A Cabin Excursion

Why do I always have to think of her when I masturbate? Why? It doesn't do me any good, or it does for a bit, and then I go back to my own personal hell, a deeper circle down each time. I know I'm harming myself at this point, I'm just taking the best parts of our relationship, putting them in a blender and throwing the worst parts out. Then I use the fantasy of half-truths, lies, and all around white washing to fuel my masturbation. A fantasy born out of a failed relationship and one that hurts any future liaisons, as no real relationship could hope to match it, but it has me cumming in record speed.

It doesn't help that there are so many experiences of passionate sex to draw upon (or were to put our relationship in past tense). But boy could we fuck well together. I used to tend to avoid eye contact, but there was one time I lifted myself off her more than usual. I don't know why I did, maybe it's because I just knew instinctually that I should see the look on her face. What I saw was a look of pure unadulterated pleasure. Oftentimes, I feel like my sexual urges are a selfish thing on my end, like I would sacrifice connection in favor of getting my rocks off. This look showed me that I didn't have to worry so much about that, that my sexual desire could be a good thing as fucking her had elevated her state to a whole new level that wouldn't have been possible without me and my libido.

Yet it was that same look that taunted me. It reminded me of a time when I was using my carnality to service someone I cared about sexually, while servicing myself in the same way in the process. Now I was stuck masturbating myself to nostalgia. Just because me and her broke up didn't mean my libido stopped. I wish it had, because it meant I had to masturbate to something, and the something that came to mind soonest was the something that would hurt the most after.

I finish, but I can't sleep. I don't want that to be the last thing that I think about before I go to bed. I go downstairs, plant myself on the couch and turn the tv on. Any random channel will do. I know this won't make me tired, bright light in a dark room doesn't work that way, but I'm haunted. I'm haunted by my past relationship, I'm haunted by my self-loathing for making it worse by thinking about it and I'm haunted by the specter of future relationships or lack thereof, and I can tell you that specter looks mighty menacing.

I hear a rustling from upstairs, I assume it's my sister Sarah as we're the only ones in the house right now. I am correct in my assumptions as she's the one who comes down a little while later. She's only wearing a t-shirt and panties, a great night outfit but not a great brother sister chatting outfit. Well I'm just wearing t-shirt and boxers too so I guess we're equal in that regard.

She sits next to me. I don't acknowledge her. It's cause I don't know what to say to her, I'm stuck in my own solipsistic cycle of anguish, self-pleasuring and more anguish. Can't say there's any room for her in there. She'd probably have a freak out if I told her what thoughts I was having, those thoughts don't exactly jive in a brother and sister relationship. So I sit in silence, passing up another chance at contact, even one as little as this, because I can't go outside myself.

However she rises to the occasion and gets the conversation rolling herself. "Hey," she says.

"Hey," I answer back. Maybe could've gone into detail on that reply. Follow up questions are always good but you know the whole trapped in a private hell with no room for anyone but me thing doesn't really allow for those. No matter, once again she succeeds where I have failed.

"What are you watching?" she asks, even though she knows whatever I'm watching is just a crutch.

"I don't know," I answer truthfully.

"You just started watching something?"

"I guess I did."


"... I just wanted to."


I don't know how to reply to that. No one wants to hear about my pain, not even me. That's the reason I'm sitting here just numbing myself to the tube. What do people want to hear about? Probably how interested I am in them by asking them loads of questions about themselves. But once again, trauma is my god and she decrees no interest in others, only interest in my pain.

Yet I can't just leave the conversation blank, maybe I'll hint at the pain I'm in. That's kind of what I'd like to talk about. Hopefully she'll understand. I know people like the strong man, the man who won't let anything bring him down, but that's not who I am. I'm the sad man, but maybe she'll connect to that. It beats trying to blast my thoughts out. Heck, why don't I just reference it.

"I couldn't sleep," Is all I could muster. Not bad, but not that good either. "I hope I didn't wake you up," I add quickly after.

"I couldn't sleep either. Thoughts in my case, what about you?"

"I mean it always comes down to thoughts. That's why I'm here, so I won't have to deal with them for a sec."

"That's the benefit of TV. You think there are better ways though? What if you didn't have to escape your thoughts"

"My thoughts aren't good though," I sadly reply.

"That's just what you think. Why don't you tell me what's keeping you up and I'll be the judge of that."

An invitation to share, just exactly what I wanted. I mean no way in hell am I going to go on my masturbation rant to my sister, but the lovelorn loss of my girlfriend could be good. It's perfectly fine to talk about that with my sister and she invited me to vent so no way I'd be a burden there.

"I just... " God, do I miss her? Am I sad that we're over. "I just feel like..." Spinning my wheels here, though from Sarah's expression she's thankfully going to let me take my time. No interruptions from her. So more silence from me, and that's ok. I have all the time I want.

"I'm scared." Is what I land on.

"About what?"

"About me and her's break up."

"So you're still not at the saying her name stage?"

"No. Bad sign, huh?"

"I've seen worse."

"Well I just think about all the good times we had together." Good code phrase for "I jack myself silly thinking about my imagined sex life with her."

"There's your mistake right there," she replies.

"Yeah but there were some good times, and it's more enjoyable than thinking about what awaits my love life now."

"You're a cute guy, I'm sure there are other girls who will be more than willing to give you a chance."

First time she's ever called me cute before. "Yeah, but how do I find those girls? I got to wade through some people first, and I don't want to deal with the rejection either."

"I think you're overestimating how much rejection you're looking at."

"That's only something the pursued would say, never the pursuer."

"That may be true."

There's a pause now. Somehow I feel like the responsibility of responding is on my shoulders again. What to say to her? I feel like my thread has gone dry. I do feel a little better for talking, though there's still some way to go. Why not open the forum to her. There must be a reason why she's up and about instead of sleeping soundly.

"So what thoughts are keeping you up at night?"

"Believe it or not, and this might make me seem like the biggest hypocrite, but I was just thinking about Sam."

Ah yes, Sam, her boyfriend of two years. She has much more to eulogize there than I do with she who must not be named. I guess self-pitying is doing for me what self-pity does best, blinding me to the problems of those around me. Enough of that, I want to be here for my sister. She was here for me when she had a comparably larger loss. No more Mr. Selfish, it's time to make sure she leaves this conversation better than how she started.

"What about him?" I Don't want to start by saying that must be hard, cause I might make that a self-fulfilling prophecy. Better to zero in on the problem at hand rather than provide all the sympathy she can gouge herself on.

"It's just... Even though I'm grateful that we broke up, so many doorways are now closed off to me. The talking about feelings, the being close, the... sex."

Wow she went for it. Didn't see that one coming. How do I deal with that? Don't want to think that I'm weirded out with what she just said. Am I weirded out? No, actually I'm not, in fact I feel more empathetic with her than before. As you can tell my thoughts on sex with my ex haven't been the most beneficial, so there's a common ground. Chucking all my normal responses out the metaphorical window, I decide to slide into the curve and make my focus on sex.

"So you're missing sex huh? Well this is definitely going outside the parameters of usual sibling behavior but... I miss sex too."

She laughs at that this, I chuckle slightly too, more out of relief than any actual humor. I can't believe I actually said that, even though she really set me up for it. How did I feel about this? Fine perfectly fine. Why not talk about sex with your siblings? I mean, besides... you know. But this was more a sharing of feelings rather than... you know. So I think I might let my anxiety take a nap for now.

"Here's to sex." She holds up an imaginary glass. I do too and make a clink sound with my mouth as I mime a toast. We both laugh at this, mine genuine this time.

"Yeah but really, uhh, sex is something I miss. We can stop if you want," she continues.

"Oh that's fine as long as you don't get too graphic with it." I reply.

"K, it's just I don't know how much more to add. It feels good for the most part, I'm biologically programmed to want it and... intimacy comes with it."

"Yeah the intimacy," I say in a knee jerk commiseration.

"And I really like the after part, where you've both calmed down and can take

the moment to really appreciate the other. You've both just done the most intimate thing you can do to another person, and the clothing situation... well. I mean it depends on what exactly came before but for me, the best sexual encounters end with clothing zilch."

"Yeah," I say, a little nervously. My anxiety's starting to wake up again. Don't know where this is going or how I should deal with it. Got to get my flight repsonse ready.

