I scanned the words on the screen of my computer monitor. I felt pleased with myself for having completed my endeavour. However that was tempered with some anxiety and more than a little guilt.

Why though?

They were just pixels that formed letters, that formed words, that formed sentences, that...

I had finally completed what I had spent months talking myself out of, then ultimately into doing. At that point I was still the only person alive who knew what I had done. I could easily delete the text file and forget about it all. What prevented me from doing that was a combination of my ego and my libido -- a dangerous brew of endorphins and hormones. Even as I perused the lines I had written I could feel my cock begin to harden.

I had been a frequent visitor to the Literotica website for close to a year. After growing bored with the familiar themes and machinations of the stories I was seized by the notion that I could write as well, if not better than, many of the authors whose stories I had read. I had never written a piece of fiction in my life, save the brief descriptions of myself I had given while chatting to women (or men pretending to be women) online. That did not count. I needed a plot and characters -- men with totem pole-sized cocks that grew so hard they could nail a railroad spike into a board and women whose breasts rivaled the Goodyear blimp, who were so tight that they could crack a walnut inside them.

For the next week or so I began mulling over plotlines in my mind. My favourite category amongst the many erotic stories I had seen posted was Incest. Somewhere in the back of my dirty mind I knew that if I were to ever submit a story it would be under that category.

I was almost nineteen and still a virgin. Sure, I had gotten a few blowjobs and several clumsy hand jobs in the front seat of my parents' car, or behind hedges at house parties, but that never qualified as sex -- any staunch Democrat could tell you that. My greatest sexual exploits and conquests had all occurred within the confines of my mind while masturbating. What I was even more averse to admitting to anyone (except you, and you don't know who I am. Right?) was that my nightly fantasies usually revolved around my sister, Alison.

Alison is four years older than me and the most lovely young woman I have ever cast my eyes on. She is a few inches shorter than me, about 5'5", with curly dark red hair. It flows down her slender back past her shoulder blades and shimmers in the afternoon sun when she tans in our back yard. She is what most people would consider average build. I don't think she could ever get a job at Hooters, but I've noticed many of my friends' eyes following her around, so I guess I'm not the only one who finds her attractive. Her hips are slender, but always seem to have a mesmerizing sway to them as she walks. Whenever I find myself staring at them my eyes always gravitate to her firm, round backside. It looks as though you could crack an egg on it. My sister doesn't work out at a gym and has never been involved in sports, but somehow Alison was blessed with a body that could straighten out a corkscrew. For me, she was the epitome of beauty and desire. Unfortunately she was also off-limits to me because she was my sister. Yet that never stopped me from making love to her in my mind almost every night.

My story was finally completed. It revolved around a teenage guy who lusted after his older sister. After a prolonged period of teasing and flirtation the siblings consummate their lust for one another, once the elder sibling accepted her feelings of lust for her brother. Readers seemed to crave happy endings and I was more than happy to oblige. I had followed the hoary advice of writing about what you know about. This was what I knew about, except for the happy ending. I named my characters Kathy and David.

To say that Kathy was inspired by my sister wouldn't be completely accurate or even honest. The character was more like a clone of Alison. I even went as far as writing a scene where David leers at his sister's breasts down the front of a blue floral sundress she wore. Alison owned a dress exactly like the one I clothed Kathy with in my story. I, like the fictional David, had often glimpsed my sister's breasts down the front of that very dress as she bent over. On a few occasions I had even been fortunate enough to catch a fleeting glimpse of a dusky nipple protruding from her swaying breast. During these occasions my arousal was always mixed with fear that Alison would notice me ogling her. Often I waited for an angry rebuke from her for my illicit actions. That never happened.

I had also set up an email account at Hotmail to receive Feedback (good or bad, should anyone feel my story warranted it) with a username that no one could possibly ever trace to me. My greatest fear at this point was that someone would discover that the story written by Bad_Bro_69 was in fact written by me, Andrew D. I comforted myself with the realization that of the dozens of stories I had read I had no idea who any of the authors were. They could be my neighbours or one of my friends for all I knew. Had I written something I considered more pedestrian I would not have been so concerned with anonymity, but given the subject matter of my story, "Kathy's Epiphany", I felt it essential.

My right index finger trembled as it hovered over the left mouse button. I stared at the Submit Now icon. It was an adversary, testing my will. I held my breath and pressed down on the mouse button.

Now it was too late to change my mind.

Chapter 2

The FAQ at the website said that my story should be posted within a week. I was nervous. I had put my submission through a spell check twice and read it over a few times, scanning for obvious mistakes of any sort. Everything seemed in order. After four days my story had still not been posted. I grew anxious. The information on my Submissions page indicated that my story was still Pending. At least it had not been rejected. Hope flourished.

That Thursday afternoon when I arrived home from my afternoon classes at college I wanted to race up to my bedroom and check the status of my submission. Discovering that Alison was already home was bittersweet. Any time spent with Alison was wonderful, but at that moment I wanted privacy.

Alison worked at a mall downtown. She was a sales representative for the local phone company. Her job essentially consisted of dealing with customer complaints and answering stupid questions, but she earned a commission on new customers she was able to sign up. She had been doing this for almost two years and seemed to like it -- as much as one can like a job with little hope for career advancement. She had Tuesday and Thursday afternoons off. Somehow I had forgotten this as I hurried home that afternoon, planning on checking to see if my story had been approved.

"How was school?" my sister asked.

Alison was sitting at the kitchen table eating a slice of watermelon. For a moment I allowed myself to believe that this was a clever ploy by her to frustrate or tease me. Juice ran down her chin and her full lips were shiny wet with it. She held the rind between her slender fingers. They too were coated with the juice of the watermelon. I noticed that she had painted her nails a blood red. My heart beat faster, pumping my blood to my cock. It began to thicken and rise.

"Okay," I grunted "I just wish I didn't have to take English."

"I can help you if you want," my sister offered "that was my best subject in school."

I barely heard Alison's reply. My eyes were riveted to her pursed lips as she pushed out a watermelon seed between them. Moments later they were sucking at the rind again, drawing every drop of juice out of it. I imagined her full, moist lips wrapped around my cock as she sucked on it until my cum was running down her chin. Her brown eyes moved up until they met mine. She smiled and I felt myself blush.

"How was work?" I asked, eager to avoid any silence.

"Okay," my sister replied with a shrug "we had the usual stupid people calling who don't know how to use call forwarding or set up voicemail."

I nodded, still staring at my sister's mouth.

Alison dropped the watermelon rind on to the plate in front of her then examined her fingers. They were wet with the juice from the watermelon. It ran down towards her palms.

"I'm all sticky with juice." she remarked as she got up and moved towards the sink.

