
Tyler followed his mother back out on to the deck, sitting down at the edge of it beside her. She turned away from him then leaned back until she was resting against his chest. She let out a soft moan as she wiggled, getting comfortable, then reached for his hands. She drew his arms around her waist, pulling them tight as she held his hands in hers.

"I have to keep reminding myself that no one knows us here." she remarked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Can you imagine us sitting like this on the porch at home?"

Tyler let out a guffaw. "No way!"

"So, here we can." she explained.

"Maybe we should move here." he suggested.

Melissa giggled.

Tyler pulled his mother's hair aside, gathering it over her right shoulder. He leaned down and gently kissed her soft neck. She shuddered and let out a soft moan, squeezing his other hand hard.

"How did you know my neck was sensitive?" she asked.

"As sensitive as your back?" He leaned down and placed another kiss between her shoulder blades.

"More than my back." she said, her voice softer.

Tyler kissed her neck again, this time letting his breath wash over it, then he nibbled at her tender skin.

"mmmm..." she moaned.

"I guess you're right -- we couldn't do this on the porch at home."

"No..." she said, her voice deeper.

Next, Tyler ran his fingers up and down his mother's back. She shuddered and let out another soft moan. He pulled her tighter against his chest, resting his chin on her bare left shoulder. She wiggled closer. Now he felt his hard cock pressed against her ass. She wiggled her hips a bit when she felt it poking into her.

Tyler and his mother cuddled together on the deck until the sun began to set. They watched it disappear under the horizon as the sky began to turn sapphire. A cool breeze was blowing in off of the lake. A while later Melissa shuddered and pulled her son's arms tighter around her waist.

"It's getting chilly." she remarked.

"Want to go in?" Tyler asked his mother.

"Yeah." she said, slowly standing up.

Melissa went inside and stood beside the sofa, rubbing her bare arms while Tyler slid the patio doors closed.

"It really gets cold fast once the sun goes down." she lamented.

Tyler nodded. "How about a cup of tea?" he offered.

"You take such good care of me," she gushed "I'd love one."

Tyler went to the kitchen to make his mother a cup of tea. After finding a mug and some tea bags that she had brought he stood before the microwave while the water heated.

Melissa joined her son in the kitchen, leaning on the counter beside him while he stared into the microwave. Once it finished beeping she took the mug of steaming water from his hand and stirred some sugar in, then gingerly took a sip.

"Oww... hot."

"Is it okay?" he asked, hoping she liked it.

"It's great. It just needs to cool down. Let's go see what we can find on tv."

Tyler followed his mother into the small livingroom. She sat her mug of tea on an end table beside the couch then pointed the remote at the television. It flicked on and she began flipping through the channels until she stopped at a comedy that seemed interesting.

"How about this?" she asked.

"This looks good," he told her "but it doesn't matter. I'll watch anything."

Melissa chuckled as she took another sip of tea, then recoiled. She placed it back on the table.

"I'm going to go change while that cools off." she told her son.

Tyler soon found himself engrossed in the television show, but was distracted when he heard his mother's bedroom door open a few minutes later. When Melissa walked around the side of the couch and smiled down at her son his eyes widened and he felt his cock throbbing once again.

Melissa had changed into a pair of light red pajamas that fit her body snugly, emphasising her curves. They clung to her chest and hips, and were thin enough to allow Tyler to discern the outline of her breasts and hips beneath. Already her nipples were standing out towards him, teased by the soft cotton brushing over them. He ran his eyes down her.

"Like them?" she asked.

"Yeah... they look great on you." he replied, not bothering to look up to her face.

"I bought them last week to surprise you." she revealed.

"Me?" he asked, widening his eyes.

"I don't see anyone else here." she remarked with a silly laugh.

"Yeah, but..."

Melissa sat down on the couch beside her son. The couch was smaller than the one at their home, but she would still have sat close to him regardless. She reached out and held his hand, dragging her thumb over his knuckles as she collected her thoughts, her eyes flitting about.

"Honey, we both know that things between us have changed in the past few months." she began, barely able to look him in the eye.

Tyler swallowed hard and cleared his throat. "Ah... yeah... I guess."