I turn around to the TV briefly, the thing that brought me down here in the first place. Like that will do any good. Escapism isn't what I should be after, I got a genuine tether to life sitting right next to me. I should hold on, nothing she says has any bearing on me. The choice to be there for her or not is what the true reflection of myself will be. I tell my anxiety to keep calm for now and turn back to Sarah.

"I just miss being naked with a person. I just miss that innate feeling of acceptance you feel when you stand before someone completely nude. It's a shame you only get to experience it mostly after having sex with someone."

All right, comfort zone has gone completely bye bye. I'm free falling here, my sister is no longer a tether to life, or at least life as I recognized it. Instead she's just dropping new concept on me, a sexual concept that is. Or was it really? Did sex actually play into nudity. Fuck man, can't wrap my head around this one, especially considering the source.

"Hey Arnold?"

"... Yeah?"

"... Any chance you want to get naked with me?"

Dumbstruck. Literally dumbstruck. Can't know what to do cause my anxiety has leapt up to its feet and has taken control of the situation, and what it's telling me to do is... Stay still and do nothing. God anxiety, what a bad captain you've turned out to be. I feel sweat start to perspire. Anxiety morphs into panic, leaving me blind to what decision I will make. I need to say something but what?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," she says.

"No no it's ok." Well that came fairly natural. Seems I'm ok with her being open, that's good to know. Don't know what else to feel about anything else though. Would I want to take her up on this? I mean I've enjoyed being naked after sex but my focus was still on the orgasm I just had. I've never thought about nudity without sex though. My body's just been my body, should that change?

So what do I want? I don't know. I do my best to remove panic from the equation and think clearly. Two choices, get naked with my sister or not. Trying to weigh them, not sure what the weights are. Could I fuck up my relationship with my sister if I strip or not? Maybe it's the other way around. Let me think about me for a second, which path would I want to go down.

"Is everything ok?" She asks.

"Yeah, it's just..." I desperately try to find the next words to that sentence. Come on, anything. "... I don't know if I want to or not."

"You don't know?" She asks incredulously.

"Yeah, the only thing that would tip it to staying clothed would be worrying about getting an erection."

"Well, I've seen erections before."

"Well, it's 50-50 now."

"Would it help if I got naked and then you could decide?"

There's an offer I can think much more clearly about. I can go down the road of seeing my sister naked or not. Putting outside factors into it, she does seem to want to get naked, and I do have a bit of curiosity of what she looks like.

"I'm not going to judge you," she tells me.

That's a relief. I take a deep breath and even though I know what I'm going to say, I give myself a little moment where I can change my mind. I don't. "If you want to get naked, go ahead," I tell her back.

She smiles. Immediately both hands go to the bottom of her shirt. She lifts it up in one fell swoop, revealing she wasn't wearing a bra. I'm staring at my sister's boobs. I like boobs, I like my sister, shouldn't I like my sister's boobs? It takes me a little bit of time before I decide that yes, I like looking at my sister's boobs.

Finally she lifts up her shirt over her head, drops it to the ground, and reaches for her panties. She pushes her panties down to her knees and lets gravity do the rest. She steps out of them one foot at a time and stands before me fully nude, like the pictures of girls I have masturbated to. What makes her different from the rest now?

"... You like this?" I tentatively ask.

"Yeah, I do," she replies.


"... You want to join me?" she asks.

I think. "Sure," I reply.

I'm not sure what makes me say that. I have theories. I am grateful to her and am trying to gratify her. I want to have a more open relationship with my body too. I want to have a more open relationship with my sister, one in which we can accept each other's bodies. Whatever mix of the above reasons it is, I've made up my mind. I take off my shirt and then my boxers. I stand before her completely naked.

We stare at each other in silence, we take in each other's bodies. I feel my penis begin fill in a little with blood, not enough to get it actually hard though. it's at times like these that I realize how little control of my dick I actually have.

After a moment, she sits down. I follow her lead. "so..." she asks.

"... Yes?"

"How does it feel?"


"Really? That's it?"

"That's all I got for now."

"Well let's give it some time for now, maybe you'll have a more nuanced opinion later."

I'll give her that. Back to staring in silence, don't know if it's because of awkwardness or just because we're having trouble trying to translate our feelings.

"TV's still on," I say to bide us some time.

"Ah, yes it is," she says in simplistic response. "Want to turn it off?"

"Sure," I don't need it to numb me anymore. In fact I'm pretty sure it can't possibly numb this.

I turn it off. The downstairs is dark now, but I can still make her out and I'm sure she can me.

"So," I say.

"So," I hear back.

"... What should we talk about?"

"Well there's still one obvious topic of discussion."

"Yeah but I still don't have that much to add to that topic. It's still so new."

"I like it. I know it's a challenge to calm your nerves while naked, but I like that challenge. Because what you get once you complete it is a better sense of comfort in your body. It's not something you have to hide, it's now something you can share with those closest with you, and as you can tell, it doesn't have to be completely about sex."

"Yeah, well I'm having trouble with that last one, my penis is trying to get pretty hard right now."

"Then let it just relax. Let it get hard. You don't have to have sex with every hard on you get. Hell, you don't even have to masturbate with every hard on either."

I take her words to heart and stop worrying about getting an erection. Pretty soon my dick is filling up to maximum capacity, and you know what? I don't care. I guess my sister's mumbo jumbo about getting comfortable with her my body was finding its place in my brain.

"Well, done."

"You actually got a hard on?" she asks inquisitively.


"Wow, can I see?"

"What? Why would you want to see?"

"Curiosity, now stand up."

Demurely I stand up.

"Wow, that's a cool hard on!" She exclaims.

"Really?" I ask. "Is it that big?"

"... Eh, I mean it's not not big. I'm not much of a size girl, but I would say I think it's a good size. It's not too big and it's not too small. You got a good thing going on there."

"Thanks, I mean you're never going to know for sure, but thanks."

She laughs at this, before asking "Hey Arnold?"


"You know how I was planning on taking a trip to the cabin with Carolyn and Nancy?"


"Would you like to come?"

"What?" I exclaimed. "Why would you want me to come with you on a girl's trip?"

"Because I want you to help me get Carolyn naked."

"What? Why do you want to get Carolyn naked? You bi? And what about Nancy?"

"Oh Nancy's easy, I've already gotten naked with her. She's a complete convert. And not bi, just want to get naked with Carolyn"

"What you're a full blown nudist now?"

"Just an excursion one, not a lifestyle one, and believe me I love excursions."

"Why can't you and Nancy just convince her to live the bare life with you?"

"I suppose we could, but I think it would help to have a male figure accept her body. She's so hard on herself, especially when it comes to how men see her. I think you being there could give her self-esteem the boost it needs. And I want to feel that same feeling of acceptance that I'm getting from you from her, both in regards to my body and hers. Plus you being there fully nude might impress Nancy enough to get with you."

"Really, you're talking about me getting with your friends and that doesn't make you awkward?"

"Of course not, why would it? Nancy likes sex and I can think of worse people she could have it with then you."

"Well that's technically a compliment. Though I wouldn't say it warms my heart."

"And there's one thing we can do to make sure you're even more comfortable."


"Sleep with me."


"... That came out wrong, what I meant is just sleep with me in a very literal sense. I mean still naked, but none of the implications. You can just get used to your body against mine. Plus it will make sure you're not thinking about your unspeakable ex."

"Guess that would be a benefit. Fuck it, this no way this makes my night stranger. I'm down."

So I follow my naked sister up the stairs, and I can tell you if I didn't have an erection already then following her ass would've given me one in spades. We finally get to her room and immediately get under her covers. We've had enough conversing for one night. Still, I can feel her body against mine, meaning all hope of my erection dwindling on its own was lost, and I wasn't about to rub it out. But still, at least the sound of my sister's breathing distracts me from thinking about my ex. That's a good tradeoff for an ungainly boner.I find myself in the backseat of my sister's car. In front of me is my sister, passenger is Nancy and to the right of me is Carolyn. I got to say, this is making me feel more than a little infantilized. Especially because I'm a dude, I feel like it should be either passenger or driving for me. Yet I calm myself down and realize that my attitude is even more childish than my position. My sister, Nancy and Carolyn are who this trip is for, I'm just a pawn. The back seat's an apt fit for me. I got little to no control here, I'm just along for the ride.