It wasn't the words as much as the way Alison said them and the look in her dark eyes as they met mine that made my cock thicken even more. I scanned the shape of my sister's ass covered by her blue skirt as she rinsed her hands off at the sink. Her skirt stopped a few inches above her knees. My eyes moved up from her black shoes, past her well-toned calves to the hint of her soft thighs below the hem of her skirt. I was stricken with the thought of bending her over the counter and pulling her skirt up around her hips. When she tore off a strip of paper towel and turned around towards me as she dried her hands I forced myself to concentrate on the present.

Alison had a peculiar look on her face as she dried her hands. I wished I knew what she was thinking, but I was equally hesitant to ask. I noticed her eyes flit down to the front of my jeans, then back up to my face. Never before in my life had I ever been so self-conscious of my erection.

"So, what are you up to?" Alison pulled open the cupboard door below the sink and tossed the paper towels into the garbage can.

"I was going to check my email before supper." I replied, growing more nervous.

Alison nodded. For a moment it seemed to me that her expression was incredulous, or maybe that was just paranoia on my part.

When my sister never replied I turned and left the kitchen. Once I was out of her sight I hurried up the stairs to my bedroom.

My palms felt sweaty as I waited for my computer to start. Immediately I navigated towards the Literotica site to check the status of my story. I really don't know if a person's heart can literally skip a beat or momentarily stop, but mine definitely did something unexpected when I saw my Submissions page. My story had finally been approved. I smiled, partly out of relief, but mostly out of pride.

The next thing I did was surf to the front page of the site. Although I had read my story many times, there was something about seeing it once it had actually been published online that filled me with a sense of gratification. I read all three pages, smiling to myself the entire time.

Once I had finished reading my story I decided to check my Hotmail to see if anyone had sent me Feedback. I don't recall if I was more surprised or apprehensive to discover that I had two emails. I felt the same sense of apprehension as when I had submitted my story as I clicked on the first email. I read it quickly, wanting to find out if the reader liked or disliked my story. I smiled and leaned back in my chair once I realized that the Feedback was positive. I opened the second email. This too was reassuring. The sender essentially said that my story was a good first attempt and encouraged me to write more. I noticed that the first email was sent by a reader who had chosen to remain anonymous, but the other sender had been brave enough to supply a return email address. I made a mental note to reply later and thank him for his response.

I was lost in an ego trip and never noticed Alison for a few seconds. She was leaning against the doorway to my room, smiling as she observed me.

"That must be good email, Andy. What's her name?"

I jumped and whipped my head around towards Alison. She laughed at my reaction.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, little brother." she chuckled.

Alison approached me. I managed to navigate to another website just before she stepped beside me. Her perfume was the first thing I noticed. It was musky and sexy. The next thing I noticed was her hip and ass. She was less than a foot to my right. My eyes shifted and ran up her left leg to the curve of her firm backside.

"What were you looking at a minute ago?" she asked, sounding accusatory.

"This." I said, trying to sound composed.

"The CNN website?" Alison's voice was full of disbelief.


When I felt my sister's hand on my left shoulder I flinched. Her hip grazed my right arm as she sidled up to me. My cock was even harder now. I shifted in my chair.

"I never knew that the news interested you that much, Andy." she said, sounding like she was mocking me.

"Huh?" I grunted.

"Well, you had a weird grin on your face a minute ago." she said.

"Oh..." was all I could muster.

I could feel my cock pushing up at my jeans and I knew that my sister would noticed it if she looked down at my lap. In fact, she probably already had.

"Anyway, I'm going to get changed before supper," she said "I'll let you get back to whatever you were looking at before I interrupted you." My sister let out a sarcastic laugh as she left my room.

Alison's bedroom was across the hall from mine. I watched her hips sway as she walked towards her door. She closed it behind her. I gave a sigh. Soon my mind was filled with images of her undressing on the other side of that thin wall. I reached down and rubbed my cock through my jeans.

That evening after supper Alison went out with friends. I spent some time with our parents watching television before telling them I was going up to my room to work on homework. I discovered that I had received a few more emails with Feedback on my story. All were positive. One even had suggestions for how I should continue my story in ensuing parts. Again, I discovered that two of the emails contained an address for me to reply. I sent off emails to them, thanking them for their praise and assuring them that I would write more stories.

At that point I was honestly not sure that I would write any more stories, but after I went to bed I began to weave plots in my mind. Most were along similar lines to what I had already written and all of them had a variation of Alison as the object of the protagonist's desire. My hand slipped inside my underwear and stroked my hard cock as I built the stories in my mind. I saw myself as the main character and my sister as the focus of his incestuous desires.

I fell asleep soon after spraying steaks of cum over my stomach as I fantasized about Alison. At some point I was woken my the sound of someone in the bathroom, then a door closing. It was almost one in the morning and I knew that my sister had arrived home.

Chapter 3

Over the next few days emails with Feedback continued to trickle in. Overall they were mostly positive, even when the senders offered constructive criticism. Any advice was welcome at this point. Now I was emboldened to write a second story.

That Sunday night before I went to bed I decided to check my email one last time. Already I had begun to feed off of the Feedback sent to me by readers. It stoked my ego and convinced me to continue with my fledgling online writing career. Perhaps I could become the world's most famous pseudonymous writer of erotic fiction I told myself.

That night there was only one piece of email waiting for me. I opened it. My brow furrowed as I read the message a second time. Then fright and paranoia began to build within me. The email was sent by an anonymous reader and consisted of only five words: "I know who you are."

Immediately I ran through a mental checklist of friends who might have read my story and discerned that I was Bad_Bro_69. I had done little to mask the fact that Kathy was in fact my sister, Alison. Their descriptions were identical. Anyone who knew her would see the similarities. Hell, anyone who had seen her in that sundress would recognize it in my story.

Next I asked myself who amongst my friends was likely to have visited Literotica, much less be interested in reading stories in the Incest category. Immediately I thought of a guy I knew, Brandon. He had an older sister named Sarah. She was almost as pretty as Alison. If she were my sister I'd certainly have lustful thoughts about her. Then I recalled one night when I was hanging out with another friend, Vanessa. She made some off-handed remark about how her older brother, Dylan, was "a real hunk" and that she'd want to have sex with him if they weren't siblings.

I mentally scolded myself for having judged my friends as I judged myself. Not everyone was as perverted as me after all. Still, a good many people had read my story, so I was not alone in harbouring forbidden thoughts for a family member.

Eventually my panic and suspicions gave way to reason. I reminded myself that whoever wrote the email never outed me by calling me 'Andrew'. That would be definitive proof of their claim, yet it was absent. I was somewhat relieved that the sender's assertion lacked any proof. It was undoubtedly just someone trying to have some fun at my expense. I saved the email, turned off my computer and went to bed.

