
"Sounds good to me," Dawn stated just as easily. "By the way...you still have any of those toys you used to use all the time?"

That statement did catch my sister Becky off guard a little. I noticed that she finally looked in Dawn's direction with an expression of surprise etched in her face, though there was also a twinkle of very interested naughtiness behind that now famous look.

"How'd you know about those?" She asked honestly, no longer fucking around with my head, if indeed that's what the two of them had been doing.

Dawn was smiling, looking directly back at her. She sat back straight, those incredible breasts pressing against the material, teasing me.

"Oh come on sis. We shared a bedroom after all. And eventually I found that secret little stash of vibrators you kept hidden. At first, I had no idea what the hell they even were, but then one night when you thought I was asleep, I feigned snoring like I usually did, and lay there listening to that soft little humming sound some of them made. I knew then what it was you were doing and was determined to find out for myself just what all the fuss was about. Laying there listening to you fucking that thing in and out of your pussy at night had me climbing the walls. I don't think you ever really knew just how badly I wanted to watch you using it on yourself...or frankly, have you use one of them on me!"

"Did you ever borrow and use one of them then?" Becky asked.

"Nope, never did. I did sneak one out once and turned it on just to see what it felt like in my hand, but mother was home, and I didn't dare try using it with her there."

Once again they were talking back and forth to one another as though I didn't even exist.

"Um...excuse me, but all this talk about the two of you eating one another, or using toys on one another is starting to get me horny all over again," I said bluntly, surprised at myself for being able to do so, but at the moment, not really caring if my speaking honestly about it surprised either of my sisters.

Becky looked over at Dawn who then looked at her and smiled. They were both grinning with that naughty-lustful look that I was starting to really enjoy seeing now.

"I suppose breakfast could wait," Becky said dumping the finished eggs onto a plate.

"Yes...we do have a microwave after all," Dawn said, pulling up the tiny almost non-existent piece of cloth she'd been wearing over her breasts.

"What about the sausage?" I asked stupidly.

"Yeah...speaking of which, lets see just how aroused your sausage is," Becky added, as she quickly stepped out of her panties and flung them at me.

Needless to say, I was late for class that afternoon. But it had certainly been worth it.


Sadly, the rest of the week wasn't nearly as exciting as it had started out. For myself, my class schedule coupled with working kept me away until late in the evening most nights. Becky too had been putting in long hours working on an important account, so that on a couple of nights, we didn't even see one another at all. And though Dawn had stayed home most of the time still trying to decide if she was eventually going to move back closer to mother, or try and find a job here and live with Becky for a while instead, she wasn't in the best of moods. She'd been on the phone twice with her soon to be ex, trying to work out the details of their impending divorce, which had really dampened any sexual appetite she might have had.

All this "alone" time wasn't helping me out emotionally now either. Once again I began to contemplate the unusual living conditions, not to mention the relationship we'd all been having with one another, albeit as brief as it had been up unto this point. But it was enough that those 'guilt'-pangs were once again starting to gnaw at me, especially when I also remembered that Thanksgiving weekend was nearly here, and with the arrival of that...would also be the arrival of my mother, and twin sister, whom I had not seen or spoken to since my arrival.

The night before Thanksgiving, we had the first free time together since that previous Monday. Mom and Jackie were due to arrive mid-morning as they were leaving extremely early. Dawn had spent the better part of the day cleaning and straightening the apartment as well as the bedrooms. Mom would share Becky's with her, and Jackie with Dawn. In a way I was almost grateful that Jackie would soon be there, if nothing else, maybe her presence would keep things from being too weird or uncomfortable around mom, though I now doubted she would say or do anything else around me even if she hadn't been there. After all, she had no idea what else had been happening between the three of us. And that was about the last thing I needed her to find out about. After what we'd done, I could only imagine her blaming herself for Becky, Dawn and I getting involved, and throwing her back into a really deep depression, or worse.

Dawn had also managed to mix up a couple of batches of Jell-O shooters as a way of relaxing and spending the evening together before the anticipated and hectic holiday weekend. Becky got home from work a lot earlier than usual and immediately slipped into her favorite attire. Topless and wearing a pair of tight-fitting bikini briefs. Dawn was considerably more conservative in her attire, though what she had chosen to wear was just as tantalizing to see. A tight fitting lace blouse with a criss-cross tie in front that barely contained her bare breasts, along with short-shorts that left the bottom's of her tight firm ass poking out.

"Well," Becky said as she slipped a spoon full of Tequila flavored green Jell-O into her mouth, "I think we should make a real night of it, especially as it's been a while, and especially since we'll have company over the next few days."

"Speaking of which," Dawn began as she took the tray from Becky as she passed it to her. "Are you sure the sleeping accommodations are going to work?"

"What do you mean?" Becky asked.

"Well, maybe Jackie should share your bedroom with you instead."

"You'd prefer to sleep with mother?" Becky asked incredulously.

"Hell no! But, mom might prefer to sleep in Jake's room!" With that, the two of them burst out laughing. And for a moment I was taken aback, until I realized they were only teasing me of course, but having little else to fight back with, I flung a spoonful of Jell-O at them both, which turned into one of those famous wrestling matches we'd all enjoyed having way back when we were kids.

Becky had immediately charged at me and wrestled me down off of the couch onto the floor. About that time Dawn joined the fray, pinning my arms down over my head while Becky sat on me, bouncing up and down as hard as she could in an effort to wind me and cause me to tire. The problem was, watching her do that with those breasts of hers bouncing up and down wildly was giving me renewed strength.

Reaching back, I broke Dawn's hold on me and immediately grabbed her breasts and squeezed them almost has hard as I could.

"Ouch!" Dawn screamed, releasing her hold on me in an effort to break away. "Watch out Becky, he's loose!"

Once I was free from Dawn, I then reached up and immediately grabbed a hold of Becky's tits and squeezed them as well, figuring that she too would immediately try and rise and get up off of me. Instead, she leaned forward grabbing my arms and forcing me onto my back once again.

"Hurry Dawn, come around here and yank his pants off!" She told her.

With her breasts planted in my face, I quickly changed tactics and without intending to actually do my sister bodily harm, did manage to clamp down on one of her nipples with my teeth and threaten to actually bite it.

By this time I could feel Dawn undoing my pants and begin yanking them off. I didn't exactly struggle and deny her the ability to do so, but I remained laying there with Becky's tit still in my mouth and nipped at it as well as sucked it from time to time about as hard as I could.

"Hurry Dawn...Jake's about to bite my nipple off!" She screamed.

I was already sufficiently hard that my cock immediately sprang up when I felt my pants and shorts come off together.

"Now what?" Dawn asked.

"Grab his nuts and squeeze them!" Becky suggested.

That did it. I let go of my sister's tits and made a real effort now to get away from her before Dawn did what Becky had told her to do.

I was still too slow however; surprised that Becky could still somehow manage to keep me pinned beneath her, though up until now I hadn't made any real serious effort to break away. I felt Dawn's hand grab my cock, fully expecting to next feel her hand crushing my balls when instead, I felt her slip her mouth over the head of my dick and do a lip-lock on it. When she did that...I was the one suddenly turned to Jell-O, content to lie there perfectly still. As though reading my mind, she reached up onto the coffee table where she'd put the tray of Jell-O shooters and took a large spoon-full into her mouth.