To recap, I woke up still naked with my sister who was likewise still naked. My boner was painfully hard. I made a beeline straight to my room, I don't know if me and Sarah were in the it's ok to masturbate in front of each other zone or not and I didn't feel like asking. All I knew is that I had to rub this one out fast.

So I went to my room alone and I furiously started beating myself off. Never had I ever masturbated with such focus or intensity. I'll spare you more of the details, but one thing of note is that I was able to masturbate without thinking of my ex. In fact I wasn't sure what I was thinking about, I was just focused on cumming soon and cumming fast.

Once that was all over and the tissue in the trashcan, I went to my drawers and dressed for the day. It actually felt strange getting dressed after that, like it was a different experience than I'd had previously. I was much more cognizant of how divorced I really was from clothes. I used to feel like they were a part of me, now I wasn't so sure.

Yet I still went through with my dressing, and you know what it didn't really bother me. It wasn't like I was losing any freedom, I had the decision to either stay naked or put on clothes. The decision lay completely with me. I chose to put on clothes and that was that. Naked is naked, clothed is clothed, neither is better than the other and that was fine.

Dressed I returned to my sister's room to see how she was doing. To my mild surprise I found that she had gotten up but still hadn't gotten dressed. The ass I had much admired last night was pointed straight towards me as she stretched her arms up to welcome the morning light that entered her room. I quietly walked toward her, wanting to see her in this unobstructed space. See how she behaved with her body when no one else was looking.

"Hey," I said, mildly surprising her for fun. She jumped slightly but then calmly turned around.

"Hey," she replied back, showing her front unencumbered for my viewing. Breasts out, vag out, she stood in front of me without a care in the world. Finally she put her arms around me and gave me a great big hug, with her bare breasts boring into my shirt. It should've been weird but it wasn't. "I see you got dressed," she added.

"Yes, I see you're still naked. You gonna change that?" I asked.

"Nope," she said with a giggle. As a joke myself I slightly pulled down my pants a bit to flash her my dick. She appreciated the joke and her giggles turned to genuine laughs. I pulled my pants back up and she walked past me and went to the bathroom to shower.

The next few days we were a little busy, me with my college break internship and Sarah with planning the trip. There was a brief time when she pulled me into her room to double check if I would pass the nudity requirements for the trip. I succeeded with flying colors, I took off my clothes while she took off hers. We stood in front of each other naked for around 10 seconds before she said "perfect," and she started putting hers back on and I followed. And that was that.

Now we return to the car, don't need to remind you about the whole seating arrangements again. I look over at Carolyn, to give you a description of her she's a little far from being far from being called skinny. Not too far, I'm sure some crunches or sit ups could cure the problem in a sec but something tells me she likes that thin layer of fat. Makes her a little unique from the rest of the skinny girls, in her mind at least. Her clothes are a little frumpy to match her body, a little more frumpy than her body deserves really. Her face was rather nice but you can tell that it was hiding some insecurities, with her make up having a laissez faire quality to it, as if to say she really didn't put much effort into it so you shouldn't judge her on it. I don't say any of this to sound critical, she does have her own beauty and charm, just giving you a picture, and let me just add that though it isn't a perfect picture, it is a picture I could look at quite happily.

Nancy is another story. Gorgeous, completely gorgeous. I mean some people aren't quite fans of dyed red hair, I think they want every woman to be a natural or something or other. Not going to happen. Anyway from what I can see she's an absolute bombshell, and even if that turned out not to be the case her smile and grace would more than make up for that fact. I've never seen a person who was so calm and gracious that her presence could lighten my mood even from the back seat of this moving car.

Sarah, who I haven't told you about, well because of the obvious reason of her being my sister, but since I'm giving the other two girls the Aaron review, why not try to do her justice? Sarah looks... Who am I kidding this is still too awkward. I've gotten to the point where I'm completely seeing her boobs, butt and vag but commenting on it is still a line I won't cross. I'm just going to let her appearance be, and let sleeping dogs lie.

Anyway, back to me. My attention goes back to Carolyn. I know there are other people I can talk to but something attracts me to Carolyn. This whole trip is partially for her anyway. Given what is going to come for her, I'm thinking I should at least try to get to know her so that I can make what happens next more comfortable.

"Hey, how's it going? I'm Arnold."

"Oh hey I'm Carolyn."

We do the hand shaking thing and part hands. "Watcha listening to?" I ask her.

She takes off her headphones. "Oh, I'm not really in the habit of talking about my musical tastes."

"Why is that?"

"Oh I got this theory that a person can either have an awful taste in music or a godawful taste in music. No one's taste in music is good, your only hope is to have one better than most."

"That's an interesting theory," I add. "Might be doing a disservice to your own taste in music."

"Trust me she is," interjects Nancy. "She has one of the more interesting music selections I've ever listened to."

"That's enough," rebuts Carolyn, though I can tell in her voice that she was grateful for the compliment.

"Mind if I take a listen? I'm kinda getting curious now," I ask.

Wordlessly, Carolyn takes off her headphones and hands them to me. I put them on and begin listening. It's interesting, it's like a mix between gothic rock and prog rock. Not really sure it's my scene, I prefer just pop and classic rock, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless.

I continue listening for a while, wondering when the song's going to stop. After 3 minutes I realize it's probably one of those 20-minute long power ballads that just keep flowing to a different part of the song. No chorus- song- chorus here. I figure it would be rude to listen to the entire song, plus like I said it's not my style. "Thanks," I say as I pass the headphones back to her. Hope she doesn't take any offense. As I can see her take them back I can tell she looks a bit withdrawn, but I'm pretty sure that's just a knee jerk reaction. I think anything that I said that wasn't pure 100% elation would've drawn that kind response. Poor girl.

Anyway I go off to my own looking out the window contemplation. Hope there's more to Carolyn that I can hang my hat on. I know that my sister hinted for me to concentrate my efforts on Nancy but Nancy's already comfortable as fuck. No need to warm her up for this trip. I know my sister probably has some barrier breaking thing planned but I feel like it would be better if I could ease my way into this along with everyone else. Plus it would be better for me if I could find some comradery among my sister and her friends as we're going to be spending a weekend together.

Finally we finish our requisite travel time and arrive to our Uncle's cabin. Do the unpacking details I won't bore you with, and then crack myself open a cold one. Figured Sarah's plan, whatever it would be, would be initiated soon, and I would want to be a little loose for it, not too drunk or too sober. While I'm trying to down it speak of the devil, Sarah comes near to talk to me.

"Follow my lead," she says.

"Is that all you're going to give me?" I ask.


"You're no fun."

"To me I am," she giggles, and then leaves. I hope she's leading me to someplace I want to be. I open the fridge and four beers in my backpack just in case, might want to be too drunk after all.


We're now walking to the river near our cabin, don't worry you didn't miss much. Just the usual hiking preparation scene. What we didn't prepare should prove much more interesting.

Sarah is leading us, with Nancy following, me after that and then Carolyn rounding out the back. This gives me a chance to try take two with easing Carolyn into whatever surprise Sarah has in store and to look at... Well it seems crude to say what I'm looking at but I guess actually doing it is even cruder. Nancy's got a nice ass, can you blame me for taking some inconspicuous peeks? Especially in those cutoffs she's got going on?

I take a look to back at Carolyn to see how she's doing, and also to do a little more checking out. You know, I'm a guy, a guy's gonna do what a guy's gonna do. I'm just going to keep this to thoughts, trust me. So looking back at Carolyn (not long enough to make me seem creepy, let me stress) and she has what you'd expect from her. Pants that are good for hiding the body but probably not for hiking. At least she has a short sleeved shirt, guess she doesn't care about people seeing her arm.

Just then I notice some sort of tattoo on the bottom of her arm. I can't quite make it out. Fuck it, why not just ask her "Hey, what's that on your arm?"

She looks at me before reticently saying "Oh it's just a tattoo."

"What tattoo is it?" I follow up.

"Oh it's just something silly, before I got taste."

"What is it if you don't mind me asking?"