Chapter 4

That Tuesday afternoon I decided to skip my last class of the day, European History. I was doing well in the class and could afford to miss one. I wanted to get home and work on my second submission to Literotica. I had already worked out most of the details of the plot in my mind and was eager to begin writing it for real.

When I arrived home I discovered that the door was unlocked. I had remembered that Alison had that afternoon off, but hoped she would allow me some solitude before supper so I could begin my story.

The house was quiet when I entered. I had expected to hear the television or music coming from my sister's bedroom. I climbed the stairs. Already my cock had begun to harden as I mulled over the outline of the story I was about to begin. As I passed Alison's bedroom door I noticed that it was open. She called out to me.

As I turned and entered my sister's bedroom my heart did that funny thing it sometimes does. This time it was not out of fear or nervousness, but arousal. Alison was on her bed, lying on her stomach, flipping through a magazine. Normally that would have been enough to quicken my pulse and send blood to my swelling cock, but this time it was more than that. Alison was wearing the sundress that I had made reference to in my erotic story. She raised up on her elbows and smiled. Her hair hung down her shoulders towards the swell of her breasts pushing out at the front of her dress, but what really caught my eye was her cleavage.

"How was school?" she asked.

"Okay -- same as ever." I mumbled.

I could see about half of my sister's round breasts down the front of her dress as she raised up on the bed to talk to me. They appeared to be much more than a handful and I was tempted to step closer in hopes of seeing her nipples. Instead, I froze, feeling my cock harden.

"You're home early," she remarked "don't you have another class?"

"Yeah, history, but I decided to ditch it." I tugged the strap of my knapsack higher on my shoulder and focused on Alison's pretty eyes.

Alison clicked her tongue and shook her head in mock disapproval, then laughed. She tossed her magazine aside then twisted her body around to sit up on the side of her bed. It was then I noticed her nipples poking out at her dress. They appeared to be as hard as my cock was at that moment. It was obvious she had no bra on. I hated the silence between us. All I could hear was the sound of her computer whirring in the corner of her bedroom. My eyes shifted towards it and I noticed that her screensaver was on.

"What are you up to?" I asked.

"Reading Cosmo." she said, nodding towards the closed magazine beside her.I looked down to the photo of the women on the cover. She was buxom and pretty, but looked like every other woman who appeared on the cover each month. Alison must have noticed me looking at the picture of the model because she commented.

"She's pretty, isn't she?"

"Yeah..." I answered, although without much enthusiasm.

Alison laughed."You don't sound too sure if it. Don't tell me you're playing for the other team, little brother."

"No, I like girls," I laughed "she just seems...plastic."

My sister took a look at the magazine cover then her eyes met mine. She seemed confused.

"Not into blondes with big boobs? I thought all guys were."

"No, that's a myth," I asserted "guys go for all sorts of types."

"Like redheads...?"

Alison's tone of voice was more than simply questioning. It was teasing. Flirtatious. It sent a rush of excitement through me that ended in my hard cock.

"Well, sure... of course." stammered.

"Even if they don't have big boobs?" she prodded.

I felt my eyes dart down to my sister's chest and I forced them back up to her face. She had an impish smile.

"Yes... guys are attracted to more than boobs, you know. Some like legs or butts -- even feet." was my cautious reply.

I wasn't sure where the conversation was headed but I was beginning to enjoy it.

"Then I guess there's still some hope for me." she remarked, then let out a shy laugh.

I felt my mouth open, but clamped it shut. I wanted to say something to reassure Alison, to assuage her insecurity, but realized that anything would probably would sound inappropriate coming from her younger brother. I shifted my knapsack on my shoulder again and avoided her eyes.

"What?" she blurted out, sounding excited.

"Nothing. I answered, almost in a whisper.

"No. What were you going to say, Andy?" Now she was more insistent.

"Nevermind." I mumbled.

Alison stood up and walked over to me. I took a step back as she approached. My eyes were drawn to her stiff nipples and my mind was filled with the precious few glimpses of them I had gotten the other times she had worn that dress.

"No... I want to know what you were going to say. I can take it." Her voice was soft with a hint of nervousness.

"I... I was going to say that there's more than some hope for you -- a lot, I mean." Once the words were out of my mouth I wished I could have drug them back in. I feared I had been too direct.

Alison smiled. Her reaction was unexpected and it relieved me. I was unsure how much honesty she was prepared for about how she looked coming from me.

"So, I look okay then?" she asked.

I laughed. "Better than okay."

"Do you know how long it's been since a guy asked me out?"

"No." I answered, shaking my head.

"Me either," she laughed "it's been so long I can't remember."

I let out a laugh, mostly out of nervousness.

"Pretty girls seldom get asked out. Most guys think that they either already have boyfriends or they're way out of their league, so they don't bother asking." I explained.

Alison contemplated my theory, then gave a weak nod as if agreeing. A smile formed on her face. She seemed more pleased than amused.

"So, you think I'm pretty then?"

I squirmed, but felt that admitting to thinking that much as acceptable.

"Sure. Of course. Everyone does. "I told her.

Alison's eyes widened a bit and her head jerked back in a gesture of surprise. Her eyes narrowed as she thought.

"Even though I don't have big boobs like the girl on the cover of Cosmo..."

"Pretty is how a girl looks from the neck up, not below it." I explained.

Once more my sister's eyes narrowed as she contemplated my comment.

"No guy has ever told me that before." she said.

"Well, that's how I look at it. Most guys too." I said.

"I can't believe I'm learning about sex from my little brother."

Alison let out another laugh. This time it was brassy, almost lewd. I blushed, but grew more turned-on.

"I know more than I let on." I bragged, trying to sound enigmatic, experienced -- although I was far from it.

Alison moved around beside me. She draped her arm around my shoulder and pressed herself to my side. Her body felt soft and warm on mine. I could see her cleavage down the front of her dress. My eyes lingered on my sister's breasts for a while, until I realized she noticed me staring.

"Maybe you could teach me a few things, little brother." Alison's voice had taken on a husky, aroused tone that thrilled me.

"I... I don't know..." I said, my voice faltering.

Alison's arm was still around me. I felt her breast rub over my left arm. I looked down to it. She tilted her head down and her eyes followed mine. She smiled and her breast brushed my arm again. This time I knew it was deliberate because I felt her hips move against me too.

"I always feel sort of nervous when I wear this dress. I don't dare wear it around town anymore." she commented.

"Why?" I asked, although I had surmised the reason why.

"Because it shows a little more than I want to." she answered.