"What are you doing back there?" Becky asked, realizing I had quit trying to get away, and was in fact about as complacent as I could possibly be, but it had a lot to do with the incredible sensation of cold jigglely Jell-O bathing my cock. Turning around, she saw that Dawn had my penis in her mouth and was simply holding me there. Dawn looked up at her then, smiled and showed that she firmly had her mouth pressing against the fleshy knob of my head swishing it with that cool tingly Jell-O.

"Way to go sis!" Becky laughed. "Hey...can you hold him there like that for a second?"

Dawn winked at her, and though I am sure I could have easily gotten away, I wasn't about to force Dawn to stop what she was so wonderfully doing to my prick, easily making the decision to just lay there and find out what my other sister was up to instead.

A minute or two later, Becky came walking back out into the living room and I saw she was carrying that tube of KY jelly we'd used the other night...along with a slim purple colored vibrator.

"Dawn said she wanted to see for herself how these work," she said to us both. And I smiled when I thought that she was going to use it on Dawn's pussy from behind as she continued to kneel there with my captured cock in her mouth. Even Dawn readjusted herself so that Becky could do just that, expecting her once she'd lubricated it, to maybe slip it inside of her and let her experience what it felt like. Imagine my surprise when I saw Becky lean over and felt her apply the hard firm tip of it against my ass.

"Hold him Dawn," Becky said seriously. And then she turned on the toy and slowly began to insert it into my ass.

At this point it was obvious that Becky was serious about doing this, and as I was a little unsure as to what if anything I could do about it without seriously injuring myself. Even Dawn released me suddenly, though I wasn't about to try anything, or go anywhere and sat up expectantly watching Becky as she continued to slowly slide the vibrating toy into me.

To be honest, I was more than a little afraid at this point, but to my immediate surprise, it really started to feel good. Dawn began to softly stroke my cock at the same time that Becky was slowly fucking my ass with the toy. Becky then leaned over and took the tip of it inside her mouth and began tonguing it as she continued to tease my ass, and as Dawn continued to slowly slide her hand up and down my dick, feeding it to my sister.

"Don't make him cum yet!" Dawn warned her sister. Obviously by the tightness of my balls, she had realized I was uncontrollably moving in that direction. Becky removed the toy from my ass tossing it aside.

"Got any more of those?" Dawn asked.

Becky reached down and pulled Dawn up leading her off towards the bedroom. I continued to lie there for a moment longer, watching my sisters as they walked towards the bedroom hand in hand. Finally, Becky looked over her shoulder in my direction.

"Well? You cumming?" She purposely emphasized, and then winked at me when she did. I immediately stood up and followed my hard-on after them.

Becky opened her nightstand drawer and removed yet another of her battery operated dicks. This one was flesh colored and actually looked more like a cock with a slight curvature to it, much the same way my own cock had in appearance.

Becky positioned Dawn down on her bed and had me sit on the side of it next to her. Turning on the toy, she began to gently run it around the outside of Dawn's pussy letting her get used to the vibration of it, and stimulating her expectantly at the same time. With my sister's incredible breasts so easily accessible, I couldn't help but reach over and begin to toy with each of them, rolling those very erect thick nipples between my fingers, and kneading the soft pliant fleshiness of each wonderfully fat tit in my hands.

One thing Dawn didn't need was any lubrication. Becky had slipped a couple of fingers inside our sister's cunt and made sure she was all wet and ready. Watching her lick off Dawn's juices made my cock twitch with lusty anticipation. Before long she began to probe Dawn's pussy with the softly humming toy and gradually began to insert it inside her, twisting slowly about and letting Dawn's reactions dictate to her what to do with it next.

"Oh shit that feels good!" Dawn exclaimed, rotating her ass against the bed in conjunction with the in and out fucking she was getting from the toy. Dawn had reached over and found my stiff penis waiting for her, and began playing with it almost subconsciously. I'm not even sure she was truly aware of what she was doing, which was fine as she was obviously enjoying the feel of Becky's vibrator for the first time, but her hand still felt great as she held it, stroked it, and occasionally squeezed it.

Becky had slipped her hand down to her pussy and was busily fingering herself at the same time she continued to fuck Dawn with the dildo. I watched as she almost furiously labored her clit, and knew my sister was capable of experiencing multiple quick little orgasms when she did this. And this time was no exception.

Becky threw her head back, and for a moment forgot all about the toy in Dawn's cunt, and simply got her self off. Dropping it, she reached up and began to twist one of her nipples, still finger fucking her self, and crying out with pleasure simultaneously. Seeing this, Dawn reached down, picking up the neglected toy and began to ram it in and out of herself as hard and as fast as she could until she too was yelling and screaming out with pleasure. Not to be left out, I took over the job of masturbating my dick, and quickly joined the two of them in their pleasures, watching the initial eruption of my prick spewing geysers of cum cream which began to land all over Dawn's tits covering them in white sticky streamers that pooled in erotic looking little puddles of pleasure all over her breasts.

After we had all gathered ourselves back together a little bit, we decided to finish off the rest of the tray of Jell-O shooters. I was nominated of course to go back out to the living room to retrieve it. I had done so, picking it up and began to head back into the bedroom when the sound of the door opening caught my attention. I spun around, hoping that someone had engaged the safety chain, but saw only the startled look on my twin sister's face as she walked in. At least I wasn't sporting an erection, but my standing there naked carrying a tray of Jell-O into Becky's bedroom wasn't exactly something that would be easy to explain either.

"Uh...mom's downstairs parking the car," she stated looking back over her shoulder, and then quickly stepping in the rest of the way, closing the door. "You have company?" She finally said smiling as though she had just figured things out. "If you do...you'd better go in and warn her."

Just then Becky came wandering out...still nude herself. "What's taking you so...long." she actually finished saying, staring at my bewildered twin sister. Whose mouth suddenly dropped open about three feet.

"Holy fucking shit!" Jackie exclaimed then. "And...so where's Dawn?" She asked.

"Right here," Dawn answered, coming out of the bedroom, also nude. "Where's mother?"

"Downstairs parking the car. Anyone want to explain to me what the fuck is going on here?"

Once again, I'd never heard Jackie utter a single cuss-word, let alone saying the word "fuck"!

"Well obviously we're going to have to," Becky said stepping forward towards the door, opening it slightly in order to listen for the sounds of footsteps coming down the hall. "But it's going to have to wait until later, after we've all gone to bed. When I am SURE mom's asleep, I'll join the two of you in Dawn's bedroom, and then the three of us will have a nice long chat."

"Count on it," Jackie said a little coolly...looking towards me with what I perceived to be as both shock as well as disappointment coming from her eyes. She opened her mouth as though to speak to me, but then Becky heard our mother coming and quickly told us to run and put something on. She threw Jackie a knowing look that said not to say a word about what she'd seen, and Jackie acknowledged it by turning to me and reminding me I better get my bare ass back into my own bedroom and find something to wear.

I somehow managed to reach down and retrieve my discarded pants off of the living room floor which caused my twin sister to give me another questioning look, and made it into my bedroom, closing the door just as she opened it to allow my mother to come in. By the time I had finished getting redressed, I could hear Becky and Dawn talking to her and greeting her in the other room.

"I'm surprised to see you here already," Becky was telling her.

"Yeah...we decided to get an early start. I really didn't want to be driving on Thanksgiving, and there's so much to do. I figured you'd all still be up anyway, and knew you wouldn't mind if we came up early," I heard mother saying.

"Mom said you'd given her a key to your apartment, just in case we ever came and you weren't here. Aren't you glad she gave it to me?" Jackie said stating the obvious.

