This happened in 1994 with her son. Life was different in those days. Without the internet, sex was a tricky thing to navigate for young adults. As she was about to learn, sometimes a mother's guidance is irreplaceable.

Elizabeth thought it was her lucky day as she drove down Rockland Boulevard and neared her home. Things in the office finished quicker than expected and she got the rest of the day off. It was such a beautiful day that she figured she'd pick up her 18 year old son Billy and head to the beach.

Parking in front of her house, she noted with satisfaction that Billy's bike was up against the garage - he was home. There was a second bike there, one she didn't recognize.

Entering the house through the side door, she was just about to call out to her son, when she heard sounds from the living room. The sounds were unmistakably dirty. Had her son borrowed a porn video tape from a friend? She paused, careful not to make any noise. Ever so gently, she moved to the living room doorway for a better look.

A loud porn video was indeed playing. From her vantage point, she could see the back of Billy's head as he sat on the sofa. She could tell he was breathing hard, speaking in a low voice.

"Oh God..." Billy panted. "It feels so good. My cock feels so good."

Both a smile and a tinge of embarrassment covered Elizabeth's face as her original assumption proved true. Her son was getting sexual relief from someone while watching pornography.

"I wonder who it is?" Liz thought as her curiosity overcame her embarrassment. "Could it be Cindy Kellers, or maybe Donna Griffith?"

Two girls Billy had been dating over the summer. The thought of interrupting them never entered her mind. She'd already had a long talk with Billy about the facts of life. She knew that when the time came, there wasn't anything she could do to prevent her son from becoming sexually active, no more than her parents could've stopped her. All she could do was make sure he knew enough of the facts to make the right decisions.

As she backed away to quietly leave, it occurred to her that if she went around the hallway, she would be able to see the couch from the side. Her curiosity about the girl's identity got the better of her and she quickly took the detour.

When Elizabeth reached the kitchen entrance to the living room, she paused before looking in. She felt flushed and strangely sexually excited. The thought of watching her son getting blown or fucked was strangely turning her on.

"Jan... I'm gonna cum..." Billy called out.

"Jan... Jan who?" Liz thought as she peeked around the edge of the doorway.

The earlier redness in her face suddenly turned to pure white as she looked at the two lovers. The hand wrapped tightly around her son's cock, belonged to an unknown brown-haired male.

In shock, she watched the college-aged male named Jan furiously stroke her son's penis. The rapid rate of Billy's breathing showed that an orgasm was imminent.

Unable to utter a sound, Elizabeth stood there transfixed as a torrid of white cum erupted onto Jan's face. With a hungry intensity, he engulfed Billy's cock and swallowed as much of the precious white fluid as he could. Through it all, Elizabeth could hear her son's soft moans.

Finally taking a small measure of control, she retreated into the safety of the kitchen. Her own breathing was as rapid as Billy's had been moments before. Standing flat against the wall, she listened to their exchange as the porn was turned off and the living room became silent.

"You ejaculated more than the guy in the video," Jan teased. "See, I knew you'd like it."

"Yeah, thanks for bringing the video. And for doing this favor. It was a lot better than jerking off."

Hearing her son acknowledge that he enjoyed the oral sex was spellbinding. The trembling in Billy's voice was proof enough that this was something that would eventually escalate.

"Think you're ready to try sucking my cock?" Jan asked. "It's not that difficult, you know."

There was a pause. "I think I just need a little more time. I don't have all the experience you have. I mean, I thought we were just going to jerk off like last time."

"Hey, it's okay, I can wait. I'm not one of those cock-teasing girls that gets you all hot and bothered, then sends you home with a case of blue-balls."

"I'm glad," Billy replied. "None of them want to jerk me off unless I spend a lot of money first."

"Exactly. You know, working for Mr. Wilson for my internship has really opened my eyes to a lot of things. He showed me that guys don't need a girl to get an amazing blowjob."

"You mean... " Billy's voice trailed off in shock.

"That's right. All you have to do is suck with passion and avoid teeth."


"I know. He's always sucked me off real good in return. There's no drama or anything, like with girls. Just pure adult fun."

Billy paused for a moment. "Maybe next I'll be able to... you know... do a little more. I think I'd be okay sucking you off. I don't want to lose you as a friend."

"Sure, whatever you're comfortable with. It'll be fun coming here when your mom isn't around."

"For sure. My mom would kill me if she found out about this."

That was Elizabeth's cue to make her exit.