"Well, how much do you want to show then?" I retorted with a laugh.

Alison's eyes moved down to her chest again. "Not quite this much. You could probably see my nipples if I bent over."

I never answered, but the look on my face betrayed me. Alison giggled.

"You're probably thinking that it doesn't show enough, aren't you?" she spat out, seeming delighted to flirt with me.

"I... ah... no... you're my sister..." was my weak defense.

Alison seemed to feed off of my agitation. She giggled and tugged me to her.

"I know I'm your sister, Andy," she said "but you already said that I'm pretty."

"Yes, but that's different."

Alison grew silent as she thought, then grinned. "Maybe I need to ask if you think I look good from the neck down then."

I clenched my jaw, awaiting the inevitable.

"Well...!" My sister gave me a shake to prompt my reply.

"You look good." I told her with a nod.

Alison leaned into me and kissed my cheek. The feeling of her breasts on my arm and her soft lips pressed to my face was almost sensory overload. I hadn't felt such a wonderful feeling in a long time. My face felt warm, but I knew it was from arousal rather than embarrassment. I gave her a smile.

"Thanks, little brother. You always make me feel pretty." she said in a hushed voice.

"I'm going to check my email and maybe work on some homework before supper." I said, breaking the charged silence in my sister's bedroom.

"Okay." Alison smiled, watching me leave.

My thoughts were too scattered to concentrate on beginning my new story. Plus I decided to wait till later in case Alison came in my room. She was about the last person whom I wanted to discover me writing.

Once everyone had gone to bed and the house was quiet I began writing my second story. This one also involved a young man who harboured feeling of lust for his older sister. For the sake of variety I didn't create a female character which such strong resemblance to Alison, although I did describe her as a sexy girl, slender, with auburn hair and dreamy brown eyes, much like my sister.

I could have probably stayed up all night and finished my story -- I wanted to, actually -- but I knew I had to get some sleep because I had classes the next morning. I saved my story, then went to bed.

Chapter 4

It was a good thing that I went to bed the night before when I did. I realized the next day that I probably should have gone sooner. I was groggy throughout most of the day. I found it difficult to focus on school, but I attributed that more to my thoughts of Alison rather than lack of sleep.

After supper that evening I went to a friend's house. We watched a movie and listened to music. It was good for me to socialize and get my mind off of Alison and my story ideas for a while.

Alison had gone out as well. By the time I arrived home my parents had gone to bed but Alison was not home yet. I sat down at my computer and resumed writing my second story.

I had been home for about an hour when I heard Alison arrive home. Immediately my heart began to race. I closed my text editor and surfed to a music website in case she joined me in my room. When I heard her knock at my door I was glad I had stopped working on my story.

Alison came in and eased by bedroom door closed as to not wake our parents. She sat down on my bed to my left.

"What ya up to?" she asked.

"Nothing, just surfing." I told her.

My sister gave me a wily smirk and glanced at the screen of my monitor.

"You mean looking at porn..." she said, sounding more serious than teasing.

"There's porn on The Internet?" I spat out, then laughed.

Alison clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle her laugh.

Despite my best efforts I found it nearly impossible to take my eyes off of my sister. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a white blouse. Her blouse was snug enough over her chest for me to notice how her breasts pushed out at it.

"What did you do tonight?" I asked.

"Megan and I went out for a few drinks and some girl talk. What about you?"

"I hung out at Josh's place for a few hours."

Alison nodded, but she didn't seem to really hear me.

For the next half hour or so my sister and I talked, but it seemed rather awkward -- at least to me. It could have just been my perception though, brought on by me being horny and nervous around Alison. When she got up and said she was going to bed I was almost relieved. As much as I enjoyed time spent with my sister there was something about her pensive glances at me that unnerved me.

I had wanted to continue writing my second story, but by the time Alison went to bed it was getting late. I needed sleep.

Over the next several days I continued to write my story -- composing bits and pieces when I found time alone, usually after everyone had gone to bed. Once I had submitted it I waited almost a week before I began checking to see if it had been approved. I was anxious and impatient. Finally the day came. I read my story at the website with a proud smile on my face the whole time.

Alison was my muse. I had incorporated her visit to my room that night in part of my story, with a liberal amount of embellishment. In my story the female character, Cindy, visited her brother's room one night after their parents had gone to bed to borrow a CD. She wore jeans and a pink blouse, similar to the one my sister had been wearing that night, with one exception: Cindy's blouse was unbuttoned enough for her brother, Brian, to see her cleavage. Cindy caught her brother leering and was excited by the forbidden nature of the situation. She ended up flashing her breasts to her younger brother. Eventually their teasing and dalliance culminated in them having sex in the last few paragraphs.

I was pleased with my story. I knew it was rather cliched, but I reminded myself that I had to crawl before I could run. Hopefully in time I would devise more original plots. I was more concerned with realistic-sounding dialogue and creating tension.

The day after my second story appeared I checked my email, hoping for Feedback. It was a Wednesday and I had gone up to my room before supper. I drummed my fingers on my desk, waiting for the page to load.

There were three messages for me. I smiled and clicked on the first one. It was positive. The sender said that my writing had improved since my first submission. The second email was not so approving. The writer said that he had read other stories much like mine, although mine was at least well-written, if not very imaginative. I winced, but admitted to myself the criticism was well-founded. When I opened and read the third email my brow furrowed and I leaned forward, reading the anonymous Feedback once more.

I thought you liked the blue dress better than the white blouse....?!

I read the message again to make sure I wasn't mistaken. In my story Cindy had worn a pink blouse. My sister was wearing a white one that night in my room.

"Alison...?" I mumbled to myself as I leaned back in my chair.

That night and the next day I pondered my next move. I could have shown my sister the emails and asked if she sent them. That was far too risky I decided. There was no way I could absolutely prove it, despite the strong evidence, since they were from someone who chose to remain anonymous. Confronting Alison would mean that I would have to reveal that I had written those stories and also admit to my lust for her. I was trapped. The best I could do was play along in this game of cat and mouse. If Alison wanted some intrigue, I was game.

Chapter 5

Tony watched his older sister munching on the slice of watermelon pinched between her dainty fingers. The juice ran down her knuckles towards her palm. Tony imagined it was Sara's pussy juice, or even his cum on her hand. His cock was hard as he observed Sara.

"I'm all sticky with juice, baby brother." Sara said, holding up her hands for Tony to see.

"I bet you've been juicer than this before though." Tony told his sister.

Sara got up and began washing her hands off at the sink. She never heard Tony as he crept up behind her. When she felt her skirt being tugged up her thighs she turned around.

"It's not the juice on your hands I want." Tony said.