She pauses for a second before spurting out "It's from the Harry Potter series. It's the Deathly Hallows symbol."

"Oh cool, I love that series."

"Yeah and so does half the world."

"And I think there's a very good reason for that," I counter. "A lot of people really connected to those books."

"Yeah but I don't want so be seen like one of those people."


"... I just don't want to."

"Well that's a shame because you clearly are one of those people. The series meant enough to you that you permanently inked your skin with an image from it. I'm not saying this cause I'm judging you, I'd just think you' be happier if you were comfortable with that tattoo on your arm."

There's a pause, hope I didn't push her too far. After some time though she says clearly "Yeah... you may be right. I guess it would be better."

"Good and anyone else who would judge you doesn't matter, because why would anyone who wasn't sick judge someone for something that makes that person happy."

"You're right, when I do look at it, it does make me happy."

"See there you go," I add, and it seems to bring a smile to her face.

"Don't mind Carolyn," Nancy says from ahead. "She's just a little shy when you first meet her but once you get to know her, oh my god the things she will say."

"Oh shut up," shouts Carolyn, but with a smile that completely undermined what she just said.

We hike our way to the river. It appears Sarah had led us to a little bit of a secluded pool between the more rapid parts of it. She turns around and tells us all that it's time to swim.

"But I didn't bring my swim suit," counters Carolyn.

"So?" Says Sarah as she takes off her shirt. I guess this was the lead Sarah was talking about. I look to see what Nancy's doing, she's joining Sarah in her undressing. I know that I said I would follow Sarah's lead, but I didn't say which order I would be. Finally I begin taking off my shirt right when Sarah takes off her bra.

"Oh my god, what's going on?" Cries Carolyn.

"We're going swimming," answers Nancy.

"Then why are you getting naked?"

"Because why not." Sarah has finished taking off her pants and underwear and now stands completely naked. Carolyn turns around at the sight of this. After a few seconds Nancy is completely naked too and joins Sarah. Guess it's my turn as I un-slip my boxers around my ankles and stand with them, naked as the day I was born.

I hope that this impasse with Carolyn is over soon, because any doubts I might've had about Nancy not being a bombshell under her clothes have just been proven wrong fast. Damn is she gorgeous, and I mean damn. She just seems so pristine, like everything's in the right place. I'd give you more detail, but I got to keep my dick from getting hard. If Carolyn gets one look at my erection I'm sure that will be the thing that scares her off. So time to distract myself, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004...

"Wha... What's happening?" Carolyn stammers, her back still turned to us.

"You already know what, it's called skinny dipping. Lots of people have done it and you can join us if you want to be one of those people," Sarah retorts.

"But I can't get naked."

"Why not?"

"Because... I can't."

"Well we did, and if you want to talk to us any longer, you can turn around and speak to our faces. Otherwise we're going swimming without you."

That caught Carolyn's attention, she didn't want to be left out. She slowly turned around and faced us, finally making eye contact with our bodies.

"See, that wasn't so hard," said Sarah.

"Why... Why are you all making this so weird?" Carolyn asked us.

"No we're the ones making this normal, you're the one who's making this weird. This could all be so ordinary if you'd let it."

"But... But... That's your brother."

"That's who he is indeed."

"And... That's his dick right there."

Not sure I like my dick being the center of conversation, and I've worked so hard to keep it flaccid and not noticeable too. Great effort is never appreciated in its time I guess. Hope we move on with it soon.

"So? What did you not think he had one? Well he does obviously." Sarah says. Looks like my hope is just going to stay a hope.

"He's your brother." Carolyn says.

"What we're going to go down this loop again. For the last yes he is my brother, yes we are naked together, no we aren't doing anything sexual, we're just going to swim together. Any other questions at this topic at this time? Because I'd like to get a move on so that we can all actually have some fun."

Carolyn stops for a second, trying to regain her thoughts, which should prove discouraging given how flustered she is. Finally she wraps her words around a question. "How can this be ok?"

"This doesn't have to be hard for you. As you can tell it wasn't for us so why should you be any different?" My sister asks. She gives a brief pause before saying the next part of her spiel. "None of us care about what your body looks like. It's going to be ok if you do this."

Suddenly, Carolyn's expression changes drastically. What was once stressed and quivered turned into a look of pure vulnerability. "It'll be ok if I do this?"

"Yes, so stop being so silly and go swimming with us, naked or in your underwear or clothed if you want to hike back in soggy clothes. Whatever you decide we're going to swim naked. So can we stop with the worrying and have some fun now?"

Carolyn pauses for a second. She drops her backpack to the ground. Bashfully but with hints of exhilaration she begins taking off her clothes before us. She lifts up her shirt, revealing her bra. Takes off her shoes, gets rid of her pants, just bra and underwear now.

She's shaking before us. I wonder if I should help her. Instinctually noticing my inclination to try and comfort, my sister subtly puts her hand in front of me. She knows it's Carolyn's chance to be brave for once and she doesn't want me to take it away from her.

Trembling, Carolyn reaches behind her back to unhook her bra. After a few attempts she succeeds i and then anxiously takes off her shoulder straps. Her bra falls to the ground and she faints at covering her breasts with her hands or arms but doesn't go through with it. She looks from down to up as she surveys our reaction to seeing her topless, to find that there has been no change in our demeanor and the world hasn't ended for her. A little more calmly she takes off her panties, and then it is done. She has successfully stripped nude before us, all that's left is for her to live like this.

She takes her first steps forward as a naked lady, struggling to get used to the sensation. She slowly makes her way toward us, each stride a new experience. She stops before Sarah and softly murmurs "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I understand. Now let's go have fun.

In that moment I felt great admiration for Carolyn. She obviously came to the situation with a great deal of neurosis but once my sister presented her with a way around them, she took it. My only hope is that this experience further liberates her from the inhibitions that she'd been carrying around with her.

Together now we step toward the edge of nature's make shift pool. We each take a step in, god it's cold. It's not hypothermia inducing cold but if god wanted to warm this up 10 degrees or more I'd be happy. We all look around at each other to see if we're still in this. We are, and out goes another foot into the water.

We slowly wade into the water. If I was worried about getting a boner later all fears were off. The chill from even my ankle was sending enough signals to kill any hardness I could ever hope to experience. Fine by me, I wasn't planning on using it for anything, at least not here.

We're about to go to waist height. I don't know how lady genitalia works in regards to this but when I enter my balls just start hurting with the cold. I decide to give it a few. The ladies go on ahead, guess they don't have this same problem. They look back to me and see just how our physical differences affects me. I signal for them to go ahead, and hope they aren't judging my penis on the shriveled up lump it is now. Understanding, they go on without me.

After a few my balls start to adjust. I'm free to make up for last time by hurriedly submerging myself all the way down to my neck. I catch up with the girls as they lower their shoulders into the water. So we're all here. Judging by the temperature of the water we're not going to make a day of it, but I'm sure we'll spend some quality time here.

Finally we reach the end of my sister's plan for now. We start by pretty much swimming circles around each other. We try to explore the space around us but try to stay close to one another at the same time. Other highlights of our time together at the pool include Nancy finding a bit of a log she could lie her back down on and just float along, Sarah finding a place to jump from and making a huge splash that soaks all our heads and Carolyn... Well just Carolyn being Carolyn. She's really starting to grow on me.

Then I realize that I still have those beers in my backpack. I tell the girls about them and they're all in. I go to swim over to the edge, make my way out. This uncovers my body and I hear the girls go "Ooooooooh," in a jovial manner as they see my ass. Chuckling, I pay them no mind as I fetch the bears. I hear another even bigger "Oooooooh," as I turn around to face them, showing them all my dick in the process. It's all in good fun and they've already seen my dick before, nothing to get excited about.I get back in the water and hand each of them a beer, we all open them and clink our cans in a cheer before taking a big gulp. I go off with mine a little ways to more closely admire the scenery. It's always nice to admire the details that only nature can provide. Like the moss on the rocks near the river, the butterflies that gather around, or just the general rustling sound the river makes.

Well, I finally finish my beer, off to go back to the group I guess. I look around to check and see that only Carolyn is still there. I swim over to her and ask where the rest went. She points and I see on a nearby boulder that Sarah and Nancy are just taking in a little sun, Sarah front up and Nancy ass up. I take the moment to admire the different fronts that a girl may have, on two different girls no less.