Tracing back her steps out into the street, Elizabeth found herself asking a hundred questions at once. How long had this been going on? Who was this person, Jan? Was her son gay?

She drove and headed back down the boulevard. She wasn't sure where she was going or who she could talk to. After about fifteen minutes, Liz found herself by the edge of Larsen's Park. Leaving the car in the parking lot, she took a long walk around the lake.

It couldn't have been going on too long, she thought. Not if they'd only been jerking off together. She read that boys sometimes jerk off with a friend, but it usually never went any further. In fact, her own sister had taught her how to masturbate when they were in college all those years ago. Something that was equally taboo to what Billy was doing, filling in those curious desires.

But her sexual history wasn't the important thing. Was Billy gay? That was a hard question. If he was, there was nothing she could do but accept it.

Elizabeth was educated enough to understand that you didn't turn gay, it was something that you were born as. No, she didn't think Billy was gay - she just thought he was horny and awkward around girls. When you're 18, maybe it's not so important that the mouth around your cock doesn't belong to a girl.

Then she remembered something one of her girlfriends in college had once told her during an all-night study session. Carla said that when she was about 19, she'd had a short lived relationship with one of her female cousins. Oral sex and so forth. The relationship died a quick death the first time Carla had been with a guy about a year later.

Maybe Billy just needs a real woman to have something to compare. Then again, if this relationship went on for too long without something to balance, Billy might have no desire to try something else. From her own married experience, Liz knew that when your sex life was going great, it was easy to be blind to many problems.

"Should I try to get my son laid?" she thought to herself.

With a laugh, she headed back to the car and headed home.


Billy was alone in the kitchen as she walked in. Only one bike was outside so it was obvious Jan had left.

"You're home early," Billy pointed out.

Liz quickly told him about the schedule change, changing the timing so that it put her at work while he was getting sucked off by his friend, Jan.

"And what have you been up to today?" Liz asked.

"Not much, just hanging out. I went out with my friend this morning."

She raised an eyebrow. "Where did you go?"

"To the arcade, then video store. Normal stuff."

All she could think about were the sexual activities her son had been doing a while ago. She wondered if Billy still felt an orgasmic high, or if his cock was still reeling.

"I see. Any plans for tonight? It's Friday, after all."

"No plans," Billy answered. "We can watch a movie together. I rented a video."

"That sounds like fun. Did you rent anything good?"

He smiled, "The new Schwarzenegger movie."

"On second thought, why don't you invite Cindy or Donna over? I could make you some snacks to go with the movie and then I'll leave."

"I kinda lost interest in them, mom. They weren't that interested in me anyway."

She could sense the hurt in her son's voice. It broke her heart and it explained a lot about the current situation.

"That's their loss."

He shrugged. "Oh well. That's how it goes."

"No worries, I can make us a romantic dinner," she said playfully and suggestively. "Just the two of us with a candle light meal before the movie."

"Gross!" he hollered.

She laughed.

So much for Plan A,' Liz thought. 'Even if I could get one of those girls over here, there was no guarantee that anything would happen. I mean, I couldn't just ask one of them to fuck Billy. If anything, another frigid date might just drive him further into Jan's 'you don't need a girl' philosophy.'

She continued to toss ideas in her mind as she headed up the stairs and into her bedroom. A shower was definitely in order.

'I could hire a prostitute,' Liz thought as she tossed her dress onto the bed. 'But that would also fit into Jan's 'you have to pay a girl for sex' theory.'

The warm water of the shower felt good. As she soaped up her body, Elizabeth felt frustrated. If only her old friend, Lisa still lived next door. Lisa Sweeney always had a thing for young men. A few times she even fucked college students she tutored in math.

Elizabeth envied Lisa's brazen encounters on occasions, wondering what it would be like to initiate a young man into sex. All she would've had to do was ask, and Lisa would've had Billy in her bed in a flash. But Lisa moved away last year, unfortunately, so there goes that plan.

Absentmindedly, Elizabeth began to masturbate as she thought of Lisa and all those young hard bodies. If only I could be more like Lisa, I could take care of this problem myself.

A sudden tremor shook Elizabeth's body as she repeated the thought out loud.

'I could take care of the problem myself?' she repeated in shock and amazement. 'Where in the world did an idea like that come from?'

Stepping out of the shower and back into the bedroom, Elizabeth dried herself in front of the full-length mirror. Try as she may, that haunting thought wouldn't go away. Deep down she knew where it came from. The image of her naked son and his hard cock on the sofa this morning was still vivid in her mind.