"Maybe you could teach me a few things, little brother." Cindy said as she ran her hand up the inside of Tony's thigh towards his thick manhood.

"I know more than I let on." her brother replied as he rubbed her pussy through her panties.

I read the words I had typed, smiling to myself. More than ever I was in a hurry to finish this story and have it posted. If only I could be a fly on the wall and see Alison's reaction when she read it -- assuming the emails had been from her, which I had. This story would be a litmus test of sorts -- my attempt to draw my sister out and make her either admit that the anonymous Feedback was from her, or feel confident enough to become more obvious with her flirtation with me.

That Thursday evening while my parents watched television and Alison was out with friends I completed my story. After putting it through spell check and reading it over twice I submitted it. I leaned back in my chair with a smug grin.

I went downstairs to watch television with my parents for a while before they went to bed. I was sitting alone on the couch when I heard the sound of a car door slamming shut coming from the yard, followed by people talking and laughter. A few minutes later Alison walked in the living room.

"Hey, how was your night?" I asked.

"Good. A few of us went out to see a movie, then get some pizza." she said.

"Sounds like fun."

Alison dropped her purse on a chair and sat down beside me. There was one of those crime shows about profilers on TV but I stopped paying attention once my sister joined me. Alison was wearing a thin paisley skirt that left her knees bare and a red t-shirt. It clung to her chest and I could see the outline of her bra strap against it.

"So is that guy the serial killer?" she asked, pointing towards the TV.

"No. He's a cop. Don't you ever watch this?" I shook my head and chuckled.

Alison kicked her shoes off and crossed her legs. Immediately my eyes moved to my left and up her leg to her thigh. Her skin was smooth and looked soft. I folded my arms on my lap to hide my erection.

My sister seemed more interested in the crime drama than I was so I kept quiet. The silence between us made me nervous. It also allowed my mind to wander and fill with forbidden thoughts. When a commercial came on Alison got up from the couch and turned towards me.

"I'm going to get some pop. You want one?"

"Yeah... thanks." I replied.

Alison returned with two cans of Pepsi. She handed one to me, then knelt down on the couch. She tucked her heels under herself, facing me. Her eyes moved down to my lap as she took a drink from her can. I noticed that her knees were parted slightly. Not far, but enough for me to be able to see her inner thighs a few inches up her skirt.

"Do you like my skirt?"

My sister's voice pulled my mind back to reality. I realized that I had been staring at her legs.

"Uh... yeah." I grunted, raising my eyes to her face.

Alison smirked.

"Or was it my legs you were looking at?"

I gave my sister a guilty smile.

Alison leaned over and put her can of Pepsi on the coffee table. She had a sexy smile on her face as she looked at me for a moment, then pinched the fabric of her skirt between her fingers. She tugged at it. I watched as the hem of her skirt slid up her thighs inch by inch, exposing more and more soft skin. Alison never took her eyes off of mine the whole time. Once her skirt was almost gathered around her hips she opened her legs wider. As her tender thighs parted I saw her red panties. They were pulled taut over her mound. A few inches above the outline of her lips was a V-shaped section of lace. Through it I could make out a thin strip of dark hair. I stared at my sister's crotch. My mouth felt dry and my cock was as hard as it could be.

"Say something." Alison's voice either sounded nervous or horny -- I wasn't sure.

"Wow..." I said in a long breath.

"You're the first guy to see me there in quite a while." she said.

"Thanks... I mean... you look good." I raised my eyes to my sister's and let out a faint, nervous laugh.

Alison smiled and looked down at herself. "I like these panties. They make me feel sexy," she said "it would have been a waste wearing them and not letting someone see."

"I'm glad it was me you showed them to," I said "I'm sure lots of other guys would love to."

"Thanks." Alison had a warm smile on her face and it seemed as though she was thinking. "You always make me feel so pretty, Andy."

"That's 'cause you are."

Alison leaned forward and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. She kissed my cheek and held on to me. She was kneeling beside me. My eyes wandered down to her panties again. Her thighs were wider apart now.

"If you weren't my brother my panties might be off by now." he whispered in my ear.

"Don't let that stop you." I replied with a bold chuckle.

Alison leaned away. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a bashful look.

"We can't. You know that, Andy." she said, sounding regretful.

"Yeah... mom and dad are upstairs." I replied.

"It's not just that," she said "it wouldn't feel right."

"How does it feel right now?" I asked.

"Good." she admitted, then sighed. "I just wonder how it would feel tomorrow, or in a month, or a year. It could really mess things up between us, you know?"

I nodded. I knew my sister might be right. Things aren't always the way you imagine them in your mind and sometimes we discover we've made mistakes that we can't ever rectify.

Alison was stroking my back as she held onto my shoulder. She had leaned away from me so she could watch my expression. Her skirt had slipped down a few inches but most of her thighs were still uncovered. I reached my hand out and ran it up the outside of her left thigh. As my fingers glided up towards her hip I waited for her to stop me. She didn't. Her only response was to smile. I stroked her leg a few more times then grew bolder. I slid my hand up her hip, over her panties. They were whipsy and soft. I hooked my finger in them and gave them a slow tug down. Almost immediately I felt my sister's hand on mine, halting me. She gave it a squeeze.

"No, Andy," she said "we can't."

"Okay... I'm sorry." I said.

"No... it's okay... I'm not mad. It's just that mom and dad are upstairs and... I'm confused."

I pulled my hand from under my sister's skirt and rested it on my lap. I looked up at her and nodded.

"It's not that I haven't thought about it and right now... let's just say my body is ready, but my mind isn't. Does that make any sense?""Yes. Lots." I said.

"Good." Alison seemed relived. She hugged me tight and kissed my cheek.

Alison moved away and leaned back on the sofa. She tugged her skirt down and gave me a shy smile. I reached out and held her hand.

"I'm going to go to bed," she said "but I don't want you thinking that I'm upset or anything, so don't feel like you should avoid me tomorrow or whatever."

"Okay. Good."

I was very relieved because I probably would have been very sheepish around my sister the next day if not for her words of reassurance.

Alison gave me another quick kiss on the cheek then went upstairs.

I listened to the sounds of footsteps and doors closing upstairs. After the house grew silent I went up to my bedroom. While I lay in bed that night masturbating as I thought about Alison I wondered if she was doing the same thing, just across the hall.

Chapter 6

The Wednesday afternoon I discovered that my newest story had been approved. I was relieved. Next I would have to wait to see if Alison had sent me any Feedback. I was far more concerned with her comments than those of the other readers at this point.

That evening I went to Josh's house. We watched television and listened to music like we normally did. By the time I got home my parents had gone to bed. I noticed that Alison's bedroom light was on as I walked up the driveway.