"I never planned on it. I never even thought I'd have to deal with it," she continued "it just sort of happened. I fought it -- really, I did. But I think you feel the same, or at least I hope you do." Melissa raised her head and gave her son a tentative smile.

"I know I shouldn't, mom. It's just that sometimes I can't help but think how pretty you are," he blurted out "but from now on..."

Before Tyler could continue Melissa pressed her fingers to his lips, silencing him. She felt the whiskers on his chin and ran her fingers over them, recalling the feeling of his lips on her neck earlier.

"Ssshhh...," she whispered "that's not what I meant. I feel the same, honey. I know I shouldn't, but I do. I've been thinking that this vacation could be a turning point for us."

Tyler gave his mother a puzzled look.

"Remember how you said that what's wrong depends on who you ask?"

"Yeah." he grunted, thinking back.

"Tell me -- honestly -- do you think we have done anything that's wrong so far?" she asked.

Tyler snorted, scoffing at the idea. "No."

"Well, some might think so," she countered "but isn't it up to us to decide."

"Of course." he asserted.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you, honey."Tyler thought for a while. His mind was in turmoil. He tried to ignore the feeling of his cock throbbing as he digested his mother's words. In his heart he knew that she was right, or maybe it was some place lower that controlled his conscience now. Right now he did not care. He knew that he loved her, and anything else he might feel was an extension of that love.

"I love you, mom." he blurted out, unsure of how else to express what he was thinking.

Melissa gave her son a relieved smile. She reached out and gave his hand a firm squeeze, smiling into his eyes.

"I love you too, honey. Never think otherwise."

Tyler pulled on his mother's hand, easing her closer. As she leaned towards him he slipped his arms around her back, urging her towards him. Melissa slid towards her son, into his embrace. Her arms went around his broad shoulders and she rested her chin on his right shoulder.

"I love you, honey." she breathed into his ear as she ran her hand up his back.

Tyler caressed his mother's back. He brushed her hair aside and kissed the right side of her neck. Melissa quivered, digging her fingertips into her son's muscular back.

"I warned you -- my neck is sensitive." she whispered, her lips brushing over his cheek.

"Let me check." he said, easing her back and peering down to her nipples pushing out from her pajama top.

Melissa gave her son a shy grin.

"Does it feel good?" he asked.

"Mmmm... very." she moaned.

Tyler noticed his hand trembling as he reached out for his mother's right breast. He cupped it in his hand, running his thumb over her swollen nipple.

"Can I see them?" Tyler asked, tugging at the top button of his mother's pajama top.

Melissa opened her mouth to speak, then clamped her jaw shut, fighting the urge to agree to her son's request. By the time she had summoned the strength to reply the top button of her pajama top was undone. She looked down to watch Tyler fumbling with the second button as her heart pounded. Her pussy was wet and her clit throbbed. Before she was fully aware of what her son was doing her top was open as far as her navel. Melissa felt the backs of her son's hands graze over her stiff nipples as he pulled her top open wide to expose her breasts. He stared down at them, still pinching her pajama top between his fingers.

"Wow... they look really nice." he said, his voice heavy with arousal as he stared.

"Do they?" she asked in a mixture of surprise and pride.

Tyler never answered. instead, he cupped his mother's breasts in his hands, or as much of them as he could. He pushed them up until they formed two round globes, her thick mahogany nipples pointing out towards him. Tyler ogled his mother's nipples, rising from her rounded breasts. They were as thick as the tip of his smallest finger and ringed by two-inch circles that were of a slightly lighter hue. He released her left breast from his hand and pinched her nipple between his fingers. He tugged at it, watching it lengthen as he pulled.

"Easy, honey," Melissa urged him as she winched slightly "they're sensitive."

"Sorry." he mumbled as he released his mother's nipple, then bent down to swirl his tongue around it. He pinched it between his lips and began to suck, tugging gently.

"Mmmm...," Melissa moaned as she cradled her son's head in her hand "I thought I weaned you when you were a baby." She issued a playful giggle as she looked down at her son sucking hard on her nipple.

"So I wasn't a bottle baby then?" he asked, looking up at her.

"Oh, no," Melissa told him "I had a hell of a hard time weaning you."

