It was game night. It was pouring with rain. There was lightning and thunder as well as heavy winds! The weather report told us to stay inside so mom, my cousin and I were about to start playing board games for the evening. My older cousin, Katy was staying with us while her flat was being renovated. I was 22, my cousin 24.

I was in my element because I sort of always had a crush on my cousin. I always felt like she had a crush on me too, but I could have been imagining it. We've just had some awkward encounters. Anyway, her enormous breasts really turned me on. I am totally a boob guy, but lately I had also been perving at her big, beautiful, firm looking bum. Plus, my massive breasted mom had made a few appearances in my dreams.

"Greg, we're about to start!" shouted Katy down the passage. "And I'm gonna kick your ass again!"

"Coming...just getting some wine!" I replied back.

I had poured us all some wine and was carrying three glasses to the table.

"Thanks darling!" said mom while accepting her wine.

"Finally!" my cousin joked.

Just then a loud rumbling of thunder and a loud strike. It gave us all a bit of a jump.

"Woah, quite a storm out there!" said mom.

"Glad we're in here!" I added.

"Right your turn to roll the dice!" said Katy.

I picked up the dice and started to roll. BANG! We heard another loud crack of thunder. I dropped the dice on the board. No sooner had I done that, the power went out.

"Shit!" We all said at once.

"Don't stress, I'll go downstairs and try and see what the issue is." I said.

"Check outside to see if it's the whole street first." Suggested mom.

"OK let me see!" said Katy. "Strange!"

"What?" said mom and I together.

"It's just our house without power!"

"That's odd, said mom.

"Well, I'm sure it's tripped, I'll go flick the switch in the basement!"

I grabbed my phone to use for a torch and went downstairs.


"He's been ages!" said Katy.

"Probably not a tripped switch! Maybe it's a bit more serious!" said mom.

"Well, I don't want to wait anymore, I'll go see what's happening down there."

"OK, be careful!" said mom.

10 minutes later...

"Where are those kids!" mom said aloud.

She got up, turned on her torch on her phone and went to investigate.

"Greg! Katy!" she called out.

No reply. She opened the basement door and called out again.

"Greg?" she shouted down the stairs. "Did you find the issue?" No reply. "Guys if this is some sort of joke, I'm not amused!" Nothing, just the sound of the rain pouring on the roof.

"OK, I'm coming downsta..."

CRAAAAAAACK! Another loud strike of lightning accompanied by thunder.

"Whew! OK, I'm coming downstairs now..."

As she got to the last stair, she thought she could hear something. It sounded like waves breaking on the beach. She took her last step onto the cold basement floor and as soon as she did, she disappeared. Gone...not a trace.

Next thing she knew, she was being awoken by Greg and Katy.

"Mom? Mom?"

"Where are we?" asked Katy.

Greg was ignoring her. "Katy, help me carry her to shore!"


"What's going on? Where am I?" asked mom.

"Good, she's finally come around!" I spoke softly.

"Let's put her here on the sand where it's dry!" I said.

"She's soaking!" said Katy.

"Mom, it's Greg and Katy. I don't know what happened. I went downstairs and as soon as stepped on the basement floor, I found myself here. But it seems we've sort of been transported to an island."

"We've been here about ten minutes. It's all very confusing!"

"Why am I wet?" asked mom.

"You landed in the sea when you got here. I didn't see you fall, but you're here!"

"Mrs...B, I think you should take off your clothes!" said Katy as she started undressing mom.

I didn't say anything but was secretly hoping to see mom in her bra.

"OK..." said mom a bit confused still. "Is this a dream?"

Kati struggled a bit getting moms top off due to her huge bulging breasts. I was starting to get hard. Finally, mom was lying in her bra and panties. Her flat, toned and tanned tummy was just the sexiest thing I had ever seen until I saw her too small bra encasing some of the if not the biggest breasts I had ever seen. Each was easily the size of a small beach ball and her dark cleavage was exposed. I let out a small groan. I started fantasizing until I was snapped out of it by Katy.

"Greg, come help me get your mom up."

I helped stand mom up and she seemed to be coming to her senses. Once she realized she was half naked in front of her son, she covered her breasts as best she could, but only ended up squishing the huge melons against her chest.

"Now what?" asked Katy.

"Let's check our phones...SHIT! No reception!"

"Me too!" said mom and Katy.

I thought for a moment. "I don't know what happened but I'm sure we're going to need to survive the night here. The island looks deserted. And we need to build a shelter and try find some food."

"Good idea!" said Katy.

We walked towards the bushes and tried to find a safe spot to build some sort of shelter. I didn't know what I would find but I went to find it.

"Mom, you and Katy wait here. I'm going to go find some things to build a shelter."

"OK, don't be long!" said mom.

I walked further into the deep bush. I had watched a few survivor programs so I thought I had a good knowledge of how to build shelter and survive. Well in the end, I found a stream, some branches, but nothing more. I carried on walking a bit and found a small cave. I looked and walked inside. It was only a few feet deep, but this was all I could find for shelter. It would have to do.

I walked around the cave and found a lot of large banana tree leaves. Sadly, the bananas were too high to reach. The leaves would have to do as a blanket or mattress. I lay them down in the cave and managed to make an improvised type of mattress and blanket for us.

"Did you find anything?"

"Well, I found some banana tree leaves and a cave for us to sleep in, sadly no food. Also, I think the island is deserted. This whole situation is weird."

"Perhaps we should wait until morning to find answers. It's getting dark and a bit cold." Said mom.

"Right, this way to the cave then!" I said and lead the way to the cave. "It's not much but I think it will do."

"Thanks darling! It sounds cozy!"

"Let's get some rest and try figure this out in the morning." Said Katy.

We all climbed into the cave. We soon realized it was quite tight.

"Katy, why don't you go in first, then me, then Greg."

"OK Linda!"

We finally got into the cave. My heart was racing. Mom was lying on her side and I was about to be enveloped in her breasts as I lay down. I purposefully lay further away from mom as I lay down. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"Come closer darling. You're not afraid of your mom, are you? Besides you're going to get cold!"

"OK mom."

I shifted closer. My heart racing now, my cock half hard. I felt her breasts press into my back. The huge mounds jiggled on my back as I shifted closer to her.

", I better stop..."

"Haha...yes...perhaps it's best. Sorry about these huge..."

She didn't say the next word, I just lay there, excited, confused but comfortable. I couldn't believe what had happened but was almost more amazing was how I was almost enveloped by mom's gigantic breasts.

No sooner had mom put her head down, it seemed she was fast asleep. And I think Katy was too. I couldn't sleep, I was wide awake. I moved moms' arm that was wrapped around me and went to explore. I used my phone as a torch and went to explore. It was almost pitch black, but every now and then the moon shone through the thick bush onto the ground, so I could see a bit more easily.

I came to a small clearing, the moon shone right onto the small patch around me. I stood and paused. I could hear a gentle rustling of the trees, but not much else. Then I heard it. It sounded like laughter. My ears must be deceiving me I thought. I kept still trying to hear it. Nothing.

I continued walking further, hoping to find something. I wasn't sure what, but I just felt like I needed to find something. "There!" I said out loud. "I heard it again. Laughter, or voices talking."

I wasn't sure where the sound was coming from, but I crept along slowly, trying to walk towards the sound. It was getting louder. Definitely people. We're in luck I thought. Maybe someone could explain what was going on.

I walked towards the sound and gentle light. I started hearing strange sounds, like someone was in a trance, or moaning. This felt weird. I crept along slowly not trying to make too much noise (not sure why though)

Then I saw it, a site I would never forget. There in front of me were about twenty beautiful women, gathered in a circle surrounded by candles mumbling, what sounded like chanting. But this wasn't the most amazing thing. Each and every single woman was topless. And all of them had big tits. Not just big, but enormous breasts. They jutted out far from their slim and curvy frames. What had I stumbled upon? I continued watching. Suddenly one of the women rolled onto the ground like she was possessed. She was holding a large smooth object. I soon realized that it was some sort of makeshift dildo. I continued watching in anticipation. My heart was so loud I was afraid they would hear it.

The woman in the middle started moaning and took the large dildo and shoved it between her massive melons, moaning. The rest of the women were chanting. It got louder as the moans got louder. She started shoving the dildo in and out of her cleavage. It was incredibly hot to watch her titfucking the pretend cock.

Now she took the dildo and buried most of it inside her. Her moaning grew louder and louder as she pleasured herself. She bucked her hips and fucked the dildo harder and harder, finally watching her eyes shoot to the back of her head, the whites exposed as she plundered the dildo into her snatch one last time.

"Gnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed as the rest of the big busted women cheered her on. The scene was so hot, I could feel my hard cock beat in rhythm with my heart. Then the next woman got in the middle of the circle and started fucking her tits with a dildo. It was insane. I don't know why but I didn't want to disturb them. I thought I should go back to the cave and not speak of this to anyone. I walked hastily back to the cave where mom and Katy were still sleeping. I crawled in next to mom. What a day I thought as I closed my eyes, I wonder what would happen tomorrow.

The birds woke me up the next morning. My stomach rumbled with hunger as I stretched out slowly as to not wake mom.

"Morning!" Katy whispered. "I've been up for an hour and managed to find us some bananas that had fallen off the trees. "Here, help yourself!" she said pointing to a large pile of bananas.

"Thanks Katy!" I said as I got up, careful not to wake up mom.

I peeled a banana, sat down on a nearby rock and thought. Do I tell them about what I saw last night? Who would believe me?

"You're looking kinda pale?" said Katy. "Everything OK?"

"Y...Yep!" I said unconvincingly.

"I know you, somethings up! I guess it's just that we're still on this island and without a clue on what to do. I have trekked around it trying to get signal on my phone, but nothing. It's a bit disturbing, but I'm sure if we make some sort of fire, or signal, we will be rescued."

"Yeah, that's it!" I lied.

"I feel dirty, I need to bath. Want to come swim in the sea?" she asked.

"Huh? Me?" I stupidly asked.

"Yes you, who else is there around here?" she playfully said.


If last night wasn't painful enough for my poor overworked cock, seeing my cousin strip down to her too small bra and tight panties didn't help. Her slim, body, bulbous ass and thick hips and thighs came into view. I felt myself getting hard. Then those gigantic breasts. Full and soft.

"I hope you don't mind seeing me like this, but these are extraordinary circumstances!" she said.

"No problem," I said as I took off my top and ran towards the sea. I didn't want her to see my hard cock. I thought maybe the water would cool it down. It didn't help. My cousin ran after me, her huge tits bouncing wildly in the bra towards the water. She dived in, and popped out a few seconds later, just feet away from me.

"When was the last time we swam together cuz?" she asked. I couldn't believe how nonchalant she was about what had happened so far.

"Yeah, a while back!" I said.

"Probably years ago...before I grew these things!" she said nodding towards her massive breasts.

"Oh..Um...I...I didn't notice!"

"Haha, you're a bad liar! Everyone notices. Not just because they're huge and natural, but because of how far they stick out! Do you like big boobs?" she asked.

I didn't know what to say. Was she flirting with me? I looked back at my cousin and she was staring into the distance, towards the shore.

"HEEEEEY!" she yelled, and started swimming franticly towards the shore.

"What's going on?" I asked. But I soon realized she had spotted one of the women from last night.

"Hey...wait!" she shouted. The women on the shore looked up. Suddenly as we got closer, she froze, then looked up and ran away, back into the brush.

"Please! WAIT!" she shouted as she ran into the bush.

"Katy! Wait, please don't go in there!" I called after her.

I ran in after her, searching frantically. I could hear the sounds of trees and bushes rushing by me as I ran past. "Katy!" I called out softly.

"Katy!" I whispered loudly.

I heard a rustle in the bushes. "Katy?"

Suddenly, the unknown woman jumped out in front of me and knocked me down, then ran away quicker than when she jumped out at me. I knocked my head hard on the ground but I was OK.

I lay on the ground a bit confused.

"Greg!" I heard footsteps rush towards me. It was Katy. "What happened to you?"

"That woman...ah...she knocked me over and I bumped my head...ow... but I'm ok!"

"If there are other people on the island..." she began.

"Katy, I need to tell you something!"

"What?" she asked suspiciously.

"Last night I couldn't sleep, I went for a walk and I heard some noises. Well, I stumbled upon a sort of village full of women..."

"Jesus! So, they can help us get back?"

"No, listen, they were doing some sort of weird chant! In a circle, dressed in odd clothes. I'm not sure if they're harmless, I mean you saw, she knocked me down and ran away. Frankly, I'm scared they're going to come back with more!"

"So, what are we going to do?"

"I think let's go back to the cave, mom should be awake now! By the looks of the bush and trees around the cave, I don't think they know we're there or that there's a cave."

"OK, let's hurry!" said Katy.

We got back to the cave, mom was just starting to wake up.

"Hi mom!" I said.

She stretched and yawned. "Morning honey!" she said. "Where've you two been?"

Katy was about to say something and I feel like we shouldn't worry mom right now.

"We just went swimming and looked around the island." I said quickly.

"Well I'm very hungry! We've got to find some food."

"Agreed!" said Katy and I at the same time.

"I can try spear fishing!" I said.

"Why don't you two try that, I found some matches in my pocket from when we needed to light candles. We can light a fire, make the cave comfier and once we've eaten, we can figure out how to get out of here!" said mom.

"OK mom! Be back when we can!"

Katy and I left and found a long thick branch. I broke the end off into a sort of badly made spear and walked with my cousin towards the rock pools at the beach. We were careful and made sure no one was around. I still wasn't sure what these busty women were capable of, or what they wanted.

When we finally got to the rock pools, they were swarming with fish. Catching one however, proved quite difficult. Katy was laughing on the rocks.

"Come on, it's easy!" she teased.

"You come try then!" I said.

"OK fine, let me show you how it's done!" she said confidently.

She got into the shallow water and waited patiently for a fish to come before attempting to stab it, but she couldn't do it. She ended up splashing everywhere. Aimlessly stabbing everywhere.

Soon, to my enjoyment, I realized she had wet through her shirt and her hard nipples were trying to poke through the thin material.

"Fuck! OK, I admit it's hard." She conceded.

"Maybe we should teamwork together!" I suggested. "Like you sort of gently bring them towards me and I'll catch one!"

I got up and grabbed the spear. Katy moved around, trying to push the fish towards me.

"Now!" she whispered loudly.

I stabbed wildly and lost my balance and fell into my cousin, knocking her down in the shallow water. I fell on top of her, crushing her humongous tits on my chest. My face fell forward into her neck. We both burst out laughing!

"You ok?" she asked.

Suddenly I felt myself getting hard. How could I not? Her clothes were entirely wet, her breasts pushing up against me, smothering most of my body.

We looked into each other's eyes. "I'm fine!" I said.

There was an awkward silence.

"Um...your big...ah, is poking into me!"

I felt myself going red. I've always had a crush on my gorgeous cousin. With her long, thick blonde hair, cute nose, high cheekbones, her huge ass and massive breasts.

"Ah...sorry!" I said as I scrambled off her.

"Haha! You're quite big down there...bigger than I thought!"

"Oh...thanks...wait, what do you mean, bigger than you thought?" I asked while I stood up.

"I didn't say that!" she said blushing.

"You did!"

"OK, OK, I admit it! Greg, I've always sort of, well you know had a crush on you. That's why I'm always talking about my big boobies. I like to tease, but always wondered what would happen if you and I, you know got together."

I didn't know what to say. I just stood there. My gorgeous cousin has a crush on ME?

She continued teasing me. "Don't act like you haven't noticed how big they are! I know you've been stealing glimpses! I bet you've wanted to do things to them. Things most other women can't do!"

I thought to deny it, but I can't believe my cousin was telling me this. I mean if falling through some sort of portal or vortex onto a nearly deserted island full of hugely busty women, then comes this confession. My cock throbbed angrily in my pants.

"It's true Katy! I've had a crush on you for a long time, but I know you're my cousin, we couldn't do anything!"

"Shouldn't that be my choice!" she asked. "I've always had a sort of innocent crush on you, but it's turned slightly less innocent. Like if I wanted to give you a blowjob right here, couldn't I?"

"Yeah!" I said more confidently.

And with that, she got on her knees in front of me. I didn't know what to do. I wanted this to happen so badly. She pulled my pants down and my hard cock sprung out and hit her in the face.

"Fucking hell! How big is that thing!" she asked.

"How big are you?" I asked bravely.

"I'm a L cup. 34L"

"Wow" I sighed.

"Take a look at them while you enjoy the best blowjob you'll ever have."

Her exposed breasts were bigger and more beautiful than I could ever imagine.

"So how big are you? I wanna know before I attempt to stuff it all in my mouth."

"Eleven inches!"

"Well best I get to work then! That is one thick cock"

And before I knew it, my hot cousin had started to swallow my cock.