The excitement of listening to him getting sucked off had caused her to imagine what it would be like to have been the giver. The wetness it had stirred between her legs had quickly been tossed aside when she had seen Jan.

Looking at her naked body in the mirror, Elizabeth honestly thought of herself as a typical mom-next-door. Nature had caused her breasts to sag a little, but they were still in good shape. There was a little fat here and there, but overall she was still desirable. Men still looked at her, and when she wanted it, men were still available for her needs.

'What am I thinking?' she chided herself. 'The very idea is preposterous. He's my son!'

Her internal debate was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone.

"I'll get it!" Billy yelled from downstairs.

After a few seconds, Billy said that the call was for him.

Normally, Elizabeth would never think of spying on her son's phone conversation, but today had been anything but normal. Her bedroom phone had a speaker function that could let her listen to the call while muting any sound from her receiver. With only a moment's hesitation, she hit the speaker button.

"... have you been thinking about it, Billy?"

She heard Jan say as she eavesdropped into their conversation.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it. I'm still not sure."

"Ahh man, I did it for you," Jan whined. "I'm sitting here with a hard-on wondering about how nice it would feel to have my cock in your mouth."

Billy paused on the line. "I guess I owe you. What you did for me was great. I've thought about it all day."

"Then you'll do it?" Jan's voice lit up.

"I guess so," Billy said quietly.

"Fantastic, can you come to my house tomorrow morning, around 10?"

"Yeah, that sounds good," Billy confirmed.

"Great, I can hardly wait. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, tomorrow..."

As the conversation ended, Elizabeth made up her mind. These were unusual times, and as a mother, she felt a powerful urge to react.


She told Billy she had to run a few errands and would be back later that evening. A quick trip to a video store out of town got her a hardcore porn video. She couldn't bring herself to rent one from a local store. As it was, two men in the store's adult section kept staring at her tits.

"Enjoy it," the cashier said, licking his lips.

Next, Elizabeth stopped at Victoria's Secret in the local mall. At least she was surrounded by only women. She looked for the sexiest lingerie she could find. One of the saleswomen helped her select a satin black bra and panty set.

Putting the outfit on in the backroom, Elizabeth noted that the bra pushed her breasts in such a way that she looked much sexier, but the panties could hardly cover her bush. The look of dissatisfaction on the saleswoman was evident.

"That won't work," the saleswoman said, brushing her fingernails across Liz's pubic hairs. "We'll have to do something about that."

Saying she'd be right back, the saleswoman left Elizabeth standing half naked in the dressing room. In a moment the saleswoman was back with a small toiletry bag. From within it she produced a small pair of hair clippers and proceeded to remove the hair around Elizabeth's cunt. By the time it was finished, all that remained was a beautiful set of pussy lips.

"I can give it a little extra service," the saleswoman said suggestively. "I don't mind helping out a customer in need."

"Maybe another time," Elizabeth replied, intrigued by the offer. "I really have to go. I have... ummm... a really important night."

"Okay, have fun. It must be a really special guy."

Elizabeth could only answer with a smile, because saying 'he's my son,' would have been incredibly inappropriate.


As the sun went down, she pulled into the driveway. She called out to Billy, who was in the backyard working on his bike. Quickly locating the action movie Billy had rented this afternoon, she switched it with the hardcore porn film she had just rented.

Next, she dialed the operator and said that she was having problems with her phone and would they please call her right back to test her phone line. When the phone rang a few moments later, she was quick to call out that she'd answer it.

After thanking the operator for the help and saying that the problem must've corrected itself, Elizabeth spoke to her son after he came inside.

"Bad news I'm afraid," she said, trying to put on a disappointed face. "My boss just called me. There's a last minute change of plans and they want me for a working dinner so we can discuss a new ad campaign. You'll have to watch the movie alone tonight."

"That's okay, mom," Billy said sympathetically. "Maybe I'll forget the video and go over to a friend's house. We can watch the movie together tomorrow."

"Negative on that," Elizabeth said immediately. "I'm expecting an important call from your Aunt Cynthia. She's on the road this week, so there's no way for me to track her down. If she calls I want you to get her contact information."

"Okay, sure no problem."

Deep down, she surprised herself by how cunning she could be in planning out all the little details. The ease with which she lied to her son was also a surprise. Oh, the things a mother would do for a son.

"That's a good boy," Elizabeth smiled as she kissed him on the cheek, satisfied that she'd covered all the options.

She excused herself and headed upstairs to get ready for her false 'business dinner.'