I came out of my room then, and looked at my mother for the first time since I'd left. I wasn't sure what her reaction would be and hoped she wouldn't look away or something when she did see me. To my surprise, her face lit up and she immediately crossed over to where I was standing and embraced me with an enormous hug.

"You're looking well. Is your sister feeding you enough?" She asked, pushing me away to have a look at me.

"Oh yeah...no problem," I answered awkwardly.

"Uh Jake?" Jackie asked me. "So...what was it you ate tonight? Besides Jell-O I mean?"

There wasn't any doubt as to what she was referring to of course, and worse, she was deriving a great deal of self-satisfaction in having me caught by the short-hairs. I gave my sister a cautioning look, and then looked over towards Becky and Dawn for support. But both of them were grinning.

"What's so funny?" Mom asked, catching on that something had been said that had some sort of hidden meaning.

"Oh nothing...really," I said trying to regroup. "Just that we were having a few Jell-O shooters when Jackie walked in. I guess she found that sort of funny, like maybe that's all we'd had for dinner or something."

"Jell-O shooters? What on earth are those?" Mom asked.

"Oh...just Jell-O filled with one kind of an alcohol or another." Jackie offered by way of explanation.

"Oh really? What do they taste like?"

"Here," Dawn said, picking up the tray of Jell-O that I had all but thrown back down onto the coffee table in my haste to make it back to my room before mother walked in and saw me standing there buck-naked.

Grabbing a large spoon full of peach flavored Jell-O and peach schnapps, mom savored it momentarily and then had another."Damn...those really are good aren't they?" She said.

"I'd be really careful if I were you mother. Those can be pretty strong and take you by surprise. One minute you're doing shooters, and the next, you're standing around in the middle of the living room without any clothes on and wondering what happened." Jackie said with a wicked gleam in her eye.

All three of us threw daggers at Jackie then, but she stood her ground throwing them right back at us and defying us to say anything. It was her way of reminding us that we'd better come clean with her and explain to her what it was we had been up to. If we didn't, well I for one didn't want to imagine the rest, though I was only halfway glad I wouldn't be in the bedroom with her when my sisters finally did explain to her what had really been going on.

Mother laughed however, which meant we had dodged that bullet, but then took another large spoonful of Jell-O anyway. "This really IS good. I can see why you young kids have taken to doing these!" She stated. "But yes...I can also see why you have to be careful about how many you...what, shoot is it?" She said taking yet another large spoonful.

She winked at me when she said that. Which sent all kinds of weird signals my way. I wasn't sure if she was still referring to the Jell-O, or if she had secretly said something else to me instead. Either way, I wasn't sure I wanted to know which one it was for sure.

About an hour later mom mentioned that even though it was still fairly early, she was tired after the long drive and wanted to turn in.

"I know you girls have a lot of catching up to do anyway," she said. "So I'll leave you to it, and see you all in the morning."

I indicated that I had had a long day myself, and had decided to turn in as well. Leaving the opportunity for the girls to go ahead and disappear into Dawn's bedroom where they could finally somehow explain things to Jackie. Although how they were going to do that was a mystery to me, and I fully expected some sort of reproach from her in the morning. But at the moment, I really was too tired to care, and too relieved that things hadn't been anywhere's near as bad around my mother as they could have been.

I gave Jackie a friendly goodnight kiss on the cheek, wondering briefly if it was the last one she'd ever let me give her, then watched the three of them disappear inside Dawn's bedroom. I lay in bed tossing and turning for a while trying to get to sleep, and eventually did. But it was only a half sleep at best, filled with all kinds of strange dreams, many of which didn't make much sense. Including when I opened my eyes to the sound of my mother's voice standing in the dark just inside my room.

"Jake? Jake? Are you still awake?" She was asking me.


"I thought this might be a good time for you and I to talk," she said, coming over to sit on the bed next to me.

The first thing I thought was that I really needed to start locking my bedroom door.

"What is it?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing really. I just thought since the girls are all off sleeping together, that now might be the best time for you and I to talk about what happened."

Now I was wide-awake.

"Mom...about the other night. I'm really, really sorry that it happened!"

"Why? I'm not. In fact...I'm glad it did Jake. I mean, I Know it was wrong...certainly. But you woke something in me that I haven't felt in years, and I'm not about to say that I don't enjoy feeling like a woman again after all this time. I haven't had an orgasm in such a long time that I had almost forgotten what they felt like. And now, well hell, I might be your mother, but I don't mind telling you that I've been masturbating nearly every day since then, and having one every time that I do. And I owe that to you!"


"Yes...you! That day you came in and found me touching myself? I've been trying for months to bring myself to orgasm...couldn't do it. I would start to feel good, but then suddenly the sensation would go away, and I'd leave myself hanging there, feeling lonely, frustrated, and miserable. And then you came and made me feel like a woman again."

Even in the near total darkness I could just make out the outline of my mother sitting there on the bed. She was naked. The next thing I felt was her hand seeking me out beneath the covers.

"Mom...we can't...the girls," I never finished.

"Shhh," she said, once again doing what she used to do to hush and quiet me up.

"I know that we can't keep doing this Jake. I'm not a fool. But...until I can come to grips with it, and finally start to get my life back in some semblance of order here, I'm not about to deny myself either...as long as you won't. If you tell me right now to leave, I will. And I won't bother you again, I promise. But, I'm hoping that this time at least, you won't do that. That you'll let us have at least one more night together."

I was speechless for one thing. And maybe too tired to argue, at least that was the reasoning I used anyway. And besides, I really did like the way she was stroking my cock, admittedly. Mom really did have the softest touch, and though my personal experience was still fairly limited, she touched me in a way that was so totally different than any of my sisters. Including Jackie, though I really couldn't count that as we had been so young back then, and it had been such a long, long time ago. Even her breasts were different in some ways. Nearly as large as Dawn's were, if not exactly so, they were shaped differently of course, more of a tear-drop shape to them though I imagined they looked a lot like Dawn's when she was her age. But the slight sag in them wasn't detrimental in anyway shape or form, if anything they exuded her sensuality, and the fact that she really was still a very, very beautiful woman, even if she was my mother.

"Oh Jake...kiss my nipple's honey. Suck them for me."

I know she had breast-fed me when I was a baby, but I doubt the way I was sucking them and licking them now really reminded her of that. At least I hoped not. Though perhaps in a weird way, it did. Still, I enjoyed sucking them immensely. Dawn might have had inherited mom's breasts, but Becky had definitely gotten mother's larger nipples, almost rose colored, and extremely thick and long. I had no idea what Jackie's must look like by now of course, and found it curious that I was sitting here wondering about that as I suckled my mother's breast.

She stroked me for a while longer, almost in a soothing way rather than trying to arouse or excite me, though she was certainly doing that too.

"Let me suck you now," she told me, lying me back into bed, and I had another weird "Déjà vu" experience when that happened, remembering how when she used to tuck me into bed at night, and how on occasion I would catch a glimpse of those very same tits as they might have accidentally fallen out of her nightgown, or whatever bathrobe she'd been wearing. Only this time, I was looking at them in the soft light coming from the nearly full moon just outside the window, and they looked more gorgeous that I ever remembered them being.

Of course I NEVER recalled my mother ever tucking me into bed, and then sucking me off to sleep. And it wasn't like she was doing that now necessarily, but damn, the feel of her mouth on me was as gentle and soft as her hands had been. Dawn and Becky both could take a lesson or two from mother when it came to giving a blowjob, though I certainly wasn't about to tell either one of them anything like that. Nor for that matter, would I say a single word to either one of them about this experience either.

