I followed Marcy around my dad's house. It was still hard for me to think of it as my own. Enthusiastically, Marcy pointed out various features of this house. Dad had it built tastefully to his exact specifications. He built it shortly after he moved to Portland from the East Coast. He and my mom had divorced when I was about fourteen years old.

Marcy periodically pointed out a piece of artwork or a piece of furniture. She discussed how dad had acquired it or what history it had. I of-course, had been to dad's house on numerous occasions. It felt as if I were seeing certain things for the first time. I knew he had some really nice things, but I had no idea how cool or how valuable some of his treasures were.

"This piece is from a famous Chilean artist..."

I couldn't help but notice Marcy's shapely legs and her tight ass as she bent over to pick up a small silver sculpture. I casually made a note to myself that she was one hot piece of tail. She was a petite woman. She had short blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Her breasts were medium sized but perky and full. She rarely wore a bra. Suddenly my reverie was broken when I heard her sniffle. She was crying. I felt guilty for having these thoughts at such a time.

I held her hand and led her to the couch. She buried her head in my shoulder and wept.

"I promised my self I wouldn't do this. I'm sorry Greg."

"Marcy it's alright. This is hard for both of us." I held her and comforted her.

Dad had died three weeks ago, in an accident, while cycling in France. Marcy had been his girlfriend for many years. She had been the manager of his business as well. They never lived together but I knew they were really close. I had also worked for dad over the past year, since I graduated from college. His death was a shock and a sad blow for both of us.

Yesterday, we had both been summoned to dad's lawyer's office for the reading of his last will and testament. I had been pleasantly surprised when I was informed that dad had left me his house, the business and a couple of sweet vehicles. Marcy had received cash and securities equaling in total value what I had received. We were both quite happy with the outcome. Indeed, we were both satisfied with how generous fair my dad had been towards us.

Later, in the evening Marcy and I had shared a quiet dinner at small Italian restaurant. Over a bottle of wine, and a savory meal, we consummated a new business relationship. Marcy had agreed to stay on as manager. She had stated it quite simply, "I have nowhere to go." I was relieved to have her guidance and expertise. I had felt a stirring of my cock when she stroked my cheek and thanked me. She had told me how I reminded her of my dad and how much he had wanted me to succeed.

She had told me that she wanted to personally show me around my new house. I remembered how odd that statement had seemed to me, since I knew my father's house well, from my countless visits there. I had not minded her company. I had just begun to regard her sexually for some reason. Maybe it was the vibe she had been putting out. Maybe it was something about the situation I had found myself in. Regardless, it was nice to have her around during this time. I was also feeling like I had nowhere to go.

My mom had been unreachable. Several weeks prior she had called me and told she was getting a divorce from her second husband. She had also informed me that she needed to get away and would be traveling off the grid in south Asia for a few weeks. I had sent her an e-mail when dad died but had not heard back from her.

We sat on the couch in the living room. I didn't feel like my living room yet. Marcy was regaining her composure. She smiled and tried to apologize again. I told her to think nothing of it. I told her that she could have anything she wanted from the house. She smiled ruefully and said that all these items belong with this house. We both got up to continue the tour. She caught me surprise when she leaned into me and hugged me. Her body felt wonderful. I hoped she didn't notice my arousal. She told me that I was rugged and handsome like my father before me.

I considered my self in good shape. I was an avid rock climber and a skier. There was something about the way she complimented me that just gave me a charge. She was really good for my self-esteem, I mused. I was really happy she was here. She was so self-confident and her enthusiasm was infectious. She was also very sexy.

She led me to dad's wine cellar. Collecting fine wine had been a natural consequence of his line of work. Prior to his divorce from my mom, they had both owned a successful wine and liquor import business. When they had split up, about ten years ago, they also split the business into two separate entities. Mom had run her affairs from Northern Virginia and dad had relocated to Portland. Both businesses had remained very successful and lucrative. After I graduated from college, dad had offered me an entry- level position in the business. I was afforded the opportunity to learn and as well as travel.

Marcy and I spent about an hour exploring dad's excellent collection of wine. Marcy knew her wine well. She gave me a mini seminar on the finer points of collecting and storing wine. Marcy picked a rare French white wine for us to enjoy. We sipped and chatted for about an hour. We both had a bit of a buzz.

Marcy broke the silence, "There is one last area of your house that I'd like to show you."

She moved towards an almost hidden door in the cellar. I had been aware of that door. Behind it, I knew, was a storage area.

"Oh, that's just a storage area, Marcy," I said, "I can go through that later, unless there's something you want from there."

With a smile, Marcy said, "Greg, my dear, there is a lot about your dad that you don't know."

Marcy opened the door. Inside the space were shelves that held various items one would expect to be stowed away: holiday decorations, extra bedding, camping gear, boxes full of who knows what. But there was also a space wide enough to walk through. It ran in front of the shelving. To the casual observer, it appeared to be just a storage space.

"I'm showing this to you, Greg, because sooner or later, you'll stumble upon this. I hope this is not too shocking to you. Regardless, you might as well hear the truth of it. Follow me."

I followed Marcy through the makeshift corridor. It wound around the shelving and resolved into a mirrored room. There was padded sawhorse in the middle of the carpeted floor. There were hooks attached to the ceiling. There was an open chest on floor by the far corner. A tripod with a video camera was standing in another corner and midsized flat panel monitor was attached to the wall next to it. There was a shelf that held several CD's or DVD's on one of the walls.

I was awestruck. I walked in to the room initially unable to wrap my mind around its obvious purpose. In the chest I noticed several handcuffs, some rope, a couple of vibrators, a whip, a riding crop and several other implements that I had no clue as to what purpose they held. The overall purpose of the room was quite apparent.

Marcy was leaning on the sawhorse. Her expression was not one I could readily read. Of-course my mind was racing, trying to absorb all that I have just discovered.