"I guess I haven't changed." Tyler remarked with a faint laugh before wrapping his lips around his mother's shiny wet nipple again.

Melissa's pussy was so wet that she could feel it running down towards her ass. She wanted to reach her hand inside her pajamas and rub her clit, but fought the urge. Her left hand was resting on Tyler's right thigh. She looked down to it, then ran her eyes up to the bulge in his jeans. She could detect the outline of his shaft. It was hard and thick. She squeezed his thigh, trying to stop herself from stroking his hard cock.

Tyler raised up on his knees, pushing against his mother's breasts so she leaned back on the couch. His fingertips sank into her skin as he squeezed and manipulated her breasts in his hands.

Melissa moaned and closed her eyes, holding him by his waist as he fondled her.Part of her reminded her that what was happening was wrong, but she did not care. She had not felt such pleasure in years, perhaps never. When she opened her eyes she discovered that Tyler's crotch was directly in front of her. His thick shaft strained his tight jeans, reaching out towards her. She licked her lips, imagining it pushing between them, or her other pair of lips, further down -- either way, she didn't care.

Tyler quickly unbuttoned the remaining two buttons of his mother's pajama top. He pulled it open wide to expose her body as far as her waist. First he ran his eyes up towards her breasts, then his hands. He squeezed them hard then sucked hard on one nipple, then another. When he pulled away so he could take in the look on her face he noticed where her eyes were riveted. He froze, feeling his cock twitch as he contemplated his next move.

Reluctantly, Tyler removed his hand from his mother's left breast. He took her right hand in his and slowly guided it towards his throbbing cock, slowly so as to not startle her. When her fingertips were inches away he felt her resist, pulling back.

"Touch it, mom." he said with a mixture of pleading and reassurance.

"No, I shouldn't." she said with a shake of her head, sounding frightened.

Undaunted, Tyler eased his mother's soft hand the last few inches towards the front of his jeans. His cock twitched as her fingertips came into contact with it. he pressed harder, pushing her palm against the length of his shaft. He stroked the back of her hand as she began to caress him through his jeans.

"I haven't seen you there since you were a little boy." she remarked, her gaze focused on her hand and the outline of his cock.

"I'm not a little boy anymore." he said, sounding boastful.

Melissa nodded in amazement as her fingertips ran down Tyler's cock through his jeans.

Feeling confidant that his mother was not going to pull away Tyler quickly unbuttoned his jeans. He tugged the zipper down then slid his jeans and underwear down over his hips. His thick, hard shaft rose once the elastic waistband of his underwear slid down over it until the swollen reddish head was pointing upwards towards his mother's moist lips. Precum ran from the slit making it glisten. Melissa held on to his bare hips as her eyes moved down the length of it, noticing the protruding veins. She saw the thick patch of curly dark hair then her son's heavy balls hanging loosely beneath his shaft, swaying gently.

"You're so big, Ty. I would have never guessed." she said in a breathy voice as she studied her son's engorged manhood.

"Have you ever wondered?" he asked.

"Yes... maybe a few times." Melissa admitted, then felt herself blush. She giggled when she saw his shaft twitch and wondered if he might be close to cumming.

Tyler could feel his heart race and sweat form on his upper lip as he took his mother's right hand in his. He moved it until her palm was pressed to the underside of his shaft. He held it there until he felt her fingers curl around his cock. She gave it a gentle squeeze before running her hand up towards the head. Tyler moaned and braced his hands on his mother's shoulders.

"You're so hard..." she said, sounding amazed.

Tyler clutched his mother's shoulders harder as she began to stroke him. Her soft hand moved up and down his cock, making it twitch and thicken.

"That feels so good, mom." Tyler said in a soft moan.

As Tyler held onto his mother's shoulders he pushed his hips forward into her hand as she stroked him. Now he could feel the head of his cock brush over her left breast, just above her nipple. It left a streak of precum. Tyler pushed again, harder this time, noticing how the head of his cock sank into his mother's firm breast. He smiled and began to rub the head of his shaft over her round breast, moving lower towards her thick brown nipple.

