As I touched her, I opened my legs a little, hoping she would touch me, but she didn't. But she kissed me back and let me touch her. After a minute, she pulled away, looked at me with wide eyes, her mouth open, and picked up the towel, partially covering herself. She held the towel up to her chest, but one of her breasts was still free and visible. It was a half-hearted attempt at modesty.

"Feeling better, mister?" she said. "I'm glad we could be here for one another's therapy." She then stood up and walked out of the room. I was red hot, hard and flustered. I had wanted to fuck her, to pop my cherry. I doubted that would ever happen, but it had felt within my grasp for a few precious moments. Then, she had brushed it off like it was just an exercise in emotional support. I knew that part wasn't true.

"I'm going out, honey. There's dinner in the fridge," she called out and that was it. I spent the rest of the evening in my room trying to distract myself by figuring out how to play Dark Side Of The Moon guitar solos. I was improving, but I still felt frustrated.


It was the weekend and I had planned on going rock climbing at the local sports center with Will. He had told me there were a couple of girls down there that he knew and was going to try and set us up. After the confusing and intense encounter with Angela, I welcomed the opportunity for some interaction with girls my own age. And, it turned out, Will was right. We met these girls, Gina and Natalie, and they were fun and cute. We made arrangements to meet up the next Friday at an arcade. I was pretty impressed with Will for setting us up.

Unfortunately, the rock climbing had done a number on my back. I think I pulled something. I came home and lay down, trying to feel better, and it wasn't long before Angela joined me. She was wearing an all-white summery outfit composed of tiny shorts and a tied up shirt, looking like a girl at the beach in the 1950s. I couldn't help it, but my heart skipped a beat.

"What going on, Michael? Why are you lazing around on a Saturday evening?"

I told her about the sports center and my double date with Will and girls on Friday night. Then, I told her I had hurt my back. Angela went into mom mode, sitting down next to me. "Oh, poor baby," she said, running her fingers through my hair. "Let me take care of you," she said and I gave her a little smile. "Take your shirt off and lay on your front, sir," she said.

"Wait, what? Seriously?' I replied, in shock.

"Quite serious. Among my many other talents, I'm a trained massage therapist, I'll have you know."

"You never cease to amaze me." I stood up and pulled my shirt over my head. I was standing a foot in front of Angela and it felt good to strip in front of her. Angela looked at me and rested her hand on my chest.

"Oh, you've, um...become quite muscular, Michael," She became flustered and it was obvious that she was turned on by me. " lie down and I'm going to change. I can't wear this and give you a massage. OK..." she wandered off and I lay down. I thought it would be a good idea to take my pants off as well, so I did. I lay there in my work out briefs, which always gave me an impressive bulge, so I lay on my back and waited for her to return.

A few minutes later, Angela returned looking like an erotic dream. She was wearing a nightgown, all pink with lace trimmings. It revealed her chest deliciously and came down just below her spectacular ass. My mouth fell open. "Wow!" I said.

"Oh, Michael. You weren't supposed to see. You were supposed to be lying on your belly, bad boy. I need to wear this because it's the most freeing outfit I have, but..."


"But you weren't supposed to see."

"That's something I can't unsee."

"And,'re not wearing pants," she said and looked me over. Her eyes rested on my bulge and I could tell from her breathing and subtle expressions that she was aroused. I looked good.

"I thought you told me to strip off."

"No, I said take your shirt off and you know I did."

"Want me to get dressed, Angela?"

"No. It's fine. It's better this way anyway. I was a professional and have seen hundreds of men in their underwear like this. You're no different. Now, turn over," she said, and I obeyed.

So, I turned over, Angela set the mood with some soft music from my system and she sat down on the bed next to me and put her hands on my shoulders. Here we were, in intimate surroundings with intimate garments on, and she started to touch me. Her hands wandered over my body, gently stroking my shoulders, arms and back with her fingertips. "Just relax, baby," she whispered. I did. I melted with her touch, lay there and let the world outside disappear. It was bliss.

I felt her hand on my waist and then she began massaging my shoulder. I let out a long moan of appreciation. "That feel good, baby?" she whispered in my ear. She leaned down and I felt her bosom brush up against my back. The fabric of her gown felt amazing too. Her massages got a little firmer and both her hands worked on my shoulders and back. "You're tense, baby," she said sweetly.

She stopped massaging me and brushed her fingers along both my arms again, then down my spine to the top of the elastic in my shorts. Then, I almost came when I felt her fingers gently run down my legs. "Just relax, baby boy," she said in a whisper and continued to brush against my legs with her fingertips, up and down. It felt electric and I let out another little moan.

She started massaging my legs, my calves and then my thighs. Her fingers were on my inner thighs. "This will make you all better, sweetie," she said and I just moaned. I spread my legs a little and she took advantage of the access by moving her hands on my inner thighs right up to my balls and ass. "This is actually an important spot for relieving tension, baby, so I'm sorry if I concentrate right here," she whispered, with her hands up against my nuts. I was rock hard and could have come.

"I don't mind," I managed to wheeze.