"They look so beautiful," Carolyn says to me.

"I know," I reply candidly.

"I wish I could be as beautiful as they are," she says longingly to me.

"Well maybe you are," I know objectively this is a lied but hey, often subjectivity beats objectivity. "But do you want to?" I follow up with. Confused to the question I just asked, she turns to me. "The entire time I've been hanging out with you, you seem drawn to being indistinct. Don't want anyone to dig too deeply into who you are."

"I suppose that's true," she replies ruefully.

"Why is that?"

"Because... reasons."

"Well, reasons aren't really important. What's important is what you want and then fuck reasons why you shouldn't get it."

With that an exclamation mark seemed to spring over her head. She turns to me to look me straight in the eyes. We take the moment to look at each other, marveling about how two people could share such a connection so soon after meeting each other. We draw close to one another, we just lean into the other. Our lips attract like magnets, with no effort on either of our parts to make them meet. I feel the rhythms of her lips on mine for a bit, before I add my own. They're in harmony, and then I feel her tongue passing through her mouth into mine to take it to the next level.

My tongue demurs in response for a bit, before it gets on the aggressive side again. I begin to try and wrap my tongue around hers, a valiant if failed attempt given the amount of room. Still the friction between the two produces enough pleasure to satisfy. I sneak my tongue into her mouth and take up residency in there. We then begin sucking on each other, whilst exploring the others interiors. I only stop to see if my sister and Nancy have taken notice of us. They haven't, which is a good thing. A jovial "ooooooooh," is not what the situation calls for right now.

Well everything good must end at some point, and our mouths aren't really the most interesting parts of our bodies to explore. Carolyn begins to pack her tongue back in and so do I, if a little more regretfully than her. She playfully swims back toward the edge while giggling. It is not an invite to follow her, it is a tease and she seems to revel in the power that she has to do that.

Just then I realize just how much power over me she really had. I feel between my legs and am astounded to feel that my dick is hard. Really? In this cold water? How on earth could she do that?

However, I should probably be discreet about it. Don't want my sister and Nancy to see it, otherwise I'd be hearing about it none stop for the rest of the trip. After waiting it out and still having the damned erection, I try to sneak out and get dressed before the two arise from their sunbathing induced dormancy.

I swim over to the edge and quickly turn my back to the dozed off gals as I hurriedly make my way to my towel. My attempts of having my boner be not seen by Nancy and Sarah are successful, however my efforts with Carolyn are another matter entirely. When I get to my towel I see Carolyn camped out, still naked, waiting for me.

How did she know? Did she feel it against her leg when we were making out?

Well anyway she gets an eyeful of my erection. In fact there's no real reason to try and cover it with my hands at this point. At least all I get as a consequence is a cavalier smirk on her face. To heighten the indignity of it all I give her a little bow, might as well lean into the embarrassment at this point. She does her best golf clap in response. Then, cause why not make even more light at this point, I take my towel and drape it over my erection, so it's the only thing that's holding up my towel. I get a legitimate laugh out of her that time.

Not sure how I can top that, so I begin drying myself in earnest this time and then start putting my clothes back on. She does the same thing too. It seems we're all ready to leave because my sister and Nancy come over soon after and get dressed themselves.


We come back from our hike back up to the cabin. (Don't worry, nothing interesting happened. An ellipse is well used here). I go put my stuff down and wait. I haven't forgotten my place in all this here, I'm still the passenger going along the ride. As I sit down my eyes drift to my sister Sarah, she's still Oh Captain My Captain here.

Sure enough she's leading the way on the nudity charge. Once she's able she immediately strips to nothing. When she gets herself oriented she sees that we're all staring at her. She shrugs her shoulders. "What?" she says. "It's not like there's anything new under the sun you haven't seen before. You don't all have to, but I'm going to get naked."

And after that we all stand there clothed for a second. I can't speak for everyone else but I think it's because we want to relish in the decision to get naked or not. It's our choice and there's no pressure this time around. It's all on us, our preference will drive what happens next. Interestingly, staying clothed will in a way be following her lead this time around.

Oddly enough, it's Carolyn who's next to strip naked. I get the sense she wants to make up for her earlier frenzy by showing how much braver she's gotten. Me and Nancy wait for her to finish up, I think we want to give her the chance to do this. Quickly, she is down to nothing and ready to present herself to us. Hands on her hips, she exudes confidence. It doesn't matter to her now that she has a bit of a tummy, all that matters is that she has the courage not to be distressed over it.

Well I guess it's my turn now, don't want to be the only clothed person here. Comically, that would make me the odd one out in this group. So shirt, pants underwear, away you go. Nancy follows the same train of thought, as when I look around after getting undressed, so does she and our eyes make contact. She gives me a little bemused smile and I return the smile, though I'm pretty sure I can't control the exact expression of my smile as well as she can. I think she got the general idea I was going for though.

The other issue at hand, I am not used to this casual nudity enough to distance it from sex, so boner alert code red. I excuse myself to the bathroom fairly quickly but hopefully not quickly enough for anyone to suspect what I'm doing. So it's toilet seat up hand on my meat and ready to beat. For anyone who wants another detailed description of how I masturbate just see earlier in the story when I did exactly that and copy and paste it into this paragraph. At least I wasn't thinking about my ex anymore, don't think I can after this weekend. I have so much sexual backlog to fully process now.

So anyway, orgasm a plenty, into the bowl and away with a flush. Wait for my cock to do its final depleting and I go do a little washing in the sink. I exit in a relief, only to find Nancy waiting for me outside. "Heyyyyyy," I say. "Did you need to use the bathroom?"

"No I just wanted to ask you your opinion on something, you know as a guy," she replies.

Ok, where is she going with this? "All right," I respond, with more than a little nervousness in my voice. "What's the question?"

"I was just wondering if you thought I could shave myself bald, or if you thought I should just stick with my landing strip."

Where in Sam Hill is this coming from? "... I'm sure both would be perfectly fine on you."

"Well I'm a little worried that my vagina is a little too much of an out-y to go completely bald. Dudes like inn-y's better right?"

"... Maybe. I... don't really have a preference on that sort of thing."

"Well can you at least check for me? Tell me what it looks like from your perspective?"

"... Everything looks fine from up here."

"But what about not up here, like below. How does it look like from closer downwards? Can you kneel and check?"

It looks like all the jacking off I did might have been in vain. Resigned, I lowered myself before her so I could check her vagina at a closer, more intimate angle. A lot of times the vagina comes in third for a guy's visual preferences, with boobs and butts taking the first two spots depending on the man. Yet sometimes the vagina can be even more sexually arousing than either of those two. It's the reason we get hard in the first place.

Anyway, in accordance with the rest of her body, Nancy had the most wonderful looking vagina. She just really lucked out in the genetic lottery, didn't she. While it seemed she had a perfectly deigned in-y from above, on closer inspection she had a few folds coming out of her. Not anything that could be considered garish, more like an invite to explore what treasures lurked within, and man did that invite look tempting right about now.

Looks like there's no use fighting it, Boner City USA here I come. The blood flows back in and my penis steadily inflates, no stopping it now. Looks like everyone here will know what I look like with a hard on. I wonder what she'll think? Judging by her failed attempt at suppressing giggles I'm soon to find out.

"Ah man I'm sorry, no I'm not sorry. I just couldn't resist," she makes out through her laughter.

Defeated, I stand myself back up. No use in trying to hide it, maybe I'll find some hidden dignity in having it be in the open. "Having fun are we?" I ask dryly.

"Yes very. Don't feel bad. As I see it, you've got nothing to be ashamed of and plenty to be proud of."

"Thanks. Well I guess it's off to another trip to the bathroom then."

"You really gonna try that shit again, are you?"

"Yes, what else can I do?"

"Well, if you do I'm just going to try and get that thing hard again. What can I say, fun is fun and you're dealing with territory I'm very familiar with."

"What else would you have me do?"

"Why not just come back to the girls with me with that thing still intact?"

"What, and have it be a laugh at the expense of myself?"

"It'll only be at the expense of yourself if you can't laugh at yourself too. Why not just come and show them my handiwork?"