"Did you know about this?" she said with Mona Lisa-like smile.

"No, I can't say that I did." I was really surprised.

"You do know what this room is for?"

"I think I have a pretty good idea," I said hesitantly. I did have a million questions though.

"Greg, your dad was a very good man."

"I know that!" My tone sounded flustered as I replied too swiftly.

"Please," said Marcy, "this is hard for me, too."

She beckoned me to move close to her. As I approached, she gently grabbed my wrists and bade me to listen.

"I really don't know how to explain all this, but if we're going to work together, I need to be completely honest. So, here it goes." She sighed and continued. "Your dad and I had something very precious together. I wish you would someday find someone to share the same type of passion we shared. We had an open relationship. That means that we remained committed emotionally to each other. But we were not exclusive in our sexual expression. In this room, we played in very special ways. Your dad took charge and did things to me that were quite pleasurable. I hope this does not seem fucked up. I assure you, he gave me immense pleasure by being dominant. I submitted willingly to his whims. He tied me up, spanked my bottom, among other parts of me. He inflicted pain on my body, and he took me in all ways conceivable. I enjoyed it tremendously, and I always trusted him. I know that he also derived great pleasure as well. While I always enjoyed the seeming abuse and verbal humiliation, he never exceeded my limits. We both had other partners separately and together, we both had special bond to each other that was rare in a lifetime. There were many times when we had vanilla sex--you know, like usual stereotypical couples--but this room was our, or should I say his, special playground. We had a passion for making videos of some of our romps. So if your offer still stands, I'd like to take the DVDs as they have special significance."

Her glacial blue eyes were moist. I realized I was looking into them deeply, speechless. Unaware, my gaze wandered over her tight body. I wondered what it would be like to spank her ass, to fuck her, and to have her submit.

She broke my trance, "Your father was a wonderful and great man. I hope you don't judge him too harshly. I'm sorry you had to find out about this under these circumstances. And since we will be working closely together, I hope you don't judge me unfavorably."

It took me while to compose myself, but I was able to speak truthfully, "I see nothing wrong with what happens between consenting adults." Well, I was not fully truthful (I was also damned excited).

"So you're not disgusted by this?"

"No, just intrigued." Again, that was a half- truth.

"Greg, do you really know what type of activities I am talking about?" she asked with mischievous grin.

"Well," I stammered, "I've seen some videos on the internet."

"Really? And?"

"Well, most of them were pretty lame and fake. And hardly any of them had any real"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. There are a few rare producers who are putting out serious material and fewer that include real sex," She chuckled. "Your dad and I cared tremendously for each other. I mean the fucking and sucking is ultimately what it's all about. The bondage and pain are just the tasty appetizers, right?"

Speechless, my mind raced in a million directions.

Marcy continued, "I guess that's why we enjoyed making the DVDs. We became quite good at it. I loved watching them after they were made."

Hell, by then I was really turned on. My eyes were obviously devouring this wicked creature as she confessed her secrets. She was breathing harder and her nipples jutted out like tiny buttons.

I was standing close to her. She followed my gaze as I looked at the shelf. There must have been about thirty DVD cases.

"Are you in those DVDs?" I ventured.

"Many of them."

"That I'd like to see. No wonder why you want them."

"Greg, I wouldn't care if you saw me in them." She smiled seductively, "It's just that your dad is in some of them and there are other people as well. I believe showing them to you would betray many trusts."

She stepped back a few inches and looked me over. I felt she just undressed me with her eyes. I was very hard. I was sure she noticed the lump in pants.

"Would you really like to see me like that?" She placed her hand on my chest. "I am old enough to be you mother after all."

"Hell yes, I would! Marcy, you are very beautiful and very hot."

"Greg, I can be a real slut you know. Are you up to taking from me what you want?"

I felt frozen. I could not get my mouth to say anything that resembled intelligent speech, nor could I command my body to move. I was sure Marcy noticed my awkwardness.

"Greg, this is the time when the handsome young heir has his way with the wonton wench and ravishes her." She smiled seductively, "That is, if he so desires."

I didn't need much prompting after that. I pulled her to me and kissed her forcefully. I thrust my tongue deep in her accepting mouth. I groped her hot little body with my hands.

"Is what you want, Marcy?"

"Greg, use me," she moaned. "Pull my hair. Ah, just like that."

I yanked her head back, pulling on her hair and kissed her roughly. I reached under her shirt with my free hand. I kneaded her breasts and pinched her nipples. I felt her moaning hot breath splash on my face.

I pulled my hand out from under her shirt. I slapped her ass.

"Oh, god, yes. Spank me good, baby."

I turned over and pushed her face and chest onto the sawhorse. Her ass jutted up nicely. I pulled her skirt up and was surprised by her totally bare bottom. Man, it was shapely.

"You little slut, you're not even wearing panties." I slapped her ass over and over.

"Yes, spank me," she whimpered. "Harder. Yes, just like that."

I pulled off my pants and released my aching hard on. Briefly, I admired her red ass and shapely legs. She was so wet, I slid into her easily.

"You are a horny little bitch." I growled.

"Greg, fuck me hard."

I thrust into her hard and deep while I spanked her. She came shortly after that, moaning and calling my name. I was very close.

When her orgasm abated, I pulled out. I yanked her to her knees by her hair and shoved my glistening cock in her mouth.

"Make me come, slut," I commanded.

She sucked my penis, expertly, without hesitation. Soon, I shot my sperm into her eager mouth.

We made our way to the bedroom. There we spent the rest of the day fucking and making love.

Over the next couple of weeks, we played in the room. I learned about all the implements and toys the room harbored. I learned to please her and take my pleasure in safe and sane ways. I fucked her in all her holes and tormented her endlessly, to her great pleasure. We started to make our own videos. It took a while for me to master the nuances, but with her guidance I quickly became good at framing shots, capturing the passion, and editing.