Fifteen minutes later, Elizabeth reappeared in the living room. She walked in front of Billy on the couch and stood between him and the television. Then she struck a suggestive pose.

"How do I look, big boy?" she asked, half comically.

"Wow!" Billy exclaimed. "Mom, you look hot... I mean..."

"I know what you meant, and I'll take it as a compliment. It's been a long time since I've dressed up."

Elizabeth was wearing a low cut dress that gave Billy an ample view of her breasts. She gave him plenty of time to let it all sink in, pleased that his sight never left her bosom. It was a rarity that Billy ever got to see this much of her chest.

"Not bad for an older lady, eh?"

"Not bad for any lady," Billy answered, forgetting for a moment that this was his Mom he was ogling. "I'm sure those guys will be arguing over who gets to pay for dinner."

"Thank you, that's very sweet," she smiled as she headed for the door. "Oh, and enjoy your movie."

"I will."

Once she pulled the car onto the street, she drove exactly two blocks. Then she parked and walked discreetly back to the house. Letting herself in the back way, she sat down in the laundry room and waited. If Billy followed his normal routine, he would start running the video as soon as the local news was over - in about fifteen minutes. Elizabeth found herself both nervous and flush with excitement.

True to form, Billy hit the play button on time, and from the sound of things, it was obvious that he wasn't watching True Lies, unless Jamie Lee Curtis was now making porno films.

Hearing the adult movie come on, Elizabeth walked barefoot from the laundry area to the kitchen, then around through the long hall until she was at the same spot she had first spotted him and Jan this morning.

Billy was already almost fifteen minutes into the porn movie and he showed no hesitation watching the salacious subject matter. If anything, it had his undivided attention.

Looking closely at the movement of his right shoulder, Elizabeth realized he was jerking off to the film! Definitely a step in the right direction.

With a deep breath, she walked into the room. She stood behind him for a minute, watching the oral action on the screen. She also admired Billy's young body as he played with his hard cock. She felt the familiar tingling between her legs, made more intense by the thought that this was her son.

"That looks like fun, doesn't it?" she asked, revealing herself.

"Oh shit! Mom!" Billy cried out as he released his cock and spun around at the sound of her voice. "There must have been some kind of mistake at the video store. I swear I didn't rent this!"

Elizabeth walked around the sofa and sat down beside her son.

"Regardless, it looks like an interesting movie," she said.

Remembering that he was half naked, Billy reached down to pull up his pants.

"Sorry," he said, covering up his erection.

She stopped her son's hands. "No, don't. There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's perfectly normal for a male your age to be doing these things with your body and exploring new feelings."

Gingerly, she pried her son's fingers away to expose that erection again, and she put her fingers on Billy's cock.

"Oh shit!" Billy exclaimed as his cock jerked involuntarily into Mom's fingers.

"Feels nice, doesn't it?" she asked, giving a little pinch.

"Yes... Yes..." Billy replied, unable to deny how good it felt to have his Mother stroke his cock.

"Do you want me to stop? I will if you want."

"No, please don't stop," Billy said, almost too softly to hear.

Elizabeth didn't say anything for the next few moments. She just continued to stroke his swelling cock, tracing along his veins with her nails and cupping his balls with her other hand.

"I saw you with Jan this morning," she said, continuing to play with his dick. "I saw him give you an orgasm. And I know that he's expecting a blowjob in return."

Billy started to say something, but before he could speak, Mom put two fingers across his lips, indicating that she just wanted him to listen.

She continued, "I'm not trying to be judgmental about this. I want you to do whatever makes you happy. I've always tried to make sure that you have the knowledge you need to make intelligent decisions. Right now, I think you're making one without fully understanding the options available to you."

Elizabeth paused to make sure that her son was fully grasping the situation and understood what she was saying.

She continued, "If you want, I can show you exactly what it's like to be with a woman. A real, mature woman, who knows what she's doing. I want you to forget that I'm your Mother and just think of me as a proper lady who desires you very much. Do you understand that?"

Billy nodded his head.

"Do you want me to go on?" she asked.

Billy nodded again.

With a wide smile on her face and a burning desire between her legs, Elizabeth sank to her knees and took her son's cock into her mouth.

Looking upwards, she saw Billy leaning back against the sofa with his eyes closed in bliss. She knew that as nice as Jan's handjob and mouth had felt that morning, it was nothing compared to this. The wetness of her mouth seemingly engulfed Billy's entire being. Her tongue seemed to be everywhere at once. Licking up under the crown, tickling the sensitive area beneath the balls, and massaging the sides of his dick, she was able to give her son a mind-numbing experience.