"Is that ok? Does that feel nice?" She asked.

"Oh yes...way nice," I moaned. I didn't care any more. It did...it really did. And I was enjoying the hell out of it, and damned with the consequences. Besides...hadn't she said it would end...sometime? Somehow knowing that, knowing that she knew it had to eventually, sort of made the now of it ok.

Mom must have sucked me for at least half an hour, maybe even longer. Anytime I got anywhere's near close to cumming, she would stop, apply a little pressure at the base of my dick, and suddenly I was good to go again. Amazing. Finally, when she had brought me to the peak of climax half a dozen or so times, she decided she wanted me to cum, needed me to do so in fact. As I felt the orgasm build this time, I knew it was going to be a really powerful one. My balls were about as tight as they could get, and I knew by mom's hand stroking as well as her sucking that she had every intention of making me cum this time. I didn't even bother to try and tell her ahead of time that I was almost there. I figured she already knew that, hell...she'd known that six times already.

"Ahhhh, Ahhhhh, Ohhhhhh arrrrrrgh!"

I tried. I really did try to come as quietly as it was possible for me to do. But the intensity of the orgasm when it came went well beyond anything I'd ever felt before. I didn't exactly yell or anything, I was still cognoscente of my surroundings, and knew full well that my sisters were sleeping in the very next room. But regardless of that, there was no fucking way that I could have simply laid there and cum like that without letting a little of the intensity of it escape me.

Mom just kept sucking me, draining me of every precious ounce of fluid that my prick discharged, and believe you me; there was a lot of it too! She never increased the tempo of her hand stroking me, or the pressure or the way she sucked me either, all that slow, almost torturous way she'd done from beginning to end, right through the first powerful eruption to the last soul draining one that had me collapse into a heap of total and complete satisfaction.

Even then, she never really did quit playing with me. And eventually, she had me as hard as a rock again.

"Now, fuck me," she said softly.

Climbing on top of me, I felt the moist wet heat of her as she slid down astride me. Filling her, fully, we lay motionless together, just enjoying the sweetness of the sensation of my prick buried so deeply inside her that I swore I could feel the tip of my cock pressing against the entrance of her womb.

I thought I heard a sound though, which jarred me briefly from my revelry, and I glanced up towards the door. I wasn't sure. It looked closed, but had it been? For an instant I could have sworn it was partially open, but then...when my eyes and mind focused, it wasn't. I even listened, my heart beating wildly in a mixture of fear and excitement but I wouldn't have trusted even those senses as my mind was already racing with the possibilities of which one of my sisters it might have been...if at all.

And then mother began to move against me, and I quickly forgot all about any of that.

I don't remember when it was that mother left my room. I remember her cumming, and remember holding her as she cried, not tears of remorse or sorrow, or anything like that. But tears of pure honest joy at having once again experienced such pleasure.

I had slept in. Partially on purpose so I wouldn't have to immediately face anyone, or search for signs that anyone had in deed poked their head into my room last night. Though I guess it was inevitable that I would do that, but also because I was actually exhausted, and truly needed the sleep.

By the time I rolled out of bed it was nearing nine-thirty, and I new that everyone else in all likelihood would be up and about preparing the turkey and everything else that went along with it. I wouldn't have much, if anything to do in helping out, except perhaps to take out the garbage and do whatever odd jobs either mom, or my sisters might have for me to do.

"Morning sleepy-head," Becky said when I first emerged from my bedroom on my way into the bath. "You're gonna have to wait for a few, Jackie's still in there," she told me.

No one else was around at the moment, and had it been Becky, she would have said something to me. So I figured if anyone had stuck their head through the door, it wasn't her.

"Where's Dawn?" I asked. I knew where mother was. I could hear her busily working away in the kitchen.

"She went to the store for mom. Should be back in a few minutes, why?"

"Just wondering," I said. "Ok if I use your bathroom? I really need to pee."


What I really wanted was a shower. But Becky's bathroom consisted of a toilet only. And Jackie had just started to take a shower herself.

"By the way, while you're in there, would you mind getting that other bottle of shampoo down off the shelf and taking it into your sister?"

"Ok," I answered, there was really no big whoop about that either. The shower curtain that ran around the tub was patterned, and you couldn't see anything through it. Becky and Dawn had both come in to take a leak while I was in the shower, and though this was Jackie, I'd lived with her long enough to know that she wouldn't run screaming into the night if I brought a bottle of shampoo into her.

I did knock though. "Jackie? I've got your shampoo."

"Jake? Ok, bring it in please."

The room was all steamy when I entered, but like I said, you couldn't see a thing because of the shower curtain anyway. "Here sis," I said, sticking my hand around the backside of the curtain ensuring that I couldn't see anything, as well as make it obvious to her that I wasn't even trying to look.

I felt her take the bottle from me, and was about to turn and head back out of the bathroom when she suddenly pulled the curtain aside.

"I'm gonna need another razor too. Is there another one in the cabinet?"

Jackie had caught me by surprise. And she wasn't even trying to cover herself. There she stood, totally naked of course, and I got a complete and total view of her as she stood there holding out the used razor to me to take and throw away. I know I looked a second or two longer than I should have under even normal circumstances. But lets face it, lately everything about this family hadn't been normal anyway. Her breasts were nearly identical to Becky's, again...something I had wondered about recently anyway, so now seeing them after all these years simply confirmed for me what I had already begun to suspect. But a second after that, my attention was drawn down between her legs, obviously she'd been shaving herself there when she'd inquired about the razor. But it wasn't me that was looking just because I wanted to, but because Jackie had actually directed my attention there.

"What do you think Jake? You're a guy after all, should I shave it completely? Or just leave a little less than what's showing now?"

She was talking about the thin strip of dark pubic hair she'd left just above her pussy of course, and had called my attention to it in asking my opinion as to what she should do.

"Hell, I don't know Jackie. I'd say you should do whatever YOU feel like doing. Why should it matter what I, or some other guy thinks?"

"Well, what do you think is more sexy? Bald, or just a little?"

Obviously she wasn't going to let this go until I said something, and by the looks of it, she was content to simply stand there in the shower and let me look at her until I did.

"Depends on the mood I'm in I guess."

"Mood? You mean like if you're in the mood to eat pussy you like it bare, but if you want to just fuck it, you like something to look at? Is that it?"

Jackie was teasing me now. And I knew it. I don't know what kind of game she was playing, but I wasn't about to let her get the best of me, not after her secret little innuendo's last night that threatened to get us all in trouble.

"Why don't you ask your sisters what they think?"

"I did, they told me to ask you."

"Just what the hell DID you guys talk about last night?" I asked her then. I'd decided this might be a good time to find out exactly what it was she did know about now, and possibly if she had been the one to open my bedroom door, though I still wasn't sure anyone even did.

"Not much really," she said honestly by the tone of her voice. "I know that a lot more was going on than either one of them was willing to tell me. Becky said the three of you had been drinking Jell-O shooters, and one thing led to another, and you began playing strip-poker or something."

Jackie looked at me waiting for me to confirm whatever Becky and Dawn had told her one way or the other. Point was, Jackie and I had been close all of our lives, and I'd never once lied to her in all that time.

"Part of that is true," I said, hoping it would be enough and that I wouldn't have to go into any details.