Marcy and I also established the ground rules of our relationship. We both agreed that were to be friends. Well, we were friends with benefits but friends nonetheless. We worked well together and we played so hot together. She introduced me to a world of business contacts and separately to world of kinky sex and kinksters.

During that time, I often wondered about my mom's whereabouts. I sent the periodic e-mail and made the occasional call, but I got no response. I really could not do anything else but go on with my current and exciting life. I knew she'd turn up eventually.

In the meantime, my escapades with Marcy continued. We both felt that our relationship had reached a point of maturation. She suggested that it was time to introduce carefully selected outsiders to our games. She of course was not new to that. I did not have any qualms. Neither of us were possessive in that way.

Marcy suggested I meet one of her cousins. Linda had played with her and dad before. She was a bit older than Marcy and according to Marcy, she looked really fine. Linda had this abduction and rape fantasy that she wanted to play out. Marcy convinced her that I would be a perfect abductor and rapist. We all met for dinner and I got to meet Linda for the first time. She looked stunning. Linda was also a stark contrast to Marcy's tight small figure. She was taller than Marcy and had long dark hair. She wasn't fat, just curvy. She had well-proportioned wide hips and an ample ass. She had very large tits. Marcy had told me Linda loved to have her nipples pinched and her tits slapped. I got along with Linda wonderfully. We all couldn't wait to start enjoying each other. By the end of dinner Marcy had convinced Linda to let us tape the fantasy so she can enjoy it later as well. We made plans to meet the following day and play.

On the way home Marcy inquired, "Does it bother you that Linda is my cousin?"

"No, I kind of think its hot," I wasn't lying, "I would love to see you two go at it."

"Don't worry you will," Marcy laughed, "But first you have to give it to her good and hard, really play the role."

"I can't wait."

The session with Linda was awesome. We made a great video and had a blast making it. After the taping I watched Linda and Marcy do all sorts of nasty things to each other. They ate each other pussies, kissed and fucked each other with strap on dildos. They squealed with pleasure as I watched. The fact that they were cousins turned me on to no end. I joined them later for a night of incredible fun.

The next morning, after Marcy left for work, I moved a laptop to the playroom. There I watched the footage a couple of times. I decided to watch it once more before I would do any editing. We shot everything in real time. I just wanted to edit out the shaky shots and the unfocused frames. Marcy had operated the camera and done a great job.

Marcy had suggested that we first tape a nonsexual segment with Linda (a practice we should adhere to with any future video partners). In that segment we talked about the role-play and the participant's limits. We established a safe word. That way if anyone had complaints or attempted any legal action, it would be all there on the video, an informed consent, so to speak. We had done that with Linda in my living room. Then we had driven to our first location. We had shot the first scene in a vacant parking lot.

While Linda was fumbling for her keys I snuck up behind her. I pulled a hood over her head and hand cuffed her. I then threw her in the backseat of her car and drove off. To fulfill Linda's fantasy we kept her handcuffed in the backseat. I drove carefully and hoped we did not get pulled over.

The next scene began with her wrists handcuffed to a hook in the ceiling of my playroom. She struggled to keep her balance in her high heels. She was dressed on a skimpy skirt and tight tee shirt. She was bra-less. I was standing behind her, fully clothed, as she struggled against her predicament.

I paused the video there. I admired the frozen image on the frame. I was toying with idea of adding some background music when my cell phone rang.

It was Mom!

"Greg, it's me, Mom," she sounded harried. "Are you ok, honey? I heard the awful news and made it here as quick as I can. Are you OK?"

"Mom, where the hell have you been? Are you Ok? What? You're here, in Portland?"

"Yes, I got here as soon I as I could..."

It took a couple of minutes for our conversation to actually slow down and start making sense. Mom was indeed in town and at the airport. I told her to stay put and I would be there shortly to pick her up. Hurriedly, I left the house for the airport. On the way there, I called the office and told Marcy what was going on. She reminded that we had a meeting with some shipping execs the next day. She also assured me that she'd hold the fort today while my mom and I caught up.We had lunch at tiny Greek restaurant. Mom's maternal instincts were in overdrive. She wanted to know how I was dealing with dad's death. I assured her, that while I was sad I was doing ok. She wanted to know if I was managing the business well. Again I assured her things were well. I informed her that I had competent people working for me as well. I gave her all the details I could, to reassure her that her boy was doing well and actually quite content considering the circumstances. She asked if I was dating. I was able to truthfully tell her that I had special friend, no more. I was very happy. By the end of lunch, Mom seemed much calmer.

Later that evening, Mom and I sat down for dinner at my house. I barbequed some pork steaks. Mom made up a salad. I opened a nice Spanish Temprenillo to complement the meal. It was my turn to inquire.

"Mom, what happened to your marriage?"

"Oh, honey, it's complicated, but Rick and I we just grew apart."


"Well, yes. I mean our relationship became so stale."

"How do you mean?"

"He became such a homebody. It was like he lost his sense of adventure."

"I'm sorry to hear that. So you got bored?"

"In a way, yes. He was just so freakin' vanilla," she blurted out.

Her last comment definitely grabbed my attention. I'd just recently heard the term 'vanilla'. I wondered if my mom was indeed referring to her sex life with Rick.

"So, Mom, he bored you sexually?"

"Actually, yes," she admitted. "He was just so plain."

Now I was seriously intrigued. I wasn't sure she intended to divulge so much but the proverbial cat was clawing its way out of the bag.

"What do you mean by plain?" I tried to sound as casual as possible.

"Jesus, Greg, I not sure I should be telling you this, but you and I have been through so much of late. He was just one way in bed. Strictly missionary and wasn't very good at that, despite his goddamn blue pills."

We were clearing the table by then. We still a full glass of wine each. Surprised by her frankness, I choked on my last sip. I was afraid the wine was going to come out of my nose.