Sighing, I nod my head. The rest have already seen me with a hard on, at least this way I can try and get ahead of this. She turns around slowly, making her ass sway exaggeratedly to make sure I don't lose my boner. Ready to pay the pied piper, I follow her to meet my fate.

It's exactly like I guess, once Sarah and Carolyn take one look at my boner, they start howling in laughter. Nancy takes a theatrical bow to soak up praise for her accomplishment. It's not that hard to give me a boner Nance, next time act proud for something that's really a challenge.

"Yeah yeah yeah, it's all really funny I know. And I expect your jokes, I really do, but please let me ask you don't have them overstay their welcome. Just don't let them become boring," I plead.

"Bro, I for one can tell you that I don't even blame you. I mean have you fucking seen Nancy? Because it would be weird if she couldn't give you a boner," my sister replies half jokingly, half seriously.

"Yeah you must've been scared STIFF trying not get one," Carolyn laughs.

"All right Carolyn, that was one, you got four more," I reply.

"Better make it three cause coming up with boner puns isn't HARD."

That one even gets a laugh from me. "Careful now, or I just might poke you in the eye," I rejoin. More laughter, thank god I at least get to get in on the joke now.

So the bad boner jokes continue, until even we get tired and stop. My penis returns to its normal flaccid state and then we just shoot the shit until we get hungry. Looks like dinner it's time for dinner.

I don't know if any of you are food fetishes and want detailed description of the culinary process. If so, you've come to the wrong place. No judgements on my part, but for me a pineapple's just a pineapple. Why fuck a pie or a peach when you got your hand and Vaseline is what I think.

What I will say though is that the culinary experience while naked is a revealing one. It forces you to reconcile your body as a tool to eat and absorb nutrients. No clothes blocking you from that. It can be a disconcerting experience, Carolyn actually had to go put her clothes back on when she went to eat. She took them back off immediately after she finished though. Me, Sarah and Nancy bore through it. Like I said it's an interesting experience, forces you to reconcile your bodily functions in a different way. Not sure if I would call it pleasurable or recommend it however.

Anyway dinner's done. We clean up. We move to the couch to finish up our night. A nice way to end the day, just enjoying each other's company. The nudity isn't even the main focus anymore, it's just kind of there, in the background. Clothes are just one less thing to worry about at this moment.

"So Carolyn, how're you feeling about all this now?" Asks Sarah.

"I'm feeling like a degenerate freak, who has forsaken god," she blithely responds.


"Nah, I'm feeling good. Worries left me a while ago with whatever this is."

"It didn't seem like you were earlier."

"Things change."

"Quickly I reckon. I'm really glad you were able to adjust so quickly."

"Me too. Thanks for giving me the opportunity. I'd never have done it if it weren't for you."

"I'm glad I was able to help you."

The room falls silent, all eyes are on Sarah and Carolyn now. They have all control over the mood of the room now as they just look at each other. It was obvious something had evolved in their relationship. Now I am just a recent spectator of their friendship, not much backstory instilled in me, but it is obvious that a new age would come in their tie. What surprises me is just what that evolution entails.

See moments ago while I did my whole narrator thing, Sarah just leaned into Carolyn and kissed her. Guess all the words from my sister about not being bi were at the very least misguided. Don't know if it was an outright lie or if she didn't know herself but the proof is right here in front of my face.

The kissing stops for just a second as my sister positions herself to sit on Carolyn's lap. Once Sarah has the higher ground the kissing continues. I can only provide a visual description of it but it seems to me that the kisses are brisk yet giving, full of feeling yet not trying to draw anything out of Carolyn. My sister is the kisser in this scenario and Carolyn is the kissed. Yet it seems like there is no power imbalance in this relationship, Sarah is just using the opportunity to show Carolyn how much passion she has for her, albeit in a sexual manner.

I take a quick moment to look at Nancy to see what her reaction to this turn of events is. As if on instinct, she turns to me, smiles and shrugs her shoulders, and then goes back to watching. Seems as if watching her two best friends ramming first base doesn't seem to bother her, more power to her.

I for one am a little less calm than her about it. I don't know but it might be because my boner has returned with a vengeance. Something tells me though that no one's going to try any more boner jokes. The reason for its apparition is perfectly clear, two naked girls are making out from outside my computer monitor, it just so happens that one of those naked babes is my sister. That's some reconciliation I have no choice but to deal with.

Sarah and Carolyn stop to continue their dialogue as if they're completely oblivious to the spectatorship that surrounds themselves. "How long have you felt this way about me?" Asks Carolyn.

"Depends what you mean by feel. I've always loved and admired you and wanted you to be happy. It's just now I've found a new way to do that," Sarah replies.

"It's... Ok if I do this right?"

"Absolutely. You can do whatever you want."

"I... Want this. Is this ok with you all?" Carolyn asks the rest of us.

"Unconditionally," shouts Nancy. "I mean, I just see you two as friends, but I'm down to just watch. Even though that sounds very un-friend like. What can I say, you two have been hot so far and I want to see just how hot it gets."

Sarah and Carolyn turn their eyes to me. I'm petrified. I don't know what to say. Anything I say is going to have a considerable impact, don't want to take responsibility for what happens next. So I just sit there and say nothing. Let my deer in the headlights look do all the talking for me.

My sister seems to understand, or at least she's not waiting for a response. She turns her back to me and her face to Carolyn. The two gravitate toward their shared eye contact once more. Natural smiles sprout on their face again. The smiles don't last too long though, as their mouths go back to the circular shapes that are ideal for kissing.

Lips touch and the flow of mouth to mouth, lover to lover continues between the two of them. After the kissing reaches its pinnacle my sister makes her way along the treasure map. First stop are at the breasts, Sarah takes one nipple into her mouth and one whole breast into her hand. I'm just eye witness here, but my testimony will show that there's concrete evidence that Carolyn was having the hottest experience of her life. Mouth open, eyes closed, head leaning back, the works. All that's left is a moan and... Speak of the devil, here it comes. Not just any moan, a moan that reverberates around the room and forces everyone who hears it to put down whatever petty bullshit is in their head and focus on the source of the moaning.

Pretty soon breasts have been sucked to satisfaction and rubbed and my sister makes her way down to the crevice, the valley of the happy, the... well my pseudonym skills seem to be failing me. Can you blame me when you know what I'm staring at while I'm trying to come up with this shit? You try to do a better job.

Moving on, face is to vagina and I think I might've made my description of Carolyn's earlier moans too powerful because these are like 100 times more compelling. Don't know how words could've ever hope to describe whatever she's feeling, much less a spectator observing a girl's most important sexual experience from 10 feet away.

Well it's carpet munching time. Good cunnilingus requires detail, dedication and time, all of which are near impossible to describe engagingly in a story format. Much less so when you're the observer and not the one doing lick around the clit. From what I can tell, my sister's a natural, a bona fide wizard at the craft of pussy licking. Got really no details to add but the writhing that Carolyn's doing with her head. It looks like this is writhing is of the good variety.

With nothing left to describe and everything to witness, my thoughts turn to Carolyn. Should I be jealous that my sister's giving her the ride of my life after all the romantic/sexual overtures that had been going on between the two of us today? I mean maybe, but I wasn't. Here is a lady who doesn't always feel good given the chance to ride her sensory system to the moon. I have a chance to just be happy for her and doggone it I'm going to take that chance. Still I would be remiss if I didn't get the chance to add to her happiness.

The pussy eating is over, my sister takes her head up and wipes her mouth for a second. There's the usual kissing after sex cool down. Maybe I should let them have their moment together, but I don't. I know what I want and I'm at least going to lay my cards down on the table to get it.

I walk over like a nervous 6th grader to the girl of his dreams, if that 6th grader were a naked 19 year old with a boner flying high in the air. Not the way I'd ever hope for this to go down but such is the way of the world. My presence naturally interrupts their post coitus cuddling and the two look up to me.

"Carolyn?" I stammer.

"Yes?" She responds.

"I.... just was wondering... I mean this whole trip and all... I'm not making much sense am I?"

"Just spit it out."

"Any chance... I could... Make love to you."