"You mean about the Jell-O. Hell Jake, that much was obvious. Come on, tell me what else REALLY happened."

"I don't know if I can, or even if I should Jackie. Number one, I don't think you'd understand, and two, the last thing I want to do is say or do anything that would put any distance between us."

"You're already doing that by not saying anything," she told me.

I stood there looking at her, and even though she was naked, I wasn't looking at HER now, but at the look of sadness in her eyes.

"Ok, but not here, not now. I promise, I'll tell you whatever you want to know, but there isn't time for me to do it now, and besides, I've already been in here long enough as it is, and either Becky or Mom's going to start wondering."

"Wondering? Wondering what?"

"Later," I said turning to leave.


I stopped with my hand on the doorknob and turned back around to face her.

"You never told me what you prefer. Bare? Or just a little hair?"

"Surprise me."

I don't know why I said that. Or even what she might have thought after I did, but I didn't give her any time to say anything else either and opened the door and left before she could. Not fast enough that I didn't hear her laugh though.

Becky met me a few steps from the bathroom door coming down the hall. "I was just starting to wonder what had happened to you," she told me. "You were in there a while. What did Jackie ask you anyway?"

I looked my sister directly in the face. "If she should shave her pussy completely, or leave just a little hair."

Becky grinned," she's fishing."

"I could tell. Obviously you two didn't tell her very much last night did you?"

"Would you rather we told her about you and mother?" She whispered. "She might be suspicious about what the three of us really were doing, but knowing, and being suspicious about it are two different things. You didn't tell her anything did you Jake? I mean, I know the two of you were always close, but I'm not sure how Jackie would take to knowing that her brother and sisters have been enjoying incestuous little adventures together, do you?"

"No...I didn't tell her anything," I answered truthfully. Neglecting to mention that I had every intention of telling her everything else. We had been close after all, and even if in my telling her, that changed our relationship forever, I felt I owed her that much anyway. I wasn't sure I would tell her about mom though. If she didn't ask, I wouldn't mention it. No sense opening that can of worms if I didn't have to. I'd already decided not to mention what had happened last night to Dawn or Becky either. It was highly unlikely that an opportunity would present itself again like it had last night, so I doubted it very much that mom would be so bold as to try anything like that again.

Dawn fumbled coming in the door with several sacks of groceries just then. "Dawn's back, and it looks like she needs some help," I said brushing past my sister and heading off in Dawn's direction to give her a hand. Even as I did however, I still caught a look from Becky that said she wasn't finished discussing this yet.

Things were getting more and more complicated, and I was starting to become less and less confident that any good could come out of anything that had been happening between us recently."Here, let me help you with those," I said reaching my sister.

Dawn handed me the heaviest sack and smiled at me. "Sleep well?" She asked grinning.

"Had she been the one?"

"Yeah...ok I guess, why?"

"Cause you should have been the one to go to the store and get all this stuff. Nearly killed myself climbing upstairs, but Becky insisted we let you sleep in instead. I knew I shouldn't have listened to her, I should have gone into your bedroom this morning and got your ass up!"

Dawn wasn't really angry with me, just her way of being my older sister and scolding me like she used to do whenever she felt like I'd gotten out of doing something that she herself had gotten stuck with. In other words, same ole', same ole.

But more importantly, I now knew Dawn hadn't come into my bedroom either. Had she done so and seen mother and I together, she'd have let me know by now, one way or the other. And she hadn't. So I decided that more than likely, it had simply been my paranoid imagination and decided to quit worrying about it.

Mom was just stuffing the turkey when Dawn and I entered the kitchen with the groceries. "Morning honey," she said looking at me. "Thought I heard you earlier, but figured you'd be in taking a shower. You really should you know," she said, holding her nose at me, and then laughing.

"I was going to...still am, but Jackie's in there."

"Maybe you should just go and jump in with her. I bet that would hurry her up," Dawn said laughing.

I shot her a look that said, "Dawn...what the hell are you trying to do here?" But all she did was smile at me and laugh even harder.

"Why not? The two of you used to bathe together all the time."

"Ah...that was a little different, we were just kids back then." I said, still trying to stare her down like she'd suddenly gone insane.

"Well one of you really SHOULD go in and hurry your sister up. I could use a little help in here or we'll never have everything ready on time," Mom said. "Which reminds me, what's Becky doing anyway?"

Becky was just coming out of the bathroom by the time I got there. I got a glimpse of Jackie as she stood with one leg on the toilet-seat drying her self off. Becky didn't bother closing the door, just looked at me.

"You need a shower."

"I know... I was just coming to tell Jackie to hurry. Oh, and mom needs a little help in the kitchen."

Becky grinned. "She decided to shave it," she said looking back through the doorway. "Didn't you Jackie?" She said a little louder so she could hear her.

Jackie looked up, saw me standing there and turned. She'd shaved it all right. I looked back at Becky with a questioning look on my face.

"Figured you'd have told her eventually, so I thought it might be better coming from me first."

Becky slipped past me then heading towards the kitchen and I turned back around towards Jackie.

"She told me," Jackie stated simply. "But I still want to talk to you about it later." She added. I watched her wrap the towel around herself and she came out of the bathroom. "I left you some hot water by the way." Then she leaned over, kissed me on the cheek and headed off towards the bedroom.

I entered the bathroom, closed the door and started to take off my clothes. I turned around remembering to lock my doors from now on, and did so. Even as I stood in the near scalding shower, I barely felt it. My mind was racing with what all Becky may have told her, and what if anything Jackie had thought about it, or had felt when she did. It was turning out to be a very weird Thanksgiving, and I wasn't sure that it was going to get any better either.

Not too surprisingly, dinner was excellent, but then again, mom really was a great cook. I had stuffed myself on several helpings of deliciously prepared turkey, homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, candied yams, honey-beans and three slices of pumpkin pie for dessert. We'd all helped to clean up afterwards of course while mom relaxed, which traditionally we'd done every year. But the thing that we all noticed, was that things seemed like "old times" this year in particular, which it hadn't been for quite a while now.

"Mom really outdid herself this year didn't she?" Dawn commented, as we finished drying and putting away the last of the clean dishes. "Did you notice how she kept smiling all night through dinner?"

Keeping my head down, and trying to stay under the radar, I bagged up the last of the garbage and prepared to take it downstairs to the dumpster.

"Here, let me help you carry this stuff out," Jackie said.

I could have easily taken it all in one trip by myself, but it was obvious that Jackie was looking for an excuse to be alone with me, so I decided I might as well find out what it was she had to say.

"Great, that would be nice sis," I said, and together we headed out the door where I knew she would eventually say something to me about whatever was really on her mind.

We'd managed to get all the way to the back stairs before she headed me off and forced me to stop.

"Becky told me everything," she said bluntly.

Even so, how much was "everything" I wondered. I stood looking at her without saying a word, waiting for her to continue, or at the very least give me some idea as to what it was she really did know, or more importantly, what she was thinking.

"I don't hate you, if you're wondering. And I'm not even mad at you, or at Becky or Dawn for that matter either Jake. I'm just a little hurt that you never confided in me what had happened, or what was going on."

I sat the sack of garbage down on the floor. "It's not exactly something you can easily explain to anybody, especially you," I told her. "I don't know exactly what you mean by "everything" either, but I won't lie to you sis. If there's something you want to know, ask me, and I'll tell you. But basically, if Becky told you how everything happened, and why, then I guess there's no sense in me trying to explain it any further. Because I can't. What happened, happened. And right or wrong, it did. I'll be up front with you about something else too, I'm not sure I'm ready to not do it again either."