"That doesn't sound like much fun." I said, regaining some composure.

"Ah," she said, "What do you know about fun, mister man of the world?"

"Aw, come on, Mom, I'm not a kid anymore," I chided.

She stood in front of and looked me over, "No I suppose not," she said, "Tell me about your friend. Is she a young pretty thing? Does she rock your world? Is she the one?"

"Mom, she does rock my world and she is very pretty," I responded, "I'm definitely not ready to get married."

Picking up on my one omission, Mom asked, "How old is she?"

"Marcy is forty four." I answered without hesitation, though I braced my self for the maternal inquisition that would logically follow such a revelation.

I was pleasantly astounded by her answer.

"Greg, she's only a couple of years younger than me! Well, good for you," she smiled, "I hope she's capable enough to help you experience wonderful pleasures of the flesh without inhibitions. We all deserve that, don't we?"

'Wonderful pleasures of the flesh?' I thought. What has gotten into Mom?

"If it sets your mind at ease, Marcy and I have a great time together, in more ways than you can imagine."

"As your mother, I'm not sure I need to know the details. But now that you've grown into such a handsome young man, I'm happy to hear that."

We finished the dishes and made our way to the living room. I poured us a couple of glasses of dessert wine. Mom sat opposite of me on the couch. She shucked her flip-flops and tucked her feet under her bottom. Sitting like that she looked very appealing. She was about five four. She had medium length light brown hair. She was wearing a short cotton dress. She had large but not huge breasts. The hem of her dress rode fairly high on her smooth thighs.

"Mom, where were you these past weeks? I was a bit worried when I could not reach you."

"Greg, I'm so sorry." She sighed, "I just had to get away. I was so frustrated with Rick and the divorce."

"Where did you go?"

"I went to a yoga retreat in India. I spent a couple of very serene weeks there, relaxing and healing."

"And after that?"

"Well, I guess you're old enough to understand." She paused and sipped her wine. "At the retreat I heard about an adult club in Thailand. So I decided to check it out."

"An adult club?" I queried. I wondered if it was something I could check out sometime.

"Yes, a swinger's resort. It's kind of embarrassing to tell you about it." She blushed.

"Holy shit," I exclaimed, "What was it like?"

"Greg, I really shouldn't tell anymore." She said calmly, "I can give you the name of it and you can look it up on the internet if you're really serious."

"Come on, Mom," I retorted, "Just minute ago you were going on about the wonderful pleasures of the flesh."

"Alright, we are both adults here," she said tentatively, "It was clothing optional resort set in a beautiful lagoon. The atmosphere and the activities allowed the patrons to express themselves sexually in a safe and open manner."

"Ok, Mom, what you just told me sounds like what I could have looked up on the internet," I chided, "What was it like for you? Did you have fun? Did you meet anyone?"

"Ok, Greg, you're right," She smiled, "If you really must know. I had a wonderful time. I enjoyed several wonderful people, men and women, different ages. It was just what I needed. Now let us agree that there are certain details we should just keep to ourselves."

Ain't that the truth was the first thought that came to my mind. I just wasn't sure she'd understand my new kinks. However, it was nice to appreciate my mom as a lovely sexual being. It turned me on a lot.

I walked her to the guest bedroom. At its threshold we hugged each other. Her curvy body felt warm and sexy as we pressed into each other.

"It's so good to see you, Greg. I am so sorry about your dad." She whispered in my ear.

"It's wonderful seeing you, Mom. And I'm sorry about your divorce."

"Greg, I'm glad you're doing so well. I'm happy you have Marcy," she said with a wink as we broke our embrace.

"I was afraid you'd worry when you found out her age."

"Greg, a few weeks ago I may have," she chuckled, "At the resort, I spent some time with a guy just a tiny bit older than you. We had some wicked fun. Enjoy her Greg. Now get some sleep."

She turned and walked into the dimly lit room. Maybe it was my imagination, but I could have sworn she shook her round ass for me as she walked away.

The next day was going to be long one for me. The meeting and ensuing negotiations were going to be tedious but hopefully very fruitful. Shippers were a hard bunch.

I left Mom at home. She had to contact her office and catch up. I left her with one of my two vehicles fitted with a GPS so she could get around if she needed. She promised me she'd have dinner ready for me. I asked her to pick out some wine from the cellar so we could enjoy a nice quiet evening together. She asked if I wanted to invite Marcy over. I said I'd see.

Marcy decided to go on work related trip for a few days. Marcy thought it was best that I had some uninterrupted time with my mom. She was leaving after work. She promised me some hot times when she returned. I wrapped things up at the office headed home.

I entered my house through the garage door by the kitchen. The kitchen appeared unused. There was no sign of the dinner, Mom had promised. Mom was sitting quietly in living room. There was a bottle of wine and an empty glass on the table beside her. The bottle was three quarters empty. In the dimly lit room I noticed, Mom's red tear streaked eyes. She'd been crying. When I approached her she put out her arms motioning me to stay way. She was pretty agitated and a bit tipsy.

"Mom, are you alright? What's wrong?" I was pretty concerned.

"Tell me you didn't rape her."

"What?" I didn't know what she was talking about, "Mom..."

"Greg, I found that room behind your cellar," she interrupted me, "I was curious and then I saw that video."

"Mom, I wasn't raping anyone," I protested.

"It sure looked like you were," she said tearfully, "I don't know if I should just leave or call the police."

"Mom, just calm down please," I pleaded, "Let me explain."

"Greg, you've known me all your life," she said deliberately, "I don't tolerate any bullshit. I'd like to see how you explain this."

"Mom, do you believe that it's ok for people to have all kinds of fantasies, no matter how extreme?" I asked.

"I can agree with that. But acting on them and hurting people is not all right."

"Mom, it was her fantasy not mine. She just found a safe way of fulfilling it."

"You're saying it was acting? It looked so real."