A smile erupts across her face. The girl who probably wasn't always asked to the dances now had a guy trembling in front of her at the chance of getting to make love to her. Silently she pushes my sister away, who then takes my position on the couch. Carolyn lies her back down on the couch, opening her legs just a little bit to wordlessly invite me in. It's an invitation I'm excited to receive and even more excited to accept.

I lower myself on top of her, my penis right at her entrance. "Thank you," I whisper and she just nods in response. Not wanting to let another moment pass by where I wasn't inside of her, I lift myself forward, taking my dick with me. It hits her entrance and with another push I find my way into her innermost sanctum.

The looks in both our faces change as we both realize what's just happened. I'm motionless, just taking in the moment. Then my natural instincts to thrust kick in. I pull myself out a little, push myself in, find myself in the sacred cycle of the fuck. Not hard when my sister got me all warmed up for her. Feels weird thinking that.

I lift myself up a little more to fully look Carolyn's face. She invites it and keeps her eyes pointed at mine. It was there when I saw it, the look. The look I saw in Vanessa's face. Wow I can use her name now? Really? Anyway it was the same look, or at least comparable. It was Carolyn's version of the look, a facial expression that showed no inhibitions. Her emotions were spread across her face like an easy to read book, and her emotions spelled out fervor. She wanted me and she wanted me with intensity, who was I to deny her that?

I increase my speed and try to push myself even further into her with each thrust. She likes that. The couch starts shaking, the ends are coming of the floor with each push but it's still safe. The shakiness just adds to the wild ride we're both on, and we have no plans of getting off.

I do my best to hold back my cumming until I'm sure she walks away feeling nice and well fucked. Not always easy since this at least in my top 5 sexual encounters, maybe even number one. It's always the shorter sex that's the best, at least the ones on the right side of premature ejaculation.

Suddenly, I feel her legs give way. Not exactly an orgasm but I know she's ready. She looks at me panting with a look that says "Do it." I increase my thrusting to its final ascent, take her all in, and let it rip. The feeling takes over me and it feels so good. I stop my movement, and my penis starts pumping for me. Just gonna assume she's on the pill for that one.

After a moment I pull my way out of there. I sit next to her, while she's just lying down breathing. No room for me in her mind right now. She's just had all the sex a girl could ever hope for, can't blame her for needing a breather.

Finally, she's ready to face the light again. She opens her eyes and sits up, face to face to me. All potential awkwardness is gone, we're both of one mind when it comes to what we just experienced. She pulls herself closer to me and hugs me. "You're welcome," she replies to my show of appreciation that seems like a lifetime ago. She smiles cheekily and brings me in for one more kiss.

"Wow," is all Sarah can say, at least for now. "That was the hottest thing I have ever seen," she finally gets out of her mouth.

"You do know that you just watched your brother bang one of your best friends, right?" I know I shouldn't have shown a light on what she just said, but fuck man.

"Yeah I do know," is all Sarah says to that. Well at least she stands behind what she says. No use pointing out how bizarre this situation has gotten any more, especially when I'm the one benefitting from its bizarreness.

"Well I can tell you that he's a much better lay than mine," Carolyn added.

Silence falls yet once more. Did she mean what I just thought I heard her say. We all look at her, as if maybe her expression will get to the truth of the matter. Once she notices from our expressions that we all have the same question on our mind that we wouldn't dare ask, she shrugs her shoulders and says "Yep it's true. Not proud of it but it's true."

"How'd it happen?" Asks my sister, telling me that neither she nor probably Nancy had any prior knowledge.

"He started it, I'm just the one who let it happen. One day he just came up to me and gave me a forceful kiss. I don't know why, he's a weird dude, doesn't have the best system to take things out on. I was probably just something he could possibly use to excise his sexual frustration," She followed up.

Carolyn looks at us again before continuing onward, making sure we're ok with her doing so. "At that point I was a self-hating mess, even more so than I am today. So when I got to experience the powerful force that was my brother carnally, I went for it. I don't think I even regret it," she finished.

"So... It was good?" Continues my sister.

"Yep it was good. I mean I might have to reconsider that after your brother. What he did just knocked it out of the park. But yeah, it was good. He didn't hurt me at all. Don't get me wrong, he was forceful but it wasn't painful. Guess it makes me a bit of a hypocrite when I complained about you and your brother getting naked, doesn't it?"

"It sure does." Laughs abound after my sister's quip. "Do you do it anymore."

"Naah, we did it a few times after that but I kind of lost interest. He just kind of had one emotion when he was fucking. Sure it was a complex mix of emotions like anger, sadness, self-hatred and insecurity, but still not a huge amount of emotional range. Not enough variety for me. Would rather just masturbate than go through that again, really,"

"What if my brother was your brother then?"

"Then absolutely."

"Hmmm," Sarah murmurs to herself as she stands up and walks over to us. She takes hold of Carolyn's arm and brings her up from her recovery. Carolyn walks over to where Sarah once sat, sits down and watches us as Sarah sits herself down next to me. I think I know where this is going. I've been naked in front of my sister, gotten erections in front of my sister, hell I've even gotten erections because of my sister. Wasn't this where it was all heading anyway?

I get out of my head long enough to look at my sister, sitting bare in front of me. She just stares expectantly at me, waiting for me to respond. She's put out what she wants, even if she hasn't said anything, but what do I want? I can feel what my dick wants, getting hard even just after Carolyn, but dare I listen to it? My thoughts go to wondering if she wasn't my sister. Would I bang her then? Indubitably yes, but still she is my sister.

"Sarah," I say in a daft attempt to... I don't even know what. Delay my decision making? Have her try to convince me? Lay the burden off me?

"Shhhhh. Why even talk? Carolyn's given me a great idea, so why let it go to waste?"

"But... What about them?"

"What about them? Carolyn's got no high ground here. Nancy doesn't judge."

"It's true, I don't," confirms Nancy.

"So what's keeping this from happening?" Asks Sarah.

"You know, the fact you're my sister," I plead.

"That just doesn't seem like a very good reason for me right now. Does it for you? It's ok if it is or if it isn't, yes or no. It's your choice, no one's going to judge you for it."

When she puts it that way, how can I say no? My sister's been such a powering force this trip, a real force of nature. Wouldn't it be lovely to be overtaken by her in such a physical and carnal manner. I nod my head and she smiles. She begins lifting herself to her knees and rubbing her clit to get herself all warmed up.

I lay myself like a plank with my back down and my erection sticking straight up. Sarah walks with her knees on the couch until her crotch is bird's eye above mine. She takes her hand off her clit and uses it to grab hold of my member. No more effort on my part, what's done is done. All that's left is to ride out the storm.

She lowers herself down, using her hand to aim my dick at her entrance. Here it comes, a line that can never be uncrossed. A spit in the face of god, biology, and the rules that govern our order. With one simple act we will destroy any sense of respectability we can ever hope for. Still I'm ready for it, excited even. Who needs respectability when you have acceptance? My sister was about to accept me into her most intimate of areas while her friends watch in their unclothed states and exhibit no judgements whatsoever. That's acceptance all right.

With a slow descent, my sister's vagina envelops my cock. I feel her fleshy goodness slowly enwrap itself on my stiff pole. Precipice gone, incestuous fucking here we come. She sits still for a second, taking a moment to share the looks on each other's faces from having broken an oh most sacred barrier with one another. No regrets on hers, don't know what my face looked like but it was most certainly not regretful. Looking down she lowers her mouth to mine, might as well break this barrier too while we're at it.

After a kiss that could never hope to not be drowned out by the other act we're already in the middle of, she lifts herself back up. One of her hands comes to where my stomach hits my hip and the other plants itself firmly on my knee, optimal balance achieved. To get things rolling, she starts rocking herself backwards and forwards, getting my dick and her vag used to the friction they will be creating together in spades.

Then we have lift off. She uses her knees and arms to bring herself up for the first time and then gravity does the rest. She continues this increasing the pace with every movement. Up, down, rinse and repeat, I feel her wet warmth provide the necessary traction to achieve orgasm, hopefully not to soon though.

Truth be told, cowgirl doesn't really give me the sexiest vantage point. It's hard for a girl to be hot when I'm staring directly at her chin. Well I guess that beauty considerations are going to have to fall in the face of Sarah going up and down on me considerations, which she is thankfully delivering on aplenty. Watching her boobs shake as she thrashes around above me is pretty nice, I got to say though.