"Ahhhhh!" I moaned. I leaned back against a large boulder as my huge busty cousin continued swallowing. Inch by inch was swallowed deep into the back of her throat. My knees were weak and I steadied myself on the warm rock behind me. Her hot mouth had almost taken me to the base. My cock tickled the back of her throat. She choked slightly.She lifted her head slowly, savouring every inch of my cock, her tongue licking the sensitive underside of my cock. She attempted again to take it all. Slowly, slowly she went and forced herself on my cock. I heard wet slurping and gagging sounds as she tried. It felt incredible. I was in heaven.

Her soft, warm tongue swirled over my cock. "Sooooo good Katy!" I moaned.

She went faster now, causing the water to splash in the rockpool. She bobbed her head while holding onto the back of my legs, pushing me deeper into her. The feeling was incredible.

"Glob...ahhhh....grrrr...glob, ahhhhh!" she moaned on my cock.

She dipped her head back and forth over my hard cock, which occasionally jerked in her mouth. My knees were even weaker as I felt them bend uncontrollably. She took her other hand and massaged my balls gently and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt shivers down my spine. She used her other hand to jerk me off at the same time as giving me a deep blowjob.

She sped up. "Fuck!" I yelled. This encouraged her to go faster. Her head was almost a blur as she slid her tight mouth, vacuuming my cock into her throat. "Too good!" I cried.

" mouf!" she said.

As I felt the feeling of no return, I screamed out loud. "GON CUUUUUUUM!" She fucked my cock with her mouth from tip to base and just before I came, she pulled me right into her, my eleven inches entirely swallowed down her throat and I threw my head back and roared. I blasted a hot and thick load of cum in my cousin's throat.

"ARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I cried as I released copious amounts of cum into her throat, swallowing it all.

Finally, what felt like an age, she got up, and smiled.

I was out of breath recovering, my softer cock slowly shrinking. "Fuck that was good!" I said.

"I loved it too, I loved seeing you writhe in pleasure! We gotta do that again soon. I mean who knows how long we'll be here."

"Yeah..." I said a bit dazed but happy.

"But first we need to catch some fish!"

And for the next twenty minutes, I don't know if I was calmer but working together, we managed to catch four big fish. We brought them back to mom who had found some strange looking fruit, some coconuts and had made and lit a fire. She also had found tons more banana leaves to make a more comfortable sleeping experience.

"Sorry we took so long, but it looks like you got everything under control mom!"

"No problem honey and WOW you caught 4 fish! We're going to have a feast!" We cooked the fish over some hot rocks by the fire and ate like kings. However, it started to get dark very quickly.

"We will have to get an earlier start tomorrow!" said mom. We need to try signal for help, or make a fire or help sign or something."

I wasn't listening. I was staring at mom's face in the firelight. Even in distress she was beautiful. Long, dark hair, blue eyes you could get lost in and the biggest chest I had ever seen. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't lie or hide my feelings. Maybe it was my confidence getting boosted by the most amazing blowjob I ever had, but mom looked incredible. Her slightly dirty torn clothes just added to the natural look of her. How could such a slim woman have tits and hips so big. It was insane!

Mom grabbed one of the weird looking fruits and started eating it.

"What type of fruit is that?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it's delicious, very sweet! Try one.

"No thanks."

After dinner, although it was dark, mom wanted to go for a swim in the ocean. "I need to bathe. I'm feeling sweaty and dirty. Katy, Greg, why don't you come with me?"

"I'm too tired, you guys go ahead. I'm going to turn in for the night" said Katy.

"OK Greg, just you and I, let's go."

My heart was racing. Mom and I left as Katy crawled into the cave. We walked carefully as we couldn't see much. Again, I was careful to watch out for the tribe of women. The beach was empty. It was dark with just a three-quarter moon out to light the way. The sand looked blue and the waves gently broke on the shore.

Mom grabbed my hand. "Come, let's go quickly, the water looks amazing!" she said.

"OK, slow down mom!"

"No, I'm gonna speed up, you'll have to chase me!" she said as she playfully slapped my bum and took off. What had gotten into her? Mom was acting strange.

I ran after her, clearing the bushes as I went past. Finally, we reached the edge of the bushes and stood on the soft warm sand.

"Um...this is going to be a bit weird darling, but I can't swim in my clothes. I'll have to take them off, you know...given the circumstances." She giggled slightly in a very sexy way.

"So you're skinny dipping, mom?"

"Yes, you could say that!" she giggled playfully again. "Aren't you going to as well?"

I couldn't believe it, did my huge breasted mom just ask me to skinny dip with her?

" don't mind me seeing you naked?" I asked.

"Well, no, you've seen boobs before, right? I've seen a penis before, even yours."

"MOM!" I said blushing.

"OK, sorry, sorry, just teasing."

"So, have you seen boobs before?"

"Of course I have!" I said. I couldn't believe we were having this conversation. My cock started to get hard. My heart beat rapidly. I didn't know where this was going.

"Not on the internet, I mean in real life?" she pressed.

"Yes, there was busty Betty...I mean Betty! Sorry it's what we called her in college."

"Ohhh, busty Betty hey? So, my son's a boob man then? Naughty boob boy! "So how big was busty Betty then?"

This was incredible. Mom wanting to skinny dip alone on this island, talking about my previous sexual experience. It was really hot!

"Huge mom!" I said truthfully.

"No, I mean what bra size was she?" mom asked.

Then I don't know what made me say it but I just blurted it out.

"She wasn't bigger than you, mom!"

Silence. Just the soft crash of small waves on the shore. I immediately regretted saying it. I couldn't see mom's face very well so I couldn't see what her face looked like.

"Ha! Well, you won't find many women bigger than this, Mr Boob boy! I'm sure you're dying to know how big I am?"

"Mom, not that I'm complaining but what's gotten into you?"

"Nothing, I'm having fun with my son. Sure this island is weird and God knows how we got here...I don't know, I just feel...good! Maybe it's that sweet fruit?"

I wasn't about to protest. "Well I'm glad you're feeling good mom! It really helps in times like these!"

"So are you getting undressed or what?" mom asked.

"Are you?" I asked back.


And with that she stripped her clothes off in seconds. It was dark except for the pale light of the moon but I could make out mom's incredible body. Slim waist, huge hips that stuck out, thick thighs and gravity defying, giant tits that was thicker and wider than her waist.

I just stood there. "OK, your turn, Greg!"

I nervously took off my clothes until like mom, I was completely nude.

I think I could see she was trying to look at me.

"OK let's go." I said.

Mom took my hand and we walked on the soft, warm sand towards the water. As we were walking mom said to me.

"You really make me feel good, protected. You've made me feel secure in an unknown environment and..."

Mom stopped talking. Then I realized why. We had walked into a strong glow of the moonlight where we could clearly see each others body. My eyes went straight for her boobs.

"Someone was blessed by the big dick Gods!" she laughed.

"Mom!" I said half blushing.

"Well, you're not the only one with something big around here!" she said hefting up her gigantic breasts.

" big are they?" I asked.

"You'll have to catch me first before I tell you!" she said as she took off, breasts bouncing wildly until she dived underwater and popped up shortly afterwards.

I ran in after her and dived in too. The water was warm. I popped up. I swam quickly to try catch mom, but she had disappeared underwater. I looked up to try find her. I couldn't see anything.

Suddenly I felt her hands grab my legs. I nearly jumped out of my skin. She popped up out the water.

"Got ya!" she laughed.

"Jees mom my soul left my body for a second!"

"Come stand over here, it's shallow enough where we don't have to swim!" she said.

I swam over and sure enough I could stand on the sand. The water came up to my waist.

Except for the sound of the waves breaking on the shore, it was completely silent. The moon shone on the area we were swimming.

"Much better!" said mom. "It's good to be clean!"


"Greg?" asked mom. "Um...your...your..." she gestured towards my penis that was getting hard.

"It's popping out the water, mom."

"I see that! Is that because of these, boob boy?"


"So do you want to know how big I am?"


"36 MM"

I was shocked. "As in mmmmm cup!" I joked, not knowing what to say.

"Ha, you could say that! Every man I've been with wanted these, and boy did they!"

I was getting so excited by this talk. I didn't know what to say next.

"Anyway, let's get out!" she said. I was disappointed and told her so.

"Well, the night's not over, let's go back and get our clothes."

We walked back to the shore, put our clothes back on.

"Ohhh, it's getting a bit chilly!" said mom. "Come sit next to me and let's have a chat."

My heart was racing, what could happen next! We sat down next to each other on the sand.