"Oh Mom," he moaned.

Being called 'mom' only reminded her that this was her son's cock in her mouth. She increased her rhythm, causing a more powerful reaction from Billy's erection. She could taste the saltiness of his pre-cum as it leaked from his hole. The same saltiness that Jan had tasted this morning. Now it belonged to her.

She gripped the base of his cock and pressed her fingers tight against the urethra, preventing him from cumming. She could feel the pressure against her fingers, she knew how badly he wanted to ejaculate.

"I have to cum so bad," he pleaded. "Please Mom, I want to cum."

Elizabeth continued to suck and stroke for another ten seconds. Then she released the pressure around the base of his dick, sending a stream of hot cum gushing into her mouth.

She intentionally slurped the white cream before letting it splash across her face. It dripped from her lips and down her chin. She reached out with her tongue and licked it from her lips. It was the best she had ever tasted. Then again, how could it not be? It had come from the fruit of her loins.

With her face still smeared with cum, Elizabeth moved upwards to her son's mouth and she pulled him closer. She kissed him, softly at first, allowing him to taste his cum on her lips. Her tongue then found its way within his mouth.

Reaching down, she could feel Billy's wet cock start to grow again. She didn't care if what she was doing was right or wrong, she only knew that this had to be finished.

She broke her son's embrace and stood up. She reached behind and undid the dress laces around her neck. Once undone, the top of the dress fell free, exposing her swollen breasts, held only in place by the satin black bra she had purchased earlier.

"I noticed you admiring these earlier," she said as she massaged the globes with her hands. "I thought you might like a better look."

"Oh yes," Billy said as he reached up and pressed his hands against the soft flesh.

Elizabeth allowed her son's fingers to slip beneath the thin material and brush against her hard nipples. She moaned softly as her son played with her brown nipples. When she pulled the fabric down, Billy bent forward and licked her breasts, planting kisses on each mound again and again.

She undid the hooks that held her top together, letting it fall freely, rewarding her son with his first unrestricted look at Mother's breasts, a sight she wondered if her son had ever dreamt about. When her nipples were being sucked, she was certain that this had been Billy's fantasy.

"Softly," Elizabeth whispered as she helped place the nipple in his mouth.

As his lips closed around her nipples and sucked, she felt the same sensations she had felt 18 years before when she had first breastfed him. In no time at all, she felt her panties wet with her own juices. She felt his teeth accidentally grate against her nipple a few times, but she made no attempt to correct him. That would come in the future, perhaps. Right now it was enough that he was enjoying himself.

"Are you ready to see my cunt?" she whispered in his ear, taking secret delight in using such dirty language.

He nodded shyly. "Yes, I'd love to see it."

Elizabeth leaned back on the edge of the sofa and spread her legs wide. She reached down and undid the two side strings that held the panty together. Then with a flounce, she pulled the cloth away, revealing her mound of delight along with her fiery pink entrance beneath.

Judging by the wide eyes of her son, she knew that this was Billy's first glimpse at a pussy. A pussy that he'd not only be able to see and touch, but to soon be inside of. Elizabeth smiled at the notion that her son would be returning to the tunnel of love where he had come out of - only now he was returning with a sexual purpose.

"I want you to kiss it," Elizabeth said. "I want you to lick my pussy and taste how sweet the juices can be. It's how a woman tastes."

Needing no further prompting, Elizabeth watched her son dive right in. Clumsily at first, she watched her son work and explore, putting the whole thing in his mouth like he tried to do with her nipples. Then she appreciated the fact that Billy was settling down, licking in a pattern, using his fingers to keep her pink pussy spread.

She wondered if Billy's skills came entirely from porn, or if he learned a thing or two from biology class. For Billy's first pussy, Elizabeth was impressed with how her son was doing.

When Billy's tongue went inside her pussy, she rewarded him with a taste of sweet womanly nectar. She moaned. The taste of her pussy was now in her son's mouth and she was certain that this would be unforgettable.

Elizabeth's cunt grew wetter with each passing moment. She guided Billy's fingers into her pussy and quickly showed him how to finger-fuck a woman. Between the tongue and fingers, she was as wet as could be. Her body cried out for his hard cock.

"Billy, I want you inside me now," she said. "I want to be your first woman. I want to show you what it's like. I want to make you a man."