"Spread out a bit more, baby," she said and I spread my legs. She put both her hands around my thigh and was squeezing me. She lifted my leg so it was at a right angle, bent at the knee. Without acknowledging it, she started massage my inside upper thighs and brushed up against my balls, which I thought were fully exposed in the position I was in. It must have been the back of her hand, but it felt amazing. She did it again. "Don't worry, baby, this might be intense but it will help you." I wasn't worried.

She continued massaging me there and I was on the verge of ejaculating, her hand occasionally brushing against my balls, which I had to assume was intentional. Then, she moved her hands from my legs back up to my shoulders.

"Now, baby. Would it be weird if I hopped on the bed and worked on your shoulders from there? It's better that way," she asked me.

"What ever you want to do is fine," I replied, lost in a world of sensual bliss.

I was surprised, however, when I felt Angela jump on top of my and sit on my ass. It felt beyond belief and I didn't complain. She started massaging my shoulders and back in ernest and it felt great, but she wasn't gentle. "You have some spots to work out here, honey," she said sweetly. It took a while, but it seemed like she was just about done. After what seemed like about half an hour, she collapsed down on top of me, her big tits pressed against my back. She kissed the back of my neck.

"Phew! I'm beat," she said. She'd been working hard. I wriggled around and managed to turn over onto my back again, but she was still lying up against me, her legs wrapped around me. She closed her eyes and cuddled up, resting her head and body against mine. "Hmmmm," she said. "You feel so good, baby boy,"

"Thank you, Angela," I said.

"You're welcome, mister." She was out of breath and we were both sweaty. It felt like we'd just had sex, though I could only imagine what that was like. I shifted my body and my erection pressed up against her inner thigh, which lay across me. She looked at me. "Oh, don't worry, that's perfectly normal," she said and put her head on my shoulder.

"What's normal?" I asked, before realizing what she was talking about.

"It's a normal response for a man to become aroused during a massage, don't be ashamed," she said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, OK. Well, it was kinda, er..."

"Kinda what?"

"Um...kinda erotic. Especially on the legs there."

"Oh, yeah? Well, sorry, but that's an essential point for muscle tension. It can't be helped," she insisted, then put her hand on my chest. Her fingers started stroking my chest, which had recently sprouted a few hairs. She squeezed my nipple gently, and went on. "That's the drawback with this profession. Men always want to be jerked off at the end," she said with a laugh, seemingly unaware of her seductive behavior.

"Yeah, that's true," I said.

"Well, maybe Gina will take care of that on Friday for you," she said and looked at me with a wink and a grin.

"Actually, I think Natalie is gonna be my date."

"Well, Natalie, then."

"So, you're not, um..."

"Michael, what are you asking me?" she said sternly. Her hand moved from my chest to my stomach, then made little circles.

"I was hoping this story might have a happy ending."

She didn't say anything for a while. "That's not something I ever did for my clients, I'm sorry," she said at last. It seemed like she had thought about it.

"Am I a client?"

She looked up at me and shifted her body. She moved her ass so she was straddling me and it felt as if her pussy was resting on my sizable bulge. She sat up and put her hands on my shoulders, giving me a little more massage. I felt her hips grind on me, in a subtle but unmistakable motion. I put my hands on her waist. "No, you're a naughty little boy," she said with a smile and slid off me.

"Anyway," she went on. "I need a drink." Abruptly, Angela stood up and I noticed her nipples were hard, poking through her flimsy nightie. My erection was full on and she looked down and made a face as if she were about to burst out laughing. She blushed bright red and stood up. "Oh my," she said.


"" was she going to tell me how huge it was? It certainly looked like it. She fumbled her words a little then changed the subject. "I'm getting a glass of wine. You want one?" she asked.

"Sure. Is that OK?"

"Yeah, definitely. You're a big boy now. I mean, you' mind," she said and we both laughed. "I'll be right back, baby."

Angela came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She lay back on the bed next to me and grabbed the TV remote. Finding an old movie to watch, she sat up and poured out two glasses for us and passed me one. Then, she sat back again and relaxed. We lay there together side by side, watching the movie, not cuddling, but our hips and shoulders were touching.

I was still only wearing my shorts and would normally have felt self-conscious, but Angela had made it clear that she thought I looked good, so I figured I'd stay like that. She looked like a goddess in her pink nightie, her beautiful brown skin complimented by the color. We looked at at one another, smiled and our hands found each other and our fingers intertwined. My erection didn't want to subside.

"Have you ever seen this movie, Mike?" she said. I shook my head. "It's a classic. These American tourists go to England and get attacked by a werewolf, and..." she went on with the plot, up to the point in the movie which we where were watching. "It's actually a comedy," she finished.

We watched the film and yes, it was very funny, but also sexy. I noticed that Angela had drunk two whole glasses of wine and I was just sipping a little on my first. She poured out a third glass and her giggling increased. During a scary scene, she cuddled up to me. "Oooh, I can't look," she said, but I wondered if it was just an excuse to rub her tits against me. She left her hand on my chest and we were now cuddling properly.

Then, there was a sex scene. The beautiful nurse and the American guy took a shower together and it was highly erotic. Angela's head was on my chest and my bulging shorts were in full view between her and the television.