Mom started talking.

"So...I know we keep talking about it. But that...I mean your cock is...huge! I bet you have a queue of women waiting?"

This was insane, whatever was in that fruit made mom so flirty, so open with me.

"Well not really, not a queue of women." I said truthfully.

"What about busty Betty?" she asked.

"Oh well, we didn't have sex, we did other things."

"Other things? Tell me more darling, I love a juicy sexy story!"

"Are you sure mom? Isn't it too graphic?"

I couldn't believe I was sitting on a beach, alone and half naked with my 36MM cup mom and asking about my sex life. Falling through a portal or whatever that was, was nothing compared to this.

"We're both adults! I can handle it!" said mom.

I felt myself become a bit braver.

"Handle my cock or..."

"BOTH!" she laughed. "Go on..." she said.

"OK well it was during college exams. I was studying hard and Betty was sitting next to me. It was quite late as most of the other students had gone to bed but I had a huge exam in the morning and was stressing a bit. I had known Betty as she was in the same class as me, but we never really spoke. I just sort of admired her breasts a lot of the time"

"Go on." Mom said sultrily.

"Well, it was just her and I left in the library and for some reason the caretaker had not come and locked up the library yet so we continued studying. Eventually we started chatting, sharing notes and talking about how stressed we were. She then asked me if it was true.

"If what was true?" mom asked.

"If I had the biggest cock in college." I replied.

"So what did you say?" pressed mom.

"Well at first I was shocked, but then I told her I wasn't sure about that, but admitted I was bigger than average down there."

"Then what happened?" asked mom.

"Long story short, she asked to see it. I was hesitant as we were in the college library, so we went to the back of the library where the old history books were. I figured no one would come there."

"I see. Please continue, this is getting hot!"

"So I showed her and long story short she gave me a..." I hesitated a bit. "...Blowjob in the deserted library late at night."

"Amazing, you must have loved that." Said mom.

"Yes, but I preferred what happened next!" I continued.

"She took off her top..."

"Obviously you loved that boob boy!" laughed mom.

"She had massive breasts, H cups and I had never done this before with a woman but she gave me...a titfuck!" I blurted out.

"Oh, I know what that is of course! The dream of a breast man! Did she let you finish between her breasts?"

"Yes, I did!"

"Did you come a lot?"

"Mom!!" I barely protested.

"Well, did you?"

"Yes! I...came between her breasts and it felt so good, I had to hang onto the bookshelves to stop myself from collapsing."

"WOW! What a story!" she said. "Tell me another!"

"Well that was the last time I know a sexual experience!"

"My poor baby, that was months ago, right? How cruel of me to ask you to tell me a story with your huge penis throbbing, waiting for the next encounter."

"It's OK mom, I can take care of..."

"No you won't! I'm going to!"

"Mom are you sure?" Dumb question to ask.

"Of course I'm sure, I'm addicted to cock, I don't care if this is wrong, I'm horny, you're horny, it's been years since I've even seen a cock. Let me please you...let's please each other."

She stripped her clothes and threw them in a pile, I did the same and lay back on our soft pile of clothes.

"I'm going to pleasure you until you beg for release."

I couldn't believe what was happening! My own huge titted mother was about to pleasure me. She delicately grabbed my cock and looked me in my eyes. Her touch felt electric on my cock as it throbbed in her hands.

"I can just about wrap my hands around this monster!" she said.

She slowly started to jack me off with my hand, while with her other started stroking my balls gently with her long nails. "I don't know if it's this island or our skinny dip or what, but I'm so horny baby! I can't believe we're doing this but it doesn't feel wrong does it?" she asked sweetly.

"No mom, it doesn't!" I lay back as my cock slowly was jacked off by mom. Her piercing eyes holding mine as her expert and gentle hands ran up and down my cock. I tilted my head back as a few of her soft fingers gently tickled under my balls. She went faster now jerking me off and it felt incredible. Her soft, moisturized hands went quicker gently pulling the skin up and down.

"Ahhhh mom!" I moaned. "I'm close!"

She then spat on my cock and rubbed both her hands over my cock. She covered my cock in spit and it felt even better. I watched her huge, hefty breasts shake and bounce as she pleasured me.

"Mom! It's so good!" I cried.

Both hands corkscrewed up and down my cock, going over the sensitive head and underside of my cock.

"My boob boy's gonna cum!" she said.

My face contorted, I felt the feeling of no return. My finders clenched the sand beneath me as mom's beautiful hands travelled over my well lubed cock.

"Look at my huge fucking tits! Watch how they bounce baby! All for you! Come for me...come for mommy...come!" she moaned.

"Fuuuuuck!" I yelled. "CUUUUUMIIIIIING!" I roared!

I threw my head back as my cock exploded hot gobs of cum from my cock as mom continued milking my cock. " much!" she admired.

I lifted my head to look up as more cum shot out of my cock high into the air. Mom's hands were a blur as she expertly stroked my cock to completion.

I relaxed my body as it had tensed during the most intense sexual experience. I couldn't believe mom had done that. She smiled at me.

"That was fun!" she said a bit breathless. I didn't reply as I lay there recovering. I just sort of nodded my head.

"You don't have regrets Greg?" mom asked.

"Not at all mom, do you?"

"No, of course not." She said as she came up towards me and kissed me deeply. Her massive mountainous tits pressing against me. I started getting hard again.

Suddenly there was a rustling in the bushes and we both looked up.

"What was that?" mom asked.

"Sh!" I said. I focused on the bushes but didn't see anything. I tried to listen carefully, but couldn't hear anything. Worried it was one of the women from the island, I got up. I walked towards the sound of the noise but didn't hear or see anything.

"Come mom, let's get dressed and go back to the cave. Seems like it was nothing."

We walked back to the cave holding hands. Katy was sleeping in the cave still. We crept in and fell asleep next to her.

The sound of a loud bird woke me up. I started to open my eyes. Katy was standing above me.

"Wake up!" she whispered. "I need to show you something!"

"What?" I asked.

"Just come and see."

I looked back at mom who was still sleeping then got up and joined her. "Here have a banana. You will need it, it's quite a walk! Come, let's go."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You will soon see, we're almost there!"

We walked for what seemed like ages through the dense forest and then I saw what she wanted me to see.

"A small cabin, built in the middle of the forest." I said.

"Yeah, that's weird I thought. So I opened the door, it was unlocked, but no one was inside. It looked like it had been abandoned in a hurry."

"Well let's go inside." I said.

We slowly walked inside, cautious of what we may find. We found stacks of papers, notepads, equipment, drawings, chemicals and other sorts of liquids. I went through a few of the drawings and glanced over some of the journals. Then it dawned on me.

"This place...This place was built by someone as a sort of portal between the island and wherever he lived. I don't know how he did it, but look."

I showed Katy some crude drawings of what looked like a portal and a few journal entries explaining that the island was bought and the experiment funded entirely by this guy to entice women to the island.

"Well, is there a way to get back?" she asked.

"I don't know, maybe. We will have to keep looking!"

All of a sudden, the door opened and there before us were five women. All with bigger tits than the last.

"How did you get here?" said one woman.

"Who are you?" said the other.

Before I could answer, they swooped in and grabbed us both.

"Hey, get off us!" said Katy.

We struggled but they had us outnumbered.

Then another woman came over to me, smiled and wiped a cold paste under my nose. I began to pass out. I tried to fight it, but then I felt a darkness come over me.

The next thing I knew I was awake in a bed of leaves, alone and in a bit of a daze. I looked around.

"Ah, you're up!" said a voice.

I looked up and saw another incredibly stacked woman sitting in the corner.

"Where am I, and where is Katy?"

"Don't worry she is fine, and apologies for knocking you out earlier. We had to be sure you weren't evil!"

"Why would I be evil?" I asked.

"There are no men on this island and none of us have seen a man for years. Some of us don't trust men."

"I don't understand!" I protested.

"Look, there will be time for questions, but first the high priestess would like to see you, come along."

I got out of the bed, a little shakily. We left together and outside many other women were staring at me. It felt uncomfortable.

"In here!" she said pointing towards a large makeshift shelter.

I walked in and what greeted me was beyond what I expected. A thin, petite but huge breasted woman sat on the ground.

"Come in, sit!" she said quietly.

I sat on a nearby log.

She was stunningly beautiful. Long brown hair, high cheekbones, bright blue eyes and enormous breasts. Some of the biggest I've seen.

"Tell me, how did you get here?" she asked.

I told her everything, from the power failure, to the basement, the portal, the cabin we found. Often she would nod and agree with what I was saying.