Being as quiet as I could I went up to my bedroom. I eased the door shut, then turned on my computer. My heart was beating hard while I waited for the Hotmail page to load. I smiled when I saw that I had two emails. I opened he first one and read it quickly. When I opened the second email and read it I felt my cock harden. I read it again as my smile grew wider.

Your stories make me so wet, Andy.

The only thing that prevented me from getting up and stealing into my sister's room at that moment was the fact that our parents were sleeping just down the hall. I read the email again. I ran my hand over my hard cock through my jeans as I imagined Alison rubbing herself as she read my stories.

I turned off my computer and went to bed. After I finished masturbating I contemplated my next move. It would be a bold one.

Chapter 7

That Thursday morning I was only present at my classes in body only.My mind was elsewhere. I kept checking my watch, wishing I could speed up time. Once my final class was over I caught the bus home.

I practically ran from the bus stop and up our driveway to the house. It was almost one o'clock. Mom and dad would not be home from work for at least four hours or more.

Alison was not in the kitchen when I walked in. I checked the living room. It was empty. My cock was hard and ready for anything as I climbed the steps. Alison's bedroom door was open. She was sitting at her computer with her back to me.

"Hi, little brother." she said, but did not turn around.

I walked over to my sister and stood behind her chair. On the screen of her monitor was the second page of my newest story. Alison was wearing a dark pink tank top and a short red skirt. Her hands were on her lap. I put my hands on her shoulders and ran them up and down her bare arms. Her body stiffened a bit then she relaxed.

"Do my stories really make you wet?" I asked.

Alison swiveled her chair around to face me. She looked at the bulge in my jeans for a moment then moved her eyes up to mine. She either looked shy or frightened.

"Yes." she whispered.

"Like now?"

Alison nodded.

"Show me." I said.

"Andy... we shouldn't..."

I knelt at my sister's feet. I placed my hands on her bare knees and slid my hands up her thighs, watching her skirt move up towards her hips. Alison's arms were limp at her sides as she watched my hands on her. I stared at her panties. They were white and cut high around her hips. My hands slipped down her silky thighs to her knees. When I tugged at them I felt my sister's muscles flex, resisting me. I kept up the same easy pressure, but did not increase it. Soon she relaxed and I eased her thighs open wide. The outline of her lips showed through her panties and I wondered if she had been touching them before I arrived home. When I saw the small dark spot on the cotton I was sure that she had been. I bent down and kissed my sister through her panties. She giggled and shifted her hips.

When I hooked my fingers in Alison's panties and slipped them down her hips I heard her gasp. I waited for her to stop me but she didn't. She lifted up off of the chair to allow me to slide them down. I tugged at my sister's damp panties and slipped them over her bare feet. I brought them up to my face and inhaled, locking my eyes on her.

"You smell so good..." I said, almost moaning.

"Thanks." My sister's cheeks were rosy and I wondered if it was from arousal or embarrassment.

I dropped Alison's panties to the floor and put my hands on her knees. I stroked her thighs, then moved my hands back to her knees. I pushed outwards. She offered no resistance this time.

Alison's lips were full and glistened with her juice. I watched hem open a bit for me as I spread her legs further apart. When I leaned forward and glided my tongue up them towards her swollen, pink button she moaned and held my head in her hands.

"Oh, shit... Andy..."

I pressed my thumb to my sister's wet pussy and opened it wider, then ran my tongue up it again, pressing down harder. She began to moan and slid forward on the chair.

When my lips found her clit and I began sucking on it Alison was grabbing handfuls of my hair and pushing her hips towards my mouth. She smelled and tasted wonderful. I slipped my hands under her firm ass. I grabbed it hard and began to work my tongue into her tight pussy. My nose rubbed her clit and she cried out.

"Oh god... you're so good at that, little brother." she cried out.

My tongue was swirling around my sister's clit. I had pushed a finger in her and was working that in and out. She was so tight and I wanted my cock inside her, but that would have to wait.

"Oh... fuck... lick my pussy, Andy... shit, that feels so good." my sister moaned.

Soon my sister's words became one long moan. She was thrusting her hips up, pushing her wet lips to mine. My tongue was still teasing her hard clit when she let out one last moan. It was loud and I felt her body grow tense as she orgasamed. I continued to lick and suck on her clit and lips until she pushed at my head.

I leaned back. Alison and I were both breathing hard. I licked my lips. My sister tasted better than anything I knew. She was leaning back in her chair. Her legs were still separated and I looked at her dripping pussy. Her juice had begun to run down her towards the chair.

Alison's eyes were closed and she was smiling. Her breathing was rapid. I saw her chest rise and fall. Her nipples were hard and pushed out at her tank top. I moved between her legs and pulled her tank top up. Once I had uncovered her breasts I stared. They looked even better than they did when I had gotten looks at them down her tops or dresses. Her nipples were thicker and darker than I had expected, with small rings surrounding them. Alison smiled at me while I admired her.

"God, you're beautiful." I said.

"No, but I'm glad you think so." she replied with a smile.

I cupped Alison's breasts in my hands. I squeezed them and pushed them up until the formed two firm orbs. I bent down and sucked her left nipple hard between my lips then flicked my tongue over it.

"Do you like them?" Alison was running her hand over the back of my head.

"I've liked them for years." I told her.

"But you've never seen them like this."

"No, but I've gotten some pretty good looks at them." I sucked her right nipple hard as I fondled her breasts.

"How good?" my sister asked.

"I've seen your nipples a few times." I revealed.

Alison giggled. "I thought so."

"Did you mean for me to see them?" I asked.

"Of course... I like making my little brother horny." Alison gave me a coy smile as she spoke.

"You do it well." I told her.

Alison's eyes met mine, then they moved down my body, stopping at my jeans. She smiled.

"Stand up, Andy."

I got to my feet. Now the bulge in my jeans was in front of my sister's face. She licked her lips and began working at the button.

"Time for me to make up for all those times I teased you." Her fingers tugged at my zipper as she spoke.

Once my sister had pulled my underwear and jeans down to my knees my cock rose. The swollen, reddish head was aimed at her waiting mouth. Alison wrapped her fingers around my shaft and swirled the tip of her tongue over the head then down the underside. I shuddered and planted my hands on her shoulders.

When I felt my sister's wet lips slide down my cock I let out a deep moan. She sucked it hard as she moved her fingers up and down it. Alison let out a few soft moans as she began sliding her mouth up and down my hard cock.

When I began moving my hips my sister stopped moving her mouth. Her hands slid around to grab my ass. She pulled at me, urging me deeper into her mouth. I began thrusting my hips harder, watching my wet cock slide in and out of her warm mouth.