"Look, it was all role playing. She wanted me to do that to her. Some of it was real, but under control, like the spanking and the pain."

"She looked like she was in distress. She actually got off on it?"

"Come on, Mom, that was whole point. By the way how much of the video did you see?"

"Just a few minutes. But I saw you take the hood off her face and rip her clothes off. Then you pinched her nipples and slapped her poor breasts and you spanked her hard. She was begging you to please stop, and you just called her dirty names. It sure looked like rape to me. I was so shocked and furious with you, I couldn't watch any more."

I was relieved she hadn't watched more. She would have seen me naked and fucking Linda in her mouth, pussy, and ass.

"Mom, if you'd seen the video all the way through to the end, you would have also seen her thank me for a hot time. She told me how much she enjoyed it. And you would have seen her tell me how many times she orgasmed and which were her favorites part of our role play. Actually, the breast and bottom spankings were among them."

Mom's expression slowly changed from anger and incredulousness to embarrassment.

I continued, "If you had seen the first part then you would have seen us planning the role play, agreeing on what is going to happen and setting a safe word."

"A safe word?" Mom seemed curious now. I was relieved she was beginning to believe me. Despite the nature of this role play being called a rapist was actually offensive.

"It's word that typically would not be used in our type activity. If spoken it would put a stop what's happening immediately no questions asked. For obvious reasons 'stop' or 'no' won't work. So we chose 'blue'."

"And she actually enjoyed it?"

"Very much and I did as well."

"You had sex with her on the video?"

"Well, yeah."

"Whew, I don't know if I could have handled watching that."

There was a huge, awkward moment silence. Mom deftly broke it by changing the subject.

"Did she say what she liked about it, you know the rape fantasy?"

"Well, in her case, she said she liked giving up control. And then I made her do the things which she secretly wanted."

"Ok, I can buy that," Mom said as matter of fact. "And the pain?"

"Well, from what she said at the end of the video, the pain made everything more sensitive. It heightened her senses and ultimately amplified her pleasure."

"And you, Greg, did you enjoy it?" she asked tentatively.

"Thoroughly, Mom."

We sat there silently for a while.

"Mom, do you believe me now?"

She moved to me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry I doubted you to begin with." Abruptly, she broke our embrace, "Oh, my god, I didn't make us dinner."

I assured her it was ok. We ordered pizza but she insisted on paying for. We ate our pizza at the kitchen bar. We both had a beer. We chatted about our work.

"You know," said Mom, "I can see why you like Marcy. She looked very hot handcuffed like that. Wow, what a figure. She's quite blessed in the breast department."

"Well, to be honest, Mom," I said, "that was not Marcy. Marcy operated the camera. That was Marcy's cousi...I mean her friend."

"Her cousin or her friend, Greg?" Mom inquired with a raised eyebrow. "Tell me the truth."

"Her cousin Linda."

"Wow, Marcy and her cousin." She said with sly smile, "I'd like to meet Marcy sometime."

"Maybe you will someday." I was relieved.

Mom reached over and stroked my cheek. "I appreciate being able to talk to you. I'm impressed how self assured you are and how happy you seem."

"I'm glad we can talk like this too, Mom." I replied, "I'm glad you went to that adult retreat in Thailand. You seem so relaxed now. You deserve to be happy."

"Thank you honey," she said blushing, "I wonder if I'm too old for that kind of thing."

"No way, Mom," I retorted, "You are one hot babe. Just look at you."

I led her up off her stool. Holding her hand over her head, I twirled her around, looking her over. She looked stunning. She wore another short one-piece dress. And she was barefoot. I let out a soft whistle. Being with her was making me very horny.

"Thank you, honey. You make me feel so good," she cooed. She twirled around again, on her own and came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck, "Then again you better say those nice things to me because no matter how old I may be, I'll always be you mother."

With her hands loosely draped over my shoulder she whispered, "I have confession to make. While I was at the resort they had an S&M demonstration. They invited people to volunteer to be tied up or suspended. Some even some got paddled. I was waiting for my turn. A couple there convinced me to join them in the hot tub instead. I had nice time with them but now I wonder what I missed."

"So, Mom is a closet kinkster," I chuckled.

"Well, I was a bit curious." She giggled.

"I bet you'd look beautiful suspended." I pulled both her arms up over her head. I held them up by her wrists. "Let me show you."

"Ah, Greg," she protested, "What are you doing, young man?"

"Shush," I whispered, "Give me second."

I led in front me of her to a nearby bathroom. As we walked, her butt rubbed against my groin. I felt wonderful on my hard on. I had her face the mirror and I stood behind her. I turned on the light.

"Look," I whispered, "So beautiful."

She gazed at her reflection. Her ass rested very lightly on my bulge. I slipped my free hand around and placed it on her rib cage, just below her jutting breast.

"What do you think, Mother?"

She ground back into me for just a split second, almost struggling. A sharp exhale was her only reply.

"Let's see, does kinkster Mom like a little tickle?" I laughed. I tickled her ribs.

"Greg, don't you dare. You know I hate being tickled." she said giggling.

It was true. She did hate that, so I stopped. I swatted her ass lightly.

"How about spanking?"

"Ouch," she cried more surprised than hurt, "Stop it this instance, I am your mothe..." I landed another swat, just a bit harder, "mmm."

She struggled a bit more, but could not break free. Slap.

"Oh, ok, ok, BLUE, BLUE!" she cried.

Instantly, I released her and backed away.

"Wow, the safe word really works," she chuckled.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I guess I got carried away."

"Greg, we both got carried away. I just wasn't ready for that. It was all in good fun, right?" she said laughing.

"Yes, it was fun." I grinned.

"Stop that, young man. Now I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight, Mom."

She gave me a tight hug. Her body molded into mine. I knew she could feel my erection mashing into her. "I love you, honey," she whispered.