"...and here I am now. What is this place?" I asked.

"Well we don't know. All we know is we all arrived here during a thunder storm. Every single one of us, and we're all living together and we all have big boobs. The cabin and this place seemed like a rich man's experiment that went wrong, but he is no longer with us. We think he drowned trying to escape this island. I was the first one to arrive, then more of us arrived. He had an island full of us.""Did he do experiments?" I asked.

"No, he just had sex with us."

"Against your will?"

"No, we wanted it, but it became clear the fruit on the island gave us insatiable sex drives. We didn't mind, but since he left a few years ago, our sexual appetite increased and we can't get enough sex. You're the first man to appear here since he left."

"So does that mean...?"

"Yes.." she said smiling! "We're hoping you will stay and enjoy living on the island with us!"

"So you're not some mad cannibalistic women?" I half asked and joked.

"No of course not! We just love sex!"

"What about my mom and cousin?" I asked changing the subject.

"Well, do they fit the look they need to be on the island?"

"Yes, my mom and cousin have huge breasts!" I blurted out.

"Oh my, a naughty boy perving at his mom's and cousin's breasts! I wish my son would have done that! Maybe if we ever get off this island he would." She had a longing look on her face. "We can't just take your word for it, so I'll send someone to bring them in."

And with a snap of her fingers another beautiful, busty woman entered. "Go and find this man's family. They will be on the island somewhere!"

"Close to the ocean, by a big banana tree you can see from the shore, about 50 feet in, there is a cave." I said.

"But don't frighten them, bring them in without force!" the queen warned.

"Yes my queen!" the woman said and off she went.

"While we wait, I must see what you've got to provide to the tribe?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well your penis, dick, cock, whatever you want to call it. I am desperate need of it. I'm sure there is some time to sample the goods!"

I couldn't believe this woman wanted to see my cock! "Sure!" I said confidently.

I pulled my pants down to reveal my semi hard cock.

"Wow, that's the biggest one I've seen. My son's comes close but this will more than do for the tribe. But first, time for me to pleasure you. Grab that bowl over there please."

In the bowl was an almost transparent type cream. She dipped her hands in it. "Come here, I won't bite!" she said.

She gently placed her warm hands and rubbed this slippery ointment over my cock.

"Mmmmm!" she sighed.

Her expert hands lathered my big cock with gently from base to tip. I felt my legs getting weak.

"Most men only dream of fucking tits this soft, huge and natural. I get immense satisfaction watching a man pleasure himself using these huge L cup tits. You'll be the first."

I couldn't believe it but as she lay down on the ground, her magnificent tits towered above her body yet also gently sloped towards her ribs. I couldn't wait.

I climbed on top of her flat tummy, gathered her breasts using my hands and eventually had to use my arms and thrust my cock between her breasts. The feeling was unlike anything I had ever felt. The lube she had given me allowed me to slide in and out of her dark cleavage easily.

"Oh fuck yes!" I moaned.

She pressed her tits tighter around my cock.

"Let me do all the work!" she said as she squeezed and bounced her tits tightly around my manhood.

"You're throbbing in there! Ready to come already?"

"No...I...can...last longer! It's too good!" I yelled.

My cock slid into the huge mountainous breasts and I felt it tunnel into her soft tits, the sensitive cock head travelling through her warm brests and getting lost in her deep cleavage. I felt the tits attack, squash and jiggle around my cock.

"I...can't hold back!" I shouted, pleasure tears forming in my eyes.

"YES! COME FOR ME!" she yelled.

Just then, mom and Katy entered. They stood, shocked and eyes glued to the scene in front of them.

"I'm sorry mom, you weren't supposed to see this!" I cried as I felt the cum boiling in my balls, ready to explode.

"Don't let them distract you, I want them to watch as you fuck my tits and finish between them...especially your stacked mommy!"

This dirty talk only spurred me on more.

I reached the point of no return, felt my legs shake, my eyes roll into the back of my head, pleasure tears streaming down my face and as I thrust one last time forward, I exploded.

"CUUUUUUMING!" I roared.

She shook her breasts faster now as I spurted thick, creamy jets of cum between her tits. Some shot onto her face, neck and hair. I grabbed her tits and used them to fuck my cock until eventually I was completely drained. I collapsed on the ground next to her, catching my breath.

"What's going on?" asked Katy and mom together.

I had practically passed out and was in no condition to tell them. The queen filled them in as she got dressed. I watched, feeling almost paralyzed with pleasure as my still hard cock leaked out the last few drops of cum.

"You're right! They are stacked. They can stay." Said the queen.

I smiled as the thought of my busty mom and cousin staring at my cock leaking its last few drops turned me on.

"My baby! Are you alright?" mom asked.

I gave a weak thumbs up.

"I think he is almost comatose from the pleasure. Most men can't resist these enormous breasts and he couldn't either. Your son has an amazing cock, but it looks like you two will need to wake him up somehow."

"How do you suggest we do that?" asked Katy.

"A man as breast obsessed as he is, you can figure it out. I need to tell my people the great news, a man has been found, I'll leave you to it."

"Um...Katy, I have a confession. I jacked Greg off last night." Said mom.

"Well, I gave him a blowjob yesterday too!" replied Katy.

"I guess the cat's out the bag, come...let's wake him up properly." Suggested mom.

And with that, mom and Katy dropped their massive tits in my face. I had just enough energy to lick and suck their massive tits, feeling the weight of their MM cup and L cup tits on my face. Their hard nipples brushed against my mouth as I eagerly licked and sucked. I felt my strength returning.

"Mmmmmm, suck mommy's tits baby!"

She smothered me more as I managed to grab huge handfuls of her melons and feel their great weight. I grabbed one tit of each woman. The firmness and softness of their breasts excited me to no end.

"His strength is coming back!" said Katy happily.

"Mom, sit on my face!" I begged.

"I thought you would never ask!" said mom.

She smothered my face in her clean shaven cunt. Sweet juices escaped her pussy and dribbled down my face as I lapped my tongue deep into her forbidden depths. Meanwhile Katy had lubed up her tits and straddled my cock with her L cup monsters.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled in mom's pussy. The pleasure was immense as she jacked my cock in between her tits faster. She wedged my cock in and out of her tits, feeling the sensitive underside shoved between her breasts.

"So good!" I moaned.

"Arrrrrghhh!" yelled mom. "You're on my clit, don't STOP!" she cried.

I grabbed onto mom's huge bum and jiggled her firm, massive ass cheeks as I latched onto her clit and sucked for dear life.

"Gon cum!" she yelled.

"Me TOOOOOO!" I shrieked.

"Cum between my tits!" shouted Katy.

Her breasts bounced tightly and quickly up and down my cock, pleasuring every inch. I felt the tightness of her L cup cleavage as I poked through the top of her tits and the sensitive, over stimulated head. Her breasts landed on my lap and feeling the heavy breasts on my lap, me being buried in mom's cunt was all too much.

I thrust one last time between my cousin's tits and exploded in her cleavage.

"ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHH!" I screamed, as my cock pumped semen all over my cousin's tits.

"CUUUUUUUUMIIIIIIIIIING!" shrieked mom as her cunt convulsed on my face and she collapsed, squashing her enormous tits on my groin.

We lay in a sweaty hot heap, my cock still trapped between Katy's tits. Eventually mom rolled off me.

"In here ladies..." I heard someone say.

"This is the cock you'll be pleasuring, and pleasuring you..."

Those were the last words I heard, before loud gasps and sighs and before I happily closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep."What do you mean the fruit on the island makes your breasts bigger?" I asked.

"It's true and only takes a few days!" replied the queen.

It was a few hours after the queen and I had fooled around. Mom, Katy and the queen were sitting around the table with me. I was told about my new role on the island. My job would be to introduce myself to the women and eventually have sex with all of them. How lucky was I?

The queen continued. "So if you so choose, you could make your mom's titties even bigger than they are!"

Mom and I laughed nervously. "These are big enough, but if you would like them bigger (she looked at me), I will eat as much fruit as I can to increase their size! But I will need a bigger bra and obviously I don't have one" replied mom.

"Well, you could go braless like most of us do, however we have managed to make an improvised bra out of some materials from around the island. There is a hut towards the end of the village with all different sizes. Just go out and pick one." Said the queen.

"Great, I will do that then. Greg, you'll come with me right?"

"Of course mom!"

"I'll go braless, let these L cups breath for a bit!" replied Katy.