"I'm going to cum..." I moaned.

I wanted to give my sister time to pull her mouth away. She didn't. Instead, she gripped my ass harder, coaxing my shaft deep in her mouth. When I let out a loud moan and sent streams of cum over my sister's tongue she moaned and sucked harder. As I cock began to soften she slid her lips down it. She held it in her hands and rubbed the last few drops of my cum seeping from the slit over her lips. Her tongue darted out and she smiled up at me.

"Wow... little brother, were you saving all that cum just for me all these years?"

I laughed. "No."

I tugged my underwear and jeans back up while Alison pulled her tank top down. She turned and looked at the time on her computer.

"We should probably get washed up a bit before mom and dad get home." she said.

I was still reeling from coming so hard that I wasn't really paying attention to what my sister had said.


Alison got up and tugged at my hand. She brought me into the bathroom. I watched while she filed the sink with warm water and got out a facecloth.

"We don't want mom or dad smelling my pussy on your face."

Alison smirked as she ran the wet cloth over my mouth, wiping her musky juice off me. She did the same to my fingers, then rinsed the facecloth out. She turned and began to wash her face.

I stared at our reflections in the bathroom mirror. We were both wearing identical smiles. I placed my hands on my sister's hips and pressed myself to her ass. I pulled her hair aside then bent down and kissed her neck, then gave it a soft bite.

Alison squealed and turned around. Her eyes were locked on mine and her mouth was open a bit. Her lips were rosy and wet. I inched my mouth closer until my lips met hers. She moaned, or maybe gasp in surprise, then I felt her tongue searching for mine. My hand was on her left hip but I slid it down her stomach and pressed it to her pussy through her skirt. She moaned and broke our kiss.

"We better not start something we can't finish right now." she said with a frown.

I nodded and pulled my hand away.

"Don't worry, there'll be other times -- if you want."

"You know I want you." I told her.

"Good. But let's not rush, or be careless and get caught by mom or dad. I'm not going anywhere, Andy. We've waited this long. A little while longer won't kill us." she said.

What my sister had said made sense. Whatsmore I did not want to pressure her into anything she wasn't ready for just yet. I kissed her cheek.

"I love you." I told her.

"I love you too, little brother."

Chapter 8

For the next several days I barely dared to meet my sister's gaze. It wasn't that I felt nervous or timid around her. It was because I knew that if our eyes met we'd exchange knowing smiles and that would cause suspicion with our parents.

Alison and I made conversation with our parents during meals and in the evening, but we had an unspoken understanding that just about any interaction between us would probably raise questions. We kept our distance for the most part. Even after our parents had gone to bed and we sat on the sofa watching television we remained cautious. Sure, our hands would wander places they would not have in the past, but we agreed to not get carried away while our parents were home; that would be foolish.

"You're hard, aren't you?" Alison asked.

It was Sunday night, close to midnight. We had been doing a little touching and fondling on the couch, all the time listening for any sounds from upstairs.

"Of course," I said "are you wet?"

Rather than answering, my sister took my hand in hers. She guided it up under her skirt towards her pussy. My eyes widened in surprise when I discovered she wasn't wearing panties. I pressed down on her clit and rubbed. Her lips were soft and very wet. I pushed my finger in her and pressed my thumb to her hard clit.

"Mmmm... I've wanted to feel your fingers there for days now." she whispered, almost moaning.

"Wouldn't you rather feel more than my fingers?" I grinned.

"I don't work Tuesday afternoon." my sister said.

"I know..."

Alison leaned on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. Her hand slid up my thigh to my hard cock. She gave it a squeeze, then ran her fingertips along it.

"Tuesday afternoon I want this in me." she whispered in my ear.

"Where?" I asked.

My sister let out a sexy giggle. "Where your finger is now. Well, maybe in my mouth a while first."

"You're sure?" I wanted the same thing, but even more I wanted to know that my sister was positive about her decision.

"If we were alone, it would be right now. I want to feel more than just your fingers." she answered.

"Don't they feel good?" I asked, feeling insecure.

Alison laughed and gave my cheek a kiss. "Don't worry, they feel great -- better than mine." she said with a shy laugh.

The image of my sister lying on her bed, masturbating with her legs spread wide entered my mind. It excited me even more than I already was.

"When was the last time you did that?" I asked.

"This morning, in the shower."

"Damn, I wish I could've watched."

Alison snickered. "Maybe sometime I'll let you -- if we get enough time alone."

I couldn't tell whether Alison was getting sleepy or just lost in arousal. She closed her eyes and leaned on my shoulder while I continued to finger her and rub her. Her face was flushed and her breathing seemed heaver than normal. I kissed her cheek.

"You're so sexy." I whispered in her ear.

Alison smiled and gave my cock another squeeze.

"Time for bed, little brother." she said.

"I suppose."

I slipped my finger from my sister's tight pussy and brought it up to my mouth. It was wet and glistened with her juice. I sucked it into my mouth, tasting her. Alison watched, seeming pleased.

"You really like how I taste?"

"Absolutely," I said "I can't wait till I can do that again."

"Mmmm... that was fantastic, Andy." she moaned.

Alison stood up and motioned with her head for me to get up. I eased up from the couch while she looked down at the obvious bulge in my jeans. She cupped my balls and ran her palm over my cock through the denim.

"Mmmm... two days. I can't wait." she said.

Alison tugged at my fingers and walked me towards the stairs. I reached out and gave her ass a squeeze as she climbed the steps in front of me. She turned back and smiled, then raised her skirt to reveal her ass and wet lips to me. I wanted to bend her over the steps right there, but had to restrain myself.

When we arrived at my sister's bedroom door there was an awkward moment where we exchanged yearning looks. Alison put her hands on my hips and pressed her lips to mine. I backed her against her door as we kissed. Her tongue teased mine and my hands moved up the backs of her soft thighs. After a few moments she pushed me away. She opened her bedroom door and fumbled for the light switch. She backed away from me, into her room a few feet. As I watched she tugged her skirt up towards her hips until I could see her wet pussy. She reached down and rubbed it, smiling into my eyes. I wanted to step inside her bedroom and close the door behind us. Then with a frown and a sympathetic smile, Alison closed her door.

Chapter 9

Waiting for Tuesday afternoon to arrive seemed like an eternity. During my classes Monday and Tuesday morning I found it nearly impossible to think of anything but my sister. My cock seemed to be hard with anticipation the entire time. Somewhere in the back of my mind was the fear that she would change her mind. If that happened I would be disappointed, but I would respect her decision.

The bus seemed to crawl along the route as I went home after my last class on Tuesday. I thought that getting out and running would get me home faster. When the bus arrived at the stop around the corner from our house I did run.