She sat down on the couch with her legs spread wide. Spread for her son. Taking the bait, she watched Billy get up and straddle her. She watched Billy take his cock in hand and place it at the entrance of her hole, gently sliding it in. She was so lubricated that her son quickly filled her until his balls slapped against her ass. Her son reached down and took hold of each of her legs, feet in the air, as he had seen in the porn movie

It was heavenly and raw the way she was being fucked as hard as Billy could muster, releasing all his pent up desires.

"Oh god, yes!" Elizabeth cried out as she felt her son's cock fill her.

It felt so good. She reached behind him and grabbed his ass. Taking a firm grip, she added her own strength to his thrusts, taking him deeper inside her. She could sense that Billy was using all his energy to fuck her even harder and deeper. The walls of her pussy felt sensational as they wrapped around his cock.

Jan had to have been wrong; nothing could feel as good as this. If this was a battle over her son, Elizabeth was positive that she was winning by a longshot.

Sweat covered both of their bodies as they thrashed back and forth atop the couch. A few feet away, the porno movie continued unwatched, but matched in intensity by the two oblivious viewers.

Finally, Elizabeth felt her son's body begin to tense, signaling an imminent explosion. She grabbed him as hard as she could and pulled him as far within her as possible. Years of experience allowed her to hold off her own climax; she wanted them to reach simultaneous bliss.

As soon as she felt the shudder of his body, she relaxed and let it trigger the volcanic waves within her own body. Her pussy exploded as she felt the bursts of her son's cum filling her body, electrical charges radiated outward until they filled the core of her being. She smothered his face against her chest, allowing him to taste the sweat that covered her tits. Then as the tremors subsided within, she pulled his head up and kissed him.

Not the kiss of a Mother, but that of a Lover.


They laid there together and fell asleep naked in each other's arms. In the morning they took turns showering and quickly dressed. Over breakfast they discussed the night before. She wore a silk robe with nothing underneath since their relationship had already reached a deep level of intimacy.

While they ate, Elizabeth made her position clear. It was now up to Billy to make his own choice about himself and Jan. If he wanted to go and experiment with Jan, it was his decision alone. At least now, he had something to measure it against.

"I'm not going to ask you anymore," Elizabeth said as she drank coffee. "But no matter what you chose, I want you to know that I'll always love and support you."

"Thanks Mom," Billy said as he kissed her on the cheek and gave her a tight hug. "But I want to tell you what I've decided."

Elizabeth slowly put her coffee mug down and gave her son her undivided attention. After the hard kiss and hug from her son, her robe had opened slightly, revealing the center of her bare chest.

He stated, "I'm not going to do anything with Jan. I realize now that it would just be another form of masturbation. It might feel good, but without the emotional feelings that should go with it, it would feel empty in the end."

Elizabeth smiled. Her son was well on the way to becoming a man in more ways than she expected.

"Billy," she said, with her strongest motherly voice. "You can't expect what happened last night to be that easy with any girls you might date - at least not for a very long time. Young women usually need time."

"I know, Mom," Billy said, smiling. "But at least I know what the prize is at the end of the game. It makes it worth playing."

She patted his hand. "You're such a gentleman."

"I gave up a lot to raise my standards. Giving up my friendship with Jan is a big sacrifice, you know."

She pursed her lips. "Does that mean I owe you? After all, a healthy young man like yourself should be getting blowjobs regularly."

"Now that I think about it, that does make sense. I mean, there was a lot of anticipation and I'm sure Jan is upset with me. It's only fair that you help make up the difference."

"The things I'd do for my son."

Elizabeth parted her silk robe, exposing her breasts to her wide-eyed son. Her brown nipples were already rock hard from their conversation.

Lovingly, she sank to her knees, but not before taking another sip of coffee to help stimulate herself and raise her alertness to where it needed to be. This was important mom-business, after all.

Finally, she gave her son a blowjob he could only dream of. The kind Billy could only see in porn, or so he thought. Instead of seeing it on a porn film, Elizabeth gave her son the chance to experience it yet again.

When Billy announced that he was going to cum, Elizabeth reached towards the dining table for her cup of coffee. She always enjoyed the taste of extra cream. She stroked her son's cock with the head pointed inside of her mug and watched the natural white cream shoot into the blackness of the coffee.

Elizabeth sat down again, amused by her son's glazed eyes and heavy breathing. With her index finger, she swirled the coffee, mixing the black liquid with the white cum. Satisfied with the mixture, she brought the delicious drink to her mouth while her son watched her drink it.

The End