"I love you too, Mom."

She stepped back and said, "I really enjoyed our evening, Greg."

"Me too, Mom."

Smiling seductively, she put her arms up over her head, mimicking being suspended, "Every part of it."

She turned around and walked away shaking her head, rubbing her ass.

I hadn't felt the need to masturbate since I had become close to Marcy. Later, I lay in bed, thinking of, Mom. I played with myself until I came.

I slept fitfully. I had another big day at the office. I was leaving for work when, Mom came out of her room. She wished me a good day. She asked me to text her when I left the office for home. She wanted to make me dinner.

As she had requested I sent her a text that I was on the way home. When I arrived dinner was sure enough ready. There was a casserole on the counter, salad and some bread. The table was set. There was however, no sign of Mom. I called out for but got response. She wasn't in her bedroom either. I then heard my name being called, faintly. I could not tell where it was coming form until I heard it again. It was coming from the direction of the cellar.

I made my way down there and called out to her.

"In here, Greg."

She was in my playroom. I walked in to my room. She was leaning on the sawhorse. She had a pair of handcuffs around her wrists. The first thing I noticed about her was she was how she was dressed. She wore a very short leather skirt and a tight black cotton blouse. She wore make up. High heels accentuated the shape of her legs and she had a pair of dark nylons on.

"Greg, I can't get these off." She nodded to the handcuffs.

"Mom, what are you doing down here?"

"Greg, sweetie, please get these off." She implored me.

"Mom, again tell me what are you doing down here?"

"Greg, honey, please just get them off me."

I wasn't getting anywhere with her. So I decided to up the ante a bit and see how interesting things can get. She knew the safe word after all. I yanked the chain between her wrists and attached it to one the hooks in the ceiling.

"Greg, what are you doing? Let me down this instance."

"Mother, look at yourself in the mirror. You look so beautiful," I moved behind her and whispered in her ear, "Like last night except more helpless and so sexy. Don't you agree?"

She looked down. I did notice however she did peek at herself, as I had asked.

"Greg, please it was just innocent curiosity, I didn't know I couldn't get out of them."

"That's right, Mom. And now you can't get down either." I hissed, "Now tell me what were you doing here?"

"Ok, ok, as I said I was curious. I came down here and looked around your room. And...please I'm sorry." She hung her head as if ashamed.

"And what else did you do?"

"Greg, I'm sorry ok, I watched the video, now please, just let me down."

"Mom, not so fast. You watched my video?"

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"And the cuffs, why did you put them on?"

"I told you, I was curious. Now please let me down."

She struggled against her restraints. She was so sexy in her predicament. I intended to prolong it as much as possible. I wanted to see how far we could take this.

"Curious mother is that all?"

"Greg, I m your mother let me down this instance."

"Mom tell me now, what do you mean by curious. Is it curious like a reporter? Like an anthropologist?"

"Sort of."

"Mom, am I some kind of lab rat you can study?"

"No Greg, honey, I didn't mean it like that."

"Ok let me make it easy for you. Did it turn you on?"

"Oh Greg, I'm sorry, I'm so ashamed. Yes baby, it did."

I walked around her, slowly, looking at her from every angle.

"You're dressed very nicely mother," I asked, "Did you dress like this for me?"

"Greg, I just wanted to look good for our dinner together."

"Well, you look more than good. You're quite sexy. It pleases me. Does it please you to hear that?"

"Yes, Greg." She said softly.

I stroked her cheek. She responded by pushing her cheek further onto my hand. I knew it was time to go further. I just had to be careful not to go fast or exceed her limits.

"Mother, since you've seen the video you obviously have seen me, your own son, naked." I paused to get my point across.

Mom was not a fool. She knew where I was going with this. She also, must have known how much this is turning me on. I assumed that she was enjoying this as well.

I continued, "In fact you knew I'd be in the video, naked and having sex, fucking, before you even watched it. So to be fair..."I ripped her top off revealing a frilly lace bra that accentuated her cleavage.

I released the snap on her leather skirt.

"Greg, you can't do this. I am your mother. For goodness sake please no." She fought with renewed vigor, "Greg, stop this instance, no"

Despite her wiggling I yanked her skirt down. I stood back and ogled her. I was pleasantly surprised to see her clad in a garter belt. She wore a thong that barely covered her pubis. There was no way she could have known this, but I love women in garters, nylons and thongs.


"Greg, honey listen me. This has gone too far. You're my son. You shouldn't see me like this."

"Mother tell me, do you always wear undergarments like these?" I snapped a bra-strap on her against her skin, and then I snapped a strap of her garter-belt against her round ass.

"No honey, not always." This time she looked at me.

I dipped my chin to the side, indicating that I expect more accuracy from her.

"Oh Greg, hardly ever." She admitted.

"I am glad you did. Why did you wear them?"

"Greg, I told you, I wanted to look nice for dinner."

"Were you going to eat dinner wearing only your underwear?"

She didn't reply. I stepped behind her a slapped her ass. It was a bit harder than the night before. I must have caught her by surprised. She jumped and squealed. I placed my hand back on her bottom, a threat of sorts. Now I had her attention.

"Mother, pay attention to your predicament. I have been gentle with you so far. I do expect complete and honest answers to my questions. Understood?" I gave her one more swat.

Her ass jiggled deliciously. It was soft and fleshy with just the right amount of firmness. I loved the way she squealed to my spanks.

"Yes, Greg.

"Mom, if you wish to address me, you may call me sir. Son will do nicely as well. If you really wish to please me refer to yourself as 'your mother' or ', Mommy'. Do you understand?"

"Son, your mother understands." she said demurely.

"Why did you wear your undergarments?"

"Son, I wanted to feel and look sexy."

"Where you expecting anyone else for dinner?"