"Enjoying this scene, young man?" she said, as a tent was pitching in front of her.

"I'm sorry. The film is hot and you, it bothering you?"

"Well, it's a little distracting, sir."

My mind filled with thoughts of Angela putting her hands down my shorts and jerking me off. I was desperate for her to touch me. "Well, er..." I started to say.

"Maybe we should get under the covers?" she suggested, to my disappointment.

Angela poured out a fourth glass and we both climbed under the sheets. Then, she cuddled up again, this time with her hand on my stomach and her leg partially across mine. Her fingers made little circles on my stomach and I put my arm around her. My free hand landed on her waist. I looked down at her and saw that her eyes were closed. Her hand had stopped moving and her breathing was heavier. She was asleep.

I held her tight and watched the film. I moved my hand slowly over her shoulder down towards her tits, and while I played with her a little, it didn't seem right to fondle a sleeping woman so I didn't take big handfuls. Still, I noticed her breathing quicken and her mouth opened. She lifted her head up onto my shoulder and moved her hips but she still appeared to still be asleep.

I touched her nipple and she let out a moan and moved her hips against my leg again. Was she really asleep? I felt bad about taking advantage of her, but it certainly seemed like she wanted it, subconsciously at least. I started massaging her tits and she responded, moaning and moving her hips, grinding against me. I contemplated moving my hand down to her panties, but I was scared to go too far. I took my hand away and rested it back on her waist.

Angela made a sleepy gesture and it did seem as though she really was still asleep, but I still couldn't be sure. She was too sexy, too hot and I couldn't resist. I slid my hand down to her thigh and pulled up her nightie a little. I put my fingers under the elastic of her panties and then moved down towards her pussy. I felt her pubic hair and gently rubbed her mound, and her moaning increased significantly. After a minute of heaven, I felt her hand on mine.

"No, baby. That's too much," she whispered and put my hand back on her tit. She kissed me on the mouth as I caressed her. I was shocked, wondered if she had been awake the whole time, I had no idea. We kissed, then she pulled away. She still didn't open her eyes, but turned over so that she was facing away from me. Her ass was against my hard cock and my hands naturally enveloped her. "Cuddle up and go to sleep, baby," she whispered, and that was that.

The next morning, with sweet, soft light pouring into my room, I woke up with the beautiful Angela next to me. She was waking up as well, and I watched her as she stretched out and wriggled around. She looked amazing, her nightie pulled over to one side, revealing one of her nipples. I shook my head at disbelief at the wonderful, frustrating events of the night before.

She opened her eyes and looked at me, adjusting her gown. "Oops," she said laughing. "You certainly are getting lots of nip slips lately, aren't you," she said and laughed. I was embarrassed at how blunt she was, but I guess her being so free and easy was why I had been allowed to fool around with her as I had; it was no big deal for her. She gave me a little kiss on the cheek and got out of bed. "You want coffee?" she said and ran out, returning 10 minutes later with 2 cups.

"Here you go, baby," she said, handing me one, then got back in bed.

"I enjoyed it last night, Angela," I said. I wanted to talk about it to see if she had been conscious.

"Uh huh," she said coyly and drank her coffee. We sat there for a little while, talking lightly and sipping our coffee. When it was all gone, Angela cuddled up to me again, her head on my shoulder, her hand on my chest. "Thank you for saying those nice about me the other day, Mike," she said at last, picking up a thread of conversation from earlier.

"Sure. I meant every word."

"I know you did, sweetie. And you have made me feel great. I actually went out and felt young and pretty for the first time in forever."

"You're welcome, Angela."

"How's your back feeling?"

I stretched out and Angela's hand slipped down to my stomach. I went hard. "Oh, um...pretty good. It's still sore."

"Well, we can work on that," she said with a cute smile. I was looking forward to a reprise of that amazing experience from last night. My mind wandered back to the "accidental" ball touches that Angela had given me. She looked up at me with a look in her eye and kissed me on the cheek again. As she stretched herself upwards, her nightie was pulled down and one of her tits was revealed.

"Oops?" I said and we both laughed. I was so turned on by her, having been blue balled for about 48 hours, I couldn't help myself. I moved my body down and gently took her nipple in my mouth. I ran my fingers over her spine down to her ass then up again, while softly sucking on her tit. She clasp my hair and whispered in an almost indistinguishable voice, "oh my god."

Her body reacted as I sucked on her nipple and I felt her inhale deeply. It was incredible and because she didn't stop me, I carried on. She started grinding against me and moaning just as she had done the night before. A few minutes later, with her nipple in mouth and her caressing my hair, I heard a key going in the front door. I stopped, and Angela pulled away. We looked at each other, a frown on Angela's face.

The front door opened and Angela sat bolt upright. A voice called out. "I'm hooommmme!" It was my father. Angela quickly gave me a peck on the lips, got out of bed, tiptoed across my floor and went into the hallway, holding her cup of coffee.

"Hey," she responded to the voice. "You're back early!" then turned to me through the doorway. She gave me a wink then put her finger up to her lips as if to say "shhhh." I knew what she meant. I gathered up the sheets, turned on to my side and went back to sleep.