"Great, oh and I have instructed the builders to make you guys a comfortable cottage to live in. Take a tour around the place and get to know the people while they do so. I know you will enjoy meeting them all! Feel free to have fun."

So here I was on an island full of giant breasted, beautiful women. I couldn't believe my luck!

"Alright, Greg, will you go find me a big bra for these?" she said motioning to her humongous breasts. "I'll wait in our hut for you!"

"OK mom sure!"

I walked towards where the bra hut was. I met many friendly women along the way and I greeted them all. Busty was not even a word to describe them. Some of them looked close to mom's MM cups.

I found the small hut and walked inside. There were dozens of bras. Some had been donated possibly by the women who had outgrown their own. Some were made and sewn properly with materials found around the island. I wasn't sure what materials they all were, I was just excited to find a bra for mom.

I was alone in the hut as I started sifting through the bras. I couldn't find any as big as mom needed so I took the biggest one I could find.

Just then another woman entered the hut. She was slightly chubby with thick hips, thighs and the softest arms. Plus, she was sporting a massive pair of incredible looking tits. Her face gorgeous and soft.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know someone was in here!" she said.

I took the opportunity as required of me to introduce myself. "Don't worry, it's no problem. I'm Greg."

"Good to meet you! I'm Sally. You haven't seen an M cup bra by any chance, this one just broke, I burst through it?"

"Burst through it?" I asked.

"Yes, you see when I landed on the island a few weeks ago, I was a K cup and was wearing a bra, but now with all the fruit I've been eating, my breasts have ballooned and expanded to an M cup."

"Well, my mom is an MM cup and I can't find anything to fit her! I'm thinking you won't either." I said with excitement.

"Is that so?" asked Sally. "It's a good thing you are a boob guy as I understand you'll be pleasing us ladies. I hope you have stamina!"

"Well, there's only one way to find out..." I said taking off my pants flashing her my already hard cock.

"Fuck that's huge!" said Sally. "I've got to have it!" she said desperately.

Sally came over to me and I immediately started molesting her huge tits. Lifting them up, feeling their weight, sucking, touching and kissing them anywhere I could get my mouth and hands. Her M cup tits were heavy, smooth soft skin and her cleavage smelt like coconut shampoo. We moaned together as I feasted on her tits.

"MMMMMMMM" she moaned. "You really are a boob guy aren't you!"

I didn't answer as I continued my assault on her tits.

I started deep kissing Sally while grabbing her breasts. Each was four times the size of her head and hung down to her waist. It was incredible that even though she was carrying a bit of weight, her tits were wider than her waist. Her tongue explored my mouth in a deep hot kiss.

It was quiet except for the sound of kissing.

"I need to lie down." I said motioning to the large pile of bras.

I lay down and Sally started sucking my cock.

"Ahhhhhh fuck!" I moaned as I watched bob over my towering dick. Every now and then she would gently suck my balls and lick under them which made my neck hairs stand up.

She massaged her tongue over my shaft while also stroking my cock up and down, sucking, licking and worshipping my cock. Her soft hands tenderly stroking my cock while she gagged on it. Both hands corkscrewed over my hardness as she gave me an incredible blowjob ad handjob.

"So good!" I cried.

"Mmmmmffffffff!" she moaned on my cock.

Sadly, she stopped sucking.

Sally had started to impale herself on my cock. As she did so, she rubbed her clit as she attempted to swallow my cock in her pussy.

"Fuck...too big!" she yelled.

Her tight cunt convulsed on my dick, causing pleasant tightness on my cock. Her wet pussy enveloped my cock inch by inch, slowly until she had reached the base.

"It's been so long!" she moaned.

Sally rubbed her clit and bounced on my cock slowly.

"You're filling my cunt up!" she yelled.

"Ahhhhh so good!" I moaned as I squeezed her breasts. As she started going faster, I noticed her thick hips and tummy bounce and wobble as she fucked me.

Sally was getting close to coming. She was rubbing her clit furiously now.

"I'm CLOSE!" she screamed.

"Ahhhhh fuck, your cunts so good! FUCK MY COCK!" I shouted. She started bouncing faster and with purpose, feeling every inch of my cock on her pussy, I reached the warm untouched depths of her cunt.

"GON CUM!" I screamed.

"CUUUUUUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG!" she shrieked as her cunt convulsed and I spewed hot loads deep into her as I squeezed her M cup tits hard as I bucked my hips to go deeper as she bounced on my cock, milking every drop.

Sally collapsed on the floor, exhausted and out of breath. Her mammoth tits stretched out across her entire torso.

I lay there, exhausted, happy and out of breath. It felt great!

"Stamina...CHECK!" Sally said half giggling, half panting.

Eventually I got up, helped Sally up, gave her a kiss and told her I had to get back and give the bra to mom.

My heart was racing. I was about to give mom a bra to try on. I was hoping she would do it in front of me. I eventually arrived at our hut. It was simple, but quaint and private.

"I found you a bra!" I said, holding out the gigantic donated bra.

"Hmmm, that looks a bit small. OK, let me try it on. You can watch, you know?" said mom reassuringly.

Mom was about to bare her breasts to me for the first time. She lifted her top and her breasts sprung out. Her heavy, full MM cup tits jutted out feet in front of her and ended just below her thick hips. Wider than her slim waist, they were a thing of beauty. Heavy stretch marks at the tops of her tits and slight blue veins appeared to run down from the tops to her small pink nipples. I couldn't stop staring.

"Hahahahha! Boob boy is BUSTED!" said mom. "Hand me that bra will you?"

"Sorry mom, it's just that they are so big and heavy and beautiful!"

"You're making me blush."

She tried on the bra but it was clearly too small. It pushed her massive mammaries up just under her chin showing obscene amounts of cleavage. It was so hot!

"Looks too small!" said mom.

"Looks fine to me!" I replied as we both giggled.

"I could go braless and ask someone to make me one and as I'll be eating the fruit to grow my huge boobs for you, I'll need a bigger one anyway."

"Oh mom, that is so sexy, I mean the going braless part."

"Haha, I bet you'd like that. So did you meet anyone in the bra hut?" she asked while putting the bra away.

"I did, I met someone called Sally?"

"And, was she to your liking!"

"Absolutely mom! She had massive tits, like almost as big as yours."

"How big, you naughty boob boy?"

"M cups I think."

I couldn't believe even though mom and I had been chatting so openly like this, it still felt incredible.

"Mmmm, you must have been in your element. My handsome boob boy alone, tell me something happened."

"Well yes, she gave me a blowjob and then had sex and we both came together!"

"Look at you go stud!"

"Thanks mom!"

"You know, I've been thinking. I want us to go to the next stage, I want us to make love, but I want to do it with you, alone. I've found a place on the other side of the island where we won't be disturbed. It's beautiful there. I will show you soon but first I need to pump these boobies up for you."

"Oh mom, that's what I want and I'm ready too, I just can't wait to be with you, it will be magical."

"Come here darling!" Mom pulled me into chest, her boobs crushing my chest and groin. It felt so good, this warm hug.

Later that day we joined everyone for a feast of meat, fish, vegetables (the island had it's own vegetable patch) and fruit. It was so good having a full meal. I got to meet all the women and all of them were gorgeous, blondes, brunettes, redheads, all different types but all of them were stacked, most were slim and stacked and some petite with huge tits. I was in heaven. I couldn't wait to get started.

I was advised there was a sort of lottery ticketing system that all the women got to choose a ticket with numbers and they would all be able to have sex with me...and definitely titfucking!

After the feast, both mom, Katy and I went back to the cottage. We fell asleep immediately in our giant bed together.

The next morning I turned over and cuddled mom. She had her back to me. I poked my hard cock between her big bum. "Morning darling!" she said. "Mmmmm, someone's randy!"

She turned over, squashing her massive mammaries against my chest. She looked at me lovingly. "So tell me, how big do you want me to be, you know in the boob department? I've been eating a lot of fruit and I feel like I'm bigger but I want you to be happy baby?"

"Well, I don't know mom, I've never been with anyone as big as you."

"Ok well, how about I say a letter and you tell me when to stop?" she suggested. "OK, NN cup?"

"Keep going!" I said.

"O cup!"

"Go fish!" I said grinning.

"P cup!"

"Do you think P cups could envelop my cock?"

"I think even your dick would disappear between them." She replied.

"P cups it is. I think it will take a few days, but if that will make my baby happy!"

"It will mom!"

"So when I'm that big, what would you do with me?"

"Hmmmmm, suck, kiss and lick your tits. Then my favourite, put my cock in your cleavage!"