Jackie leapt into my arms at that point, kissing me fiercely. I had no choice but to hold her, kissing her back. And then I began to respond to her kiss, and began kissing her just as ardently as she was kissing me. When we finally did break a part, I stood looking at her with a thousand questions left unasked.

"Jake. When Becky told me what had happened, and how, I admittedly was upset. I mean I had my suspicions that night when I walked in and saw you naked, heading back into the bedroom. But when Becky, and then Dawn came out...I knew."

Well so far, she obviously didn't know anything about mom yet, and I swallowed, knowing now that this was something I hope she never did find out about.

"But what you don't know is, I wasn't upset because of WHAT you did...or even why, or how it happened, but because...I was jealous!"

Ok, now I was surprised.

"Jealous? Of me? Why?"

Jackie looked away from me then, and I could tell she was screwing up her courage. "Ever since we were kids, and when we used to play those 'touchy-feely" games, I had always had this attraction to you, even then. But with you being my brother, it obviously wasn't something I could ever hope to tell you about, or try to explain why I felt the way I did, or that I wanted things to go farther than they did. That feeling never went away. So when I 'knew' that you, Dawn and Becky had actually been intimate, it hurt...more than you could ever know."

"Jackie...I'm sorry. I didn't know, and I never meant, or expected anything like that to happen with Becky, or Dawn for that matter either!"

"But it did Jake. It did. With them, but not...with me!"

We kissed once again, but it was a much quicker kiss, and not meant to be quite as passionate.

"Jackie, what Dawn, Becky and I did was wrong. Very wrong. And like I said, I can't say it won't happen again. But the last thing I want is to hurt, or lose you as my sister. We're twins, maybe not identical twins, but twins never the less, and we've always been close, though not exactly THAT close. But Jackie, I've always felt closer to you than either Becky or Dawn, even now. And I can't imagine that ever changing."

"Me either," she said. "So...will you fuck me too?"

I was stunned by her statement, not sure how to respond to it, wanting to do so on the one hand, and knowing that it would merely complicate everything even more on the other.

"Something else you need to know Jake. I'm still a virgin."

I was too stunned to say anything, trying to think up the words that would somehow convey what I was feeling when she told me that, but Jackie continued on before I could even begin.

"I can't think of anyone I'd rather have take my virginity Jake. I don't want some guy that I know I'd never end up marrying to do it. And I damn sure don't want to wait until my wedding night either! I've thought about it a long time, and the only reason I've waited to do it until now, is because I've been trying to find a way to actually approach you about it. And now, after all this, it seems like it's the best time in the world to have brought it up. Even after I told Becky what I was feeling, she told me that I SHOULD tell you, and then let you decide."

"Becky knows?"

"Well duh...once she'd told me the truth, it was kind of silly for me to stand there and not tell her how I felt."

"What did Becky say?" I asked.

"She said, that she AND Dawn would support both of us, whatever we decided to do. And...that they'd make sure we had whatever time we needed together to do it, without interruption."

I couldn't believe I was actually considering this. But I was.


"How about tonight? Becky said that as tired as mom is, that in all likelihood, she'll turn in early anyway. And...they're going to keep pouring wine down her until either she passes out, or decides she's too tired to stay up any longer. After which, you and I will go back to your room for however long we want to. And they'll stay up, keeping an eye out in the event mom does get up for whatever reason."

Jackie had stated that last part with a curious sound to it. And I wondered then if she had any suspicions about mom and I too.

"Jackie, there's more." I decided that if she was willing to give me her virginity, then she needed to know everything before going through with it. I couldn't do that to my sister, only to have her hating my guts later for it.

Once again Jackie looked at me. "I know. I was coming into your room last night to try and seduce you. I saw you and mom together. And that was the last question I needed to ask you. Do Dawn and Becky know?"

"Not about last night...no. And I wasn't planning on ever telling them. But, it's not the first time we did it Jackie. And that, they do know about, yes."

"I guess there's still a lot we need to sit down and talk about," she told me. I nodded my head in agreement with her, wondering now if this revelation had changed anything.

"We'd better hurry up with the garbage," she said suddenly, "Or everyone's going to wonder what we're doing, including mother."

"What about tonight?" I asked somewhat fearfully.

"Oh yeah, I figured maybe an hour after mom goes to sleep. How does that sound?" She asked.

And then we headed off downstairs together to dump the garbage.

By the time we got back, Mom was already looking like she was ready to turn in. Dawn gave us both a questioning look, wondering if while we were gone, that Jackie had finally told me how she was feeling. Jackie smiled, and nodded her head slightly so that only Becky and Dawn could have seen it.

"Mom? More wine?" Becky asked her.

"Oh...no thanks dear. I think I've had enough; I'm about done in as it is. Matter of fact, I was just thinking how I ought to turn in for the night."

She stood up giving each of us a hug and a kiss. "And tomorrow, we can just sit around, relax, and enjoy one another," she said, though she'd cast a knowing look in my direction when saying that. "It's nice to feel like a complete family again."

Mom went to bed after that, and the four of us sat around in the front room, hardly speaking. Everyone "knew" what the real plans were, and it was a really odd feeling knowing that Becky and Dawn were very much aware of what would be taking place tonight. Finally, Dawn drew me aside when Becky had gone to the bathroom, and Jackie had gone into the kitchen to get another drink.

"Just remember Jake, she's never been with a man before, and though I don't know exactly how much experience she's had doing anything else, it can't be very much. So, you listen to her, go slow, and remember, she's going to be afraid, nervous...and excited!"

Shortly after that, Dawn and Becky rushed me off to my bedroom to sit and wait until everyone was sure the coast was clear, and as I surmised, to have a few last words with Jackie before she came into my room.

As unbelievable as it might sound, I was probably as nervous if not more than my sister was. Just because I had now been with three women, it certainly didn't make me an expert in knowing exactly what to do. In the first place, Dawn, Becky, and obviously mom, hadn't been virgin's. Secondly, I recently had been one myself, and still had an awful lot to learn. The responsibility of deflowering my own sister weighed heavily on my mind for several reasons, the least of which was I wanted her to enjoy it of course, but I was deathly afraid I would do something wrong and ruin the experience for her, not to mention our overall relationship.

It seemed like an eternity that I lay there in the dark wondering when I would finally hear the door open and Jackie come in. I was flaccid at the moment of course, more out of nervousness than anything else, but there was another problem we'd have to face too. I was big. And even now after having heard everyone else telling me that, I realized that the size of my penis might cause both of us a great deal of difficulty. I argued with myself back and forth, weighing the pros and cons of Jackie and I doing this when the door to my room opened. Jackie was dressed in a white lace nightgown that made her look every bit the virginal bride on her wedding night, and once again I had reservations about going through with this.

"You awake?" Jackie whispered to me in the semi-darkness.

"Yes...of course. You ok?" I asked. Wondering why I had asked that.


I didn't answer her, afraid of what I might have said had I done so truthfully. Because the truth was, I was scared to death. Instead, I just held out my arms to her, and watched as Jackie crossed the room and slipped into bed next to me.

"Everyone asleep?" I asked worriedly.

"Mom is, Becky checked on her about a half hour ago. She was sound asleep. Dawn's sort of snoozing on the couch, but they're both in the living room in case mom does wake up."

"We're going to have to try and be quiet," I reminded her.