"Ouch, Son, I wore them for you. Your mother wore them just for you. God I'm so ashamed, please no more. Let us stop." She hung her head, avoiding my eyes, "Son I just wanted to play a little, like last night. Certainly, you don't want any more from your own mother do you?"

"Now, now, Mom," I chided, "We haven't gotten to the point fairness yet. You've seen you own son naked on video. Now it's your turn."

I retrieved a pair of scissors from my toy chest. I cut away her bra and thong. Her tits were medium size. They swayed gently with her movements. She lifted each leg in succession, alternating, trying to cover her pussy.

"Show yourself to me, Mom."

"I can't. Please no more." She whimpered.

I rummaged through my toy chest. For effect I made a lot of noise. I brought out a riding crop. I swished it through air. She still managed to keep her front turned away. She did stop struggling however, as if mesmerized by the new implement. I knew that would her grab attention. I slid the crop across her ass. Then I gently tapped her thighs with it prodding them to spread. I was delighted at the sight of her freshly shaved pussy. Her tummy was trim and her hips wide but well toned. Her ass was curvy and its skin smooth.

"Sir now you see me. You see your, Mommy naked, your own mother," she said with a hint of defiance, "Is that what you wanted? Please son release me now."

"Today, you have behaved and acted like a slut. Didn't you mother?"

"Son, don't make say it please." She pleaded.

"What are you, Mom?" I placed the tip of the crop on her nipple.

"Oh god I am so ashamed. I behaved like a slut." She said with resignation.

"And why is that mother?"

"Son, I dressed up for you like a tramp. I watched your video. Heaven forgive me it turned me on. And now I'm naked and helpless before my own son. Does that please you sir? Does it please you that, Mommy is slut?"

"Yes it pleases me. You learn quickly mother. I like that."

"Son, I'm glad I have pleased you. But, Mommy's had enough, let's stop before this goes any further. Please I'm begging you."

"Let me put things in proper prospective my dear sexy, Mom," I stated calmly, swishing the riding crop for a menacing affect, "Now you're naked and helpless. I have a few questions I'd demand answers to. Did you behave in such a wanton manner at the sex resort?"

"At first I was shy. After I met a few people and you know, had sex, I became more comfortable. I enjoyed being naked and also sometimes wore naughty lingerie."

"Mother your choice of words is too sedate," I corrected her, touching her nipple with tip of the crop, "Did you get fucked?"

"Yes sir, I was fucked."

"Better, oral?"

"Son, your mother sucked cock," she said hesitantly, "and ate pussy. I can't believe I'm telling you this."

"I'm proud of you mother. Anal?"

"Mommy got fucked in the ass. Your mother's is a slut." She hung her head.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes," she hissed, "Mommy enjoyed getting her ass fucked. I loved it all. This is so shameful. Son, please now you know it all, I beg you..."

"Mother, before I'm done I promise you will beg me to fuck you in all of your slutty holes, just like you've seen me fuck in the video and just as you've enjoyed it at the resort."

"No son please, you can't do that. It's so wrong. I am your mother. That's incest!"

"Incest, now that has a wicked ring to it. Let's see how much you enjoy being wicked."

I grabbed her by the hair and planted my lips on to hers. She struggled and tried to pull away. I held her tight by her hair. My other hand groped her body's assets.

"Mother, kiss me."

"Please don't make, Mommy do this."

I yanked her hair hard. She soon parted her lips and let my tongue into her warm moist mouth. Shortly, we were kissing passionately. I rewarded her by releasing the pressure on her hair. Mom hungrily sucked on my tongue and lips. We kissed for several minutes. I caressed her, quivering naked body. Her nipples hardened and her bald pussy was so wet. We both moaned into each other's mouths with passion, and love.

I then focused my attention on her tits, sucking her nipples.

"Thank you son." She whispered.

"I'm happy you are enjoying this. Now it's my turn to take some pleasure."

"Son, what are you going to do?"

"It's not what I'm about to do. It's about what you're going to do," I explained, "Mother you will suck my cock."

I pinched her nipples, gently rolling the erect buds through my fingers, "Beg me to suck on my cock."

"Son, please no, it's so wrong. I can't."

Without speaking, I increased the pressure on her nipples. She exhaled with pain, wincing. I slapped her tits. They bobbed and swayed with my blows. I alternated between pinching and slapping, increasing the force with each cycle.

"Ouch, please it hurts. No more, you're hurting, Mommy's tits." She squealed.

I continued my torture, increasing the intensity.

"Ok, Ok, ouch, please stop. I'll suck your cock. Please, son I beg you let, Mommy suck your cock." She panted.

"Let me be clear mother. I am going to let you down. If you don't keep your word, I will tie you up and punish you mercilessly. You better suck me good."

"Son, thank you. I promise I'll do a good job. You'll see, Mommy can be a great cocksucker."

I undid her cuffs. I guided her to kneel before me. I stepped away. I ordered her to put her hands behind her back. I took my clothes off and approached. She looked at me with hungry eyes.

"Son, your mother thinks her son is very handsome, tall, fit and so strong. I beg you, let me please you."

I grabbed my rigid member with hand and approached. I slapped her face with my cock.

"It pleases me that my mother is such a whore."

She took my cock into her mouth. She enthusiastically, sucked and licked me.

"You have a beautiful cock son. May I use my hands to bring you further pleasure?"

"You may."

She cupped my balls and stroked my shaft with her delicate fingers. My cock was coated with her saliva. Her lips engulfed my cock. She coaxed me all the way into her eager mouth. She grabbed my ass cheeks and urged me to thrust into her. She was right. She was a great cocksucker. I came in her mouth and caused her to gag. My spunk leaked out as she tried to swallow it up. Her face and lips were a sticky mess. A dollop of cum dripped on her heaving breast.

I helped her to her feet. Giggling, she wiped her lips and face with her fingers. She brought her fingers to her lips and sucked them. I painted the stray cum over her breast. She took my sticky finger and guided it to her mouth. We embraced, our nude bodies mashing into each other.