Melissa looked down to her left breast, watching as her son's cock pushed into it with each thrust. She cupped his balls in her hands as he rubbed the head of his cock over her nipple, wetting it with his precum. His balls felt heavy and she guessed that it would not be long before they would be empty. releasing Tyler's balls from her hand she cupped her breasts in her hands. She held them up, molding them into two large orbs. She smiled up at him.

"Want to put it here?" she asked with a teasing grin.

Tyler gave his mother a questioning look, but before he could speak she had sandwiched her breasts between his cock. She squeezed them together tightly and began moving them over his cock. Tyler moaned. He dug his fingertips into his mother's shoulders as he thrust his hips, plunging his cock deep between her large, round breasts. The sensation of fucking his mother's breasts felt much better than her hand did. How good would it feel to be in her pussy he wondered.

Melissa watched as the head of her son's cock rose and fell between her cleavage. She wanted to bend down and run her tongue over his slit as he pushed it up towards her mouth, but she resisted the urge, knowing it would make him cum sooner. She wanted this to last as long as possible. As his breathing grew faster and his moans were louder she knew he was very close.

With one last thrust Tyler pushed his cock between Melissa's breasts, just as the first stream of cum shot from it. It flew over her chest, splashing across her chin and lower lip. That was followed by two more spurts that smeared her breasts with thick, hot cum.

Melissa held her breasts tight on her son's spent cock, feeling his weight against her. His cum ran down her chin onto her breasts. Melissa looked down, feeling incredibly horny and slutty. She needed to cum, or better yet, to be fucked, hard. She bent down and licked a drop of cum running from the slit of her son's cock, then gave the head a quick suck. He moaned as he eased away.

"I've... I've never done that before." he said, barely able to breathe.

"Did you like it?" she asked, sure that he did, but still wanting to hear it.

"That was amazing." her son gasped.

Melissa watched as her son slumped back on the couch. His cock was growing soft and a bit of cum ran from it, staining his jeans. She looked down, thinking to herself that even soft his cock was more than she could resist. Almost. Melissa could feel the cool air on her cum-soaked breasts. Although she thought it ironic to be demure at this point she pulled her pajama top closed over herself. Her pussy was wetter than it had been in longer than she could recall. As she looked down at her son's cock resting against his leg it occurred to her that if he were still hard she would ride him.

"Thanks, mom." Tyler said, although he was unsure of what to say in a situation like this. He pushed his cock inside his underwear and tugged his jeans up, then zipped them

"I love you, honey," she said "no matter what happens between us, always remember that I love you."

Tyler smiled as he sat up. He slid his arms around his mother's shoulders and pulled her to him. he kissed her cheek and ran a hand over her back.

"I love you too, mom." he whispered into her ear.

Melissa leaned forward, sliding her arms around her son. She could feel his cum running down her breasts but she was not in a hurry to clean it off. Maybe she would leave it there for the rest of their time at Crystal Lake, she thought to herself -- although she surmised that there would be more there, or elsewhere, before they left.

"Would you mind if I went to bed?" she asked.

"No," he replied, then grew worried "is everything okay? Is something wrong?"

Melissa leaned away from her son so she could meet his eyes. "Yeah... everything's wonderful. I'm just getting tired and I don't want to sleep too late tomorrow and miss out on the nice weather. I want to spend some more time by the lake."

Tyler relaxed and moved his arms from around his mother. "Yeah," he agreed "I should probably get to bed soon too."

Melissa gave her son a soft kiss on his cheek, then stood up. She watched his eyes follow her and it made her even more horny than she already was because she knew what he was thinking. She could feel her pajama top open and her breasts sway she got up from the couch. She paused and turned towards Tyler.

"Hey, Ty..."

Tyler looked up and saw his mother yank her pajama top open wide as she smirked. her breasts shook and he could see streaks of his cum on them. He wanted to lick it off. Seconds later she pulled her top closed and dashed off towards her bedroom. Her door closed shut, leaving Tyler alone with his thoughts.

Melissa turned off the light in her bedroom. She walked over to the bed in the corner and pulled her pajama bottoms and panties off. She tossed them towards the foot of the bed and slid under the covers. The linen sheet felt cool on her nipples as Melissa pulled her top open. She ran her hands down towards her breasts, spreading her son's cum over them. Arching her back and tugging at her nipples, Melissa sighed. She wished it was Tyler's hands on her instead of her own, but that would happen again she promised herself. Tonight she would have to be content with making herself cum alone.