"Hahah, a titfuck!" she giggled. "Of course you would!"

"And your cousin, she'll need some attention too?"

"Yes, well I'm hoping a double titfuck is on the cards!"

"Double titfuck?" said mom. "I think we can arrange for more than that to pleasure that beast!" she replied. The thought excited me of what was to come.

"So what now?" I asked.

"Well, I need to grow some big boobies for my baby! That's what I'm going to do!"

And so over the next few days, mom did exactly that. She lived on a diet of mostly the exotic fruit growing her breasts and I noticed a big difference. I knew she wanted to wait until she was a P cup and I was willing to wait. Meanwhile I was meeting with multiple women a day, fucking, sucking, titfucking and it was heaven, but mom, that was what I was looking forward to.

Finally the day arrived. I was sitting chatting to some of the women, staring at their bountiful breasts when all of a sudden mom appeared.

"Sorry to break this up ladies, but could I borrow my son for a while?"

She leaned in and whispered into my ear. "Come with!"

She grabbed my hand and led me deep into the forest.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see!" she replied.

"Is it happening?"

"Yes." She said sultrily.

We came to a clearing, it had a small waterfall, a river one could swim in, soft grass and even sand for a little beach. All you could hear was the waterfall and the birds singing. No one was around. It was incredible.

"Are you ready son?"

"I am mom." I said while feeling a lump in my throat. I couldn't believe this was happening.

She got undressed and looked at me lovingly. "I've reached P cup for you, my naughty boob boy. And I'm going to pleasure you until you cover me in cum. Not only has this fruit made my breasts bigger, it's made them perkier too! And on top of all of that, I feel hornier than ever"

"Perky P Cups?" I laughed.

"All for you, my darling."

And like that, mom pulled me into her tits. It was a magnificent feeling. Soft, warm, heavy and perky P cups greeted my waiting mouth as I used both hands to lick, suck and explore mom's amazing tits. I squeezed them hard, feeling their softness and bringing her hard nipples into my mouth. I attacked the sensitive nipples with heavy sucking, swirling the tongue around it, tasting it. I smashed her breasts against my head, getting lost in her cleavage and moaning throughout. Mom did too and pushed my head deeper into her forbidden cleavage.

"Mmmm baby, suck my tits! It's soooo good!" she moaned.

The stretch marks at the tops of her humongous breasts only turned me on more, seeing they were natural, home-grown tits. Mom then took her tits and rested them on my shoulder, overlapping onto my upper back. "There, that will be easier to suck between my tits!" she said.

After a while of sucking and handling her breasts, I was ready to burst out. I quickly jumped out of my clothes.

"Lie down baby!" mom said.

I lay on some soft warm grass as mom stared openly at my rock hard pulsing cock. She kneeled down next to me and kissed the head of my cock. It jerked in reaction to the sensual kiss. My heart was racing, thumping loudly. Mom locked eyes with me as she slowly enveloped my cock with her juicy lips. I felt her bottom lip stroke the underside of my cock as she went deeper and deeper down my cock.

"Ahhhhh mom, it's good!" I moaned.

"MMMMMMMMM!" she responded.

She had reached half way down my 11 inch cock and brought her head up. This time as she went down, she took her long nails and stroked down my thighs causing almost orgasmic bliss. This time she went deeper and I could feel the back of her throat slowly start to open up to accommodate my cock. It reached the back of her throat and she went further. I could feel my cock go down her tight wet throat. Pleasure tears in my eyes, I lay back further.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled.

Mom fed my cock into her mouth still. She kept going and going, not even gagging until she had reached the base and had entirely deep throated my cock. I felt my cock pulse in her throat. Then she pulled back slowly allowing herself to savour every inch of it. When she reached the head, she stroked and cupped my balls tenderly and went down extra slowly so I could enjoy the feeling of her warm mouth. She reached the base again.

"Mom, too good!' I cried.

Pleasure tears running down my face, mom continued to bob on my cock, making lewd sucking sounds that only added to the atmosphere of the waterfall and bird sounds. I writhed and moaned in pleasure as mom continued to give me the greatest blowjob I ever had. It seemed mom couldn't get enough of my cock as she sped up now sucking it hard and fast while now using her hands to jerk me off at the same time.

"Mom, gon cum!" I warned.

"Not yet." She mumbled over my cock.

She got up and without skipping a beat sat down on my cock, enveloping it with her forbidden pussy. As I parted her lips, we moaned together, locking eyes as she went deeper and deeper.

"Oh MOM!" I shouted.

"'re inside me!"

I couldn't even reply as her tight, wet pussy stretched to accommodate my cock. I went further in, until every inch of my cock was stuffed inside of mom. She smiled at me then collapsed, bringing her giant, heavy hangers into my face. I smashed them round my face and head again as mom moaned on me. She bounced her ass on me, feeling the giant thick butt bounce and wobble on my thighs. Her body was a dream come true. Each stroke down on my cock felt like I was about to come but somehow managed not to. The feeling was unbelievable.

As her ass rippled on me as mom rode my cock, and as I smashed her breasts either side of me, she cried out in pleasure.

"Baby, your...cock...your cock's too good!"

"Mom, I'm so close!" I screamed.

She bounced on me faster now, in a perfect rhythm. I was able to sit up as mom put her arms around my back and pulled me into her tits. I grabbed her big ass, feeling it wobble and shake. It was incredibly firm and fat at the same time. I was enveloped in her tits, hands on her huge bum, buried deep inside my own mom. It was too much!

"Mom...I can't!" I cried loudly.

"Me too...cum together! I'm close!" she shrieked.

I felt the feeling inside my stomach and balls as I got to the point of not return.


"Cumming!" I yelled.

I lifted my hips and ploughed my hardness into mom, buried deep to the base of my 11 inch cock as I unloaded gallons of cum inside her pussy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" we yelled together.

"Feel your cum baby! It's too good!"

I pumped more seed deep into the depths of mom's cunt as pleasure tears continued to well up in my eyes. Mom then slowed down and bounced on me slowly, milking my cock and giving me complete satisfaction. Eventually mom collapsed next to me. My lewd cock pointing skywards. She stroked my chest and cuddled with me lovingly, gently kissing my head every now and then. I was wrapped up in her naked body and feeling blissful.

I felt myself drifting off to sleep. My eyes closed. With the birds chirping softly and the waterfall, it wasn't long before I was asleep. When we woke up, it must have been a few hours later. While the sun was still shining and hot, it was getting towards evening. I woke mom up from her sleep, we got dressed and left back to the village.

"Mom, that was incredible, I loved being with you, I loved every moment."

"Me too darling! It felt special, it felt right, it was just...perfect. Plus, you made mommy cum hard. You really have a gift!"

"Thanks mom!"

"Anyway, we haven't seen your cousin for a while. Any idea where she is?" mom asked as we got back to our hut.

"Not sure, I'll go look for her." I said.

I went off towards the beach and mom went back to the hut. I thought I would go check to see if she was swimming again. I went off on a short walk to the beach and sure enough there was Katy, swimming with another woman who I had not seen before.

I stood on the beach and when they looked back, I waved at them. They waved back and started making their way back to shore. When they finally got to the shore

"Hey Greg! Where've you been? Oh...sorry, this is Cammy."

Cammy was beautiful, long blonde messy hair, a fantastic smile, slim, but not skinny tummy, big hips, thighs and bum and massive tits of course.

"Hey Cammy!" I said putting out my hand.

"Don't be silly." She said as she came in for a hug.

She squashed her bra encased tits into me and gave me a good hug. Her hot but wet tits felt great against me and I started getting hard."Cammy as you can see is well suited to the type of women you prefer."

"And that is...?" I said playfully.

"Busty and beautiful." She responded. "And don't worry, you're my type too...and before you ask, it's hot, handsome and hung!" she laughed.

"Oh so you know about..." I started.

"Don't worry, your cousin filled me in!" she replied

She started jumping up and down. "Sorry, this looks weird but I need to dry and this is the quickest way." Her gigantic tits jiggled and wobbled as she did it and I couldn't stop staring.

"He doesn't mind Cam!" laughed Katy.

"I bet you're wondering how big they are, handsome?"

"The thought crossed my mind!"

"32 HH" she responded. Fuck that was hot!

"So Cam and I are all similar ages, Cam is 23."

"Yeah, I'm the youngest here! Certainly not the biggest!" she said motioning to Katy's L cups.

"You're doing fine, remember you told me, when you got here, you were just a G cup."

"That's true!" Cam responded.