As I had sort of expected I did not find Alison in either the kitchen or living room when I got home. I hurried up the stairs. When I pushed open her bedroom door and found the room empty I became confused and worried. When I pushed my bedroom door open I found her sitting on my bed.

"I was beginning to think you weren't home." I said.

"I thought you'd come in here before my room." she said.

I dropped my knapsack down beside my computer desk and looked my sister over. She looked lovely. She was wearing a navy blue skirt that covered her knees and a white blouse. Her bare feet were propped up on my bed. I assumed she was wearing the same clothes she had worn to work. Alison got up and stepped over to me. She seemed nervous, like me.

"You look so pretty." I told her.

My sister smiled and tilted her head down, seeming shy. I placed the edge of my finger under her chin and lifted her head. I kissed her cheek. She relaxed and leaned against me, holding my shoulders. I could feel her bra strap under her blouse as I rubbed her back. The soft curve of her stomach rubbed over my erection. She moved her hips and pressed harder against it.

"Mmmm... you seem ready for me." she said.

"I have been for a long time."

Alison leaned away from me. Her hands ran up and down my bare arms below the sleeves of my t-shirt.

"I'm all yours, little brother."

I reached for the top button of my sister's blouse. My palms were sweaty and I fumbled at first, but before long I had unbuttoned the blouse. I pulled the bottom out from her skirt and unfastened the last two buttons. It slid off of her shoulders, down her arms to the floor. Alison was wearing a white push-up bra. I stared at her rounded breasts, then tugged the bra straps from her shoulders. I found the clasp and soon her bra fell to the floor. Her breasts gave a soft bounce as the cups slid down from them. They were firm and pointed up a bit at her nipples towards my mouth.

I cupped my sister's breasts in my hands, squeezing them together. My mouth went from one nipple to the other, tugging and sucking until the grew hard and thick. Alison let out soft moans as she cradled my head in her hand and caressed my back.

I ran my hands down Alison's smooth back until they met the button of her skirt. I undid it, then tugged at the zipper. Alison shifted her hips a bit, helping her skirt fall to her feet. She stepped out of it. She was wearing black thong bikini panties. I found them sexier than the other panties I had seen her wear. I looked them over, smiling to myself, then slipped them down her curved hips. Alison's breasts swayed and shook as she bent over to tug them over her feet.

I ran my eyes up and down my sister's perfect body as she stood there, completely naked. She seemed shy, but made no attempt to cover herself.

"You're perfect." I said.

Alison smiled. "Thanks. Now let's see what I've been missing all these years.

My sister tugged my t-shirt over my head and tossed it aside. I felt awkward as I untied my sneakers, then pulled them and my socks off. Alison waited, watching me. Once I had finished she went to work on my jeans. She seemed in a hurry to undress me. It wasn't long before my jeans were off and she was sliding my underwear down my legs.

My cock seemed harder than normal as I stood in front of my sister. It pointed up towards her breasts. Her eyes moved down my bare chest towards it. She was smiling.

"Here... just a sec." Alison picked up her blouse from the floor and dug in one of the breast pockets. She pulled out a condom with her fingers. She sat down on the side of my bed. "Come here..." she told me.

Alison unwrapped the package and slid the condom on my cock as I stood in front of her. Once she had finished she gave my cock a hard squeeze and ran her hand up towards the base. She slid back on the bed, tugging at my hand.

I knelt at my sister's feet, running my eyes up and down her naked body as she laid down on my bed. She bent her knees and parted her thighs, smiling up at me.

"How many times have you fantasized about this?" she asked.

"About a million." I said, grinning.

My sister laughed and pulled at my elbows, urging me between her open thighs. Her skin was soft as it rubbed against the sides of my legs. I ran my hands up her thighs, pushing them wider. Her wet lips parted. As I lowered myself onto her I felt my cock rub against her pussy. Alison moaned a bit.

"Don't tease me, Andy, please."

Alison reached down and took my cock in her hand. She gave it a gentle tug, guiding it towards her waiting pussy. She moaned when the head slipped in and pushed up off the bed to meet me. She was gripping my arms and had her legs wrapped around the backs of my thighs. My sister's pussy felt tight and hot as my cock slid deeper. She gripped me as I pushed harder.

"Oh god... wow, Andy." she moaned.

"What?" I asked concerned that something was wrong.

"I haven't felt anything that big in me for so long," she breathed "god... I feel so full."

I began moving my hips faster. My sister's pussy felt wonderful as my cock moved in and out of it. She began moaning louder. I could feel her nails digging into my shoulders. Her legs were wrapped around my lower back now. I looked down at her face. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning. Her breasts shook with each thrust.

"Oh god... fuck me, Andy... harder..."

I slid my hands down and held Alison's hips. I lifted her from the bed a bit and began thrusting harder and deeper into her. She was pushing back, matching my rhythm. While I continued to pump my hips she moved her hand down to her clit. She rubbed it, watching my cock move in and out of her tight pussy.

My sister was moaning louder and breathing harder now. I watched her fingers running her clit. They were wet with her juice and I thought that she was going to cum soon. I knew I was.

When I felt Alison squeeze my cock harder and her back arched I knew she was going to cum. She cried out and swore, still rubbing her clit. Watching my sister cum while my cock pumped in her was incomparable to anything. I had never even imagined anything so exciting. I let out a throaty moan as my body tensed. I came hard, shoving my cock in Alison one more time. I left it there for a while, then collapsed beside her.

Alison rolled over and draped her arm over my chest. She slung her thigh over mine. I could feel her wet pussy slide over my leg. It felt great.

"You wore me out, little brother." Her breathing was still fast.

"I could have never imagined anything that wonderful." I said.

"Really? Was I that good?"

"Are you kidding? That was spectacular." I rolled over and kissed my sister's cheek.

"But... I mean, there must have been others who came close to this good for you." she insisted.

I frowned and avoided my sister's questioning eyes. My expression must have said what I could not.

"You mean that this was your..."

"Yes." I interrupted.

Alison sensed my embarrassment and hugged me. She kissed my cheek and smiled.

"Well, you could give lessons. You're wonderful."

I smiled.

"So, are you going to be writing your next story based on this?" she asked.

"Hell, I could write a half-dozen about this."

Alison laughed hard and rolled around a bit. Her breasts shook and my eyes moved to them.

"I get the feeling that your writing career has come to an end though." she told me.

"Why?" I raised up on my elbow and locked my eyes on hers.

"Because from now on I'm going to want you to spend every free minute with me." she said and laughed.

I pulled my sister tighter to me and kissed her forehead.

"That suits me just fine," I said "as long as I get to make love to my biggest fan."