"I hope I can," she said, and I could tell there was an edge of nervousness in her voice.

"Jackie, you don't have to go through with this, there's nothing that says we have to have intercourse, maybe you SHOULD wait until the right man comes along."

"He already has," Jackie said, and then I felt her reach beneath the covers of the bed and begin to fondle my rather limp penis.

"Does it always start out soft like this?" She asked.

Embarrassed, I tried laughing it off. "Not always, no. But I think I'm just as nervous as you are, so it might take me a moment to get hard enough..." I left off without finishing.

"Dawn said you were huge!"

Once again it struck me a little weird that my three sisters would sit around and discuss the size of my penis with one another. On the other hand, I wasn't any different, sitting there fantasizing about what their respective tits looked like, including comparing them to my mothers.

"I guess so."

Jackie continued to fondle my cock, and finally it did begin to grow and lengthen some, but it was still considerably too limp to even try and attempt intercourse. Besides which, I at least had enough sense and experience to know that Jackie was far from being ready for me herself. As she continued to slowly jack me to an even greater hardness, I thought this might be the perfect time for me to get a little more acquainted with her breasts. I reached over and cupped her left tit, gave it a very gentle caress to more or less let her know what I was doing, and then proceeded to massage it and play with it until I felt the hardness of her nipple suddenly pressing against the palm of my hand.

"Hmmmm, that feels nice," she told me.

I then moved to give her right breast equal attention and caressed and played with it until I felt the nipple harden on that one as well.

"Would you like me to take this off now?" She asked.

"Whatever you're comfortable with," I offered, though in fact, I was rather looking forward to actually sucking her tits too.

Jackie shrugged off her nightie and let it drop to the floor, then pulled up the covers and slid underneath them beside me. The feel of her cool soft flesh as she pressed herself almost protectively against me sent unexpected shivers running up and down my spine. "Cold?"

"Not hardly," I said, and then leaned over, bending down slightly so that I could continue to toy with her breast in one hand, and finally lick, suck and tongue the other with my mouth.

As Jackie burrowed herself next to me, I began lightly caressing and massaging her back, the feel of her soft firm breasts pressed against my chest had the desired affect, and soon my prick was straining with the need and urgency of sliding up inside my sisters virginal cunt. I noticed too that a thousand tiny little bumps appeared as though by magic, and knew that she either was cold, or that she was experiencing the same sort of eerie excitement that I was.

I somehow managed to slide my hand down between us, felt her stiffen momentarily, and then open like a flower in bloom to me as she realized what it was I was attempting to do. When my hand found her, she was wet, which to me was a good sign, and I began to pet the outside of her pussy lips as gently as I could, hoping that this initial contact would both sooth and prepare her for the eventuality of what was to come.

"I'm scared," she breathed softly against my neck.

"Me too," I admitted. "It's still not too late Jackie, we can..."

"Shhhhh!" She said softly, and then pulled away from me, slithering down along my body, pulling the covers away with her as she did until my upper body was completely exposed to the cool night air. For a second, the image of mom came to mind, comforting, soft, way-laying my fears and concerns, just the way Jackie was doing now.

Where the night was cool on my face, neck and chest, it was like a warm soothing fire between my legs. The touch of her hands on me as she familiarized herself with my length and girth, the sensation of her soft hair as it caressed my lower stomach, even passing along the length of my prick from time to time, as well as my balls was extremely sensual. When her lips finally kissed me there, and as her mouth ovaled and then engulfed me, I felt the heat spread from the tips of my toes and travel all the way to the top of my head, chasing away the chill and alighting the fire of my desire.

Inexperienced perhaps in actually having intercourse, she was far from that, even in my limited experience of having my dick sucked. Maybe she was a natural, but I wasn't about to ask her where, or how she learned to do it like that. She teased me with the edge of her teeth, nipped, kissed, and tickled me with her tongue in all the right places. And just when I thought it couldn't feel any better, she'd engulf me with her mouth, sucking the head of my cock expertly, and pleasuring the glands with such perfect technique that I thought for sure she'd been doing this for years. Who knows, maybe she had been. But at the moment, I could have cared less; it simply felt too fucking good.

When I reached the point that I knew if I let her continue, she'd end up with an unexpected surprise, I forced her away from me, though for a moment, she actually fought back as though having no intention to release her lips from me.

"My turn to do you," I said softly.

Jackie and I traded places and she positioned herself comfortably amongst the pillows. Spreading her legs a part with my hands, I glanced down towards her bare pussy, freshly shaved this morning, and wondered briefly if she had known she was preparing herself for this evening together. I lowered myself towards her, immediately catching the fresh intoxicating scent of her juicy quim as my tongue tentatively reached out to introduce itself to the soft warm flesh of her split.

With a slowness bordering on lunacy, I drew the tip of my tongue beginning with the lowest point of her pussy that I could find. I allowed myself the luxury of sliding it upwards, ever so slowly, locating, tasting, and memorizing each sweet tasty morsel of pussy-flesh that I could find. By the time the tip of my tongue reached the apex of her furrow, I stabbed out knowingly and assaulted her clitoris with a brief, but frenzied series of quick fleeting licks that caused Jackie to suck in her breath, unable to exhale until I had once again begun the slow, maddening decent back down the liquefied groove of her cunt.

I don't know how many times I repeated this process, at least a dozen though, and as the intensity grew, so did the scratch marks in my back become deeper and more cleanly etched as it became obvious that I was turning Jackie's pussy inside out with my tongue.

"Fuck me Jake...please, fuck me...now!" She said finally.

"You're sure?" I asked once again. "I'm more than happy to keep doing this until you cum."

"No...I want you inside me. I want to feel you, I want to give YOU, my virginity!"

I moved up against her, but realized as I did that I had once again softened considerably. Excited yes, but in concentrating purely on her pleasure, my own excitement level had diminished slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, you're just gonna have to give me a second here. I'm not quite hard enough," I said.

"You don't want to do this do you?" She asked worriedly.

"It's nothing like that," I assured her. "I do...I just need to get harder again is all." Even then I placed my hand around my cock and pressed the knob of my head against her opening and gave it a slight push in the hopes that the head at least would sort of slip into her. That didn't happen. Of course it didn't help when she moaned painfully so either.

"I'm sorry Jake, that hurt a little. Go slowly ok?"

I had been trying to of course, but maybe I had pressed against her a little too forcefully. "OK," I told her, reaching down once again until I was reasonably sure I was where I was supposed to be, I pushed against her as softly, yet as firmly as I could. This time I heard as well as felt the harsh intake of breath as she grimaced in obvious discomfort.

"Fuck! I'm sorry sis, I'm trying to go slowly, I am...really."

Brilliance suddenly came to me.

"Jackie, maybe if you hold me, and sort of guide me into you, maybe that will work."

I felt her hand wrap around me a second later, and I pushed up so that I could rest more on my knees and give her freer access to my cock. I would also have a better view of what we were doing, or doing wrong, and hopefully adjust however she directed me to do.

Once again I pushed...slowly, but knowing I had to apply a little pressure in order to finally break through her stubborn hymen.

"Ouch!" She almost screamed. And I backed off immediately, frustrated and more than a little bewildered why this was proving to be so damn difficult. And then...I heard Jackie crying.

"Maybe we need to take a little breather," I suggested.

"Maybe this isn't going to work after all," Jackie said almost too quietly to hear.

"Maybe," I answered back beginning to feel both frustrated as well as considerably inadequate at my obvious inexperience.