Just when I thought she couldn't increase her speed, she shows me what a fool I am. She moves with such tenacity and so quickly that I am in awe of her passion. If Sam got to experience this and say "Naaah, not for me," well then, we're just going to have to run it different circles now won't we.

My dick starts to throb in response to all that she is and all that she is doing to me. I'm just going to have to assume that it has been long enough cause no way am I going to keep my composure in the face of this. My body goes limp as the feeling of my orgasm overtakes me. My sister reads the signals and stops to watch my face as I pump away from gravity and inside of her.

Once that's done, and I can barely breath, my sister leaves me with a passionate kiss that was not possible as she was fucking me. Nothing to drown out this lip to lip contact, I realize in this contact that she really does love and care for me. It's not hard to see, she's really drawing a circle around that point her mouth contact.

Finished, she gets herself off me and stands up completely to admire her handiwork. I am in no position to deny her this sight. Dick limp, mind blown, I let her see just how well she fucked me. I lay myself down in this deferential of positions as she can gaze upon the effects of her sexual magnitude.

"Damn do I get a turn?" Asks Nancy.

"Damn woman, are you trying to kill me?" I respond incredulously.

"Well... Maybe," she chuckles.

"Well... Maybe if my dick ever recovers from this, the operative word being if."

"Awww, but this little girl needs her lollipop," she pleads in a faux baby girl voice.

With that my dick shows some signs of life. Not strong enough to run the whole mile, but getting close. That's good, not sure I could ever really live with myself if I passed up on opportunity to fuck Nancy. At least not without a major regret on my deathbed.

I finally sit myself up, looking at the rest of the Carolyn and Nancy, who were just staring back. I had just fucked my sister and not a look of disgust on the two of them. In fact they still had a lingering look of the enrapture that had transfixed them as I did the dirty with a family member. I had crossed a line and they had crossed some boundaries, we're all just having fun in this boat we've found ourselves in.

After a few I stand myself up. Only one thing left to do before I can call it a night and go to sleep. I mean person, not thing. I make my way over to Nancy who smiles as she sees I haven't forgotten about her. I smile back but look down at my dick after, not hard enough to fuck yet. "That's ok," she says reading the situation. "Take as long as you need."

Minutes pass and still not the necessary sign of life. I try to put my hand on it to see if I can start the engine on it. Give it a few strokes in front of everyone. What? They've seen worse from me, no need to be inhibited now. I slide my hand back and forth a few times before letting go. Not quite flaccid but not hard enough to fuck yet.

"Maybe we could help with that?" Asks Carolyn.

"Yeah, let's all get it together so that Arnold can fuck Nancy," adds Sarah.

No objections on my part. Carolyn makes her way over to me first. She kneels down and starts the mouth into cock expressway. Another source of warm wetness for my dick to inhabit. She wraps her lips around my member and bobs her head back and forth.

She does this for a few and my penis takes notice. It's growing harder, but not hard enough to adequately enter a vagina. "Can I try?" Asks my sister as she makes her way behind Carolyn. Carolyn acquiesces, more out of a desire to give my sis the opportunity than any doubts in her ability to take me to suitable stiffness.

I do the incest thing again. No surprises here, my sister's oral skills match her sex ones. Doesn't take long for my penis to get straight enough to fuck. Sensing this, my sister lets go and I present my cock to Nancy.

"Ehhh, why not," Nancy says before she herself lowers her mouth on my stiffness. No real need but I guess this is just a spur of the moment kind of thing. After having her fun and giving me a fair bit of joy while at it, she says "Now come on cowboy."

She gets into doggystyle ready positioning. Guess I don't have much choice in position but I don't really mind. What lad in his right mind could bring any complaints to this situation?

I get on my knees, grab hold of her hips and successfully penetrate her. It isn't tough given all the practice I've had earlier tonight. Stroke in, stroke out, you know the rules. If it sounds like I'm not being super passionate about this, it's because there's only so much passion a man can take. You've read so far, so you can understand that this is more of just a friendly fuck than a catharsis one. Who would've ever thought fucking Nancy would be seen as just a cool down lap?

She seems to be enjoying it though, and yeah there's no way that this isn't going to feel good for me. So back and forward we go, meeting each other for every stroke. After doing this for a few the now familiar sensation of impending orgasm arrives. Feeling a little cheeky I pull out my dick at the last second and face it toward her ass. Whatever cum I have left lands on it.

She turns her head to look at me. "What? I didn't know if you were on the pill I not," I brazenly say. My brashness is rewarded with a smile as she gets up to find something to clean her ass with.

As you can tell we're all pretty beat. We all abandon our earlier sleeping arrangements to cram into the one queen sized bed together. I find myself sleeping next to Nancy and Carolyn, with Sarah on Carolyn's other side. Sarah and Carolyn cuddle up as pairs, leaving me and Nancy as the only two left. Not wanting to make too big a deal about it, I just wrap an arm around Nancy as I drift off to sleep. In what little light is there I can make out a faint smile on her face.

Before I fade out my mind goes back to Vanessa once more. She had once haunted me with the failure of a relationship. Not anymore. Instead I accept the dissolution, and remember the good times. I may find myself jacking off to her once more, or maybe not because this weekend has provided me with more than enough jack off stories, but even if I did I would no longer feel bad about it. I will feel happy about the pleasure I was able to give to her.


A Home Excursion

Back at home I wake up in my bed completely naked. My sister has managed to instill some fondness for me regarding the sensation. I go to my drawers and see if I want to wear anything today. The answer is no. My parents are gone for the day, why bother?

With my morning wood still in tow, I shamelessly walk out of my bedroom. I exit to find my naked sister exiting her room too. We walk toward the other.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," she adds as we collide into each other in a giant embrace. My mouth meets hers and she accepts. While kissing I start walking towards her even more and she begins walking back. She backs in to her bedroom with me leading her there.

We stop before her bed and she lifts one of her legs to rub it around my thigh. Then she uses her other leg to jump up onto me, with her hands around my shoulders and legs wrapping around my waist. I carry her like this for a few steps before falling onto

her bed. What a way to start the day.

Still holding each other after our fall, I move my lips back to hers as we continue the kissing. Not for long though as she loosens her legs enough for me to have access to my waist movements again. I maneuver myself so that my erection is pointed right toward her entrance. As if on cue she moves her hand to catch it. In sync I push my hard on into her hole as her hand helps guide it.

It's in, but that's just the starting point. I had loftier ideals then just giving her a fuck. I wanted to see if I could beat the breathtaking sex she had introduced me to in our first night together at the cabin, or at least match it. So wish me luck in my endeavor.

I push my arms up so that my eyes can bore down into her face. I lean ever so slightly frontward so that my dick can burrow further into her. And off we go. I start slow to make sure that I don't hurt her before she's warmed up. Plus it'll make it all the more surprising when I launch into high gear. She tightens her leg's embrace for food measure.

As I speed my rhythm up I move my hands to her wrists. The pliancy of the bed takes away any pain the weight my arms carry could cause her while reminding her that I'm in control. She shoots me a smile to let me know she likes it.

I get my pumping to a steady rate, but let's see if I can't go even faster. I give it my all now, pushing in and out as fast as I can. My sister takes notice of this intention, trying to encourage me with a "harder," or a "faster," or even just a moan. Don't know if this makes me go faster but it sure gives me the motivation to try.The look on her face just becomes placid as she gives up all hope of moving her face to any specifications of her choosing. She just lets the pleasure envelop her as I continue my pumping. In out, in out, in out. It's like every stroke brings more and more delectation to her expression. Just hope she doesn't overflow and pop.

What's this? She's cumming already? That's odd, usually it's males first. Glad we flipped that gender expectation around. Now I can cum whenever I want without feeling like a failure.

I continue my pumping act. You get the picture, it makes me happy and it makes her happy. Everyone's a winner. Now onto the finale. My orgasm roars up and I let it rip. More cum to fill up her insides with. Her legs go limp with the promise of my ejaculation. No movements on her end to distract from the steady pump of my sperm into her inside. Don't get me wrong, I think planned pregnancy would be a step too far for both of us, but still it's nice to share something so primal with her.