"I hope my son enjoyed his gift." She whispered, kissing my neck.

"I love you, Mom."

"Mommy loves you too."

Our lips met. Our passionate kiss lingered for an eternity. I touched her shaved mound, parting her wet lips with a finger.

"No son," she broke away, covering her tits and pussy with her hands, "This is so wrong. I gave you pleasure, which was more than we should have done. I am your mother after all. We have to stop now."

Grabbing the cuffs, I wrestled her to the ground. I relished her struggling. Soon I had the cuffs around her wrists again. I dragged over to the sawhorse and attached the cuffs' chain to a waist high snap on its side. This forced her to bend at the waist and jut her ass into the air. I didn't mince words this time.

"I'll tell you when we're done mother dear."

I spanked her inviting ass soundly. Each blow landed with a resounding smack. The straps of her garters artfully framed her quivering cheeks. . She took her punishment, quietly at first. Gradually, her whimpers became louder. Her bum turned red.

"Ouch, I'm sorry son. Please stop. I'll promise I'll be good," She pleaded, "I'll do anything."

I continued with my slaps. "Anything I say?"

"Yes please no more." She cried out, "Ouch, it stings baby."

"Beg your son, your own flesh and blood to fuck you. Make it good or else." Slap.

"Son please fuck Mommy. I need my son's hard cock inside my wet pussy. Mommy needs to be fucked hard."

I stopped spanking. She panted as I rubbed her sore ass. She exhaled loudly when I ran my finger down the crack of her ass. I played with her wet pussy. She was sopping wet.

"Since you have obeyed me I am going to reward you before I fuck you."

I kneeled between her legs. I burrowed my tongue into her pussy. I licked and sucked on her smooth lips. I furiously flicked my tongue on her clit. I savored her copious juice as she shook with pleasure.

"God, I'm coming. Yes, yes."

I waited until her orgasm subsided. I then plunged my cock into her wet pussy.

Without any prompting she said, "God, baby fuck me. It feels so good. Fuck, Mommy, fuck me hard!"

I slapped her ass as I fucked her, "Mother, I love fucking you."

"Son I can't believe we're doing this. This is incest. How can something so wrong feel so good? It's so naughty. Oh god, sweet INCEST!"

I wiggled a finger into her ass and she came again.

I released her cuffs. She stood before me smiling, stretching her aching limbs. She rubbed her stinging bottom and shrugged.

"You made me feel so good. Thank you sir."

I opened my arms. She moved into me for another embrace. We kissed, tenderly. She stroked my hard cock.

"It seems my son in not done with his, Mommy yet."

"You know what I want of you, don't you."

"Yes son. You want to fuck your mother in the ass. Son I beg you fuck my ass like a whore."

"Gladly mother but we are going to do it my way."

I spread a blanket on the carpeted floor. I bade her to kneel on the blanket and I gently pushed her face down into the blanket. I rummaged through my toy chest and found the vibrator I had in mind. It was a medium sized one and I was told in gave a nice hum when turned on. I also fetched a tube of lubricant. I gave her the vibe and told her to play with herself.

I knelt beside her. She began to stimulate her clit with the vibrator as I lubricated my rigid cock. I kissed her asshole, eliciting mewls of pleasure from her. I coated my finger with the gel and thrust it into her asshole. With care I was able to put two fingers in her ass and then a third. I slapped her ass repeatedly with my other hand. I could tell she was getting into it. Her sphincter relaxed with each thrust of my fingers.

"You are definitely a slut."

"Son, sweetheart, I am your slut."

Her face lay sideways on the blanket. Her ass was up in the air. With her hand between her legs, she guided the vibrator onto her clit. I took the vibrator from her and slid it into her drenched pussy. I turn up the intensity of the vibration and placed her hand back on the vibrator. With a hard slap on her red ass, I bade her to keep the phallus inside her. I removed my fingers and slowly thrust my cock into my mother's ass. Momentarily, she relaxed and her ass accepted my intruding cock. I began to fuck her, slowly at first, then gradually increasing my tempo and force. Her ass cheeks jiggles and bounced as I pounded her hard.

"Baby, fuck my ass. Mommy's got your beautiful cock in her ass and vibrator in her pussy. I feel so full. I'm going to cum soon. I'm going to cum for my son."

We both came together. Grunting I shot my seed deep inside her. In the throes of an ecstatic shudder, she let go of the vibrator and clutched the blanket with both hands, moaning.

We lay silently on the blanket. Our limbs entwined, caressing each other softly. Later, I carried her to my room her like groom would carry his bride across the threshold. I filled up the tub and joined her for a warm soapy soak. We bathed each other and toweled each other dry.

Dressed in bathrobes we made our way to the kitchen. We laughed and chatted. In between kisses and sips of wine we fed each other dinner.

"Greg, that was the single most amazing thing I have ever experienced. Thank you."

"Mom, I was just thinking the same thing."

"Any regrets? I mean you just did all those things with your own mother."

"No regrets at all. It was so fucking hot. You are so sexy and beautiful. I can't wait to enjoy you again. That is if you have no regrets about incest with your own son."

"Baby I have no regrets. I want more too. I love you son."

"I love you too mom."

She joined me in my bed. We were both naked again. The room was dimly lit by candlelight. We could not stop kissing each other. I lay on my back and she climbed on top. I slid into her with ease. She rode me and I thrust into her. Her breasts bounced before my face. We came together our moans muffled by our passionate kiss.

With my semi-rigid member inside her we agreed that we should merge the business'. Chuckling we even agreed on a name, 'Emaness Fine Wine Imports'. It was kind of silly, but we thought it fitting: Emaness was a play on the initials M and S for Mother and Son.

As we snuggled in bed together in the dark awaiting sleep, Mom turned to me and said, "I would love to meet Marcy someday soon."