"We were just talking, Cam and I and thought we should make a fire on the beach tonight, after dinner!"

"Yes, and we can have a bit of fun too, right?" she asked.

"Wow, she's forward!" I laughed.

Cam leaned into my ear, grabbed my semi hard cock, and whispered: "Oh by the way, I love to titfuck!"

Then she let go, smiled, blew us both a kiss and ran back towards the village.

Katy burst out laughing!

"What's so funny!" I asked.

"I told her earlier when she sees you to grab your cock and tell you she likes titfucking."

"So does she really like it?" I asked.

"Yip, she does. Was telling me how some guy busted between her tits in 20 seconds flat."

I laughed. "That's insane."

"Speaking of insane, I saw you fucking the leaders tits."

"The queen?"

"Yeah, whatever! You truly are a breast man! Cammy and I, well tonight we've got something incredible planned."

"I can't wait...should we go back or dinner?"

"Yes, lets." Katy said as she took my hand and we walked towards the camp.

Later after an incredible meal, mostly of fruit (yay, bigger tits for me to play) Cam, Katy and I headed down to the beach. Along the way we gathered, sticks, dry leaves, and anything we could find to make the fire. We had some matches left over and lit a nice fire we sat around and chatted for a while.

"So we doing this or what?" asked Cam. "I need to see this hog you been hidin!"

"With pleasure!" I replied.

I took off my pants.

"Mmmmm!" they both replied.

"Let me take care of it!" said Cam as she sat in front of me, took off her top and went to work slobbering on my cock. Meanwhile, Katy had sat next to her and gently tickled my legs with both hands. Katy then took off her top too. HH and L cups were mine for the evening. The warm fire glistened on their naked bodies. All you could hear was the sea gently breaking on the shore and Camilla sucking my dick. She tried to go all the way but couldn't.

"Fuck you're huge, never had bigger!" she said between sucks.

"Thanks." I said.

She stopped sucking and reached into her makeshift bag and pulled out the almost transparent lube I had gotten to know so well. She smothered it on her tits and cleavage. Then she sprayed some on Katy's tits and rubbed it in.

"We're going to give you something you will NEVER forget!" said Katy.

My heart was racing as my cousin climbed on top of me, her huge ass in the air, the sweet smell of her pussy by my face. She opened her tits and gently closed them around my cock.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuck!" I howled, feeling the soft breasts envelop my cock.

Camilla did the same on the other side and trapped my rigid cock between her tits! I felt the soft warm tits swallow my cock and together they lifted them up and down, slowly, then picking up pace. My dick was trapped perfectly, only occasionally sliding between Katy's and Cam's tits. Each up and down stroke of their gigantic soft breasts on my cock made me moan.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...too good!" I yelled.

They smiled and laughed at each other as they saw me enjoy the intense pleasure. "I think he likes fucking our tits Katy!"

"Keep this up and he'll explode between our tits!" replied Katy.

Katy then dropped her pussy slowly onto my face and I was only too happy to lap up the gorgeousness in front of me. Her sweet cunt tasted amazing! She moaned.

"Oh good!" she moaned. "Eat my pussy..."

She was gasping as I lapped my tongue around her clit. Meanwhile as Katy kept squashing her immense tits over my cock, Camilla had started lapping my balls, dropping her tongue below them to the sensitive patch of skin. Her pointy tongue lapped my sensitive balls and gooch area. Goosebumps formed on my skin and chills went down my spine. Having my cousin let me fuck her tits, have my balls licked and sucked and eating my cousin's pussy was almost too much.

"I need your cock!" said Katy. She got off me and lay in the soft cool sand. Huge tits slanting to the side, however still towering above her petite body.

I got up and knelt between her legs. I dropped my cock onto her pussy and started thrusting gently onto her clit. Meanwhile Cam squatted over Katy's mouth, wanting to have her pussy eaten.

I held my cock and started feeding it into my cousin. My heart was racing. I was so horny. I entered my cousin's cunt, pushing past her lips, feeling her wetness envelop me as I travelled through her pussy. I was halfway in.

"Gnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...I WANT YOUR COCK...ALL OF IT!" she screamed taking a break from the pussy eating.

I drove the rest of my big cock into my cousin.

"GAAAAAAAAH!" she shrieked as I opened her up to accommodate my width and length.

Cam started rubbing her clit, moaning on her hand, watching me fuck my huge titted cousin. I grabbed handfuls of Cam's breasts and massaged them while I drove my cock in and out of Katy's pussy. Her HH cup tits felt incredible. Heavy, firm, yet soft in the right places. I was in heaven, I don't know how I lasted so long.

I pulled my cock almost all the way out and slid it back in, extra slowly a few times, using her pussy to massage my hard cock. Cam then collapsed into a 69 position and lapped Katy's clit. That's when she lost it. I was fucking Katy, deep and hard.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" she cried out as I picked up pace and fucked her pussy. It wasn't long before I felt her pussy pulse, squeezing my cock.

"Gonna CUUUUUM!" she cried as her body shook, her arms flayed in the air as Cam continued lapping her clit. It was too much for me!

"Me tooooooooooo!" I said as I drove my cock out and right in, deep to her cunt and exploded rivers of hot cum in my cousin's cunt.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh FUUUUUUUUUCK!" I screamed while at the same time bucking my hips and milking my cock for every drop I had left. I grabbed onto her thick hips as I thrust and swirled my cum with my cock deep into the forbidden depths of my cousin's wet pussy.

Camilla rolled off my cousin. "Awwww...I wanted a turn!"

"Well I'm ready to go!" I said pointing at my still hard cock.

"Good...but I want you to fuck my ass with that monster cock!"

Without hesitation, she got on all fours, lifted her big bum in the air and showed me her tight ass. I straddled her and gently pushed the head of my wet cock into her ass.

"Fuuuuck you're big!" cried Cam as I pushed my cock further into her tight asshole. It felt incredible as I fed more of my cock into her. "Wait...need a're're stretching me...amazing...fuck but it's painful."

"OK..." I replied.

"Alright...I'm ready...wait...ok watch this!" she said.

Her ass suddenly started swallowing my cock. Like greedily feeding it into her ass, she finally swallowed my entire cock inside her ass. A tight and wet feeling was felt over my cock as I entered her.

"Fuck it's good!" I said.

"Fuck my ass hard!" she replied.

I pulled out gently and slowly rammed my steel hard cock deep into her ass in one go!

"FUUUUCK!" she yelled while simultaneously fingering herself and rubbing her clit.

"You ok?"

"Yes...fuck my ass NOW!"

I leaned back and fucked her ass for all I was worth. My hips were a blur as I pumped my hips back and forth, feeling my cock getting squeezed by her tight ass. The warmth and control I had was amazing.

"GAAAAAAAAAAH! FUCKING CUNT FUCK!" she cried. "CUUUUUUUUUMIIIIIIIIIING!" she shrieked as her body lurched and she squirted liquid all over my legs. Gallons of lady cum gushed out of her as I fucked her ass deep and hard.

"Cum in my ass!" she moaned.

"Almost there!" I yelled. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"

And like that I unloaded jets of cum into her ass while at the same time squeezing her giant ass cheeks together, feeling the firmness of her huge bum.

I bucked a few more times, emptying my cock into her ass and collapsed next to her.

Katy on one side, Camilla on the other. Squashing their humongous tits against me. I smiled. And there we lay, listening to the waves break on the shore, the crickets chirping and the fire flickering. We lay there until morning.

The next day, I awoke in the early morning sunrise. I was alone. I gathered and put on my clothes and went back to the village.

It was quiet, everyone must be sleeping. Suddenly a voice from behind, startled me.

"The queen wishes to see you!"

"Huh? Oh, OK!" I said.

It was one of her helpers who I had not met yet. I followed her to the queens' chambers.

"Greg, come in please!" said a stern voice.

The queen was looking as beautiful as ever. But somehow I was nervous. The tone of her voice was different.

"Look, let me make this brief. The reason I called you in here is because your mom has ballooned her breasts to a P cup. She said that she did it for you. Frankly I am jealous. I want my tits pumped up naturally to that size too. If that will make you happy as I know it will, I will go bigger than your mom."

I was shocked, but couldn't complain.

"Or you could make it a competition?" I suggested.

"Right, that settles it, tell your mom it's on. Whoever has the biggest tits by the end of next week will be the next queen. I'm going to pump my tits up so much that you wouldn't last 10 seconds in my cleavage!"

And so it was on, a breast expansion competition between the queen and my mom. I made my way back to the hut to tell mom the news.