We lay in the dark side by side, holding hands, but not saying a word for a considerable amount of time. Finally I couldn't stand the silence any longer. "Maybe I should try loosening you up with my fingers for a while," I suggested. "Maybe you need just a little more lubrication or something."

"Fuck Jake, I'm already wetter than I ever remember being. But you're right...maybe with your fingers."

For a while, I caressed her clit, tickled it and twirled it between my fingers trying to imitate the way I had gently sucked her with my lips. She was wet...and perhaps even more so by the time I tried to insert my finger inside her. "Shit she's tight!" I thought to myself, and then tried pressing it inside her until once again she moaned, not in pleasure, but in obvious pain. And once again, Jackie started crying, and this time, I really was worried that someone would hear her.

When I heard the door to my bedroom open, the first thing that came to mind was "Fuck...I really do need to remember to lock the fucking door!" And then my next thought, spoken aloud was..."Becky? Dawn?"

I didn't know WHICH one of them was standing there, but obviously someone was. I'm not even sure that Jackie was aware of anyone else being in the room with us yet, but in a way I was glad they were. With her crying, and me not sure what the hell I could do about it, I was more than happy for whatever advise that either Becky or Dawn could give us.

"Maybe I can help," Mom said.

"Mother?" Jackie said.

"Shhhhh baby, mommy's here to help you."

Sometimes you ask the stupidest questions during the most unusual times, and this was one of those. Maybe it was my way of trying to get a feel for my mother's true feelings about what we were trying to do here or something, who knows...but I whatever the reason, I looked up at her as she reached the bed and sat down.

"Where's Becky and Dawn?"

"They're asleep," she said. "Too much wine I think. I figured that SOMETHING was up when it was obvious the two of them were trying to pour wine down my throat. And then, the way you and Jackie were acting around one another, just like the two of you used to do when you were kids. I knew you'd been up to something, and like then, I knew that you were up to something now. When I came out of the bedroom and saw Dawn and Becky asleep in the living room, I knew they were there standing guard. It didn't take two and two to figure out the two of you were in here together, and then I heard Jackie crying, and figured out exactly what the problem was."

"She's a virgin," I said stupidly.

"I know, she told me a while back she still was."

Jackie had quit crying by this time, but it was evident she was nervous about mom's being there.

"It was you who walked in on us last night, wasn't it Jackie?" She asked.

"Yes," Jackie replied softly.

"I thought it might have been. Had it been Becky, she might just have been bold enough to want to join us. Dawn would have said something first, and then either left the room, or stood there until she was invited too. So I figured, it had to be you."

"You're not mad at me?" Jackie asked.

"How can I be mad at you for something I've done myself, and for something I still want to do again?" Mom said. "But we can talk about that tomorrow. Right now, I think I can help you...if you're willing to let me."

She really didn't wait for either one of us to give her an answer; she just sort of took over and began telling us what to do.

"In the first place, the missionary position really isn't the best way for first time sexual intercourse. It can be accomplished that way of course, like most every position. But, it can be a lot more difficult, and far less pleasurable the first time around. Now, if you're willing to trust me. Jackie, get on your hands and knees, and move closer to the end of the bed. Jake? I want you to come around here, and stand behind her, but don't even try and do anything until I say so."

We both did as we were told of course, and once in position, mother moved me closer to my sister and had reached down holding my cock, softly stroking it and making sure that it was as nice and hard as it could be. At the same time, she stroked my sister's cunt-lips with it, teasing her and ensuring that she was becoming aroused too. She also petted my sister's pussy with her other hand, gently stroking and rubbing her clitoris, and telling her how good it felt, and how her own pussy felt when she had a cock up inside her. Listening to my mother talking in such terms was incredibly erotic for me anyway, and I hoped, it if was getting to me like that, that maybe it was for Jackie too.

I felt mom position my prick at the entrance of my sister's pussy, and then felt her hand as she more or less explored the two of us until she was satisfied that everything was exactly where it should be.

"Jackie? I'm not going to lie to you. This is going to hurt a little bit; you have a particularly strong hymen, and it plain and simply isn't going to be painless. But...if you listen to me, it will be quick and over with before you know it. But you're going to have to trust me here," she told her.

"Jake? When I put my hand on the back of your ass, I want you to thrust yourself into your sister with all your might. Don't stop for any reason, even if she cries out. But DON'T do it until I touch you...understood?"

"Yes mother."

"Jackie? You'll feel a lot of pressure at first, and probably a little pain, but the moment Jake breaks through your hymen, the pain will go away. When you do Jake, keep going, but don't pull back out, just lay there inside your sister. She'll know when it's ok for you to move again."

I could feel the subtle movements of mother's hand on my sister's pussy as she slowly and purposely pleasured her. Though I couldn't see it of course, I could tell by Jackie's breathing that whatever mother was doing to her, that it was starting to make her feel good.

"I want you to cum for me honey," Mom told her. "Concentrate on your clit, think about how good I'm making it feel, and let yourself enjoy it."

Jackie did. Whatever mom was doing, Jackie was really getting into it, and before long her breathing was becoming considerably more raspy and breathless as her orgasm neared. I heard the catch in Jackie's throat then as she did, and simultaneously the touch of my mother's hand on my ass. I shoved into my sisters cunt with every ounce of strength that I had, felt the tightness of her pussy trying to bar my way, felt her stretch, and then suddenly felt myself slide into her.

"Don't stop Jake!" Mom yelled...push...push!"

But I was already inside my sister, to the hilt, and felt her cunt surround me suddenly, almost disbelievingly so.

I had heard her cry out in pleasure as her orgasm began, and I am pretty sure that even when I tore through her hymen, that the sound of her pleasure didn't turn to pure agony, or even close to anything like that.

"How's it feel now honey?" Mom said, once again stroking her back, and caressing the side of her face.

"A lot better. Shit mom, he IS fucking big isn't he?"

Mother laughed. "Yes, yes he is. Almost hurt me when I fucked him too, it had been so damn long. But I'll tell you honey, once you get used to it..."

Once again...I was in the same room, but they were talking like I was a thousand miles away.

"Now, wiggle back against him, slowly...let your pussy get used to the feel of that nice hard dick!" Mom told my sister.

I felt Jackie move against me as though testing that out.

"Hmmm yes, I think I am starting to," she said.

"Does it hurt any more?" Mom asked her.

Jackie moved back against me, and I in turn pulled out just a little, and then moved to meet her backwards thrust.

"Oh...no, that...oh my, that feels good!" She said, now pulling away from me to the point that my cock almost, but not quite slipped out of her. "Oh Jake...now, slide back into me...slowly...slowly, yes...that's it. Just like that!"

I fucked into my sister's cunt, loving the sensation of her pussy as it began to respond, and yet very much aware that my mother was sitting there next to us watching.

"Well, I think the two of you can figure the rest of it out for yourselves." She said finally. I felt her stand up and walk towards the door. My eyes felt like they were glued shut, but I somehow managed to open them and look up towards her just as she reached the door, opened it and turned around one last time to face us.

"I love you both," she said, and then disappeared through the door, closing, and locking it behind her.

Jackie and I made love for a long time after that. We both knew that there would be much to discuss with our mother, as well as with Becky and Dawn in the morning. Neither of us was sure about what the future would bring, or how any of this would eventually affect our lives, or even change them. For now, there was just the sweet, sweet coupling of the two of us, once again joined together, the way we had once begun, but this time, never again to be separated, not ever.