Chapter 7

Melissa was not sure what time it was when she awoke from a dream. Or maybe it wasn't a dream. She could see light from the livingroom of the cabin shining through her open door. In the light was the outline of a person. Her heart raced and fear filled her as she sat up in bed. As the figure drew closer she realized it was Tyler. He was naked except for a pair of boxers. She could see a tent in the front where his cock was pushing out. Melissa pulled her pajama top closed around her.

"Are you awake?" he asked.

"Yeah... I am now," she said "what is it?"

Tyler never replied. He walked over to her bed and pulled the covers aside. He sat on the edge of the bed and slid his boxers off, then lay down beside his mother. Melissa could feel her son's hard cock brush over her bare hip as he slid closer to her.

"I couldn't sleep," he said "I kept thinking of you lying in here on the other side of the wall."

Melissa found her son's sentiment both romantic and tempting. She smiled to herself.

"Honey, we should probably stay in our own rooms." she said, hoping to diffuse the situation before it reached a point where she could no longer control herself.

"But I want to be with you, mom."

Melissa pondered the deeper meaning of her son's comment as she felt his hand slide over her stomach to her hip. His fingers on her bare skin fed her libido, despite having brought herself to, or was it three, orgasms earlier. Melissa felt her clit swell. Moments later she started getting wet, ready for his hard cock that was pushing on her left hip.

"You know what I think?" she asked, trying to sound teasing.

"What?" he asked, raising up on an elbow.

"I think that someone's a little too horny for their own good."

"Me or you?" he taunted.

Melissa couldn't resist laughing at her son's retort, knowing he was right.

"That's part of the reason why I decided to come in here." he added.


"I feel guilty about earlier," he explained "it was great 'n' all, but I feel guilty -- like I was selfish because I was, you know... the only one who enjoyed it."

Melissa smiled, pleased by how thoughtful her son was, despite the irony. "Oh, honey," she gushed "don't worry about that. It's not the first time I've done something for a guy without expecting anything in return."

"But I want it to be the last time," he said "I want to make you... I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel. I love you, mom." Tyler bent down and kissed his mother's cheek, then looked into her half-closed eyes as he smiled.

"I'm okay, honey. I can take care of myself." she assured him.

"Did you?" he asked.

"Did I what?"

"Take care of yourself..."

"Tyler... please." she spat out in surprise and embarrassment.

"It's not the same though, is it? It's not as good as doing it with someone else." he asserted.

Melissa never answered. Her thoughts were on the feelings and sensations she felt earlier on the couch with Tyler compared to her fingers touching her body in bed alone.

When he never received an answer Tyler slid his hand up his mother's side. he cupped her right breast in his hand then teased her nipple. He could feel her back arch as she moaned softly.

"Doesn't it feel better when I do it?"

"Yes." she breathed.

Taking his mother's answer for consent Tyler continued to fondle her. He bent down and traced a circle around her nipple with his tongue, then wrapped his lips around it. He sucked hard at it, tugging it between his lips. Tyler could feel his mother's hands slide down his back towards his hips. They stopped just above his ass and she held him tight.

"You're too good at that," she moaned "it makes it hard to say no."

"Why would you want to say no?" he asked as he raised his head to look into her dreamy eyes.

"I don't know. Right now I don't want to, or can't."

Tyler shifted until he slid between his mother's thighs. She parted them as he moved, welcoming him. Her skin was hot and soft as he eased down on top of her. His stomach pressed to hers. Her breasts brushing over his chest. His cock twitched at the thought of returning to where he had entered this world. It was like going back home. Where he belonged.

"Once we're home things will have to change," she said "we can't keep doing this."

Tyler bent down until his lips met his mother's. Her mouth opened to receive his tongue. He sucked on her lips, tugging at them as he lifted his head.

"We'll face that when we get home. Right now there's just you and me and no one else." he told her.

Melissa wrapped her legs around her son's lower back. She dug her heels in his muscles, coaxing him closer.

"Have you ever thought about this?" he asked.

Melissa nodded, unable to admit to her sins verbally.

Tyler smiled. He could feel the head of his cock brush over his mother's strip of hair, just above her wet lips. He looked down, smiling.

"Do you always shave down there?" he asked.

"No," she said "no one would see it anyway."

"When did you?"

"Last night -- just in case. I wanted to look pretty for you." she revealed.

"You always look pretty, no matter what."

Tyler bent down to kiss his mother once more. This time she raised up to meet his mouth. Her lips were hungry on his and her hands moved down to his ass. She grabbed it, pulling him closer. Tyler groaned as he felt the head of his cock slide between his mother's wet lips. She was tight as his shaft sank deeper into her. She moaned, pulling at his hips.

"Oh god, Ty..." Melissa moaned, digging her nails into his shoulders.

His mother's arousal fed Tyler's. He raised up slightly and began thrusting his hips harder. His thick, hard shaft moved in and out of her tight wet pussy. She was tighter and hotter than he had imagined nights when he stroked his cock thinking of this moment.

"Oh god... Jesus, Ty... slow... please... make it last."

Tyler slowed the pace of his cock as it pushed deep inside his mother. He looked down at her face, filled with pleasure and lust as he lay atop her. Her breasts shook as he pushed into her.

"We've got all week," he reminded her "how do you want it tonight?"

Melissa gave her son a wanton smile. "Hard. I've waited so long for this."

Tyler grabbed his mother's shoulders as he rested his weight on her. Once again he began pushing his hard cock deep into her. Harder now. She moaned and her breasts shook harder. Tyler leaned down and kissed her neck, then nipped at it with his teeth. Melissa moaned."Yes..." she moaned into his ear.

Tyler ran his tongue up his mother's tender neck as he shoved his cock in her hard, then bit it, pinching it between his teeth. Melissa moaned louder.

"Fuck, your cock feels so good," she cried out "harder, honey."

Tyler raised up. He grabbed his mother's curved hips in his hands, lifting her up from the bed. Looking down he watched his cock move in and out of her. It was wet and shiny with her juice and his aching balls slapped against her with each thrust. He could feel an orgasm building and hoped to stave it off for as long as possible.

"I'm close." he moaned.

"Don't come in me." she warned.


"My tits... my face... anywhere... I want your cum on me, Ty."

Tyler slid his cock from his mother's tight pussy. It was wet and slick with her juice and his hand easily glided over it as he leaned over her, stroking it. he let out a loud moan as he shot a thick stream of sticky cum over his mother's face. A split second later two more bursts of his hot seed gushed from his rigid shaft, spraying his mother's breasts.

Melissa moaned as her tongue darted out, licking her son's cum from her lips. She reached down to her pussy and began rubbing her clit as she wiped Tyler's cum from her face. She licked her fingers then began smearing the rest over her breasts, spreading it around her nipples. As she plunged two fingers deep in her dripping pussy she felt her first orgasm wash over her. She moaned, tugging at her nipples and spreading her son's cum over her breasts. As she strummed at her clit another orgasm, then another, enveloped her. She cried out as she arched her back, thrusting her shiny wet breasts, coated with Tyler's hot seed, upwards.

Tyler looked down at his mother, watching her as she came. he had never seen a woman cum so hard and for a moment it concerned him. Eventually she relaxed on the bed. She smiled up at him, her lips and chin wet with his juice.

"Why didn't we do this years ago?" she asked.

Tyler shrugged. "I dunno. I wanted to."

"I did too," she admitted "or at least I thought about it."

In the distance Tyler and his mother heard the sound of thunder. They both looked towards the door.

"I think God's angry with us." she joked.

"Or jealous." he quipped.

Tyler lay down beside his mother. He slid an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. She rolled over on her side, resting her head on his shoulder. They never spoke for a long time. Nothing needed to be said.

Melissa heard the sound of the rain splattering on her bedroom window. She turned towards it, although there was nothing to see.

"Looks like we won't be spending any time outside tomorrow." she concluded.

"We'll have to think of something else to do." her son told her as he gave her breast a squeeze.

"Good thing I brought Scrabble with me." Melissa teased, then kissed her son's cheek.